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Because we are sample God, therefore we have got God's qualities in minute quantity. Very minute quantity. We have got creative power also

Expressions researched:
"because we are sample God, therefore we have got God's qualities in minute quantity. Minute quantity, very minute quantity. We have got creative power also"


General Lectures

Because we are sample God, therefore we have got God's qualities in minute quantity. Minute quantity, very minute quantity. We have got creative power also. We are very much proud of scientific advancement of knowledge, but we cannot compare our knowledge with God's knowledge. That is not possible.

We are one because we are part and parcel of God, just like part and parcel particle of gold is gold. And because we are sample God, therefore we have got God's qualities in minute quantity. Minute quantity, very minute quantity. We have got creative power also. We are very much proud of scientific advancement of knowledge, but we cannot compare our knowledge with God's knowledge. That is not possible. We can fly one sputnik in the sky, and we will take very much credit: "Now we are advanced so much." But we do not give any credit to the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is floating millions and trillions of heavy planets like this earth in the wa . . . in the air. We do not give any credit. And because we are flying one teeny rocket or sputnik in the air, we are taking so much credit: "Oh, we are so much advanced." What advance you have made in comparison to God?

So this is the . . . this is philosophy to understand. We have got creative power, and God has got creative power. He has created the whole universe—not only one universe, millions of universes. You can create one skyscraper building, that's all. So you have got the quality of creative power, but you cannot compare yourself with the creative power of God. That is not possible. You can create in the laboratory, say, one pound of water, by mixing hydrogen and oxygen, but God has created this Pacific Ocean. How much chemical if you want it, and wherefrom you will got, just imagine. This is philosophy. You can say that, "We can create water by mixing hydrogen and oxygen." All right, you create. How much you can create? One pound, two pounds or ten pounds, that's all.

Page Title:Because we are sample God, therefore we have got God's qualities in minute quantity. Very minute quantity. We have got creative power also
Created:2024-08-26, 17:07:02.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1