Spiritual rejuvenation
Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures
So spiritual rejuvenation required.
Lecture on BG 2.13 -- London, August 19, 1973: So make your life successful, that "I am not this body." Simply by understand... "I am not this body. I am embodied within this body, encaged. But I am not this cage." Just like a bird is within the cage. The cage is not the bird. But foolish persons, they are taking care of the cage, not of the bird. The bird, out of starvation, is suffering. So we are suffering spiritual starvation. Therefore nobody is happy in this material world. Spiritual starvation. Therefore we see in an opulent country like America, enough food, enough residence, enough material enjoyment, still they are becoming hippies, all over the world. They are not satisfied, because it is spiritual starvation. Materially we may be very opulent, but if you starve spiritually, you cannot be happy. This is the process.
So spiritual rejuvenation required. Ahaṁ brahmāsmi: "I am not this body. I am Brahman, spiritual soul." Then you will be happy. Brahma-bhūtaḥ prasannātmā na śocati na kāṅkṣati [Bg. 18.54], samaḥ sarveṣu... Then there will be equality, fraternity, brotherhood. Otherwise it is all bogus, simply high-sounding words. There cannot be all these things. Come to the spiritual platform, brahma-bhūtaḥ prasannātmā na śocati na... [Bg. 18.54], samaḥ sarveṣu bhūteṣu. Then you can see equally. Otherwise you will see that "I have become human being. I have got my hands and legs, and the poor cow has no hands and legs. Kill him and eat." No. Samaḥ sarveṣu bhūteṣu. Asamata. Unequality. Why? What right you have got to kill another animal? Because you have no vision of equality, for want of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Therefore so-called education, culture, fraternity, in this material world, all these are bogus, humbug. Simply Kṛṣṇa consciousness is the right subject matter to be studied by sane, sober, dhīra. Then the society will be happy; otherwise not.
Siddhaye means to get the spiritual power, or spiritual rejuvenation.
Lecture on BG 7.3 -- Bombay, February 18, 1974: So manuṣyāṇām, out of the, there are many kinds of men also. Just like kirāta-hūṇāndhra-pulinda-pulkaśā ābhīra-śumbhā yavanāḥ khasādayaḥ [SB 2.4.18]. The Africans, the Mongolians, the Huns... There are so many. We know so many types of human beings. Out of that, a few who are known as Aryans, they are the best type of human being. And out of the Aryans, those who are followers of the Vedic principles, they are the best. But those who are following the Vedic principles, they say that "We are Vedic, or followers of the varṇāśrama-dharma"—in common sense they call "Hindu"—but actually, they say so, they do not follow the principles. They do not follow them. They act against the Vedic principles. Therefore it is said that even though one gets this human form of life after many, many millions of years, the living soul, still, there are so many divisions in the human form of life; therefore it is said, manuṣyāṇāṁ sahasreṣu: [Bg. 7.3] "Out of many millions of human beings," kaścid yatati siddhaye. Siddhaye. Siddhaye means to get the spiritual power, or spiritual rejuvenation. That is called siddhi.
1969 Correspondence
This is a solid, genuine movement for the total spiritual rejuvenation of the human society.
Letter to Mr. Jim Doody -- Los Angeles 8 February, 1969: Please rest assured that in this movement there is no question of imperfectness. This is a solid, genuine movement for the total spiritual rejuvenation of the human society. I am requesting in this letter through you that every honest and sincere boy or girl must immediately join with us in this movement. If one is actually serious to understand the problems of life, he will surely find the right answers in this movement. Please read carefully our book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and you will find yourself getting enlightenment to the fullest extent. There is no doubt of this.
We can adjust the Buddhists, Christians, and even the Mohammedans to our KC movement, so if the religious heads of these faiths try to understand our philosophy, certainly there will be great impetus in the matter of spiritual rejuvenation of the world.
Letter to Syamasundara -- New Vrindaban 3 June, 1969: Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 29, 1969, and I have noted the contents. I am very glad that the Queen has consented the Redundant Churches Bill, and there is good chance of getting one church for our temple. There are many redundant churches because the Christian people are gradually deviating from their religious beliefs on account of stereotype presentation of the Bible by sophisticated priests. Modern youths are educated in advance, so they are no more interested in repetition of the same static mottos. They want something dynamic, progress in spiritual understanding, but the Christian priests could not satisfy them. In comparison to all these dogmatic principles, our KC movement presents everything in the right perspective, even from scientific and philosophical point of view. So if you can secure one church in England for utilizing in our movement, I think we shall be able to secure many such churches all over the world. We have great respect for Lord Jesus Christ. We accept him as powerful incarnation of Krishna, as much as we accept Lord Buddha. We can adjust the Buddhists, Christians, and even the Mohammedans to our KC movement, so if the religious heads of these faiths try to understand our philosophy, certainly there will be great impetus in the matter of spiritual rejuvenation of the world. So try to convince the Archbishop of Canterbury and implore him to give us this chance of spreading God-Consciousness in the world's greatest city, London. If my presence is required, I am prepared to go at any moment within the month of June, because I am thinking of going to San Francisco in July for Rathayatra which Tamala Krishna is arranging.
We simply want their cooperation in this matter that they allow us to use their many vacant churches in the Western countries for rejuvenation of spiritual life in this part of the world.
Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969: On the whole, your sincere endeavor for serving Krishna is gradually being accepted by the Lord, and the more you endeavor for such service, the more you'll feel sublime in existence in direct contact with Krishna day after day. I am also very glad to learn that you have already prepared a groundwork in England of the Krishna Consciousness Movement, and if I go there I shall take the opportunity to convince the people in general, philosophers and religionists of London about the importance of the Krishna Consciousness Movement. Sometime back I sent one letter addressed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, supposed to be presented through Mr. George Harrison, and I shall be glad to know what happened to that letter. If it was not presented before, it may be done so when George Harrison meets the Archbishop for the church. Actually our Krishna Conscious movement is genuine Christian movement. Christ means Krishna, love of Godhead, Who has His face annointed with tilak. There is a word Kristos in the Greek dictionary, and this word is supposed to be borrowed from the Sanskrit word "Krishna," and Christ is derived from Kristos. I find these things in a book known as Aquarian Gospel of Lord Jesus the Christ. Anyway, any genuine Christian will find our movement nice and perfect. We simply want their cooperation in this matter that they allow us to use their many vacant churches in the Western countries for rejuvenation of spiritual life in this part of the world. So if the Archbishop kindly gives us a church through the intervention of Mr. Harrison, it will be a great success for our movement. So try your best for this achievement.
Page Title: | Spiritual rejuvenation |
Compiler: | Panna |
Created: | 27 of Dec, 2008 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=2, Con=0, Let=3 |
No. of Quotes: | 5 |