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Sukadeva Goswami recommends that those who are very intelligent, instead of taking to so many processes - tapasya, brahmacarya, yama, niyama, satya-sauca, so many things - if you take to this devotional process, then they will automatically come

Expressions researched:
"Śukadeva Goswāmī recommends that those who are very intelligent, instead of taking to so many processes—tapasya, brahmacarya, yama, niyama, satya-śauca, so many things—then they will automatically come, if you take to this devotional process"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

Śukadeva Goswāmī recommends that those who are very intelligent, instead of taking to so many processes—tapasya, brahmacarya, yama, niyama, satya-śauca, so many things—then they will automatically come, if you take to this devotional process. Just like our all students, say one or two years before, they were not like this.

Purify yourself by this transcendental vibration, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare . . . try to chant always, kīrtanīyaḥ sadā (Śikṣāṣṭaka 3). This is the beginning of spiritual life, and this is the end of spiritual life. Not that at the end we shall have to give it up. No—the same method. It is so perfect that it is in the beginning perfect, and at the end it is also perfect. It is not that . . . there are so many means that you accept something in the beginning, but when you are perfect you give it up. Just like the Māyāvādī philosophy, there . . . just like the yoga system. When you are not perfect, you accept this yoga system of āsana, aṣṭāṅga-yoga system; prāṇāyāma, sitting process, controlling the breathing exercise. But when you become perfect, you need not. You give up. But this process, chanting process, is so perfect that in the beginning of the chanting and when you are completely perfect you are transferred in the spiritual sky, there also the same process will go on—chanting. Hare Kṛṣṇa!

So Śukadeva Goswāmī recommends that those who are very intelligent, instead of taking to so many processes—tapasya, brahmacarya, yama, niyama, satya-śauca, so many things—then they will automatically come, if you take to this devotional process. Just like our all students, say one or two years before, they were not like this. They were taken to so many sinful activities. But since they've taking to this Kṛṣṇa consciousness, chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, now see their features, see their behavior, see their character, and you will be astonished. One press reporter, I think in Philadelphia, they saw our students, one, ah, she . . . responsible press reporter. She simply inquired, "Are you American boys?" She was astonished by seeing our results. She was astonished: "How this is being happen?" This process is so nice. She was astonished that how our American boys have become like this. So they practically see; don't be mislead. Practically see how easy to practice this method of saṅkīrtana, Hare Kṛṣṇa, and how quickly it acts. This is a fact; this is not a story. We have got hundreds of students in different centers—just see their behavior, just see their face, how they are advancing. Therefore this is not a new thing. This is already there—but for this age.

Page Title:Sukadeva Goswami recommends that those who are very intelligent, instead of taking to so many processes - tapasya, brahmacarya, yama, niyama, satya-sauca, so many things - if you take to this devotional process, then they will automatically come
Created:2024-10-11, 02:54:38.000
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