Category:Those Who Are
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Pages in category "Those Who Are"
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- Ahastani sahastanam: those who are devoid of hands are prey for those who have hands
- For those Muslims who are inclined to take flesh, it is recommended that instead of killing many small animals, one big animal should be killed
- In the beginning of Kali-yuga, the Lord will appear as Lord Buddha, the son of Anjana, in the province of Gaya, just for the purpose of deluding those who are envious of the faithful theist (SB 1.3.24)
- The intelligence of those who are irresolute is many branched
- Those who are fond of eating fish and meat, they can eat when the animal is dead. Not killing
- Those who are sadhu
- Those who are spiritually advanced
- Those who are too much in the bodily concept of life, for them, this hatha-yoga is prescribed just to control the sense by some mechanical way
- A devotee gives the nondevotees his association but is not affected by their misbehavior. Thus by the activities of a pure devotee even those who are bereft of love of Godhead get a chance to become devotees of the Lord one day
- A devotee is always prepared to render service to the Lord (dasyam gatanam para-daivatena), but for those who are under the spell of illusory energy, He is an ordinary boy - mayasritanam nara-darakena
- A human being should actually be interested in understanding atma-tattva, the truth of atma, the spirit soul, and Paramatma, the supreme soul. Those who are interested in atma-tattva worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A person is said to be still further advanced when he regards all - the honest well-wisher, friends and enemies, the envious, the pious, the sinner and those who are indifferent and impartial-with an equal mind. BG 6.9 - 1972
- A person who is condemned by a brahmana or is always fearful to other living entities is not favored either by those who are already in hell or by those in the species in which he is born
- A poor man in want of water digs a well and undertakes the trouble of digging. Similarly, those who are poor in transcendental realization speculate on the mind or meditate by controlling the senses
- A pure devotee is far above these 4 classes of pious men ((1) the needy, (2) those who have fallen into difficulty, (3) those who are inquisitive about the transcendental science, & (4) the genuine philosophers), for he is in the transcendental position
- A reference is made here for those who are very anxious to imitate the behavior of Thakura Haridasa in an unnatural way. One must receive the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu or His representative before adopting such a way of life
- A snake is considered to be the most cruel and envious living entity, but those who are human beings and are envious of others are considered to be even more vicious than snakes
- A sudra, actually those who are by qualification sudra . . . sudra means lamentation, simply changing. They accept something, and then they find it's useless, and they lament. The so-called scientists, philosophers, they're all sudras
- Above the heavenly planets there are many other planets also, which only those who are influenced by goodness can reach
- Above them (those who are in the modes of ignorance and passion) are those who are in the mode of goodness
- Above them (those who desire to merge into the Supreme Spirit Soul) are the mystic yogis, who by meditation see within their hearts the four-handed Visnu form of the Paramatma, or Supersoul
- Acarya, who is acarya? Then next question will be: who is acarya? Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh (BG 4.2). Those who are coming the acarya-sampradaya. Sri-sampradaya, Rudra-sampradaya, the four sampradayas
- Acaryavan puruso veda. You have to follow the acaryas. In our country there are acaryas, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, those who are recognized authority
- According to sastra, poverty is no impediment for understanding God. Because we see practically that those who are great souls, they have voluntarily accepted poverty
- According to Vedic scripture, those animal-eaters, they should kill the animals personally so that they can see how much suffering is there, so he will stop
- Actually he (the hunter Mrgari) had no idea about papa and punya. Actually, those who are animal-hunter, they cannot understand what is spiritual life, what is God, what is sinful life, what is pious life
- Actually one should surrender in this way (not keep anything for oneself), in the material world one should not artificially imitate those who are fully surrendered
- Actually the purpose of BG is not understandable to those who are sensuous-even if one is not sensuous but is strictly following the disciplines enjoined in the Vedic scripture, if he is not a devotee, he also cannot understand Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Actually the sum and substance is those who are impersonalist, they are envious. Impersonalists are on the spiritual platform, but because they are envious of the Person, they fall down to the material world
- Actually those who are followers of Vedas, they worship Krsna, only Krsna or Visnu. Tad visnoh paramam padam (Rg Veda 1.22.20). Rg mantra
- Actually those who are meat-eater, beef-eater, they are killing their father and mother and become implicated in sinful life
- Actually we are busy with something which is not permanent - a temporary arrangement by the laws of nature. Therefore those who are too much full of anxiety for all these things, they are called demons
- Actually, beef-eating or flesh-eating is not in the higher stage (of Islam). But those who are inclined to take flesh, for them it is recommended that instead of killing many small animals, one big animal should be killed
- Actually, self is beyond this body, beyond this mind, beyond this intelligence. That is the position. Those who are grossly on the bodily concept of self-realization, they are materialist
- Actually, those who are perfect in spiritual knowledge can understand, but for us, who are overly attached to fruitive activities, to realize the purpose of your story is very difficult
- Actually, to tell the truth, those who are too much bodily absorbed, that "I am this body," for them this yoga practice is recommended. Not for the intelligent man. Because one who identifies himself with this body, he is not very intelligent
- Adhuneha maha-bhaga yathaiva narakan narah nanogra-yatanan neyat tan me. The word narah refers to human beings, or those who are fallen
- After offering my obeisances unto all the devotees of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, who are like bumblebees collecting honey from His lotus feet, I shall try to describe those who are the most prominent
- After the Lord (Caitanya) accepted the sannyasa order of life, He delivered speculative students, atheists and those who are attached to fruitive activities and unnecessary criticism
- After understanding the Bhagavata philosophy, or bhagavata-dharma, they (those who are Krsna conscious) become fully spiritually conscious or Krsna conscious, and therefore their chanting and dancing is not material but is on the spiritual platform
- After worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, those who are interested in the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and liberation obtain from Him what they desire. What then is to be said of other benedictions?
- Afterwards (those who are in the material world, must first of all know how the external energy of the Lord is working) one may try to enter into the activities of His internal energy
- Agriculture and cow protection are the way to become sinless and thus be attracted to devotional service. Those who are sinful cannot be attracted by devotional service
- Ahaituky apratihata. Of course, for those who are engaged in fruitive activities on the material platform, the times and seasons mentioned above (in SB 7.14.24) are extremely congenial
- Ahankara-vimudhatma, those who are carried by the material egotism, they cannot understand. They are thinking that by material adjustment everything will be done nicely. No. That is not possible
- Ajnah means one who has no knowledge. And who has no knowledge? Now, tamasa. Those who are in the modes of ignorance. There are three kinds of material nature, modes: sattva, raja, tamas
- Akrura said, "Although the minds of those who are devotees of the demigods are fixed on a particular demigod, because You (Krsna) are the Supersoul of all living entities, including the demigods, worship of the demigods indirectly goes to You"
- All materialistic persons are lusty and greedy, and therefore their hearts are understood to be full of dirty things, but amalatmanam refers to those who are freed from these two contaminations
- All over the world people are chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra. And practically we see, those who are chanting, they're becoming free from the contamination
- All the big Vaisnavas, those who are representatives of Krsna, they are called thakura
- All these rules and regulations (like fasting on Ekadasi and etc.) are offered by the great acaryas for those who are actually interested in getting admission into the association of the SPG in the transcendental world. BG 1972 purports
- All those who were fortunate enough to associate with the Lord, the husband of the goddess of fortune, certainly obtained something more than what is known as liberation
- Although His (God's) material energy is utilized to create the material world, this does not mean that He is covered by that energy. Those who are covered by the material energy are called conditioned souls
- Although in its natural state, the ocean is always very grave and unfathomable, when the moon rises, nothing can check the ocean's agitation. Similarly, those who are pure devotees cannot on any account check the movements of their feelings within
- Although it (Srimad-Bhagavatam) is especially meant for the paramahamsas, or those who are totally engaged in self-realization, it works into the depths of the hearts of those who may be worldly men
- Although the animal propensities of the body should be minimized, those who are extravagant temporarily overflow in material enjoyment. Nonetheless, as soon as the rainy season of life is over, they become as dry as dry river beds
- Although the atheist class of men may think that they are engaged in idol worship, it is not idol. Those who are atheist, they may see idol, stone. But those who are devotees, they see saksad brajendranandana hari
- Although the foolish cannot imagine how Krsna, who appears just like a human being, can control the infinite and the finite, those who are pure devotees accept this, for they know that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Although the ocean of nescience is vast, they can still cross over it. What, then, is the difficulty for those who are advanced in Vedic knowledge
- Although this is clearly stated (that those who are devotees of Lord Krsna go to the Krsnaloka planet), the foolish impersonalists still maintain that the Lord is formless and that these forms are impositions. BG 1972 purports
- Although those who are interested only in worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead do not desire anything material from the Lord and do not even want liberation, Lord Krsna fulfills all their desires
- Although those who are nondevotees undergo severe austerities and penances to cross that ocean, we recommend that you simply take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord, which are like boats for crossing the ocean
- Among human beings there are different types of men. Of these, those who are advanced in spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, are called Aryans. Among Aryans, one who engages in the devotional service of the Lord is most successful in life
- Among human beings, those who are followers of the Vedic principles are considered civilized. Among these, almost half simply give lip service while committing all kinds of sinful activities against these principles
- Among the mixed classes known as sankara, those who are not thieves are known as antevasayi or candalas (dog-eaters), and they also have their hereditary customs
- Among those who are trying to be victorious in some field of activity, the most victorious element is morality. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst the Hindus, those who are meat-eaters prefer to worship goddess Kali because it is prescribed that one can sacrifice a goat before that goddess
- Amongst the human being, those who are intelligent, those who are acting according to the Vedic instruction, they will not be also suffering. Those who are avoiding the instruction of the Vedas, they will be put into that hellish condition of life
- An exact description is given in the Mahabharata, Adi parva, Second Chapter, as follows: One chariot, one elephant, five infantry soldiers and three horses are called a patti by those who are learned in the science
- An intelligent person gives up the company of those who are attached to women and bereft of Krsna consciousness. One should be free from all kinds of material attachment and should take full shelter under the lotus feet of Krsna
- An intermediate, second-class devotee shows love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is friendly to all devotees and is very merciful to neophytes and ignorant people. The intermediate devotee neglects those who are envious of devotional service
- An upstart living being who commits offenses by torturing those who are offenseless shall be directly uprooted by me, even though he be a denizen of heaven with armor and decorations
- Animal killer means not exactly those who are butchers, or ordinary man who kills animal and eat. But even a person who does not take care of his self-realization, he is also animal-killer
- Antah means within and bahih means without. "Those who are less intelligent, they simply try to find out God within, and those who are advanced in intelligence, they can see You within and without." That is the difference
- Any form of religious principles in which the followers are trained to pursue the vow of celibacy is good for the human being because only those who are trained in that way can end the miserable life of material existence
- Any literature, simply, simply trying to describe the glories of the ananta. Yaso anki, yasah ankitani yat srnvanti gayanti grnanti sadhavah. Those who are sadhu, those who are devotees, they hear that literature
- Anyone who is in this material world, he is supposed to be atheist. Just like the government gets together all the criminals in the prison house, similarly, those who are disobedient to the laws of the Supreme Lord, they are sent into this material world
- Anyone who is not in Krsna consciousness, is he is praised, those who are praising, they are also animals. Not to become Krsna conscious is animalism. That is animalism
- Anything that is beautiful and opulent in the material sense is enjoyed by those living entities who are like crows
- Anyway, for persons who have a natural taste for understanding books like the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, devotional service is easier than for those who are simply accustomed to mental speculation and argumentative processes
- Anywhere, those who are actually sadhu, saintly persons, they are very tolerant. Ksama-rupa tapasvinam. That is the qualification of sadhu: titiksava. At the same time karunika, merciful. The others are torturing him, but still he is merciful
- Are the caves of the mountains now closed, or, above all, does the Almighty Lord not protect the fully surrendered souls? Why then do the learned sages go to flatter those who are intoxicated by hard-earned wealth
- Arjuna fears that at the time of death, those who are in Krsna consciousness will forget the Supreme Lord because at such a time body functions are disrupted and the mind may be in a panic-stricken state. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna inquired: Which is considered to be more perfect: those who are properly engaged in Your devotional service, or those who worship the impersonal Brahman, the unmanifested? BG 12.1 - 1972
- Artah means those who are distressed; artharthi, those who are poor, need of money; jijnasuh, inquisitive; and jnani. So the artah and artharthi, they are lower than the jnani and the jijnasuh
- Aryan refers to those who are civilized, whose manners are regulated according to the Vedic rituals. Any devotee who is chanting the holy name of the Lord is the best kind of Aryan
- Aryans means those who are advanced
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.20), kamais tais tair hrta jnanah prapadyante 'nya-devatah: those who are unintelligent approach the various demigods for temporary material benefits
- As far as the bad men are concerned, they are also four in number: (1) those who are simply addicted to the mode of progressive fruitive work and thus are subjected to the accompanying miseries
- As far as those who are already perfect are concerned, Lord Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.9), tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so ’rjuna: After giving up this material body, such a devotee comes to Me
- As for behavior, there are many rules and regulations guiding human behavior, such as the Manu-samhita, which is the law of the human race. Even up to today, those who are Hindu follow the Manu-samhita. BG 1972 purports
- As for those who are impersonalists and who want to commit spiritual suicide by annihilating the individual existence of the living entity, Krsna helps also by absorbing them into His effulgence. BG 1972 purports
- As indicated here (in SB 10.12.37) by the word atmahi-moksanam, if the python Aghasura could receive eternal association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, what is to be said of those who are already associates of the Lord
- As Krsna states in Bhagavad-gita: To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- As long as a devotee is in his material body, his probational activities in devotional service prepare him for being transferred to the Lord's supreme abode. Only those who are one hundred percent engaged in devotional service can achieve this perfection
- As long as we have to remain within this material world due to our material contamination and wander from one type of body to another and from one planet to another, we pray that we may associate with those who are engaged in discussing Your pastimes
- As part of devotional service, Vaisnavas protect the body for the service of the Lord, but those who are gross materialists accept the body as the self
- As stated by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.10) To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- As stated by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19): Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.41), vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana: those who are actually serious are conducted by one kind of intelligence, namely, intelligence in Krsna consciousness
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.41): "Those who are on the spiritual path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched."
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.41): vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana. Those who are fixed in the service of the Lord are not agitated by anything
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, mahatmanas tu: those who are great souls are under the spell of spiritual energy, and their symptom is that they fully engage in Krsna consciousness for the service of the Lord. Therefore they are called mahat
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, those who are attached to material enjoyment are mostly inclined to worship the demigods to procure various material opulences
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, those who are great souls, mahatmas, are not under the control of the material energy. The Supreme Lord has two energies, material and spiritual. The living entities are marginal energy
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita: For those whose minds are attracted to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme, advancement is very troublesome. To make progress in that discipline is always difficult for those who are embodied - BG 12.5
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, every action of life produces another reaction, which is binding upon us, and only those who are acting on behalf of Yajna (Visnu) are not bound by reactions
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, to regulate those who are very much addicted to different kinds of sense gratification, the worship of demigods is sometimes recommended
- As stated in the Vedas, om tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah: those who are spiritually advanced simply look to the lotus feet of Visnu
- As the modern astronauts who go to the moon or other heavenly planets by force of jet propulsion have to come down again after exhausting their fuel, so also do those who are elevated to the heavenly planets by force of yajnas and pious activities
- Associate with sadhus means those who are actually on the platform. So if he associates with the sadhu - the sadhus accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead - he will get the understanding that Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- Asuram bhavam asritah refers to those who are out and out atheists. Although there are no disadvantages to surrendering unto the Father, people who are thus characterized never do it. As a result, they are constantly punished by the agents of the Father
- At least those who are claiming Buddhist, they are killing animals. Bruce, is it not? Yes. But in the Buddhist religion there is no sanction for killing animals
- At least those who are Vedic followers, they take cow dung as pure. Anywhere impure, they smear with cow dung. And that is fact also. Cow dung is full of antiseptic properties. It has been analyzed
- At the present moment, the killing of cows and the killing of children is going on unrestrictedly, and therefore this civilization is not at all human, and those who are conducting this condemned civilization are uncivilized asuras
- At the present moment, who will be successful in the rigid performance of the many yoga rules and regulations? Moreover, perfection is attained only by those who are surrendered souls
- At this present moment, even those who are born in the best brahmana families are not reformed, nor is there any certainty that they are actually born of brahmana fathers
- Because everything is done for Krsna, he (personalist) enjoys only transcendental happiness in the discharge of this service. Those who are engaged in this process are known to be without desire for personal sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- Because He (Krsna) is transcendental, outside the jurisdiction of this material world. Therefore, Krsna can be understood only by those who are already living in the spiritual world. This is corroborated in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 14.26
- Because I (Lord Sri Krsna) am transcendental to all of them, even those who are infallible, I am known in all the Vedas and histories (the Puranas, Mahabharata, Ramayana, etc.) as the Absolute Supreme Personality of Godhead - 15.17-18
- Because it is Vrindaban, those who come should be exemplary so that all the people of Vrindaban, even those who would be prone to criticize, will see that we are actually following the six Goswamis headed by Rupa Goswami
- Because My devotees are completely devoid of material desires, I sit only within the cores of their hearts. What to speak of My devotee, even those who are devotees of My devotee are very dear to Me
- Because of his (the living entity's) not possessing a gross body, he creates a great deal of trouble in his subtle body. Thus the presence of a ghost is horrible for those who are living in the gross body
- Because of their exalted position, those who are on Brahmaloka at the time of dissolution go directly back home, back to Godhead, along with Lord Brahma
- Because spiritual culture has been stopped all over the world, there is now an emergency, and therefore it is now time to train those who are considered lower and condemned, so that they may become brahmanas and take up the work of spiritual progress
- Because the Lord is situated beyond the three modes of material nature, He is unseen by those who are dominated by these three modes
- Because they (the philosophers of Benares) have no information about devotional service, they are called nondevotees, or those who are against the devotional service of Lord Krsna
- Because they (those who are ambitious to derive material benefit from devotional service) engage themselves in the devotional service of the Lord they ultimately come to understand that material enjoyment is not the goal of devotional service
- Because they (those who are envious upon the SPG) want to forget God, therefore God puts them into such condition that they will never be able to understand what is God. This is the version from Bhagavad-gita by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Better situated are those who desire sense gratification and promotion to the heavenly planets. Such people want to enjoy themselves like denizens of heaven in the gardens of paradise. They at least retain their individuality in order to enjoy life
- BG (10.10): "To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me." Krsna does not become the direct spiritual master unless one is fully trained by His representative spiritual master
- BG 10.10: "To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me (Krsna) with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me." This is the stage of becoming free from the contamination of the material world
- Bhagavad-duta, those who are strictly following the dictation of Krsna under strict disciplinary chain of disciplic succession, he is Krsna's representative, and he should be given all the respect
- Bhagavad-gita (5.18) says, panditah sama-darsinah: those who are learned see everyone's conditional life equally
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.25) gives a warning to the living entities: yanti deva-vrata devan - those who're addicted to the worship of the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, & those who are addicted to worship of the Pitas, forefathers, go to the Pitas
- Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, or Vedic literature, or any scripture. For whom they are meant? Those who are godly, for their elevation, so that they can elevate more and more. It is not for the atheistic persons
- Bhagavan means the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But those who are very, very advanced, recognized by Bhagavan, they are also sometimes called bhagavan. Just like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, Narada Muni, on their status, sometimes they are called bhagavan
- Bhagavan says in the Bhagavad-gita, catur-vidha bhajante mam: "Four classes of men who begins bhagavad bhajana," sukrtina, "those who are pious..." But the modern leaders, they say, "This bhajana nuisance." This is our misfortune
- Bhagavat-sabda means bhagavan, and bhagavata means those who are in connection with Bhagavat, Bhagavan
- Bhagiratha said: Those who are saintly because of devotional service & are therefore in the renounced order, free from material desires, and who are pure devotees, expert in following the regulative principles mentioned in the Vedas, are always glorious
- Bhakti-yoga is meant for those whose hearts are cleansed, not for the lusty and greedy. Of course, those who are lusty and greedy may try to advance, and gradually they may do so, but once one is situated in bhakti-yoga there is no more lust or greed
- Bhismadeva's piercing of the body of Lord Krsna is a sort of bewildering problem for the nondevotee atheist, but those who are devotees, or liberated souls, are not bewildered
- Bhukti means karmis, those who are aspiring after being elevated to the higher planetary system, Svargaloka, or higher status of life. That is called bhukti
- Big, big rsis and yogis, those who are interested in brahma-sukha, or to merge in the Brahman effulgence - the source of Brahman effulgence is here playing: Krsna. - Yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda - Bs. 5.40
- Bodha means knowledge, and budha means one who possesses knowledge. So those who are devotees of Krsna, they are not rascals. They are not rascals. They are budhah. Not only budhah, but also bhava-samanvitah
- Both (those disgusted with material existence and those who are interested in understanding God) may take advantage of the pure devotee who wanders throughout the world
- Both (those who are personally killed by the Lord and those who rely on personal endeavors of mental speculation or mystic powers of yoga) achieve the salvation of merging in the brahmajyoti rays of the transcendental body of the Lord
- Both those who are present during such activities and those who hear the transcendental narrations of such activities are benefited
- Brahma said, "Actually, one who is liberated from the material concept of life can search for You; others cannot. The analogy of thinking the rope to be a snake is applicable only to those who are still in ignorance of You"
- Brahma said, "Because You are the Supreme in every respect, those who are searching after the Brahman effulgence are also searching after You. And those who are searching after Supersoul realization are also searching after You"
- Brahma, who was not born of a material source but of the lotus flower coming out of the navel abdomen of the Lord, is the creator of all those who are materially born. Of course, by the grace of the Lord, Brahma was able to see the form of the Lord
- Brahmacari means student, unmarried student, without any sex life. That is brahmacari. And then grhastha, householder. Those who are living with wife and children, they are called householder, grhastha. Then vanaprastha, the retired persons
- Brahmacaryam means that one leads his life simply in relationship with Brahman, or in full Krsna consciousness. Those who are too addicted to sex life cannot observe the regulations which will lead them to Krsna consciousness
- Buddhist, I know that. They are strictly vegetarian, those who are strict followers
- But those who are elevated to the transcendental platform, being intelligent, offer such respects to the Supersoul, who is sitting within the body, not to the person who identifies with the body
- But those who are thinking very poorly, without any advanced knowledge, atheist, they think that everything is coming automatically. They say there is no isvara, supreme ruler, and everything is happening by nature
- By following in the footsteps of the great acaryas, one associates with the hamsas or paramahamsas, those who are completely freed from material contamination
- By His personal example, Lord Ramacandra wanted to instruct both of them (those who strictly follow the religious principles and those who are devotees) how to fully adopt the discipline of the religious system and how to be a beloved and dutiful husband
- By material association we lose our spiritual consciousness; consequently there is the question of the auspicious and inauspicious. But those who are atmarama, or self-realized, have transcended such questions
- By mental speculation we cannot have a into right conclusion, by mental speculation. Those are simply speculating on mind, they can make some progress to a certain extent, but they cannot reach the ultimate goal
- By performing karma-yoga one comes to the platform of jnana-yoga, knowledge. And from knowledge to this astanga-yoga, eightfold yoga system - dhyana, dharana, pranayama, asana - like that, those who are practicing the astanga-yoga
- By simple chanting of this transcendental vibration the people of this age will make exact progress in the matter of spiritual realization....Those who are hopeless about their spiritual realization, Lord Caitanya is the only one hope
- By the practice of bhakti-yoga, even within this material world, one can achieve Your favor or intelligently approach You. Those who are pious all affirm this
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that only those who are fortunate take to this Krsna consciousness and thus attain a pleasant and blissful life of knowledge
- Caitanya predicted that this missionary activities will be spread in future in as many towns & cities are there on the surface of the globe & He entrusted Indians, or those who are born in India, that Please convey this message throughout the whole world
- Caitanya-caritamrta advises those who are neophytes to give up all kinds of motivated desires and simply engage in the regulative devotional service of the Lord according to the directions of scripture
- Canakya Pandita also said that those who are advancing in spiritual life, they should place before him that, "Here is death," just before him. And those who are karmis, like ass, they'll always think that, - I'll never die
- Civilization is peaceful life, and we should be satisfied in simple mode of life and always think of Krsna. Therefore Vrndavana life is like that, Vrndavana life, especially those who are engaged in devotional service
- Concerning the offense of aham-mama-buddhi, or dehatma-buddhi (considering the body to be the self), Jiva Gosvami states -Those who are overly absorbed in the conception of the body and the bodily necessities are also called pasandis
- Constant chanting of the holy name of the Lord is the way of success for all, including those who are free from all material desires, those who are desirous of all material enjoyment, and those who are self-satisfied by dint of transcendental knowledge
- Cow is specially recommended, go-raksya, because very important animal to the society. If those who are meat-eaters, they can eat the hogs and dogs, they can eat. The Vedic injunction is not prohibiting them
- Creeper has to go on, and thus those who are already in Krsna consciousness, if they have their natural growth, relish the fruit of that creeper even in this life
- Danaih refers to charity which is offered to a suitable party. such as those who are engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, the brahmanas and the Vaisnavas. BG 1972 purports
- Death is not very much welcome for those who are too much attached to material enjoyment, which culminates in sex. There is an instructive story in this connection
- Demigods means those who are devotee of the Lord. Visnu-bhakto bhaved daivah. Visnu-bhakta: the all-pervasive Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotee. The Godhead is called deva, and his devotees are called daiva
- Demon means he is not a devotee. That is demon. There are two kinds of persons: one demon, and one demigod. Those who are devotees, they are demigods, and those who are not devotees, they are demons
- Demonic men, who have no relationship with God, gradually become puffed up by material acquisitions and begin to challenge the authority of the Supreme Lord and torture those who are devotees of the Lord
- Descendants of Manu, or human beings, especially those who are situated in a well-to-do condition, must consider that whatever riches they have are gifts from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Development of conjugal love can be possible only with those who are already engaged in following the regulative principles of devotional service, specifically in the worship of Radha and Krsna in the temple
- Devotional service in conjugal love is described briefly in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, but it is very elaborately discussed in the Ujjvala-nilamani. This book describes different types of lovers, their assistants, and those who are very dear to Krsna
- Dhruva Maharaja said: Even those who believe that the body is the self, or those who are full of material desires, are also atmarama. When they associate with pure devotees, they give up their material desires & become perfect in the service of the Lord
- Dirtiness, dishonesty, thievery, faithlessness, useless quarrel, lust, anger and hankering constitute the nature of those in the lowest position outside the varnasrama system
- Discourses in the society of devotees can take place only among those who are really anxious to be in Krsna consciousness. Others cannot take part in such discourses. BG 1972 purports
- Disgusted with the mirage of happiness in the material desert, they (those who are after the imitation peacock) seek to merge into voidness
- Don't follow these naradhamas. Be faithful. Try to understand, those who are actually followers of God. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh. So you take to this line of disciplic succession from Krsna
- Dry philosophical speculation is a subtle sense enjoyment of the mind. Sense enjoyment leads one to the path of darkness. Those who are self-controlled can make progress on the path of liberation from the conditional life of material existence
- Due to bad association, one gradually falls into lower species. Association with women is greatly stressed in this regard. When one becomes attached to women or to those who are attached to women, one falls down into the lower species
- Education, culture, is meant for the higher two classes, the brahmanas and the ksatriyas. Education means for them, those who are intelligent, for them
- Either they (those who are acting in the modes of passion and ignorance) will have to remain in this material world as human beings, or they will descend among the species of animals or even lower life forms. BG 1972 purports
- Electric energy sometimes working for cooling, sometimes working for heating. But to the engineer of electric energy, who is generating, for him there is no such distinction. But those who are using it, they are thinking it is hot, it is cool
- Endowed with the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the spiritual master distributes the mercy to those who are elevated and pious
- Especially those who are born in India, they should take advantage of the privilege. Unfortunately, they are criticizing the foreigners, those who have taken to it. They're suspecting. It is very, very regrettable fact
- Especially those who are educated, they should take serious consideration of this Krsna consciousness movement. Try to understand each and every verse of Bhagavad-gita, especially, and, if possible, Bhagavatam
- Essentially, those who are interested in material enjoyment are saktas, and those interested in spiritual salvation and attaining the spiritual kingdom are Vaisnavas
- Even a third-class devotee is in the transcendental position, above those who are trying for liberation by speculation or by other methods
- Even great sages are not able to control the forces of the senses as effectively as those who are engaged in transcendental bliss by serving the lotus feet of the Lord, uprooting the deep grown desire for fruitive activities. BG 1972 purports
- Even I may become a fool number one, but if I accept . . . mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186). Mahajana, those who are authorities, if you follow the authorities, then you understand
- Even in those who are apparently very educated, the same family attachment is there. They cannot give up the association of their families, even in old age or invalidity, for they are attached to sense enjoyment
- Even on this earth those who are very opulent do not generally care to take to Krsna consciousness
- Even the low-born candalas and those who are born in a family of unbelievers, and even the prostitutes, shall attain perfection of life if they take shelter of unalloyed devotional service to Me
- Even those who are accustomed to eat animals can offer foodstuff, not to the Lord directly, but to an agent of the Lord, under certain conditions of religious rites
- Even those who are constantly engaged in sinful acts are all corrigible to the standard of perfect human beings if they take shelter of the devotees of the Lord
- Even those who are liberated (atmarama) must always engage in devotional service
- Even those who are liberated do not resent accepting, in the present body, the results of their past activities. While sleeping, one dreams many unreal things, but when he awakens he disregards them and makes progress in factual life
- Even those who are liberated from this material contamination, they are called mukta-jiva, liberated soul. And there are nitya-mukta. Nitya-mukta and nitya-baddha. Nitya means eternally, and mukta means liberated
- Even those who are obsessed with material desires may also come to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead so steadily that they go back to Godhead
- Even those who are on the path of salvation desire to become one with the Absolute Truth and desire to commit spiritual suicide for sense gratification. But the Bhagavatam says that one should not live for sense gratification
- Even those who are so-called advanced in knowledge, karmi, jnani, yogi, they are also after sense gratification. Karmi is openly after sense gratification and jnani is subtly
- Even though such literature is presented in broken language or grammatical inconsistency or rhetorical irregularity, still, those who are saintly persons adore such literature
- Even though the Lord is not visible to the eyes of ordinary men, those who are beyond the covering layers because of their transcendental devotional service can still see Him
- Ever-conditioned means those who are in this material world, they do not know when they came in touch with this material world. Neither they do know when they will be liberated
- Every moment people are dying, but those who are living are thinking, 'My friend has died, but I shall live forever. - (Mahabharata, Vana-parva 313.116) Soft cow dung thinks the same way. This is typical of conditioned beings
- Every student, any disciple, every disciple, especially those who are competent, he requested that - You take up this mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and preach in the Western countries
- Everyone can see God. To see God is not very difficult job. There are so many points described in the Bhagavad-gita. For the devotees, those who are serious about seeing God, they can see God. God is present everywhere
- Everyone has come to this material world for sense gratification, and the position of those who are too attached to sense gratification and who therefore accept the grhastha-asrama is very precarious
- Everyone is dying, but those who are engaged in krsna-katha, in Krsna consciousness, those who are busy in Krsna's business, they are not dying. They are living
- Everyone is engaged in decorating the world with highways, motorcars, electricity, skyscrapers, industries, businesses, etc. All this appears very nice for those who are simply engaged in sense gratification and who are ignorant of spiritual identity
- Everyone means those who are actually seeking after God realization, they are following the same path, but on account of their distance of vision, they are realizing the Absolute Truth in different way
- Everything is there in the sastra; and therefore books should be consulted. If you have no books, those who are discussing books, you should approach them, you should hear them
- Everywhere in the world, even those who are far below the qualifications of an ordinary sudra, the fourth social order, are eligible for the transcendental service of the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna
- Except in a time of emergency, lower persons should not accept the occupational duties of those who are higher. When there is such an emergency, of course, everyone but the ksatriya may accept the means of livelihood of others
- Experienced munis, those who are liberated souls, those who are expert in Vedic knowledge, they understand that this is avatara, or incarnation, by the symptoms, as they are stated in the scriptures
- Facts (about God's energies) can be realized only by those who are well versed in Vedic knowledge and advanced in Krsna consciousness
- Factually speaking, even those who are situated in the material mode of goodness cannot understand the position of the SP of Godhead. What then is to be said of those who are situated in rajo-guna and tamo-guna, the base qualities of material nature
- Factually, an advanced devotee avoids speaking with persons who are not in devotional life, but to those who are in devotional life he speaks in friendship, and he speaks to the innocent for their enlightenment
- First, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita, there is no need to worship the demigods for any material advancement; all results derived from worshiping the demigods are simply temporary, & only those who are less intelligent are interested in temporary results
- Fixing one's mind on Krsna by smelling the flowers and tulasi leaves offered to Him, engaging in activities for the Lord’s interest, becoming angry at those who are malicious toward devotees - CC Preface
- Foolish and demoniac persons go to the hellish planets is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me (Krsna) into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- Foolish persons accept the difficult path of karma-kanda for the sake of sense enjoyment, and those who are too much attached to sense enjoyment are called mudhas. It is very difficult for a mudha to understand the ultimate goal of life
- For a dutiful man there is nothing to fear. Similarly, those who are powerful have no fear of derision or unkind words from an enemy
- For a liberated person, all the enjoyments listed above are considered to be absolutely useless. Only those who are conditioned by the material modes of external energy are captivated by different types of material enjoyment
- For all practical purposes, the whole world is full of nondevotees, and so one kind of very advanced devotee is called bhajananandi. Those who are gosthy-anandi, however, preach to increase the number of devotees
- For many reasons, this beautiful son of yours (of Nanda's) sometimes appeared previously as the son of Vasudeva. Therefore, those who are learned sometimes call this child Vasudeva - SB 10.8.14
- For one who is not renounced, the threefold fruits of action-desirable, undesirable and mixed-accrue after death. But those who are in the renounced order of life have no such results to suffer or enjoy. BG 18.12 - 1972
- For the atomic bombs there is no counterweapon to neutralize the effects. But by subtle science the action of a brahmastra can be counteracted, and those who were expert in the military science in those days could counteract the brahmastra
- For the deliverance of those who are materially conditioned and attached to material enjoyment, performing yajna and following the rules and regulations of the four divisions of society and of spiritual life are recommended
- For the devotees He (Krsna) has all good wishes, and for those who are actually engaged in loving transcendental service of the Lord, He gives particular attention
- For the kanistha-adhikari, neophytes, those who are serious to become, to awaken his attachment for Krsna, they must take to this arcana-marga
- For those who are acting in the modes of passion and ignorance, on the other hand, there is no possibility of liberation. BG 1972 purports
- For those who are addicted to sense enjoyment, spiritual realization is not possible
- For those who are advancing in spiritual life - not only for them but for everyone - the sastras, scriptures, say that you should not sit in a secluded place even with your mother, even with your daughter or your sister
- For those who are already elevated to this platform (of yogic perfection), the means consists of maintaining mental equilibrium (sama) by rejecting all material activity and practicing meditation to keep the mind on the Supreme Lord
- For those who are always engaged in the devotional service of the Personality of Godhead, the duality of the auspicious and inauspicious does not arise
- For those who are always in Krsna consciousness there is no need to perform any kind of pious or impious sacrifices or activities. Krsna consciousness is itself complete, for it includes all the processes praised in the Vedic scriptures
- For those who are attached to this bodily machine, the yoga system is recommended. One who is overly attached to the bodily conception is taught to concentrate the mind by some physical gymnastics
- For those who are cultivating Krsna consciousness, the first business is hearing
- For those who are engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all sinful reactions, whether fructified, in the stock, or in the form of a seed, gradually vanish. BG 1972 purports
- For those who are following the impersonal way to spiritual realization, the path is difficult. They have to understand the unmanifested representation of the Supreme through such Vedic literatures as the Upanisads. BG 1972 purports
- For those who are fruitive workers, the Lord awards the desired results of their prescribed duties, as the yajnesvara; and those who are yogis seeking mystic powers are awarded such powers. BG 1972 purports
- For those who are in the lowest stage of ignorance and who indulge in wine, women and flesh, drinking by performing sautramani-yajna, association of women by marriage and flesh-eating by sacrifices are sometimes recommended
- For those who are less intelligent (like women, laborers or the mercantile class), the great sage Vyasadeva wrote Mahabharata
- For those who are less intelligent (like women, laborers or the mercantile class), the great sage Vyasadeva wrote the Mahabharata. In the Mahabharata Krsna is present in His different activities
- For those who are materially engaged, control of the senses is required, but a devotee's senses are all engaged in the service of the Lord, which means that they are already controlled
- For those who are realized souls there is nothing but spirit
- For those who are sinful, atheistic, foolish and deceitful, it is very difficult to transcend the duality of desire and hate. BG 1972 purports
- For those who are sleeping in the darkness of ignorance, it is not possible to understand how the Supreme Godhead manifests Himself in the material and spiritual worlds. Thus this address by Krsna to Arjuna is significant. BG 1972 purports
- For those who are strong enough, however, there is no question of forgetting
- For those who are too attached to material enjoyment, sense gratification is very difficult to give up. Even when one is an invalid because of old age, one cannot give up such desires for sense gratification
- For those who are very materialistic and cannot understand the situation of the spiritual world, the abode of Krsna, great sages have recommended the yogic process whereby one gradually rises from meditation on the abdomen
- For those whose minds are attached to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme, advancement is very troublesome. To make progrese in that discipline is always difficult for those who are embodied. BG 12.5 - 1972
- Force is required for the animalistic class of men, whereas those who are advanced are convinced by reasons, arguments and scriptural authority
- Fortunate are those who are attracted to the Vedic cultural life
- Four divisions you have to treat in different ways. Prema, Lord, prema, love. Maitri, friendship with devotees. Krpa balisu, those who are innocent, the krpa. Let them learn. And upeksa. As soon as come to the dvisat, no cooperation. Keep aloof
- Frog has never seen Atlantic Ocean. He's calculating, It may be so much big. It may be so much big. It may be so much big. So how this infinity can be calculated by the frog? So those who are calculating infiniteness of tiny soul, they're all Dr. Frogs
- From the very beginning of life, those who are ajitendriya, who cannot control their senses, are educated only for sense gratification, as we have seen in the Western countries
- From this incident (of Vidyadhara) we can learn that those who are too proud of their material assets or who are inimical toward others are degraded to the bodies of snakes
- From this introductory sloka, the beginning student should know that Srimad-Bhagavatam is the only transcendental literature meant for those who are paramahamsas and completely freed from the material disease called malice
- From this statement one can understand that the pure devotees, those who are actually engaged in the service of the Lord, are always very cautious and are never overly proud of their service
- Generally Bengalis, especially those who are meat-eaters and drunkards, are very much attached to worshiping the goddesses Durga, Kali, Sitala and Candi
- Generally these dramas are sentimentalism. Those who are devotees of Chaitanya, they do not discuss much about His renouncing the householder life, but there are certain persons who floodlight the renouncement of Chaitanya in a materialistic way
- Generally those who are free from sinful reaction are righteous. Such persons very easily take to Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Generally those who are very fond of material prosperity approach Lord Siva for such benediction
- Generally, a devotee of Lord Krsna can be placed into one of three groups. One group consists of those who are completely dependent on the merciful affection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Generally, conditioned souls have lost their atma, or self, but those who are transcendentalists have realized the self
- Generally, in the higher planetary system they are more intelligent than the human being. Urdhvam gacchanti sattva-sthah (BG 14.18). Those who are on the platform of goodness, urdhvam gacchanti, they are promoted to the higher planetary system
- Generally, people take to become a devotee of goddess Kali for eating meat. That is their purpose. In the Vedic culture, those who are meat-eaters, they have been advised that "Don't eat meat purchased from the slaughterhouse or from the market"
- Generally, the higher class, Aryans, they did not eat meat; and the lower class, those who were eating meat, they were also checked by regulation. So one who was eating meat without any check, they are mentioned here as unlawful meat-eaters
- Generally, those who are born in sinful families are not accepted by the higher classes. But the process of devotional service and the pure devotee of the SG are so strong that all the lower classes can attain the highest perfection of life. BG 1972 pur
- Generally, those who are exalted personalities lie down when they feel intoxicated, whereas those who are mediocre laugh and sing during intoxication, and those who are lowly use vulgar language and sometimes cry
- Generally, those who are expert in writing drama choose to call Cupid the ideal dhira-lalita, but we can more perfectly find in the personality of Krsna all the characteristics of dhira-lalita
- Generally, those who are impersonalists and inimical to the Supreme Personality of Godhead get entrance only into the impersonal Brahman, when and if they reach spiritual perfection
- Generally, those who are in household life pursue sense gratification in the field of activities performed for material results. Such grhamedhis have only one aim in life - sense gratification
- Generally, those who are rich don't care at all for Krsna consciousness, and those who are born in brahmana families generally become puffed-up, thinking, "I am a brahmana. I am born in a very high family." Thinking this brings about their falldown
- Generally, those who are trying to realize the Absolute Truth first of all realize the brahma-jyotir. Those who concentrate on the Supersoul, the localized form of the Lord in the heart, called Paramatma, are known as paramatmavadis
- Generally, those who are very materialistic or who possess material wealth and prosperity are unable to appreciate the value of transcendental love of God
- Ghost means that those who are too much sinful, they do not get this gross body. They are punished with the position, to remain in the subtle body, at least for some time. That is ghostly life
- Glorification of the transcendental name, fame, attributes, pastimes, and entourage of the PG tastes bitter to those who are suffering from the infection of material consciousness, but it is very sweet to those who have recovered from this infection
- Go means cow, and kharah means ass. Those who are in the bodily concept of life, aham mameti, they are no better than these asses and the cows, means the animals. This is going on
- Good intelligence means going back home, back to Godhead. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.10): "To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me (Krsna) with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me."
- Gopinatha Acarya continued, "Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is celebrated as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Those who are ignorant in this connection find the conclusion of knowledgeable men very difficult to understand"
- Gosthy-anandi, which means those who are preachers and have many followers for preaching the glories of the Lord and who live among those many, many followers just to organize missionary activities
- Government opens some liquor shop, gives license. That does not mean that government is encouraging drinking. The liquor shop is there. Those who are drunkard, they can go. That's a facility. That's all
- Grhamedhi - those who are too much attached in the family affairs. Grhamedhi means one who has made his center of activity home
- Grhasthas, those who are householders, their money should be spent for good cause, not for drinking and eating meat and dancing. No
- He (Carvaka) also maintained that one should not be afraid of death, the next life, the past life or an impious life because after the body is burnt to ashes, everything is finished. This is the philosophy of those who are too much materially addicted
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) frankly admitted that his heart was full of material desires. He was very much affected by the cruel words of his stepmother, whereas those who are spiritually advanced do not care about anyone's condemnation or adoration
- He (Kardama Muni) gives evidence that those who are actually elevated in yoga aspire in life after life to see this form of the Personality of Godhead
- He (Kardama) was not a fictitious yogi. Those who are actually on the advanced path aspire only to see the eternal form of the Lord
- He (Lord Caitanya) never advertises Himself that He is avatara. But experienced munis, those who are liberated souls, those who are expert in Vedic knowledge, they understand that this is avatara, or incarnation
- He (Sanatana Goswami) has strictly forbidden. Those who are not Vaisnavas, professional, for money's sake they recite Bhagavata, any, anything. They want money
- He (Sri Krsna Caitanya) preached the process of chanting Hare Krsna, and those who are under His lotus feet are glorious
- He is worshiped by Lord Brahma and Siva and all those who are transcendental to all pretensions. Being so revered with awe and veneration, may that Supreme Absolute be pleased with me
- He may be dreaming so many things, or he may be crying. He cannot express what is going on. Those who are very sinful especially die in that way
- He who is situated in the heart of everyone can be pleased to impart, from within, knowledge of the Absolute Truth in terms of the ancient Vedic principles delivered only to those who are purified by the process of devotional service
- Here (in SB 3.21.50) two terms are clearly mentioned: vadhaya, "for the purpose of killing," and asatam, "those who are undesirable." The protecting energy of the king is supposed to be the energy of the Supreme Lord
- Here (In the material world) we have a very loving son or child, but the father and mother, or those who are affectionate towards him, always hope, "May my son not die." But Krsna actually never will die
- Here (in this world) those who are materially prosperous, they are also criminals but first-class criminals. That is the difference & those who are suffering materially, they are also criminals. They are third-class criminals. But all of them criminals
- Here is proof that God is good for everyone. Even when He kills someone, the one who is killed attains liberation. What then is to be said of those who are already in the association of the Lord?
- Hindu, Muslim, or whatever you may be, everyone accepts there is God. So we are teaching not to formally accept there is God, but know what is God and love Him. So those who are interested for higher knowledge of God, they'll take it
- His (Caitanya's) prediction is now factually being fulfilled, and those who are sober and conscientious are appreciating the value of this great movement
- His (God's) pure devotees, the Vaisnavas, are traveling all over the world, but those who are under the modes of material nature cannot understand the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of this cosmic manifestation, or the Vaisnavas
- His killing and maintaining are the same because He is absolute. Those who are killed by Krsna immediately attain salvation, which generally takes millions of years to get
- Household life is for one who is attached, and the vanaprastha and sannyasa orders of life are for those who are detached from material life. The brahmacari-asrama is especially meant for training both the attached and detached
- How can one be happy? I have already explained the gross external energy and the subtle external energy. Those who are interested in this gross and subtle external energy will never have their ambition of life fulfilled
- How can those who are like animals in the bodily concept of life, and who have no purity of consciousness, practice yoga
- Human beings have two kinds of temperament. Some are introspective, and the others are extravagant. Those who are extravagant are enamored of the external features of phenomenal beauty and have no insight into the whole manifestation
- Human society means that society which is making progress toward spiritual realization. The most advanced human society was known as arya; arya refers to those who are advancing. So the question is, which society is advancing
- I am combination of spirit and matter. As soon as I am spirit, I am away from this matter, this body becomes matter. "Dust thou art; dust thou beist." Yes. So those who are mahatma, they have to take shelter of the spiritual energy
- I am glad also that you have a new gosala. Let other farms see what is our behavior for the cows and how we derive benefit from them and that will be the living example to persons who are using cow flesh rather than cow milk
- I have heard with delight of your preaching attempts in Corsica. That is one of our businesses, to expose these rascals who are cheating and who have no spiritual asset
- I must give you the message. It is very important message. Those of you who are feeling frustration and confused, kindly take to this chanting of Hare Krsna mantra, that's all. You... There is no expenditure, there is no loss
- I think those who are Christian priests, they should cooperate with this movement, chant the name of Christ or Christo and stop animal killing. This is according to Bible
- If I want to make my mind as my friend, then I have to associate with sadhu. Tasmat satsu sajyeta buddhiman. Buddhiman means intelligent person. He must associate with satsu. Satsu means those who are trying for self-realization
- If Krsna is authority accepted, therefore who are directly addicted to Krsna, they are authorities
- If one chants once only, it is to be understood that he has already passed all the examinations, not to speak of those who are chanting always, twenty-four hours a day. It is specifically said here (in SB 3.33.7), tubhyam: "unto You only
- If one is seated on the bench of a high-court and is giving judgment on cases, it means that he has already passed all legal exams and is better than those who are engaged in the study of law or those expecting to study law in the future
- If one wants to become a millionaire in the future and enjoy his riches, he has to work very hard at the present moment in order to accumulate money. This is karma-kandiya. Those who are too much attached to such a path undergo the risk anyway
- If someone calls Lord Ramacandra by the vibration Hare Rama, O Lord Ramacandra! he is quite right. Similarly, if one says that Hare Rama means, O Sri Balarama! he is also right. Those who are aware of the visnu-tattva do not fight over all these details
- If the Supreme Lord feeds and maintains even the worst sinners, reprobates, and helpless souls, then what to speak of those who are eternally surrendered to His lotus feet ?
- If there are so many foreign brahmanas in India and I am making brahmana in the Western countries, if they are still fallen, then what is this attempt? My attempt is futile. So kindly be responsible, those who are second initiated
- If there is difficulty, atheist class of men, and it is very difficult. So take innocent, those who are actually eager to know. Everyone should be. That is the human life. Athato brahma jijnasa
- If those who are attached to demigod worship fortunately associate with the devotees, their dormant devotional service and appreciation of the Lord's qualities gradually awaken. In this way they also engage in Krsna's devotional service
- If we cannot understand the SPG, what is to be said of those who're most insignificant in their bodily constitutions, being situated in the modes of passion & ignorance? How can they understand the Lord? Let us offer our respectful obeisances unto Him
- If we hear from those who are actually self realized, then the nectarean rivers, like those which are flowing on the moon planet, will flow into our ears. This is the metaphor used in the above verse
- If you are unaware of what is God, what do you mean by God, and you are very, very religious, that is useless. One must know God. So therefore, those who are in the lowest grade of human life, they cannot understand
- Imitating the behavior of Sumati, they (Jains) claim to be the descendants of Rsabhadeva. Those who are Vaisnavas carefully avoid their company because they are ignorant of the path of the Vedas
- Impersonalists imagine that they see the form of Visnu, or the Lord, but those who are personalists do not imagine this - they actually see the form of the Supreme Lord
- In all respects Vasudeva, Krsna, is the Supreme Lord, and Lord Siva is very satisfied with those who are completely surrendered to Him
- In America it may sometimes be very chilly in the morning, and that may make taking one's morning bath a little difficult. But does that mean that those who are devotees will stop taking their prescribed morning bath? No
- In BG (9.32) Krsna says: "O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me - though they be lowborn, women, vaisyas (merchants) or sudras (workers) - can approach the supreme destination." The word papa-yoni refers to those who are less than sudras
- In BG the PG says the following words: O son of Prtha, even those who are faithless and are of lower birth - including fallen women or professional prostitutes, ignorant manual laborers all shall attain perfection and reach the Kingdom of God
- In BG, 16th Chapter, verses 19 & 20, it is said that those who are envious of the Lord & His devotees are thrown into the species of abominable life; life after life such fools are unable to remember the SPG, and therefore they continue going down & down
- In Bhagavad-gita (16.19) Lord Krsna says: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- In Bhagavad-gita (16.19-20) the Lord says: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- In Bhagavad-gita (9.25) it is said, pitrn yanti pitr-vratah. Those who are interested in family welfare are called pitr-vratah
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.10) the Lord says: "To those who are constantly devoted and who worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me." This is very practical
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19-20) the Lord says: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.11) Krsna rebuked Arjuna by saying: "While speaking learned words, you are mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament neither for the living nor the dead"
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21) we find, ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: those who are elevated to the higher planetary systems must come down again as soon as the results of their pious activities are exhausted
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that those who are pious (sukrti) can decide that in a dangerous or awkward condition one should seek shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna says, avajananti mam mudhah: (BG 9.11) Those who are rascals and fools deride Me
- In Bhagavad-gita materialistic persons are described as duskrtinah, which indicates those who are always engaged in sinful activities
- In Bhagavad-gita the three destinations are described as destinations of persons in the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. It is stated in the Gita that those who are in mode of goodness are promoted to better living conditions in higher planets
- In comparison to mundane workers, those who are trying to be elevated to the higher planetary systems by performing yajnas are undoubtedly superior. In pure devotional service, however, both karma and jnana are considered bewildering features
- In contrast with the ordinary living entity, those who are transcendentalists are really learned. Such transcendentalists do not perform any work in the manner of the common mundaner
- In due course of time, various types of diseases are manifest in those who are sinful. Similarly, in this world there are many deceptive friends in false garbs, but eventually, because of their false behavior, their actual enmity becomes manifest
- In every country, those who are supposed to be on the counselor in the matter of giving people good ideas how to conduct society, that class of men, is finished now. Similarly, the administrative class of men
- In fact, those who are pure devotees of Your lotus feet have no desire for material opulences
- In his Bhakti-sandarbha Jiva Gosvami has stated that those who are actually very serious about devotional service do not differentiate between the form of the Lord made of clay, metal, stone or wood and the original form of the Lord
- In India it is the old custom that a prostitute quarter is maintained for the lusty people. Those who are not satisfied with one wife, they should not pollute the society, but they should go to the prostitutes. So that means illicit sex
- In India, those who are very serious about practicing yoga go to Hardwar, a very secluded place in the Himalayas, where they remain alone and follow a very restrictive process for eating and sleeping. There is no question of mating
- In India, women or even men, those who are in the village life . . . well, I don't say all, but most of them, they obey these things right from the very childhood itself
- In modern civilization, human society is too busy in discharging national duties. Actually, national duties, social duties and humanitarian duties are obligatory only to those who are bereft of spiritual duties
- In order to get out of this blazing fire of material existence, which is a combination of rajas-tamah-sattva-guna, one has to take to this devotional service, and that can be achieved only by hearing from munibhir mahatmabhih, those who are munis
- In other words, those who are after material enjoyment and those who are against the supremacy of the Lord are called avaisnava, and their company should be strictly avoided
- In other words, those who are already promoted to the Vaikuntha planets and possess the four kinds of liberation may also sometimes develop affection for Krsna and become promoted to Krsna-loka
- In other words, those who are attached to Srimad-Bhagavatam do not care for any kind of benefit derived from elevation to the higher planetary kingdoms, or for the liberation which is conceived of by the impersonalists
- In plain language it is advised that an exalted saintly person avoid the association of those who are materially inclined
- In Siddhaloka (Brahmaloka) there live two kinds of living entities - those who are killed by the SP of Godhead due to their having been demons in their previous lives and those who are very fond of enjoying the impersonal effulgence of the Lord
- In spite of hearing the glories of devotional service, they (those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance) are not attracted. Thus they manufacture their own way of elevation. These are some of the defects of human society. BG 1972 purports
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (7.5.30-31) it is stated that those who are captivated by the temporary beauties of the external energy forget the real aim of life, which is to go back to Godhead
- In the 67th verse of this chapter (BG 18), the Lord explicitly forbade the Gita's being spoken to those who are envious of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In the atmarama verse of the SB, it is said that those who are already situated on the platform of self-realization are attracted by the transcendental qualities of Krsna. This means that Krsna's qualities are not material but pure and transcendental
- In the beginning of Kali-yuga, the Lord will appear as Lord Buddha, the son of Anjana, in the province of Gaya, just for the purpose of deluding those who are envious of the faithful theist
- In the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam it is therefore said that Srimad-Bhagavatam is meant for those who are completely nirmatsara (nonenvious). In other words, one who is not free from the contamination of envy cannot advance in Krsna consciousness
- In the beginning, those who are aspiring for salvation try to get out of the material entanglement by performing painful austerities and penances, and ultimately they come to the impersonal status of spiritual realization
- In the BG 7.16 it is confirmed: If backed by pious activities in the past, four kinds of men - namely those who are distressed, those in need of money, those searching after knowledge & those who are inquisitive - become interested in devotional service
- In the BG you'll find. Read BG very carefully. Bhunjate te tv agham papa ye pacanty atma-karanat "Those who are eating and cooking for themselves, for satisfying the taste, such persons are eating the resultant action of sinful acts." They are all sinful
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.10) the Supreme Lord (Krsna) says: To those who are constantly devoted to worshiping Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 12.5) it is said that those who are attached to the impersonal feature of the Absolute are liable to many troubles in the pursuit of their desired goal
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 12.5) it is stated that those who are much inclined to the formless conception of the Supreme Truth are more troubled than those who can intelligently conceive of the personal form
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.20-23) it is clearly said that those who are mad after material enjoyment approach the different demigods for temporary benefits, which are meant for men with a poor fund of knowledge
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that those who are mahatmas, or those whose minds have been so broadened as to be engaged in the service of Lord Krsna, are under the influence of the internal potency
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that to those who are constantly engaged in devotional service with love and affection, the Supreme Personality of Godhead gives intelligence from within, and thus they may make further progress
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, "O son of Prtha, even the low-born candalas and those who are born in a family of unbelievers, and even the prostitutes, shall attain perfection of life if they take shelter of unalloyed devotional service to Me"
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that those who are attached to the Syamasundara form of Krsna in love and devotion can see Him always within the heart and cannot see anything else. BG 1972 purports
- In the eyes of the common man he may become a very great scientist, but those who are advanced in spiritual consciousness, they will take him no better than cat and dog - because his subject matter is how to eat, sleep or mate or defend
- In the Gita (BG 16.19) the Lord (Krsna) says: "Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life"
- In the higher sense, everything is serving Krsna, and those who are highly elevated understand this
- In the International Society for KC, those who are twice initiated so as to become brahmanas must bear in mind their great responsibility to be truthful, control the mind and senses, be tolerant, and so on. Then their life will be successful
- In the line of devotional service, those who are initiated are strict followers of the Vedic scriptural injunctions
- In the Mahabharata there is a verse - ramante yogino 'nante - to the effect that the yogis (yogino), those who are endeavoring to elevate themselves to the spiritual platform, are actually enjoying (ramante), but their enjoyment is anante, endless
- In the material world, those who are elevated to the higher planetary systems are supposed to enjoy all material facilities, whereas those degraded to lower planetary systems are supposed to live in a hellish condition
- In the material world, when one is not covered by the gross body but subtle body, they are called ghosts or pramathas. Those who are good, not harmful, they are called pramathas
- In the minds of those who are too attached to sense enjoyment and material opulence, and who are bewildered by such things, the resolute determination for devotional service to the Supreme Lord does not take place
- In the minds of those who are too attached to sense enjoyment and material opulence, and who are bewildered by such things, the resolute determination of devotional service to the Supreme Lord does not take place - BG 2.44
- In the minds of those who are too attached to sense enjoyment and material opulence, and who are bewildered by such things, the resolute determination of devotional service to the Supreme Lord does not take place. BG 2.44 - 1972
- In the Nandana Gardens - a "Garden of Eden" - those who are qualified can enjoy varieties of beautiful women called Apsaras
- In the Padma Purana it is said that those who are envious and always angry at the Lord are unfit to know the actual and eternal form of the Lord. In the Bhagavatam also it is said that the Lord appeared like a thunderbolt to those who were wrestlers
- In the Padma Purana Lord Siva tells Bhagavatidevi: My dear Devi, sometimes I teach Mayavadi philosophy for those who are engrossed in the mode of ignorance. But if a person in the mode of goodness happens to hear this Mayavadi philosophy, he falls down
- In the Padma Purana, man's sinful activities have been analyzed and are shown to be the results of sin after sin. Those who are engaged in fruitive activities are entangled in different stages and forms of sinful reactions. BG 1972 purports
- In the previous verse (SB 4.29.45), those who are in knowledge have been described as unable to appreciate the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Rg Veda it is stated, tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah: Visnu is the Supreme, and those who are actually learned think only of His lotus feet
- In the Satya-yuga this meditation is possible, not in this age. Therefore those who are imitating the process of the Satya-yuga, they are simply wasting time. That's all. That is not recommended. Nobody can meditate in this age
- In the SB there is a statement about the Absolute Truth, what is the Absolute Truth. That it is stated,"Those who are actually in knowledge of the Absolute Truth, they speak of the Absolute Truth in this way." Advaya-jnanam: nondual. There is no duality
- In the Skanda Purana it is said that those who are attached to ritualistic activities, the four orders of social life and the four orders of spiritual life, are considered devotees
- In the spiritual sky the Lord and those who are eternally engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord are all eternally young because there is no old age and disease and there is no death. Because there is no death there is no birth
- In the spiritual world all those who are in the devotional service of the Lord are eternally fixed, for they understand the position of the Supreme Being, as well as their individual constitution
- In the Third Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam Kapila Muni mentions that those who are expert in fruitive activities and sacrificial methods on earth attain to the moon at death
- In the Third Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam we are informed that those who are expert in fruitive activities and sacrificial methods on earth attain to the moon at death. BG 1972 purports
- In the Third Chapter (of BG), verse thirteen, Sri Krsna explains that only the remains of sacrifice are purified and fit for consumption by those who are seeking advancement in life and release from the clutches of the material entanglement. BG 1972 pur
- In the Vedas there are directions for two kinds of activities - activities for those who are attached to material enjoyment and activities for those who are materially detached
- In the Vedas two different types of injunctions are there for the pravrttas, or those who are engaged in material enjoyment, and for the nivrttas, or those who are liberated from material bondage
- In the Vedic literature, in the rg-mantra hymns of the Rg Veda, it is stated that those who are actually brahmanas always look to the lotus feet of Visnu: om tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah
- In the Vedic mantra, Rg mantra, it is said, tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah (Rg-veda 1.22.20). Those who are demigods, they are always surayah
- In the Vedic mantra, Rg mantra, it is said, tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah (Rg-veda 1.22.20). Those who are demigods, they are always surayah. Surayah means . . . just like Aryans and non-Aryans
- In these prayers of Brahma (regarding our insignificance in comparison to God as mentioned in SB 10.14.11) there is much to learn for those who are falsely puffed up by the accumulation of power
- In this age no one needs to change his position, but one should give up the endeavor to understand the Absolute Truth by speculative reasoning. One should learn to become the servant of those who are in knowledge of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In this Age of Kali, those who are intelligent perform the congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appears in this age always describing the glories of Krsna
- In this atmarama verse it is stated that even those who are completely liberated from material contamination are attracted by the transcendental qualities of Lord Krsna
- In this life we have to prepare ourselves for promotion to the next life. Those who are in the mode of rajo-guna are generally interested in being promoted to the heavenly planets. Some, unknowingly, are degraded to lower animal forms
- In this material world, every human being has a short span of life, but those who are engaged in devotional service go back home, back to Godhead, for they are actually on the path of liberation. For such persons, there is nothing which is not available
- In this material world, if you want to see God, God is everywhere. It is His energy. Just like in the Ford factory, the workers see in every corner Mr. Ford, similarly, those who are conversant with this science they can see in every atom the Supreme Lord
- In this verse (SB 3.32.28) it is clearly said that those who are averse to the Supreme Personality of Godhead speculate with their imperfect senses about the nature of the Absolute Truth
- In this verse (SB 4.14.1) the significant word is ksema-darsinah, which refers to those who are always looking after the welfare of the people in general
- In this verse (SB 4.24.41) the word duhkha-daya is also very significant, for those who are nondevotees are perpetually put into the cycle of birth and death. This is a very miserable condition
- In this verse (SB 5.11.2), two words are significant - veda-vada and tattva-vada. According to Bhagavad-gita, those who are simply attached to the Vedas and who do not understand the purpose of the Vedas or the Vedanta-sutra are called veda-vada-ratah
- Indeed, he (the conditioned soul) commits abominable acts that cause him to suffer both in this life and in the next. Consequently illicit sex must be stopped by those who are spiritually inclined or who are on the path of spiritual realization
- Indeed, they (those who are spiritually advanced are not interested in material opulence) accept only the bare necessities for a life of spiritual advancement in self-realization
- India is enriched with Vedic knowledge, and those who are born in India, they should take advantage of this facility, especially those who are in the higher topmost ranks, the brahmanas, the ksatriyas, the vaisyas. Especially the brahmanas
- Inside cleanliness is very important thing. If the bowel is not clear, if the stools are congested . . . the appendicitis disease. Those who are constipated, gradually inside their stool becomes dry, and it becomes a block to the intestine
- Instead of being envious that Krsna consciousness is spreading all over the world by the grace of Lord Caitanya, those who are jealous should be happy, as indicated here (in CC Adi 7.27) by the words parama ullasa
- Instead of receiving some service from him to the state, the state has got to spend unnecessarily for him. That is a botheration. So those who are in indirect relationship with Krsna, they are botheration. They are simply giving trouble to Krsna
- Instead of wasting time performing Vedic sacrifices, those who are intelligent, those who possess good brain substance, should take to the chanting of the Lord's holy name and thus perform sacrifice perfectly
- Insurmountable, eternal time imperceptibly overcomes those who are too much attached to family affairs and are always engrossed in their thought
- Isvaranam, those who are isvaras, the controllers, there is no fault. You should not imitate them; simply you should imitate their instruction. Not that their activities which we may not understand, why he is doing that
- It (the spiritual master is as good as God) is stated in the sastras, and therefore those who are advanced in spiritual life accept this spiritual injunction - uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih
- It does not matter whether one is born in India or outside India. Those who are naturally very heroic and who tend to rule over others are called ksatriyas
- It does not matter whether we are born in papa-yoni or punya-yoni. Punya-yoni, those who are born in punya-yoni, in nice family, for them it is very easy and natural
- It is advised that one read them (the life and history of Prthu Maharaja) at least three times. Those who are materially afflicted will so benefit by hearing of the Supreme Lord and His devotees that they need not go to any demigod
- It is also said that the Mahabharata was compiled by Vyasadeva because the direct Vedic knowledge could not be understood by women, sudras and dvija-bandhus, those who are born in brahmana families but are not qualified brahmanas
- It is clearly stated in the Bhagavad-gita that those who are worshipers of the demigods will ultimately reach only the planets of those demigods, while those who are devotees of the Lord Himself will be promoted to the Lord's abode, the kingdom of God
- It is condemned in this sense, that those who are thinking that "I have got this temple. Let people come here out of sentiment and they'll pay, and it will be a source of income for my filling up belly..." This is most condemned
- It is confirmed in Srimad Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.10): To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me (Krsna) with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: those who are engaged in the devotional service of the Lord have already transcended the material position
- It is customary that Siva is one of those who are offered respects, but Sati, while personally present in the arena, saw that the brahmanas did not utter the mantra offering oblations to Lord Siva, namah sivaya svaha
- It is enjoined in the Vedic scriptures that those who are attached to the enjoyment of material facilities have to sacrifice and undergo certain ritualistic performances
- It is forbidden, those who are nondevotee, those who are not initiated, those who are not chanting regularly, their offering to Krsna will not be accepted. We must be very careful. We must know our position
- It is God who is supplying food, but still we are creating rebellion against Him. The word dhruk means "rebellious." Those rascals who are going against the law of God are rebellious
- It is not a fact that those who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth are free from the material miseries of birth, old age, disease and death. The conclusion is that one cannot be happy by simply executing pious or impious activities
- It is not astonishing that impediments are placed before those who are spreading the Krsna consciousness movement all over the world
- It is not possible to bring back the monkeys and cats and dogs to Krsna consciousness. That is not possible. So those who are of the dog's mentality, cat's mentality, monkey mentality, it is difficult for them
- It is remarked by the Lord Himself that those who are attached to this impersonal feature of the Lord suffer a very troublesome task because no one can concentrate on the impersonal feature
- It is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam that if one gets an opportunity to serve a great soul - a mahatma - his path to liberation is open. However, those who are attached to materialistic persons are on the path of darkness
- It is said that Hari, the Personality of Godhead, is so transcendentally attractive that even those who are self-satisfied by self-realization and are factually liberated from all material bondage also become devotees of the Lord
- It is said that He (God) can run faster than anyone. Those who are running after other planets are certainly persons, and if the Lord can run faster than all of them, how can He be impersonal?
- It is said that those who are miscreants and the lowest of mankind, who are fools and asses, cannot accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead because of their demoniac nature
- It is said there that those who are sober devotees can offer their submission to Krsna in three ways: 1) samprathanatmika, very feelingly offering prayers; 2) dainyavodhika, humbly submitting oneself; 3) lalasamayi, desiring some perfectional stage
- It is stated in BG that those who are advocates of knowledge alone, without any religious ritualistic processes, advance in knowledge after many, many lifetimes of speculation & thus come to the conclusion that Vasudeva is the supreme cause of everything
- It is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that those who are atmarama, self-satisfied, are freed from all contaminations of the material modes of nature
- It is stated that the worshipers of the demigods go to the different planets of the demigods, and those who are devotees of Lord Krsna go to the Krsnaloka planet. BG 1972 purports
- It is stated there that four classes of men - namely those who are distressed, those who are in need of money, those who are inquisitive and those who are wise - begin devotional service
- It is the duty of the elderly son, those who are advanced, not to kill the insufficient son, but to give them education of Krsna consciousness
- It is very easy and practical for this age (chanting Krsna's holy name), especially for those who are serious about success in yoga. No other process of yoga can be successful in this age
- Jesus Christ also was killed by the sura-dvisam, those who were envious of him. What was his fault? His only fault was that he was preaching about God. Yet he had so many enemies, who cruelly crucified him. Therefore Krsna comes to kill such sura-dvisam
- Jnanis concentrate on the virat-rupa, the gigantic universal form of the Lord. This is a good system in the beginning for those who are extremely materialistic, but there is no need to think continuously of the virat-rupa
- Jnanis want to become one with the Supreme or liberation, so it should be uncovered by the result of jnana and karma and fully devoid of any other desire. That is bhakti. So those who are bhaktas and desiring after liberation, they are not pure bhakta
- Just as the five gross elements of nature - namely earth, water, fire, air and ether - are both within and without all living beings in this world, the Supreme Lord is both inside and outside this existence, & those who are His devotees can realize this
- Just as those who are greedy see everything as a source of money-making and those who are lusty see everything as being conducive to sex, the most perfect devotee, Prahlada Maharaja, saw Narayana even within a stone column
- Just like in infectious condition, those who are vaccinated, given injection, he is supposed to be purified. He cannot be attacked or infected by the disease. Similarly, in spiritual life also one has to remain purified
- Just like Krishna has no differentiation between body and soul, similarly, those who are transferred or living eternally in the spiritual sky, they haven't got also such distinction, between spirit and body
- Just like the jet plane takes the friendly sky. So we have to take the friendly energy, the spiritual energy. Mahatma, those who are mahatma, great souls, they take shelter of the nature where there is no more cloud
- Just like this child. She has taken birth having Vaisnava father and mother. So she must have been a Vaisnavi or a Vaisnava in her previous life. Because this is an opportunity from the... All our children, those who are born of a Vaisnava father, mother
- Just try to consider this subject. Those who are actually advanced scholars, who are in knowledge, do not find any qualitative difference between you and Me
- Kaminam, those who are very lustful, what is their pleasure spot? That vagina, that's all. That urinal. That is their pleasure. Is urinal, is very nice place? But he's sophisticated. He finds, "Oh, this is very nice place." This analytical study
- Kapiladeva discusses pious and impious activities and the symptoms of those who are devoid of devotional service to Krsna
- Kapiladeva said to His mother, "My dear Mother, those who are My pure devotees, who have no desire for material benefit or philosophical speculation, have their minds so much engaged in My service that they are never interested in asking Me for anything"
- Karmis grossly try to satisfy their senses, but even those who are elevated to the platform of knowledge also try to satisfy themselves, in a subtle form
- Kavis are those who are capable of thinking thoroughly on any subject matter. BG 1972 purports
- Killing of animal does not mean that if a man kills a cow or goat for eating, he is killing, and those who are vegetarian, they are not killing. They are also killing. A vegetable has also got life
- Kindly be responsible, those who are second initiated. If you fall down, then the whole movement becomes false. That is happening. So rectify if that is happening, that guna-karma. You must acquire the qualities & must act accordingly. That is practical
- Knowledge means knowledge of God. Any scripture that gives knowledge of God, that is Veda. Don't think that Vedas means that only the Sama, Yajur, Atharva. Those who are following the principles to give knowledge about God, that is Veda
- Knowledge means those who are situated in the quality of goodness, prakasa, everything is clearly understood. That is knowledge
- Krpanah means those who are anxious for enjoying sense gratification, by the fruits of their labor. They are called krpana
- Krsna also has said. It is not my manufactured thing, that I am saying everyone is rascal. Krsna said, na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah (BG 7.15) Mudhas, rascals. - Those who are rascals, they do not surrender to Me
- Krsna and His transcendental name, form and activities are all of a transcendental nature, ordinary persons or those who are only slightly advanced cannot understand them
- Krsna and maya; light and shadow. If you don't serve Krsna, then you have to serve maya. And those who are serving maya in the name of Krsna, they are called Mayavadi
- Krsna confirms in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.10): To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- Krsna consciousness is transcendental to all these three modes of material nature, and those who are truly established in Krsna consciousness are actually liberated. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna consciousness movement is the greatest welfare activities to the human society. Those who are intelligent enough, they should try to understand it and help it as much as possible. Otherwise it is very risky civilization
- Krsna consciousness movement, is very, very important and essential. Those who are sober, they are understanding it
- Krsna declares: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among mankind, I perpetually cast into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life - BG 16.19
- Krsna describes in the Bhagavad-gita: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, I perpetually cast into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- Krsna first appeared before His parents Devaki and Vasudeva in a four-handed form, and then He transformed Himself into the two-handed form. This mystery is very difficult to understand for those who are atheists or who are devoid of DS. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna has taken charge of everyone, but especially yo tu bhajanti yam pritya tesu te mayi. Those who are devotee, for them special care
- Krsna indicates that those who are devoted to enjoyment and power are carried away by the words of the Vedas, which promise heavenly enjoyment by sacrifice and regulated activity
- Krsna is accepted higher authority not only by us, by big acaryas like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, those who are guiding our Vedic life in India, Caitanya. So Krsna is accepted the highest authority
- Krsna is easily visible, but He is only visible to those who are devoted to Him. For those who are envious, foolish or unintelligent, He obscures Himself with His veil of maya
- Krsna is so very merciful to those who are very humble in their attitude engaged in the service of God. Caitanya advised, therefore, one should be humbler than the straw and more tolerant than the tree and thus be seriously engaged in glorifying the Lord
- Krsna is the real friend. So if the gopis dance with the real friend, what is the wrong there? What is the wrong there? But those who are rascals, who do not know Krsna, they think it is immoral. It is not immoral
- Krsna persisted, "My dear father, for those who are liberal and saintly, there is no secrecy. They do not think anyone to be a friend, an enemy or a neutral party, because they are always open to everyone"
- Krsna said to Arjuna, "You are fighting for Me; therefore you are not asura." Those who are fighting for their sense gratification, they're asuras, but if need be fighting for, for cause, right cause...
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19): Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- Krsna says that "I give him intelligence." To whom? Satata-yuktanam, those who are engaged twenty-four hours. In which way he is engaged? Bhajatam, bhajana, those who are engaged in devotional service
- Krsna says, "Those who are simply attached to Me by loving service. These devotees have everything at their disposal, but they desire nothing outside of My devotional service"
- Krsna says, dehantara-prapti: transformation of another body. So another body may be in the second class or third class or any class. Never says human body. Human body is guaranteed only for the yogis, those who are trying to advance spiritually
- Krsna says, that those who are miscreants, always disobeying the laws of nature or always denying the prime factor behind the wonderful activities of nature, are mudha, rascals
- Krsna wanted to draw the attention of His mother, but while doing so He created a great havoc not understandable by ordinary persons. Those who are fortunate are struck with wonder upon hearing of these extraordinary activities of the Lord
- Krsna's fine discretion was exhibited when He was fighting with the untouchable king who attacked the city of Mathura. According to Vedic rites, those who are untouchable are not to be touched by the ksatriya kings, not even for killing
- Krsna's name, attributes and form are Absolute Truth, existing before the creation. Therefore, how can those who are created - that is, those entrapped in bodies created of material elements - understand Krsna perfectly? This is not possible
- Ksatriyas are generally endowed with material qualities conducive to gaining material wealth and enjoying sense gratification, but those who are spiritually advanced are not interested in material opulence
- Kumbhipaka is meant for persons who are unnecessarily envious. Those who are envious of the activities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are punished in that hellish condition
- Kunti is authority. How she has become authority? Because she has followed the authorities - Brahma, Narada, Svayambhu. Those who are strictly following the statements of the authorities, they are also authority
- Kuntidevi distinctly says, kecid ahuh: "some foolish persons may say that He has taken birth." Krsna Himself also says in BG (9.11), - Because I have appeared just like a human being, those who are rascals think that I am also just like an ordinary human
- Kuntidevi says that those who are increasing their own intoxication cannot become Krsna conscious
- Kuntidevi says that those who are intoxicated in this way cannot feelingly address the Lord. They cannot feelingly say, jaya radha-madhava: "All glories to Radha and Krsna!" They have lost their spiritual feeling
- Kuntidevi says, "You are meant for the paramahamsas, not for the rascals and fools. You are meant for the paramahamsas and munis." The word muninam refers to those who are thoughtful or to mental speculators
- Kuntidevi, while offering prayers to Krsna, addressed Him as akincana-gocara, one who is easily approached by those who are bereft of all material acquisitions
- Kuruksetra is a place which is still a place of pilgrimage. The Hindus, those who are followers of Vedic rites, they go there. They perform religious rituals. And there is Vedic injunction, kuru-ksetre dharmam acaret, dharma yajet
- Lawyers have to resort to all sorts of trickery to get around a law in which they have become professionally entangled. And of course, those who are in the service of other professions have to do the same kind of thing without fail
- Let me now begin speaking on the Bhagavata Purana, which was directly spoken to the great sages by the Personality of Godhead for the benefit of those who are entangled in extreme miseries for the sake of very little pleasure
- Liberation of those who are on the transcendental platform of love and affection is vimukti, special liberation
- Lord Buddha wanted to stop completely animal-killing; so therefore he adopted a new type of religion. But those who were followers of Vedic religion, they did not accept because that is not religion because it is against the Vedas
- Lord Caitanya is described as follows: He is the only shelter for the forlorn, for the most fallen, and He is the only hope for those who are completely devoid of spiritual knowledge. Let us try to discuss His great contribution of devotional service
- Lord Caitanya next inquired about those who are after material happiness and liberation from material bondage. "Where do they ultimately go?" He asked Ramananda Raya
- Lord Caitanya quotes the verse from SB 1.2.11: Those who are knowers of the Absolute Truth describe the Absolute Truth in three features as impersonal Brahman, localized all-pervading Supersoul, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Lord Caitanya said Bhattacarya: The devotional service of the Supreme Lord is so attractive that even those who are already liberated become devotees by the inconceivable potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Govinda says, "To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me"
- Lord Jesus Christ, he also preached the sense of God, or Krsna consciousness. It is the duty of devotee. It is the duty of good son of God, but those who are in the lower status, they have not developed such consciousness
- Lord Krsna cannot be accepted as one of the human beings, even though He played the role of an obedient son. His actions were so extraordinary that by the simple raising of His eyebrows He could deliver death-blows to those who were burdening the earth
- Lord Krsna confirms this also in Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.10): To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- Lord Krsna says that faithful, those who are faithful, they can acquire transcendental knowledge
- Lord Krsna says: Those who are envious of Me, I put them into the asuri yoni
- Lord Krsna states in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.10): To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me (Krsna) with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- Lord Narayana is the ultimate goal of sannyasis, those in the renounced order of life, and Narayana is worshiped through this sankirtana movement by those who are liberated from material contamination. Indeed, they recite the holy name again and again
- Lord Ramacandra manifested the truth both spiritually & materially. Materially those who are attached to women suffer, but spiritually when there are feelings of separation between the Lord & His pleasure potency the spiritual bliss of the Lord increases
- Lord Siva is described here as bhuta-rat. The ghosts and those who are situated in the material mode of ignorance are called bhutas, so bhuta-rat refers to the leader of the creatures who are in the lowest standard of the material modes of nature
- Lord Siva is known as Rudra, and his wife is known as Rudrani. Rudrani and Rudra refer to those who are accustomed to putting others in distress to cry forever. Rukmini was thinking of goddess Durga as Girija, the daughter of the Himalayan Mountains
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has freely given this love of Krsna everywhere and anywhere, even to the most fallen, such as Jagai and Madhai. What then to speak of those who are already pious and elevated?
- Lord Vasudeva is the only shelter of those who are actually afraid of material existence. By constantly thinking of His lotus feet, these three sons of Maharaja Priyavrata became advanced in pure devotional service
- Madhye tisthanti rajasah. Madhye, in the middle planetary system, those who are contaminated with the passion quality, they remain
- Mahabharata, which was especially prepared for the less intelligent class, namely the women, the laborers and those who are worthless descendants of the brahmanas, ksatriyas and higher sections of the vaisyas
- Mahajana means those who are authorized person by God, one who knows what is the law of God, he's mahajana. He mahajana. So a guru is mahajana because he knows what is religion and what is the law given by God
- Maharaja Bharata thought that since the demigods were different parts of Vasudeva's body, He controls those who are explained in the Vedic mantras. By thinking in this way, Maharaja Bharata was freed from all material contamination
- Maharaja Pariksit has compared their (Those who are attached to Vedic ritualistic ceremonies) activities to kunjara-sauca, the bathing of an elephant
- Mahatma, those who are great souls, in their spiritual society of Krsna consciousness, by discussing about Krsna as in terms of the Vedic literature and authoritative literature, they enjoy transcendentally. This is transcendental pleasure
- Mahiyasam pada-rajo-'bhisekam: the dust of the lotus feet of great personalities offers all good to the recipient, but the same dust can also do harm. Those who are offenders at the lotus feet of a great personality dry up; their godly qualities diminish
- Many words used in those days could be understood only by local inhabitants, yet this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) is still so popular that no bookstore is complete without it. It is valuable for those who are interested in advancing in Krsna consciousness
- Material energy has the power to cover knowledge, but this covering cannot be applied to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is applicable only to the prajah, or those who are born with material bodies, the conditioned souls
- Material opulences are controlled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead through His different potencies and specifically the goddess of fortune. Therefore, those who are after material opulences seek the pleasure or mercy of the goddess of fortune
- Materialism is based on sex, whether licit or illicit. Sex is full of dangers even for those who are addicted to household life. Whether one has a license for sex or not, there is great trouble
- Materialistic persons, they are satisfied with temporary happiness, and those who are transcendentalist, they are also seeking happiness, that is real happiness, spiritual happiness, eternal happiness
- Materially speaking, every living entity dies; death is inevitable. But those who are karmis, jnanis and yogis return to this material world after death, whereas bhaktas do not
- May those who are envious of Lord Siva, being attracted by the flowery language of the enchanting Vedic promises, and who have thus become dull, always remain attached to fruitive activities
- Maya is always ready to kill those who are pramatta with her invisible bows and arrows. Agnidhra questioned Purvacitti about this
- Meant for those who are the most spiritually advanced
- Men are afraid of Yamaraja because it is he only who awards punishment to the miscreants of the material world, but those who are devotees of the Lord have nothing to fear from him
- Men who are addicted to material happiness aspire to reach the heavenly planets like the moon, Venus and Indraloka, and those who are advanced in material philosophical speculations aspire after liberation from all material bondage
- Mohini-murti resembles Lord Buddha, who appeared sammohaya sura-dvisam (SB 1.3.24) - to cheat the asuras. The word sura-dvisam refers to those who are envious of the demigods or devotees
- Money and women are the basic principles of material attachment. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore advised those who are actually serious about returning back to Godhead to give up money and women in order to be fit to enter the kingdom of God
- Mostly, people are bhogis; that is, they are trying to use everything to enjoy sense gratification. But still there are those who are baffled in sense gratification and who therefore say, - No, no, we don't need these things
- Mukti means those who are disappointed. Disappointed must be because nobody can be happy here with this karmi plan. That is not possible. So he will be disappointed. But disappointed when? After many, many births' struggle for existence
- My (Pariksit) dear Lord, for those who are completely pure in heart, knowledge is attained by the practice of bhakti-yoga, and attachment for fruitive activity is completely burned to ashes. For such people, the powers of mystic yoga automatically arise
- My dear Devi (Parvati), sometimes I (Siva as Sankaracarya) teach Mayavada philosophy for those who are engrossed in the mode of ignorance
- My dear King Pariksit, those who are learned scholars in the histories of the Puranas eulogize and glorify King Gaya with the following verses
- My dear lord, you are never bewildered by the formidable influence of the illusory energy of the SPG. Therefore you are omniscient and should be merciful and compassionate toward those who are bewildered by the same illusory energy
- My dear mother, those who are actually transcendentalists certainly follow My instructions, as I have given them to you
- My dear Prahlada, you are very fortunate. Please know from Me that those who are very wise and highly elevated try to please Me in all different modes of mellows, for I am the only person who can fulfill all the desires of everyone
- My Lord, the nectar of Your words & the descriptions of Your activities are the life and soul of those who are always aggrieved in this material world. These narrations are transmitted by exalted personalities, and they eradicate all sinful reactions
- My Lord, those who are completely freed from material contamination always meditate upon You within the cores of their hearts
- My point is that those who are soldiers, fighting on behalf of Krsna, they are brave soldiers. Na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya-krttamah (BG 18.69). Krsna says, "Nobody is dearer than him who is in the process of preaching this Bhagavad-gita."
- My request is that the inhabitants of Bombay, especially those who are our members, they will kindly take active part, how to make this institution very successful in Bombay
- Nectar, however, is by its nature always liquid. And the hearts of those who are in pure ecstatic love with Krsna are by nature always liquified, just like nectar
- Niyamena: one should offer the greatest respect to the acaryas according to the standard regulations. A devotee should also be compassionate to the poor. This does not refer to those who are poverty-stricken materially
- No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication. This is tapasya, voluntarily accepting... Those who are practiced to all these bad habits... So they will feel some pain, but you accept that pain. Then this pain will be over
- No! There is possibility, but he does not come. Just like after putting your hand in the fire, you never put it again if you are really intelligent. So those who are going back to Godhead, they become intelligent
- Not all, but those who are intelligent and fortunate take to this process of devotional service (kevalaya bhaktya), and their only desire is to serve Krsna
- Not being aware of the real goal of life, they (churches, temples and mosques) simply keep their congregations in ignorance. Consequently, those who are well educated have become uninterested in the ritualistic ceremonies
- Not from the slaughterhouse. Those who are ksatriyas, they can, they're allowed sometimes to eat meat. It is understood Bhima, Bhima also eating sometimes meat. Bhima. Amongst the Pandavas, only Bhima. Not others
- Not only this earthly planet, but there are millions and trillions of planets within the sky moving. Seasonal changes, day and night, everything is going on. This is perfection. So those who are in divine nature, they can understand all these things
- Not that Christ himself was nonsense, but those who are preaching in his name they are nonsense because they do not follow even the simplest of his orders
- Not to speak of developing his love of Krsna, simply by knowledge, by real knowledge if one understands Krsna, oh, that is sufficient to make him liberated. And those who are devotees, for them liberation is very insignificant
- Now, mind that, karma-yogi. Those who are yogis, those who are trying to get spiritual life, regain their spiritual vitality, they are called yogis
- O best among the brahmanas (Maitreya), those who are spiritual masters are very kind to the needy. They are always kind to their followers, disciples and sons, and without being asked by them, the spiritual master describes all that is knowledge
- O best of the demigods (Lord Siva), I (Lord Visnu) shall now show you My form (of Mohini-murti) that is very much appreciated by those who are lusty. Since you want to see that form, I shall reveal it in your presence
- O best of the demigods, I shall now show you My form that is very much appreciated by those who are lusty. Since you want to see that form, I shall reveal it in your presence
- O hunter, good qualities like nonviolence, which you have developed, are not very astonishing, for those who are engaged in the Lord's devotional service are never inclined to give pain to others because of envy
- O King, constant chanting of the holy name of the Lord after the ways of the great authorities is the doubtless and fearless way of success for all, including those who are free from all material desires, those who are desirous of all material enjoyment
- O Lord, You are worshiped by all demigods like Brahma, the four Sanas and even the King of heaven. You are the ultimate rest for those who are really aspiring to achieve the highest benefit of life
- O my friends, sons of demons! In this material world, even those who are apparently advanced in education have the propensity to consider, "This is mine, and that is for others"
- O queen of the home, we are not able to act like you, nor could we repay you for what you have done, even if we worked for our entire life or even after death. To repay you is not possible, even for those who are admirers of personal qualities
- O sinless one (Maitreya Rsi), because the Personality of Godhead, the controller of all living entities, is the father of all religion and all those who are candidates for religious activities, kindly describe how He can be completely satisfied
- O son of a brahmana, it appears that You have come here to ask me for something. Therefore, whatever You want You may take from me. O best of those who are worshipable
- O trustworthy brahmanas, I now ask you about my immediate duty. Please, after proper deliberation, tell me of the unalloyed duty of everyone in all circumstances, and specifically of those who are just about to die
- Of course, sacrifice is meant to please Lord Visnu. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah: (SB 11.5.32) in Kali-yuga, those who are intelligent perform the sankirtana-yajna. One should follow this process conscientiously
- Of course, those who are actually following the rules and regulation of gayatri-mantra, they'll be, gradually come to the spiritual understanding. But not as official chanting. That will not help
- Of course, those who are Krsna’s servants cannot kill such imitation gods, but they should try their best to defeat them through the evidence of sastra, authentic knowledge received through the disciplic succession
- Of course, when the Lord comes He has some work to perform - to protect the sadhu and kill those who are against the sadhu - but both of these activities are His pastimes
- Of the different classes of men-karmis, jnanis and yogis - the karmis are those who are engaged in the activities of sense gratification
- On the other hand, those who are engaged in impious activities are degraded and take birth as animals, trees and plants
- On the streets we meet many friends who are similarly poverty-stricken. Sometimes those who are a little better off than we are direct us toward some progressive stage of life, but actually we do not derive any happiness from such directions
- One cannot imagine something about God or His form. Such imagination is not accepted by those who are serious about enlightenment. Here (in CC Adi 3.111) Brahma says that one can know Krsna through the path of properly understanding the Vedic texts
- One has to associate himself with devotees, those who are in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- One is advised to associate with the holy devotees of the Lord and carefully avoid the association of unholy nondevotees. Those who are pure devotees of Krsna are very careful to keep aloof from the two types of nondevotees
- One may ask if this means that those who are undergoing so much penance and austerity by strictly following the rules and regulations are endeavoring in vain
- One must be properly qualified to enter into the transcendental subject matter. Everyone and anyone cannot. Sudras, those who are in sudra qualification, how they can understand Vedas? It is not possible
- One should avoid those who are averse to Lord Visnu and His devotees, those who are Mayavadis, those who offend the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra
- One should culture knowledge in the following way: One should not falsely identify himself with the gross material body, nor should one consider those who are related to his body to be his own
- One should neglect an envious person. A preacher’s duty is to love the Supreme Personality of Godhead, make friendships with Vaisnavas, show mercy to the innocent and reject or neglect those who are envious or jealous
- One who is both devoted and highly advanced in intelligence does not take action against the soul or the body. If there is any discrepancy, he forgives. It is said that forgiveness is a quality of those who are advancing in spiritual knowledge
- One who is deficient in knowledge cannot be called arya. At the present, however, the word arya is used to refer to those who are godless. This is the unfortunate situation of Kali-yuga
- One who is progressing towards the perfection of life, they are called Aryans, and those who are degrading towards animal propensity, they are non-Aryans. This is the difference. Aryan culture
- One who understands before death that the body is simply a lump of matter is called a wise man. He sees the soul through the eyes of knowledge. Those who are on the gross platform, who are like animals, can see neither the soul nor Bhagavan
- Only initiated disciples should be allowed to take this advantage (of taking dust from feet of Vaisnava), not others. Those who are full of sinful activities should generally be avoided
- Only one who is prepared to present Bhagavatam in the light of Sukadeva Gosvami and only those who are prepared to hear Sukadeva Gosvami and his representative are bona fide participants in the transcendental discussion of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Only the most fortunate persons can achieve such success in life. Those who are simply academic students of the Vedic scriptures cannot appreciate how such a development takes place
- Only those who are akincana-gocaram, who are not materially puffed up, can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead; others are bewildered and cannot even think of the Absolute Truth
- Only those who are captivated by the glamour of the material world cannot accept the authority of Lord Sri Krsna. One has to become thoroughly clean in habit and heart before one can understand the details of the anti-material world
- Only those who are fully surrendered to Krsna in Krsna consciousness can be saved
- Only those who are krpana, those who are not self-realized, they are hankering after sense gratification. They want to enjoy the fruits of their labor. But you don't be. Arjuna, you don't be
- Only those who are on the spiritual platform are able to understand the activities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Materialistic persons cannot understand these activities and are generally known as karmis or jnanis
- Only those who are on the transcendental platform of love of God, who out of love engage in devotional service, can appreciate the transcendental beauty of Krsna. Such beauty is the essence of all opulences and is only appreciated in Goloka Vrndavana
- Only those who are pure devotees, those who follow regulative principles of religious life as prescribed in the scriptures, are able to engage themselves in karma-yoga & then jnana-yoga & thereafter, by pure meditation, can understand pure consciousness
- Only those who are situated in sattva-guna (the mode of goodness) are fit to understand the Absolute Truth
- Only those who are very intelligent take to sankirtana-yajna to fulfill all their desires, material and spiritual, whereas those who are lusty for sense enjoyment perform karma-kandiya-yajnas
- Only those who are very serious and who follow the regulative principles and study Vedic literature should accept sannyasa
- Only to those who are always engaged in devotional service out of transcendental love does He (the Lord) award the pure knowledge of devotion in love. In that way the devotee can reach Him easily in the ever-blissful kingdom of God. BG 1972 purports
- Ordinarily, Krsna, or God, is taking care of everyone even if he's not in Krsna consciousness, and those who are coming to Krsna consciousness, what to speak of them? Special care by Krsna. Rest assured. Engage yourself rigidly to KC. Be happy
- Ordinary, common people is called jana, ordinary man. And those who are authority, they are mahajana. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah
- Other residents of the world does not refer only to those who are exactly like the Indian brahmanas and ksatriyas, or like the caste brahmanas, who claim to be brahmanas because they were born in the families of brahmanas
- Others (those who are not cleansed of all sinful reactions) will continue hovering on the material platform with their paltry ways of worship and thus will be misled from the real path under the false impression that all paths lead to the same goal
- Others cannot imitate Him but can only follow in His footsteps (Lord Caitanya's) as far as possible. Those who are unfit for this order of life are strictly forbidden by the injunctions of the sastras to accept it
- Others say that since both Vasudeva and Devaki prayed for You (Krsna), You have taken Your birth as their son. Undoubtedly You are unborn, yet You take Your birth for their welfare and to kill those who are envious of the demigods
- Our countrymen also, those who are leaders, those who are thoughtful, philosophers, scientists, they should try to understand this Krsna philosophy. That is my request
- Our Gaudiya Matha people, those who were leaders, they wanted to supersede the order of Guru Maharaja. Therefore it was failure
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is particularly to go back to Godhead, giving up this material world, which is full of miserable life. It is actually full of miseries, but those who are thinking that I am happy, or We are happy, they are under illusion
- Our only request is: Those who are working in the United Nations in so many different departmental situations, if they will take advantage of this great cultural book, Bhagavad-gita
- Our opening of different center means we are giving chance. So those who are inmates of the temple, they should be also such nice devotees that anyone who will come in the association of devotees, he will immediately develop a sense of devotion
- Our propagation, this Krsna consciousness movement, is that we are trying to get our students well conversed in Bhagavad-gita & Srimad-Bhagavatam. So those who are our students, we have got our books now ready published so nicely. People are accepting it
- Out of the siddhas, those who are actually self-realized, aham brahmasmi, out of many of them maybe one is able to understand Krsna
- Out of those rare human beings those who are conscious of the material problems are rarer still, and the still more rare persons are those who are conscious of the value of the Srimad-Bhagavatam which contains the messages of the Lord & His pure devotees
- Panditah means those who are learned, they are not affected by this body, either dead or alive. So that means one should be inquisitive to learn about the soul which is sitting in the body. That is real knowledge
- Panditah, those who are learned scholar, they know that his body is the lump of matter
- Panditah, those who are learned, the equipoised, advanced devotees who have full knowledge of everything, do not see any living entity as an enemy or friend. Instead, with broader vision, they see that everyone is part of Krsna, as confirmed by Caitanya
- Paramatma (Vasudeva) is situated in everyone's heart, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita. The Lord says: "To those who are constantly devoted and who worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me" - BG 10.10
- Paramo nirmatsaranam, those who are no more envious. How they will have a devotee envious? He loves Krsna and in relationship with Krsna loves everyone. In that position, in that state, one will not try to suppress another
- Pariksit considered that less intelligent men might find the personality of Kali to be very powerful, but that those who are self-controlled would have nothing to fear. The King was powerful like a tiger and took care for the foolish, careless persons
- People should take advantage of the opportunity afforded by Bharata-varsa, and this is especially so for those who are following the principles of varnasrama-dharma
- People who are asses, mudhas, duskrtis, cannot see God, but those who are intelligent can see God everywhere because God is omnipresent
- Perfection of life culminates in the realization of the Supreme Being, Visnu. The sruti therefore directs that those who are actually advanced in learning should aspire for the service of Lord Visnu
- Person who have not tended a pure devotee, and especially those who are conscious of Krsna as a historical personality or who are envious of the greatness of Krsna, should not be told this most confidential part of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Persons who are chanting the holy name are transcendental to those who are factually performing the Vedic rituals and those who expect to be qualified
- Persons who are devoid of the knowledge of atma-tattva are misguided, but those who are devotees of the Lord and have perfect realization of transcendental knowledge are not bewildered
- Persons who are not for spiritual realization, they may be engaged in work for eight hours only, but those who are engaged for spiritual realization, oh, they are engaged twenty-four hours
- Pious men also belong to four categories: (1) the needy, (2) those who have fallen into difficulty, (3) those who are inquisitive about the transcendental science, and (4) the genuine philosophers
- Politics means two things. The state, government, what is that? Government gives protection to the good citizen, and those who are rogues, punish them. Law and order. Two things are there: maintenance and law and order
- Pradyumna, the third manifestation, appears from Sankarsana. Those who are especially intelligent worship this Pradyumna expansion of Sankarsana as the principle of the intelligence
- Prahlada Maharaja further explains that viprad dvi-sad-guna-yutad (SB 7.9.10). Vipra, vipra means those who are advancing to be brahmin. The intermediate stage before becoming a brahmin is called a vipra
- Prahlada says to his demoniac friends, "please give up the company of those who are simply after material enjoyment. Just associate with persons who have taken to Krsna consciousness." That is his advice
- Prasada distribution means giving chance to the people, those who are poor in knowledge, to awaken their Krsna consciousness. This is our policy. Otherwise we cannot do any good to any others
- Pravrtti means we have got some inclination to accept something and we have disinclination to reject something. Everyone knows it. But the asuric jana, those who are asuras, demons, they do not know in which way we shall accept
- Preaching work is described as paropakara, welfare activity for others. Those who are ignorant of the benefits of devotional service must be educated by preaching
- Premanjana-cchurita. By prema . . . prema means love. The ointment of love, when it is smeared over the eyes, then those who are devotees, santah, saintly persons, they can see always Krsna within his heart
- Presently women are given full independence like men, but actually we can see that such independent women are no happier than those women who are placed under guardians
- Preya means immediate benefit, and sreya means ultimate benefit. So those who are interested in the ultimate benefit go back to home, back to Godhead
- Prostitute, unchaste, pumscali. Another name is pumscali. Those who are, I mean to say, moved by another person, they are called pumscali. They become captivated by another person. So they, another name is prostitute
- Punah punas carvita-carvananam. Those who are very much attached to sex transmigrate from one body to another, with the same business of "chewing the chewed," tasting sex enjoyment as a dog, sex enjoyment as a hog, sex enjoyment as a demigod, and so on
- Radha-bhava must be understood from the Gosvamis, those who are actually controllers of the senses
- Raghupati Upadhyaya recited, "Those who are afraid of material existence worship the Vedic literature. Some worship smrti, the corollaries to the Vedic literature, and others worship the Mahabharata"
- Raktaka is classified among the dhurya, or those who are always attached to serve the most beloved gopis
- Ramananda Raya replied, "Those who attempt to merge into the existence of the Supreme Lord will have to accept bodies like those of trees. And those who are overly inclined toward sense gratification will attain the bodies of demigods"
- Real guru means those who are interested in these material affairs, they do not require a guru. It is... It is a fashion. "Such man has kept such and such guru." Just like keeping a dog. This is not guru
- Regarding personal self-interest, a devotee should always be without diplomacy, and he should avoid the company of persons who are not advancing in spiritual life
- Religion means the religion which is given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And the atmavit, those who are actually self-realized, they accept that religion, not any manufactured religion
- Religious principles, they are made by God. Godless man does not care for religion, but those who are sober, devotee, godly, they abide by the laws of God, and they are happy
- Rukmini continued, "Those who are actually well motivated desire only You (Krsna), and for this reason they give up everything to attain success. They therefore deserve to associate with You"
- Rules and regulations are offered by the great acaryas for those who are actually interested in getting admission into the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the transcendental world
- Sadhana-siddha means those who are put into this material world, by the association of maha-bhagavata, if he tries, follows, then he can also become maha-bhagavata or nitya-siddha, because originally everyone is nitya-siddha
- Sadhavah means those who are saintly person. Such kind of literature, although it is written in broken language, they hear it. Hear it. Because there is glorification of the Lord
- Sadhu means those who are well behaved in Krsna consciousness, not upstarts. They are called sadhu. So those who are living in this temple, they must be strictly very well behaved
- Sadhu, those who are saintly persons, they're always thinking of the miseries of the people in general. They are not meditating for their own purpose
- Sadyo hrdy avarudhyate, susrusubhis tat-ksanat. Susrusubhih, those who are serious about understanding about the Supreme Absolute Truth, so for him, immediately God becomes entrapped within the heart
- Saintly persons may freely associate with those who are poverty-stricken, but not with those who are rich - SB 10.10.17
- Saktyavesa avatara, there are two kinds: one directly empowered for particular mission, comes from the transcendental spiritual sky, and others, those who are in this material world, but they have got some specific power
- Sanaka Muni addressed the Lord as follows, "They know that the post of the King of heaven is also fearful, whereas for those who are engaged in glorifying Your transcendental qualities there is only joyfulness and freedom from all danger"
- Sastra says, atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaih (CC Madhya 17.136). These blunt senses, those who are depending on the blunt senses, they can say nirakara, because he cannot see. He has no eyes to see what is that akara, what is that form
- Satyam param dhimahi. If one is after truth, he'll appreciate truth wherever it is. Every point, from any angle of vision, those who are searching after truth, everything is explained - primarily in the BG, and elaborately in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- SB 6.17.28, "A pure devotee of Narayana is never afraid of going anywhere and everywhere. For him heaven and hell are one and the same." Such devotees, wandering all over the world, deliver those who are actually afraid of this material existence
- Second-class? Those who are trying to understand the Supreme, the Absolute Truth, by identifying himself with the Supreme, that - I am, I am the Supreme
- Seeing the movements of time, those who are cognizant of the real truth neither rejoice nor lament for different circumstances. Therefore, because you (Indra) are jubilant due to your victory, you should be considered not very learned
- Self-realization is the prime objective of human civilization, and it is regarded seriously by those who are situated in the mode of goodness and have developed the brahminical qualities
- She (Durga) is the illusory energy for those who are weak in spiritual strength because such energies are created energies of Lord Visnu
- Simply chant and you get the result. And those who are chanting, those who have joined this movement, those who are seriously engaged, ask them how they are advancing, how they are realizing. The method is very simple
- Since the KC movement going on at the present moment is genuine, perfect, authorized & follows in the footsteps of Prthu, anyone who cooperates with this movement or accepts its principles will get the same result as those who are actively propagating KC
- Since the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of both the material and spiritual worlds, it is better to approach Him in all problematic situations. Those who are devotees, therefore, have no problems in this material world
- Since You protect those who are the shelters of all living beings, You are the original Narayana
- Sinner is illusioned. He's mad. If you hate him, then how you can deliver him? Therefore those who are devotees, those who are really servant of God, they have no hate for anyone
- So far the body's concerned, either it is dead or alive, it is not the subject matter of any talk. Nanusocanti panditah. Those who are learned scholars don't talk about the body. They'll talk about the soul. That is pandita
- So far we can see, those who are busy with bolts and nuts, how this dull brain, they can manufacture such things (which can reach topmost planet)? That is not possible. It requires another brain. The yogis can go, the yogis can go
- So if Krsna wants we shall be prepared to become violent also. And Krsna, that is open secret. Two business of Krsna, two side. So those who are devotees of Krsna, they should be trained up both ways, they should be prepared
- So Krsna conscious movement is the greatest gift to the human society. Those who are fortunate enough, they'll take advantage of it. It is not a fiction. It is not a bogus propaganda. But it is fact; it is authorized
- So there are two things: Krsna and maya; light and shadow. If you don't serve Krsna, then you have to serve maya. And those who are serving maya in the name of Krsna, they are called Mayavadi
- So this consciousness, though lying dormant in those who are materially contaminated, is found in every living entity. And, when purified, this is called Krsna consciousness
- So this impersonal idea of God is for the less intelligent person, not for the intelligent persons. Those who are, I mean to say, favored with poor fund of knowledge, they cannot conceive about the Personality of Godhead
- So those who are in the four liberated states may still be going through different stages of existence
- Some of them (the coweherd men and women) supported the situation: "This is proper because those who are too sinful die from their sinful reactions, and child Krsna is pious; therefore He is safe from all kinds of fearful situations"
- Some of them (those who are materialistic) aspire to enjoy themselves by sharing the happiness of Krsna. This is the mentality of fruitive workers who want to enjoy sense gratification by making a show of service to Krsna
- Sometimes the Lord becomes angry. As He says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19): Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- Sometimes those who are not conversant with the science of devotional service are captivated by the exhibition of ecstatic symptoms, but those who are in knowledge of the science of devotional service do not accept such symptoms as the all in all
- Sometimes we enjoy subtle pleasure, thinking of sex life. That is called nari-sangame. Nari means woman, and sanga means union. So those who are practiced, so when there is actually no union, they think of union
- Soul is now dependent on the mind; therefore mind has to be trained up. That is called yoga. Those who are too much in the bodily concept of life, the hatha-yoga is recommended to control the mind
- Spiritual body is already there within this material body. So those who are engaged in Yajnesvara's service, they are giving up this material body and developing a spiritual body
- Spiritual knowledge begins when one is perfectly aware that "After finishing this body, I am not finished." That is perfection. Not that those who are in this concept of life, that with the finishing of this body everything is finished. That is nonsense
- Spiritual life means release from this botheration and misery. Those who are intelligent, therefore, do not try to elevate themselves to any planet of this material world
- Spiritual realization cannot be attained by materialistic persons. For those who are addicted to sense enjoyment, spiritual realization is not possible
- Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati says that Krsna is obtainable for the faithful, but for those who are accustomed to argue, Krsna is far, far away. Similarly, these talks between Ramananda Raya and Caitanya can be understood by a person who has firm faith
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu admitted that He was speaking like a madman, which He should not have done for the understanding of those who are externally situated
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu plainly explains that Srimad-Bhagavatam cannot be understood by those who are materially situated. In other words, one has to become a madman like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sri Krsna is always meditated upon by the paramahamsas, those who are most perfect in the renounced order of life
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives his opinion that those who are attracted to studying many kinds of literature concerning various subject matters and philosophical speculation, are deprived of unalloyed DS because of their splayed attention
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives his opinion that those who are attracted to studying many kinds of literature concerning various subject matters, especially fruitive activities are deprived of unalloyed DS because of their splayed attention
- Srila Jiva Gosvami interprets the word gata-vyalikaih as projjhita-kaitavaih, or those who are freed from all pretensions - the unalloyed devotees only
- Srila Madhvacarya says that those who are too materially affected continue the bodily conception. Such persons are concerned with different bodily symptoms, whereas one freed from bodily conceptions lives without the body even in the material condition
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has explained that those who are always engaged in Krsna consciousness by body, mind & activities are to be considered liberated even within this body
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami said to Pariksit Maharaja: Those who are materially engrossed, being blind to knowledge of the ultimate truth, have many subjects for hearing in human society, O Emperor
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the natural commentation on the Brahma-sutras compiled by the same author. This Brahma-sutra, or Vedanta-sutra, is meant for those who are already engaged in self-realization
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the only transcendental literature meant for those who are paramahamsas and completely freed from the material disease called malice
- Srimad-Bhagavatam, the explanation of the Vedanta-sutra, is meant for paramo nirmatsaranam, those who are completely aloof from jealousy
- Standing naked, that those who are fond of nudie-ism, they will get it next life: "All right, you stand naked for many years." This is the punishment
- Stenah. Sura-pah, drunkard, intoxicant, those who are addicted to intoxication. So stealing and drinking, these are the honorable occupations of the moralist
- Stenah; sura-pah, drunkard, intoxicant, those who are addicted to intoxication. So stealing and drinking, these are the honorable occupations of the moralist. But they are condemned by the Yamaraja
- Still, those who are utterly sinful do not surrender unto Him (Krsna), even though He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and all other living beings are His transcendental, eternal servitors, part and parcel of Him
- Stri-sangi means those who are unnecessary addicted to women
- Subala once addressed Krsna in this way: "How these features of Your body can fail to defeat the pride of all the young girls of Vrndavana. When I am so defeated by this beauty, what chance is there for those who are naturally very simple and flexible?"
- Such a sinful man (Ajamila), if simply by chanting once at the time of his death - that was also desiring his youngest son - he could get so much benefit, those who are chanting always the holy name of God, they should be always in safe condition
- Such claims (if one chant Hare Krsna or the name of demigods, the result will be the same) made by mental speculators are no doubt very pleasing to mental speculators, but those who are actually in knowledge do not admit such conclusions
- Such devotees (who are serving God) do not need to seek an opportune moment to leave the present body. But those who are mixed devotees alloyed with fruitive action or empirical philosophical speculation require an opportune moment for quitting this body
- Such gurus (who can manufacture only a small portion of gold) are accepted by those who are blind, not knowing the goal of life. Maharaja Satyavrata, however, knew the goal of life. He knew the SPG, and therefore he accepted the Lord as his guru
- Such persons (Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac and atheistic views) do not know that Krsna's body is not material
- Sudra means those who are neither brahmana nor ksatriya nor vaisyas. They are simply worker, assistant. So there must be division like this. The brahmanas should guide the ksatriyas, and the ksatriyas will administer the state
- Sukadeva Gosvami especially recommends that those who are brahmanas (sucayah) recite all these mantras (verses in the Vedic literature) after rising from bed in the morning
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "My dear king, those who are sinful can become purified from contamination by tapa-adibhih, practicing austerity." Sukadeva also said, however, that no one can become completely purified by executing this process of austerity
- Sukadeva Gosvami says that simply by pure devotional service one can solve the problems of life. Who can do this? It is not possible for an ordinary man but for those who are vasudeva-parayanah, devoted to Lord Krsna - Vasudeva
- Sukadeva Gosvami uses two specific words, bhaktim and param. Bhaktim param means execution of devotional service above the neophyte stage. Those who are simply attracted to temple worship but do not know the philosophy of bhakti are in the neophyte stage
- Sukadeva Goswami recommends that those who are very intelligent, instead of taking to so many processes - tapasya, brahmacarya, yama, niyama, satya-sauca, so many things - if you take to this devotional process, then they will automatically come
- Surayah means those who are demigods. There are two kinds of people: sura and asura. Asura means demons, and sura means godly. Those who are demigods, those who are godly, they are simply searching after the Supreme Absolute Truth
- Take advantage and enchant those who are coming by your chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra. You will be victorious. And try to introduce our books there and it will be a great missionary success
- Tapasvi means those who are seeking after eternal happiness. Karmis, yogis, there are many tapasvis. But real tapasvi . . . tapo divyam (SB 5.5.1). Divyam means transcendental
- Tapasya is meant for the renounced order of life; those who are retired from worldly activities should perform tapasya, penances and austerities
- Temple worship is one of the duties of a devotee. It is especially recommended for neophytes, but those who are advanced should not refrain from temple worship
- That Absolute Truth, tattva-vastu, those who are in the knowledge of tattva-vastu, they say the Absolute Truth is one, advaya-jnana. There is no duality. Vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam. Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- That is explained in Bhagavata, that those who are isvara, those who are empowered, they will do anything, but we cannot imitate
- That is the duty (to be nice devotees), those who are managing this temple. By his character, by his behavior, he will be influenced
- The Absolute Truth is one, but according to my capacity I understand Absolute Truth in three features. Those who are trying to understand the Absolute Truth by dint of his imperfect knowledge, he comes to the conclusion that Absolute Truth is impersonal
- The activities of those who are conditioned by material nature are taken into account, and in their next life, according to these activities, they are offered different types of material bodies
- The advanced condition was considered to be in the mode of goodness. If there is no liberation for those in the mode of goodness, what of those who are entangled in the mode of passion? BG 1972 purports
- The aim of Vedic knowledge is to understand God. Therefore those who are actually following Vedic knowledge and searching after God cannot commit sinful activities against the Supreme Lord’s order
- The allurement of material civilization is so strong and so bad that those who are by pious activities born in brahmana family, they are being dragged to the tamo-guna behavior like sudras. They are learning how to drink, how to eat meat, etc
- The ambition for happiness is natural and good, but the attempt to derive it from inert matter by so-called scientific arrangements is an illusory attempt doomed to frustration. Those who are befooled cannot understand this
- The association of devotees (arya-sangama) is the most important factor in this world. The word arya refers to those who are advancing spiritually
- The atheists are faithless on account of their many misdeeds in their present and past lives. They fall into four categories: (3) the number-one fools, and (4) those who are bewildered by maya despite their mundane erudition
- The attractive features of a woman are appreciated by those who are affected by lusty desires, but those who are above such desires, who are on the platform of Krsna consciousness, are very difficult to bewilder
- The Bhagavata says the Purana is part of the Vedas. As Upanisad is part of Vedas... It is written in simplified language so that those who are less educated, less having brain substance
- The Bhagavatam considers those who are attached to their bodies to be like cows and asses - sa eva go-kharah
- The bhogis are the karmis, those who are working very hard to exploit the resources of the material nature, like the scientists, for example, who are doing research to further such exploitation. Their intention, actually, is to steal
- The Blessed Lord said: While speaking learned words, you are mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament neither for the living nor the dead. BG 2.11 - 1972
- The brahmanas, those who are in charge of religion, the priestly order or the maulavis or the brahmanas - they're the same order - their duty is to keep people enlightened in the real mission of life
- The brahmin means the most intelligent class of men in the society. Ksatriya means the administrators, the politicians, the rulers of the society. Vaisya means the productive class, traders, industrialists, those who are producing money or food, vaisya
- The candidates for punishment are those who are confirmed by these many witnesses to have deviated from their prescribed regulative duties. Everyone engaged in fruitive activities is suitable to be subjected to punishment according to his sinful acts
- The caste system is very scientific. A section of people should be trained as brahmins. Those who are intelligent enough in the society, they should be picked up for being trained in higher philosophical science
- The Christian have got your sacred place. The Muhammadans they have got their sacred place, Medina, Mecca. You have got your Jerusalem. Similarly, these, those who are followers of Vedic principles, they have got their several places, sacred places
- The civilized human beings are those who have regulated principles of social, political and religious life. Those who are socially and politically developed, but who have no religious principles, must be considered naradhamas. BG 1972 purports
- The conclusion is that those who are engaged in Krsna consciousness are better situated than the sannyasis engaged in simple Brahman speculation, although they too come to Krsna consciousness, after many births. BG 1972 purports
- The conclusion is that those who are rich men in society should construct beautiful temples and arrange for the worship of Visnu, so that people may be attracted to visit such temples and thereby be offered the opportunity of dancing before the Lord
- The conclusion is that those who are still entrapped by sex indulgence should never progress to meditation above the feet of the Lord; recital of Srimad-Bhagavatam by them should be restricted to the First and Second Cantos of the great literature
- The contamination of the material world does not affect the Supreme Godhead. Krsna therefore says in the Bhagavad-gita that those who are rascals and fools think of Him as an ordinary human being, not knowing His param bhavam
- The controlling deity of the rivers is also the controlling deity of the nervous system. In Ayur-vedic treatment, those who are suffering from the disease of nervous instability are recommended to take a bath by dipping into a flowing river
- The demigods say, "We are Your eternal servants." So those who are servants, or devotees of the Lord, are not very much concerned with fruitive activities, the performance of the prescribed yajnas, or mental speculation
- The devotee who becomes helpless by the will of the Lord is more fortunate than those who are born in good families
- The duty of a brahmana is to culture the quality of forgiveness, which is illuminating like the sun. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is pleased with those who are forgiving
- The duty of the state, duty of the father, duty of the teacher - everyone, those who are guardians - they should teach their subordinate how to become faithful to God. This one qualification will make him perfect
- The eight principles of sankhya-yoga - observing the regulative principles are meant for those who are too much engrossed in the bodily conception of life - CC Preface
- The eighth incarnation was King Rsabha, son of King Nabhi and his wife Merudevi. In this incarnation the Lord showed the path of perfection, which is followed by those who have fully controlled their senses and who are honored by all orders of life
- The endeavoring transcendentalist, who is situated in self-realization, can see all this clearly. But those who are not situated in self-realization cannot see what is taking place, though they may try to. BG 15.11 - 1972
- The envious Mayavadi cannot have access to the Bhagavatam, but those who are really anxious to get out of this material existence may take shelter of this Bhagavatam because it is uttered by the liberated Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
- The exalted perfection of seeing the Lord is not exaggerated by Kardama Muni. He gives evidence that those who are actually elevated in yoga aspire in life after life to see this form of the Personality of Godhead
- The failure of modern moon excursionists may be due to the Rahu planet. In other words, those who are supposed to be going to the moon may actually be going to this invisible planet Rahu
- The financier has to take much trouble to earn a mass of wealth (while making a skyscraper), and those who are slaving to construct the building have to render physical toil. The miseries are there. BG 1972 purports
- The first six chapters of the Gita are meant for those who are interested in transcendental knowledge, in understanding the self, the Superself & the process of realization by jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga, & discrimination of the self from matter. BG 1972 pur
- The formal processes are necessary for those who are expected to reach the stage of complete liberation, but Sri Sukadeva Gosvami was already in that status by the grace of his father
- The four sons of Brahma, the Kumaras, declined to become family men even on the request of their great father, Brahma. Those who are serious about gaining release from material bondage should not be entangled in the false relationship of family bondage
- The friends of the twice-born families are those who are born in the families of brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas, or the spiritually cultured families, but who themselves are not equal to their forefathers
- The fruitive worker aspires after a big fortune in the matter of wealth, woman and worldly adoration, but those who are fixed in perfect reality are not at all interested in such false things. For them it is all a waste of time
- The Ganges waters do not become polluted. Those who are advanced in spiritual understanding will bathe in the Ganges without considering the condition of the water
- The gate on the western side of the city was known as Asuri because it was especially meant for the asuras. The word asura refers to those who are interested in sense gratification, specifically in sex life, to which they are overly attracted
- The godless men, those who are of opinions that this material energy is working automatically, they are fools. That is the explanation of Isopanisad. Everything is being controlled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The greenery of the rainy season is but a temporary show. It looks very pleasant, but we must remember that it will not last. Similarly, there are persons who undergo severe austerities for some material gain, but those who are sane avoid this
- The hatha-yoga system is basically meant for those who are overly attached to the body; otherwise, the preferred yoga is sankhya-yoga or bhakti-yoga
- The hatha-yoga system, or breathing system, is especially recommended for those who are very absorbed in the concept of bodily existence, but one who can perform the simple process of chanting Hare Krsna can fix the mind more easily
- The higher-grade life and lower-grade life means those who are proportionately greater sinful, they have got lower-grade life, and those who have got greater pious life, they get higher-grade life in higher planets, in Brahmaloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka
- The historical references to exalted kings serve as a good example for present rulers. Those who are ruling the world at the present moment should take lessons from King Gaya, King Yudhisthira and King Prthu
- The history of Krsna the person has been openly seen by everyone, yet only those who are in love with the Supreme Personality of Godhead can appreciate this history
- The illusory energy of the Lord cannot take precedence, being ashamed of her position, but those who are bewildered by her always talk nonsense, being absorbed in thoughts of "It is I" and "It is mine"
- The impersonal worshipers of Brahman can again be divided into three categories - (1) sadhakas, those who are nearing perfect execution of the process of Brahman realization; (2) those who are fully absorbed in meditation on Brahman
- The impersonalist may squeeze out any interpretations from them (SB slokas), but such interpretations will never be accepted by those who are taught in the disciplic succession from Brahma, as will be cleared up in the following verses
- The impersonalists cannot observe such goddesses of fortune because of their dry speculative habit. And those who are artists, overtaken by the beautiful creation, should better see to the beautiful face of the Lord for complete satisfaction
- The impersonalists only seek to get free from the diseased, conditioned activities, but they have no information of activities in the healthy condition. Those who are actually liberated and in full knowledge take to hearing the activities of Krsna
- The intelligent person who can grasp these truths about the Lord (material creation is an imitation of the reality and those who are captivated by it are put under the direction of Yamaraja) becomes a soul fully surrendered unto Him
- The karmis benefits are temporary and those who are seeking after such benefits are mudhas
- The killing of cows by human society is one of the grossest suicidal policies, and those who are anxious to cultivate the human spirit must turn their attention first toward the question of cow protection
- The king's punishment of a murderer is appropriate. lf those who are extremely offensive are killed by the grace of the Lord, that is good for them. In other words, Lord Brahma explained to the demigods that it was good for Daksa to have been killed
- The krpanas, the fools who are just the opposite of brahmanas, are not satisfied by repeated sensuous enjoyment. Those who are dhira, however, who are sober and who tolerate this itching, are not subjected to the sufferings of fools and rascals
- The Krsna consciousness movement is based on Bhagavad-gita as it is, as spoken by Lord Krsna, and for those who are engaged in this movement, there is no question of uncertainty
- The Krsna consciousness movement is meant for swanlike men, not for men who are like crows. But we can convert the crows into swans. That is our philosophy. Those who were crows are now swimming like swans. That is the benefit of Krsna consciousness
- The Krsna consciousness movement is very much eager to reintroduce the varnasrama system into human society so that those who are bewildered or less intelligent will be able to take guidance from qualified brahmanas
- The Krsna consciousness movement propagated by Lord Caitanya is especially meant for those who are cognizant of the presence of the Supreme Godhead, the ultimate controller of everything
- The krsna-katha, the Lord's name, fame, quality, entourage, all these things are very sweet. To whom? Those who are liberated from this jaundice of materialism. For them it is very sweet
- The little idea of God is there, certainly, in every literature, every scripture, but those who are too much disturbed, they cannot accept it. Vata. Just like if your ship is on the ocean and it is being tossed by heavy wind, you cannot sit very nicely
- The living entities who are expanded by His internal potency are eternally liberated persons, whereas those who are expanded in terms of the material energies are eternally conditioned souls
- The Lord (Caitanya) explained about the different kinds of atmaramas, or transcendentalists. As for the word munayah, or muni, those who are great thinkers are called munis
- The Lord (Caitanya) was personally chastising and praising individuals in the course of the cleaning (of the Gundica temple), and those who are engaged as acaryas must learn from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu how to train devotees by personal example
- The Lord (Caitanya) was so kind that He accepted all these people (speculative students, atheists and those who are attached to fruitive activities) and delivered to them the most important factor in life: love of God
- The Lord and His very confidential devotees are treated on the same level by those who are actually engaged in the loving service of the Lord
- The Lord declares that although He is undoubtedly equally kind to all living beings - because all of them are part & parcel of Him - those who are especially attached to Him by love, who regard nothing dearer than Him, are particularly dear to Him
- The Lord is the Supreme Father of all living beings, and therefore those who are conscious of this vital relation with God can make filial demands from the Father, and the Father is pleased to supply the demands of such obedient sons without bargaining
- The Lord is very difficult for the karma-yogis, jnana-yogis and dhyana-yogis to attain. Those who are bhakti-yogis, however, have no difficulty at all
- The Lord says that those who are advanced in transcendental knowledge and know the science of Krsna consciousness are very dear to Him, and He also is very dear to them
- The Lord was personally chastising and praising individuals in the course of the cleaning, and those who are engaged as acaryas must learn from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu how to train devotees by personal example
- The Lord's pastimes related to the creation and destruction of the material world are for those who are too materially attached
- The lower grade life and higher grade life in this material world means those who are proportionately less sinful, they are promoted in higher planets
- The madhyama-adhikari is a devotee who worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the highest object of love, makes friends with the Lord's devotees, is merciful to the ignorant and avoids those who are envious by nature
- The mahatmas, who fully surrender to the lotus feet of the Lord, are directed by yogamaya, whereas the duratmas, those who are devoid of devotional service, are directed by mahamaya
- The manifested world can be seen in the form of many stars and planets such as the sun and moon, but beyond this is the unmanifested, which is imperceptible to those who are embodied
- The material distresses are birth, old age, disease and death, but those who are interested in pravrtti-marga hold various religious functions at the time of birth, old age, disease and death
- The material world means they are making progress towards nonpermanent life. So those who are intelligent, they are not interested in nonpermanent life
- The Mayavadi, those who are impersonalists, they want to make these material varieties of life zero, because they are very much disgusted with this material life. So jagat mithya. They say: This is mithya. This is false
- The minds of those who are addicted to fruitive activity are always filled with unclean desires. Fruitive activities are symptomatic of our polluted desire to dominate material nature
- The modern education is to teach people to become flies, only stool. Not here, Krsna consciousness. But you make it a honeycomb. Those who are after, seeking after honey, they will find, "Here is something." You see?
- The movement for Krishna Consciousness can in no way be stopped and be faded away. Rather those who are trying to do any harm by uncalled for agitation after spreading false facts, they are sure to be disheartened
- The mudhas are those who are grossly foolish, like hard-working beasts of burden. They want to enjoy the fruits of their labor by themselves, and so do not want to part with them for the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- The mudhas: those who are grossly foolish like hard-working beasts of burden. They want to enjoy the fruits of their labor by themselves and do not want to part with them for the Supreme. The typical example of the beast of burden is the ass
- The Nagapatnis said, "For those who are actually peaceful and who are aspiring after the supreme peace, worship of Your (Krsna's) peaceful appearance as Lord Visnu is recommended"
- The Nagapatnis said, "We have heard from authoritative sources that those who are blessed with the dust of Your lotus feet do not care even for the highest post within the universe, namely the post of Lord Brahma, or the kingship of the heavenly planets"
- The original is impersonal Brahman. Now He has taken form. - This conclusion, who makes? - Those who are less intelligent, whose intelligence is very poor
- The other class of men, those who are liberated and are situated in the transcendental position above intelligence, are really happy and are called paramahamsas
- The other meaning of the word (pasu-ghna) refers to those who are actually killing animals. This means persons who are animal-eaters, for they are all engaged in killing animals, such as hunting & opening slaughterhouses
- The paramahamsa stage of life can be attained only by those who are fixed in the practice of bhakti-yoga
- The particular word krsna-devatah, i.e., those who are always rapt in the service of Lord Krsna, is significant
- The path of bhakti is not at all difficult if we follow in the footsteps of previous acaryas and authorities, but those who are too materially contaminated by the modes of material nature cannot follow them
- The path of perfection frees one from all material attachments, and thus one becomes fit to enter into the spiritual kingdom. Those who are materially poverty-stricken are better candidates than those who are materially prosperous
- The people in general are extremely busy in the affairs of the material body and mind. Those who are in the lowest stage of such mundane activities very rarely can understand the activities of the spiritual plane
- The Personality of Godhead is unapproachable by those who are habituated to speculation about the Absolute Truth in terms of experimental scientific thought, without reference to the transcendental vibration
- The philosophers and those who are inquisitive are better than those in categories (1 ) - needy and (2) - those who have fallen into difficulty
- The pitiable impersonalists pity those who are influenced by the modes of ignorance and passion, but the pure devotees of the Lord take pity on them both because both waste their most valuable time in the human form of life in false pursuits
- The present age of Kali is full of ignorant men. Even those who are born by a brahmana father are, in the present age, no better than the sudras or the women
- The prison is a necessary institution of the governmental establishment for those who are disobedient to the laws of the government. Similarly, this material world, full of miseries, is a temporary creation of the Lord for those who have forgotten Him
- The process (hear God's name) is recommended not only for the progressive students in different departments of ideological success, but also for those who are successful in their achievement as fruitive workers, as philosophers or as devotees of the Lord
- The progressive religionists and those who are responsible human beings or those who do not want to spoil their valuable human lives should refrain from all the principles of irreligiosity, especially illicit connection with women
- The purport is that those who are completely purified of the material modes of nature and who are transcendentally situated can worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The queens continued, "We must frankly admit that your voice is imbued with nectar, and it is so invigorating that it is competent to bring back life to those who are almost dead in separation from their dearmost friend"
- The real spiritual master is Krsna, & He is imparting this spiritual knowledge to Arjuna. Similarly, it is from those who are fully in Krsna consciousness that one has to learn this science of activities in terms of the modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- The real understanding is that "God, or Krsna, is the supreme father, and we are all sons of God." That is real knowledge. Therefore those who are in real knowledge, panditah sama-darsinah
- The regulative principles & the rules of yoga, the various sitting postures & breathing exercises performed in an attempt to withdraw one's senses from the sense objects are methods meant for those who are too much engrossed in bodily conception of life
- The residents of this material world are different from those who are eternally engaged in the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Lord
- The restriction of association with such foolish persons is especially meant for those who are in the line of advancement in Krsna consciousness
- The sacred thread is the sign of those who are competent to study the Vedas from the acarya, or the bona fide spiritual master. Sri Sukadeva Gosvami did not undergo such purificatory ceremonies because he was a liberated soul from his very birth
- The Sankara-sampradaya sannyasi are more strict than the Vaisnava sannyasi. Sankara sampradaya sannyasi, they'll never occupy a seat, those who are strictly following
- The sannyasi, brahmacari, they observe completely celibacy life. And those who are grhastha, they have regulated sex life. That is brahmacarya
- The sastras recommend, yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah: those who are intelligent should perform the sankirtana-yajna inaugurated by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The SB (1.7.10) states, Although those who are atmarama, self-satisfied, are liberated from all material contamination, they are still attracted by the pastimes of the Supreme Lord, and thus they engage themselves in His transcendental service
- The seed of devotional service is received by a most fortunate person. Those who are cultivating bhakti in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are the most fortunate people in the world
- The six further meanings of the verse are based on the following meanings of the word atmarama: (1) mental speculators (vide verse 165), (2) those engaged in different types of endeavor (vide verse 168), (3) those who are patient and sober
- The six further meanings of the verse are based on the following meanings of the word atmarama: (4) those who are intelligent and learned scholars (vide verse 187), (5) those who are intelligent but illiterate and foolish (vide verse 187)
- The six further meanings of the verse are based on the following meanings of the word atmarama: (6) those who are conscious of their eternal servitorship to Krsna (vide verse 201)
- The six kinds of atmaramas render devotional service to Krsna without ulterior motives. The words 'munayah' and 'santah' indicate those who are very much attached to meditating upon Krsna
- The so-called scientists are dreaming: "In future, we shall become without death." So many, they are dreaming. But those who are sane persons, they say: Trust no future, however pleasant
- The sons of India, those who are Indians, those who are proud of becoming Indian, they should take up this mission - of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The speculators, by dint of their own knowledge, they realize the Absolute Truth in His impersonal Brahman feature. And those who are yogis, they realize this God, the Supreme Lord, as Paramatma within the heart
- The spiritual energy is described here as superior energy, and the material energy is described here as inferior energy. So those who are expert devotees of God, they can utilize inferior energy for the purpose of superior energy
- The suffering of death, suffering of birth, suffering of disease and suffering of old age - these are imposed on the living entities, those who are criminals. Criminals means revolted against the service of the Lord
- The Supreme Absolute Truth is one, but He's realized from different angles of vision. Those who are trying to realize the Supreme Absolute Truth by speculation, they come to the impersonal conclusion
- The Supreme Lord became too much compassionate when He saw that people are unnecessarily killing animals, as it is going on still. Instead of . . . at least those who are claiming Buddhist, they are killing animals
- The Supreme Lord is perfectly realized only by the devotees because they are above all pretensions. Those who are on the path of self-realization are generally classified as karmis, jnanis, yogis, or devotees of the Lord
- The Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, although the Lord of all followers of different paths of self-realization, is knowable only by those who are above all pretensions
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is paramahamsa, or the supreme pure, whereas those who are sinful, being very much attached to material sense enjoyment and therefore engaging in material activities like asses, are the lowest of men
- The symptoms of birth, one can understand, of course, through abhijna, those who are abhijna. By the gunas, one can - guna means quality - one can understand the past and future
- The symptoms of those who are satiated with lusty desires are described in this verse - SB 9.19.15
- The talks between Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Raya are meant for advanced devotees only. Those who are on the mundane platform and who study these talks in order to put forward some thesis for a Ph.D. will not be able to understand them
- The term sanga-varjitah is significant. One should disassociate himself from persons who are against Krsna. Not only are the atheistic persons against Krsna, but also those who are attracted to fruitive activities and mental speculation. BG 1972 purports
- The time factor cannot touch the lifespan of the devotees. In another verse it is stated that when the sun rises and sets it takes away the life of all living entities, but it cannot take away the life of those who are engaged in devotional service
- The topic of incompatibility is a very important one, and those who are pure devotees always expect to find perfect compatibility in descriptions of the different relationships with the Personality of Godhead
- The topmost benediction for those who are living in this material world and are subjected to the repetition of birth and death (transmigration) is association with pure devotees
- The transcendental message of the Absolute is not understandable by those who are materially absorbed
- The transcendental name, fame, attributes, pastimes, and entourage of the Personality of Godhead tastes bitter to those who are suffering from the infection of material consciousness, but it is very sweet to those who have recovered from this infection
- The transcendental process is described in Bhagavad-gita, Chapter Two: to hear about Krsna from authorities. That is the actual Vedic process, and those who are actually in the Vedic line hear about Krsna from authority. BG 1972 purports
- The twentieth verse (BG 7.20) clearly states: "Those who are blinded by lusty desires surrender unto the different demigods." BG 1972 purports
- The tyagis, those who are unable to steal, have a "sour grapes" philosophy - Oh, these things are useless. There is no need of them
- The ultimate goal of life is Krsna, or Visnu, but those who are addicted to sex life cannot understand that their ultimate interest is Krsna consciousness
- The ultimate goal of Vedic knowledge is Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead. This Personality is very rarely understood by those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance
- The ultimate sanction, therefore, is Krsna. Those who are foolish do not know this, and therefore they are called mudha, rascals
- The Vedanta-sutra states: "Now one should inquire about Brahman." This inquiry is necessary for those who are between the paramahamsas and the fools who have forgotten the question of self-realization in the midst of life in sense gratification
- The Vedas says cow dung is pure. Now actually we are accepting, those who are following the Vedic principles, they accept cow dung as pure. Actually, it is pure
- The Vedas, this knowledge, for whom? Is it for the cats and dogs? No. They cannot read. They cannot understand. It is meant for men, and especially civilized men. Not for the crude men in the jungle. Those who are civilized
- The Vedic conclusion is accepted by all acaryas, and those who are against this conclusion (becoming a pure devotee of Krsna is the topmost perfection of all religious principles) are only veda-vada-ratas, as explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- The Vedic performances are based on the three modes of material nature. Those who are elevated above the material condition are not at all interested in such Vedic performances
- The Vedic versions in this connection are, (Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad 6.2.15): "Those who are free from all material desires, which are diseases of the heart, are able to conquer death and enter the kingdom of God through the Arci planets
- The very phrase Krsna consciousness suggests that those who are in such (Krsna) consciousness are living transcendentalists, situated in Him (Krsna). BG 1972 purports
- The vipras are those who are expert in karma-kanda, or fruitive activities, guiding the society towards fulfilling the material necessities of life, whereas the brahmanas are expert in spiritual knowledge of transcendence
- The virat-rupa is conceived for those who are just neophyte worshipers. For them the material virat-rupa is presented, and it will be explained in the Second Canto
- The whole world is enchanted by three modes of material nature. Those who are bewildered by these three modes cannot understand that transcendental to this material nature is the Supreme Lord, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The word bhoga means "sense gratification." Bhogaisvarya: Those who are overly attached to opulence and sense gratification cannot understand spiritual life, and they are very slow to take to it
- The word dehinam refers to those who are embodied. The living entities are embodied in different forms, which number 8,400,000 species. All of these were treated by the King (Prthu) in the same way he would treat himself
- The word dhirah, meaning "those who are undisturbed under all circumstances," is very significant
- The word mahatma refers to those who are broadminded, not cripple-minded
- The word mukta refers to the living entities who never come within this material world. The baddhas are those living entities who are almost eternally living within this material world
- The word munayah refers to (1) those who are thoughtful, (2) those who are grave and silent, (3) ascetics, (4) the persistent, (5) mendicants, (6) sages and (7) saints
- The word papa-yoni refers to those who are less than sudras, but even though a woman may not be papa-yoni, because of being less intelligent she sometimes forgets devotional instructions
- The word pasandi refers to those who are opposed to pure devotional service. In particular, these are the Mayavadis, the impersonalists. A definition of pasandi is given in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa - 1.73
- The word purusa is significant in this verse (SB 3.6.31) because the ksatriyas are expected to represent the purusa Lord in giving protection to the prajas, or all those who are born in the land and water. Protection is meant for both man and the animals
- The word uttamasloka means "one who is famous as the best of those who are good." The Lord is good in all circumstances. That is His natural reputation. His goodness is unlimited, and He uses it unlimitedly
- The words klesadas tesam anasanna-padam tava indicate that the Lord has two concerns. The first is to give protection to persons who take shelter of His lotus feet, and the second is to give trouble to those who are always demoniac
- The words parasya para-cintakah mean those who are fully Krsna conscious
- The words patatam vimanat are very significant. Vimana means airplane. Those who are elevated to the heavenly planets are like airplanes, which drop when they run out of fuel
- The writing of Vaisnava literatures is not a function for ordinary men. Vaisnava literatures are not mental concoctions. They are all authorized literatures meant to guide those who are going to be Vaisnavas
- The yoga system is for that purpose. Those who are too much bodily concept of life, bodily consciousness, they should practice this yoga—hatha-yoga, astanga-yoga—so that the mind can be purified
- The yogi's real business is to focus his mind on Krsna. That is the real yoga system. There are many gymnastics performed by yogis, but all this is recommended for those who are overly concerned with the body
- The yogi, by meditation, being in samadhi, they are seeing the Absolute Truth, Personality of Godhead, Visnu, within the heart. And those who are devotees, they are seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Arjuna is seeing, personally, face to face
- The yogic system of meditation is actually meant for those who are less intelligent. One who practices meditation in yoga must control the senses - yoga indriya-samyamah
- Their qualities are one and the same, but those who are fully surrendered to Krsna's lotus feet are qualified with another transcendental quality - atma-samarpana, full surrender without reservation
- Then, being mad, they (those influenced by passion and ignorance involved with wine, women & gambling) maintain big slaughterhouses or occasionally go on pleasure excursions to kill animals
- There are also those who are scholarly and well educated, but their knowledge is taken away by maya, illusion. Although they may superficially hold degrees, they have no real knowledge
- There are different kinds of purusas, or enjoyers, within the universe. Generally they can be divided into three classes - those who are conditioned, those who are liberated and those who are eternal
- There are four sampradayas. The Vaisnava devotees, they are coming one from Lord Brahma, and one from Laksmi. They are called Sri-sampradaya. And those who are coming from Brahma, they are called Brahma-sampradaya . . . and one from Lord Siva
- There are generally three classes of human being: those who are under the influence of the modes of goodness, and those who are under the modes of passion, and those who are under the modes of ignorance
- There are many conversions in Vedic literature. For instance, in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.7.10) the famous Atmarama verse is especially meant for those who are attracted to self-realization and liberated from all material attachments
- There are many embodied souls, 8,400,000 of species of life. Out of that, this civilized form of life, especially those who are followers of Vedic regulations, they are called the Aryans or the advanced civilized persons
- There are many persons who are trying to attain perfection by striving for liberation from material bondage, and those who are actually liberated are called brahma-bhuta
- There are many sages who are expert in performing austerities; there are many men who give much in charity; there are many famous men, scholars and thinkers, and there are those who are very expert in reciting Vedic hymns
- There are men who want to understand the Absolute Truth through philosophy, through science. It is the duty of those who are scientifically advanced, philosophically advanced or materially advanced or wealthy, to engage all this for Krsna's service
- There are millions and trillions of planets within the sky. They are all moving. Seasonal changes, day & night, everything is going on. This is perfection. Those who are in divine nature, they can understand all these things. That is called daivi sampat
- There are persons who are controlled by the modes of ignorance and passion and those who are controlled by the mode of goodness. The creation is so varied that there are always varieties found in every society
- There are the eternal associates, the associates who have become perfect by devotional service, and those who are practicing devotional service and are called sadhakas, of whom there are two varieties
- There are those who are attached to bodily concepts of life. Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, for example, have very prestigious positions, and thus they have the sense of being very exalted isvaras
- There are those who are still attracted to Krsna's impersonal brahmajyoti effulgence, which is the all-pervasive aspect of the Absolute Truth and which is unmanifest and beyond the reach of the senses. BG 1972 purports
- There are those who simply desire liberation, those who are liberated already, even while in this material existence, and those who are actually self-realized
- There are three colors: blue, red & yellow. Now, those who are expert in manufacturing color, artists, they mix these three colors in different way & display. Similarly, according to the gunas or mixture, association - we get different types of bodies
- There are three divisions of Krsna conscious men. In the third class are those who have no faith. BG 1972 purports
- There are three ends of the body, either to become stool, or to become ashes, or to become earth. Those who are burying the body, just like the Christian, Mohammedans do, the body becomes earth
- There are three kinds of devotees: (1) those who are eternally on the transcendental platform (nitya-siddha), (2) those who have been elevated to the transcendental platform by the execution of devotional service - sadhana-siddha
- There are three modes of material nature. Those who are demigods, they are in the modes of goodness, and those who are demons, they are partly in the modes of passion and partly in the modes of ignorance
- There are three qualities in this material world: the goodness, the passion and the ignorance. So in the BG it is stated that those who are cultivating the quality of goodness, they can be promoted to the higher status of life in higher planetary system
- There are two classes of men - those who are obedient to the laws of the Supreme Lord and those who are atheists or agnostics, who do not accept the existence of God and who want to create their own laws
- There are two classes of men - those who are sober (dhira) and those who are extravagant (adhira). When one, in spite of provocation or in spite of the presence of a source of mental agitation, can remain steady in his position, he is called dhira
- There are two classes of men in the created world. One consists of the demoniac and the other of the godly. The devotees of Lord Visnu are the godly, whereas those who are just the opposite are called demons
- There are two different types of men - the asuras and the suras. Those who are devotees of Lord Visnu, Krsna, are suras, or devas, whereas those who are opposed to the devotees are called asuras
- There are two kinds of devotees - those who are fully satiated and free from all material desires and those who are fully surrendered to the lotus feet of the Lord
- There are two kinds of devotees of the Lord. One is called gosthy-anandi, which means those who are preachers & have many followers for preaching the glories of the Lord and who live among those many, many followers just to organize missionary activities
- There are two kinds of liberated souls - those who are liberated by the favor of the Lord and those who are liberated by their own effort
- There are two kinds of men throughout the universe. Those who are devotees of Lord Visnu are called demigods, and those who are just the opposite are called demons
- There are two things. One material, one spiritual. Spiritually, India is happy, those who are actually spiritualists. But materially, India is unhappy
- There are two ways to progress. Those who are materialists have no interest in Transcendence; therefore they are more interested in material advancement by economic development, or in promotion to the higher planets by appropriate work. BG 1972 purports
- There are two words, grhamedhi and grhastha, in Vedic language. Grhastha means those who are householder, living for convenience - wife, children
- There is a very famous Bhagavata reader in Bombay. He is a pakka avaisnava. But he is going on, and he is infusing poison - means those who are hearing him, they will never be able to understand what is Krsna. They will never be able. It is so poisonous
- There is another verse, that "Those who are engaged in devotional service," Krsna says, yoga-ksemam vahamy aham (BG 9.22), "I take personal charge for their maintenance." This is complete arrangement
- There is great need of spreading Krsna consciousness in the human society. Those who are actually welfare workers, they should come forward and join this movement to spread it
- There is no happiness in the material sphere - even in Brahmaloka - so plans and activities for elevation to higher planets within the material universe are carried out by those who are less intelligent
- There is no need to name those who are useless. I have mentioned them only to distinguish them from the useful devotees
- There is no question of happy life within this material world. This is to be understood first. Very pessimistic. Those who are intelligent, they are very pessimistic. Even materially they are pessimistic
- Therefore those who are trying to overcome the laws of nature, that is the so-called modern scientists' endeavor. That is foolishness, rascaldom. They cannot do it. It is not possible
- These centers are being opened. So I request you, those who are interested in loving God, in Krsna consciousness, they will kindly associate with these devotees. Adau sraddha tato sadhu-sanga
- These demigods (Kala-bhairava, Smasana-bhairava, Sani, Mahakali and Candika) are worshiped mostly by those who are in the lowest categories of the mode of darkness or ignorance
- These four principles (dharma, artha, kama, moksa) form the transcendental path for the less intelligent. Those who are actually intelligent engage in Krsna consciousness, not caring for these four principles of the transcendental method
- These four things are prohibited: illicit sex life, animal-killing, intoxication, and gambling. This is the preliminary understanding. Especially those who are higher caste - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya - they are strictly forbidden
- These instructions apply not only to householders but also to tyagis, or those who are in the renounced order of life
- These narrations are wonderfully enjoyable, and those who are fortunate are struck with wonder upon hearing of these extraordinary activities of the Lord
- These societies, those who are claiming that "I am God. You are God. Everyone God" - God has become so cheap that everyone is God - you immediately should know he's a rascal number one. Immediately
- They (Mayavadi philosophers) unnecessarily poke their noses into the Vedanta-sutra, but they have no ability to understand it because, as the author of the Vedanta-sutra writes in his commentary, SB, it is meant for those who are pure in heart - SB 1.1.2
- They (those who are ambitious to derive material benefit from devotional service) do not know that the result of devotional service is not material benediction
- They (those who are attached to material enjoyment) are especially attached to worship of the goddess Durga and Lord Siva because this transcendental couple can offer their devotees all material opulence
- They (those who are following the impersonal way to spiritual realization) have to learn the language, understand the nonperceptual feelings, and they have to realize all these processes. This is not very easy for a common man. BG 1972 purports
- They (those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance and goodness) are bewildered before the Supreme Lord in His personal feature, which possesses all beauty, opulence, knowledge, strength, fame and renunciation. BG 1972 purports
- They (those who are insane) are under the wrong impression that after death there is no life, and consequently they act very irresponsibly in this life and enjoy unrestricted sense gratification
- They (those who are introspective) are practically asleep to introspection, and thus they are unable to derive any permanent value from the assets of the human form of body. But one who has developed introspection is as grave as the sea
- They (those who are poor in transcendental realization) do not know that such control of the senses and achievement of spiritual perfection are simultaneously made possible as soon as one is factually engaged in the transcendental loving service of God
- They (those) who are intelligent take to the devotional service of the Lord so that they can ultimately penetrate the covering of this universe and enter the spiritual kingdom
- They (who are actually intelligent) at once elevate themselves to the transcendental platform which is above liberation
- They are taking nature as the Supreme. But those who are actually in awareness of God, they know that God is the controller of nature also
- They are taking so much trouble just to deliver the fallen soul from the sinful activities, and those who are being punished, to save them, this is Vaisnava's business
- Things are degraded to such an extent that those who are supposed to be religious are also at the present moment interested only in sense gratification
- This (a man attached to fruitive work shouldn't be discouraged from his occupation) is sometimes applicable for those who're only dry empiric philosophers without spiritual realization. But those who're in the devotional line need not be always so advised
- This (CC Adi 9.29) is the sum and substance of Lord Caitanya’s sankirtana movement. There is no distinction made between those who are fit and those who are not fit to hear or take part in the sankirtana movement
- This (Krsna Consciousness movement) is the only movement for respiritualization of the whole world. And those who are intelligent, they should come forward and cooperate with this movement
- This (no illicit sex life, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication) is the beginning of religious life. Those who are so-called religious and indulge in these four principles of prohibited activities are pseudoreligionists
- This (who do not know the spiritual value of life, can be satisfied with external material opulences, but those who are atma-tattva-vit are not inspired by material opulence) is the instruction we can derive from the life and activities of Saubhari Muni
- This body, how you'll be transferred to another body, that will be judged by Yamaraja. Daiva-netrena. Karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1). By our activities we shall be judged. Those who are criminal, they will be judged, not that everyone will be judged
- This gradual process of elevation for self-realization is meant for those who are truly aware of the Absolute Truth. After repeated birth on this path, which is known as deva-yana, one attains these consecutive stages
- This instruction (one should not accept initiation from a person who is not in the brahminical order) is meant for those who are overly dependent on the mundane social order and is suitable for those who want to remain in mundane life
- This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (10.10): To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- This is KCM, ante narayana-smrtih. So it is very important movement. Those who are very intelligent, they can take to it. Or you become intelligent or not intelligent, but know, at least, unless one is pious, he cannot take to this movement
- This is the crucial point of advancement in human life. Tyaja durjana-samsargam: "Try to avoid." Not try; must. You must avoid the association of the materialistic persons. Materialistic person means those who are after money and woman
- This is the qualification of God: He knows past, present and future. And those who are false God, they cannot say. That is not possible. This is the test. They are claiming, falsely claiming
- This is the sum and substance of Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement. There is no distinction made between those who are fit and those who are not fit to hear or take part in the sankirtana movement. It should therefore be preached without discrimination
- This is the yoga system (practicing different sitting posture) recommended for those who are too much absorbed in the bodily concept of life
- This is very nice verse (SB 6.1.17), substance of Krsna consciousness movement, that those who are conducting this movement, they must be susila, very well behaved; nobody can find out any fault
- This King, Maharaja Prthu, is the best amongst those who are following religious principles. As such, he will engage everyone in the pursuit of religious principles and give those principles all protection
- This Krsna conscious preaching work, we must be very cautious that those who are preachers, they must be pure Vaisnava
- This Krsna consciousness movement is the topmost philanthropy, welfare activities to the human society. Those who are intelligent, they are understanding
- This krsna-prasna, question about Krsna & answer about Krsna, this is not ordinary question & answer. It is atmavit-sammatah. Those who are self-realized, they will understand, they will approve of it, because it is transcendental, srotavyadisu yah parah
- This material world is therefore extremely difficult to understand, but those who are highly learned have rejected it. May the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the controller of everything, be pleased with us
- This maya's business is to give you always trouble, tri-tapa-yatana, adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika, just to kick you, those who are nondevotees, just to correct you to become a devotee of the Lord
- This meditation means to stop all nonsense work, sit down tightly? But those who are advanced in Krsna consciousness, they have to work for Krsna
- This process (hearing the holy name of God) is recommended not only for the successful execution of devotional service, but also even for those who are materially attached
- This second class of men believe the Supreme Brahman to be impersonal. They accept the cult of bhakti, in which hearing of krsna-katha is the first item, as a means and not the end. Above them are those who are pure devotees
- This simple understanding (Krsna is sac-cid-ananda) is at once realized by the devotees of the Lord, but those who are nondevotees, who perform hardly any devotional service to the Lord, either do not understand this simple fact
- This stage (of devotional service) is very difficult, but very easy also. For the simple person it is very easy, and those who are crooked, demons, for them it is very difficult
- This verse (BG 9.15) is the summary of the previous verses (BG 9.14). The Lord tells Arjuna that those who are purely in Krsna consciousness and do not know anything other than Krsna are called mahatma. BG 1972 purports
- This verse (SB 4.30.39) presents a perfect picture of Vedic civilization. People training to become devotees should be respectful not only to the SP of Godhead but also to those who are elderly in knowledge, who are Aryans and actual devotees of the Lord
- Those in human society who are intelligent should give up the original cause of lamentation, illusion, fear, anger, attachment, poverty and unnecessary labor. The original cause of all of these is the desire for unnecessary prestige and money
- Those Indians who are here, it is all right you are earning for some economic development, but at the same time, you try to make your life perfect by Krsna consciousness and spread it to the foreigners as far as possible. That's your duty
- Those influenced by the mode of ignorance are given places in Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala, Patala or the animal kingdom
- Those men who are too materialistic are unaware of this knowledge (atma-tattva) and are more inclined to economic development for material enjoyment
- Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me
- Those of demoniac mentality will go on increasing and increasing their insatiable desires for material enjoyment
- Those on the level of hogs and dogs will never appreciate such a great attempt (as the Sankirtana movement). Yet this does not matter to the preachers of Sri Caitanya's cult, for all over the world they will continue to perform this responsible work
- Those persons who are materially engrossed, being blind to the knowledge of ultimate truth, have many subject matters for hearing in human society, O Emperor
- Those who are . . . position is very small but wants to enjoy like Krsna, they are rascals. Position is very small proportionately, but want to enjoy like Krsna, they are fools
- Those who are a little enlightened suffer less, but on the whole everyone is subjected to material miseries due to being covered by the material energy
- Those who are a little religious
- Those who are a little religious kill animals in temples, mosques or synagogues, and those who are more fallen maintain various slaughterhouses
- Those who are above the jurisdiction of night are always in the spiritual world, where the Lord’s pastimes are constantly manifest to them
- Those who are above the karmis, that is, the jnanis, yogis and devotees, are strictly prohibited from sex indulgence
- Those who are acting in the modes of passion, they'll remain in the same position as they are now, and those acting in the modes of ignorance, darkness, without any knowledge, they are being degraded in lower grades of life. This is material world
- Those who are acting, those who are situated on the platform of goodness, they are promoting their existential status in higher planets. Urdhvam gacchanti sattva-stha
- Those who are activated by the material mode of ignorance engage in impious activities, and according to the extent of their ignorance, they are placed in different grades of hellish life
- Those who are active in the Krsna consciousness movement should not remain in the neophyte stage but should rise to the platform of preachers, the second platform of devotional service
- Those who are actually advanced approach Lord Visnu, their ultimate goal. Such people are never captivated by Lord Visnu’s external energy, the material world
- Those who are actually advanced Aryans, their business is how to approach Visnu. That is the Rg-mantra. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum durasaya
- Those who are actually advanced transcendentalist, they'll appreciate, "Oh, how nicely they are doing. How nicely." Although there is broken language of goru instead of guru, that will be appreciated
- Those who are actually advanced will find that the original cause is the potter, who supplies the earth and moves the wheel. Material nature may be a helping factor in the creation of this cosmic manifestation, but it is not the ultimate cause
- Those who are actually attached to the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, that, that Haridasa Thakura, they are chanting whole day and night. But you cannot imitate that. Your mind is not fixed up. Therefore it is minimum sixteen rounds
- Those who are actually bewildered by the Mayavada philosophy and are still in the darkness of ignorance consider Lord Visnu to be a demigod, in defiance of the Rg-vedic mantra om tad visnoh paramam padam - Visnu is always in a superior position
- Those who are actually Brahmin, they must be truthful, always clean, inside and outside
- Those who are actually devotees and followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu must accept devotees from all parts of the world as pure Vaisnavas. They should be accepted not artificially but factually
- Those who are actually devotees are broadminded, equal to everyone and very peaceful. They never become angry, and they are friendly to all living entities
- Those who are actually devotees of Lord Krsna, you have to associate with them. And who is sadhu? Sadhu is described by Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita - the fact is, sadhu means unalloyed devotee of Krsna
- Those who are actually devotees, dedicated the life and everything for Krsna, for them only, Krsna reveals
- Those who are actually divine can see the universal form of the Lord. But one cannot be divine without being a pure devotee of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are actually eager to be liberated from material entanglement would do well to accept at once the conclusion given by Sri Sukadeva Gosvami
- Those who are actually engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord are already freed from all reactions. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are actually engaged in the service of the Lord, he can get instruction from Krsna. Tato mam tattvato jnatva. And when he gets instruction fully, and he is fully aware of Krsna, visate tad anantaram, then merging question comes
- Those who are actually engaged in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be disunited in any circumstance
- Those who are actually holy are transcendental, composed, peaceful, friendly to all living entities and not subject to anger. Simply by association with such holy men one can become a Krsna conscious devotee
- Those who are actually in knowledge do not admit such conclusions (if one chant Hare Krsna or the name of demigods, the result will be the same), which are against the authority of the sastras
- Those who are actually in perfect knowledge of the science of God know that the living entities are superior energy of the Supreme Lord
- Those who are actually in the knowledge of Krsna consciousness, science of God, they firmly fixed up in the devotional service of Krsna
- Those who are actually in the Vedic line hear about Krsna from authority, and by repeated hearing about Him, Krsna becomes dear. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are actually inquisitive to understand the philosophy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu through logic and argument are welcome
- Those who are actually intelligent, they should not neglect this movement, KC movement. It is the greatest welfare movement for the whole human society to make people God conscious, KC, without which there will be so many troubles. It is already there
- Those who are actually interested in understanding the SP of God, Krsna, and who follow in the footsteps of Arjuna should understand that Krsna not only theoretically presented Himself as the Supreme, but actually revealed Himself as the Supreme
- Those who are actually interested to understand his position in this world, then he should hear about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme controller living in everyone's heart, sarvatma harihisvaro
- Those who are actually interested to understand the SPG, Krsna, and who follow in the footsteps of Arjuna should understand that Krsna not only theoretically presented Himself as the Supreme, but actually revealed Himself as the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are actually learned and advanced in spiritual life do not accept any leader, husband or maintainer other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are actually learned do not make any distinction between a learned scholar, a brahmana, an elephant, a dog and a candala. They do not see in terms of the external body; rather, they see the person as spirit soul
- Those who are actually learned say that he who applies himself well to one of these paths achieves the results of both. BG 5.4 - 1972
- Those who are actually learned, advanced in spiritual understanding, should preach Krsna consciousness all over the world so that people may take to it and make their lives successful
- Those who are actually on the transcendental platform are never satiated by hearing the continuous narration of the pastimes of the Lord
- Those who are actually practicing Krsna consciousness, just associate with them. Then, if you try to follow how they are are chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare
- Those who are actually pure devotees are celebrated as mahatmas, or great sages, personalities perfect in knowledge
- Those who are actually religious, should not be spent unnecessarily for sense gratification
- Those who are actually self-realized see every individual body as a temple of the Supreme Personality of Godhead because the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His Paramatma feature, is residing in everyone's body
- Those who are actually serious about human life should take to the mode of goodness and in good association transcend the modes and become situated in Krsna consciousness. This is the aim of human life. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are actually servants of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu must seriously distribute this (Krsna consciousness) movement all over the world to render the greatest benefit to human society
- Those who are actually sincere about spiritual life will gradually see the purity of our movement as you are conducting it and they will become attracted to the real thing
- Those who are actually situated in the mode of goodness (sattva-guna) of material nature worship only visnu-tattvas
- Those who are actually studious, they can understand the science (KC) perfectly if they study all our books. We have got twenty volumes books like this already published. And we propose to publish seventy-two volumes, how to understand God
- Those who are actually thieves and rogues do not recognize or acknowledge the benedictions offered to them by the Supreme Lord, and they cannot render Him devotional service
- Those who are actually yogis practice in a secluded place, and after many, many births they become successful, provided they surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the completion of yoga
- Those who are addicted to commit sins, they are all mudhas. They do not know. So therefore, because they are mudhas and because they are duskrtina, they cannot understand Krsna
- Those who are addicted to fruitive activities and speculative knowledge cannot understand the value of the holy name of Lord Krsna, which is always completely pure, eternally liberated and full of spiritual bliss
- Those who are addicted to material pleasure cannot be attracted to devotional service
- Those who are addicted to sex life are also materially advanced because sex life or passionate life is the impetus for the material advancement of civilization
- Those who are addicted to sinful life, they cannot understand God. So therefore we have to stop sinful activities. If you keep them in sinful activities, and if you expect that God will be revealed to them, it is not possible
- Those who are addicted to the pursuit of empiric philosophy are also advised to act in such a way that they will realize bhakti. Karma-yoga is therefore different from ordinary karma, and jnana-yoga is different from ordinary jnana
- Those who are addicted to these bad habits (prostitute-hunting, meat-eating, gambling, etc.), in their hundreds and thousands of life they will never be able to understand what is God. The door is locked for them
- Those who are addicted to these irreligious habits (gambling, drinking, prostitution and falsity) may be regulated by the injunctions of the scripture. In no circumstances should they be encouraged by any state
- Those who are advanced and highly qualified and are interested in the essence of life know the good qualities of Kali-yuga
- Those who are advanced in civilization, for them eating of stool is unthinkable. But for the hogs and dogs, it is very palatable. This is the difference
- Those who are advanced in knowledge, they are comparatively happy in this world, and those who are ignorance, they are not happy
- Those who are advanced in spiritual knowledge are not subject to the regulative principles directed in the Vedic literatures. Because such advanced souls are transcendental, You personally appear in their pure minds
- Those who are advanced in spiritual knowledge see unity in diversity. For such advanced persons, the Lord's bodily decorations, His name, His fame, His attributes and forms and the weapons in His hand are manifestations of the strength of His potency
- Those who are advanced in spiritual knowledge, they can see God in every moment. If you have love of God, then you are qualified to see God every moment
- Those who are advanced in spiritual life are not interested in the impersonal Brahman effulgence. Rather, they are interested in purusa, the Supreme Person, Vasudeva
- Those who are advanced in spiritual life do not put faith in the mind. Indeed, they always remain vigilant and watch the mind's action
- Those who are advanced in spiritual life, there is every possibility for getting next life a human being. Otherwise nobody knows. Those who are ignorant, they do not know
- Those who are advanced in yoga practice can willfully transfer the soul to whatever planet they like by the yoga process, and others take the opportunity in various ways. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are advanced transcendentalists are freed from the laws of nature, and even a deathblow cannot act on them
- Those who are advanced, they also dream Krsna consciousness. Of course, that requires time to make little advancement. But after all, dream is the activities of the mind
- Those who are advanced, they want higher philosophical thoughts. That is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Those who are afflicted by a combination of anxieties cannot understand the Hare Krsna mantra, which is free from all anxiety
- Those who are after fruitive results for sense gratification may be elevated to a higher standard of life-even to the higher planets; but still, because they are not free from material existence, they aren't following the truly auspicious path. BG 1972 p
- Those who are after fruitive results for their pious activities, those who desire salvation and identity with the Supreme, and those who desire material perfections of mystic power are all restless because they want something for themselves
- Those who are after going to the better planets - sun planet, moon planet, and heavenly planet . . . there are many. Svargaloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, Maharloka. They are in Sanskrit names
- Those who are after killing animals, they will find some clue that "Here in the Vedas the animal-killing is sometimes recommended." But that animal-killing is not a, I mean to say, instigation that "You go on killing animals"
- Those who are after material benefits, they can worship different demigods. That is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita. Those who are bewildered or lost of intelligence, they go to worship other demigods
- Those who are after material concessions go to different demigods. They take something from Siva, Durga, Kali, Ganesa, Surya and whomever. However, it was the goddess Parvati who asked Lord Siva, - What is the best type of worship
- Those who are after material enjoyment (bhukti) worship the demigods and achieve their planets and thus enjoy material happiness
- Those who are after material opulence and material happiness place themselves under the care of the material energy, mahamaya, or under the care of material demigods like Lord Siva and others
- Those who are after severe austerities, they rise up to the Brahman effulgence, but on account of his original nature of ananda, he cannot remain there. He again falls down
- Those who are after the imitation peacock are the fruitive workers, and those who simply condemn the imitation peacock but are ignorant of the real peacock are the empiric philosophers
- Those who are allured by the bodily concept are no better than cats and dogs. If we accept that "I am this body," then we are not better than the cats and dogs because their concept of life is like that
- Those who are already cleansed of the impurities may continue to act in the same Krsna consciousness so that others may follow their exemplary activities and thereby be benefitted. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are already liberated chant and hear the holy name of the Lord, knowing perfectly that to glorify the Lord is the only way to keep oneself in a transcendental position
- Those who are always attached to understanding the transcendental meaning of Srimad-Bhagavatam, who are always eager to associate with advanced devotees the seed of love (rati) is expanded in the heart by previous and current reformatory processes
- Those who are always busy with fruitive activities come to the Lord in material distress and at that time associate with pure devotees and become, in their distress, devotees of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are always connected with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, even though they be within the material body or the material world, are not affected by the material qualities
- Those who are always dreaming of lording it over the material world, and whose life, mind and senses are thus engaged, are considered to have determination in the mode of ignorance
- Those who are always full of cares and anxieties due to desiring contact of the senses with their objects can cross the ocean of nescience on a most suitable boat-the constant chanting of the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead
- Those who are always merged in the ocean of the nectar of describing the Lord's pastimes are liberated and have no fear of the material condition of life
- Those who are ambitious to derive material benefit from devotional service are not pure devotees, but because they are engaged in devotional service they are considered fortunate
- Those who are animal killers, their brain is dull as stone. They cannot understand any thing
- Those who are animal-food eaters, they are fourth class - and less than that, those who have no distinction of eating any kind of flesh . . . there are certain classes of nation also. They say the Chinese people, they eat anything
- Those who are animal-killers and animal-eaters, they cannot understand finer philosophical matter. Their brain is gross. Therefore they are much inclined to mechanical way of life
- Those who are animalistic try to find peace in the desert of material life. It is repeatedly said in different sastras that there is no pleasure in this material world. Furthermore, even if we agree to live without pleasure, we are not allowed to do so
- Those who are anxious to understand the Absolute Truth by dint of imperfect knowledge, this is right conclusion. If your senses are imperfect, whatever your knowledge may be, that is imperfect
- Those who are apasyatam atma-tattvam, who cannot see, who cannot understand, who cannot vision what is atma-tattvam, what is their business? How they are wasting time? Sukadeva Goswami says nidraya, by sleeping. By sleeping
- Those who are approved sastra is accepted by the acaryas. Sastra, which is accepted by the acarya, that is sastra. You cannot make
- Those who are artists, overtaken by the beautiful creation, should better see to the beautiful face of the Lord for complete satisfaction. The face of the Lord is the embodiment of beauty
- Those who are Aryans strictly follow the Vedic principles
- Those who are asat are very much attached to sense gratification, and the culmination of sense gratification is sex
- Those who are associated with the Lord in the Vaikuntha planets achieve all the bodily features of the Lord and appear to be the same as Lord Visnu. Such liberation is called sarupya-mukti, which is one of the five kinds of liberation
- Those who are associating with tamo-guna - drinking, flesh-eating, smoking, illicit sex, gambling . . . these are the association of tamo-guna. Yatra papas catur-vidha (SB 1.17.38), where there are four kinds of sinful activities
- Those who are associating with the base qualities of material nature, they get lower life. That is natural. Just like you contaminate a kind of disease, it will become manifest in due course of time
- Those who are atheistic, i.e., who do not believe in Visnu, or who only recognize the impersonal part of Krsna as the Supreme, cannot have the divine vision. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are atheists, they are declining to accept the existence of God. They are less than animals
- Those who are attached to impersonal philosophy, they do not care to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are attached to material enjoyment cannot be fixed in devotional service to the Lord. They cannot understand Bhagavan, Krsna, or His instruction, Bhagavad-gita. Adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram: their path actually leads toward hellish life
- Those who are attached to materialistic life and are blind to spiritual life must act in such a way that they are bound to repeated birth and death by the actions and reactions of their activities
- Those who are attached to the bodily conception of life and who thus stick to life as a grhastha, or householder, on the platform of material sense enjoyment, cannot see the welfare of the eternal soul
- Those who are attached to the impersonal Brahman or the localized Supersoul are also partially Krsna conscious, because impersonal Brahman is the spiritual ray of Krsna and Supersoul is the all-pervading partial expansion of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are attached to the impersonal or void features of meditation have to undergo a difficult process because we are not accustomed to concentrating our minds upon anything impersonal. Actually such concentration is not even possible
- Those who are attached to the karma-kandiya activities described in the Vedas are actually entangled in the three modes of material nature
- Those who are attached to the means of bhakti-yoga are factually self-controlled and can all of a sudden give up their homely or bodily attachment for the service of the Lord. This is called the paramahaṁsa stage
- Those who are attached to the SP of Godhead in love always see the Lord's lotus eyes and lotus feet, whereas others cannot see the Lord's beauty and are therefore classified as anadrta-yusmad-anghrayah, or neglectful of the Lord's personal form
- Those who are attached to this body, which is meant to be eaten at the end by dogs and jackals, cannot do so
- Those who are attached to Vedic ritualistic ceremonies because of lusty desires are subjected to the tribulations of material existence again and again
- Those who are attending this meeting, they have got a little faith: "All right, let us go to this meeting. They are talking about something about God. Let us hear." This is called faith, little faith. So you have to increase this faith. That is required
- Those who are attracted to the materialistic way of life and who are always agitated and full of anxiety worship demigods who appear fierce - demigods like goddess Kali and Kala-bhairava (Rudra)
- Those who are authorities, be they personalists or impersonalists, are in agreement that Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- Those who are averse to the Transcendence realize the Supreme Absolute Truth differently through speculative sense perception, and therefore, because of mistaken speculation, everything appears to them to be relative
- Those who are aware of the Absolute Truth, they say that Absolute Truth is one, but He's realized in three angle of vision, namely, Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan
- Those who are aware of transcendental knowledge, and who thus are actually learned, perform all acts needed for maintaining the body and mind, but with a view to satisfying the transcendental senses of the Supreme Godhead, Visnu
- Those who are before God and who surrender unto Him, cannot be influenced by the deluding energy; they are free from the misconception of "It is I, it is mine," and therefore they do not accept a false God or pose themselves as equal to the Supreme Lord
- Those who are being initiated, they are being freed from the resultant action of past sinful life. But they should be careful not to commit again sinful activities. Then they are safe
- Those who are being trained up as brahmana and ksatriya, they should be given book education. Otherwise practical. You see how the things are being done. Bas
- Those who are bereft of all good sense, or those whose intelligence is withdrawn by the deluding energy of maya, aspire to achieve all sorts of material enjoyment in life 1) by pleasing the various demigods
- Those who are bereft of all good sense, or those whose intelligence is withdrawn by the deluding energy of maya, aspire to achieve all sorts of material enjoyment in life 2) by advancing in material civilization under the heading of scientific progress
- Those who are bewildered by the external features of the material world and are engaged in the animal propensities of the eat-drink-and-be-merry type of life are simply wasting their lives by the unseen passing away of valuable years
- Those who are beyond the dualities that arise from doubts, whose minds are engaged within, who are always busy working for the welfare of all living beings, and who are free from all sins achieve liberation in the Supreme
- Those who are born in families of brahmanas but have not yet undergone the reformatory processes and who therefore expect to study the Vedic rituals and perform the sacrifices in the future
- Those who are born in high-class, rich family or brahmana family, they are not ordinary. But there is no brahmana family now. So at least the richer section, they can be induced to send their boys to learn Sanskrit and English and Bhagavad-bhakti
- Those who are born in such families (aristocratic families) may take advantage of the facilities and try to elevate themselves to full Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are born into this family of Yadu are all My eternal associates. Dear wife, you should not consider that My associates are ever separated from Me; they are My personal expansions, as such, you must know that they are almost as powerful as I am
- Those who are born with divine qualities follow a regulated life; that is to say they abide by the injunctions in scriptures & by the authorities. 1 should perform duties in the light of authoritative scripture. This mentality is called divine. BG 1972 p
- Those who are bringing spiritual master as spiritual matter to be, to be subjected to the experimental knowledge, it is not possible. Experimental knowledge is defective, therefore we have to understand spiritual subject matter
- Those who are burying the bodies of their forefathers, the body turns into dust, as the Christian Bible says, "Dust thou art." This body is dust and again turn into dust
- Those who are burying the bodies of their forefathers, the body turns into dust, as the Christian Bible says, "dust thou art." This body is dust and again turns into dust
- Those who are busy rendering service to the parts and parcels, leaving aside the whole, only spoil time and energy, as one does when watering the leaves of a tree without watering the root
- Those who are captivated by pure devotional service have no desire to elevate themselves to any material planet. The highest planet in the spiritual world is Krsna-loka, or Goloka Vrndavana, and there the devotional plant takes shelter
- Those who are captivated by such alluring glances of the Lord are put under the direction of the controller of sinners called Yamaraja. The Lord smiles affectionately, displaying His teeth
- Those who are captivated by the beauty of the external energy are called maya-mohita. Mohitam nabhijanati mam ebhyah param avyayam (BG 7.13). Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah - SB 7.5.31
- Those who are captivated by the illusory advancement of material civilization (following the way of phantasmagoria) are certainly madmen
- Those who are cent percent devotees of the Lord get the full-fledged mercy of the Lord, which is always equally distributed everywhere
- Those who are cent percent engaged in the service of the Lord (Krsna) are full recipients of the mercy of the Lord
- Those who are chanting and dancing, they are realizing. Why? Because Krsna Himself is delivering, "All right. Take Me. It is very difficult to understand Me, you are so defective. But I give Myself to you. Come on." This is Krsna consciousness movement
- Those who are chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra without any offense, they are tasting spiritual nectarine
- Those who are cheated, they are accepting this cheating knowledge. Therefore the whole human society is full of cheaters and cheated
- Those who are Christian, you pray in the church, "O Father." So God is actually the father. In the BG it is also it is said: "Father." Aham bija-pradah pita (BG 14.4). Pita means father. Actually, God supplies everything through the material agent
- Those who are coming to this Krsna consciousness movement, they are very fortunate, because they are not in the category of ordinary men. They are serious to know about God
- Those who are comparatively less powerful are called vibhuti, and those who are comparatively more powerful are called avesa incarnations
- Those who are completely against the service of the Lord (Krsna) are considered to be in abject darkness and those who ask for the Lord's favor only at the time of necessity are partial recipients of the mercy of the Lord
- Those who are completely dedicated to the lotus feet of Krsna in service are actually sannyasis. As a matter of formality, the devotee accepts the sannyasa dress as previous acaryas did. He also accepts the three dandas
- Those who are completely dependent on the will of the Lord are called sanatha, or those having someone to protect them
- Those who are completely established in Krsna conscious philosophy and who therefore understand the aim of life will never take to the activities of the materialistic dog race
- Those who are completely in ignorance are called sudras. And those who are less than that are animals or animal life. However, these designations are not permanent
- Those who are completely in ignorance are called sudras. And those who are less than that are animals or animal life. However, these designations are not permanent. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are completely pure in heart, they do not cause distress. Why, then, did Rsabhadeva neglect them?
- Those who are condemned, those who want to try to lord it over, they are imprisoned within the walls of material universe. So their number is very small
- Those who are conditioned, they are called nitya-baddha, ever-conditioned. Nitya-baddha means we do not know when our, this conditional stage has begun. It is impossible to trace out the history.
- Those who are conducting different centers and temples, they should be very responsible men. Because everything will depend on their sincere activities and character
- Those who are confident that they are not the material body, that they are spiritual parts of the SPG and are therefore engaged in the transcendental service of the Supreme Godhead, have nothing to fear. Their future is very bright. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are conquered by lusty desires and anger cannot estimate the glories of Lord Siva, whose position is always transcendental
- Those who are conscious of Krsna only as a historical personality or who are envious of the greatness of Krsna should not be told this most confidential part of knowledge
- Those who are considered materially powerful and rich are always full of anxieties because of governmental laws, thieves and rogues, enemies, family members, animals, birds, persons seeking charity, the inevitable time factor and even their own selves
- Those who are constantly engaged in meditating on the lotus feet of the Lord are certainly purified of the material contamination of the senses and are thus able to see the Supreme Lord face to face
- Those who are constantly engaged in the personal service of the Lord are called anugas, or followers. Examples of such followers are Sucandra, Mandana, Stamba and Sutamba. They are all inhabitants of the city of Dvaraka
- Those who are conversant with Vedic language, they know: asrama means something in connection with God. That is called asrama. So grhastha-asrama means one may live with family, children, wife, children, friends - that's all right
- Those who are convinced for making a sure progress of life, he's called niscayatmika buddhih. That is determination
- Those who are covered by the material energy cannot understand that the origin of everything is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This is summarized in the Vedanta aphorism. Krsna also confirms this in Bhagavad-gita
- Those who are covered by Your (Visnu's) external energy cannot see You behind this manifestation, but theirs is not the vision of learned devotees - SB 10.2.28
- Those who are cultivating Krsna consciousness have to hear about Krsna, speak about Krsna, and deal only in relationship with Krsna. "By this process," Kuntidevi tells the Lord, - one will one day come to see You
- Those who are cultivating spiritual life and executing devotional service are always engaged in activity. Such activity can be performed with the body or with the mind
- Those who are deluded by dualities are completely foolish and therefore cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are deluded by duality and nescience think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is created by material energies. This is their misfortune
- Those who are deluded by duality and nescience think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is created by material energies. This is their misfortune. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in them. BG 16.17 - 1972
- Those who are demons and are inimical towards the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are punished by His mace, which is always smeared with the blood of such fallen living entities
- Those who are demons cannot understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead floated the earth on water, but to devotees of the Lord this is not a very wonderful act
- Those who are demons, those who are sinful, nature's law is to place him in such condition that he will become more and more a demon, so that he will never be able to understand what is God. This is nature's law
- Those who are desiring for Krsna, they are not behind any enjoyment. They are rather in perfect enjoyment. These Krsna conscious students, they are desiring for Krsna nice prasadam, so they are not bereft. Practically they are enjoying but it is Krsnized
- Those who are desirous of achieving complete perfection in life must submissively hear all topics that are connected with the transcendental activities and qualities of the Personality of Godhead, who acts wonderfully
- Those who are desirous of gaining material profits by working are called karmis, or fruitive workers. All living entities within this material world have come under the spell of maya
- Those who are destined to be dispatched to the path of hell neglect Your (Krsna's) personal form because of speculating on material topics
- Those who are determined that "In this life we shall finish this material way of life, or material . . ." That is real struggle for existence
- Those who are determined to continue following the materialistic way of life, will never awaken their dormant love of Krsna, for they hear the Bhagavatam only to solidify their position in household life and to be happy in family affairs and sex
- Those who are devas, godly, their lusty desire is controlled, restricted. Therefore this varnasrama, four varnas and four asramas, this is education how to control this lusty desire. That is required
- Those who are devoid of all transcendental mellows are like the crows that suck the juice from the bitter fruits of the nimba tree of knowledge
- Those who are devoid of hands are prey for those who have hands; those devoid of legs are prey for the four-legged. The weak are the subsistence of the strong, and the general rule holds that one living being is food for another
- Those who are devoted to the cause of the Personality of Godhead live only for the welfare, development and happiness of others. They do not live for any selfish interest
- Those who are devoted to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, automatically become sanctified
- Those who are devotee of Krsna, they are under the influence of internal energy. The internal energy of Krsna, it has got three different functions. One of the function is hladini sakti. That is Radharani. Radharani is the pleasure potency of Krsna
- Those who are devotees always engage in glorifying Krsna
- Those who are devotees can automatically give up material life and also enjoy the transcendental bliss of hearing and chanting the wonderful activities of Lord Krsna
- Those who are devotees heartily welcome the statements of Krsna when they are spoken by Krsna Himself. The devotees will always worship such authoritative statements of Krsna because they are always eager to know more and more about Him. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are devotees of Krsna enter the Krsna planet or Goloka Vrndavana, whereas the impersonalists remain in the brahmajyoti. The personalists also enter many innumerable planets in the spiritual sky known as Vaikunthas. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are devotees of Lord Krsna are immediately elevated to the Goloka Vrndavana planet
- Those who are devotees of Narayana or Krishna, they are not afraid of any planet, even they are sent in the heavenly planets or the hellish planets, because they have Narayana within their heart, they are equally situated
- Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with faith actually worship only Me, O son of Kunti, but they do so in a wrong way
- Those who are devotees of Radha and Krsna are most fortunate. The bitter nimba fruit is not at all eatable; it is simply full of dry speculation and is only fit for crowlike philosophers
- Those who are devotees of the Lord and have taken shelter at His lotus feet, leaving everything aside simply to render service unto Him, will certainly be cared for
- Those who are devotees of the Lord are not afraid of any condition of life, provided there is constant engagement in the service of the Lord. It is said of the narayana-para, or those who are devotees of Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are devotees of the Lord never kill an animal for self-interest, and (as the Lord ordered Arjuna) they do not refrain from performing the duty of a ksatriya
- Those who are devotees of the Lord, they are called Vaisnava or devata, and those who are not devotees of Visnu may be devotees of other demigods, but they are called the demons, or the asuras. There are many instances in the sastra
- Those who are devotees of the Narayana expansion of Krsna attain the Vaikuntha planets, but it is very difficult to reach Goloka Vrndavana. Indeed, that planet can be reached only by persons who are devotees of Lord Caitanya or Lord Sri Krsna
- Those who are devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead never fall down like the impersonalists. Even if the devotees fall down, they remain affectionately attached to their Lord
- Those who are devotees, either they live or they die - the same thing. While they live they are serving Krsna; when they die they will serve Krsna. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti (BG 4.9). He goes to Krsna. So what is the loss
- Those who are devotees, engaged twenty-four hours, I (Krsna) give them special protection. I give them special protection
- Those who are devotees, they are not fools; they are actually a man in knowledge
- Those who are devotees, they are supposed to be not sinful. Naturally, they should be sinless. That is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita. Without becoming sinless, one cannot completely devote himself in Krsna consciousness
- Those who are devotees, they have no kama. Anyabhilasita-sunyam (Brs. 1.1.11). Anya. Anya means other than Krsna's service. They have made all, everything zero. We don't want all these things. We simply want to serve Krsna
- Those who are devotees, they see Krsna, the Supreme Personality of God, eye to eye, one person to another
- Those who are directed by lust worship the demigods and not the Supreme Lord Krsna. BG 1972 Introduction
- Those who are directly engaged in the devotional service of the Lord not only acquire the necessary knowledge in spiritual science, but also attain detachment from material connection and are thus promoted to the kingdom of God by complete liberation
- Those who are directly in touch with the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead and who are absorbed in the chanting of His glories are freed from all material contamination. Unalloyed devotees are able to show mercy to the common conditioned soul
- Those who are directly servitors of the Lord are protected by the Lord from all fearfulness, and they also enjoy the best of things, even if they are forcibly accumulated
- Those who are diseased like us, they can chant and gradually cure the material disease. This is the basic principle of chanting the holy name of Krsna
- Those who are disgusted or frustrated with the materialistic way of life worship Lord Siva to attain salvation, which entails freedom from material identification
- Those who are distressed and those who desire wealth are called devotees with desires, whereas the other two, the inquisitive and the searcher for wisdom, are seekers of liberation. Because they worship Krsna, they are all considered to be very fortunate
- Those who are distressed has come to God, and those who are in poverty-stricken has come to God, why they are also welcome? They are welcome because they have come to God, in course of time they will also become as good as the man in knowledge
- Those who are disturbed by the statements of the asuras are also condemned. That is what Uddhava meant in this verse - SB 3.2.10
- Those who are dull materialists, their brain is congested with so much rubbish thing, they cannot understand that it is through the bodily effulgence of the Lord the potential manifestation is this cosmic manifestation. They will think that like Dr. Frog
- Those who are dull-minded cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but when punished severely by the modes of material nature, they begin to understand Him
- Those who are duskrti, the lowest of men, do not surrender - na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah - BG 7.15
- Those who are duskrtina. . . Duskrtina means very intelligent, but the intelligence is being misused in mischief-mongering. They are called duskrtina. Krti. Krti means very nice brain, but duskrti - the brain is used for creating misgivings
- Those who are eager to awaken their spiritual consciousness and who thus have unflinching, undeviated intelligence certainly attain the desired goal of life very soon
- Those who are eating another animal, they are not human being. Although they have got the form of human being, they are not considered human being
- Those who are eating vegetable, they are also killing. That's a fact. But God says that, "You can eat this." God says. By nature
- Those who are egoistic in passion and ignorance cannot conceive of the Personality of Godhead. For them the sky is the symbolic representation of the Supreme Soul
- Those who are elderly person, they have got experience. If their sons go wrong, how much they are anxious. How much the father is anxious to get his son back again. Back again. That is the natural instinct
- Those who are elevated beyond the planetary system to the brahman effulgence, they are also prone to fall down as much as a living entity from the higher planetary system
- Those who are elevated by virtue of experimental knowledge can only satisfy their blunt material senses either by gross bodily activities or by mental speculation
- Those who are elevated in the living condition, they want to become religious or economically very prosperous, dharma-artha, and good facilities for sense enjoyment
- Those who are enamored by the attractions of illusory energy cannot understand the ultimate aim of life. The word mogha-karmanah indicates that they are laboring very hard but that in the end they will only meet with frustration
- Those who are engaged in auspicious activities in devotional service certainly understand that the ultimate enjoyer or beneficiary of all activities is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are engaged in creation, maintenance and annihilation should consult the Supreme Person, who has appointed them, and should act accordingly. Then everyone will be satisfied, and there will be no disturbances
- Those who are engaged in fruitive activities (karmis) attain the higher planetary systems as a result of their past activities & the jnanis, who seek unification or a monistic merging with the effulgence of the Supreme Lord, also attain their desired end
- Those who are engaged in fruitive activities are described by the Vedas personified as andha-parampara, or blind followers of the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies
- Those who are engaged in fruitive activities, or prescribed duties according to the four orders of social and spiritual life, are not actually pure devotees
- Those who are engaged in fruitive, pious activities and who are ultimately hoping to be liberated from this material entanglement will never be successful either because they deride the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are engaged in God consciousness, they are not God, but godly. Because this human life is meant for this purpose
- Those who are engaged in karma-kanda and jnana-kanda are doomed in the sense that everyone is doomed who is entrapped by this material body, whether it is a body of a demigod, a king, a lower animal or whatever
- Those who are engaged in Krsna consciousness should not care for the so-called morality of the material world if that morality opposes the service of the Lord. As Lord Caitanya has personally shown, one cannot properly execute KC without being neutral
- Those who are engaged in pure devotional service, even though they be without sufficient education and even without sufficient knowledge of the Vedic principles, are still helped by the Supreme God. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are engaged in rendering devotional service unto Krsna are to be understood to have performed all the sacrifices recommended in the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are engaged in self-realization, appreciating the Brahman effulgence of the Lord, and those engaged in devotional service, accepting the Supreme Personality of Godhead as master, are now playing with the Lord in friendship as cowherd boys
- Those who are engaged in the devotional service of the Lord because they are very serious about going back home, back to Godhead, should be very careful to avoid seeing the beautiful gestures of women and should also avoid seeing persons who are very rich
- Those who are engaged in the devotional service of the Lord can rise to the position of unalloyed devotional service by His transcendental attraction
- Those who are engaged in the devotional service of the Lord have already transcended the material position
- Those who are engaged in the service of Krsna, he is sadhu. It is not simply by changing dress. Sadhu means sadhavah sadhu-bhusanam. Sadhu means honest, sadacari, good character
- Those who are engaged in the service of the Lord are not meant to struggle for existence
- Those who are engaged in the service of the Lord see no distinction between heaven and hell; it is only the materialists who prefer one to the other
- Those who are engaged in the service of this temple, they are discharging devotional service, pada-sevanam
- Those who are engaged in the worship of demigods enter into the darkest region of ignorance, and still more so do the worshipers of the impersonal Absolute
- Those who are engaged in understanding the self as the combination of these earth, water, air, fire - sa eva go-kharah (SB 10.84.13). Such persons are defined in the sastra as no more intelligent than the cows and the asses
- Those who are engaged in worshiping the Deity in the temple in full opulence, even on this planet, should be understood to be directly in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead without a doubt
- Those who are engaged in worshiping the Deity, Radha and Krsna, in the temple, should avoid such offenses in service. The offenses in service are described in The Nectar of Devotion
- Those who are engaged in worshiping the form or arca of the Lord or who are engaged in meditation on the Lord simply for liberation from material bondage, also know, by the grace of the Lord, the purports of Brahman, adhibhuta, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are engaged in worshiping the form or arca of the Lord, or who are engaged in meditation on the Lord simply for liberation from material bondage, also know, by the grace of the Lord, the purports of Brahman, adhibhuta, etc.
- Those who are engaged simply in bestial sense gratifications without knowledge of their next life or spiritual salvation belong to the nonregulated section. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are engrossed with the modes of ignorance, they may be degraded from this planet to another, degraded planet, or another life, or animal life
- Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life. BG 16.19 - 1972
- Those who are envious of Krsna, Krsna says, "I put them eternally in the hellish condition of life." So if you want to save yourself from the hellish condition of life, you must take to Krsna consciousness and surrender unto Him
- Those who are envious of My form, who are cruel and mischievous and the lowest among men, are perpetually cast by Me into hellish existence in various demoniac species of life
- Those who are envious, asuric, demons, I put them in such abominable life that they'll never be able to understand Me (Krsna) - It's the greatest punishment. For a living being, if he forgets Krsna, in any condition of life, it is the greatest punishment
- Those who are envious, I (The Supreme Personality of Godhead) keep them constantly in the darkest region of hellish life
- Those who are eternally conditioned are always divorced from the transcendental loving service of Krsna and are thus subjected to the threefold miseries of material existence
- Those who are eternally free, liberated, they are godly. They are always ready to render transcendental loving service to God. They are satisfied in that way. Just like mother is satisfied simply by loving child, or friend is satisfied simply by loving
- Those who are eternally liberated are always awake to Krsna consciousness, and they render transcendental loving service at the feet of Lord Krsna
- Those who are expert devotees do not accept such amalgamations which are against the conclusions of pure devotional service
- Those who are extraordinarily white are said to have skin produced out of white leprosy. It may be concluded that white or a golden hue is the color of the higher caste, and black is the complexion of the sudras
- Those who are extravagant are calm and quiet in sleep, such grave persons use the full advantage of the human form of life
- Those who are factually engaged in the loving service of the Lord have attained the ultimate goal of life, and for them there is no need of mental speculation to find out the true nature of God or His activities
- Those who are faithless are described in the Bhagavad-gita (9.11) as mudhas-fools or asses
- Those who are falsely claiming that, "I am Paramatma," this is the test, - Whether you are cognizant of everything?
- Those who are feeling frustration, confused, this is a good qualification. Good qualification in this sense: that those who are feeling frustration and confused, they are disgusted with this materialistic way of life. That is a good qualification
- Those who are filled with love of God see God constantly before them. It is not that we saw God last night and He is no longer present. No
- Those who are finding out the original cause of material creation, they should know this fact, that creation takes place when there is spirit soul. That means living
- Those who are firmly fixed up in devotional service to Krsna are making proper use of their independence and so they do not fall down
- Those who are fit to assimilate the messages of Bhagavatam are mentioned in the very beginning (SB 1.1.2): A bona fide audience fit to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam is generated after many pious deeds
- Those who are fit to assimilate this work are mentioned in this sloka: "One becomes qualified to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam after many pious deeds"
- Those who are fixed up in the words of guru, so - Guru has ordered me to do it. Oh, that is my life. I do not know whether I will be promoted to heaven or hell. It doesn't matter. I shall execute
- Those who are flesh-eaters, they are fourth class, and those who are vegetarians, they are first class, second class, third class
- Those who are followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu... Because He has come to distribute love of Godhead, immediately
- Those who are followers of the Sankara cult are generally known as Vedantists. This does not, however, mean that Vedanta is a monopoly study of the Sankara-sampradaya
- Those who are followers of the Vedas, they are accepting. Is it not, cow dung, pure? Cow dung pure, is it not accepted by the followers of Vedas
- Those who are followers of the Vedic rituals, as well as those who are followers of fruitive activities, are unable to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are following (sannyasa) strictly, they don't make themselves dependent on the householders or on the worldly people. So Sanatana Gosvami did not accept that new clothing, and when it was heard by Lord Caitanya, He was very glad
- Those who are following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu should take the Lord’s mission most seriously
- Those who are following strictly the Vedic principles, they will accept that the stool of cow, or cow dung, is pure
- Those who are following the rules and regulations of the scriptures for material happiness may be further divided into two classes: those who are fruitive workers and those who desire no fruit for sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are fond of mental speculation or want to meditate in mystic yoga to find the Absolute Truth must approach the impersonal effulgence of the Lord & His partial representation respectively. Such persons cannot realize the eternal form of the Lord
- Those who are foolish rascals think, "I have taken my birth in this world, and Krsna has taken birth here also. Therefore I am also God." They do not know that they will have to take birth again by the force of the laws of nature
- Those who are foolish, mudha, they are interested in this temporary life, and they do not know what is there after death, neither they have got any knowledge what is spirit, what is matter. Ignorance. In darkness
- Those who are fools and rascals think of Me as an ordinary man, - Krsna says in the Gita. He is different from everything in this world. He is anadi, without cause
- Those who are fools, who are like animals, sometimes think that Krsna is defeated, but factually He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no one can defeat Him
- Those who are forgetful of their eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord are in the blind well of family life; their position is very ominous
- Those who are fortunate enough to have a view of the Lord from the front can realize His personal feature
- Those who are fortunate enough to understand Lord Caitanya as well as the Vrndavana pastimes of Radha and Krsna can be able, by the mercy of Sri Rupa Gosvami, to know about the real identity of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Those who are fortunate like Ajamila are saved by the Visnudutas, or Vaisnavas, and thus they return back home, back to Godhead
- Those who are fortunate, they're taking to this Krsna consciousness, this ideal life, hopeful life, pleasant life, blissful life, life of knowledge. They're taking to it
- Those who are free from anger and all material desires, who are self-realized, self-disciplined and constantly endeavoring for perfection, are assured of liberation in the Supreme in the very near future
- Those who are free from anger and all material desires, who are self-realized, self-disciplined and constantly endeavoring for perfection, are assured of liberation in the Supreme in the very near future. BG 5.26 - 1972
- Those who are free from false prestige, illusion and false association, who understand the eternal, who are done with material lust, who are freed from the dualities of happiness and distress, and who, unbewildered, know how to surrender unto the Lord
- Those who are freed from all material contaminations surrender unto the Supreme Lord and engage in His devotional service. As long as the material contamination is not completely washed off, they are by nature nondevotees. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are from the very beginning of their self realization attached to devotional service are called sevanistha. Sevanistha means simply attached to devotional service
- Those who are fruitive laborers and philosophical speculators from time immemorial are constantly going and coming. Actually they do not attain ultimate salvation, for they do not surrender to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are frustrated and are thus kept on the ignorance side of the Lord, or, in other words, those who have the view of the Lord from the back, realize Him in His impersonal feature
- Those who are frustrated and confused want to negate this material world. They know what they don't want, but they do not know what they do want. People are always saying, "I don't want this." But what do they want? That they do not know
- Those who are full of dirty things can take to the line of Krsna consciousness for a gradual cleansing process, following the regulative principles of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are fully absorbed in devotional service do not care what is going on with the external body. That status is called samadhi. One who is actually situated in samadhi is understood to be a first-class yogi
- Those who are genuinely renounced understand that they must not give up performing their prescribed daily duties in the social order, because otherwise there will be disaster, plain and simple
- Those who are getting the chance of becoming Krsna conscious by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they should not lose the opportunity. It will be suicidal. Don't fall down. It is very easy. Simply chanting by Hare Krsna mantra
- Those who are given a position by God but who want to usurp His power, which they actually cannot do, are rebellious fools and rascals who require punishment
- Those who are going to be initiated with this sacred thread, they must always remember to follow all these rules and regulations - Sama dama titiksa. Arjava. Jnanam Vijnanam Astikyam
- Those who are going to be initiated, they should take it as a vow not to fall down again. Catch Krsna's lotus feet very tightly and you'll not fall down
- Those who are going to be religious for getting relief from this hard struggle for existence, for them arthasya, you require some artha, money. If you are actually religious, then your artha should not be spent for sense gratification
- Those who are going to religious life making God as their servant, they will be failure. You must approach God as master. You should become servant
- Those who are gosthy-anandi preach to increase the number of devotees. But even such preachers also avoid opposing elements who are unfavorably disposed towards spiritual life
- Those who are great souls or great devotees do not act under the spell of material energy, but act instead under the protection of the spiritual energy
- Those who are greedy see everything as a source of money-making and those who are lusty see everything as being conducive to sex, the most perfect devotee, Prahlada Maharaja, saw Narayana even within a stone column
- Those who are grha-vrata, whose only aim is to live comfortably with the body in the material world, cannot understand Krsna
- Those who are grhasthas, family men, their duty is to raise their children to this Krsna consciousness
- Those who are grhi, they are very dina, very poor-hearted, because they do not know anything except to maintain the family
- Those who are grossly materialistic, they are working on the field of this gross body, senses. And those who are a little more advanced, the so-called philosophers, mental speculators, scientists, or many others, they are working on the mental plane
- Those who are grossly sinful are not at all afraid of committing sins, but here we can see that because his purification began in the association of a great devotee like Narada, the hunter became afraid of his sinful activities
- Those who are hearing about the existence of soul, some of us also in amazement. It is a mysterious thing
- Those who are helpless must be taken care of by their respective guardians, otherwise the guardians will be subjected to the punishment of Yamaraja
- Those who are highly advanced in spiritual understanding do not care about a person’s material condition
- Those who are highly developed in Krsna consciousness try their best to give this knowledge to the people in general, for their conditional life is very much troublesome. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are highly developed in the mode of goodness are promoted to the higher, heavenly planetary system, and those who are overpowered by the mode of passion are situated in the middle planetary systems - the earth and similar planets
- Those who are householder, family men, they may have some deposit for emergency. Otherwise, those who are renounced order, those who are brahmacari, for them to keep money separately for his maintenance or for accumulating bank balance is not allowed
- Those who are ignorant of the benefits of devotional service must be educated by preaching. If one stops preaching and simply sits down in a solitary place, he is engaging in material activity
- Those who are imitating this yoga system in different so-called schools and societies, although complacent, are certainly wasting their time. They are completely in ignorance of the desired goal. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are impelled by lust and attachment, who are foolish and who torture the material elements of the body as well as the Supersoul dwelling within, are to be known as demons
- Those who are impelled by passion and who torture their bodily organs as well as the Supersoul dwelling within are to be known as demons. BG 17.5-6 - 1972
- Those who are impersonalists and are unable to render any loving service to the Lord have been advised to meditate upon His impersonal feature, the virat-rupa, or universal form
- Those who are impersonalists and who have no knowledge of spiritual senses can only discriminate within the scope of the material senses and thus cannot understand spiritual exchanges or spiritual-sensual activities
- Those who are impersonalists are also imagining that they are seeing the universal form of the Lord, but from Bhagavad-gita we understand that the impersonalists are not devotees. Therefore they are unable to see the universal form. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are impersonalists are satisfied by simply being liberated from the material circumstances
- Those who are impersonalists can merge into the sunshinelike brahma-jyoti, whereas those who are in love with the Supreme Person enter into the supreme abode of the Lord, Goloka Vrndavana
- Those who are impersonalists, they cannot have varieties of enjoyment; therefore they come down again on this material platform & use their intellect for philanthropic or humanitarian work. Again they become entrapped by philosophy & knowledge and so on
- Those who are in a better position in the world, having sufficient wealth, should especially take lessons from Manu, who acknowledged his kingdom and opulence to be gifts from Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus always engaged in devotional service
- Those who are in bodily consciousness and who desire sense gratification are forbidden to indulge in discussions of the transcendental pastimes of Sri Radha and Krsna
- Those who are in charge of the religious department - their duty is to keep people enlightened in the real mission of life. But if they're also doing sense gratification, how long they can cheat others? Therefore people have lost faith in religion
- Those who are in complete ignorance they have practically forgotten what is God. Those who are in the modes of passion, they have got slight information of God and those who are in goodness they can understand what is God
- Those who are in control of the external energy of the Lord, or in other words those who are in the material world, must first of all know how the external energy of the Lord is working under the direction of the Supreme Personality
- Those who are in direct contact with Krsna, they are realizing as the most lovable object, the most beautiful personality, most opulent personality, Krsna
- Those who are in direct contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they have no disregard for these demigods, but they know the ultimate supreme power is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are in ecstasy of love with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Syamasundara (Krsna), see Him always in their hearts due to love and devotional service rendered to the Lord
- Those who are in full knowledge of the bodily conception of life, who know that this body is composed of nescience, desires and activities resulting from illusion, do not become addicted to the body
- Those who are in high standard, they do not take anything as wrong. Everyone is suffering his own reaction
- Those who are in highly exalted post of the state, you cannot find out fault with him. That is real Vedic way. Otherwise, if he is taken as ordinary citizen, then he is . . . what is the meaning of his exalted post
- Those who are in household life should not think that religion is meant to improve the process of the householder's sense gratification
- Those who are in ignorance, they are fourth-class men; and less than that, they are animals. They may have two hands, two legs, but they are simply animals, that's all, no better than animals
- Those who are in knowledge of everything are determined to execute Krsna consciousness
- Those who are in knowledge of the Absolute Truth, they say: "Absolute Truth, that thing which is nondual." Nondual. "And that Absolute Truth is known in three phases." What is that? Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- Those who are in Krsna consciousness movement, they should study Krsna scientifically, not by sentiment
- Those who are in Krsna consciousness, they are liberal. And those who are acting for his own benefit, they are miser. They are mahatmas who are working for Krsna
- Those who are in love with God as His parents are elevated to the point of transcendental emotion. only those who are related with the Supreme in conjugal love can experience the highest of ecstasies. Thus there are different meanings for the word bhakti
- Those who are in need of money or material benefit; jijnasu, those who are inquisitive; and jnani - these four kinds. Out of these, jijnasu and jnani are better than the arta and artharthi, the distressed and need of money
- Those who are in oneness with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are called infallible. Oneness does not mean that they have no individuality, but that there is no disunity. They are all agreeable to the purpose of the creation. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are in perfectional yoga, they can become like that, smaller than the smallest. So anima, laghima, you can become lighter than the lightest. You can fly in the air. They go, by touching the beam of the sun, moon, they can go
- Those who are in possession of such valuable facilities (wealth, good birth, nice education) must acknowledge their gratefulness to the Lord by worshiping Him and offering what they have received from Him
- Those who are in pursuit of knowledge and who get the opportunity to associate with a pure devotee also engage in the devotional service of the Lord
- Those who are in search of knowledge also speculate on Krsna and consider Him to be less important than the universal form of the Supreme.
- Those who are in the bodily conception mainly engage in fruitive activity. Those who perform yajnas and ritualistic ceremonies are also considered in the same category
- Those who are in the brahman effulgence they are also in the fallen condition, so there is no question of falling down from a fallen condition. When fall takes place, it means falling down from the non-fallen condition
- Those who are in the darkness of ignorance conclude that the Lord's birth and activities in the material world are similar to those of the ordinary living being. Such imperfect conclusions cannot give anyone liberation
- Those who are in the disciplic succession of the Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya should always feel separation from Krsna, worship His transcendental form and discuss His transcendental teachings, His pastimes, His qualities and His entourage
- Those who are in the lower grades of society prefer to perform sacrifices by killing animals, but one who is advanced in knowledge must avoid such unnecessary violence
- Those who are in the lower status, they have not developed such consciousness that, "I have to preach the philosophy of God consciousness or Krsna consciousness to others." They are simply satisfied themself
- Those who are in the lowest stage of knowledge, they are in the bodily concept of life - the indriya, the senses. Just like cats and dogs, they cannot think more than that. But Krsna advises, No, don't stop here
- Those who are in the material world, the ksatriyas and vaisyas, must give charity. Brahmacaris, in the beginning of their lives, should perform different kinds of yajnas
- Those who are in the mode of goodness are promoted to the regions of the demigods, those who are in the mode of passion are placed in human society, and those who are situated in the mode of ignorance are placed in the society of animals or ghosts
- Those who are in the mode of goodness can partially enter into the transcendental understanding, but it is advised in Bhagavad-gita that one has to surpass this
- Those who are in the mode of passion remain within this material world on the earth or on heavenly planets, but those who are in the mode of ignorance are degraded to an animal life on planets where life is lower than human
- Those who are in the mode of passion worship and create such gods, and those who are in the mode of ignorance, in darkness, worship dead spirits. Sometimes people worship at the tomb of some dead man. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are in the modes of goodness, their lust is a different quality. Those who are in passion, their lust is in different quality. Those who are ignorance, their lust is different quality
- Those who are in the modes of goodness, they want to work for a higher elevation of life - going to higher planetary system
- Those who are in the modes of ignorance and passion are averse to the existence of God, or else they formally accept the existence of God in the capacity of an order supplier
- Those who are in the modes of material nature, although speculating for thousands of years, cannot understand Him - the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance worship the forefathers, other living beings and the demigods who are in charge of cosmic activities, for they are urged by a desire to be materially benefited with women, wealth, power and progeny
- Those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance, and even those who are in the mode of goodness, cannot go beyond the impersonal Brahman conception of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are in the modes of passion, they will remain here and those who are very addicted to all abominable habits, they are clearing their way to hellish life. So to abominable life is these four principles. That we are trying to avoid
- Those who are in the renounced order of life and dedicated to the mission of preaching the message of Godhead should learn that they have no business with householders save and except to enlighten them in transcendental knowledge
- Those who are in the renounced order of life often take shelter underneath a tree. The Lord was found by Uddhava in that condition of taking shelter as do persons who have no shelter
- Those who are in the sattva-guna, for them everything is clear, and those who are in the tamo-guna, everything is ignorance, and those who are mixed up, neither rajo-guna, neither tamo-guna, via media, they are called rajo-guna. Three gunas. Tamasa
- Those who are in the spiritual world are absorbed in Your loving service, forgetting themselves and You also, and those in the material world are absorbed in material sense gratification and therefore also forget You
- Those who are in the spiritual world are known to be completely self-realized because on the spiritual platform the living entity is not forgetful of his service to the Lord
- Those who are in the Vaisnava sampradaya of Brahma always want to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They are eager to realize the Lord's personal feature, not the impersonal feature
- Those who are in the yoga system and have realized the self, the world, and the Supreme Lord, in other words, the bhakti-yogis, those engaged in pure devotional service in Krsna consciousness, can understand how things are taking place. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are inclined to eat meat may eat the flesh of unimportant animals like hogs, dogs, goats and sheep, but they should not touch the life of the cows, for this is destructive to the spiritual advancement of human society
- Those who are inclined to this Vedic knowledge are called brahmanas, and they are the natural teachers and spiritual masters of all the orders of society
- Those who are inductive, follower of inductive process, they want to see actually by experiment and observation how man is mortal. They want to study, "This man dies. That man dies." Therefore they make a general conclusion, "Well, all men are mortal."
- Those who are initiated by a bona fide spiritual master and who chant the Gayatri mantra three times a day know this astadasaksara (eighteen-syllable) mantra (klim krsnaya govindaya gopi-jana-vallabhaya svaha)
- Those who are innocent but simply carried away by bad association should be shown favor if they are eager to receive proper instructions from pure devotees
- Those who are inquisitive, brahma-jijnasa, jijnasuh sreya uttamam. Sreya means the ultimate benefit, goal of life. People are very much attached to the immediate benefit
- Those who are insane simply do not care for death, nor do they know what is going to happen after death
- Those who are intelligent - in other words, those who have not lost their intelligence - do not involve themselves in this process of wandering up and down
- Those who are intelligent do not try to elevate themselves to any planet within the material universe
- Those who are intelligent enough, dharmajnah, one who knows what is real religious principle, & sraddhayanvitah, and who is faithful, he can get out of all kinds of sinful activities by an intelligent method. What is that intelligent method? Simply by KC
- Those who are intelligent in regard to sacrifice, who are actually aware of religious principles and who are free from material desires, control the self in the fire of spiritual knowledge, or knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- Those who are intelligent know that such a sacrifice (animal sacrifice) cannot be successful in this age because no one knows the proper mantras capable of giving an old animal the body of a new animal
- Those who are intelligent should know that in the Kali-yuga there is no possibility of performing Vedic sacrifices. But unless one pleases the demigods, there will be no regulated seasonal activities or rainfall. Everything is controlled by the demigods
- Those who are intelligent take advantage of the greatest yajna in this age by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra in congregation
- Those who are intelligent, having good brain substance, they take to this yajna, sankirtana-yajna. And practically we are experiencing, simply by sankirtana-yajna, even the lowest person in the sinful activities, he is becoming purified
- Those who are intelligent, su-medhasah, they will worship this form of God (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) in this Kali-yuga. And what is the process of worshiping? Yajnaih sankirtana-prayaih
- Those who are intelligent, they are not concerned any more with any planet within this material world. Because wherever you go, the four principles of material miseries, namely birth, death, old age and disease, will follow
- Those who are intelligent, they are not concerned either for living hundred of years or hundred thousands of years. They want to live perpetually, eternally. That is intelligence. Because I am eternal: na hanyate hanyamane sarire
- Those who are intelligent, they think that, "Why shall I neglect this point? I am not going to accept a body like a tree or a dog. If I accept a body, I must have a body very nice." One may not be interested in this fact, but others may be interested
- Those who are intentionally practicing to be vegetarians or to become nonviolent may have good qualifications by a material estimation, but these qualifications are not sufficient to make them devotees
- Those who are interested (in KC movement), why they should be denied? It should be maintained. We cannot expect everyone can give up all these bad habits - illicit sex, illicit meat-eating, or drink or intoxication, gambling. That is not expected
- Those who are interested in advancing in spiritual life must be silent. Silence means talking only of krsna-katha
- Those who are interested in attaining spiritual existence can be easily relieved from the clutches of maya by the grace of Lord Caitanya. These teachings presented in this book (Teachings of Lord Caitanya) are nondifferent from the Lord
- Those who are interested in attaining spiritual existence can easily be released from the clutches of maya by the grace of Lord Caitanya - CC Preface
- Those who are interested in bhakti-yoga have no interest in the impersonal Brahman effulgence, which is for common men
- Those who are interested in material benefits worship the demigods by various sacrifices according to the Vedic rituals. They are called bahv-isvara-vadi, or believers in many gods. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are interested in material enjoyment are known as bhukti-kami. One who is interested in merging into the effulgence of Brahman or perfecting the mystic yoga system is not a devotee at all
- Those who are interested in material promotion engage in ritualistic religious ceremonies and economic development to develop sense gratification. They ultimately attempt to merge into the impersonal existence of the Lord
- Those who are interested in materialistic life are also called asat. When asked how a Vaisnava behaves, Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, asat-sanga-tyaga-ei vaisnava-acara - A devotee first of all avoids the company of asat those who are materially interested
- Those who are interested in practicing mystic yoga can attain the localized aspect of Paramatma
- Those who are interested in producing means of living or foodstuff in the society, say, the mercantile, the agriculturist, they should give protection to the cows. That is very essential, that milk is so important thing
- Those who are interested in remaining in this material world and are not interested in spiritual salvation have many duties, but for one who is interested in spiritual salvation, the only duty is to surrender fully unto Krsna
- Those who are interested in self-realization, in terms of mind and sense control, offer the functions of all the senses, as well as the vital force (breath), as oblations into the fire of the controlled mind. BG 4.27 - 1972
- Those who are interested in spiritual life should not be attached to homely comforts in the company of wife, children, friends and so forth
- Those who are interested in spiritual salvation, they need not worship other demigods. But those who are interested for material profit, they can worship demigods
- Those who are interested in the fruits of activities generally expect protection from the demigods, but a devotee of Krsna does not look to any demigod for protection. He is fully convinced that Krsna will protect him from all unfavorable circumstances
- Those who are interested in the impersonal Brahman effulgence, which is not different from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, can attain that goal by speculative knowledge
- Those who are interested in the science and philosophy of Krsna consciousness, they can read all these books. Otherwise, one can chant Hare Krsna. That will also help
- Those who are interested in trying to get pleasure out of this material world are actually chewing the chewed. Punah punas carvita-carvananam (SB 7.5.30). If one picks up a piece of sugarcane which has already been chewed, he is a fool
- Those who are interested in yoga, you will find in the authorized books, yoga indriya-samyamah: The aim of yogic power, yogic success, is to control the senses
- Those who are interested only in a so-called beautiful life - namely remaining as a householder entangled by sons and a wife and searching after wealth - think that such things are life's ultimate goal
- Those who are interested to attain that standard of pleasure which is eternal, for them this Krsna consciousness movement is essential
- Those who are interested with this body only, with them he has no interest. This is the sign. That is also mahatma. His only business is how to keep friendship with Krsna. That is his only business. Then he is mahatma
- Those who are involved in the mode of ignorance manufacture religious systems for killing animals
- Those who are jealous and envious are within this material world, and those who are not are in the spiritual world. Therefore, we can test ourselves
- Those who are jnanis, those who are trying to approach the Absolute Truth by mental speculation, by dint of their teeny knowledge, they can, utmost, approach to this brahma-jyoti. But that brahma-jyoti is only emanation of the bodily effulgence of Krsna
- Those who are jnanis, very learned scholars, they cannot understand Krsna. Vedesu durlabham. It is not by academic education one can understand Krsna. Yatatam api siddhanam kascid vetti mam tattvatah - BG 7.3
- Those who are just like playthings in the hands of a woman (yosit-krida-mrgesu) cannot make any advancement in spiritual realization
- Those who are just stepping on the staircase of the yoga system, for them, karma karanam ucyate, they must work. In the beginning, nobody should stop working. Nobody should stop working
- Those who are kanistha-adhikaris do not preach, but the Lord shows mercy to them also, as He did by staying personally in Ayodhya to give audience to the people in general
- Those who are karmis, jnanis or yogis are not actually fit to discuss Srimad-Bhagavatam. Only Vaisnavas, or pure devotees, are fit to discuss that literature
- Those who are kavayah, learned scholars, actually know the facts. They do not commit such mistakes (thinking that everything is the Supersoul). They know that God and the individual soul are one in quality
- Those who are keen to engage in deep discussions on the esoteric conclusions of the scriptures should certainly delve into the philosophy of the Vedanta-sutra
- Those who are killing cows, maintaining slaughterhouse, they are lowest of the mankind. They are not human being. Less than animal. They have no gratitude
- Those who are known as the impersonalist Vedantists regard You as the impersonal Brahman. Others, known as the Mimamsaka philosophers, regard You as religion
- Those who are Krsna conscious actually have full knowledge of the essence of Vedanta philosophy, for they study the real commentary on the Vedanta philosophy, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and follow the actual words of the SPG as found in Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Those who are Krsna conscious should also kill-not by weapons but by logic, by reasoning, and by education. If one is a demon, we can use logic and arguments to kill his demoniac propensities and turn him into a devotee, a saintly person
- Those who are laying down for the good cause their life, their next life is very brilliant. But if you commit suicide without any reason and written or without any cause, then you will be sinful. You'll be sinful
- Those who are leaders of their respective countries and communities should first be sure to satisfy Visnu, for their own benefit and for the benefit of those whom they profess to lead
- Those who are learned (panditah) do not discriminate. They do not say, "This is an animal, so it should be sent to the slaughterhouse so that a man may eat it." No. Why should the animals be slaughtered
- Those who are learned and intelligent look to the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead for relief from the threefold miseries of material existence
- Those who are learned and spiritually advanced will never accept such notions (that Ramacandra is not God); they will accept the descriptions of Lord Ramacandra and His activities only as presented by tattva-darsis, those who know the Absolute Truth
- Those who are learned have rejected his (the rascal's) conclusion (considering the body independent of the soul) because one can understand through full discussion that with no basis in soul, the visible body & senses would be insubstantial - SB 10.3.18
- Those who are learned scholar, thoughtful, they can become philosopher. But if one has no knowledge how to behave with other living entities, what is the meaning of becoming a philosopher?
- Those who are legitimate or law-abiding persons may be divided into three transcendental divisions: namely, the lawful workers, the empiric philosophers, and the transcendental devotees. The lawful workers are again divided into two sections
- Those who are less intelligent accept the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies as all in all. They do not know that the purpose of the Vedas is to understand one's own home, where the Supreme Personality of Godhead lives
- Those who are less intelligent simply try to find God within, but those who are advanced in intelligence can see the Lord both within and without
- Those who are less intelligent want to worship different demigods for some material gain rather than worship Krsna
- Those who are less intelligent, like animal, they seek happiness here in this material world, just like the animal running after water in the desert. Maya-maricika
- Those who are less intelligent, whose intelligence is very poor, they consider that ultimately I am (Krsna) nirakara. I have taken the form
- Those who are less than a brahmana by qualification cannot establish any relation with the Lord, just as fire cannot be kindled from the raw earth unless there is wood, although there is a relation between wood and the earth
- Those who are less than sudras, boil the rice, and with water, they keep it for few days, it becomes fermented, putrefied, and it becomes intoxicating, home-made liquor. And if you distill it, then it becomes first-class, brandy
- Those who are liberated by devotional service become more & more attracted by the transcendental qualities of Krsna. They engage in His service. Those who are liberated by the speculative process eventually fall down again due to offensive activity
- Those who are liberated from the bondage of conditioned life are elevated to the spiritual world, where they achieve five kinds of liberation - sayujya, salokya, sarupya, sarsti and samipya
- Those who are liberated theoretically by knowing simply that the living entity is not material may still have desires, although they may be technically classified amongst liberated souls. Their main desire is to become one with the Supreme
- Those who are liberated, being on the transcendental platform of rendering service to the Lord, do not care about so-called happiness and distress
- Those who are little above bodily concept of life, they find pleasure in mind. And farther, they find pleasure in intellectualism. Those who are meat-eaters, they are very dull. They cannot understand. For them the subject matter is very, very difficult
- Those who are little above the bodily concept of life, they find pleasure in the mind. And farther, they find pleasure in intellectualism. And in this way the thing is very complicated. It requires very cool brain to understand all these things
- Those who are little advanced in understanding Bhagavad-gita, the A-B-C-D of spiritual knowledge, at least theoretically, one knows that he is not this body. But still, when the body is in danger, we become fearful
- Those who are living are thinking that they will not die. They see that their friends are dying, but somehow or other they think that they are eternal
- Those who are living, he thinks that 'My friend has died, but I will live forever.' " No. The same thing. The soft cow dung will be dried up, and the same condition
- Those who are mad after capturing and enjoying the imitation peacock, as well as those who have a pessimistic view of the imitation peacock but lack any positive information of the real peacock - both are illusioned by the modes of material nature
- Those who are mahatmas are always engaged in chanting Hare Krsna. Bhajana is the chanting of Hare Krsna. If we serve a mahatma like Haridasa Thakura, who was always engaged in chanting Hare Krsna, our path of liberation is opened
- Those who are mahatmas, their, I mean to say, wandering here and there is to enlighten these poor-hearted grhi. Grhesu grhamedhinam
- Those who are martial, having fighting spirit, they should be selected as ksatriya
- Those who are materialistic, however, who are very proud of material wealth and have no spiritual knowledge, like the prakrta-sahajiyas, regard their own happiness as the aim of life
- Those who are materially attached to women and sense gratification gradually become entangled in material consciousness and suffer the miseries of birth, old age, disease and death
- Those who are materially interested are called visayis (karmis), which indicates that they are very fond of sense gratification. Such visayis sometimes approach a famous guru and ask to become a disciple just as a matter of fashion
- Those who are materially passionate or those who want to exhibit their intelligence for material advancement in life are generally worshipers of Lord Brahma, and persons who are in the gross ignorance of identifying with the body worship Lord Siva
- Those who are materially upset take care of the body and manufacture daridra-narayana - poor Narayana
- Those who are mathematicians, they say: "Point has no length, no breadth." But actually that is not a fact. You have no eyes to see the length and breadth of the point. You are so blunt, your senses are so limited, imperfect, that you cannot imagine
- Those who are meat-eaters, cannot give up meat-eating, for them, the prescription is, Alright, you can eat meat, but you have to sacrifice one goat, but not cow
- Those who are meat-eaters, the Vedic process is, it doesn't say imitate it. No. Stop eating, we say, because our process is a little advanced than ordinary Vedic process. This is also Vedic process
- Those who are meat-eaters, they can eat other, non-important animals, but cows must be saved, even from economic point of view. Here it is said that go-raksya. It does not say, Krsna, "elephant-raksya."
- Those who are meat-eaters, they have been recommended to eat the flesh of goats or other lower animals - sometimes dogs also they eat, or the hogs - you can eat. But never the flesh of cows. So, innocent animal, the most important animal
- Those who are miscreants, they think that Krsna, or God, He is like an ordinary man but a superhuman being. That's all
- Those who are misled by the illusory energy are never interested in approaching a spiritual master to make life successful
- Those who are mistaken say that there is no difference between them (atma and paramatma), but there is a difference. They are one in the sense that both are cognizant and both are living entities, but they are different quantitatively
- Those who are more advanced, they will get their next birth in a pious brahmana family, very pure brahmana family or Vaisnava family
- Those who are more civilized burn the dead body, and thus it becomes ashes (bhasma-samjnitam)
- Those who are motivated by lust want the opportunity to love something, and the demigods are acknowledged as the officers of the Supreme Lord. The idea is that as one worships these demigods, he will gradually develop Krsna consciousness
- Those who are much inclined to the formless conception of the Supreme Truth are more troubled than those who can intelligently conceive of the personal form
- Those who are mudhas, we have to kill them. This is our business. Kill all the mudhas and give Krsna to the sane man. Yes. That will prove that you are really Krsna's
- Those who are munayah, saintly persons following in the footsteps of Narada Muni, simply engage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord without any personal desire for sense gratification. Anyabhilasita-sunyam jnana-karmady-anavrtam - BRS 1.1.11
- Those who are My direct devotees are actually not My devotees, but those who are the devotees of My servant are factually My devotees
- Those who are naradhama, they will escape this Krsna consciousness movement. Otherwise, anyone who is intelligent, intelligent after many, many births' experience, he'll accept. So we can understand by this crucial test, or test tube, what is what
- Those who are neophytes, trying to be beyond the range of Kali-yuga, our members of the Krsna society, because they have given up these four sinful activities, they can see how one is influenced by Kali
- Those who are nondevotees have no good qualifications whatsoever, however they may be materially advanced
- Those who are nondevotees, those who are mental speculationists, those who are fruitive workers, those who are meditators or mystic yogis, cannot explain the science of God
- Those who are not accustomed, they'll become mad simply by chanting. It's difficult. You cannot imitate Haridasa Thakura, that "Now I shall go in a secluded place and chant Hare Krsna." It is not possible, sir
- Those who are not atma-tattva-vit, who do not know the spiritual value of life, can be satisfied with external material opulences, but those who are atma-tattva-vit are not inspired by material opulence
- Those who are not devotees in Krsna consciousness actually feel the miseries of material existence
- Those who are not faithful on the path of devotional service cannot attain Me, O conqueror of foes, but return to birth and death in this material world. BG 9.3 - 1972
- Those who are not pretending - simple, ignorant - they are not unfortunate. But those who are pretending, they're most unfortunate
- Those who are not self-realized, they have got many questions and many answers. And those who are . . . one who is self-realized, he has only one question and one answer. One question, that - What I am
- Those who are not Vaisnavas consider only human society worthy of their sympathy, but Krsna claims to be the supreme father of all life forms. Consequently the Vaisnava takes care not to annihilate untimely or unnecessarily any life form
- Those who are obedient to the laws of God are protected by different servants and demigods, whereas those who are undesirable are vanquished by Lord Siva
- Those who are of the nature of fiends and demons (raksasim asurim) think that this material life is all and that it is the purpose of human life to squeeze out as much pleasure from matter as possible. They try squeezing, but they are constantly baffled
- Those who are of the opinion that the devotees of the Lord are satisfied with mere sentiments can find in the inquiries of Maharaja Pariksit good lessons as to how inquisitive a pure devotee is to know things in their true perfection
- Those who are on the highest planet, on the supreme platform of understanding, tattvatah, they realize that the Supreme Absolute Truth is the person, exactly a person like us
- Those who are on the mental platform, they're writing poetries and philosophical speculation to satisfy the mind. Similarly, there is intellectual platform. But soul is above intellect
- Those who are on the mundane platform and who study these talks (between Lord Caitanya and Ramananda Raya) in order to put forward some thesis for a Ph.D. will not be able to understand them. Instead, these conversations will have a poisonous effect
- Those who are on the path of self-realization are generally classified as karmis, jnanis, yogis, or devotees of the Lord
- Those who are on the spiritual path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched
- Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched
- Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched. BG 2.41 - 1972
- Those who are only miscreants throughout their lives are compared to demons (BG 7.15). They are bereft of all knowledge, in spite of any academic educational career they may pursue. Such miscreants are never candidates for satisfying the Lord
- Those who are open-hearted, they will certainly accept this nice movement, Krsna consciousness
- Those who are overly attached to mundane activities cannot understand the ecstatic conversations between Ramananda Raya and Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Those who are overly attracted to material enjoyment, to enhancement of material opulence, to family maintenance or to liberation from the entanglements of this material world take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are overly attracted to their life situation are forced to remain in a ghostly body and are not allowed to accept another gross body. Even in the body of a ghost, they create disturbances for neighbors and relatives
- Those who are patients, who are diseased, they go to the hospital. There is also seva. The nurse is serving. The doctor is serving. But that is not seva. That is called daya
- Those who are perfect seers of the Absolute Truth know well that the above three features of the one Absolute Truth are different perspective views seen from different angles of vision
- Those who are personal associates, whenever the chief boss goes, his personal assistants also go. That is natural. Similarly, when Krsna comes, just like when a king goes somewhere, it does not mean he is going alone. He goes with all his paraphernalia
- Those who are personal devotees of the Lord take everything to be the property of the Supreme Lord. Everything, whatever we see, is the manifestation of the Supreme Lord; therefore, everything should be engaged in the service of the Lord. This is oneness
- Those who are philosophers, speculating what is God, what is the Absolute Truth, they cannot know. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 10.14.29
- Those who are physically and mentally contaminated by atheism cannot be situated on the transcendental platform, but as soon as one is freed from material contamination he is immediately fit to be situated in devotional service
- Those who are pious, however, enter other planetary systems, namely the planets of the demigods. Nevertheless, both the pious and impious are again brought to earth after the results of their pious or impious acts are exhausted
- Those who are powerful, isvara, godly, you cannot imitate their actions. They are apparently doing something wrong; still, they are pure
- Those who are practicing devotional service are either mature or immature. Therefore the sadhakas are of two types
- Those who are practicing Krsna consciousness are not in need of the material opulences - wives, children, happiness, home - for all is acquired automatically by the grace of Krsna
- Those who are practicing yoga, they must be devotee of God. Otherwise, yoga will be a failure
- Those who are preachers are superior to those who go to the Himalayas to meditate. It is good to go to the Himalayas to meditate for one's personal benefit, but those who undergo many difficulties in order to preach are superior
- Those who are preachers in ISKCON will certainly meet many people who believe in intellectual arguments. Most of these people do not believe in the authority of the Vedas. Nevertheless, they accept intellectual speculation and argument
- Those who are preaching Krsna consciousness, they should not be afraid of this hell and heaven. Wherever they should go, they will simply preach, "Chant Hare Krsna." This is their business
- Those who are preaching the message of God, they should not be blasphemed. And then never interpret in the scriptures or in the chanting of Hare Krsna
- Those who are present here, our disciple or not disciple, should understand that this Krsna consciousness movement is a great scientific movement; it is not a bogus bluffing movement. Very scientific movement
- Those who are priests engaged in Lord Jagannatha’s service are called pandas or panditas, and they are brahmanas. The attendants who look after the temple’s external affairs are called palas
- Those who are professing Christianity, never mind. You have got the name of God. Otherwise, why Jesus recommends that "You glorify the name of God"? That is chanting. So let us combinedly glorify the name of God. This is common platform
- Those who are properly trained can be considered human beings; if one is not trained socially and spiritually - that is, if one is uneducated and unregulated - his life is on the animal platform
- Those who are puffed up by the mode of passion try to lord it over material nature in various ways. Some of them engage in altruistic activities as if they were agents appointed to do good to others by their mental speculative plans
- Those who are puffed up with material education, wealth, aristocracy and fruitive activity are very proud of possessing material things, and they often deride the devotees. Even if such people offer the Lord worship, the Lord never accepts them
- Those who are pure devotees always remain in the ocean of transcendental loving service to the Lord and have no business with the other processes, which are compared to the rivers that only gradually come to the ocean
- Those who are pure devotees enjoy these narrations as nectar entering into their ears
- Those who are pure in heart - that is, those who have surrendered everything unto the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead - remain aloof and separate from such easygoing pseudo transcendentalists, while giving them all respects that they may demand
- Those who are pure Vaisnavas should avoid both these things (Bhakti-siddhanta-viruddha and rasabhasa) opposed to devotional service. These misconceptions practically parallel the Mayavada philosophy
- Those who are purely in association with the modes of goodness, sattva-guna, they are considered as brahmana. And those who are associated with the rajo-guna, passion, they are called ksatriyas
- Those who are purely in Krsna consciousness and do not know anything other than Krsna are called mahatma; yet there are other persons who are not exactly in the position of mahatma but who worship Krsna also, in different ways. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are purely in the mode of goodness are called brahmanas. Those who are purely in the mode of passion are called ksatriyas. Those who are in the modes of both passion and ignorance are called vaisyas. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are qualified brahmanas worship only the Visnu form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which means Krsna, Rama and all Visnu expansions
- Those who are qualified in goodness, they can be called as brahmin. Those who are qualified with passion, they can be called a ksatriya. Ksatriya means the politicians, administrators. brahmin means highly learned scholars, philosophers, theosophist
- Those who are rascals (mudhah), sinners (duskrtinah) and the lowest of mankind (naradhamah), who are bereft of all intelligence (mayayapahrta jnanah) and who take shelter of the demoniac way of life (asuram bhavam asritah), are disinterested in KC
- Those who are rascals, they think that "Krsna has two hands, two legs; therefore I am also Krsna. I am also." So don't be misled by the rascals, pasandi. Take as there in the sastra, learn it from authorized sources, and be happy
- Those who are really conversant with this knowledge can utilize everything for the service of the Lord because nothing in this material world is unconnected with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are regulated by scriptural injunctions and thus gradually rise to Krsna consciousness certainly progress in life. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are rejecting, they are jnanis. And those who are karmis, they want more material enjoyment, more money, more money, more assets. The two classes of men. But a devotee is neither this class or that class
- Those who are related in friendship attain love of God to the point of fraternity
- Those who are rendering service indirectly, being forced by the illusory agent of the Lord, are rendering service unto Him unfavorably
- Those who are rendering service unto Him directly under the direction of His beloved agent are rendering service unto Him favorably
- Those who are researching, they cannot understand Krsna. They understand Krsna as ordinary human being, maybe little learned. That's all. The Dr. Frog's calculation of Atlantic Ocean
- Those who are righteous generally execute fruitive activities in order to derive some good result for sense gratification
- Those who are righteous in performing devotional service but who are not pure can attain the planetary system of the polestar, or Dhruvaloka, where Dhruva Maharaja is presiding. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are sadhavah, or devotees engaged in Krsna consciousness in the transcendental service of the Lord, do not feel the contamination of material miseries
- Those who are sahajiyas cannot understand what Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu meant when He asked Advaita Acarya to bring two separate leaves and give a small quantity of the prasadam to Him
- Those who are saintly persons, they always see Krsna within his heart. Everyone can see if he tries. Why you and me? Anyone can see. Krsna is open to everyone. But He is not open to the rascals. That is Krsna's distinguish
- Those who are sane men, they are appreciating that here is a movement actually for the benefit... It is not sentimental, cheating, bluffing, economic development
- Those who are sannyasi, brahmacari, they have no sex life, there is no question of sex life. Sex life is prohibited. But it is a concession for them who cannot live without sex life. That is married life. Otherwise, sex life is not very important thing
- Those who are sat are thus transcendentalists advanced in spiritual life, and when they hear questions from those who want to understand spiritual life, they become very happy
- Those who are satisfied with temporary life, temporary pleasure, and temporary facilities are not to be considered intelligent, at least not according to Bhagavad-gita
- Those who are saturated with the transcendental happiness of rendering service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead are uninterested even in the achievements of great mystics
- Those who are searching after the Absolute Truth must take shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and worship Him
- Those who are seers of the truth have concluded that of the nonexistent there is no endurance, and of the existent there is no cessation. This seers have concluded by studying the nature of both - BG 2.16
- Those who are seers of the truth have concluded that of the nonexistent there is no endurance, and of the existent there is no cessation. This seers have concluded by studying the nature of both. BG 2.16 - 1972
- Those who are self-satisfied and unattracted by external material desires are also attracted to the loving service of Sri Krsna, whose qualities are transcendental and whose activities are wonderful
- Those who are sensible, those who are actually after knowledge, those who actually want a solution of this material miserable condition of life, they must take to this Krsna consciousness. That is the only remedy
- Those who are serious about liberation are certainly nonenvious, and they respect all. Yet they reject the horrible and ghastly forms of the demigods and worship only the all-blissful forms of Lord Visnu and His plenary portions
- Those who are serious about pushing forward this Krsna consciousness movement should remember and strictly follow the regulative principles so that their minds will not be disturbed
- Those who are serious about the knowledge of the transcendental world, which is far beyond the material cosmic creation, must approach a bona fide spiritual master to learn the science both directly and indirectly
- Those who are serious about the Vaisnava method of devotional activities do not take part in such worship of demigods
- Those who are serious students of the Vedas are very much attached to the ritualistic ceremonies mentioned in the Vedas, and therefore these veda-vadis cannot understand that the ultimate goal of the Vedas is to understand Lord Krsna, or Visnu
- Those who are serious students of Vedic literature accept authority. Bhagavad-gita, for example, is not a scholarly presentation which arose out of so much research work
- Those who are servants of Krsna, devotees of Krsna, they should take the mission of Krsna. They should take up the mission of Krsna. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's version - amara ajnaya guru hana tara ei desa, yare dekha, tare kaha, 'krsna'-upadesa
- Those who are servants of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, are not interested in any planets in this material world because they know that on whatever planet one enters in the material sky, the four principles of birth, old age, disease, and death are present
- Those who are simply acting piously, such person can approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Not impious person can
- Those who are simply addicted to, sinful activities, they cannot inquire. They will be in the darkness, gone, gone under some intoxication, gone
- Those who are simply astonished by the powers of anything in the creation of the Lord, without any factual information of the Lord Himself, are known as saktas, or worshipers of the great powers
- Those who are simply frustrated also come sometimes to associate with the pure devotees and become inquisitive to know about God. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are simply learned are panditas but not yet devotees of the Lord, or Vaisnavas. Lord Krsna is not especially pleased with them
- Those who are simply planning how to keep this body comfortable, that is the material world. Everyone is busy how to keep this body very comfortable, although it is not possible
- Those who are simply puffed up, thinking themselves liberated by some nondevotional process, are not polished or clear in intelligence, for they have not yet surrendered unto You (Krsna)
- Those who are simply violating the laws of God, they are third class, fourth class, tenth class
- Those who are sincere souls, after hearing this incident, should refrain from such child-killing and should atone for their sinful activities by taking to Krsna consciousness very seriously
- Those who are sincerely devotee of Vasudeva sometimes, due to their past habits, may commit something sinful, not knowingly, but habituated; that is excused by Krsna
- Those who are sincerely seeking the favor of Krsna come in contact with a guru, a bona fide representative of Krsna
- Those who are sinful in every step of life can expect only to be degraded into animal life to suffer more and more the pangs of material existence, and this is also stated in Bhagavad-gita
- Those who are sinful persons, they cannot become so much purified by observing austerity, penances, celibacy, as one can become completely freed from sinful reaction by becoming devotee
- Those who are sinful, rascals, lowest of the mankind. Such people do not recognize God. Mudhas. "No, they are so educated." No, that education means false education. Real education is taken away by maya
- Those who are sinful, they do not take immediately birth. They first of all trained up in the hellish planet how to suffer to become accustomed and then they are taken birth, then suffer
- Those who are situated in goodness generally worship the demigods. The demigods include Brahma, Siva and others such as Indra, Candra and the sun-god. There are various demigods. BG 1972 pur
- Those who are situated in the mode of goodness act piously according to Vedic injunctions. Thus they are elevated to the higher planetary systems where the demigods live
- Those who are situated in the mode of goodness, who neither hate inauspicious work nor are attached to auspicious work, have no doubts about work. BG 18.10 - 1972
- Those who are situated in the neutral position attain perfection up to love of Godhead
- Those who are situated in the quality of ignorance, they are called sudras, or the laborer class
- Those who are situated in the quality of passion, they are called ksatriyas. And those who are situated in the quality of . . . mixed quality of ignorance and passion, they are called vaisyas, or the mercantile community
- Those who are situated in the relationship of master and servant attain love of Godhead to the stage of attachment
- Those who are situated in the transcendental nature make progress on the path of liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are situated on the mouth are called brahmanas, those who are situated on the arms are called ksatriyas, those who are situated on the waist are called vaisyas, and those who are situated on the legs are called sudras
- Those who are situated on the platform of santa-rasa get their impetus for advancement in devotional service by smelling the tulasi offered at the lotus feet of the Lord, by hearing the sound of His conchshell, seeing a sanctified place in some mountain
- Those who are sleeping and unconscious are eternally conditioned, but those who are awake understand that they are eternally part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Those who are so deluded by dualities are completely foolish and therefore cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are so-called followers of the Vedas are more harmful than the Buddhists. The Buddhists have the courage to deny the Vedas directly, but the so-called followers of the Vedas have no courage to deny the Vedas
- Those who are so-called spiritualists are compared to monkeys. Outwardly, monkeys sometimes resemble sadhus because they live naked in the forest and pick fruits, but their only desire is to keep many female monkeys and enjoy sex life
- Those who are sometimes distressed, those who are in need of money, those who are sometimes inquisitive, and those who are sometimes searching after knowledge of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are spontaneously devoted to the Lord and have no aims for material gain are called attracted devotees. They are spontaneously attracted to the service of the Lord, and they follow in the footsteps of self-realized souls
- Those who are staunch student of logic, you know that there are two processes: deductive knowledge and inductive knowledge. Deductive knowledge is considered to be more perfect
- Those who are strictly following the dictation of Krsna under strict disciplinary chain of disciplic succession, he is Krsna's representative, and he should be given all the respect. That is the verdict of all sastras
- Those who are strictly following the regulations of Krsna consciousness, he's living in the spiritual world. He's not in the material world. Just like we are not living in Los Angeles; we are living in Vaikuntha. Yes. That's a fact
- Those who are striving to acquire knowledge - after many, many births, when actually by the grace of God and by the grace of a devotee they come to knowledge, then such persons agree, - Oh, vasudevah sarvam iti: (BG 7.19) Krsna is everything
- Those who are sufficiently intelligent worship this Supreme Personality of Godhead (Lord Caitanya) by performing sankirtana-yajna. In this incarnation, the Supreme Lord declares Himself not to be the Supreme Lord, and therefore He is known as Tri-yuga
- Those who are supported by impious acts cannot be engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, even though they are distressed. This is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15)
- Those who are surcharged with the mode of ignorance are degraded to the lower planetary systems or to the animal kingdom. The demigods are highly developed in the mode of goodness, and thus they are situated in the heavenly planets
- Those who are taking to this Krsna consciousness, mostly they are younger section. Now ask them how much hopeful they are, how much jubilant they are
- Those who are tapasvis, they should reduce sleeping also. Just like the Gosvamis did: only one and a half hour or utmost two hours. That also sometimes not. Actually, we should reduce this. Nidrahara-viharakadi-vijitau
- Those who are tattva-darsih, those who have seen the truth, we have to take knowledge from them - that is direction in the Bhagavad-gita - not from the third-class men
- Those who are then following the path of auspiciousness can be divided into three sections, namely, 1) the followers of scriptural rules and regulations who are enjoying material prosperity. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are then following the path of auspiciousness can be divided into three sections, namely, 2) those who are trying to find out the ultimate liberation from material existence, and 3) those who are devotees in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are thinking in terms of society, nationality, country, religion, or so many things, they are not mahatmas. They are ksudratmas, small, crippled minded
- Those who are thinking like the dog that, "I am this body . . ." The dog is also thinking, "I am this body," and a man is also thinking, "I am this body." Then where is the difference between the dog and the man?
- Those who are thinking that "I am now liberated simply by some volumes of philosophical speculation," so Bhagavata says, "No, your intelligence is not yet purified because you have not yet approached Krsna"
- Those who are thinking that we are sectarian, they're wrong, because Krsna does not belong to any sect
- Those who are thinking that, "We can do something else besides Krsna," they are foolish. They are lost. Yes. But Krsna is so kind upon you that He has placed in a certain circumstances that you cannot go out. That is very good fortune
- Those who are thoughtful human being, gradually they are inquisitive of understanding the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- Those who are thoughtful should take this (Krsna consciousness) movement very seriously and try to understand its value. It is not something manufactured by one man or a group of disciples
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac & atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities and their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities and their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated. BG 9.12 - 1972
- Those who are too addicted to sense gratification are advised to practice the mystic yoga system, or astanga-yoga system, consisting of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyhara and so on. In this way, one can control the senses
- Those who are too addicted to sex life cannot understand the purpose of the Absolute Truth, nor can they be clean in their habits, not to mention showing mercy to others
- Those who are too attached amidst the pinpricks of muddy householder life are compared to the cranes that stand on the bank of the river for some sense enjoyment despite all the inconveniences there
- Those who are too attached to seeking material possessions and material enjoyment cannot reach yoga-samadhi, absorption in Krsna consciousness
- Those who are too dull, it takes little time. But give them chance: Chant, chant, chant, chant! Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse! But when it is properly cleansed, then he will be ready. Arjuna's decision was not to fight. Now he says, "Yes." That is required
- Those who are too engrossed in sense gratification cannot be allowed to participate in arcana or to touch the transcendental form of the Radha-Krsna or Visnu Deities. For them it is better to meditate upon the gigantic virat-rupa of the Lord
- Those who are too much addicted to materialistic way of sense gratification, they cannot put their faith in Krishna Consciousness
- Those who are too much addicted to sex life, they cannot be determined. They cannot be fixed-up. They are fluctuating, changing
- Those who are too much addicted to this karma, activities, when those activities are done with yoga - yoga means linking with the Supreme - that is called karma-yoga
- Those who are too much after wealth and women can rectify their leanings only by constant remembrance of Visnu in His potential impersonal feature
- Those who are too much attached in the family affairs, grhesu grha-medhinam. Grhamedhi means one who has made his center of activity home. He is called grhamedhi
- Those who are too much attached to family life - which consists of entanglement with wife, children, wealth and home - are engaged in kuta-dharma, pseudo duties
- Those who are too much attached to woman and not devotee of Krsna, they are bad. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu says give up the company of these two bad men, that's all. That is Vaisnava
- Those who are too much bodily addicted, for them, this hatha-yoga process is good, recommended
- Those who are too much bodily attached, for them this yoga system is controlling the senses, yoga indriya samyamah. Yoga does not mean to increase the power of sense gratification. Yoga means controlling the senses
- Those who are too much foolish, the spiritual master orders him, "Don't talk. Please remain silent." That's all. Because if you talk, you'll talk simply nonsense. Why should you spoil your energy by such nonsense talking? Better stop
- Those who are too much sexually addicted become victims of jara, and very soon their life-span is shortened
- Those who are too much sinful, those who are causing these abortions, they will get this sort of life. They will never see light
- Those who are too much, I mean to say, thinking of this body, for them, this hatha-yoga system is prescribed. But the aim of that hatha-yoga system is to see or search out the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or Paramatma
- Those who are too self-interested beg something from others, not knowing of others' pain. But if the beggar knew the difficulty of the giver, he would not ask for anything
- Those who are too sinful and have thus been born in the lower classes are allowed to enjoy sinful activities fully, for thus there is a chance that these activities will become detestful to them, and they will get the opportunity to be purified
- Those who are too sinful cannot appreciate the transcendental glories of the Lord, and therefore it is better not to instruct them in this matter
- Those who are transcendental even to the material modes of nature are situated in the mode of pure goodness; they attain eternal life in the spiritual world
- Those who are transcendentalist, they are also seeking happiness, that is real happiness, spiritual happiness, eternal happiness. They enjoy unlimited happiness
- Those who are transcendentalist, they are not interested in these worldly talks. That is very disgusting to them. They avoid such company who talks nonsense about these worldly affairs
- Those who are true yogis or learned transcendentalists are not attracted by sense pleasures, which are the causes of continuous material existence. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are truly learned do not give much importance to this material body and mind, or to the happiness and distress that pertain only to the material body and mind
- Those who are truly vipascit, learned, are those who have reached the platform of understanding and observing the Supreme Personality of Godhead in any condition of life. premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti - BS 5.38
- Those who are trying for going to the heavenly planet for enjoying life more and more, increasing happiness, they are also wasting time. And the whole system of dharma is like that, increasing happiness and decreasing distress
- Those who are trying to ascend on the path of mystic yoga are called aruruksu. In aruruksu yoga, various sitting postures are practiced, and the mind is concentrated
- Those who are trying to be idle krsna-bhaktas, they are not devotees. One must be engaged with Krsna's work. That is devotion. Satatam kirtayanto mam yatantas ca drdha-vratah - BG 9.14
- Those who are trying to capture the Supreme Personality of Godhead within the heart - yogis, - they understand Krsna, or God, as Paramatma, the Supersoul
- Those who are trying to elevate themselves to the platform of spiritual realization are not ordinary men. They are superior to millions and millions of ordinary men who have no knowledge of spiritual realization. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are trying to enjoy the senses to the utmost are called karmis, above them are the jnanis, who try to conquer the urges of the senses, and above them are the yogis, who have already conquered the senses
- Those who are trying to enter higher planets can go there, and those who are trying to qualify to enter into Goloka Vrndavana, the planet of Krsna, can also enter there by the process of Krsna consciousness
- Those who are trying to find out God by speculation, they are theosophist. And theologist means one who knows God and abides by His order
- Those who are trying to find the Supreme Godhead by mental speculation may approach the bodily effulgence, or the impersonal Brahman
- Those who are trying to find the Supreme Godhead by yoga practice may find Him as the localized Supersoul, but those who are directly trying to approach the Supreme Truth by practice of bhakti-yoga can see Him face to face as the Supreme Person
- Those who are trying to overcome the laws of nature, that is the so-called modern scientists' endeavor. That is foolishness, rascaldom
- Those who are trying to realize the Absolute Truth are categorized according to the aspect of the Absolute Truth upon which they concentrate. Those who concentrate on Brahman, the impersonalists, are called brahmavadis
- Those who are trying to take the principles of dharma, they are being elevated to the higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, up to back to home, back to Godhead
- Those who are trying to understand the Supreme Absolute Truth through knowledge, they can go up to that impersonal Brahman
- Those who are trying to visualize the Supreme Soul within the heart, they are called yogi
- Those who are twice initiated so as to become brahmanas must bear in mind their great responsibility to be truthful, control the mind and senses, be tolerant, and so on. It was such brahmanas that Nanda Maharaja invited to chant the Vedic hymns
- Those who are unable to read all these books for any reason it may be, then it is a very simple method: chant Hare Krsna. It is so sublime
- Those who are unable to remain alone are given license to live in household life with wife and children, not for sense gratification but for cultivation of Krsna consciousness
- Those who are unable to utter immediately the Sweet Name of Krishna, they are recommended to chant Om
- Those who are unaware of the position of the living entity and the Supreme Person, Krsna, think that the mutual attachment between the Lord and His devotees is a creation of the material energy
- Those who are under the clutches of maya, thinking the Lord an ordinary person, cannot understand that certain exalted personalities - after accumulating volumes of pious activities - are now playing with the Lord in friendship as cowherd boys
- Those who are under the concept of bodily life, even though they are very much advanced in austerity and penance, or even though they are great philosophers, are unable to understand Him - Krsna
- Those who are under the conception that there is no owner, and the body is everything, they are less than tamo-guna. Actually animals. They have been described as being animal
- Those who are under the control of maya, and specifically under the control of lusty desires, are called maya-mrga. Indeed, everyone in the conditional stage of material life is a maya-mrga
- Those who are under the impression of this bodily concept of life, sa eva go-kharah: they are no better than the asses and the cows
- Those who are under the impression that there is material contamination in the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and in His devotional service are called Mayavadi
- Those who are under the influence of the illusory energy are attracted to fruitive activities, but a Vaisnava preacher attracts their hearts to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna
- Those who are under the misconception that the living entity and the Supreme Lord are equal in all respects, both qualitatively and quantitatively, are mistaken, and they are still bound to remain in the material world
- Those who are under the spell of material energy do not follow the instructions of the disciplic succession but try to manufacture something of their own and thereby step outside the sphere of Vedanta study
- Those who are under the spell of the external energy accept this manifestation to be fact, whereas those who are advanced in spiritual realization know that it is illusion. Actual reality is elsewhere, in the spiritual world
- Those who are unfortunate will find time to hear ordinary social and political topics, but when they are invited to attend an assembly to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are reluctant to attend
- Those who are unintelligent, who are like animals, seek happiness in the desert of the material world. This false attachment has to be given up by the process of bhakti-yoga. This must be taken up very seriously, not artificially
- Those who are useless for any of these 3 occupational duties (realizing God, rule over this world, producing food and cow protection), they are called 4th class. And those who are still lower than that, they are called fifth class, sixth class, like that
- Those who are Vaisnavas, they are demigods. Demigod does not mean that something extraordinary. Anyone who is Vaisnava, devotee of the Supreme Lord, he is demigod. That is the statement of Vedic literature
- Those who are vasudeva-parayana, who have fully surrendered to the lotus feet of Lord Vasudeva, Krsna, automatically achieve the results of mauna (silence), vrata (vows) and other such methods simply by discharging devotional service
- Those who are veda-vada-rata pose themselves as very learned in the Vedic literature, but unfortunately they are completely diverted from the purpose of the Vedas
- Those who are veda-vadis are not actually advanced in knowledge, and those who are followers of jnana-kanda (Brahman understanding) are also not perfect
- Those who are vegetarians. They may think that, "We are not killing animals." No. They are also committing sins, because vegetables, they have also got life
- Those who are very abominable, sinful, they go down planetary system or become lower than human being - animals, trees, birds, beasts, like that
- Those who are very advanced in knowledge and are situated in the mode of goodness follow the Vedic instructions of the sruti and smrti and other religious scriptures, including the pancaratriki-vidhi
- Those who are very eager to advance in transcendental knowledge can engage themselves in pure devotional service, without wasting time in mental speculation
- Those who are very enthusiastic about killing animals in the name of religion or for food must await similar punishment after death
- Those who are very experienced students of Vedic literature can learn about Him (Krsna) from the Vedic literature in so many ways. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are very fond of family life should come forward in the service of the spiritual master and abandon so-called happiness afforded by society, friendship and love
- Those who are very intelligent persons, those who can understand what is the situation of our life, "What I am . . ." These things are very intelligent questions
- Those who are very materialistic have no information of the living energy, and being ignorant of that supreme spiritual science, they are absorbed in material science, which ends with the end of the material body
- Those who are very materialistic or who possess material wealth and prosperity are unable to appreciate the value of transcendental love of God
- Those who are very materialistic, always hankering after material power and strength, are undoubtedly fools of the first order because they have no information of the living energy
- Those who are very much addicted to the bodily necessities of life, for them this hatha-yoga system. Hatha-yoga system means astanga-yoga. Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, dhyana, dharana, pratyahara, samadhi
- Those who are very much advanced in animal propensities, they cannot take part in this Krsna consciousness movement. Those are . . . those who are, to say frankly, no better than animals, they cannot take any interest in the Krsna consciousness movement
- Those who are very much attached to this material nature, they are unfortunate; they cannot understand Krsna or Krsna consciousness. That is not possible
- Those who are very much influenced by lusty desires are advised to take shelter of Sanat-kumara, the great brahmacari devotee
- Those who are very passionate can improve in material acquisition very quickly. It is recommended in the Vedic scriptures that if one wants to encourage a person in acquiring material possessions, one should also encourage him in sex life
- Those who are very rich and have taken favor of the goddess of fortune in this world must engage their money in the service of the Lord. In this way they can continue in their opulent position without disturbance
- Those who are very sensual and are engaged in sense gratification do not wish to die
- Those who are very sharp in their intelligence should adopt this process of chanting the holy names of the Lord. One should not manufacture different types of chanting
- Those who are very sinful & attached to their family, house, village or country do not receive a gross body made of material elements but remain in a subtle body, composed of mind, ego, intelligence. Those who live in such subtle bodies are called ghosts
- Those who are very, very sinful, they cry, because they see horrible scenes at the time of death
- Those who are weak, they are food for the strong. That is going on. "Might is right," in the human society also
- Those who are weak, they are foodstuff for the strong. Phalguni mahatam tatra jivo jivasya jivanam
- Those who are well-versed in knowledge of Brahman and those householders who carefully follow the Vedic regulations say that the difference between the two (the living entity and the Supersoul) is like the difference between a shadow and the sun
- Those who are working in sattva-guna, they will go to the higher planetary systems. There are Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Brahmaloka, Satyaloka, Siddhaloka. You'll go there
- Those who are worshiper of Krsna, they are not persuaded by lust. They are persuaded by love. That is the difference
- Those who are worshipers of demigods have been described as less intelligent persons, and here (BG 7.24) the impersonalists are similarly described. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are worshipers of demigods never reach the Supreme Lord in His supreme planet. Even the less intelligent Brahman-realized persons cannot reach the supreme planet of Krsna known as Goloka Vrndavana. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are yogi, those who are transcendentalists, advanced in spiritual life, they know what is happiness
- Those who are yogis, they want to find out that "God is sitting with me. Let me see by meditation." That is yogi's business
- Those who are, I mean to say, favored with poor fund of knowledge, they cannot conceive about the Personality of Godhead. Therefore we have to approach authorities just like Lord Caitanya
- Those who are, therefore, on the path of salvation for going back home back to Godhead, are especially advised by all scriptural instruction to become free from such paraphernalia of material attraction
- Those who can accept good instruction and try to live their lives in that way are called demigods, and those who are unable to take such good instruction are called demons
- Those who challenge God will see Him in His ghastly aspect, but those who are devoted to Him will see Him in His personal form. In any case, everyone will ultimately see God
- Those who have achieved liberation from material contamination, and those who are demons and are killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, become absorbed in the Brahman concept of life and reside in the spiritual sky of the brahma-jyoti
- Those who have no faith, they are called faithless. So here it is clearly stated, sraddhavan labhate jnanam - Those who are faithful, they can make progress in this knowledge of spiritual advancement
- Those who have worshiped Garbhodakasayi Visnu are liberated with Brahma, and those who are pure devotees of the Personality of Godhead at once push through the covering of the universe and enter the spiritual sky
- Those who know the Absolute Truth know it in three phases, as explained in SB 1.2.11: Those who are in knowledge of the nondual Absolute Truth know very clearly what is Brahman, what is Paramatma, and what is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who live as brahmacaris must follow in the footsteps of the great sage Narada Muni, who never accepted the proposals of Jara. Those who are too much sexually addicted become victims of jara, and very soon their life-span is shortened
- Those who maintain a demoniac mentality are bewildered by the beauty of a woman, but those who are advanced in Krsna consciousness, or even those on the platform of goodness, are not bewildered
- Those who play the role of helping this sort of civilization in the name of educational advancement are actually doing more harm than those who are on the platform of gross sense gratification
- Those who say that the Mahabharata battle was fought 3,000 B.C., that is correct. But they had a big, big meeting with big, big professors but was there any conclusion? No. So therefore these kinds of meetings are all useless
- Those who take pleasure in sense enjoyment, or those who are fixed in material bodily welfare work, are called karmis
- Those who think that Krsna consciousness is limited to a certain section of people, a certain section of devotees or a certain tract of land are generally prone to see the external features of the devotee
- Those who try to become falsely independent of the Lord (Krsna) are called anatha, or without any guardian, whereas those who are completely dependent on the will of the Lord are called sanatha, or those having someone to protect them
- Those who're engaged in the pure DS of the Lord, who're without any desire for self-aggrandizement & who're freed from the effects of fruitive actions & dry philosophical speculations are capable of getting out of the estrangements of this complicated age
- Those who're inclined to material activities remain in the material sphere. But persons who engage in devotional service reach the abode of God, where there is neither birth nor death nor different varieties of life under the influence of the law of karma
- Those with no faith, those who are always trying to deny Krsna, will simply say, - Oh, this is an idol. This is simply a piece of stone
- Those yogis, or mystics, who engage in devotional service are the first-class yogis. The first-class yogis, as described in Bhagavad-gita, are those who are constantly thinking of the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Those, however, who are consciously engaged in the devotional service of the Lord are transcendental to all varieties of sin and virtue. Their activities are free from the contamination of the three modes of material nature
- Though all of the devotees of the different forms of the Lord are in the same category, still it is said that those who are devotees of Lord Krsna are the topmost in the list of all devotees
- Thoughts and the effects of such revolutionary literature is required. Not the grammatical. The so-called rascals, they are concerned with the grammatical. But those who are actually worker, they are concerned with the thoughts
- Three paths are enunciated in the Bhagavad-gita: karma-yoga, jnana-yoga and bhakti-yoga. Those who are too much addicted to fruitive activities are advised to perform actions which will bring them to bhakti
- Thus King Puranjana, being attached to fruitive activities (karma-kandiya) as well as kith and kin, and being obsessed with polluted consciousness, eventually arrived at that point not very much liked by those who are overly attached to material things
- Time can control only those who are body conscious, even up to the Satyaloka or the other higher planets of the universe
- To approach Krsna is not very easy job, Krsna says in the BG, manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye yatatam api siddhanam. Those who are muktas . . . to become mukta, that is also difficult job. Out of many millions of jnanis, one becomes mukta
- To concentrate one's mind on Govinda in any place is a path meant for those who are the most spiritually advanced; it is not for ordinary persons
- To increase attachment for Brahman means to engage in devotional service. Those who are attached to the impersonal form of Brahman cannot remain attached for very long
- To learn the surrender, it will take many, many births, bahunam janmanam ante. But those who are intelligent, they will surrender immediately
- To perform one's activities as transcendental devotional service is possible only for those advanced souls who are fully situated in the Absolute Truth
- To remain unattached to the modes of material nature, one should avoid associating with those who are asat, materialistic
- To sleep is waste of time, so those who are actually interested in spiritual life, they adjust life in such a way that almost they sleep nil
- To surpass the influence of the illusory energy is very difficult, but those who are determined to catch hold of the lotus feet of the Lord are freed from the clutches of maya
- To the Western devotees, we are advising them - at least, those who are accepted as our disciples, they must - no meat-eating. They are accustomed to meat-eating
- To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me (Krsna) with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I (Krsna) give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me. BG 10.10 - 1972
- To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me (Krsna) with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me (BG 10.10)
- Transcendental knowledge is only attainable by transcendental devotional service, as described in Bhagavad-gita (10.10): To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me (Krsna) with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- Two classes of men, however, will never be interested in hearing the message of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam - those who are determined to commit suicide and those determined to kill cows and other animals for the satisfaction of their own tongues
- Ultimately He advises that one give up all other ways and modes of worship and fully surrender unto Him alone (18.66). Only those who are cleansed of all sinful reactions can have such unflinching faith in the Supreme Lord
- Under no circumstances can the words of persons bewildered by the illusory energy of the Lord deviate the intelligence of those who are completely surrendered souls
- Under the circumstances, the sastras enjoin, yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah: (SB 11.5.32) in this age, those who are intellectual offer yajna, or perform sacrifices, through the sankirtana movement
- Unfortunately those who are simply official students of the Vedas become more interested in offering sacrifices to the different demigods like Indra, Candra, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Unfortunately, meditation has now become a fashion for those who are overly addicted to sensual things. Such meditation is defeated by the struggle for existence
- Unfortunately, those who are born in rich family, they take advantage of it that "I have got so much money, let me enjoy sense gratification." Maya dictates, "Oh, you have got so much money. Utilize for wine, woman." That's all
- Unfortunately, those who are inexperienced in the transcendental science cannot appreciate the different relationships with the Supreme Lord. They think that all such relationships arise from maya
- Unfortunately, those who are intoxicated cannot understand this (stolen God's property). They think, "We have taken this land of America from the Red Indians, and now it is our property." They do not know that they are thieves
- Unfortunately, those who are unintelligent do not know the difference between a brahmana and a Vaisnava. They are under the impression that unless one is a brahmana he cannot be a spiritual master
- Unless a brahmana is very pure, he cannot accept charity from others. Charity should be given to those who are pure. Even if one is born in a family of brahmanas, if one acts as a sudra one cannot accept charity, for this is strictly prohibited
- Unless one is pious and recognized by the Lord, he cannot make others happy who are under his care
- Urdhvam gacchanti sattva-stha, those who are situated in brahminical qualification, goodness, modes of goodness, they are promoted to the higher planetary system
- Urdhvam gacchanti sattva-sthah: those who are in the mode of goodness, avoiding the four principles of sinful life, will live their next life on a higher planetary system
- Vaidika-vidhi is very authorized, but this Vaidika-vidhi is specially meant for those who are highly elevated Brahmins
- Vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh: the most exalted Vaisnava is Lord Siva, and those who are actually devotees of Lord Siva follow Lord Siva's advice and take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Visnu
- Varna means this social order, and asrama means spiritual division. Therefore those who are following strictly the Vedic principle, that family life is called grhastha asrama. Asrama. Whenever you add this word asrama there is spiritual significance
- Varnasrama college especially meant for the brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya. Those who are not fit for education, they are sudras. That's all. Or those who are reluctant to take education - sudra means. That's all. They should assist the higher class
- Vasudeva-parayanah. Those who are advanced in Krsna consciousness. Vasudeva means Krsna. Narayana parayana, vasudeva-parayanah, these words are there in the Vedic language
- Veda-vada-ratah partha nanyad astiti vadinah (BG 2.42). Those who are simply after the formulas of the Veda, they cannot understand
- Victimized by such a conception of life, they become surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and thus they are shackled to material bondage. Those who are very much addicted to this conception of life are called demons
- Visnu-maya means sense enjoyment, which is transient and miserable. Those who are entrapped by visnu-maya utilize advancement of knowledge for sense enjoyment
- Visvaksenanuvartisu refers to those devotees who are constantly engaged in the service of the Lord. Other devotees must follow in their footsteps
- Volcanic eruptions can do very little harm, & similarly, those who are against devotional service to the Lord, who put forward many philosophical theses about the ultimate transcendental realization cannot disturb this great ocean of devotional service
- We (gopis) know Him very well, and therefore we are not interested in hearing any more songs about Him. It would be better for you (bumblebee) to go sing to those who are now very dear to Krsna
- We accept atheist, one who does not believe in the Vedas. Therefore we have rejected the Buddha philosophy. They could not exist in India. But those who are preaching atheism through Vedas, impersonal, they are more dangerous
- We actually see that even those who are very great scientists in the eyes of the general public cannot understand the very simple idea that life comes from life, because they do not have the mercy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- We are bound up by the laws of nature, but those who are fools, vimudhatma, under false prestige, such person thinks that he is independent. No. That is not. So this is misunderstanding. So this misunderstanding has to be cleaned. That is the aim of life
- We are concerned with three: with God, the devotees and the innocent. To love God, to make friendship with devotees and to teach the innocent. And those who are atheist, against God, avoid. Don't talk. Useless waste of time
- We are going to open this temple. Those who are in charge, they must take care of the temple, cleanliness. Tan-mandira-marjanadau
- We are interested - those who are followers of real Vedanta - to see the result. Phalena pariciyate. Phalena means "by the result." So what is the result? The result is by executing one's particular type of religious system, he must develop KC or GC
- We are interested - those who are followers of real Vedanta - to see the result. Phalena pariciyate. Phalena means - by the result
- We are living in three stages: bodily concept of life, mental concept of life and spiritual concept of life. Those who are grossly in ignorance, they are thinking in terms of bodily concept of life
- We are only a fractional portion of all the living entities in the many universes of the material world. Those who are in the material world and material body are condemned. For example, the population in prison is condemned by government
- We are opening hundreds and thousands of centers for those who are poor, both in money and in knowledge
- We are opening many centers all over the world. Why? To give people chance of having this association of a Vaisnava, mahat, mahatma. Therefore those who are in charge of such centers, they must be ideal mahatmas. Mahatma means devotees
- We are preaching Krsna consciousness amongst the people who are interested in material subject matter. But we are not associating with them. We are associating with Krsna, because we don't talk anything except Krsna
- We are recommending no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, no meat-eating. So those who are accustomed to these bad habits - for them, in the beginning it may be a little difficult. But in spite of this difficulty, one has to do it. That is tapasya
- We are so much attached to this bag of flesh and bones, but those who are learned, they know that this body is nothing but flesh and bones. The real person, the real force, is the soul
- We can manufacture something that will accelerate death, but nothing that will stop death. Those who are intelligent, however, are not concerned with the fourfold miseries of material life, but with elevation to the spiritual planets
- We can see that those who are situated in the mode of goodness live longer than those who are situated in the tamo-guna or rajo-guna
- We cannot compare that Krsna's body and my body, this body, material, is the same. That is condemned in the Bhagavad-gita, avajananti mam mudha (BG 9.11): "Those who are fools, rascals, they deride at Me, thinking Me as ordinary human being."
- We have already come to know that the influence of the age of Kali is meant for godless so-called civilized man; those who are under the protection of the Lord have nothing to fear from this horrible age
- We have both come to relieve you from this false lamentation, which is due to your being merged in the darkness of ignorance. For those who are advanced in spiritual knowledge to be affected by material loss and gain is not at all desirable
- We have established this Krsna consciousness movement in order to avoid asat-sanga, association with those who are interested in material things. Because we are associating with Krsna, we do not wish to talk about anything but Krsna
- We have to accept the authority of sastra, guru and sadhu. So those who are sadhu, they accept Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- We have to follow this (Srimad-Bhagavatam) sastra, which is beyond the deception of our material life. We have got four kinds of deceptions, deficiencies, we conditioned souls; but those who are liberated, they are above this - transcendental life
- We have to mold our life, and the Krsna consciousness movement is the best process. Therefore those who are sinful, those who are atheist, they have become little afraid of this movement
- We have to reject this material world because it is rejected by those who are learned in Vedic wisdom
- We know perfectly that Buddha is an incarnation of Krsna, but those who are cheated by Buddha, from their point of view I want to know what is their perspective
- We receive information herein (SB 5.14.30) that those who are simply interested in sex are actually no better than monkeys
- We see practically in many temples, because there is no discussion about Krsna, simply a Deity is there, people go for some time, then gradually, especially those who are so-called educated, they do not feel very much interested
- We should be very honest and live with sadhu, those who are devotees. Tandera carana-sebi-bhakta-sane bas. First of all our mission should be how to serve the Gosvamis
- We should know when to be angry. Not that for our personal interest we shall be. Generally, those who are devotees, they are not angry
- We should not consider like rascals that such a thing has come into being automatically. Fools cannot see, but those who are intelligent can see that the hand of the Supreme Lord is in everything within the creation. Isavasyam idam sarvam - ISO 1
- We simply wish to present the pastimes of Lord Krsna and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to the best of our ability so that those who are really honest can cleanse their hearts. We hope that they enjoy this literature and bestow their blessings upon us
- We want to create some ideal men. People will see them, and at least they will understand that "Here are the ideal men." They will be ashamed. So those who are in Krsna consciousness movement, they should be sreyan - the best men in the society
- We, those who are materialistic persons, we are mad after sense gratification. Exactly like a person who is ghostly haunted, he speaks all sorts of nonsense, similarly, in our material condition we speak simply all nonsense
- What is a demigod? It is stated in the Vedic scriptures that those who are devotees of Lord Visnu are demigods. BG 1972 purports
- What to speak of those who are under the direction of the great devotees, chanting the holy name of the Unlimited, who has unlimited potency? The Personality of God, unlimited in potency and transcendental by attributes, is called the ananta (Unlimited)
- When an animal is slaughtered in sacrifice, there is mantra. The mantra is that... The animal slaughter in sacrifice is recommended for the animal-eaters, not for all. Those who are... To restrict
- When even those who are in goodness cannot understand (the Supreme Lord), what hope is there for those in passion and ignorance? BG 1972 purports
- When God incarnates, He has got two business: paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam (BG 4.8). So one business is to give protection to the devotee and to annihilate the duskrta, those who are sinful
- When I utter the word Krsna, it means God. It is Sanskrit word, Krsna. Those who are Sanskrit student, you know krs-dhatu, "attraction," - one who attracts
- When Krsna comes within this material world, He does not become affected by the qualities, as we become. Therefore, those who are mudhas, those who are fools, they consider that Krsna is also a human being
- When Krsna exhibits His transcendental pastimes within the material world in some of the universes, not only the eternal associates of Krsna come but also those who are being promoted to that status from this material world
- When Lord Sri Krsna was personally present in the mortal world in His eternal, blissful form of Syamasundara, those who were not pure devotees of the Lord could not recognize Him or know His glories
- When one is in the sattva-guna then he can understand that "I am not this body. I am different from this body." For them, those who are in the sattva-guna, for them it is easier
- When one is under the shelter of this internal potency, the darkness of material ignorance is at once dissipated. And even those who are atmarama, or fixed in trance, take shelter of this maya, or internal energy
- When saintly persons go from door to door to see those who are too much materially engaged, it is to be understood that they do not go to ask anything for their personal benefit
- When the distressed, the inquisitive, the seekers of knowledge, and those who are in need of money are free from all material desires...
- When there are too many asuras in the world, then it becomes a hell for those who are devotees of the Lord
- When they (those who are elevated to the heavenly kingdoms by carrying out the orders of life) become even more advanced they are liberated in the spiritual sky, either in the impersonal brahmajyoti or in the Vaikuntha planets or Krsnaloka. BG 1972 pur
- When those who are after sex life hear about Krsna's pastimes with the gopis, they will relish transcendental pleasure, although it appears to be materialistic. The advantage will be that they will gradually be elevated to the spiritual platform
- When you become infected with some disease, you go to a physician, and he gives injection or medicine so that you may be cured of the extra fever or pain due to your disease. Similarly, those who are advanced in knowledge their sattva existence is cured
- When you forget Krsna, or God, and if we think there is something else than Krsna, then we are afraid. And those who are convinced and realized souls that there is nothing but Krsna, where is the cause of fearfulness?
- When you get your spiritual body, you also get nava-yauvanam. Those who are associating with Krsna in the Krsna planet or those who are associating with Narayana in the Vaikuntha planets, they are also ever-young
- Where is the ideal class who will teach? And it is the business of brahmana to teach. Those who are sudras, avidyayam antare vartamana, how they can teach? They cannot teach
- Whether he is an impersonalist or a devotee, one who is actually interested in advancing spiritually should not mingle with those who are simply interested in maintaining the body by means of the so-called advancement of civilization
- While speaking learned words, you are mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament neither for the living nor for the dead
- Who are less-intelligent class of men? The woman class or the laborer class, and those who are born in high family but their qualities are not so improved
- Who are sadhava, sadhu? Niskama, those who have no desire for material enjoyment. He is called sadhu. And that niskama means those who are devotee
- Who has got many subject matter for hearing? Now, apasyatam atma-tattvam: those who are blind, those who cannot see what is the purpose of life. For them. For them
- Who is worshiping God but his character is not good, he is sadhu. And those who are talking and no connection with God, he is mudha, duskrtina, naradhama
- Who's not full of anxieties? Those who are in this material world, who can say, "No, I have no anxiety"? That is not possible. Either you become President Nixon or in the street beggar, there is anxiety. At any moment danger may come
- Why have we taken so much land (in Mayapur)? Those who are seriously desirous - they will come and live with us. Association is very influential. If you associate with drunkards, you become drunk; if you associate with sadhus, then you become a sadhu
- Why should Krsna perform the pastime of taking birth? Kuntidevi replies, punya-slokasya kirtaye: (SB 1.8.32) to glorify those who are very pious and very much advanced in spiritual understanding
- Why the people in Bombay, those who are challenging, "Can you show me God?" they do not come here? Because they have no love. A few devotees here, they understand that here is God. They can see here is God. But the rascals, they cannot see God
- Why the Western people, those who are on the top of educational and social position, they try to understand what is spirit life and follow them, and place an ideal life so that others may follow
- Why then does the world become overloaded? It becomes overloaded due to the presence of demons, those who are against devotional service
- With similar Vaisnava compassion (as Six Gosvamis), Pariksit Maharaja told Sukadeva Gosvami: You have just described the different types of hellish life. Now, tell me how those who are suffering can be delivered. Kindly explain this to me
- Without spiritual contact, matter cannot create. Those who are seeking the original cause of the material creation should know that the creation takes place when the spirit soul is present
- Woman class, laborer class and those who are born in higher family but intelligence is very poor, they are called dvija-bandhu. And for these classes of men the Mahabharata was compiled
- Worms cannot get out of stool by their own endeavor; similarly, those who are overly attached to material existence cannot get out of materialism and suddenly become Krsna conscious
- Yama is situated in a planet near this earthly planet, and after death those who are very sinful are taken there, and Yama arranges different kinds of punishments for them. BG 1972 purports
- Yamaraja is the superintendent or the judge for considering what kind of punishment should be given to a certain sinful person. After death, those who are sinful, they are taken to Yamaraja for judgment
- Yamuna you are little better than Janaki but don't get puffed up & be good to those a little less fortunate. Guru das your work is so nice and you are a very important member of our society. You & your wife work so well there shall never be any problems
- Yamunacarya says: My dear Lord, those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance, the demons, the nondevotees, cannot understand You. They are unable to understand You. BG 1972 purports
- Yanti deva-vrata devan: those who are attached to the demigods and who perform the prescribed duties can approach the abodes of the demigods. In this way, one can go to the planet of the Pitas, or forefathers
- Yogamaya is the spiritual or internal energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Those who are interested in being promoted to the spiritual world and engaging in the service of the Lord attain spiritual perfection under the control of Yogamaya
- Yogi means those who are trying to focus all attention to the Supersoul which is within our heart. That is called yoga system
- Yogi, those who are yogis, transcendentalists, they are trying to observe the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Dhyanavasthita, by meditation. That is real meditation, to focus the mind to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead within the heart
- Yoni means the source of birth. So there are two kinds of yoni, pious and impious. Those who are pious, they are getting chance of birth, in very aristocratic, high family, educated, learned brahmana family. Janma. Then aisvarya, opulence, riches
- You (Krsna) descend as an incarnation to remove the burden of the world and to benefit Your friends, especially those who are Your exclusive devotees and are rapt in meditation upon You
- You all kindly hear from the lips of the pure devotee. Don’t hear from those who are professionally engaged in reciting the glories of Krsna for maintaining their livelihood
- You are (lord Siva) the cause of bondage and liberation of the entire universe because you are its ruler. Those who are advanced in spiritual consciousness surrender unto you, and therefore you are the cause of mitigating their distresses
- You are distributing this knowledge, so you become immediately recognized, very dear servant, very confidential servant of Krsna. He says personally - Amongst the human beings, those who are doing this preaching, nobody is dearer than these persons to Me
- You are so much dependent on the laws of nature. Why you are falsely claiming like that? What is your answer? Give me your answer, those who are thinking that - I am God
- You believe or not believe, the words of Krsna cannot be false. That's a fact. You may be rascal, you do not believe, but those who are dhira, they believe
- You believe or not believe, the words of Krsna cannot be false. That's a fact. You may be rascal, you do not believe, but those who are dhira, they believe. They believe. If you have love for Krsna... There is no question of love or no love
- You cannot make one classless. That is not possible. So long the bodily concept of life is there, there must be these three classes. High class, middle class and lower class. So those who are condemned, they must suffer. Everyone is condemned
- You cannot stop them. But some of them, those who are intelligent, they will see, "Yes, here is life." As they are coming to nakedness, they will come to this, our mode of life. So you have to become an ideal society
- You cannot understand transcendental subject matter simply by dry speculation and argument. You cannot understand. Neither by reading Vedic literature. The conclusion is that you have to follow those who are authorities
- You engage yourself in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Ksemaya. Then you'll be happy. And if you take to other demigods, those who are material, that will be not your perfect happiness or permanent happiness
- You have got the fighting spirit. How to utilize it? Yes. Narottama dasa Thakura recommends, krodha' bhakta-dvesi-jane (Prema-bhakti-candrika): - Those who are envious of God or God's devotee, you can utilize your anger upon them
- You possess unlimited energy, but You are unapproachable by those who are unable to control their senses. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You again and again
- You take grains, just like paddy or wheat. These plants, after producing the fruit, the grain, automatically they die. You are not killing. So those who are taking fruits, vegetable, grains, they are not actually killing
- You teach us that those who are very fond of children within this material world and who enter into marriage to enjoy family life can have the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their child, the most wonderful thing is that the Lord Himself licks His toe
- You'll find those who are animal killers, the so-called Christians and Mohammedans, they cannot understand. They (are) simply fanatics. Cannot understand what is soul, what is God
- Your unlimitedly potent activities are experienced by the most enlightened devotees, but those who are bewildered by the spell of Your (Krsna's) external energy identify themselves with this material world & become attached to society, friendship & love