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Pages in category "Defect"
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- A God conscious person is getting direct instruction from God. How it can be defective? It cannot be. Practical. But if one is defective, he's not yet fully God conscious
- A married man becomes responsible, because there is affection, family affection. And one who is not married, he's irresponsible, because there is no family affection. That is the basic defect of the present society
- A perfect philosophy is one that has no defects, and that is Vedanta philosophy. No one can point out any defects in Vedanta philosophy, and therefore we can conclude that Vedanta is the supreme philosophical way of understanding the truth
- According to ordinary vision, such imperfections may seem prominent in the body of a pure devotee, but despite such seeming defects, the body of a pure devotee cannot be polluted
- Actually, the sun is always in its fixed position, but owing to our defective, insufficient senses, we calculate the appearance and disappearance of the sun in the sky. BG 1972 purports
- Admitting that you are defective, I am defective, but I have got some authority. You have nothing. You are in the darkness
- After seeing Krsna, various people criticize the blinking of their eyes. In Vrndavana especially, all the gopis criticize Lord Brahma because of this defect in the eyes
- After speculating knowledge life after life, when one comes to the point to surrender unto Krsna, that is real knowledge. That is real knowledge. Unless you come to the point of surrendering unto Krsna, your knowledge is defective
- All other systems of knowledge (other than the Vedas) are defective because they have been written or spoken by men or demigods who are products of this material creation
- Although the evidence may be correct, the person himself is in danger of being misled due to his material defects. Apart from the direct presentation, there is a chance that an interpretation may not be perfect
- Although there are imperfections in man-made laws, there cannot be defects in the laws of God. According to the laws of God, killing an animal is as punishable as killing a man
- An illusion is a misunderstanding that arises from inattention while hearing, and cheating is the transmission of such defective knowledge to others
- Anu means "to follow," and pasyati means "to observe." Thus the word anupasyati means that one should not see things as he does with the naked eye but should follow the previous acaryas. Due to material defects, the naked eye cannot see anything properly
- Any man can be trained up. Not cent percent, but even one percent man becomes ideal, the ninety-nine percent will see and follow. But there is no ideal man. That is the defect
- Anyone who is a sincere devotee of Lord Krsna and who preaches this cult, speaking only on the basis of Krsna's instructions, is understood to be virajam, or free from the defects of material contamination
- Api cet suduracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak, sadhur eva sa mantavyah (BG 9.30). He is sadhu. He is saintly man. Even if you find some defect in his character, because he is sticking to Krsna consciousness, he is saintly
- As stated here, sri-bhagavan uvaca. It does not say vyasadeva uvaca or kapiladeva uvaca. Similarly, in Bhagavad-gita, Vyasadeva says, sri-bhagavan uvaca. Bhagavan refers to Him who is above the defects of this material world
- Asamsayam samagram. Without any doubt and without any defect, one should understand Krsna to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus surrender at His lotus feet
- At the present moment, the modern civilization on the basis of so-called scientific knowledge and economic development is trying to avoid God consciousness, or Krishna Consciousness--that is the defect of the modern civilization
- At the present time, as we travel all over the world, we see that in some countries human beings have many material facilities but no facilities for spiritual advancement. We find everywhere the defects of one-sided facilities & a lack of full facilities
- At this stage of our material existence, we are conditioned by many laws of nature. All conditioned souls are subject to four defects due to the imperfection of their senses. One defect is that the conditioned soul is certain to commit mistakes
- Attachment for Krsna is transcendental bliss. Amid unlimited volumes of transcendental bliss, a spot of some material defect cannot act in any way
- Because our main business is sense gratification. So we cannot enjoy all these senses fully in one kind of body. There is some defect. Just like we are trying to gratify our senses by flying to another planet, moon planet
- Because people do not refer to the instructions of sastras, which are free from defects and imperfections, they are therefore misguided by so-called educated teachers and leaders who are full of the deficiencies of conditioned life
- Defective theory
- Desires you cannot give up. That is not possible. Desires will remain there, but at the present moment, in the conditional stage, the desires are being misused. That is the defect. Therefore the definition of bhakti means anyabhilasita-sunyam
- Despite his becoming bhagavan, he is envious of the incarnation of God, Prthu Maharaja. The defects of material life are so strong that due to contamination King Indra becomes envious of an incarnation of God
- Due to his defective senses, a foolish man cannot see that this (falling down again into the evolutionary cycle) is happening
- Duryodhana, a great diplomat, wanted to point out the defects of Dronacarya, the great brahmana commander-in-chief. Dronacarya had some political quarrel with King Drupada, the father of Draupadi, who was Arjuna's wife. BG 1972 purports
- Either you say Absolute Truth or the Supersoul, the same thing. But this life is meant for understanding. If we miss this opportunity, we do not know where we are going. The defect of the modern civilization is they don't care. Hedonism, Carvaka's theory
- Even if you find some defects in him due to his former habits, but he is simply engaged in Krsna's service, unflinching devotion, he is sadhu. He is sadhu, in spite of some defects. We must admit, even in fire there are some defects
- Every living entity is individual. That, this particular word, that individual self, and is free from all defects. And because He's free from all defects, His statement is defectless
- Every one of us, anyone who is in this material world, they are subjected to these defects: he is sure to commit mistake - "To err is human" - he is subjected to be illusioned, and he has a cheating propensity
- Everyone wants peace in the world. The peace marchers do not know how to obtain peace, but they want peace. I read a speech of the Archbishop of Canterbury in which he said, "You want the kingdom of God without God." This is our defect
- He is actually servant, but he wants to become master. That is the defect. So he has to give up this mentality, mastership, then he'll be making real progress
- Here amongst the educated class there is influence of all these rascals - Vivekananda, Aurobindo, and . . . that is their one defect. But in the mass there is no influence
- Hospitals, there are many, but real hospitals, to cure the material disease, there is no. There are hundreds and thousands of hospitals for curing the disease of the body, but there is no hospital to cure the disease of the soul. That is the defect
- How a rascal can become a professor? That is the defect of modern day education
- How we can accept knowledge from a person who is liable to so many defects of life? Try to understand. Therefore our process of knowledge is not speculation. What we shall do by speculation?
- I want to take some of my exemplary character devotees for performing sankirtana in India so that they may see what is their defect
- If Krsna speaks false, something defective, then where is the use of reading Bhagavad-gita? Why should we read Bhagavad-gita which is spoken by a person who is defective? No. That's not... What Krsna is speaking, that is fact
- If our temples cannot even be maintained then it is a great defect in our management of the society. Neither can I be expected to deal in these matters and also pay attention fully to the translating of my books
- If there are any defects within our Society it is only symptom that the instructions of the Spiritual Master are being neglected
- If there is some incident and I claim that no one is cooperating with me or no one will work with me, that is my defect, not theirs. The Vaisnava devotee must think like this
- If we receive knowledge from an ordinary man, there will be many defects. An ordinary person is subject to illusion, and he also has the tendency to cheat
- If you are defective, if you have got so many defects in your life, how you can become teacher? You are a cheater
- If you go on constructing your big building on a defective foundation, then it will not stay. There will be danger. So modern civilization is based on this defective idea that "I am this body"
- If you want to approach the knowledge by inductive process, by studying each man, whether he is mortal or immortal, you may study thousand, two thousand, five thousand, but you cannot study all the men. Therefore your conclusion remains always defective
- In our present position, with blunt material senses, it is not possible to understand what is God. We have got four defects in this material condition. We commit mistake, illusioned, we accept something for something and our senses are imperfect
- In spite of hearing the glories of devotional service, they (those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance) are not attracted. Thus they manufacture their own way of elevation. These are some of the defects of human society. BG 1972 purports
- It is a defect of Mayavada commentaries that they make one statement in one place and a contradictory statement in another place as a tactic to refute the Bhagavata school
- It would be better to set the example rather than to criticize the defects of the devotees
- Krsna means God. God is one. That is Krsna. Others, they admit that God is one. But they do not know who is that one God. That is their defect. That is the difference between us and others
- Krsna was beautiful because every part of His body was perfectly arranged without any defect. Such perfect bodily features of Krsna are described as follows
- Lord Caitanya exposed many defects in the Mayavada philosophy, and although the Bhattacarya tried to establish himself by logic and word jugglery, Lord Caitanya was able to defend Himself from his attacks
- Lord Caitanya exposed many defects in the Mayavadi philosophy, and although Bhattacarya tried to establish himself by logic and word jugglery, Lord Caitanya was able to maintain Himself from his attacks
- Lord Krsna, however, knows everything in detail. Therefore His knowledge is vijnana-ghana because it does not have any of the defects of material science
- Man-made laws are always defective because they are made by men who are prone to committing mistakes, being illusioned, cheating and having imperfect senses. The Vedic instructions are different because they do not have these four defects
- Maya is so strong that she'll not allow to take real knowledge from the real person, but we shall read volumes of books who are defective with their four kinds of imperfectness, namely they commit mistake, they are illusioned, they are cheater, etc
- Mistakes, illusions, cheating and defective perception do not occur in the sayings of the authoritative sages
- Modern civilization is in dire need of an educational system to give people instructions on what happens after death. In actuality the present educational system is most defective because unless one knows what happens after death, one dies like an animal
- Mukta-purusa means one who is not affected by the material incompetency. There are material incompetencies. We commit mistake. We are illusioned. Our senses are imperfect. And sometimes - we want to cheat. These are the defects of material knowledge
- My statement may be defective, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu's statement cannot be defective, because He is in the transcendental platform. He is transcendence Himself. Krsna-caitanya-namne. Krsnaya krsna-caitanya-namine (CC Madhya 19.53). He's Krsna Himself
- Narada Muni continued: The Lord's form is always youthful. Every limb and every part of His body is properly formed, free from defect. His eyes and lips are pinkish like the rising sun
- Narada reached the cottage of Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa on the banks of the Sarasvati just as Vyasadeva was regretting his defects
- Of all these defects, there is sublime defect that our senses are imperfect. All our senses. The same thing, just like with our eyes we see daily the sun, but we see just like a disk
- Of course nothing is possible without the sanction of the Supreme Will of Sri Krishna but still man-made laws must have defects as the lawmakers are deficient in four primary principles of a conditioned soul
- One defect in Hari Goswami is that although he wants to cooperate he wants to keep himself a little aloof as a goswami. I wish that he should mix with us with open mind, without reservation
- One may take little more time to come to the standard, but we should give him chance. If he sticks to Krsna consciousness, very soon all these defects will be disappearing. Ksipram bhavati dharmatma. He will be completely a dharmatma, a mahatma
- One who is imperfect, one who is subjected to so many defects of life, we cannot accept knowledge from them
- Our ISKCON Society married couples means that both parties fully are engaged in Krishna's service. I have noted your several complaints against the devotees but it would be better to set the example rather than to criticize the defects of the devotees
- Persons whose minds are dull cannot understand this defect of a materialistic civilization aiming at material comforts
- Prajapati Daksa was right in pointing out this defect (of false renunciation), but he did not know that Narada Muni had aroused the spirit of renunciation in the Haryasvas and Savalasvas through full knowledge. Such enlightened renunciation is desirable
- Purposely raise a controversy (nondevotees) to defeat the eternity of the transcendental body of the Lord. This is due to the defect called the cheating propensity of the imperfect living entities
- Sati said: You (Daksa) have shown so many defects, but you do not know that his (Siva's) position is always transcendental
- She is expert in typing. Amongst the women, she is expert typist. She is expert in so many things. Only defect is that she is woman. But Krsna says, striyah sudras tatha vaisyah: "Never mind woman. If she is devotee, she also comes to Me."
- Since Lord Siva is himself associated with women, he knows very well their defective nature, and he might not take very seriously Diti's unavoidable offense (untimely sexual intercourse), which occurred due to her faulty nature
- Since Lord Siva is himself associated with women, he knows very well their defective nature, and he might not take very seriously Diti's unavoidable offense, which occurred due to her faulty nature
- Since the Buddhist philosophy does not admit the existence of the spirit soul, the so-called mercy of the Buddhists is defective
- Since Vyasadeva is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord, he cannot be likened to an ordinary person, who has the four defects which arise due to contact with material existence
- Somehow or other you come to the power, and you do whatever you like, and the people in general will have to depend on such leaders for their welfare. How they can be happy? If the whole system is defective, how they can be happy
- Srila Naradadeva is stressing this particular defect in the Vedic literatures compiled by Vyasadeva, and thus he is trying to emphasize describing everything in relation with the Supreme Lord, and no one else
- That is first class system of religion. What is that? Which teaches one how to become unalloyed, unflinching devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is first class, all others they are defective
- That is our basic principle of knowledge, that every one of us is defective, so you cannot give us complete knowledge; it is not possible. We must receive knowledge from the perfect without defects
- That is our Krsna consciousness movement, that we don't accept any knowledge from a person who is defective in so many ways. And what is the value of such knowledge
- That is the defect of modern educational system. And actually, everyone is seeking for spiritual emancipation. Therefore in your country, in spite of so many big, big universities, you are producing hippies, hopeless population
- That is the defect of the mudhas. They may be very great scholar, academic scholar, but in the matter of understanding God, they're mudhas, asses
- That is the defect of their civilization. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). They are taking care of the body, but beyond the body there is something else, which is eternal. Even after the annihilation of the body, it does not become destroyed
- The basic principle of civilization - accepting this body as the soul - is the beginning of all problems. The great philosophers, scientists, theologists and thoughtful men, they do not know what is the defect
- The Brahmavadis, the Paramatmavadis, they are impersonalists. They cannot understand the Supreme Being Personality of Godhead, Krsna. They cannot understand. That is the defect
- The Communist philosophy also, there are so many defects. They also think of equal rights for everyone but why not for the animals? What right you have got to kill the animals? Similarly, the animal also kill you. So this is not organized society
- The conditioned living entity has the defect of being always fearful, but simply by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he can rid himself of this defect of material life. Therefore the Lord alone can be addressed as master
- The defect in the modern society. They imagine. This business should be given up. He must follow. Sadhu-marganugamanam, which is prescribed by the sadhu, guru, you have to accept that. You cannot manufacture your own way
- The defect is that in the root is wrong. Everyone's thinking "It is my country. It is my family. It is my society. It is my property." This "mine" is illusion
- The defect is that my business is to render service to the Supreme Lord which is misplaced in so many ways. In so many ways I am giving service to my society, to my friend, to my community, to my nation, and so on, so on. That is misplaced
- The defect of Mayavada philosophy is that it does not accept the variety that is useful for practical purposes
- The defect of modern civilization is that it puts too much stress on solving these (eating, mating, sleeping, etc.) survival problems. As spiritual living beings it is incumbent upon us to extricate ourselves from this entanglement of birth and Death
- The defect of the demoniac mentality is expressed in this verse (SB 7.2.6) very clearly
- The defect of the Mayavada philosophy. They think of themselves too much. Therefore they remain here, always in maya
- The diseased condition of the senses may be treated by curing the defect, but not uprooting the senses altogether
- The evidence that Vedic knowledge is free from the defects of mistakes, illusions, cheating and imperfection is that it is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Janardana, and has thus been followed from time immemorial, beginning from Brahma
- The expert comes and at once sees what is the defect, and he joins one wire, this way and that way, and machine becomes start. Hrzum, hrzum, hrzum, hrzum, hrzum, hrzum
- The fact is this: "How one can become my enemy? If I am Krsna's servant, how one can become my enemy? If one is acting as my enemy, it is Krsna's desire. I have got some defect, and He is correcting me." Therefore it is called samah sarvesu bhutesu
- The final defect of the materialistic person is his inefficient senses. Although our eyes, for example, have the power to see, they cannot see that which is situated at a distance, nor can they see the eyelid, which is the object nearest to the eye
- The first defect is there is divorce law. Another defect is that there is no method how to train a man to become first class. That is there in the Vedic civilization
- The first defect of the civilization is that they are taking account of these fifty or sixty years of life. Life is continuation. That they do not know
- The individual presidents should be more managerial, more individual, and you can supervise, and if some defect is detected, you can make suggestions how to correct it. But if we lose individuality and simply become mechanical, what is the point?
- The Lord is the Paramatma - the atma or Superself of all individual souls. Therefore it must naturally be concluded that He has no defective bodily conceptions
- The material defects of mistakes, illusions, cheating and sensory inefficiency do not exist in the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The members of modern civilization manufacture defective religious principles through speculative concoction. This is not dharma. They do not know what is dharma and what is adharma
- The modern civilization is suffering from this defect, that they are not inquisitive about the Brahman. They are simply... Just like cats and dogs, they are interested with this body and the bodily necessities of life. They do not know beyond that
- The most defective part of worshiping demigods is that it creates a definite conception of pantheism, ending disastrously in many religious sects detrimental to the progress of the principles of the Bhagavatam
- The other machine which you have supplied is undoubtedly of superior quality as I see that a few tapes recorded on this machine have come out very nice, but there are several practical defects also
- The philosophy of the Mayavadis is defective because it maintains that everything is maya but the nonsense they speak
- The rules & regulations as described in the sastra-being above these defects (imperfect senses, the propensity for cheating, certainty of committing mistakes, etc.) are accepted without alteration by all great saints, acaryas, & great souls. BG 1972 pur
- The rules and regulations (left in Vedic literatures for state administration) were standard and without flaw or defect
- The sastra says, pravrttir esa bhutanam nivrttis tu maha-phala: one should not be carried away by the propensities of defective conditioned life; one should be guided by the principles of the sastras
- There are many persons, if they have associated, they... Unfortunately they do not associate with spiritually advanced men. That is their defect
- There is a defect of Darwin's theory. He does not know that the living entity is passing through different types of body
- There is no control by the trained agent of the Lord. We must look into the defects of modern civilization by comparison here, and should follow in the footsteps of Maharaja Yudhisthira to cleanse man and wipe out anachronisms
- There is no such educational system. The most defective education, because without this knowledge, what happens after death, without this knowledge, one who is dying without this knowledge, he's animal
- There was some defect in Tvasta's chanting of the mantra because he chanted it long instead of short, and therefore the meaning changed
- These (not attracted to hear the glories of devotional service and manufacturing own way of elevation) are some of the defects of human society, which lead to the demoniac status of life. BG 1972 purports
- These four principal defects (imperfect senses, the propensity for cheating, certainty of committing mistakes, and certainty of being illusioned) in conditioned life disqualify one from putting forth rules and regulations. BG 1972 purports
- These rascals, simply they are depending on their blunt senses, these stupids, so-called scientist. Therefore they're stupid. They simply believe on their eyes. They do not know how much defective these eyes and senses are
- They (government) are neglectful about this brain, brahmana. That is the defect of modern civilization. Therefore the human society is in more or less chaotic condition
- They (theologicians and philosophers) do not know anything; still, they are teachers. That is the defect of the modern civilization, that one is not qualified man, and he is teacher, he has become a teacher
- They are trying to have real peace and tranquillity, no misunderstanding between man to man, nation to nation. But that is not happening. That is not happening. The defect is that in the root is wrong. Everyone's thinking "It is my country"
- They do not know. They simply speculate. That is the defect of modern educational system. Everyone is seeking for spiritual emancipation. Therefore in your country, in spite of so many big, big universities, you are producing hippies, hopeless population
- They were wrongly initiated. We want recommendation from the authority, whether one should be initiated, but they gave wrong information. That is the defect of the informer
- Thing is that they are studying the laws very nicely. That's good. But they should appreciate that who has made this law. That is their defect
- This bhagavata-dharma means that how to get out of these four defects of material life, or four miserable condition of material life - birth, death, old age and disease - and get eternal, blissful life of knowledge
- This is the greatest defect of modern civilization, that they won't accept real authority. They will create some authority. Or rascal, he becomes authority. Especially in India
- This Krsna consciousness movement is spiritual communism. The material communism, which is going on, that is defective, because this Communist movement is centered around the state
- This planet belongs to the humans, that's all. - This is your communism. This present communism is defective because the Russians say that Russia is for the Russians or China is for the Chinese. Why not for others? Just think in terms of human communism
- Those who are bringing spiritual master as spiritual matter to be, to be subjected to the experimental knowledge, it is not possible. Experimental knowledge is defective, therefore we have to understand spiritual subject matter
- To come to the platform of truth, one has to know what are the defects of material life, how it is taken by the asuras. That is being described by Krsna, asatyam apratistham
- Today I may love some man or woman, but tomorrow we may break up. All of this is due to the defects of the material world. However, in the spiritual world these relationships never break up. They simply increase and increase, and this is called perfection
- Tongue is the beginning of realization. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau (Brs. 1.2.234). As well as controlling the tongue, we have to spiritualize the tongue. If you keep the tongue materialized, then it is defective
- Unfortunately, the modern rascal society, they utilizing that extra intelligence than the cats and dog for the same purpose: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That is the defect of the modern civilization
- Unless one is fixed in the normal condition of service, neither the Lord nor the living being can become fully satisfied. This defect was felt by him when Narada Muni, his spiritual master, reached him. It is described as follows
- Vedic education means one has to understand his real identity as brahman or the spirit soul. Unfortunately the modern educational system is so defective that everyone is educated to accept this body as self
- Vedic knowledge is not imparted by defective living entities. It was imparted unto the heart of Brahma and Brahma disseminated this knowledge to his sons and disciples, as he originally received it from the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- Vidura said to Dhrtarastra: You have been blind from your very birth, and recently you have become hard of hearing. Your memory is shortened, and your intelligence is disturbed. Your teeth are loose, your liver is defective, and you are coughing up mucus
- Vyasadeva specifically means here, bhagavan uvaca. He does not say krsna uvaca, because sometimes Krsna is misunderstood by the fools. So bhagavan uvaca, this word, means whatever He says, there is no defect or deficiencies
- Vyasadeva's disappointment was due to insufficiency in presenting the science of devotional service. Narada knew the defect, and it was confirmed by the position of Vyasa
- We are pushing on this Krsna consciousness movement, and some of the students are falling back. That is not the defect of the institution. That is some other power
- We are so unfortunate, we are not accepting the knowledge given by Krsna. We are hankering after some other knowledge given by some defective human being
- We cannot accept the theories or the statement of some defective person. We should hear from the person who is not defective - perfect. Therefore our process of hearing or getting knowledge is from the perfect person. That is called Krsna consciousness
- We cannot accept the theory that the Buddhist philosophy is the only way, for there are so many defects in that philosophy
- We cannot accept this defective knowledge. Our knowledge is from Krsna. We accept that this body is dead because the soul has passed to another body. This is perfect knowledge
- We do not accept any - what is called? - defective suggestion. We do not accept. We have got our program. This program is coming directly from Krsna. The Bhagavad-gita is there
- We do not know how far we shall be successful in our tiny attempt, but we must always apologize for all our defects in this respect
- We have got many sporting club, dancing club, because we want to do that. But we want to do in this material world. That is our defect
- We have got our senses with limited power, and there are so many defects in our conditioned stage. Therefore inductive process is not always perfect. The deductive process, from the authority, the knowledge received, is always perfect
- We have to accept knowledge from the perfect person. This is the sum and substance. Unless we take knowledge from the perfect person, our knowledge is defective
- We may never have seen a man who is not mortal, but we are judging this on our personal experience, which is finite. Our senses have limited power, and there are so many defects in our conditional state
- We may study that this man died and that man died, etc., and after seeing that so many men have died we may conclude or generalize that all men are mortal, but there is a major defect in this inductive method, and that is that our experience is limited
- Whatever we manufacture is sure to be defective or deficient. What is the value of my philosophy? What is the value of my thought
- When a foolish man sees a machine he may think that it is working automatically, but actually it is not - there is a driver, someone in control, although we sometimes cannot see the controller behind the machine due to our defective vision
- When a man dies we cannot see how the spiritual form leaves the body. That is the defect of our material senses
- When a particular type of occupation is performed for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord, all the defects in that particular occupation are purified. BG 1972 purports
- When Maharaja Pariksit learned all the defects of this Kali-yuga, then he was little disappointed, "How these men?" Men means human being. - How they will be relieved from the miserable condition of materialistic life in this age of Kali
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu thus showed for each and every sutra the defects in Sankaracarya's explanations, all the assembled Mayavadi sannyasis were struck with wonder
- Whole educational system is defective because there is no spiritual education. That has made everything impossible
- Why human communism? Living being communism! If you take this world as belonging to human society, that is defective. It belongs to everyone! It belongs to the tree community; it belongs to the beast community
- Why is the scientists' information fallible? Because an ordinary man conditioned by material nature has four defects. What are they? The first is that a conditioned human being has imperfect senses
- Without faith, you cannot reach the kingdom of God. Your experimental knowledge, your so-called defective reasons and arguments and philosophy, that will not be applicable in the transcendental field. You have to believe
- Without understanding, if you follow like a storm, that is no use. That is no use. Slow, but sure. Go slow... And that is the defect in the modern. If somebody can recite Bhagavad-gita like storm, it is to be understood he has perfected himself
- Yes, you will find defects. But if the devotees stick to Krsna consciousness principle, these defects will soon become finished
- You are defective in four ways. "To err is human." You must commit mistake; you must be illusioned; your senses are imperfect; and you have got a cheating propensity. These four defects are there
- You come to the eternal life, back to home, back to Godhead. But they are not willing to give up this material enjoyment. That is the defect. So it requires education. It requires knowledge. It requires training
- You have got 4 defects. One defect is that you commit mistakes. One defect is that we accept something for something else, illusion. Just like everybody, practically 99.9% all over the world, they are accepting this body as the self. It is also imperfect
- You love the poor people but not the poor animals. Therefore your love is so limited and defective. And Krsna conscious person not only loves the poor man but he loves the poor animals also - poor beast, insect, ants; he is so upright and so broadminded
- You may love humanity, but because you do not love Krsna, therefore you do not love the cows; you send them to slaughterhouse. So your love will remain defective. It will never be complete. And if you love Krsna, then you will love even the small ant
- You say something contradictory and become angry when this is pointed out. Your explanation has the defect of a misplaced predicate. This is an unconsidered adjustment
- Your body or my body, it is always defective without the soul, and it is effective with the soul. This is the conclusion. Therefore Arjuna was chastised by Krsna that: You are giving stress on the body. This kind of conception is for the fools