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You have got a different type of mind, I have got a different type of mind. It cannot agree. So by following these different types of mental speculation you cannot establish what is religion

Expressions researched:
"You have got a different type of mind, I have got a different type of mind. It cannot agree. So by following these different types of mental speculation you can also . . . you cannot establish what is religion"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

My mental speculation, your mental speculation may be different, and it is always different, because it is mental speculation. You have got a different type of mind, I have got a different type of mind. It cannot agree. So by following these different types of mental speculation you can also . . . you cannot establish what is religion.

One philosopher means not agreeing with another philosopher. That is philosopher. I become a great philosopher when I defy. So one philosopher is trying to defy another philosopher. So that also very difficult. Tarko ‘pratiṣṭhaḥ śrutayo vibhinnā nāsāv munir yasya . . . muni, muni means philosopher, mental speculator. So my mental speculation, your mental speculation may be different, and it is always different, because it is mental speculation. You have got a different type of mind, I have got a different type of mind. It cannot agree. So by following these different types of mental speculation you can also . . . you cannot establish what is religion.

tarko ‘pratiṣṭhaḥ śrutayo vibhinnā
nāsāv ṛṣir yasya mataṁ na bhinnam
(CC Madhya 17.186)

Therefore, dharmasya tattvaṁ nihitaṁ guhāyāṁ: the actual truth of religion is very confidential. How can I know it? Mahājano yena gataḥ sa panthāḥ: you just try to follow mahājana. Try to follow. Never mind if you follow Jesus Christ, you follow Kṛṣṇa—but you follow the most authorized personality. That is wanted. That is wanted. Then you will come one day to perfection, one day make perfection. There may be difference, but because they are mahājana, accepted authority, try to strictly follow. The Christian people . . .

We come sometimes to the priestly order. I ask them that "Lord Jesus Christ says: "Thou shalt not kill." Why you are killing?" They cannot give us any satisfactory answer. Where is Christian? The first commandment is violated by the so-called Christians. The first commandment. They give some interpretation: "It is meant for murdering human." Why? He says "killing," ah, a clear . . . how you are killing—not only killing animals, they are now killing children, and they are proud of becoming Christian. This is going on. Simply disobeying.

Page Title:You have got a different type of mind, I have got a different type of mind. It cannot agree. So by following these different types of mental speculation you cannot establish what is religion
Created:2024-09-28, 00:06:06.000
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No. of Quotes:1