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Pages in category "Already"
The following 1,389 pages are in this category, out of 1,389 total.
- A brahmana Vaisnava, or a devotee already on the brahminical platform, can realize Me within his heart, and therefore he definitely concludes that the whole cosmic manifestation and its different features are effects of different energies of the Lord
- A child is born and the material nature is killing this child every moment. The child has grown, two years old. That means material nature has already killed this child for two years. How you can stop this?
- A conditioned soul is already allured by the modes of material energy, & there is every chance of being allured again, even while performing transcendental discipline. This is called yogat calita-manasah: deviation from the transcendental path. BG 1972 p
- A conditioned soul is already degraded by the material association, and still in the Kali-yuga the good qualities of a man will deteriorate to the lowest standard
- A devotee already on the brahminical platform can realize Me (Lord Krsna) within his heart, and therefore he definitely concludes that the whole cosmic manifestation and its different features are effects of different energies of the Lord
- A devotee once stated, "I have already conquered the modes of ignorance, and I am now on the platform of transcendental knowledge. Therefore I shall be engaged only in searching after the SPG." This is an instance of alertness in ecstatic love
- A devotee, who is already liberated, does not see differentiation in terms of the outward body; he sees all living entities as spirit souls, eternal servants of the Lord
- A factual devotee, or mahatma, does not give anything material to anyone because he has already left all material assets. He can, however, deliver the supreme asset, namely the Personality of Godhead, because He is the only property of a factual devotee
- A godless civilization is exclusively conducted by such false ideas, and such persons, without any factual realization of God, accept a false God or falsely declare themselves to be God to mislead persons who are already bewildered by the deluding energy
- A man performs a sinful act, and like a seed it takes time to fructify. There are different stages. The sinful action may have already stopped within the individual, but the results or the fruit of that sinful action are still enjoyed. BG 1972 purports
- A new lawyer has to become an apprentice of an experienced lawyer, or a young man studying to be a doctor has to become an intern and work with those who are already licensed practitioners
- A paramahamsa does not require any reformatory process, because they are already reformed
- A person who always chants the holy name of the Lord is already beyond the ocean of nescience, and thus even a person born in a low family who engages in chanting the holy name of the Lord is considered to be beyond the study of Vedanta philosophy
- A person who chants the two syllables ha-ri has already studied the four Vedas - Sama, Rg, Yajur and Atharva
- A person who is already cleansed of all tinges of sinful life engages without deviation or duality of purpose in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- A person who is condemned by a brahmana or is always fearful to other living entities is not favored either by those who are already in hell or by those in the species in which he is born
- A person who is engaged in devotional service in full KC and who is already situated in the spiritual energy can understand that the material energy has no independent powers: whatever actions are going on are due to the help of the spiritual energy
- A person who knows the science of God, is to be understood as already situated in Transcendence. BG 5.20 - 1972
- A person who neither rejoices upon achieving something pleasant nor laments upon obtaining something unpleasant, who is self-intelligent, unbewildered, is to be understood as already situated in Transcendence. BG 5.20 - 1972
- A pure devotee is not anxious to elevate himself in his next birth. He has already given up that sort of hope
- A relative should not be killed even if his wrongdoing warrants capital punishment. Rather, he should be thrown out of the family. Since he has already been killed by his own sin, why kill him again?
- A sadhu, does not require deliverance, but because he is very much anxious to see the Supreme Lord face to face, Krsna comes not to deliver him from the clutches of matter, from which he has already been delivered, but to satisfy his inner desire
- A thief asked: "So may I take some of your these ornaments? You are so rich." "No, no, no. My mother will be angry. I cannot..." Krsna as a child. So he became more and more eager for Krsna. And then, by Krsna's association, he had already become purified
- A Vaisnava is already a brahmana, although a brahmana may not be a Vaisnava
- A Vaisnava is already a brahmana; in fact, the highest stage of brahminical perfection is reached when one becomes a Vaisnava
- A Vaisnava is supposed to be a brahmana already, but a brahmana may not be a pure Vaisnava. When a person understands his pure identity, brahma janati, he immediately becomes a brahmana
- A Vaisnava sees the body as a temple of Visnu. Since Lord Siva had already offered respect to the Supersoul in Krsna consciousness, offering respect to Daksa, who identified with his body, was already performed
- A Vaisnava should follow the examples of such Vaisnavas as Haridasa Thakura, Nityananda Prabhu and also Lord Jesus Christ. There is no need to kill anyone who has already been killed
- Acarya's duty is to point out the sastric injunction. They're already there in the Vedas
- According to Sanskrit grammar the subject matter already known should be placed before the unknown so that its meaning will not be misconstrued
- According to the arrangement already foretold, Krsna was to appear through Vasudeva and Devaki to kill Kamsa. Vasudeva, therefore, had to do everything to save the situation
- According to the Bhagavad-gita, only one who is already on the liberated platform can become an uttama-adhikari devotee and see every living being as his own brother. This vision cannot be had by politicians, who are always after some material gain
- According to the regulative principles we cannot worship Radha-Krishna now. Radha-Krishna worship is meant for persons who have already developed spontaneous love of God
- According to the Vedanta-sutra (janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1)), since creation, maintenance and annihilation exist in the Supreme Absolute, whatever we find within this material world is already in the spiritual world
- According to the Vedic system, once being touched by some boy, a girl cannot be married or given to any other boy. Nor would anyone agree to marry a girl who had already thus associated with another boy
- According to this verse (CC Madhya 16.186 - SB 3.33.6), an offenseless chanter of the holy name is already fit to perform a fire ceremony, even though he is not doubly initiated by the sacred thread ceremony
- According to Vedic culture, we are interested in sex only for begetting children, that's all. Not to study the psychology of sex life. There is already natural psychology for that
- According to your body, your eating problem, your sleeping problem, your sense gratification problem and defending problem are already settled. That is the verdict of the sastra
- Actually every one of us already has an arrangement for our standard of material comforts. A devotee should always remain satisfied with the standard of comforts offered by the Lord. This saves time for executing Krsna consciousness
- Actually the instructions given to Lord Rsabhadeva's sons were not exactly meant for His sons because they were already educated and highly advanced in knowledge. Rather, these instructions were meant for sannyasis who intend to become advanced devotees
- Actually there is no difference between mystic perfection and materialistic perfection. A German scholar once said that the so-called yoga perfections have already been achieved by the modern scientists, and so he was not concerned with them
- Actually this Krishna Consciousness movement is the greatest need of the present day situation of the world. It is authorized approved and very old, and practical. It can be accepted by any person in any part of the world; that is already tested
- Actually, because you have given your life to Krishna, you are already perfect. But it is just like the ocean, if you are swimming in it you may swim forever and not reach the shore. Similarly, there is no limit to the perfection of Krishna Consciousness
- Actually, however, to one who engages in Krsna consciousness, liberation is already guaranteed
- Actually, she (Devahuti) did not need any further instruction because she was already in the perfectional stage. Kapiladeva advised her to continue in the same way
- Acyutananda has already wasted 10 months time by his childish frivolities; sometimes preacher, sometimes guru, and sometimes so and so
- Addressing him (Akrura) as the chief among munificent men, Krsna said, "My dear uncle, it is already known to Me that the Syamantaka jewel was left by Satadhanva with you"
- Advaita Acarya said, "Please do not give up whatever I have already given You. Now, whatever I am giving, You may eat half and leave half"
- After giving up this material body he (the living entity) does not accept material body, but he has got already spiritual body. That remains, and that works, and that is transferred to the spiritual world. That is the highest perfection of life
- After meditating for two days, Nrsimhananda Brahmacari told Sivananda Sena, "I have already brought Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to the village known as Panihati"
- After offering lunch to the Lord, Venkata Bhatta submitted that the period of Caturmasya had already arrived
- After reaching the stage of devotional service, a person does not have to execute any process of atonement mentioned in the ritualistic section of the Vedas. He is already sinless
- After Rukmini there were seven other principal wives, and the names of the sons of these eight principal queens have already been mentioned. Besides the sons born of these eight queens, Lord Krsna had ten sons by each of the other queens
- After that night passed, Kamsa summoned his ministers and informed them of all that had been spoken by Yogamaya (who had revealed that He (Krsna) who was to slay Kamsa had already been born somewhere else) - SB 10.4.29
- After the Nagapatnis submitted their prayers, Lord Krsna released Kaliya from his punishment. Kaliya was already unconscious from being struck by the Lord
- After this He (Krsna) consulted with Balarama, and, being garlanded with lotus flowers but carrying no weapons, He came out of the city to meet Kalayavana, who had already surrounded Mathura
- Agham dhunvanti - as already explained, problems are created by sinful activities. Although there is enough food, everyone stocks more than is needed in order to make a profit or simply in order to hoard
- Agni, Indra, Prajapati, Kasyapa and Dharma all assemble there to offer him honor and respectful obeisances. They circumambulate him with their right sides toward him. I (Sukadeva) have already described the glorious activities of Maharaja Dhruva
- Ajamila has already atoned for all his sinful actions. Indeed, he has atoned not only for sins performed in one life but for those performed in millions of lives, for in a helpless condition he chanted the holy name of Narayana
- Ajamila was already sinless, and because he chanted the name of Narayana he remained sinless. It did not matter that he was calling his son; the name itself was effective
- Akrura could understand very well that ill-motivated Dhrtarastra was much inclined in favor of his own sons. In fact, Dhrtarastra had already usurped the kingdom and was now intriguing to dispose of the five Pandava brothers
- Akrura says, "Because I am going to see Lord Krsna today, all symptoms of inauspiciousness have already been killed"
- Alas, the time has already come when the leaders, whom ordinary men regard as beacons, are themselves mostly atheists at the bottom of their hearts and are against the principles laid down by Godhead
- All of them have already arrived on the bank of Lake Narendra and are waiting there. I desire residential quarters and prasadam arrangements for them
- All of us, we are already under the clutches of maya. That is the position of intoxication. And again intoxication? So what will be our condition? So therefore it is prohibited
- All the great sages who are thoughtful and saintly persons incessantly recount Your spiritual qualities. These sages have already burned up all the unlimited dirty things and, by the fire of knowledge, strengthened their detachment from the material world
- All the inquisitiveness of Maharaja Yudhisthira about the world situation was already conjectured by Maharaja Yudhisthira on the basis of Lord Krsna's disappearance from the vision of the world
- All the people gathered there asked the elderly brahmana, "If you have already promised to give him your daughter in charity, why are you not fulfilling your promise? You have given your word of honor"
- All these affairs (animal killing and flesh-eating) are ghastly, and a compassionate person, namely a devotee of the Lord, becomes very unhappy to see such a sight. The hunting process is also carried on in a different way, as we have already explained
- All these boys were already decorated by their mothers with ornaments of kaca, gunja, pearls and gold - SB 10.12.4
- All these food grain plants, when the food grains are ripened, they dry. So it is not required to kill the plant. When it is already dead, you can take it, food grains
- Already I have begun this, that because they are not educated how to become human being, so they remain animal. So this is the best social work, that we are bringing animal, two-legged animals, to real human being
- Already there are many banners all over the city advertising this movement as the world's greatest spiritual culture movement
- Already transcendentally enlightened, they (the gopis) simply engage their purified senses in the service of the Lord (Krsna) in the remote village of Vrndavana
- Although Brahma was already entangled in bewilderment, he wanted to show his power to the cowherd boys; but after he took away the boys and their calves and returned to his abode, Krsna created further astonishment for Brahma
- Although Devaki was crying like a very poor woman, actually she was not poor, and therefore the word used here (in SB 10.4.7) is dinavat. She had already given birth to Krsna. Therefore, who could have been richer than she
- Although he already has hundreds of trees and millions of fruits, he is still very eager to hear about the place where sweet coconuts are available
- Although He dwells there with His eternal associates, He is omnipresent throughout the complete material and spiritual cosmic manifestations. This fact has already been explained in Mantra Four. The Lord is present everywhere, just like the sun
- Although the King (Maharaja Pariksit) had already decided to fast until death on the bank of the Ganges, he humbly expressed his decision to elicit the opinions of the great authorities present there
- Although the Yogendras were already conversant in Vedic knowledge, they became very jubilant in Krsna consciousness just by listening to Brahma. Thus they wanted to enter Dvaraka, the abode of Lord Krsna
- Although there is already much scientific knowledge, whenever scientists or philosophers awaken to a particular type of knowledge, they try to distribute it throughout the world, for otherwise the knowledge gradually dries up and no one benefits from it
- Although they (impersonalist sannyasis) consider their wives mithya (false), they return. "You have already left. Why do you come back again?" the wives ask. This means that these so-called sannyasis have nothing to do
- Although yogis can perform wonderful feats, as Kardama has already displayed, Kardama was more than a yogi because he was a great devotee of the Lord; therefore he was more glorious than an ordinary yogi
- Although you are not formally initiated, you have associated with our devotees in the New York temple, and it has acted. The seed is already there in you and it has to be helped to grow and fructify
- America will be the best person to be educated in this line and to lead, to become the leader. They're already leader, but they must be real leader
- Among many thousands of men, one may endeavor for perfection, and even among the siddhas, those who have already become perfect, only one who adopts the process of bhakti, devotional service, can understand Krsna
- Ample money is already coming without your having to go, and Srila Prabhupad has taken responsibility for providing funds whatever you need himself
- An actual incarnation of God never says 'I am God' or 'I am an incarnation of God.' The great sage Vyasadeva, knowing all, has already recorded the characteristics of the avataras in the sastras
- An advanced devotee is advanced in knowledge. This knowledge is very natural to a devotee, for he has already read in the Bhagavad-gita how to awaken Krsna consciousness
- An advanced devotee situated on the platform of spontaneity is already very expert in sastric instruction, logic and argument. When he comes to the point of eternal love for Krsna, no one can deviate him from that position
- An expert brahmana may not be a Vaisnava, but a Vaisnava is already a brahmana
- And for a person who is already in contact with Krsna consciousness, the described results are not unusual
- Any friend in any part of the world that you may contact, try to infuse him with this Krishna Consciousness idea. Never waste your time in any other talks. I think our students have already developed this attitude and they are not interested in idle talks
- Any house which does not receive a Vaisnava in the manner already explained is to be considered the residential quarters of venomous serpents. It is said that around the sandalwood tree, which is a very valuable tree, there is a venomous serpent
- Any person authorized by either the Lord or by His bona fide representative is already blessed, as is the work entrusted to him
- Anyone engaged in the service of the Lord is already transcendental to the variegatedness and interaction of the three material qualities
- Anyone who becomes a Vaisnava accepted by the first-class Vaisnava, or uttama-adhikari Vaisnava, is already considered a brahmana, regardless of his birth or past deeds
- Anyone who is a pure Vaisnava is situated transcendentally, and therefore the highest qualification in the material world, namely to be in the mode of goodness, has already been achieved by such a person
- Anyone who is engaged in the service of the Lord, he is transcendental to all these material laws. He is not material. Just like this child: he does not know what is KC, but he is also dancing, because he is already on the transcendental platform
- Anyone who is fully engaged in devotional service in Krsna consciousness is understood to be already realized in Brahman
- Anyone who is in full Krishna Consciousness and is dedicating his life for Krishna is already a sannyasi even if he is a married man. If you like you can become a householder and I've no objection to that
- Anyway, we can read. Not once reading we can understand. Repeatedly, punah punah, we shall have to. Then the stock which we have already got, you can study and take lessons from the Vedic literature and make your life perfect
- Anywhere you go, all over the world, the division is already, because there are three qualities of nature, and any man you find, he must be under one quality. So according to that quality, he is divided as a brahmin, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra
- Arjuna was aware of the transcendental qualities of Lord Sri Krsna, as he had already experienced them during the Kuruksetra War, in which both of them were present. Therefore, Arjuna's version of Lord Krsna is authoritative
- Arjuna was only superficially offensive because (as has already been explained in the Second Chapter of BG) all the assembled persons on the battlefield would continue to live individually, as the soul cannot be slain. BG 1972 purports
- As already described, if certain kinds of mellows become mixed and there is a joining of opposite mellows, then the situation is called incompatible
- As already described, there are twelve different kinds of rasas, or ecstatic relationships which are shared with Krsna
- As already discussed, there are eight kinds of representations of the original form of the Lord. These representations can be produced by the use of clay, stone, wood, paint, sand, etc., depending upon the resources of the devotees
- As already explained in the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Absolute Truth is realized in three different phases - although they are one and the same - in terms of the knower's capacity to understand
- As already explained, Lord Visnu is the controller of maya. How, then, can He associate with maya? The conclusion is that the incarnation of Lord Siva or Lord Brahma indicates the absence of the supreme power of Visnu
- As already explained, one should not be idle but should be very enthusiastic about executing the regulative principles - tat-tat-karma-pravartana. Neglect of the regulative principles will destroy devotional service
- As already explained, the citizens of Dvaraka who lived at the time of Lord Krsna's presence there were all liberated souls who descended there along with the Lord as entourage
- As already explained, the four divisions of society - namely the intelligent class of men, the ruling class, the mercantile class, and the laboring class - are meant to achieve one goal in life: self-realization, or cultivation of the human spirit
- As already explained, Vrndavana is the spiritual abode of Krsna, and the word Cupid is also spiritual and transcendental. One should not take the material Cupid and Krsna to be on the same level
- As already mentioned, Lord Krsna married 16,108 wives, and each of them had ten sons. Therefore 16,108 x 10 161,080 sons
- As already mentioned, this position of the living entity as a fragment of the Supreme Lord is declared in the Bhagavad-gita (15.7) to be eternal; it cannot be changed
- As already stated, Brahma is the original spiritual master for the universe, and since he was initiated by the Lord Himself, the message of Srimad-Bhagavatam is coming down by disciplic succession
- As described by Bali Maharaja, Lord Visnu was actually not the enemy of the family but the best friend of the family. The principle of this friendship has already been stated. Yasyaham anugrhnami harisye tad-dhanam sanaih: SB 10.88.8
- As far as Maharaja Prthu was concerned, he had already practiced this process (the kundalini-cakra), and since he did not want to wait for the time when his death would occur naturally, he took advantage of the sat-cakra penetration process
- As far as those who are already perfect are concerned, Lord Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.9), tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so ’rjuna: After giving up this material body, such a devotee comes to Me
- As far as we are concerned, we have already started the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and many thousands of Europeans and Americans have joined this movement
- As for the GBC members, if we study one sloka daily in our classes it will take you more than 50 years to finish Srimad-Bhagavatam alone, so at least 50 years matter is already there minimum
- As for your idea that your preaching will be more appreciated in the west if you are a professional or professor, we are already being appreciated by the professors. We don't want more
- As indicated here (in SB 10.12.37) by the word atmahi-moksanam, if the python Aghasura could receive eternal association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, what is to be said of those who are already associates of the Lord
- As is said in the Narada-pancaratra, aradhito yadi haris tapasa tatah kim. If Krsna is worshiped, if He is the goal of advancement, there is no need for one to execute severe types of tapasya, because one has already reached his destination
- As it is said: Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed - SB 7.5.30
- As one's body engages in sense gratification, it becomes weaker and weaker daily. Finally the vital force becomes so weak that it is herein (SB 4.28.2) compared to a weak serpent. The life air has already been compared to the serpent
- As soon as I have got a particular type of body, my pains and pleasures are already settled up. You cannot make any improvement or degradation
- As soon as one's mind is controlled through one of the yoga systems, one is to be considered as having already reached the destination. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as you get your eternal body, which is already there within this temporary body, then you also become blissful and full of knowledge. That is oneness, one in quality
- As soon as you give up Krsna, maya is ready. Just like side by side there is sun... shadow and light. If you push little from light then go to shadow. This is already side by side maya and Krsna
- As soon as you see one man is sitting on the bench of the high court, you must know he is very learned man and learned lawyer - he has passed already. That is the test
- As stated in Brahma-vaivarta Purana, there is a gradual evolutionary process, but it is not the body that is evolving. All the bodily forms are already there
- As we have already discussed in the previous verses, it is concluded that the Lord is never a product of the material creation
- As we have already discussed in the Second Canto of this literature, one who admits the supremacy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead does not need to worship the secondary demigods
- As we have already explained in the first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, He is completely independent to act however He likes, but all His actions are full of bliss, knowledge and eternity
- As we have already explained previously, when a living being is specifically empowered by the Supreme Lord to act for a particular purpose, he is called a saktyavesa-avatara. Prthu Maharaja was not only a saktyavesa-avatara but also a great devotee
- As we have already explained, the basic principle of Krsna consciousness is to always think of Krsna. One should not be disturbed in material loss, but, rather, should concentrate his mind upon the lotus feet of the Lord
- As we have already explained, there are different ceremonies to be observed, such as the birthday of Krsna, the birthday of Lord Ramacandra, the birthday of some prominent Vaisnavas
- As we have already mentioned, Srila Advaita Acarya, during the generally observed ceremony to offer oblations to the forefathers, invited only Haridasa Thakura
- As we have already pointed out, these dualities - such as heat and cold, pleasure and pain - arise due to the contact of the senses with their objects. In other words, they are born of identification with the body
- As we have already quoted above from the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu of Rupa Gosvami, even mundane things, if dovetailed in the service of the Lord Sri Krsna, are accepted as transcendental
- As you have already stated, the principle of religion that doesn't hinder one's economic development, sense gratification, fame & means of livelihood is the real occupational duty of the householder. I also think that this religious principle is correct
- As your advancement of so-called material happiness is already destined and cannot be checked, similarly, your advancement in spiritual life cannot be checked - if you endeavor for it
- At every home, every family, you can sit down together at the end of their work and simply question about Krsna and try to understand the answers. The books are already there. Answers are already there. So this is our Krsna consciousness movement
- At last the Lord respectfully submitted, "My dear Jagadananda, you have already made Me eat ten times more than I am used to. Now please stop"
- At that time, Vasistha replied, "My dear Maharaja Nimi, I have already accepted the same post in a sacrifice begun by Lord Indra"
- At the request of Bhattacarya, Lord Caitanya explained the Atmarama sloka. The words of the verse were analyzed thus: (11) harih. This verse has already been explained in the Lord's teachings to Sanatana Gosvami
- Back to Godhead is already in difficulty for financial matter. It is giving me some anxiety. Back to Godhead may not be stopped publication--it will be a great setback for our missionary purpose
- Bali Maharaja had already been blessed by his grandfather Prahlada Maharaja. Therefore, he was a pure devotee, although born in a family of demons
- Bali Maharaja had already offered everything to Your Lordship. Without hesitation, he has offered his land, the planets and whatever else he earned by his pious activities, including even his own body
- Bali Maharaja wanted to give charity to Vamanadeva, but the Lord expanded His body in such a way that He showed Bali Maharaja that everything in the universe is already in His body
- Bali Maharaja, as a pure devotee, had already decided to give all the land to Lord Visnu
- Because bhaktas, devotees, are more advanced, they do not need to undergo a separate process to control their senses; rather, by engaging in devotional service they are already controlling their senses
- Because He (God) is a person, He has many personal qualities, although He is transcendental to the material modes. We have already discussed the statement, ittham-bhuta-guno harih - SB 1.7.10
- Because He (Krsna) is transcendental, outside the jurisdiction of this material world. Therefore, Krsna can be understood only by those who are already living in the spiritual world. This is corroborated in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 14.26
- Because he has got already natural tendency. And if he is . . . there is sanction by religiosity, ritualistic, religious process, then he will stick to it. So you have not done very nice work
- Because her marriage was already arranged to take place the next day, Rukmini suggested that Krsna come there incognito to kidnap her and then fight with Sisupala and his allies like the King of Magadha
- "Because I am (Krsna) going into the womb of Devaki," the Lord told Yogamaya, "the Sesa incarnation has already gone there and made suitable arrangements so that I may live there. Now He should enter the womb of Rohini, His eternal mother"
- Because I want sense gratification, therefore let me under the name of independence, let me become naked and have sex life on the street. That day is coming. It already has come to some extent
- Because living entities are minute, atomic parts and parcels of the Lord, devotional service is already present within them in a dormant condition. Devotional service begins with sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23), hearing and chanting
- Because of chanting the holy name of Narayana in this way (without offenses), he had already vanquished the accumulated sinful reactions of many, many lives
- Because of prarabdha, sinful reactions that have already fructified, one is seen to have taken birth in a low family or to be suffering from other miseries
- Because of the living energy (jiva-bhuta), these separated energies combine to make the cosmic manifestation visible, but in fact, before the creation of the cosmos, the total energy is already present - SB 10.3.15-17
- Because Pariksit Maharaja wanted to clear up the situation, his spiritual master answered him very intelligently, "Why are you again asking about the same subject matter which has already been explained to you? Why are you so forgetful?"
- Because she (Draupadi) was already trained, she at once took to concentration upon the lotus feet of Lord Vasudeva, Krsna, the Personality of Godhead
- Because the killing of babies was going on and had already become known, Nanda Maharaja was very much afraid for his newborn child. Thus he appointed the local cowherd men to protect his home and child
- Because we are so-called civilized, we have created the problems for eating, sleeping, mating. Otherwise there is already arrangement for everyone, by God. Eko bahunam vidadhati kaman
- "Because you (Sanatana Gosvami) are a humble devotee," the Lord continued, "you are asking Me to confirm what you already know. This is very nice." These are the characteristics of a true devotee
- Because you are already acquainted with Krishna, I have no objection to accepting you as my disciple. Practically, I do not have any disciples; I select so many masters to train them in the service of the Lord
- Before speaking of these pious descendants, Maitreya has already described the descendants of impious activities, representing anger, envy, unpalatable speech, quarrel, fear and death
- Before winning the Battle of Kuruksetra, all the Pandavas were put into many dangers, as already described in the previous verses
- Being identical with the Gopinatha Deity, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had already tasted and eaten the pots of sweet rice. Yet just to manifest devotional service, He again ate the pots of sweet rice as a devotee
- Being unable to go to Krsna, they (the locked up gopis) began to meditate upon His transcendental form by closing their eyes. They already had the form of Krsna within their minds
- Besides that, anyone who is engaged in devotional service is already on the status of being a high-class brahmana. So Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur's struggle for this movement has come out successful
- Bhagavad-gita is already published. If you want to sell, immediately ask Brahmananda to send you as many copies as you can sell and there also is a source of income
- Bhagavan ultimately means Lord Krsna because the Srimad-Bhagavatam has already accepted the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Krsna. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (SB 1.3.28)
- Bhakti means the activities of the liberated stage. That is not material things. So this Krsna consciousness movement is little difficult to understand because these activities are for the persons who have already attained moksa
- Bhaktivedanta has no difficulty. The things are already there. Simply you have to present them as it is. That's all. You become Vaisnava. Where is the difficulty? And as soon as you change, become over-intelligent, everything spoiled
- Bhrgu Muni continued: Since you (the followers of Lord Siva) blaspheme the Vedas and the brahmanas, who are followers of the Vedic principles, it is understood that you have already taken shelter of the doctrine of atheism
- Bhrgu Muni said, "It is not due to my cursing that you shall become atheists; you are already situated in the principle of atheism. Therefore you are condemned
- Bhrgu Muni, in cursing Nandisvara, said that not only would they be degraded as atheists because of this curse, but they had already fallen to the standard of atheism because they had blasphemed the Vedas, which are the source of human civilization
- Bhu-gola. Bhu means the earth; gola means round. It is already there. And the geography's called, according to Sanskrit, it is called Bhu-gola. Long, long ago, before Galileo
- Bhugarbha reports that you say the asrama will not be completed for the opening festival. The program was already postponed because the asrama was not finished
- Bilvamangala Thakura abandoned his impersonal realization for the realization of the Personality of Godhead. I now see that my condition is similar to his, for it has already changed
- Both Lord Brahma and Visnu had already known that such events would occur in the sacrificial arena of Daksa, and knowing beforehand, they did not go to the sacrifice
- Both the servant and the master are already purified because neither of them is in touch with the impurities of material existence. They are already equal in quality because both of them are the purest. However, there is a difference in quantity
- Brahma drew the Lord's attention to this subject (of BG 9.26) and requested that He release Bali Maharaja, who was suffering, being bound by the ropes of Varuna, and who had already given everything, including the three worlds and whatever he possessed
- Brahma said - You remain within the cosmic manifestation, and yet the whole creation is within You. This fact has already been proved by You when You exhibited the whole universal creation within Your mouth before Your mother, Yasoda
- Brahma said, "A little quantity of paddy can be husked by the grinding wheel, and one can gain some grains of rice, but if the skin of the paddy has already been beaten by the wheel, there is no further gain in beating even a huge quantity of the husk"
- Brahma said, "For a person who is already situated in the sun planet, there is no question of the appearance or disappearance of the sun in the name of day or night. It is also said that You, Krsna, are just like the sun, and that maya is like darkness"
- Brahma said, "My dear Lord, I have nothing to say about people who advertise that they have already realized God or that by their realization they have themselves become God"
- Brahma said, "So-called liberation and bondage have no meaning for a person who is already engaged in Your devotional service, just as a rope is not fearful to a person who knows that it is not a snake"
- Brahma said, "There is so much difference between Your body and mine that I cannot estimate the potency of Your body. As I have already stated in the Brahma-samhita, Your body is not material"
- Brahmaji refuses to be called this (Supreme Lord), and he directly offers his respectful obeisances unto Lord Vasudeva, or Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, as he has already offered the same respects to Him in the Brahma-samhita
- Brahmanas must ultimately be Vaisnavas, and if one is a Vaisnava, he has already acquired the qualifications of a brahmana
- Brahmano hi pratisthaham (BG 14.27) the concept of the Personality of Godhead does not depend on Brahman. The Visnu Purana also confirms that one who has taken shelter of the all-auspicious Supreme Lord is already situated in the understanding of Brahman
- But Krsna replied, "Better take the arrangement and paraphernalia you have already made for the Indra-yajna and immediately engage them to satisfy Govardhana Hill and the local brahmanas"
- But since his heart was already attracted by the deities, somehow or other he gathered his senses, and with folded hands and sweet words he began to offer prayers to the predominating deities of the universe
- Butchers cannot be interested in Krsna consciousness, for they are already materially allured. Their only interest lies in developing comforts for the temporary body
- By descending as an incarnation at Navadvipa, You, just like Krsna, have already delivered all the living entities of the universe
- By expansion of his knowledge of the Supreme Brahman, he had already attained liberation from the bondage of the body. This liberation is known as nirvana
- By following these inclinations he traverses the path called pravrtti-marga, by which one may be elevated to the heavenly planets, as you have already described (in the Third Canto)
- By his (Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada) grace we have finished three cantos already, and we are just trying to begin the Fourth Canto
- By your next letter I shall give my decision concerning your initiations. You are already worshiping Gaura Nitai so that is all right
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has no astra. But this is astra, this hari-sankirtana. This is astra. In the Kali-yuga there is no profit by killing them. They're already killed. Therefore this is the astra. To kill the miscreants this is astra, this hari-sankirtana
- Concerning Arabic translations, someone has already done one. He came to me in Bombay. Also, there is no need to give commentary on the Koran
- Concerning Gurukula Construction; Already you have got some money. Begin and try to collect and the balance we shall arrange. Send me the account number and when money will be necessary the money will be transferred someway or another
- Consciousness is already there because we are part and parcel of the Lord, but for us there is the affinity of being affected by the inferior modes. But the Lord, being the Supreme, is never affected. BG 1972 Introduction
- Consciousness is already there, but because we are part and parcels, therefore we are affected. There is affinity of being affected by the material modes. But the Lord being Supreme, He is never affected
- Creeper has to go on, and thus those who are already in Krsna consciousness, if they have their natural growth, relish the fruit of that creeper even in this life
- Crying, the child inquired from His mother, "Why are you angry? You have already given Me dirt to eat. What is My fault?
- Darwin's theory. Body becoming changed. No. The different types of bodies are already there. The living entity is being transferred from one body to another
- Dear King (Prthu), Indra's powers are already reduced due to his attempt to impede the execution of your sacrifice. We (the priests) shall call him by Vedic mantras which were never before used, and certainly he will come
- Dear Krsna, as women, we are certainly satisfied when our hearts are engaged in the activities of family affairs, but our hearts have already been stolen by You. We can no longer engage them in family affairs
- Dear Lord, kindly hear our one petition. You have already said that You will derive happiness from our happiness. This is Your own statement
- Death is already born along with your birth. From the very day you took your birth, you began to die. Suppose you are twenty-five years old; that means you have already died twenty-five years
- Death is already there in material nature, but we are so eager to promote it by killing everyone at one drop - this is called mayayapahrta-jnana knowledge carried away by illusion
- Death is already there, and you are utilizing atomic energy for death, that's all. So what is your credit? You use atomic energy that you'll not die. Then it is control
- Death is already there. You might have atomic energy or no atomic energy - you have to die. By atomic energy you are accelerating the same problem of death, that's all
- Devahuti inquired: My dear Lord, You have already very scientifically described the symptoms of the total material nature and the characteristics of the spirit according to the Sankhya system of philosophy
- Devahuti was already conversant with the Absolute Truth. It may be questioned why she was meditating. The explanation is that when one theoretically discusses the Absolute Truth, he becomes situated in the impersonal concept of the Absolute Truth
- Devahuti's husband had already left home and accepted the renounced order of life, and then her only son, Kapila, left home
- Devaki did not need to be reminded that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, had appeared as her son; she already accepted this
- Devaki was very much afraid of her brother Kamsa because he had already killed so many of her children. So she was very anxious about Krsna
- Devaki, although safe because she had already given birth to her own son, Krsna, was anxious to save the daughter of someone else. This was natural for her
- Devayani would have immediately replied (while taking Devayani out of the well, King Yayati certainly appreciated her youthful beauty, and he might have asked which caste she belongs to), "We are already married because you have accepted my hand"
- Development of conjugal love can be possible only with those who are already engaged in following the regulative principles of devotional service, specifically in the worship of Radha and Krsna in the temple
- Devotees are trying their best to start a temple in London and a temple is already there by Krishna's Grace. The landlord has offered them the place free of rent until the house is disposed
- Devotees do not have to meditate upon the imaginary or real identity of the Lord. Because they are factually engaged in the transcendental loving service of God, God's pure devotees have already achieved the results of mental speculation and meditation
- Devotees of Krsna can be classified into two groups: those who are cultivating devotional service in order to enter into the transcendental kingdom and those who are already in the perfectional stage of devotional service
- Devotees who render continuous service to the Lord have already attained immortality, for whatever they are doing in this life they will continue to do in the next
- Devotional service is rendered on the Brahman platform. Unless one attains the Brahman platform, or spiritual platform, one cannot engage in devotional service; or, in other words, a person engaged in devotional service is already on the Brahman platform
- Dhrtarastra, due to his wrong conception of life, had already spoiled eighty percent of his achieved energy, so it behooved him to utilize the remaining days of his miserly life for the ultimate good
- Dhruva Maharaja had already been instructed how to practice the eightfold yoga system, which is known as astanga-yoga. This system is explained in our Bhagavad-gita As It Is, in the chapter entitled, "Dhyana-yoga
- Dhruva Maharaja wanted to have the kingdom of his father, but his father refused even to allow him to get on his lap. In order to fulfill his desire, the Lord had already created a planet known as the polestar, Dhruvaloka
- Dhruva Maharaja was already a liberated person because at the age of five years he had seen God. But even though liberated, he was, for the time being, afflicted by the illusion of maya, thinking himself the brother of Uttama in the bodily concept of life
- Dhruva Maharaja, having already been trained in the ksatriya spirit, would not accept the brahminical philosophy
- Dhruva Maharaja, the son of King Uttanapada, was already known throughout the universe as a great devotee of the Lord, constantly thinking of His lotus feet
- Direct knowledge of the spiritual sky can be had only by great sages and saintly persons who have already surpassed the influence of the three material modes of nature by engaging in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness
- Discoveries of progressive scientific achievements are not independent. The scientist has to attain the knowledge of a thing already existing by means of the wonderful brain made by someone else
- Distress and happiness, they're already destined, according to our body. We have discussed this point. Take, for example, you American boys and girls: you have got a body by your previous activities. So your standard of living is better than other country
- Do not change our principles. Practicing is already done by kirtana. It is not required for us to become artists. Our main point is service to Krishna, not to please an audience
- Do you mean that the changes which you have already suggested in you letter dated 11th April with quotation from Swami Vivekananda are to be added? We cannot add any quotation from Swami Vivekananda
- Do you think all the caves of the mountains they are now closed? There are many caves. If you want at all shelter, there are already there are natural rooms, apartment. (everyone laughs) You can live there
- Does it require your lamp to show the sunlight? The sunlight is itself so illuminous that everyone can understand, "This is sunlight." If somebody brings some lamp, "I will show you the sun," sun is already visible. Why your lamp is required?
- Don't be bothering yourself for solution of economic question. That is already provided. Just like all these animals, these birds, they have no question how to live, how to eat, how to mate, how to defend. This is already there
- Don't try for these things, to increase your economic position. This is already destined. You cannot increase or decrease. Whatever you are destined, you must get it. Try to get Krsna consciousness
- Drug is killing the whole Western nation. You will be spoiled, you will be finished with this drug habit. You are already finished. America is finished
- During Lord Brahma's day, fourteen Manus or one thousand maha-yugas pass away. Brahma informed King Kakudmi that twenty-seven maha-yugas, each consisting of the four periods Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali, had already passed
- Each Manu lives 4,320,000 years multiplied by 71. The present Manu has already lived for 4,320,000 years multiplied by 28. All these long life-spans are ultimately ended by the laws of material nature
- Especially in this present age, Kali-yuga, people are already poverty-stricken, and physical killing is too much for them. They should be killed by argument, reasoning, and scientific spiritual understanding
- Eternal happiness, imperishable happiness, eternal life accompany DS. Therefore, realization of Brahman, or eternity, or imperishability is included in devotional service. This is already possessed by a person who is engaged in DS. BG 1972 purports
- Even after becoming elevated in devotional life, one should not think - Oh, I am already elevated to the highest stage; therefore I may violate the scriptural regulations for executing devotional service
- Even Brahma, the creator of the universe, admits that he is not the actual creator but is simply inspired by the Lord Narayana and therefore creates under His superintendence those things already created by Him, the Supersoul of all living entities
- Even if one does not read any philosophy, he is sexually inclined. Nobody is taught it in the schools and colleges. Everyone already knows how to do it. That is the general tendency. But education should be given to stop it. That is real education
- Even if you are put into the jail life, prison life, for these things government has arranged already. In the jail life there is eating, sleeping, arrangement. So for these things we should not be very much anxious. That is human life
- Even if you live longer, does it meant that eternal life? That is already there. I'll live for eighty years. Another lives for, say, sixty years. Another lives for hundred years. That is already there
- Even in the tailor's shop you will find in the window some woman and some man. (Manu Smrti, 5.56): pravrttir esa bhutanam nivrttis tu mahaphalam So this attachment is already there
- Even there is already ample economic development, sufficiency, but because the mentality is doggish, the so-called farce of United Nation, they are fighting with one another
- Even you get bread, what do you get? Bread is already given even to the animals. That they do not know. Therefore they take religion for material gain
- Every living being is eternally related with God in one of five different transcendental humors, namely santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya. We have already discussed these five kinds of humors in relationship with the Personality of Godhead
- Every living entity has got these propensities: intoxication, sex intercourse. Vyavaya amisa. Amisa: meat-eating, fish eating. They're there already. One does not require to be educated, how to eat meat, how to drink, how to use sexual intercourse
- Every living entity has to eat something, and in fact the necessities for his life have already been provided by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord has provided food for both the elephant and the ant
- Every month they must be asked what they need. Necessities, they must be supplied. We have already discussed this point. The women, they require protection - children, women
- Every one of us are already old. (We) generally understand that old age means nearing death, but who can guarantee that there is no death immediately? At any moment
- Everyone falsely thinking, "I am free. Our nation is free. I am free." What nonsense free? You are locked up already. He has preferred to remain in this prison locked up by sex because he is rascal
- Everyone is doing this - something manufacturing. That is not sanatana dharma. Sanatana dharma is never manufactured. It is already there. You have to accept it, that's all
- Everyone is thinking. I make my plan, I make my survey, and I become king. But that is maya. You cannot become. You are already servant of maya
- Everyone tries to become rich man because generally one thinks that at old age I'll get some income and I shall sit down very peacefully. So you are already sitting down peacefully. Why you take another means?
- Everyone who is in this material world, forgotten God, or Krsna, he is already intoxicated. Just like intoxicated man, he cannot recognize even his father, mother, or even his sister or mother. It has been practical
- Everything in the material world is already spiritual, but due to our lack of knowledge we see things as material
- Everything is already there but it is now mixed up; we want to bring the whole world in to order by giving the right directions to all classes of men. Right direction means to deliver the instructions of Krishna
- Everything is determined; therefore we should not try for improving our economic condition because already it is decided. This sort of... Otherwise why you see so many varieties of standard of life?
- Everything is there. Now we have to introduce these things. Otherwise the human society is already fallen, and it will fall down more and more, and it will be hellish condition, and so only hope is this Krsna consciousness
- Everywhere. Two hundred men already subscribed. If we increase subscribers - many, many
- Except Your lotus feet, we have no other shelter. And so far our safetiness is concerned, we are already encircled by so many enemies, because in the fight one's father has died, so his son is preparing to fight with us. So we are not at all free now
- False ego I have already explained. It is neither matter nor spirit, but the junction - where the spirit soul comes into contact with matter and forgets himself
- Fifty years of the life of Brahma are already over, and fifty years are yet to be completed; then, for Brahma also, death is inevitable
- Fire is already present in wood, but by a certain process, fire is kindled. Similarly, God is all-pervading. He is everywhere, and since He may come out from everything, He appeared in His devotee's (Kardama Muni) semen
- First business is to accept spiritual master. Adau gurv-asrayam. Who will train him? He is already fool, rascal. He must be trained up. So he must be trained up by the representative of Krsna
- First of all, the next body may not be for cultivating knowledge in spiritual life because we are already fallen, and if we do not elevate, we may accept another body, still fallen
- First of all, whatever intoxication you have already got, just try to cure it. Don't increase it. The physical necessities means we have already got it. But it is meant for decreasing, not increasing
- For a devotee, that qualitative equality (with God), which is the result of impersonal liberation, is already attained; he does not have to try for it separately
- For nine continuous days His Lordship Sri Jagannatha-deva stayed at the Gundica temple. During this time Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also stayed there and performed the pastimes with His devotees that have already been described
- For one hesitant in taking to Krsna consciousness, not even this material world will be happy, and what to speak of the next life. The material world is already miserable, but if one has no faith it will be more miserable
- For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquility - Bg. 6.7
- For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquillity. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor and dishonor are all the same
- For one who is a neophyte in the eightfold yoga system, work is said to be the means; and for one who has already attained to yoga, cessation of all material activities is said to be the means. BG 6.3 - 1972
- For one who is a neophyte in the eightfold yoga system, work is said to be the means; and for one who is already elevated in yoga, cessation of all material activities is said to be the means
- For the devotee, it (what body going to take next) is already decided. - Immediately transferred to the spiritual world. There is no question of decision; it is already decided, Krsna's decision
- For those who are already elevated to this platform (of yogic perfection), the means consists of maintaining mental equilibrium (sama) by rejecting all material activity and practicing meditation to keep the mind on the Supreme Lord
- For those who are materially engaged, control of the senses is required, but a devotee's senses are all engaged in the service of the Lord, which means that they are already controlled
- Forgetting aim of life, one tries to adjust things by various plans & programs but this is like chewing what has already been chewed. Nonetheless, the Lord is so kind that He allows the forgetful living entity to continue in this way without interference
- Fortunately Maharaja Pariksit had already been attracted to the Lord from the very beginning of his body, in the womb of his mother. In the womb of his mother he was struck by the brahmastra atomic bomb released by Asvatthama
- French language also, very important, we must translate & bring books. "Bring books" means we have got already book. Simply translate it in the particular language & publish it. That's all. Idea is already there. You haven't got to manufacture idea
- From above, the goddess addressed Kamsa: “You rascal, how can you kill me? The child who will kill you is already born before me somewhere within this world. Don’t be so cruel to your poor sister”
- From the Sixth Canto we have already learned that when the Visnudutas came from Vaikuntha to deliver Ajamila, they looked exactly like Visnu, with four hands and the same features as Visnu
- Garga Muni indirectly disclosed that Krsna was the son of Devaki, not of Yasoda. Since Kamsa was already searching for Krsna, if the purificatory process were undertaken by Garga Muni, Kamsa might be informed, and that would create a catastrophe
- Go ahead with new vigor and energy to push on the Krishna Consciousness Movement in London. You have already created an impression in the greatest city in the world, and I hope in the future there will be even greater hope for this movement
- God has already come. In the form of name, Hare Krsna. God has human form, and God is everything. So if He comes in the form of sound, where is your objection?
- God is great, and we are small. The relationship is already there. So how you can make another relationship? God is great. Is it not?
- Gopinatha Acarya has already come, bringing sufficient remnants of food to distribute to all the sannyasis, and sannyasis like Paramananda Puri and Brahmananda Bharati are waiting for You
- Gopinatha Acarya is pointing out that Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya had already seen uncommon symptoms of ecstasy in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Gopis said, "It appears that Krsna is not very intelligent. Yet He may be very intelligent - but He is not very merciful. Not only Krsna but all the cowherd men are so callous that they are already yoking the bulls and calves for the journey to Mathura"
- Government will be just like thieves and rogues. We are already experiencing. Now a new law has been passed in India that nobody can keep property more than five to seven lakhs of rupees. So people's incentive to earn money is now being cut down
- Govinda dasi has already written you letter to come here as soon as possible. I hope you come before I leave this place on the 31st March 1969. This tape may be returned to L.A. address
- Great sages (like Parasara & Manu) have already given us instructions on how to live according to the principles of varnasrama-dharma. Similarly, Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami have given us rules and regulations for becoming pure devotees of the Lord
- Haridasa Thakura replied, "My dear Lord, the deliverance of all moving and nonmoving living entities takes place only by Your mercy. You have already granted this mercy and delivered them"
- Having heard from Yogamaya, the daughter of Devaki, that the child who will kill him (Kamsa) has already been born somewhere else may certainly consider this point and suspect that Krsna is the son of Devaki and Vasudeva - SB 10.8.8-9
- Having missed the goal of life, materialists run after self-sufficiency, not knowing that material nature is already self-sufficient by the grace of God
- He (a devotee) is already situated on the Brahman platform and is in the transcendental realm, although he appears to be living within the body or within the material world
- He (a devotee) remarked, "This great sage is concentrating his eyesight on the tip of his nose, and from this it appears that he has already realized the eternal form of the Lord within himself"
- He (a grhastha) does not have to cook or offer fire for sacrifice because he is always engaged in Krsna consciousness; therefore he has already accomplished all ritualistic performances of religion
- He (a Krsna conscious person) is not even attached to his personal maintenance, for everything is left to Krsna. Nor is he anxious to secure things, nor to protect things already in his possession. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person) then makes further progress to become a qualified Vaisnava, which means that the brahminical qualification is already acquired
- He (Agnidhra) hoped that her (Purvacitti's) glances upon him would be favorable because he was already captivated, and the more captivated he became, the more impossible it would be for him to remain without her
- He (Asvatthama) had already lost his bodily luster due to infanticide, and now, moreover, having lost the jewel from his head, he lost even more strength. Thus he was unbound and driven out of the camp
- He (Darwin) does not know. He has caught up some words from this Padma Purana and tried to give his own invention. The evolution is already there
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) has already been described as a maha-bhagavata, for unless one becomes a maha-bhagavata, or a first-class pure devotee, these symptoms (completely disconnected from the two material coverings) are not visible
- He (God) can also run so swiftly that no one can surpass Him. This has already been described in the previous verse - ISO 4
- He (Jarasandha) decided that he would fulfill their (Krsna's, Arjuna's and Bhima's) desires in spite of their being ksatriyas, because they had already diminished their position by appearing before him as beggars
- He (Kapiladeva) addressed His mother (Devahuti) as bhamini to indicate that she was already thinking of the Lord as her son
- He (Kardama Muni) willingly gave love of God, and he recommended that she (Devahuti) accept it and enjoy it because he had already achieved it
- He (Krsna) is the cause of this extension of this material world. This is already explained by the Lord Himself: aham sarvasya prabhavah. "I am the origin of everything." BG 1972 purports. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) plays as a cowherd boy in Vrndavana and as King of Dvaraka. There are many books about Krsna, krsna-katha, and this Krsna consciousness movement has already published many of them
- He (Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu) declares that such bhavani-puja for drinking wine and eating meat quickly plunges one into hellish life. The method of worship itself is already hellish, and its results must also be hellish and nothing more
- He (Maharaj Pariksit) was the Emperor of the world, and all small states were already under his regime. His purpose in going out was to see how things were going on in terms of the godly state
- He (one who is engaged in the devotional service) has already come to the post because he is engaged in the devotional service of the Lord. He has ended all preliminary processes of understanding. BG 1972 purports
- He (Sandipani Muni) consulted with his wife about what to ask from Them. He and his wife had already seen the extraordinary potencies of Krsna and Balarama and could understand that the two boys were the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Sankaracarya) propagated the Mayavada philosophy under the order of the Supreme Lord. We have already discussed this point in text 114 of this chapter: tanra dosa nahi, tenho ajna-kari dasa
- He (the demoniac man) is enamoured by the possessions he has already, such as land, family, house and bank balance, and he is always planning to improve them. BG 1972 purports
- He (the dying family man) is already in a painful condition because of disease, and his glands and throat are choked up with mucus. He is already in a very difficult position, and when he is addressed by his relatives in that way, his grief increases
- He (the living entity) has no opportunity to get out of the control of material nature because it has already conditioned him. In Bhagavad-gita it is also stated that it is very difficult to get out of the clutches of material nature
- He does not know that due to his past misdeeds he has already received a body which, although temporary, is the cause of his misery
- He has already accepted himself as my subordinate by marrying my daughter in the presence of fire and brahmanas. He has married my daughter, who is equal to Gayatri, and has pretended to be just like an honest person
- He may be treated as a guest, if he comes to our center, give him prasadam, honor him as an elder Vaisnava, but he cannot speak or lecture. If he wants to lecture, you can tell him that there is already another speaker scheduled. That's all
- He never ate anything for sense gratification because he was already liberated from the bodily conception, which induces one to accept palatable or unpalatable food
- He only gains troublesome and inauspicious activities. His endeavors are like beating a husk that is already devoid of rice. His labor becomes fruitless
- He said personally to me that under dictation of Srimate Radharani he has given the land to us in charity. We have invested already lacs of rupees for constructing a temple
- He's (Karandhara dasa Adhikari) not very old. And he wants to take sannyasa also. He's a grhastha, he has got a child. And: "Just wait. We shall arrange for your... You are already sannyasi." He lives apart from his wife. So he's very nice boy
- He's already an ass because he's part and parcel of Krsna, and he has come to this material world to enjoy. That is ass mentality. There is no enjoyment. So he's already an ass
- Hearing is very important, and that hearing is produced from the sky. By hearing only can we make proper use of that which already exists
- Here is another explanation of the bewilderment created by the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is the Supreme in all circumstances, as already explained
- Here is proof that God is good for everyone. Even when He kills someone, the one who is killed attains liberation. What then is to be said of those who are already in the association of the Lord?
- Here we have got six temples already, and they are nicely being managed by the American Vaishnavas under strict discipline, without their being born in any Hindu family
- Hiranyakasipu advised his family members that although the gross body of his brother Hiranyaksa was dead and they were aggrieved because of this, they should not lament for the great soul of Hiranyaksa, who had already attained his next destination
- His (Raghunatha dasa Gosvami's) father was saying that - I have already handcuffed him with such beautiful wife and such beautiful residence, and he has opened this. Now what this material handcuff will do?
- His forefather, his grandfather, lived for, say, hundred years. His father lived for eighty years. And he's going to live for sixty years. In this way, the duration of life will be reduced up to twenty years. That is already foretold
- How can one understand that he has already transcended the influence of the modes of material nature? The second question asks how he lives and what his activities are. Are they regulated or nonregulated? BG 1972 purports
- How I can believe Krsna? Krsna says ukta, it is already settled up by authorities. Ukta. This is parampara system. Krsna also says ukta. Krsna does not say that "I speak," no. Ukta, there is Vedic evidence. Where it is? In the Upanisads there is
- How is it, then, that Europeans and Americans will not become brahmanas? In fact, one who comes to Krsna consciousness has already surpassed brahmanism. As stated in Bhagavad-gita - 14.26
- How it is possible, master of the senses? Now, if you employ your senses always in the service of Krsna, your senses are already controlled
- How much foolish we are that we are getting a particular type of body, and the sukha-duhkha, happiness and distress, is already fixed up. That is called destiny. As soon as I get a particular type of body, my happiness and sufferings are all destined
- How to do this work (for the Supreme Lord) has already been explained in the fifty-fifth verse of the Eleventh Chapter. BG 1972 purports
- Human life is meant for developing divine characteristic, not this demonic char demonic characteristic is already there. Just like dambhah. A dog has also pride: 'I am this dog, grr. I am fox terrier. I am this. I am that'
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) am now almost an invalid because of old age, and I know that at any moment I may die. Therefore I have already described some portions of the antya-lila
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) am therefore presenting only a synopsis of those events already described elaborately by Vrndavana dasa Thakura in his Caitanya-mangala - now known as Caitanya-bhagavata
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have already described in brief Srimati Radharani's statement from Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have already explained this verse (Padyavali 386). Now I shall simply describe it in brief
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have already given a synopsis of all the facts and figures of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's last pastimes, and I have a desire to describe them elaborately
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have previously described in synopsis the adi-lila (initial pastimes), which have already been fully described by Vrndavana dasa Thakura
- I (Krsndasa Kaviraja Gosvami) very humbly submit that since these incidents have already been nicely described by Vrndavana dasa Thakura, I would be very proud to repeat the same thing, and this would not be very good. I do not have such powers
- I (Laksmidevi) wish that You (Lord Kamadeva) may also place Your hand on My head, for although You already bear my insignia of golden streaks on Your chest, I regard this honor as merely a kind of false prestige for me
- I (Prabhupada) met one Bengali professor of philosophy who is teaching in the Kurukshetra University. He is also very much interested. He is already reading my books and he is very much satisfied
- I (Rupa Gosvami) have already described all these incidents, but I still wish to add briefly something more
- I am already born foolish, and my education is given to make me more foolish
- I am already in negotiation with an American Federation and if proper work is done, such foreign federation will also help us
- I am always thinking of Caracas temple. Although I went there once, it has given me some impression. Now I am an old man, and am depending on you to carry on our mission more enthusiastically. The seed is already there. Now water it
- I am especially interested to see the Americans spread this movement. America is already blessed by Krishna, and if they become Krishna conscious, they will become more glorious. There is an Indian saying, "fragrance in gold"
- I am experiencing so much inconvenience in this matter of exporting from India, although the price is already transferred from the States. So if you kindly give me your direction what to do in this connection, then I shall do it
- I am glad that you have already started a center in small scale and please try to improve it as far as possible. There is no question of doing anything very hastily so please try to make steady, even if slow, progress
- I am old man, and there has already been warning, but before I leave this body, I wish to see some of you very strong in Krishna Consciousness understanding
- I am so glad to note how nicely you are distributing KRSNA book. Thank you very much. We have got now 10,000 KRSNA book, Vol. one, third edition, already printed in Japan and sent to L.A.
- I am so pleased to learn that you have been already receiving some training up from Rupanuga and you are assisting the temple activities along with the others
- I am sure they can learn from me only the true teachings of the Bhagavad-gita; from me and from my students who are already trained up in this connection
- I am the grandson of Maharaja Prahlada. How can I withdraw my promise because of greed for money when I have already said that I shall give this land? How can I behave like an ordinary cheater, especially toward a brahmana?
- I am traveling all over the world; I see people are very busy for searching out food and shelter. But according to Vedic scripture, it is said that food and shelter is already there, given by God
- I am very encouraged to hear that people are coming. So please manage temple affairs nicely. Nanda Kumar is expert pujari and his wife is already going there. The Deity worship must be done very very carefully
- I am very glad that you are already working on the model. Finish it nicely and when I go to Calcutta on the 24th we shall take up the matter of engineering work, consulting with others
- I am very glad to hear of your translating work there. This is very encouraging. Please continue it with full enthusiasm. I was told by Brahmananda Svami that you have finished 3 chapters of Gita already
- I am very glad to hear that you have already distributed some books in prison
- I am very happy that you have already made sufficient progress. But don't be satisfied that, "This is end." No. Krsna is unlimited. His service is also unlimited. Krsna consciousness is the line where the blissful ocean increases
- I am very much anxious to know if the goods from India Mrdanga etc have been already received by you. Please let me know as soon as you receive them
- I am very much enthusiastic about expansion of our branches, but if it is dependent upon learning of Spanish language, don't take this adventure. We should serve Krishna in whatever talents we have already got
- I had some argument with my Spiritual Master, and at the end I was defeated. But at that time, because I was already married, I could not take His words very seriously
- I have already been defeated, for my weapon and arm have been cut to pieces. You have already overwhelmed me, but nonetheless, with a desire to kill you, I am trying my best to fight. I am not at all morose, even under such adverse conditions
- I have already briefly spoken about the pastimes of His birth in chronological order. Now I shall give a synopsis of His childhood pastimes
- I have already described Caitanya's deliverance of the Mayavadi sannyasis in the Seventh Chapter of the Adi-lila, when I described the glories of the Panca-tattva - Sri Caitanya, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, Gadadhara Prabhu and Srivasa
- I have already described the pastime and prakasa forms. Now please hear about the different personal expansions
- I have already explained nineteen different meanings. Now please hear further meanings. The word 'atma' also refers to the body, and this can be taken in four ways
- I have already explained that our real occupational duty is to become servant. So instead of becoming servant of Krsna, we are now servant of our senses. This is our material life
- I have already explained the meaning of "sarva-laksmi." Radha is the original source of all the goddesses of fortune
- I have already explained, that any civilized human being - he has got some religion. Now, the basic principles of religion are the statements made by God
- I have already given a synopsis of the kaisora-lila of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Now let me enumerate His youthful pastimes in chronological order
- I have already instructed in so many ways, then they will easily become satisfied that this is the real way of life for any intelligent person--Krsna Consciousness
- I have already spoken about thirteen meanings (of the atmarama verse). Now there are six more. Combined, these make nineteen
- I have already spoken to you of His service to the Lord. Now hear how the self-sufficient Anantadeva exists in the lower planetary system of Patala
- I have already surrendered to my sense activities, to my whims, to my whimsical activities. Why not surrender to Krsna? - A little intelligence. You cannot be independent
- I have given already one crude example. Similarly, why Mr. Stalin could tolerate without any trouble? Because he was a leader. He was always absorbed in the thought of how he could advance the Communist cause. This is the real reason
- I have given this example already - you did not hear attentively - that the sunshine, the sun disc, and within the sun
- I have given understanding already in my book. That I am explaining. Why these books are being written? Just to explain things very nicely. They are already there. You try to understand
- I have given you already everything, so you please consult among yourselves if you have questions. It is said "By engaging one's tongue in chanting and taking prasad, simultaneously following the regulative principles, the Lord reveals Himself upon this"
- I have gone through your translation, but it is not acceptable. We have already settled with a Vrindaban gentleman. I am returning herewith your manuscript. Thanking you
- I have got a different type of field, and I have to work on it and reap the result out of it and suffer pains and pleasure. That is already settled up
- I have got ambition to start at least 108 centers. My disciples are already scattered from Hamburg to Tokyo, and from Tokyo to Sydney. And more youngsters are joining us daily in this movement
- I have nominated you as one of the members of the Governing Body because I know you are a very good soul and I shall be very pleased if the mistake which has already crept in our society can be rectified by your combined effort
- I have noted by your letter that already you are progressing nicely by associating with devotees & chanting 22 rounds daily so there is no more any need to wait. You may send to my Los Angles address your chanting beads so that you may receive initiation
- I have noted by your letter that already you are progressing nicely by associating with devotees and chanting 22 rounds daily so there is no more any need to wait
- I have received letter from all my spiritual children and I am very sorry that I could not reply them timely although I have replied some of them already
- I have therefore given only a synopsis of those incidents, and whatever specifics were to be related have already been given in that synopsis
- I hope by this time the San Francisco devotees have already started for London, and I shall be glad to hear if there is any news from them, or about them
- I hope the food has already been offered to Krsna, since I see there are tulasi flowers on it
- I just want to see that these books be printed, whether it be on our own press or by Dai Nippon; that is my ambition. I have become slackened in my dictaphone work because the manuscripts already there are not being pushed ahead
- I know that my father, at the time of his death, had already been purified by Your glance upon him, but because of his ignorance of Your power & supremacy, he was unnecessarily angry at You, falsely thinking that You were the killer of his brother
- I know that this nuclear weapon was already discovered by the German people, and Hitler, it is said that he did not use it. Because he knew it that - If I throw this nuclear weapon there will be devastation
- I like this idea of distributing books and preaching, that is Lord Chaitanya's plan, and because you are doing it so nicely you are already making the greatest contribution, so what need there is for some special instruction from me
- I received one cable from Mukunda asking for a loan of $1,025.00 for depositing three months' rent on the house. I have advised New York to cable the money immediately, and I hope he has already received the money and the transaction is nicely terminated
- I shall request Nandaji that take the standard method as prescribed in the Bhagavad-gita. Then you will be successful. Not only Nandaji - anyone. The example is already there
- I take charge of yoga-ksemam. - yoga-ksemam means what is not in possession, to supply that thing. Just like if a child is completely dependent on the parents, the parents has the sense that, "My child requires at this time this thing." They already there
- I thank you very much that you are sending me letters every week. Your very strong desire to return to Germany is already approved by me, and Krishna das is very much eager to receive you there
- I thank you very much that you have already allotted a nice apartment for me, an entire first floor, so if I had the wings of a dove I could fly immediately to Brooklyn and enter my apartment
- I think Hawaii is a good place; the people are interested and they are beginning to come. So you may make Hawaii New Navadvipa. Hawaii is already dvipa (island), so you make it into Navadvipa
- I think let us finish first Teachings of Lord Caitanya and then we take again Narada Bhakti Sutra. The subject matter discussed with Narada Bhakti Sutras is already there in the Teachings of Lord Caitanya
- I think Manipuri people . . . and it is a Vaisnava state, why not make it Krsna conscious? They are already Krsna conscious. Make it in a systematic way
- I think some of you like yourself, Satsvarupa, Brahmananda and Mukunda and Gargamuni, Acyutananda and all of you had already cultivated this Krishna Consciousness in your past lives
- I think that if there is a chance for opening a center in Toronto, then Jagadisa and Kanupriya may go there as soon as possible. You have written that you would like Murari to go there, but he has already left for Boston
- I think you may have already heard that in January of 1970 we will be holding an examination among all of our students on this book, and those who will pass shall be awarded with the title of Bhakti-sastri
- I understand that the Birla Guest House along with other guest houses has been already booked and occupied by pilgrims and guests. I informed you to go there more than one week before they were supposed to be occupied
- I understand that You (Krsna) have appeared in order to kill the uncivilized Kamsa and his followers. But knowing that You were to appear in order to kill him and his followers, he has already killed so many of Your predecessors, Your elder brothers
- I want that our Vrindaban temple to be the first class temple of India. Already people are saying that it surpasses all temples of the district in beauty, and I think it surpasses all temples in India
- I was discussing - life is never created; life is already there. The body is created
- I was just thinking of teaching our students the pronunciation of the Sanskrit verses in the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc. and by Krsna's will you have already begun this
- I was so much pleased to see that already the tapes were edited and laid out and this is encouraging me to translate more and more
- I will be glad to hear you have found proper service, as this is our whole secret of success. So long as you are chanting and reading our books and raising your family in Krsna Consciousness you are already engaged in the best service
- I will not narrate these incidents because they have already been described by Vrndavana dasa Thakura. There is no need to repeat the same information, for such repetition would unlimitedly increase the size of this book
- If a living being who has already left his body has been pious, Yamaraja, just to give him relief, will give him another body
- If a man is thirty or fifty years old, then the influence of time has already devoured thirty or fifty years of the duration of his life
- If a previous acarya has already written about something, there is no need to repeat it for personal sense gratification or to outdo the previous acarya. Unless there is some definite improvement, one should not repeat
- If a sadhu is already delivered, being on the transcendental platform, then where is the necessity of delivering him? This question may arise
- If all of them (all species of life) were plenary expansions of the Supreme Absolute Truth, then there would be no question of liberation, because Brahman would already be liberated.
- If he (Arjuna) stopped fighting, they would die in another way. Death cannot be checked, even if he did not fight. In fact, they were already dead. BG 1972 purports
- If I carry your message and educate people in that way, then there is no difficulty for me. Everything is there. Why shall I go to manufacture something imperfect? The perfect thing is already there. Simply I have to carry
- If I repeat what is already written, I may thus relish the purport of this scripture
- If in some places materialists, who are already bewildered by the insurmountable illusory energy of the Supreme Godhead, sometimes commit offenses, a saintly person, with compassion, does not take this seriously
- If Lord Caitanya, Lord Nityananda and Advaita had exhibited Their all-powerful Visnu potencies within this material world, people would have become greater impersonalists, monists & self-worshipers than they had already become under the spell of this age
- If one can properly understand Krsna, who has already been described as the Supreme King, he does not return here after giving up his material body
- If one chants once only, it is to be understood that he has already passed all the examinations, not to speak of those who are chanting always, twenty-four hours a day. It is specifically said here (in SB 3.33.7), tubhyam: "unto You only
- If one endeavors simply to achieve knowledge of the Absolute Truth or the Supersoul but has no devotional service, he labors without gaining the real result. This is compared to beating the husks of wheat after the grains have already been removed
- If one is already engaged in devotional service, it is to be understood that Brahman realization is there. Therefore it is called samsiddhi
- If one is connected with Krsna in any of these transcendental relationships (as a supreme master, supreme friend, supreme son and supreme conjugal lover) , the course of one's material life is understood to have already ended
- If one is engaged in pure transcendental loving service to the Lord, it is understood that he has already achieved the five kinds of liberation
- If one is seated on the bench of a high-court and is giving judgment on cases, it means that he has already passed all legal exams and is better than those who are engaged in the study of law or those expecting to study law in the future
- If one is situated in knowledge of the Supreme Person, this implies that one is already situated in the concept of the Supersoul and impersonal Brahman
- If one is trained up to indulge in sex only for begetting nice children, there is already contraceptive method. There is no necessity of unnecessarily producing cats and dogs children. So that requires training, determination
- If persons already born in Bharatavarsa live like cats and dogs, not taking full advantage of their birth in this land, they are certainly unfortunate
- If somebody asks us to sell intoxicants or similar things, we cannot do that. The pipes are meant for persons who are already addicted to intoxication
- If somebody thinks, "Let me qualify like this, then I shall be able to serve Krsna better," no, that’s a wrong philosophy. Whatever qualification you have acquired already, you begin Krsna service, Krsna consciousness
- If the cost is about Rs 5/- per record then would they be sold at Rs. 10/-? I do not know at what price you have sold them in the past. Anyway if you have already placed the order with Gramaphone Co. then what can be done?
- If the mind is directly engaged in the service of the Lord constantly, then there is no chance of the senses becoming engaged in other ways. This mental attitude has already been explained. BG 1972 purports
- If the son is already an enemy of Visnu, how, in such an inimical mood, can he offer sacrifice (to deliver his father) unto Lord Visnu's lotus feet? Lord Krsna is directly the Personality of Godhead, Visnu, and Duryodhana was inimical to Him
- If there is sale contract, my students here (SF) and in New york will be able to raise the fund very seriously. In the absence of any sale contract everything appears to be in the air and Mr. Taylor or his lawyer can change his word as he has already done
- If we are simply a little sincere in the matter of spreading this movement, Lord Krishna has already guaranteed our success
- If we think that it (chanting Hare Krsna mantra) is subha-kriya - subha-kriya means something auspicious - no, that is also offense. We have already described so many offenses; this is also one of offense
- If you are already informed, condemned to death, and kept in a concentration camp, will you be happy? Similarly, when these people take these cows to the slaughterhouse, animal stock room, godown, they understand
- If you are intelligent, then you will understand your position that, - I have already surrendered to so many nonsense things. Why not give up this and surrender to Krsna?
- If you can earn money, you can make a good bank balance, that does not mean that you will get bodily comfort. That is not. That is already fixed up, according to your karma. So don't waste your time for improving bodily comforts
- If you find a nondevotee eager to listen submissively you can show your mercy to elevate him to Krishna Conciousness, but a nondevotee who is already poisoned by the serpent of the demon class swami or yogi is very difficult to be dealt with
- If you go deep into the water, and if you have means to examine how many fishes and aquatic animals are there, you can count. But in the Vedic literature it is already counted, and the exact fixed number is given - there are 900,000 forms of aquatics
- If you have got that perfect knowledge, then you are living with Krsna, always. You are already in the Vaikuntha
- If you think that "I'm the car . . ." The car is dead. The car is moving because you are alive. Similarly, this dead body . . . this body is dead, already dead from the very beginning, but it is moving on account of the soul. This is knowledge
- If you want real satisfaction, as we have already described, that ahaituky apratihata yayatma suprasidati. If you want satisfaction of your self, then you must practice this devotional service
- If you want to do something for India, the only remedial measure that you can take is to spread Krishna Consciousness amongst the peoples. Otherwise, the next step is surely communism as you have already suggested
- If you want to make research, then search out what is the original brain, not the process. Process is already going on. What is the use of your research, nonsense
- Ignorance is removed perfectly by the discharge of devotional service. This is already explained in the previous verse by the Lord. Now by His grace, Arjuna is accepting Him as the Supreme Truth, in concordance with the Vedic injunction. BG 1972 purports
- Illicit sex life, intoxication, and killing of animals. These are in the Bible. Why they are not accepted? This is not our impositions. This is already there
- Immediately after his high-sounding meditation, a "meditator" becomes thirsty and wants to smoke or drink. He is under the strong grip of material nature, yet he thinks that he is already free from the clutches of maya
- In a good family of devotees, the child gets the opportunity to serve the Lord in many ways. A soul who is already advanced in devotional service has the opportunity to take birth in such an enlightened family
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.3) karma-yoga is recommended: "For one who is a neophyte in the yoga system, work is said to be the means; and for one who has already attained to yoga, cessation of all material activities is said to be the means"
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna also promises that if one engages in His service, He will supply what is needed and preserve whatever is already possessed
- In India there is already a party who are prepared to criticize my activities in the matter of offering sacred thread to the so-called mlecchas according to their calculation
- In order to curb commentaries on Vedanta-sutra by unscrupulous persons, the author himself, Vyasadeva, has already commentated upon the Vedanta-sutra by writing Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In order to give a particular type of human form to a person who has already suffered hellish life, the soul is transferred to the semen of a man who is just suitable to become his father
- In other words, the devotees of Lord Ramacandra, or Krsna, are already liberated persons and are not required to follow all the regulative principles mentioned in the ritualistic portions of the Vedic literature
- In other words, those who are already promoted to the Vaikuntha planets and possess the four kinds of liberation may also sometimes develop affection for Krsna and become promoted to Krsna-loka
- In other words, unless one is already beyond liberation, one cannot relish the transcendental glories of the Lord, nor can one understand the transcendental form of the Lord
- In our London branch, already about six young English men have joined seriously, and although they are not officially initiated, they are exactly following my other initiated, American disciples who are now working there
- In Prayaga I (Rupa Gosvami) heard that he (Sanatana Gosvami) had already gone to Vrndavana. Rupa Gosvami next informed the Lord about the death of Anupama
- In Teluk Anson one retired principal of college has offered a house which can be used as temple, already started very big
- In that condition (of being devoid of material desires) it is to be understood that one is free from the material body. The example is already given above - a coconut which is dry is loosened from its outward husk. This is the stage of liberation
- In that verse (of CC Adi 1.1) there are six transcendental subject matters, of which the truth regarding the spiritual master has already been described
- In the atmarama verse of the SB, it is said that those who are already situated on the platform of self-realization are attracted by the transcendental qualities of Krsna. This means that Krsna's qualities are not material but pure and transcendental
- In the beginning (the Second and Third Cantos of SB) I (Sukadeva) have already described how one can progress on the path of liberation. In the Puranas the vast universal existence, which is like an egg divided into fourteen parts, is described
- In the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam it has already been said that the Supreme Absolute Truth exists in His own abode without any touch of the deluding energy
- In the beginning of the First Canto, in the First Chapter, first verse, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, it has already been mentioned that Brahma was initiated by the Lord from within
- In the capital city there were many palaces, city gates and surrounding walls, which were already very, very beautiful, and on this occasion all of them were decorated with golden ornaments
- In the Christian world they go to the church, "O God, give us our daily bread." But higher philosophy is that we should not or we need not ask God for our bread. That is already there. We should approach God, how to love Him
- In the conditional state, we are influenced by material nature. We have already discussed how we are conditioned by the three modes of material nature - ignorance, passion and goodness
- In the drug shop the medicinal is already there, but an experienced physician prescribes the particular medicine that, "This is fit for you." Similarly don't think that this sankirtana movement we have newly introduced. It is in the Puranas mentioned
- In the eternal sky there is no need for the sun nor for the moon nor fire of any kind because the spiritual sky is already illuminated by the brahma-jyotir, the rays emanating from the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the execution of material dharma, or religion performed for material gain, people generally go to a church or a temple and pray, "God, give us our daily bread." Actually, this need not be asked for, for bread is already provided for everyone
- In the First Canto we have already discussed the lamentation of Arjuna and Yudhisthira, to whom the disappearance of Lord Krsna was almost intolerable up to the end of their lives
- In the former incarnation, He was killing the demons directly with sword or the sudarsana-cakra, some way or other. Now, in this age, they're already dead. So if Krsna comes to kill them with sudarsana-cakra and sword, they will not be profited
- In the Kali-yuga people cannot undergo very severe austerities. That is impossible for them, because mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah. They are already very much suppressed
- In the Kali-yuga there is no profit by killing them (demoniac people).They're already killed. So therefore this is the astra. To kill the miscreants this is astra, this hari-sankirtana
- In the Kali-yuga this artificial predominance is already current, but the saner section of the people know it well that the divisions of castes & orders of life are meant for smooth social intercourse & high-thinking self-realization & not other purpose
- In the material world the living entities are already there. You haven't got to create. That is foolishness. It is never created
- In the material world this (varnasrama dharma) is practiced according to sastric injunction, and in the spiritual world the real achievement is already there
- In the material world, we manufacture many things for our material comfort simply by hearing. They are already there, but just by hearing, one can transform them. If we want to build a very high skyscraper, this does not mean that we have to create it
- In the meantime, the other inhabitants of Vrndavana, headed by Nanda and Upananda, had already reached Mathura by going through the forest, and they were awaiting the arrival of Krsna and Balarama in a garden
- In the platform of dharma, to become very religious, moral, who can be more religious than the devotee? Who can be more moralist than the devotee? A devotee is not prepared to kill even an ant. So who can be more moralist? These things are already there
- In the previous mantras it has already been discussed that no living being-not even the powerful demigods-can surpass the Supreme Being in any respect. Therefore ekatvam does not mean that a living being is equal in all respects to the Supreme Lord
- In the Seventh Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita) we have already discussed the opulent potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, His (Krsna's) different energies, the inferior and superior natures, and all this material manifestation. BG 1972 purports
- In the Seventh Chapter of the Adi-lila I have already elaborately described Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's deliverance of the sannyasis at Varanasi, but I shall briefly repeat it in this chapter
- In the subtle body, the mind is predominant, and therefore if one's mind is always absorbed in remembering the activities or the lotus feet of the Lord, he is to be understood to have already changed his present body and become purified
- In the Svayambhuva millennium He (God as a Boar) assumed the color white, and in the Caksusa millennium He assumed the color red. Vidura had already heard about one of them, and he proposed to hear about the other
- In the Vedas it is said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has already expanded Himself into so many living entities by His energy. Therefore it was not very difficult for Him to expand Himself again into so many boys and calves
- In the Vedic process the research work is already done; it is complete, and it is simply handed down by disciplic succession from teacher to student
- In these two verses (Sb 3.32.41-42) the qualities of a devotee are fully explained. One who has actually developed all the qualities listed in these verses is already elevated to the post of a devotee
- In this age, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura introduced the sacred thread ceremony for his Vaisnava disciples, with the idea that people should understand that when one becomes a Vaisnava he has already acquired the qualifications of a brahmana
- In this connection (SB 2.7.49) detailed information is available in the Bhagavat-sandarbha of Srila Jiva Gosvami Prabhupada. Once achieving the spiritual existence, the devotee is eternally situated there, as already discussed in the previous verse
- In this Kali-yuga people will be very, very much harassed. First of all there is scarcity of rain, then scarcity of food grain, and then taxation by the government. These things we were expecting. It is already begun
- In this regard (in SB 7.10.22), Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that although Hiranyakasipu was already purified, he had to take birth on a higher planetary system to become a devotee again
- In this verse (BG 14.21), Arjuna's questions are very appropriate. He wants to know the symptoms of a person who has already transcended the material modes. He first inquires of the symptoms of such a transcendental person. BG 1972 purports
- In this verse (BG 9.13) the description of mahatma is clearly given. The first sign of the mahatma is that he is already situated in the divine nature. He is not under the control of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- In this verse (of BG 10.16) it appears that Arjuna is already satisfied with his understanding of the Supreme Lord Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- In your letter dated January 24, you informed me that two pairs of Murtis were to be received by the 5th of February, but I have not heard anything whether any one of the pairs has already been dispatched
- Indeed, the hellish conditions already described await the sinful men responsible for such suffering
- Indeed, Vaninatha has already gone to the residence of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and has taken a huge quantity of maha-prasadam. Please let me know the reason for this
- Innate knowledge means that knowledge which you are cultivating, that is already there
- Inspired by Him only, I discover what is already created by Him (Narayana) under His vision as the all-pervading Supersoul, and I also am created by Him only
- Is He going to quit His earthly pastimes, as Devarsi Narada indicated? Has that time already arrived?
- ISKCON has taken up this task of preaching the cult of Caitanya, its members should not only construct temples in every town and village of the globe but also distribute the books that have already been written and further increase the number of books
- ISKCON's members should not only construct temples in every town and village of the globe but also distribute the books that have already been written and further increase the number of books
- ISKCON, International Society for Krishna, we have already opened a Gurukul in Dallas, Texas. There is much progress in that
- It (Bhagavatam) is the ripened fruit of all the Vedas, as stated before. Besides that, the most perfectly liberated soul, Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, is absorbed in the studies of the Bhagavatam, although he is already self-realized
- It appears that Kasyapa was already inclined to have sexual enjoyment with his wife (Diti), and because he was not a strong man he tried to dissuade her only with pacifying words
- It appears that the astrologer was already an advanced devotee, and when he came into the presence of the Supreme Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he became perfectly self-realized and could see that the SPG Krsna and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are one
- It doesn't matter whether you are Christian or Hindu. People must be raised to God consciousness scientifically. Otherwise it is doomed. It is not progress. It is already doom. They are simply inviting war after few years
- It has already been admitted that all the King's property belonged to the brahmanas and that Prthu Maharaja was simply using it for the welfare of the state. If it were actually the property of the brahmanas, how could it be offered again to them
- It has already been ascertained that at the time of death, if one can think of Krsna, he is immediately transferred to the abode of Krsna
- It has already been discussed that mother earth implored Lord Brahma to give her relief from the distress created by the burdensome demons and that Lord Brahma informed her that Lord Krsna Himself was going to appear
- It has already been explained in the previous verses that Prthu Maharaja advised the citizens to become adhoksaja-dhiyah, which means God conscious, or Krsna conscious, and in this verse (SB 4.21.27) he specifically presents the authority of sastra
- It has already been stated in the 17th Chapter that one who has surrendered to Krsna is relieved from the activities of material nature. Therefore for one who is able to see things as they are, the influence of material nature gradually ceases. BG 1972 p
- It has already been stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, First Canto, Second Chapter, that the highest, most glorious religion is the attainment of causeless, unmotivated devotional service
- It has been already explained that pure devotional service is without any tinge of karma or jnana. Bhakti should have no tinge of philosophical speculation or ritualistic performances
- It is already declared in the Bhagavad-gita that the Lord (Krsna) appears for the welfare of all people of the world and to vanquish the asuras, or the materialistic atheists
- It is already explained in the previous verse that the Lord appeared like a mundane husband, but factually His relation with His wives was transcendental, pure and unconditioned by the modes of material nature
- It is already known to us that Krsna had 16,108 wives. All these wives were exalted liberated souls, and among them Queen Rukmini was the chief
- It is already stated (naham prakasah) that He (God) is not revealed to everyone. BG 1972 purports
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that a devotee engaged full time in the transcendental loving service of the Lord has already surpassed the influence of the three modes of material nature
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: those who are engaged in the devotional service of the Lord have already transcended the material position
- It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss - That is already there. So we have to act by the order of Krsna, not by the votes of the madmen
- It is more necessary than ever to realize the all-important relationship of man with God if we want at all to rehabilitate the human race, which is already shattered more than ever
- It is not a movement that I have manufactured something. No. The movement was already there. I am simply presenting as it is. That is my service
- It is not a new role for the Vedic culture. The role is already there - to preach Krsna consciousness. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's vision
- It is not possible for a sadhana-siddha living being to become the father or mother of Krsna, for Krsna's father and mother are already designated
- It is not that by artificial means we are getting krsna-prema. It is already there
- It is not that by some means or by some artificial, what is called, hypnotism, we are making these European or American boys, girls krsna-bhakta. No. It is there already, krsna-bhakti. Otherwise why they should take to Krsna?
- It is not the question of belief. It is a fact. You have to accept another body after this body, just like you have already accepted. Your childhood body was there, and that is gone. You accepted another body
- It is said by Prahlada Maharaja, punah punas carvita-carvananam: (SB 7.5.30) they (grhamedhis) prefer to chew the already chewed
- It is said that Columbus discovered the Western Hemisphere, but actually the tract of land was not created by Columbus. The vast tract of land was already there by the omnipotency of the Supreme Lord
- It is said that out of many siddhas, the souls who have already realized the Absolute Truth, one may understand Krsna, who exactly resembles a human being - narakrti
- It is said, tirthi-kurvanti tirthani. A tirtha, or holy place, is a place where great saintly personalities visit or reside. Although the holy places were already places of pilgrimage, they were all purified by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s visit
- It is so gratifying that you have already saved $600 for the improvement of the temple. So I am very much pleased. Go on working like this and Krishna will give you ample money - there is no scarcity
- It is stated in the Bhagavad. . . na jayate: "It is never created." It is already there. Simply it is coming out, being manifest by different bodies, 8,400,000's forms
- It is stated in the Bhagavatam that such engagement (the analytical study of the nature of things as they are) is something like husking a paddy. There is no use beating the husk if the grain has already been removed
- It is the duty of a disciple approaching a spiritual master to inquire about his constitutional position. In conformity to that spiritual process, Sanatana has already asked, "What am I, and why am I suffering from the threefold miseries?"
- It is therefore concluded that one who chants the holy name of the Lord should be understood to have performed all kinds of austerities and great sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas. He has already taken his bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage
- It is to be understood by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, by following the regulative principle, he has already come to the platform of sattva-guna. But if it is a false thing, there is no need of second initiation
- It is understood that a devotee who is fully surrendered unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead has already acquired the position of a brahmana
- It is understood that he (one who chant the holy name of God offenselessly) has already performed all sorts of rites. It is the so-called brahmanas who actually have to undergo different kinds of austerities before reaching that point of purification
- It is understood that the chanters have already studied all the Vedic literature. The specific word used here is anucuh, which means that because they have already completed all those recommended acts, they have become qualified to be spiritual masters
- It is very difficult to achieve the spiritual abode of Hari, in the Vaikuntha planets, but you are so fortunate that you are already destined to go to that abode by worshiping Him as the supreme abode of all living entities
- It is, however, to be understood that the indirect process is not recommended for Arjuna because he is already at the stage of loving devotional service to the Supreme Lord. It is for others who are not at this state. BG 1972 purports
- It may be noted at this point that the Ninth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita is especially meant for those who have already accepted Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In other words, it is meant for His devotees
- It should be understood that a person who is situated in pure devotional service must have in his past life already executed all the Vedic rituals with great determination
- It was already known to Maharaja Pariksit that everything we see is born out of the energy of the Lord, as we have all learned in the very beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- It was known to them (Saunaka Rsi) that Srila Vyasadeva had already explained the text of the Vedas in various ways up to the Mahabharata for the understanding of less intelligent women, sudras and fallen members of the family of twice-born men
- It will be a formal education and they will get degree. It will be open for everyone, including those who have already entered our temples, they may also participate. But, the subject matter should not be different from what is in the temples
- Jariwala's letter is not very encouraging. He is prepared to some silver Murtis; Murtis we have already got. Therefore we should not take him for the present very seriously. Later on we shall thank over the matter
- Jayadratha, Krtavarma and Salya - all are determined to lay down their lives for Duryodhana's sake. It is already concluded that all of them would die in the Battle of Kuruksetra for joining the party of the sinful Duryodhana. BG 1972 purports
- Jijnasa means enquiry, that "Who is that brain?" Because things are already going on. It is not depending on your so-called research. It is already going on nicely. So your business should be: "Who is that brain behind it?" That should be your research
- Jijnasu is our natural instinct, but we go to who has no knowledge. That is the difficulty. We are misled. But the knowledge is there already: the Vedic knowledge is there
- Just as a student in a law class is to be understood to have already graduated from general education, anyone who is engaged in the chanting of the holy name of the Lord (Hare Krsna mantra) must have already passed all lower stages
- Just as we sometimes perform a marriage ceremony in the temple. What is this marriage ceremony? It is the combination of man & woman, boy & girl. They are already there they are living like friends - what is the use of this marriage ceremony? It is Vedic
- Just like a person, when he's ghostly haunted, he calls his father by ill names, but he cannot recognize even his father. So all of us, we are already under the clutches of maya. That is the position of intoxication
- Just like attraction for the opposite sex, a girl or a boy. That is natural. Nobody goes to school and colleges how to learn how to be attracted by young man, young . . . no. It doesn't require any education. The natural instinct is already there
- Just like Bhagavad-gita. Everything is there already. We have to take it, accept it, and apply it practically in life, and distribute the knowledge throughout the whole world. This is the mission of India
- Just remember under all circumstances to chant sixteen rounds of japa daily, offer your prasadam to Krsna, and do all of the things which you already know, as you are senior disciple
- Just take up this movement, Hare Krsna movement, with patience and with diligence and intelligence. It is very easy. You are already experienced. Do not stop it. Increase more and more. Your country will be happy, and the whole world will be happy
- Kali-yuga entered after disappearance of Krsna. Pariksit Maharaja was also very vigilant. The Pandavas, they left their kingdom because they could understand that Kali-yuga has already entered
- Kamsa had already sent many demons to attempt to kill this child (Krsna), but none of them had survived
- Kamsa very conscientiously deliberated upon these facts (of SB 10.2.21) and therefore refrained from killing Devaki, although he was completely confident that his enemy had already appeared within her womb
- Kasyapa has already told his wife Diti to wait for a while, and now he warns her that failure to consider the particular time will result in punishment from the ghosts and evil spirits who move during this time, along with their master, Lord Rudra.
- Kasyapa Muni continued: Never wear clothes that have not been properly washed, and do not put on a garland that has already been worn
- Kindly tell us about the abilities of all the celebrated kings born in the dynasty of Vaivasvata Manu, including those who have already passed, those who may appear in the future, and those who exist at present
- King Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami: My dear lord, you have already affirmed the truth that the supremely powerful sun-god travels around Dhruvaloka with both Dhruvaloka and Mount Sumeru on his right
- King Pariksit said to Sukadeva Gosvami: O brahmana, you have already informed me that the radius of Bhu-mandala extends as far as the sun spreads its light and heat and as far as the moon and all the stars can be seen
- King Puranjana was overly attached to his family and conceptions of "I" and "mine." Because he was overly attracted to his wife, he was already quite poverty-stricken. At the time of separation, he became very sorry
- Knowing everything, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was aware that Visvarupa had already passed away. A pretense of ignorance was necessary, however, so that He could go to South India and liberate the people there
- Knowing myself to be an old man and almost an invalid because of rheumatism, I have already translated the essence of all literatures, the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, as a summary study in English
- Knowing well that the age of Kali has already begun, we are assembled here in this holy place to hear at great length the transcendental message of Godhead and in this way perform sacrifice
- Krishna has already recognized you as one of the prophets of this missionary work, and I approve this statement. Please go on in Krishna Consciousness and I'm sure even in my absence you will be doing nicely acting as prophet
- Krishna will give you all intelligence how to push on this movement. Already you have a program for preaching at the university and you should continue this program more and more
- Krsna consciousness is not a thing as you are taught technology or mathematics or like that. It is already there. Simply we have to revive it
- Krsna consciousness is not artificially imposed upon the heart, it is already there. When one chants the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the heart is cleansed of all mundane contamination
- Krsna consciousness movement is meant for this purpose, that "You have already attachment for sound. Now just transfer this attachment for spiritual sound. Then your life will be successful"
- Krsna continued, "As I have already explained, I am not very much interested in family life or love between husband and wife. By nature, I am not very fond of family life, wife, children, home and opulences"
- Krsna continued, "If a person is able to care for or give protection to old parents, a chaste wife, children, the spiritual master, brahmanas and other dependents but does not do so, he is considered already dead, although he is supposedly breathing"
- Krsna continued, "My dear father (Vasudeva), everyone and everything, including Me and My brother Balarama, as well as all the inhabitants of the city of Dvaraka and the whole cosmic manifestation, are exactly as you have already explained"
- Krsna is already beautiful, but when He takes the shape of an woman, how beautiful He became we can just imagine. Woman are naturally beautiful. They are called "fair sex." So mohinya
- Krsna is Para-brahman; therefore we, being part and parcel, we are also Brahman. Just like particles of gold is also gold. So there is no question of becoming Brahman. Brahman we are already
- Krsna is prepared to establish a loving relationship with all living entities. In actuality this relationship is already there because He is the supreme father and we are His parts and parcels
- Krsna is the assurance of safety to everyone. But when He saw that His friends were already out of His hands and were lying within the belly of a great serpent, He became momentarily aggrieved
- Krsna is the father. Father always wants to see that "My son is happy." That is natural. There is no begging, "Father, be kind upon me." No. Father is already kind. But if you revolt against the father, then you suffer
- Krsna replied, "Foolish Salva, you are talking nonsensically. You do not know that the moment of death is already upon your head. Actual heroes do not talk much. They prove their prowess by practical exhibition of chivalrous activities"
- Krsna said to Uddhava, "Persons who are already elevated in discharging devotional service will never again take shelter of the processes of fruitive activities or philosophical speculation"
- Krsna said, "Let us have our lunch in this spot because it is already late and we are feeling hungry. Let the calves remain near us, and drink water from the Yamuna. While we engage in our lunch-taking, the calves may engage in eating the soft grasses"
- Krsna said: It was already known to Me that My great devotee Narada Muni had shown his causeless mercy by saving you (Nalakuvara & Manigriva) from the abominable condition of pride due to possessing extraordinary beauty & opulence in a family of demigods
- Krsna said: Narada Muni has saved you from gliding down into the lowest condition of hellish life. All these facts are already known to Me. You are very fortunate because not only were you cursed by him, but you had the great opportunity to see him
- Krsna says here that you take care of the soul. Tasmad evam. Tasmad evam viditva. Just try to understand the soul is important. You haven't got to lament for this body. This is already settled up
- Krsna says that if one simply puts philosophical theories for some utopian ideas, "Now time is coming which will be like this, like that." No. Time is there already. You cannot manufacture time like this or like that. It will go on
- Krsna says, "It is neither practical nor necessary for one who is already engaged in devotional service to Me and whose mind is fixed on Me to endeavor for the cultivation of knowledge and renunciation"
- Krsna says, tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). The spirit soul will change this body, as it has already changed from babyhood to childhood, childhood to boyhood
- Krsna says. So how I can believe Krsna? Krsna says ukta, it is already settled up by authorities. Ukta. This is parampara system. Krsna also says ukta. Krsna does not say that "I speak," no. Ukta, there is Vedic evidence. Where it is? In the Upanisads
- Krsna showed His universal form to Arjuna just to show him that these people were already killed for their unlawful action. That scene was shown to Arjuna because devotees are always peaceful, & they cannot perform such horrible actions. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna tells Arjuna that the battle had already been decided by the Supreme, that the people who were assembled on the battlefield were predestined never to return
- Krsna was attempted to be killed by Kamsa class of men and his company, the demons. So it will be there; it is already there. Don't be disappointed, because that is the meaning that it is successful
- Krsna was proposing that Rukmini divorce Him at a time when Rukmini already had many grown-up children
- Krsna's dividing Himself into seven is very significant. It was known to Satya, the daughter of King Nagnajit, that Krsna had already married many other wives, but still she was attached to Krsna
- Krsna's opulence of strength has already been displayed in His different pastimes, and now it will be shown how His residence at Dvaraka displayed His opulences of wealth and beauty
- Krsna, the Supersoul of everyone, is already within the body of everyone; therefore if He sees someone or embraces someone there is no question of impropriety
- Krsna, we have already stated, is seated in everyone's heart. If you want to consult Him, He can give you instruction. The only thing is that you have to become qualified like Brahma so that you can received instruction from Him within the heart
- Laksmana said, "I have already told you that my father was very affectionate to me, so when he saw that my desire had been fulfilled by my getting Lord Krsna as my husband"
- Leadership is already there - Krsna. Just like Arjuna is learning from Krsna. So if you learn from Krsna you become perfect leader. But we do not take Krsna's instruction. We manufacture our own ideas. That is failure
- Let me go out. I shall enjoy life freely. - What freedom? You are already rich man's son. You can enjoy the property of your very, very rich, powerful father, and what independence you will enjoy? This is criminality
- Living entities also belong to the superior energy, as has already been explained. The other energies, or material energies, are in the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 Introduction
- Lord Caitanya does not give the information about the spirit soul that is already described in Bhagavad-gita. Rather, He begins from the point where Krsna ended His instruction
- Lord Caitanya said Bhattacarya: The devotional service of the Supreme Lord is so attractive that even those who are already liberated become devotees by the inconceivable potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Kapila advised His mother (Devahuti) that she did not need any indirect process. She was already situated in that direct process because the Supreme Lord had taken birth as her son
- Lord Kapila said: My dear mother, the path of self-realization which I have already instructed to you is very easy. You can execute this system without difficulty, and by following it you shall very soon be liberated, even within your present body
- Lord Krsna indicated by this statement that Satyabhama was already pregnant and that her son would be the real claimant of the jewel and would certainly take the jewel from Akrura
- Lord Krsna, in order to encourage Arjuna to higher and higher elevation in His potent service, describes in this Ninth Chapter (of BG) matters more confidential than any He has already disclosed. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Rsabhadeva is the master of all Vedic knowledge, human beings, demigods, cows and brahmanas. I have already explained His pure, transcendental activities, which will vanquish the sinful activities of all living entities
- Lord Siva continued: Since the head of Daksa has already been burned to ashes, he will have the head of a goat. The demigod known as Bhaga will be able to see his share of sacrifice through the eyes of Mitra
- Lord Siva was already aware of the supreme power of Lord Visnu, but when he was actually put into bewilderment, he felt proud to have such an exalted master
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has freely given this love of Krsna everywhere and anywhere, even to the most fallen, such as Jagai and Madhai. What then to speak of those who are already pious and elevated?
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Your body is My property. You have already surrendered unto Me. Therefore you no longer have any claim to your body"
- Madhavendra Puri dreamed that Gopala came before him and said, "O Madhavendra Puri, I have already received all the sandalwood and camphor"
- Madhudvisa has already gone there as desired by you, and I am sure he will be very helpful. He is now a veteran trained man, and the Los Angeles temple is now an ideal place for all centers to take example
- Maharaja Dhrtarastra was placed in that position according to his past deeds; he had already suffered or enjoyed the benefits accrued to him in the past, but due to his good luck
- Maharaja Pariksit had already been advised by his spiritual master, Sukadeva Gosvami, to think of the universal form of the Lord, and therefore, following the advice of his spiritual master, he continuously thought of that form
- Maharaja Pariksit heard that some of the people of the state had already taken to those symptoms, and he wanted to take immediate steps against such causes of unrest
- Maharaja Pariksit said: My dear lord, you have already spoken about the pumsavana vow. Now I want to hear about it in detail, for I understand that by observing this vow one can please the Supreme Lord, Visnu
- Maharaja Pariksit said: O my lord, O Sukadeva Gosvami, you have already described (in the Second Canto) the path of liberation (nivrtti-marga)
- Maharaja Pariksit was already aware of all this information due to his accumulated piety and birth in a high family of devotees, Vaisnavas, and thus he was not at all interested in the material planets
- Maharaja Pariksit was already aware of this fact, but he wanted the great sages assembled there to unanimously give their verdict on his conviction so that he might be able to go on with his confirmed duty without controversy
- Maharaja Pariksit was already directly connected with the personal feature of the Lord Sri Krsna, and as such he had no need to inquire from Sukadeva Gosvami about where and how to apply the mind in the impersonal virat-rupa of the Lord
- Maharaja Prthu specifically thanks those already engaged in such devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is actually the enjoyer of all sacrificial ceremonies and who is also the supreme teacher as antaryami, or Paramatma
- Maharaja Yudhisthira's good sacrifices and qualifications were so lofty and virtuous that even the residents of the higher celestial planets were already prepared to receive him as one of them
- Mahatma Vidura had already adopted the renounced order of life, and therefore he did not return to his paternal palace to enjoy some material comforts
- Material advancement in religion, economic development, sense gratification and liberation simply wait to serve a devotee at the first opportunity. A devotee is already in a transcendental position; he does not need further qualifications to be liberated
- Material life means chewing the chewed. A father educates his son to earn a livelihood, get married and settle down, but he himself already knows that by doing this he has not become satisfied. Why, then, is he engaging his son in this same business
- Mayapur is already wonderful being the transcendental birthplace of Lord Caitanya. By utilizing western talents to develop this place certainly it will be unique in the world
- Mind and intelligence are already there in the soul, but in the conditional stage the same mind and intelligence become polluted as false egotism or enjoyer. The bhakti process is to purify everything
- Mother Yasoda was so affectionate toward her son that as soon as she came out to call Him back home, her breasts filled up with milk. She loudly cried, "My dear child, please come back home. Your time for lunch is already past"
- Mr. Tom Driberg is an intimate friend of Ginsberg and he has already written to him promising all help to us. So by Grace of Krishna there you are meeting nice gentlemen, interested gentlemen, and I hope it will come very grand success
- Mucukunda continued, "Kings and emperors sometimes accept the life of an ascetic to forget their royal life, but by Your special causeless mercy I have already been bereft of royalty. I do not need to become a mendicant or practice renunciation"
- Mukunda Datta replied, "The Lord has already arrived here. We have come with Him"
- Mukunda has already protested such rascal and we have to go on with our own work positively. Fault-finding men will always be there, that is the history of the world, but one has to execute his prescribed duties
- Mustika and Canura are just like thunderbolts, as strong as great mountains, and Krsna and Balarama are two delicate boys of very tender age. The principle of justice has already left this assembly
- My (Kapiladeva's) dear respectful mother (Devahuti), I have already described the path of understanding the Absolute Truth, by which one can come to understand the real truth of matter and spirit and their relationship
- My activities were exactly like treatment given to a person who is already dead. Just see how unfortunate I am, for in spite of meeting the Supreme Lord, who can cut one's link with birth and death, I have prayed for the same conditions again
- My blessings are there for you in your collecting program. After all you are already Gurukrpa
- My dear boy (Rudra), I (Brahma) have already selected the following places for your residence: the heart, the senses, the air of life, the sky, the air, the fire, the water, the earth, the sun, the moon and austerity
- My dear brother (Kamsa), by the influence of destiny you have already killed many babies, each of them as bright and beautiful as fire. But kindly spare this daughter (Yogamaya). Give her to me (Devaki) as your gift - SB 10.4.5
- My dear gentle wife, never enter the water while bathing, never be angry, and do not even speak or associate with wicked people. Never wear clothes that have not been properly washed, and do not put on a garland that has already been worn
- My dear King (Pariksit), beneath this earth are seven other planets, known as Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala. I (Sukadeva) have already explained the situation of the planetary systems of earth
- My dear son, Svayambhuva Manu handed over his very dear daughter Devahuti to Kardama Muni. I have already spoken to you about them, and you have heard about them almost in full
- My dear Sukadeva Gosvami, you (Pariksit) have already explained that Sankarsana, who belongs to the second quadruple, appeared as the son of Rohini named Balarama - SB 10.1.8
- My Guru Maharaja always instructed that it is not necessary that you have to qualify yourself for serving Krsna. Whatever qualification you have already got, that is sufficient to come to the platform of service. That’s all
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that everything is already supplied by Krsna; all the ingredients of different varieties already are there; there is no lack of anything in this world
- My Lord, the moving entities who have heard Your loud sankirtana have already been delivered from bondage to the material world, and after the nonmoving living entities like trees hear it, there is an echo
- My mind is already restless, and by playing with a ball, moving it all about with your lotuslike palm, you are also agitating my eyes. Your curling black hair is now scattered, but you are not attentive to arranging it
- My mind is already Vrndavana, and since You like Vrndavana, will You please place Your lotus feet there? I would deem that Your full mercy
- My opinion is already there according to the . . . they should be chaste, faithful to husband. Little literary knowledge, they can read. That's all. Not very much
- Nanda Maharaja's abode was already opulent, and since Krsna had appeared, it would be opulent in all respects
- Nanda Maharaja, the foster father of Lord Krsna, went to take his bath in the River Yamuna in the dead of night, mistakenly thinking that the night was already over
- Narada met Indra and criticized him: "O Indra, great King of heaven, Krsna has already defeated Lord Brahma and Lord Siva. So what can be said of an insignificant demigod like you?"
- Narada Muni advised the Haryasvas not to enter household life. Since they were already advanced in spiritual knowledge, why should they be entangled in that way?
- Narada Muni can approach any planet in unlimited space within no time. We have already discussed his previous life as the son of a maidservant
- Narada Muni encouraged Maharaja Yudhisthira by saying, "You are already on the safe side because you, along with your entire family, have become a pure devotee of Krsna"
- Narada Muni has already described the desa (place) and kala (time). The kala has been described in verses twenty through twenty-four (SB 7.14.20-24), beginning with the words ayane visuve kuryad vyatipate dina-ksaye
- Narada Muni has already described the principles of life for a brahmacari, vanaprastha and sannyasi, and now (in SB 7.14.2) he is describing how a grhastha should live. The basic principle is to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Narada Muni said, "I shall also see how You (Krsna) save the son of a brahmana from death after he has already been transferred to another planet. After this, I will be able to see You kill the Paundraka demon and burn to ashes the kingdom of Kasi"
- Narada Muni saw that the boys known as the Haryasvas were already purified because of living in that holy place and were practically ready for liberation
- Narada tells Vyasadeva, "I can observe that without any following of the regulative principles of devotional service, he is already enriched with many of the symptoms achieved by the execution of devotional service after many, many births"
- Naradaji advises Vyasadeva to broadcast the transcendental knowledge of God in terms of the vast Vedic knowledge which he had already attained
- Nature already has an arrangement to feed us. By the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is an arrangement for eatables for every living entity within the 8,400,000 forms of life. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- Nature has already given us everything. If we want wealth we may collect pearls and become rich; there is no need to become rich by starting some huge factory to produce auto bodies
- New devotees should be told that the Christian preaching is already there; so if they are attracted by Christianity, the Christian Temples are there. When one comes to the Krishna Temple, he should try to understand Krishna Consciousness
- Newly engaged devotees can be divided into two: those who have already attained attachment for the Lord and those who have not attained such attachment
- Nitya-siddha krsna-bhakti. In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said, nitya-siddha krsna-bhakti. Our love for Krsna is there already, but it is being choked up by material condition
- No anxiety means when you know that "Krsna will protect me," you have no anxiety. To become in the family of Krsna. We are already in the family of Krsna, but in a different way
- No one but the Supreme Lord (Krsna) can become well versed in all the branches of Vedic wisdom simply by hearing once from his teacher. Nor can anyone bring a dead body back to life after the soul has already gone to the region of Yamaraja
- No one has to discover the nature of the Lord. It is already spoken by the Lord Himself in the Bhagavad-gita especially and in all other Vedic literatures generally. We have simply to accept them in toto and abide by the orders of the Lord
- No one should be carried away by the false ego of the bodily concept of life. One should not falsely think himself independant of the laws of material nature or free to act. He is already under strict material laws. BG 1972 purports
- No one should hear Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam from a person who does not believe in the existence of the Lord. Such a person is already doomed, and any association with such a doomed person makes the associater also doomed
- Nobody has to go to university to learn how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life, how to defend. Nobody hasn't got to. It doesn't require education. It is already there. If you attack me, I shall immediately defend with my hand. You see? Natural
- Now I am an old man, and am depending on you to carry on our mission more enthusiastically. The seed is already there. Now water it and let it grow and fruit will come out, fruit of love of Godhead, and you will all enjoy, even in this material world
- Now it is not required the bows and arrows or . . . because they're already dead, because they have no conception of God. Simply fighting how to avoid God, this is their business
- Now it is opening, beef shop, big, big beef shop. This time has already come, gradually, and it will be increasing. Unless you take to Krsna consciousness
- Now our next program will be to lead a Sankirtana Party round over the world. It is already advertised in India from mouth to mouth that I am coming there next year with forty disciples
- Now the whole world is suffering for drought. There is scarcity of rain. And if the rain is stopped for one or two years more, there will be havoc. It is already there, havoc. In India there is famine, because they are more, mostly agriculturists
- Now this displeasing of godbrothers has already begun and gives me too much agitation in my mind
- Now this sankirtana movement has already been started by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. people should take advantage of this great sacrifice and join in the Society's activities; then there will be no scarcity
- Now you have everything, respect, philosophy, money, temples, books, all these things I have given, but I am an old man and my notice is already there. Now it is up to you all how to manage it
- Now, even still, we do not come to the understanding what is the difference between the living body and the dead body. There are so many theories, but as I have already told you that we receive knowledge from the perfect person, Krsna
- Now, through the forwarding agents, Messrs. Cox and Kings, you can arrange to ship all the Murtis through Scindia Steam Navigation Co. to different places as already directed
- O best of the Kurus (Pariksit), I (Sukadeva) have already described (in the Third Canto) the activities of Kapila, the son of Devahuti. Now I shall describe the activities of Yajnapati, the son of Akuti
- O brahmanas (Sages at the Ganges), just accept me as a completely surrendered soul, and let mother Ganges, the representative of the Lord, also accept me in that way, for I (Pariksit) have already taken the lotus feet of the Lord into my heart
- O brahmanas, just accept me as a completely surrendered soul, and let mother Ganges, the representative of the Lord, also accept me in that way, for I have already taken the lotus feet of the Lord into my heart
- O Kamsa, you fool, what will be the use of killing me (Durga)? The SPG Krsna, who has been your enemy from the very beginning & who will certainly kill you, has already taken His birth somewhere else. Do not unnecessarily kill other children - SB 10.4.12
- O King (Pariksit), your questions as to how the universe became manifested from the gigantic form of the Personality of Godhead, as well as other questions, I (Sukadeva) shall answer in detail by explanation of the four verses already mentioned
- O King, I have already described to you various incarnations of the Lord, such as Yajna. The Manus and others are chosen by these incarnations, under whose direction they conduct the universal affairs
- O King, Lord Parasurama then went to Mahismati, which was already doomed by the sinful killing of a brahmana. In the midst of that city he made a mountain of heads, severed from the bodies of the sons of Kartaviryarjuna
- O Lord, O supreme controller, O Lord Krsna, please annihilate this dangerous demon Vrtrasura, Tvasta's son, who has already swallowed all our weapons, our paraphernalia for fighting, and our strength and influence
- On account of his being highly elevated in Krsna consciousness, he has already acquired all the good qualities and is following the rules and regulations prescribed for the mystic yogic process
- On hearing this question from Maharaja Pariksit, Sukadeva Gosvami replied, "My dear King, your question is already answered, even before this incident"
- On inquiring he (Vasudeva) was confident that the mystery of Krsna's birth and His being placed in the care of Yasoda was still hidden. There was no danger, since Kamsa at least could not learn what had already happened
- On the whole, I wish to present Back To Godhead purely in the line of Krishna Consciousness throughout and criticism of too much materialism, as you have written many articles already. That is very nice
- On the whole, when a person is initiated according to the pancaratrika-vidhi, he has already attained the position of a brahmana
- One (stage of effect of fruitive activities) is called bija (the root), another is called kuta-stha (the desire), and another is called phalonmukha (about to fructify). The manifest stage is called prarabdha (already in action)
- One day Lord Krsna, the liberator of the twin arjuna trees, was playing with Balarama and the other children on the bank of the Yamuna, and because it was already late in the morning, Rohini, the mother of Balarama, went to call them back home
- One demoniac scholar says that it is not Krsna to whom one must surrender. This scholar is already suffering in this life, and he will have to suffer again in the next if in this life he does not complete his prescribed suffering
- One German scholar who became a devotee of Godhead in India said that material science had already made laudable progress in duplicating the mystic powers of the yogis
- One has to follow the rules & regulations of devotional service as they are set down by the spiritual master; then one can come to the point of spontaneous loving service. This love is already there within the heart of everyone - nitya-siddha krsna-prema
- One has to go to guru and understand the meaning by parampara. You cannot make your own meaning. The meaning is already there. But if you cannot understand, then you should approach guru and understand the meaning by parampara
- One in the mode of passion is never satisfied with the position he has already acquired; he hankers to increase his position. If he wants to construct a residential house, he tries his best to have a palatial house. BG 1972 purports
- One may doubt that trees have life because they do not breathe. But modern scientists like Bose have already proved that there is life in plants, so breathing is no sign of actual life
- One may say that, "What qualification I have got that I can become guru?" That only qualification, yare dekha, tare kaha 'krsna' upadesa. You don't require to manufacture any upadesa. Whatever is there already spoken by Krsna, you distribute it
- One might argue that since you (Bali) have already promised, how can you refuse? O best of the demons, just take from me (Sukracarya) the evidence of the Bahvrca-sruti, which says that a promise is truthful preceded by the word om and untruthful if not
- One must approach a guru. That is the Vedic injunction. That Arjuna has already done. When he was he was to fight or not to fight, But he could not make solution. So to make a solution we must approach Krsna as guru, or Krsna's representative
- One must have a superior taste in spiritual life; then he can give up material opulence. Priyavrata had already tasted spiritual bliss, and he had no interest in any of the material achievements available in the lower, higher or middle planetary systems
- One of Her (Radharani's) friends addressed Her in this way: "My dear friend, You have already sold Yourself and all Your beauty to Govinda. Now You should not be bashful. Please look upon Him cheerfully"
- One religion exists already: how to love God. This is the one religion. Will the Christians say, "No, we don't want to love God"? Will the Muhammadans say, - No, no, we don't want to love God
- One should carefully avoid the offenses (against the holy names of God), which have already been described in connection with verse - of CC Adi 8.24
- One should examine the fact that his father or his father's father has already died, and that he himself is therefore also sure to die, and similarly, his children, who are the would-be fathers of their children, will also die in due course
- One should not be satisfied, however, merely by visiting the places of pilgrimage and performing one's prescribed duties; he should be eager to meet the great souls who are already there, engaged in the service of the Lord
- One should voluntarily cooperate with persons who are already engaged in the transcendental devotional service of the Lord
- One who avoids such association (with persons already in the highest stage of love of God) and simply engages in mental speculation or so-called meditation cannot be raised to the perfectional platform
- One who chants the holy name is understood to have performed all kinds of austerities. He has studied all the Vedas, he has performed all the great sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas, & he has already taken his bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage
- One who engages himself in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, it is to be understood that he has seen all activities of auspicity. That means he has already finished or passed the examination of pious activities
- One who enters the householder's life can execute the duties of a family man because he has already been trained for this job in the brahmacarya-asrama
- One who has actually developed all qualities listed in these verses (Sb 3.32.41-42) is already elevated to the post of a devotee. If one has not developed all these qualities, he still has to fulfill these conditions in order to become a perfect devotee
- One who has already developed spontaneous attachment for Krsna does not require to execute the duties prescribed in the scriptures
- One who has come to the stage of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra with determination and steadiness must be considered to have already passed the trials of fruitive activities, mental speculation and mystic yoga
- One who has concentrated his mind, someway or other in Krsna, he has already attained the perfection of yoga. This is the substance of Krsna consciousness movement
- One who has education and wealth must use them to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead by helping the sankirtana movement that has already begun - the Hare Krsna movement, or Krsna consciousness movement
- One who has surpassed the rules and regulations of varnasrama-dharma is called avadhuta. Such a person has already surpassed the clutches of maya, and he lives completely separate and independent
- One who has taken shelter of the holy name of the Lord, which is identical with the Lord, does not have to study Vedanta philosophy, for he has already completed all such study
- One who is a Vaisnava is already a brahmana
- One who is aware of Krsna, what is Krsna, he is above brahmana - brahmana qualification is already there, because a brahmana means one who knows Krsna, Para-brahman. That is brahmana. Brahma janatiti brahmanah
- One who is engaged in devotional service to Krsna is understood to be already realized in the Brahman concept of life because transcendental knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead includes knowledge of Brahman. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- One who is engaged in Krsna's service with firm faith and devotion, it means he has already freed himself from all kinds of reactions of sinful activities. This is the test
- One who is engaged in pure devotional service to the Supreme Lord is already in a state of liberation, called brahma-bhuta, oneness with the Absolute. BG 1972 purports
- One who is in Krsna consciousness, he's already on the Brahman platform. That means liberated
- One who is in Krsna consciousness, who is engaged in devotional service, already knows the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- One who is nitya-siddha has no business other than broadcasting the glories of the Lord all over the world according to his ability. Such people are already associates of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- One who is seriously engaged in devotional service, he's already Brahman realized. He's on the Brahman platform
- One who is seriously engaged in devotional service, mam ca 'vyabhicarena bhakti-yogena yah sevate sa gunan samatityaitan, he's already transcendental to the reactions of different modes of material nature. He's already. Brahma-bhuyaya kalpate
- One who is subject to death cannot measure the glories of the SPG, Trivikrama, Lord Visnu, any more than he can count the number of atoms on the entire planet earth. No one, whether born already or destined to take birth, is able to do this
- One who takes pleasure in chanting and hearing the transcendental glories of the Lord has already surpassed all kinds of material benedictions, including the results of pious fruitive activities, sacrifices and even liberation from material bondage
- One who understands the Personality of Godhead also knows the impersonal feature of the Supreme, which is Brahman. Therefore one who becomes a Vaisnava is already a brahmana
- One year ago, I already accepted the invitation of Philadelphia temple for their Rathayatra and they are holding it on the same date as you. So, I may not be able to come there for the festival, but I can come there for a few days
- One's occupational duty is prescribed in Bhagavad-gita. As already discussed in previous verses, the duties of a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra are prescribed according to the particular modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- Opposition is already there, especially in the Western countries; they will never agree. So why do you marry? That is understood
- Ordinary men are advised to concentrate the mind by focusing on the place between the eyebrows, whereas the devotees of the Lord are already practiced to place the Supreme Personality of Godhead on the seat of their minds
- Our books are already recognized by the academic section of universities. They are a standard, authorized collection and I hope you will give us proper facilities to utilize the opportunity
- Our Gaudiya Math people fought with one another after the demise of Guru Maharaja but my disciples have already begun fighting even in my presence. So I am greatly concerned about it
- Our life should be utilized for understanding the Absolute Truth, not for economic development. Economic development, what is already destined, you cannot improve less or more. It is already settled up
- Our London center is very important and it is already known all over Europe and what to speak of England. So try to develop this center to the best of your capacity
- Our love for Krsna is there already. But it is covered. It is covered. By the influence of the modes of material nature, it is covered
- Our loving propensity or our love for God is already there in every living being, but it is now covered due to our ignorance, or due to our contamination with this material nature. So simply we have to awaken that love
- Our magic is already there. Throughout the whole world we are chanting Hare Krsna. Is not that magic?
- Our materialistic way of life is described as grha andha-kupam (SB 7.5.5). This family life is just like dark well. We are already in the darkness, and another darkness is to fall in the dark well
- Our men are idle, and they're bringing paid men to cut vegetables and paying two hundred rupees. This is management. First of all, whatever business is already there, engage them. Then bring further engagement
- Our only duty is to carry out the order of the Supreme. Other things is already done by Him. So if we abide by the orders of the Supreme, then we get the credit. We should know that
- Our process, the sankirtana movement, is to awaken that consciousness. That's all. Just like one man is sleeping. To awake him: "Get up! Get up!" So this is our process. It's not that artificially we are making somebody K.C. K.C. is there already
- Our real interest is in the western countries. The trouble in India is we cannot preach. There are language difficulties and the people think they already know everything
- Our Srimad-Bhagavatam will be finished in sixty volumes, and Caitanya-caritamrta is already finished in seventeen volumes. So altogether at least we'll have hundred volumes of books, small and big, to give sruti-pramana
- Out of affectionate love and mercy, Haridasa Thakura told Srila Rupa Gosvami, "Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has already informed me that you would come here"
- Outlines of thought are already there. You read one line, you can speak half an hour. They are so full of meaning. Provided you can express the meanings
- Parasurama cut off like a mountain peak the head of Kartaviryarjuna, who had already lost his arms. When Kartaviryarjuna's ten thousand sons saw their father killed, they all fled in fear
- Pariksit had already given up all his connections with his kingdom and family, the most attractive features of materialism, but still he was conscious of his material body. He wanted to be free of such bondage also by the constant association of the Lord
- Pariksit Maharaja noted that although atonement may be good for counteracting sinful activities already committed, it does not prevent those sins from being committed again
- People are already intoxicated by material enjoyment, and if they indulge in further intoxication, what chance is there for self-realization? Similarly, one should not partake in gambling and unnecessarily agitate the mind
- People in this age, they have become so misled, misguided, that they are not taking care of the real problem, but they are very much engaged in the temporary problems which are already solved. We are simply mismanaging them
- People nowadays are so unfortunate. So why should come Krsna to kill them? They are already killed by the laws of nature. They are already killed, half-killed. Therefore Krsna has come in the form of His name. Please chant Hare Krsna
- People work so hard, day and night, simply for a little food, not knowing that their food has already been provided. Avidya-karma-samjnanya trtiya saktir isyate (Visnu Purana 6.7.61). This material world is full of ignorance - avidya
- Perhaps Kamsa will die before my (Vasudeva's) sons take birth, or, since he is already destined to die at the hands of my son, one of my sons may kill him - SB 10.1.49-50
- Persons who observe everything with differentiation, who are simply attached to fruitive activities, who are mean minded, who are always pained to see the flourishing condition of others have already been killed by providence
- Plans of the temple have already been made and you should have received them by now. The buildings should be exactly in the same pattern. The size may be changed according to the engineering technology
- Please keep in the front of your attention my desire that you convert the Africans. I know you have some of them already now train them up, so that even if you are forced to leave, they will be able to carry on Krsna Consciousness on their own
- Positive and negative. Simply negative is no good unless there is positive engagement. So there is no question of negative. Negative is already there. If you taking nice foodstuff, automatically you give up obnoxious and nonsense foodstuff
- Practically there is no death. Death means changing the body. We have already discussed this point. But that janma, that birth, oh, it is stated here that it is a bondage. Janma-bandha
- Pradyumna's attachment in anxiety for Krsna was expressed when he said to his wife Rati: "The enemy, Sambara, is already killed. Now I am very anxious to see my father, who is my spiritual master and who always carries the conchshell known as Pancajanya
- Prahlada Maharaja replied: Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed
- Prahlada Maharaja says that everything about material pleasure is already fixed
- Prahlada Maharaja was already educated in devotional life, but when his father sent him to those two sons of Sukracarya to be educated, they accepted him at their school along with the other sons of the asuras
- Prakasananda Sarasvati said that he had already understood Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s explanation of the direct import of the Brahma-sutra. Nonetheless, he was requesting the Lord to now briefly give the purport of the Brahma-sutra, the Vedanta-sutra
- Prakrti is working, interaction of two chemicals or many chemicals. They are accepting it that the chemicals were already there. But wherefrom the chemicals came? They say that hydrogen and oxygen mixed together
- Preliminary studies of devotional service have already been explained. Now the analytical study of devotional service will be explained by the Lord, who says that by such an analytical study, one becomes freed from the modes of material nature
- Professor Stillson Judah already has given his conclusion that "This movement is not going to stop. It will go on." That's a fact
- Progress means to make progress in religious concept of life. That is progress. Not, that is not progress, material comforts, that is not progress. Material comforts according to the body, that is already settled up
- Prthu Maharaja has already explained that the chief duty of the government is to see that everyone executes his respective duty and is elevated to the platform of Krsna consciousness
- Prthu Maharaja was already a self-realized soul; he had a natural inclination to glorify the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the Kumaras assured him that there was no chance of his falling victim to the illusory energy of God
- Prthu Maharaja was an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as Lord Brahma and other demigods had already testified when they had presented the King with many heavenly gifts
- Prthu Maharaja's position was something like this; whatever he possessed had already been chewed, and therefore he could not offer it to the Kumaras
- Radharani says, "His ears are decorated with the buds of asoka flowers, and He has dressed Himself in yellow robes. By the sound of His flute, this boy has already made Me impatient"
- Raghava Pandita said to Lord Nityananda, "For You, Sir, I have already offered food to the Deity, but You are engaged in a festival here, and so the food is lying there untouched"
- Ramananda Raya said, "My dear Lord, with Your permission I have already written a letter to the King with great humility"
- Ramananda Raya was not among the Mayavadi impersonalists or materialistic logicians who are opposed to the principles of Lord Krsna's transcendental pastimes. He was already spiritually situated in the order of renounced life
- Real guru is he who instructs what Krsna has said. It is not that you manufacture your teaching. No. That is Caitanya's . . . There is no need of manufacturing. The instruction is already there. You have simply to say, "This is this." That's all
- Real guru is he who instructs what Krsna has said. It is not that you manufacture your teaching. No. There is no need of manufacturing. The instruction is already there. You have simply to say, "This is this." That's all. Is it very difficult task?
- Real guru is he who instructs what Krsna has said. It is not that you maufacture your teaching. No. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There is no need of manufacturing. The instruction is already there. You have simply to say, "This is this." That's all
- Regarding Brahma Samhita shall be included in the examination of the second year along with Srimad-Bhagavatam. I don't know why you are so concerned with starting with the Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu already. First study carefully the Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Regarding Karandhara, he has already been informed that I have accepted his resignation from BBT. It is all right that Tamala Krsna borrows $10,000 for a bus and that Chicago borrows $10,000 to purchase their present building
- Regarding our Indian centers, it is already decided that in Bombay we must have a center first and negotiation is going on seriously. If we cannot open many centers in India, at least one center must be opened in Bombay before we go back to the States
- Regarding sales of TLC, you should try to get it reviewed, do not spend money needlessly on advertising. You have got experience already advertising Bhagavad Gita, so unless the book is reviewed, there is no question of advertising
- Regarding the building, if it is already acquired by the university, then if you purchase, the university authorities must give you guarantee that they will return the money, whatever we have paid, after deducting the usual rent only
- Regarding the Composer machine, there will be no difficulty in transferring the money to the Iskcon Press account. But in Columbus they are already so negotiating for a similar IBM Composer, so let me see what is their terms here
- Regarding the drug-addicted young boys and girls in your country, we can give them the best service as it is already evident from our practical movement. Most of my students were drug addicted formerly and now having taken to Krsna Consciousness
- Regarding the new car, I think we require some new cars in India. So if it is possible, the car may be dispatched to India. We have already applied to the Import Department Govt. of India
- Regarding your dispute in your mind as to remaining a brahmacari, grhastha or becoming sannyasi, there is nothing to be bothered with. Anyone who is in full K. C. and is dedicating his life for Krishna is already a sannyasi even if he is a married man
- Regarding your proposed program of editing, the Bhagavatam First Canto is already edited, so when making final typing, you shall simply see it for proofreading. I do not think that you need take too much burden because you may fall ill with too much work
- Regarding your taking sannyasa, I think you are already a sannyasi although not in saffron colored cloth
- Religion, I have already said, it is a kind of faith. Faith can be changed, but our constitutional position, occupational duty, that cannot be changed. We are eternal servant of Krsna, but without serving Krsna we are serving maya
- Religion, religion is the source of moral and ethics. Because religion means to come to the perfectional point. So as soon as there is perfection, moral and ethics are already there
- Relish Bhagavatam, the mature fruit of the desire tree of Vedic literatures. It emanated from the lips of Sri Sukadeva. Therefore this fruit has become more tasteful, although its nectarean juice was already relishable for all, including liberated souls
- Revelation is there to fortunate person, one who is very seriously searching after God. God is within himself. He reveals. And the other process is that if you are searching after God, then you know it from the person who has already known God
- Rukmini's marriage with Sisupala was already settled; therefore she suggested that Krsna kidnap her so that this might be changed
- Sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate: one who is engaged in devotional service has already been freed from the reactions of his material karma, and thus he immediately becomes brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20), or transcendental
- Sages said, "Today you have already liquidated your debts to your forefathers and the sages. Now, by performing sacrifices, you can free yourself from indebtedness to the demigods and thus take complete shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- Sanatana Gosvami comments that because the desires of devotees whose attention is fixed on Krsna have already been fulfilled, the Lord's sidelong glances create variegated desires in relation to Krsna and devotional service
- Sanatana Gosvami is acarya, direct disciple of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is taking shelter. He has already taken; therefore he said, krpa kari' yadi more kariyacha uddhara. He's already, he knows
- Sankarsana thus spoke the purport of SB to the great sage Sanat-kumara, who had already taken the vow of renunciation. Sanat-kumara also, in his turn, when inquired of by Sankhyayana Muni, explained Srimad-Bhagavatam as he had heard it from Sankarsana
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya then submitted that Paramananda Puri Gosvami would accept a five-day invitation at his place. This had already been settled before the Lord
- Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam: (CC Madhya 19.170) a devotee is already freed from material contamination
- Sastra says that don't bother about this so-called distress and happiness. They are already fixed up. If you have got some energy, please utilize it how to develop in Krsna consciousness. Don't spoil your energy for so-called distress and happiness
- Seeing that it was already getting late, Lord Nityananda Prabhu, the spiritual master, invented a means to disperse the crowd
- Seeing this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "My dear sir, please tell Me why you have not cooked. It is already noon"
- She (Draupadi) said to the Lord that the mysterious dish which she had received from the sun-god could supply any amount of food if she herself had not eaten. But on that day she had already taken her meals, and thus they were in danger
- She (hunchback) proposed to Krsna, "My dear hero, I cannot leave You in this way. You must come to my place. I am already very much attracted to Your beauty, I must receive You well, since You are the best among males, You must also be very kind upon me"
- She (Jarati) had already taken shelter of Krsna, the killer of many powerful demons, and therefore she had already decided to marry Krsna instead of the King of the monkeys
- She is already dependent on nature's law that man is free from becoming pregnant and the woman has to take the burden. Then where is the independence, equal right? Equal right means sometimes man may become pregnant, sometimes woman may become pregnant
- Simply by understanding the transcendental activities and the appearance and disappearance, he becomes fully spiritualized, and the result is that he at once . . . he does not get, the spiritual body is already existing
- Since Bhavani is already known as the wife of Lord Siva, to add the word bharta - husband, thus (bhavani-bhartuh) forming a compound meaning - the husband of the wife of Lord Siva - is contradictory
- Since by his (Narada Muni) own free will he is already traveling all over the universe, the curse of Kalakanya (not be able to stay in one place for a long time) is described as fortunate
- Since I have already described this incident very elaborately in the Seventh Chapter of the Adi-lila, I do not wish to increase the size of this book by giving another description
- Since the meditation recommended in the lower stages is a means to come to platform of devotional service, those already engaged in transcendental loving service of the Lord are above such meditation. This stage of perfection is called Krsna consciousness
- Since the Pracetās had already attained the Lord's mercy, they were no longer subject to the contamination of the material modes. The material modes dissipated from them just as the darkness of night immediately dissipates when the sun rises
- Since the ultimate goal of yoga practice is to see the Lord within, a Krsna conscious person is already the best of all yogis. BG 1972 purports
- Since their hearts (of materialistic persons engaged in fruitive activities) are always filled with anxiety, it is understood that they have already been killed by providence. Thus Lord Siva, as a self-realized Vaisnava, was advised not to kill Daksa
- Since these activities (eating, sleeping, mating and defending) are repeated, engaging in them is like chewing that which has already been chewed
- Since these princesses (kidnapped by Narakasura) had already been taken away from the custody of their fathers, it would have been difficult for them to have any husband other than the Lord Himself - Krsna
- Sinful persons are already suffering tribulation in this life, and because they are not perfect in self-realization they will be plagued with further tribulation in the next life
- Smiling, the landlord said, "Before you offered them, I already knew that there were eight gold coins in your servant's possession"
- So far Lord Brahma paint him just like you have painted already in the poster where he is flying on the swan for stealing Krishna's cowherds friends and cows
- So far material body is concerned, you cannot change the quality. This is already. One has got the particular type of body by nature's arrangement according to the quality
- So far my injuries are concerned, by the grace of Krishna and good wishes of friends and relatives it is already completely cured. Thank you very much for your kind inquiries
- So far my name is concerned, there is no need of adding Tridandi Goswami, but simply have it as A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, as it is already done in my other books, it will be continued
- So far our economic condition is concerned, as I explained yesterday, that one is destined to certain material comforts and discomforts, according to his body - already he has got
- So far Srimad-Bhagavatam is concerned, now Pradyumna and yourself immediately revise the 3 volumes already published. My next attempt will be to get them in 1 volume, as I have already suggested
- So far taking sannyasa is concerned, you are already more than Sannyasi because your life is dedicated to Krsna. Sannyas does not mean change of dress
- So far your daughter, there is already one devotee named Visakha, so instead your daughter may be named Vaisnavi Dasi
- So far your going to Buffalo, Brahmananda will see to it, and if it is already changed I have no objection. We have to serve Krishna from any circumstance or position. That shall be our mode of life
- So it is very good news that people are reading our books. They have already got about more than one dozen such books, four hundred pages each
- So men are being killed, sir. They are already dying. What you have manufactured? - But, "No, I have got Nobel Prize." "Why?" "I have invented something which will very quickly kill." That's all. Not slowly, but quickly. And he is offered Nobel Prize
- So nobody can be perfect. Therefore all these so-called perfect leaders, they should close their business. It is already experimental, all nonsense. Come to Hare Krsna mantra and chant. That's all right
- So one side, there is no rain - one side, there is no rice, especially in India; and one side, heavy tax. So they'll be all confused. They have already become confused
- So the Yamadutas, their description of the body already given. They are not very good-looking. So when they saw the Visnuduta - the description of the Visnuduta is in the next verse - they were surprised, that - Wherefrom such nice features of the body
- So this is already explained in the purport that woman's nature is very mild, and man's nature very strong
- So-called scientists and advanced research scholars are ludicrously trying to find the cause of life. They take no notice of the fact that life is already being produced
- Some of them (those who are not the position of mahatma but who worship Krsna in different ways) are already described as the distressed, the financially destitute, the inquisitive, and those who are engaged in the cultivation of knowledge. BG 1972 pur
- Some people are already disgusted with material existence, being confused and frustrated by material enjoyment, and some people, who are intelligent, are interested in understanding the Supreme Lord
- Somebody, by pious activities, by good work, he's already in the sattva-guna, but the arrangement, social, political, economical arrangement is so bad that one is dragged to the tamo-guna. This is not civilization. This is degradation
- Soon the Russians also will join, the Polish also will join, everyone will join. We have got potency to force everyone to join. The Russians have already imperceptibly joined - they have praised my books
- Spiritual body is already there within this material body. So those who are engaged in Yajnesvara's service, they are giving up this material body and developing a spiritual body
- Spiritual culture is meant to revive natural affection of the living being for the Lord. The ingredients of fire are already present in safety matches, and only mild friction is needed to ignite a fire
- Spontaneous love for Krsna is there already but is covered by the influence of Maya
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised Sanatana Gosvami to proceed toward Vrndavana, and He informed him that his two brothers had already gone there
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had already been satisfied by the King's behavior, for the King had accepted the service of a sweeper for Lord Jagannatha. Therefore Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu actually desired to see the King
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately replied, "Sanatana has already been released from his confinement, and he will very soon meet with Me"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu next asked Ramananda Raya, "Have you already visited the temple of the lotus-eyed Lord Jagannatha?" Ramananda Raya replied, "I shall now go visit the temple"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Madhavendra Puri has already taken lunch at your place. Therefore you may cook and give Me the food. That is My instruction"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said, "I have already deliberately considered this matter. Since Lord Krsna is very merciful, He has nullified your attachment for material things. Why should Krsna allow you to maintain a last bit of material attachment"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then took His bath in a lake called Govinda-kunda, and while He was there, He heard that the Gopala Deity had already gone to Ganthuli-grama
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to make the point that material things have already been experienced by materially absorbed persons who are interested only in sense gratification
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mode of preaching has already been explained, and I shall not repeat the explanation. In whichever village the Lord entered, His behavior was the same
- Sri Rupa Gosvami advises, that devotees who have already tasted the nectar of devotion should be very careful to protect devotional service from such dry speculators, formal ritualistic elevationists and impersonal salvationists
- Sri Saunaka asked Suta Gosvami: Sri Sukadeva Gosvami was already on the path of self-realization, and thus he was pleased with his own self. So why did he take the trouble to undergo the study of such a vast literature?
- Sridhara Swami said in his verse, "It is possible for great devotees who have already achieved love for You and are engaged in transcendental loving service"
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami begins this verse (SB 2.2.36) with the word tasmat, or "therefore," because in the previous verse he has already explained that there is no auspicious means for salvation other than the sublime process of bhakti-yoga
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami had already attained that stage, and still he was attracted to undergo the trouble of studying the great Bhagavatam literature
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura interprets these words (sriya-unmattasya) to mean that although Maharaja Ambarisa was such an opulent king, he was not mad after money, for he had already surpassed the madness of material opulence
- Srimad-bhagavatam amalam puranam. You have got Srimad-Bhagavatam. Read very carefully. All these things are already explained there
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is already sublime, transcendental. And when it is spoken through the mouth of Sukadeva Gosvami, it becomes still sweeter, just like the fruit
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the natural commentation on the Brahma-sutras compiled by the same author. This Brahma-sutra, or Vedanta-sutra, is meant for those who are already engaged in self-realization
- Srimad-Bhagavatam states that in the Age of Kali, thieves, rogues and fourth-class people who have neither education nor culture capture the seats of governments to exploit the citizens. This is a symptom of Kali-yuga that has already appeared
- Sriman Brahmacari Mangalaniloy has already agreed to come here to assist me fully, but I wish that each and every one of the different Gaudiya Math organizations may kindly send one person respectively to work under my direction in these foreign countries
- Srimati Radharani continued, "Please do not talk anymore about Krsna. It is better to talk about something else. We are already doomed, like the black-spotted she-deer in the forest who are enchanted by the sweet musical vibration of the hunter"
- Such a person (a so-called grhastha or a victim of women) is most shameless, and he is called vantasi, or one who eats that which he has already vomited. He certainly leads a condemned life
- Such a person (who chants the holy name of the Lord) has already performed all types of austerities, penances & Vedic sacrifices, has already bathed in the sacred rivers, & has studied all the Vedic literature. Thus he has become an exalted personality
- Such a purificatory process (cooperating with devotees who are already engaged in devotional service) will establish the prospective candidate in firm faith and gradually elevate him to the stage of transcendental taste for such devotional service
- Such preachers never care for salvation, because factually one who is engaged in Krsna consciousness, devotional service, has already achieved salvation
- Such reciprocation of feelings (between God and Hid devotees) takes place in the transcendental Vaikuntha planets, and therefore the liberation sought by the impersonalists is already achieved in devotional service
- Such restraint (reducing the tendency for sense enjoyment) automatically develops in the course of one's executing devotional service. Thus one who is already engaged in devotional service need not restrain his senses artificially
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued speaking to Maharaja Pariksit: My dear King, Bharata Maharaja was a topmost devotee. Following the orders of his father, who had already decided to install him on the throne, he began to rule the earth accordingly
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Having been especially requested by Nanda Maharaja to do that which he already desired to do, Garga Muni performed the name-giving ceremony for Krsna and Balarama in a solitary place - SB 10.8.11
- Sukadeva Gosvami had already explained how people enter hellish life, and he could also explain how they could be saved from it. Intelligent men must take advantage of these instructions
- Sukadeva Gosvami has already stated that such calculations (to understand the material universe) would be very difficult even if one had a duration of life like that of Brahma
- Sukadeva Gosvami replied (to the question of Pariksit about the deliverence from hellish life) : Yes, I have already described various hellish conditions typical of a severe and painful life. The point is that one has to counteract such a life - SB 6.1.7
- Sukadeva Gosvami said already that kecit kevalaya bhaktya (SB 6.1.15), "Simply by devotional service," vasudeva-parayanah, "one has to become attached to Vasudeva." This stage is very difficult, but very easy also
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: In the present kalpa there have already been six Manus. I have described to you Svayambhuva Manu and the appearance of many demigods. In this kalpa of Brahma, Svayambhuva is the first Manu
- Sukadeva Gosvami was already engaged in describing the activities of the Lord, and when asked by Maharaja Pariksit to describe them further, he continued to narrate Srimad-Bhagavatam with great pleasure
- Suppose a man is already married and Prahlada says, "Take to Krsna consciousness." He will think, "Oh, how can I leave my wife? We talk so nicely together, sit together and enjoy. How can I leave?" Family attraction is very strong
- Suppose you are to live for hundred years. So twenty years you have already lost, or you have already died up to the amount of twenty years. I am seventy-six years. That means I have also died up to the amount of seventy-six years
- Sutapa was the son of Brahma, and as we have already understood from Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.17), one day of Brahma equals many millions of years according to our calculation - sahasra-yuga-paryantam ahar yad brahmano viduh
- Svayambhuva Manu had three daughters, named Akuti, Devahuti and Prasuti. Of these three daughters, one daughter, Devahuti, has already been described, along with her husband, Kardama Muni, and her son, Kapila Muni
- Take this formula from the sastras that a living entity is never created. These rascals are trying to create living entity and spending money and going to hold big, big conference. So where is the question of creation? They are already created
- Technological advancement has added things like cinemas to the material attractions nature already has to offer, and yet, strangely, these illusory enticements have failed to attract genuine saints and hermits even to this day
- That (destiny, which is already settled up) you cannot change. Otherwise, everyone is trying to become very rich, very important. There is no scarcity of endeavor. But not that everyone is becoming like that. That is called destiny
- That chanting alone has already freed him from the reactions of all sinful life. Therefore, O servants of Yamaraja, do not try to take him to your master for punishment in hellish conditions
- That is already being done by many medical practitioners - better medicine. But where is the medicine that will not be disease
- That is called maya. That is the last snare of maya. Maya dictates that, "Now we have failed to become minister, to (become) president, and so many other big, big posts. Now you become Brahman." You are already Brahman. Simply you have to realize
- The aim (going to that 104th floor) is the same, but you cannot say that one who has already covered one hundred steps, he is as good as one who has covered two steps. There is that difference
- The American will be the best person to be educated in this line and to lead, to become the leaders. They're already leader, but they must be real leader now, so that the whole world may be happy. That I can give direction
- The amount of happiness and distress is already predestined for every living entity. No one can increase or decrease the happiness of the materialistic way of life
- The atmosphere is already polluted with corruption of all description, and everyone knows it well. There are so many unwanted literatures full of materialistic ideas of sense gratification
- The beautiful woman (Mohini-murti) was already naked, and when She saw Lord Siva coming toward Her, She became extremely bashful. Thus She kept smiling, but She hid Herself among the trees and did not stand in one place
- The birds in the morning. They rise up early in the morning. They are not concerned where they will eat. They know there is already arrangement for eating
- The birds, they have no problem. Early in the morning they rise up, and they are certain somewhere there is some fruit. They will eat and sleep in the top of the tree. They haven't got to make arrangement, economic development. It already is there
- The Blessed Lord said: All the great warriors-Drona, Bhisma, Jayadratha, Karna-are already destroyed. Simply fight, and you will vanquish your enemies. BG 11.34 - 1972
- The body is made according to our past karma, and that is called destiny. Your happiness and distress according to the body is already settled up. It is not possible by natural way to improve or disimprove it
- The brahmana said, "How can anyone save my child, who has already been transferred to another planet? Due to sheer foolishness only, Arjuna thought he could bring back my child from another planet"
- The brainwash books are already there. Even if they stop externally, internally it will go on. Our first class campaign is book distribution. Go house to house. The real fighting is now. Krsna will give you all protection
- The calamities of birth, the calamities of death, the calamities of old age, the calamities of disease, they are already there. And above that, the calamities of war, pestilence, famine, earthquake and so many other things
- The cats and dogs are supplied with necessities of life. So why we should bother Krsna, asking Him, "Give us our daily bread"? He is supplying already. Our business is how to love Him. That is religion
- The chanting Hare Krishna is our main business, that is real initiation. And as you are all following my instruction, in that matter, the initiator is already there
- The characteristics of the lowest class of men have already been described - they do not bathe, they have long hair on their heads, and they are addicted to intoxicants
- The characteristics of this age predicted by Srimad-Bhagavatam are already being experienced to some degree. Since Kali-yuga is a very miserable age, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is Sri Krsna Himself, advises everyone simply to chant Hare Krsna
- The children of our devotees may live with their parents perpetually because you are all living in the temple and already engaged in devotional service
- The conclusion is that if one takes to Krsna consciousness with all seriousness, he is to be understood as already purified, and Krsna is ready to give him protection by all means
- The conclusion is that the next body is already determined by superior control. The living entity immediately gives up the present body and enters another
- The constitutional position (of the living entities) is already explained: every living entity is the part and parcel fragmental portion of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The constitutional position of every living being is that of the Lord's servant; therefore when a living entity is engaged in the Lord's loving service, he has already attained mukti
- The definition of God is already given, that God is controller but He is not controlled
- The demigods in the celestial planets showered flowers on Krsna for His wonderful achievement. Krsna was already the life and soul of the inhabitants of Vrndavana, and after killing this demon in the shape of a bull, He became the cynosure of all eyes
- The demigods went to Bali Maharaja with the proposal to manufacture nectar, and the Daityas, the demons, immediately accepted it, thinking that since the demigods were already weak
- The devotee doesn’t have to control his senses, for his senses are already engaged in the Lord’s service. Consequently there is no possibility that the senses will act like serpents
- The devotees of Vrndavana are also spontaneous lovers. They are not required to strictly follow regulative principles because they are already naturally developed in transcendental love for Krsna
- The devotees, out of their extreme love for Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, always carry the Lord within their hearts. The Lord is already in the heart of everyone, but the Vaisnavas and the brahmanas perceive and see Him always in ecstasy
- The devotee’s mind and senses are already engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord. In this way the poisonous effects of sensory activities are removed
- The devotional service of Vyasa, Suka and the four Kumaras has already been well celebrated. Now let Me explain how immovable living entities like trees and plants engage in the Lord's devotional service
- The difference between the behavior of Bali Maharaja and that of his spiritual master, Sukracarya, was that Bali Maharaja had already developed love of Godhead, whereas Sukracarya, being merely a priest of routine rituals, had not
- The distresses of childhood are already explained, but when the child attains boyhood he is enrolled in a school which he does not like. He wants to play, but he is forced to go to school and study and take responsibility for passing examinations
- The duration of Kali-yuga is 432,000 years, and although only 5,000 years of it have passed, already we find so many difficulties, and the more we grow into this Kali-yuga, the more the times will be difficult
- The duration of life is limited. It is already destined. According to our past activities, we have got a body whose duration of life is already fixed up. The standard of happiness and distress, that is also fixed up. You cannot change it
- The duration of one hundred years in the life of Brahma has already been discussed in many places in this work, and it is described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.17) also
- The duration of the illusory play of material creation is called a kalpa, and we have already discussed the creation's taking place in kalpa after kalpa
- The duties of the vaisyas, who are engaged in visa, are stated as cow protection, agriculture and business. We have already discussed that the human being can safely depend on the cow and agricultural land for his livelihood
- The earth has already explained that because nondevotees are enjoying the production of food, she has reserved food seeds for the performance of sacrifice
- The eight bodily transformations, which indicate that a devotee is already liberated within himself, are called asta-sattvika-vikara (CC Antya 14.99)
- The expert knowers of the Vedic conclusions say that one enjoys or suffers the results of his past activities. But practically it is seen that the body that performed the work in the last birth is already lost
- The explanation of the Supreme Self, as given to Brahma and already explained in the Second Canto of this great literature, is further clarified herein - SB 3.4.13
- The first step will be cleansing of the heart. And in the heart there is God, already. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61). The Lord is situated in everyone's heart
- The followers of the Vedas have a different method of acquiring knowledge. They accept the statements of the Vedic literatures as authority in toto, as we have already discussed in Canto One
- The food already belongs to the master, for the master has purchased it, but the servant, by preparing food, makes it acceptable to the master and thus offers it to him. In this way, everything belonging to Prthu Maharaja was offered to the Kumaras
- The formal processes are necessary for those who are expected to reach the stage of complete liberation, but Sri Sukadeva Gosvami was already in that status by the grace of his father
- The four classes are already there, everywhere. Even in Muslim, they have also got the priests, what is called, maulanas, maulana, priestly class. They have got. We're introducing the systematic caste system, but caste system is already there, everywhere
- The four sages Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara also became attracted by the features of the Lord and the transcendental aroma of the dust of His lotus feet, as already described in verse 43 - SB 3.15.43
- The great mystic Visvamitra Muni, even in the stage of samadhi, became a victim of the senses and cohabited with Menaka. History has already recorded this
- The great sage Narada replied: My dear King, please do not he aggrieved about your son. He is well protected by the SPG. Although you have no actual information of his influence, his reputation is already spread all over the world
- The great sage Vyasadeva, after compiling the Srimad-Bhagavatam and revising it, taught it to his own son, Sri Sukadeva Gosvami, who was already engaged in self-realization
- The great sages, thus manifesting their covert anger, immediately decided to kill the King. Vena was already as good as dead due to his blasphemy against the SPG. Thus without using any weapons, the sages killed King Vena simply by high-sounding words
- The guest who comes without any notice, he's called athiti. So according to Hindu custom, the householder is to keep always some foodstuff for athiti guest. Somebody may come without notice, so some foodstuff is already in the stock
- The holy names of the Lord are innumerable, and one does not have to chant all the names to prove that he has already undergone all the processes of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies
- The impersonal Brahman can be conceived by persons who are already in the inferior energy of the Lord, but the Personality of Godhead cannot be conceived unless one is in the transcendental position. BG 1972 purports
- The individual soul is already under specific material nature, and the process is going on in lower grades of life, but in the human form of life by advancement of education, one can become above the modes of material nature. That chance is given to him
- The ingredients to manufacture wonderful machines like airplanes are also supplied by the Lord, not by the scientists. Before the airplane was created, its ingredients already existed, having been caused by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The ISKCON has already constructed a big temple at Mayapur, Navadvipa, which is being visited by devotees from all parts of the world, as foretold by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and anticipated by Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- The Kabul proposal sounds very nice and hippies are already there. If you begin your movement with hippies, then gradually the local inhabitants will take interest
- The Kazi replied (when Gadadhara dasa request him to chant HK) - All right, I shall chant HK tomorrow. On hearing this, Srila Gadadhara dasa Prabhu began to dance, and he said - Why tomorrow? You have already chanted the HK mantra, so simply continue
- The King had great affection for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and although he did not see the Lord, he had nonetheless already attained the conclusion of devotional service
- The King has already given me an order to return to Jagannatha Puri, and I am making arrangements to do this
- The Krsna conscious people, they should not be lazy. They should always remember that death is already there
- The labor of speculation is ended only by exhaustion. The example is given that there is no benefit in husking the skin of an empty paddy; the rice is already gone
- The lamentation that accrues from not obtaining a goal or from losing something already attained does not affect this completeness
- The life of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is very elaborately described in the Caitanya-bhagavata, and Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami has already informed us that in his Sri Caitanya-caritamrta he has described whatever Vrndavana dasa Thakura has not mentioned
- The living entity is already illusioned when he comes into the material world, and so-called advanced education simply increases his illusion
- The Lord asked, 'How could Rupa Gosvami have understood My heart?'. Svarupa Damodara replied, I can understand that You have already bestowed Your causeless mercy upon him
- The Lord came to propagate sankirtana. That is an external purpose, as I have already indicated
- The Lord comes to deliver the devotee, but the devotee is already delivered. Therefore the word vidambanam, meaning "bewildering," is used in this verse (SB 1.8.29) because this appears contradictory
- The Lord has already changed His mind due to Ramananda Raya's description of your pure love for Him
- The Lord inspires the individual soul to create what is already created by the Lord, and by the good will of the Lord a discoverer of something in the world is accredited as the discoverer
- The Lord is described here (in SB 3.29.5) as yoga-bhaskara, the sun of the system of all yoga. Devahuti has already requested her glorious son (Kapiladeva) to describe bhakti-yoga, and the Lord has described bhakti-yoga as the ultimate yoga system
- The Lord is the supreme reservoir of all pleasure, including Brahman pleasure; therefore, one who has unflinching faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead is said to be already realized in impersonal Brahman and Paramatma
- The Lord pointed out that because Sanatana was in Krsna consciousness, he was naturally, by the grace of Krsna, already conversant with everything
- The Lord says, "In other words, I wish to help him become more and more advanced in spiritual life. Such a person is to be understood as having already achieved sarsti"
- The Lord was pleased by Sanatana's submissive behavior, and He replied, "You have already received benediction from Lord Krsna, and therefore you know everything and are free from all the miseries of material existence"
- The Lord's descent from His transcendental abode is already explained in the 6th verse (of BG). BG 1972 purports
- The Lord, Sri Krsna, appeared as a human being, yet He performed many uncommon and wonderful pastimes by His own potency. How can I say more about His activities than what has already been said by great saintly persons?
- The Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is already in charge of the maintenance of this creation by virtue of His plenary expansion, Ksirodakasayi Visnu, but this maintenance is not direct
- The love is already there. It has to awakened by a certain process. Dadati pratigrhnati bhunkte bhojayate guhyam akhyati prcchati ca sad-vidham priti-laksanam (Upadesamrta 4). These are six types of loving principles
- The love is there within you. It is not artificial, neither an imposition by some person or... No. It is already there. If you kindly become submissively hearing this, by hearing only, and if you practice, it will be very nice and quickly we shall develop
- The Maharashtriyan brahmana stated that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had already explained that verse in sixty-one ways. Everyone was astonished to hear this
- The material body is a combination of earth, water, fire, air and ether. There is already fire within the body, and our practical experience is that the heat of this fire sometimes increases and sometimes decreases
- The material body itself indicates that the living entity is already influenced by the three modes of material nature & that he is driven to enjoy material resources. When the body is influenced by the mode of ignorance, its infection becomes very acute
- The material world and the living entities were all already generated in seedling forms by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Brahma was to disseminate the same seedlings all over the universe
- The materials for the skyscraper - wood, metal, earth, etc. - are already there, but we make our intimate relationship with those already created material elements by hearing how to utilize them
- The members of this (Krsna conscious) movement should immediately and sincerely follow the processes already recommended - worshiping Lord Visnu by performing 24 hours kirtana, chanting HK maha-mantra and offering food to Lord Visnu
- The mind of the brahmana was already purified by his seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He therefore went to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and described what had taken place before the Mayavadi sannyasi Prakasananda
- The money is already there. There is no question of money, but everything must be done according to regular procedures
- The Nagapatnis said, "It is already clear that this creature appearing in the body of a serpent must have been overburdened with all kinds of sin; otherwise, how could he have the body of a serpent?"
- The nine principal rsis, or sages, are Marici, Atri, Angira, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Bhrgu, Vasistha and Atharva. All these rsis are most important, and Brahma desired that the nine daughters already born of Kardama Muni be handed over to them
- The offenses in Deity worship are: (z) to avoid offering fresh fruits to the Deity according to the season, (aa) to offer food to the Deity which has already been used or from which has first been given to others
- The older brahmana replied, "My dear boy, do not doubt me. I will give you my daughter in charity. I have already decided this"
- The one hundred years of Brahma's life are divided into two parts, the first half and the second half. The first half of the duration of Brahma's life is already over, and the second half is now current
- The only thing we require for this purpose is to remain in our spiritual strength by chanting regularly & following the rules & regulations. I am sure you are already strict on this point, & it is my duty to remind it for your steady strength
- The order is already there. It is open, open secret. There is no secrecy. Anyone can take it
- The Pictures are already there in our books and they are to be demonstrated by doll exhibition
- The poverty place means you can get cheap labor and the place you have already in your possession. Guidance, I am present. So do it immediately and there will be no scarcity of money. I hope you understand me right
- The Pracetas spoke as follows: Dear Lord, You relieve all kinds of material distress. Your magnanimous transcendental qualities and holy name are all-auspicious. This conclusion is already settled. You can go faster than the speed of mind and words
- The Pracetas were already purified due to the Lord's presence before them, and they could therefore offer the proper prayers with folded hands
- The preliminary qualification for entering into the devotional service of God is that one become a willing cooperator, and as such one should voluntarily cooperate with persons who are already engaged in the transcendental devotional service of God
- The present immediate problem is that we require the Police Commissioner's consent to construct a temple. The papers are already there in his possession
- The primary practice of bhakti-yoga will cause the seed already sowed in heart to sprout, and by a regular watering process, as mentioned above, the bhakti-yoga creeper will begin to grow
- The principle is that one should take it for granted that the death warning is already there, even prior to the attainment of fifty years of age, and thus at any stage of life one should prepare himself for a better next life
- The principles of religion, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, as we have already discussed, may be followed by the follower of any faith
- The process is Human civilization means not to drag somebody who is already in the sattva-guna or in the family of sattva-guna, to drag him down to the tamo-guna. The modern civilization is like that
- The program is already there, publish my books and distribute to your best capacity. Yes, every town and village, that is what Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted. Krishna will bless you for your sincere effort
- The pure devotee is already in the transcendental stage, and the affinity between him and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is natural and is compared to the Ganges water flowing towards the sea
- The purifying process is already there in the heart of the devotee, due to his remembering the Supreme Personality of Godhead constantly. BG 1972 purports
- The queens continued, "Dear Himalayan breeze, please know we have already been stricken. There is no need to injure us more & more. Dear beautiful cloud, the color of your beautiful body exactly resembles the bodily hue of our dearmost Syamasundara"
- The queens said, "O breeze from the Himalayas, what have we done to you that you are so intent on teasing us by awakening our lust to meet Krsna? Do you not know that we have already been injured by the crooked policy of the Personality of Godhead"
- The rascal civilization, they do not know what is the real problem. They're dealing with petrol problem. Just see. Petrol problem, you have created another problem. Already there is problem. You have created, by so-called civilization, petrol problem
- The rascal predicted that there is some comet, and it never appeared. He did. So therefore they are rascals. What is already scheduled, everyone knows
- The real disease, as we have already explained, is to lord it over the material nature
- The reporter asked me "What is the solution of this oil crisis?" The solution is Krsna consciousness, it is already there, but you rascal, you will not take it. Solution is already there
- The rules and regulations were already set forth by great sages like Manu, Yajnavalkya, Parasara and other liberated sages, and the enactments were all suitable for all ages in all places
- The sagarbha and nigarbha yogis can be further divided into three categories: the beginner, the ascendent, and he who has already attained perfection. These yogis are described in the Sixth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita
- The sages said, "My dear Vasudeva, certainly you have already performed many pious activities in your previous lives. Otherwise, how could you be the father of Krsna and Balarama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- The saintly persons and great sages predicted the future activities of King Prthu, who was already explained as a partial incarnation of a plenary expansion of the Lord
- The scientific research for such an invention certainly requires a very good brain, but instead of inventing something beneficial to human society they invent something to accelerate death, which is already assured to every man
- The seeds of all the planets in the universe were impregnated in the lotus on which Brahma was situated. All the planets were already generated by the Lord, and all the living entities were also born in Brahma
- The senses are already there, either Buddhist or Mayavada. And Vaisnava philosophy is, - Not only come out of this miserable condition of life, but enter into Krsna's family and live peacefully
- The senses are given to me for my enjoyment because I, I wanted it. Now our, the senses are already there in my spiritual life. I am misusing them. Without being, the senses being used in the service of the Lord, I am misusing it
- The serpent, who had already been arrested by the soldiers of Yavana-raja and was out of the city, began to follow his master along with the others. As soon as they all left the city, it was immediately dismantled and smashed to dust
- The servant informed them, "The day has already ended." Then Ramananda Raya ended his discourses about Krsna
- The so-called husbands of the gopis were already enamored with the influence of the external energy of Krsna; so by dint of this very energy they could not understand that their wives had gone to dance with Krsna
- The so-called scientific advancement is simply expanding the influence of maya's illusory energy. They're already rascals and fools, and still they are being made rascals and fools. So they're forgetting their real purpose of life
- The society must be divided. There is division already, natural. We have to simply pick up, that - This boy is Brahmana, this boy is Ksatriya, this boy is Vaisya and this boy is Sudra
- The son of Srutasrava was Sisupala, whose birth has already been described (in the Seventh Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam). Vasudeva's brother named Devabhaga had two sons born of his wife, Kamsa. These two sons were Citraketu and Brhadbala
- The speed of our airplanes and space vehicles is very limited, but, as we have already studied, Kardama Muni traveled in outer space in an airplane which was like a city, and he journeyed to see all the different heavenly planets
- The state administration of Maharaja Pariksit was so perfect that he was sitting in his capital peacefully. But he got the news that the symptoms of the age of Kali had already infiltrated into the jurisdiction of his state, and he did not like this news
- The steps to be taken have already been explained - this Krsna consciousness movement. The atheist class and the theist class will always exist. This is the nature of the material world
- The subject matter (animal-killing) has already been discussed in the conversation between Lord Caitanya and Maulana Chand Kazi Shaheb
- The summary of Srimad-Bhagavatam in four verses, as we have already discussed, is succinct
- The Supreme Lord is uncontaminated by the modes of material nature; therefore He is attractive to the pure devotee. There is no need to practice meditation to attain such attraction; the pure devotee is already in the transcendental stage
- The Supreme Lord said: Having come to know what was in your mind, I have already arranged for that for which you have worshiped Me well through your mental and sensory discipline
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is already in the core of everyone's heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61). Logically, therefore, it was not at all difficult for Lord Visnu to enter Hiranyakasipu's body
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O mother of the demigods, I have already understood your long-cherished desires for the welfare of your sons, who have been deprived of all opulences and driven from their residence by their enemies
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead then said: O Brahma, O depth of Vedic wisdom, be neither depressed nor anxious about the execution of creation. What you are begging from Me has already been granted before
- The surrendering process already exists, but it is never perfect because the person or institution unto whom we surrender is imperfect, and our surrender, having so many ulterior motives, is also imperfect
- The symptoms of Kali-yuga have already begun, five thousand years past. And it will increase
- The symptoms of old age, which had already developed in Dhrtarastra, were all one after another pointed out to him as warning that death was nearing very quickly, and still he was foolishly carefree about his future
- The symptoms of such uncultured social animals are already in vogue and it is the duty of the leaders of men to take note of it and try to reform the social order by introducing the principles of twice-born men trained in the science of God consciousness
- The symptoms of the Kali-yuga, as mentioned above, namely avarice, falsehood, diplomacy, cheating, nepotism, violence and all such things, are already in vogue
- The thing is if you give more stress on scholarly line, other devotees will try to imitate you. Already your wife has express such intention
- The thing is that as they (the scientists) are individual person trying to do something wonderful, the individual person who has already done all this wonderful, how much credit He deserves
- The Third Canto has already described how Kardama Muni begot nine daughters in Devahuti and how all the daughters were later handed over to great sages like Marici, Atri and Vasistha
- The title cover of Teachings of Lord Caitanya which you have sent to me is very nice. I hope that you have already taken care of the one typographical error on the inside flap, but otherwise, it is completely satisfactory
- The title of the book can be Nectar of Instruction. We already have the Nectar of Devotion so now you will have the Nectar of Instruction
- The transcendental pastimes of the Lord in Vrndavana, or even at Dvaraka, are relishable for persons who have already qualified themselves in advanced spiritual techniques
- The transcendental worker, or karma-yogi, has no such fear of falling down (like mystics yogis), for his attention is already fixed in the transcendental service of the Personality of Godhead. Thus, he does not need to enter separately into trance
- The twenty-four elements already described plus the time factor make twenty-five. According to some learned philosophers, the Supersoul is included to make a total of twenty-six elements
- The two persons who went to Jagannatha Puri to inquire about the Lord's departure returned and informed Rupa Gosvami that the Lord had already departed for Vrndavana
- The ultimate goal of life is already indicated by the Lord Himself in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.64), and the Pandavas were intelligent enough to follow it without hesitation
- The ultimate result will be that in our next life, after leaving this body, we shall have our full, eternal spiritual life. Spirit, as we have already discussed, is described as eternal
- The understanding of Krsna consciousness is innate in every living entity, and it is already developed to some extent when the living entity takes a human body
- The unmarried girls of Vrndavana were already attracted by the beauty of Krsna. They were, however, engaged in the worship of goddess Durga in the beginning of the Hemanta season (just prior to the winter season)
- The upper portions of Their (Krsna and Balarama's) bodies were already very attractive, and when the hunchbacked woman smeared Their bodies with sandalwood pulp, They looked even more beautiful
- The varnasrama-dharma, that is beginning of human civilization. So in this age they have already given up. There is no varnasrama. In India it is simply in name. Actually, there is no varnasrama. The, most of the people, they are sudras
- The Vedanta-sutra was compiled for persons already above the mundane topics, who might already have tasted the bitterness of the so-called happiness of mundane affairs
- The Vedas continued, "As already explained, since the mind, intelligence and senses have been given to us by God, when these instruments are actually purified there is no alternative but to engage them all in the devotional service of the Lord"
- The warning is already there, and responsible leaders of religious sects must meet together and form a common platform of a league of devotees of the Lord. There is no need for self-realized souls to live in a secluded place
- The wives of the brahmanas said, "And what shall we do if we return home? Our husbands, brothers, fathers, sons, mothers and friends will no longer accept us at home because we have already left them all"
- The word juhuvuh means that the chanters of the holy name have already performed all kinds of sacrifices. Sasnuh means that they have already traveled to all the holy places of pilgrimage and taken part in purificatory activities at those places
- The word parabhavah is significant. When one is satisfied in family life, he is doomed because he must already have forgotten his relationship with the Lord. Prahlada describes how the activities of family life implicate one more and more
- The word tirtha-padiya indicates devotees of Lord Visnu, or Vaisnavas. As far as brahmanas are concerned, the mode of reception has been already described. Now, in this verse (SB 4.22.11), special stress is being given to the Vaisnavas
- The word vigata jnanam means that the spiritual knowledge which the child developed in the abdomen is already lost to the spell of maya
- The younger brothers of Yudhisthira observed that the age of Kali had already arrived throughout the world & that the citizens of the kingdom were already affected by irreligious practice. Therefore they decided to follow their elder brother
- The younger brothers of Yudhisthira were already obedient followers of the great Emperor & they had sufficiently been trained to know the ultimate goal of life. They followed their eldest brother in rendering devotional service to Lord Sri Krsna
- The younger section of this country, both boys and girls, are taking great interest in this movement. At present I have more than 100 students already initiated, strictly following the Vaisnava regulations
- Then another person came with the news that Gopinatha had already been set up to be thrown upon the points of the swords
- There are different airs within the body, and soul is already floating in the air. So the yogi mystic process can bring the soul from different places, and then they bring it here, and they ascertain where he has to go
- There are different methods of self-realization. But here (in SB 3.25.29) Devahuti especially refers to the bhakti-yoga system, which has already been primarily explained by the Lord
- There are four kinds of effects due to sinful activities, which are listed as follows: 1) the effect which is not yet fructified, 2) the effect which is lying as seed, 3) the effect which is already mature, and 4) the effect which is almost mature
- There are many other Vedic performances which are not described here (in SB 3.33.7). All such Vedic rituals have been already performed by the chanters of the holy name
- There are many stages of reaction: reaction in the making, reaction fructifying, reaction already achieved, and reaction a priori. But knowledge of the constitutional position of the living entity burns everything to ashes. BG 1972 purports
- There are occasions when a brahmana may furiously curse a subordinate ksatriya or vaisya, etc., but in the case of Maharaja Pariksit there were no grounds, as already explained
- There are sins which are still in the form of a seed, and there are others which are already fructified and are giving us fruit, which we are enjoying as distress and pain, as explained in the twentieth verse of the 7th Chapter (of BG). BG 1972 purports
- There are six kinds of atmaramas: the neophyte student (sadhaka), one who is absorbed in Brahman realization (brahma-maya), one who has already attained the Brahman position (prapta-brahma-laya)
- There are so many nice things. And they are very, very beneficial for the human life. If we do not utilize the already information we have got in the Vedic literature, so then this temporary program to save us, that will not solve the problem
- There are those who simply desire liberation, those who are liberated already, even while in this material existence, and those who are actually self-realized
- There are three stages in chanting the holy name of the Lord. In the first stage, one commits ten kinds of offenses while chanting. In the next stage, namabhasa, the offenses have almost stopped, and one is coming to the platform of pure chanting
- There are two kinds of men already described, daiva asura eva ca. These two kinds of activities will go on. This is material world. You cannot find out cent percent perfect man. That is not possible
- There are two types of devotees - the sadhaka, who is preparing for perfection, and the siddha, who is already perfect
- There are twofold implications, namely the law proceeds from lawmaker - law enforcement proceeds from law enforcer. Man has tried so hard to establish law and order. Law and order is already there in this existence which he's now facing
- There is a complete arrangement for supplying our goods from India. I have already made them; there is no difficulty
- There is always someone who wants to go to a prostitute for illicit sex, to a hotel to eat meat and drink wine, or to a gambling club to enjoy so-called sports. All these propensities are already within the hearts of the living entities
- There is facility (birth in rich family for self-realization). Because people are harassed for getting food and shelter. Everyone is working so hard where to get nice food, where to get nice shelter. Rich man means he has already got
- There is no educational department how to love a young girl or young boy. It is already there. It is not taught. Similarly, the Krsna consciousness is not the subject matter of being taught. It is already there
- There is no need of a lamp to show the sun. The sun is self-effulgent. It is already there. Light is there. Why one should take a lamp to show the sun? This misinterpretation has killed the spirit, the real essence, of Bhagavad-gita
- There is no need to print Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, His Life and Precepts, it is already there in other books
- There is no particular place where we have to start our temple. Anywhere we can start temple. We are starting temple daily, either in the beach or underneath a tree or anywhere. But for special purpose this temple is already there. So people are welcome
- There is ordinarily no need for Narada Muni to stay in one place for more than the time he requires to preach. Since by his own free will he is already traveling all over the universe, the curse of Kalakanya is described as fortunate
- There is Rathayatra Festival propogation, and Tamala Krishna wishes that all branches on the Western Coast may conjointly perform this ceremony very pompously. I do not know if you have got any news already, but if you have, please cooperate fully
- There was no need to make fences all around. One side was already defended by thorn trees, and thus the thorn trees, the bullock carts and the animals encircled the inhabitants in their temporary residence - SB 10.11.35
- There was some delay because of the death of Anupama, and therefore when Rupa Gosvami went to Bengal to see the devotees there, he could not get in touch with them because they had already left
- There will be no scarcity of money for the work, so you try to raise fund locally as far as possible. But whenever there is scarcity of money, you will have it in the usual way as you have already got it. So do everything very nicely and quickly
- There will be so many impediments in pushing on our movement, therefore Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has already advised us to be tolerant more than the tree and humbler than the blade of grass and give all respects to Karmis without expecting any respect
- Therefore get up and prepare to fight. After conquering your enemies you will enjoy a flourishing kingdom. They are already put to death by My arrangement, and you, O Savyasacin, can be but an instrument in the fight. BG 11.33 - 1972
- These beings don't have to learn anything about devotional service; they are already perfect in all regulative principles and have achieved the spontaneous loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- These four classes of men (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra) are already there according to nature, but it is the government's duty to see that all four of these classes follow the principles of their varnas methodically
- These names (of Krsna) already exist, but since nondevotees cannot understand the names of the Lord, He is sometimes called anama, or nameless. This means that He has no material names. All His activities are spiritual, and He has spiritual names
- They (Americans) are already inauspicity. The whole atmosphere is inauspicious. So if there is little more inauspicity, what is the wrong there? The more inauspicity will come
- They (Dhrtarastra, Bhisma, Vidura and Arjuna) concluded that the girl (Laksmana, Duryodhana's daughter) could not be married to any boy other than Samba, since she had already been touched by him
- They (Four Kumaras) said that they had already decided not to become entangled with family life; they would rather live as saintly brahmacaris for their own perfection
- They (many great sages, headed by Saunaka Rsi) questioned Srila Suta Gosvami, who presided at the meeting, about why Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, a paramahamsa already in the transcendental position, was attracted to a discussion of the qualities of Krsna
- They (the chanters of the Holy Name) are called aryah because they have already finished all these requirements, and they must be among the Aryans or those who have qualified themselves to become Aryans
- They (the judges) said: "Swamiji, God is person, you are the first man speaking." Why first man? It is already there. They cannot believe that God is person
- They (the Mayavadi sannyasis) are already enemies, and if we talk with them harshly or impolitely their enmity will merely increase
- They are already killing animals for flesh, so when there will no longer be grains, vegetables and fruits, they will kill their own sons and fathers and eat their flesh for sustenance
- They are also already divided. But the culture diminished. Because the center of culture was India, Delhi. So as the power diminished, the maintenance of the culture diminished, and by contact with other types of aboriginal, they learned eating meat
- They are both very exemplary devotees, and they are already trained in managing all areas of Sankirtana Party and temple affairs. So their presence will be a great help to you
- They are individual person trying to do something wonderful, the individual person who has already done all this wonderful, how much credit He deserves. If by simply copying you want to take so much credit that you will defy the existence of God
- They are passing M.A., B.A. examination, and so many titles, academic career. Mayayapahrta-jnanah. This kind of knowledge has no value. The value is already taken away. Therefore you will find highly educated person: he is committing sinful life
- They are so rascal, fool, they are going to another planet. They do not think with the one planet we have already failed
- They have finished already science. Now if they do not come to God, then they are finished. They have nothing to say any more
- They have got their other worshipable. There is Jesus Christ, and others. Mostly they are coming from Christian family. Why they should agree to worship Krsna? No, it is there already
- They have got very good opportunity in Tokyo for spreading the Sankirtana Movement, so they are moving from Kyoto to Tokyo city proper, and it is understood that some of the Japanese boys are already singing the Hare Krishna Mantra
- They were all expecting the arrival of Krsna. It had already been ascertained that Krsna, who is the resting place of the goddess of fortune and the reservoir of all pleasure and transcendental qualities, was going to visit Mathura City
- This (all of us are servants of the Supreme Lord) had already been taught to Prahlada Maharaja by his spiritual master, Narada, but Prahlada was nonetheless surprised by how a bewildered soul thinks one person his enemy and another his friend
- This (chemical evolution) will fail. It is already failed. But because they are fools and rascals, they are still hoping against hope. That's it
- This (Krsna consciousness) is not a new role for the Vedic culture. The role is already there. Five hundred years ago, Caitanya Mahaprabhu spoke of it
- This (New Mayapura) is a first-class place. You can develop it into a Vaikuntha. It is already Vaikuntha, Krsna is there. But develop it very nicely, peacefully live. Hundreds of miles away from the hellish cities
- This (the offenseless chanter of the holy name is already fit to perform a fire ceremony) is the verdict given by Devahuti, the mother of Lord Kapiladeva, when He was instructing her in pure Sankhya philosophy
- This advancement of material civilization means entrapping the entrapped. The living entity is already entrapped, and he is allured by further entrapment
- This evolution theory is already mentioned. Darwin has taken this from this Vedic knowledge, and he has placed the whole thing in his imaginative way. Otherwise the evolutionary process is mentioned in the Vedic scripture
- This fruit has become even more tasteful, although its nectarean juice was already relishable for all, including liberated souls
- This great ocean of nescience is minimized by a person who is a pure devotee. One who has taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord need not cross over the ocean, for he has already crossed it by virtue of his position at the Lord's lotus feet
- This gross material body made of five elements is already under the control of eternal time (kala), action (karma) and the modes of material nature (guna). How, then, can it, being already in the jaws of the serpent, protect others?
- This hari-nama avatara. Yes. Nama-rupe kali-kale krsna avatara. Krsna, in this age, He has descended in the form of Hare Krsna. Nama-rupe kali-kale krsna avatara. The name is already there. It is being propounded all over the world
- This has already been foretold in one newspaper here by a Japanese philosopher who has predicted that our Krishna Consciousness Movement will become the world religion by 1981
- This human form of life is obtained after many, many millions and millions of births, evolutionary process. We have already discussed this point
- This is a false theory, that chemical can create life. It is nonsense. Life is never created. Life is already there. God is already there, and the part and particles, molecules, of life, was already there
- This is a synopsis of the childhood pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, placed herewith in chronological order. Vrndavana dasa Thakura has already elaborately explained these pastimes in his book Caitanya-bhagavata
- This is intelligence, that God has provided for everyone for these facilities, so human being, why he should not have this facility from God? It is already there. There is no doubt about it
- This is not a very difficult process (always remembering the Supreme Lord). However, one must learn it from an experienced person, from one who is already in the practice. BG 1972 Introduction
- This is the first education of spiritual life, that this body is actually dead body already. So long the soul is there, it is moving
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educational movement. It is not a religious sentiment; it is a science. And as we have got our books also. You have seen. There is demonstration of the book. We have got already twenty books of four hundred pages each
- This matter is the manifestation of the inferior energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This has already been explained several times. BG 1972 purports
- This particular attachment is invoked by practice of regulative devotional service to the Lord, and thus the devotee becomes attached to the eternal form of the Lord, exactly like one who is already eternally attached
- This pastime is called brahma-vimohana, the bewilderment of Brahma. Brahma was already bewildered by Krsna's activities as an innocent child, and now he would be further bewildered
- This perfect knowledge can be achieved by a person who is already engaged in devotional service with faith, steadiness and full detachment, and who is always absorbed in thought of the Supreme. He is aloof from material association
- This position, forgetfulness, can be changed, and human life is meant for that purpose. So far improvement of economic condition or other condition, that is already fixed up. One cannot change it
- This process of worshiping the Deity has already been described, and one should try to follow these rules and regulations seriously
- Those already born in Bharata-varsa should take lessons from the sastras and guru and should fully take advantage of the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in order to be fully equipped with Krsna consciousness
- Those narrations tell how Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu met the brothers Rupa and Sanatana and how Nrsimhananda decorated the road. I (Krsnadasa) have already described these in an earlier synopsis of this book; therefore I will not repeat the narrations here
- Those who already know that the soul is separate from the body, who are liberated from the invincible knot in the heart, who are always engaged in welfare activities for all living entities and who never contemplate harming anyone...
- Those who are actually engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord are already freed from all reactions. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are actually intelligent, they should not neglect this movement, KC movement. It is the greatest welfare movement for the whole human society to make people God conscious, KC, without which there will be so many troubles. It is already there
- Those who are actually studious, they can understand the science (KC) perfectly if they study all our books. We have got twenty volumes books like this already published. And we propose to publish seventy-two volumes, how to understand God
- Those who are already cleansed of the impurities may continue to act in the same Krsna consciousness so that others may follow their exemplary activities and thereby be benefitted. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are engaged in the devotional service of the Lord have already transcended the material position
- Those who are interested in trying to get pleasure out of this material world are actually chewing the chewed. Punah punas carvita-carvananam (SB 7.5.30). If one picks up a piece of sugarcane which has already been chewed, he is a fool
- Those who are trying to enjoy the senses to the utmost are called karmis, above them are the jnanis, who try to conquer the urges of the senses, and above them are the yogis, who have already conquered the senses
- Those whose minds are established in sameness and equanimity have already conquered the conditions of birth and death. They are flawless like Brahman, and thus they are already situated in Brahman
- Those whose minds are established in sameness and equanimity have already conquered the conditions of birth and death. They are flawless like Brahman, and thus they are already situated in Brahman. BG 5.19 - 1972
- Three kinds of incarnations are already explained. Now the remainder three kinds of incarnations, manvantaravatara, yugavatara and saktyavesavatara
- Thus blessed by them (demigods and great sages), he ruled over the earth and exploited its resources for the greatest satisfaction of the people in general. This has already been explained in the previous chapters regarding the activities of King Prthu
- Time was growing short. Kalayavana was already besieging Mathura from all sides, and it was expected that the day after next, Jarasandha would also come, equipped with the same number of divisions of soldiers as in his previous seventeen attempts
- To become under the lotus feet of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu means you have got Krsna. You have already got. That is the verdict of the sastra and Caitanya-caritamrta
- To convert a Hindu into a Muslim was an easy affair in those days (of Caitanya Mahaprabhu). If a Muslim simply sprinkled water on the body of a Hindu, it was supposed that the Hindu had already become a Muslim
- To eradicate doubts in the minds of unbelievers, this verse (in SB 3.33.7) affirms that the stage of chanting of the holy name of the Lord is not sudden, but that the chanters have already performed all kinds of Vedic rituals and sacrifices
- To hear the activities of the Lord means to associate with the Lord directly, and association with the Lord directly means purification from material contamination. We have already discussed this point in the previous volume
- Too much editing is not required. If Satsvarupa has already edited it, there is no need of further editing
- Truth is never discovered. It is already there. But you do not know what is that truth. That is credit that you are making advance towards truth, but you do not know what is truth. That is a fact
- Try to make your press department very nice. The magazine is already selling, and if you make further improvements, the sales will also improve. Just like our English BTG: from 5,000 copies they have increased to 25,000 copies per month
- Twenty-seven catur-yugas have already passed. Those upon whom you may have decided are now gone, and so are their sons, grandsons and other descendants. You cannot even hear about their names
- Uddhava continued, "Whatever is already being experienced, whatever is not being experienced, whatever already exists, does not exist or will exist in the future, whatever is the smallest & whatever is the biggest have no existence outside the SP of God"
- Uddhava continued, "You are already perceiving His (Krsna's) presence twenty-four hours a day, yet He will come and see you very soon. Actually, He is present everywhere and in everyone's heart, just as fire is present in wood"
- Unfortunately, so many scholars and swamis, they are misinterpreting Krsna and Bhagavad-gita. The people are placed in darkness. They are already in darkness. By misinterpretation, they are putting them in darkness
- Unless one studies the Vedas, one cannot become an Aryan, but it is automatically understood that the chanters have already studied all the Vedic literature
- Utilize what talents you have already in Krishna's service and He will give you the intelligence to increase more and more
- Varieties of life develop not by chance but by prearrangement. There is a plan, which is already outlined in the Vedic knowledge
- Vasudeva had already achieved the result of bhagavata-dharma because Lord Krsna appeared in his house as his son
- Vasudeva knew that Yasoda had given birth to a female child, whom he had stolen and replaced with a male child. This was a great mystery, and Vasudeva wanted to determine whether this mystery was already known to Nanda Maharaja
- Very simple thing. Antar bahir, within and without, if you have learned to think of Krsna, antar bahir yadi haris tapasa, then where is the use of tapasya? It is already achieved. Because you are thinking always, externally and internally, Krsna
- Vidhi-bhakti, or regulated devotional service by the limbs of the body (namely the eyes, the ears, the nose, the hands and the legs, as already explained), is now stressed in relation to the mind, the impetus for all activities of the limbs of the body
- Vidura asked Uddhava about the welfare of his relatives, although he already knew that they were no longer in the world. This inquiry appears to be very queer
- Vidura had already surpassed the fallible nature of the living entity in conditional life due to his being acyuta-bhava, or legitimately absorbed in the devotional service of the Lord
- Vidura was already perfect due to his unalloyed devotion to the infallible Lord. The Lord and the living entities are all qualitatively the same by nature, but the Lord is quantitatively much greater than any individual living entity
- Visnu Himself is included within Krsna. All the opulences of Visnu are already present in Krsna, and consequently for Krsna to demonstrate so many Visnu forms was actually not very astonishing
- Visnu, being transcendental to all the modes, is always aloof from materialistic affection. This has already been explained
- Vyasadeva has already given the perfect explanation of Vedanta-sutra - the Srimad-Bhagavatam. So let people read the Srimad-Bhagavatam; then they will understand what Vedanta is
- We already are in Vaikuntha by participating in the temple activities. So it must be done very nicely
- We are already accustomed to chant these two mantras - sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda and Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- We are already destined to have a certain amount of happiness and a certain amount of distress, and we cannot change that. The change we should make, therefore, is to get free from this material condition of life. That should be our only business
- We are already fallen. Now if we want to save ourselves from this fallen condition, take instruction from Krsna and do not try to deviate, do not try to interpret in your own whimsical way, in a rascal way
- We are already intoxicated, and modern civilization aims at increasing our intoxication
- We are already smaller than the smallest, because our real dimension, spiritual dimension, is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. This is our dimension
- We are eternally related with Him (God), despite the state of forgetfulness already described above - in this purport of 3rd chapter of the book Light of the Bhagavata
- We are famous as shaven-headed. That is already advertised. Shaven-headed means Krsnas. So why should we relinquish this
- We are not manufacturing our philosophy. There is no business. Why shall I unnecessarily waste our energy for manufacturing? There are so many things to be learned which is already there in the Vedic literature. Just try to learn and distribute it
- We are not meant for learning something new for the service of the Lord; but we have to engage whatever talents we have already got
- We are preachers on behalf of Lord Krsna, that is our occupational duty, we haven't got to search any further some new challenge or change our engagement. No, that has been already settled up. Best thing will be to develop more & more what we have begun
- We are preaching the teachings of Bhagavad-gita all over the world. So we invite you also to join this movement. You have already the sense of Vedic culture. Now, if you cooperate with us fully, we can develop a very nice cultural movement here also
- We are preaching this, that "You take to Krsna. Surrender to Krsna." Krsna said the same thing we are saying. We are not manufacturing it. Why should we manufacture? The words are already there
- We are trying to gain success in these material activities, but by God's will, there are different living entities. They have already all the successes. So therefore our real business is not to waste our time to get any material success
- We demigods can only aspire to achieve human births in Bharata-varsa to execute devotional service, but these human beings are already engaged there
- We get different types of body, and according to the body, our material sufferings and enjoyment are fixed up, already
- We have accepted already so many bodies. And natural conclusion is that I must accept another body. But what kind of body? Now you can select. There are 8,400,000 forms of body
- We have already come to know that the influence of the age of Kali is meant for godless so-called civilized man; those who are under the protection of the Lord have nothing to fear from this horrible age
- We have already described Jayadeva in Chapter Thirteen of the Adi-lila
- We have already described this (the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Bhagavan)) feature of the Lord in the purport to the previous verse (MM 1), in connection with the name Jagan-nivasa
- We have already discussed developing a taste for hearing and chanting the holy sound. It is done through the medium of service to the pure devotee of the Lord
- We have already discussed hereinbefore (MOG 3) that the mundane qualities of goodness that are the signs of the brahmana are included and coexisting within the qualities of the transcendentalist
- We have already discussed many times that the material energy is controlled by the Lord. The Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.10) confirms this controlling power of the Lord over the material nature
- We have already discussed that pure devotional service to the Lord is automatically followed by perfect knowledge and detachment from material existence
- We have already discussed the incarnations of Manu in the First Canto. In one day of Brahma there are fourteen Manus, changing one after another
- We have already discussed the necessity of performing work for sacrifice only, or to please the transcendental senses of Visnu
- We have already discussed the point that devotional service is followed by knowledge and detachment from material association
- We have already discussed this (bringing a dead body back to life) in connection with Bali Maharaja's soldiers and their treatment by Sukracarya
- We have already discussed this endurance of the results of transcendental work in the section on transcendental knowledge - in MOG 3
- We have already discussed this matter (topics related to Lord Sri Krsna) in connection with the prayers of Bhismadeva
- We have already discussed this point (nobody will change faith) in many articles and change in religious faith does not make one advanced in spiritual understanding
- We have already discussed this point, that we must know the responsibility of our next life. Just like a child is given education for the next life, to become youthful, to get into higher education, admission
- We have already discussed this transcendental knowledge somewhat. And on the basis of this preliminary discussion, the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises us to become spiritually inclined, to become transcendentalists
- We have already explained that being a part means serving the whole. The whole is Krsna, and the individuals are meant for Krsna's satisfaction. Isavasyam idam sarvam - ISO 1
- We have already explained that we accept the authoritative statement of sastra. Now, Brahma's life is stated there. Arhat means his one day is equal to our four yugas
- We have already given the names of four books compiled by Sanatana Gosvami. Similarly, Srila Rupa Gosvami has also compiled many books, which no one can even count
- We have already got invitation from various places like Mt. Abu, Nainital Hill Station, Gorakhpur and many other important cities. With my party at the present moment we are five Sannyasis and one householder
- We have already predicted in the Bhagavata there will be no rice, no wheat, no vegetables, no fruit, no milk
- We have already published about fifty-four books. These books are selling very nicely. It is not sentiment, it is a science
- We have already seen an example of this (inattention) in the case of Maharaja Bharata
- We have discussed already that without Krsna there is no question of happiness. There is no question of happiness
- We have discussed this point very elaborately in the Bhagavad-gita As It Is and your high intelligence will help you to present this idea before the learned scholars of France who are already inclined toward a Personality of Godhead
- We have got already fifteen branches as follows: New York City; Boston; San Francisco; Vancouver, B.C.; Canada; Honolulu, Hawaii; New Vrindaban, an ideal Krishna Consciousness community; and London, England; and Berlin, Germany
- We have got already our office in Vrindavan and my representative from Vrindavan, Gurudas Adhikary, my American disciple, whenever he goes to Delhi I will ask him to see you
- We have got already published at least twelve books, four hundred pages. You try to understand. If you want to understand this movement through science and philosophy, we are ready
- We have got immense literature. We have already published more than twenty books. If you want to understand the Absolute Truth by philosophy, by science, there are books. Otherwise, the easy method is chant Hare Krsna
- We have nothing to learn; it is already there. The kama, the lust, is there. Krodha is there, lobha, greediness is there. Everything should be changed for Krsna's satisfaction
- We have seen already that we can hardly calculate the wondrous condition of life in Brahmaloka, but the highest condition of life, the mode of goodness, can bring us to this. BG 1972 purports
- We have to receive knowledge from disciplic succession, tattva. Then we will understand the truth. Tattvamnayam. This subject matter we have discussed already, amnayam, evam parampara, that we should not manufacture knowledge
- We must know that the juice has already been taken out of that sugarcane. What will one get by chewing it? However, there are animals who are simply interested in chewing the chewed
- We request you that take advantage of this movement. Don't take it very trifle. It is very important movement. Try. We have got books, already published, about twenty books
- We require so many pictures for our temples which are already present and which will be opened in the future. Immediately upon receipt of your picture, I had it hung right above my Deity room. Wherever I go I convert one closet into my Deity room
- We say: "No illicit sex, no intoxication." You are already intoxicated. Why you are increasing intoxication? This maya means intoxication
- We should always remember that Krsna’s sense gratification is never to be compared to the sense gratification of the material world. As we have already explained, Krsna’s sense gratification is just like gold
- We should cultivate our spiritual potencies by knowledge. The knowledge is already there; we simply have to accept it
- We should not be frivolous or waste time. If one wants this knowledge, he has to practice austerity, tapasya, and the beginning of tapasya, as already explained, is brahmacarya - celibacy or restricted sex life
- We should not worry about eating and sleeping, for the needs of the body are already arranged. We do not have to work independently to maintain the body
- We're going to the spiritual world to have our eternal, blissful knowledge and life. That is our program. So what we will do with this teeny information of moon planet, this planet, that planet? We have got already some information, we are satisfied
- What about the other two pairs of Murtis? Are they already delivered to you? If so, you can dispatch them similarly for Los Angeles
- What are ISKCON's future plans here? Will a temple be built? - Yes, temple is already there. Here is a temple. Unfortunately, nobody coming. What can I do? We are prepared to give this nice philosophy to everyone
- What is the difficulty if Subala das Goswami comes there. Sudama Vipra Maharaja is already engaged in the Philippines
- What is this body? A combination of matter. It is already dead. Because the living soul is there, it is moving, and as soon as the soul is out of this body, it is useless, dead matter
- What we are? Nothing. But if we establish our loving relationship, which is already there, then we will become the greatest
- What we have had to arrange with great endeavor by collecting elephants, horses, chariots and infantry soldiers has already been accomplished by the Gandharvas
- When a father is eating food, he may, out of compassion, offer the remnants of his food to his son. Although such food may be already chewed by the father, it cannot be offered to the father again
- When a friend or relative dies, especially among lower class men, the dead body is decorated. Dressed and ornamented, the body is taken in procession. That sort of decoration of the dead body has no actual value because the life force is already gone
- When Bhagavata says, yad-apasrayasrayam means a devotee is already under the protection of God, and if one takes protection of a devotee, he also becomes a devotee and becomes purified
- When he (Brahma) saw that Kardama Muni had already begotten nine nice daughters, he was hopeful that through the daughters many children would come who would take charge of the creative principle of the material world. He was therefore happy to see them
- When Krsna desired to go to the house of Kubja, He certainly had no desire for sense gratification. By supplying the sandalwood pulp to Krsna, Kubja had already satisfied His senses
- When Krsna incarnates, all the features of other incarnations are already present within Him. Other incarnations are partial representations of Krsna, who is the full-fledged incarnation of the Supreme Being
- When Krsna, who was already known to the Pandavas, was further described by Narada Muni to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead, naturally the Pandavas were amazed, thinking, "The SPG is with us as our cousin!" Certainly their ecstasy was extraordinary
- When Lord Balarama saw the disturbances created by the gorilla and heard that he had already performed many mischievous activities all over the country, He became very angry and decided to kill him
- When Lord Brahma saw that Prahlada Maharaja and Vindhyavali had already approached the Lord to ask mercy for Bali Maharaja, he joined them and recommended Bali Maharaja's release on the grounds of worldly calculations
- When Lord Krsna was at Vrndavana even the cows would become moistened by affection towards Him, and He would draw milk from the nipples of every affectionate living being, so what to speak of the stepmothers who were already as good as His own mother
- When one has already ascended to the path of yoga, meditation and detachment are the goals, & when one is no longer attached to working for sense gratification, he gradually becomes free. At that time he also attains a state of ecstasy called yoga arudha
- When one is actually engaged in pure devotional service, it is understood that he has already attained freedom from all reactions to sinful activities. In other words, it is to be understood that devotees are already freed from sin
- When one male finds out another woman, or one finds out another man, they unite. So this attachment becomes fixed up again. Already there is attachment, and as soon as they are united, that attachment becomes more firm
- When Rukmini saw the brahmana, she could understand the auspicious trembling of her body and immediately became elated. She smiled and inquired whether Krsna had already come
- When she (Devahuti) heard him (Kardama Muni) speak she was confident that since he was very much advanced in devotional service he had already surpassed all transcendental educational activities
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not accept the food that had already been served, Advaita Acarya said, "Please give up Your concealment. I know what You are, and I know the confidential meaning of Your accepting the sannyasa order"
- When the aim of life - self-realization - is missed by too much attachment for sense gratification, as already discussed herein before, the institution of the varnasrama is utilized by selfish men to pose an artificial predominance over the weaker section
- When the brahmanas of Varanasi would invite Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to lunch, the Lord would not accept their invitations. He would reply, "I have already been invited somewhere else"
- When the coconuts were brought, there was little time to offer them because it was already late. The servant, holding the container of coconuts, remained standing at the door
- When the girls (the gopis) in the water heard such joking words from Krsna, they began to look at one another and smile. They were very joyous to hear such a request from Krsna because they were already in love with Him
- When the King begged Him to come to his kingdom, Gopala, who was already obliged for his devotional service, accepted his prayer. Thus the King took the Gopala Deity and went back to Kataka
- When the leper Vasudeva came to Kurma's house to see Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he was informed that the Lord had already left. The leper then fell to the ground unconscious
- When the Lord and Laksmidevi met, their relationship awakened, having already been settled, and coincidentally the marriage-maker Vanamali came to see Sacimata
- When the Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna, left this earthly planet in His selfsame form, from that very day Kali, who had already partially appeared, became fully manifest to create inauspicious conditions
- When there is spontaneous love, that is not a yoga system. It is yoga already. United
- When they are united for this purpose, a man and woman, they . . . We are already attached to the material activities. Then our attachment becomes more and more strong
- When Vasudeva heard that Nanda Maharaja, his very dear friend and brother, had come to Mathura and already paid the taxes to Kamsa, he went to Nanda Maharaja's residence - SB 10.5.20
- When we chant Hare Krsna, Rama is there already, three times. It is not that because we are chanting Hare Krsna we are neglecting Rama. No. With each Krsna name there are three times Rama name. That is the verdict of the sastra
- When we have a superexcellent process already present in Vedic scriptures, there is no need to concoct a new system, to mislead the innocent public
- When you get a human form of body you must know that your food and shelter is already ordained. You don't require to try for this
- When you understand Krsna, then you understand Paramatma and Brahman. This is the verdict of the sastra. Just like if you have got one lakh of rupees, your possession of few thousands of rupees or few hundreds of rupees are already there
- Where is the humility? You are already surrendering to so many nonsense habits. Why not surrender to Krsna?
- Whereas materialists are absorbed in material thoughts and activities, devotees, on the contrary, are always absorbed in thoughts of Krsna and Krsna's activities. Therefore they are already on the platform of liberation
- While describing the history of Lord Ramacandra, Sukadeva Gosvami told Maharaja Pariksit - You have already heard about the activities of Lord Ramacandra
- While she (Vaidarbhi, the daughter of King Vidarbha) was serving her husband (King Malayadhvaja) by massaging his legs, she could feel that his feet were no longer warm and could thus understand that he had already passed from the body
- While she was serving her husband by massaging his legs, she could feel that his feet were no longer warm and could thus understand that he had already passed from the body. She felt great anxiety upon being left alone
- Who has seen already. Ask them. They'll tell you what is Krsna. But the same thing: if he says something about Krsna, you will accept it?
- Why are you asking for more men to help you in Florida? As I created, so you must create others; that is Parampara. You are already three; why do you need any more? And you are big three. You just try sincerely in your work and Krishna will bless you
- Why family planning? Family planning is already there that don't marry. Why don't you accept this
- Why it is called sanatana-dharma. That I have already explained. The living entity is sanatana, or eternal; God is sanatana; and there is sanatana-dhama, the Lord's eternal abode. As Krsna describes in the Bhagavad-gita (8.20), paras tasmat tu bhavo 'nyo
- Why should a person who is already engaged in the service of the Lord engage himself in personal sense gratification? Dhruva Maharaja is advised here (in SB 4.11.10) by Lord Manu that he is a pure servitor of the Lord
- Why should we unnecessarily waste our time concocting some philosophy? There is so much to be learned that has already been given by the supreme authority
- Why we see things not experienced in this life is explained herein (SB 4.29.69). That which we see is the future expression of a gross body or is already stocked in our mental stockpile
- Why you should hanker after another? You have got already. Be satisfied. "No." That is doggish mentality
- Within the hearing of the citizens, Rsabhadeva instructed His sons, although they were already very well behaved, devoted and qualified. He instructed them so that in the future they could rule the world very perfectly. Thus he spoke as follows
- Without becoming a brahmin, nobody can become Vaisnava. So when you speak of Vaisnava, it is to be supposed that he's already brahmin. Therefore, to bring the neophyte devotees to the perfectional stage, we offer the brahmins sacred thread
- Without knowledge of Brahman, one cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore a Vaisnava is already a brahmana, whereas a brahmana may become a Vaisnava
- Yadu replied: My dear father, you have already achieved old age, although you also were a young man. But I do not welcome your old age and invalidity, for unless one enjoys material happiness, one cannot attain renunciation
- Yadunandana Acarya said, "He has already asked my permission and returned home." Thus there arose a tumultuous sound, as everyone cried, Now Raghunatha has gone away
- Yamaraja offers the living entity a body according to his karma. Karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1). We have already discussed the point that bodies are awarded according to one's qualifications
- Yamaraja, in the guise of a small boy, has already explained that although his mother (of the baby bird) left him uncared for and wandering in the forest, the tigers and other ferocious animals had not eaten him
- Yasoda's friend said, "As you are standing just between the two rivers, I think there is no need for your anxiety to see your son's face. Your parental affection has already been exhibited to Him by these two rivers"
- Yasoda's friend said, "My dear Queen, the milk flowing out of your breast-mountain has already whitened the River Ganges, and the tears from your eyes, mixed with black mascara, have already blackened the color of the Yamuna"
- Yes, I very much approve of Mr. Kallman's idea for the book on "Transcendental Meditation." Rayarama has begun work on it already, and probably he will bring it back to N.Y. with him
- Yes, the big Deities are already shipped to Los Angeles. We must have in L.A. immediately the installation of these big Deities. As soon as I arrive, I shall install Them
- Yes, the plan you have sited for the lake and island is approved by me. I am very glad that you are doing this work and since the work started on September 8th, it is already going on
- Yes, you can make nice children's books, and in this connection, you can correspond with Satyabhama who is already working on a condensed version of KRSNA book
- Yogo nastah parantapa. As soon as we deviate from the original system, it is nasta, spoiled. So what is the use of giving things which is already spoiled? But it cannot be spoiled if you follow the parampara system. This is the secret of success
- You (judges) rascal, you are talking of my (Socrates') this body. So body is already material. You put it in the grave or in the hell, it doesn't matter. But I am eternal. You cannot capture me. - So this is knowledge. This abhayam
- You (Krsna) have appeared in the Yadu dynasty to fulfill Your mission of reclaiming all conditioned souls rotting in the sinful activities of material existence, and this appearance is already famous all over the world
- You (Prthu) already have an inclination to glorify the lotus feet of the SPG. Such attachment is very difficult to achieve, but when one has attained such unflinching faith in the Lord, it automatically cleanses lusty desires from the core of the heart
- You (Sanatana Gosvami) have the power to convince even Me (Caitanya). In many places you have already convinced Me about ordinary behavior and devotional service
- You (so-called sannyasais) have left already all this nonsense, you say that this world is mithya, brahma satyam jagan mithya. So if you have ascended to the brahma-pada, why you come down again to the mithya-pada? That means you have no taste
- You already have a spiritual body. Now, due to our material contamination, we are developing the material body
- You are able and willing to help us in our construction plans in New Vrindaban.The construction of the houses is already under way because Nara Narayana has already submitted to me some plans along with an estimate of the needed finances
- You are already fallen. So you take to this process of chanting Hare Krsna mantra without any offense. And in order to save yourself from the offenses, a little austerity that you cannot have illicit sex life
- You are already inauspicity. Why you are expecting more inauspicity by the presence of comet? We are already in inauspicity
- You are already known as the bright-faced. Is it not? Before coming to Krsna consciousness see the photograph of your face, and now see. Practical. But if you deviate, if you fall down again, that is your business
- You are already known to Akshayananda Maharaj and Jagadisha Prasad so you can see them and do the needful
- You are already on the perfectional platform, but if you become impatient, that "Why I am not becoming perfect? Sometimes why maya is kicking me?" Yes. That is habitual. That will go on
- You are already reading our Nectar of Devotion and if you like this idea you can translate this Nectar of Devotion immediately into Bengali and send me some copies of the translation so I can see how you have done
- You are already trained, so you can develop a nice center. Krsna will help. Your devotional service will never be lost. Be sincere and pray to Krsna that you remain in standard Krsna Consciousness
- You are authority, and if you recommend animal sacrifice, they will take it. They have got already natural tendency, and they will accept it, - This is the religious process
- You are devoted already to the service of the Lord, without any personal consideration, you are always sannyasa at heart. Now if you can get some money for our cause of K.C. I think it will be a great service
- You are getting a wife who is already trained up in Krishna Consciousness and if you live carefully and faithfully there will be no difficulty. That is the verdict of all Acaryas. I think this will simplify your agitated mind
- You are more advanced in every way, you Americans. And because I have come from India with some poor knowledge, I am injecting something in your brain? No. The Krsna consciousness is already there. I am simply helping you to revive it
- You can associate with Krsna and Arjuna every twenty-four hours, by reading Bhagavad-gita. Why you require to go there? It is already here. You see. You read the Bhagavad-gita, and you are immediately in the battlefield of Kuruksetra
- You cannot follow; therefore you say, "Is it necessary?" You are considering. That means you are becoming prey to maya. As soon as you ask this, that means you have already fallen a victim of maya
- You do not become God, but you are already in godly quality, qualities, to some extent, not fully. So when you are free from these material clutches, you attain your original quality, spiritual quality
- You don't change your mind. You are already trained up about Krsna consciousness, so you try to become an ideal householder in Krsna consciousness
- You don't require to become M.A., Ph.D., D.H.C. or D.A.C. If you are, it is already very good. But even if you are not, if you have no knowledge, still you simply join with us in this chanting and dancing
- You don't waste your time simply under some false impression of economic development. Don't waste your time. You cannot get more, you cannot get less. That is already there. So you utilize your time for understanding Krsna
- You have already been informed about the nine daughters of Kardama Muni, who were handed over to nine different sages. I shall now describe the descendants of those nine daughters. Please hear from me
- You have already got experience of this body. It is full of miseries, adhyatmika, adhi . . . adhibhautika, three kinds of miserable condition of life. Beyond that, there is ultimate miseries: janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam
- You have already made Me dance according to Your vow - Caitanya Mahaprabhu said (to Advaita Acarya) - Now please stop it. You can go and take Your lunch with Mukunda and Haridasa
- You have already mentioned the exemplary character of Lord Jesus Christ that he sacrificed everything for God. This example should be taken. The process should be to follow the example, not to imitate the exact activities
- You have already problems, but people are so rascal, so blind, they do not see to the real problem. They artificially create problem and try to solve it. Instead of touching the real problem, that is set aside
- You have asked what is the nature of atma. The atma's nature is that he is eternal. He never dies. Never takes birth. He is already existing
- You have got nice costly car, then it drives very comfortably, but if you have got a less costly, cheap car, then you are not so comfortable. Similarly our comforts and discomforts are already settled as soon as you have got a particular type of body
- You haven't got to engage your major portion of time for this purpose. Because according to your body, the necessities are already there
- You haven't got to manufacture anything. What Krsna has already said, you repeat. Finish. Don't make addition, alteration. Then you become guru. Very simple thing
- You manufacture ideas and then I have to waste my time. I have given you everything already, there is no need for you to add anything or change anything
- You may think that you have to make improvement of your economic conditions, but actually the economic condition, what you have to enjoy, that is already there. You haven't got to endeavor
- You merge means you merge into the spiritual existence, but that does not mean you lose your individuality. You are already merged in the matter
- You say that your charge is "They are introducing caste system." But the Hindu caste system is already there. How do you say that I am introducing? That is my point
- You try to develop your love which is already dormant in you, and when you are efficient in loving God, you will see God face to face
- You will be glad to know that we lost our Hollywood temple, but by Grace of Krishna we have got a better place at a cheaper rent already on the Melrose avenue
- You write to say that already two new boys, Frank and Ed, have joined our Krishna Consciousness Movement, and that is very good news. Please take very nice care of them and help them to understand our principles as far as possible
- Your business should be: "Who is that brain behind it?" That should be your research, not that how chemical combination can be... It is already being produced without your so-called scientific knowledge. It is already going on
- Your child should be named Subhadra, the name that you have already chosen, this is nice. Regarding the horoscope, it is a nice idea and if I meet a good astrologer I shall try to get one for your little child
- Your friend the great sage Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa has already described the transcendental qualities of the Lord in his great work the Mahabharat
- Your name is already Krsna das so your new boy may be given the name Krsna das-anudas, the servant of the servant of Krsna
- Your this dress is available in the market. And you are also there, so you purchase the dress and put on. Similarly, the different types of bodies are already there. You, according to your desire, accept one type of body, and you appear in that body
- Your tongue asks you, "Go to the restaurant and eat some nice thing." But if you are a Vaisnava, if you have this vow that "I shall not allow my tongue to eat anything except prasadam," it is already controlled. That means, to control the senses