Category:Prabhupada Speaks - in India, Bombay
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Pages in category "Prabhupada Speaks - in India, Bombay"
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- A brahmacari cannot see any young woman. Even the guru's wife is young, he cannot go to the guru's wife. These are the restriction. Now where is that brahmacarya? No brahmacari. This is Kali-yuga. No tapasya
- A brahmacari, from the very beginning of his life, he is trained to act only for guru. That is brahmacari. It is enjoined that a brahmacari live at the shelter, at the care of guru just like a menial servant
- A brahmanas and ksatriya, er, sannyasis, although they are meant for collecting, they do not collect heavy at a place. Little. Because they are collecting not for his sense gratification. He is collecting for satisfying Krsna. So everyone is given chance
- A devotee can control the Supreme Controller. Why they shall become one with God? They'll be God's father, God's controller. This is bhakti-marga
- A devotee of Krsna is the first-class yogi. That is accepted by Krsna
- A drop of the sea water is also the same, qualitatively. The same chemicals. Similarly, we, being part and parcel of Krsna, we are not subjected to the material condition
- A man comes and joins this Krsna consciousness movement, and in the middle he falls down, he does not make further progress because he falls down. But whatever he has done, that is permanent credit
- A man is suffering from some disease, infected. That does not mean when the physician comes to treat him he is also infected. He knows how to protect himself, disinfectant
- A patient is ordered by the physician: "You should not eat anything." So he knows, "It is good for me." Similarly, a devotee, when he's starving, he knows that "Krsna has put me in this starving condition. It is good for me." He never complains
- A preacher is giving real sense. To awaken this sense, Krsna had to come personally. And he is doing the same work: "Surrender to Krsna." How much great service it is
- According to Bhagavad-gita, if you don't follow the instruction of Bhagavad-gita, you may be very learned scholar, whatever you write, it is lost. We follow that principle
- According to our Gosvami's program, everyone should sacrifice fifty percent of his income for Krsna. And Gosvami, Rupa Gosvami' actually did it. It doesn't matter whether your income is five lakhs per month or five rupees per month
- According to Vaisnava philosophy, the first business is to take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master
- According to Vedic civilization, the animal-killers, mlecchas, they are untouchable. They are so sinful
- According to Vedic system, unless the human society comes to the institution of varnasrama-dharma, they are not to be accepted as human society. The system, the whole system was to gradually educate people to be elevated to the spiritual platform
- According to your association, you can mold your character. If you associate with businessmen, then... They actually form so many association to develop their business capacity. Practical
- Action and reaction means
- Actual life is that there should be no work. Why? Ananda-cinmaya-rasa-pratibhavitabhis tabhir ya eva nija-rupataya kalabhih
- Actually the Mayavadi philosophy was started with Vivekananda. Because I don't find in the Christian faith that they are Mayavadis. Their belief is service to God. Of course, they are somewhat Mayavadis
- Actually, it seems that in your system of management, the basic principle is to depend on Krsna
- Adhidaivika, accident, which you have no control over. No sufferings you have control. That is not possible
- Adhoksaja means knowledge which beyond your perception. But there is source of knowledge, adhoksaja. Therefore God's another name is Adhoksaja
- Adhyatmika means pertaining to the body and mind. "I have got headache today. I have got some pain here in the back. My mind is not very much settled up today. I cannot talk with you."
- Adi-kavi means Brahma. Brahma, Adi-kavi. So tene brahma. Brahma means sabda-brahman, Vedic literature. So Krsna instructed or imparted in the heart of Brahma
- Advancement of civilization means advancement of sense gratification. That's all. So bhakti means just the opposite. So, so long we are, I mean to say, very much interested in sense gratification, there is no question of bhakti
- After the scattering of these Aryans, they have come different place. How is it that we brought all the cultural heritage in north, east and western countries?
- Again election, as if election will change their quality. Let them remain as rascal, and simply by election, in place of one rascal, another rascal will improve it. Let them remain rascal, but get vote
- Alexander and the thief
- All activities done for sake of Krsna or God are the real...
- All sinful activity. Ugra-karma. And if you drink wine, then you must require meat. Otherwise your liver function will be bad. There must be lump of meat. And as soon as wine and meat combine, then you require illicit sex
- All the living entities in this material world, they are thinking that "I am proprietor. I am supreme. I can do anything, whatever I like. There is no question of accepting any authority of God. These are primitive thoughts. We are self-sufficient"
- All the preachers of Krsna consciousness movement, they are maha-bahu, strongly armed by the weapons of Krsna. They cannot be defeated. They will push on the fight with maya, this illusion
- All the six Gosvamis, they used to sit down and discuss Srimad-Bhagavatam. Gopala Bhatta Gosvami was reading, and all the other Gosvamis, Rupa, Sanatana, they were hearing, and Jiva Gosvami was writing comment
- All these universes are exhibition of the energy of Krsna, just like the fire can distribute its heat and light from one place
- All your senses are imperfect. How you can get perfect knowledge? That is not possible. Therefore the injunction is, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: "You must go to guru." And who is guru? This parampara system
- Although they're written just like ordinary story activities of a person. But they are not ordinary things. If you simply read Krsna book, although it looks like story, then you become delivered from these clutches of repetition of birth and death
- Amongst ourself here there are sannyasis, brahmacaris, grhastha, vanaprastha. Everyone is there. Everyone can worship Krsna
- An intelligent man can see God even while walking on the beach. That requires intelligence
- Anacara means sinful activities. You cannot associate with God if you become sinful. That is not possible. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, yesam tv anta-gatam papam: "One who is completely free from sinful life"
- Analyze the chemicals and combine them and put in the incubator. You get one chicken. Why the rascals cannot do it? And still, they say that life comes from chemicals. What is the answer?
- And how do we get guru?
- And I think, sir, even Sankaracarya has not meant that we must be short of that. He was also worshiping, was he not? He was worshiping Para-brahman
- And Maharaja, are they (the doctors) able to increase the life by a single moment?
- And that mental process, if you are working, is it a wrong mental process?
- And the interpretation is by you yourself?
- And what do you mean by surrendering, sir?
- Any fruit you require, or even kacauri, you can get. That is called kalpa-vrksa. There are trees like that
- Any group of organization, it requires a leader
- Any literature you take in the history of the world, no literature can exist for five thousand years, repeatedly being read by many, many scholars, religionists and philosophers, all. Why? Because it is Krsna
- Any system of religion which revives this consciousness is first-class religion. It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan religion
- Anyone who accepts God, he is bhagavata
- Anyone who goes to Krsna or guru for asking, he is pious. He is not miscreant. Duskrtina. He is not duskrtina. He is pious. Maybe he is in the lower position, but he is pious. That is described
- Anyone who will read (my books), he'll get some benefit. That is sure, because such literatures are not available throughout the whole world. It is a new revolution to the people in general. Am I right or not?
- Anyone you love, you see always within your heart. Similarly, if you have love for God, Krsna, then you can see Krsna always. That is called yoga system
- Are there any other prophecies in the Bhavisya Maha-Purana or in any other scriptures telling more accurately Jesus Christ's birthday?
- Are these people consciously cheating or raised in cheating so that they don't know the difference (in this material world, the more you are expert cheater, you are considered very able man. All over the world, so many expert cheaters are going on)?
- Are they able to increase the life by a single moment?
- Are we even one millionth of what Krsna was?
- Are we not, potentially, not to understand Bhagavad-gita, then (at least you do not understand. That's all)?
- Are you a Bhagavan?
- Are you happy with the way the movement has really spread?
- Arjuna has given reference that all the great sages... At that time, Vyasadeva... Vyasadeva is still present. So "Vyasadeva accepts You (Krsna), Narada accepts You, and Asita, Devala, big, big, great sages accepts You"
- Arjuna said: "You are personally speaking, and I have realized that You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead." This is Krsna. Krsna is not manufactured, as nowadays it has become a fashion to manufacture God by votes. No
- Artificially we are thinking it is American pain or it is Indian pain. That is artificial. This artificial covering has to be removed. Then we come to Krsna consciousness. Feelings, consciousness is not American, African or Indian
- As far as possible, I have tried to present. In one place (in the Caitanya-caritamrta) I have criticized my Godbrothers
- As far as we are concerned, we are trying to establish daiva-varnasrama, as it is instructed by the Gosvamis, by Hari-bhakti-vilasa, by our spiritual master. May not be very perfect, but we are trying our best to introduce this daiva-varnsrama
- As soon as any of the disciples in the succession distort the knowledge, then it is lost
- As soon as he learns the Guru Maharaja is dead, "Now I am so advanced that I can kill my guru and I become guru." Then he's finished
- As soon as I get a particular type of body, my happiness and sufferings are all destined. This is our position
- As soon as Krsna is within your heart so when you read Bhagavad-gita or Krsna book with little seriousness, then Krsna understands, "Now he is serious to understand me." You haven't got to search out Krsna, He's already within you
- As soon as this poison will come "Suppress guru and I become Brahman" everything finished. Spiritual life is finished. Gaudiya Matha finished, violated the orders of Guru Maharaja
- As soon as we hear about Krsna attentively and try to assimilate it, then the purification of the heart begins
- As soon as you take to Krsna consciousness, then your ultimate good or ultimate perfection begins immediately
- As the fish, being entangled, he struggles for existence, how to get out of the net, he's not peaceful. You will find, as soon as caught he's up in the net, 'Fut Fut Fut Fut Fut' He wants to get out
- As Your Divine Grace had said, that due to the sankirtana movement an auspicious atmosphere is being created all over the world. So is it not possible that at least for the time being things will improve?
- Asuras, they are engaged for fruitive result. They are working, but they are expecting that "I shall enjoy the result" So that freedom is given to everyone, that "You can work at your responsibility and enjoy or suffer"
- At the present moment this movement, Krsna consciousness movement, is meant for creating nice brahmanas with qualification. Satyam samo damas titiksa arjavam jnanam vijnanam astikyam brahma-karma svabhava-jam
- Atyaharah, eating more than you require. Actually, we should not eat unless we are very hungry. That is good eating
- Avaroha-pantha means a descendence, or deductive process. So our Krsna consciousness movement, we claim that we have got perfect knowledge of everything because we are taking knowledge from the perfect person
- Avyaktam means the total material substance. Just like when you construct a house there are heaps of materials - some stone, some cement, some woods, some iron - and you combine together... Tejo-vari-mrd-vinimayam
- Baladeva Vidyabhusana, with the order of Govindaji at Jaipur, he wrote the commentary on Brahma-sutra. That name is Govinda-bhasya. So the Gaudiya-Brahma Sampradaya, they have got also commentary on Brahma-sutra
- Because I am disgusted with this material varieties, let it be zero, void. That is a temporary solace. We cannot remain without varieties. That is not possible
- Because I am following the instruction of Bhaktisiddhanta, I'm liberated
- Because I want to deliver the real thing, therefore in my feeble health I am prepared to go. If one man can understand, that I want to see. I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand
- Because of his material opulences, he thinks that "Oh, where is the disease? This is all right. I am happy." That is the defect. We have to reduce. That is called tapasya. Not that "Because my tongue is asking me to eat something, therefore I must eat"
- Because the mind is now contaminated, and under the creation of senses and sense activities, we are making millions and trillions of ideas and become entangled in that idea
- Before me so many swamis, yogis went there. They came and go. No effect. Now I have created a community which will continue
- Bhagavad-gita and Krsna, there is no difference. Bhagavad-gita is also Krsna. Otherwise why this book is worshiped since so, for so long time, since five thousand years, unless the Bhagavad-gita is Krsna?
- Bhagavad-gita is not going to make any topsy-turvy of the social order or spiritual order. No. It should be standardized according to the authority. And the best authority is Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita is the entrance. Then Bhagavata is graduate and Caitanya-caritamrta... This is the step by step. But if one is sincere everything becomes revealed. He does not commit mistake
- Bhagavad-gita is the katha, or words, spoken by the Lord Himself
- Bhagavad-gita never says that "You don't require to eat. You simply breathe air and practice yoga." No. But we must eat neither more, nor less. That is recommended. Yuktahara-viharasya. We should not eat more, nor less
- Bhagavata is so powerful that nityam bhagavata-sevaya: we have to read Srimad-Bhagavatam daily, and twenty-four hours. That is the injunction: nityam. Nityam means "always." So our members especially, I mean to say, those who are inmates
- Bhakti does not depend on jnana, but jnana depends on bhakti. Without bhakti, one cannot get liberation simply by jnana. But if one develops bhakti, automatically he gets jnana
- Bhakti formula, anyabhilasita-sunyam (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11): "You have to make your heart cleansed of all material desire." Then spiritual life will begin
- Bhakti is not applicable anywhere except in relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is bhakti
- Bhakti is only for Bhagavan. Not that "My bhakti for this or that, for this demigod, for that demigod, for my family, for my country, for my society, for my wife, for my cat, for my dog." This is not bhakti. They are imitation only. That is lust
- Bhakti means the business between Bhagavan and bhakta. That is bhakti. If there is no Bhagavan then where is bhakti
- Bhakti means when you engage your senses for the service of the master of the senses, Hrsikesa. That is called is bhakti. Bhakti is not sentiment
- Bhakti-rasa is better than liberation, mukti
- Bhakti-rasa itself is sufficient to produce a feeling of liberation because it attracts the attention of the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura has taught that our tongue is very fastidious, wants to eat this thing, that thing, this thing, that thing
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura married twice. Caitanya Mahaprabhu married twice. What is the wrong there? One has to become pure devotee, that's all
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura said that this network of ignorance, where the senses are like black cobra, out of all those senses the tongue is the greatest black cobra
- Big sankirtana is book distribution and small sankirtana is with mrdanga. Big sankirtana is going on all over the world. Small sankirtana locally
- Bilvamangala and the prostitute Cintamani
- Bilvamangala Thakura voluntarily made himself blind
- Bird will go to a tree and eat fruit, but not more than he requires; neither he will take the fruit at his home to stock for next day or making black market. We have created this nonsense situation by claiming God's property as ours. This is the mistake
- Blind civilization
- Bombay is the best city in India, and people are also very advanced, enlightened. So let us combine together and develop this institution for the whole human society. That is our ambition. It is not for any sect or any creed or any particular class of men
- Brahma means Vedic literature. Sabda-brahman. The information, the description of God is also Brahman. Brahman is absolute. There is no difference between Brahman and the literature which is describing Brahman
- Brahmaji says, isvara parama krsna: "The supreme controller is Krsna."
- Brahmanas accept poverty... Not accept poverty. They are not very much interested. Either lie down on the ground or lie down on the sofa - they don't find any difference, because they are not interested with these bodily comforts
- But a renunciation of something?
- But how to engage these people who are desirous who have desire of serving Krsna in Bombay? If you are talking about a farm and other things
- But mostly they are in America. Also in that number in Japan (in one week, the books, total of books, was seven lakhs books in one week)?
- But sir, I often wonder that Jesus Christ was so wonderful, I mean brotherhood and all these things, and these, practically people following his creed are warring like this
- But what about the cheating going on, big cheating, international cheating about the space flights?
- But why should He (God) create them (the jivas) in the first instance?
- But you don't require recognition of any court, do you?
- Butchers' health organization
- By dancing dancing, we shall develop our dormant Krsna consciousness, love for Krsna. This is a nice process. Krsnot-kirtana-gana-nartana-parau premamrtambho-nidhi. Then you will merge into the ocean of love for Krsna
- By death, everything is taken away by Krsna. So the modern civilization, they do not believe in the next birth
- By the supervision of the external energy, and superior superintendent, we are transferred to a different body by the subtle body
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the ideal bhakta
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu begins from this brahma-bhutah stage. His teaching is completely on the spiritual platform. Therefore people misunderstand us
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has therefore taught us - We must be tolerant like the tree, or more than the tree
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, janma sarthaka kari kara paropakara (CC Adi 9.41) - First of all make your life successful. Then you become a teacher
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us that actually, if you want something from God, that should be only begging for His service
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to say that "Sex life is so strong that even if I see one wooden female form I become excited
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He is also incarnation of Krsna, but He accepted Isvara Puri as His guru. They do not require guru, but just to keep pace with the official program, even God personally, He accepted spiritual master
- Caitanya-caritamrta author says, caitanyera dayara katha karaha vicara. Vicara. Just put your judgment. Try to understand with logic and try to understand with philosophy. Not as a fanatic
- Caitanya-caritamrta is for the devotees. It is not for the neophyte. Those who are actually in devotional service - for them it is
- Can the Janata explosion be regarded as a division of Krsna consciousness or similar consciousness?
- Can we solve political problems with this religious basis?
- Can you please explain that it is our only way out for salvation?
- Cause passion will come you, when at times of anger gets temporarily the better of you, what is the guidance which can bring you back to normality?
- Cleanliness is next to godliness. Actually, our material conditioned life means the mind is covered with dirt, all unclean, dirty things. That is the disease
- Could you explain (illicit sex, do you think it is...? Not only outside marriage. Even in marriage, you cannot have sex as you like. You must have sex according to the regulative principle or religious principle)?
- Could you explain that (this women's liberation is just a trick by the men)?
- Deity of Krsna should be seen. That is the benefit of the eyes. The ears should be engaged hearing about Krsna. The tongue should be engaged for eating Krsna's remnants of foodstuff, prasadam
- Deity worship is arcanam. Chanting is vandanam. Dasyam, to work for Krsna, go and see people, preach Krsna consciousness, distribute books
- Devanam means in the beginning there was Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara. And Krsna is adi of these devas also. Aham adir hi devanam. Aham sarvasya prabhavo: "Everything has emanated from Me"
- Devotee's business is to glorify. He doesn't take any credit for himself. Actually, there is nothing to be taken credit. The all credit goes to Krsna
- Devotees should be very careful not to be victimized by this cheater
- Devotional service does not produce any result. And the ordinary man... Suppose they are also selling books. An ordinary man also selling books, it appears to be the same. But they are not creating any result
- Dictated by the material nature, we are acting in some way and thereby creating another resultant action, means another body. In this way it is going on. That is called samsrtih
- Did Jesus die on the cross to redeem all the sins of the world?
- Did the residents of Vrndavana see the many expansions or did they only see one Krsna?
- Didn't they (the residents of Vrndavana) know who Krsna was?
- Different parts of our senses should be utilized. The first business is to fix up the mind at the lotus feet of Krsna
- Do you think there should be any sequel to this film? In other words, to carry on the philosophy?
- Does God need service?
- Does He (Krsna) also appear through Maha-Visnu?
- Does karma-yoga mean to follow exactly the sastras?
- Don't beget children if you have no responsibility. But they think that "We'll have sex life, but we shall avoid this responsibility. So then let us use contraceptive."
- Don't take books that "I am member. It is my duty to take books and keep it in the almirah." No. Read it thoroughly. Nityam bhagavata-sevaya. By regular reading of Srimad-Bhagavatam, then this material contamination becomes vanquished. Nasta-prayesu
- Don't try for these things, to increase your economic position. This is already destined. You cannot increase or decrease. Whatever you are destined, you must get it. Try to get Krsna consciousness
- Don't try to elevate yourself materially. That will not make you happy. Just try to get out of these material clutches and begin your spiritual life. That will make you happy
- Don't you think that the children should be given freedom to choose voluntarily?
- Durasaya means which cannot be fulfilled. You can hope something, you can... But it is hoping against hope. It will never be fulfilled. That is called durasa
- Eating, sleeping, mating and defending, that is given special stress, but not to the point of, goal of life, reaching Visnu. That we have neglected
- Eating, sleeping, sex life and protection from fearfulness. Now this has been done in so many lives. Why not in this life make a perfect process so that no more death, no more birth, no more disease, no more old age?
- Education means one becomes gentle, sober, cool-headed. Therefore, it is said, vidya-vinaya-sampanne. When one is learned, advanced in education, he must be very gentle, not haughty
- Either you become communist or capitalist or this or that, you have to accept one leader. So take the best, first-class, perfect leader: Krsna. Then you'll be happy
- Even a great yogi like Visvamitra, he also failed. There are many instances. There was another, Saubhari Muni. He was practicing yoga system within the water. And as soon as he was little agitated by the fish, he wanted to come out and marry
- Even if we find some discrepancies in the life of a devotee... Just like these European, Americans. They're devotees. They are pure devotee of Krsna. How? They have no other desire. They simply want to satisfy their spiritual master and Krsna
- Even in Africa, in the village, where they have got so big, big earrings, they are also chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra. They are also chanting. Therefore the African government is a little afraid of this movement
- Even in old days they were dealing with this politics. What they will do good to the people? But they do not know. This is disease
- Even in this feeble health also, I am working four hours at least, at night. And they are also helping me. So this is our individual attempt
- Even Sankaracarya, who is impersonalist, he also says, narayanah paro avyaktad: "The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, He is beyond this material creation." Narayanah parah avyaktad. Avyaktad anda-sambhavah
- Even the lion cannot sleep; he has to work to eat
- Even there is a promise that "We shall not fall down again," that is also not believable. What is the use? Better go and speak philosophy in your grhastha dress, not this dress, but you have nice coat, pants, gentleman
- Every one of us, one who is offering arati, he is also working for Krsna, and one who is building this construction, temple, he is also working for Krsna. So as worker for Krsna there is no distinction. Variety. Variety of service
- Every time Lord Krsna appears, original Krsna appears, does Lord Caitanya appear on the following Kali-yuga?
- Everyone has got experience. When we want to do something wrong, there is conscience: "Don't do it." "No, no, let me do." There is struggle. So this is the struggle between the soul and the Supersoul
- Everyone has some special strategy if we don't want the total population the world is Communist. Should not there be a special strategy to enter in their own hearts?
- Everyone in this material world trying to mitigate or trying to become free from the distress. Duhkhasya. Atyantika-duhkha-nivrtti. Atyantika means supreme. The struggle for existence in this material world is everyone is trying to get some happiness
- Everyone is in agreement with God. That is spiritual world. Therefore there is no question of revolution
- Everyone is interested how to earn money or how to gratify senses. That is the modern civilization. Here is a competition of sense gratification. I'm gratifying my senses in one way, and all others, they are trying to imitate me or compete
- Everyone is serving his senses. This is the position. This is dharmasya glanir bhavati. As soon as we are engaged in serving our senses, that is dharmasya glanih. And as soon as we agree to serve the senses of Krsna, that is dharma
- Everyone is thinking that his birthplace and his mother is better than the heaven. That is the psychology. So everyone, however abominable... Everyone is living in abominable condition
- Everyone, we are working for this temple. Every one of us, we know that "This temple not for my sense gratification: This is for Krsna." So that is important
- Everything is clearly said in the BG. I speak, therefore, to my disciples that "You simply repeat like parrot BG and follow first your life. Don't try to become very big scholar, do interpretation. Remain foolish & believe in Krsna. Then life is perfect"
- Everything is spoiled. They have given so much coverage, and everything has been farce. Because, don't mind, you wanted to become famous - that is the intention - therefore it has become a farce
- Exchange, giving and taking. If you love somebody, give him to eat, and whatever he gives you, you also eat. And if you love somebody then you disclose your mind to him and try to understand him also. By these six processes the symptoms of love is there
- Fall down means from our spiritual identification we fall down to material identification, upadhi. Material identification, upadhi, designation. I am now speaking, "I am Indian,"
- First of all let them come to the standard of human being. Then there is question of peace and happiness
- First of all your guru, then his guru, then his guru - at least four, five generation, because the spiritual knowledge is received through the parampara. I have received from my guru; you are receiving from your guru; and my guru received from his guru
- First spiritual knowledge is this, that "I am not this body." Then the spiritual knowledge begins. Otherwise there is no possibility of spiritual knowledge
- For Bhaktivedanta Trust there is no need of contribution. Then there will be exemption certificate required and so on. We don't want any contribution. If anyone wants to contribute, let him contribute to the ISKCON. They're tax-free
- For Krsna they (these European and Americans) have forsaken everything. That is pure devotion. Anyabhilasita-sunyam, jnana-karmady-anavrtam, anukulyena krsnanu- silanam bhaktir uttamam
- For our past karma, we have created this body and we are suffering. Therefore our mission should be not to create another body. And finish all suffering in this body and do not create another material body - that is actually our duty
- For the fear of criticism from my friends, "I do not like to chant. I do not like, like to take the beads. I can carry a transistor throughout the whole road, but if I carry one bead, I'll be criticized." So one has to be tolerant
- From frying pan to the fire
- From Mahabharata, the great history of India, we can understand that up to Maharaja Pariksit, the whole world was ruled by one flag, this Vedic culture. Gradually it deteriorated, as we have practical experience
- From the avyakta, nonmanifested material mahat-tattva, this material creation has been, become possible. Before the material creation, beyond the material creation, there is Krsna
- Gandhi and Bhagavad-gita - what is that? Political struggle. Such a rascal. And he's leader? He does not know what is the purpose of Bhagavad-gita
- Generally they pass stool in the field. The cow's, cow dung and man's stool and everyone's stool, they are wrapped together in the rainy season. It became fertile
- Girls should be taught how to become faithful wife, how to learn nice cooking, cleansing, dressing. Simple method. There is no objection of their becoming scholar, but that is not necessary
- Glorifying the Lord is the medicine for this material disease. Material disease means repetition of birth and death. To stop this repetition of birth and death, this is the only remedy. And this is used by liberated persons
- God is accepted, not now, even when Krsna was present, five thousand years ago, all great sages, saintly persons, great rsis, they also accepted. Narada, Devala, Vyasa
- God is eternal, and His instruction is also eternal. And the followers are also eternal. There is nothing new
- God is infinite, and we are infinitesimal, very small particle. Just like sun. Sun is very big, but the sunshine, it is a combination of very minute, bright articles, atoms. Everyone knows. It is a combination of, I mean to say, dazzling, bright
- God is never manufactured. God is God. Not by mystic power one becomes God or by so-called meditation or magical arts. No. God is God. Nobody can become God. Asamaurdhva
- God's reference is there in the Vedic literatures, and God Himself appeared, and He explained Himself in the Bhagavad-gita
- Good leadership means you must learn how to lead people. If the srestha, the leader, is ideal, then others will follow. But if the leader is not ideal, if he is not in the awareness of things, then people will be misguided
- Good qualities can be attained automatically when you work on spiritual platform. But if you work on material platform, means the gross body and the mind, then good qualities cannot be attained
- Gopis were approached: "Oh, Krsna is sick. They want, oh, dust of...?" Immediately: "Please take. Please take." She did not care that "We are going to hell by offering our dust of feet on the head of Krsna. Never mind. We shall go. Krsna will be happy"
- Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. These verses, Brahma-samhita, it was composed by Lord Brahma. Therefore in the Vedic literature this is called Samhita. Samhita means part of the Vedic literature
- Guru means who is above the siddhas. Krsna-tattva-vetta. Yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei guru haya. One cannot become guru unless he knows krsna-tattva. Not ordinary man. The yogis, the karmis, the jnanis, they cannot become guru. That is not sanctioned
- Happiness and distress is the cause of socati and kanksati. Kanksati means desiring to have something. This is distress. And lamenting for something, that is also distress. Actually, this is the material position
- Hare Krsna means what? "Brahman, please remove from me the... " Isn't it?
- Haridasa Thakura, he was chanting very loudly; Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted very loudly. So what more evidence you want? My Guru Maharaja chanted loudly, we are chanting loudly
- Have you put any conditions (they may say that "Your Krsna; our this." No. That knowledge Krsna is giving for everyone. And it is accepted by everyone. They are Christians. How they are accepting? I am not bribing them)?
- Having acquired the real qualities of brahmana
- He (my Guru Maharaja) was very sorry. At the last stage he was disgusted
- He does not know that he is bound up, hands and legs, by the laws of nature, and he is trying to solve it by his own method of material civilization. That is the mistake
- He has taken to the shelter of Krsna, therefore his all past business is finished. Although, due to past habit, sometimes you find some mistake, it is not to be taken
- He's so puffed-up, so proud, that one claims to become God, what to speak of other things. No. The first thing is that one must be very humble
- Here everything is lust. Center is lust. The central point is sex
- Here in Bombay city, people are earning money, lots of money, but we see there are lots of cinemas advertised, and people go there - there are hundreds and thousands of cinema houses - and spend their money
- Here in this material world there are 8,400,000 different forms of life. They're all due to the mental concoction
- Here is Ganges, and you are also present here. So take me as your surrendered soul. I am surrendered to you. So at the present moment let that taksaka, the snake-bird, or anything may come and bite. I don't care for it. Please go on with the krsna-katha
- Here, in India, the brahmanas, they are doing everything. Still they are going in the name of brahmana. But here, these European brahmanas, American brahmanas, they're real brahmanas, because they have given up all sinful activities
- How are you trying?
- How could I know the unknown within the known?
- How do we know that the meaning (of Bhagavad-gita) is distorted?
- How do you get that direction moment by moment, hour by hour?
- How old were you (when a man wanted Prabhupada to become his son)?
- How one can see? Suppose I am seeing this material sky. I cannot see what are there, not even the stars at the present moment, although we know there are millions and trillions of stars. So this is my power of seeing
- How to come to that position (of goswami)?
- How to know it (what Krsna wants)?
- How you have practiced your bhajana, sadhana, this will be examined at the time of death
- Human being or animal, they are not different, because the body is made of the same ingredient. If you manufacture a dog like a dog, like a man, what is the difference? The ingredient is the same: earth
- Human life is meant for solving the problem
- I am giving so much stress and I am working so hard on this. Because this is my life and soul according to the order of my Guru Maharaja. And by his grace it is to some extent successful. And I took it seriously. I take it seriously still now
- I am not absolute controller. The absolute controller means who is not controlled by anyone else. He (God) is never controlled by maya
- I am not guru. I am... I am... This is... The guru has no material body. Just like the statue is not material, similarly, guru's body is not material
- I am speaking to you; this is also kirtanam. And you are hearing; this is bhakti. Sravanam kirtanam, about Krsna. The chanting, dancing about Krsna, this is bhakti
- I am teaching them without any salary
- I am thinking of these rascals. What for they are making big, big plans? They will stay here for a few days, and forgetting Krsna consciousness they are busy in making plans
- I am thinking that I am karta, I am master. You are not master; you are under the grip of material nature. So how you can avoid? Therefore we should not indulge in sense gratification. We should try to practice how to take krsna-prasadam
- I ask you, Prabhu, what is that dharma-ksetra and kuru-ksetra?
- I do not claim that I am Sanskrit scholar, I am this big man, that man, no. Whatever books I have written, only about this-Krsna. In our book in every page you will find Krsna, Krsna, Krsna
- I had some experience in my childhood, in 1911. I was thirteen years old. There was a riot. So our house was there in Mahatma Gandhi Road, and all sides Muhammadans
- I have explained in the beginning of Krsna book that love is practical exhibition. It is not theoretical. We cannot keep love within the heart. If actually it is within the heart, it must be expressed practically
- I have explained, chanting outside the temple and chanting in the temple, it increases the value thousand times
- I have given my ideas and direction in my books, and people appreciate; I think from my side I have done everything
- I have got hundreds and thousands of servants who I haven't got to pay. This is spiritual relationship
- I have got little taste of krsna-bhakti. So I have no distinction that "This is Indian. This is American. This is African." Everyone, I am giving this hari-nama. This is sarva-bhuta-hite ratah, no distinction
- I have never given vote. Since we have got this svaraj, as soon as the vote question, I go away. Because I think, "Why shall I give this nonsense vote? None of them are liked by me." I avoid it
- I have no higher consciousness
- I never showed any gold-making magic. I simply said to them the "Here is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you surrender unto Him." That's all
- I never tried in India to construct big temples or even in your country we didn't. I never tried. But I was selling personally books. That is the history
- I receive so many letters daily that "I wish to marry." Immediately I sanction, "Yes, you get yourself married." But one who is strict, one who can follow very rigidly the orders of brahmacari and sannyasi, they continue
- I request, Swamiji, on what basis we can say that it is a different meaning or distorted meaning and not the meaning which the Gita says (but you understand in different way. That is difficulty. You create your own meaning)?
- I require the cooperation of the Indian, especially young men, educated men. Come forward. Stay with us. Study Bhagavad-gita. We haven't got anything to manufacture. Nothing to manufacture. And what we can manufacture? We are all imperfect
- I saw in Delhi one old man, just a few minutes before his death he asked his son to bring Radha-Krsna picture, and it was put before him and he died
- I saw one hotel man in Calcutta cutting the throat of a chicken; he was laughing and his son was crying
- I say that because my Guru Maharaja appointed me for that purpose
- I say that you shall remain fixed up in this way, but if you do not accept it, then how can I help you? If I say that "Don’t dry your knife on your neck," and if you do it, so how can I save you?
- I see Srimad-Bhagavatam so exalted knowledge and so beautifully literary presented. Srimat. Srimat means beautiful. Throughout the whole world, you won't find any literature. This is India's fortune, and they are keeping it packed up
- I shall choose some guru. I shall say, "Now you become acarya. You become authorized." I am waiting for that. You become all acarya. I retire completely. But the training must be complete
- I should not take at night. At night, a little milk and barley water only. Light
- I want to give Indian culture to the whole world. I'm not going to cheat people, taking Bhagavad-gita and speaking all nonsense. I want to present Bhagavad-gita as it is. That is my mission
- I wanted that such a magnificent gift from the side of India, it shall remain uncontributed to the world, let me try
- I was told by one devotee, a person working for Lord Caitanya, Lord Caitanya will appear as Supersoul to him (indistinct) this happen?
- I went in U.S.A. without any sponsor
- I would like to know how this movement started, what gave you the idea. What is the background? And why it was called the Krsna consciousness movement? Is it a return to something very fundamental?
- I'm not actually tired. I'm feeling completely rejuvenated just seeing you, Srila Prabhupada
- I, being a servant of the senses, how to run away from the senses?
- If Christ comes back, what will be the position of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His Krsna consciousness movement?
- If God is everywhere, why His presence not felt by everybody?
- If he is not conscious, how can he do work for Him (Krsna)?
- If I create one moon, that is sufficient. I don't want many stars. My Guru Maharaja used to say like that. That was my Guru Maharaja's principle, and that is my principle
- If I go to serve any office, I am not going to serve that particular person, proprietor of the office, but I require some money - therefore I am serving. So I am serving the money, not the person
- If it is possible for ordinary human being that he is sitting in one place, and still, things are going on by management of his energy, so why not Krsna, the Supreme Lord? He is sitting in one place
- If one disciple is enlivened with Krsna consciousness, he can work as the moon. Otherwise so many foolish followers, what they'll do? Just like stars
- If one does not hear Krsna, then he must be grouped in these categories: duskrtina, mudha, naradhama, mayayapahrta-jnana. What is the value of their so-called education if they cannot understand the simple truth, tatha dehantara-praptih - BG 2.13
- If one gets little prominence, other becomes envious. Society is so polluted. Matsarya. So we have to adjust
- If one gives up Krsna consciousness, even though he is born in a brahmana family or even though he has practiced brahmanism, still, on account of his not accepting KC, he is accepted as muci and if one is KC, then he is suci
- If one is giving very important service, then even there is some faulty thing, excuse. Service is so important. So in the Western countries the woman can give very good service
- If one is not Krsna conscious, all these rascaldom becomes charming. When one is Krsna conscious these things are not appeal
- If one wants to understand something about Bhagavad-gita, about the spiritual movement, he may consult me
- If our workers are feeling tired, then that means he's working materially. And if he's feeling enthused, more and more, that is his, he's working spiritually
- If someone is a sudra, how can you let him have his own money?
- If the government has got right to exact income tax from you, has not Krsna the right to exact income tax? He is supplying you so many things. Government, what government is supplying? Krsna is supplying you sunlight, moonlight, air and food
- If there is little doubt, he can submissively make question. Just like Arjuna made question to Krsna
- If they do not accept authority, why they become authority? Who will accept them? If everything is depending on mental speculation, then why they should be accepted as authority?
- If they wanted to, wouldn't Krsna have given them the opportunity (there may be many other Vaisnava acaryas or something in India, but they are not... By the fact that they are not preaching, it means they have not realized it)?
- If we be the parcels of God, then what about prarabdha? We are suffering from pain and pleasure...
- If we become sinful every moment, how we can become happy? It is not possible. If you want to become happy, you have to become pious. And the standard of piety is to become Krsna conscious, devotee of Krsna. That is the highest perfection of life
- If we decide that "Whatever Krsna has said, we have to do it at any risk," that is Krsna consciousness. "Krsna has said. My Guru Maharaja said. We have to do it"
- If we do not understand Govinda, govinda-carana-dvayam, then it is viphala. It is simply misused. The modern civilization, they do not know this. This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for educating people that "You are simply wasting your time"
- If we have little faith that we require awakening of spiritual consciousness, we should not sleep under the spell of this material consciousness . . . a little faith will help us
- If we want to realize God, it is very simple; there is no difficulty. But unfortunately we do not want. That is our disease
- If we want to stop this miserable condition of getting another material body, then we must know what is karma, what is vikarma. That is Krsna's proposal
- If we want to understand Krsna, then we have to follow. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- If we want to understand Krsna, we have to follow these mahajana. Just like Brahma. Brahma is the original
- If you actually become a devotee and develop the consciousness of love for Krsna, then God will be appreciated, God will be seen
- If you adulterate nonsensically like a rascal, then you cannot become a spiritual master. If you simply follow what Krsna has spoken, then you become spiritual master. Very simple thing. It doesn't require education
- If you are defective, if you have got so many defects in your life, how you can become teacher? You are a cheater
- If you are in the disciplic succession of the servitude, servant of the servant of the servant, evam parampara-praptam, then you become representative
- If you are serious devotee, if you are in love with Krsna, if you are engaged in His worshiping, in chanting. If you simply follow these four principles, simply thinking of Krsna, simply, always. Simply meditate. This is meditation
- If you at all interested in the understanding of spiritual subject matter, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. Abhigacchet means must. It is not that if you like, you can go
- If you become fully Krsna conscious, there is nothing material. Your body's spiritual, your mind is spiritual, your soul is already spiritual - everything is spiritual
- If you become intelligent, then you will not be befooled. They can befool when there are many fools. If there is no fool they cannot befool
- If you can understand Krsna, the result is that you stop the repetition of birth and death, old age and disease. That is very good
- If you cannot attract people to some rasa, they'll not stay. Just like these Americans, foreigners, they have tasted little rasa in Krsna consciousness; therefore they are sticking. That we have to create. That is bhakti-rasa
- If you do not protest, and if you do not say anything... So such a big criticism from (indistinct), and they are silent. Why do they not go to the court? Bluff only
- If you have got one rupee, if you take one anna, then it is fifteen annas. Or if you take two annas, it is fourteen annas. If you take sixteen annas, it becomes zero. But Krsna is not like that. He can expand Himself unlimited forms
- If you have the qualities of a ksatriya and if you work as a ksatriya, then you are ksatriya. If you have the qualification of a mercantile man, businessman, and if you work as a businessman or cultivator, then you become vaisya. This is very scientific
- If you live like cats and dog, then where is promotion, where is Krsna, and where is Goloka? Everything is spoiled. Our only request is don't spoil your time, valuable time
- If you search out the genealogical table of this universe, especially of the human society, then you go on searching. I am begotten by my father; my father is begotten by his father, his father, his father, his father - you go on
- If you simply exact your senses, your nice brain, "Krsna is like this, Krsna is like that," but if you are not a devotee, Krsna will not reveal Himself
- If you simply understand Krsna, what is Krsna, then tyaktva deham, giving up this body, you'll not have to accept another material body. This is the statement of Bhagavad-gita
- If you stick to the principle of following the footsteps of previous predecessor, evam parampara-praptam, don't add anything, don't subtract anything, present as it is and keep your spiritual strength intact, then the preaching will go on
- If you take sword and kill the papis, then everybody will be finished. Of course, that will be done at the last stage of Kali-yuga. But here the Krsna consciousness movement is killing the papa-bija
- If you take the shelter of the plug which is connected with the powerhouse, you get immediately electricity. Similarly, if you take shelter of a person who is coming in the parampara system...
- If you want to remodel your life, the society, the human society, nationally or internationally - everything is spoken here, international - then you have to take to the advice of Krsna
- Illusion is forced. But affection is not forced. When father loves child, that is not forced; that is reality
- Immediately everything will be arranged, the history. That is Ayurvedic. He will not ask, "Give me the history." He'll study the history from the pulse. That is Ayurvedic
- In 1966 I started this movement after incorporation in New York under the state religious act, and I began to chant Hare Krsna mantra in a park in New York
- In Bhagavad-gita there is no such statement that you take care of the eyes of the people. There is no such statement. That is your manufactured. But we are preaching Bhagavad-gita as it is. That is the difference
- In future if they follow, they will also be delivered. This is wanted. We have made some plan. We are making. So this will be left. When we shall die this will be left. And anyone who will accept this parampara system will be promoted to Krsna
- In India such vast knowledge, it is kept for professional Bhagavata readers. How much harm they have done! Some professional Bhagavata readers, it is their property
- In one sense, all these boys and girls who are working for Krsna, they have no other desire. They are all sannyasis because they have no desire to achieve any result out of their work. The only thing they want: the krsna-bhakti
- In our genealogical table, in each family, there is a person who is the origin of the family - then his son, his son, his grandsons, great-grandson. In this way, family expands. Similarly, this creation is from Krsna
- In the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is described as asama urdhva prapitamaha ca. In the Eleventh Chapter, you'll find these words. Because Brahma is considered... He's called pitamaha, because the father of the father
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, there is a story... Not story. Fact. It is described there that one brahmana - he was a great devotee - he wanted to offer very brilliant service, arcana, in the temple worship. But he had no money
- In the Brahma-samhita it is said, vedesu durlabha. You go on studying all Vedic literature by your literary capacity or scholarship - durlabha. It is not possible. Vedesu durlabha
- In the Brahma-samhita, Brahma is describing means from the very creation. Brahma is the first creature of this universe. So he has explained about Krsna by his experience, by his realization
- In the Brahma-samhita, Lord Brahma is describing Krsna in each verse: govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. Govindam adi-purusam. He's the original person. Krsna also says, mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti, asti dhananjaya
- In the Catuh-sloki Bhagavata, aham eva asam agre: "I was present before the creation"
- In the history of India there is no woman leader
- In the history there was not a single devotee of Krsna before my going. Now there are thousands. Why? The secret is that I am presenting as it is
- In the human society the preacher is Krsna's most dear servant. What is the reason for that, Srila Prabhupada?
- In the spiritual world the only enjoyer is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All others are enjoyed
- In the Vedanta-sutra, Krsna is described, janmady asya yatah: the Supreme Person from whom everything has emanated. So that Krsna has confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita, aham adir hi devanam
- In this human life we require to develop jnana and vairagya. So if we dovetail our activities for Krsna's service, that is yukta vairagya
- In truth, not superficially, if you understand Krsna, then tyaktva deham punar janma naiti (BG 4.9): after giving up this body, you'll not have to accept another material body. That is samsiddhim paramam gatah. That is highest perfection of life
- In your Bombay there are so many persons, they are explaining Bhagavad-gita for so many years, but they could not turn even a single person a pure devotee of Krsna. This is our challenge
- In your introduction to the Bhagavad-gita you refer to Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianism and other religious faiths as sectarian designations, but isn't Krsna consciousness just another kind of designation in order not to call it Krsna-ism, another ism?
- Increase. That will depend on your character, behavior, preaching. Everyone knows. Everyone is astonished. Without any help, I started. Only asset was sincere... Everyone knows it. Otherwise how it is possible?
- Instead of thinking some beautiful woman or beautiful man, if you think of Krsna, the most beautiful person, then it is yoga system, so simple
- Is interpretation necessary or not?
- Is it right to tell the suffering that "I am busy, at work for my salvation"?
- Is it so, that in Srimad-Bhagavata it is also written, many really great men want to be here in Kali-yuga, because it is easier to be for salvation?
- Is it, just to satisfy their own ego that they (interpreters of bhagavad Gita who mislead people) are doing in this way?
- Is that (brahmana) good or bad?
- Is there some verse in the Bhagavatam which states that the Bhagavatam reciter must be a very qualified person?
- Is there special significance during this period (Kumbha Mela)?
- Is worshiping the idol a stepping stone?
- Isn't Brahman the source of the light?
- Isn't there something more fundamental than that (actually understand Bhagavad-gita and distribute the knowledge. That is our aim)?
- Isvara is different from Brahman?
- Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is situated in everyone's heart. He is supervising what kind of yantra, or machine, this living entity requires for fulfilling his desires
- It does not mean that one who is taking care of dressing the Deity, he is higher than the man who is washing the dishes. No. They are not karma. By washing dishes he is executing devotional service, and by dressing the Deity he is also
- It is a false theory that the soul has no form or God has no form. God has form and the soul has form: these are the Vedic information. Every one of us, we have got form, but the form is so small & minute that we cannot see with these gross material eyes
- It is explained in the Tenth Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita). You know, all, Krsna as param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan. Arjuna is addressing Krsna as person, bhavan. This bhavan sabda, this word is used, "person"
- It is individual. If this movement cannot be taken massively, every individual can practice it
- It is not a fact that there is no living entity. Accepting they reached the moon planet, they might have gone to the part where it is desert or barren land, because in each and every planet there is such possibility
- It is not a fashion, that one has to accept anyone as guru. No. A person requires a guru when he is inquisitive, when he is very much eager to understand the spiritual
- It is not idol worship, nonsensical. It is worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead personally. But one has to learn the art and the science about it. Therefore we are opening all over the world different centers
- It is not that this Krsna consciousness movement is a sentimental movement. It is based on fully scientific basis. But people do not understand the science. They are simply allured by the experimental science. The experimental science is very limited
- It is possible to attain that affection of love for God... without taking part in this Krsna consciousness movement?
- It is what? Sarva-dharman parityajya?
- It may be like that. No. There is no question of "maybe" Exact knowledge. Exact knowledge. That is called Vedic knowledge
- It seems like you are giving more stress to science in recent years than previously
- Just as you have given an example of krodha by Lord Hanuman in burning Lanka, are there any such instances where lobha could also be personified Lord Krsna's desire?
- Just like if you have become criminal and you are arrested by the state. Suppose you are millionaires. Your money will save you? No. That will not save
- Just like in hospital there are blankets. It is written there, "Hospital Property." So long you are in the hospital, you can use it. But you cannot take it outside. Then you are criminal
- Just like tomorrow is Sri Rama-navami. The tapasya will be that all the devotees will observe fasting from morning till evening. This is called tapasya
- Karma-kandiya, they are interested next life in the heavenly planet or higher standard of life. So that is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita. If you associate with the modes of goodness, then you are promoted to the higher planetary system
- Kaviraja Gosvami, who has written this immortal Caitanya-caritamrta, he is presenting himself: "I am lower than the worms in the stool" Just see. He is not hypocrite. He is feeling like that: "Oh, what is my value?"
- Knowledge means knowledge of yourself. When you are actually in knowledge, then you will surrender to Krsna
- Kovida means intelligent, very intelligent person. So what should he try for? Tasyaiva hetoh: to get shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna. Human life should only endeavor how to get in touch of the lotus feet of Krsna. That should be the only one business
- Krsna consciousness is not like that, sentiment. Everything scientific, practical, for the good of the whole human society
- Krsna consciousness is the original consciousness. Now it is polluted. Just like originally when the rain falls, it is pure distilled water. And as soon as touches the ground, it become polluted
- Krsna consciousness means not to remain in the dark consciousness. Tamasi ma jyotir gama. That is the Vedic instruction, "Don't remain in the darkness." And what is that darkness? The darkness is bodily concept of life
- Krsna consciousness movement is at least trying to give the people what is the aim of life, how he can be happy, how he can regain his eternal position of blissful life. These are the things. And they are authorized
- Krsna consciousness movement is gradually developing up to the stage of raga-bhakti or para-bhakti. Then life is successful. In that way we should not be disturbed by these ethereal interactions
- Krsna consciousness movement is little difficult for ordinary persons who are interested with the material gross and subtle elements. For them it is little difficult
- Krsna consciousness movement is meant for this purpose, that "You have already attachment for sound. Now just transfer this attachment for spiritual sound. Then your life will be successful"
- Krsna consciousness movement is to reform everything. Even if there is such desire it should be checked. And that can be checked if one is strictly Krsna conscious. Otherwise not possible
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying to save them from going back to become cats and dogs. Instead of going back there, they are trying to send him back to God. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna consciousness movement means everyone wants to become friend of everyone
- Krsna consciousness movement means how to become dear to Krsna: "How Krsna will love me"
- Krsna consciousness movement means they are creating a society of swans, not of crows
- Krsna did not come to establish the so-called Hindu religion or Muslim religion or Christian religion. No. He came to establish real religion. Real religion means we have to submit, surrender to the real person
- Krsna does not force; Krsna desires, He orders, that "You do this." Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). But He does not interfere with the little independence. That is Krsna's mercy
- Krsna does not say that "I am for the Hindu living entities or the Indian living entities." Where it is in Bhagavad-gita? Why the foolish men take it that Krsna Hindu, Krsna Indian? Krsna says that "I am friend of all living entities"
- Krsna has explained the material elements: bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh kham mano buddhir eva ca (BG 7.4). But these material elements cannot work independently
- Krsna is not exposed to these foolish and rascals. Krsna is never exposed. Naham prakasah sarvasya. He's not so cheap thing that He'll be understood by these fools and rascals. It is not possible
- Krsna is ready to talk with you. He has come. He has descended in arca-murti to talk with you, to be visible by you. Now you make yourself ready and fit to talk with you; then He will exchange conversation. This is possible. This is a qualification
- Krsna is the adi-purusa. In... Arjuna also confirms. After understanding Bhagavad-gita, Arjuna also confirms: param brahma param dhama, pavitram paramam bhavan, purusam sasvatam adyam. Adyam: the original person
- Krsna is the original person. Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. It is not that some artist has manufactured a fashionable Krsna, and we worship that. No. Krsna's the original person
- Krsna is the proprietor. Krsna is the proprietor of everything. He is the owner. We are simply occupier
- Krsna is the reservoir of all rasas. Rasa is a very peculiar word. Rasa may be translated into English as taste, as mellow, or as humor. So our relationship with Krsna, there is some taste. Without taste, we cannot continue our relationship with anyone
- Krsna knows. He has imitated Krsna's plan. Krsna has made so many birds. So you cannot make any other size
- Krsna says to Arjuna, "This science of God, Bhagavad-gita, krsna-tattva..." Caitanya Mahaprabhu said: yei krsna-tattva vetta sei guru hay. Guru does not become. Guru is not so cheap thing. One must know what is krsna-tattva
- Krsna the absolute person has got immense potencies, so these potencies are also emanating from Krsna
- Krsna understands everything, that who is worshiping Him with love and affection and who is worshiping Him for some material gain. Krsna is nobody's servant
- Krsna-bhajana is not so easy. But if you voluntarily, if after hearing so many qualities of Krsna, transcendental qualities, if you somehow or other become attracted to Krsna consciousness, then your life is successful
- Lalita says that "I know Swamiji is very exalted. I am simply afraid... He has so many American disciples. If some of them do something wrong, then that will be very bad thing for him." Lalita was telling me like that. But what can I do?
- Leadership is already there - Krsna. Just like Arjuna is learning from Krsna. So if you learn from Krsna you become perfect leader. But we do not take Krsna's instruction. We manufacture our own ideas. That is failure
- Let the movement go forward more and more. Now you have got nice places, filled with devotees. Don't be anxious for me. That, Krsna will take. And even if I go, where is the harm? Old man
- Let them do whatever nonsense they are doing. Let them chant and take prasada. We don't mind what they are doing. That is later on. When I was chanting in Tompkinson Park I never asked them that "Don't come here. You are drinking"
- Like any other revealed scripture, the Bible's teachings are absolute, but are they to be understood literally or symbolically, and are they applicable for all men?
- Living entity is eternal servant of Krsna. When he, instead of becoming servant of Krsna, wants to imitate Krsna, to enjoy
- Lord Brahma is describing about Krsna. There are some foolish question that "Krsna appeared five thousand years ago. How He became God?" Actually that is not the fact
- Lord Siva is Lord Siva. He is very powerful demigod. He can give. He has got the power. But in spite of being favored by Lord Siva, in spite of his (Ravana) becoming the great devotee of Lord Siva, why he is described as raksasa? That is the point
- Love is actually on the spiritual platform. Material love is simply superficial, and it will cheat you. We must know this
- Mahajano yena gatah so panthah. Then you accept the mahajana. Mahajana means following the parampara system. According to Vedic system, there are twelve mahajanas. Svayambhur naradah sambhuh kumarah kapilo manuh, janako bhismah and vaiyasakir vayam
- Mahatma means who is pure devotee of the Lord. Sadhu means who is a devotee - not these street beggars. Sadhu. Sadhur eva sa mantavyah samyag vyavasito hi.... Who are they? Sadhur eva sa mantavyah
- Majority wants to be godless. So government is following that. Therefore they are against our movement
- Make a very perfect institution
- Many Muhammadans, they are taking to Krsna consciousness. Therefore it is to be understood that Krsna consciousness, or love for Krsna, is existing in everyone's heart. It is simply to be awakened
- Many obstacles we are facing. Never mind. Still, we are coming out, gradually. Kuntidevi said, "Krsna, all those dangerous days may come again, so that I can always remember You. Now... When we were in dangerous days You were always with us"
- Material life means enjoyment. Enjoyment is not real enjoyment. Real enjoyment is spiritual enjoyment. Spiritual enjoyment, that is with Krsna. That is not in the material world
- Material life means everyone is trying to become victorious in the struggle of existence without God consciousness. That is our material disease
- Material nature, prakrti, is enjoyable. Prakrti means enjoyable. And purusa, purusa means enjoyer
- May I know the distinction between Krsna consciousness and supramental consciousness described by Sri Aurobindo?
- Modern education, they do not know even what is soul, what is this body, how the transmigration of the soul taking place. All blunt. There is no educational institution all over the world to understand this science
- Modern medical science, they see that the energy is coming from the heart, and as soon as the heart stops to work, it is said that the body is dead. So here also the same thing is confirmed
- Mrgari the hunter
- Muci means cobbler, dealing with skin. "I am this skin." "I am white skin," "I am black skin," "I am American skin," "I am Indian skin" - this understanding means muci. And muci is skin expert. "This is cow skin. This is goat skin. That is lamb skin"
- My disciples have sacrificed their life for me. But you have got regard for me, but you cannot sacrifice your life for me
- My Guru Maharaja gave me hint that book publication is more pleasing to me than Matha-mandira. So I took it and I began to publish books and that has come successful
- My Guru Maharaja is servant of Krsna, his guru, his guru is servant of Krsna, his guru is servant of Krsna. I am also servant of Krsna, but I have to approach through the other servants, not directly. That is not possible
- My Guru Maharaja never asked anybody to become acarya
- My Guru Maharaja purchased two camels. I do not know what happened, but he purchased
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that for one who is not engaged in devotional service, reading all the books is simply like licking the outside of the honey jar
- My Guru Maharaja wanted to publish Govinda-lilamrta. He asked permission of Bhaktivinoda Thakura. "Yes you can print one copy"
- My Guru Maharaja would become very angry. He asked them, "Are you commercial-hired fools? No! Supply free!" He used to say like that
- My Guru Maharaja's Guru Maharaja, he was illiterate, Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja. He could not sign even his name. But my Guru Maharaja was the best scholar of his time. He accepted him as guru
- My Guru Maharaja, he had magazines in six languages: English, Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, and one Bengali daily
- My next question is, I don't think God is opposed to sex
- My only anxiety is that don't be extravagant; otherwise you take money and spend it
- My only credit is that I do not want to mix any rascaldom with this pure Bhagavad-gita teaching
- My only request is that all the leaders of the society, they should come forward, study this movement and take to it. That will be beneficial
- My only request is: the leaders of India should now come forward and join this movement and take this advantage of doing good to the whole world, para-upakara
- My order means Bhagavad-gita. We don't say anything extra. That is our principle. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that "You become guru"
- My point is: by serving the Supreme Lord, one gives the best service to the family, because if one becomes a Vaisnava, pure Vaisnava, the whole family, up to fourteen generations, they become liberated
- My request is that the inhabitants of Bombay, especially those who are our members, they will kindly take active part, how to make this institution very successful in Bombay
- My request, especially to the Indians, that do not neglect your culture, the Vedic culture. Vedic culture means Krsna consciousness. There is no other different meaning of Vedic culture
- My spiritual master inaugurated this Pancaratriki-vidhi, and we are following his footsteps. Anyone who is inclined to devote his life for Krsna, he should be accepted as brahmana
- Nagas come from Assam, no?
- No pure devotee will desire for any material benefit by worshiping Krsna or chanting His holy name. That is also considered as one of the offenses of ten kinds of offense
- No, if we people go there at Kumbha Mela time, is it good?
- No, why do we at all enter into this circle (of changing bodies)?
- Nobody is giving credit to Krsna, who is floating millions and trillions of stars and planets in the air. So by taking Krsna's stock, the petroleum or gas, we become scientist and fly the aeroplane, and Krsna has given the petrol, and He has no credit
- Nobody knows Krsna. They may speculate by their so-called scholarship, ABCD knowledge, but Krsna, Krsna is not there. They cannot turn even a single man to become a Krsna devotee. That is not possible. They can be fool
- None of them were advised by Guru Maharaja to become acarya. His idea was "Let them manage; then whoever will be actual qualified for becoming acarya, they will elect. Why I should enforce upon them?" That was his plan
- Not by birth. Guna-karma. Just like you are ksatriya, but because you have acquired the qualification of medical man and you are working as a medical man, therefore you are medical man. Nobody asked you, "You are a ksatriya or you are a brahmana?"
- Not only guru. Anyone who is spiritually advanced, he has no more material body
- Nothing beyond Me (Krsna)
- Now they are becoming civilized. Advanced. Therefore I made this Trust: fifty percent, fifty percent
- Now they give so much importance to the person who is able to transplant kidney from one body to the other, but how about the whole human being or the universe which has been created by God?
- Now, I can pass away at any moment, but I am confident that my disciples, who are mostly Europeans and Americans, they will continue this movement, and I wish there will be considerable change on the face of the globe
- Nowadays the education is how to make friendship with others' wife and how to take away others' money by tricks. This is not education
- One can study Krsna by studying His personal propensities. Just like the characteristic of the father is manifested in the characteristic of the son, or the son's characteristic is manifested in the father
- One cannot become guru unless he knows krsna-tattva. Not ordinary man
- One cannot talk of Krsna unless he is krsna-gata-pranah. Just like your loveable objects, you cannot forget even for a moment, similarly, one who has developed real love for Krsna
- One day it will come there will be no water. That you expect, because you are not paying any tax. You are thinking, "Water is coming, my father's property." But you are not father's son at the present moment. You are maya's son
- One gosvami, he has taken very much objection to this writing, and he is making propaganda against me like anything. There was arrangement of reception. He stopped it
- One may feel very inconvenient to discharge devotional service according to the rules and regulation of the sastra. But when he is advanced, the same service will appear to be very palatable, very relishable
- One moon is sufficient. So this KC movement, it is not required that everyone will be follower. That is not possible, because it is very difficult. But still, if one follower, sincere follower is there, it will go on. It will go on. Nobody can stop it
- One of the conditions is illicit sex... What exactly do you mean?
- One who comes to the senses, that "This is simply struggle. Life after life, there is no enjoyment," then he can become a devotee of Krsna. So that requires knowledge, association of sadhu, devotee. That is being explained by Kapiladeva
- One who has heard, given aural reception nicely, he is perfect knowledge. Therefore our Vedas are known as sruti. You have to learn it by hearing, not by studying
- One who is actually interested for spiritual life, he should inquire about a guru. Not as a fashion, that "I may... Let me keep one guru and..." No
- One who is constantly engaged in Krsna's service, to him He gives intelligence, not to the rascals. Krsna is there, but - even in the heart of the pig or dog - but He does not give any instruction to the pig and dog
- One who is not devotee, he is described as a pasuh, as an animal. And such animal is eulogized, glorified, by another animal. What are they? Now, dogs, camels, asses and hogs
- Originally, we are servant of God. So that is our nature, to take shelter
- Our aim is amrtatva, how to become immortal. That is our aim of life. So we have to achieve that goal of life. We should not be disturbed with this temporary distress and pleasure
- Our book distribution is the most important task in our society. Therefore I am giving so much stress and I am working so hard on this. Because this is my life and soul according to the order of my Guru Maharaja
- Our business is how to become recognized by Krsna
- Our business is to surrender. That is a fact. But we do not know where to surrender. That is the difficulty. And because the surrender is mistaken or misplaced, therefore the whole world is chaotic condition
- Our business is to understand Krsna tattvatah, in truth, not superficially. Then our life is successful
- Our duty is to know Krsna. Janma karma. Krsna comes, Krsna appears, Krsna disappears. Why Krsna comes? Why Krsna is not seen? Janma karma. Why He acts? Why He takes birth in the battlefield of Kuruksetra? Why He teaches Arjuna?
- Our fight is with the ignorance of the people, because at the present moment people are kept in ignorance, in foolishness, that he is this body, bodily identification
- Our Godbrothers. They are envious. What I have done to them? I am doing my business, trying to serve my Guru Maharaja. But they are envious because I am so opulent. I have got so much fame, so many influence, so much influence all over the world
- Our Guru Maharaja, so strict... A little discrepancy, he would chastise like anything. But we liked it very much
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is for this purpose, that simply we are trying to educate people how to give up the control of the material energy, and under the control... Not to control the material energy; that we cannot do, that is not possible
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is specially meant for talking about Krsna, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- Our miserable conditions are caused by our thinking that "I am the proprietor. I am the owner. I am the enjoyer." One becomes to owner, proprietor, because he wants to enjoy. So this is our disease. Actually, we are servant of Krsna
- Our mission is to invite people to take advantage of learning Vedic literature, chandamsi
- Our only duty is to carry out the order of the Supreme. Other things is already done by Him. So if we abide by the orders of the Supreme, then we get the credit. We should know that
- Our only request is that "Take Krsna as the original father, original father"
- Our only request is that if you want happiness, if you want to prosper, make your life successful, you must read Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, as it is, as Krsna says. Don't try to misinterpret
- Our only request is that India should not be misled by imitating the Western type of civilization
- Our policy is not bhoga-tyaga. Our policy is satisfaction of Krsna. That is pure bhakti
- Our process is very easy. We have to see whether my Guru Maharaja, his Guru Maharaja has followed this. Then there will be no more doubt
- Our request is that every one of you become a guru. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's order
- Our system, parampara system, is that I am just like disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. I don't say that I am liberated. I am conditioned. But because I am following the instruction of Bhaktisiddhanta, I'm liberated
- Overflood the demons' godless civilization (by distributing books). Our declaration of war against this godless civilization
- Param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan, purusam. He's not imperson. Purusam. Purusam means person. Not female also. Purusam means male. Purusam sasvatam. Sasvatam, original; adyam, the first
- Parantapa means
- People accept them (the rebirth cases in medical bulletins)?
- People are very much proud of their knowledge. But Krsna says that knowledge means ksetra-ksetrajnayor jnanam. Knowledge means to know the field and the actual proprietor of the field
- People do not believe that Krsna is a historical person, at the same time, He's the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Perfect Krsna consciousness means
- Personally one can understand how much he is advanced in spiritual life. Spiritual life does not mean that a sannyasi is smoking and drinking tea, one gallon of tea. That is not spiritual life
- Practically, if I remained at Radha-Damodara temple becoming a paramahamsa, then how this institution would have come into existence? That is a fact
- Preaching is our only business, preaching. Whatever we do, it is aimed at preaching
- Print books as many as possible and distribute. This is our main program. All other programs secondary. So with this aim in view, work all together. Our Caitanya-caritamrta is unique literature
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami showed how to live in Radha-kunda
- Real love begins when you try to give God. Everyone is trying to take from God, "Oh father, give us our daily bread." This is not pure devotee. This is good because he has approached God, but this is not devotion
- Real problem is how to stop death, how to stop birth, how to stop old age, and how to stop disease. That is real problem. That can be done when you are liberated from this material world. This is our problem
- Rupa Gosvami was given lesson for ten days continually at Allahabad, Prayaga, Dasasvamedha-ghata. As a result of his instruction, he first wrote this Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, which we have translated into English, Nectar of Devotion
- Sadhu-sanga, of course, is very important. Getting to take a dip in Ganges at that, during this period, has that got any particular significance apart from sadhu-sanga?
- Saguna means
- Sankarsana is expansion of Narayana. Narayana is expansion of another Sankarsana, and that Sankarsana is expansion of Baladeva. And Baladeva is expansion of Krsna. You'll find in the sastras
- Sarva-dvarani samyamya. Just like these boys, they do not go to see cinema, they do not go to restaurant. This is sarva-dvarani samyamya. You see? They do not go to anywhere except in the temple. They do not talk anything nonsense, except Krsna
- Sastra says even if you have got material desires, even if you are not suddha bhakta. What to speak of suddha bhakta , even if you are an enemy of Krsna , somehow or other go to Krsna
- Shah Jahan
- She (one old woman) began to call God, "God, help me." And God came, "What you want?" "Kindly help me to get this bundle on my head." (laughter) Just see. God came to giving benediction, and she wanted to "Give this bundle again on my head"
- Siddhi means to understand the spiritual identification and work for it. That is called siddhi. So the attempt for such thing is called mukti: to get rid of the material entanglement. So bhukti-mukti-siddhi. There are three stages
- Simply by devotional service one becomes purified, even he is born in the family of the dog-eaters. That is the Vedic version
- Simply if he thinks of Krsna always in the process as described here, he becomes liberated
- Simply preaching, glorifying, or speaking about the Lord, that is also kirtana. And performing kirtana as we do here in the temple, with mrdanga and karatala, chanting, that is also kirtana
- Simply they'll think that "If I keep long hairs, I'll be very beautiful" This psychological study is there. And five thousand years before, prediction. How much authoritative the book is, just imagine. Is it not fact?
- Since Bhagavad-gita is being presented as it is, within four years there are hundreds and thousands of Krsna-bhaktas. That is our point, that you present the thing as it is, without any adulteration
- Since we have presented this dharma, to serve Krsna, it is working very wonderfully. We have got branches all over the world
- So bhakti-marga is not very difficult. Very easy. Any child can do it. Any child, if he sees the form of Lord Krsna in the temple, he remembers, and he continues to think of Krsna
- So by looking at Him (Krsna) you are trying to rouse the interests of the people, or curiosity?
- So many obstacles. But we do not care for these obstacles. We must push on. This is our determination. Therefore it is called tivrena bhakti-yogena (SB 3.25.44). Tivrena. There may be so many obstacles, but you must push on your movement
- So many temples. I have given my program how to manage it. Now you see. That is my anxiety, that there may not be any discrepancies or slackness. Am I right or wrong?
- So much training we are giving; still, there is falldown
- So our Krsna consciousness movement is based on this principle. We do not request anyone to become a sannyasi or give up home and go to Himalaya and practice hatha-yoga. No. Our principle is that in whatever condition you are, you remain there
- So that Pondicherry was Aurobindo's idea? What was the motive?
- So they (my disciples) are taking risk for Krsna. That is great service. Krsnarthe 'khila cestah. That is one of the valuable service - for Krsna's sake, all kinds of dangerous position
- So they're (the ants) better than us?
- So we are all Brahman; simply we have to understand it. It is not that we are abrahman; by some practice we become Brahman. No. Just like gold is gold, but if it is covered with some dirt, the dirt can be removed and the gold is gold
- So we say that the soul is in the heart. So how can we convince the other doctors, for example, of the presence of the soul within the body and especially within the heart?
- So we, of course, we are not so advanced, but we have got many examples of advanced devotees. Still there are in India. You will find in Vrndavana and other places. Actually, they have no means - simply depending
- So what could be more charitable than feeding?
- So yoga practice is approved process, but it requires long, long period, time, and the time is not at all suitable in this age. And persons are differently cultured. They are eating everything, they are drinking everything, smoking
- So-called independence means anatha. Anatha. What is the independence? At any time nature's law will come and kick it out
- Some of us are thinking that "I am American," some are thinking "We are Indian," some are thinking "German," or this or that - "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Christian," "I am white," "I am black." In so many ways our consciousness is polluted
- Some rascal advises that "There is no such thing, restriction, in the self realization. You can eat anything, you can do anything." People like that program. And as soon as there is restriction, they do not like
- Somehow or other if you can engage them in chanting and dancing, the whole world will be united. What the United Nations has failed, this movement can do - if it is not checked by the rascals
- Someone has said that (if they grow like this, in ten years the Hare Krishna will take the government)?
- Sometimes when, since we are not pure devotees, we have no other alternative than to beg Krsna for some material benefit. That is also good. They have said, catur-vidha bhajante mam sukrtinah, they're pious
- Spiritually, even if you still go in the interior of village, poor man, living in a cottage, he is taking bath three times and doing his professional work, a cultivator, having little food, and chanting Hare Krsna. They are happy actually
- Sreya means ultimate good. If you act in such a way that ultimately you actually become happy, that is called sreya. And if you want immediately some happiness - never mind what it will be in future - that is called preya
- Sridhara Maharaja belonged to the Bagh Bazaar party. And I was living aloof. My Guru Maharaja approved. He said, "It is better that he is aloof from them"
- Srila Prabhupada, in Mayapur we see so many pilgrims coming from Assam, Nagaland and Manipur. They're having this Vaisnava tilaka, Gaudiya-Vaisnava tilaka, and they also worship Caitanya Mahaprabhu. How is that influence also there?
- Srila Prabhupada? I was thinking to, if I had some free time, that I could work on writing some essay about nationalism
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the original explanation of Vedanta-sutra
- Stick to our principle, and see our GBC is very alert. Then everything will go on, even I am not present. Do that. That is my request
- Story of Narada Muni and the cobbler
- Swamiji, I get two thoughts. Number one: having acquired a family, I am willing to renounce, but would I not be running away from the responsibility, in the name of Lord Krsna, for the bringing up and educating the children?
- Swamiji, I wanted to know the importance of Kumbha Mela
- Swamiji, they read a lot that Bhagavata says that our body is a temple for the soul, and the soul is a temple for the spirit. Would you kindly enlighten us on this point?
- Tapasya means restricted life, not unrestricted life. So if we do not follow the restricted life, that means I shall continue my disease or increase my disease
- Temple we have to construct. But for that construction, temple, they will pay. But for residential and other buildings and maintenance we have to arrange. That's not a bad proposal. It is very nice proposal. They are giving us land, giving us a temple
- That doesn't mean that your disciples should think also, "I will remain aloof just as our Prabhupada..."?
- That is called tatastha. The water is one side, land is one side, and in the beach, between the water and the land, there is a marginal potency, or marginal place
- That is my open secret. Print books, and distribute, and spend half in whichever life you do and half, again print books
- That is our concern: how the world is misdirected. That we are challenging, this Krsna consciousness. It is not that "East," "West," "you," "I." Everyone is a victim. Bhagavata says, prayena kalau asmin yuge janah: "In this age everyone is condemned"
- That is the first qualification of the demons. They do not know what is right doing and what is wrong doing
- That professor, who has said, that "This Bhaktivedanta's book is not dry speculation. Order all the books made by him." So this Krsna consciousness is not dry speculation
- That was found by Lord Caitanya, Prabhupada? The Brahma-samhita?
- That was the first and last of playing in dramatic drama in my life
- That word "mess," by that word he (Bhaktisiddhanta) meant eating, messing, eating?
- The argument is sometimes put forward that not everyone will be able to embrace Krsna consciousness fully. Therefore it may be better for them to accept some portion, like vegetarianism or hatha-yoga...
- The Brahman realization means stopping the activities of the body. But the activities of the mind is going on, or they do not know; it is not perfect knowledge
- The center is open to give chance people to hear about Krsna, to chant about Krsna, to see Krsna, to take prasadam of Krsna. So we request, take advantage of these facilities and be fully Krsna conscious and make your life successful
- The conditioned soul has become so dull and rascal, he does not take seriously that "Why I am dying?" Therefore they have made their own theory, that there is no life after death, everything finished after death
- The devotional service begins with the tongue. It is also another astonishment. Service with the tongue. Service with the tongue means if you chant this Hare Krsna mantra, that requires tongue. And if you simply take krsna-prasada, that requires tongue
- The difference between material life and spiritual life. When one works for his own sense gratification, that is material life. And when works for Krsna's satisfaction, that is spiritual life
- The difference between the life of the fish and my life
- The father of Brahma is also there: Garbhodakasayi Visnu. The Garbhodakasayi Visnu is expansion of Karanodakasayi Visnu, the original Visnu, and Karanodakasayi Visnu is expansion of Sankarsana
- The fools and rascals, they try to comment on the Bhagavad-gita by their ABCD scholarship. That is not possible. It is sabda-brahman. It will be revealed to the person who has devotion to Krsna. Yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve
- The government doesn't want further development of Vrndavana. They are neglecting the city in such a way that no gentleman will go there. The old city is so... Formerly, it was planned that "So many pilgrims come here. It should be nicely developed"
- The heart is the stock of so many dirty things. Dirty things means this experience of this material world
- The human form of life must be systematized, not live like animals. So therefore if in the human society there is no this systematic division of persons. The aim is one. It is not that because one is in the lower division, he does not get the benefit
- The industries, they are mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita as ugra-karma. Ugra-karma means ferocious activities
- The Krsna consciousness movement is the only challenge to this devilish life of the human society. So I request everyone to study this philosophy very carefully and take advantage of it
- The living entities are not actually enjoyer. They are suffering. They are becoming entangled because by this enjoying spirit we are developing different types of mentality, and at the time of death, according to that mentality, I get the next body
- The logic of the frog in the well
- The Lord has got senses. He is also a living being like us. But less intelligent class, they cannot understand. They think that something must be opposite. No. The Vedic information is nityo nityanam: "The Absolute Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- The lowest stage is the karmis. Karmis means those who are working very hard for sense gratification. They are called karmis. And the next stage is the jnani. Wiser than the karmis, they try to realize the value of life, what is the value of life
- The material position is one wants to become religious, dharma. Why? Now, he can get material opulence. Oh, why material opulences? Now, because he can gratify his senses, kama. And when he is frustrated, then he wants moksa
- The material world is shadow reflection of the spiritual world. Unless the original thing is there in the spiritual world, it cannot be reflected in the material world
- The modern contraceptive method is to destroy the favorable condition for the living entity: it is not allowed
- The more you become Krsna conscious, the more Krsna becomes revealed to you
- The mother said, "My dear son, we are so poor, we cannot give anything. But if Krsna gives, He is dina-bandhu, the friend of the poor. So if He gives something to you, you can promise"
- The name is power, and to utter name...?
- The nondevotee do not recognize that "It is Krsna's prasadam; by mercy of Krsna I have got it." That is nondevotee. And a devotee recognizes. This is the distinction between devotee and nondevotee
- The only process for keeping yourself aloof from the touch of maya is bhakti. Is bhakti. That is the conclusion of all sastras. Without taking to the process of bhakti, you cannot get out of the influence of maya
- The opportunity is offered. If you don't take, that is your misfortune. We are offering, "Every one of you can become safe, safely protected by the father, Krsna"
- The origin of everything, the cause of all causes, that is full of spiritual varieties
- The people approached him that "Mahatmaji, you have got influence over the Muslims. Why not stop cow-killing?" "Oh, I cannot touch on their religious principles." Just see. Cow-killing is religious. Their religious principle
- The people who are reading Krsna book very seriously, and tries to understand Krsna, he will understand. Krsna is very kind. As soon as he begins reading Krsna book with a little faith and adherence, Krsna will be very much pleased
- The prakrti cannot give birth to the varieties. That is wrong theory. That is wrong theory. The real variety begins when the prakrti is in touch with the purusa
- The principle should be silence. Then it will be all right. I will be free to work
- The process of hearing and then asking questions is the way to clarify our understanding, just like Krsna and Arjuna. So actually we must have some questions in our minds; otherwise we would all immediately surrender to Krsna
- The proper way of reclaiming all the fallen souls: by Krsna consciousness movement. Krsna says, mam hi partha vyapasritya. One has to be educated to take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna. Mam hi partha vyapasritya
- The psychologically whatever mental condition we prepare throughout this life, that means you are preparing next life, and in the Bhagavad-gita it is said, the situation of the mind at the time of death will carry you to the similar body
- The rabbit killed a big lion by intelligence
- The real platform of unity is Krsna consciousness. Our members, although they speak different languages from different countries, but still they are united
- The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things. It will not give relief
- The real purpose of this movement? To teach people how he can surrender to Krsna, that's all. That is the sum and substance of this movement. If one accepts this principle without any difficulty, he is immediately a preacher
- The real thing is, they do not retire on account of their strong sense of gratification. That is the reason, not that poverty-stricken. Even though poverty-stricken, still they want to enjoy
- The report is that within the three days of Christmas holidays, we have sold one lakh worth of books within three days. So our books are being very much welcome in the Western countries, especially the Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- The sense gratification is going on. But there is chaos because the point is missing. There is no activity for satisfying senses of Krsna
- The simple definition of God is that one who is in full six opulences, He's God. That has been analyzed by great saintly persons, including Lord Brahma, and it has been decided that the all the six opulences can be found in Krsna
- The smell is creation of God, or Krsna, punyo gandhah prthivyam ca. Therefore the smell should be used for Krsna's pleasure. This is bhakti, not for my pleasure. This is called tyaga. Tyaga means that actually it should be used for Krsna
- The sound is not only in the ether, but sound is on the air. The sound is in the fire, the sound is also in the water, and sound is also on the land. So the basic principle of santa-rasa is there
- The specific meaning of sruta means this knowledge has to be received through the ear, through the tongue. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. Sruta-grhitaya. It is never explained in the Vedic literature that the science of God can be understood by the eyes
- The spirit soul is person as much as God is also person. Imperson means the covering. Try to understand. The covering is impersonal, not the living being. He is covered. He is not imperson. He is person
- The spiritual master's mercy is described, mukham karoti vacalam. Mukham means dumb, one who cannot speak. He becomes a great lecturer or speaker
- The statement in the Caitanya-caritamrta: "Unless one is very, very extraordinarily intelligent, he cannot be a devotee of Krsna"
- The sun is described in the Brahma-samhita as the eyes for all the planets. Yac caksur esa, esa sakala-grahanam caksuh. The sun is the actual eyes for all the planets, because unless there is sunshine you cannot see
- The vaisyas must be engaged in producing foodgrains, but they are not interested. They are interested for opening factories for bolts and nuts and tires, Goodwheel tires, Goodyear tires. Now you eat tire and bolt nut. No, you cannot eat
- The Vedas are called hearing, sruti. One has to hear Vedas from the right person. That is the recommendation of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The whole Vedic civilization is based on this basic principle that to understand the Absolute Truth
- Their mission is, "What is this nonsense, spiritual understanding? Simply some sentiment, waste of time. Produce. Enjoy. Invent so many things for sense gratification" - Western civilization. And this is very attractive to the raksasa class
- Then the last question. Rama, how do you relate?
- Then why do they (the Vallabhas) imitate?
- Then you'll not be effective (if you rubber stamp). You can cheat, but it will not be effective. Just see our Gaudiya Matha. Everyone wanted to become guru, and a small temple and "guru." What kind of guru? No publication, no preaching
- There are different demigods controlling different parts of the body. So that means as soon as we get a body, we become indebted to the demigods
- There are many embodied souls, 8,400,000 of species of life. Out of that, this civilized form of life, especially those who are followers of Vedic regulations, they are called the Aryans or the advanced civilized persons
- There are so many literatures, books, are published nowadays. After one year, two years, three years - finished. Nobody cares for it. Nobody cares for it
- There are so many persons, they are trying to interpret Bhagavad-gita by their so-called scholarship, but nobody cares for them. They cannot turn even one person, a devotee of Krsna. This is a challenge
- There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."
- There is a story that a mouse approached a saintly person
- There is chance of uniting all these different parts of India by Krsna consciousness. You have to organize. At least you organize here, Manipur center, Burma and Bangladesh and Assam. It will be successful
- There is definition of Bhagavan. Not that any rascal advertises himself Bhagavan and he becomes Bhagavan. No. Parasara Muni, father of Vyasadeva, gave us what we mean by Bhagavan
- There is no difference between Bhagavad-gita and Bhagavan. Sabda-brahman. So Bhagavad-gita should not be taken as ordinary literature, that one can comment on it by so-called ABCD knowledge. No. That is not possible
- There is no more para-tattva, superior source, except Krsna. This Krsna consciousness movement is therefore..., we are trying to place before the civilized human society that the adi-purusa, the original Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There is no such strict principle, and we are constructing very nice palatial building with attached bathroom and everything complete. Still, people are not coming
- There is nothing material. Everything is spiritual, but we do not know how to use it. Therefore it is material. When you forget Krsna, when you forget the proprietorship of Kṛsna upon everything, that is material
- There is possibility because these young men, they are taking. So everywhere revolution takes place by young men. So if it is actually spreading like epidemic, and young men, they are taking part, so within ten years it is not impossible
- There is scarcity of anna - grains. That will increase more and more. It will so increase that now you are getting anna by paying high price, but time will come when even if you are prepared to pay price, there will be no more anna. That time is coming
- There was a newspaper article about a few weeks ago, and you had said that something could be written on this subject (nationalism). That's the only reason I... Is there any subject that would be good to write on?
- There was some trouble with your movement in America recently
- There would be Kali-yuga. Then there will be Satya-yuga after. Is it not so, predicted?
- These are the very prominent program for sense gratification. What is that? Vyavaya. Vyavaya means sex life. Amisa. Amisa means eating fish and meat. Amisa. And madya-seva, intoxication. This is the general tendency of anyone who is in the material world
- These devotees, they are not interested at all. The cinema is here, a few steps away, but you will never see a student or a disciple of Krsna consciousness will go to that nonsense place
- These European, American boys, they don't care for any criticism. They have given their so-called hats & coats & they are chanting. They are going on the street, chanting Hare Krsna mantra. Not only here - New York, London, Hamburg, Berlin
- These foolish people, they do not know. They think that by interpreting Bhagavad-gita by their so-called rascaldom knowledge, they can reveal Bhagavad-gita. That is not possible. Naham prakasah yogamaya-samavrtah
- These rascal so-called commentators, they want to avoid Krsna. Therefore this Krsna consciousness movement is a challenge to these rascals. It is a challenge that "You want to make Krsna without Krsna. This is nonsense
- These rascals, asuras, they do not know which is the goal of life. But in which way we should direct?
- These so-called, the so-called big, big leaders, big, big philosophers, and big, big scholars, they have accepted Krsna as ordinary human being
- They (girls from the city) want the cinema and all of the other things. They don't want to work hard. Farm life means to work hard. You have to get out and milk the cows, so many things. They don't want to do this
- They (Harijanas) have their unions. How can we approach the union and talk to the leaders?
- They (the babajis) say that (they don't care for. They say, "Bhagavad-gita is not for us")?
- They (these European and Americans) are pure devotees. They have no other business. They have sacrificed everything. They are coming from rich family, rich nation, educated, everything. There is no scarcity in their country
- They are becoming leaders. So what kind of leader? Andha yathandhair upaniyamanah. One blind man is leading several other blind men. So what will be the result? The result must be disaster. That is being done
- They are engaged in carrying out my order. There is no payment, no monetary benefit, because they have understood me, that he is representative of Krsna
- They are fixed up in Krsna. That is a fact. That is a fact. You cannot bribe them to take from this Krsna consciousness. That is not possible
- They are hearing daily about Krsna, but they cannot understand. It is very difficult
- They are searching after God. There are so many societies - theological society, theosophical society - they are searching after God. But here is God. Why don't you take reference from the Vedic literature?
- They are working on the mental platform. Therefore today they fix up, "This is the conclusion," and tomorrow, another conclusion, another conclusion, because it is mental platform
- They avoid that trap, they avoid association of women. But these women are not ordinary women. They are preachers. They are preachers. They are Vaisnava. By their association, one becomes a Vaisnava
- They become fanatic. Otherwise, why one should be fanatic? If one has got brain, one has got logic, how he should be fanatic? Fanatics means dull-headed rascal, that's all
- They do not know what is the importance of the varnasrama-dharma. They have broken it. They don't like. They want to say classless society
- They have so many people in boxes in the hospitals they are keeping alive. So the big battle is raging whether or not they should pull out the plug?
- They know how to earn money in America, and there is money also. Here in India even if I know how to earn money, there is no money. But America is not like that. You can earn money like anything
- They say that "Why you criticize others also?" Because we have to vanquish them. Now these people cannot rise. When there is sunrise, there is no use of these glowworms. So this Krsna consciousness movement is Krsna Himself
- They say that there is a tissue in the brain, they disturb with this religious idea. They say like that. And if that tissue is operated, then there will be no more religion
- They wanted to create artificially somebody acarya and everything failed. They did not consider even with common sense that if Guru Maharaja wanted to appoint somebody as acarya, why did he not say? He said so many things, and this point he missed?
- They're as good as animal. You cannot expect any good behavior from animals. This is going on. They want to keep the whole population animal
- Thirteen or twenty years (that you lived in Allahabad)?
- This artificial life is not actual life. We are perceiving. Suppose there have been no rain for one or two years. There is a time when for hundreds of years there will be no rain. You have to wait for that time. That time is coming at the end of Kali-yuga
- This Bhagavad-gita, now it is being explained as it is, and thousands and thousands of Europeans and Americans, whose forefathers or family never knew the name of Krsna, they are becoming devotees. This is the secret of success
- This brain taxation, if you engage in Krsna's service - how to spread Krsna consciousness, how to convince people about Krsna, how to take them to the Krsna's desire - in this way, if you go on making plan for spreading KC, then your mind is controlled
- This devotional service begins simply by hearing and chanting. We have got all these books. Anyone can take advantage of these books. Now it is translated into English. Of course, we are getting very, very good, encouraging reports from Western countries
- This devotional service is the pushing process. Pushing process. And as soon as the energy comes, then automatically: clak clak clak. No more pushing. Automatically. This pushing process is required
- This hari-nama avatara. Yes. Nama-rupe kali-kale krsna avatara. Krsna, in this age, He has descended in the form of Hare Krsna. Nama-rupe kali-kale krsna avatara. The name is already there. It is being propounded all over the world
- This human form of body is specially meant for that purpose. You can understand what you are, what is this material nature, what is God and how we are related, how things are going on. Everything is there, but we are so foolish that we do not take care
- This hypocrisy should be stopped. There have been so many fallen down. First of all there will be no sannyasi anymore. I have got very bad experience
- This Indian culture is being accepted all over the world. We have got fifty branches all over the world. Now we have come to establish some branches in India
- This is a teaching of Lord Caitanya, that to accept Krsna as ordinary man is also offense, and similarly to accept an ordinary man as Krsna, or God, that is also offense
- This is an institution to elevate people gradually
- This is bhakti definition. When one becomes freed from all designation. "I am American." This is designation. "I am Indian." This is designation. "I am brahmana." This is designation. "I am ksatriya." This is designation
- This is called adhibhautika, suffering imposed by other living entities - the mosquitoes, the bugs. Then enemies. Suffering
- This is called full faith, that "Krsna has said that if I am in devotional service, I will never be lost. Krsna will give me protection"
- This is gopi. It doesn't matter the whole world is going to hell, but if Krsna is satisfied, a devotee's prepared to do that. That is, that is called uttama bhakti
- This is special concession to the Kali-yuga, that there are so many faults in this age, but if one sticks to this principle of kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet, he becomes liberated and go back to home, back to Godhead
- This is the duty of all responsible Indians, how to make his life perfect, utilizing Vedic knowledge, and then distribute it throughout the whole world
- This is the modern civilization. They do not know what is the goal of life. And without knowing the goal of life, they are trying to adjust things on this material platform
- This is the position of the human society, not only in India but in other parts of the continent, world. They are gradually losing the interest in God consciousness. This is not very good sign. So our this present movement is to invoke the dormant KC
- This is the purpose of Krsna consciousness movement: wholesale, thorough, overhauling of the human society. We have not manufactured anything, concocted things. It is very scientific
- This is very instructive struggle between the atheist and the theist. This story of Prahlada Maharaja is eternally true. There is always a struggle between the atheist and the theist
- This is what you have tried to do. Why is it necessary to concentrate on this name, "Krsna"?
- This is when Maharaja Yudhisthira was retiring, or before?
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating that the varieties of service should be concentrated for the satisfaction of Krsna. That is pravrtti
- This Krsna consciousness movement is expanding by their help. I am alone, but they are helping me. They are my gurus. I am not their guru, because they are helping me in executing my Guru Maharaja's order
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for giving education to the people of this sankhya-yoga system or bhakti-yoga system, because it is the recommended process by authorities
- This Krsna consciousness movement is to educate people how to live in spiritual atmosphere, and then there will be peace and prosperity
- This Krsna consciousness movement, they are appreciating. So all the charity should come here. Then it is properly utilized. Because we do not use a single paisa for anything of sense gratification
- This life is meant for not to live extravagantly without any responsibility like cats and dogs. We should be very responsible. Austerity. Little austerity. In the Kali-yuga you cannot undergo severe austerity
- This material body is simply outward covering of the spiritual body by physical atmosphere, but real body is within
- This material world is a gigantic body only. Whole cosmic manifestation has a date of its creation. It is expanding and giving so many by-products. Then time will come which is called devastation - there will be no more rain, and everything will dry up
- This movement is to create sadhus. You have to cooperate. This incarnation of Krsna, Krsna and nama, Krsna's name, is the same: "There is no difference between Krsna's name and Krsna." Krsna has already come by this Krsna consciousness movement
- This sex, this illicit sex, how is killing him. Illicit sex is so dangerous. He's a good boy. Similarly, Gaurasundara is killed by this illicit sex. Everyone will be killed with the illicit sex. That is the difficulty - falldown. What can I do?
- This should be strictly outlawed, no more sannyasis. And those sannyasis who have fallen, you get them married, live like a... No more this showbottle, cheating. It is very ludicrous
- This Srimad-Bhagavatam is not ordinary type of religious system, because from this Bhagavatam, kaitava, cheating type of religion, is completely swept away, kicked out, thrown away
- Those who are advanced, they want higher philosophical thoughts. That is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Those who are devotees of the Lord, they are called Vaisnava or devata, and those who are not devotees of Visnu may be devotees of other demigods, but they are called the demons, or the asuras. There are many instances in the sastra
- Those who are more advanced, they will get their next birth in a pious brahmana family, very pure brahmana family or Vaisnava family
- Those who are not enthusiastic, lazy, lethargetic, they cannot advance in spiritual life
- Tilaka is our position. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's stricture. He would not see one face if there is no tilaka. He used to say it is cremation ground. Yes, without tilaka. Pasanta mukha. Tilaka must be there
- To become successful in this human form of life. The success of human form of life is to understand this thing: our relationship with God
- To practically follow Jesus Christ for a sincere searcher of the truth who does not recognize and accept the external manifestations of the Krsna consciousness movement, is it possible to attain love of God?
- To save the general people from atheism, there is recommendation for worshiping different types of demigods
- To understand the Absolute Truth, there are four recognized sampradayas: the Brahma-sampradaya, the Rudra-sampradaya, the Kumara-sampradaya, and the Sri-sampradaya
- Today is a special day, the disappearance day of my Guru Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami. So these acaryas, they come and they go, that is not like ordinary birth and death
- Today is very auspicious day. With great difficulty we have got now sanction. Now please cooperate with this attempt as far as possible
- Too much attachment for woman is not good. Or too much attachment for anything in this material world, that is doomed
- Two chapters more will finish Ninth Canto...If people actually taking like that, then there will be a revolution in Western country
- Ultimately, if you have so much patience to make research, you can get from the sastras, you can get. So the original father of this universe is Lord Brahma; therefore he is addressed as Pitamaha
- Unfortunately, people are so foolish at the present moment that they do not believe even in the next life. Mudha. What to speak of understanding God and Krsna, they have no even the basic principle of spiritual knowledge
- Unless mother is good, the son cannot be good. Our Mahamsa, he is coming from Parsi family. So in the beginning his mother came to fight with me - not fighting - but now she is very happy
- Unless one is siddha, there is no question of understanding Krsna
- Unless you are free from the material desires, you cannot enjoy what is the celestial or spiritual bliss in chanting the Hare Krsna mantra. If one has got material desires, he cannot enjoy
- Unless you develop your devotional attitude, you cannot see God. Therefore those who are not devotees, they cannot see God. It is not possible
- Utsaha, endeavor. "In this life I must fulfill my mission of Krsna consciousness." That is called utsaha. Dhairya. Don't be agitated because it is not giving result immediately. Just patiently go on working
- Utsahan. This kind of utsaha required. Utsaha means enthusiasm. Utsahan dhairyat. So do it enthusiastically... It is a new peaceful revolution throughout the whole world
- Variety means each and every thing is a personal, individual being. That is variety
- Vedanta knowledge is not to be discussed on the table as a recreation, taking tea and smoking and discussing on Vedanta-sutra. This kind of discussion will not help. There must be detachment from material activities
- Vedic literatures are called revealed. It is not that I can understand by your ABCD knowledge; I can purchase one Bhagavad-gita, and because I have grammatical knowledge, I can understand. No. Vedesu durlabha
- Very risky life if we do not awaken our divya-jnana. We should always remember this. Very risky life -- once again thrown into the waves of birth and death
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains, "My only concern is to see whether I am factually, faithfully carrying out the order of my guru"
- Vrndavana inhabitants, they are always anxious how to save the cows. Always. They are connected with cows
- Vrndavana means that Krsna is the center. He is the lovable object of everyone
- We accept atheist, one who does not believe in the Vedas. Therefore we have rejected the Buddha philosophy. They could not exist in India. But those who are preaching atheism through Vedas, impersonal, they are more dangerous
- We appreciate Communism as it stands now or socialism, what they call it?
- We are actually to be predominated by Krsna, but we are trying to be predominator. That is our fault. Don't try to be predominator. Try to be predominated by Krsna and you will be happy
- We are also negotiating to go to Russia also. There is chance of going to China also. We are attempting. We have already sent two boys to Pakistan - one in Dacca and one in Karachi
- We are attached to this material world. But when we are united, man and woman together, our attachment for this material world becomes increased. Material world means "I am this body, and in relationship with this body everything is mine"
- We are doing the same thing. When we go to God we ask Him, "Kindly give me the bundle on my head. My family become may happy. I may have a large amount of money to enjoy material things." We ask that. That is our foolishness
- We are enjoying with this body means we are enjoying the sense gratification. My eyes, to see something very beautiful. so God has given us these eyes. See nicely. To your heart's content. I want to touch something soft. Krsna has given us
- We are eternal, but we have been under the clutches of birth and death. This is the influence of time. Not that time is changing, but the influence of time is changing
- We are falsely claiming that we are owner of the body. We are not owner of the body. I cannot therefore repair anything
- We are going to door to door, country to country, continent to continent, city to city, village to village, "Please become Krsna conscious." We are teaching them how you can be happy, how you can be a man of knowledge. That is our business
- We are human beings, we should know what Krsna says. Krsna says, evam parampara praptam imam rajarsayo viduh. The parampara, whether he's speaking parampara or he's speaking whimsically. That much sense we must have
- We are imperfect. Whatever I may be, you may be, but if I am subjected to birth, death, old age and disease, then I am imperfect. Therefore the perfectional..., perfection of life is when you haven't got to take birth or die or become diseased and old
- We are in very good, prestigious position. That is sure. Don't spoil it. So much hard labor. I started with very humble condition. Now it has come to this, such exalted position. You don't spoil it. That is my request
- We are Krsna's sons, we are all sons of Krsna, He is very much anxious to see us happy. Just like father wants to see his sons, bewildered sons, to see that he is happy
- We are part and parcel of Krsna; therefore it is our constitutional position to live with Krsna
- We are preaching Krsna consciousness amongst the people who are interested in material subject matter. But we are not associating with them. We are associating with Krsna, because we don't talk anything except Krsna
- We are printing all these books for understanding properly. Not that "Here is Radha-kunda. Let us go." Jump over like monkey. "Here is rasa-lila"
- We are printing Krishna literature almost in all languages of Europe, in English language, in Spanish language, in French language, in Swedish language, in Dutch and German language, and then Italian, we are publishing, and it is being sold like hotcakes
- We are rendering service. Either you are rendering service in office, or to your family, or to your cat, or to your dog, or to your government, or to your society - you must be giving some service. There is no escape
- We are restricting, that "Don't work hard like hog and dog or animals. Just satisfy your minimal necessities of life, save time and advance in spiritual understanding." This is our mission
- We are superior to animals by superior intelligence. Just like a human child. His father is superior than the child because the father has got superior intelligence, not that the child has no soul
- We are surrendering, but we are not surrendering to Krsna. This is the disease. This is the disease. And Krsna consciousness movement means to cure this disease
- We are trying our humble way to give this knowledge to the world. That is Krsna consciousness movement. And our request to everyone is that "You try to understand the philosophy and cooperate"
- We are very much grateful to you that you are kindly trying to cooperate with this movement and hear about Krsna
- We asked this question, bhoga-tyaga, to our Guru Maharaja
- We cannot cheat Krsna. Krsna can immediately understand how much serious and sincere you are for understanding Krsna or approaching Him or going back to home, back to Godhead
- We challenge the scientists, and I have produced this scientist to challenge them. But I was never a scientist. That book is actually revolutionary amongst the scientists. Scientific Basis, you have read that?
- We do not belong to this material creation, but we have come here. Just like one does not belong to the prisonhouse, but by his own action he comes to the prisonhouse. He becomes criminal, and therefore he is put into the prisonhouse. By his own activity
- We do not know what is Visnu and how to satisfy Him, what is the meaning of yajna. All forgotten. That is not Vedic civilization. Vedic civilization begins by performing yajna for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord Visnu
- We do not make cheap disciples. Our condition is first of all you must give up these things: illicit sex and meat-eating and intoxication, up to the drinking of tea and cigarette. You have to give up. And gambling
- We do not want to become alone guru, but we want to preach in such a way that every, the chief man, or any man, he can become guru in his surroundings
- We don't bother whether one is converted or not in Krsna consciousness. Our duty is to flatter, That's all. "My dear sir, please come here, see Krsna's Deity, offer namaskara, take prasada, and go home."
- We don't give initiation immediately
- We falsely think that we are independent, but we are not independent. We are completely under the clutches of maya
- We find it, description, in the Samhitas, in the Vedas, in the Rg Veda: om tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah. And the explanation of Vedanta-sutra, Srimad-Bhagavatam, there it is explained: janmady asya yatah
- We follow the sastras and we teach others to follow sastras
- We get very much happy when our Guru Maharaja chastises us
- We have got everything in India, and to become God conscious, to establish the Lord's kingdom, not at all difficult. But we manufacture our own ideas. But we want that rama-rajya, but without Rama. How rama-rajya will be there?
- We have got good shelter all over the world. We have got income. You stick to our principles. Even if I die suddenly, you'll be able to manage. That's all. That I want. Manage nicely and let the movement go forward. Don't go backward. Be careful
- We have got in our institution specified duties for each and every member, and they are doing, and if they take it seriously, every one of them, that it is the order and duty. "My Guru Maharaja has specified this duty upon me. So it is my duty"
- We have got so many subjects, positive. Read our books and present it in a different way
- We have got very good scheme so that people from the world will come to see the Vedic idea of planetary system. This is the ambition. So you kindly help us
- We have got very much attachment toward doing business, for earning money and become very happy. So Krsna says, "Yes, you can do business. There is no harm. But you give Me the result"
- We have no eyes to see. So we cannot see even the soul, minute soul, and how we can see God in these blunt eyes?
- We have to become conservative, follow the rules. Not that we give liberty, that "Whatever you like, you do, and at the same time you make progress, spiritual life." That is not possible
- We have to invoke our love for Krsna. Then our loving propensities will be actually satisfied. Otherwise we'll be frustrated
- We haven't got to manufacture. And as soon as you manufacture, fall down. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayah... This manufacturing idea is very, very dangerous in spiritual life. Whatever little success is there for me, I did not manufacture any idea
- We immediately take it, that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. We are not going to search out who is the Supreme. Because we are hearing from the Supreme, Krsna, then our business is finished
- We require hundreds and thousands of gurus. But not cheaters
- We saved twenty-five copies of that Times of India article about the court case in New York. Is there something you want done with those twenty-five articles?
- We shall elevate them to go back to home, back to Godhead. Whatever he may be. Simply by denying that "I am not sudra," that will not help. But they must be elevated to the standard of brahmana. That we will talk later on
- We shall not take any education from the university?
- We should learn how to do good to the people in general. They have forgotten their relationship with God. You should be sympathetic for them. That they're suffering on account of their forgetfulness of God, let us do some service
- We should never say that politics is not our field. Why not? Krsna took part. Krsna instructs everything
- We should not discuss the rasa-lila generally. Because unless one is advanced in spiritual consciousness and Krsna consciousness, they should not try to understand what is rasa-lila. It is very confidential. It is meant for the liberated souls
- We shouldn't kill them. What about if they're biting you, right in the process of biting you?
- We understand Krsna by analytical study, how His divine power is working throughout the whole universe, within the atom, within myself, within the movable, immovable, everywhere, antaryami
- We're sticking to Krsna consciousness movement on the basis of Bhagavad-gita. And a little farther advanced, by reading Srimad-Bhagavatam. These are krsna-katha
- Well, if the Vallabhas say that they only like Krsna before He was contaminated, so what is the specialty of Krsna? Everyone is uncontaminated in a young age
- Well, these are not the subject matter for serious thought? Do you think? You are under the grip of the laws of material nature. Do you admit or not?
- Western boys and girls, how they became attracted with Krsna consciousness unless it is natural?
- What about nationalism here in India?
- What about reincarnation, Srila Prabhupada? What about transmigration of the soul? 'Cause we were thinking to do that for a next film, because it seems like a very natural thing
- What about this svarupa-siddhi?
- What does that do to his relationship with his own spiritual master?
- What exactly do you mean? Outside marriage, you mean (don't you see, illicit sex, what havoc it has done?)?
- What if someone (amongst the unclean, smoking and drinking potential guests) is willing to follow the regulations?
- What is a simple solution to understand soul? I would like to understand soul in a simplified form
- What is that process (analytical process), Srila Prabhupada?
- What is the actual meaning of the sacrifice of the cross, Jesus dying on the cross?
- What is the difference between a pure Christian, or at least a sincere one, and a sincere devotee of Krsna?
- What is the implication of this cheating? What are the ramifications, the results?
- What is the importance of health in life, and how does Guruji advise people to maintain health, and how does it connect to your mission?
- What is the meaning of good children?
- What is the meaning of that (capale babale)?
- What is the meaning of that (machine changes)?
- What is the meaning of that (Yesam anta gatam papam jananam punya-karmanam, te dvandva-moha-nirmukta)?
- What is the meaning of the giving up of the fruition of action?
- What is the means by which we know what Gita says to us, Swamiji?
- What is the most important thing in life?
- What is the need for any babaji to get sterilized, anyway?
- What is this end of the world?
- What is this life, working so hard day and night, no, and discovering so many things, and as soon as the water supply is stopped, everything stops? The electricity will stopped, the electric train will stop, the lift will stop, the light will stop
- What kind of guru? No publication, no preaching, simply bring some foodstuff. My Guru Maharaja used to say, "Joint mess," a place for eating and sleeping
- What's the difference between grace and mercy?
- What's the meaning of surrender and how one should do it?
- Whatever big, big activities are there - education, charity, tapasya... Why these things are required? What is the meaning of becoming advanced in such things?
- Whatever little I have taught you, follow that, and nobody will be aggrieved. No maya will touch you. Now Krsna has given us, and there will be no scarcity of money. You print book and sell
- Whatever little success is in our movement, the cause is I have not tried to cheat. Honestly, what I knew, I heard it from Guru Maharaja and scripture, I took it. There was no cheating
- When chanting, you chant the name of Rama as well as Krsna. I do not see any photograph of Rama here. What is the thinking?
- When has this all begun, this fish-eating in Bengal? This was always going on?
- When I began this movement, I never said that "Only such and such persons will be admitted"
- When I first went to U.S.A., the theory was "God is dead." But when I began to speak, they realized, "No, God is not dead. God is with Swamiji"
- When I take this Bhagavad-gita book, I see one picture, that Krsna is so kind that He has taken the chariot driver, sarathi, of Arjuna. He is His devotee. So Sri Krsna is so kind that He can accept the position of a servant because Arjuna was ordering
- When I was a child my father gave me one red gun, and then I was not more than eight years. Then, after getting one, I said, "I must have another one"
- When I was lecturing in Berkeley University, one Indian student asked me, "Swamiji, what this Hare Krsna movement will benefit? We require technology"
- When Krsna disappeared from rasa, what they (the gopis) did?
- When one is after sense gratification, he is mad, he becomes mad. these are the adjectives. These are the description. Indriya, the senses, are just like snakes. As the snake, as soon as it bites, immediately there is death
- When Swamiji says, "The Supreme Personality says," where is the doubt and where is the questioning also?
- When the creation was there, Brahma was the only person, living entity, in the beginning. So the question may be that "How Brahma learned Vedic knowledge?" That is explained: tene brahma...
- When the fruit comes, should we give it up?
- When the fruit comes, we cannot distinguish whether it is ripened one or the wrong one. How to distinguish?
- When They are pleased by your seva, then They will reveal. Don't try to jump over to understand Radha-Krsna
- When you begin your service in Krsna consciousness, that is perfect service. That is perfect life. So the Krsna consciousness movement is trying to raise the human society to the perfect platform of rendering service
- When you concentrate in that study with bhava, then you can understand Krsna, how He is working, how He is the original source of everything. That requires little brain
- When you will be devotee, lover of God, then, by that ointment, your eyes will be cleared and you will be seeing God. Now, here is God, Krsna. Here is God. Why the people in Bombay, those who are challenging, "Can you show me God?" they do not come here?
- Whenever there is sun, there is sunlight, immediately. Where there is light, immediately there is illumination. Just like a drop of poison. You just take a drop of poison as soon as it touches the tongue immediately it expands all over the whole body.
- Whenever there was question of Jesus, I never disrespected Jesus. Never criticized him, because I know that he is powerful representative of God. We took it from Guru Maharaja
- Where do they do this (tantrika-yoga)?
- Where is the mention of that ten thousand years?
- Wherefrom the citric acid chemical comes? Because the living entity's there in the tree. Therefore the conclusion should be the chemicals come from life; life does not come from chemical
- Which book would you like to have translated into Russian?
- Who can know? Yo janati tattvatah, to whom Krsna reveals, he can know. He can know what is Krsna, and as soon as you have done this business you have understood Krsna, then tyaktva deham punar janma naiti
- Who is mahajana? Mahajana. In India, a mahajana is accepted who can give you loan, money. He's called mahajana. Not that, that all. It is, it is a perverted word. But mahajana means a, one who is pure devotee of the Lord
- Who knows it? Ask big, big leaders, big, big scholars of Bhagavad-gita. They are concerned with this body. Nobody is interested with the active principle within the body. So what do they know about Bhagavad-gita?
- Why did we left Sri Krsna and came to this world? What was the cause?
- Why this false dress? What is the wrong to become grhastha? I was grhastha, paka caliber grhastha
- Why this Gaudiya Matha failed? Because they tried to become more than guru. He, before passing away, he gave all direction and never said that "This man should be the next acarya"
- Why you should eat animals? That is uncivilized life. When there is no food, when they are aborigines, they may eat animals, because they do not know how to grow food. But when the human society becomes civilized, he can grow so many nice foods
- Within this material world, everything is nonpermanent, temporary. Anything you take, it has got its creation, it stays for some time, it produces some by-products, then it grows, and then it dwindles, and then it vanishes
- Without milk you cannot develop the finer tissues of your brain, and without developing the finer tissues of brain it is not possible to understand what is God
- Without your help I could not do anything. So you are very much kind. Kindly continue your cooperation
- Women should be taken care of - as daughter, as wife, as mother. Bas. No freedom. Then prostitution. Then spoiled the whole thing. Unwanted children, contraceptive, abortion. Very dangerous
- Women, it is only possible in our Vaisnava bhakti-yoga - women and men can be given equal right. There is no other system
- Yes, we want voluntarily to become slave -- of Krsna. We are, at the present moment, we are slave of the senses
- Yes. That if you want to eat meat and chicken, then you first of all sacrifice before their deity. So at least they'll be restricted from eating meat purchased from slaughterhouse
- Yogo nastah parantapa. As soon as we deviate from the original system, it is nasta, spoiled. So what is the use of giving things which is already spoiled? But it cannot be spoiled if you follow the parampara system. This is the secret of success
- You are taking this pledge for serving (as a sannyasi) in front of Krsna, Vaisnava, guru and fire. So you shall be very much cautious not to forget your duty
- You become guru, but you must be qualified first of all. Then you become... What is the use of producing some rascal guru?
- You can enter into the spiritual world by taking shelter of sound. That sound vibration is Hare Krsna maha-mantra. If you chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, by chanting this transcendental, eternal sound, you can approach
- You do not know what is life's position, but we shall. Life is different. Without life, this matter has no value. This room is well decorated, well furnished. Why? Yayedam dharyate jagat. Because the life is there
- You do not require to change your position. Even if you require to remain as a Christian or as a Muhammadan or a Hindu or a Jewish or Buddhist, it doesn't matter. Please try to see whether by your activities God is satisfied
- You don't sleep. Never Krsna said to Arjuna that "I am your friend. I am God. You sleep here. (laughter) I'll do everything." No! "You must fight." That is wanted. Yuddhyasva mam anusmara "You fight and remember Me. Then I'll do everything"
- You have come here with a little faith. That increasing of that faith is advancement of Krsna consciousness. That is required. Adau sraddha. First of all little faith, "Let us see"
- You have performed a miracle. God, Krsna, has performed miracle through you. It's just very amazing, greatest miracle on earth. I just feel so strongly about it
- You have to take as it is, in toto, and you have to understand. That is understanding of Bhagavad-gita. If you take something to your choice, that is useless, useless waste of time
- You may have some particular type of religious system which you are following. It doesn't matter
- You must know the science of Krsna consciousness. That makes you guru, not this dress
- You require a leader; we require a leader. That is wanted. Without leader we cannot go. But if you select a bad leader, blind leader, then you remain blind
- You'll get all this, nice position, nice wife, nice power, famous... All this material, not spiritual. So to worship any other demigod than Krsna is materialism. That is not spiritualism