Ādi-keśava: Sometimes people criticize us, saying that we are teaching everyone how to do nothing; that we are teaching them about God, but how are we going to teach anyone to practically survive in the world? Sometimes they say like that, that we don't have any practical instruction as well.
Prabhupāda: Practical?
Ādi-keśava: Yes.
Prabhupāda: What is not practical? We are not eating? We are not sleeping?
Ādi-keśava: Yes, they are saying, "Oh, when will you learn to do a trade? When will you learn to perform business, or when will you learn to become a doctor, if you are always studying, talking about. . ."
Prabhupāda: But you are doctor already. Why shall I become doctor? You serve me. We serve you by giving you Kṛṣṇa consciousness; you serve me as a doctor. What is the wrong there? Parasparārtham. I am for you; you are for me. Division of labor, that is accepted universally. So ask them, "Do you think that everyone should become doctor? Then where is the patient?" Eh? Everything is required. Similarly, you require our help also. It is cooperation. You know medical science; we know spiritual science. So let us exchange and be happy. Why you are envious of us? Why there is division in the body—head, arms, leg, belly? Why not everything head or everything leg? Why there is divided? That is natural. It is required. (pause) Why this road is neglected?
Mādhavānanda: It's mismanagement.
Ādi-keśava: Even they are saying that, that we don't know how to . . . we're not teaching anything practical.
Prabhupāda: Huh?
Ādi-keśava: Even sometimes they are saying we're not teaching anything practical.