Pradyumna: Translation: "Some yogīs perfectly worship the demigods by offering different sacrifices to them, and some of them offer sacrifices in the fire of the Supreme Brahman."
Prabhupāda: There are different types of yajña, sacrifices, and the person who offers sacrifices, he is called yogī. Daivam evāpare yajñaṁ yoginaḥ paryupāsate. Yajñam and yoginaḥ. Generally, the Vedas are divided into three types of yajña: karma-kāṇḍa, jñāna-kāṇḍa and upāsanā-kāṇḍa. Generally, the yajñas are performed for satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But one who hasn't got the chance of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they offer different types of yajña for satisfying the demigods.
Here it is said, daivam: "in the matter of satisfying the different demigods." In the śāstra it is recommended . . . after all, performance of yajña means to get the necessities of life. In the śāstra it is recommended that, "If you want this type of benefit, then you offer yajña or try to satisfy this kind of demigod." There is a list in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, "If you want education, you worship this demigod; if you want very beautiful wife, then you worship this goddess; if you want good health, then you worship this demigod, if you want victory . . ." So many ways. And we have got different types of demands. So . . . but that is recommended in the śāstra, in the Vedas, because gradually, one has to be taken to the transcendental position. To worship a type of demigod for certain type of benefit, at least it indicates that you can get the benefit from higher authorities. Indirectly the higher authority is accepted. Or otherwise we become atheist.
To save the general people from atheism, there is recommendation for worshiping different types of demigods. Generally, they are recommended, five: the sun-god, the Gaṇeśa, the Viṣṇu, Lord Śiva and Durgā, and . . . the sun-god I have already said. Five, pañcopāsanam. Five - the sun-god, the Gaṇeśa, and the Durgā-devī, then Lord Śiva, and then Viṣṇu. This is also gradual evolutionary. People in the most lowest stage of humanity, they are struck with wonder by the power. As soon as there is some electricity, they feel some power.