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Pages in category "Taking"
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- A diseased man who is taking very bitter medicine and who is lying down in bed, eating there and passing stool and urine there, unable to move, may find his life so intolerable that he thinks, - Let me commit suicide
- A dog may eat out of a garbage can, and a human being may eat on a golden plate, but this does not mean that they are engaged in different activities. In either case, both the dog and the man are taking food into their bodies
- A human being, if he does not become Krsna conscious, that means knowingly, he is taking poison, and he must die. Janiya suniya visa khainu. Sometimes I do not know what is poison. Just like child does not know. He may take. But he'll not be excused
- A person who is chanting Your holy name must have performed all kinds of penances and sacrifices according to Vedic rituals and studied the Vedic literatures many, many times after taking his bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage. BG 1972 purports
- A person who is not so transcendentally situated has no good qualifications, because he is sure to be taking refuge in his own mental concoctions
- A sinful life can be counteracted by various processes of religion such as yajna, vrata and dana - that is, the performance of sacrifices, the taking of a vow for some religious ritual, and the giving of charity
- A student, after finishing his education, gives up his relationship with the teacher and the school. A priest, after taking his reward from the worshiper, gives him up. When the fruit season is over, birds are no longer interested in the tree
- A teacher instructs the student if the student is capable of taking more and more instructions. Otherwise, in spite of being instructed by the teacher, the student cannot make strides in his understanding. This has nothing to do with partiality
- According to the modern scientists' calculation it is 93,000,0000. Taking it, accepted, as 93,000,000's from this earthly planet, then again add 1,600,000, that means 94,600,000 miles away from the earth there is the moon planet. It is not possible
- According to Vedic civilization, in a monarchy the king is advised by saintly persons and sages. By taking their advice, he can become the greatest executive power, and everyone in his kingdom will be happy, peaceful and prosperous
- Actually going to Vrndavana involves taking shelter of the Six Gosvamis by reading the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Vidagdha-madhava, Lalita-madhava and the other books that they have given
- Actually the human effort cannot trace out the history of Krsna consciousness, but taking consideration of the present history, it is at least as old as five thousand years
- Actually we are not annihilated. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire , nityo sasvato 'yam. So that is our real business. This requires little intelligence, that "We are eternal. Why we are put into this process of taking birth and death?"
- Advaita Acarya Prabhu became very unhappy. Taking His son on His lap, He began to chant the Nrsimha mantra for his protection
- After getting on Subhadra’s chariot, he prepared himself for a fight. Taking up his bow and holding off with his arrows the soldiers ordered to check him, Arjuna took Subhadra away
- After learning Bhagavad-gita, after taking lessons of Bhagavad-gita, he (Arjuna) did not become a bad man. No. He become a transcendental man
- After taking leave of Lord Nityananda Prabhu and then all the other Vaisnavas, Sri Raghunatha dasa consulted secretly with Raghava Pandita
- After taking on such a body (of hog or a monkey in Vrndavana-dhama), the offender is liberated in the next life
- After taking so much university education, they have learned how to love hogs. Just see the fun
- After this, Balabhadra Bhattacarya took the Sanodiya brahmana to a secluded place and consulted with him
- After this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took the brahmana aside. Sitting in a solitary place, the Lord began to question him
- All eighty centers are being received with great enthusiasm. I have not imported these boys and girls from India, but they are taking this movement very seriously because it appeals to the soul directly
- All the unmarried gopis in Vrndavana used to daily worship goddess Katyayani early in the morning after taking a bath in the river Yamuna. Katyayani is another name for goddess Durga
- All these GBC members, they must be well expert in explaining; otherwise what is the use of this writing, taking so much labor, books? They should go, preach, understand. And when there is difficulty, I am present
- All Vedic process of knowledge is taking from the authority. And it comes down through disciplic succession
- Although Ajamila was not punishable, the Yamadutas were insisting on taking him away to Yamaraja for punishment. This was adharma, contrary to religious principles
- Although soul is immortal, but taking the soul is immortal, you cannot cut anyone's throat. He has got a right to live in that body for some time by the ordained order of the Supreme. I cannot get you out by force. That is sinful
- Although we speak of "when" Krsna desires, just when He did desire we cannot say. We only speak in this way because in conditioned life we take it that everything has a beginning; however, in spiritual life everything is absolute - CC Intro
- And they are going to moon. They are going nowhere, simply taking laboratory photo, studio photo, and cheating. Why this cheating can go on? You do not know
- Another meaning of Purana means supplement. So they are explanation of the Vedic knowledge in a supplementary way by taking references from the history, from the life of great saints and sages. So they are addition
- Arjuna, by his direct experience talking with Krsna, he understood Him that, "Krsna, You are Param Brahman." So you take the words of Arjuna and accept Him as Param Brahman
- As my initiated disciple you must strictly observe the four restrictions; namely no taking of intoxicants; no eating of meat, fish, or eggs; no illicit sex life; and no gambling. Follow the prescribed regulations for devotional service
- As president, you must make sure that all the students are regularly chanting 16 rounds, taking bath, attending mangal aratrik, reading our books, and following the regulative principles. If everyone keeps strictly these principles then success is assured
- As she took the dust of His lotus feet again and again, the Lord became unlimitedly unhappy
- As soon as you challenge them, they will say: "Yes, we are trying. In future we shall do it." But if you are trying, then where is your knowledge? Why you are taking the post of a teacher? You are a cheater
- As Svarupa Damodara has said, if one wants to learn the meaning of Srimad-Bhagavatam, one must take lessons from a realized soul. One should not proudly think that one can understand the transcendental loving service of the Lord simply by reading books
- Ass cannot understand that he's suffering, loading so much cloth upon his back. That is ass, one who cannot understand the suffering. And we are taking it, - This is not suffering, this is pleasure. I am working so hard
- At night, when Sivananda Sena returned and was taking his meal, he inquired from the servant whether the dog had gotten its meals
- At that time, Tapana Misra was taking his bath in the Ganges, and he was astonished to see the Lord there
- At the present moment, all of human society is engaged in the business of chewing the chewed. People are prepared to undergo mrtyu-samsara-vartmani (BG 9.3), taking birth in one form, dying, accepting another form and dying again
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya acted as a brahmacari, or personal assistant of a sannyasi. A sannyasi is not supposed to cook. Generally a sannyasi takes prasadam at the house of a grhastha, and a brahmacari helps in this connection
- Balarama said, "On the other hand, Duryodhana is superior in the art of fighting with a club. Taking this into consideration, My opinion is that neither of you is inferior to the other in fighting"
- Bali Mardan says that taking milk is also the same as eating meat, therefore you can eat meat. Therefore does it mean that because what I eat all turns to stool, then I should eat stool?
- Because it was famous, that ghost-hauntly house, nobody was taking it. So I took it. (laughs) I don’t care for ghost. Actually there was ghost
- Because nature is taking revenge on the demonic population malnutrition is also one of the branches of such revenge
- Because we are flying one teeny rocket or sputnik in the air, we are taking so much credit: "Oh, we are so much advanced." What advance you have made in comparison to God?
- Because we see that the living entity is there, it is taking a certain type of shape. Matter does not out of itself take the shape. That is wrong theory. We have no such experience where matter is taking automatically shape
- Before taking his seat, however, Daksa was very much offended to see Lord Siva sitting and not showing him any respect. At that time, Daksa became greatly angry, and, his eyes glowing, he began to speak very strongly against Lord Siva
- Before taking initiation, one promises to have no illicit sex, no intoxicants, no gambling, and no meat-eating, and this vow one should strictly follow. Then one will be clean
- Bhattacarya was very glad to receive this prasada from the hands of Lord Caitanya Himself. Indeed, without taking his bath and without performing his daily duties or even washing his teeth, he began immediately to eat the prasada
- Biological evolution is taking place on account of the soul's desire
- Brahmananda Bharati reversed the argument and took the position of a devotee, stating that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This means that the Lord was voluntarily defeated out of affection for His devotee
- Buddha preached nonviolence, taking pity on the poor animals. He preached that he did not believe in the tenets of the Vedas and stressed the adverse psychological effects incurred by animal-killing
- By coming home, taking his bath, eating nice foodstuffs, getting refreshed and searching out his wife, King Puranjana came to his good consciousness in his family life
- By constantly drinking and taking bath in the fresh rainwater of the rainy season, the tired and parched animals are refreshed, and their complexions become brilliant as their health is invigorated by the arrival of new rainwater
- By doing everything for the satisfaction of Visnu and taking the remnants of the offerings made to Visnu, we can get rid of the vices and sinful reactions that accumulate in the course of our performing our prescribed duties
- By taking care of the cage of the bird without taking any care of the bird within the cage, certainly the bird will be restless and unhappy and create disturbances
- Certainly Hindu culture does not allow illicit sex, eating meat, fish or eggs, taking intoxication, or gambling. If Indians, after going to the foreign countries, learn this behavior, certainly it is not good
- Cleanliness, always clean, taking thrice bath. Cloth clean, mind clean, body clean, activities clean, desire clean, thinking clean - everything clean. No contamination. This is the test
- Death is compared to the taking off and birth to the putting on of outward garments. Foolish human beings who are grossly absorbed in the culture of avidya, nescience, do not mind this cruel process
- Defeat they are taking as success. Just like these rascal scientists, they could not go and settle in the moon planet. Still, they are saying, "It is success." Just see the fun. What success? You could not stay there, and what success you have got?
- Despite his knowing that Indra was taking away his father's horse, Vijitasva did not attack him. This indicates that Maharaja Vijitasva respected the right persons
- Devahuti had spent a long time in the hermitage, not taking much care of her body. She was covered with dirt, and her clothing was not very nice
- Devayani would have immediately replied (while taking Devayani out of the well, King Yayati certainly appreciated her youthful beauty, and he might have asked which caste she belongs to), "We are already married because you have accepted my hand"
- Do not do anything whimsically, like taking these drugs, that will ruin everything. Because you are imperfect you require help from the Perfect, and anything material like drugs is imperfect, so do not be distracted by contemplating in this way
- Don't manufacture your meditation. Just like there are so many meditators. They have manufactured their own way of meditation. That is not recommended, anusmara. Anu means "Follow. You become thoughtful, but taking the instruction from higher authority"
- Don't mislead the public. You (the scientist) are taking big salaries and leading the public wrongly. It would be better for you to be a street sweeper and earn an honest livelihood instead of cheating
- During the short absence of Pradyumna from the battlefield, Dyuman, Salva's commander in chief, had been taking over the positions of the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty
- Either you take metal or this wood or water or food grains, whatever you are taking, using, you are exploiting the resources of material nature, but material nature is the agent of God. Material nature is an energy of God
- Even taking it that Krsna is after sex, then if sex is bad, then why you are after sex? The whole world is going on after sex. How you can deny it?
- Everyone goes out of India. They go there to exploit. But it is for the first time that India is giving something to the outsiders, this spiritual knowledge. And the proof you can see. We are giving, we are not taking
- Everyone is unhappy although they are rendering service and taking service. This is going on, but nobody is happy because this is artificial. Real service... Unless the thing comes to the real point, there is no peace
- Everyone should be very alert in their behavior. Rising early in the morning, taking bath, be prepared for mangala aratik immediately. Then class
- Everything is taking place from the Supreme Personality of the Lord. The cosmic manifestation is also emanating from Him
- Foolish people say that there is no brain behind the universe, but this is due to ignorance. By taking information from the sastras, the scriptures, we can understand who that brain is
- For five days Raghunatha dasa Gosvami took prasadam at the temple, but later he would stand at the Simha-dvara gate and eat only whatever he could gather by alms. Later he lived by taking alms from various chatras, or food distributing centers
- For his own sense gratification, King Indra thought to defeat Maharaja Prthu in the performance of one hundred horse sacrifices. Consequently he stole the horse and hid himself amid so many irreligious personalities, taking on false guise of a sannyasi
- For the welfare of Indra, the King of heaven, Lord Visnu appeared in the form of a dwarf brahmacari as the son of Aditi and tricked Bali Maharaja by begging for only three paces of land but taking all the three worlds
- From the spiritual point of view, Vrndavana is the only place where all these sinful persons can be rectified by means of taking birth in the forms of dogs, hogs and monkeys
- Garga Muni informed Nanda Maharaja, "This child (Krsna) has taken different bodily complexions in different yugas (millennia). First of all He assumed the color white, then the color red, & then the color yellow, and now He has assumed the color black"
- Gargamuni and Tamala Krishna are making plans to open 108 centers within a three year period. So I very much appreciate how my disciples are taking this movement to their heart of hearts, and are working very sincerely to propagate it
- God is not senseless. If He is senseless, then there was no use of speaking this Bhagavad-gita and taking it so very important book so that world is reading very carefully. He's not senseless. He is full sense
- God is the law-giver, by His order everything is moving nicely. The sun is rising exactly at the time, the moon is rising exactly at the time, the seasonal changes are taking place exactly in due course of time
- Govinda sprinkled water from a karanga waterpot all over the Lord's body, and then, taking His own outer garment, he began to fan Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- He (Arjuna) besieged a city of the name Ahichhatra, belonging to Maharaja Drupada, and after taking it over he gave it to Dronacarya
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) took permission from both of them (guru and Krsna), and when he received the mercy of both guru and Krsna, he was able to write this great literature, Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. This example should be followed
- He admits that the boy who is taking over, Devaprastha has been very unsteady in the past. So whether you want to send someone there who is more steady and will stay there and develop
- He has done "The world Examiner" expertly, in the style of "The Reader's Digest", taking articles from different newspapers. Combinedly, it is a strong statement against the criminal position of "deprogramming". Distribute them widely
- He has written a very nice, authorized book on Lord Caitanya in German language, and it is very big, paperback, five hundred pages. It is approved by the Sweden University, and he has sent me. So even a German gentleman, he is taking so much interest
- He is one of the chief secretaries of the government, and he is such a fool. He is taking this movement (Krsna Consciousness) as a religious movement, just as we have so many sentimental religions. But this is not sentimental
- Here it is plainly said by Lord Krsna, "the self, one who is taking pleasure in self." How we can take pleasure in self? As soon as we engage ourself with the Supreme Self. That is enjoyment
- Here it is recommended that simply by inquiring about Krsna and taking answer of the question, both the questioner and the answer-giver, both will be pleased
- Here the Mexicans are taking part in sankirtana and Deity worship very nicely. They have become very good devotees
- Here these boys and girls, although coming from different parts of the world why they should follow an Indian? From political point of view? No. They are not on the material platform. Therefore they are taking my direction
- Human beings means trained up under principle. That is the difference between animal. The animals, they cannot take up any training. But the human being, this human form of body is meant for taking training
- Human, uncivilized, then civilized, Aryans, then our Vedic knowledge. In this way consciousness is increasing. That is the real evolutionary theory. Darwin has simply taken some imaginative . . . he might have taken from Padma-Purana
- I am going to America on the mission of propagating my publication Srimad Bhagwatam and I am taking with me 200 sets X 3 volumes of books depending solely on the goodwill of Srila Prabhupada
- I am not taking any very great active part. They are doing. I am simply reading
- I am pleased to learn that the devotees who will be going to India are taking twenty paintings with them to our Mayapur center. I want that all rooms and verandas and especially the Deity hall should have first class paintings
- I am stopping American boys and girls from taking LSD and other drugs, and the government is spending millions of dollars to do this. It is only practical that they come forward to support this movement
- I am taking so much pain in writing books. If you don't read - if you simply make it for sale - then what is the use?
- I am taking the trouble of going ten miles to see a friend or thirty miles to see a medical practitioner, but I am very much proud of my car, that I have got a car
- I am trying to execute the orders of my Guru Maharaja, predecessor. I am not a so-called sadhu, taking a saffron robe, begging for fulfilling the belly
- I am very glad that you are doing such a nice service by worshiping Radharani and Krishna so nicely and giving Them so many nice clothes and ornaments and taking such nice care, so now I am very much relieved to know everything is going well
- I am very glad that you are taking responsibility for Krishna's sake, this is advancement of Krishna Consciousness
- I am very glad that you are taking so seriously your duty as president of our D.C. center, so certainly Krsna will give you all assistance in your preaching mission
- I am very happy that you are taking a chance for Krishna, do everything very carefully and sincerely, Krishna will help you
- I can understand that things are going on nicely. And the Japanese boys and girls are taking a more responsible role in order to help you out. That is very encouraging
- I do not mean to impose upon you such strictures (should rather fast than taking food out of his own accord), but the purport is that a brahmacari should not do anything without being directed by the Spiritual Master
- I don't want your money; you are taking books from us, and you are paying
- I have got my this body, a dress, covering. And when I go India, this is not required. So they are taking that the body has evolved like that. But no. Here, under certain condition, I accept this dress
- I have no difficulty in becoming the greatest scientist because I take the knowledge from the greatest scientist (Krsna). - This earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and ego - they are My eight separated energies
- I have no objection to your taking Kirtanananda's instruction. There is no harm in going through Kirtanananda
- I have started a small Ashram at the above address and young American students are taking very great interest in the philosophy of Vaisnavism based on the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I hope you are doing your best to conduct the regular routine duties of the Temple-chanting regularly the beads, observing the restrictive regulations, taking Samkirtan Party to the streets, and selling our magazines and books
- I thank you very much once more for the trouble you are taking for me. This is all for Srila Prabhupada's service. Finally don't mind all the trouble which I give you occasionally. Let us cooperate for propagating Krishna Consciousness all over the world
- I thought, "Oh, I cannot do this. I cannot accept this sannyasa." But My Guru Maharaja was so kind, and he is so kind still. Then he forced me, that "You must do it," taking, pulling my ear, he brought me to this line. In the beginning I was not willing
- I understand that Govinda dasi has recommended Jadurani to take Iron pills and almost all the girls here are taking them. It is compensating the deficiency due to their past habit of meat taking
- Idle brain is a devil's workshop. If they're not directed, then think like devil. We are thinking rightly because we are taking direction from Krsna, the most perfect. Therefore our thinking has meaning
- If a servant makes a mistake, the master is punishable because he is responsible for the offense. Taking this seriously, Yamaraja, along with his servants, prayed with folded hands to be excused by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana
- If after taking a bath in the Ganges or being washed of all sins, a man guards himself against committing further sinful acts, then certainly he is delivered
- If he cannot change his character, change his mind, then the punishment, or prayascittam, is apartha, useless. How useless? Manye, "I think it is as useless as kunjara-saucavat." Kunjara means elephant. Elephants taking bath
- If one is actually in Krsna, he'll be truthful. Truthfulness. These are the qualities. Cleanliness, always clean, taking thrice bath. Cloth clean, mind clean, body clean, activities clean, desire clean, thinking clean - everything clean
- If the police do not allow you to perform kirtana in public places, do not disobey their orders. Try to abide by the law of the state for taking advantage of performing kirtana as far as possible
- If there is no pleasure, if there is no enjoyment, then what is the point of going to so much trouble to control the senses? What kind of pleasure are the yogis relishing if they are taking so much trouble? That pleasure is ananta - endless. How is this
- If you become moralist that, "Oh, they're taking this means, that means for selling of book, so I'm big moralist. I'm bigger than him"
- If you cannot lead others, what kind of leader? If you mislead them, then what is the use of taking leadership?
- If you enquire, "Oh, when the child is born?" you say, say, "One week." That means he has died one week. We are taking that he is living one week, but actually he has died one week. That is wonderful, that still he is living, he has not died
- If you get the body of a tree, that you cannot express. You will have to stand simply. You have to suffer. You cannot protest. Somebody is taking, cutting, take your fruit, cutting your branch, but you cannot protest
- Illusion is there, but by knowledge, by good association, by taking instruction from the sastra, from guru, from saintly persons, one should understand what is the value of life and live like that
- Illusioned means taking one thing for another. That is called illusion
- In business you go to a storekeeper. He'll say, "Oh, you are my great friend. I am not taking a farthing profit from you." But you must know that he is taking profit, at least fifty percent. So this is called cheating propensity
- In highly educated circles of scholarly people in the universities they are taking interest very rapidly in our Krsna Consciousness movement
- In India during the Mohammedan rule, many servants, by plans and devices, took over the posts of their masters
- In Krsna's absence, Brahma took all the boys and calves to another place. Thus he became entangled, for in the very near future he would see how powerful Krsna was - SB 10.13.15
- In Kuruksetra University, we gave some books to the Vice-chancellor. Please inquire what is their decision concerning taking books and standing order
- In spite of pinching cold, a brahmachary does not stop taking bath twice and in spite of excessive heat, a good house-wife does not stop working in kitchen
- In the days of Haridasa Thakura, all the brahmanas worshiped Narayana in the form of the salagrama-sila. Therefore begging from a brahmana’s house meant taking krsna-prasadam, which is transcendental - nirguna
- In the material world the standard of happiness, taking the basic principle, it is all the same. But we have created, - This is good standard, that is bad standard. This is very nice, this is very bad
- In the material world we have made, concocted, "This is good; this is bad." So even taking it . . . actually, everything in the material world is bad. Anything. It is simply mental concoction
- In the morning, after taking His bath in the Ganges, Nityananda Prabhu sat down with His associates beneath the same tree under which He had previously sat
- In the name of scientist, they are exploiting this innocent person, taking their money and spoiling it without any good result
- In the name of secular government, unqualified people are taking the supreme governmental posts
- In the name of secular government, unqualified people are taking the supreme governmental posts. No one is being trained to act according to the principles of varnasrama-dharma, and thus people are becoming increasingly degraded
- In the second part of the Gopala-campu, known as Uttara-campu, the following subject matters are discussed: (18) the killing of Narakasura, the taking of the parijata flower from heaven and Krsna’s marriage to 16,000 princesses
- In the West now there is some propaganda for taking intoxication. The people want to forget the bodily existence. But how long will you forget? There will be a relapse
- In this world someone may become very highly elevated by taking birth in an aristocratic family, by being well educated, beautiful or very rich. These are the gifts for pious activities enacted in the past life
- In Yamuna's letter I understood that many people are interested in our temple work, and they are prepared to contribute items such as deities. All such things being favorable, why you are not taking a temple at your own risk
- It appears that the brahmana's house was near Krsna's residence and that Lord Krsna was enjoying everything that was taking place, apparently in defiance of His authority
- It is because of My supremacy that the wind blows, out of fear of Me; the sun shines out of fear of Me, and Indra, sends forth showers out of fear of Me. Fire burns out of fear of Me, and death goes about taking its toll out of fear of Me
- It is said here (in CC Antya 11.20), karila vandana, “he offered prayers.” When taking maha-prasadam, one should not consider the food ordinary preparations. Prasada means favor. One should consider maha-prasadam a favor of Krsna
- It is very regrettable that the leaders of the world do not know of the effects of these sinful activities. They are instead taking things very easily and are succeeding in making the ocean of nescience wider and wider
- It was Krsna's program that the warriors were all destined to die, and Krsna gave Arjuna the opportunity of taking the credit of conquering them
- Just as a living being attains a transcendentally attractive form by rendering service to Lord Hari, similarly, all the in habitants of the land and the water assume beautiful forms by taking advantage of the newly fallen water
- Just like asses, they have so much big burden, but nothing of the burden belongs to him. Mudha. They are called mudha, asses. For nothing happiness, which he will never be able to take with him. What do they say? They are doing it for next generation
- Just like Krsna is speaking about Himself, so we are taking Bhagavad-gita as it is. So direct experience, taking experience - I am like this
- Just like with our breathing we are extricating so many germs and again we are taking so many germs, similarly, the breathing period of Maha-Visnu is He is exhaling so many universes and again inhaling so many universes
- Just see how the rascal civilization is going on. They're thinking they're killing. This way killed, that way killed. No. You, it is sinful because you create inconvenience to that particular soul. He was taking shelter
- King Huhu was enjoying with women in the water, and while enjoying he pulled the leg of Devala Rsi, who was also taking a bath in the water. Upon this, the sage became very angry and immediately cursed him
- King Puranjana's coming home, taking bath and having an appropriate dinner indicate that a materialistic person must retire from sinful activities and become purified by accepting a spiritual master and hearing from him about the values of life
- Krsna bhakti is not artificial way of taking something sentimentally; otherwise how in my absence all these boys and girls are maintaining the status quo very nicely?
- Krsna continued, "One cannot purify himself merely by traveling to holy places of pilgrimage and taking a bath there or by seeing the demigods’ forms in the temples"
- Krsna is called nitya-lila. He is taking His birth, He is fighting in the battle of Kuruksetra, He's dancing with the gopis. That is going on eternally in either of the so many, innumerable universes
- Krsna is complete spiritual, divine, and we are, at the present moment, although we have got our spiritual form within this body, but because we have no vision of the spiritual form, we are taking this body as our form. This is called illusion
- Krsna is personally advising: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: (BG 18.66) "Give up all your concocted religions and surrender to Me alone." take His advice and be happy
- Krsna is the first teacher of this Krsna philosophy. So we are taking it, carrying the same instruction
- Krsna said: these wasps and bees are not as they appear; they are great sages who are taking this opportunity to worship the supreme soul. Although You (Balarama) are not known by ordinary persons, they know You, & they are following and glorifying You
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that you have to offer something out of your love. Love means you must give something. You are taking something from Krsna. Why not give something? Is it love, simply going on taking, taking, taking
- Krsna spoke all these words five thousand years ago. Apart from taking account of millions of years, because nature's law is the same, so even in those days, five thousand years ago, you'll find the demonic people as they are now
- Little you can offer, little water. Where is the difficulty, Deity worship? You can worship Deity anywhere also. In a small box you can keep the Deity. And after taking bath you offer something. If you have nothing to offer, offer a little tulasi leaf
- Lord Balarama turned toward southern India and visited the banks of the river Godavari. After taking His bath in the river Godavari and performing the necessary ritualistic ceremonies, He gradually visited the other rivers the Vena, Pampa and Bhimarathi
- Lord Brahma assured the demigods that there was no use in talking about how the disturbing situation of darkness was taking place, since the actual fact was that it was ordered by the Supreme Lord
- Lord Caitanya began His instructions to Rupa Gosvami: I shall try to explain the nature of that ocean (of devotional service) by taking just one drop out of it. In this way you can taste it and understand what that ocean of devotional service actually is
- Lord Krsna and Arjuna then offered their obeisances to Lord Maha-Visnu, and, taking back the brahmana's children, they returned to Dvaraka via the same route by which they had entered the spiritual world
- Lord Krsna condemned such ideas, and He also condemned persons who take the trouble to go to holy places of pilgrimage just to take a bath and come back without taking the opportunity to associate with the great devotees and mahatmas living there
- Lord Krsna, in spite of searching for the calves, could not find them, and He even lost His boyfriends on the bank of the Yamuna, where they had been taking their lunch
- Lord Siva advises that those who take advantage of his prayers will very soon become devotees of Lord Vasudeva and thus will be able to cross the ocean of nescience and make life perfect
- Love means taking and giving also. If we just take from someone and give him nothing in return, that is not love - it is exploitation. It is not that we should just continue eating without ever offering anything to Krsna
- Love means you must give something. You are taking something from Krsna. Why not give something?
- Lying in bed uncomfortably taking bitter medicine, and unable to move! Yet despite all these inconveniences he says, "I am well." Similarly, in our material conception of life, if we think, "I am happy," that is foolishness
- Maya's illusion, we are taking this miserable condition of life as happiness. This is called maya. But there is no happiness in this material world. Everything miserable
- Milk is nothing but transformation of the blood. So instead of taking the blood, take the transformation and live nicely, like honest gentlemen. No. They are not even gentlemen. Rogues, uncivilized
- Most of you were, in your former life, you were smoking or taking intoxication. But by some influence, if you sometimes take to it, yes, if you are conscious, "Oh, I have done wrong," but that is excused if you have done unconscious
- My time for taking bath is half past eleven
- My wife was taking tea. So I asked her not to take tea, not to take tea. But she didn't care husband
- Nanda Maharaja said, "We belong to the twice-born caste, and I am taking this opportunity of your presence. So please perform the name-giving ceremony without external pomp"
- Narada personally says - at that time (when he became purified in heart by taking the remnants of food and serving great devotees) the very nature of the transcendentalist became attractive to me. (SB 1.5.25). BG 1972 purports
- Narottama dasa Thakura says that "I am taking poison knowingly." Unknowingly one may take poison, but if knowingly one takes poison, that is very regrettable
- Neglecting Krsna consciousness, foolish people try to satisfy the goddess (Kali) by offering her many abominable things, but ultimately when there is a little discrepancy in this worship, the goddess punishes the worshiper by taking his life
- Now that our ISKCON is growing into a huge, worldwide organization, it has come to my attention that sometimes centers are printing my literature, taking collection and spending all outside the jurisdiction of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- Now, after taking instruction from Christ, first of all they killed Christ. That means they could not understand the instruction. Therefore their first business was to kill the instructor. And after that, two thousand years passed, still they are killing
- O best of the demigods, how can the body of a daughter remain undisturbed when she hears that some festive event is taking place in her father's house?
- O brahmanas (Sages at the Ganges), just accept me as a completely surrendered soul, and let mother Ganges, the representative of the Lord, also accept me in that way, for I (Pariksit) have already taken the lotus feet of the Lord into my heart
- O brahmanas, just accept me as a completely surrendered soul, and let mother Ganges, the representative of the Lord, also accept me in that way, for I have already taken the lotus feet of the Lord into my heart
- O great hero, protector of living entities, if you desire to relieve the living entities by supplying them sufficient grain, and if you desire to nourish them by taking milk from me, you should make arrangements to bring a calf suitable for this purpose
- Of course, I'm not proud, but I am alone. I started this movement alone, without any help. But because I am giving them the perfect information, whole world is taking it
- Ominous planets such as Mars and Saturn shone brighter and surpassed the auspicious ones such as Mercury, Jupiter and Venus as well as a number of lunar mansions. Taking seemingly retrograde courses, the planets came in conflict with one another
- On the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, Lord Krsna fought simply by giving directions. Yet it was Arjuna who took the credit for fighting
- On the plea of taking a bath they (the great sages) came to meet Maharaja Pariksit because they could foresee that Srimad-Bhagavatam would be spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami. All of them wanted to take advantage of the great occasion
- Once, when Krsna and Balarama were playing on the bank of the Yamuna, a demon of the name Vatsasura assumed the shape of a calf and came there intending to kill the brothers. By taking the shape of a calf, the demon could mingle with the other calves
- One may argue that an ordinary living being is eternal and unborn like the Lord and also takes birth in different species of life, and so there is no difference between the Lord and an ordinary living being
- One should give personal service and all kinds of comforts to the spiritual master. A devotee who does so is also a bona fide candidate for taking this (Kapiladeva's) instruction
- One should not waste his time in such frivolous activities. One should always be fixed in Krsna consciousness and take the cure of devotional service with firm determination
- One who cooks foodstuffs for maintenance of his body takes in all kinds of sins, which lead only to suffering. foodstuffs prepared by the Yadus at the Prabhasa pilgrimage site to offer to the bona fide brahmanas there were all offered to the PG, Visnu
- One who lives in such a disposition of mind (taking calamitous situations as God's benediction and takes responsibility for past misdeeds), engaged in devotional service, is the most eligible candidate for promotion to the spiritual world
- One who takes sex life to be supreme finds action in Krsna consciousness confusing. Either due to his own personal consideration or due to his having taken instructions from others or conferring with them
- Only the cobbler class, the muci class, they eat this cow's flesh after taking the dead animal. So after killing, everyone eats, so why not wait for the natural death and eat it? But because they are asuras, raksasas, they do not wait for that
- Other items you (Sanatana Gosvami) should describe are the method of performing purascarana, taking krsna-prasadam, giving up unoffered food and not blaspheming the Lord's devotees
- Our only interest is that you are taking interest in Krsna consciousness, working; otherwise we don't want to exploit you
- Out of disgust, Brahma threw off the body of ignorance, and taking this opportunity, Yaksas and Raksasas sprang for possession of the body, which continued to exist in the form of night. Night is the source of hunger and thirst
- Pariksit Maharaja is a Vaisnava. Vaisnava is very sympathetic. If actually there is any welfare worker, that is Vaisnava. This Krsna consciousness movement is going on, the Vaisnavas are taking so much trouble
- People are taking so much exercise just to become very strong and stout. But nature will not allow you. However stout and strong you may be, you have to die. You have to give up this body
- People are taking this sex pleasure between a man and woman in a nice decorated apartment as very advanced. But this is not advanced. And yet they are making a dog's race for this - advancement
- Positive and negative. Simply negative is no good unless there is positive engagement. So there is no question of negative. Negative is already there. If you taking nice foodstuff, automatically you give up obnoxious and nonsense foodstuff
- Pradyumna's attachment for Krsna was always exhibited by his action. Whenever he was ordered by his father to execute something, he would immediately execute the order, taking the task as nectarean even though it may have been poison
- Prajalpah, unnecessary gossiping. Just like people are wasting time taking one newspaper and talking for hours. These things should be avoided. And to associate with nondevotees. And greediness. These things should be avoided
- Print as many books in as many languages and distribute throughout the whole world. Then KC movement will automatically increase. Now the educated learned scholars, they are appreciating our movement by reading books, by taking practical result
- Punishment by Yamaraja is a process of purification for the most abominable sinful persons. Therefore the Yamadutas requested the Visnudutas not to obstruct their taking Ajamila to Yamaraja
- Purify the body by taking bath, similarly, the wealth is purified by the charity process, giving it to the brahmins and Vaisnavas. Just like Rupa Gosvami
- Putana had smeared a very powerful poison on her breasts, and immediately after taking the baby on her lap, she pushed her breastly nipple within His mouth. She was hoping that as soon as He would suck her breast, He would die
- Putana Raksasi also was perplexed. She was not intelligent enough to understand that she was taking a sleeping snake on her lap; she thought the snake to be an ordinary rope
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was fasting, but he was taking thrice bathing and offering obeisances hundred times. His regular activities was not stopped. And he was taking every alternate day a little quantity of butter. That's all
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was offering obeisances flat hundred times and taking bath three times. Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, those who have gone to Radha-Kunda, you have seen, the extreme tapasya. He was very rich man's son
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, he was a very rich man's son. So he showed us the example, what is tapasya. He gradually reduced his eating, every alternate days a little butter. That's all. Ragunatha dasa Gosvami. And still, he was taking three times bath
- Rascals. They're taking this short duration of life, maya-sukhaya bharam udvahato vimudhan (SB 7.9.43), making big, big plans, forgetting they're completely under the control of nature. A very risky civilization
- Regarding distribution of my books, somebody may say something, but that doesn't matter. Somehow or other they are taking our Krishna book. However it should be done so there is not legal implication. And aggressiveness is not good
- Regarding further pictures for the Bhagavad Gita, if you want suggestions from me then I can give you hints with reference to important verses in the Gita; but whether you will be able to draw pictures simply by taking hints from me
- Regarding taking snuff, I myself take it sometimes at night because I am working at night on my books, and sometimes I become dizzy. But it is not for you to take. You should not imitate this, neither you work like me at night
- Regarding taking the Deities out on travelling sankirtana, I think you can take guidance from Visnujana Maharaja and Tamala Krishna Goswami
- Regarding the libraries taking the books, they can be given up to 25% discount. We shall take a standing order from them, and supply whatever we can, and the balance by and by
- Sadhu, sastra and guru act as the representatives of Krsna, and the Krsna consciousness movement is also taking place all over the universe. Whoever takes advantage of this opportunity becomes liberated
- Sai Baba. He is showing little yogic aisvarya. But people are, because they do not know, they are not aware of Krsna, they are taking him as God. You see?
- Satisfaction of the mind can be obtained only by taking the mind away from thoughts of sense enjoyment. The more we think of sense enjoyment, the more the mind becomes dissatisfied. BG 1972 purports
- Satrughna had two sons, named Subahu and Srutasena. When Lord Bharata went to conquer all directions, He had to kill many millions of Gandharvas, who are generally pretenders. Taking all their wealth, He offered it to Lord Ramacandra
- Simply becoming vegetarian is no great qualification. Somebody is taking meat and somebody is taking vegetable, it does not make any difference
- Since everything to them is maya, these narrations are not for them. Some impersonalists are reluctant to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, although many of them are now taking an interest in it just for monetary gain
- So far his asrama in Puerto Vallarta, we are not taking that place on lease or rent, only if he gives it to us can we manage
- So I am very glad that you are taking more and more interest in this movement, and I pray to Krishna that you be fixed up in that position, eternally
- So long as he was here, he was taking care of me very nicely, and I am very much obliged to him. I simply said that he may live for some time with the Sankirtana Party, and he became upset. So I do not know what to do
- So-called businessman, so-called scientist, so-called philosopher - everyone is mad. And kurute vikarma, all sinful activities, especially the slaughterhouse. Horrible. Everyone is taking share of these sinful activities
- Sometimes we see a devotee offering Ganges water to the Ganges. After taking his bath in the Ganges, a devotee takes a palmful of water and offers it back to the Ganges
- Spiritually, even if you still go in the interior of village, poor man, living in a cottage, he is taking bath three times and doing his professional work, a cultivator, having little food, and chanting Hare Krsna. They are happy actually
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: After hearing the request of Maharaja Yudhisthira, Narada Muni, the most powerful spiritual master, who knew everything, was very pleased. Thus he replied in the presence of everyone taking part in the yajna
- Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami took permission not only from the Vaisnavas and Madana-mohana but also from Vrndavana dasa Thakura, who is understood to be the Vyasa of the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Still this (taking bath early morning, changing cloth) system is current. And see arati, mangala-arati. Chant Hare Krsna mantra. Ring the bells. In every temple such arrangement is there. Then come at home and do your duty, the businessman
- Such a devotee's (who's disposition of mind is taking calamitous situations as God's benediction and taking responsibility for past misdeeds) claim for promotion to the spiritual world is assured in all circumstances
- Sufferings are due to the bodily concept of life. As you stated, that you simply want to leave the material world and be with Krishna, that is the best solution, rather than taking account of how things happened that you came here
- Sukadeva Gosvami, the son of Vyasadeva, in his turn delivered the Bhagavatam to the great Emperor Pariksit, who sat surrounded by sages on the bank of the Ganges, awaiting death without taking food or drink
- Suppose one is suffering from some disease. He is lying in bed, eating, passing nature's call uncomfortably, and taking bitter medicines. He always has to be kept clean by the nurses; otherwise there is an obnoxious smell
- Taking a human body is meant for completing one's progress in life. Throughout human society, killing of a human being is taken very seriously
- Taking His Kaumodaki club and moving very skillfully, Krsna struck Dantavakra's chest so fiercely that Dantavakra's heart split in twain
- Taking into consideration the fallen condition of the people in general in this age of Kali, the sages of Naimisaranya suggested that Sri Suta Gosvami relate the essence of all such scriptures
- Taking Narada Muni to be an ordinary man, the daughter of Time confronted him with her lusty desire. It requires great strength to resist a woman's attraction. It is difficult for old men, and what to speak of young
- Taking the opportunity of being accompanied by all the demigods and great saintly persons, Brahma went there (to Hiranyakasipu) to award him the benediction he desired
- Taking the proper position from which to describe the dynasty of Manu, Sukadeva Gosvami begins by saying that when the entire world is inundated, only the Supreme Personality of Godhead exists, and nothing else
- Taking this opportunity, Devaprastha, out of his strong affection for Krsna, immediately began to massage His legs. Such are the activities of Krsna's friends out on the pasturing grounds
- Taking this opportunity, Gadadhara Pandita said, "Just now the four months of the rainy season have begun. You should therefore spend the next four months in Jagannatha Puri"
- Taking this paper (in which Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami gave him a written statement that he had defeated them), the scholar approached Jiva Gosvami for a similar certificate of defeat, but Jiva Gosvami did not agree to give him one
- Thank you for helping in this way by taking signatures in support of our movement from the Indian people in Toronto
- Thank you for serving steadily and taking responsibility in Krishna Consciousness. The spiritual master cannot be approached for solving marriage problems. That is not the business of the guru
- That is a very lucrative business (taking large crowds of men to the different places of pilgrimage & collecting money from them), but Rupa & Sanatana Gosvamis, expressing their opinion in the presence of Caitanya, disapproved of such crowded pilgrimages
- That is good that you are taking discount from the unsatisfactory printing from Donnelly Co. Hardbound abridged Bhagawad-gita will be nice
- That is our protest that - You are a foolish. Why you are taking the position of a teacher? You are foolish. You are rascal. You don't take the position of a teacher. Then you are a cheater
- That is the defect of Western civilization. Vox populi, taking opinion of the public. But what is the value of this public? Drunkards, smokers, meat-eaters, woman-hunters
- That is your fault (that you are not taking Hare Krsna). You have manufactured your own way of life. Otherwise, Hare Krsna is India's gift
- That machine has been discovered by Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose. He discovered this wireless telegram, radio. But Marconi took from him, and British government helped him
- The activity most recommended by Krsna and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu for taking oneself to the perfectional stage in this age of Kali-yuga is this sankirtana or preaching mission
- The Ayurveda-sastra recommends, ausadhi cintayet visnum: even while taking medicine, one should remember Visnu, because the medicine is not all and all and Lord Visnu is the real protector
- The best lawyer gives evidence from the past judgment of the court without taking much trouble to establish his case. This is called the parampara system, and learned authorities follow it without manufacturing rubbish interpretations
- The Bhagavad-gita, Bhagavan, personally says that "Your real miserable condition of life are the four things: janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi (BG 13.9)." But who is taking seriously
- The Bhagavad-gita, the culture of India, they have forsaken. They are now taking culture from Russia
- The brahmacari is then (after understanding the values of life along with taking specific training for a livelihood) allowed to go home and enter householder life and get married to a suitable woman
- The brahmana is called suci. He is always clean, taking three times bath, cloth washed, mouth, hands, legs, all clean, with tilaka. That is brahmana. Saucam
- The child is afraid of taking medicine. That also I have experienced. In my childhood, when I became ill, I was very stubborn. I won't accept any medicine. So my mother used to force medicine within my mouth with a spoon. I was so obstinate
- The deplorable condition today is that one is taking more than he needs while another is starving. Consequently the starving masses are revolting and asking, "Why should we starve?" But their methods are imperfect
- The devotee must be clean, inside and outside, both. Outside cleaning by taking bath, washing the body with oil or soap or soda, and inside, materially, there will be no unclean things, stool, unnecessary stool
- The direct process is: take to Krsna consciousness - "I am eternal servant of God. Let me take to this business. Finish." Perfect knowledge
- The followers of varnasrama-dharma - they never tried for economic development. You'll find in India, still, millions of people taking bath in the Ganges during Kumbha-mela. Have you have been to the Kumbha-mela festival
- The four classes of men are there, still. But the third-class, fourth-class man is taking the place of first class. And the first-class man is kicked out, "Go out. Don't talk of God." This is the position at the present moment
- The higher caste were made not artificially. They had to follow nine great principles, then they are higher caste, not by rubber stamp, just like Gandhi wanted to do, taking the banghis, the sweepers, and rubber-stamping "harijana"
- The human society is gradually degrading in the matter of religiosity, and justice; and "might is right" is gradually taking the place of morality and justice
- The idea is that those who will later on accept service, they cannot be accepted by us for schooling, we cannot help them. They must be the sons of rich and important men who will not be taking education simply to use it for eating and sleeping
- The important visitor is waiting for one hour. So this is enjoyment. The Prime Minister is not the horse, but he is enjoying taking his grandchild on the back and he was playing like a horse and the grandchild was, 'Hut Hut Hut Hut'
- The initiates as above mentioned are all taking vow before the Deity, the Supersoul within, the devotees, the spiritual master, the fire, and so they are vowing before so many witnesses to keep faithfully these regulative principles
- The isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, being situated in everyone's heart, gives directions to everyone in terms of one's capabilities in taking the instructions
- The King certainly possesses all good qualities, but simply by taking up the name 'king,' he has infected everything
- The library party is doing very nicely. It is nectar to my ears to hear the list of schools which are taking our standing order
- The Lord could understand that the quarrel between the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) and the sages (four Kumaras) was taking a different turn, and therefore He instantly came out of His place and went to the spot to stop further aggravation
- The Lord has given perfect advice in Bhagavad-gita, and Ambarisa Maharaja, as the ideal executive head, ruled the entire world as a Vaisnava, taking advice from Vaisnava brahmanas
- The Lord, accompanied by Akrura and Balarama, traveled in the chariot with great speed toward the bank of the Yamuna. Simply by taking a bath in the Yamuna, anyone can diminish the reactions of his sinful activities
- The material world is in such darkness, and people are taking on one body after another. The Krsna consciousness movement is therefore here to give enlightenment and liberation
- The materialistic person, they cannot understand why we are worshiping Deity. They are puzzled. They think, "Why these fools are taking one brass doll and worshiping as God?" They laugh. You see? They cannot understand
- The message (by Paundraka to Krsna) contained the following statements, "I have descended as King Paundraka, taking compassion on the distressed conditioned souls out of my unlimited causeless mercy"
- The more we become careful, the more we chant Hare Krsna without any offense, the more we quickly become advanced. Just like a person taking medicine, if he takes all care, then the medicine effects very quickly and the disease is cured very quickly
- The Muslim governor then personally accompanied Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Because of pirates, the governor took ten boats full of many soldiers
- The other day while taking my morning walk from the backside of your land I reached on the main road. So much land is still vacant without any utility. If you can spare all these lands on lease terms we can immediately use them properly
- The people of this country are gradually taking this idea very seriously for vegetarian diet and stopping cow killing in a practical way
- The people said, "Simply by seeing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, everyone is maddened with love of Krsna. Indeed, everyone is laughing, crying, dancing, chanting and taking the holy name of Krsna"
- The point is that everyone is taking his eatables from the planet earth. According to one's association with the material qualities, one develops a certain type of character
- The political leaders or the so-called religious leaders or other many leaders there are, they are taking the position of God, that "I shall become your friend. I shall lead you so that you will become happy." That is wrong
- The process of self-realization and the path home, back to Godhead, means surrendering to the bona fide spiritual master and taking the dust of his lotus feet on one's head. Thus one advances on the path of transcendental realization
- The proprietor of the house, he will take his meals, and before taking his meals, he will stand outdoors and call, "If somebody is hungry, please come. Still there is food here." And if there is no response, then he'll take. This is the Vedic system
- The purport of the verse (composed by Ramananda Raya) is: As long as there is hunger in the belly and one feels like eating and drinking, one can become happy by taking anything eatable
- The Saivites, the devotees of Lord Siva, generally dress like Lord Siva, and sometimes they indulge in smoking and taking intoxicants. Such practices are never accepted by the followers of Vaisnava rituals
- The second method, anumana, is auricular: we may hear children playing outside, and by hearing we can conjecture that they are there. And the third method is the method of taking truths from a higher authority
- The son is given birth by the mother. She (Devahuti) may think that "I have given birth to you. What you will teach me?" No. Because he knows the science of Krsna. Or He is Krsna Himself. Therefore she is taking lesson from her exalted son
- The taking of the renounced order, however, is not always necessary. If one can execute Krsna consciousness in family life, that is also recommended
- The transcendental relationship of santa-rasa, taking the shape of unflinching faith in Krsna, is developed into dasya-rasa with the spirit of service, and then to sakhya-rasa or undeterred fraternity, and to the transcendental platform of paternal love
- The tridandi-sannyasi of the Vaisnava school accepts three rods, representing the vow to engage in the service of the Lord with body, mind and speech, whereas the ekadandi-sannyasi takes the vow to become one with the Supreme
- The Vedic rites and rituals are imperative for neophytes: comprehending all kinds of prayer three times a day, taking a bath early in the morning, offering respects to the forefathers, etc. BG 1972 purports
- The Visnudutas had forbidden the Yamadutas to take Ajamila to Yamaraja, and therefore the Yamadutas explained that taking such a man to Yamaraja was appropriate
- The whole Vedic literature is meant for taking you to the spiritual world. Tamasi ma jyotir gama: Don't remain in this material world of darkness. Come to the spiritual world
- The word pratah-krtya in the present verse of the Caitanya-caritamrta means that one should evacuate regularly in the morning and then cleanse himself by taking a bath
- The younger section of this country, both boys and girls, are taking great interest in this movement. At present I have more than 100 students already initiated, strictly following the Vaisnava regulations
- There are also demons who enjoy depicting Krsna and His pastimes with the gopis, taking advantage of Krsna by their licentious character. These demons who print books and write lyrics on the raga-marga principles are surely on the way to hell
- There are good men and bad men, and good men are taking to this movement because it is a good movement. "Good" means not having illicit sex, not eating meat, not indulging in intoxication and not indulging in gambling
- There are millions of universes, and in each and every universe there are millions and trillions of the stars and planets. This is the whole creation of material world. And taking them together, this is one-fourth creation of God
- There is no benefit in feeding a snake milk and bananas because the snake will never be satisfied. On the contrary, by taking milk and bananas the snake simply becomes more poisonous (kevalam visa-vardhanam)
- There is no meaning of giving up spiritual cultivation & taking to or imitating something. This is called anartha. Anartha means unnecessarily you are inclined. So Srimad-Bhagavatam is meant for guiding us. Anartha-upasamam saksad bhakti-yogam adhoksaje
- There is no need of taking instructions spoken in dream while the Spiritual Master is still present
- There is so-called government, millions of rupees they are spending and taking salary, government house, but the praja, they have no security for their life income
- There is sun, and above that, there is moon. And they are going to moon. They are going nowhere - simply taking laboratory photo, studio, and cheating
- There were many brahmanas who would come daily to see the Supreme Lord (Krsna) before taking their breakfast; they were anxious to see Him, and He welcomed them
- Therefore it is very good that you are taking these instructions of the Lord seriously by surrendering yourself under the direction of His bona fide representative
- These are the general principles to be followed by all human beings: gradually taking leave of unnecessary engagements, observing the futility of the unnecessary activities of human society, remaining silent and grave and avoiding unnecessary talk
- These foreigners, they are neither Hindus nor Indian nor brahmanas. How they are taking? They are not fools and rascals. They are coming from respectable family, educated
- These girls (the damsels of Vraja), as well as the queens (of Dvaraka), underwent severe penances by taking vows, bathing and offering sacrifices in the fire, as prescribed in the scriptures
- These professional men (singers, dancers and reciters of prayers) earn their livelihood by taking charity on such occasions from the homes of the Hindus. Eunuchs also take advantage of such ceremonies to receive charity. That is their means of livelihood
- These two associates of the Lord-Jaya and Vijaya later descended to the material world, taking birth as the two sons of Diti, Hiranyakasipu being the elder and Hiranyaksa the younger. They were very much respected by the Daityas and Danavas
- They (Krsna's friends) were very jubilant and invited Him, "Dear friend Krsna, You have come back so quickly! All right, we have not as yet begun our lunch, not even taken one morsel of food. So please come and join us, and let us eat together"
- They (Mayavadi sannyasis) begged to be pardoned for the offenses they had committed by criticizing the Lord (Caitanya) for simply chanting and dancing and not taking part in the study of the Vedanta-sutra
- They (people) travel thousands of miles to take bath in the Ganges at the holy place of Prayag. So although they are not busy in the dog's race, these people are not lazy
- They (seminal spiritual masters) are hopeful of material success. The word bahih means "external," artha means "interest," and manina means "taking very seriously." Generally speaking, practically everyone is unaware of the spiritual world
- They (the gosvamis) never at any time said, "Last night I saw Krsna dancing with the gopis." Such claims are not made by a mature devotee, but by one who takes things very cheaply
- They (the mistaken leaders) mislead us into taking some temporary benefit, but how long can their plans and schemes go on? If they persist until they die of heart failure or are killed by assassins, then another just like them takes their place
- They are all hippies. So what do we expect? They are taking education, and then, after taking education, they don't do anything. This is a problem
- They are big, big scientists, philosophers, and cheating others. They are unable to understand, themselves, and the same rascal knowledge they are distributing to others & taking Nobel Prize. This is the mudhas, the society of the cheaters & the cheated
- They are taking nature as the Supreme. But those who are actually in awareness of God, they know that God is the controller of nature also
- They are taking so much trouble just to deliver the fallen soul from the sinful activities, and those who are being punished, to save them, this is Vaisnava's business
- They hastily sprinkled water over the Lord's body. Then they took up His outer cloth and began to fan Him with it
- They have let Jesus Christ make a contract for taking all their sinful reactions so they can go on with all nonsense. That is their religion
- They will show like that in a very advanced and vairagya and taking three times bath and everything, but they have got connection with at least three, four woman. This is their bhajana
- This (KC) Movement has begun to present Bhagavad-gita as it is, and people are taking. People are accepting. So you Indians who are present here, that is my request, that you can do tremendous service on behalf of your country
- This human life should be regulated in such a way that he hasn't got to satisfy the senses after taking so much hard labor. The modern civilization is like that. Everyone is engaged in hard labor simply for satisfaction of the senses
- This incident (of taking his mother with him) proves that a pure devotee like Dhruva Maharaja can fulfill all his desires; by the grace of God, he becomes exactly like the Lord, and thus whenever he thinks of anything, his wish is immediately fulfilled
- This is sastra. Five thousand years ago, what was written, that is now becoming true. Now there is no marriage as it was taking formerly, Vedic marriage. The father-mother will select the bride, bridegroom, and there will be gorgeous ceremony & marriage
- This is their position, mudha, raksasa, thinking that "I am living this fifty years or hundred years so luxuriantly. That is the fulfillment of life." Because he does not know the life is eternal, one spot he is taking very important
- This milk is taking the blood without killing. That is humanity. You are eating beef because of the blood. So if you take the blood in a different way, you get the same benefit
- Those sannyasis following the principles of Sankaracarya, they strictly follow austerities, lie down on the ground, and taking three times bath even in very severe cold, and simply have a kamandalu, nothing more - so many austerities
- Those who are taking the first step up the staircase of the yoga system, there is work. One should not think that simply because he is beginning yoga that he should stop working
- Those who take the prasada of goddess Kali in the shape of flesh or fish are not actually taking the prasada left by goddess Kali, but the food left by the bhutas and pisacas
- Those who try the impossible are irrational and overambitious. Everyone has to proceed gradually, placing each step securely before taking the next one. In this way one will ultimately reach the goal
- Those who try to be happy without taking shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are mudhas, rascals. Na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah - BG 7.15
- Try to hear about Krsna from Bhagavad-gita as it is. Don't malinterpret by your whimsical way. Then you will lose the opportunity. Don't follow these rascals who interpret Bhagavad-gita. There is no question of interpretation. Take Bhagavad-gita as it is
- Two chapters more will finish Ninth Canto...If people actually taking like that, then there will be a revolution in Western country
- Under strict observance of discipline he (the brahmacari, or a boy from the age of five years) comes to understand the values of life along with taking specific training for a livelihood (under the care of a bona fide guru or teacher)
- Under the instructions of qualified brahmanas, in the morning she (a woman) should wash her teeth, bathe, and dress herself with white cloth and ornaments, and before taking breakfast she should worship Lord Visnu and Laksmi
- Unless we remain Krsna conscious, we are liable to be punished for all these (killing ants while walking on the street, cooking, taking water, using mortar and pestle to crush spices) unknowingly committed sinful acts
- Vasudeva also reminded Nanda Maharaja that Balarama did not know His real father. "He knows you as His father. And now you have another child, Krsna, and I think you are taking very nice care of both of Them"
- Vasudeva took the opportunity of Kamsa’s benevolence and informed him that his atheistic activities were also due to this misconception of life - namely taking the material body to be the self
- Vedanta knowledge is not to be discussed on the table as a recreation, taking tea and smoking and discussing on Vedanta-sutra. This kind of discussion will not help. There must be detachment from material activities
- Vedic language is so difficult. It is sometimes very difficult to understand. So Purana, another meaning of purana means "supplement." So they are explanation of the Vedic knowledge in a supplementary way by taking references from the history
- Vicious civilization. Simply increasing, increasing, increasing. And the government taking tax; therefore, he has to prepare roads. So in your country, the more the motorcar increasing, the more flying over, more bridges. More problems
- Vidura, during the time of war between the two section, he was traveling in the holy places of pilgrimage and talking with his spiritual master, Maitreya
- We are accepting the statements of authorities in every field of our activities. From newspapers and radio we also understand that such and such events are taking place in China and India and other places all around the earth
- We are experiencing in our this life. It is taking change so swiftly that we cannot understand how the body is changing, but it is changing. So similarly, this body will change, tatha dehantara-praptih
- We are getting knowledge from Krsna, the most perfect. Or you get knowledge from Jesus Christ, that is also perfect, because source is perfect. I am taking knowledge from God and you are taking the knowledge from the son of God
- We are glad that people are taking interest in the nonviolent movement of Lord Buddha. But will they take the matter very seriously and close the animal slaughterhouses altogether?
- We are in the lower stage. Therefore Deity worship required. Even if there is no temple, you can keep small Deity in a small box and open it. After taking bath . . . (indistinct) . . . you can offer Him little patram puspam phalam toyam - BG 9.26
- We are selling books to the extent of sixty thousand dollars daily. That is our only hope, that we shall not be financially in difficulty. People are taking our books very nicely. People are accepting our literature
- We are speaking the same thing, Bhagavad-gita. We are not manufacturing anything. Clear conception of God you can take from Arjuna. Arjuna associated with Krsna personally
- We are taking authoritative version from the sastra. And we are . . . our program is to publish at least one hundred books of this size. There are so many information. They can read all these books and take information
- We are taking so much labor in writing books. If somebody reads, certainly that is satisfaction
- We are taking the conclusion of the sastra: in this age, if one chants Hare Krsna, he becomes spiritualized. That is becoming, practically. It is not theory
- We are taking vegetables not as vegetarian. We are taking as Krsna prasadam, remnants of foodstuff offered to Krsna
- We are vegetarian. We are also eating some... Not killing, but eating. We are taking fruit. That means we are not killing the tree. We are taking grains. We are not killing the cow. We are eating milk, but we are not drinking the blood
- We are very satisfied that this path (of Caitanya Mahaprabhu) is being opened by this Krsna consciousness movement because so many European and American boys and girls are taking this philosophy seriously and gradually attaining perfection
- We can purify our duration of life by taking daily bath and cleansing the body inside and outside and accepting the ten kinds of purificatory processes
- We did not know we were nonsense, but our father knew we were nonsense; so it is like that in this material world, everyone is acting more or less like children clinging to some play things provided by the Father and taking them very seriously
- We do not allow anyone become a preacher unless he is strictly following the Vaisnava principles of no eating meat, fish, or eggs; no sex outside of marriage; no gambling; and no taking any kind of intoxication whatsoever
- We do not know that we are taking great risk, great risk. Because there is another life. After death, there is life. The modern people, they do not understand it
- We do not know what is the aim of life. We are taking to so many unnecessary engagements. The human life is so valuable that not a single moment you cannot spare for any other business than Krsna consciousness
- We do not know, after eating, we have to wash our hand. We are taking the handkerchief and finished. So this kind of brahmana, what they will do? That is not even a civilized man
- We have got devotees from all groups of human society, and they are taking to this Vedic system. It is practical. There is no difficulty. So Hindus, Muslims, Christians - everyone should take to this Krsna religion and become "Krishnites," - Krishnians
- We have got many branches in your country, one in London, one in Germany, and everyone is taking part. It is increasing. So we don't charge anything, neither you have got any loss. If there is any profit, you can try it, but there is no loss
- We have no such qualification that we can compose very nice literature. There may be so many mistakes or . . . whatever it may be. But it is revolutionary. Otherwise, why big, big scholars, professors, university authorities, librarians, they are taking?
- We have recently got a newcomer baby, Srimati Sarasvati devi, and pleased to learn that they are taking all care for you. I am also very glad that your mother is also taking part in Krishna Conscious activities
- We have to remain faithful to our master. We don't mind whether ones taking this philosophy or not, that doesn't matter. We have to try our best. But as soon as this service is done with some selfish motive, personal interest, then it is spoilt
- We shall be very much pleased to hear You (Caitanya), all the sannyasis replied. You appear just like Narayana, and Your speeches are so nice that we are taking great pleasure in them
- We should be very, very careful not to commit any offense at the feet of Vaisnava. Vaisnava does not take any offense. He does not care who is offender, but Krsna takes care. Krsna will never tolerate if a person is Vaisnava aparadha
- We should expose before the public eye that the lowest class of men are now taking the posts of leaders, and therefore there can be no peace or happiness
- What is the benefit of taking the trouble to engage in the service of the Lord? This is not a valid objection
- What is the result of your being so busy? "Well, I take two pieces of toast and one cup of tea. That's all." (Laughter.) And for this purpose you are so busy
- What is the significance of the food that is eaten at ISKCON kirtanas? - The significance of our food - not exactly vegetarian or nonvegetarian. Don't mistake. We simply take what is offered to Krsna. That's all. So Krsna can be offered anything? No
- What is the symptom of such a rascal government? That is also stated. There will be no fixed position of these things. Just see. What are these? Eating, drinking, residence, taking bath, sexual intercourse
- What is the use of taking percentage of the stars in the presence of moon? Let there be one moon, that is sufficient. There is no question of percentage. One ideal man. Just like in Christian world, one ideal Lord Jesus Christ
- What is this rainfall? This rainfall is an arrangement, taking water from the seas and spread all over the surface of the land. But you cannot do it. The seawater you can spread by pumping or by some other means, but that will not serve your purpose
- When Hiranyakasipu was freed from the hands of Nrsimha-deva, he falsely thought that the Lord was afraid of his prowess. Therefore, after taking a little rest from the fight, he took up his sword and shield and again attacked the Lord with great force
- When his (Hussain Shah's) wife requested him to turn Subuddhi Raya into a Mohammedan, the Nawab agreed. Taking some water from his waterpot, he sprinkled it upon Subuddhi Raya and declared that Subuddhi Raya had now become a Mohammedan
- When I am taking my food, if I think, "Oh, this nice foodstuff is sent by Krsna. He has kindly sent me this foodstuff," so I think of Krsna. So that taking of foodstuff in Krsna consciousness is yoga-yukta. That is called yoga-yukta
- When Sarvabhauma was talking with Gopinatha Acarya about Sri Caitanya's sannyasa community, he appreciated the first name, "Sri Krsna," but did not like the surname, "Caitanya," which is the name for a brahmacari belonging to the Bharati community
- When the citizens received the news of the Lord's (Krsna) arrival, they all felt unlimited happiness and came to welcome Him, taking gifts in their hands to offer
- When the earth saw that King Prthu was taking his bow and arrow to kill her, she became very much afraid and began to tremble. She then began to flee, exactly like a deer, which runs very swiftly when followed by a hunter
- While taking Devayani out of the well, King Yayati must certainly have appreciated her youthful beauty, and therefore he might have asked her which caste she belonged to
- While walking on the street we unknowingly kill so many ants, and in the course of our other ordinary dealings - while cooking, while taking water, while using a mortar and pestle to crush spices - we kill so many living beings
- Why so many abortions are taking place nowadays? Because the child which has come into the womb of the mother, he is sinful. He has done previous life so many killings. Now he has to be killed so many times
- Why you are taking the post of a teacher? "In future we shall understand." And what is this future? Would you accept a post-dated check? "In future I shall discover, and therefore I am scientist." What is this scientist
- With the advice of the brahmanas Ambarisa took little water. The brahmanas advised - Maharaja, water is food and no food. It has no actually food value. So your guest has not returned as yet. You can take little water & observe the completion of dvadasi
- Worship of Radha and Krishna is no cheap thing. It cannot be done whimsically, but it must be very carefully executed under strict regulation. Not that there can be LSD taking and all sinful activities, and then Deity worship
- You are drinking milk, you are taking so much butter, milk product, and as gratitude you are killing cows? You should be ashamed. Even if you have no human feelings. You suck the breast of your mother and kill? Is that humanity
- You are not taking the opportunity of understanding Krsna. Just see how much unfortunate we are. As you serve Krsna, you understand Krsna. You cannot understand Krsna otherwise, unless you render service
- You are taking heat; that does not mean you are touching fire. Fire, in spite of emanating heat, keeps its identity. Similarly, although Krsna, by His different energies, is creating everything, He remains Krsna
- You are taking the beads, sixteen rounds. You can be finished, utmost two hours or three hours. So you have got twenty-four hours. If you want to sleep, of course, twenty-three hours, that is another thing. You have to minimize your sleeping
- You are very fortunate to be taking part in the Krishna Consciousness movement. If you take it very seriously, then you will not have to take another birth in this miserable material world
- You can eat meat, but you cannot eat meat by killing your father and mother. That is human sense. You are taking milk from the cow; it is your mother
- You can make my program for lecturing in the Indo-German society, taking it that I shall be going there in the month of August. I know there are many Sanskrit scholars in Germany, but unfortunately I have no practice to speak in Sanskrit
- You go on posting leaflets regularly at least daily 100 to the addresses of respectable gentlemen taking from an authorized mailing list or else from the telephone book. After a week from the posting date you can ask the gentlemen by phone as follows
- You have got a very good ship - this human form of body - & the captain is the spiritual master, & the favorable wind blowing, the instruction of the sastras. So taking this opportunity, if you cross over this material ocean, then there is no difficulty
- You protest, write in book. You are scientist. Write in book. Prove scientifically. That will be your laurel of taking the doctorate degree
- You take fruit from the trees and drink milk, you are also sufficient. You don't require to cook even. There are fruits. Formerly all the sages they were taking fruits from the trees, and milk from the cows. That's all
- You want to establish your conclusion of religious experience by taking the opinions of laymen. A laymans sentimental expression about religious problems is not a practical understanding of religious problems
- You will be glad to hear I am feeling 80-90% fit again. I am translating, lecturing and taking morning walk and eating regularly
- Your knowledge has not benefited you. Our taking your so-called science has benefited you because you are using it for Krsna. You have worked so hard, so result is going to Krsna
- Your normal life is Krishna Consciousness. If you so desire you can stay in Mayapur without taking any responsibility. Simply read books, take Prasadam, and chant Hare Krishna. Now, for the time being, you stay with your father. Later on you can decide
- Your plan to spend up to one month in each big university city sometimes taking an apartment for conducting regular evening meetings is approved by me
- Your sincere endeavor to engage new devotees is very much appreciated. It is especially encouraging that these new devotees are taking on responsible service within our communities