This thinking of killing you is also sinful, but unless I kill you, the sin is not, I mean to say, prominent. In this age that is concession. But we are actually thinking, feeling and willing and acting so many sinful activities that we do not know. That is the ignorance. So dhruvaṁ sa vai pretya narakān upaiti. If he does not atone in this life . . .
Just like if I take some money from you, if I do not pay you, then I will have to pay four times next life. That you do not know. Four times, many times, with interest. Just like bank gives you interest, you have to pay. But we cheat so many people. We are thinking that we are very clever: "I can cheat so many persons and take money and enjoy." That is atheistic. Ṛṇaṁ kṛtvā ghṛtaṁ pibet yāvaj jīvet sukhaṁ jīvet (Cārvāka Muni). The atheistic philosopher . . . everything there are in Indian Vedic culture. Everything is discussed—atheistic, theistic, scientific, everything is there.
So this Cārvāka Muni was an atheistic philosopher. His philosophy was that so long you . . . now that philosophy is being followed at the present moment that, "You don't care for sinful activities. There is no life, and after finishing this body, everything is finished. Enjoy life as you like." This is going on. That is Cārvāka's philosophy. Ṛṇaṁ kṛtvā ghṛtaṁ pibet. He said that, "You enjoy life by eating as much as quantity as you can provide, ghee." Because Indian philosophy means if you can eat . . .
Just like in Western countries, if you can eat meat you think that, "I am very much fortunate." Similarly, in India still, in villages also, they think that "If we can eat more ghee, we are very fortunate."