Interviewer: Yes, but more emphasis on that relationship than on the relationship between one individual and another individual. Am I right in that?
Prabhupāda: No. We have to establish first of all our lost relationship with God. You see? Then we can understand what is the relationship between one individual to another. If the central point is missing, then there is practically no relationship. Just like you are American; another is American. Both of you, you feel American nationally because the center is America. So unless you understand God, you cannot understand what I am, neither I can understand what you are.
So we have to first of all reestablish our lost relationship with God; then we can establish . . . talk of universal brotherhood. Otherwise there will be discrimination. Just like in your country, or any country, the national . . . National means a man born in that land. Is it not? But they do not take the animals as national. Why they have no right to become national? That is imperfect of knowledge. There is no God consciousness. Therefore they think only the man born in this land is national, not others.
Interviewer: Yes. That is not necessarily based on the religious principles, of course, what you are talking about.
Prabhupāda: No, that is a philosophical principle. Religion without philosophy is sentiment.
Interviewer: Don't you think there are very good reasons for the existence of these rules and regulations in this respect?
Prabhupāda: Yes. Rules and regulation must be established on philosophy. Otherwise it is sentiment, defective. Religion without philosophy is sentiment, and philosophy without religion is mental speculation. They should be combined, philosophy and religion. Then it will be perfect.
Interviewer: I think that in this part of the world, in the Western world, at least, as much as I am aware of it, we do place a good deal of emphasis on religion and . . .
Prabhupāda: Based on philosophy.
Interviewer: Well, on religion . . . what I would like to highlight, what I would like to emphasize, is that we place a good deal of emphasis on religion in the ways it gets one man to deal with another man. The ethic of religion. Now . . .
Prabhupāda: No. Our point is not that.
Interviewer: In the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement . . .
Prabhupāda: No, no. Our . . . we must clear. We are not concerned how one man deal with another man.