Revatīnandana: Yes? (question is asked) He wants to know more about those who are asleep and those who are awake in our eyes. What is a sleeper and who is awake?
Prabhupāda: One who is not Kṛṣṇa conscious or God conscious, he's sleeping.
Revatīnandana: (to guest:) He said that one who is not Kṛṣṇa conscious, not God conscious, he is sleeping. His real life is asleep. So being awake in the true sense is to know my relation with God. That is true life, eternal life. Yes?
Prabhupāda: The Vedic injunction is uttiṣṭhata jāgrata prāpya varān nibodhata, that "You wake up. You have got this chance of human form of body. You take advantage of it." These are the Vedic instructions. Uttiṣṭhata, "Get up, be awake." Jāgrata, "Be awakened to understand your identity." Therefore one who is not trying to understand his identity, spiritual identity, he's sleeping.