conscience | consciences
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Conscience"
The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total.
- God has given advanced consciousness to the human being. Therefore he can feel the suffering and happiness of other living beings. The human being bereft of his conscience, however, is prone to cause suffering for other living beings
- God is everything, and we can associate with Him according to our choice. The ability to choose, or our conscience, is given to us in the human form so we can utilize it
- He (Krsna) knows that he'll (the individual soul) suffer. Therefore sometimes conscience beats. We sometimes inquire from our conscience. Conscience says, "No, don't do this." But still we do it. Still we do... That is our avidya
- He (thief) spent all night placing different bags in different places, but his conscience bothered him so that he could not take anything from them. In the morning, when the other pilgrims awoke, they looked around for their bags and couldn't find them
- So far I am concerned, I am the same Spiritual Father and Guide of both of you and I have prayed all along to Krsna for bringing you back to your good conscience
- Sometimes our conscience bids, "Don't do this," but due to our lust and greediness we do something which is abominable. Krsna is there within our heart. He also gives sometimes dictation, "Don't do it"; still, we do
- Sometimes we commit so many criminal activities to satisfy our senses, because we want money. So palita durnidesah. My conscience says, "You don't do it." But, because I want to enjoy my senses, I must do it
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered them (Jagai and Madhai), to say nothing of others who were sober, pious, devoted and conscientious
- The conscience is created by association. By good association, conscience is the good conscience and by bad association, a bad conscience is created. So there is no such standard as conscience. Conscience means discriminating power
- The conscience, the so-called conscience is created. You go on killing, your conscience will be killing conscience, "It is all right"
- The human being bereft of his conscience, however, is prone to cause suffering for other living beings
- The Lord, or the Supreme Godhead, who is one without a second, is a fully cognizant and eternally joyful personality with a full sense of His identity. No one is equal to Him or greater than Him. This is a concise description of the Supreme Lord
- The Supreme Lord does not want any living being to act sinfully, and He begs him through his good conscience to refrain from sin
- This is Krsna's mercy, that "This rascal was My devotee, and now he is so fallen. All right, he is attracted to his children." So He gave the conscience, "Now keep your son's name Narayana"
- What is that force which influences him that, "You do it. You must"? You are doing. Sometimes our conscience bids, "No, no. Don't do it." But we forcibly do it. So what is that force?
- When a person comes to his senses and understands how he is engaging in sinful activities, he returns to his conscience, which is herein (SB 4.26.11) figuratively described as the palace