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- Acintya bhedabheda tattva philosophy
- Although Sankaracarya preached the false philosophy of Mayavada, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu nevertheless said that since he did it on the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there was no fault on his part
- Culture and philosophy
- False philosophy
- Hippy philosophy
- Hog philosophy
- I put this question to Professor Kotovsky, that "What is the difference between your philosophy and our philosophy? You are Leninist; you are following the leader Lenin, and we are following the leader Krsna. So where is the difference in philosophy?"
- India is the land of religion. India is the land of philosophy
- Karma-vada philosophy
- Kevaladvaita philosophy
- Nirvana philosophy
- People are now very much advanced in understanding sex life. So many books, Freud philosophy, this philosophy. And after all, this is already there. What is the need of philosophy?
- Personal philosophy
- Philosophical thesis
- Philosophy of simultaneous oneness and difference
- Philosophy of this movement
- Sublime philosophy
- Their own philosophy
- Trained in the philosophy
- Visistadvaita philosophy
- A dvija is not an ordinary man but one who has studied Vedic literature from a spiritual master and can discriminate between good and bad. It is supposed that he understands logic and philosophy. Sati put before him (Daksa) sound arguments
- A gang of thieves has a signboard - "Goodman and Company." The philosophy is that when an animal is not properly nourished, that is cruelty. Therefore instead of allowing it to starve, better to kill it. That is their theory. Is it not
- A Krsna conscious person can never be turned into Marxism. That is not possible. That is explained in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Because they have seen the highest perfection of life, they cannot be misled by all these third-class, fourth-class philosophies
- A Krsna conscious person will not distinguish like that. For eating animal, they will philosophize that animal has no soul; therefore it can be killed. No. This is nonsense
- A perfect philosophy is one that has no defects, and that is Vedanta philosophy. No one can point out any defects in Vedanta philosophy, and therefore we can conclude that Vedanta is the supreme philosophical way of understanding the truth
- A person who is actually Krsna conscious is kind to everyone. Therefore one tenet of our philosophy is "No meat-eating." Of course, people may not accept this. They will say, - Oh, what is this nonsense? Meat is our food. Why should we not eat it
- A preacher of the Krsna consciousness movement generally should not waste his time talking with Mayavadi sannyasis, but when there are arguments on the basis of sastra, a Vaisnava must come forward to talk and defeat them in philosophy
- A pure Vaisnava serves a servant of Krsna and identifies himself as a servant of a servant of Krsna. This is pleasing to Lord Krsna. Srila Narottama dasa Thakura confirms this philosophy: chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara peyeche keba
- A Vaisnava, a devotee of the Lord, he always thinks of the fallen condition of general people. Just like in Christian philosophy they believe that Lord Jesus Christ suffered to be crucified by assimilating all the sinful activities of the people
- Above these gross materialists are the mental speculators who hover aloft in the mental spheres, and their occupational duties involve making poetry and philosophy or propagating some ism with the same aim of selfishness limited to the body and the mind
- Above these two classes of philosophers (monists & dualists) is the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda tattva, or the truth of simultaneous oneness and difference. This philosophy was propounded by Lord Sri Caitanya in His explanation of the Vedanta-sutras
- Acarya does not write any book of sex psychology, Freud's philosophy. That is not acarya; he is a rascal. Acarya gives direction how one can make advance in spiritual life. That is acarya
- Acarya Sankara's philosophy of "pantheism," which has spread a perverted interpretation of the Vedanta maxim that the Supreme Spirit is omnipresent, nonetheless has a practical bearing on the above verse of Bhagavad-gita
- According to academic order, logic is the preliminary study of philosophy
- According to Daksa's philosophy, one should become implicated in material enjoyment so that after experiencing the distress of such enjoyment, one will automatically renounce
- According to Mayavadis, Vedanta refers to the Sariraka commentary of Sankaracarya. When impersonal philosophers refer to Vedanta & the Upanisads, they are actually referring to the commentaries of Sankaracarya, the greatest teacher of Mayavadi philosophy
- According to the Mayavadi philosophy, the cosmic manifestation is but the transformation of the Absolute Truth, and the Absolute Truth has no separate existence outside the cosmic manifestation. This is not the message of Vedanta-sutra
- According to the Nirukti, or the Vedic dictionary, sankhya means that which describes phenomena in detail, and sankhya refers to that philosophy which describes the real nature of the soul. And yoga involves controlling the senses
- According to the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva, Lord Siva is not different from Lord Visnu, but still Lord Siva is not Lord Visnu, just as yogurt is nothing but milk and yet is not milk nevertheless
- According to the philosophy of Prajapati Daksa, a woman should first become pregnant and then experience the pain of childbirth. Then, if she is intelligent, she will not want to be pregnant again. Actually, however, this is not a fact
- According to the time, circumstances, different types of philosophies are there
- According to the time, circumstances, different types of philosophies are there. Just like Jesus Christ. He is advising, - Thou shall not killing
- According to the Vaibhasika philosophy, the so-called soul or atma vanishes along with the deterioration of the body. BG 1972 purports
- According to their philosophy, through sexual indulgence one can elevate oneself to the spiritual platform
- Actual philosophy is this: the religion means surrender to Krsna. Anything else which does not surrender to Krsna, that is not religion. That is rejected in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, dharmah projjhita-kaitavo (SB 1.1.2): all cheating religion is rejected
- Actually animals are not dead stone, but the killers of animals are stonehearted. Consequently no reason or philosophy appeals to them. They continue keeping slaughterhouses and killing animals in the forest
- Actually the human life is meant for being educated that he is not this body; he is soul. That is the Vedanta-sutra philosophy, to inquire about the spirit soul. That is our main business
- Actually the Mayavadi philosophy was started with Vivekananda. Because I don't find in the Christian faith that they are Mayavadis. Their belief is service to God. Of course, they are somewhat Mayavadis
- Actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead has His transcendental body, Lord Siva states. But I describe the Supreme as impersonal. I also explain the Vedanta-sutra according to the same principles of Mayavadi philosophy
- Actually, Srila Sankaracarya's principles for the acceptance of sannyasa were very strict, but later the so-called Mayavadi sannyasis became degraded because of their false philosophy, which propounds that by accepting sannyasa one becomes Narayana
- Adherence to the philosophy of the Mayavadis, belief in the fruitive results of the karma-vadis, and belief in plans based on materialistic desires are called avirodha-priti
- All advancement of science, knowledge, philosophy, theology - anything - the idea is how to stop the miserable condition of life. But the real miserable condition of life, according to Bhagavad-gita, is birth, death, old age and disease
- All materialistic philosophers have tried to avoid the Supreme PG by putting forward their own mentally concocted philosophies. However, Vyasadeva has thoroughly studied all these philosophical speculations and in answer has compiled the Vedanta-sutra
- All of you there push on this movement in Germany which is the best country in Europe. The most intelligent class of men are there. Try to convince them about our philosophy. The German scholars are especially inclined toward Indian philosophy
- All the books, laws, everything - education, culture, philosophy, science - it is all meant for the human being, not for the cats and dogs
- Along the Buddhist path there are nine principles: (5) Lord Buddha is the only source of understanding the truth. (6) The principle of nirvana, or annihilation, is the ultimate goal. (7) The philosophy of Buddha is the only philosophical path
- Although mental speculators may be renowned all over the world as great authorities, actually they are not. Such leaders are themselves conservative & not at all liberal. However, if we preach this philosophy people will consider Vaisnavas very sectarian
- Although Prahlada Maharaja was obliged to hear the instructions of Sanda and Amarka, he did not like the philosophy of friends and enemies, which forms the basis of politics. He was not interested in this philosophy
- Although Sankara was attempting to cover the Supreme Lord by his Mayavadi philosophy, he was simply following the order of the Supreme Lord. It should be understood that his teachings were a timely necessity but not a permanent fact
- Although there is no GBC man for Far East for addressing your questions, still, as I am now old man and inclined for philosophy and translating, I am asking my disciples to kindly give me some relief from so much administrative work and asking questions
- An actual Vaisnava cannot tolerate any philosophy that claims God and the living being to be one and the same
- Any knowledge of the world, and knowledge - even material, spiritual, social, political, scientific, philosophical - any knowledge you'll find entirely in this Bhagavad-gita
- Any of the great religious reformer or acaryas of any country. In your country, Lord Jesus Christ or Lord Buddha. Of course, Lord Buddha, he advented himself in India, but later on his philosophy was broadcast all over Asia
- Any one who accepts this philosophy of God's Mercy in suffering conditions, and still makes progress in Krishna Consciousness, it is said that he is sure to go back to Home, Back to Godhead
- Any philosophy, er, any science you take, you have to accept some axiomatic truth. Then you go on
- Anyone who is in the bodily concept of life, he is no better than animal. So our all morality, all social status, all politics, all philosophy, everything is on this bodily concept of life. We want to enjoy senses. Senses means different parts of the body
- Anyone who wants to establish his own opinion or philosophy certainly cannot explain any scripture according to the principle of direct interpretation
- As a human being if he lives like cats and dogs, he'll never be happy. Because there is no happiness, therefore he takes these drugs, to forget. This is the drug philosophy
- As a matter of philosophy and book of knowledge, it is (Bhagavad-gita) very popular all over the world
- As a sincere friend of Krsna, one should preach this philosophy, requesting everyone to surrender unto Krsna. Atma-nivedanam means offering Krsna everything, including one's body, mind, intelligence and whatever one may possess
- As confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (8.22), He (Krsna) can be approached only by unalloyed devotional service and not by the processes of jnana (philosophy), yoga (mysticism) or karma (fruitive work)
- As confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita as well as in the Bhagavatam, Lord Caitanya's theory of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva is the perfect philosophy of the Absolute Truth
- As long as one adheres to the philosophy of duality, thinking one person a friend and another an enemy, he should be understood to be in Maya. The Mayavadi philosopher who thinks that all living entities are God and are therefore one is also mistaken
- As philosophy is called the science of all sciences, Vedanta is the ultimate philosophy of all philosophical speculations
- As soon as Citraketu understood the philosophy of vairagya-vidya, the knowledge of renunciation, he could understand the process of bhakti-yoga
- As soon as I become servant of maya, then I shall create so many rascaldom in the name of philosophy and science. This is going on. So-called philosophy and science means all rascaldom, bad work. It is very challenging word, but this is the fact
- As soon as the body's finished so I am not going to take birth again. So long I am living, let me enjoy life - This is the modern philosophy, hedonism. But that is not the fact
- Atheistic philosophies never agree with one another. Different species of life are evidence of varieties of mixtures of the modes of material nature
- Atoms may form the basic combinations of material existence, but these atoms are generated from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus the philosophy of Gautama and Kanada cannot be supported
- Because some of the intelligent boys and girls have taken this philosophy seriously, therefore I am able to push it on and on
- Because they are rascals, they are falsely claiming, "This is my country. This is my property. Nobody can come here." This is a dog's philosophy
- Because we are always very busy in the discharge of our worldly duties, generally we do not wish to understand any philosophy except our mundane philosophy of the stomach and allied subjects
- Bhagavad-gita is the sublime cultural knowledge, and of course religion is included there, but it is not fanaticism or sentimental religion. It is based on pure science, philosophy, and logic
- Bhagavan Acarya’s brother, whose name was Gopala Bhattacarya, had studied Vedanta philosophy at Benares and had then returned to Bhagavan Acarya’s home
- Bhakti-yoga, devotional service, is the basic principle of all systems of philosophy; all philosophy which does not aim for devotional service to the Lord is considered merely mental speculation
- Bindu-sarovara is worshiped by great sages and learned scholars because, according to the philosophy of the Absolute Truth, the Lord and the tears from His eyes are not different
- Bluffing rascals. Don't be misled. Live peacefully here (in New Mayapura), chant Hare Krsna. Now I have given the ideas, the philosophy, in the books; so it is your business to develop all over the world
- Both groups (the impersonalist Sankarites of Varanasi and the Buddhists of Saranatha) are Mayavadis, and Krsna takes away their knowledge due to their atheistic philosophies
- Brahman means wherefrom everything emanates. So science, philosophy, means to find out the ultimate cause of everything. That we are getting from the sastras, Vedic literature, that Krsna is the cause of all causes
- Brahmana means as it is, they will describe. That is brahmana. And if one has got some motive, that "Bhagavad-gita is popular book. Let me utilize it and make my rascal philosophy popular . . ." That is wrong. That is sudra
- BTG articles are generally seen by the editors, and it is better that we stress on our own philosophy than to indulge in some hodge-podge philosophy which is basically unauthorized
- Buddha appeared and spread the philosophy of nonviolence to keep the atheists from killing animals. Unless one is free from the sin of animal-killing, he cannot understand religion or God
- Buddha is saktyavesa-avatara. We accept Lord Jesus Christ also, saktyavesa-avatara; Muhammad, saktyavesa-avatara. Saktyavesa-avatara means a living entity especially empowered, and he preaches the philosophy on behalf
- Buddha philosophy says that this material body is a combination of matter. Now, as soon as the matter is dissolved, then the feelings of happiness and distress is gone. But according to BG, the existence of soul is accepted in the Vedic literature
- Buddha philosophy was driven out. The Sankara, impersonal, philosophy was established
- Buddha philosophy, they do not recognize the soul. They, according to them, that the combination of matter at a certain stage produces consciousness. But that philosophy, that argument, can be refuted
- But they do not believe in the next life, although it is very common sense. Actually there is next life because Krsna says, and we can understand the philosophy by a little intelligence that there is next life
- By advaya-jnana-darsana, Srila Advaita Acarya has glorified pure devotional service. Srila Nityananda Prabhu herein sarcastically condemns the philosophy of the impersonal monists and praises the correct nondual philosophy of Sri Advaita Prabhu
- By the ascending process one is elevated by knowledge acquired by himself. In this way one thinks - I don't care for any authorities or books. I will attain knowledge myself by meditation, philosophy, etc. In this way I will understand God
- By this system of philosophy (the Sankhya philosophy enunciated by Lord Kapila), one can immediately become free, even though one is situated in this material world. That stage is called jivan-mukti
- By thoroughly studying a limited number of books, one can understand the philosophy
- By understanding this philosophy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and engaging in His transcendental service, everyone can become freed from all contaminations of the modes of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Caitanya means living force. He says vicara. "Just try to understand by logic, by philosophy, by argument." That is vicara. We are not following Caitanya Mahaprabhu blindly. That is not our position
- Caitanya-caritamrta author says, caitanyera dayara katha karaha vicara. Vicara. Just put your judgment. Try to understand with logic and try to understand with philosophy. Not as a fanatic
- Chanting is so strong, it will send all philosophy to hell. You will come out triumphant of all others
- Christianity or this "nity" we are not concerned. We are concerned with the philosophy. We are not concerned with a particular type of faith
- Communism, the idea is nice. But they are imperfect. Their philosophy is that everything belongs to the state
- Communists and socialists are trying to propagate the philosophy that everything belongs to the mass of people or to the state. Such an idea is not perfect
- Concocted philosophy
- Currently, many pseudo-religions - now becoming fashionable in America - are also adhering to this philosophy (that the life symptoms develop by interaction of the physical and chemical elements). BG 1972 purports
- Daityas, who are materialistic persons, sometimes think of philosophy when some relative meets death. The technical term for this attitude of the materialistic person is smasana-vairagya, or detachment in a cemetery or place of cremation
- Darwin has taken the idea of evolution from this Padma Purana. You won't find any philosophy, any doctrine in the world which is not found in the Vedic literature
- Deha-yogena. This philosophy practically is unknown to the world, that the body changes and our sense gratification, material enjoyment, is offered according to the body. Just like a hog: hog's sense enjoyment is stool-eating
- Dhruva frankly admitted that he was lacking in brahminical humility and was therefore unable to accept the philosophy of Narada Muni
- Dhruva Maharaja, having already been trained in the ksatriya spirit, would not accept the brahminical philosophy
- Don't try to interpret in a different way. The whole mischief is that everyone has got his own theosophy. And Bhagavad-gita is a popular book, and he wants to prove his own philosophy through Bhagavad-gita
- Drug philosophy means to forget one's present suffering. And he must suffer, because his consciousness is developed. He must take this Vedic knowledge, but he does not take
- Due to my love to God I love others also, because I am trying to teach them to love God, the same philosophy. So if people take seriously this movement, how to love God, then human society will be first-rate
- Either the world is run on the principle of communistic philosophy or capitalistic philosophy, it will never be happy. Here is the formula, that everyone should be satisfied with the profit that he can easily make. That's all
- Essence of all doctrines and philosophies
- Even great philosophers who are trying to elevate themselves in the self-realization platform, if that sort of philosophy is acyuta-bhava-varjitam, without Krsna consciousness, that does not look well. That is not first-class philosophy
- Even if one does not read any philosophy, he is sexually inclined. Nobody is taught it in the schools and colleges. Everyone already knows how to do it. That is the general tendency. But education should be given to stop it. That is real education
- Even if we accept Lord Jesus Christ as saktyavesa avatara, it doesn't mean that we have to accept his philosophy. But we have all respects for him without fail
- Even if you study scrutinizingly, very scientifically or, whatever you may say, philosophically, you will have to accept a supreme arrangement, a supreme hand over everything. That is called Krsna consciousness
- Even the dog knows how to use sex life. It doesn't require a Freud's philosophy. But the rascal human society, they are thinking that "Here is a big philosopher. He is writing about sex"
- Even there is a promise that "We shall not fall down again," that is also not believable. What is the use? Better go and speak philosophy in your grhastha dress, not this dress, but you have nice coat, pants, gentleman
- Even those who are going to church, they are also praying God, "God, give us our daily bread." These rascals, they have made God as agent for their sense gratification. This is their philosophy
- Even though the Lord cannot be understood by ordinary persons, this principle (acintya-bhedabheda philosophy) should be understood from the statement of the sastras
- Even today, many people follow the philosophy that God is dead. But God is never dead. Even the living entity, who is part of God, never dies
- Every day discuss Caitanya-caritamrta, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, specifically in this temple. Try to understand the philosophy and preach this philosophy to others who are suffering. Everyone is suffering
- Every one of you should study the philosophy, try to understand it and spread it. That is good for you and good for others
- Everyone is subjected to his past deeds, and one who is conversant with the philosophy of karma and its reactions is a man in knowledge. Such a person will not be aggrieved at any incident, happy or miserable
- Everyone is trying to bring in the forefront the party politics because the leader cannot be successful unless the whole country accepts his philosophy, his party. But Krsna consciousness is so nice that it does not require that a community
- Everyone thinks in his own way. That is not philosophy. That is not law: "I think..." "We think..." No. You cannot think. What is your value? You are imperfect. Your senses are imperfect. How you can think perfect things?
- Everyone with common sense can understand that, "What philosophy?" Here they see practically character, philosophy, devotion, faith, strict discipline. Any gentleman will appreciate
- Everyone, the materialistic man means ghostly haunted. He's talking so many nonsense. The whole grade, philosophy, science and everything, all ghostly talking, that's all. There is no reality
- Everything - politics, sociology, religion, philosophy, science, astronomy - everything is there in Srimad-Bhagavatam. And we should not take this movement as a religious movement. It's not religious movement. It is a movement for understanding knowledge
- Everything depends on your present karma, work - how you are making up your next life. But these rascals, they do not know there is a next life, and they are doctor of philosophy
- Everything is an expansion of Brahman, the SPG, yet everything is not the Supreme Godhead, and He is not everywhere. Everything rests upon Him and yet does not rest upon Him. This can be explained only through the acintya-bhedabheda philosophy
- Everything is God. That is a fact. And still, everything is not God. That is also fact. So we have to understand this philosophy
- Everything is scientific reason, philosophy. But the simple method is so easy to perform that anyone can understand very easily. What is that? Sarva-dharman parityajya... (BG 18.66). What Krsna says, you accept
- False devotees think that studying books of the previous acaryas is unadvisable, like studying dry empiric philosophies
- Familiarity breeds contempt. But in the Western countries when we speak of Krsna, they see the philosophy. They see the science and become attracted
- Farce of modern science, and every philosophy and science group, where they are just cheating the public. Then exhibit how Krsna consciousness is showing the real way
- Foodstuffs should be given, nice foodstuff given, should be given to the particular person for developing nice brain. Milk is a foodstuff which can develop your finer tissues of the brain so that you can understand higher philosophy
- Foolish Mayavadis say that worshiping demigods is as good as worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but that is not a fact. This philosophy misleads people to atheism
- Foolish Mayavadis, not knowing that the Krsna consciousness movement is based on a solid philosophy of transcendental science, superficially conclude that those who dance and chant do not have philosophical knowledge
- For a pure devotee who has realized Krsna consciousness through Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the monistic philosophy by which one becomes one with the Supreme appears hellish
- For preaching work, especially in India, preachers are generally sannyasi. And I know that even in Buddha philosophy, a Buddhist, a person following Buddhist religion, he has to take sannyasa at least for some time
- For the mass of people, this chanting of holy name of God is very easy and very beneficial, for the mass of people. Mass of people do not understand very much philosophy
- Formerly such scholars (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya) were there, such religious persons were there. Therefore people were happy. What these rascals speak? Now there is Freud's philosophy and Darwin's theory
- Freedom from doubt and delusion, can be achieved when one is not hesitant and when he understands the transcendental philosophy. Slowly but surely he becomes free from bewilderment. BG 1972 purports
- Freud's philosophy is the business of the hogs and dogs, and it has been taken as philosophy. Even the hogs and dogs know how to enjoy sex life. And they are.... On account of sex life, they have written a philosophy. Is that philosophy?
- From matter, automatically creation takes place, that is not very perfect philosophy, neither one can support this view in the long run
- God is father of everything that is made. Here it is clearly stated, "All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made." That is also statement of the Vedanta-sutra, the most perfect philosophy of Vedic language
- God is never dead. Krsna is never dead, as some of the modern philosophers, they are putting forward the philosophy of "God is dead." God is dead for those who are following the owl philosophy
- Gross matter includes high skyscraper buildings, machines, factories, nice roads, good cars, etc. Subtle matter includes nice songs, poetry, philosophy, etc. People are trying to be happy with this gross and subtle material existence. That cannot be
- He (Arjuna) wanted to become nonviolent in the discharge of his specific duty. For a ksatriya to be in the battlefield and to become nonviolent is the philosophy of fools. BG 1972 purports
- He (Carvaka Muni) says, his philosophy - hedonism, "That so long you live, you live very happily." In India the standard of living happily is to eat more ghee, that is a luxury
- He (Carvaka) also maintained that one should not be afraid of death, the next life, the past life or an impious life because after the body is burnt to ashes, everything is finished. This is the philosophy of those who are too much materially addicted
- He (Krsna) can speak on the highest elevated subjects of philosophy, politics, economics - everything. And He also spoke before the gopis, who were so dear to Him. He wanted to enchant them by word jugglery, and thus He began to speak as follows
- He (Krsna) remains as opulent as ever, without any change (advaitam). This is explained by different Vaisnava acaryas through philosophies such as visuddhadvaita, visistadvaita and dvaitadvaita. Therefore one must learn about Krsna from the acaryas
- He (Lord Buddha) also appeared in India. Why? He was also Hindu. He was ksatriya, king. He promulgated this philosophy, ahimsa, when there was unnecessary killing of animals
- He was meant for this knowledge (Vedas), but he remains like cats and dog; therefore he is not satisfied, therefore he takes drug to forget himself. This is the philosophy of drug
- He who makes a show of being a yogi, while actually searching for the objects of sense gratification, must be called the greatest cheater, even though he sometimes speaks of philosophy. BG 1972 purports
- He's (Karl Marx) thinking that the capitalist, they are satisfying only their senses in luxuriously, why not the laborers who are actually working. That is his philosophy
- Hedonistic philosophy
- Here (in CC Madhya 9.1) Kaviraja Gosvami states that although these people (of South India) were as strong as elephants, they were almost in the clutches of death because they were being attacked by the crocodiles of various philosophies
- Here, in every step there is danger. Why shall you live here? Take this boat and go, cross the material ocean, and go back to home, back to Godhead. This is the philosophy
- His (Lord Buddha's) philosophy is meant for bewildering the atheists and should not be accepted. If someone asks, "Why should Krsna propagate atheistic principles"
- Household life or in city life we should not be extravagant, unnecessarily eating, unnecessarily enjoying. No, that is not the path. "One man's food, another man's poison." We must know this philosophy
- How can you get knowledge without authoritative studies of books and science and philosophy?
- Human intellect is developed for advancement of learning in art, science, philosophy, physics, chemistry, psychology, economics, politics, etc. By culture of such knowledge the human society can attain perfection of life
- Human philosophy is to understand first of all, "What I am? I am this body or something else?" That is human life. But nobody questions this. There is no institution to teach this science, therefore the whole human society is misguided
- I (Prabhupada) met one Bengali professor of philosophy who is teaching in the Kurukshetra University. He is also very much interested. He is already reading my books and he is very much satisfied
- I am an old man now, and my interests are turning to philosophy and translation. If you help me by relieving me from this administrative work, that will free me to give you so many more fine books from Vedic literature and from our own devotional line
- I am eternal part and parcel of Narayana, and it is the duty of the part and parcel to serve the whole - That is correct philosophy. Just like this finger is part and parcel of my body, so it is the duty of the finger to serve the whole body
- I am the master, and I am God. Who else is there but me?" All these ideas reflect the philosophy of aham mama, the conception that "I am everything
- I have seen in foreign countries that practically no students join high philosophical and scientific classes. People nowadays are only interested in money-earning philosophy. Nobody goes to the philosophical classes in universities
- I hope you will appreciate this process of preaching to please the facts as they are confirmed by all Vaisnava acaryas. We are publishing our books thoroughly on the basis of this philosophy
- I shall review all the Indian systems of philosophy also, from this angle of vision, so that this book will be very much interesting to the student class in the schools and the colleges
- I understand from your letter that sometimes discussions on Aurobindo philosophy are done by Mr. Parikh from the Vyasasana, so I am a little surprised how did you allow like this. I think you should rectify immediately all these mistakes as stated by you
- If a Marx can change so many men's minds to follow his imperfect philosophy, what can Krishna, the Supreme Perfect, accomplish!
- If a person in the mode of goodness happens to hear this Mayavadi philosophy, he falls down, for when teaching Mayavadi philosophy, I (Lord Siva) say that the living entity and the Supreme Lord are one and the same
- If England and America as well as France and Germany can understand this philosophy (of catur varnyam) there will be great theistic revolution which will counteract the atheistic philosophy of Marxism
- If everyone is an authority, or if everyone accepts his own intelligence as the ultimate criterion - as is presently fashionable - the scriptures will be interpreted in many different ways, and everyone will claim that his own philosophy is supreme
- If from the beginning of life one is taught the Vaisnava philosophy of duality or variety, the monistic philosophy will not bother him very much. In reality, everything is an emanation from the supreme source
- If Kirtanananda does not understand this philosophy then better he should stop speaking nonsense
- If Krsna wants to kill you, who can save you? Nobody can save you. And if Krsna wants to protect you, who can kill you?" This is philosophy, abhayam
- If one accepts the Personality of Godhead, the philosophy that maintains that God and the living entity are one cannot be established. Therefore Sankaracarya argued against and refuted all kinds of revealed scriptures
- If one does not accept the living entity to be a minute, infinitesimal spark of the Supreme but equates the jiva-tattva with the Supreme Brahman or Supreme PG, it must be understood that his entire philosophy is based on a misunderstanding
- If one hears and chants without trying to give up offenses, one may try to support his philosophy by joining some caste or identifying himself with a certain dynasty, claiming a monopoly on spiritual advancement
- If one is carried away by the waves of nature, what is the meaning of being a great scientist or philosopher? Mundane science and philosophy are also material creations
- If one knows Krsna, he knows everything. He knows politics, he knows economics, he knows science, he knows philosophy, he knows religion, he knows sociology, everything
- If one studies a particular book, he must do so thoroughly. That is the principle. By thoroughly studying a limited number of books, one can understand the philosophy
- If one understands the philosophy that as a living spirit soul he has an affinity for neither suffering nor enjoyment, then he is considered to be a liberated person
- If one wants to understand this sankirtana movement through philosophy and learning and logic, oh, there is ample opportunity. It is not sentimental. It is based on science and based on authority of Vedas. But it is simplified
- If people accept this philosophy that all land on the surface of the globe belongs to God, Krsna, then whole problem is immediately solved. Is it not?
- If people accept this philosophy, then the whole world becomes Vaikuntha. There is no quarrel. Everything becomes happy
- If somebody makes distinction between Hindu or Christian philosophy, he is not a philosopher. He can not say the sun is the Indian sun because it shines in India, or it's the American sun because it shines in America. But actually the sun is the same sun
- If somebody thinks, "Let me qualify like this, then I shall be able to serve Krsna better," no, that’s a wrong philosophy. Whatever qualification you have acquired already, you begin Krsna service, Krsna consciousness
- If somebody wants to understand this Hare Krsna mantra through philosophy, through study, through Vedanta, we are not lacking. We have got books. It is not that Hare Krsna mantra is insufficient, therefore we are recommending books. No. Not like that
- If the local people are trained up to our philosophy and mode of life, then there is no difficulty
- If the people are in chaos, how they'll be able to accept the great philosophy? It requires cool brain
- If they (materialists) are without knowledge of devotional service to the Lord, then great nationalism, fruitive, political or social work, science or philosophy are all simply like costly garments decorating a dead body
- If they are serious, they must hear the philosophy for some time, and I am prepared to spare my time for this purpose
- If they remain unreasonably stuck up in their own concocted philosophy, then it is difficult. But it is a fact that the living entity is eternally one with and different from God. Find this verse: mamaivamso jiva-loke - BG 15.7
- If we scrutinizingly study the life of Krsna, you will find in the history of the world than Krsna there was no richer person than Krsna, no powerful person than Krsna, more learned and person of knowledge, philosophy, than Krsna
- If we simply repeat this philosophy exactly as it is, without any misrepresentation or adulteration, then this movement will never be checked, and we will conquer the world
- If you accept Bhagavad-gita as the book of authority, you cannot change the meaning. That is not allowed. What right? If you have got some opinion, if you have got some philosophy, you can write in your own book
- If you become zero, no body, then you are free from pains and pleasure. This is their philosophy, nirvana philosophy, sunyavadi: "Make it zero." But that is not possible. That is not possible
- If you have got a different type of philosophy, you can write. Why you should touch Bhagavad-gita and misrepresent it? So because they are sudras - their business is to cheat - they do that. But a brahmana will not do that
- If you have got some opinion, if you have got some philosophy, you can write in your own book. Why you are, I mean to say, killing others and yourself by interpreting Bhagavad-gita?
- If you kindly try to understand this philosophy of the Supreme Person as described in Bhagavad-gita, 8th chapter, you will understand our activities more clearly
- If you not dull, if you are intelligent and if you take the sutra, this code, janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1), that is knowledge, that is philosophy, that is science - to find out the original source. That is Krsna consciousness
- If you study the whole situation, creation of the Lord, you will find everything is complete, perfect. That is philosophy. Everything is complete. There is no necessity. Our only necessity is that we take advantage of Krsna's arrangement
- If you take, simply take religion without basis of philosophy, then it is fanaticism. That's all
- If you think that "I am the only son of God, and the animal is . . . has no soul, and let us kill," that is not a very good philosophy. Why not? What is the symptoms of possessing soul
- If you want philosophy, the aim of life, the destination of life, then we can talk, what is the destination of life, what is required. If you criticize me, then I can criticize you also
- If you want real satisfaction, then you must love Krsna, or God. That is the whole philosophy of..., Vedic philosophy. Or any philosophy you take
- If you want to know more, if you don't believe that Hare Krsna mantra is so powerful, if you want to know about this (KC) movement through science, philosophy, logic, we have got ample books
- If you want to preach some rascal philosophy, you do. Why you take Bhagavad-gita? That is cheating
- If you want to speak your own word, why you take Bhagavad-gita? How much, ah, devilish mentality. You want to speak your own philosophy - speak. Why do you take advantage of Bhagavad-gita? But that is going on
- If you want to understand Krsna through philosophy and knowledge, there are immense provisions for this philosophy and knowledge in these books
- If your philosophy accepted that everyone is authority, you cannot say: "Do your own work." Why should you say? Then you become authority. You should not speak at all
- Immense treasure house of knowledge and philosophy
- Impersonal monists are always attacked by these Tattvavadis (Srila Madhvacarya's party), who attempt to defeat their philosophy of impersonalism. Generally, they establish the supremacy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Impersonalist philosophers (Mayavadis) maintain that both the living entity and God Himself are under the control of maya when they come into this material world. This is the fallacy of their philosophy - CC Intro
- Impersonalists, they do not know what is love. Because he's one. Their philosophy is oneness. So how there can be love, one? Is it possible? Have you got any such experience, love means one? No. Love means two. There must be two: the lover & the beloved
- In a godless civilization especially, sense pleasure, accepted in the name of culture and philosophy, is all in all. Men who are addicted to this pleasure are called krpanas
- In ancient days the kings were taught lessons in political philosophy by ideal teachers according to the Vedic codes for both the material and the spiritual upliftment of society
- In any religion there is a conception of worshiping God or symbol of God. Even in Jain philosophy they also worship Mahavira. In Buddha philosophy they worship Lord Buddha. In India there is Jainism. That is almost like Buddhism
- In Bengal there is a proverb that instead of having no maternal uncle, it is better to have a maternal uncle who is blind. The King (Citraketu) accepted this philosophy, thinking that a disobedient son would be better than no son at all
- In Christian philosophy they believe that Lord Jesus Christ suffered to be crucified by assimilating all the sinful activities of the people. Yes. A devotee of Lord thinks like that
- In general, the monists cannot grasp the intricate philosophy of nondualism. So Dr. Radhakrishnan has spun out of his imagination a theory by which he tries to establish dualism in nondualism
- In Khadadaha, sometimes people misunderstood Nityananda Prabhu to belong to the sakta-sampradaya, whose philosophy is antah saktah bahih saivah sabhayam vaisnavo matah
- In Krsna consciousness we offer better engagement, better life, better philosophy, better consciousness - everything better. Therefore those who engage in devotional service can give up sinful activities and promote themselves to Krsna consciousness
- In modern society there is practically no education in spiritual matters. Some of the people may appear to be atheistic or agnostic or philosophical, but actually there is no knowledge of philosophy. BG 1972 purports
- In modern time, either Hindus, Muslim or Christian, because in these places there is no teaching of philosophy, therefore they are closing, either mosque or temple or church. They will close
- In no other philosophy will you find such a clear conception of God. So I request you to kindly study with seriousness our books, and you may compare Krishna consciousness with other philosophies
- In spite of so-called advancement of education, culture, science, philosophy, the result is when you go to the airport you are proved you are a dishonest man. Everyone is checked means everyone is dishonest, it is to be supposed
- In subduing others, in joking, in responding to danger, in acting for the welfare of others, and so on, one could refuse to fulfill one's promise, and there would be no fault. By this philosophy, Sukracarya tried to dissuade Bali Maharaja from giving land
- In the Christian religion all we see is Christ's picture as he was crucified, so how people can be attracted to such thing? There is no science, philosophy, music, art, Prasadam, it is no wonder that the people are rejecting this nonsense
- In the Christian world they go to the church, "O God, give us our daily bread." But higher philosophy is that we should not or we need not ask God for our bread. That is already there. We should approach God, how to love Him
- In the Kali-yuga (the present age of quarrel), If the man or the woman is deficient in sex life, then there is divorce. So, for this philosophy there are many Western philosophers like Freud and others who have written so many books
- In the Kumara-sampradaya, or Nimbarka-sampradaya, Sri Nimbarka establishes the philosophy of dvaitadvaita-vada in the Parijata-saurabha-bhasya
- In the Padma Purana Lord Siva tells Bhagavatidevi: My dear Devi, sometimes I teach Mayavadi philosophy for those who are engrossed in the mode of ignorance. But if a person in the mode of goodness happens to hear this Mayavadi philosophy, he falls down
- In the present day, people who have no control over their senses, who have no understanding of philosophy and who do not follow religious principles or rules and regulations are nonetheless pretending to be yogis
- In the Upanisads as the impersonal Brahman and in philosophy as the supreme male
- In the Visistadvaita philosophy, God's energies, expansions and incarnations are considered to be oneness in diversity. In other words, God is not separate from all of these: everything together is God - CC Intro
- In the West also Bhagavad-gita is accepted as a great book of philosophy, and many great scholars and philosophers in the West have read it and commented upon it
- In this philosophy, which is certainly very inauspicious for people in general, I (Siva as Sankaracarya) have misrepresented the real meaning of the Vedas and recommended that one give up all activities in order to achieve freedom from karma
- In this verse (SB 6.16.9) the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda - simultaneous oneness and difference - is described
- In this way (when hearing philosophy, stories, narrations about God and his devotees) a man becomes refreshed in mind, exactly like a person who smears scented sandalwood pulp all over his body and decorates himself with ornaments
- In this world death is the most certain thing; no one can avoid it. When death comes, no longer will our puffed-up philosophy or advanced degrees help us
- In truth, not whimsically, not sentimentally; with sound philosophy, knowledge, argument, you try to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is, then after giving up this body, undoubtedly you go back to Krsna
- In visistadvaita philosophy, God's energies, expansions and incarnations are considered to be oneness in diversity. In other words, God is not separate from all these; everything together is God
- In your western countries the rascals, they are writing philosophy on sex life, which is known by the dog
- Instead of accepting so many infidel or imperfect leadership, let us accept the leadership of Krsna and make our life perfect. That is the whole philosophy
- It (Krsna Consciousness Movement) is offering not only the simplest process of chanting Hare Krsna but also the most sublime philosophy
- It (Srimad-Bhagavatam) includes literature, poetry, astronomy, philosophy, religion, and love of Godhead. Srimad-bhagavatam pramanam amalam
- It (uniting on the spiritual platform) is possible at any time, provided people take to spiritual life. For example, one of the items of spiritual life is no meat-eating. So do you think this philosophy will be taken by everyone?
- It is a soul-killing civilization. We have to fight against it, to save at least a few men. So you are thoughtful young man. You try to understand this philosophy, and you try to spread. You have got good field for teaching students
- It is accepted that nature creates man, and that is not very good philosophy. Nature creates man, then nature is supreme. There is no such thing. And nature is ultimate. Nature is dull matter
- It is admitted by all schools of philosophy, that the living being is eternal and that the covering body of the five material elements is perishable and temporary
- It is not that we can manufacture some philosophy. That is nonsense. Philosophy is one; religion is one. Everyone has to follow
- It is rat philosophy. He has something to do-cut everything into pieces
- It is Srila Jiva Goswami who has presented very high philosophy in his Six Sandavas
- It is very difficult to assimilate this truth of the oneness between the potent and the potency. The philosophy of inconceivable oneness and difference propounded by Lord Caitanya is the only source of understanding
- It is very important that these books be distributed world wide. By reading people will get good opinion of our movement and philosophy
- John Lennon was follower of this. "Sex anyone. It doesn't matter. It is a bodily necessity. That's all." They learn this art from the hogs, hog philosophy
- Just as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the form of Visnu saved the elephant Gajendra from the clutches of a crocodile, so He saved all the people of South India from the clutches of various philosophies by converting them into Vaisnavas
- Just as the Russian and Chinese Communists think that everything belongs to the state, we think that everything belongs to God. This is merely an extension of the same philosophy, and to understand it one simply needs a little intelligence
- Just like in government, there are so many departments. So you need not to flatter him, but you do your duty, you pay your tax, you abide by the laws, then everything will be right. You need not worship any person. That is their philosophy, karma-mimamsa
- Just like this Vivekananda philosophy, daridra-narayana-seva, to serve the poor Narayana. Narayana has become poor. These are manufactured things. This is not with reference to the authorized sastras or knowledge
- Just see this philosophy. Cinmayananda or any ordinary person, he has to judge which sloka is suitable, which is not suitable. That means he is more than Krsna
- Just see. This is the position. How low taste: hogs' and pigs' business, and write philosophy. His (Freud's) books are selling like anything
- Kamsa philosophy
- Karl Marx. He is thinking how the laborer, the worker, their senses will be gratified. That is his philosophy
- Krishna appreciates such strong preachers as His dearmost servants, so let us work very enthusiastically to drive away rascal philosophy and establish the real religion of Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Krsna consciousness movement is neither a new movement nor it is a concocted philosophy. It is based on authorities like Bhagavad-gita and other Vedic literature. And practically you see how it is effective. Simply by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra
- Krsna consciousness movement is preaching this philosophy that, "You take to Krsna consciousness; your life will be perfect." And the method is very simple. There is no secrecy
- Krsna is so full that even Krsna expands million times, still, He's the same thing, Krsna. That is Krsna. Krsna is person. And even He expands, Krsna, in many ways. This is the fine philosophy
- Krsna puts forward this argument that before this manifested form of life there was void, and after this manifested life, there will be void, according to the void philosophy. Then where is the cause of lamentation? There is no cause of lamentation
- Krsna says, "Accept this philosophy." What is that? "Always think of Me, become a devotee of Me." "Worship Me and offer little obeisances unto Me." Four things. It is not difficult
- Krsna says, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi duhkha-dosanudarsanam: (BG 13.9) "Keep always in your front that there is death, there is birth, and try to save yourself from this." This is philosophy
- Krsna selected Arjuna: "My dear Arjuna, I shall speak to you the whole philosophy which I instructed to sun-god." "Why You are prepared to instruct me?" Krsna says, bhakto 'si, - Because you are My devotee
- Let us dissolve this so-called nationality; accept this whole planet belonging to us, all the human being, animals, birds, beasts, trees, as they are on this planet, - if we accept this philosophy, there is no question of chaotic condition of the society
- Living entities in a pure state are called devotees. The Supreme Lord becomes the devotee of His devotees. If a reciprocal relationship is not present between the devotee and the Lord, then there is no personalist philosophy. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Buddha appeared in the family of a high-grade ksatriya king, but his philosophy was not in accord with the Vedic conclusions and therefore was rejected
- Lord Buddha, an incarnation of Lord Krsna, adopted a particular means to propagate the philosophy of bhagavata-dharma. He preached almost exclusively among atheists
- Lord Buddha’s intention was to stop atheists from committing the sin of killing animals. Atheists cannot understand God; therefore Lord Buddha appeared and spread the philosophy of nonviolence to keep the atheists from killing animals
- Lord Caitanya's philosophy is that of "inconceivably one and different." This system of philosophy constitutes perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Krsna says, dhiras tatra na muhyati: (BG 2.13) one who is dhira, or sober, who is learned in philosophy and established in knowledge, cannot be unhappy over the transmigration of the soul
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu converted the inhabitants of South India. These people were as strong as elephants, but they were in the clutches of the crocodiles of various philosophies, such as the Buddhist, Jain and Mayavada philosophies
- Lord Zetland, sometimes he was governor of Bengal. So when we were student, he came to our college. He was very learned philosopher; especially he was lover of Indian philosophy
- Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy began from this philosophy of universal brotherhood which is not restricted to the human kind but to all the species of life. That is the sign of real intelligence
- Materialistic life is so miserable that in desperation one sometimes takes to a philosophy of voidism or impersonalism to try to negate his very existence and make everything zero
- Mayavada philosophy enunciates that the whole spirit exists, but a part of it, which is called the jiva, is entrapped by illusion. This philosophy, however, is unacceptable because spirit cannot be divided like a fragment of matter
- Mayavadi philosophers think that since the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, has become everything, He has no separate existence. Their philosophy is called advaita-vada. Actually, however, their philosophy is not correct
- Mayavadi philosophy cannot trace the energy of the Supreme Lord, but all Vedic literatures give evidence of the Supreme Lord's various energetic manifestations
- Mayavadi philosophy has the audacity to reject the purpose of Vyasadeva, as explained in the Vedanta-sutra, and to attempt to establish a doctrine of transformation which is totally imaginary
- Mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa: if one associates with the Mayavada philosophy, his devotional life is doomed.
- Mental speculators. They write poetries and utopian theories, "This philosophy, that philosophy." In this way they satisfy the mind. But that is also not happiness. Mental happiness
- Monist philosophers do not accept the philosophies of the Vaisnava acaryas, which are known as suddhadvaita (purified monism), suddha-dvaita (purified dualism), visistadvaita (specific monism), dvaitadvaita (monism and dualism) and acintya-bhedabheda
- Mother Yasoda was unable to understand this philosophy (that Krsna is everywhere in His impersonal form, and everything rests upon Him) because she was dealing with Krsna as His real mother by the arrangement of yogamaya
- My appearance in this world is especially to explain the philosophy of Sankhya, which is highly esteemed for self-realization by those desiring freedom from the entanglement of unnecessary material desires
- My dear Lord, You are the topmost of all bestowers of all benediction, the oldest and supreme enjoyer amongst all enjoyers. You are the master of all the worlds' metaphysical philosophy, for You are the supreme cause of all causes, Lord Krsna
- Ninety-nine point nine percent, they do not understand this philosophy (we are put in different dresses), especially in the modern age. Mandah sumanda-matayo (SB 1.1.10). They are very, very dull rascals. This is the challenge
- No one can stop the system of varna and asrama or the castes and divisions. Whether or not one accepts the name brahmana there is a class in society which is known as the intelligent class and which is interested in spiritual understanding and philosophy
- No poetry, no science, no philosophy, no religion, no culture, no knowledge we have today can be said to be superior to that we find 5,000 years or more ago in India
- No, "Do not trust" means you are also not trustworthy. Nobody trusts you, and you should also not. That is their philosophy
- Nor are they (women) advised to undergo the strict disciplinary procedures, nor are they very expert in discussing the philosophy of self-realization
- Not only are demons always anxious to kill God with words and philosophy, but they think that if one is materially powerful he can kill God with materially fatal weapons
- Nothing is separate from the Supreme Lord. This is the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
- Now I am feeling more and more inclined for philosophy, so I want to sit down here in Los Angeles and translate my Srimad-Bhagavatam without much interruption
- Now that I can understand this philosophy, no more shall I eat dirt. Whenever I am hungry I shall suck your breast and drink your breast milk
- Now the Lord says that this Ninth Chapter is the king of all such knowledge, the essence of all knowledge that can be derived from the study of the Vedas and different kinds of philosophy. BG 1972 purports
- Now we have got books. These rascals, they have no books to read about this realization. They have got only Freud's philosophy and this . . . what is that? And Darwin's theory. All rascaldom, simply rascaldom. Let them read these books
- Now you chant, you dance and take prasadam. There is no question of becoming a very highly learned person, very expert in philosophy, and so on, so on, big, big words. But that will not help you
- Now, one might ask why there are so many philosophers if the ultimate goal of philosophy is one. Undoubtedly the ultimate cause is one - the Supreme Brahman
- O great personality Kamsa, only by the influence of ignorance does one accept the material body and bodily ego. What you have said about this philosophy is correct - SB 10.4.26
- Of course we can show our mercy to the daridras, there is not objection, but this philosophy that Narayana comes in the form of daridra to receive our service is against our philosophy. Daridra is daridra, Narayana is Narayana
- On the platform of this philosophy, everyone can come together, if they are reasonable
- One can sit on the vyasasana only after being conversant in all systems of philosophy so that one can present fully the theistic views of the Bhagavatam in defiance of all other systems
- One class, they're trying to become very strong to tolerate suffering, and other philosophies, they're making everything zero
- One does not know that this consciousness, that "I shall become the master," is the cause of his suffering. This philosophy has to be understood. Because constitutionally we are all servants
- One has to associate with liberated persons not directly, physically, but by understanding, through philosophy and logic, the problems of life
- One has to become perfect before he writes some books. Just like nowadays especially in the western countries they write any rascal ideas under the name of philosophy or science
- One may profess a high philosophy, but when one is in need of money, he becomes a cheater. In this material world, so-called scientists, philosophers and economists are nothing but cheaters in one way or another
- One might ask why there are so many philosophers if the ultimate goal of philosophy is one. Undoubtedly the ultimate cause is one - the Supreme Brahman
- One must first act himself and then teach. This is the function of a real teacher. Unless one is able to understand the philosophy that he speaks, it will not be effective
- One must know from the authoritative sources and preach that thing. Just like Arjuna was taught by Krsna, and that philosophy is going on
- One must vehemently denounce the Western mentality of defying spiritual tradition and the scriptures. Such a mentality reveres mundane philosophies based on speculation and concocted logic, considering these practices signs of superior intelligence
- One should not accept the reflection of the moon on the water as actual and misunderstand the whole situation through monistic philosophy. The quivering quality of the moon is also variable. When the water is standing still, there is no quivering
- One should not only understand the philosophy of the Caitanya cult but also implement it practically in one's life
- One who desires to know the twenty-four elements in detail along with their interactions should study the philosophy in more detail. In Bhagavad-gita, a summary only is given. BG 1972 purports
- One who does not care to understand this philosophy, they are called asura. And one who understands this philosophy of life, they are called sura or devata, god, demigods
- One who has achieved perfection in chanting the transcendental Hare Krsna vibration does not have to separately learn the philosophy of Vedanta-sutra
- One who teaches this philosophy - surrender to Krsna - he is also as good as Krsna, because he is Krsna’s representative. He is speaking the same thing, without any alteration, without any change. Therefore he is perfect representative of Krsna
- One who understands this philosophy concerning material nature, the living entity and the interaction of the modes of nature is sure to attain liberation. He will not take birth here again, regardless of his present position. BG 13.24 - 1972
- One who wants to understand God through philosophy, science, argument, logic, so to supply them material, we have got immense literature, Vedic literature. So one of them is mentioned here, Krsna-sandarbha, what is Krsna
- One will find that by reading one page after another, an immense treasure of knowledge in art, science, literature, philosophy and religion will be revealed, and ultimately, by reading this one book, KRSNA, love of Godhead will fructify
- Original idea of philosophy is practically demonstrated by Krsna. The ideal, original ideal of religion and philosophy is preached by Krsna. And all the acaryas followed that
- Our centers are developing so nicely even in the Muslim countries and countries where Buddhism is the major religion. That proves that this Vaisnava, Sanatana Dharma is not some sectarian philosophy
- Our movement is not against the philosophy of Jesus Christ, but it is in complete collaboration with his line of religiosity
- Our purpose is to teach our own philosophy. Do not lose sight of that purpose or become distracted by other things. I have also made one book about other philosophies of your western philosophers, but I did not make compromise
- Our real identity is that we are all servants of Krsna. Always remember this philosophy and all these external affairs will not trouble you
- Our task is very difficult, all these prohibitive rules: no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, even up to smoking or chewing pan. So who will accept this philosophy? It is very difficult. Unless he is very serious about Krsna, nobody will take
- Our Vaisnava philosophy is that you cannot keep yourself in spiritual consciousness unless you are fully engaged in spiritual activities. That is the perfect philosophy
- People are very much interested in hearing philosophy when it is spoken by a child
- People do not try to understand this philosophy, but in the Vedic literature, each and every line there is philosophy
- People take advantage of the popularity of Bhagavad-gita, and they try to impress under the shelter of Bhagavad-gita their own philosophy or own idea. That is useless. You try to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is
- People think this mental speculation, poetry, philosophy, that is spiritual. No. So long the subject matter is material, the concoction of the mind, speculation of the mind, the so-called philosophy, is also material
- Philosophical ways are practical and it is no use simply by indulging in speculation without any practical result just like to keep a cow without any milk. We must always seek a practical value from philosophy for the benefit of all
- Philosophy is being followed at the present moment that, "You don't care for sinful activities. There is no life, and after finishing this body, everything is finished. Enjoy life as you like." This is going on. That is Carvaka's philosophy
- Philosophy is the highest knowledge, but even higher than philosophy is the practice of philosophy. So if your students can be enticed to practice Krishna philosophy, they will feel the practical benefit
- Philosophy is the highest, but even higher than philosophy is practice of philosophy
- Philosophy is there, direct, you should do like this, that's all. You do it and get the results. You go to purchase something, the price is fixed, you pay the price and take it. Where is argument?
- Philosophy means finding the ultimate cause. As Vedanta-sutra very reasonably says, athato brahma jijnasa: human life is meant for understanding the ultimate cause
- Philosophy means to find out the actual source of everything
- Philosophy means to find out the actual source of everything. Our Vedanta philosophy begins athato brahma jijnasa, to enquire about Brahma, that is real philosophy
- Philosophy means to seek after the right knowledge of one's own self, or the knowledge of self-realization
- Philosophy of hopelessness
- Philosophy of surrender
- Philosophy of the atheist Kapila
- Philosophy should be utilized. Logic and philosophy should be utilized for self-realization, not for simply mental speculation
- Philosophy that the Absolute is true and this creation is false (brahma satyam jagan mithya) is not accepted by Vaisnava philosophers. The example is given that although all that glitters is not gold, this does not mean that a glittering object is false
- Philosophy which does not search ultimately what is truth, what is God, that philosophy is mental speculation. And the knowledge of God without philosophy is simply sentiment. They should be combined
- Philosophy without understanding of God is mental speculation. So when philosophy and religious sentiments combine, that is called religion. Otherwise, it is not religion
- Please continue your efforts to convince them of the great universal necessity of this scientific philosophy to solve all the knotty difficulties of life by practical application of the Vedic knowledge according to the Parampara prescription
- Practically, this Yogananda has no philosophy or authority; he simply drags in Buddha, Jesus Christ, Gandhi, and whoever else he can think to put, so that whatever you like, it is in his shop
- Prahlada certainly heard and recited the topics of politics and economics taught by the teachers, but he understood that political philosophy involves considering someone a friend and someone else an enemy, and thus he did not like it
- Prahlada Maharaja maintained an attitude of noncooperation with the philosophy of his father, Hiranyakasipu, yet he was tolerant and humble
- Ramakrishna Mission allurement is that daridra-narayana-seva and hospital. That is their only allurement. They have no program. Nobody, attracted by their philosophy. And what philosophy they have got? Never mind
- Rascals will not do this, but will simply manufacture some philosophy or other. There is actually no difficulty because Krsna's instructions are there, and Krsna Himself is there
- Received the cream of the philosophy
- Regarding the book on Kapila's philosophy, you can call it "the Sankhya Philosophy of Kapila, (the Son of Devahuti)". You can give the roman transliteration for the sanskrit and the English translation and then the lecture
- Religion without philosophy is sentimentalism or fanaticism
- Rules and regulation must be established on philosophy. Otherwise it is sentiment, defective. Religion without philosophy is sentiment, and philosophy without religion is mental speculation. They should be combined, philosophy and religion
- Sankara's philosophy is for pasandas, atheists
- Sankara's philosophy of impersonalism and Lord Buddha's philosophy void is almost the same. Real life, real spiritual life is this Vaisnava philosophy
- Sankaracarya preached Mayavadi philosophy in order to bewilder a certain type of atheist. He never considered the Supreme Lord to be impersonal or to have no body or form. It is best for intelligent persons to avoid lectures on Mayavadi philosophy
- Sankhya-yoga, or the analytical study of the nature of spirit and matter, is the subject matter for persons who are inclined to speculate and understand things by experimental knowledge and philosophy. BG 1972 purports
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya perfectly knows the six philosophical theses. He is therefore the spiritual master of the entire world in teaching the six paths of philosophy. He is the best of devotees
- Science must be based on logic and philosophy. Science means that. And religion means sometimes sentiments. So religion without philosophy is sentiment, and philosophy without religion is mental speculation. Both must be combined
- Sex philosophy. This is their education. So how can you expect gentlemen? It is not possible. From the very beginning there is no culture, animal culture. Just like dog: as soon as he finds another female dog, he wants to have sex. This is education
- Simultaneously one and different. Just like in Bible also, Jesus Christ is claimed as one with God, but at the same time different. As son, he is different. As representative of God, he is one. That is the philosophy, perfect philosophy
- So communists should be impressed that "You are trying to establish a perfect society. That is your philosophy. So unless there is perfect leader, how you can establish?" This is the way
- So far as Indian philosophy is concerned, Vedanta Sutra is the topmost, and Srimad Bhagavatam is the natural commentary on Vedanta Sutra
- So far the Christian preachers are concerned you may ask them to leave the Temple and address them like this - If you have to preach your Christian philosophy, why don't you ask people to come to your place? Why do you come here and disturb
- So far we are concerned, we cannot accept this philosophy, that God is dead. But we preach on the other hand, that God is not only not dead, but He can be approached finally face to face
- So Krsna is teaching personally just like Kapiladeva is teaching personally. So you take Kapiladeva's philosophy, Sankhya philosophy, Krsna's philosophy, Bhagavad-gita, but try to understand as He says. Don't interpret in the wrong way
- So now, if educated men of your country, they come forward, understand this philosophy, then combined effort... My philosophy is that American and Indian, American money and Indian culture, combine together; the whole world will be changed
- So our intelligence is, if we have to work for others and sacrifice this body for others, why not for Krsna? That is our philosophy. If I am whole time, whole duration of life for you, I am working for others... Others means, ultimately, my senses
- So try to attract these students with profuse prasadam and nice philosophy and they will appreciate more and more. Slow but sure, that is our motto
- So we do not follow this philosophy, owls' philosophy. We follow real philosophy. What is that real philosophy? Sruti-pramanam, evidence from the Vedas, history, aitihya-pramana, history
- So we search for new ways, new aspects of the truth more in harmony with our environment. And we question each other and debate and quarrel and evolve any number of 'isms' and philosophies
- So what is the philosophy of killing animals?
- So you have kindly come to join us. You study our philosophy very minutely and then try to do something for the suffering humanity
- So, the real explanation is that you take which is offered to Krsna. That is nice philosophy. Killing you have to do, either you kill vegetable or animal, killing you have to do. Therefore our proposition is that you take the prasadam of Krsna
- Some boy was claiming that he is God. He is sample God, not the original God. This dvaita-vada, acintya bhedabheda, simultaneously one and different, this is the perfect philosophy
- Some philosophies maintain that after liberation from material life, after the nirvana of this material body, we become zero, void. That is a dangerous theory. By nature the living entity is not attracted to zero
- Some philosophies propound that there is no nature other than the one we are presently experiencing and that the only solution to this is to nullify it and become void. But we cannot be void because we are living entities
- Sometimes the Krsna consciousness movement sends its representative sannyasis to foreign countries where the danda and kamandalu are not very much appreciated. We send our preachers in ordinary dress to introduce our books and philosophy
- Sometimes we refer to the Vedanti philosophers as Vidantis, those who have no teeth. The statements of the Sankara philosophy, which are the teeth of the Mayavadi philosopher, are always broken by the strong arguments of Vaisnava philosophers
- Sri Caitanya confirms the conclusion of SB on the strength of His philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva. That philosophy holds that the Supreme Lord is simultaneously one with and different from His creation. That is to say, there is unity in diversity
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu very clearly enunciated that the followers of Lord Buddha's philosophy are nastikas, or atheists, because of their denial of the authority of the Vedas
- Sri Narada said, "You (Vyasadeva) have not actually broadcast the sublime and spotless glories of the Personality of Godhead. That philosophy which does not satisfy the transcendental senses of the Lord is considered worthless"
- Sri Ramanujacarya presented his philosophy as visistadvaita-vada, and Sri Madhvacarya presented his philosophy of tattva-vada, both of which are stumbling blocks to the Mayavadis because they defeat their philosophy in scrupulous detail
- Sridhara Swami said in his verse, "Let others travel to many holy places of pilgrimage for salvation, or let them engage in deep study of philosophy and Vedic literature"
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung, kesava tuya jagata vicitra: "My dear Lord, Your creation is full of varieties." The varieties are one and at the same time different. This is the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura states that according to the Buddhist cult there are two ways of understanding philosophy. One is called Hinayana, and the other is called Mahayana
- Srimad-Bhagavatam explicitly promulgates this simultaneously-one-and-different philosophy of the Vedanta-sutra, which begins with the "janmady asya" sutra
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is combination of philosophy and religion it is a great need of the day. It is a fact that at the present moment only philosophy and religion can bring about a of humanity
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the philosophy of devotional service and the scientific presentation of man's relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sripada Sankaracarya has tried to equate the Pancaratras with the philosophy of the atheist Kapila, and thus he has tried to prove that the Pancaratras contradict the Vedic injunctions
- Sripada Sankaracarya preached the Mayavada philosophy for a particular purpose. Such a philosophy was necessary to defeat the Buddhist philosophy of the nonexistence of the spirit soul, but it was never meant for perpetual acceptance
- Sripada Sankaracarya purposely claimed the jiva-tattva, or living entities, to be equal to the Supreme God. Therefore his entire philosophy is based on a misunderstanding, and it misguides people to become atheists, whose mission in life is unfulfilled
- Strictly speaking, both Buddhist philosophy and Sankara's philosophy are but different types of Mayavada dealing on the platform of material existence. Neither of these philosophies has spiritual significance
- Such a big personality, he is interested in philosophy, he holds some position, responsible man, he flatly denied, - Oh, it is not possible to give up these habits
- Such philosophizing will not save one from the danger of death, nor will it save one from an abominable afterlife
- Such truths (acintya-bhedabheda philosophy) cannot be understood unless one is a pure devotee, for the Lord says in BG 18.55, bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah: One can understand the Supreme Personality as He is only by devotional service
- Sunya means zero. That is called nirvana. Buddha philosophy advocates nirvana: no more desire. That is their philosophy: By desire you are becoming implicated, so make all your desires extinct. Then there will be no more feelings of pains and pleasure
- Sunyavada philosophy
- Take other's meal; he loses his own. This is called illusion, maya. You did not read this, Aesop's Fable story? It is very instructive story. This is dog's philosophy
- Taking to shelter of God or God’s son, one is saved. That is reasonable. But what is this philosophy that one is destined to go to hell, one is destined to go to heaven? This philosophy is not very nice
- That is Darwin's philosophy, not my philosophy
- That is disobedience. Krsna says fight, you must fight. Don't bring philosophy of nonviolence. That is nonsense. What He says, do it. That is service
- That is everyone's philosophy. Everyone wants to make a group
- That is from frying pan to the fire. Either the world is run on on the principle of communistic philosophy or capitalistic philosophy, it will never be happy. Here is the formula, that everyone should be satisfied with the profit that he can easily make
- That is simultaneously one and different philosophy - the living entities thus have free will because they are parts of Krsna and Krsna has free will, but the free will of Krsna is Supreme while the freedom of the parts and parcels is minute
- That is the business of the asuras, how to wipe out Krsna, Kamsa philosophy. So we haven't got to follow Kamsa philosophy. We have to follow Krsna philosophy. Then our life will be successful
- That is the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda, simultaneous oneness and difference. The living entity cannot enjoy life in opposition to the Supreme Lord; he has to dovetail his activities with the Lord by practicing bhakti-yoga
- That is Vivekananda. Yata mata tata patha. That means everyone can become authority. This is their philosophy
- That truth arrived at by logic, philosophy and revelation, that is real truth
- The activities of Kapila Muni are forecast herein: He will present the philosophy of Sankhya in such a way that by studying His philosophy people will be able to uproot the deep-rooted desire for karma, fruitive activities
- The advocates of Visistadvaita-vada philosophy explain the Vedanta-sutra by saying that although the living entity has two kinds of bodies - subtle and gross - and although he thus lives in three bodily dimensions, he is nevertheless a spiritual soul
- The ass sings poetry & philosophy sometimes, but this braying only disturbs others. This is the position of the foolish fruitive worker who does not know for whom he should work. He does not know that karma is meant for yajna (sacrifice). BG 1972 pur
- The ass sings poetry and philosophy sometimes, but this braying sound only disturbs others. This is the position of the foolish fruitive worker who does not know for whom he should work
- The Bhagavata says that atyantika-duhkha-nivrtti, means ultimate solution of miserable condition, is in the fact that we realize God and we go back to home, back to Godhead. This is our philosophy
- The Buddha philosophy, sunyavadi. Because they are disgusted with these material varieties, therefore they want something opposite. That opposite is voidism, sunyavada
- The Buddhist cult also accepts the philosophy of transmigration, but the Buddhists do not properly explain the next birth. There are 8,400,000 species of life, and our next birth may be in any one of them; therefore this human body is not guaranteed
- The combination of living entities in different modes of material nature is called crossbreeding. The faithless atheists do not believe in the existence of God, and thus their paths of philosophy are contradictory
- The commentary by Srila Ramanujacarya, known as Sri-bhasya, establishes the visistadvaita-vada philosophy. Similarly, in the Brahma-sampradaya, Madhvacarya’s Purnaprajna-bhasya establishes suddha-dvaita-vada
- The Communist philosophy also, there are so many defects. They also think of equal rights for everyone but why not for the animals? What right you have got to kill the animals? Similarly, the animal also kill you. So this is not organized society
- The Communists, they, they are staunch enemy of the capitalist. Their whole philosophy is against God and against capitalism. So if America becomes Krsna conscious and fights, they have got strength plus God's blessing. They'll come out victorious
- The difference between the philosophy of the Mayavadis and that of the Vaisnavas is explained herein (SB 7.13.27). Both the Mayavadis and Vaisnavas know that in materialistic activities there is no happiness
- The five philosophers mentioned above (in purport to CC Madhya 25.56) do not accept Lord Visnu as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but they are very busy refuting the philosophies of other schools
- The followers of Buddha philosophy, they are Mayavadi, and the followers of Sankaracarya, they are also Mayavadis. So Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyasa especially to defy these two kinds of philosophical methods, Mayavadi
- The followers of nyaya, the philosophy of logic, maintain that the atom is the cause of the cosmic manifestation, and the Mayavadi philosophers maintain that the impersonal Brahman effulgence is the cause of the cosmic manifestation
- The Gosvamis' esoteric logic and profound analytical philosophy have not yet caught the attention of modern thinkers, and the burden of guilt for this discrepancy must indeed fall on us
- The hell or heaven doesn't matter. The next life is there. How you say "one life"? That is defective theory. Therefore this philosophy cannot be accepted. Anything which is defective is not to be accepted
- The hippy philosophy is nice as they are disgusted with the materialistic way of life. Therefore they want to renounce this stereotyped way of life. Unfortunately, they have no good leader, neither information that there is another beautiful life in KC
- The human form of life offers one a chance to get out of this entanglement simply by reestablishing the lost relationship between the living entity and the SL. The Lord comes personally to teach this philosophy of surrender unto the Supreme, the sambhuta
- The human psychology gives rise to many questions, which various philosophers have considered and answered with various types of philosophy based upon mental concoction. This is not the way of liberation
- The idea is that any religious movement without philosophical basis, it is simply sentiment or fanaticism. And philosophy without idea of God is simply mental speculation
- The impersonalists, in order to establish their philosophy, accept these discussions (in the Upanisads and Vedanta-sutra) in terms of laksana-vrtti, or indirect meanings
- The individual living entity is one with and different from the Supreme Lord. This "simultaneously one and different" philosophy is the perfect conclusion of the Bhagavata school, as confirmed here (in SB 3.28.41) by Kapiladeva
- The King had called him to carry his palanquin, but when the King heard from paramahamsa Jada Bharata about the supreme philosophy, he expressed surprise and asked Jada Bharata how he had attained such great liberation
- The Krsna consciousness movement is intended to give society the proper understanding of the Absolute Truth. We are not presenting a manufactured, bogus philosophy
- The Krsna consciousness movement is the only challenge to this devilish life of the human society. So I request everyone to study this philosophy very carefully and take advantage of it
- The land is here, and we come here and falsely claim ourselves to be proprietors of it. This philosophy of false proprietorship is not in line with Vedic injunctions
- The less intelligent are more interested in stories than in philosophy, and therefore the philosophy of the Vedas is included within the Mahabharata in the form of the Bhagavad-gita, spoken by Lord Sri Krsna
- The light of India's knowledge, contained in the sublime philosophy of the Vedas, the Upanisads, the Vedanta-sutra, the Puranas, the Gita, and their corollaries, is certainly available, but by divine will it is temporarily beyond our view
- The living entities are described as parts and parcels of the Lord because He is the life and soul of all living entities, being situated within their hearts as the antaryami, as enunciated by the philosophy of inconceivable oneness and difference
- The Lord replied to His mother, "Why did you conceal self-realization by not teaching Me this practical philosophy in the beginning?
- The Mayavadi philosopher teaches the philosophy of tat tvam asi, saying, "You are the same as God." He forgets that tat tvam asi applies in terms of the marginal position of the living entity, who is like sunshine
- The Mayavadi philosopher, they say that when impersonal Absolute Truth comes, appears . . . They also accept the incarnation, but their philosophy is that ultimately the Absolute Truth is impersonal
- The Mayavadi philosophy claims to be directed by the Vedic conclusions. Lord Siva, however, admits that this philosophy is manufactured by him in the age of Kali in order to mislead the atheists
- The Mayavadi philosophy has rendered the greatest disservice to humanity by promoting the impersonal view of the Supreme Lord
- The Mayavadi philosophy having killed the spiritual variegatedness of the Supreme Being - the people are generally attracted in the variegatedness of material existence
- The Mayavadi sannyasis are engaged in the study of sankhya philosophy, whereas the Vaisnava sannyasis are engaged in the study of Bhagavatam philosophy, which affords the proper commentary on the Vedanta-sutras. BG 1972 purports
- The Mayavadis think that they have themselves become Krishna. Similarly, if we think that we are Mother Yasoda, that will be the same philosophy. You should aspire to follow the footsteps of Mother Yasoda and Love Krishna in maternal affection
- The most prominent Mayavadi scholar, Sadananda Yogindra, has written a book called Vedanta-sara, in which he expounds the philosophy of Sankaracarya, and all the followers of Sankara’s philosophy attribute great importance to his statements
- The mundane Ph.D.'s are completely unable to speculate on the Supreme with their limited senses. Such attempts by the puffed up Ph.D's are compared to the philosophy of the frog in the well
- The Nagapatnis said, "You (Krsna) are the ultimate goal of all philosophical efforts, and it is actually only You who are described by all philosophies and by different kinds of doctrines"
- The people of this age are so fallen they are like cats and dogs. What cats and dogs will understand about philosophy?
- The personified Vedas continued, "The view of the personalists is that the material world, although very temporary, is nevertheless not false but factual. Such transcendentalists have different arguments to establish the validity of their philosophies"
- The philosophies of voidness and of the impersonal situation of the spiritual world are condemned here (SB 3.15.23) because they bewilder one's intelligence
- The philosophy discourses we had years ago is now lying without any utility, so all your Godbrothers are very much anxious to publish it
- The philosophy enunciated by the Mayavadis is called ghata-patiya (“pot-and-earth”) philosophy. According to this philosophy, everything is one
- The philosophy is acintya-bhedabheda, inconceivable one and different simultaneously. One in quality, but different in quantity. I have got some creative power, and God has got creative power. So the creative power is there
- The philosophy is very simple, but unless one is fit or appropriate person, he cannot understand. No. So in the material world we are materially diseased; therefore it is very difficult for us to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy
- The philosophy of acintya bhedabheda tattva is perfect. Everything is simultaneously one and different from the Supreme. One in quality because the original source is the Spiritual Whole, and different in quantity
- The philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva (simultaneously one and different) cannot be understood by one who is fully under the influence of the external energy
- The philosophy of duality - the existence of the individual soul and the Supersoul - must be there. This is confirmed in the Second Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita - 2.12
- The philosophy of inconceivable oneness and difference propounded by Lord Caitanya is the only source of understanding for such intricacies of transcendence
- The philosophy of inconceivable simultaneous oneness with and difference from the Supreme Lord is confirmed everywhere. The Lord is one, but His energies are diverse
- The philosophy propounded by the atheist Kapila is an analysis of the material elements and is very much appreciated by Western philosophers. The sankhya-yoga explained by Lord Kapiladeva, the son of Devahuti, is practically unknown in the West
- The philosophy underlying Krsna's eating is understandable by our transcendental senses
- The philosophy, it is said, nasau munir yasya (CC Madhya 17.186). One philosopher is differing from another philosopher. Just now today Syamasundara has purchased one book about different philosophers. So that, you also cannot ascertain what is truth
- The poem is very nice. You are understanding the philosophy nicely
- The poor man is also a citizen of the state, & they cannot allow him to be killed. Now, why not expand this philosophy? The trees, the birds, & the beasts are also sons of God. If one kills them, one is as guilty as one who kills a poor man on the street
- The present age is called Kali-yuga. Kali-yuga means the age of quarrel and disagreement. No one agrees with anyone else. Everyone has his own theory; everyone has his own philosophy
- The purpose and duration of my stay abroad are preaching work on the philosophy of Caitanya cult and the duration was two (2) years and nine (9) months
- The rajas stage of life gives a slight clue to the realization of the Absolute Truth in the forms of fine sentiments in philosophy, art and culture with moral and ethical principles
- The reflection of the sun or moon is accepted as the real sun or moon by less intelligent men, and the pure monistic philosophy develops from these ideas
- The rsis of Naimisaranya were able to perform the sacrifices for a thousand years. Without state support, no doctrines of philosophy or religious principles can progressively advance
- The Russians are unaware that in the Srimad-Bhagavatam the socialist philosophy is most perfectly described
- The so-called science and nasty philosophy and economics and making them, training them as demons and raksasas. What is this civilization? So our movement is against this demonic civilization
- The SPG says in Bhagavad-gita (9.4): "By Me, in My (Krsna's) unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them." This explains the philosophy of simultaneous oneness & difference, known as acintya-bhedabheda
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam affirms that life is not meant for so-called economic development or advancement of materialistic science for the hedonistic philosophy of eating, mating, drinking and merrymaking
- The statement of the bull, the personality of religion, was full of philosophy and knowledge, and the King was satisfied, since he could understand that the suffering bull was not an ordinary one
- The statements of the Sankara philosophy, which are the teeth of the Mayavadi philosopher, are always broken by the strong arguments of Vaisnava philosophers such as the great acaryas, especially Ramanujacarya
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, appears separate from the living being but is actually separate and not separate simultaneously. This is the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva propounded by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The swanlike men will come to centers of Krsna consciousness, where everything is clear, where there is good philosophy, good transcendental food, good education, good intelligence - everything good
- The system of philosophy enunciated by Lord Kapila before His mother is the background for situation on the spiritual platform. The specific significance of this system of philosophy is stated as siddhi-bhumim - it is the background of salvation
- The true conclusion of advaita-siddhanta, expressed at the very beginning of the Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 1.3), is not the same as the philosophy of the monists. Here advaita-siddhanta means advaya-jnana, or oneness in variety
- The tyagis, those who are unable to steal, have a "sour grapes" philosophy - Oh, these things are useless. There is no need of them
- The Vaisnava is always thinking how to deliver these fallen souls who are so much captivated with this false philosophy of hedonism - "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy." This is called hedonism. So they are always thinking how to deliver them
- The Vaisnavas are by far the greatest philosophers in the world, and the greatest among them was Srila Jiva Gosvami Prabhu, whose philosophy was again presented less than four hundred years later by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Maharaja
- The Western philosophy is hedonism, that eat, drink, be merry and enjoy
- The whole material creation is one with and different from Narayana, simultaneously, and this supports the acintya-bhedabheda-tattva philosophy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The whole philosophy is Krsna consciousness. If the whole world - not whole world; even certain percentage of the population - becomes Krsna conscious, the face of the world changes
- The whole philosophy of the Mayavada school, based on "not this, not that" (neti, neti), is basically material. Such thought cannot give one the chance to know the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is
- The whole world is now corrupted with these two kinds of philosophies: nirvisesa-sunyavada, impersonalism and voidism. But Vaisnava philosophy is not voidism, not impersonalism. Vaisnava philosophy means to know the Absolute Truth as person
- The whole world, especially the Western country, their ideology, philosophy, is this, hedonism. "Enjoy this life very comfortably, as nicely as possible." But that is a great defect and great mistake
- The word for philosophy is tattva darsana - the Bhagavad-gita recommends that one approach a spiritual master who is tattva darsana, one who has seen the truth. This is philosophy
- The world is full of Mayavadis and atheists, and the political parties of the world take advantage of Mayavada and other atheistic philosophies to promote materialism
- Their (Mayavadi's) philosophy is that nirvisesa-vada. Ultimately, everything is impersonal, almost akin to the philosophy of Buddha. Zero, void
- Their conferences, their United Nation, their scientific advancement, their educational system, philosophy and so on, so on, everything is meant for how to become happy in this material world
- There are 6 symptoms of surrender: (3) One should firmly believe that Krsna will protect one in all circumstances and that no 1 is a better protector than Krsna. This conviction should be distinct from the monistic philosophy that one is as good as Krsna
- There are different kinds of philosophies in the world, but Lord Caitanya's philosophy is the superphilosophy
- There are many kinds of philosophers. Some are logicians who follow Gautama or Kanada. Some follow the Mimamsa philosophy of Jaimini
- There are so many rascal philosophers. You also preach your own philosophy. Why do you take Bhagavad-gita? And where is nonviolence in Bhagavad-gita
- There are some froggish philosophers who want to know the Supreme Soul by means of philosophy and mental speculation
- There are some philosophers who speculate that we are one, and some philosophers speculate we are different. But the actual philosophy is they are both one and different simultaneously. This is the perfect philosophy
- There are twelve great authorities on devotional service, and Lord Siva is one of them. Why, then, did he adopt the process of Mayavadi philosophy? The answer is given in Padma Purana
- There are two sets of sannyasis: the Sankara-sampradaya and Vaisnava-sampradaya. But their acara is the same. They may differ in philosophy, but their acara is the same
- There are two types of Mayavadi philosophers - the followers of the Buddhist philosophy and the followers of the Sankara philosophy
- There are two ways of bringing the opposition under control. One is by logic and philosophy, the other is by force
- There are very learned scholars who have put forward the philosophy of devotion but even if a devotee does not take advantage of their literatures or of his spiritual master, if he is sincere in DS he is helped by Krsna within his heart. BG 1972 purports
- There is a story. A bridegroom was selected. So, the other party, bride's party, they inquired how the bridegroom was quite qualified. So they said, "He's a doctor." Then they inquired, "What kind of doctor? Doctor of philosophy, doctor of medicine or"
- There is a wide gulf between superficial dabbling in philosophy to impress people with a few stock phrases, and a sincere search for knowledge of the Absolute
- There is even a supposedly religious mission that says, "You can manufacture your own way." Yata mata tata patha: "Whatever you think is right, that is right." This is their philosophy. But that is not science
- There is no dearth of knowledge in the field of philosophy or transcendental knowledge
- There is no dearth of knowledge in the field of philosophy or transcendental knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- There is no doubt about it that our philosophy is the supermost perfect presentation. We can challenge any other philosophy and establish that this Krishna Consciousness is the panacea for all material problems
- There is no instance of religious books of philosophy being distributed in such magnitude in history. Now go on enthusiastically and increase this book distribution unlimitedly
- There is no new formula. The same Vyasa-puja, the same philosophy. Simply we have to accept it. Then our life will be successful
- There is no question of separate attempt - philanthropy, philosophy and nationalism, this "ism," that "ism." We have discovered so many things and diversion of the real duty. That we shall have to concentrate. That is siddhanta
- There is no science, there is no philosophy, there is no education throughout the whole world that the aim of life is to stop these four things: birth, death, old age and disease. They cannot think of. Yes? Birth can be stopped?
- There is no science; there is no philosophy. Everything based on a foolish assumption. They say the consciousness is made possible by combination of matter. The combination of matter, five elements, gross, the subtle elements, they cannot see
- There may be many gurus, it doesn't matter, but their philosophy must be one: to teach everyone that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There must be classification. Not that everyone is the same, everyone on the same level. Everyone on the same level means sudra, no knowledge. No knowledge, no philosophy, no culture, simply eat, sleep and . . . animals' life
- Therefore, there cannot be any religion or system of genuine philosophy for the advancement of the living entities without the principle of devotional service
- These rascals, they have no books to read about this realization. They have got only Freud's philosophy and this... What is that? And Darwin's theory. All rascaldom, simply rascaldom
- These rascals, they're in ajnanam, dealing with sex life, dealing with the body as their philosophy, science. Dealing with the body and dealing with sex life is the animal business, and they are passing on as philosopher, scientist. This is their position
- They (Mayavadi philosophers) finally conclude that the impersonal Brahman is the Supreme, not the personality Krsna. This is the basis of Mayavadi philosophy
- They (meat-eater hindus) maintain that whether one worships the goddess Kali or the Supreme Personality of Godhead Visnu or any demigod, destination is the same. This is first-class rascaldom, and such people are misled. But they prefer this philosophy
- They (prakrta-sahajiyas) pose themselves as too elevated to exert energy for reading, writing and hearing. However, pure devotees under the guidance of Srila Rupa Gosvami reject this sahajiya philosophy
- They (the King's advisors) were not concerned with the hedonistic philosophy of eat, drink, be merry and enjoy. They were philosophers in the real sense, and they knew well what is the mission of human life
- They (yogis and svamis) have simply presented a hodgepodge of Indian philosophy. No one has actually presented Vedic culture as it is
- They are animals. What the dogs will understand? When there is one lady dog, one dozen dog will come. Smelling the best part of the body. This is their philosophy. So Freud is that: best part of the body, he's writing philosophy
- They are so rascal, and they are leading, doctor of science, doctor of philosophy. They do not believe in the next life. They do not know how it is being done, and still they are doctor of university
- They do not know that they are going to hell. That is rascaldom. By their so-called scientific advancement, philosophy, education, they are going to hell. That they do not know. Therefore they are rascals
- They have developed this philosophy and this Bible, after the demise of Jesus Christ. More or less it is concoction
- They have taken Jesus Christ as contractor to take up their sins. That is their philosophy. They commit all kinds of sins, and poor Jesus Christ will be responsible. That is their religion
- They say ultimately the knower, knowable and the known becomes one. That is their philosophy. Monists. There is no more knower, no knowable, the knower... Simply knowledge. They say simply knowledge. Oneness
- Things which are beyond our conception, that cannot be established simply by argument, logic, so-called science and philosophy, that is not possible
- This (9th) chapter of Bhagavad-gita is called the king of education because it is the essence of all doctrines and philosophies explained before. BG 1972 purports
- This (although the Supreme Lord is spread everywhere, He is different from me) is the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
- This (SB 4.31.16) confirms the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva ("simultaneously one and different") propounded by Lord Sri Caitanya. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is simultaneously different and nondifferent from this cosmic manifestation
- This (Teachings of Lord Caitanya) is not only the philosophy of Caitanya-caritamrta but of Srimad-Bhagavatam as well. There are no other literatures in the world in which God is treated as the son of a devotee
- This acintya-bhedabheda - simultaneous oneness and difference - is the perfect philosophy propounded by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This acintya-bhedabheda philosophy adjusts that, "God and the living creatures, they are simultaneously one and different." They are one in quality, just like the energy and the energetic, the sun globe and the sunshine
- This dancing is not ordinary dancing. So anyway, if you think that this dancing is a sentimental caricature - you may think like that, but if you want to understand through philosophy and science, we can supply you immense literature
- This does not mean that human civilization should revert to animal life or that the human being should live naked in the jungles without any culture, education and sense of morality
- This is a rascaldom civilization. What is difficulty there? You come, sit down, chant Hare Krsna, take nice prasadam, hear philosophy, see nice pictures, decorated Deity. What is the difficulty there
- This is Krsna, who is understood by acintya-bhedabheda-tattva philosophy
- This is Mayavada philosophy, try to understand: impersonal, making everything zero, without any varieties. Nirvisesa-sunyavadi. Nirvisesa means without any varieties, and sunyavadi means zero, voidist
- This is religion. This is called bhagavata-dharma, to understand this philosophy, that God is the supreme master and I am His eternal servant. My duty is to serve God. That's all
- This is the astra. By argument, by philosophy, by entreating, by flattering, Lord Caitanya's associates are giving Krsna consciousness
- This is the basic philosophy of Isopanisad: everything is the property of the Supreme Being. No one should encroach upon the property of the Supreme Lord
- This is the philosophy of the Communists. "Why should you go to the church? Why should you go to the temple? Forget all these things. Work hard, earn money and enjoy life." But that is demonic. Because there is envy against God
- This is the philosophy, real philosophy, that God is there with me in the same bird, in the same, exactly the same, that the driver is there and the proprietor is there in the same car
- This is the philosophy: acintya, inconceivable, one and different. One because we are one in quality, and different in quantity. And that is our position
- This is Vaisnava: "So for all their sins, I shall suffer. You take them." This philosophy is also expressed in Bible, Lord Jesus Christ, that he agreed to suffer himself for the sins of all the people
- This KC, it is not a blind faith, it is based on reason, it is based on argument, it is based on philosophy, it is based on authority. So the faith required. If I purposely draw my faith without any reason, without any philosophy, then I am unfortunate
- This kind of philosophy is never advocated by a pure devotee of the Lord. Suhrdah sarva-dehinam: a true devotee is the friend of all living entities
- This Krsna Consciousness movement has such a vast potency that by its philosophy the whole human race can be united politically, socially, religiously, and culturally
- This Krsna Consciousness Movement is based on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. We have attempted to present this great philosophy to the world in a pure way, without material motive, and by the grace of Lord Krsna our effort has come out successful
- This Krsna consciousness movement is spreading the philosophy of Lord Caitanya and rejecting the philosophy of both classes of Mayavadi (Mayavada philosophy and Buddhist philosophy)
- This path of self-realization, which is difficult to understand, has now been lost in the course of time. Please know that I have assumed this body of Kapila to introduce and explain this philosophy to human society again
- This philosophy is propounded by Lord Caitanya as acintya-bhedabheda-tattva. Everything is simultaneously one with and different from everything else
- This philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda, inconceivable oneness and difference, is the perfect philosophy enunciated by the Vaisnavas. Everything is an emanation from Krsna, but it is not that everything must therefore be worshiped
- This philosophy of rascals (yata mata tata patha) has killed the religious principles mentioned in the Vedas, and such philosophies will become increasingly influential as Kali-yuga progresses
- This philosophy of taking care of the Supreme is missing in the modern civilization. They do philanthropic work, national work, social work and many similar other works; now ultimately they have invented the United Nations and world health organizations
- This program is very nice to try to attract the attention of the students seriously. That will be a great success. They should put intelligent questions and they should be answered properly with reference to modern science and philosophy
- This rascal philosophy has killed the whole world, atheism. So many incarnation, Gods, all false theories only. This is going on. So many gurus - all rascals. All rascals
- This Sankhya system has been misrepresented by an imposter who is also named Kapila, but that other system of philosophy does not tally with anything described in the Sankhya of Kapila in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- This science, geography, philosophy, religion, sociology, politics - whatever you want, you can learn from the Vedic information. There is perfect information. So it is compared with a tree. So that tree, and the ripened fruit is this Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Those who are impersonalists, they cannot have varieties of enjoyment; therefore they come down again on this material platform & use their intellect for philanthropic or humanitarian work. Again they become entrapped by philosophy & knowledge and so on
- Those who are keen to engage in deep discussions on the esoteric conclusions of the scriptures should certainly delve into the philosophy of the Vedanta-sutra
- Those who take Indian philosophy and scripture as mythological are not at all intelligent
- To (the Bhagavad-gita As It Is) Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana who presented so nicely the "Govinda-bhasya" commentary on Vedanta philosophy
- To acquire such a qualification of God realization in the personal feature, the neophyte impersonalist is given a chance to realize the relation of the Lord in everything by the philosophy of pantheism
- To be nonviolent to human beings and to be a killer or enemy of the poor animals is Satan's philosophy
- To prove their philosophy, the members of the Mayavada school have given up the real, easily understood meaning of the Vedic literature and introduced indirect meanings based on their imaginative powers
- To understand religion on the basis of philosophy and logic. Not blindly accepting. So this is called bhagavata-dharma
- Transcending the material nature, then he becomes zero? No. That is the real nature. Now, the philosophy which preaches that "After our liberation, after nirvana of this material existence, there is zero," oh, that is very dangerous theory
- Trayanam indicates three, namely Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Lord Visnu. Bhidam means "different." They are three, and therefore they are separate, but at the same time they are one. This is the philosophy of simultaneous oneness and difference
- Vaisnavas, they are the best friend of the society, best friend, Vaisnava. The Vaisnava is always thinking how to deliver these fallen souls who are so much captivated with this false philosophy of hedonism - "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy"
- Vedanta philosophy is not meant for an ordinary person, nor even for an ordinary learned person. It requires great knowledge of Sanskrit and philosophy
- Vedasraya nastikya-vada means “agnosticism under the shelter of Vedic culture” and refers to the monistic philosophy of the Mayavadis
- We are approved, our books are approved by the greatest learned scholars of all universities. Because they are seeing a new light. No hodgepodge philosophy. India also, wherever we are going
- We are bewildered by all the different opinions of theoretical philosophers
- We are claiming college students, university students, because we are presenting religion on the basis of philosophy and logic. We are not blindly following. We have not dogmatism. We have got reason, philosophy, and everything, science
- We are discussing about spirit soul, not the Indian, American, Christian, Hindu. No. We have no business with this skin philosophy, that "Here is an American, white; and here is an African, black." No
- We are here - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. How we can merge? You just study philosophy. We are here, eight persons. How we can merge into one? Have you got any idea how we can merge?
- We are holding festivals, feasting, philosophy and salvation-why shall we not spread our influence and overthrow them? Regarding your plan to travel around the world staging such Hare Krsna Festivals-yes, do it, you have my blessings
- We are inclined to enjoy this material world, but if we stop this material enjoyment, we are fit for spiritual life. That is the philosophy
- We are not desperate. We are not followers of despair philosophy. We are hopeful philosophy. We are going back to home, back to Godhead to live eternally blissful life
- We are not propagating the philosophy of ahimsa, or nonviolence, because in some way or other, there is violence, either you take fruit or grain or animal. But the principle is that you have to take prasadam
- We are opening temples of Krsna and requesting everyone, "Please become devotee of Krsna." And then after opening temple, go away and manufacture some, another philosophy - we are not such nonsense
- We are part and parcel of the Supreme Brahma, aham brahmasmi. This is the philosophy that, "I am not this matter; I am Brahman." This knowledge required. This knowledge, this brahma-jnana knowledge, is being imparted in the beginning of the Bhagavad-gita
- We are preaching the highest principles of loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and as such, there is no scope for compromising with any of the kinds of philosophies of the impersonalist school
- We are preaching this philosophy to the Western countries by the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- We are requesting everyone, "Chant Hare Krsna." That is beginning with tongue. "And take prasadam and go home." That's all. Philosophy later on
- We are simply Sankirtana men; our program is chanting, dancing, distributing prasadam, and speaking high philosophy, that's all
- We are spreading Krsna consciousness movement for understanding this simple philosophy, that we are not this body. We have to rectify, or purify, this knowledge that, "I am this body." That is Krsna consciousness movement
- We are trying our bit, this Krsna consciousness movement, to give education about this bhagavata-dharma and we are trying to present in so many languages. So we wish that you should cooperate, try to understand this philosophy
- We are utilizing the modern press facilities for printing Vedic scriptures. But they are utilizing the press for sex literature, Freud's philosophy
- We are very satisfied that this path (of Caitanya Mahaprabhu) is being opened by this Krsna consciousness movement because so many European and American boys and girls are taking this philosophy seriously and gradually attaining perfection
- We can enquire that "Why I am being punished?" That is required. That "why" philosophy is very important. That is the beginning of human life
- We cannot deviate even an inch in order to attract the followers of the ecology philosophy or any other materialistic, utopian movement
- We cannot have the knowledge of the Absolute Truth simply by argument or simply by philosophy or simply by big brain or speaking power. No, no. All these things will not do. Simply we have to follow the great authority
- We cannot water down the philosophy to make it more palatable. Our books must remain as they are
- We have created dharma in two categories: one for enjoyment and one for renouncement. Both these things have to be given up. Neither enjoyment, nor renouncement. Then what is this philosophy? The philosophy is that you cannot renounce anything
- We have extended many branches and sub-branches of this philosophy of the belly in various directions, and thus we have hardly any time to understand the philosophy of gaining eternal life - for which we are perpetually struggling life after life
- We have got books also, philosophy also, plus the sankirtana, combined together. Sankirtana as well as books, that is called bhagavat-marga, and the Deity worship is called pancaratrika-vidhi. Both of them should go parallel
- We have got immense literature. We have already published more than twenty books. If you want to understand the Absolute Truth by philosophy, by science, there are books. Otherwise, the easy method is chant Hare Krsna
- We have not manufactured a new type of religious sect or method of philosophy
- We have to accept the philosophy as it was contemplated by Lord Brahma, Narada, Madhvacarya, Madhavendra Puri and Isvara Puri. These great acaryas are beyond the imperfections of so-called scholars
- We have to discuss whether God has form or no form. That will be philosophy
- We may conclude that Lord Visnu is everything, although He is also different from everything. This is the acintya-bhedabheda-tattva philosophy
- We prosecute these Krsna consciousness activities through singing, dancing, eating and talking philosophy received through authorized disciplic succession, and therefore it gives us everything we want, without any artificial change
- We respected our professors like our father. The relationship between the student and the professors was very good. I had one Scottish professor, Dr. W. S. Urquhart. He was my nice friend. He was professor of philosophy, psychology
- We take advantage of this meeting. We do our business and go away. And they have no books. They have simply that pressing of nose, that's all, nothing else. They have no philosophy, nothing of the sort
- We want to understand God through philosophy. "Through philosophy" means logic. Blind faith is not our business
- Well, the hippies, they are nonsense. What is the value of their anything? They have no value. They are crazy, mad fellows. That's all. There is no philosophy, nothing of the sort
- What are ISKCON's future plans here? Will a temple be built? - Yes, temple is already there. Here is a temple. Unfortunately, nobody coming. What can I do? We are prepared to give this nice philosophy to everyone
- What is this meditation of wine, women and fish? He does not like us because we reject all other bogus philosophy. For that many people criticize me, but why should we accept nonsense. We accept Bhagavad-gita, as Krishna spoke it
- What is this philosophy? Sex life? Even dog knows how to have sex life. And he's writing philosophy. So this kind of philosophy can be appreciated by the rascals and... We do not appreciate that. They are not philosopher
- What kind of philosophy? Philosophy begins when there is no more bodily conception. That is here. Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat paratvena nirmalam
- What the people really want is a philosophy to give their life meaning and guide it under all changing circumstances--and the only philosophy available nowadays is profit, where is profit for sense gratification, or Marxism, or this -ism or that -ism
- What then is the value of all this advancement of knowledge (philanthropy, internationalism, science, philosophy) if the basic principle is ignorance? Unless a person comes to Krsna consciousness, all of his activities are defeated
- What they will write? They have no philosophy. Simply cheat that, "Press your nose, you get Bhagavan." That's all. And people think, - It is so easy. Why shall I go to Bhaktivedanta Swami? Let me go to this Guru Maharaj
- Whatever I have learned from my Guru Maharaja, I am presenting. That's all. It is not mental speculation - this philosophy, that philosophy. We kick out all these things. Unless we get the knowledge from the authorized source, we don't accept
- Whatever we manufacture is sure to be defective or deficient. What is the value of my philosophy? What is the value of my thought
- Whatever we see or do, the Supersoul of all acts of seeing or doing is the Lord. This theory of simultaneous oneness & difference between the individual soul and the Supersoul is propounded by Lord Caitanya as the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
- When a man comes into good consciousness and accepts a saintly person as a spiritual master, he hears many Vedic instructions in the form of philosophy, stories, narrations about great devotees and transactions between God and His devotees
- When a relative dies one certainly becomes very much interested in philosophy, but when the funeral ceremony is over one again becomes attentive to materialism
- When first-class devotional service develops, one must be devoid of all material desires, knowledge obtained by monistic philosophy, and fruitive action. The devotee must constantly serve Krsna favorably, as Krsna desires
- When Hiranyakasipu heard this philosophy (that since the Lord is present everywhere, He was also present within the columns) from his young son, he derided the boy's statement as just the talk of a child and forcefully struck the pillar with his fist
- When Lord Caitanya talked to Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, the Lord honored him as the incarnation of Brhaspati. Brhaspati is the chief priest of the heavenly kingdom, and he is a follower of the philosophy known as brahma-vada, or Mayavada
- When people (who are bereft of spiritual intellect) come under the influence of Sankaracarya's Mayavadi (impersonalist) philosophy before beginning the most confidential Vedanta-sutras, their natural tendency toward obedience to the Supreme is checked
- When Sri Visnu Svami, one of the four acaryas of the Vaisnava cult, presented his thesis on the subject matter of suddhadvaita-vada, immediately the Mayavadis took advantage of this philosophy & tried to establish their advaita-vada or kevaladvaita-vada
- When the scriptures of the yavanas - namely the Old Testament, New Testament and Koran - cannot properly answer inquisitive followers, naturally those advanced in scientific knowledge and philosophy lose faith in such scriptures
- When they see the Americans have come, they'll take it little seriously. And now we have got philosophy. At least the educated class will understand
- When they will read Krsna book, certainly they will enjoy this as a story or as philosophy, morality, religion, etc. and gradually they will become perfect in Krsna consciousness
- When this body is finished, I am not going to take birth again, so as long as I am living, let me enjoy life. - This is the modern philosophy of hedonism, but it does not correspond to the facts
- When water is needed it has to be poured on the root, not on the leaves. Pouring water on the leaves serves no purpose, but pouring water on the root serves all purposes. This is the essence of the philosophy of spiritual culture
- When you are liberated from the body, that is another thing. For practical purposes . . . This philosophy was discussed by the mother of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu when He was a child. This philosophy.
- When you cite isavasya and at the same time "politicians" and "leaders," do you think the leaders and the politicians follow isavasya philosophy?
- Which philosophy is better, 50 or 100 year old Darwin philosophy, or eternal Krishna philosophy? Just try to understand. Approach Krishna way of life from every angle - it is perfect
- Why people are so much misdirected? Because the so-called scholars and philosophers, they have misdirected. They have tried to kill Krsna from Bhagavad-gita and push forward their own rascal philosophy
- Why should we unnecessarily waste our time concocting some philosophy? There is so much to be learned that has already been given by the supreme authority
- Why the rascals comment in different way? They may write their rascal philosophy. Why they touch Bhagavad-gita and give different interpretation? They have no right. I have written a book; I have got my purpose. Why you should poke your nose
- Why we should not believe in the next life? Even a child can understand. But they are trying to avoid next life. That is their philosophy
- Why you are thinking "This portion is Russian," "This portion is American"? It is father's property. So if there is rush in China or India, why not allow them to come to Russia or America? "No. That is my property." What is this philosophy?
- Without faith, you cannot reach the kingdom of God. Your experimental knowledge, your so-called defective reasons and arguments and philosophy, that will not be applicable in the transcendental field. You have to believe
- Without your rascal philosophy, everyone knows how to use sex life. But they are thinking this is advancement
- Yamaraja approached them (the relatives of the dead body) as a child because a child is not restricted but is granted admittance anywhere, even to the palace of a king. Besides this, the child was speaking philosophy
- Yes, reading my books will help you, philosophy must be there, but without performing devotional service, then simply learning the philosophy will have no effect
- Yes, your debating program is approved by me. If we study the Bhagavad-gita thoroughly we can defeat all philosophies
- Yesterday we had a very successful meeting in the University of Nairobi; the exact words used in the newspaper report as follows: ISKCON SWAMI EXPLAINS PHILOSOPHY
- You are a very intelligent boy. You can try to understand this philosophy. It is very important. For sense gratification people are wasting so much energy. They are not aware of what is going to happen in the next life
- You are all educated men. You study this philosophy, try to understand; also join. It is your duty, because you are Indian. Caitanya Mahaprabhu entrusted this mission to the Indians. Indians are meant for doing good to others. That is Caitanya's mission
- You are all educated, cultured, young boys and girls, and if you understand the philosophy it will be a great help for the suffering humanity
- You are going to preach; you must understand. Discuss everything very nicely. Be convinced on your own argument and philosophy. Then you can preach
- You are part and parcel of God. In this material condition you are not happy. If you go back to home, back to Godhead, you will be happy. So this philosophy we do not know in detail whether Christianity teaches
- You cannot expect any good treatment by the material nature because her business is to punish us. That is the business so that we can enquire that "Why I am being punished?" That is required. That "why" philosophy is very important
- You cannot have religion without philosophy. That is sentiment, fanaticism. And if you simply take philosophy without religion, without sense of God, this is mental speculation. So religion must be on the basis of science and logic
- You cannot say, "No, I have made my philosophy to become a child." That may be your personal philosophy, but law will not allow you. Ignorance is no excuse
- You cannot say: "No, I have made my philosophy to become a child." That may be your personal philosophy, but law will not allow you. Ignorance is no excuse
- You have no love, because you are accustomed to kill. Philosophy begins when you know that everyone is part and parcel of God, and everyone should be given the full facilities to live without injuring anyone for one's personal benefit
- You hear different types of philosophy from different sources. Na casav munir yasya matam na bhinnam. One cannot be accepted as a great saintly person unless he puts forward his own theory. Therefore, mahajano yena gatah sa panthah
- You should be always alert in understanding the sastric conclusions that will help you, otherwise we can be misled by bogus philosophies
- You so-called, advanced civilized man, for your sex life, you have to go to the skyscraper building, and we can do it on the street, on the park. We have got better facilities. Why shall I accept your philosophy. - They (hippies) will say, like that
- You speak, you preach your own philosophy. There are so many philosophies. But our only objection is that "Why should you preach your nonsense philosophy through Bhagavad-gita?" Do you think it is right
- You understand this philosophy and add water to the suffering humanity. They are suffering in the burning, blazing fire of material existence. So blazing fire can be extinguished when the water falls from the sky, not by your fire brigade
- Your conviction that we have to supply the demands of Krishna & not to demand anything from Him is the pure devotional philosophy. The followers of Lord Caitanya never makes Krishna the Order supplier but the devotees become the order supplier of Krishna
- Your philosophy is unless you see, you don't believe. That is your philosophy. But you do not consider what you can see. That is the defect of this imperfect world