Category:Spending Money
Pages in category "Spending Money"
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- A fool will never agree that he's a fool. He'll always say, "I am very intelligent." That is another foolishness. After spending millions of dollars for one coat for going to the moon planet? Forty-thousand dollar? What is that?
- A King is not meant simply to realize taxes from the citizens and accumulate wealth to spend in sense gratification. World monarchy has failed ever since kings began to satisfy their personal senses with the taxes accumulated from the citizens
- A rich man's sons are misguided. They get some money without earning and they spend like anything for sense gratification. But he should know, "Oh, I have got this opportunity by the grace of Krsna"
- A vaisya also earns money honestly through agriculture, cow protection and some trade. If a sudra gets money, however, he will spend it lavishly, without discrimination, or simply accumulate it for no purpose
- According to the dadati principle, an advanced devotee is supposed to spend at least fifty percent of his income on the service of the Lord and His devotees
- Actually the word om is meant for om tat sat, the Absolute Truth. Omkara is meant for freedom from all attachment to money because money should be spent for the purpose of the Supreme
- Actually, cow protection is easier when they have simply pasturing ground and we have no botheration for their upkeep. But because in the winter season we have to lock them up and feed them by spending, is that not a problem?
- Actually, if one has more than one requires for his necessities, the extra money should be spent for Krsna. According to the Vedic civilization, it should all be given to the Krsna consciousness movement, as ordered by God Himself in BG 9.27
- After spending so much money, living at the cost of fathers, mothers - unemployed. No job. No food. Then plan something, Naxalite, this party, that party
- Akrura was getting gold in that proportion and distributing it profusely at sacrificial performances. Lord Krsna cited Akrura's lavishly spending gold as positive evidence of his possessing the Syamantaka jewel
- All the family members of Bhavananda Raya are engaged in government service, but they spend the government's revenue in various ways
- Although they (material scientists) spend billions of dollars of the public's money for ventures like going to the moon and collecting dust there, they cannot solve the basic miserable conditions of birth, death, old age and disease
- Always advertisement. Anyone who has got his money in the pocket, he's immediately spending. So for earning money and to spend them or to sleep at night or to enjoy sex life at night
- Anyone who accumulates more money or more possessions than he needs is called a thief, and one who simply accumulates wealth without spending for sacrifice or for worship of the Personality of Godhead is a great thief
- As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of your income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers
- As long as it (money) is in one's hand, it is better to spend it for a good purpose. If one spends it for bad purposes, he becomes entangled, but if he spends it for good purposes, he gets good in return. This is very clearly stated in Bhagavad-gita
- As soon as he (a preacher) spends even a single cent of the collection for his personal sense gratification, he becomes a fallen victim
- As soon as kings became degraded, spending money for sense gratification, they were lost. Similarly, at the present moment, monarchy having been lost, the people have created democracy, which is also failing
- At night we sleep or indulge in sex life, and in daytime we earn money. And as soon as we get money, we spend it for the comforts of the world. This is our business
- At present we are spending hundreds and thousands of dollars all over the world, and the Krsna consciousness movement is increasing more and more. Thus there is no question of scarcity
- At the present because people are bereft of all knowledge, they spend all their money for the satisfaction of their family
- At the present moment we have heaps of papers and promises of their being converted into gold by economic development of modern civilization, and still there is no possibility of spending riches like Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Ballal Sena was taking loans from Gauri Sena and spending money extravagantly, and therefore Gauri Sena stopped supplying money. Ballal Sena took revenge by instigating a social conspiracy to make the suvarna-vaniks outcastes
- Because he is mad after sense gratification, the Lord said, 'he acts as a government servant but spends the government's revenue for various sinful activities'
- Big, big rich men in America, they spend fifty thousand dollars in a week in Florida for seeing naked dance. Is it not? Is it not a fact? Because they are sudras. They do not know how to spend money
- Both parties, the girl's father and the boy's father, will spend. Still in India, there are cases like that. They'll spend their hard-earned money during the marriage ceremony of their son and daughter
- Brahmana's business is dana-pratigraha. He will collect. Brahmana has the right to collect from his disciples, spiritual master. But he will distribute it. Dana-pratigraha. He will be also a man charitably disposed, spending that money for public welfare
- By God's favor we sometimes get large quantities of food grains or suddenly receive some contribution or unexpected profit in business. In this way we may get more money than needed. So, how should that be spent
- Canakya Pandita says if you have got some money, it will be spent up. In your life or your next life, your son's life, it will be spent up. Vinase niyate sati, that is the nature's way
- Canakya Pandita, he was great politician, he is advising that if you have got money, spend it for Krsna. Don't keep it. Spend it for Krsna. Why? It will be spoiled. Today or tomorrow. Somebody will take and spoil it. Better, if you spend it for Krsna
- Charitable disposition of mind is there in everyone's heart, but one does not know how to make the best use of charity. Best use of... Not only charity - whatever you spend, you must spend for Krsna
- Charity is sometimes performed for elevation to the heavenly kingdom and sometimes with great trouble and with repentance afterwards. "Why have I spent so much in this way?" BG 1972 purports
- Cyavana has misspent, that is clear. Therefore, indirectly we are responsible because we could not control him. Slack management Arrange things so that in the future these things may not occur
- Do it very cautiously, because after all, we are beggar. That you should consider. But if somebody comes forward, that is our business - to induce others, moneyed man. Let his money be spent. That we are doing actually
- Do nicely, quickly, and spend money. That's all. (laughter) I want to see things are done very nice. Never mind money is spent
- Do not spend money needlessly
- Don't keep money. Spend it. The karmis, they spend for sense gratification. You spend for Krsna
- Don't spend a farthing for sinful activities, for which you will be the loser both in this life and the next. After saying this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bade them farewell
- Don't spend your hard-earned money for sense gratification. Then one may say that "After all, we have got this body, and we have to eat, we have to sleep. And because we have got senses, the senses must be a little bit satisfied." No
- Due to bad association, Bilvamangala Thakura became a very staunch prostitute hunter, and he spent all his money on a prostitute named Cintamani
- During the day they (materialistic householders) are busy trying to find out where money is, and if they get money they spend it to maintain their families. Yamaraja specifically advises his servants to bring these persons to him for punishment
- Either we leave the money or the money leaves us, but we will be separated. The best use of money as long as it is within our possession is to spend it to acquire Krsna consciousness
- Even a brahmana gets one lakh of rupees, next morning he is still a beggar because he does not keep anything for tomorrow. Everything depending on Krsna, and he spends money like that
- Even a high-court judge, because he has to spend more than his income, he adopted these vile means of living. The trend of modern civilization is like that. They unnecessarily increase their expenditure and adopt these all vile means
- Even a man in knowledge, he knows that "If I go to prostitute, I'll be attacked with syphilitic poison, and last time I had the same trouble, I had to spend so much money." But still he'll go, because he has no knowledge
- Even very old man, he is working very hard, very big business magnate, very big politician, working very hard, and at night he goes to the nightclubs, pays $50 for entrance fee, and then he spends for wine and women lots of money. So this is his happiness
- Every morning we shall be empty-handed, get collection of a million dollars during the daytime, and by evening it should be all spent. That should be our motto
- Every paisa should be spent for Krsna; otherwise we shall be liable to pay. If we use one farthing for our sense gratification, then we will have to pay for it. This is the law of karma
- Everyone should use his money to spread the great transcendental movement of Krsna consciousness. If one does not spend money for this purpose but accumulates more than necessary, he will certainly become proud of the money he illegally possesses
- First you should pay the revenue due the King, and then you may spend the balance for religious and fruitive activities
- Following the instructions of Haridasa Thakura, a pure Vaisnava does not personally take even a single paisa from anyone, but he induces his followers to spend for the service of the Lord whatever possessions they have
- Foolish materialistic people collect money and steal from other thieves, but they cannot keep it. In any case, it must be spent
- Giving up the miserly habit of not spending money, one should arrange for the gorgeous worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, who is situated in the heart of every living entity
- Gopinatha Pattanayaka would collect some and pay some, spending it at will, but I would not consider this very seriously. This time, however, he was put into trouble because of a misunderstanding with the prince
- Grhasthas, those who are householders, their money should be spent for good cause, not for drinking and eating meat and dancing. No
- Having been appointed collector, Gopinatha, in the same way, also generally spends 200,000 to 400,000 kahanas as he likes
- He (Kholaveca Sridhara) was spending fifty percent of his small income on the worship of the Ganges, and with the other fifty percent he was somehow living
- He (Krsna) is exactly like a well wishing father who does not give much wealth into the hand of his immature son, but who, when the son is grown up and knows how to spend money, gives him the whole treasury house
- He deposited ten thousand coins, which were later spent by Sri Sanatana Gosvami, in the custody of a local Bengali grocer
- Here in Bombay city, people are earning money, lots of money, but we see there are lots of cinemas advertised, and people go there - there are hundreds and thousands of cinema houses - and spend their money
- Here there are many adopted son. A rich man has no son, he adopts somebody, rascal, and he spends money. There are so many instance. Squanders it. He'll be satisfied after finishing (money) even
- However, just obey one order from Me. Do not spend any of the King's revenue
- I (Prabhupada) do not think it is advisable in this stage to spend about $300 for a short period for our going and coming back. So I hope you will consider the present situation and let me know what is your decision
- I am glad to note the work of Chakravarty and Prithu at the Belgrade Book Fair. This is real progress. So from all the literatures you are distributing you spend this money for spreading Krsna consciousness
- I am not interested to spend money for your political party neither engage our men to divert attention from spiritual progress for political propaganda
- I am stopping American boys and girls from taking LSD and other drugs, and the government is spending millions of dollars to do this. It is only practical that they come forward to support this movement
- I cannot close my eyes when there are big management difficulties, so when I see things going wrong, money mispent, things not used properly, then I have to take part
- I could have recommended something for you, but you could not reply me a proper account, what was collected and what was spent
- I do not find any mention of how the work is going on there at Mayapur. I have entrusted you as the leader of this project to see that it is always going on at full capacity, that the men are working, that the money shall be collected and spent wisely
- I have already given you a business suggestion namely manufacturing incense locally. Once you are successful in this attempt you will get money more than your expectation and spend it for Krishna's service
- I have appointed them collectors in various places, and although they spend the government's money, eat, drink, plunder and distribute it as they like, I do not take them very seriously
- I have done business, regular, in foreign countries. I have earned money and spending the same money in my country. It is not American money
- I have made a Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. That is my will, and I have given my will that fifty percent of the collection should be spent for reprinting the books and fifty percent should be spent for spreading the movement
- I have made a trust will in which fifty percent of the collection is spent for reprinting the books, and fifty percent is spent for spreading this movement
- I have seen that many religious leaders are addicted to performing yajnas and spending hundreds and thousands of rupees for imperfect sacrificial performances. This is a lesson for those who unnecessarily execute such imperfect sacrifices
- I quite approve your planning on becoming a householder, and at the same time serve the cause of our society. A Krishna Conscious member even though he is a householder may spend at least 50% of his income for the society
- I want that now this Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust money to be very carefully managed and deposited into a separate bank account and not be spent under any circumstances without my direct order
- I want to construct a Jagannatha temple exactly like that in Puri. If you like you can do the full charge to do this job. I shall spend as much money as it is required to do it nicely
- I want to see, as the chairman of the BBT, that fifty percent is spent on printing and fifty percent is for constructing temples. That's all
- I want very extensive doll exhibits in every center. My guru maharaj used to spend lots of money on doll exhibitions on Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I wanted to become a very big businessman and earn money and spend for this missionary work, but that was not very successful
- If a devotee spends money to construct a beautiful and costly temple, the construction is not material but spiritual (nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam ucyate). A devotee's mind is never diverted to the material side of the temple
- If he (a devotee) accumulates money without spending it for devotional service, there is every possibility of his falling down
- If leaders & rich men spend fifty percent of their accumulated wealth mercifully for the misled people & educate them in KC, the knowledge of Bhagavatam, certainly the age of Kali will be defeated in its attempt to entrap the conditioned souls
- If one is a businessman, an industrialist, an agriculturist, etc., then one should spend his hard-earned money for the cause of the Lord. Think always that the money which is accumulated is the wealth of the Lord
- If one is intelligent, let him perform service to the government, and after paying the government, he can spend whatever money is left
- If you are actually religious, then your artha should not be spent for sense gratification. Na tasya dharmaikantasya kamo labhayo hi smrtah
- If you do business and you earn money and spend it for Krsna consciousness, that is also bhakti. That is also bhakti. Just like vivid example is Arjuna. Arjuna is a fighter, and by fighting, he became a devotee; not by chanting Hare Krsna
- If you have got money, just spend it for very costly temple, for installing Laksmi-Narayana, Radha-Krsna, Sita-Rama, like that. Don't spoil your money in other way. Then you'll always remain rich. You'll never become poor
- In Bengali it is said, sastarthin abastra:(?) "If you purchase something cheap, it will always give you trouble." Better spend once, costly things, nice things
- In ceremonies, large amounts of money are spent, but it is suggested that if along with this there is recitation of the wonderful activities of Vamanadeva, certainly the ceremony will be carried out successfully and will be free of all discrepancies
- In Paris, there are clubs, very, very big men, politician they go to night club. They pay fifty dollars for entering club, and they spend hundreds of dollars for wine and women. What is that term? Topless, bottomless. Yes. Just see the rascaldom
- In the material world, all distresses are due to extravagance. One acquires money extravagantly and also spends it extravagantly. Such activities are sinful
- In the Vedic way of marriage a dowry is still given to the bridegroom by the father of the bride; even in poverty-stricken India there are marriages where hundreds and thousands of rupees are spent for a dowry
- In this age so many functions are held by spending millions, but the poor laborer is not sumptuously fed or given charity, clothing, etc. The laborers are thus dissatisfied, and so they make agitation
- Instead of receiving some service from him to the state, the state has got to spend unnecessarily for him. That is a botheration. So those who are in indirect relationship with Krsna, they are botheration. They are simply giving trouble to Krsna
- Instead of spending money for advancing the Krsna consciousness movement, one spends his hard-earned money on clubs, brothels, liquor, slaughterhouses and so forth
- Instead of spending money there, if the government is specifically passing the act against us, then we can spend that money in the Gurukula in Vrindaban
- Instead of spending money unnecessarily on performing yajnas impossible to perform in this age of Kali because of the scarcity of yajnika-brahmanas, one who is intelligent performs sankirtana-yajna
- It is also stated in Bhagavad-gita that if one does not spend his money for yajna, sacrifice, he is understood to be a thief - yo bhunkte stena eva sah - BG 3.12
- It is my habit to see that money is not being squandered. If money is spent unnecessarily, I feel very badly. You are collecting with great effort, and I do not like to see it spoiled
- It is not at all good that the Deities do not have warm clothing for the cold weather. They are still spending so much for construction, spending spending, but the Deities are not clothed properly. What is this?
- It is not that one should try to satisfy the Supreme Lord with a little water and a leaf, and for himself spend all his money in sense gratification
- Joint mess program is not good. "You bring some money, you bring some money and spend us jointly for eating, sleeping." That is called joint mess. You know the joint mess? This word? What is that, meaning?
- Just see in the Western countries; all the younger generation, they are so much addicted to intoxication. And the government is spending millions of dollars, how to stop it. But they have become animals
- Money is very scarce in the village. Let us go to the city and spend. You get five hundred dollars but you have to spend eight hundred dollars. Then he will learn how to drink, how to go to cinema, how to go to restaurant, how to go to club
- My guru maharaj used to spend lots of money on doll exhibitions on Srimad-Bhagavatam. So I am sure that if we make doll exhibitions very prominent many tourists and visitors will throng in our temples
- My only anxiety is that don't be extravagant; otherwise you take money and spend it
- My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition. I had no idea to spend money and energy of our society in a way which is not our real spiritual life
- My only request is we must spend money very cautiously and not to waste. For improvement we can spend. I am simply afraid that money may not be wasted
- My point of view is this: whatever money you require I am already sending and will continue without hesitation to send, but I must be satisfied the money is properly spent
- No one would know the extent of the riches King Prthu would confidentially keep. The idea is that not only the king but everyone should keep his hard-earned money confidentially and secretly so that in due course of time the money can be spent
- Nobody is constructing a temple. The modern economists, they say "nonproductive endeavor" - and there is no income; simply you have to spend money for maintaining the temple
- Now that our ISKCON is growing into a huge, worldwide organization, it has come to my attention that sometimes centers are printing my literature, taking collection and spending all outside the jurisdiction of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- Now the Kali-yuga is the age of the sudras. So they decorate the dead body. If a cobbler's father dies, he brings, he spends money. He brings nice covering cloth, and with flower and everything
- Now, at the present moment, education means you learn technology and learn how to earn money, and then, after earning money, you spend it for sense gratification: eating meat, eating wine, going to the brothel, prostitute
- Nowadays coat-pant is very costly. If you can spend your money, costly dress, we have no objection. Then you have to earn more; you have to work more. Therefore we are simplified
- One second of human life wasted in the vain research of planning for happiness in the material world can never be replaced, even if one spends millions of coins of gold
- One should practice a little austerity and not spend money on anything other than the regulative life of devotional service
- One who possesses more money than he needs should spend it for Krsna. Unless one does so, he will become puffed up because of his false possessions, and therefore he will be punished in the next life, as described herein
- Others may die for, out of starvation, and one man takes all the money and spends it for wine and women and motor car. - That's all. This is advancement of civilization
- Our father encouraged us in all respects to observe all functions such as the Ratha-yatra and Dola-yatra ceremonies, and he used to spend money liberally for distributing prasada to us children and our friends
- People should spend sufficiently for propagating this Krsna consciousness. That is tyaga. Because everything requires money. Just like our Krsna consciousness movement, we have got 102 branches, and we have to spend money
- People sometimes have eighty to ninety percent of their income taken away, and these taxes are lavishly spent for the high salaries drawn by the officers and rulers
- Practically we have very little suffering from disease. We are spending so much money, but we don't spend for doctors' bill
- Print books, and as I have given in my will, half, again print, and half spent for propaganda as you like. In this way go on
- Purchase something for my wife, for my children, for myself, spend the money. Again night comes, again sleep, again sex. Again day comes, all right, go to market, earn money and spend it. This is going on. This is called material life
- Recently, before coming here, one of my students, Syamasundara, he took me from the airport on helicopter to my temple, and he spent one thousand pounds for that rascal thing. Unnecessarily
- Regarding antiques: we do not require of them in our Temple. For the time being don't spend money on antiques, better to try to expand our cult as far as possible with strenuous effort
- Regarding collecting money, a sannyasi's name is vikshu, or licensed beggar. Not only sannyasi, but a brahmachary also is required to collect for his Spiritual Master. The Spiritual Master spends for missionary activities
- Regarding sales of TLC, you should try to get it reviewed, do not spend money needlessly on advertising. You have got experience already advertising Bhagavad Gita, so unless the book is reviewed, there is no question of advertising
- Regarding your nice Sankirtana collections, this should be kept in a separate account so that it may help in some great emergency. You should become a little spendthrift. I know that you do this, but still I am reminding you
- Rupanuga Para Vidya Pitha which I wanted to start in Vrindaban within the vicinity of Radha Damodara Mandir. If it is possible to get some vacant land for constructing the building. My American students are ready to spend for this
- Small child, he doesn't require to earn money for spending. If he's rich man's son, his father will take care of him. Similarly, a devotee does not endeavor to become expert in jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga, hatha-yoga, this yoga. He depends on Krsna
- So a bona fide spiritual master should not personally take any responsibility for constructing temples, but if someone has money and wants to spend it in the service of Krsna
- So at that time, there was no sale of Back to Godhead. I was publishing about one thousand copies and distributing. So there was no income. I was spending three hundred, four hundred rupees from my pocket. At that time, I had income
- So far as the money is concerned, it is not meant for banking, but it is meant for spending. Our policy should be to collect millions of dollars or more than that daily, and spend it daily
- Some more money is spent or less money, that doesn't matter. We want to see whether the result is there. I understand in that way
- Somebody will take the money and spoil it. Better, if you spend it for Krsna, at least your service will be recognized. Krsna will see that this man is spending his hard-earned money for Me. That is called ajnata-sukrti
- Sometimes people worship some demigod just to make money and then spend the money for recreation, ignoring the scriptural injunctions. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes we see pious men earn money with great hardship and then spend the money for some pious cause by opening public charities, schools and hospitals. Whether one earns money for himself or for the public benefit, he is called a karma-nistha
- Sometimes, after spending lots of money, one may acquire another woman for some extra sense enjoyment. Unfortunately, the object of sense enjoyment, the woman, is taken away or kidnapped by another debauchee
- Subuddhi Raya used to spend his savings to supply yogurt to Bengali Vaisnavas who came to Mathura. He also gave them cooked rice and oil massages. When he saw a poverty-stricken Vaisnava, he would use his money to feed him
- Subuddhi Raya would deposit his extra money with a mercantile man and spend it when necessary
- Such a form of human civilization (based on the principles of sleeping and sex indulgence at night and earning money in the day and spending the same for family maintenance) is condemned by the Bhagavata school
- Suppose you are earning $1,000 in a month. So according to Vedic instruction, you should give in charity fifty percent of your income. Five hundred dollars you should give in charity. And twenty-five percent you should spend for your family
- Suppose you have got millions of dollars. Don't keep it. So long it is within your jurisdiction, spend it for Krsna. Yes. That is the proper utilization. Because actually the money is not yours, because you cannot carry this money with your death
- That is my open secret. Print books, and distribute, and spend half in whichever life you do and half, again print books
- The American government, they spent lots of money for stopping this addiction to drugs. And these boys, as soon as they come to me, they give up
- The appreciated one point, that the American younger generation, they have become addicted to this LSD, intoxication, and they have spent millions of dollars to stop this, but they could not
- The armament preparation is going on. More than fifty percent of the income of the state are now being spent for this arm..., heavily. Instead of other purposes, it is being spent for military strength, every state. So that heavy toll we are paying
- The brahmanas or Vaisnavas do not live at others' cost; they live by spending their own money, although it appears that they are collecting this money from others
- The conditioned soul is obliged to gratify his senses, and thus all his money is spent. This money is actually acquired for the execution of religious principles, but it is taken away by the plundering senses
- The government is spending millions of dollars to stop LSD and other drug intoxication, but my students are giving up everything simply by following my word. So why isn't the government coming forward to help me?
- The greatest benefit (of receiving a brahmana) was that a householder could save a great deal of money from being spent on doctor bills because the brahmanas could ordinarily cure all kinds of diseases simply by giving instructions and some medicine
- The greatest drunkard, everyone who is not Krsna conscious. Therefore any way, if you can induce him to spend something of his hard earned money in Krsna consciousness, that is very good to him
- The grhastha cannot accept charity. But a grhastha-brahmana, he can accept charity, but he will not, I mean to say, accumulate money by taking charity. Whatever he gets, he must spend
- The householder should earn money by business or by profession and spend at least fifty percent of his income to spread Krsna consciousness; twenty-five percent he can spend for his family, and twenty-five percent he should save to meet emergencies
- The idea is that not only the king but everyone should keep his hard-earned money confidentially and secretly so that in due course of time the money can be spent for good, practical purposes
- The king of the country or the emperor of the empire must be so trained that by nature he renounces sense gratification. It is not that because one becomes king he should unnecessarily spend money for sense gratification
- The kings used to spend lavishly during such sacrifices (horse sacrifices), as a cloud distributes rains. A cloud is nothing but another form of water, or, in other words, the waters of the earth transform into clouds
- The Krsna consciousness movement affords one an opportunity to spend his extra earnings for the benefit of all human society by expanding Krsna consciousness
- The main point is that everyone should be trained in the system of varnasrama-dharma so that the money is spent only for good causes and nothing else
- The money and society is yours. You can spend in any way but it is my duty to give you guidance as ever well wisher
- The more we spend (money) in His service, the more He will provide, rest assured
- The other political parties are spending lavishly so how can we compete with them. We do not have enough money nor do I wish to spend our money in this way. Therefore I say it is better to stop
- The present human civilization is primarily based on the principles of sleeping and sex indulgence at night and earning money in the day and spending the same for family maintenance
- The rascal is so mad that everything will be finished, and he is talking of "fittest." All theory; no practical. Unnecessarily spent millions and millions of dollars, that "We have gone to moon." Why? Why this bogus propaganda
- The senses are plunderers because they make one spend his money unnecessarily for seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, hearing, desiring and willing
- The senses demand that one see beautiful things; therefore money should be spent for decorating the Deity in the temple. Similarly, the tongue has to taste good food, which should be bought and offered to the Deity
- The so-called educational system, all over the world, there is no such education. They are kept in darkness and ignorance and still so much money is being spent, especially in the Western countries
- The system of management will go on as it is now. There is no need of changing. The money which is in my personal name in different banks, that is being spent for the society, and it will be society property
- The third man does not steal the money to spend for himself, nor does he neglect it and let it lie in the street. By taking it and delivering it to the man who has lost it, this man is both honest and wise
- The various states of the world are preoccupied with arranging for military strength. Sometimes they spend sixty-five percent of the government's revenue for this purpose. But why should people's hard-earned money be spent in this way?
- Their expenditure is at my direction. Not a single paisa they can spend in their own discretion. They are laboring hard to get this collection, but the money is mine. This is the arrangement
- There are also institutions (in India) collecting money from all parts of the world in the name of welfare activities for poverty-stricken people, but they are spending it for their own sense gratification
- There are many instances throughout the world in which even a purified person, being attracted by a prostitute, spends all the money he has inherited
- There are so many religious performances, ritualistic performances. You have to spend money, so you must find out so many performances. So they have all these in the sastras
- There is no expenditure. The cow will go out and eat some vegetables and grass, so you haven't got to spend anything for the cow. And when she returns, she gives you milk, nice milk
- There is no question of scarcity of money. Don't spoil money, but spend for real purpose, that's all
- There is so-called government, millions of rupees they are spending and taking salary, government house, but the praja, they have no security for their life income
- They (the scientists) spend so much time and money, but what is this? Hopelessness. They do not know. All scientists are working, all politicians are financing, but result is hopelessness. Is it no
- They (United Nation) are spending millions of dollars every month, but they cannot stop war. Simply the flag is increasing. That's all. Because it is godless. They may talk big, big words in the assembly, but at heart they are all dishonest, politicians
- They are sudras. They do not know how to spend money. And formerly, before this, people were little intelligent, or at least they had some religious faith. So they constructed temple, churches, mosque. Nowadays these things is stopped
- They are trying to unite all nations, spending so much money. But here, we have attempted this Krsna consciousness movement. All parts of the world they have joined. From America, from Europe, Australia, Africa, India
- They spend fifty thousand dollars weekly for seeing naked dance. You see? So money is being misused in this way. Everyone wants sense gratification. And for sense gratification, they want money. And they are earning money
- They will spend lots of money for a skyscraper building to get income, and temple is called nonproductive building. You see? They do not wish to engage their money in nonproductive thing because they have become economic
- This rascal government takes taxes and spend unnecessarily. That's all. This is their intelligence. A set of asses. That's all. They have no sympathy "that this hard-earned money is coming from the public, and we are spending like anything"
- Those who are going to be religious for getting relief from this hard struggle for existence, for them arthasya, you require some artha, money. If you are actually religious, then your artha should not be spent for sense gratification
- Those who are responsible should be very frugal to see that not one penny is unnecessarily spent
- Thus Ajamila began spending whatever money he had inherited from his father to satisfy the prostitute with various material presentations so that she would remain pleased with him. He gave up all his brahminical activities to satisfy the prostitute
- To collect seventy thousand dollars and spend every month, do you think is very easy job? A big government is concerned, or a big company, to collect seventy thousand dollars and distribute it again. It is a big problem
- To engage the whole world who are spending money in so many rascaldom way, if that money is engaged in Krsna consciousness, they'll get a chance. This is called ajnata-sukrti
- Tourists means they are all rich class of men. They come here to spend money for sense gratification. That is the way of civilization, the modern civilization: "Earn money at any cost. At the risk of all advancement of life, enjoy"
- Try to follow the formula recommended practically by Srila Rupa Goswami, that 50% of one's income be spent for propagating Krishna Consciousness
- Unfortunately, in this yuga, Kali-yuga, the religious principles are tampered with, and the government cannot properly judge who is to be punished and who is not. It is said that in the Kali-yuga if one cannot spend money in court, one cannot get justice
- Unfortunately, unintelligent people bewildered by the grandeur of Vedic yajnas want to see gorgeous sacrifices performed. They want Vedic mantras chanted and huge amounts of money spent for such ceremonies
- Unlawfully accumulated money is now being snatched from miserly citizens by various methods of state taxation for the future civil and international war fund, which is spending money in a wasteful and destructive manner
- We are spending in all the branches eighty thousand dollars per month. But by grace of Krsna we have no scarcity; everything is supplied
- We can actually see that when one has money but does not spend it, he remains a miser and is never happy. Similarly, when one's intelligence is spoiled due to sense gratification, he remains a miser throughout his life
- We can understand power in wealth, if a man is very wealthy he is powerful and can exhibit his power by spending money. Similarly if a man is very strong he can exhibit his power in so many ways
- We get this facility in the human form of life, but if we do not properly utilize this opportunity, we become a krpana, miser. A miser is one who gets money but does not spend it properly
- We have got business. Why shall I keep in the bank? This is the policy. If your money is idle, we can spend it in our books, in our purchasing land in temple, constructing temple, developing...
- We may approach our government leaders with our simple formula and show to them by the practical result that we are accomplishing the reform work that they are trying to do by spending millions of dollars but not very successfully
- We may spend anything and everything for the deity, as long as there is no scarcity, and by that lavish spending to glorify Radha and Krsna, they will become very much pleased upon you and bless you more and more
- We require professional director. Money may be spent by the movie company. And we give our men an idea
- We should consider the money, after all, is earned with hard labor. So somebody will bring money with hard labor, and another body will spend like irresponsible prince; that should be stopped. That is management
- We spend for God. We are servant of God. We want to see God gorgeously situated, and for us we have no comforts, we don't care for any comfort
- What is this civilization? Simply money, money, money, money, money. And as soon as you get money, then you begin all nonsense, illicit sex, meat-eating, drinking, gambling. What you will do with the money? You do not know how to spend it
- What is this research work? This is suffering, spending so much hard-earned money. So one of the cause of, I can say, one of the cause of cancer disease is this contraceptive method. You can make research on it
- Whatever money a grhastha accumulates by the grace of God he should spend in five activities, worshiping Krsna, receiving Vaisnavas and saintly persons, distributing prasada, offering prasada to his forefathers, and also offering prasada to his own self
- Whatever money we are getting it is from Krishna, so nothing should be misspent
- When the Deity is coming out, the servitors in the temple put forward the daily accounts before Them: so much was the collection, so much was the expenditure
- When there is profit, then there is sense gratification. That's, this is their aim. When they get some money, immediately how to spend it for sense gratification, not only for personal self but also family
- Why (Bharatpur Trust) cannot donate the whole thing and we shall spend our money to make it very wonderfully done up and renovated. But I think their plan may be to give us the temple only, because that cannot be sold, and no one can maintain it any more
- Why government spends so much money for police department? Just to keep law and order. There must be
- Why not spend some money for advertisement? It will be noticed
- Yes, bring more money. I am going to spend this money in huge advertisement propaganda. I have given him the idea
- You are spending millions of dollars for giving up this LSD, and our power is so strong, as soon as one comes, he gives up. But you are so rascal, you do not appreciate
- You go and see. They have spent lots of money for temple. That was the Oriental civilization. Even the Muhammadans, they would construct very costly mosque, but they would live in huts
- You haven't got to spend any money for this chanting, neither we are charging. We are simply distributing this knowledge that, Chant Hare Krsna mantra, all problems will be solved
- You know very well that I went to India this time empty handed but we spent there not less than five lakhs Rupees during my 10 month stay and all the money was collected simply on the strength of our books and literatures
- You may get yourself married, provided that you can meet the responsibility of grhastha life. If you marry you will have to work to provide for your wife and family and try to spend at least 50% for Krishna Consciousness
- You must have the best kind of treatment available, and you can spend from the money you are collecting on behalf of Krishna
- You must pay your entire debt to the Book Fund in the future, otherwise you will become that disciple who spends the money of his Spiritual Master
- You should know that we are not doing any business for material benefit. Gargamuni spends his profit for Krishna Consciousness
- Your proposal for travelling and distributing books all over India is very good. Krishna will bless you with His mercy. Take books and sell and spend for your expenses