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Pages in category "Atheist"
The following 525 pages are in this category, out of 525 total.
- Atheistic attitude
- Lord Buddha appeared for the purpose of bewildering the demons or atheists
- Lord Buddha came to cheat the atheists
- Stubborn atheist
- The atheist may declare like that, "There is no God," but he will see God as death
- The devotee realizes the presence of God by devotional service, whereas the atheist realizes the presence of God in the shape of death
- A devotee should have compassion for persons who are innocent, who are neither atheistic nor very much advanced in spiritual realization
- A foolish person who says that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the same as the living entity is an atheist, and he becomes subject to punishment by the superintendent of death, Yamaraja
- A king should also be strict in chastising the atheists. In other words, an atheistic or godless government should never be supported by a king or governmental chief. That is the test of good government
- A nondevotee or atheist also cultivates God consciousness - by trying to avoid God in everything. For example, so-called scientists who want to create life by a combination of chemicals regard the external, material elements as supreme
- A son is indebted to his parents in so many ways, and it is the duty of the son to serve his parents, however great the son may be. Indirectly, Krsna wanted to teach the atheists who do not accept the supreme fatherhood of God
- A strong devotee of the Lord will not be misled by such atheistic propaganda of the nondevotees, but a neophyte devotee should be very cautious about them
- According to atheists, if one makes nice plans and works very hard for economic development, automatically the result of economic development will come
- According to atheists, sense gratification also does not depend on the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for if one earns enough money by any process, one will have sufficient opportunity for sense gratification
- According to Bhagavad-gita this atheistic conclusion (that this material world is for the enjoyment of the living entities and that the living entities are the causes (Purusas), controllers and enjoyers of the material energy) is false. BG 1972 purports
- According to Bhagavad-gita this atheistic conclusion is false. In the verse under discussion it is stated that Krsna is the original cause of the material manifestation
- According to Bhagavad-gita, because the leaders of society are bereft of all factual knowledge due to their atheistic way of life, they are actually sinful rascals and are the lowest among men
- According to Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 7.5.30), they (atheists) are simply progressing to the darkest region of material existence. Adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram
- According to the atheistic point of view, Lord Krsna's family, the Yadu dynasty, was vanquished due to being cursed by the brahmanas for the sins committed by Krsna in killing the sons of Dhrtarastra, etc
- According to the Bhagavad-gita (2.42, 7.15), mistaken mundane educators are known as veda-vada-rata and mayayapahrta-jnana. They may also be atheistic demons, the lowest of men
- According to the Vedic system, one who does not abide by the orders of the Vedas is called a nastika, or atheist
- According to their (the atheistic Sankhya philosophers') conclusions, the source of the energy is also a product of the energy. Such philosophers wrongly observe that the living creatures within the cosmic manifestation are caused by the material energy
- According to them (atheistic, materialistic Sankhyaites), combinations of material elements are the causes of material happiness and distress, and disintegration of matter is the cause of freedom from all material pangs
- According to Vedic culture, the body is burned into ashes. So when the body is burned into ashes, who is coming again and paying him back? "Don't think about it. Everything is finished." This is the atheistic knowledge
- According to Vedic literatures, one who does not accept the spiritual form of the Supreme Lord is an atheist. Because Lord Buddha did not accept these Vedic principles, the Vedic teachers consider him to be an atheist
- After Lord Caitanya accepted the renounced order, all agnostics, critics, atheists and mental speculators became His students and followers
- After the Lord (Caitanya) accepted the sannyasa order of life, He delivered speculative students, atheists and those who are attached to fruitive activities and unnecessary criticism
- Akrura continued, "Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto You (krsna), who appear as Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who appear as Lord Buddha to bewilder the atheistic and demoniac"
- Akrura continued, "Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Your (Krsna's) Lordship, who appeared as Nrsimhadeva to deliver all kinds of devotees from the fearful condition of atheistic atrocities"
- Akrura continued, "My dear Lord Krsna, this time You have appeared in the home of Vasudeva as His son, with Your plenary expansion, Sri Balarama. Your mission is to kill all the atheistic royal families and destroy their huge military strength"
- Alas, the time has already come when the leaders, whom ordinary men regard as beacons, are themselves mostly atheists at the bottom of their hearts and are against the principles laid down by Godhead
- All their (materialistic so-called chemists and atheistic philosophers) so-called scientific knowledge is null and void because of their atheistic temperament. Thus they cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although Lord Nrsimhadeva appears as death for an atheist like Hiranyakasipu, He is always kind and is the reservoir of all pleasure for the devotees like Prahlada. A pure devotee is not, therefore, afraid of birth, death, old age and disease
- Although Prahlada was born in the family of Hiranyakasipu, an atheist, he was never attached to any kind of materialistic enjoyment
- Although the atheists who have deviated from the order of Sri Advaita Acarya introduce themselves as followers of Advaita Acarya, they do not accept Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Although they (the atheists) preach that everything is God, when they go to the temple and see the form of the Lord, they deny that He is God
- Although they are approaching God for material prosperity - "Give me this, give me that" - they are also considered pious because they approach God, unlike the atheists, who never approach Him
- Always there will be obstacles placed in our path by the demons and atheists, but if we can remain pure, nothing will be able to stop this great transcendental movement from spreading God consciousness all over the world
- An atheist may argue that God is no more expert than a watchmaker, but of course God is greater because He can create machines in duplicate male and female forms
- An atheist, or nastika, is one who does not believe in the Vedas
- Antara may mean - greed, greed to acquire more money or enjoy more sense gratification. Finally, the word antara may also mean - atheistic ideas, by which one considers the temple Deity to be made of stone, wood or gold. All of these are impediments
- Any asura, mayayapahrta-jnanah . . . he may be M.A., Ph.D., from academic career, but his real knowledge is taken away. Therefore he is atheist. Actual knowledge is to know God
- Anyone who does not accept the spiritual form of the Supreme Lord is counted among the atheists. Because Lord Buddha did not accept these Vedic principles, the Vedic teachers consider him an atheist
- Anyone who is atheist, nondevotee, he is a rascal number one. Bas. It doesn't matter what post he holds. Our conclusion is that he is a rascal number one. That's all
- Anyone who is in this material world, he is supposed to be atheist. Just like the government gets together all the criminals in the prison house, similarly, those who are disobedient to the laws of the Supreme Lord, they are sent into this material world
- Anyone who places the Lord and the demigods on the same level is called a pasandi, or atheist
- Apparently even demons can be elevated to positions as demigods when their atheistic character is reformed
- As a brahmana boy, I (Siva as Sankaracarya) manufacture this philosophy in the Age of Kali to mislead the atheists. Actually, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has His transcendental body, but I describe the Supreme as impersonal
- As an ideal acarya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu devised ways to capture all kinds of atheists and materialists
- As at sunset the snakes become powerful, thieves are encouraged, ghosts become active, the lotus becomes disfigured and the cakravaki laments, so with the disappearance of Lord Krsna, the atheists feel enlivened, and the devotees become sorry
- As far as the atheistic are concerned, it is not necessary for the Supreme Lord to appear as He is to destroy them, as He did with the demons Ravana and Kamsa. BG 1972 purports
- As mud is kneaded with water and earth, so the earthly bodies of the enemies of the Lord, or the atheists, are smashed by the club of the Lord, which becomes muddied with the blood of such demons
- As soon as they see the Lord in His different forms, the devotees become saturated with love, for they do not find any difference between the Lord and His form in the temple, as do the atheists
- As the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.8) confirms that the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees, saving the righteous and chastising the miscreants (paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam), always curb these nonsensical atheists
- As the lowest of the mankind is atheist, similarly, the highest of the mankind is Krsna conscious. So try to be the highest kind of mankind. The world is suffering for want of highest kind of mankind. And be an example
- Asuram bhavam asritah refers to those who are out and out atheists. Although there are no disadvantages to surrendering unto the Father, people who are thus characterized never do it. As a result, they are constantly punished by the agents of the Father
- Asuras always engage in atheistic material activities, exploring ways to utilize the resources of matter to enjoy sense gratification. The visnu-bhaktas, Krsna conscious devotees, are also active, but their objective is to satisfy the SP of Godhead
- At last, when the creation is preparing to wind up, there is first the principle of irreligion, then Lord Siva along with the atheists, full of anger. But all of them are but different manifestations of the Supreme Lord
- At once the atheist king shattered the pillar in front of him to pieces, and the Lord instantly appeared as Nrsimha, the half-man, half-lion incarnation, and killed the atheist king
- At the end (of creation) there is irreligion, and then Lord Siva and the atheists full of anger, etc. All of them are different representative manifestations of the energy of the supreme power, the Lord
- At the present moment, throughout the entire world, the atheists are extremely numerous. They are trying to prove that there is no God and that everything takes place due to combinations and permutations of material elements
- At the time of death, atheists' attempts to use their so-called scientific knowledge and philosophical speculation to deny the supremacy of the Lord cannot work
- Atheist class of men, in the beginning in their lifetime, they say, "What is God? We don't care for God." But when God comes as death they say, 'Yes, Sir, take me wherever You want." Finished. At that time you cannot say - No, no, I don't care for death
- Atheist means they don't believe in any transcendental nature. Even they do not believe in the existence of the soul. They simply concern themselves with this material body
- Atheist means who does not take the authority of the Vedas. From philosophical point of view, he is taken as atheist. But we Vaisnava, we know that he is God. He is God, incarnation of God
- Atheistic and demoniac cultivation of spiritual knowledge is always futile
- Atheistic and demoniac cultivation of spiritual knowledge is always futile. That is the indication of this verse (BG 9.12). BG 1972 purports
- Atheistic fools and rascals who are very much proud of wealth fail to see things as they are. Therefore, returning them to poverty is the proper ointment for their eyes so they may see things as they are - SB 10.10.13
- Atheistic kings or state executive heads, try to equip themselves with all kinds of deadly weapons to bring about a war in a peaceful society. They have no ambition other than personal aggrandizement, and thus mother earth feels overburdened
- Atheistic philosophies never agree with one another. Different species of life are evidence of varieties of mixtures of the modes of material nature
- Atheistic sankhya did not have any influence during that time; nor would Lord Krsna care to mention such godless philosophical speculations. BG 1972 purports
- Atheistic Sankhya philosophers like Kapila analyze the material elements very scrutinizingly and thereby come to the conclusion that material nature is the cause of everything
- Atheistic scholars and politicians cannot understand the transcendental vibration. They can only lick at the honey bottle. Fools and rascals eat and drink everything without restriction, thinking that they are doing so in the name of religion
- Atheistic theory, is aparaspara-sambhutam. It has taken by mechanical arrangement. Mechanical. . . Kim anyat kama-haitukam (BG 16.8). Kama. Just like kama - a man, a woman becomes lusty, and there is sex, and there is production. So they say like that
- Atheistic, challenging against the supreme authority, challenging the father. Now, without father, I could not see the light of this world. Then what is the use of challenging my father?
- Atheistic, materialistic Sankhyaites conclude that material nature is the cause of all causes
- Atheists and demons cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although He is situated within everyone. For them the Lord finally appears in the form of death, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - mrtyuh sarva-haras caham - BG 10.34
- Atheists are of the opinion that there is no need to accept the authority of the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be successful in religion, economic development, sense gratification or liberation
- Atheists are punishable, whereas devotees are to be protected. To maintain this principle is the mission of all avataras, or incarnations. One must therefore identify an incarnation by His activities, not by popular votes or mental concoctions
- Atheists are so much averse, sura-dvisat. They are envious. So to such person the madhyama-adhikari cannot preach because it is useless waste of time. If one is innocent but not envious we can preach there. That will be, I mean to say, fruitful
- Atheists cannot understand the purpose behind the creation. Although this material world is condemned when it is compared to the spiritual world, there is still some purpose behind it
- Atheists do not believe in the existence of the soul. Nonetheless, unless one is very cruel, why should one kill animals unnecessarily?
- Atheists do not believe in the injunctions of the Vedas. According to them, all the Vedic injunctions are simply theories that have no practical application in life
- Atheists generally follow the Bauddha philosophical conclusion that at death everything is finished. Hiranyakasipu, being an atheist, thought this way. Because Lord Visnu was not visible to him, he thought that the Lord was dead
- Atheists like King Vena, however, being unable to think of Krsna's form in any of these five ways, cannot attain salvation. Therefore, one must somehow think of Krsna, whether in a friendly way or inimically
- Atheists like Ravana and Hiranyakasipu had to undergo severe penances before they could flout the authority of the Lord, but ultimately they were so helpless that they could not save themselves when the Lord appeared before them as cruel death
- Atheists like Ravana or Hiranyakasipu had to undergo severe penances before they could flout the authority of the Lord. But ultimately, they were rendered helpless and could not save themselves
- Atheists may be very expert in mental speculation and may be so-called great philosophers, but they can be defeated by a Vaisnava firmly situated in his conviction and God consciousness
- Atheists try to conceal the hand of God, which is present in every creation, but they cannot explain how all these creations could come into existence without a competent intelligence and almighty power behind them
- Atheists try to interpret different meanings of the words dharma-ksetra and kuru-ksetra. Therefore Srila Jiva Gosvami has warned us not to depend on any kind of interpretation. It is better to take the verses as they are, without interpretation
- Atheists very vaguely explain that these varieties of existence occur simply by chance, but the theists who believe in the injunctions of the Vedas must reach all their conclusions under the direction of the Vedas
- Atheists want evidence for the resultant actions of past activities. Therefore they ask, "Where is the proof that I am suffering and enjoying the resultant actions of past karma?"
- Atheists will not believe in this spiritual method of producing grains (for performing sacrifices), but whether they believe or not, the fact remains that we are not independent to produce grain by mechanical means
- Atheists, agnostics and skeptics are beyond the sense of spiritual understanding. BG 1972 purports
- Attachment, greed and lust are three formidable forces that prevent one from concentrating upon the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. These forces act because the Supreme Lord does not like to be realized by nondevotees and atheists
- Authentic literatures, they give proof that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And by His wonderful activities we can understand that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But still, the atheistic rascal will not accept
- Bank gives you interest, you have to pay. But we cheat so many people. We are thinking that we are very clever: "I can cheat so many persons and take money and enjoy." That is atheistic
- Because atheists are not interested in God consciousness, they try to be happy by cultivating Krsna consciousness in various unfavorable ways
- Because atheists are Raksasas, they dare to do things that are most abominable, and thus they are punished without fail
- Because he does not accept the authority of the Vedas, Lord Buddha is depicted as an agnostic or atheist
- Because material energy (nature) is so powerful, it can resist the unauthorized plans of the atheists and baffle the knowledge of "planning commissions." BG 1972 purports
- Because of an atheistic mentality, some people think that the tortoise, boar and fish incarnations of the Lord are not very beautiful. They do not know that any form of the Lord is always the fully opulent Personality of Godhead
- Because of ignorance and misfortune, the atheists and the naradhamas, the lowest of men, do not surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because the atheist's brain is improperly utilized in opposing the plan of the Supreme Lord, the atheistic planmaker is called duskrtina, which indicates that his intelligence and efforts are misdirected. BG 1972 purports
- Being almighty and omnipotent, Krsna can change matter into spirit and spirit into matter. Therefore we should not think, as the atheists do, that we are worshiping idols. Even if it is an idol, it is still Krsna. That is the absolute nature of Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized, so far India is concerned, cent percent. Either they may be theist or atheist, that doesn't matter. Bhagavad-gita is accepted by all classes of men in India
- Bhismadeva's piercing of the body of Lord Krsna is a sort of bewildering problem for the nondevotee atheist, but those who are devotees, or liberated souls, are not bewildered
- Bhrgu Muni, in cursing Nandisvara, said that not only would they be degraded as atheists because of this curse, but they had already fallen to the standard of atheism because they had blasphemed the Vedas, which are the source of human civilization
- BST remarks in this connection (worshiping Krsna or Caitanya without worshiping the other) that atheist smartas, or worshipers of the five kinds of demigods, worship Lord Visnu for a little satisfaction in material success but have no respect for LCM
- Buddha appeared and spread the philosophy of nonviolence to keep the atheists from killing animals. Unless one is free from the sin of animal-killing, he cannot understand religion or God
- "By present some imaginary interpretations of Vedic literatures in order to divert people from the actual purpose of the Vedas you will attempt to make them atheists," the Lord said. "After that, they can produce more population"
- By their discoveries, by their materialistic activities, atheistic activities, they're simply disturbing. Simply disturbing. That's all
- Demons, or atheists, always disturb the demigods, or devotees, and therefore Krsna descends to punish the atheists and demons and fulfill the desire of His devotees
- Devotees who are determined to perform tapasya (penances and austerities) to realize the self, and who are determined to become advanced in spiritual consciousness, must give up the company of atheistic nondevotees
- Diti and Aditi are two sisters. The sons of Aditi are called Adityas, and the sons of Diti are called Daityas. All the Adityas are devotees of the Lord, and all the Daityas are atheistic. BG 1972 purports
- Empirical, atheistic philosophers like Kapila spent innumerable tedious hours researching the material phenomena of this cosmic creation. Yet it remained beyond the grasp of their limited intelligence
- Envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the atheist will present a number of illicit incarnations manufactured in the factory of his brain. BG 1972 purports
- Even at home - the father may be an atheist like Hiranyakasipu, and the son a theist like Prahlada. So atheists and theists will always exist - in the family, in the community, in the nation
- Even though he may be born in a family of dog-eaters, he is recognized by learned scholars. But although a person may be a learned scholar in Vedic knowledge, he is not recognized if he is an atheist
- Everyone in the material world is more or less an asura, an atheist. If one preaches, one has to learn to tolerate the asuras and speak in such a way that they can also become devotees
- Everyone is seeing God according to his capacity; the only difference is that the theist sees God as the Supreme Personality, the most beloved, Krsna, and the atheist sees the Absolute Truth as ultimate death
- Everything is enacted by the laws of nature, and these laws are under the direction of Godhead. The atheists, or unintelligent men, do not know this. They are busy making their own plans, and big nations are busy expanding their empires
- Everything is good. But still, people do not surrender. Why? These are the qualifications. What are the qualifications? He is impious, he is fool number one, he is lowest of the mankind, his knowledge has been plundered by illusion, and he is atheistic
- Following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the preachers engaged in the service of ISKCON should be very expert in putting forward strong arguments and defeating all types of atheists
- Foolish propaganda by atheists that temples were constructed only in later days is refuted here (in SB 3.1.23) because Vidura visited these temples at least five thousand years ago, & the temples of Visnu were in existence long before Vidura visited them
- For the atheist class, Lord Buddha preached atheism so that they would follow him and thus be tricked into devotional service to Lord Buddha, or Krsna
- For those who are sinful, atheistic, foolish and deceitful, it is very difficult to transcend the duality of desire and hate. BG 1972 purports
- From atheistic point of view, you see that "Why these people are bothering like this? They have taken a brass idol and wasting time after it?" They can say like that. Because they have no love for Krsna
- He (any asura) may be M.A., Ph.D., from academic career, but his real knowledge is taken away. Therefore he is atheist. Actual knowledge is to know God
- He (Caitanya) quoted a verse from Padma Purana which is found in the Vaisnava tantra (Hari-bhakti-vilasa 1.73): A person who compares the Supreme Lord even with the greatest of demigods like Brahma and Siva must be considered a number one atheist
- He (King Vena) was an atheist, who did not believe in the existence of God, and who consequently stopped all Vedic ritualistic ceremonies in his kingdom
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) did not ask any benediction that he might have asked, but he prayed that his atheistic father might be liberated. He never cursed any of the persons who engaged in torturing him at the instigation of his father
- He does not say, like so many rascal incarnations, that atheists and devotees are on the same platform. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, or Lord Sri Krsna, the real Personality of Godhead, does not advocate such an idea
- Hearing the emphatic statement of the younger brahmana, some atheists in the meeting began to cut jokes. However, someone else said, "After all, the Lord is merciful, and if He likes, He can come"
- Here (in SB 8.3.12) the word jnana-ghanaya indicates that for atheists who disbelieve in the form and existence of the Lord, all these various incarnations appear. Since the Lord comes to teach in so many forms, no one can say that there is no God
- Hiranyakasipu was an atheist who denied the existence of God, but God came as Lord Nrsimha-deva, a half-man, half-lion incarnation, and killed him. Therefore praise is given to the Lord as supreme controller of the universe and all living entities
- His (Krsna's) business will be to kill all the atheists because ultimately the real protector is Visnu, or Krsna
- His (Lord Buddha's) philosophy is meant for bewildering the atheists and should not be accepted. If someone asks, "Why should Krsna propagate atheistic principles"
- His (Prthu's) father was a number one atheist who did not abide by the injunctions mentioned in the Vedic sastras, who practically stopped all sacrificial performances
- How then can the demons and atheists understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead? It is not possible. Therefore, to gain this understanding, the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma, offered their respectful obeisances to the Lord
- How we can say there is no soul? No. This is foolishness. The whole world is going on under this foolishness. Not only now, before also. Like Carvaka Muni, he was atheist, he did not believe
- I (Prabhupada) am convinced that if you simply glorify Krsna and our books in the best descriptive manner, that anyone and everyone, no matter even atheist or otherwise, they can be convinced to purchase
- I am pleased that you are making serious study of our Krishna philosophy, so I want that you go on like this until you will able to defeat any challenge from atheists and rascals, then your preaching work will have real potency
- I am very glad that you are preaching steadily our Krishna Conscious philosophy and this should be done in defiance of all the atheistic propagandas which are so much current
- I have invited Krsna and He may not be insulted by disrespectful behavior. I have introduced this system of Deity worship amongst the non-believers, the atheists, the mlecchas, the yavanas
- If a man's brain can produce a space satellite one can easily imagine how brains higher than man can produce similarly wonderful things which are far superior. The reasonable person will easily accept this argument but stubborn atheists would never agree
- If even a great atheist hears Sri Caitanya-mangala, he immediately becomes a great devotee
- If one is completely atheistic and disobedient and rebellious against any authority, what hope is there? So one's obedience to a higher personality can start with the demigods
- If such scientists cannot even manufacture such brains, what to speak of foolish atheists who defy the authority of the Lord?
- If the earth did not produce grain, then the atheists, despite their advanced material science, could never make bread or other foods
- If they (the atheists leaders) do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves or their followers from the mire of sins committed in the course of discharging prescribed duties
- If they (the atheists) thought that there were a God, they would shudder at the thought of punishment; therefore they deny His existence
- If you say that, "I have no money. If I borrow from friends ghee, then I'll have to pay him." Because these are the injunctions in the sastras. But he is atheistic
- Impersonalists and atheists always try to circumvent the form of Krsna
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord has explained His (Krsna's) position clearly, but the demoniac atheistic student squeezes out an interpretation to suit his own purpose and misleads unfortunate followers into the same mentality
- In Bhagwatam also there is another example like Lord Jesus. He is Prahlad Maharaj a boy of five years old but because he was a great devotee of God and preaching the message of God among his little class mates, his atheist father tried to kill him
- In every verse Vyasadeva says, sri-bhagavan uvaca, "the SP of Godhead said," or "the Blessed Lord said." It is clearly stated that the Blessed Lord is the Supreme Person, but Mayavadi atheists still try to prove that the Absolute Truth is impersonal
- In order to cheat the atheists, I (Siva) describe the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be without form & without qualities. Similarly, in explaining Vedanta I describe the same Mayavada philosophy in order to mislead the entire population toward atheism
- In order to fulfill this ambition (enjoy a life of sense gratification), the asuras, especially atheistic kings or state executive heads, try to equip themselves with all kinds of deadly weapons to bring about a war in a peaceful society
- In order to present their (Mayavadi atheists) false, imaginary meanings, they must adopt so much word jugglery and grammatical interpretation that they finally become ludicrous
- In the Age of Kali I take the form of a brahmana and explain the Vedas through false scriptures in an atheistic way, similar to Buddhist philosophy
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15) the Lord says: Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, mayayapahrta-jnana asuram bhavam asritah: when one becomes inimical to the SPG, adopting an atheistic attitude (asuram bhavam), even if one is a learned scholar the essence of knowledge does not become manifested in him
- In the Hari-bhakti-vilasa there are so many quotations from the satvata scriptures that sometimes it is inquired how the atheistic smartas can refuse to accept them and instead imagine some other opinions
- In the last stage of Kali-yuga, Kalkideva, the fierce incarnation of Kesava, will descend to kill all the atheists and will save only the devotees of the Lord
- In the Western world one atheistic government tried to induce the innocent citizens to embrace atheistic views. The government sent their propagandists to proselytize the people in the villages
- In this age the number of atheist class, or demons, are very much increased. Otherwise, material world means for the demons, atheistic class. Just like the prisonhouse
- Insofar as liberation is concerned, they (atheists) say that there is no need to talk of liberation because after death everything is finished
- It (Mayapur program) will be a world center for teaching spiritual life. Students from all over the world will come and we shall revolutionize the atheistic and communistic tendency of rascal philosophers. So we must be responsible for this great task
- It is best to avoid association with them (Mayavadis and atheists) completely and never ask them about anything confidential because they cannot give good advice
- It is not that plants grow automatically, without any cause, as the atheistic philosophers say. Rather, they grow in pursuance of the supreme order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is said in other puranas that Narakasura was the son of Dharitri, the earth, by the Lord Himself. But he became a demon due to the bad association of Bana, another demon. An atheist is called a demon
- It is the negative injunction of this verse that we should refrain from giving anything to or accepting anything from the Mayavadis and atheists
- It is the statement of Carvaka Muni that one should beg, borrow or steal money to purchase ghee and enjoy life (rnam krtva ghrtam pibet). Thus even the greatest atheist of India recommends that one eat ghee, not meat
- It is to be concluded that those who worship demigods or self-proclaimed incarnations of God are all atheists. They have lost their knowledge, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.20): kamais tais tair hrta-jnanah prapadyante ’nya-devatah
- It would be better to be an atheist by slighting both brothers than a hypocrite by believing in one and slighting the other
- Kapiladeva instructed His mother in sankhya-yoga, but the importance of bhakti-yoga is mentioned here (CC Madhya 22.162). Later sanhkya-yoga was imitated by atheists, whose system was founded by a different Kapiladeva, Rsi Kapiladeva
- Krsna consciousness movement means it is an endeavor to bring the rascals and fools and atheists to the platform of Krsna consciousness, the most important welfare activities in the human society
- Krsna explains in the Bhagavad-gita: Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me - BG 7.15
- Krsna first appeared before His parents Devaki and Vasudeva in a four-handed form, and then He transformed Himself into the two-handed form. This mystery is very difficult to understand for those who are atheists or who are devoid of DS. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15): Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, & who partake of the atheistic nature of demons, do not surrender unto Me
- Krsna wanted to establish Arjuna and the five Pandavas, who were the most pious ksatriyas and devotees, as rulers of the world, and He also wanted to vanquish the atheistic party of Duryodhana
- Lord Buddha deluded the atheists because such atheists who followed his principles did not believe in God, but they kept their absolute faith in Lord Buddha, who himself was the incarnation of God
- Lord Buddha is accepted as an incarnation of Krsna in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, but in the same Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that Lord Buddha appeared in order to bewilder the atheist class of men
- Lord Buddha, an incarnation of Lord Krsna, adopted a particular means to propagate the philosophy of bhagavata-dharma. He preached almost exclusively among atheists
- Lord Buddha’s intention was to stop atheists from committing the sin of killing animals. Atheists cannot understand God; therefore Lord Buddha appeared and spread the philosophy of nonviolence to keep the atheists from killing animals
- Lord Caitanya wanted to accept all kinds of agnostics, atheists, skeptics and unfaithfuls and swallow them in the flood of love of God. Therefore He accepted the renounced order of life in order to attract all these forces
- Lord Krsna appears in every millennium for two purposes, namely to deliver the devotees and to kill the nondevotees. His devotees also have two similar purposes-to preach the bhakti cult of KC and to defeat all kinds of agnostics and atheistic demons
- Lord Nrsimha appeared from within the pillar not by the order of the atheist king but by the wish of His devotee Prahlada. An atheist cannot order the Lord to appear, but the Lord will appear anywhere and everywhere to show mercy to His devotee
- Lord Parasurama and Lord Nrsimha displayed unusual opulence by killing the disobedient ksatriyas twenty-one times and killing the greatly powerful atheist Hiranyakasipu
- Madhyama-adhikari adores the Lord, considering Him the object of love; he makes friends with those who are in DS; he tries to awaken the dormant love of God in the hearts of the innocent; and he avoids the atheists, who deride the very name of the Lord
- Madhyama-adhikaris observe the distinctions between four categories of being: (1) the SL; (2) the devotees of the Lord; (3) the innocent, who have no knowledge of the Lord; and (4) the atheists, who have no faith in the Lord and hate those in DS
- Madras especially they are losing interest in Deity worship. Sometimes the political party is insulting. These atheists class of men who have done this, they should be converted into theism by preaching Bhagavad-gita
- Maharaj Prahlada says, "My dear friends who are born into atheistic families, if you can please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, then there is nothing more rare in this world"
- Maharaja Prahlada was a great devotee of the Lord, but his father, Hiranyakasipu, was a great atheist and declared enemy of the Lord. But despite all this, Hiranyakasipu was awarded salvation due to his being the father of Maharaja Prahlada
- Many atheists and blasphemers came and fell at the lotus feet of the Lord, and the Lord in return excused them and gave them love of Krsna
- Many may claim that in the modern age material scientists have helped increase agricultural yield. But we fearlessly proclaim that it is precisely such atheistic views that have brought the world to the present acute food crisis
- Material energy is very powerful, and the atheist, due to his godless temperament, cannot know how it works; nor can he know the plan of the Supreme Lord
- Material energy works as the shadow moves, in accordance with the movements of the object. But still it is very powerful, and the atheist, due to his godless temperament, cannot know how it works; nor can he know the plan of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 pur
- Materialistic so-called chemists and atheistic philosophers always try to avoid even the name of God in relation to the cosmic manifestation. For them God's creation is impossible to understand because they are too materialistic
- Mayavada philosophy states that the Supreme Lord, the living entities and the cosmic manifestation are all transformations of illusory energy. To support this atheistic theory, the Mayavadis cite false scriptures
- Mayavadi philosophers have created atheistic havoc all over the world, for such a conclusion is against the very nature of the transcendental process of pure devotional service
- Maybe number of the atheist are now greater than before, but there was great atheist in India. There are six kinds of philosophical theses. Out of those, atheism is also one of them
- My dear Parvati, in Kali-yuga I (Siva) assume the form of a brahmana and teach this imagined Mayavada philosophy. In order to cheat the atheists, I describe the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be without form and without qualities
- Neither Lord Buddha nor Sankaracarya is to be blamed. The time required such an explanation for the understanding of various types of atheists
- Nityananda Prabhu carried out the order of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in this way (preaching the bhakti cult of KC and defeating all kinds of agnostics and atheistic demons), and those who strictly follow Nityananda Prabhu perform the same activities
- No common man, including the demons and atheists, can know Krsna because He is guarded by His yoga-maya energy. BG 1972 purports
- No one among these four classes of atheist (the gross materialists, the immoral sinners, the number-one fools and bewildered by maya despite their mundane erudition) ever believes in the SPG, what to speak of offering prayers unto His lotus feet
- No one can introduce any new system into the Vedic way of life; if one does so out of malice, he is to be known as a pasandi, or atheist
- Nonbelievers in the existence of the soul are called atheists by followers of Vedic wisdom. Yet even if for argument's sake we accept the atheistic theory, there is still no cause for lamentation
- Nonbelievers in the existence of the soul are called atheists by followers of Vedic wisdom. Yet even if, for argument's sake, we accept the atheistic theory, there is still no cause for lamentation. BG 1972 purports
- Nor is the arca form fashioned according to the whims of the worshiper. This form is eternally existent with all paraphernalia. This can be actually felt by a sincere devotee, but not by an atheist
- Nor should we extend invitations to Mayavadis and atheists nor accept their invitations, for by such intimate intermingling we may become affected by their atheistic mentality (sangat sanjayate kamah)
- Not knowing this (with the appearance of kala, death, one must take another body by the laws of nature), they (atheists) unnecessarily waste their time in their occupation as watchdogs and do not try to get the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Not only now, from time immemorial, so long the history of this creation is there, material world, there have been so many atheists and so many... But in the ancient days their number were very small. Now they have increased
- Notwithstanding all the philosophical theorizing by atheists or Mayavadis, the followers of Krsna consciousness rigidly live according to the injunctions given in Bhagavad-gita, which is accepted as the essence of all Vedic scripture
- Now India is atheist. Very tragic position
- O personality of religion, I (Mother Earth) was greatly overburdened by the undue military phalanxes arranged by atheistic kings, and I was relieved by the grace of the Personality of Godhead
- Of course, atheistic sankhya-yoga has nothing to do with bhakti-yoga, yet the unintelligent claim that the atheistic sankhya-yoga is referred to in the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 purports
- On the basis of this vision, that "There is no God. There is no background of this material creation. This material creation is false." There are so many other conclusions of the demonic people. Demon and atheist, the same thing
- Once both the atheists and the theists were engaged in producing nectar from the sea so that all of them could become deathless by drinking it
- One is accepted as atheist who does not believe in the tenets of the Vedas. That is the sum and substance of atheism
- One should not make the mistake of considering Lord Siva and Lord Visnu to be on the same level. That is also an atheistic idea
- One should not misunderstand that the sankhya-yoga mentioned herein (BG 2.39) has any connection with the atheistic sankhya. BG 1972 purports
- One time an atheistic svami remarked, "What is the use of watering the tulasi plant? It is better to water eggplant. By watering the eggplant one can get some fruits, but what is the use of watering the tulasi?"
- One who disbelieves in the sastras is an atheist, and we should not consult an atheist, however great he may be
- One who is not surrendered to the lotus feet of the Lord should be understood to be sinful, foolish, degraded among men and bereft of all real knowledge because of atheistic propensities. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - BG 7.15
- One who says that ten million asvamedha sacrifices are equal to the chanting of the holy name of Lord Krsna is undoubtedly an atheist. He is sure to be punished by Yamaraja
- Only an atheist does not accept the omnipotent supreme father. If one accepts the omnipotent supreme father, he abides by His orders and becomes a religious person
- Only atheists consider the living entity and the Personality of Godhead equal in all respects
- Others, who were demons and atheists, could not stand it when the Lord was praised. Out of their natural fear of the devastating form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they fled. BG 1972 purports
- Our fighting is very strong. You don't think that we are keeping idly. I have come here to fight with these atheists, you see, and we go everywhere
- Pariksit Maharaja said: "It is not that if I say there is no God that there will be no God or that I will not be responsible for what I do." The atheists deny God due to their sinful activities
- Pasandas, or atheists, cannot understand the pastimes of the Supreme Lord or transcendental loving service to the Lord. They think that devotional service is no better than ordinary fruitive activities - karma
- Pasandis and atheists, who are cheaters, are so numerous that sometimes we become perplexed and wonder how to push this movement forward
- People do not know the laws of nature, which are the rulings of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Because they are atheists of the first order, they have no faith in the existence of God and His rulings and therefore do not know how nature is working
- People jeer at Krsna because they are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Their destiny is certainly to take birth after birth in the species of atheistic and demoniac life. BG 1972 purports
- People will be surprised that Lord Buddha is designated as atheist and still the Vaisnavas, they are offering their respectful prayers to Lord Visnu (Buddha)
- Please also describe the imperfections and contradictions of the faithless atheists, the situation of crossbreeding, and the movements of the living entities in various species of life according to their particular modes of nature and work
- Prahlada Maharaja persisted in disagreeing with his father, the great atheist Hiranyakasipu, and thus voluntarily accepted the cruelties his father inflicted upon him
- Prahlada Maharaja said: My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, because I was born in an atheistic family I am naturally attached to material enjoyment. Therefore, kindly do not tempt me with these illusions
- Prahlada Maharaja told his friends, "You have to begin Krsna consciousness immediately." All the boys were born of atheistic, materialistic families, but fortunately they had the association of Prahlada, who was a great devotee of the Lord from his birth
- Prahlada Maharaja told the Lord - My father was a great atheist, and he committed many offenses at Your lotus feet. Now You have killed him. I request that he be excused and be given liberation
- Prahlada Maharaja's example was that in spite of continuous torturing by his father, he never forgot Krsna. This we have to follow. In spite of all kinds of inconveniences and torture by the atheist class of men, we shall never forget Krsna consciousness
- Prakasananda Sarasvati’s statement (calling Lord Caitanya sentimental) is offensive, and consequently he should be considered an atheist - pasandi
- Prthu Maharaja suggested that theistic men will solidly reject the views of the atheists on the grounds that there cannot be many varieties of existence without the plan of a superior intelligence
- Prthu Maharaja, did not accept the authority of such atheists, headed by his father, who was the grandson of death personified
- Prthu's father was a number one atheist who did not abide by the injunctions mentioned in the Vedic sastras, who practically stopped all sacrificial performances & who so disgusted the brahmanas that they not only dethroned him but cursed and killed him
- Sacrifice means to accept the supremacy of the Lord and thereby perform acts by which the Lord may be satisfied in all respects. The atheists do not believe in the existence of God, and they do not perform any sacrifice for the satisfaction of the Lord
- Sankara's philosophy is for pasandas, atheists
- Sankaracarya distorted the meaning of the Brahma-sutra because he had a motive to serve. He wanted to establish Vedic knowledge in place of the atheistic knowledge spread by Lord Buddha. All these necessities are there according to time and circumstances
- Sankaracarya preached Mayavada philosophy to bewilder a certain type of atheist. Actually he never considered the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, to be impersonal, without body or form
- Sankaracarya preached Mayavadi philosophy in order to bewilder a certain type of atheist. He never considered the Supreme Lord to be impersonal or to have no body or form. It is best for intelligent persons to avoid lectures on Mayavadi philosophy
- Scientists cannot manufacture such a brain, and what to speak of foolish atheists who defy the authority of the Lord? Even Mayavadi impersonalists who flatter themselves that they can become one with the Lord are neither abhijnah or svarat
- Scriptures fully support the varnasrama system of four social and four religious orders. But what is today being labeled varnasrama is an atheistic concept totally unsupported by the scriptures
- Seeing His (Caitany's) anger, the foolish student, who was an ordinary atheistic smarta-brahmana, foolishly misjudged Him. Thus he and a party of students were ready to strike the Lord in retaliation
- Similarly (to Dhruva), Prahlada also delivered his atheistic father, Hiranyakasipu. The conclusion is that a disciple or an offspring who is a very strong devotee can carry with him to Vaikunthaloka either his father, mother or siksa- or diksa-guru
- Since death must take away the living entity without hesitation, it is the ultimate God realization of the atheists, who spoil their lives thinking of country, society and relatives, to the neglect of God consciousness
- Since the creation of the material world, there have been two kinds of men - the devas and the asuras. The devas are always faithful to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whereas the asuras are always atheists who defy the supremacy of the Lord
- Since there was a great assembly in the arena of sacrifice, there were different types of men present, but he was especially interested in speaking to those who were not atheists
- Since they (men of the present day) are atheists, they do not care whether there is a next life. Such activities are described in this verse (of CC Adi 7.119) as avidya-karma-samjnanya
- So according to our Vedic line of thought, anyone who does not accept the Vedic way of life, he is called atheist. Therefore Buddhist, according to Vedantist, Buddhist are called atheist
- So Lord comes as incarnation for these two purposes: to protect the saintly persons and to annihilate the atheistic demons, and to establish the real purpose of religion
- Some of them (the government officials and irresponsible politicians) are convinced that after life everything is finished. This atheistic theory was conceived long ago by a philosopher called Carvaka
- Some people accept imitators and adversaries of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such as Paundraka, Srgala Vasudeva, the spiritual master of the demons (Sukracarya), or atheists like Carvaka, King Vena, Sugata and Arhat
- Someone wrote an article in the newspaper saying that "In America people had the idea that God had either died or gotten lost, but Bhaktivedanta Swami, within three months, has explained to the atheist sampradaya that God is existing within Hari-kirtana"
- Sometimes atheists argue that since God is invisible to their eyes, they do not believe in God. For them the Supreme Lord is describing a method by which one can see God in His impersonal form
- Sometimes Caitanya's Vedic movement of distributing the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is heard. People seriously eager to find real light should take advantage of this movement instead of looking toward the light of mental speculators and atheist
- Sometimes the atheists argue, How can a flower stem sprout from the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu? They consider all the statements of the sastras to be stories
- Sometimes the Lord informs the devotee through dreams. These exchanges of feelings between the Deity and the devotee are not understandable by atheists, but actually the devotee enjoys them
- Sometimes, to mitigate distresses in this forest of the material world, the conditioned soul receives cheap blessings from atheists. He then loses all intelligence in their association. This is exactly like jumping in a shallow river
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "To say nothing of ordinary living entities, even Lord Brahma and Lord Siva cannot be considered on the level of Visnu or Narayana. If one considers them as such, he is immediately considered an offender and atheist"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then says - There are many worshipers of Lord Siva, and there are also many atheists. Regardless, My dear Bhattacarya, I very much like Ramananda Raya and his opinions
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu very clearly enunciated that the followers of Lord Buddha's philosophy are nastikas, or atheists, because of their denial of the authority of the Vedas
- Sri Krsna further characterizes the mudhas (BG 9.12): Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic & atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, & their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Sri Sankaracarya, by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, compromised between atheism and theism in order to cheat the atheists and bring them to theism
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments that although the atheists who have deviated from the order of Sri Advaita Acarya introduce themselves as followers of Advaita Acarya, they do not accept Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the SP of Godhead, Krsna
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura considered sahajiyas to be more favorable than the impersonalists, who are hopelessly atheistic
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti has compared Hiranyakasipu to Maharaja Vena, who was also atheistic and scornful of the ritualistic ceremonies mentioned in the Vedas
- Srimad-Bhagavatam says that Lord Buddha appeared for the purpose of bewildering the demons or atheists
- Sripada Sankaracarya has given his interpretation and imaginary meaning. It does not actually appeal to the mind of any sane man. He has done this to convince the atheists and bring them under his control
- Sripada Sankaracarya wanted to establish the predominance of one's spiritual identity; therefore he wanted to convert the atheists through an imaginary interpretation of the Vedic literatures
- Sripada Shankaracarya because He was the incarnation of Shankara, very carefully avoided to make any commentation on the holy Bhagwatam. Sripada Shankaracarya preached His Mayavada philosophy for bewildering the atheist class of men
- Such people (the miscreants) never surrender to Krsna, and they oppose the endeavor of those who wish to take Krsna's shelter. When such atheists become leaders of society, the entire atmosphere is surcharged with nescience
- Such persons (Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac and atheistic views) do not know that Krsna's body is not material
- Such persons, being unable to rise to the standard of self-realized souls like Lord Siva, are always envious. The example given is suitable. Asuras, demons or atheists, are always envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead they simply want to kill Him
- Sukracarya should not have become the priest of Hiranyakasipu because Hiranyakasipu and his followers were all atheists. A brahmana should become the priest of a person interested in the advancement of spiritual culture
- That a devotee (Jaya and Vijaya) should come into an atheistic family is surprising, but it is simply a show. After finishing their mock fighting, both the devotee and the Lord are again associated in the spiritual planets
- That a devotee should come into an atheistic family is surprising, but it is simply a show. After finishing their mock fighting, both the devotee and the Lord are again associated in the spiritual planets
- That was the quarrel between the father and the son. The son (Prahlada) was a great devotee and the father (Hiranyakasipu) was a great atheist
- That was the Ramacandra's business, to kill Ravana. Ravana was a very powerful atheist, and he was working with the ten heads. Just like materialistic karmis, they work very hard, and they have got good brain also for working hard. So Ravana had ten heads
- The 12 mahajanas, or great souls are: (1) Brahma, (2) Siva, (3) Narada, (4) Vaivasvata Manu, (5) Kapila (not the atheist, but the original Kapila), (6) the Kumaras, (7) Prahlada, (8) Bhisma, (9) Janaka, (10) Bali, (11) Sukadeva Gosvami and (12) Yamaraja
- The animals are afraid of some higher authority. But these atheists, they are not afraid of higher authorities. Although they are being kicked by the laws of material nature in every moment, still, they are proud, - No, there is no God. There is no God
- The argument of the atheist that one cannot be punished for one's misdeeds unless proved before a qualified justice is refuted herein (SB 1.17.20), for we accept the perpetual witness and constant companion of the living being
- The asura-bhava, the atheistic nature, is directly represented by Hiranyakasipu. Such persons, being mudha and naradhama - fools and rascals, the lowest of men - would never accept Visnu as the Supreme and surrender to Him
- The asuras or atheists, the demons, without reason or cause, are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The asuras, the demons and proclaimed atheists, actually challenge God. If it were not for our Supreme Father, we would not see the light of day, so what is the point of challenging Him
- The atheist always challenges, "Where is God? Can you show me?" Well, you will see. Not now. Just at the maturation of your all sinful activities, when death will come, you will see Him. This is going on. So it is very instructive lesson
- The atheist and the theist, they will never agree. But theist also never will submit to the atheist. This is the principle
- The atheist class of men, they are always busy for economic development. They have no idea of spiritual existence or spiritual advancement of life. That is the distinction between atheistic life and theistic life
- The atheist class of men, they say that "I do not see God. How can I believe there is God?" But the advanced devotee, he sees every moment God's presence
- The atheist class see, what is the Jagannatha made of? Wood or stone? They're seeing wood and stone. Similarly, Vaisnavas also they're seeing "a American," "European." They are blind. Sastra says: If you think like that, then you become hellish
- The atheist class, they'll not accept. "What is God? I don't care for . . . there is no God." All right. Wait. God will come
- The atheist class, when he will see, he will be finished. But theist, devotee, will see God constantly in opulence
- The atheist class, who does not believe in God, he'll see God at the end of life when he cannot do anything. But before that, if he sees God, then his life is saved. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti (BG 4.9). But that they'll not accept
- The atheist directly denies the existence of the SPG, and the impersonalists support the atheists by stressing the impersonal aspect of the Supreme Lord. Thus far we have not come across any mantra in Sri Isopanisad in which the SPG is denied
- The atheist Kapila tried to establish that there is no God who created the material world. Kapila has even tried to establish that a combination of material elements caused creation
- The atheist may declare like that, "There is no God," but he will see God as death. That is compulsory. There is no excuse. So at the time of death, the mentality which you have created by practice, sada tad-bhava-bhavitah (BG 8.6), will act
- The atheist planmaker is sometimes very intelligent and meritorious also, because any gigantic plan, good or bad, must take intelligence to execute. BG 1972 purports
- The atheist scientists say that life comes out of matter. That is nonsense. No. Matter is one energy of Krsna, & spirit is another energy. The spirit is superior energy, and the matter is inferior energy. The matter develops when there is superior energy
- The atheist scientists, they say that life comes out of matter. That is nonsense. No. Matter is one energy of Krsna, and spirit is another energy. The spirit is superior energy, and the matter is inferior energy
- The atheist theoretically can deny the presence of God, but the presence of God in form of Death is present before him despite his flouting
- The atheist theory that combination of matter makes a situation when living symptoms come out, combination of matter, that is the present chemical theory, chemical evolution. There are so many theories based on Darwin's theory, chemical evolution
- The atheist will have to meet God in the form of death in so many ways. So by suffering, when a day will come that he'll understand God, at that time, preaching to him is better. So you do not expect that our preaching will appeal to everyone
- The atheist will see God, but when he will see, his life is finished. That means death. Atheist will see God in the form of death. And theist, Krsna conscious devotee, will see God twenty-four hours within his heart
- The atheist, therefore, understands the presence of God as death, but the devotee understands the presence of God always within his heart, takes dictation from You and lives transcendentally, unaffected by the contamination of the material world
- The atheistic are always disturbing, and godly persons, they're peaceful. They're not disturbing
- The atheistic mystic practitioner of yoga cannot understand this perfect knowledge. Only persons who engage in the practical activities of devotional service in full Krsna consciousness can become absorbed in full samadhi
- The atheistic philosopher, they think that this combination of prakrti and purusa is without any aim, without any idea
- The atheistic philosophers analyze this material world into twenty-four elements, and they place the individual soul as the twenty-fifth item. BG 1972 purports
- The atheistic plan-makers are described herein (BG 7.15) by the word duskrtina, or "miscreants." Krtina means one who has performed meritorious work. BG 1972 purports
- The atheistic propaganda that one should not go to a church, temple, or mosque is very dangerous to human society
- The atheists and impersonalists lead such foolish pseudo religionists into the darkest regions by preaching the cult of atheism
- The atheists are always prepared to harass a devotee; Caitanya Mahaprabhu suggested that one be very tolerant of these people
- The atheists are faithless on account of their many misdeeds in their present and past lives. They fall into four categories: (1) the gross materialists, (2) the immoral sinners
- The atheists are faithless on account of their many misdeeds in their present and past lives. They fall into four categories: (3) the number-one fools, and (4) those who are bewildered by maya despite their mundane erudition
- The atheists cannot understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appearing in the form of the Deity, can eat all the food offered by His devotees
- The atheists put forward many self-made theories without any touch of cause and effect. The manifested world, as well as the spirit soul, is still unexplained by the godless atheists through the medium of experimental knowledge
- The atheists theory is: after death everything is finished. No one is responsible for anything he does during his life." This atheistic conception of life is killing human civilization, for it is without knowledge of the continuation of eternal life
- The atheists want to forget these miseries (birth, old age, disease and death), and therefore they like to think that there is no life after death. They are like ostriches, who stick their head in the ground when an enemy approaches
- The atheists, who do not (execute their prescribed duties), are condemned in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19) by the following statement: tan aham dvisatah kruran samsaresu naradhaman
- The attacks of distortion are offered by atheistic philosophers who are concerned only with eating, drinking, being merry, and enjoying
- The attempt of the atheistic Sankhya philosophers to consider material nature the source of these elements (earth, water, fire, etc.), forgetting Krsna, is useless, like trying to get milk from the nipplelike bumps of skin hanging on the neck of a goat
- The barriers around an agricultural field sometimes break due to heavy torrents of rain. Similarly, the unauthorized atheistic propaganda in the Age of Kali breaks the boundary of the Vedic injunctions. Thus people gradually degenerate to godlessness
- The beginning of the life story of Prahlada is recounted as follows. Sukracarya became the priest of the atheists, especially Hiranyakasipu, and thus his two sons, Sanda and Amarka, resided near Hiranyakasipu's residence
- The best purpose of such traveling tendencies could be fulfilled by visiting the holy places established by great acaryas and thereby not being misled by the atheistic propaganda of moneymaking men who have no knowledge of spiritual matters
- The bodily symptoms of his (Prahlada's) ecstatic love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead turned the minds of his friends, who had also been born in atheistic families
- The cheap mental speculators, atheists and manufacturers of so-called religious principles become prominent like the glowworms, whereas persons strictly following the Vedic principles or scriptural injunctions become covered by the clouds of this age
- The combination of living entities in different modes of material nature is called crossbreeding. The faithless atheists do not believe in the existence of God, and thus their paths of philosophy are contradictory
- The conclusion is that everyone sees God at every moment, but the atheist class, they do not accept that he is seeing God. He denies or telling lies that he is not seeing God. But a devotee of God, he sees God at every moment within his heart
- The conclusion is that no one falls from the spiritual world, or Vaikuntha planet, for it is the eternal abode. But sometimes, as the Lord desires, devotees come into this material world as preachers or as atheists
- The conclusion is that the Mayavadi philosophers are actually atheists. There was much discussion on this issue between Sarvabhauma and Caitanya Mahaprabhu, but despite all his endeavors, the Bhattacarya was defeated in the end
- The crude, atheistic understanding that the living entity is a combination of matter belongs to the grossest ignorance
- The demigods are more luxurious than human beings, but all of them are obedient to the orders of the Supreme Lord. There is no one in the heavenly planets who is an atheist or nonbeliever
- The demonic means atheist and unnecessarily, falsely, very much proud of their knowledge
- The demons or atheists have faith in their own endeavors, but although they work very hard day and night, they cannot get any more than their destiny
- The destination of godless atheists such as Ravana, Hiranyakasipu, Kamsa and Dantavakra is a hellish condition of life. Mandodari, the wife of Ravana, could understand all this because she was a chaste woman
- The destructive process is going on fiercely under the control of the Lord, but the atheists cannot see it
- The difficulty is, at the present moment especially, the more one becomes advanced in this material knowledge, he becomes atheist. He becomes disbeliever
- The elderly brahmana considered how to get out of this situation (described in CC Madhya 5.16-78) and still offer his daughter to the young brahmana. His son, an atheist and a very cunning fellow, was thinking of how to stop the marriage
- The eldest son, who was an atheist, suddenly interrupted the youth and said, - You say that the Lord was witnessing. Well, if He comes and bears witness to this promise of my father's, you can have my sister in marriage
- The faithless atheist class, they say, "There is no God." But let him chant the God's holy name, he'll see God. There is no difficult process in the Kali-yuga especially
- The followers of the Vedas do not support the atheistic Kapila, because the Kapila mentioned in the Vedas is a different Kapila, the son of Kardama and Devahuti
- The foolish atheists do not accept the supreme authority of the Lord. Such foolish people unnecessarily concoct their own duties without referring to the supreme authority of the Lord
- The godless atheist wants to take all credit for activities, not knowing that even a blade of grass cannot move without the sanction of the Supreme Spirit, the Personality of Godhead
- The great sages, the great demons, the great atheists and the great spacemen, as well as the dead bodies, evil spirits, satans, jinn, kusmandas, great aquatics, appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- The Kalki avatara is the fierce incarnation who vanquishes the class of the atheists born in this age of Kali
- The King of the elephants, Gajendra, simply accepted that there must be someone who has created this cosmic manifestation and has supplied its ingredients. This should be admitted by everyone, even the most determined atheists
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to teach them (atheists) that although for a few years one may act as a great protector or great watchman, with the appearance of kala, death, one must take another body by the laws of nature
- The last class of duskrtina is called asuram bhavam asrita, or those of demonic principles. This class is openly atheistic. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord (Caitanya) was so kind that He accepted all these people (speculative students, atheists and those who are attached to fruitive activities) and delivered to them the most important factor in life: love of God
- The Lord is so powerful that He destroys everything in the form of death. As Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita: "I am all-devouring death." The Lord is just like death to the atheists, for He takes away everything they accumulate in the material world
- The Lord states in Bhagavad-gita, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate: (BG 9.10) "Nature is working under My direction." The foolish person thinks that nature is working automatically, but such an atheistic theory is not supported in the Vedic literature
- The manifested world, as well as the spirit soul, is still unexplained by the godless atheists through the medium of experimental knowledge, although they have put forward many theories manufactured by their fertile brains
- The materialistic or atheistic theory stating that there is no soul, that there is no God and that consciousness is the result of a combination of matter is not acceptable
- The materialistic persons, their policy is to take, earn money like anything, and employ it in sense gratification. That is their policy. But our policy is to take away the money from the atheist and employ it to the service of Ramacandra
- The Mayavada is a very dangerous philosophy. It has made the whole world atheistic
- The Mayavada Philosophy has played havoc in spiritual understanding leading to Atheistic tendency. The interpretation that one has to be naked before the Lord is also mayavada philosophy
- The Mayavada philosophy of accepting a poor man as Narayana is the most envious and atheistic movement in Vedic culture. This mentality should be completely given up
- The Mayavadi atheists also interpret the Bhagavad-gita. In every verse of Srimad Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Mayavadi philosophy claims to be directed by the Vedic conclusions. Lord Siva, however, admits that this philosophy is manufactured by him in the age of Kali in order to mislead the atheists
- The Mayavadis and other atheists do not want the Krsna consciousness movement to develop because it educates people in God consciousness. Such is the policy of the atheists
- The modern atheists who dare flout the authority of the Lord will be dealt the same awards as were given in the past to great atheists like Ravana and Hiranyakasipu
- The modern materialistic society is detached from its relation to the Supreme Lord. And all its plans which are being made by atheistic leaders are sure to be baffled at every step. Yet they do not wake up to this
- The more the population is atheistic, the more disturbance in the society
- The most heinous type of atheist; not gentlemen. Whenever they hold some conference they say, "Don't talk of God. Then you cannot come to the conference." Do they not? What is that principle?
- The next incarnation is Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha, he decried the Vedic principles. Therefore he is calculated as atheist. Anyone who does not agree with the Vedic principle, he is considered as atheist
- The only business of the Mayavadi atheists is to make Krsna formless, and consequently, because of this severe offense at the lotus feet of Krsna, they cannot expect salvation
- The potencies of the Lord are also known to the all-powerful Siva, the great king of the atheist family, namely Prahlada Maharaja, Svayambhuva Manu, his wife Satarupa, his sons and daughters
- The same pure devotee (Prahlada Maharaja) requested the Lord (Nrsimhadeva), "My Lord, my father (Hiranyakasipu) was atheist, and he has committed so many offenses, so I beg that my father may be liberated"
- The Sankarites and Buddhists claim that the world beyond is void, but Bhagavad-gita does not disappoint us like this. The philosophy of voidness has simply created atheists
- The sastras warn that if one thinks that the demigods are equal to Narayana, one is a pasandi, an atheist. We should not think that because we have become liberated, we have attained the position of Narayana
- The school (where Prahlada Maharaja was studying) was also full of students who were born of atheistic father. So as soon as he would get some opportunity, in the tiffin hour, he would speak something about God consciousness
- The secondary purpose of His appearance is to annihilate the upstart asuras & to stop the nonsense of atheistic propaganda by less intelligent persons. By God's causeless mercy, the asuras who are killed personally by the Personality of God get salvation
- The so-called mlecchas and yavanas of the Western countries are more purified than offensive Mayavadis or atheistic impersonalists
- The so-called sannyasi, because they are atheist, they say that asatyam, "This material world is maya. It has no truth. What you are seeing, it is illusion." Asatyam. But we do not say like that
- The son of the elderly brahmana was an atheist and a follower of the Raghunatha-smrti. He was very expert in dealing with pounds-shillings-pence, but he was fool number one
- The steps to be taken have already been explained - this Krsna consciousness movement. The atheist class and the theist class will always exist. This is the nature of the material world
- The sura janas (devotees) were cursed by the sages to go to the asura jana, or atheistic families
- The virat-rupa manifestation of the Lord is simultaneously a challenge to the atheist and a favor for the asuras
- The vivid example of this presence of God both before the theist and atheist simultaneously is Lord Nrsimhadeva
- The waterless river (in the forest of material existence) represents atheists who give us trouble in this world and the next
- The whole worldly affair is going on . . . the godless atheists, they cannot understand it, that behind this wonderful prakrti, so many things happening. It is not happening independently
- The word moghasa indicates that the aspirations of the atheists will be baffled. The karmis, or fruitive laborers, are always hoping for something better to gratify their senses. There is no limit to where they will stop
- The word sura-dvisam, which in this verse (SB 6.7.39) means "of the enemies of the demigods," also refers to the atheists
- The world is full of Mayavadis and atheists, and the political parties of the world take advantage of Mayavada and other atheistic philosophies to promote materialism
- The world is suffering on account of atheistic conviction of life, so our theistic proposition presenting Krishna, the Supreme Lord, is certainly a great relief to the agnostics, atheists, impersonalists and voidists
- There are always atheists imitating Krsna. In these days of Kali-yuga, there are many rascals who think themselves to be as good as Krsna and who cheat people into believing that thinking of them is as good as thinking of Lord Krsna
- There are atheists of various categories who do not believe in a creator, but that is due to a poor fund of knowledge
- There are atheists of various categories who do not believe in the creator, but that is due simply to their poor fund of knowledge
- There are different types of philosophers - mimamsakas, atheists, astronomers, sexualists and so many other classifications of mental speculators
- There are many atheists who oppose the worship of the Deity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the temple
- There are many sastric injunctions which give instructions for carving forms of the Lord. These forms are not material. If God is all-pervading, then He is also in the material elements. There is no doubt about it. But the atheists think otherwise
- There are so many bogus mahatmas - the svamis, yogis and incarnation and so many rascals - all raksasas, atheist. Such kind are not mahatma
- There are two classes of human beings, namely the atheist and the devotee of the Lord
- There are two classes of men - those who are obedient to the laws of the Supreme Lord and those who are atheists or agnostics, who do not accept the existence of God and who want to create their own laws
- There are two classes of men: the atheists and the theists. The atheists have no faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, while the theists have various degrees of faith in Him
- There are two kinds of men in this world: the demons and the demigods. What is the difference between them? The main difference is that the demigods, or godly persons, are devoted to the Supreme Lord, whereas the demons are atheistic
- There are two parties - namely, the theists and the atheists. The theist, who accepts the Supersoul, finds the spiritual cause through mystic yoga
- There are two sankhyas - theistic and atheistic. The Sanskrit in the Visnu Purana is even easier than in Raghu-vamsa. Yes, Bhagavad-gita As It Is should be studied from the beginning. There must be study from my books also
- There is no difference between atheists and the faithful in the Vaikuntha planets because all who settle there are freed from the material qualities, and thus suras and asuras become equally obedient loving servitors of the Lord
- There is no difference between the person God and His holy name. This is the absolute position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore one who distinguishes between the Lord and His name is called a pasandi, or nonbeliever, an atheistic demon
- There is no gain in accepting the message of Bhagavatam from the unbelievers, atheists and professional reciters who make a trade of Bhagavatam for the laymen
- These (Buddhist) philosophers were all atheists, for they did not believe in the existence of God
- These arca forms of the Lord may be considered idols by the atheists, but that does not matter for persons like Vidura or His many other servants. The forms of the Lord are mentioned here (SB 3.1.18) as ananta-linga
- These are the secrets of the acaryas. Sometimes they conceal the real purport of the Vedas and explain the Vedas in a different way. Sometimes they enunciate a different theory just to bring the atheists under their control
- These atheistic vultures want to see God dead so they can take pleasure in thinking - Now God is dead, and I can do anything I like
- These atheists are all against the revealed scriptures because such persons are intimately attached to sense pleasures and gross materialism
- These atheists, they have been taught to worship the form of Lord Buddha, and Buddha is incarnation of Krsna, so one day they will be delivered. But these rascals (Mayavadis) will never be delivered
- These boys and girls although their father are atheist by nature they have come out very theist, high class God conscious students
- These people, who were actually atheistic and of bad character, took up the Vedic principles in an imaginary, infamous way to support their activities
- These questions are asked by Arjuna for their (the demons and atheists) benefit. The superior devotee is not only concerned for his own understanding, but for the understanding of all mankind. BG 1972 purports
- These so-called sannyasis are very much appreciated by sinful men because they are all godless atheists and very expert in putting forward arguments and reasons to support their case
- They (atheistic Sankhya philosophers) do not accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the cause of all causes
- They (atheists) are always very eager to establish that Lord Krsna was an ordinary man who was killed by a hunter due to His (Krsna's) many impious acts in plotting to kill the sons of Dhrtarastra and Jarasandha, the demoniac kings of the earth
- They (atheists) go to enjoy, fifty thousand dollars, hundred thousand dollars, squeezing - they do not find any pleasure. Simply squeezing, squeezing. Moghasa mogha-karmanah. That is not the process to find out real pleasure
- They (atheists) have no idea how the subtle body carries the results of the present body's actions down to the next gross body
- They (atheists) may learn from this action how much the Supreme Father (Krsna) has to be respected. Uddhava was simply struck with wonder by such glorious behavior of the Lord, and he was very sorry that he was unable to go with Him
- They (atheists) say that actually there is no need to accept God for this purpose, for if one follows the principles of morality and honesty, that is sufficient
- They (godless atheists) have put forward many theories manufactured by their fertile brains. Contrary to such mental speculative theories of creation, however, Narada Muni wanted to know all the facts of creation in truth, and not by theories
- They (mlecchas, or lowborn people who have not undergone the purifying process of samskara) will devour the citizens with their atheistic activities
- They (modern scientists) cannot answer because they are atheists who will not accept that everything comes from life. Their thesis is that life comes from matter
- They (mudha, naradhama, whose knowledge is carried away by maya and atheists) have to be slapped, caned and kicked severely, and they have to suffer. Just as a father has to chastise his unruly boy, so material nature has to employ certain punishments
- They (some of the atheists) are superficially very learned, but actually their real knowledge is taken away by maya
- They (the atheistic philosophers) also come to the standard of devotional service in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- They (The Mayavadi philosophers) say that He is dead or lame. All these misconceptions of the Supreme Lord are a source of dissatisfaction to Him; He is never pleased with such atheistic descriptions
- They are rascals, asurim, atheists, all their hopes will be frustrated. This is stated (in Bhagavad-gita 9:12). And that is being done. They are making so big, big plan; now it is going to be frustrated
- They do not know the peace formula. They are creating atheistic population and they want peace. How it is possible? Just like I remember, I read in a paper that Archbishop of Canterbury, he said in a lecture that - You want kingdom of God without God
- They're atheist. More than atheist. They have been described by Caitanya Mahaprabhu as more dangerous than the atheist. They take the shelter of Vedas and preach atheism
- This (CC Adi 3.91) is a verse from the Padma Purana. Visnu-bhaktas, or devotees in Krsna consciousness, are known as devas (demigods). Atheists, who do not believe in God or who declare themselves God, are asuras - demons
- This (CC Madhya 6.132) is typical of all Mayavadis or atheists who interpret the meaning of Vedic literature in their own imaginative way
- This (thinking of God as virat-rupa they can become qualified to actually see the transcendental form of the Lord in the future) is a favor of the all-merciful Lord to the atheists and the gross materialists
- This atheistic or godless civilization is a huge affair contrived for the gratification of our senses, and now we are all mad after money in order to maintain this empty shell
- This is also the case with the modern atheists who also dare to flout the authority of the Lord. Such atheists will be dealt with similarly, for history repeats itself
- This is an example of asuric life. Atheists can advance materially and create an extremely comfortable situation for the senses, but because they are controlled by the senses, they cannot be satisfied. This is the effect of modern civilization
- This is very instructive struggle between the atheist and the theist. This story of Prahlada Maharaja is eternally true. There is always a struggle between the atheist and the theist
- This question of Devahuti's is for such a person who falsely claims that he is everything, that ultimately everything is void, and that there are no sinful or pious activities. These are all atheistic inventions
- This same goal (merge into the Supreme Brahman) is attained by atheists who deny the existence of God. If such atheists are killed by an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they also merge into the Brahman existence of the Supreme Lord
- This the atheists do not know (at the time of death one must submit to the supreme kala and then He takes away all his possessions & forces him to accept another body), and if they do know, they neglect it so that they may go on with their normal life
- Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons, do not surrender unto Me
- Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me
- Those who always try to establish the doctrine of monism are also counted among the atheists and agnostics. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are atheistic, i.e., who do not believe in Visnu, or who only recognize the impersonal part of Krsna as the Supreme, cannot have the divine vision. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are atheists, they are declining to accept the existence of God. They are less than animals
- Those who are not brahmanas but atheists do not know what is pravrtti-marga or nivrtti-marga; they simply want to obtain pleasure at any cost
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac & atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities and their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities and their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated. BG 9.12 - 1972
- Those who remain in the darkness of material existence due to their falsely prestigious positions - so-called scientists and philosophers - are actually atheists. They do not know the ultimate cause of everything
- Through logic and sophistry one can never understand how the Supreme Lord created this unlimited cosmos, but the demoniac atheists will never tire of using these methods
- Thus the Lord is equipped with sharp weapons in the form of His parts and plenary portions. All these weapons are competent enough to crush the faithless atheists
- To follow this theory (of the atheistic scientist that the child in the womb of the mother has no life), if the lump of matter is aborted by a surgical operation, no life is killed
- Today I shall speak to you of the history of a boy devotee named Prahlada Maharaja. He was born in a family that was stubbornly atheistic
- Try to understand the whole philosophy, because you have to preach and you have to confront so many atheist rascals
- Ultimately they (Ravana and Hiranyakasipu) were so helpless that they could not save themselves when the Lord appeared before them as cruel death. This is also applicable to the modern atheists who dare flout the authority of the Lord
- Ultimately, however, both parties (the theists and the atheists) demonstrate the Absolute Truth because although they offer opposing statements, their object is the same ultimate cause. They are both approaching the same Supreme Brahman
- Under the regulative principles of the Supreme, such mischievous persons (who are envious of God) are thrown into the darkest region of material existence and are born of asuras, or atheists
- Unfortunate people become enamored of these atheistic philosophers and consequently can never understand the real nature of the Absolute Truth. It is far better to follow in the footsteps of great souls
- Unfortunate persons merely pick up some slogans from the great book of knowledge (Bhagavad-gita), but are unable to estimate the Lord (Krsna) as the SP of Godhead. Pure devotees like Uddhava, however, are never misled by such atheistic opportunists
- Unfortunately, atheistic science will not accept that matter comes from life
- Unfortunately, this Bhagavad-gita has been misused in so many ways by the so-called scholars and swamis. The impersonalist class, or atheist class of men, they have interpreted Bhagavad-gita in their own way
- Unless one is very advanced, he is unable to utilize everyone's contribution to further the Krsna consciousness movement; therefore on principle one should not accept charity from the Mayavadis or atheists
- We accept atheist, one who does not believe in the Vedas. Therefore we have rejected the Buddha philosophy. They could not exist in India. But those who are preaching atheism through Vedas, impersonal, they are more dangerous
- We are preaching on the basis of Bhagavad-gita, the most exalted vedic literature. The atheistic arya samaj does not believe in Bhagavad-gita. Therefore they are not strictly speaking followers of the Vedic varnasrama dharma
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions. Any plan of the atheists will never be successful
- We have to mold our life, and the Krsna consciousness movement is the best process. Therefore those who are sinful, those who are atheist, they have become little afraid of this movement
- We should be very much careful not to become their (duskrtina's) victim. So although the atheists say there is no God, jagad ahur anisvaram, but we are convinced that God is the origin - janmady asya yatah - of both matter and spirit
- We should never consider the demigods, even Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, to be on an equal level with Lord Visnu. If we do this, then according to the Padma Purana we are immediately categorized as atheists
- We should not foolishly accept the atheistic theory of creation. The description of the atheists is given in the Bhagavad-gita. The atheist does not believe in the creator, but he cannot give a good theory to explain the creation
- What can they (the atheists leaders) do for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Visnu? And if they do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves from commited sins
- What is this prayer? "Give me a little bread"? Of course, it is better than the rascals who are atheists. They do not approach God. They say, "Oh, what is God? I am God. I shall, by economic development, I shall create so many breads."
- What is today being labeled varnasrama is an atheistic concept totally unsupported by the scriptures. Real varnasrama is based not on birth but on people's qualities and activities
- What was committed by King Vena many years ago is at present being carried out by atheistic governments all over the world
- When civilization is godless or atheistic, as it is today, God or His representative comes to remind people of their relationship with the supreme consciousness
- When Lord Nrsimhadeva appeared, Prahlada Maharaja was never afraid of Him, whereas his atheist father was immediately faced with death personified and was killed
- When one atheist argued that God is no more expert than the manufacturer of a subtle watch which has so many delicate parts, we had to reply that God is a greater mechanic than the watchmaker
- When one thinks that there is a possibility of arguing about transcendence, he is called an agnostic, and when he thinks that there is a possibility to criticize transcendence, he is called an atheist
- When Prahlada Maharaja was asked by his atheistic father to describe something very good which he had learned, he replied to his father, "For a materialistic person who is always full of anxieties due to being engaged in temporary and relative truths"
- When Prahlada was asked by his atheistic father to describe something very good which he had learned, he replied to his father, "The best course is to give up the blind well of family life and go to the forest to take shelter of the Supreme Lord"
- When Prahlada was in the presence of his atheist father, his father asked him, "Where is your God?" When he replied that God resides everywhere, the father angrily asked whether his God was within one of the pillars of the palace, and the child said yes
- When the atheist Hiranyakasipu asked his son Prahlada Maharaja how it was he became attracted to devotional service, he replied, As long as one is not favored by the dust of the feet of pure devotees, he cannot even touch the path of devotional service
- When the atheists annihilate inhabitants of different planets, flying unseen in the sky on well-built rockets prepared by the great scientist Maya, the Lord will bewilder their minds by dressing Himself attractively as Buddha
- When the world is overburdened by atheists, demons, nonbelievers, the world becomes overburdened. Otherwise things will go on nicely. Just like in the state, if people abide by the laws nicely, then it is very easy to administer
- When the world is overrun by demons and atheists, they create a burden, and the demigods, the pious administrators of the universe, become perplexed
- When there is a population increase, it is the business of the Supreme Lord to feed the people. But atheists or miscreants do not like abundant production of food grains, especially if their business might be hampered
- When they (the Bhuddhist) chanted, they actually became different persons. At that time they were not Buddhists or atheists but Vaisnavas. Consequently they immediately accepted Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s order
- When we deny to serve Krsna, when we are not engaged in the service of Krsna, that is our diseased condition; that is not healthy condition. So this KCM is a treatment to cure this disease, atheist and rogues, to come to Krsna consciousness and be happy
- Whenever we'll find disturbance, you must know there is atheistic population. And peaceful country or a godly persons, they are never disturbing
- Who cares for Radhakrishnan? There are so many atheists came and gone; things are going on as it is. This is culture
- Why, then, do the nondevotees and atheists not admit this (there must be someone who has created this cosmic manifestation and has supplied its ingredients)? The reason is that they are polluted by the reactions of their fruitive activities
- With this purpose in mind, Krsna began to talk as if He were an atheist supporting the philosophy of Karma-mimamsa. Advocates of this philosophy do not accept the supreme authority of the Personality of Godhead
- Without Krsna, matter cannot develop. Atheistic scientists say that life comes from matter, but that is nonsense
- You cannot expect any peace in atheistic society or animalistic society. So they must be made godly. God conscious, Krsna conscious. Then there will be peace
- You do not expect that our preaching will be appeal to everyone. It will be useful for the devotees, for the innocent. Not for the atheist
- You'll see Krsna as lion when He'll ultimately come and capture you, "Ow!" (laughter) That is death. Atheist will see Krsna as death, and theist, devotee, will see Krsna as lover. Hare Krsna