Prabhupāda: Here we're inviting everyone, "Come here. Live here. Take prasādam and chant. Don't drink tea." That's all. (chuckles) That is . . . Hare Kṛṣṇa.
Trivikrama: "No tea?"
Prabhupāda: No tea, no cigarette. That is their disease. No tea, no . . . don't stop prasādam. Never. Increase. I shall beg and supply you money, don't worry. But don't waste it. Simply you take money and utilize it for preaching. My only anxiety is that don't be extravagant. Otherwise you take money and spend it.
Mahāṁsa: Don't be extravagant.
Prabhupāda: You should always know that hard-earned money is. By working at night I am producing book, and they're working there hard, selling the books, and money is coming in that way. So either he or me, mine or yours, it is hard-earned money. It is not easily coming. And therefore we should be cautious. But there is no question of curtailing. There is no question.