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Pages in category "Eating"
The following 1,642 pages are in this category, out of 1,642 total.
- A madman, what does he not say, and a goat, what does he not eat
- At night Bhima was the guest of Jarasandha, eating together, talking friendly. This is brahminical culture
- Eating the fruits of the tree
- Even George Bernard Shaw has written, "You are what you eat." Your body is purified or impurified according to the foodstuff you eat
- Even the lion cannot sleep; he has to work to eat
- Everything is eatable? So why don't you eat stool?
- For eating, let there be slaughterhouse and eat meat. And to digest meat, you drink wine. This is being taught
- If I can live by eating fruits and grains and milk, why shall I kill animal?
- In Calcutta there are many butcher shops which keep a deity of the goddess Kali, and animal-eaters think it proper to purchase animal flesh from such shops in hope that they are eating the remnants of food offered to goddess Kali
- One life is meant to be eaten by another. That is nature's law. But we should use discrimination in what kind of foodstuff we shall eat
- Only the cobbler class, the muci class, they eat this cow's flesh after taking the dead animal
- Persons who have no discrimination in the matter of foodstuff and who eat all sorts of rubbish are compared to hogs
- Sometimes the question is put before us: "You ask us not to eat meat, but you are eating vegetables. Do you think that is not violence?"
- Stool-eating pigs
- The cow gives milk, but she does not drink that milk: she eats grass and straw, and her milk is designated as food for human beings. Such is the arrangement of the Lord
- The cow gives milk, but she does not drink that milk; she eats grass and straw, and her milk is designated as food for human beings
- The law is that one should live only by eating specific living beings, as ordained by the law of God
- The real point is that eating is for maintaining the body, not for luxury or for satisfying the demands of the tongue
- There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."
- There was a big rich man in Calcutta who could not eat
- Ahara means
- Annad bhavanti bhutani means
- Asnami means
- Asnati means
- Atyahara means
- Aśina means
- Bhuja means
- Bhujam means
- Bhunjanah means
- Don't eat meat means...
- Eating means
- Eating the whole world means
- If there is no eating, then passing stool means
- Little more eating means
- More eating means
- Ordinary eating means
- Paca means
- Too little eating means
- Too much eating means
- Tusti means
- A brahmacari should accept prasada upon the order of the spiritual master, and if the spiritual master sometimes forgets to order the disciple to eat, the disciple should not take prasada on his own initiative; rather, he should fast
- A brahmana, when he's offering sacrifice, sometimes animals are sacrificed; so that does not mean that he is committing sin. This animal sacrifice was made not for eating the animals. It was for testing the Vedic mantra
- A child or an animal is satisfied only by getting nice food. This stage of consciousness, in which the goal is to eat sumptuously, is called anna-maya
- A cow eats green grasses in the pasture and fills her milk bag with sufficient milk so that the cowherdsmen can milk her. Yajnas are performed to produce sufficient clouds that will pour water over the earth. Payah can refer both to milk and to water
- A cow gives forty pounds, fifty pounds milk daily, but it does not drink. Although it is her milk, no, it gives you, human society: "You take. But don't kill me. Let me live. I am eating only grass." Just see. And the civilized men killing them
- A devotee does not accept anything to eat that is not first offered to Krsna. All the rich foods offered to Krsna are given to the grhasthas, the householders
- A devotee should eat only enough to maintain his body and soul together; he should not allow his tongue unrestricted license to eat anything and everything it likes
- A devotee who has full control over his self should be very sober and peaceful and must be satisfied simply with eating whatever fruits and vegetables are available in the forest
- A diseased man is accustomed to eat bitter medicine, not very palatable, & so many things, passing stool & urine. As soon as they inform that after being cured there is also passing of stool & urine & eating, but that is palatable, he cannot understand
- A diseased man who is taking very bitter medicine and who is lying down in bed, eating there and passing stool and urine there, unable to move, may find his life so intolerable that he thinks, - Let me commit suicide
- A diseased man, he cannot imitate the healthy man. A healthy man eats as he likes, but a diseased man, if he eats as he likes, he'll die. Death is sure. So he has to be restricted, not the healthy man
- A diseased man, he is also eating, and the healthy man is eating. But he is having bitter taste. A man with jaundice, if you give him sugar candy, he will taste as bitter
- A diseased man: he is also eating, he is also sleeping, he is also having other duties; but that he is eating, sleeping, and the healthy man's eating, sleeping is not the same thing
- A diseased man: he's lying down on the bed and eating there, passing stool there, passing urine there, and he cannot move, and very bitter medicine. So many inconvenience. He's lying down. So he's thinking of committing suicide
- A dog may eat out of a garbage can, and a human being may eat on a golden plate, but this does not mean that they are engaged in different activities. In either case, both the dog and the man are taking food into their bodies
- A father is teaching, "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy. Eat meat and drink and associate with as many girls and this is enjoyment." That means, indirectly, he is sending his son to the hell. You see? There is no love. Actually, this is no love
- A fish is very expert in gratifying its tongue, but when it eats the bait offered by the fisherman, it loses its life
- A frog is eaten by a snake, a snake is eaten by a mongoose, and the mongoose is eaten by another animal. In this way the process of destruction goes on by the supreme will of the Lord
- A grhastha, the householder, is ordered that before eating, a householder was to see in the members of the family, first the children must be fed, then diseased person must be fed, then elderly, old person must be fed
- A hog generally lives in a very filthy state, eating stool, but if one tries to separate it from its condition and give it a nice place, the hog will be unwilling
- A hog, he is working day and night to find out where is stool. He likes stool. He eats stool and becomes very fatty. He enjoys
- A human being is not to eat anything which is not offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A human being is not to eat anything which is not offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Yajna-sistasinah santah: one becomes freed from all sinful reactions by eating foodstuffs which are offered to Yajna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A hungry man is eating, he's getting strength, and his hunger is being satisfied. So he can understand himself. Nobody requires to certify. Similarly bhakti, Krsna consciousness, is so perfect that pratyaksa avagamam, one can understand directly
- A jaundice patient doesn't taste sugar as sweet, but if he continues to take sugar candy, then he'll have the real taste for it, sweet, not bitter. So he has to continue to eat sugar candy continually. Sravanam, kirtanam. Then he'll have the taste
- A large quantity of the remnants of food from Lord Jagannatha was brought in for distribution. Ramacandra Puri ate sumptuously, and then he wanted to find faults in Jagadananda Pandita
- A living entity may have an abundant supply of food for eating, or many nice buildings for sleeping, or good arrangements for sex life, or a good defense to protect him, but this does not mean that he is a human being
- A man cannot do that (immediately pounce upon any animal and kills and eat); but his teeth is different, he has no nails; therefore he has to kill animal in different way, by slaughterhouse. So he is worse than animal
- A man is considered to be situated at a certain status of civilization according to the modes of material nature, and that is manifested by eating, by behaving. Acara, vicara. Acara means behavior, and vicara means judgment
- A man is sitting on the ass. And his hand just on the front of the gadha, ass, he's putting some grass. And the gadha is thinking, "I will eat this grass," he's going forward. But the grass is also going forward. This is very instructive
- A man who eats eight ounces of foodstuffs may have to maintain a big family and earn money by any means to support that family, but he himself is not offered more than what he can eat
- A man who has no control over the tongue at first can hardly become a yogi. Yogi and bhogi are two opposite terms. The bhogi, or the merry man who eats and drinks, cannot be a yogi, for a yogi is never allowed to eat and drink unrestrictedly
- A mouse in the church, what he'll eat?
- A patient is ordered by the physician: "You should not eat anything." So he knows, "It is good for me." Similarly, a devotee, when he's starving, he knows that "Krsna has put me in this starving condition. It is good for me." He never complains
- A patient lying in the hospital, he wants whatever is very palatable for him, he wants to eat that. But the medical practitioner has advised, - Oh, you cannot take it
- A patient, since his birth he is sick, lying in the hospital, cannot walk or cannot eat nice things. All bitter medicine, injection, always suffering. If he is informed that, "After your cure, you shall be able to eat nice rasagulla," he cannot believe
- A person born in a family of the low caste which is accustomed to eat dogs is so positioned due to his past sinful activities, but by chanting or hearing once in pureness, or in an offenseless manner, he is immediately relieved of the sinful reaction
- A person fully aware of religious principles should never offer anything like meat, eggs or fish in the sraddha ceremony, and even if one is a ksatriya, he himself should not eat such things
- A person in Krsna consciousness, who eats only food offered to Krsna, can counteract all reactions of past material infections, which are impediments to the progress of self-realization. BG 1972 purports
- A person in the divine consciousness, although engaged in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving about, sleeping, and breathing, always knows within himself that he actually does nothing at all. BG 5.8-9 - 1972
- A person in the renounced order never indulges in either hearing or talking about such subjects (gramya-katha). He should not eat palatable dishes, since that is unfit for a person in the renounced order
- A person in the renounced order should always chant the holy name of the Lord. He should beg some alms to eat, and he should sustain his life in this way
- A person in vanaprastha life should not eat grains grown by tilling of the fields. He should also not eat grains that have grown without tilling of the field but are not fully ripe. Nor should a vanaprastha eat grains cooked in fire
- A person is considered no better than a crow if after receiving some food, he does not divide it among guests, old men and children, but simply eats it himself, or if he eats it without performing the five kinds of sacrifice
- A person who honors the prasadam and regularly eats it, not exactly in front of the Deity, along with caranamrtam immediately can achieve the results of pious activities which are obtained through ten thousand performances of sacrificial rites
- A pig has a certain type of body, and his eatable is stool. This is destined. You cannot change it - "Let the pig eat halava." That is not possible
- A poverty-stricken man cannot become unnaturally fat by eating more and more. And on account of not being able to eat more than he requires, his senses are not very turbulent. When the senses are not very turbulent, he cannot become violent
- A pure devotee of the Lord automatically develops all godly qualities, and some of the prominent features are as follows: 3) fixed, self-controlled, a balanced eater, sane, mannerly, prideless, grave, sympathetic, friendly, poetic, expert and silent
- A saintly person thinks like this, "When shall I be able to live alone in the caves of the mountains? When shall I be dressed simply with undergarments? When shall I be satisfied by eating simply a little fruit and vegetables?'
- A sannyasi can beg from door to door just to collect food, but a paramahamsa who has taken ayacita-vrtti, or ajagara-vrtti, does not ask anyone for food. If someone offers him food voluntarily, he eats
- A sannyasi is expected to collect a little food from each and every householder. That is to say, he should take whatever he requires to eat. This system is called madhukari
- A sannyasi should not cook food for himself or accept an invitation to eat at a devotee’s house continuously for many days
- A small child, while being cared for by his mother, does not know how the needs of the body for eating, sleeping, lying down, passing water and evacuating are being fulfilled. He is simply satisfied to be on the lap of his mother
- A sudra means he becomes disturbed. He becomes disturbed: "Oh, I have no employment. How shall I eat? Where shall I go? Where shall I live?" He has no faith in Krsna
- A temple should not be a place to eat and sleep. A temple manager should be very careful about these things
- A tiny baby bird, dependent fully on its father and mother even to eat, suddenly flies away from the nest when its wings have grown
- A toad in a field speaks by croaking, and similarly everyone who has a tongue wants to speak, even if all he has to say is nonsense. The croaking of the toad, however, simply invites the snake: "Please come here and eat me"
- A true brahmana is always satisfied. Even if he has nothing to eat, he can drink a little water and be satisfied. This is only a matter of practice. Unfortunately, however, no one is educated in how to be satisfied in self-realization
- A typhoid patient cannot eat solid food, and if someone gives it to him to enjoy, and he eats it, he is further complicating his malady and is endangering his life
- A woman is expert in cooking palatable dishes so that she can easily satisfy her husband in eating
- Acarah means he learns from the sastra how we should live, that, preliminary, that you must take bath, you must wash your hands after eating or you must take bath after evacuating. So many things are there
- Accepting the sandalwood pulp and garland, the Lord sat down and said, "Now, in front of Me, you must eat"
- According to nature's arrangement, living entities lower on the evolutionary scale do not eat or collect more than necessary. Consequently in the animal kingdom there is generally no economic problem or scarcity of necessities
- According to our Indian system, their enjoyment is not meat-eating as in the Western countries. Their enjoyment is eating ghee more, become chubby, fatty. That is their enjoyment
- According to our Vaisnava philosophy even a snake or lizard is in the house shall not go without eating, what to speak of other living entities
- According to our Vedic knowledge, the first-class intelligent man is he who knows what is God. He's first-class intelligent man. Otherwise cats and dogs, they also eat, sleep, have sexual intercourse, and die
- According to Srila Rupa Gosvami, there are six impediments to the discharge of devotional service, and also six activities favorable to progress in devotional service. The first impediment is atyahara, overeating or accumulating more wealth than we need
- According to the opinion of experienced medical practitioners, diabetes is a result of voracious eating, and tuberculosis is a disease of undereating. We should desire neither to be diabetic nor to be tubercular
- According to the sastras, there is no discrepancy in a sannyasi's eating at another's house. But for a householder brahmana, this kind of eating is faulty
- According to the Vedic principle, when something is offered to the deities to eat, it is offered in a fire. Therefore a fire sacrifice is necessary in all sorts of ceremonies
- According to Vedic civilization, "This eating is first class. This eating is second class. This eating is third class. This eating is fourth class." So many things required to correct the mistaken way of civilization. That is Krsna consciousness
- According to Vedic life and according to all Vedic scriptures, a man should live on fruits and vegetables, for his teeth are made in such a way that these can be very easily eaten and digested
- According to your body, your eating problem, your sleeping problem, your sense gratification problem and defending problem are already settled. That is the verdict of the sastra
- According to your karma, you have been fixed up that, "You shall eat like this, you shall sleep like this, you'll have sex life like this, and you will be able to defend like this, not more than that." That is not possible. That is called destiny
- Actually those who are meat-eater, beef-eater, they are killing their father and mother and become implicated in sinful life
- Actually, beef-eating or flesh-eating is not in the higher stage (of Islam). But those who are inclined to take flesh, for them it is recommended that instead of killing many small animals, one big animal should be killed
- Actually, human life should be very easy, very easy. No hard work. Living very simple life and eating very healthy food, living in open space, no quarrel, no antagonism, everyone is happy, everyone is free. That is human civilization
- Advaita Acarya replied, "Sir, You are a mendicant traveling on pilgrimage. Sometimes You eat fruits and roots, and sometimes You simply go on fasting"
- Advaita Acarya said, "feeding you is equal to feeding ten million brahmanas. Therefore, accept this sraddha-patra." Thus Advaita Acarya made him eat
- Advaita Acarya then requested the Lord to simply accept the prasadam without pretense. If He could not eat it all, the balance could be left on the plate
- Advaita Acarya took prasadam with Mukunda and Haridasa, and they all wholeheartedly ate as much as they desired
- Advertise naked woman and, what is called, beefeaters, and liquor. This is going on. Advertise cigarettes, just to pull them down again. Go to hell
- After about a week, the tiger will get the chance to catch an animal, and because it does not get fresh food daily, it will keep the carcass in some bush and eat a little at a time
- After Agni had eaten up the Khandava forest, he was very much pleased. At this time he offered Arjuna a specific bow known as Gandiva, four white horses, one chariot and an invincible quiver with two specific arrows considered to be talismans
- After death, such persons are thrown into the hell called Puyoda, where they are put into an ocean filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things. Sudras who could not improve themselves fall into that ocean and are forced to eat those
- After eating the prasadam, they embraced each other and cried due to separation from Lord Caitanya
- After eating, one should not worship the Deity until one has digested his food, nor should one touch the Deity or engage in any Deity worship after eating safflower oil or hing. These are also offenses
- After eating, the two brothers washed Their hands and mouths. Then Raghava Pandita brought flower garlands and sandalwood pulp and decorated Them
- After eating, you (Diti) should not go out to the street without having washed your mouth, hands and feet
- After finishing the meal, Ramacandra Puri requested, "My dear Jagadananda, please listen. You eat the food that is left"
- After hard working, when man comes home, if he finds out good foodstuff and nicely satisfied by eating, and then the woman gives satisfaction by sex, then both of them remain fully satisfied, and then they can improve their spiritual understanding
- After hunting in the forest, King Puranjana returned home, and after refreshing himself by taking a bath and eating nice food, he searched for his wife
- After one year, when Durvasa Muni had returned, King Ambarisa sumptuously fed him all varieties of pure food, and then he himself also ate
- After one's enjoyment due to pious activities is finished, one must return to this planet in rainfall and first take birth as a plant or creeper, which is eaten by various animals, including human beings, and turned to semen
- After receiving the remnants of food left by Lord Nityananda Prabhu, Raghunatha dasa, who was greatly happy, ate some and distributed the rest among his own associates
- After saying this, he made them all eat the various cakes and condensed-milk preparations. After feeding them, he offered them water to wash their hands, feet and mouths
- After she finished eating, she filled the banana leaves and bark with the seeds, picked up the refuse and then threw it into the ditch where all the refuse was thrown
- After some days, Raghunatha dasa gave up standing near the Simha-dvara gate and instead began eating by begging alms from a booth for free distribution of food
- After standing up to receive Durvasa Muni, King Ambarisa offered him a seat and paraphernalia of worship. Then, sitting at his feet, the King requested the great sage to eat
- After ten dandas (four hours) of the night have passed and Raghunatha dasa has seen the performance of puspanjali, he stands at the Simha-dvara gate to beg some alms to eat
- After the plant (of devotional service) has grown some bit, an animal may come and either eat or destroy it. When green leaves of a plant are taken by some animal, the plant generally dies
- After the sacrificial ceremony the brahmanas are invited to eat the remnants of the offered food. When the brahmanas eat the food, it is to be considered directly eaten by the Supreme Lord. Thus no one can be compared to qualified brahmanas
- After the Vaisnavas finished eating, they would throw away their leaf dishes, and Kalidasa would come out of hiding, take the leaves and lick up the remnants
- After undergoing severe hardships all day, human beings are trying to enjoy themselves at night by eating, drinking, having sex and sleeping. At the same time, they have to properly defend themselves. However, this is not human civilization
- After Vidura ate sumptuously and took sufficient rest, he was comfortably seated. Then the King (Yudhisthira) began to speak to him, and all who were present there listened
- Alas, as a serpent is eaten by small ants, so the troublesome Hiranyakasipu, who always inflicted miseries upon all types of people, has now been defeated by the reactions of his own sinful activities
- Alas, how powerful are the hopes of a living being to continue his life. Verily, you (Dhrtarastra) are living just like a household dog and are eating remnants of food given by Bhima
- Alas, is it possible that I shall again see this animal protected by the Lord and fearless of tigers and other animals? Shall I again see him wandering in the garden eating soft grass?
- Alas, my sister (Devaki)! Alas, my brother-in-law (Vasudeva)! I (Kamsa) am indeed so sinful that exactly like a man-eater (Raksasa) who eats his own child, I have killed so many sons born of you - SB 10.4.15
- All animals like deer, camel, ass, monkey, even flies and snakes, none should be ill treated. Even they enter into the house or in the fields and take their eatables, they should not be stopped. Because they have also got the right to eat
- All around the three eating places were a hundred pots filled with various kinds of vegetables
- All cooking is carried on for Krsna, not for one's own purposes. Ultimately we shall eat the prasadam (offered food), but when we cook we should think that we are cooking for Krsna and not for ourselves
- All others fall into three classes. One class is bhukti, those who are hankering after material happiness and enjoyment. These people want to eat, drink, be merry and enjoy
- All the decomposed food is thrown before the cows from Tailanga at the Simha-dvara gate. Because of its rotten odor, even the cows cannot eat it
- All the devotees were served prasadam on plantain leaves, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu distributed on each leaf a quantity suitable for two or three men to eat, for His hand could not distribute less than that
- All the devotees who sat down would not eat the prasadam as long as the Lord had not eaten. On that day, however, Kasi Misra had extended an invitation to the Lord
- All the Gosvamis, they did so. They conquered over sleeping, conquered over eating, conquered over sex desire and conquered defense
- All the varieties of the remaining prasadam were kept to eat throughout the year. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ate His lunch, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami would serve it little by little
- All these Christians, they are violating the First Commandment. That is their business. Simply engaged in killing, big, big slaughterhouse. And they give the example that, - Others are eating vegetable. That is also killing
- All these combined together (eating sanctified food from yajna, existence becomes purified; finer tissues in the memory become sanctified, then one can think of the path of liberation) lead to KC, the great necessity of present-day society. BG 1972 p
- All these living entities have no problem for eating. This 20% or 15% people who are called as civilized, they have problem. They have created problem
- All those thousands of people assembled in the market, they have got their sleeping place. They have got their eating place. So by arrangement. There is arrangement. Similarly, there may be millions and millions of living entities; God has arrangement
- Also, by inducing sannyasis to eat so much, you spoil their religious principles. Therefore I can understand that you have no advancement
- Although a tiger is not sinful if he attacks another animal and eats its flesh, if a man with developed consciousness does so, he must be punished
- Although Ajamila completely forgot Narayana, he was calling his child, saying, "Narayana, please come eat this food. Narayana, please come drink this milk." Somehow or other, therefore, he was attached to the name Narayana. This is called ajnata-sukrti
- Although Dhruva Maharaja was only a five-year-old boy, he underwent severe austerities by eating simply dry foliage, drinking only water and taking no food. In this way, after six months, he was able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- Although Garuda was not under anyone’s order, being the carrier of Lord Visnu, he did not disobey the order of the great yogi. Instead of staying and eating many fish, he carried off one big fish, who was their leader
- Although he (the spiritual master) himself does not eat or require such a variety of prasadam. By seeing to the offering and distribution of prasadam, he himself is encouraged in devotional service
- Although it is nature's law that one has to live by eating other living entities (jivo jivasya jivanam), one must use discretion. Fruits, flowers, vegetables, rice, grain and milk are made for human beings
- Although one is sometimes permitted to sacrifice an animal before the goddess Kali and eat it instead of purchasing meat from a slaughterhouse, this is not the order of God
- Although the individual living being, who is compared to the bird that is eating, is sitting with his friend the Supreme Soul, the individual living being cannot see Him
- Although the Queen had no son, after eating that food, which had the power to produce a male child, she became pregnant by her husband, and in due course of time she gave birth to a son
- Although the transcendental pleasure being enjoyed by the cowherd boys could not be stopped, unless they stopped the transcendental pleasure of their various activities they could not eat their lunch
- Although the two birds are in the same tree, the eating bird is fully engrossed with anxiety and moroseness as the enjoyer of the fruits of the tree. BG 1972 purports
- Although you are eating green grass every day, you are not filling your milk bag so we can utilize your milk. Since you are willfully committing offenses, it cannot be said that you are not punishable due to your assuming the form of a cow
- An animal of the same species as the cow - namely, the bull - also eats straw like the cow but does not produce milk. Under the circumstances, it cannot be said that straw in connection with a particular species produces milk
- An elephant is very strong, it has a very big body, and it can work very hard and eat a large quantity of food, but its intelligence is not at all commensurate with its size and strength
- An intelligent person should be satisfied with eating prasada or with performing the five different kinds of yajna (panca-suna). By such activities, one can give up attachment for the body and so-called proprietorship with reference to the body
- And thus at last remain in trance, stopping all breathing. Some of them, curtailing the eating process, offer the outgoing breath into itself, as a sacrifice. BG 4.29 - 1972
- Animal food is for those in the mode of ignorance. Therefore, those who indulge in animal food, drinking, smoking and eating food which is not first offered to Krsna will suffer sinful reactions because of eating only polluted things. BG 1972 purports
- Animal killing is prohibited. Every living being, of course, has to eat something. But one should be taught what kind of food one should take
- Animal society, they do not know what is freedom. Ours also, the so-called freedom. But still, we have got some consciousness that we fight for freedom. And they fight for eating. That's all
- Animals like dogs and hogs enjoy sense gratification by eating stool
- Anna means food grains. So annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14). Every living entity lives. Nowadays there are scarcity of food grains. Even the human being cannot eat sufficiently. But formerly the kings, they used to maintain elephants
- Another gopi said, "He is the only friend of the suffering living entities. When He plays His flute, all the cows and other animals of Vrndavana, although engaged in eating, simply take a morsel of food in their mouths and stop chewing"
- Another word here is mita-bhuk. This means that one should eat only as much as necessary to maintain the body and soul together. One should not be gluttonous to satisfy the tongue
- Any condition, one can live locally. That is my point. They are supposed to be uncivilized, and they live in the ice cottage. There is no sufficient things for eating. And how they live? That is the point. So why civilized man cannot live locally?
- Any moment, any time you spend for thinking of Krsna, working for Krsna, chanting for Krsna, eating for Krsna, dancing for Krsna, that time is saved. Therefore it is recommended, harer nama
- Any moving animals we can eat. But that is the natural law for the animals and uncivilized man, not for the civilized man
- Any person who is in Krsna consciousness, his quality of goodness, namely, he does not indulge in illicit sex life, he does not smoke even or take tea or coffee even, he does not eat any forbidden foodstuff
- Any servant of any big man, he is bigger than his master, because master is given so many varieties of food. Master takes little, and the balance the servants eat. So where is his want? There is no question of want
- Anyone - either human being or animal or bird - anyone who has got this material body is full of anxiety. Even a sparrow, you will see, he is eating something, he is in anxiety. That is material life
- Anywhere you keep cows. And what cows to maintain? No expenditure. The fruits? The skin thrown away, and the cow will eat. And in exchange it will give you nice foodstuff, milk
- Apart from other laws of nature, I become hungry; I require to eat something. I require to sleep. I require to have some sense gratification. So these are laws of nature
- Artificially you can increase so many things for eating purposes. But you must eat. That is the economic question. It is not that you should starve
- Aryans means advance. And what way advance? Advance in eating? Advance in sleeping? No. Advance in purification. They are called Aryans. And the most advanced purified is called the brahmana. And less than that, the ksatriya. And less than that, vaisyas
- As a person feels his hunger satisfied after eating each morsel of foodstuff, he must similarly be able to see the degree to which he has been freed from sex desire
- As all our Godbrothers are doing. They have got a little temple, and a few devotees go and beg rice and cook it, and eat and sleep, that's all. No fighting spirit
- As Arjuna, we should accept Krsna as the SP of Godhead and do as He says (BG 9.27): O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me
- As declared in the Vedas, these two birds, although sitting as friends, are not equal. One is simply a witness. This bird is Paramatma, or the Supersoul. And the other bird is eating the fruit of the tree
- As far as eating is concerned, it can be regulated only when one is practiced to take and accept prasadam, sanctified food. BG 1972 purports
- As far as eating is concerned, there is no problem. If Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, supplies everyone with eatables, why should He not supply His devotee
- As far as our ISKCON movement is concerned, we simply ask that one observe the four prohibitive rules, chant sixteen rounds and, instead of indulging in luxurious eating for the tongue, simply accept prasada offered to the Lord
- As for hiring the bhajan group Bharati Mandal, they are not as good as our bhajans. They eat anything and everything but no bhakti
- As for the urges of the tongue, we all experience that the tongue wants to eat palatable dishes
- As he (Narada) went on eating (the remnants of food of the great sages), he gradually became as purehearted as the sages, and he gradually developed the same taste. BG 1972 purports
- As I am eating an animal, that animal will have the opportunity to eat me
- As I am eating, enjoying now, palate, eating some animal, so he'll also eat me next life
- As Krttikadevi, after receiving the semen of Lord Siva from Agni, conceived a child named Skanda Karttikeya, Krtadyuti, having received semen from Citraketu, became pregnant after eating remnants of food from the yajna performed by Angira
- As prescribed by Vedic scriptures, no animal food is offered to the Lord. Therefore, a human being is meant to eat a particular type of food
- As soon as one takes a vow to live in the forest, he must simply eat roots, tree trunks, fruits, dried leaves or whatever nature provides in that way
- As soon as there is little light, immediately they (birds & beasts) will rise up & will talk amongst themselves & go, one tree to another, & he will eat one or two fruits, little fruits, ample fruit. They have no scarcity of food & live very pleasantly
- As the living entity transmigrates from one form of life to another, he has to eat so many abominable foodstuffs that finally there is no limit
- As the Lord advises in the Bhagavad-gita, "Whatever you do, do it for Me; whatever you eat, first offer it to Me; whatever charity you want to give, first give it to Me; and whatever austerities and penances you want to perform, perform them for Me"
- As we generally perform devotional service on Ekadasi by not eating grains, it is generally recommended that on Dvadasi one not consume anything but milk
- As you will not eat stool, you will like halava, you have got rationality, then hog has got rationality. He'll not eat halava, he'll eat stool. So where is the want of rationality? Why don't you eat stool? That is rationality
- Ask any so-called scholar that "What is the aim of life?" He cannot say. The aim of life is the same, like the dog: eat, drink, be merry, and enjoy and die. That's all. So where is education? There is no education
- Ask anybody, very learned scholar, scientist, philosopher, or medical man, engineer, lawyer, that "What is the aim of life?" Nobody knows. They think aim of life - eat, drink, be merry and enjoy, that's all. This is aim of life
- At last he found a fault. "How can a person in the renounced order eat so many sweetmeats?" he said. "If one eats sweets, controlling the senses is very difficult"
- At present, this world is being managed by the raksasas. The raksasas are man-eaters who eat their own sons for the satisfaction of their senses
- At such times of slight appearance, no consideration is given to it; as when one is eating some palatable dishes, if one also eats a small blade of grass, he will not taste it, nor will he care to distinguish what its taste is like
- At the end of life the body belongs to the fire, because the body is given to the fire and burned to ashes. Or the body is thrown into the street to be eaten by the dogs and vultures
- At the office he (a man) works hard from nine to five; then he takes two or three hours to return home. After eating, he has sex and goes to sleep. For all this hardship, his only happiness is a little sex
- At the present moment in Kali-yuga, Raksasa fathers and mothers are killing their own children in the womb, and some are even eating the fetus with great relish. Thus the so-called civilization is gradually advancing by producing Raksasas
- Atheistic scholars and politicians cannot understand the transcendental vibration. They can only lick at the honey bottle. Fools and rascals eat and drink everything without restriction, thinking that they are doing so in the name of religion
- Atyahara, eating more than necessity, is condemned everywhere. Spiritual life means reducing eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That is spiritual life
- Atyaharah, eating more than you require. Actually, we should not eat unless we are very hungry. That is good eating
- Back to home, back to Godhead, and eat, drink and be merry in Krsna's company. That is our process
- Balanced eater
- Because a hog has a certain type of body, his sense gratification comes from eating stool, the very thing that is most obnoxious to you. At once, after evacuating, you leave to get free from the bad smell - but the hog is waiting
- Because Durvasa and his men were unable to eat anything more, they went away without coming into the house of the Pandavas. In this way the Pandavas were saved from the wrath of Durvasa
- Because God has given you the seas and oceans of salt, you cannot make it use more than is necessary. If you think that, "There is so much salt, let me eat it," no, you cannot do. Any action
- Because he (Kamsa) was very much afraid of his death, he was thinking of Krsna in that form twenty-four hours a day, without stopping - even while eating, while walking and while breathing - and naturally he got the blessing of liberation
- Because of his material opulences, he thinks that "Oh, where is the disease? This is all right. I am happy." That is the defect. We have to reduce. That is called tapasya. Not that "Because my tongue is asking me to eat something, therefore I must eat"
- Because of his own misdeed, Mitrasaha was sonless and was cursed by Vasistha to become a man-eater
- Because one living entity is food for another living entity, you cannot eat your father, mother or children. Why? Because you are human being, you have got discrimination
- Because people are becoming more and more in the modes of darkness, they are eating so many abominable things. And prakrti also, I mean to say, minimizing the supply of sattvika food. Just like nowadays it has become scarcity of grains, of milk, of sugar
- Because Rantideva perceived the presence of the Supreme Godhead everywhere, and in every living entity, he received the guest with faith and respect and gave him a share of the food. The brahmana guest ate his share and then went away
- Because Sanatana had been fasting for two days, he cooked the food and ate it. However, having formerly been a minister of the Nawab, he began to contemplate the situation
- Because Satyavati, instead of eating her own oblation, had eaten that which was meant for her mother, she would give birth to a son imbued with the ksatriya spirit. This was undesirable
- Because that stool and urine is also useful. Cow is so important. They'll eat and they'll pass stool and urine. That is also important. If they supply milk, it is well, very good. Otherwise the stool and urine is also important
- Because they (food cooked more than three hours before it is eaten) are decomposing, such foods give a bad odor, which often attracts people in mode of darkness but repulses those in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- Because they have been taught like that (to watch television). What is their fault? They do not know the importance of human life. "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy." That's all. And then become a dog. That's all
- Because we have forgotten Krsna, you think that "We can do something." Therefore we take advantage of our high intelligence to defend ourselves more nicely, to have mating more nicely or eating more nicely
- Because we have to eat some other living entity, it does not mean that I shall eat my sons and daughters. "Discrimination is the best part of valor." So far we are concerned, we are eating certainly vegetable, but not directly. We eat krsna-prasadam
- Beg, borrow, steal - eat ghee. - Eat ghee, because so long you live, you'll live very sumptuously eating ghee and become fatty. That's all
- Bengalis are habituated to eating cooked rice as their staple food. When they went to Mathura in the north, they found that the people generally ate capatis or rotis made of wheat. The Bengalis could not digest this food
- Betel nuts are an intoxicant, and therefore the regulative principles prohibit eating them
- Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad-Bhagavatam, are specifically recommended to suffering humanity to bring about the desired effect of liberation from the pangs of material civilization, which is eating the vital part of human energy
- Bhagavad-gita never says that "You don't require to eat. You simply breathe air and practice yoga." No. But we must eat neither more, nor less. That is recommended. Yuktahara-viharasya. We should not eat more, nor less
- Bhagavad-gita says that if you take the remnants of foodstuff after offering sacrifice, you become freed from all contamination. Otherwise, one who cooks to eat personally without offering to Krsna is simply eating sinful reactions. This is our position
- Bhagavata communism says that even if you have got a lizard in your room, you must give him something to eat. If you have got a serpent in your room, you must give it something to eat. Nobody in your house should starve
- Bhakti, devotional service, dissolves the subtle body of the living entity without separate effort, just as fire in the stomach digests all that we eat
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura has taught that our tongue is very fastidious, wants to eat this thing, that thing, this thing, that thing
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura was against giving sannyasa. He didn't like these babajis. They were markata-vairagya, superficially . . . markata-vairagya means monkey. They live naked, eat fruits, live in the jungle. That is vairagya. But three dozen wives
- Bhima is known as Vrkodara because he could eat as voraciously as he could perform herculean tasks, such as killing the demon Hidimba. BG 1972 purports
- Bhogi, because he eats more, so he evacuates twice. And one who evacuates more than twice, he's rogi, diseased. Yogi, bhogi, rogi. So everything has got routine work. Saucam. So you'll feel healthy
- Bhunjate te tv agham papa ye pacanty atma-karanat. Anyone who eats for sense pleasure, or cooks for himself, not offering his food to Krsna, eats only sin. One who eats sin and eats more than is allotted to him cannot execute perfect yoga. BG 1972 pur
- Big, big businessmen, day and night working hard, earning money, not for himself. What he will eat? Two capatis, that's all. Or little milk or little... Not that he has earned 1000 dollars every day and he will eat it
- Bird will go to a tree and eat fruit, but not more than he requires; neither he will take the fruit at his home to stock for next day or making black market. We have created this nonsense situation by claiming God's property as ours. This is the mistake
- Both Krsna and the living entity are sitting in one tree. That is stated in the Upanisad. Two birds are sitting in one tree. One is eating the fruit of the tree and other is simply witnessing
- Brahma, the head of the demigods, full of anxiety, asked them, "Do not eat me, but protect me. You are born from me and have become my sons. Therefore you are Yaksas and Raksasas"
- Brahmacaryena means completely cessation of sex life. So that is not possible to completely give up eating or completely sex life, but make it regulated
- Brahmin initiation means to be very clean, inside and outside. Inside by chanting the glories of the Lord, and outside by bathing regularly. Washing hands and mouth after eating
- Bring them first class prasadam, very palatable. Foodstuff means even one has no appetite he'll eat. That is food. Not that even one has got appetite, he'll forget. That is not food
- But when he became a tiger, he stared at the saintly person, and when the saintly person asked him, "What do you want?" the tiger said, "I want to eat you." Then the saintly person cursed him, saying, "May you again become a mouse."
- By bhakti-yoga one can become directly aware of his progress in spiritual life, just as a person who eats can understand that his hunger is satisfied
- By coming home, taking his bath, eating nice foodstuffs, getting refreshed and searching out his wife, King Puranjana came to his good consciousness in his family life
- By direct perception we can see that the sun is just like a disc, no larger than the plate we eat on. From scientists, however, we come to understand that the sun is many thousands of times larger than the earth. So what are we to accept
- By eating food prepared by worldly people, one s mind becomes wicked
- By eating or touching such maha-prasadam (the remnants of food left by a pure Vaisnava), a brahmana is not degraded. There is no question of being polluted by touching the remnants of such food
- By eating prasadam one makes advancement in spiritual life. Therefore, we should never consider ordinary food on an equal level with maha-prasadam
- By eating, as soon as he (man) gets little strength, then sex without any discrimination
- By getting enough milk and combining it with food grains and vegetables, we can prepare hundreds of nectarean foods. We can happily eat this food and thus avoid industrial enterprises and joblessness
- By hearing about Krsna one becomes automatically attached to the Supreme Spirit. This attachment is called paresanubhuti spiritual satisfaction. It is just like the feeling of satisfaction a hungry man has for every morsel of food he eats. BG 1972 pur
- By nature we try to protect the body. This is self-preservation. It is a natural law of the living entity, just as eating is a natural law and sleeping is a natural law. Why do I protect the body? Because within the body is the soul
- By performing yajna, you have got regular rainfalls. By regular rainfalls, you get production of grains. And by production of grains, you eat and live happily. So this is a circle. This is a circle
- By practice, one should avoid eating in such a way that other living entities will be disturbed and suffer
- By practicing hatha-yoga, pranayama and so forth one should counteract sufferings due to the body and mind. Similarly, by developing the mode of goodness, especially in regard to eating, one should conquer sleep
- By practicing pranayama to control the air within the body through yoga, and by eating only air and dry leaves fallen from the trees, you (Vasudeva and Devaki) cleansed from your minds all dirty things - SB 10.3.34-35
- By Prthu Maharaja's behavior we can understand that when he went to the forest he did not eat any cooked food sent from the city by some devotees or disciples
- By six kinds of activities you will lose your holding in Krsna consciousness. What is that? Atyaharah, too much eating. Ahara means collection or eating
- By the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the dullness in the mind of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was eradicated. After reciting the following two verses, he ate the prasadam offered to him
- By the purification of existence (by eating sanctified foodstuffs from yajnas), finer tissues in the memory become sanctified, and when memory is sanctified, one can think of the path of liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Caitanya continues, "Although Madhavendra Puri was hungry, he would not beg food to eat. This renounced person carried a load of sandalwood for the sake of Sri Gopala"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised anyone, especially His confidential devotees . . . just like Raghunatha dasa Gosvami: he was advised that, - You chant and don't eat very palatable food. Don't dress yourself very gorgeously
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised His disciples never to eat palatable food, never to talk about village topics and never to read ordinary novels, poems and newspapers
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised His disciples, "Never eat very palatable foodstuff. Never talk these village talks." Ordinary novel, literature, newspaper, He forbade
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised Raghunatha dasa Gosvami not to eat very palatable dishes, wear very nice garments or talk on mundane subjects
- Candalas means the dog-eaters. In the human society, the division of higher class and lower class is determined by the standard of eating. So first-class men, just like brahmin, Vaisnava, they eat very purified prasadam
- Chagale na khaya, pagale ki bale. "A madman, what does he not say, and a goat, what does he not eat?"
- Chili is tama-guna; that is the symptom of tama-guna. As soon as you chew, it becomes hot, everything. You see? So ugra. And sattva-guna is sweetness, so sweet. Therefore, ordinarily in India it is stated that a brahmana is known who can eat more sweets
- Classless society is Krsna consciousness. "Eat Krsna-prasadam." Everyone will like. That is classless: "Everyone chant Hare Krsna, everyone eat Krsna-prasadam." Life is successful. Classless society on the spiritual platform, not on the material platform
- Collecting and eating more than necessary also causes prayasa, or unnecessary endeavor. By God's arrangement, anyone in any part of the world can live very peacefully if he has some land and a milk cow
- Combine together & it will be nice body: the leg will walk, the hand will protect, the head will give instruction, and the belly will get energy by eating food. Those divisions are required. Not that everyone is all. No, there must be division of labor
- Conquering over sleeping, conquering over sex life and conquering over eating, these things are required. Pious life means gradually decreasing the unnecessarily bodily demands. That is pious life
- Cooking is the most important business of our life. We are not cats and dogs, and every human being has to cook things for eating
- Cowherds boy, they were equally on the same level. Although not same level, but they were given the opportunity to speak, to stand, to talk, to eat on the same level with Krsna. Now our position is different
- Cows are never meant to be killed or eaten by human beings
- Customarily, a sannyasi is supposed to take shelter and eat in the home of a brahmana, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as the independent Supreme Personality of Godhead, used His own discretion and decided to stay at Candrasekhara's house
- Deity of Krsna should be seen. That is the benefit of the eyes. The ears should be engaged hearing about Krsna. The tongue should be engaged for eating Krsna's remnants of foodstuff, prasadam
- Demons and Raksasas are accustomed to eat meat, fish and similar nonvegetarian foods. Demons like Ravana, Kamsa and Hiranyakasipu, although born of brahmana and ksatriya fathers, used to take meat and flesh without discrimination
- Developing the business of economic condition, means the business of eating. And defending - either you defend with atomic energy or with your nails and claws, the process is defending. That is in the animal life also
- Devotees used to go to forests, high hills or mountains on pilgrimages, but such severe austerities are not possible in these days. One should instead eat only prasada and no more than required
- Devotional service to the Lord is very simple: one should always engage in the service of the Lord, should eat the remnants of foodstuffs offered to the Deity. BG 1972 purports
- Different living beings are situated in different consciousness, Some are satisfied in the matter of eating and sleeping, they are on the annamoya stage
- Distribute this Krsna consciousness movement all over the world. Let people eat these fruits and ultimately become free from old age and death
- Do not eat anything brought or touched by a sudra nor anything seen by a woman in her menstrual period. Do not drink water by joining your palms
- Do not eat luxurious dishes or dress in fine garments, but always remain humble and serve Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in your heart of hearts
- Do not talk like people in general or hear what they say. You should not eat very palatable food, nor should you dress very nicely
- Do the trees not live? Do the bellows of the blacksmith not breathe? All around us, do the beasts not eat and discharge semen
- Do the trees not live? Do the bellows of the blacksmith not breathe? All around us, do the beasts not eat and discharge semen?
- Do whatever you like or whatever may be easier for you to do, eat whatever you may eat, sacrifice whatever you can sacrifice, give whatever you may give in charity, and do whatever you may undertake in penance, but everything must be done for Him only
- Does it (the body) belong to the person who takes it away by force, to the slave master who purchases it, or to the sons who burn it in the fire? Or, if the body is not burned, does it belong to the dogs that eat it - SB 10.10.11
- Dogs, cats and tigers are always busy trying to find something to eat or a place to sleep, trying to defend and have sexual intercourse successfully
- Don't be bothering yourself for solution of economic question. That is already provided. Just like all these animals, these birds, they have no question how to live, how to eat, how to mate, how to defend. This is already there
- Don't bother about big, big buildings. It is not required. Useless waste of time. Produce. Make the whole field green. See that. Then whole economic question solved. Then you eat sumptuous. Eat sumptuously
- Don't spend your hard-earned money for sense gratification. Then one may say that "After all, we have got this body, and we have to eat, we have to sleep. And because we have got senses, the senses must be a little bit satisfied." No
- Don't spoil it by sense gratification. You can eat; there are so many nice thing, krsna-prasadam. Why should you eat meat? Why should you eat, drink and all nonsense? Be little frugal
- Don't take food, don't eat simply for satisfying your palate. That is called sense enjoyment. But you, just to keep yourself fit, just to keep your body fit for giving service to the Lord, you can eat Krsna prasada
- Due to attachment for the deer, Maharaja Bharata lay down with it, walked about with it, bathed with it and even ate with it. Thus his heart became bound to the deer in affection
- Due to his past sinful life he becomes attracted by Cupid and eats good food voraciously
- Due to our greed, we eat unnecessarily, and such gluttony causes pain at the time of evacuation. The conclusion is that the living entity feels well if he evacuates properly
- During our exile, Durvasa Muni, who eats with his ten thousand disciples, intrigued with our enemies to put us in dangerous trouble. At that time He (Lord Krsna), simply by accepting the remnants of food, saved us
- During time of war, the government takes care of the soldiers first, and the civilians, their eating, their supply is controlled. But the soldier's supply is never controlled, because he is giving good, better service to the state
- Each day, Madhavendra Puri would eat one piece of that earthen pot, and after eating it he would immediately be overwhelmed with ecstasy. These are wonderful stories
- Each of us has a tongue, and suppose we want to eat stool. We may say, "Krsna, I want to taste stool," and Krsna will say, - Yes, take this body of a hog and eat stool
- Eagles are fond of eating goats, and of course many birds eat only fruits and berries. Therefore the words caram, referring to moving animals, and acaram, referring to grasses, fruits and vegetables, are mentioned in this verse - SB 4.18.23-24
- Eat whatever necessity, whatever you can . . . "One man's food, another man's poison." One man eats, say, so much voraciously; the another man cannot digest. If he imitates, "Oh, he is eating so much? I will also eat so much." No
- Eating - there is enough fruit in the tree. The birds very nicely jumping over from one tree to another, eatings. Sleeping - they have got a nest; at night without disturbance, they sleep. Mating - with the birth they are two eggs, one male and one female
- Eating for sense gratification - including the use of extra quantities of spices like chili and tamarind - is to be given up by Krsna conscious persons
- Eating is not in itself the cause of the vital energy of life. For digestion of eatables we have to take shelter of another, superior energy, which is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita as vaisvanara
- Eating is not prohibited, but if we eat voraciously we shall certainly sleep more than required. Sense gratification ensues, and we may be degraded to a lower life form. In that way our spiritual progress may be checked at least for the time being
- Eating is not prohibited. You have to eat, because you have got this body. But not that simply for eating I am living. This is called yukta-vairagya
- Eating is required, but not eating too much - not eating to the taste of the tongue, unnecessarily eating meat, fish, eggs. Why? You are human being. For you, Krsna has given so much varieties of foodstuff: fruits, vegetables, nice rice, dal, milk, ghee
- Eating is the basic principle for keeping one's health. Eating too much or too little causes disease. Therefore Bhagavad-gita says yuktahara vihara. Simply eat to keep fit. That is one important business of those in Krishna consciousness
- Eating must result in good health. That is eating. Eating does not mean to fill up the belly with all rubbish things. Eating means that you become healthy, nice eating
- Eating vegetables is violence, and vegetarians are also committing violence against other living entities because vegetables also have life
- Eating voraciously and unnecessarily is not the business of an Aryan. Rather, the eating process should be restricted as far as possible
- Eating, sleeping, and during sleeping we sometimes dream, fearing, or without dream, fearing. So we take protection. While sleeping, we close our doors
- Eating, sleeping, sex life and fear are the four bodily necessities but to utilize the full duration of life a person desiring to advance in spiritual consciousness must reduce these activities. That will give him an opportunity to fully use his lifetime
- Eating, we want palatable dishes. Very good. But you prepare the palatable foodstuff for Krsna. For Krsna you prepare hundreds of palatable . . . don't think that - It is being prepared for me
- Either you eat animal or vegetable, you eat some living entity. That is inevitable. You cannot avoid. Now it is the question of selection
- Either you nicely eat or wrongly eat, but you have to fulfill your bell(y) and satisfy your hunger. That is not advancement of civilization. To eat nicely, to sleep nicely, to defend nicely and to have sexual life nicely
- Ekadasi day -- there is no eating sumptuously. Simply you take little fruits and flowers. Try to avoid that also. You don't take even water. That is really ekadasi
- Ekadasi occurs on the eleventh day after the full moon and the eleventh day after the new moon. On such days no grains, cereals or beans are eaten; simply vegetables and milk are moderately taken, & chanting Hare Krsna & reading scriptures are increased
- Ekadasi occurs on the eleventh day after the full moon and the eleventh day after the new moon. On such days no grains, cereals or beans are eaten; simply vegetables and milk are moderately taken, and chanting and reading scriptures are increased
- Elephant can eat forty kilogram at a time. You cannot eat even one kilogram. So different persons, different living entities, they are different meant; they have got different body according to the nature's law. You cannot violate the nature's law
- Eternal life, such nice, always youthful, such nicely dressed, and four hands. Now you are eating with two hands. You will get four hands
- Even a hog, who lives by eating stool, finds himself happy, although a person in a higher mode of life sees that the hog is eating stool. How abominable that life is
- Even during our sleeping hours we can understand by virtue of our breathing process that the snake lives by eating the air that passes within this body
- Even eating involves fear. A bird, while eating, looks this way and that way, fearful that some enemy may be coming
- Even if we do not kill animals, simply by eating vegetables, they are also life. It does not mean that vegetarians are not killing. They are also killing
- Even if you are put into the jail life, prison life, for these things government has arranged already. In the jail life there is eating, sleeping, arrangement. So for these things we should not be very much anxious. That is human life
- Even if you do not understand the philosophy, even you do not read the books, simply if you take part in these three things, chanting, dancing and taking part in eating the prasadam, your life will gradually progress in spiritual advancement of life
- Even if you have sufficient to eat, you cannot avoid death. So death is inevitable. That is the problem of material life. Birth, death, old age and disease
- Even in simply drinking water we kill many tiny aquatic creatures. We kill many such living entities merely by cleaning our homes or when eating & sleeping. In sum, we cannot avoid all the sins we incur, even unconsciously, in the ordinary course of life
- Even in the stool, the worms in the stool, he's also thinking, "I have got so much stool to eat." This same mastership. - I am the monarch of all I survey. I have got so much stool
- Even killing of animal is required for sacrifice, the Vedic religion also allow - but not cow. These goats, they are allowed. The meat-eater, under restriction, they can eat goats. But not the higher caste. The brahmana, ksatriya, vaisyas, they would not
- Even people have no idea what he's going to eat tomorrow. Actually, these things are coming. Manda-bhagya, most unfortunate. And upadrutah, always disturbed by many natural disturbances, health disturbances, political disturbances. This is the position
- Even stones are eatables for a particular type of animal or bird. But the human being is not meant for eating everything and anything; he is meant to eat grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, sugar, etc. Animal food is not meant for the human being
- Even the lion, although so powerful, must endeavor with great difficulty to find another animal to eat, and similarly everyone in this material world must work with great difficulty to continue his life
- Even those who eat animals cannot do so without God's arrangement, for the animal also must be provided with grass before one can take it to the slaughterhouse
- Even though he has a human body, a person in the mode of ignorance and interested only in his present body is like an animal, for an animal, being covered by ignorance, thinks that the ultimate goal of life and happiness is to eat as much as possible
- Even though there are so many miseries in materialistic family life, he cannot break free. Why? He thinks that sex life and eating palatable dishes are most important. Therefore, in spite of so many miserable conditions, he cannot give them up
- Even we are eating, we can remember Krsna. Krsna bada daya-maya, karibare jihva jaya, svaprasada-anna dila bhai. So we want. While sleeping, if we think of Krsna, it may be that we may dream of Krsna also. That is possible
- Even we eat vegetable, that is also killing. But because I have to kill somebody to eat, that does not mean that I can kill my child also. That is also going on. There is discrimination
- Every day he (the hunter) was offered grains and fruit, so much so that no less than ten to twenty people could have eaten there. According to Narada's instructions, he did not accept anything more than what he and his wife required for sustenance
- Every intelligent man should at least experiment with Krsna consciousness. He should say - All right. I have been enjoying this eating and sleeping for so many lives. These things were available for me to enjoy in my bird and animal bodies
- Every living entity has got a tendency for certain class of thing, especially sex and eating nonvegetarian things
- Every living entity has to eat something, and in fact the necessities for his life have already been provided by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord has provided food for both the elephant and the ant
- Every living entity is always eager to enjoy sex life because materialistic life consists of eating, sleeping, sex and fear
- Everyone becomes a servant of the senses just beginning from the tongue. They cannot control the tongue. They eat anything and everything. Therefore they cannot control others senses also
- Everyone complain, "I am sick because I am eating too much," or "no eating." Why? No eating or eating too much should be avoided. Simply you eat what will keep your health nice. That is eating
- Everyone desires comfort for his body and tries to make a suitable situation for this purpose, forgetting that the body is meant to be eaten by dogs, jackals or moths and thus turned into useless stool, ashes or earth
- Everyone has to work for maintenance of his body and soul together, & Krsna recommends herein (BG 9.27) that one should work for Him. Everyone has to eat something to live; therefore he should accept the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Krsna. BG 1972 p
- Everyone is eating. The ants within your home, within the hole of your room, they're also eating. So who is not eating? Everyone is eating. Why you have made a civilization to work hard like an ass for your eating? What is this civilization?
- Everyone knows how to eat, how to use sex. Nobody requires any university education
- Everyone knows well that when we eat something, or in other words, when we put foodstuffs in the stomach, the energy created by such action is immediately distributed throughout the whole body
- Everyone wants to dance, to sing, to eat and to hear the truth. This process is truly susukham - very happy
- Everyone wants to eat, sing and dance, Through this formula - dancing, singing and eating Krsna prasada and hearing philosophical discussion, transcendental topics from Bhagavad-gita - so don't you think it is very happy?
- Everyone, especially the householder, commits five kinds of sinful activities: When we receive water from a water pitcher, we kill many germs that are in it. Similarly, when we use a grinding machine or eat food, we kill many germs
- Everyone, even the ant, he is also drunkard. They have scientifically studied, the ants are very much fond of intoxication, therefore they eat sugar
- Everything is complete by the arrangement of Krsna. Simply we mismanage. That's all. I do not know why people are engaged with politics, fighting, and so on, so on. By Krsna's grace everything is complete. You eat sufficiently, you be strong and chant HK
- Everything you are eating - given by God. Your body is given by God. Your mind is given by God. And you, yourself, the soul, you are also part and parcel of God. So where is your independent existence? There is no independence. This is knowledge
- Everywhere, all over the world, the young boys and girls, they have no fixture where they'll live, where they'll take their bath, where they'll eat or how they have sex. No
- Exchange, giving and taking. If you love somebody, give him to eat, and whatever he gives you, you also eat. And if you love somebody then you disclose your mind to him and try to understand him also. By these six processes the symptoms of love is there
- Extensively ignorant, they (lower animals) can know their desirables only by smell, and by such intelligence only can they understand what is favorable and unfavorable. Their knowledge is concerned only with eating and sleeping
- Farmers are producing, and you are eating, but you are not producing. Therefore gradually your food will be shortage. You are depending on others. The farmers, they do not produce food for human being; they produce food for the cows
- Feeding a sannyasi too much breaks his regulative principles, for when a sannyasi eats too much, his renunciation is destroyed
- Fire is appreciated by its light and by its ability to cook, to digest, to destroy cold, to evaporate, and to give rise to hunger, thirst, eating and drinking
- First Advaita Acarya said, "I am sitting in line with an unknown mendicant, and because I am eating with Him, I do not know what kind of destination is awaiting Me"
- First of all you become brahmana; then you can think properly. Where is your education as brahmana? Where is that brain? Eating all nasty things, and you become a brahmana? Therefore Krsna is go-brahmana-hitaya ca
- First-class man will think that "I want to eat something to keep myself fit. If by natural products I can keep myself fit, why shall I kill another animal?"
- Flesh is called mamsa. "The animal I am killing, he will have the right to kill me and eat me." That is going on, repetition: "I kill you this life. Next life you kill me. In this life you have become a cow or goat. Next time I'll become a cow or goat"
- Food cooked more than three hours before being eaten, which is tasteless, stale, putrid, decomposed and unclean, is food liked by people in the mode of ignorance. BG 17.8-10 - 1972
- Food prepared by an unclean, sinful man or woman, especially a prostitute, is extremely infectious. Ajamila ate such food, and therefore he was subject to be punished by Yamaraja
- Food prepared more than three hours before being eaten, food that is tasteless, decomposed and putrid, and food consisting of remnants and untouchable things is dear to those in the mode of darkness
- Foods in the mode of ignorance or darkness are essentially those that are not fresh. Any food cooked more than three hours before it is eaten (except prasadam, food offered to the Lord) is considered to be in the mode of darkness. BG 1972 purports
- Foolish men forget this sure fact of death and neglect the duty of preparing themselves for going back to Godhead. They spoil their lives in animal propensities to eat, drink, be merry and enjoy
- For a few months the sons of Prajapati Daksa drank only water & ate only air. Thus undergoing great austerities, they recited this mantra: "Let us offer our respectful obeisances unto Narayana, the SPG, who is always situated in His transcendental abode"
- For as long as the body lasts, one should engage minimally in social and political activities and in such matters as eating
- For chewing solid food, the human being has a particular type of teeth meant for cutting fruits and vegetables. The human being is endowed with two canine teeth as a concession for persons who will eat animal food at any cost
- For conquering the agitation of the mind one is recommended to take leave of his family and live alone, maintaining body and soul together by begging alms and eating only as much as needed to keep himself alive
- For example, eating is necessary, & one wants some palatable dishes to satisfy his sense of taste. So in that case, for the satisfaction of Krsna rather than for the satisfaction of the tongue, some palatable dishes may be prepared and offered to Krsna
- For example, I am eating... So I am creating some energy, and therefore my body is maintained. So therefore your body is made out of your energy
- For five days Raghunatha dasa Gosvami took prasadam at the temple, but later he would stand at the Simha-dvara gate and eat only whatever he could gather by alms. Later he lived by taking alms from various chatras, or food distributing centers
- For if we do not eat, we cannot keep a healthy body, and if we do not keep a healthy body, we cannot earn our livelihood
- For persons who are papistha, very sinful, and duracara, misbehaved or very unclean in their habits, who are against the existence of God, who disrespect Vaisnavas and brahmanas, and who eat anything and everything, untimely death is sure
- For the benefit of the whole human society. Therefore they are honored all over the world. This is gosvami business, not to exploit, shame, live like irresponsible man, eat, drink, be merry and enjoy
- For the first month Dhruva Maharaja ate only fruits and berries on every third day, only to keep his body and soul together, and in this way he progressed in his worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- For the Krsna consciousness movement, there are three sinful activities which are prohibited - namely illicit sex, intoxication, and eating food other than the prasada offered to Krsna
- For the maintenance of their bodies and the satisfaction of their tongues, cruel persons cook poor animals and birds alive. Such persons are condemned even by man-eaters
- Formerly, when all the devotees had arrived from Bengal, they all desired to give Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu something to eat
- From materialistic point of view, this (no good bedstead, and eating simple fruits & flowers) is a miserable condition of life. So he (a muni-putra) was blessed that, - You have sufficiently undergone austerities. Now your next life is in Vaikuntha
- From the very beginning, if children are not trained up to inquire about the goal of life, they are kept in darkness, simply eat, drink, be merry and enjoy, that is not civilization. They must be trained up
- Garuda was asked by the Lord to leave that place because the snake Vasuki, who was to be used as the rope for churning, could not go there in the presence of Garuda. Garuḍa, the carrier of Lord Viṣṇu, is not a vegetarian. He eats big snakes
- Generally, people, they cook for themselves nice, palatable foodstuffs for eating and enjoying. But they do not know that they are eating all sinful reaction
- Generally, too much eating is prohibited. We have to eat simply, just to keep the body and soul nicely to execute Krsna consciousness
- Giving and taking. Dadati pratigrhnati, bhunkte bhojayate. If you love somebody, give him to eat, and whatever he gives you, you also eat
- God forbade not to eat the apple but by the request of Eve, Adam ate it, and he became conditioned. Similarly - it may be story - but the fact is that God created this world. That's a fact. And He created the rules and regulation also
- God has given different food for different person. You will find even food grains, rice - first-quality rice, second-quality rice. Why nature has produced? Because there are persons who cannot eat third-quality rice
- God has given me this grain to eat, so I must cook and first of all offer to God, and then I shall eat. - This is feeling gratitude, grateful
- God has given you so many nice foodstuff. Why should you kill an animal? Therefore Jesus Christ says, "Thou shall not kill." "Then shall I die?" No. There are so many things. You eat, tena tyaktena, "whatever is ordained by You," by God, Krsna
- God is everywhere, but He has got a special planet, which is called Goloka Vrndavana. You can enter there directly and see God and live with Him, dance with Him, play with Him, eat with Him. That is the perfection of life
- God is giving me bread. I shall eat. That's all - I am meant for eating only? And why not offering? God will not eat. Simply you feel gratitude - Oh, God has given me this bread. Let me offer it to God first of all. Then I take
- God is not only your father, he's father of the lamb also. So if by your brute force you want to kill the poor lamb, then you'll be punished. This is natural. You have got your food, you produce your foodgrain and you eat
- God is person and He speaks. If He speaks, then He hears, He smells, He eats - everything. All the activities are there. If He cannot hear, then our prayer to Him, "O God, give us our daily bread," is useless
- God is supplying us everything, although we think, "There is no God, God is dead," and all nonsense you may say. But it is due to God's grace that you are eating daily. That's a fact
- Govinda said to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "Raghunatha dasa no longer takes prasadam here. Now he stands at the Simha-dvara, where he begs some alms to eat"
- Grains are offered, fruits are offered in the fire sacrifice. It is through the fire. So as the part and parcel of Krsna, we have got little fire; we eat through that
- Grains, fruits, milk and similar foods are allotted for human consumption. One should not be excessively eager to satisfy the tongue and eat that which is not meant for humanity
- Grass is a living entity, but it has no legs with which to move, and thus it is eaten by cows and other animals. Such nonmoving entities are food for moving animals, and in this way the world is in a constant struggle between exploiters and exploited
- Grass, plants, trees, cannot move - being eaten up by four-legged animals. And the four-legged animals are being eaten by the two-legged animals, human being. Just try to understand how weaker section is serving stronger section. That is the law of nature
- Grossly materialistic persons think that economic development is of foremost importance because they are under the impression that a living entity exists only by eating
- Grow food for eating, and then they read all these books. They become spiritually advanced. That's all. Deity worship
- Grow some food grains and keep some cows, take the milk, and just prepare nice foodstuff and eat. Keep Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Deity, at home, and Krsna is pleased even you simply offer little fruit and little flower
- Haridasa Thakura said, "I am the most sinful and lowest among men. Later I shall eat one palmful of prasadam while waiting outside"
- Haridasa Thakura said, "My dear Advaita Acarya, let me submit something before Your Honor. Every day You give me alms of food to eat. What is the necessity of this"
- Having divided the remaining food with his relatives, Rantideva was just about to eat his own share when a sudra guest arrived. Seeing the sudra in relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, King Rantideva gave him also a share of the food
- Having grown weak and thin because of strictly following the principles of the vow, Diti once unfortunately neglected to wash her mouth, hands and feet after eating and went to sleep during the evening twilight
- Having said this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu got up and left, and through Govinda He sent prasadam for them to eat
- Having tasted the words of Krsna's representative, we will feel satisfied, just as we feel satisfied upon eating a full meal
- He (a diseased man) is lying on the bed. He's passing his nature's calls in that way. He's eating bitter medicine, and he, he cannot move. All these inconveniences, and he says: I am well
- He (a dog) also eats, and the human being also eats. He eats the stool and we eat very nice, palatable foodstuff. That sleeping propensity is there, sex life is there, and he is also afraid of enemies. Where is the difference
- He (Carvaka Muni) says, his philosophy - hedonism, "That so long you live, you live very happily." In India the standard of living happily is to eat more ghee, that is a luxury
- He (God) made some rules and regulations, "Do this; do not do this." And if you do this, what is not sanctioned, then you suffer. God forbade not to eat the apple - I do not know actually - but by the request of Eve, Adam ate it, and he became conditioned
- He (Kaliya) then ceased offering any sacrifice; instead, he himself ate the offering intended for Garuda
- He (Krsna) is always with His associates and paraphernalia. For instance, if someone says, "Give something to eat to the man with the weapons," the eating process is done by the man and not by the weapons
- He (one who is engaged in devotional service) has to eat krsna-prasada. He has to sleep according to regulated principles. The principle is to reduce the duration of sleep and to reduce eating, taking only what is needed to keep the body fit
- He (one who is on the path of liberation by KC) does not like to hear anything except topics relating to Krsna; he does not like to eat anything which is not offered to Krsna; and he does not wish to go anywhere if Krsna is not involved. BG 1972 purports
- He (Salva) underwent a severe type of austerity during which he would eat no more than a handful of ashes daily
- He (The demigod Pusa) could not use his teeth for eating, since he had laughed at Lord Siva, deriding him by showing his teeth. In other words, it was not appropriate for him to have teeth, for he had used them against Lord Siva
- He also personally ate the remnants of food left by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Then the Lord again sent Govinda
- He asks permission, "Swamiji, can I smoke?" He's being predominated. He does not know. He's thinking that "I am smoking," but he does not know that smoking is eating him. He's thinking that "I am enjoying LSD," but LSD is killing him
- He cannot understand that after being cured from the disease, he will eat very nicely, he will lie down on the bed very nicely, he'll have no miserable condition of life. He cannot understand
- He eats all kinds of nonsense and is condemned by his activities of sense enjoyment, If one really wants to progress in life, he must give up the ways of karma-kanda and jnana-kanda, fruitive activities and mental speculation
- He eats if someone gives him something to eat. Sometimes he fasts, and sometimes he chews fried grains
- He gave Raghunatha dasa a large quantity of prasadam to eat on his way home. Then Raghunatha dasa again spoke to Raghava Pandita
- He got the opportunity to serve the devotees, and simply by eating the remnants of their foodstuff and carrying out their orders he became so elevated that in his next life he became the great personality Narada
- He irresponsibly spent his long lifetime transgressing all the rules and regulations of the holy scripture, living extravagantly and eating food prepared by a prostitute. Therefore he is full of sins. He is unclean and is addicted to forbidden activities
- He is eating stool and becoming fatty, and as soon as there is sex desire, without any discrimination he enjoys many she-hogs, never mind sister or mother. Because the life is so made that he will enjoy in this way
- He is in the supreme order of renounced life. Indeed, he does not care about eating or dressing. Somehow or other he eats and maintains his life
- He is placed in the midst of burning pieces of wood, and his limbs are set on fire. In some cases he is made to eat his own flesh or have it eaten by others
- He never ate anything for sense gratification because he was already liberated from the bodily conception, which induces one to accept palatable or unpalatable food
- He reached Jagannatha Puri in twelve days but could eat only for three days on the way
- He secures money by committing violence here & there & although he employs it in the service of his family, he himself eats only a little portion of the food thus purchased & he goes to hell for those for whom he earned the money in such an irregular way
- He seemed to be licking up all the stars in the sky with his tongue and eating the entire universe with his long, sharp teeth. Seeing this gigantic demon, everyone, in great fear, ran here and there in all directions
- He was eating little butter, just to satisfy. Practically no eating. Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was a very rich man's son. His father's income was twelve lakhs of rupees in those days. So he adopted this austerity at Radha-kunda
- He who is temperate in his habits of eating, sleeping, recreation and work can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system
- He who is temperate in his habits of eating, sleeping, working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system. BG 6.17 - 1972
- He would also take gifts to the homes of Vaisnavas born in sudra families. Then he would hide and in this manner eat the remnants of food they threw away
- He'll sit down whole day and night and chant Hare Krsna. No business. No endeavor for food. If food comes by God's grace, they (Six Gosvamis) will eat; otherwise no, they'll not go anywhere. Completely dependent, - If God gives, then I shall eat
- He's eating sumptuously, and by working, by pulling on the thela, hard labor, whole thing is digested and again goes in the evening he eats very sumptuously, he is very pleased. That is his success of life
- Hearing of the transcendental activities of Krsna is expert treatment for the mad mind, and eating the foodstuff offered to Krsna is the appropriate diet for the suffering patient. This treatment is the process of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Hearing this, Ramacandra Puri got up and left. He also heard from various sources that all the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were eating half as much as usual
- Her (Radharani's) heart is immersed in pain, and because She has given up eating, Her breasts have become black, as if diseased
- Here (in SB 4.29.53) is an allegory in which the King is advised to find a deer that is always in a dangerous position. Although threatened from all sides, the deer simply eats grass in a nice flower garden, unaware of the danger all around him
- Here the pleasure is like that, "You eat rasagulla and then be beaten by shoes." Perhaps we have got all experience of this. But actual ananda is brahmananda, unlimited
- Here the pleasure is like this, that you, somebody is offering that, You take these rasagullas, and after eating rasagulla I shall beat you with shoes
- Here we have got one quality, that fear, always fearing. Just like we are having these railings, why? We are afraid, we may not be attacked. The material life means ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam ca. We must eat, we must sleep, and we must be afraid
- Hiranyakasipu planned a campaign to kill Prahlada Maharaja. He would kill his son by administering poison to him while he was eating, by making him sit in boiling oil, or by throwing him under the feet of an elephant while he was lying down
- His (a man who's earning millions of dollars) power of eating is the same with the man, one who is earning ten dollars. So he does not think that, - My enjoyment of life is the same amount with the man who is earning ten dollars
- His (Carvaka Muni's) theory was that as long as one lives one should eat as much ghee as possible
- His brothers used to give him broken rice, oil cakes, the chaff of rice, worm-eaten grains and burned grains that had stuck to the pot, but he gladly accepted all this as if it were nectar. He did not hold any grudges and ate all this very gladly
- His mother replied, "My dear son, I will give You whatever You ask." Then the Lord said, "My dear mother, please do not eat grains on the Ekadasi day"
- Hog civilization means there is no restriction of eating, up to the stool. The hogs eat up to the stool. So when in the human society there is no restriction of eating, that is hog society
- Hog means he can eat any nonsense thing, whole day working, if he gets sex. Never mind whether mother, sister or daughter or any. You see the hog's family. They are very much sexually inclined, without any discrimination, and eating stool
- Hogs very readily eat stool, and they do so without discrimination. They have no idea of tapasya, penance
- Hogs work hard day and night simply eating stool, and because stool contains chemicals, hypophosphates, the hog gets strength, becomes very fat and enjoys sex. In any case, human life is meant not for imitating the life of a hog but for tapasya, austerity
- Household life or in city life we should not be extravagant, unnecessarily eating, unnecessarily enjoying. No, that is not the path. "One man's food, another man's poison." We must know this philosophy
- How I am eating something, how it is being turned into some secretion, it is going to the heart, it is becoming red and it is again distributed through the nerves and veins - I do not know anything. I can simply theorize
- How much you are able to gratify your senses. That is civilization. How much you are given facilities to gratify your senses. This is the modern idea, hedonism. More eat, more drink-eat, drink, be merry, and enjoy. Sense gratification
- However, because he has received the mercy of Your lotus feet, he does not even accept his father's money. Instead he eats by begging alms from centers for the distribution of food
- However, if one accepts prasada only because of its palatable taste and thus eats too much, he also falls prey to trying to satisfy the demands of the tongue
- Human beings who are accustomed to eating meat and flesh must also depend on the production of vegetation in order to eat the animals. BG 1972 purports
- Human life is meant for realization of God. That is the only necessity, not to increase a type of civilization how instead of eating simple thing, how you can eat beef. That is not advancement of civilization. That is animalism
- Human life means to take freedom from these four things: no more afraid, no more sex, no more hankering after eating or sleeping. That is success
- Human life should be very sober, peaceful, full of knowledge, full of bliss, peaceful, devotee. These are the good signs of purity. Simply working hard like animal and eating like animal and... No
- Human society should be sober and continent. I require to eat something, if I have got sufficient grains, fruits, milk, flour, vegetables, why should I kill unnecessarily a poor animal? So this is sinful
- I am given the hand to use it for my purpose, for my eating, for my collecting. But actually it is not my hand
- I am taking your things, I am eating, but I am not feeling any gratitude for you, then I am a thief
- I am teaching them, - Eat nicely, live nicely, and be prepared for your next life, for going back to home, back to Godhead
- I asked my father, "Oh, I shall worship Krsna. Give me." So my father gave me Radha-Krsna, so I, whatever I was eating, I was offering Them. So the statement of the sastra and my practical experience corroborates
- I belong to a community of cowherd boys, and therefore I generally have many cowherd associates with Me. I am happy when we eat together in a picnic like this by the sandy bank of the river
- I do not know everything of my body. Suppose I am eating something. How this eatable substance transforms into vitamin secretion and how it is being distributed all over the body and is supplying the energy?
- I do not know, but the deer might have been eaten by a wolf or a dog or by the boars that flock together or the tiger who travels alone
- I have (given) many examples. Suppose you cannot eat more. Out of ignorance if you eat more, then you have to fast two days, three days, suffering, or you'll have some disease. You cannot violate any laws of the nature or any laws of the state anywhere
- I have appointed them collectors in various places, and although they spend the government's money, eat, drink, plunder and distribute it as they like, I do not take them very seriously
- I have been very much astonished to see your endurance. In spite of being eaten and bitten by all kinds of worms and ants, you are keeping your life air circulating within your bones. Certainly this is wonderful
- I have dishonored You many times while relaxing or while lying on the same bed or eating together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends. Please excuse me for all my offenses. BG 11.41-42 - 1972
- I have got something to eat, I have got some nice place to sleep, and I have also got some other sex for enjoying sex life, and I defend with so many weapons, latest nuclear weapon - no. Sastra says - These things are maintained by the cats and dogs
- I have heard, he said, "that the followers of Caitanya Mahaprabhu eat more than necessary. Now I have directly seen that this is true"
- I have not finished chanting my regular number of rounds. How, then, can I eat? But you have brought maha-prasadam, and how can I neglect it
- I have seen in the Western countries, they are growing food grains for the animals, and the food grains are eaten by the animals, and the animal is eaten by man
- I shall earn money, eat nicely, drink nicely, enjoy nicely. That is the aim of life. - They do not know. Etam drstim avastabhya. Their vision is so polluted
- I think that Nrsimhadeva could not eat anything today, and therefore He is fasting. If the master fasts, how can the servant live
- I want to come, especially your Mauritius program is attractive, but my present state of heath will not allow me to travel outside of India. I am not having any appetite so I am eating less. By eating less where is the energy for travelling?
- I was invited in Butler, here also, by some churches, and they wanted to give me some food. So they asked me, "Swamiji, what do you desire to eat?" So I told them, "I eat... I am strictly vegetarian. I shall accept fruits and milk. That's all"
- I was worshiping in my house. Whatever I was eating, I was offering, and I was following the ceremonies of this Radha-Govinda with my small Deity. That Deity is still existing. I have given to my sister. So then I introduced Ratha-yatra
- If a bag of rice is placed in a public place, birds will come to eat a few grains and go away. A human being, however, will take away the whole bag. He will eat all his stomach can hold and then try to keep the rest in storage
- If a brahmacari does not live under the care of the guru, if a vanaprastha engages in ordinary activities, or if a sannyasi is greedy and eats meat, eggs and all kinds of nonsense for the satisfaction of his tongue, he is a cheater
- If a child has in his hands something that he is eating but we give him something better, he will throw away the inferior thing and take the better thing
- If a doctor advises a diabetic patient not to eat but to starve for some days, although no one likes to starve, the patient must voluntarily accept starvation if he wants to be cured. This is tapasya: voluntary acceptance of a miserable condition
- If a goat is to be killed after five minutes but you give it a morsel of grass, it is happy because it is eating. Just like a child - even if you are planning to kill her or kill him, he is happy and laughs because he is innocent. That is ignorance
- If a king is too attracted to eating flesh, he may, according to the directions of the revealed scriptures on sacrificial performances, go to the forest and kill some animals that are recommended for killing
- If a man is to be punished to remain in hell and eat stool and urine, then first of all he practices habits on the planet of Yamaraja, and then he is given a particular type of body, that of a hog, so that he can eat stool & think that he enjoys life
- If a sick man is not supposed to eat, his eating unrestrictedly actually kills him. Similarly, the more we increase material enjoyment, the more we become entangled in this world and the more difficult it becomes to get free from the material entrapment
- If by the dress of sannyasi, you take some money and eat and sleep, then it is transcendental fraud
- If everyone is fully satisfied by eating food that is a gift from the Lord, why should there be envy between one living being and another
- If he (a sannyasi) did so (eat palatable dishes), he would not be able to control his senses
- If he (the servant) cooks & enjoys himself without offering to the master, then what is his position? That is sinful position. Similarly the demons, they have no sense of God. They do not like to offer. They want to eat anything nonsense, like hogs & dogs
- If he's actually rendering devotional service, then he must be feeling. Just like if you are eating actually, then you must feel strength & satisfaction of your hunger. You cannot say, "I'm eating, but I'm not satisfied of my hunger." That is impossible
- If I am in renounced, I am naked, I eat, only eat fruit, and I live within jungle, and I have got many lady monkeys with me, oh, what sort of renouncement that is? That is not... That is called "monkey renouncement"
- If I am satisfied by some grains and vegetables and fruits and milk, if my health is properly kept, why should I eat more than that simply for satisfying the palate, my tongue?
- If I can live by eating fruits and grains and milk, why shall I kill animal? This is human consciousness. Milk, if you get milk, you can prepare hundreds of nice preparations, all full of vitamins and nourishing
- If I go to your house, and if you want to offer me something to eat, you will ask me what I wish to eat. That is the etiquette. So similarly, we have to offer Krsna what Krsna likes to eat
- If I simply decorate this body, as the apartment, and I don't eat myself, then this is false attempt
- If Krsna likes, He can produce a huge quantity of grains, fruits, and vegetables, but if Krsna desires to restrict the supply, what good will meat do? You may eat me, or I may eat you, but that will not solve the problem
- If Krsna sends him food he will eat; otherwise he will starve. In our acarya-sampradaya, Madhavendra Puri, Bilvamangala Thakura, they were doing that
- If one can control the tongue, he can easily control the other senses. The tongue can be controlled only by eating prasada offered to the Deity
- If one can restrain the demands of the tongue by limiting its activities to the eating of prasada, the urges of the belly and the genitals can automatically be controlled
- If one eats in this manner (eating half of what desired and filling the rest with water), he will avoid indigestion and disease. The yogi should eat in this way, as recommended in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and all other standard scriptures
- If one is a perfect brahmacari, he can very easily control the mind and senses, give charity, speak truthfully and so forth. To begin, however, one must control the tongue and the process of eating
- If one is born a sudra, he must continually return to the ocean of Puyoda to eat horrible things. Thus even a born sudra is expected to become a brahmana; that is the meaning of human life. Everyone should improve himself
- If one takes an animal aside and cuts its throat, the other animals will simply stand, look, and continue eating grass. They do not realize that the next time they may be slaughtered. The people in Kali-yuga are in the same situation
- If one wants the body of a hog so that one may eat stool, Krsna will give one that kind of body also
- If one's body requires more food for maintaining it, that he should imitate someone who requires less food. The real point is that eating is for maintaining the body, not for luxury or for satisfying the demands of the tongue
- If our education extends only to these points (the dog is eating according to his nature, and we are also eating, but in a nice place, with nicely cooked food on a nice table), that is not advancement. The principle is still eating
- If people are advised not to collect too many goods, eat too much or work unnecessarily to possess artificial amenities, they think they are being advised to return to a primitive way of life
- If people do not start eating prasadam, grains will no longer be produced, and people will simply starve. Indeed, not only will people be obliged to eat less, but they will kill one another and eat each other's flesh
- If practiced, it can be reduced, practiced. We see in the life of Gosvamis. About them, it is said: nidrahara-viharakadi-vijitau. They conquered over sleeping, eating. If we conquer over eating, then we can conquer over sleeping and other things also
- If somebody is interested to know what is the important thing, then he can understand this. And if he's animal, simply eating, sleeping, mating, what he will understand?
- If somebody wants to eat without any discrimination anything . . . there are many persons, even in the so-called civilized world, they eat anything and everything. But that is misuse of life
- If something comes tomorrow, then we shall eat - That is brahminical culture, not that I keep something for tomorrow; even after eating, it is not finished, then I keep it in the refrigerator. No
- If the animals like monkeys, they come to your garden to eat, don't prohibit. Let him. He's also Krsna's part and parcel
- If the educational system dealt with the proper utilization of what God is supplying, it would improve. All the fruits and grains we eat are given by God, who supplies food to all living entities
- If the enlightened son, high-court judge, says to the father: "My dear father, your, this son, is useless. Let me cut him and eat." Will the father allow?
- If the hand thinks, "Oh, now I have some nice sweets. Now I can eat," the hand will ultimately be frustrated. It is the duty and nature of the hand to place the food in the mouth. In this way the hand is nourished; otherwise everything is spoiled
- If they (the devotees or the demigods) want to eat like ordinary animals, who have no God consciousness, then they must live in starvation, poverty and want, like the jungle animals in the forest
- If they see a Vaisnava standing at the Simha-dvara begging alms, out of mercy they arrange with the shopkeepers to give him something to eat
- If we conquer our eating then we can conquer our sleeping also
- If we depend on God's creation, there will be no scarcity, but simply ananda, bliss. God's creation provides sufficient grains and grass, and while we eat the grains and fruits, the animals like the cows will eat the grass
- If we do not perform yajna and distribute prasada to others, our lives are condemned. Only after performing yajna and distributing the prasada to all dependents - children, brahmanas and old men - should one eat
- If we eat dirt in its crude state, the body becomes diseased instead of nourished, and thus it is destroyed
- If we eat earth transformed into grain, our body is nourished, and it becomes strong. But if we eat dirt in its crude state, the body becomes diseased instead of nourished, and thus it is destroyed
- If we have faith that a physician can cure us, and he tells us not to eat such and such, and we eat it anyway, what kind of faith do we have? If we have faith in our physician, we will follow his prescriptions for cure
- If we have sufficient grains, fruits, vegetables and herbs, then what is the necessity of running a slaughterhouse and killing poor animals? A man need not kill an animal if he has sufficient grains and vegetables to eat
- If we imitate the cats and dog, without any discrimination, if we eat, then my next body is ready, the hog's body or the dog's body
- If we offer palatable dishes to the Deity with the intention of eating such nice food, we are involved in trying to satisfy the demands of the tongue
- If we satisfy Krsna, we shall become satisfied. If we offer nice food to Krsna, we shall also eat the same food
- If we throw a bag of grain into the street, pigeons may come and eat four or five small grains and then go away. They will not take more than they can eat, and having eaten they go freely on their way
- If we want to control passion, then we have to eat in such a way, deal in such a way, live in such a way that we control passion and come to the platform of goodness
- If whatever we do, whatever we eat, whatever we think and whatever we plan is for the advancement of the Krsna consciousness movement, this is oneness
- If you are at all meat-eater, you can eat pigs, goats, but don't eat cow's flesh. That is very sinful. Why it is sinful? Because it's a very, very important animal in the human society
- If you are fourth-class man, then serve other. If you are fifth-class man, then go to the jungle and hunt some animal and eat. Then these persons, they, cheating, stealing, these are the occupation of the tenth class, eighth class, like that
- If you are hungry, you know, by eating, how much your hunger is satisfied. You haven't got to ask anybody. Similarly, if anybody increases his Krsna consciousness, the test will be that he will be disinterested with all material pleasures. That is test
- If you become always engaged for sense gratification, go on working, working, working, then go to the restaurant, eat, drink and make your body agitated, then find out liquor and woman, what is this life? This is not life. This is animal life
- If you can manage such Prasadam eating place and the temple at one place it will super-excellent. I shall personally assist you in this affair because I like this idea very much
- If you eat a certain type of food, then your constitution of the body, mentality, status - everything - becomes according to that food. That is a fact
- If you eat continually vegetables and fruits, you'll not be attacked with pyorrhea. But if you eat meat - your teeth is not meant for eating meat - you'll very soon be attacked with pyorrhea because breaking the laws of nature. This is one example
- If you eat everything, whatever you like, then you cannot keep good health. The example is given that if we do not carefully live, we shall be liable to be punishment
- If you eat extraordinarily, then you will sleep also extraordinarily. If you eat frugally, as much minimum required, then you can conquer over sleep. Eating, sleeping. Sleeping depends on eating
- If you eat proper, nourishing foodstuff, you'll feel yourself strength and your hunger satisfied. You haven't got to ask anybody. Similarly, if you come to the proper path and if you follow the principle, you'll understand, Yes, I am making progress
- If you eat vegetarian fruits and flowers and grains, you'll not eat more than you require. That is nature. You'll eat only what is needed by yourself. You cannot eat any more. It is very good
- If you eat, you understand that your hunger is satisfied. Similarly, actually if you follow this principle of Krsna consciousness movement, you'll see yourself that you are advancing in the matter of self-realization
- If you eat, you will feel satisfied. Your hunger will be satisfied. You will be getting strength. Similarly, when you'll no longer be attracted by this sex desire, then you should understand that, "I am now making progress in KC." This is the test
- If you follow the Vedic rules and restrictions, that will not mean that you will be kept from eating or not allowed to sleep, not allowed to defend or to have sex life. It is not like that
- If you go on dancing in the club and eating in the club, then gradually you become diseased materially. And the same dancing and same eating here, you become spiritually advanced. So nothing has to be stopped
- If you have got grain, then what is your problem? You prepare your foodstuff at home and eat, and chant Hare Krsna. Where is your problem
- If you have no appetite, if you eat, then you suffer. If you infect some disease, you'll suffer. That is practical. So we are associating in, being infected by lust, greediness, illusion, fearfulness, so many things
- If you say that everything is food, then why don't you eat stool? One man's food, another man's poison. That is . . . what is to be eaten, what is not to be eaten, that is discrimination
- If you surpass the laws of nature, then you will be punished. There is simultaneous law of nature. The example is that you can eat, say, four ounce or eight ounce foodstuff. If you eat ten ounce, then there will be suffering, indigestion
- If you want to decrease your miseries, then there is another life, which is called simple life. Simple life means you produce your food and you produce your cloth so you dress yourself nicely, you eat, nicely, keep yourself fit, and glorify the Lord
- If you want to eat flesh, then you can get a goat and sacrifice before Goddess Kali and you can eat that. The idea is not to encourage, but to restrict
- If you want to work, well, work day and night, but you work for Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness. If you don't work, if you are simply eating, if your father has got money and you are eating, oh, eat for Krsna
- Iksvaku's son Vikuksi went to the forest and killed many animals suitable for being offered as oblations. But when fatigued and hungry he became forgetful and ate a rabbit he had killed
- In 1947, during the partition days, there was a big riot between Hindus and Muslims, especially in Bengal. The Hindus were forcibly made to eat cow's flesh, and consequently they began crying, thinking that they had become Muslims
- In a Vedic society, when the child has been within the womb for three months and for seven months, there is a ceremony the mother observes by eating with neighboring children. This ceremony is called svada-bhaksana
- In Africa there are so many elephants, millions of elephants. They eat at a time forty kilograms. And who is supplying food? They have no business. They have no profession. How they are eating?
- In Africa, there are millions of elephants, and each elephant is eating at least eighty-two pounds at a time. But who is supplying the food? They have no economic problem. They have no bank balance
- In all scriptures it is stated that man should live on fruits and vegetables. Their teeth are made in that way. They can eat very easily and digest. Although jivo jivasya jivanam (SB 1.13.47): one has to live by eating another living entity
- In America, you have got so much land. Produce vegetable, grains, milk, eat sumptuously, no economic question. Prepare very nice product. And make some money by sending ghee in the city
- In animal life, eating, sleeping, sexual enjoyment and fear cannot be regulated, but for human society the plan is that although men, like animals, must be allowed to eat, sleep, enjoy sex and take protection from fear, they must be regulated
- In any civilized human society, no one would dare kill his father and mother for the purpose of eating them. Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu challenged the system of Muslim religion as patricide and matricide
- In Bhagavad-gita (6.17) Krsna says: He who is temperate in his habits of eating, sleeping, working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system
- In Bombay there are so many karmis, working very, very hard. If you want to see him, "No, sir, no, I have no time." What you are doing? "Working." What are you eating? "Four capatis. That's all." Why four capatis you are working so hard?
- In Calcutta there are many butcher shops which keep a deity of the goddess Kali, and animal-eaters think it proper to purchase animal flesh from such shops in hope that they are eating the remnants of food offered to the goddess Kali
- In different societies there are different ways of dealing with the human body at the time of the funeral ceremony. In some societies the body is given to the vultures to be eaten, and therefore the body ultimately turns to vulture stool
- In dream he is falsely thinking there is a tiger. There is no tiger, but he is actuated by that false impression, - Oh, tiger is eating me. It has attacked me. Save me
- In dreams we sometimes enjoy eating sweet rice and sometimes suffer as if one of our beloved family members had died
- In His discourse on the meditational yoga system, Krsna proclaims that yoga cannot be properly performed by one who eats too much or eats too little. One who starves himself cannot properly perform yoga. Nor can the person who eats more than required
- In Hong Kong you won't find street dogs. They'll eat them. So in India also there are dog-eaters. In Assam you'll find. They make kukura-pitha
- In India a mango is considered best when it is red and yellow, its seed is very small, its skin is very thin, and it is so palatable that if a person eats one fruit he will be satisfied. The mango is considered the king of all fruits
- In India you have got the community, Parsee community. They do not burn, neither they bury. They throw and the vultures immediately comes and eat. Then the body turns into stool
- In India, according to Vedic civilization, a brahmana who is learned is considered to be the topmost man in human society. The pandita, who is learned and gentle, sees such a brahmana on the same level with a dog or an outcaste who eats dogs
- In India, ghee (clarified butter) is a basic ingredient in preparing many varieties of food. Since everyone wants to enjoy nice food, Carvaka Muni advised that one eat as much ghee as possible
- In India, in the street, there are many cows. They are allowed to move free. And sometimes the foodstuff is there, and the cow immediately grabs the foodstuff and eats half of it
- In India, those who are very serious about practicing yoga go to Hardwar, a very secluded place in the Himalayas, where they remain alone and follow a very restrictive process for eating and sleeping. There is no question of mating
- In Kali-yuga men all over the world are very expert in opening slaughterhouses for killing animals, which they eat. If the old ritualistic ceremonies were observed, people would be encouraged to kill more and more animals
- In Kali-yuga, people cannot undergo severe austerities like drinking only water and eating only air for many months. One cannot imitate such a process
- In Kali-yuga, the duration of life is shortened not so much because of insufficient food but because of irregular habits. By keeping regular habits and eating simple food, any man can maintain his health
- In killing animals, there are eight kinds of criminals. That he has explained. One who is killing, one who is ordering, one who is purchasing, one who is eating, one who is cooking, in this way...
- In material life, one commits sinful activities, especially in eating, and because of sinful activities one is condemned by nature's laws to accept another body, which is imposed as punishment
- In one day enough food was brought for ten or twenty people, but the hunter and his wife would accept only as much as they could eat
- In one life they may be very opulent. Then they don't care about the next life. They think, "Let me eat, drink and be merry." This is going on all over the world, but the sastras say that people are making mistakes in this way
- In order to become God conscious, one must follow some rules and regulations. Of course one has to eat, but the proposal is that one should eat remnants of foodstuffs that are offered to Krsna
- In order to reduce the sleeping process, the eating process should be reduced. You can take, you fast one day, don't take anything, you will see that there will be less sleep
- In other words, whatever we offer to the Lord, it is actually enjoyed by us. Just like we prepare so many delicious foodstuffs for Krsna, but we eat the Prasadam remnant of foodstuff offered to Krsna
- In our childhood, these tomatoes were called foreign eggplant, bilati beguna. And because it was foreign, nobody will touch it. In our childhood we'd never eat the tomato. It was rejected by the whole Indian Hindu culture
- In our line ekadasi is compulsory. One may feel some inconvenience fasting or simply eating fruits. No. It must be done. There are so many rules and regulation which is essential. It must be done. That is called tapasya
- In our temples, this regulation is in effect. One cannot eat food from the kitchen unless it is offered to the Deity
- In Rcika's absence, the mother (of Satyavati) took the better oblation from Satyavati and ate it
- In refuting this argument (that material nature produces varieties of manifestations. Thus matter is the cause), we may say that an animal of the same species as the cow - namely, the bull - also eats straw like the cow but does not produce milk
- In some cannibalistic communities, the old grandfather is sportingly killed, and a feast is held in which his body is eaten
- In terms of different situations and the modes of material nature, there are differences in the manner of eating, performing sacrifices, austerities and charities. They are not all conducted on the same level. BG 1972 purports
- In the beginning of life, every living entity is food conscious. A child or an animal is satisfied only by getting nice food. This stage of consciousness, in which the goal is to eat sumptuously, is called anna-maya
- In the BG you'll find. Read BG very carefully. Bhunjate te tv agham papa ye pacanty atma-karanat "Those who are eating and cooking for themselves, for satisfying the taste, such persons are eating the resultant action of sinful acts." They are all sinful
- In the Bhagavad-gita you will find first-class eating, first-class life; second-class eating, second-class life; third-class . . . everything is there. So people should be trained up
- In the Bhagavad-gita, in the beginning, the karma-yoga begins with the tongue. Yajna-sistasinah santah. We have to eat. Now, we have to control the tongue first
- In the Bhakti-sandarbha, by Srila Jiva Gosvami, there is a quotation from the Skanda Purana admonishing that a person who eats grains on Ekadasi becomes a murderer of his mother, father, brother and spiritual master
- In the forest he (Jarasandha's father, king of Magadha) was blessed by one great rsi to have a son, and he gave him one mango to be eaten by the queens. The queens did so and were very soon pregnant
- In the Hare Krsna movement, the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, the dancing in ecstasy and the eating of the remnants of food offered to the Lord are very, very important
- In the human form of life, in Africa, they are cannibals. They eat their grandfather as a feast. They make a feast. And, you will be not surprised, they like to eat white man. Yes
- In the human society they have created problem. Nobody knows where to eat. These increase of number of hotels means that people have no place to live
- In the jail life there is eating, sleeping, arrangement. So for these things we should not be very much anxious. That is human life. Simply he has to see intelligently things, how things are going on
- In the last great war, people in concentration camps sometimes ate their own stool, so there is no wonder that in the Yamasadana, the abode of Yamaraja, one who had a very enjoyable life eating others' flesh has to eat his own flesh
- In the living entities lower than the human being, they follow the nature's way, the allotted food. Just like the tiger eats blood and flesh. If you offer him nice fruit, nice sweetrice, he'll not eat
- In the lower animals sometimes the father-mother eat the offspring, but in the history of human society it has not come into notice that the father and mother eating the offspring. But time has come when the mother is killing offspring
- In the material way of life, people are embarrassed with the thoughts of how I shall sleep, how I shall eat, how I shall mate, and how I shall defend. That is the way of material life
- In the material world everyone is very active in earning more and more money and in increasing eating and sleeping and gratifying the senses; such is the mission of most people's lives. But these activities should be absent from the life of a devotee
- In the material world means for your maintenance you have to work. But that work is very simple. Grow some food grains and keep some cows, take the milk, and just prepare nice foodstuff and eat
- In the meantime, Krsna engaged in the pastime of offering the Khandava forest, which belonged to Indra. Krsna wanted to give it to Agni, the fire-god. The Khandava forest contained many varieties of drugs, & Agni required to eat them for rejuvenation
- In the month of Sravana one should not eat spinach, in the month of Bhadra one should not eat yogurt, and in the month of Asvina one should not drink milk. One should not eat fish or other nonvegetarian food during the month of Karttika
- In the mundane conception of form, one cannot eat with one's eyes or see with his leg. That is the difference between the mundane body and the spiritual body of sac-cid-ananda
- In the philosophical discourse between the mother (Sacimata) and the son (Caitanya), when the son said that everything is one, the mother replied: If everything is one, why do people in general not eat dirt but eat the food grains produced from the dirt?
- In the second month Dhruva Maharaja ate only every six days, and for his eatables he took dry grass and leaves. Thus he continued his worship
- In the spiritual sky we are able to speak personally with God, play with Him, eat with Him, etc. All of this can be attained by bhaktya - transcendental loving service
- In the tapo-vana, Maharaja Prthu sometimes ate the trunks and roots of trees, and sometimes he ate fruit and dried leaves, and for some weeks he drank only water. Finally he lived simply by breathing air
- In the Varaha Purana the following offenses (in Deity worship) are mentioned: (a) to eat in the house of a rich man, (b) to enter the Deity's room in the dark, (c) to worship the Deity without following the regulative principles
- In the Vedas it is said, apo 'snati tan naivasitam naivanasitam. This Vedic injunction declares that the drinking of water may be accepted as eating or as not eating
- In the Vedic literature you find that two birds are sitting on the same tree. One bird is eating the fruit of the tree, and the other bird is witnessing. That witnessing bird is Krsna, and the eating bird is myself
- In the Vedic literatures (sruti) it is said that there are two birds in one tree.* One of them is eating the fruit of the tree, while the other is witnessing the actions. The witness is the Lord, and the fruit-eater is the living entity
- In the yoga process, after following the strict regulative principles controlling sleeping, eating and mating, one is allowed to practice the different sitting postures
- In this material world, sex enjoyment is very pleasing, but if you enjoy it more, then you become impotent, reaction will be there. If you can eat four ounce, and if you eat five ounce, immediately there is indigestion; two days you will have to starve
- In this temple, we don't eat anything. Neither we eat grass, neither we eat animals. We eat krsna-prasada
- In this verse the three words krmi-vid-bhasma are significant. After death, the body may become krmi, which means "worms," for if the body is disposed of without cremation, it may be eaten by worms; or else it may be eaten by animals be turned into stool
- In this village a person can beg food from others and thus eat. Some people drink only milk, but if a person does not ask anyone for food, I supply him all his eatables
- In this way he (Prthu Maharaja) lived in the forest and underwent severe austerity, especially in regards to eating. In other words, overeating is not at all recommended for one who wants to progress in spiritual life
- In this way he induces one to eat more than necessary, and then he directly criticizes him, saying, 'You eat so much. How much money do you have in your treasury'
- In this way Kalidasa ate the remnants of food left by all the Vaisnavas residing in Bengal
- In this way Lord Nityananda was walking through all the groups of eaters, and all the Vaisnavas standing there were seeing the fun
- In this way, after consulting with the brahmanas, the King reached this decision, for according to brahminical opinion, drinking water may be accepted as eating and also as not eating
- In this way, fruits grew on the tree every day throughout the twelve months of the year, and the Vaisnavas used to eat them, to the Lord's great satisfaction
- In Upanisad also there is a verse that the two birds are sitting in one tree. One bird is eating the fruit of the tree and the other bird is simply observing. The observing bird is Krsna or the Supersoul, and the eating bird is the individual soul
- Indeed, we are most fortunate, for although we are children and have been left to struggle in material life, unprotected by father and mother, and although we are very weak, we have not been vanquished or eaten by ferocious animals
- India you will find in the bazaars. There is crowd, and the cows enter there, and they eat the vegetables to their heart's content. But he is not punishable. Still the cow is not punishable
- India, eighty percent people, they are vegetarian. They are living very nicely. They are eating sufficient food grain and fruits and milk and milk product. God has given us so many. So why should we maintain slaughterhouse, killing other animals
- Indra, you are bereft of all shame, mercy, glory and good fortune. Deprived of these good qualities by the reactions of your fruitive activities, you are to be condemned even by the man-eaters (Raksasas)
- Injunctions of the scriptures are meant not to encourage the eaters of animals, but to restrict them by regulated principles
- Intelligence gives one direction like some higher authority, and the living being cannot see or move or eat or do anything without the use of intelligence
- Is there any yoga system in the world that you can become a yogi simply by eating? Is there any yoga system? Just try to understand. Is there any yoga system simply by digging earth for gardening one can become a yogi? Is there any yoga system?
- It appears from the words of Urvasi that the standard of living, eating, behavior and speech are all different on the heavenly planets from the standards on this planet earth
- It appears that even if a yogi does not drink a drop of water, he can live for many, many years by the yogic process, though his outer body be eaten by ants and moths
- It doesn't matter whether first-class eating, second-class. But still, they have got a home, and there they live peacefully. The wife cooks for the husband, and the husband eats, and the child is also taken care. It is not killed
- It is (Hatha-yoga) very difficult in this age. Then you have to restrain yourself in so many things. Complete free from sex life. You have to eat under certain direction, you have to . . . so many things there are
- It is a custom for some Vaisnavas to beg from the charity booths and eat whatever they obtain, whereas others stand at night at the Simha-dvara gate, begging alms from the servants
- It is a fact - an animal is eating another animal. It may be vegetable or animals, but they are disturbing. Therefore it is said, "As it is allotted." You should eat such and such. Not that indiscriminately you can eat everything
- It is a question of love that sometimes I cook, you eat and sometimes you cook, I eat
- It is a Vedic system for a householder to call brahmanas and Vaisnavas to eat at ceremonial performances in his house because the brahmanas and Vaisnavas can immunize him from sinful activities
- It is best that one eat only the remnants of foodstuff offered to Krsna. A person in Krsna consciousness does not eat anything which is not first offered to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- It is called hog civilization. Hog, they are living in a filthy place, eating stool. If you request the hog, "Please come with me. I shall give you nice place to live in. I shall give you halava," they'll not come. So this is the position
- It is clearly visible that when a neophyte in Krsna consciousness eats too much, he falls down
- It is clearly visible that when a neophyte in Krsna consciousness eats too much, he falls down. Instead of being elevated to pure Krsna consciousness, he becomes attracted by Cupid
- It is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.27), yat karosi yad asnasi: Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you sacrifice, whatever austerities you undergo and whatever charities you give, the result should be given to the Supreme Lord
- It is due to God's grace that you are eating daily. That's a fact. Either you say, "God give us our daily bread," or you don't say, God is anxious to supply you bread. He is so kind because you are His son
- It is explained in Bhagavad-gita that if one eats food grains without offering them to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Yajna, he is a thief and liable to be punished
- It is not easy-going, sleeping business. We have to fight with so many demons. Otherwise, kava dava adakanam, my Guru Maharaja used to say. Beg some rice, and bring it and cook it, and eat and sleep
- It is not God's desire that a human being become a pig, but he develops such mentality to eat everything. So God allows him to do everything, to eat everything up to stool in the body of a pig. That is God's concession
- It is not that because there is no stock we can do whimsically as we like and lose the idea; that is rasa-bhasa. Because there is no bread, you take stone to eat?
- It is not that when one is in samadhi he doesn't eat, work, sleep or enjoy himself in any way. Rather, samadhi can be defined as executing regulated activities while absorbed in the thought of Krsna
- It is Ramacandra Puri's business to inquire always about how others are eating and conducting their daily affairs
- It is said that a Vaisnava does not accept anything eatable that is not offered to Lord Visnu, but on Ekadasi a Vaisnava should not touch even maha-prasadam offered to Visnu, although such prasadam may be kept for being eaten the next day
- It is specifically stated in the sastras that gods are to be offered something to eat through the fire
- It is the duty of guru, it is the duty of father, it is the duty of the government, it is duty of the elderly relative to educate everyone. This is human life, not that simply eating like dog and dancing like dog. This is not human civilization
- It is the nature of Ramacandra Puri that first he lets one eat as much as desired, and if one does not eat more than necessary, with great attention he makes him eat more
- It is the poetic cuckoo that eats the seeds of the mango. The unfortunate transcendentalists simply speculate on dry philosophy, whereas the transcendentalists who are in love with Radha and Krsna enjoy fruit just like the cuckoo
- It is the statement of Carvaka Muni that one should beg, borrow or steal money to purchase ghee and enjoy life (rnam krtva ghrtam pibet). Thus even the greatest atheist of India recommends that one eat ghee, not meat
- It is to be understood that among all the cows of Nanda Maharaja, several of mother Yasoda's cows ate only grasses so flavorful that the grasses would automatically flavor the milk
- It is understood that there are gigantic birds that can carry off elephants, kill them and eat them
- It is very difficult to satisfy a woman by a person who has no good income, neither very good health. The woman as a class wants sufficient means to eat, and decorate and at the same time full satisfaction of sex
- Jagadananda Pandita replied, "He who will eat has cooked this. As far as I am concerned, I simply collect the ingredients"
- Jesus can eat the whole world, but you cannot do that
- Jhadu Thakura's wife then took the mangoes from their covering of banana tree leaves and bark and offered them to Jhadu Thakura, who began to suck and eat them
- Joint mess program is not good. "You bring some money, you bring some money and spend us jointly for eating, sleeping." That is called joint mess. You know the joint mess? This word? What is that, meaning?
- Just as in this world the man-eaters drank their victims' blood, dancing and singing in jubilation, their victims now enjoy drinking the blood of the sacrificers and celebrating in the same way
- Just as, when you eat, you do not require to ask anyone whether you are feeling strength or your hunger is satisfied. If you eat, you understand that you are feeling energy. You don't need to inquire from anyone
- Just get up and take your bath and go see the face of Lord Jagannatha. Then return here to eat your lunch. In this way I shall be happy
- Just like a man, a diseased fellow, diseased fellow, lying on the bed, he's also eating. He's also sleeping. He's also passing stool, urine. But that is not real activity
- Just like here, for purchasing the cinema ticket they are standing and eating nampalli. They will not come to see Deity in the temple. They'll not come. Mentality is different. So it is a very dangerous civilization, soul-killing civilization
- Just like if you invite some of your friend, you ask him, "My dear friend, what do you like to eat?" So if he says: "I like this," so you immediately supply. This is the sign of love
- Just like if you take one very nice digestive pill, so whatever you have eaten, even stone, it will be digested. It will be digested. Similarly, as soon as you take to bhakti immediately your gross and subtle body is digested
- Just like in our country the camaras, they take away and take the skin for preparing shoes and eat the flesh and use the bone. So we request those who are flesh eaters, that "Wait up to the natural death. Why you are killing?"
- Just like one, a person, is suffering from fever, so according to Ayurvedic medicine, tri-katu... Tri means three, and katu means bitter. Tri-katu, just like nim, nim fruits, kalamegha and cirata. They are prescribed, very bitter to eat
- Just like the cow is standing here, sometimes eating this, sometime eating that, sometime eating that. What is the business? Only business: to fill up the belly. That's all
- Kadarya bhaksana kare: And, according to his body, he (a person) eats all types of abominable things
- Kalidasa ate the remnants of food of as many Vaisnavas as there were in Bengal
- Kalidasa was an uncle of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami. Throughout his entire life, even in his old age, he tried to eat the remnants of food left by Vaisnavas
- Kalidasa, one of the relative, uncle, of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, he was also very great Vaisnava, maha-bhagavata. His business was to eat the remnants of foodstuff left by Vaisnava
- Kaliya took shelter within the water of the Yamuna for the following reason. Just as Garuda went to the island of the Kaliya snake, he also used to go to the Yamuna to catch fish to eat
- Kamsa because of cultivating KC in a different way - that is, inimically - was uncomfortable in all the affairs of his life; whether sitting, sleeping, walking or eating, he was always in danger. This is the difference between a devotee and a nondevotee
- Kapittha is a flower which is known in Indian vernacular as kayeta. We do not find an English equivalent for the name of this flower, but its fruit is generally not accepted by human beings; it is eaten by monkeys in the forest
- Kasi Misra and Tulasi, the superintendent of the temple, brought as much prasadam as five hundred men could eat. Seeing the large quantity of prasadam, which consisted of rice, cakes, sweet rice and a variety of vegetables, Caitanya was very satisfied
- Keep everyone in darkness and eat, drink, be merry and enjoy and go to hell like cats and dogs. This is not civilization
- Killing means that you have to eat something. Our philosophy is that we cannot stop killing, but there is no unnecessary killing
- Killing of animal does not mean that if a man kills a cow or goat for eating, he is killing, and those who are vegetarian, they are not killing. They are also killing. A vegetable has also got life
- King Malayadhvaja underwent severe austerities by leaving his home, going to Kulacala, taking his bath in the sacred rivers and eating only vegetables like stems, roots, seeds, flowers and leaves, avoiding any cooked food or grains
- Knowledge how to eat, how to sleep, how to defend, how to enjoy sex life, and volumes of books on this subject matter, these are not knowledge. They are known even by the cats and dogs
- Krsna also assured Kaliya, "You came here (to the Yamuna) out of fear of Garuda, who wanted to eat you in the beautiful land by the ocean. Now, after seeing the marks where I have touched your head with My lotus feet, Garuda will not disturb you"
- Krsna consciousness means he does not anymore eat anything which is not offered to Krsna
- Krsna consciousness, always absorbed in thought of Krsna - in sitting, in walking, in eating, in sleeping, everything. In working. That is first-class yoga. It is also yoga, but first-class yoga. Not third-class, fourth-class yoga
- Krsna is so merciful, however, that He gives us the food to eat. In this way our desire is fulfilled. When one has molded his life in such a way dovetailing his desires to Krsna's - then it is to be understood that he has attained perfection in yoga
- Krsna is supplying everything, whatever you have got. Whatever we are eating we cannot manufacture in the factory. It is supplied by Krsna. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- Krsna is within us and is waiting for us to turn to Him, but we are too busy passionately eating the fruits of the tree of material desire
- Krsna joked, Why have you (the bumblebee) come to disturb My brahmana friend Madhumangala? You want to kill a brahmana. This is not good. All the boys would laugh and enjoy, speaking such joking words while eating
- Krsna replied to the messenger of Paundraka, "At that time (when your head is severed from your body by My disc) your (Paundraka's) body will be thrown to the dogs, who will eat it with great pleasure"
- Krsna said, "If, after growing up, a son does not try to satisfy his parents by his actions or by an endowment of riches, he is surely punished after death by the superintendent of death and made to eat his own flesh"
- Krsna said, "Let us have our lunch in this spot because it is already late and we are feeling hungry. Let the calves remain near us, and drink water from the Yamuna. While we engage in our lunch-taking, the calves may engage in eating the soft grasses"
- Krsna says (BG 9.27): "All that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me." If Krsna takes, that is the perfection of charity
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.27): Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform - do that, O son of Kunti, as an offering to Me - Krsna
- Krsna says, "Give Me foodstuff prepared from this group." That we do. Accepting that the fruits, they have got life. There are many fruits, it is offered by the tree for eating. The tree's not killed
- Krsna says, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati: "Anyone who offers Me with love and affection vegetables, grains, milk, I eat." So if there is any sin for eating vegetables, that is Krsna's sin, not our sin. We take the prasadam
- Let the palatable dishes be prepared, but unless they are offered to Krsna one should not accept them for eating
- Life is meant for the maximum duration of existence for eating, drinking, sexual intercourse, making merry and enjoying life
- Life should be molded in such a way that one cannot remain alone without thinking of Krsna. We should live in Krsna so that while eating, sleeping, walking and working we remain only in Krsna
- Like a child learns to eat, little, little. Otherwise there will be no more food. Therefore dharma is required to stop this miserable condition of life. That is real dharma
- Like we get some palatable foodstuff - we eat up to the neck. No. Krsna is atmarama. Krsna has no hunger. Even if He is hungry, He can fulfill it Himself. He doesn't require your help
- Living beings live on the produce of grains and vegetables, and by eating such foodstuff they get vital power of the body in the shape of blood and semen, and from blood and semen one living being is able to create other living beings
- Living entities, they can develop by eating grains. Grains are produced by rainfall. Rainfall is made possible by offering sacrifice. And the process of sacrifice is given in authoritative scriptures like Bhagavad-gita, Bhagavata and Vedic literature
- Living just like a tree, eating just like a camel and having sex just like the dogs and hogs. Thus he (The living entity) has been frustrated in fulfilling the specific purpose of human life
- Logic is like a dry oil cake from which all the oil has been extracted. The Bhattacarya passed his life in eating such dry cakes, but now You have made him drink the nectar of transcendental pastimes. It is certainly Your great mercy upon him
- Long life in itself has no value. A tree lives for hundreds and hundreds of years, but there is no point in living a long time like trees, or breathing like bellows, or begetting children like hogs and dogs, or eating like camels
- Lord Brahma,sprinkled transcendental, infallible, spiritual water from his kamandalu upon Hiranyakasipu's body, which had been eaten away by ants and moths. Thus he enlivened Hiranyakasipu
- Lord Buddha appeared when people were too much engaged in animal sacrifice without any purpose. Actually it was for eating only. In the name of Vedic sacrifice they were killing animals and eating - a propagation for animal eating
- Lord Caitanya has said, bhala na khaibe ara bhala na paribe, "Do not dress luxuriously and do not eat delicious foodstuffs"
- Lord Caitanya made this process (of reaching the highest perfection of knowledge) very easy: He asked people simply to chant Hare Krsna & to engage in the devotional service of God & eat the remnants of foodstuff offered to the Deity. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Krsna as Paramatma, Supersoul, lives everywhere. He lives in the heart of a hog also. The hog eats stool, but that does not mean that because the Supreme Lord is in the heart of the hog, He is also subjected to such punishment
- Lord Nityananda Prabhu ordered, "All of you eat, chanting the holy name of Hari." Immediately the holy names "Hari, Hari" resounded, filling the entire universe"
- Lord Ramacandra heard that in His absence His brother Bharata was eating barley cooked in the urine of a cow, covering His body with the bark of trees, wearing matted locks of hair, and lying on a mattress of kusa
- Lord Siva is also a great Vaisnava and never eats nonvegetarian food, and the goddess Kali accepts the remnants of food left by Lord Siva. Therefore there is no possibility of her eating flesh or fish
- Lord Siva is the greatest devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and it is not fitting for him to eat or sit with materialistic persons like the demigods
- Lord Sri Krsna is always engaged in His transcendental pastimes; therefore the devotees, following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, can always eat those lotus buds, for they are the pastimes of the Lord
- Love means taking and giving also. If we just take from someone and give him nothing in return, that is not love - it is exploitation. It is not that we should just continue eating without ever offering anything to Krsna
- Love means two persons, there is exchange: giving something, taking something, feeding something and to eat something; and speaking everything, no secrecy
- Lust for opposite sex, this is called lust. And greediness - to eat more, more than we can digest. When these two things are there, lust and greediness, that means we are now being conducted by the ignorance and passion
- Madhavendra Puri avoided begging. He was completely unattached and indifferent to material things. If, without his begging, someone offered him some food, he would eat; otherwise he would fast
- Maharaja Ambarisa, you have invited me to eat as a guest, but instead of feeding me, you yourself have eaten first. Because of your misbehavior, I shall show you something to punish you
- Maharaja Bharata thought that the animal was disappointed in his protection and had left him for protection of a demigod. Regardless, he ardently desired to see the animal again within his asrama eating soft grass and not fearing tigers and other animals
- Maintain means fodder. Grow fodder. They will eat that leaf
- Management should be in that way, that nobody is sitting idly. Automatically he'll fall sick. Sickness means idleness. Or excess eating, sleeping. No excess, no less
- Manda-bhagyah: and most unfortunate. Everyone is practically unfortunate. Nobody has certainty what he will eat tomorrow, or in the evening. Everywhere. Don't think only it is only in India
- Manda-bhagyah: because they are unfortunate. Everyone does not know what he shall eat next morning or in the evening. Everyone is in need. Scarcity all over the world
- Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagyah, and all unfortunate. People cannot eat even properly. There is no milk, there is no ghee, there is no rice. This is the position of Kali-yuga
- Many waterpots were filled with scented water for drinking, and Lord Sri Gopala, who had been hungry for many days, ate everything offered to Him
- Markata-vairagya means that a monkey is renounced. He does not dress, naked. And he lives in the forest. And he eats also fruit, vegetarian. But the nature is that he must have at least three dozen wives
- Markata-vairagya. Markata means monkey. Superficially vairagya, naga-baba. They eat vegetables, fruits, live in the jungle, no house, or, all - everything like vairagya. But sex
- Material life means eat, drink, be merry and enjoy, with no concern for understanding one's spiritual identity and the process of spiritual advancement
- Material life means to work very hard day and night and get some money and then eat sumptuously. Eat, drink, be merry and then enjoy sex life. That's all
- Material nature displays wonderful workmanship by creating varieties of bodies for the living beings according to their propensities for sense gratification. The living entity who wants to taste stool is given a body that is suitable for eating stool
- Material pleasures can be attained even by hogs and dogs, whose condition of life is hellish. The hog also eats, sleeps and enjoys sex life to the full extent, and it is also very satisfied with such hellish enjoyment of material existence
- Material prosperity means that the people must have sufficient to eat or to maintain the body and soul together in sound health for further development in spiritual consciousness
- Material world is not spiritual world. In the spiritual world you haven't got to work, neither you have to eat. Everything is complete
- Materialists sometimes give the argument that as straw eaten by a cow produces milk automatically, so material nature, under different circumstances, produces varieties of manifestations. Thus originally matter is the cause
- Maya immediately orders a fully fit body. He wants to eat stool, "All right, here give him this body." He wants to drink fresh blood, "All right, give him this body." He wants to harm people without any offence, "All right, give it to him."
- Mayavadi sannyasis have become so degraded that there is a section of them who eat everything, just like hogs and dogs. It is such degraded sannyasa that is prohibited in this age
- Meanwhile, because Satyavati's mother thought that the oblation prepared for her daughter, Rcika's wife, must be better, she asked her daughter for that oblation. Satyavati therefore gave her own oblation to her mother, ate her mother's oblation herself
- Meat-eating is a crude form of eating when people are uncivilized. When there is no other food, you cannot produce. But when you are civilized, when you learn how to produce other foods, why should you eat meat
- Men become strong and stout by eating sufficient grains, but the devotee who simply eats ordinary grains but does not taste the transcendental pastimes of Lord Caitanya and Krsna gradually becomes weak and falls down from the transcendental position
- Modern civilization has gone down so low that they are very much anxious. Therefore it is said, cintam aparimeyam ca - How to arrange for eating? How to arrange for sleeping? Not only for me, but for my son, for my grandson, for my great-grandson
- Modern civilization promotes a life of forgetfulness (of the relationship with God), with an improved economic condition for eating and so on
- Mother Saci said, "You have spoken very nicely. I shall not eat grains on Ekadasi." From that day, she began to observe fasting on Ekadasi
- Mother, your cow is your mother. You drink milk of cow. And the bull is your father. Because without bull, without the cow and bull being united, there is no milk. So how is that you are eating your father and mother
- Mucukunda continued, "After death the body of even a king is eaten by an animal & therefore turned into stool or is cremated in a crematorium, turned into ashes or is put into an earthly grave, where different kinds of worms, insects are produced of it"
- Mucukunda continued, "The royal body was advertised as the king of human society - that royal body decomposes under the influence of inevitable time & becomes fit for being eaten by worms & insects or being turned into ashes or the stool of an animal"
- My advice for the present is that during your time of pregnancy you should eat very simple foods, hot or spicy foods are not to be taken and also sexual relations are forbidden
- My dear Arjuna, one cannot perform mystic yoga if he eats more than necessary or needlessly fasts, sleeps and dreams too much or does not sleep enough
- My dear boys, of all the living entities who have accepted material bodies in this world, one who has been awarded this human form should not work hard day and night simply for sense gratification, which is available even for dogs and hogs that eat stool
- My dear King, if a diseased person eats the pure, uncontaminated food prescribed by a physician, he is gradually cured, and the infection of disease can no longer touch him
- My dear King, please search out that deer who is engaged in eating grass in a very nice flower garden along with his wife. That deer is very much attached to his business, and he is enjoying the sweet singing of the bumblebees in his garden
- My dear Lord, by Your mercy You have made me dance in many ways. For example, I was offered the sraddha-patra, which should have been offered to first-class brahmanas. I ate from it even though I was born in a family of meat-eaters
- My dear son of Kunti, whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer in sacrifice, whatever you give in charity, and whatever austerities you perform, all the results of such activities should be offered to Me, Krsna, the S P of Godhead
- My friend, what do you eat to maintain your body? Because you are chewing betel, a pleasing scent is emanating from your mouth. This proves that you always eat the remnants of food offered to Visnu. Indeed, you must also be an expansion of Visnu's body
- My mind's five disciples, the senses of perception, gather the remnants of that nectar from the gopis and bring them to the yogi of My mind. The senses maintain their lives by eating those remnants
- Narada ate those remnants and consequently became freed from all sinful reactions. As he went on eating, he gradually became as pure-hearted as the sages
- Narada Muni once addressed Krsna jokingly: "My dear Lord of the cowherd boys, Your bulls while eating grass from the pasturing ground and moving on their four legs, have certainly eaten up all the grass of irreligion!"
- Narayani eternally eats the remnants of the food of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura was born of her womb
- Narottama dasa Thakura says, karma-kanda jnana-kanda, kevala visera bhanda: those who have taken to the process of karma-kanda (fruitive activity) and jnana-kanda (speculation on the science of transcendence) have simply eaten from poisoned pots
- Narottama dasa Thakura says: One travels throughout various species of life and eats all kinds of nonsense. Thus he spoils his existence
- Nature's law is so perfect. Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya (BG 7.14). You cannot escape. Suppose you can eat two ounce, and if you eat four ounce, then you have to starve three days. This is the law
- Near the Bindu Madhava temple is a big banyan tree, and it is said that after eating, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to rest beneath the tree. That banyan tree is still known today as Caitanya-vata
- Never eat leftover food, never eat prasada offered to the goddess Kali (Durga), and do not eat anything contaminated by flesh or fish
- Nihsreyasaya means the ultimate benefit. That education is lacking. In the material world, the jnana, especially in the present age, jnana means technical knowledge: how to eat, how to sleep
- No enviousness. Why I shall be envious? If somebody is eating very nicely, and I am not eating nicely, why I shall be envious? We should be satisfied. Krsna has given him
- No knowledge of the spiritual life, no knowledge how the soul is transmigrating from one body to another, no knowledge what is the future, no knowledge what is the goal of life. Simply like cats and dogs you dance, eat, drink, be merry and die
- No one is free to act freely and independently, one should always seek the permission of God to act or eat or speak, and by the blessing of the Lord everything done by a devotee is beyond the principles of the four defects typical of the conditioned soul
- No one is simply interested in drinking milk and eating sugar, but with milk and sugar we can make a variety of foods - pera, barfi, ksira, rabri, dahi, and so on. There are hundreds of preparations. In any case, variety is required for enjoyment
- No one should do anything, eat anything, sacrifice anything or give anything in charity against the will of the Lord
- Nobody learns to smoke from the beginning of life, but the child requires to eat something. That's a fact. But it doesn't require to smoke. So these are artificial things. So we have to minimize the non-necessary things
- Nobody learns to smoke from the very birth. He has to eat something. He drinks milk, the child. He doesn't say, "Give me a cigarette," but you have learned it by bad association. This is called anartha
- Nondevotees are killing cows, goats and so many other animals for eating purposes, and a devotee, who is vegetarian, is also killing
- Not being able to control the tongue, the conditioned soul eats more than he needs
- Not caring about eating, he traveled all day. Hunger was not an impediment, for his mind was concentrated upon obtaining shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Not nice, it is not eatable even by the dogs
- Not vultures; it is called hog civilization. The hog, they eat anything and they have sex with anyone
- Now I shall pierce your body with my trident, and after you die with great pain, even fire will not touch you; only the vultures will eat your body
- Now I will eat two pieces of bread at night, and my wife will kick on my face." (laughter) Just see the ass. Therefore how Bhagavata has selected the specific animals, how they are suffering, very instructive
- Now you have got food in chaos, but there will be no food also. Then the mother and father will eat his own children. This is world, this Kali-yuga, everything. No food will be produced
- O foolish, sinful person, because you have eaten my husband when I was sexually inclined and desiring to have the seed of a child, I shall also see you die when you attempt to discharge semen in your wife
- O goddess, now that you have refused me, my beautiful body will fall down here, and because it is unsuitable for your pleasure, it will be eaten by foxes and vultures
- O Lord, Your tongue is a plate of sacrifice, Your nostril is another plate of sacrifice, in Your belly is the eating plate of sacrifice, and another plate of sacrifice is the holes of Your ears
- O Madhavendra Puri, please drink the milk I have brought. Why don't you beg some food to eat? What kind of meditation are you undergoing
- O pleasure of the Raksasa dynasty, because of you (Ravana) the state of Lanka and also we ourselves now have no protector. By your deeds you have made your body fit to be eaten by vultures and your soul fit to go to hell
- O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me. BG 9.27 - 1972
- Observing the beggars eating prasadam, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted, "Haribol!" and instructed them to chant the holy name
- Of course, everyone must eat to keep the body fit for the Lord's service, but when one cannot control the senses, he falls victim to the dictations of the tongue and the belly. Naturally, genital agitation follows, and one seeks illicit sex
- Of course, we require a living place and eating materials and sex arrangement or defense arrangement. That is required. You do that. But don't forget your main business. Then you are cats and dogs. Your main business is God realization
- Oh, you are eating, give me something." "All right, you also take." So this is called extended interest, and the beginning is self-interest, anna brahman, Self-preservation is the first law of nature
- On hearing this proposal from Krsna, all the boys became very glad and said, "Certainly, let us all sit down here to take our lunch." They then let loose the calves to eat the soft grass
- On the other side Balarama and Krsna, along with Their friends, could not find their animals, and they became very much aggrieved. They began to trace the cows by following their footprints, as well as the path of eaten grass
- On the way, Raghunatha dasa has fasted and undergone hardships for many days. Therefore, take good care of him for some days so that he may eat to his satisfaction
- Once, after fasting for forty-eight days, in the morning Rantideva received some water and some foodstuffs made with milk and ghee, but when he and his family were about to eat, a brahmana guest arrived
- One bird is eating the fruit of the tree, and the other bird is witnessing. That witnessing bird is Krsna, and the eating bird is myself. I am eating, I am enjoying the fruits of my work in this material world, and Krsna is simply observing
- One bird is eating the fruit of the tree, and the other is simply observing. This observing bird is always present as a friend to the eating bird and giving him remembrance of things he wanted to do
- One bird, the individual, forgetful bird, is eating the fruit of the tree, not caring for the instructions of the other bird, which is only a witness to the activities of the first bird, who is his friend
- One can collect old garments that have been thrown out, one can eat fruits offered by the trees, one can drink water from the rivers, and one can live within the caves of mountains
- One can feel this practically, as one can feel the result of eating food. Spiritual realization acts in that way
- One cannot eat food from the kitchen unless it is offered to the Deity
- One day Lord Balarama invited this particular sannyasi (Arjuna) to lunch at His home. Balaramaji very respectfully offered him all kinds of palatable dishes, and the so-called sannyasi was eating sumptuously
- One day Svarupa Damodara saw the activities of Raghunatha dasa. Thus he smiled and asked for a small portion of that food and ate it
- One example can be given: just like in diseased condition, actually there is no enjoyment, but still, the doctors gives some diet: "You eat this." But he does not enjoy. Eating enjoyment is in healthy life, not in diseased condition
- One has eaten sumptuously at home but as soon as he comes out, "Let us go to the restaurant, let us have a cup of tea, a little this or that." The tongue is always dictating. "You eat this, you eat that, you eat that, you like that." That is going on
- One has got the desire, but he should not desire unnecessarily. Everyone has got the right to eat, even the animals
- One Indian gentleman, he was eating the intestine of the hog. So it was horrible for me, but he was eating very nice. So in this way the world is going on - One man's food is another man's poison
- One is recommended to take leave of his family and live alone, maintaining body and soul together by begging alms and eating only as much as needed to keep himself alive. Without such a process, one cannot conquer lusty desires
- One life is, one living being is food for another living being. But that does not mean that you shall kill your son and eat, and it will be supported by the society
- One living entity is the food for another living entity. So when a person eats another living entity, it is not unnatural. This is nature's law. But when you come to the human form of living entity, you must use your discrimination
- One living entity is the food for another living entity. That is lower-grade life. In the higher-grade life, no, they cannot kill anyone for eating purposes. Therefore in the Bible the First Commandment is - Thou shall not kill
- One may get indigestion due to eating too many milk preparations - (…) sweet rice, and so on. But even though there is indigestion or diarrhea, another milk preparation - yogurt mixed with black pepper and salt - will immediately cure these maladies
- One may kill an animal to enjoy eating it, but he will be bound by such an action. Thus in one's next life he will become a cow or a goat, and the cow or goat will become a man and eat him
- One must be serious to cook. There is method how to cook. If you don't adopt that method and if you cook in your whimsical way, you will never be able to eat
- One must evacuate every morning and evening. If we eat more, then we have to evacuate twice. But if we eat less, then once evacuation is sufficient
- One of my students told me that in the last war in the concentrated camp, the human being, they also ate their stool out of hunger. You see? There was no food, so they ate their own stool
- One of the birds (the individual atomic soul) is eating the fruit of the tree, and the other bird (Krsna) is simply watching His friend. BG 1972 purports
- One of the good qualifications of a devotee. He should not hanker to satisfy the tongue with a particular kind of foodstuff. He should be satisfied to eat whatever prasada is available by the grace of the Lord
- One seriously eager to achieve transcendental perfection, Krsna consciousness, must eat krsna-prasadam. Such food is sattvika, or in the material quality of goodness, but when offered to Krsna it becomes transcendental
- One should (17) circumambulate the temple, (18) recite various prayers, (19) chant softly, (20) chant congregationally, (21) smell the incense and flower garlands offered to the Deity, and (22) eat the remnants of food offered to the Deity
- One should avoid eating with Mayavadis and covert Mayavadis like the sahajiya Vaisnavas, who are materially affected
- One should be busy about the driver, whether he's paid nicely, whether he's eating nicely, he'll drive. If you don't take care of the driver, simply you wash the car, what is the use? The car will not be moving without driver
- One should cease performing conventional religious practices and should be attracted to those which lead to salvation. One should eat very frugally and should always remain secluded so that he can achieve the highest perfection of life
- One should eat and enjoy his senses as much as necessary, one should properly endeavor to execute his duties, and one should regulate his sleep and wakefulness. Thus one can become freed from material pains by executing mystic yoga
- One should eat remnants of foodstuffs that are offered to Krsna. This is also the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, wherein Krsna says: If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it. - BG 9.26
- One should eat very frugally and should always remain secluded so that he can achieve the highest perfection of life
- One should learn from the bumblebee not to keep more money than one needs. Similarly, one should learn from the python to stay in one place for many, many days without food and then eat only if something comes in its own way
- One should not avoid bowing down before the Deity. 4) One should not enter the temple to worship the Lord without having washed his hands and feet after eating. 5) One should not enter the temple in a contaminated state
- One should not eat anything which is not offered first to Krsna. 26) One should not fail to offer fresh fruit and grains to Krsna, according to the season
- One should not eat more than necessary, he should not collect more paraphernalia than necessary, he should not talk unnecessarily with common men, and he should not follow the rules and regulations without purpose
- One should not indulge in eating food in the modes of passion and ignorance. This is called ucitahara, or appropriate eating
- One should not lie down before the Deity. (9) One should not eat before the Deity. (10) One should not speak lies before the Deity. (11) One should not speak very loudly before the Deity
- One should personally serve the spiritual master by giving him bodily comforts, helping him in bathing, dressing, sleeping, eating and so on
- One should take prasada at scheduled times and should not eat in restaurants or sweetmeat shops simply to satisfy the whims of the tongue or belly. If we stick to the principle of taking only prasada, the urges of the belly and tongue can be controlled
- One side, a person should cultivate Krsna consciousness, and another side, he should try to give up all the unwanted things. Not that whatever you like, you can eat; whatever you like, you can do; at the same times you become spiritually advanced
- One who cannot digest anything, he is recommended to eat this fish, magur mach. Jivo jivasya jivanam. One living entity is the life of another living entity
- One who does not do so (eat only food offered to Krsna) continues to increase the volume of sinful action, and this prepares the next body to resemble hogs and dogs, to suffer the resultant reactions of all sins. BG 1972 purports
- One who eats more than required will dream very much while sleeping, and he must consequently sleep more than is required. BG 1972 purports
- One who first accepts sannyasa but then returns to such materialistic activities is to be called a vantasi, or one who eats his own vomit. He is indeed a shameless person
- One who follows the path of Ravana is condemned in two ways: his body is fit to be eaten by dogs and vultures, and the soul goes to hell
- One who is always eating meat or drinking liquor, which is eating and drinking in passion and ignorance, must give these things up so that his real consciousness may be awakened. In this way one may become peaceful and refreshed
- One who is directly engaged in all these devotional activities (chanting Hare Krsna and eating the remnants of foodstuff offered to the Deity) is to be understood as having studied all Vedic literature. He has come to the conclusion perfectly. BG 1972 p
- One who is eating simply krsna-prasadam and simple foodstuff, vegetable, grains, milk - they are not allowed to eat anything and everything; they are not allowed to take anything in the hotel - so practically, they are fasting
- One who is in a bodily concept of life has no control over sense gratification. Such a person can do anything sinful to eat, drink, be merry and enjoy a life of sense gratification, not knowing of the soul's transmigration from one body to another
- One who is simply taking from father, "O God, give us our daily bread," and He is supplying, and eating and enjoying sense enjoyment, he is not real son. The real son is he who sacrifices his life for glorifying his father
- One who lives in a secluded place, who eats little and who controls the body and the tongue, and is always in trance and is detached, such a person is certainly elevated to the position of self-realization. BG 18.51-53 - 1972
- One who takes foodstuff after a performance of sacrifice eats real food for proper maintenance of the body and soul, but one who cooks for himself and does not perform any sacrifice eats only lumps of sin in the shape of foodstuffs
- One who wants to eat the flesh and blood of other animals may be given a tiger's body equipped with suitable teeth and claws. But the human being is not meant for eating flesh, nor does he have any desire to taste stool, even in the most aboriginal state
- One's devotional service is spoiled when he becomes too entangled in the following six activities: eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required
- Only the cobbler class, the muci class, they eat this cow's flesh after taking the dead animal. So after killing, everyone eats, so why not wait for the natural death and eat it? But because they are asuras, raksasas, they do not wait for that
- Only the fourth-class men and fifth-class men, they were allowed or they were eating meat. Nobody is allowed. But the first-class, second-class men, they have got sense. They voluntarily give up
- Only the Krsna conscious person can attain perfection in yoga practice. Nor can one who artificially abstains from eating, manufacturing his own personal process of fasting, practice yoga. BG 1972 purports
- Others are attracted by eating vegetables, creepers, spinach or milk products, but all for the satisfaction of the tongue's demands
- Others may eat your children and you eat others' children... That day will come, that is stated. These animal eaters will eat now one another's children
- Others, who could not get a place even on the bank of the Ganges, got down into the water and began eating their two kinds of chipped rice
- Our acaryas, sad-gosvami, they left their service, big service, ministership, and by the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu they went to Vrndavana. But what for? Going to Vrndavana and sleeping and eating? No, no, not for that purpose
- Our eating is done with the friend Rasajna, the tongue, which can taste so many different types of foods
- Our eating process is more decent than the animals. We have got nice kitchen. We can prepare varieties of foodstuff by mixing so many eatables. Because we have got intelligence, we can do
- Our eating process will be similar to His (God's) when we are completely on the spiritual platform. On that platform every part of the body can act on behalf of any other part - CC Intro
- Our eating process will be similar to His when we are completely on the spiritual platform. On that platform every part of the body can act on behalf of any other part
- Our first problem is - because we have got this material body - eating. Everyone must eat. So Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14): "If there is sufficient food grains, then both man and animal, they become happy."
- Our kirtana is simple and can be practiced even by the small children, and we have practically seen how small boys and girls do take part in it by chanting dancing with us, and what to speak of eating the delicious Krishna Prasadam
- Our Krsna consciousness movement distributes krsna-prasadam, and those who eat such transcendental food are sure to become devotees of the Lord. This is a very scientific method
- Our life prolongs by eating grains. So annad bhavanti bhutani parjanyad anna-sambhavah. And grains are produced by proper rainfall. Rainfall is the main source of producing everything of our necessities of life
- Our nature is blissfulness. Unless we reach Krsna, talk with Him, dance with Him, eat with Him, enjoy life, our perfection is imperfect, not complete
- Our physical necessity is that we want to eat. That is necessary to maintain this body, ahara. Nidra, rest. We must have some rest also. So ahara-nidra-bhaya. Bhaya means "to become afraid of." That is material nature
- Our proposition is not that vegetarian/nonvegetarian. Vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it is not very important thing. Everyone is eating some living entity. Vegetable has got also life
- Overpowered by hunger and thirst, they ran to devour Brahma from all sides and cried, "Spare him not! Eat him up!"
- Owing to the (pregnant) mother's eating bitter, pungent foodstuffs, or food which is too salty or too sour, the body of the child incessantly suffers pains which are almost intolerable
- Pasturing ground for the cows - the grass is produced by rains, and the animals, they eat the grass, and they produce milk. You require milk. So everything, the main source of supply is the rainfall from the sky
- People are becoming more and more in the modes of darkness, they are eating so many abominable things. And prakrti also, I mean to say, minimizing the supply of sattvika food
- People are doing like that. They are eating in the morning and working very hard whole day, and in the evening again he becomes hungry and eats more sumptuously. That is his happiness
- People are now addicted to eating animals, in spite of having an ample supply of grains, fruits and milk. There is no necessity for animal killing. This injunction is for everyone. BG 1972 purports
- People will be reduced to eating flesh and seeds, and many good, spiritually inclined people will have to forsake their homes because they will be too harassed by drought, taxation and famine
- People would eat very nicely, and they keep their health fit and save time for understanding his relationship with God. That is perfect civilization
- Persons who had formerly criticized Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, calling Him a drunkard, also ate the fruit and began to dance, saying, "Very good! Very good!"
- Persons who have no discrimination in the matter of foodstuff and who eat all sorts of rubbish are compared to hogs. Hogs are very much attached to eating stools. So stool is a kind of foodstuff for a particular type of animal
- Persons who regulate eating, sleeping and other necessities of the body in the proper proportion become very successful in the yoga process
- Please first take prasadam Yourself, and I shall eat later. I shall not refuse Your request
- Practice washing hands after eating and wash with soap and water after toilet
- Prahlada Maharaja was always absorbed in thought of Krsna. Thus, being always embraced by the Lord, he did not know how his bodily necessities, such as sitting, walking, eating, lying down, drinking and talking, were being automatically performed
- Previously the Lord gave me maha-prasadam rice one morning, and I ate it just sitting on my bed, without having even washed my mouth
- Preyas means immediate. Just like we eat something which I may not digest, or it may have some bad effect later on. But people are interested - the immediate benefit, without calculation of future benefit
- Priti means love. These are the symptoms. Give and take; eat and give to eat; open you mind, and know the other party's mind also. This is love. The more you increase the six kinds of exchange, there is increase in the love
- Process of eating or your process of securing ingredients for eating, or your cooking, nothing is stopped. Only, only thing is required that instead of cooking for yourself for the satisfaction of your tongue, you please cook it for satisfaction of Krsna
- Produce sufficient food grain. So in the village side you go, hundreds and thousands of acres of land is lying vacant. Nobody is interested. Now they are interested opening slaughterhouse. Kill the poor animals and eat, but don't produce food grain
- Progressing means eating, sleeping, nothing more progress. He eats by killing an animal in the jungle, and you are eating, killing an animal in the organized slaughterhouse. That's all
- Provide all the devotees and associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with comfortable residences, convenient eating facilities for prasadam and convenient visiting arrangements at the temple so that there will not be any difficulty
- Prthu Maharaja strictly adopted these principles for living in the forest, and sometimes he ate nothing but dried leaves and drank nothing but a little water. Sometimes he lived on nothing but air, and sometimes he ate some fruit from the trees
- Prthu Maharaja's wife, Arci, was steadily determined to execute the duty of a wife, and while her husband was in the forest, she followed him in eating only fruits and leaves and lying down on the ground
- Punishment in the hell called Maharaurava is compulsory for a person who maintains his own body by hurting others. In this hell, ruru animals known as kravyada torment him and eat his flesh
- Purusa means the enjoyer. And prakrti means enjoyed. For enjoyment two things are required: one enjoyer, and the other enjoyed. When we eat something, the eater is the enjoyer and the foodstuff is enjoyed
- Purusadaih means the cannibals and the man-eaters. Still there are. "Unscrupulous men" also can be drawn. But purusadaih means the man-eaters
- Pusa had no sons. When Lord Siva was angry at Daksa, Pusa had laughed at Lord Siva and shown his teeth. Therefore he lost his teeth and had to live by eating only ground flour
- Raghava Pandita would bring and distribute prasadam to the two brothers, feeding Them with great attention. They ate everything, and therefore there were no remnants left
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami almost completely gave up eating, and therefore he was very skinny and of weak health. His only concern was to chant the holy name of the Lord
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami used to eat rejected food that he had collected and washed. This renounced life greatly pleased both Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, he was a very rich man's son. So he showed us the example, what is tapasya. He gradually reduced his eating, every alternate days a little butter. That's all. Ragunatha dasa Gosvami. And still, he was taking three times bath
- Raghunatha dasa spent more than twenty-two hours out of every twenty-four chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and remembering the lotus feet of the Lord. He ate and slept for less than an hour and a half, and on some days that also was impossible
- Raksasa are called man-eaters, more than tigers. They, for their self-satisfaction, they can eat, I mean to say, even, even their own sons. You see? They are called raksasas. No shame
- Raksasas are understood to be accustomed to eating their own sons, as snakes and many other animals sometimes do
- Ramananda Raya went on to say that those who have no taste for Krsna consciousness or spiritual life are just like crows who take pleasure in eating the bitter nimba fruit
- Rascal guru will say, "Yes, you can eat anything. You can do anything. Religion has nothing to do with eating"
- Regardless of time or place, one who chants the holy name, even while eating or sleeping, attains all perfection
- Remaining in that asrama, the great King Bharata Maharaja was now very careful not to fall victim to bad association. Without disclosing his past to anyone, he remained in that asrama and ate dry leaves only
- Remnants of food may be eaten only when they are part of a meal that was first offered to the Supreme Lord or first eaten by saintly persons, especially the spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- Replying to the Mayavada idea of the child philosopher, mother Saci said, "My dear boy, if we eat earth transformed into grain, our body is nourished, and it becomes strong
- Routine eating must be there. We should not eat more than that. But the best principle is if we do not feel hungry, we should not eat. But if there is no hunger and at the same time no appetite and we eat, that brings indigestion, dysentery, indigestion
- Ruci means you will simply hanker after spiritual things. You won't like to hear anything except spiritual message. You won't like to do anything except spiritual activities. You won't like to eat anything which is not spiritualized
- Rukmini continued, 'If that which is enjoyable for the lion to eat is taken away by the jackal, it will be a ludicrous affair; therefore I request You (Krsna) to immediately take care of me before I am taken away by Sisupala and other princes like him'
- Rupa has described, phalgu-vairagya. The monkey is vairagi. He lives in the forest. He has no cloth even. Other vairagis, they have got little cloth, but these monkeys have no cloth. & they live in forest and eat fruits, vegetarian, but rascal number one
- Sanatana Gosvami attended to all of Jagadananda Pandita's needs. He begged in the area of Mahavana and brought Jagadananda all kinds of things to eat and drink
- Sanatana Gosvami walked alone on the path through the Jharikhanda forest in central India. Sometimes he fasted, and sometimes he would eat
- Sannyasis should collect a little from each and every householder and should eat simply what is necessary to maintain the body
- Saudasa thus acquired the propensity of a man-eater and received on his leg a black spot, for which he was known as Kalmasapada. Once King Kalmasapada saw a brahmana couple engaged in sexual intercourse in the forest
- Saying this, he offered prayers to the maha-prasadam, took a little portion, and ate it
- Seeing that Jagadananda Pandita was indeed eating, Govinda informed the Lord, who then became peaceful and went to sleep
- Seeing the dog eating the green coconut pulp and chanting "Krsna, Krsna" again and again, all the devotees present were very surprised
- Sex and eating are essential, and they are offered to human society under Vedic restrictions so that according to the Vedic injunctions people may eat, sleep, enjoy sex, be protected from fearful life
- She (Draupadi) said to the Lord that the mysterious dish which she had received from the sun-god could supply any amount of food if she herself had not eaten. But on that day she had already taken her meals, and thus they were in danger
- She (Queen Arci) lay down on the ground and ate only fruits, flowers and leaves, and because she was not fit for these activities, she became frail and thin
- She began to wonder whether there had actually been anything on the plate in the first place. Then again she thought that some animal might have come and eaten everything
- She then began to wonder who had eaten all that food. 'Why is the plate empty?' she wondered, doubting that Bala-gopala had eaten it all
- She worshiped the tulasi plant, following in the footsteps of her spiritual master. Instead of eating regularly, she chewed whatever food she received as alms, and if nothing was supplied she would fast
- Showing compassion and mercy is a relative activity. It is not the Absolute Truth. Apart from this, we also must know what actual mercy is. To give a sick man something forbidden for him to eat is not mercy. Rather, it is cruelty
- Simple food like rice, dhal, capatis, vegetables, milk and sugar constitute a balanced diet, but sometimes it is found that an initiated person, in the name of prasada, eats very luxurious foodstuffs
- Simply ananda. Dancing with Krsna, rasa dance. Supposing if there is such life - dancing and eating and chanting, no suffering. So would anybody deny that? Is there any such fool?
- Simply by associating with the devotees and by eating the remnants of their foodstuff, he (Narada Muni) gradually developed the transcendental qualities of the devotees
- Simply by eating. Because you are so dull, you cannot understand the philosophy. You know the belly like the animals. So therefore we are giving facility, "All right, fill up your belly, fill up your belly. And you'll be infected"
- Simply by sitting (in the lecture on transcendental knowledge given by authorized acaryas), one can learn; then one can eat the remnants of the food offered to God, nice palatable dishes. In every state devotional service is joyful. BG 1972 purports
- Simply chanting, dancing, and eating nice sweetballs, kachori. So su-sukham and kartum avyayam. While performing, while practicing this process, it is very pleasurable, and avyayam
- Simply eating for living, and not living for eating, and sleeping only six to seven hours a day are principles to be followed by devotees
- Simply you eat what will keep your health nice. That is eating. No eating is also not advised, and overeating is also not
- Since both of them (snake and a mouse) were caught in the basket, even if the snake ate the mouse, the snake would not be able to get out
- Since eating is the first necessity in human society, those engaged in solving the problems of preparing and distributing food should take lessons from Madhavendra Puri and execute the Annakuta ceremony
- Since He (the Supreme Lord) is helping the digestion of all kinds of foodstuff, the living entity is not independant in the eating process. BG 1972 purports
- Since the bull and cow are your father and mother, how can you kill and eat them? What kind of religious principle is this? On what strength are you so daring that you commit such sinful activities?
- Since the holy name and Krsna are nondifferent, the members of the Krsna consciousness movement not only chant the holy name of the Lord offenselessly, but also do not allow their tongues to eat anything that is not first offered to the SP of Godhead
- Sinful eating can never make one happy or free from scarcity
- So at night he would keep a big bowl of rice in the middle of the shop, and the rats will eat whole night. They would not commit any harm to the cloth
- So everyone is acting whimsically, whatever he likes, and the so-called svamis are preaching,- No, no, whatever you like, that's all right. You can eat whatever you like. You can do whatever you like. You think yourself that you are God, that's all right
- So far I know that a pregnant woman should not eat any pungent food stuffs, she should not move in cars, and she should not sit idly. She should move and do some physical work. These are the general rules and regulations I have seen in India