Amogha: Toko bunga means flower store. They usually have the category.
Prabhupāda: These are wholesale merchants?
Amogha: It appears to be. Yes.
Prabhupāda: It is just like Indian market.
Amogha: Oh.
Prabhupāda: In India also.
Amogha: Similar country.
Prabhupāda: Similarly, I've seen Philippines also like this. Japan is almost like this.
Amogha: Yes. I was there also.
Prabhupāda: Yes. Tokyo.
Amogha: In Malaysia also . . . (indistinct)
Prabhupāda: These are all Oriental countries. Five thousand years ago this whole planet was India, Bhārata-varṣa. That we get from history, Mahābhārata. This planet name is Bhārata-varṣa.
Amogha: After King Parīkṣit, then it divided up, that soon after?
Prabhupāda: Divided? They are also already divided. But the culture diminished. Because the center of culture was India, Delhi. So as the power diminished, the maintenance of the culture diminished, and by contact with other types of aboriginal, they learned eating meat and gradually degraded. And they discovered different types of religion because . . . just like at the present moment the Christians are protesting why there should not be abortion.