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Pages in category "Central"
The following 74 pages are in this category, out of 74 total.
- A sannyasi is duty-bound to take all these risks without fear, and the most typical sannyasi of the present age is Lord Caitanya, who traveled in the same manner through the central Indian jungles, enlightening even the tigers, bears, snakes and deers
- All the luminaries in the sky circumambulate this planet (the polestar), just as bulls tread around a central pole for the purpose of crushing grains
- All these airs are generated from the center of the heart, which is one only. This central energy is superior energy of the Lord, who is seated within the heart with the soul of the body, who acts under the guidance of the Lord
- Although the gopis and all the other inhabitants of Vrndavana had the affection and attachment for husband and home, their central affection was for Krsna in some transcendental relationship
- As a herd of bulls circumambulates a central pole on their right side, all the luminaries within the universal sky unceasingly circumambulate the abode of Dhruva Maharaja with great force and speed
- Dhruvaloka, our polestar, is the center for all other stars and solar systems, for all of them circle around Dhruvaloka just as a bull crushes grains by walking around and around a central pole
- Don't hide your income tax. You simply pay tax to the central government and it will be distributed to the educational department, to the defense department, to the hygienic department, everywhere
- I am very, very glad that you are planning your three-day festival in Central Park next summer. That will be especially triumphant celebration for me
- I cherished a strong desire to start a Temple in the heart of the city, and by the grace of Lord Krishna these boys and girls rented a five storied house in the busiest quarter of central London
- I quite approve your proposal that if the money is used for establishing Bombay center, the donors will not be encouraged. In that case you can open an account with the Central Bank of India in the name of ISKCON
- I was surprised to hear from one of my principal disciples, Brahmananda - I was walking in the Central Park - that the groups of the hippies, they have begun to worship hogs
- If you require more men and women to teach there at Gurukula, you can send from your jurisdiction as GBC man Central USA zone. You will not be too much involved with local temple management
- In Central Park, it is full of rubbish things always. You go; it is a garbage. Why? There is no worker. And on the other side we see so many young men, they are not working, simply idling time
- In governmental management there may be departmental officials to give justice to different persons, but the law must be one, and that central law must control everyone
- In my idea, there should be one central body of trustees for directing all the different centers as well as New Vrindaban, but there must be a local governing body for each center, that is my idea
- In our government, central government, there is a planning commission. Perhaps every one of you know it, planning commission. From. . . for the last twenty years they are making simply plans, and no plan has become successful
- In the third season of the year, the Lord enjoyed as the central beauty of the assembly of women by attracting them with His pleasing songs in an autumn night brightened by moonshine
- It appears this part of the world ( central America) is very, very sympathetic with our movement, so you may supply Karandhara with all the news reports and request him to send men to open centers
- Later Hussain Khan somehow or other was appointed Nawab by the central Muslim government. As a matter of obligation, he increased the opulences of Subuddhi Raya
- Later this capital (of the Sena dynasty, which was known as Gaudadesa or Gauda) was transferred to the ninth or central island on the western side of the Ganges at Navadvipa, which is now known as Mayapur and was then called Gaudapura
- Lord Balarama next came to the bank of the river Narmada, the biggest river in central India. On the bank of this sacred Narmada is a pilgrimage spot known as Mahismati-puri
- Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, descendant of Kuru, as a herd of bulls circumambulates a central pole on their right side, all the luminaries within the universal sky unceasingly circumambulate the abode of Dhruva Maharaja with great force and speed
- My translation of the Srimad-Bhagavatam (published in three volumes first canto) is recognized by the Government of India both central and states education department
- Of course, as individuals, we have sometimes disagreements, but that should be adjusted keeping our central attention to Krishna
- One should know that Krsna is the real center of all activities, and one who knows this is a paramahamsa. Thus bhakti-yoga is for the paramahamsa, one who knows that Krsna is the central fact
- Passing it (the life air) on to the circle of his (Maharaja Prthu's) navel, up to his heart and throat, and finally pushed it upward to the central position between his two eyebrows
- Purusa, or enjoyer is the central objective of all knowledge, because it is this ksetrajna alone that creates everything in conjunction with the material body and mind and the allied physical elements
- Sanatana Gosvami walked alone on the path through the Jharikhanda forest in central India. Sometimes he fasted, and sometimes he would eat
- Since there are many different karmis, or workers, there may be different judges or rulers to give them justice, but just as one central emperor controls different departmental rulers, there must be one supreme controller to guide all the judges
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is also a Purana, but the special significance of this Purana is that the activities of the Lord are central and not just supplementary historical facts
- Srimati Radharani, being the central petal of the rasa-lila flower, is also known by the names found in the following verses - of Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-lila Chapter 4
- Such an egocentric attitude (the false egocentric attitude of thinking oneself to be all in all) on the part of the conditioned soul, who is completely under the control of material nature, is described in Bhagavad-gita as foolish
- Thanks to that shared central relationship, this previously unknown man's sons and daughters become our nephews and nieces. Again, all these loving relationships center upon our sister. In this case, our sister has become the center of attraction
- That Guljaya Nanda you know? He was one of the prominent member of the Planning Commission. He was very important member in the central government, Home Member, Planning Commission, President and so on, so on. Nowadays he is loitering on the street
- The BBT is in the Gwalior Tank Road Branch, Central Bank of India, but Gargamuni Maharaja says you have opened another account in the Indian Overseas Marine Lines. Please let me know what is this idea? I never knew of it
- The central figure of creation and of enjoyment is the Supreme Lord, and the living entities are cooperators. By cooperation they enjoy. BG 1972 Introduction
- The central idea is that if the boy and girl were on an equal level the marriage would be happy, whereas inequality would lead to unhappiness. Because care is no longer taken in marriage, we now find many divorces
- The central purpose of these eighteen principles is the attainment of transcendental devotional service to the Personality of Godhead. Therefore all classes of men are encouraged to learn the art of devotional service to the Lord
- The central stomach of the whole creation is God, or Krsna. He is the enjoyer, He is the friend, and, as the supreme proprietor, He is maintaining everyone
- The complete central force is generated from the heart by the Lord, who is seated there and who helps the conditioned soul in remembering and forgetting
- The external, material energy moves this wheel like electrical energy. Thus the wheel revolves very quickly around its hub or central support, the SPG, who is the Supersoul and the ultimate truth. We offer our respectful obeisances unto Him
- The human society is now running on in an illusory way, forgetting its eternal relation with the Central Cause. They will have to be reinstated in that original position in terms of the above slokas of the Bhagavad-gita
- The husband of our sister, who may have been unknown to us before he married her, nonetheless becomes our brother-in-law - simply by virtue of the shared central relationship with her
- The living entities, who are seen to utilize the inferior energy, originally belong to the superior energy, the internal potency of God. The eight inferior energies work grossly and subtly whereas the superior energy works as the central generating force
- The love is very conducive. Otherwise, love is possible with any living entity. The central object of love is Krsna. That is Vrndavana
- The President of the US, is considered to be the supreme man in the country, but as soon as there is some disturbance in Central Europe, he immediately has to call a meeting of his cabinet to consider how to deal with the situation
- The Yamadutas could not imagine that two judges would give two different verdicts in the same case, and therefore they wanted to know who the central judge is
- There are four varnas and four asramas, which divide human society, but the central principle is to become a first-class pure devotee
- There are twenty-four and a half moons, and Krsna is the central figure of all of them
- There is a central enjoyer. And the stomach is the friend also. Because if you cannot digest food, you see, then all other limbs of the body become weak. Therefore the stomach is the friend
- There is a very nice house in the neighborhood of central London demanding 100,000 English pounds corresponding to Rs. 18 lacs; but as you know, I am always penniless, it is only a dream for me
- These different qualitative activities (the three material modes of nature), with the central attachment for material enjoyment, are the cause of one's conditional life
- They (groups of youngsters in Central park in New York City) actually wanted one hog to become president, and they wanted the hogs to lead them
- This (the eight inferior energies work grossly and subtly, whereas the superior energy works as the central generating force) is experienced in the human body
- This earth planet is divided into seven dvipas by seven oceans, and the central dvipa, called Jambudvipa, is divided into nine varsas, or parts, by eight huge mountains. Bharata-varsa is one of the above-mentioned nine varsas
- We shall get full opportunity to discuss all these subjects more elaborately, but for the present we may be satisfied simply by knowing that the ksetrajna (purusa, or enjoyer) is the central objective of all knowledge
- When bulls are yoked together and tied to a central post to thresh rice, they tread around that pivot without deviating from their proper positions - one bull being closest to the post, another in the middle, and a third on the outside
- When He (Lord Caitanya) was traveling through the forests of Jharikhanda in central India for spreading His sankirtana movement, the tigers, the elephants, the deer and all the other wild animals joined Him and were participating, in their own ways
- When Sri Krsna left Vrndavana and accepted the kingdom of Mathura, Srimati Radharani, out of ecstatic feelings of separation, expressed how Krsna can be loved in separation. Thus devotional service in separation is central to this verse - CC Madhya 4.197
- While we were chanting Hare Krsna, these groups of youngsters were chanting, "Hog! Hog! Hog!" They were actually parading with hogs in Central park and bowing down before them and worshiping them
- With the sober and grave Paramananda Puri as the central root and the other eight roots in the eight directions, the tree of Caitanya Mahaprabhu stood firmly
- Yoga practice is essentially meant for controlling the senses. The central controlling factor of all the senses is the mind; therefore one first has to practice controlling the mind by engaging it in Krsna consciousness
- Yoga practice is essentially meant for controlling the senses. The central controlling factor of all the senses is the mind; therefore one first has to practice controlling the mind by engaging it in Krsna consciousness - CC Preface
- You can create that central attachment for Krsna, then you can create Vrndavana anywhere - any family, any society, any country. Just make the point of attachment Krsna, and it is Vrndavana