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Pages in category "Pay"
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- A dog must find out a nice master. Otherwise it is a street dog; its condition is not very good. Similarly, a sudra means he must have a nice paying master. Otherwise his life is at risk
- A guru may have hundreds of disciples, hundreds of servants, but he doesn't have to pay them. They are serving out of spiritual love, and the guru is teaching without receiving a salary. This is a spiritual relationship
- A patient has suffered from the disease on account of certain bad habits & he has gone to the doctor. He paid much money & suffered injection, operation, & still he is doing that. Therefore Pariksit Maharaja says, - What is the value of this prayascitta?
- A representative of God never claims that he is God, although he is paid all the respect ordinarily paid to God because he has knowledge of God. BG 1972 purports
- A tenant in an apartment may pay rent and somehow or other occupy the apartment and enjoy its utilities, although he may not actually know how the heat and tap water are working
- A thing which you cannot get back by paying millions of dollars, if that is lost unnecessarily, so how much loss you are suffering just imagine. This is material calculation
- According to Vedic culture, the body is burned into ashes. So when the body is burned into ashes, who is coming again and paying him back? "Don't think about it. Everything is finished." This is the atheistic knowledge
- After all, we are beggars; we have no money, no business, no income. Whatever you pay us in exchange of books or subscription, we utilize it
- After offering obeisances to the disciplic succession, the author (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) pays obeisances to all the other devotees, God-brothers, the expansions of Godhead and the first manifestation of Krsna's energy
- After offering obeisances to the disciplic succession, the author pays obeisances to all other devotees, to the Lord Himself, to His incarnations, to the expansions of Godhead and to the manifestation of Krsna's internal energy - CC Intro
- After paying Him respectful obeisances, Krsnadasa offered maha-prasadam to Advaita Acarya. He then informed Him of the news of Lord Caitanya in complete detail
- All necessary expenditures will be paid by check from the Book Fund. For petty expenses, not exceeding Rs. 200 - may be kept with you always and everything should be accounted for with vouchers
- All of these things are coming from the Supreme Father, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but we are thinking that they are coming from nature, and we are utilizing them without caring whether we pay the bill or not
- All the governmental officers also paid their respects to the Lord, and finally the King and his men were bade farewell by the son of mother Saci
- All the kings who were detained in the concentration camp to be killed before Mahabhairava (Siva) were thus released by Bhima. Feeling thus obliged to the Pandavas, they paid tribute to King Yudhisthira
- Although we are not paying the bill, we are taking advantage of the sunlight and the sun's heat. If we take advantage of electricity, we have to pay the bill, but we don't pay the sun bill. This means that we are actually indebted to the sun-god, Vivasvan
- Anyone can come. Everyone is welcome. We don't charge anything for this dancing. You go to ball dance and so many other dances, you pay for it. But we don't charge
- As for good qualities, it is very difficult to find anyone in state administration with any good qualities. The administrators simply sit in their administrative posts and say no to every request, as if they were paid to say no to the citizens
- As I am a missionary worker, I can take the responsibility of paying $12,000.00 (twelve thousand dollars) per year, each year in advance
- Ask him something to pay. Otherwise sue
- At the present moment no one can perform the proper ritual of sacrifice, nor can anyone afford to pay for the marriage ceremony of sons and daughters. Therefore householders are very much distressed when they are confronted by these social duties
- At the present moment, we are not in a position to make charities but for the devotees we can sacrifice anything. So you can stop preparing prasadam for persons who are not willing to work neither to pay
- Bank gives you interest, you have to pay. But we cheat so many people. We are thinking that we are very clever: "I can cheat so many persons and take money and enjoy." That is atheistic
- Because it is Krsna's book, if somebody purchases, if he pays something, he'll look at it, that "What this nonsense has written? Let me see." Then he will get some idea. And if he reads one line, he comes hundred times forward to Krsna consciousness
- Because of her movements, her hair was loose, and the belt holding her cloth was giving way, as if the cunning wind were trying to make her naked. Yet she (Purvacitti) paid no attention to arranging her hair or fixing her dress
- Because we are drinking milk from the cows, so we are indebted. But instead of paying our indebtedness, we are killing. You see? These are all reactions. We are creating reactions
- Bhaktya. Just like a paid servant, he is also engaged in satisfying the master very nicely, very faithfully, but there is no bhakti. Why? Because he is after the money the master pays. He does not serve the master, but he serves the money
- Bombay is so important that if you want to get a place you have to pay no less, fifty thousand, lakh of rupees to stand. Then do business
- By His grace was the demon named Maya saved from the blazing Khandava Forest, and thus we could build our assembly house of wonderful architectural workmanship, where all the princes assembled during the performance of Rajasuya-yajna and paid you tributes
- Canakya Pandita has said: ayusah ksana eko 'pi na labhyah svarna-kotibhih. We may live for a hundred years, but not one moment of these hundred years can be returned, not even if we are prepared to pay millions of dollars
- Citizens were to pay one fourth of their income to the ruler, whether he be Arjuna or Duryodhana
- Definitely, the BBT cannot pay any salary to anybody. Our philosophy is "simple living and high thinking'' - not sense gratification. The temple presidents and leaders (elder students) must show this by example
- Do you think that because you pay sixty rupees, you have purchased us?
- Don't give them freely. There should be either the option to pay or return. Neither you should give the books to the Librarians of public and hospital libraries, it will not be fruitful
- Even up to the present, hundreds and thousands of pious Hindus go to pay respects to the incarnation of Godhead Nara-Narayana
- Every day the Lord would take His meal at a different place, and if someone was prepared to pay for a meal, the price was fixed at only four panas
- Every living creature is the son of the Supreme Lord, and He does not tolerate even an ant's being killed. One has to pay for it. BG 1972 purports
- Every paisa should be spent for Krsna; otherwise we shall be liable to pay. If we use one farthing for our sense gratification, then we will have to pay for it. This is the law of karma
- Everyone is offering voluntary service. So not that anyone is paid, and if he cannot, dismiss or... Yes. This bureaucracy is not... Train him. Train him. If he does not know, train him. But things must be done very nicely by cooperation. That is wanted
- Everything has some value, and one has to pay the value before obtaining or possessing it
- Expert vipras, being sufficiently paid by the state, could give free service to the people in general, and thus this department of Vedic knowledge could be available for all
- For devotees, paintings and decorations are still adored, and the servitor of the master is paid more respects for the satisfaction of the Lord
- For members nowadays we are not giving books free. First when becoming the member they receive five large books, but after that they must pay for future books
- Four pieces of kadi made one ganda, and twenty such gandas equaled one pana. This kadi was also used as a medium of exchange; therefore Sivananda Sena paid for the dog with dasa pana, or eighty times ten pieces of kadi
- From the beginning of the cover (Srimad-Bhagavatam), the benefit begins, because uttering the word "Krsna" is benefit. If he pays for the book, he will read. So you give a chance to the person to know about Krsna, their life becomes sublime
- From the material point of view, everyone must be prepared to pay, to take protection. But does it mean that if one becomes devotee he becomes irresponsible? No. These things automatically come
- He (a liberated soul) never frets, "This thing I don't have. Oh, I must secure this thing. Oh, this bill I have to pay. I have to go here, there." One who is liberated has no anxieties at all
- He (Mahesh Yogi) is not so fortunate as I am, that I have so many sincere disciples that I do not have to pay them any salary nor do they ever ask for any vacation. Instead they are working twice as hard to double the book distribution
- He (Yudhisthira) then entered the palace to pay respects to the elderly. However, he could not find his uncles or aunt, the daughter of King Subala
- He collects coconuts with great endeavor from a place twenty miles away, and he pays four panas each for them
- He does not pay the revenue to the King, but he wants My help for release. This is a greatly sinful affair. I cannot tolerate it here
- How can I (engineer) take charge of your family? Now I have created (a building for your family). You have paid me. That's all. - So maintenance cannot be taken by anyone except by God
- I am a shopkeeper. I have got different varieties of goods. Now, if you pay me less, then I can supply you inferior quality of goods. Another customer is paying me and a good amount; then I will supply you superior quality of goods
- I am due to realize from BTG department about $8,000.00. $2900.00 was advanced to Iskcon Press in your presence and $5,000.00 Brahmananda was to pay but it was withheld on account of imminent expenditure. Please see to this
- I am easily able to pay you, and I am willing to pay you in principle, only I do not want to create any example which may be mistaken by other students
- I am so pleased that Devananda is doing marvelous work in propagating our Krishna Consciousness movement by lecturing in the Boston University, and he is being paid $25 per lecture
- I am trying here to establish one Temple of Sri Sri Radha Krishna and one big industrialist of India has promised to pay for the cost
- I am very interested in the Sri Beni Madhava Temple. I have also written the Mahant Sri Omkar Giri inviting him to Mayapur for further discussion on this. For yourself, I again invite you, and we will be prepared to pay for your expenditures
- I borrow from you and I lend him. He does not pay me and I become thief
- I do not pay these boys. Rather, they pay me, and they engage the service. They pay and serve. In the material world, as soon as you stop payment there is no service. Why? Because they, by serving Krsna, they get transcendental pleasure
- I have advised Gurudasa not to pay any tailor but to make clothes by our own devotees for the deities
- I have already informed you that if Mohta's house is available completely vacated, then immediately we can purchase, paying cash down
- I have already sent you one note about Pradyumna's hospital bill, & as soon as I hear from you, I shall arrange to send you $500 from my personal book fund. I am told by some of my students here that it is very easy to pay the bills by small installment
- I have already tested how the people here like the Vegetable Prasadam prepared by me. They will forget meat eating and they will pay for the expenses
- I have already written you a letter that you have to maintain the machine. That means the monthly installments shall be arranged by you, and the cash down shall be paid by me
- I have got hundreds and thousands of servants who I haven't got to pay. This is spiritual relationship
- I have no objection to paying you something monthly for doing the Hindi translating work, thereby freeing you to devote your time 100% in this way, but I am hesitating for one reason only...
- I request you to simply translate into the French language our Back To Godhead and send the matters to Jaya Govinda for composing. In due course of time you will get the magazines, by selling which you try to pay part of the composing machine
- I shall gradually pay the balance as I can. Without consideration, however, you were going to take my life. What can I say
- I should be honored as a guest lecturer and paid well, as well as they should give me a nice house, not very big, but nice
- I want that each and every one of my centers should be fully stocked with all of my books, never mind if they can pay or not
- I wanted some quotation from a place of this Teachings of Lord Caitanya. So the man came, he said: "Swamiji, first of all I must buy this book. Either you accept or not accept our quotation, what price I shall pay you?" I said - Give me six dollars
- If all the sannyasis came together, it would not be possible for me to pay them proper respects. Therefore I would be an offender
- If I take some money from you, if I do not pay you, then I will have to pay four times next life. That you do not know. Four times, many times, with interest
- If one screw is lost, if you have to purchase from the market, you will have to pay some value. But the same screw, if it is not attached to the machine, it has no value
- If one screw is lost, if you have to purchase from the market, you will have to pay some value. But the same screw, if it is not attached to the machine, it has no value. Similarly, we are very insignificant spiritual spark
- If people are simply paid to be Krsna conscious, then the state will save so much expense. Because they have to maintain huge establishment to stop criminal activities
- If somebody says that, "You can do whatever you like. You take this mantra and pay me my fees, and you'll be highly advanced in spiritual consciousness," these things we do not find in the authorized books, or Vedic literature. They're all manufactured
- If the Charity Commissioner refuses us the permission then there is no point continuing, and in that case we shall try to get the two lakhs we have paid back and go away
- If the supervisor of the department is satisfied with the service of a particular person, a promotion and increase in pay will automatically come
- If there are rascals, you bring. I will pay nice cook. Make varieties, very palatable food. Kichranna, puspanna, rice, there are so many preparations. Paramanna
- If they voluntarily give contribution, that's all right. Otherwise we shall provide. We have got guesthouse. It is very nice. Even they do not pay, we shall pay
- If we have to pay them more for the typesetting and layout, then there is no question of stopping our own men from doing this work. So it was clearly misunderstanding
- If you are leaving because of your wife, then your wife must agree to pay for your return fare. If she agrees, then you can go
- If you are unable to pay, then I shall ask Brahmananda to square up the account, or if need be, I shall pay it from my book fund for you. So don't worry about it. There should be no misunderstanding on this point. It is departmental management only
- If you cannot pay your electric bill one month, your electricity will be immediately cut off. And you are getting so much light from the sun, and you do not pay the bill. Then you are becoming indebted, indebted, indebted. You see
- If you go to a tailor's shop, so you have to pay for if you want a better garment. Similarly, what kind of body you will get, that will depend on your work
- If you have some severe type of disease, you have to pay the doctor's bill, also severe. That you cannot avoid. So why not for sinful activities? And what is disease? Disease, infection, means that is also violating the laws of nature
- If you say that, "I have no money. If I borrow from friends ghee, then I'll have to pay him." Because these are the injunctions in the sastras. But he is atheistic
- If you think by simply surrendering to Me you will be liable to punishment for not paying bills to so many persons, - Krsna assures, ma sucah, - don't bother. I'll give you protection
- If you want the nicest thing then you have to pay for it. But by the grace of Lord Caitanya, the payment has been made very easy. Chant Hare Krsna. Everything becomes very easy.
- If you want to transfer the Trust to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the Society will do everything for the improvement of the Temple and also engage you as paid whole time manager on behalf of the Society
- In a suitable moment you can talk with Mr. Kallman that Swamiji was telling that he has not received any royalty of 5%. The agreement is there; so he must pay. But if he does not pay we don't mind; we shall issue our own records and try to sell
- In court an important man is sometimes found as a culprit, & the judge may be able to fine him a hundred thousand dollars & know that the man can pay it. But he may tell the man, "You just give one cent." That is also punishment, but greatly minimized
- In India still the system is a householder keeps at least, in the village, at least ten to twelve cows. But he hasn't got to pay anything for keeping these. The cows go to the pasturing ground and in the evening comes back
- In Paris, there are clubs, very, very big men, politician they go to night club. They pay fifty dollars for entering club, and they spend hundreds of dollars for wine and women. What is that term? Topless, bottomless. Yes. Just see the rascaldom
- In the great assembly, Lord Sri Krsna was the cynosure of neighboring eyes. Everyone wanted to see Lord Krsna, and everyone wanted to pay his humble respects to the Lord
- In the material world, a servant serves the master as long as the servant is pleased and as long as the master is pleased. The servant is pleased as long as the master pays, and the master is pleased as long as the servant renders good service
- In the material world, if one is working as manager and the other is working as menial servant there is difference of pay or difference of service. No. In the spiritual world there is no such thing
- In the material world, if you give service you become tired. But transcendental world, if you give service, you more become enthusiastic. Yes, more service. That is happening. I do not pay these boys. Rather, they pay me, and they engage the service
- In the modern society, even a boy thinks himself self-sufficient and pays no respect to elderly men. Due to the wrong type of education being imparted in our universities, boys all over the world are giving their elders headaches
- In the spiritual world, if the servant cannot serve under certain conditions, the master is still pleased. And if the master does not pay, the servant is also pleased. That is called oneness, absolute
- In this material existence, I may be engaged in some service to some master, but I don't really lovingly serve my master. And the master also is not in love; he takes service from me and pays me. So there is no question of love. BG 1972 purports
- In this material world also, one who is unable to pay to go to a far distant place by motorized conveyances can only understand about that place from authentic books. Similarly, the Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual sky are beyond this material sky
- In this material world we have got so many debts. But people do not care for it. Just like we are receiving light from sun, but what we are paying to the sun?
- In this our society also, you see thousands of men are standing, paying to see some dead body. Sense enjoyment. You see? But our men are not so rascal that they will stand for five hours to see some dead body
- In your previous letter you informed me that you are not going to pay a farthing unless you are in possession of the house. So you must follow the determination. You should not sign the check if you are not satisfied yourself
- Instead of coming down in the open air where Lord Krsna and others were assembled, the ladies of the palace went up on the top of the palace and from there paid their respects to Lord Krsna by showers of flowers
- It (research work) may not be for the mass of people, but at least one, two intelligent class of men, he (government) pays, qualified: "Let them have this opportunity." So this is like that. KC movement is not for ordinary men, but it is very important
- It is condemned in this sense, that those who are thinking that "I have got this temple. Let people come here out of sentiment and they'll pay, and it will be a source of income for my filling up belly..." This is most condemned
- It is not difficult (chanting Hare Krsna). There is no secret. I don't say that, "I have got a secret mantra which I shall give you, and you pay me fifty dollars" or like that. It is open secret
- It was being heard here and there that the benedictions being paid to Krsna were neither befitting nor unbefitting because they were all for the Absolute, who was now playing the part of a human being
- Jarasandha, whose feet were worshiped by many kings. These kings had been brought for sacrifice in Jarasandha's Mahabhairava-yajna, but they were thus released. Later they paid tribute to Your Majesty
- Just try to understand how much our life is valuable. A second of our life we cannot purchase by paying millions of dollars. And if that second is wasted without any utilization, then how much money we are losing
- Krsna continued - You (King Nagnajit) may also be pleased to be informed that in Our family tradition there is no scope for Our offering anything in exchange for accepting your daughter (Satya). We cannot pay any price you may impose for delivering her
- Krsna continued, "My full cooperation with you (Maharaj Ugrasena) will make your position more exalted and secure so that the kings of other dynasties will not hesitate to pay their respective revenues"
- Madame Sumati Morarjee is a great friend of our Krishna Consciousness Movement. I first met her in connection with the printing of my Srimad-Bhagavatam and she was so kind as to immediately pay me 500 Rupees for it
- Madhavendra Puri said, "These two assistants will regularly grind the sandalwood, and you should also get two other people to help. I shall pay their salaries"
- Madhudvisa said the Souvenir Fund was Rs. 95,000/-; whether it is spent, then pay from Building Fund, what can be done?
- Mass of people may be poor, but we want to approach respectable persons. They are not poor. They will pay. Why third-class printing, fourth-class matter? Our first-class matter, first-class printing. We have got better scope than Gita Press
- No one can be equal to God, and no one can be above Him. Even Lord Brahma and Siva, the most exalted demigods, are subservient to Him and pay their respectful obeisances
- No, we are interested. (laughter) We want gold for spreading Krsna consciousness. Nobody is paying us. We are simply selling our books
- Nobody is paying us any salary
- Now rice and wheat is selling at a high price, three rupees' kilo. But time will come when if you pay 300,000 rupees, still, it will not be available. Especially rice, wheat, sugar and milk and fruits
- One moment of your life, if it is wasted without any profit, just imagine how much loss you have suffered. Because you cannot get back one moment of your life again even if you are prepared to pay millions of dollars
- One should be busy about the driver, whether he's paid nicely, whether he's eating nicely, he'll drive. If you don't take care of the driver, simply you wash the car, what is the use? The car will not be moving without driver
- One should follow in the footsteps of Sukadeva Gosvami and all the other Vaisnavas in the disciplic succession and should pay respectful obeisances unto Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari
- Our advantage if we go to court is that we shall not have to pay anything until one year from the execution of the conveyance deed
- Our men are idle, and they're bringing paid men to cut vegetables and paying two hundred rupees. This is management. First of all, whatever business is already there, engage them. Then bring further engagement
- People must know that "Here is diamond. If I want it, I must pay the proper price." That I want to establish
- People want sense gratification. If somebody encourages, "Yes, you take this mantra and you'll be very powerful sex enjoyer," people will pay for that: "Yes, give me that." This rascaldom is going on. You see? So what we can do?
- People will come, and they'll pay something, and that will be my income for my family, as the caste gosvamis do in Navadvipa and other . . . A means of livelihood. He has no devotion. He wanted as a means of income
- Philosophy is there, direct, you should do like this, that's all. You do it and get the results. You go to purchase something, the price is fixed, you pay the price and take it. Where is argument?
- Please supply me the following BBT information: 1) What amount of order is the Vrinda Book Co. giving monthly, and 2) how much are they paying monthly. What happened to the advertisement?
- Prthu will be able to see all the internal & external activities of every one of his citizens. Still no one will be able to know his system of espionage, & he himself will remain neutral regarding all matters of glorification or vilification paid to him
- Ramananda Raya paid great respect to Pradyumna Misra and bade him farewell. Pradyumna Misra said, "I have become very satisfied." He then began to dance
- Regarding Baltimore, again deficit. This is not a good sign. Regarding the Sankirtana Newsletter, then stop it. If the BBT does not pay for it, then stop it. The temple cannot afford to publish it, and if the BBT does not pay for it, then stop it
- Regarding Chicago that you paid off Dollars 35,000.00 is wonderful. You are a good manager. As GBC please see that the temples are maintaining the standards, and I will be very much thankful
- Regarding the building, if it is already acquired by the university, then if you purchase, the university authorities must give you guarantee that they will return the money, whatever we have paid, after deducting the usual rent only
- Regarding your idea of purchasing a house, if it is possible, do it immediately. When you pay big rent anyway, purchasing a house is nice. Now Murari and his good wife, Lilavati, are there, so this will be a great boon to your Sankirtana activities
- Sannyasi must be independent and not rely upon temples to pay his expensive travelling costs, simply he must take Krishna's mercy whenever and wherever it is offered
- Sethji wants to contribute two Pair of Deities provided the freight is paid by somebody else. So I agree to this proposal. Kindly arrange to send at least two Pairs of Radha Krishna Deities, brass, as per specification given to you before
- Sex life, even it is not illicit, still, it is painful, aftereffects. You'll have to take care of the children. You have to bear children. That is painful. You have to pay to the hospital for delivery, then education, then doctor's bill - so many painful
- Simply to protect their lives, they hastily fled from their homes, wives, children, animals and household paraphernalia. Paying no heed to all these, the demons simply fled
- Sivananda Sena, unhappy that the dog had to stay behind, paid the boatman ten pana of conchshells to take the dog across the river
- So for maintaining the Gurukula at least the cost price for the books must be paid. Gurukula can take the profit for its maintenance. BBT cannot pay for maintenance of the temples. BBT can only pay for printing and temple properties and construction
- So here it is open secret, to keep a beautiful girl as secretary, everywhere in Europe and America. So where is purity? Purity? Marriage is a taboo, and keep secretary is very good job. And you can get secretary even free of charge. Rather, she will pay
- Some actress, some cinema artist, singing, and people are so fond of hearing that singing that the artist is paid fifteen thousand rupees for one song. There are many in Bombay. So just see how much attraction we have got for the material sound vibration
- Some friend has sent you some money order. He (ordinary peon) gives you the paper, you sign, and he pays you. But if he pilfers the method, then he is no longer representative. He becomes thief, rogue. So representative of Krsna is also in the same way
- Some offered Him (Balarama) respects by standing up and then paying obeisances, and those who were elderly great sages and brahmanas offered Him blessings after standing up
- Somebody goes to reduce fat. You see? Reduce fat. Because you are rich nation, you eat more and become fatty and again pay yoga practice fees and reduce your fat. That is going on
- Somebody is in the cat's body. Somebody's dog's body. Somebody's in human being's body. Somebody is in demigod's body. These bodies are offered by prakrti according to price you pay. This is called karma
- Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Mahabharata are the two most important Vedic scriptures, but you have paid no attention to their statements
- Sudama Vipra Maharaja is here and he has advised me that he will order 10,000 Bhagavad-gitas, abridged edition. You can give him concession rate as far as possible and he will pay cash down something
- Sukadeva Gosvami was not known as brahmarsi, rajarsi or devarsi, nor was he an incarnation like Narada, Vyasa or Parasurama. And yet he excelled them in respects paid
- Suppose I am debtor by hundreds of dollars to you. I give you a post-dated check, and still I say: "Now I am clear of your debt." And that post-dated check will never be paid. This is their (the scientists) theory
- Suppose I am debtor by hundreds of dollars to you. I give you a post-dated check, and still I say: "Now I am clear of your debt." And that post-dated check will never be paid. This is their theory. Na mam prapadyante mudhah duskrtino naradhamah
- Suppose if I go to consult some lawyer, I have to pay. If I want to consult some medical practitioner, I have to pay. So this is obligation. This is no mercy; this is obligation
- Suppose if you take electricity, light, you are responsible for paying the bill. Similarly, you are taking so much advantage of the sunlight; you are also obliged to pay the debts, repay the debts
- Syamasundara Prabhu is still unable to pay because the things are not sold yet. Let us wait & see
- Temple we have to construct. But for that construction, temple, they will pay. But for residential and other buildings and maintenance we have to arrange. That's not a bad proposal. It is very nice proposal. They are giving us land, giving us a temple
- That is the best system - pay to the books fund larger and larger sums, keep other expenses constant as much as possible or reduce
- That tendency is there, why these bungalows are here? They do not like to live in the city. They are paying so high rent. Why? The inner tendency is to live like this, with trees, with lawn
- The Christian people, they go to the church, confession, "Sir, I did this, all these sinful activities last week." "All right, pay me something." Again, from Monday, beginning sinful activities; come on Sunday. These are not allowed
- The Christians are supposed to go into the church and confess the sinful activities and pay some fine, and then he becomes free. But that free, that excuse can be done once, twice, thrice, not perpetually
- The great politician-pandita named Canakya said that even one moment of time cannot be returned even if one is prepared to pay millions of dollars. One cannot calculate the amount of loss there is in wasting valuable time
- The idea is that no one should enter into the management without any sanction. If they pay lump sums then they can be on the committee, but our majority must be there
- The Kimpurusas are descendants of a daughter of Daksa. When Maharaja Yudhisthira performed a horse sacrifice yajna, the inhabitants of these countries were also present to take part in the festival, and they paid tributes to the Emperor
- The King of heaven, Indra, is supplying water in the form of rain. Rascals say that all this comes about by nature, but they do not know that nature is controlled. If we don't pay our debts by performing sacrifices, there will certainly be a scarcity
- The King wanted his revenue paid and did not want to enforce punishment. Therefore the King is certainly very religious. But Gopinatha Pattanayaka is a great cheat
- The living entity does not know what the opinion of his superior is, but his service record is kept in the office nonetheless, and according to his activities he is awarded promotion or increment of pay, or sometimes he may be demoted or even fired
- The Lord (Caitanya) suggested that even though there were no pure devotees in Kasi, if someone was a little inclined to chant the Hare Krsna mantra, He would deliver this big load, although the proper price was not paid
- The mentality of the demons in being enamored by the false beauty of this material world is expressed herein. The demoniac can pay any price for the skin beauty of this material world
- The other day you were asking me about the wages, labor. So our point is the devotees shall work. So there is no program to pay wages
- The poor man has got only rickshaw, and the rich man has got a Rolls Royce car because he has paid more. Similarly, if your work is nice, then you are promoted, promoted to higher standard of life, just like in the heaven
- The process of understanding spiritual or transcendental knowledge from the realized person is not exactly like asking an ordinary question from the schoolmaster. The schoolmasters in the modern days are paid agents
- The proud and falsely glorious Daitya paid little heed to the words of Varuna. O dear Vidura, he learned from Narada the whereabouts of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and hurriedly betook himself to the depths of the ocean
- The relationship between master and servant, pervertedly reflected, continues only for so long as the master can pay the servant. As soon as the payment stops, the relationship also stops
- The rooms were very dilapitated so he proposed that I fix the rooms and whatever I pay as rent would be all right. I invested about 1,000 Rs/. and paid him 5 Rs/. monthly, recently I have increased the monthly payment to 10 Rs
- The sage thus regretted the sin committed by his own son. He did not take the insult paid by the King very seriously
- The schoolmasters in the modern days are paid agents for giving some information, but the spiritual master is not a paid agent. Nor can he impart instruction without being authorized
- The so-called servant means that "Unless you pay me, I am not going to serve you." Strike. "I am your master. You pay me. Then I shall serve you." So nobody is servant actually
- The source of receipt of the thing, may be not very good, but if one pays for it, it becomes purified
- The temple cannot pay for anything beyond the bare necessities
- The Vaisnava philosophy first of all pays obeisances to and worships the internal pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord. Thus the Lord and His potency are always referred to as Radha-Krsna
- The Vaisnava philosophy first of all pays obeisances to and worships the internal pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord. Thus the Lord and His potency are always referred to as Radha-Krsna - CC Intro
- The worship of the Deity (of Gopala) is very luxurious, and one who goes there (Nathadvara) can purchase varieties of prasadam by paying a small price
- The wrestler is paid to fight with the king. He is not the king's enemy; rather, he gives pleasure to the king by mock fighting. But when Krsna wants to fight, who will fight with Him? Not anyone ordinary
- Their (The atheists) theory is: Beg, borrow and steal, and if you think that by stealing and borrowing you are being entangled in sinful activities for which you will have to pay, then just forget that misconception
- Their love for Krsna was so intense that in their regular activities - in sitting, sleeping, traveling, talking, sporting, cleansing, bathing - they were simply absorbed in thoughts of Krsna and paid no attention to bodily necessities
- There are different types of apartments. So you can take an apartment or purchase an apartment according to the price you pay. That is evolution. If you can pay more, then you can get nice body, nice apartment. This body is apartment
- There is a Bengali proverb "When you pay the price it becomes purified", just like if I purchase something and it is unclean in so many ways, but, because I have paid, it becomes purified
- There is no love. There is no love. Here in this material world, the master and the servant, that relationship continues so long the master is able to pay the servant. As soon as the payment is stopped, the relationship of master and servant also stops
- There is no question of pilferage because it is account paid. Conveyance deed should be in the name of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
- There is scarcity of anna - grains. That will increase more and more. It will so increase that now you are getting anna by paying high price, but time will come when even if you are prepared to pay price, there will be no more anna. That time is coming
- They (all state princes) felt the supernatural power of the Pandavas, and thus without grudge all of them submitted and paid tributes to the Emperor
- They (asuras) can see the gigantic body of God as virat which will answer their challenge & since they are accustomed to paying homage to superior material strength like that of the tiger, elephant and lightning, they can offer respect to the virat-rupa
- They are considered that government servant, and very faithful to the country's service, but as soon as a country or government does not pay, everything is rejected. So Krsna service does not mean like that
- They are not paid dancer, but why they are dancing? There must be feeling. This is practical. They are feeling pratyaksavagamam
- They have got money, they want to pay somebody some fees, and if he says that, "I'll give you some mantra and you will, fifteen minutes' meditation, within six months you'll become God," these things they want
- They offered Him food cooked at home, whereas other devotees would pay two panas of small conchshells to purchase Jagannatha's prasadam and then invite the Lord
- They take it, advantage, - Oh, we shall get all books, we shall live forever. There is no charge, pay
- They'll pay to make a literature with bombastic scientific word, and they'll prepare literature. This literature will be distributed and give their medicine, and they may pay them for false propaganda. This is going on to introduce new patent medicine
- This chanting is open without any secret, and we do not ask anyone to pay for it. But the chanting is transcendental, and therefore, simply by vibration, one gradually becomes spiritually advanced, and thus he offers himself to become my disciple
- This sankirtana movement, we are chanting freely. You can hear. There is... Not that it is a secret thing - if you pay me something, then I shall disclose. No. It is open secret. Anyone can take, and there is no loss
- To cross the river, She (Srimati Radharani) has to pay the boatman, and the spot where the boatman collects his fares is called the dana-ghati
- To have unrestricted sex life, the karmis work very hard. They have concluded that the best course is to have sex with any woman and simply pay the price for her, as though she were a mercantile commodity
- Try and pay at this rate ($5,000) so that in seven months the whole debt will be closed
- Try to have Sankirtana and get one mrdanga from New York by paying them, and in this way try to improve the attendance of the temple. Your ideas you mention are very good
- We are not asking you to pay something for chanting this mantra. It is free. It is open. You have to simply chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna and see the result. Why don't you do that?
- We are paying because we have forgotten Krsna. Therefore now we have manufactured the nuclear weapon - Russia, America - and you will have to pay heavily
- We are simply depending on donation. If you like, you can pay
- We are talking with Dr. Such-and-such, not with the dress. We are not interested with the dress, but we are interested with you, person. Similarly, these bodies are different dresses, according to the price he has paid
- We cannot give books away free to anyone. They must be paid for
- We cannot pay for his intoxication
- We charging very low price, just to printing charges. If somebody wants to purchase, we have got our magazine, monthly magazine, Back to Godhead. But if one does not pay, the same thing we are repeating daily in our meetings. So he can come and hear
- We have accepted the senses from Krsna. It should be used for Krsna. Instead of using it for Krsna, we are using it for our sense gratification. This is our miserable condition of life. like living in a place for which you have to pay rent, but you don't
- We have heard about you from Mr. Rajendra Sahai. We extend an invitation to you to please come to Mayapur during GourPurnima, and if you come we will be prepared to pay you for your expenditures
- We need the place for our own accommodation. Therefore vacant possession is essential. The best thing will be that let them give us possession of the ground floor and we are prepared to pay them proportionately immediately
- We should not waste our this valuable life whimsically. Even an ordinary moral instruction by Canakya Pandita, he says, your one moment of your life cannot be returned back even if you are prepared to pay millions of dollars
- We will not go to court, let them go, we will simply reply their letters. We have paid all along, so that is rent. Another point is that there are three shebaits, so the notice of eviction has to be filed by all three otherwise it is not valid
- We're angry. This anger is service of Krsna. How can I give up anger? But we use anger in a different way, not for our sense gratification: "Why you have not paid me such-and-such money?" No, we don't say like that. "Why you are not KC?" That's our anger
- Welfare is actually waste of money. But social construction is so bad they have to give welfare. If they take our Krsna consciousness movement, we can stop this welfare money, let them pay
- When a brahmana at whose home an invitation could not be accepted invited the Lord, he would pay two panas of conchshells to purchase the prasadam
- When I first came in Vrndavana I stayed in the Kesi-ghata. That is very palatial building. My room was as big as this. Yes, as big. Plus one side room, plus one entrance room. I was paying fifteen rupees
- When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was attacked by vayu-vyadhi (derangement of the air within the body) Buddhimanta Khan paid for all requisite medicines and treatments to cure the Lord
- When one is in want, he begs, borrows or steals. If begging is unsuccessful, he borrows. If he cannot pay, he steals, and when he is caught, he is insulted. This is the law of material existence
- When the Lord was present as Lord Rama, Jambavan, the great king of the monkeys, rendered very faithful service to Him. When the Lord again appeared as Krsna, He married Jambavan's daughter and paid him all the respect that is usually given to superiors
- When they (the scientists) are captured and cornered, they say, "Yes, we are trying. In future we shall do." Post-dated check. "You take this check. In future it will be paid." Who will accept that check
- When we give you book, we take, because we have to pay to the printers, to the press man. That is another thing. So far our words are concerned, our service is concerned, we don't charge anything. That is not our movement. That is free
- When you go to purchase the products, then you have to pay again. Whatever you have earned, you have to pay everything, pay to the bank or pay to the man. Simply cheating process is going on. There is no solution. People are cheaters
- Where is my difficulty? Haven't got to pay you something. I simply carry the message of Krsna. And Krsna says, na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya (BG 18.69). - He's My most beloved person, who does this thing
- Why do we pay a college fee and go to college? To hear. By sitting down and hearing from the learned professor, we get knowledge. Therefore a devotee always engages in hearing about Krsna
- Why shall I accept this rascal's theory? If somebody gives me check, one million dollar, payable three hundred years after, shall I be inclined to accept such check? So why these fools accepting this post-dated check
- Why? - he will ask - It is my house, and it is paid for. I have money and a job and responsibilities. Why should I get out?. "Just get out. Don't talk. Get out"
- You can arrange one or two Bengali experts in making and fitting the heads of the kholes. They must be prepared to stay with us for at least one year. We will pay their transportation to Hawaii and return and also a small salary
- You can charge some fees, entrance fee. People will gladly pay. All around, this doll exhibition, and in the medium, a planetarium, small
- You have accepted me as your acarya, but you do not pay me any salary. This is forbidden. The teacher will not accept salary. Then he comes down to the sudra platform
- You make weekly inventories and pay weekly for the books sold. That is a good idea. You can take his help, how to do it. You must organize these things in such a way that things will go on automatically and increase more and more
- You must secure document in proper legal form which will insure that the five lakhs will be subtracted from the fourteen lakhs purchase price, not that again we shall have to pay according to Mr. Nair's whims
- You require a scissor? Go to a blacksmith and pay something. He'll make a scissor. "No. Produce millions of scissor." Then where is market, sir? This is going on
- Your program of speaking in colleges and other places and getting paid is very much liked by me; in this way, try to penetrate every school and college and introduce our books profusely