Prabhupāda: Understand this movement thoroughly and take it seriously. It is for good welfare, for very good welfare. Now, in Europe, America, here also, so many frustrated young boys, they are coming to be practically of no value to the country. In America I see thousands of hippies, they are doing nothing. So what is the future of the country? If the flowers of the country, young boys, they do not take interest anything, in administration, in industry, then what is the future?
From economic point of view I have studied that America, for want of sufficient workers, they are importing goods from Japan. This is not very good sign. Why such a big country, American country, why they should import? But they are obliged to import. They have no workers. Japan's 75% business is done in America. We are not impractical. Because there are so many workers, but they refuse. In Central Park, it is full of rubbish things always. You go; it is a garbage. Why? There is no worker. And on the other side we see so many young men, they are not working, simply idling time.
So they do not tackle the real problem. The future is not very hopeful if things go on like this. So many young boys, they are doing nothing.
(aside) What is the percentage of hippies now in America? A very good percent. All the school, colleges. Here also in the university . . .
Devotee: All the university students.