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Pages in category "Know"
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- Know it for certain that in this way you shall very soon go back to Home, back to Godhead
- Know the secret of success
- Milk is nothing but blood of cow. But we know the art, how to drink the blood of cow without killing. That is civilization
- Narayana Pandita, the fourteenth branch, a great and liberal devotee, did not know any shelter but Lord Caitanya's lotus feet
- Unknowable
- A brahmana is supposed to know this fact (one can perfect his duties only serving God) due to his perfection in Vedic wisdom. The other sections are supposed to follow the direction of the brahmana Vaisnava
- A child, he knows that his body will be changed. Nobody will remain a baby. Nobody will remain a child. Nobody will remain a boy. Next life is awaiting. It is very simple philosophy. And then after this body, another body is waiting. That's a fact
- A devotee is not interested in enjoyment or affected by distress. When he is prosperous he knows, "I am diminishing the results of my pious activities," and when he is in distress he knows, "I am diminishing the reactions of my impious activities"
- A devotee of Lord Sri Krsna is celebrated in terms of devotional service rendered to the Lord; thus we know Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura as the son of Narayani
- A diplomat in the material world knows how to deal with people, especially in political affairs
- A first-class intelligent man is called a brahmana because he knows the Supreme Brahman, the Absolute Truth
- A God conscious person is not subject to such misery (of hankering and lamentations). If something is lost, he knows that it is God's wish, and he thinks - God desired this, so it is all right
- A great saintly acarya has sung: when will I be able to understand the literatures left by the Gosvamis so that I will be able to know of the transcendental pastimes of Radha and Krsna
- A human being should be inquisitive to know these things: Who am I? Why am I put into this condition of working very hard to get only a few grains? Why am I in this uncomfortable situation? Where did I come from? Where do I have to go
- A human being should be inquisitive to know these things: Who I am? Wherefrom I have come? Where I have to go? Why I am put into this uncomfortable position
- A jnani knows, "So why shall I bother myself for these temporary designation?" That is jnani. He is jnani. He is man in knowledge
- A Krishna conscious person must be seen by ears and not by the eyes or in other words one should try to know the depth of realization by Krishna conscious person and not see the beard which has become the practice of the Hippies
- A Krsna conscious person is never under the false conception that he is one with God. Knowing that he would not be happy by working for himself, he engages all his energies in the service of the Supreme Lord
- A Krsna conscious person knowing that he would not be happy by working for himself, he engages all his energies in the service of the Supreme Lord and thereby gains release from the clutches of illusory material energy
- A Krsna conscious person knows that he is neither Hindu nor Muslim but the eternal servant of Krsna. Because people are being educated to become more body conscious, their sufferings are increasing
- A Krsna conscious person knows that whatever he has is not under his control. If we do not believe in God, we must believe in some power beyond us which is controlling us at every step, call that power God or nature or whatever
- A living entity may be very careful in the matter of executing his duties, but it is still very difficult for him to know what type of body he is going to get in the next life
- A man may theoretically know all these things (the directions of the sastra), but if he does not apply them in his own life, then he is to be known as the lowest of mankind. BG 1972 purports
- A man who is too materialistic will cheat anyone, kill anyone, beg, borrow, or steal - anything to bring money. He knows that his buildings, his family, his wife and children cannot continue to exist perpetually
- A man who was expert in palmistry was at that time staying with the landlord. Knowing about Sanatana, he whispered the following in the landlord's ear
- A man, snake-bitten, can be revived to his consciousness. Anyone Indian present here, they know. Still. Especially I have seen in Punjab, there are many snake enchanters who know the how to chant the mantras
- A mother is not offended by her mad son, and knowing this, My mother is not offended by Me
- A person (in Krsna consiousness) may appear to see all separate manifestations of the material nature, but in each and every instance he is conscious of Krsna, knowing that everything is the manifestation of Krsna's energy. BG 1972 purports
- A person can be in full KC and become happy and satisfied if he knows but three things - namely, that the Supreme Lord Krsna is the enjoyer of all benefits, that He is the proprietor of everything, and that He is the supreme friend of all living entities
- A person can be so addressed (as bhagavan) only if he is a great personality who exhibits extraordinary and uncommon features or who attains the greatest goal after his disappearance or who knows the difference between knowledge and ignorance
- A person in the divine consciousness, although engaged in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving about, sleeping, and breathing, always knows within himself that he actually does nothing at all. BG 5.8-9 - 1972
- A policeman knows that he is not working independently but under government orders. This knowledge is required in order that the policeman, who has some power, will not think that he has become God
- A rich man's child, does he want anything from father? No, he simply wants father, mother. The father, mother knows what does he want, how he will be happy. That is the duty of the father and mother
- A rope causes fear for a bewildered person who considers it a snake, but not for a person with proper intelligence who knows it to be only a rope
- A rope is one truth, but some mistake it for a snake, whereas others know it to be a rope. Similarly, devotees who know the Supreme Personality of Godhead do not see contradictions in Him, but nondevotees regard Him as the snakelike source of all fear
- A saintly person never takes credit for such actions because he knows very well that when wonderful things are done on his behalf by the grace of the Supreme Lord, all credit goes to the master and not to the servant
- A teacher can be in the list of teacher if he does know: "Yes, I know." That is teacher. If he says, "I do not know," then what kind of teacher he is? He's a rascal, cheater
- A Vaisnava knows these principles (religious and irreligious) perfectly well because he is well acquainted with the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A Vaisnava, because he is Krsna conscious, he knows what is real suffering, because he understands from Krsna
- A Vaisnava, or devotee of Lord, his life is dedicated for the benefit of the people. You know - most of you belong to Christian community - how Lord Jesus Christ, he said that for your sinful activities he has sacrificed himself
- A wife who is satisfied, who is not greedy, who is expert and knows religious principles, who speaks what is dear and truthful and is not bewildered, and who is always clean and affectionate should be very much devoted to her husband if he is not fallen
- A wooden doll chants and dances according to the direction of a magician but does not know how he is dancing and singing
- About Kapiladeva it is said, kapilas tattva-sankhyata: "Kapila, the Supreme Person," "He can explain what is Absolute Truth." Kapilas tattva-sankhyata bhagavan. Without Bhagavan, nobody knows what is the actual position of the Ultimate Truth
- Acarya-van puruso veda: one who has the favor of the acarya knows everything. This statement made by Kaviraja Gosvami is very valuable for all pure devotees
- Acarya. He behaves in his life how? To think of Krsna and he teaches his students about that. He is called acarya. He knows the purport of the scriptures, and he behaves in his life and he teaches his student in that way
- Acaryavan puruso veda. How one is understood that he knows spiritual science? That means who has a spiritual master
- Acaryopasanam, in the Bhagavad-gita it is recommended. We have to go to the acaryas. Acaryavan puruso veda: One who has accepted acarya in the disciplic succession, he knows the things
- According to one opinion, the rogues of Bihar know very well that Bengalis are intelligent; therefore these thieves generally force the Bengalis into service requiring intelligence and do not allow them to leave
- Actual learning means to know oneself. That is real knowledge
- Actually Hiranyakasipu was already liberated, yet his affectionate son was anxious to know whether he was liberated or not
- Actually I began my this Krsna consciousness movement - not that they came in a very purified condition. That we, every one of you, know, that those who came to me, they according, they have been trained from childhood
- Actually I do not know any of them, although I have a desire to know them. Since Gopinatha Acarya knows them all, he will give you their names
- Actually the food price is increasing daily. Nobody knows where it will end. This is called . . . even people will not get alms. Alms, to beg from door to door and live on alms and begging, this will not be possible. Nobody will give alms
- Actually the so-called teachers or leaders of material society do not really know the goal of life
- Advaita Acarya's very confidential servant named Kamalakanta Visvasa knew all the dealings of Advaita Acarya
- Advaita Gosvami, after performing the sraddha ceremony for his father, offered charity to Haridasa Thakura, although it was known to everyone that Haridasa Thakura was born in a Mohammedan family, not a brahmana family
- After Akrura was thus properly received and seated, Nanda Maharaja, the foster father of Krsna, said, "My dear Akrura, what shall I inquire from you? I know that you are being protected by Kamsa, who is most cruel and demoniac"
- After all, this class of men, they are falsely puffed up that they know something about mysticism, but actually they want to be flattered by somebody. So they are keeping some spiritual master or instructor, means to keep them as pet dog and cat
- Again He addressed Svarupa Damodara and Raya Ramananda, speaking despondently, "Alas! My friends, you can now know the certainty within My heart, and after knowing My heart you should judge whether I am correct or not. You can speak of this properly"
- Akrura expected blessings from Krsna's hands. He knew that Indra, who is the King of heaven & the master of the three worlds - the upper, middle & lower planetary systems - was blessed by the Lord simply for offering a little water which Krsna accepted
- Akrura knew that all the sons of Dhrtarastra, headed by Duryodhana, were very crooked politicians
- Akrura replied, "One may make a very great plan with his fertile brain, but he must know that he will be subjected to the fruits, misery and happiness. But I have nothing to say against your proposal"
- All blessings upon you, O Suta Gosvami. You know for what purpose the Personality of Godhead appeared in the womb of Devaki as the son of Vasudeva
- All of them then said, 'It is my great fortune, Lord, that You have called me, thinking of me as Your servant. Now let me know what Your order is so that I may carry it on my heads'
- All the devotees followed Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to a place known as Alalanatha. There they all offered respects and various prayers
- All the pastimes with the gopis that take place in those gardens are very confidential ecstasies of Lord Krsna. No one knows them
- All these different types of sacrifice are approved by the Vedas, and all of them are born of different types of work. Knowing them as such, you will become liberated. BG 4.32 - 1972
- All these inauspicious days & nights are not passing, for I have not met You. It is difficult to know how to pass all this time. But You are the friend of the helpless & an ocean of mercy. Kindly give Me Your audience, for I am in a precarious position
- All these sun's time, twenty-four hours, they are present even in this hour. You have to know by telegram or telephone. So if it is possible for the material thing, sun, so how much it is possible for God? This is called raja-vidya, king of knowledge
- All Your pastimes and incarnations certainly appear for the welfare of all living entities. Therefore, my Lord, I wish to know the purpose for which You have assumed this form of a fish
- Also please let us know the reason for Vidura's giving up the connection of his family members, and why he again came home. Please also let us know the activities of Vidura while he was in the places of pilgrimage
- Although Arjuna knew all the transcendental science, he questioned Krsna as if he did not know. Similarly, Prthu Maharaja knew everything, but he presented himself before the Kumaras as if he did not know anything
- Although devotees of Lord Rama may object (when Rama is accepted as Balarama), they should know that there is no difference between Balarama and Lord Rama. Here Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.2.13) clearly states that Balarama is also known as Rama - rameti
- Although he knew the secret, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami inquired from the Lord, "What is the meaning of this sonnet? I could not understand it"
- Although I (Krsna) am not easily knowable by the conditioned soul, you (Brahma) have known Me today because you know that My personality is not constituted of anything material, and specifically not of the five gross and three subtle elements
- Although I know that my spiritual master is a servitor of Sri Caitanya, I know Him also as a plenary manifestation of the Lord
- Although it appears to the layman that the mother gives birth to the child, the experienced man knows that the father gives birth to the child
- Although lamenting for the death of her (Mandodari's) husband (Ravana), she knew what would happen to his body and soul, for although one cannot see directly with one's material eyes, one can see with eyes of knowledge - pasyanti jnana-caksusah
- Although Lord Brahma had received very respectful obeisances from Lord Siva, he knew that Lord Siva was in a more exalted position than himself. Lord Siva's position is described in Brahma-samhita
- Although Ramananda Raya knew that nothing was unknown to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he nonetheless began to speak further on the subject because the Lord desired it
- Although she knew all the truths of life and death, and although her heart was cleansed of all dirt, she was very aggrieved at the loss of her son, just as a cow is affected when her calf dies
- Although the devotees of Lord Siva are able to obtain many material acquisitions, we should know that such devotees are simply collecting products manufactured by the three qualities
- Although the men present were very learned brahmanas and demigods, they were afraid of their superior, Daksa, and because they knew that their welcoming Sati would displease him, although in their minds they wanted to receive her, they could not do so
- Although the Pandavas knew, "Our uncle's plan is to send us into that house and set it afire," they agreed to go there. After all, Dhrtarastra was their guardian, and they did not want to be disobedient to the order of a superior
- Although they (impersonalists & so-called Vedantists) are very much proud of their knowledge, we know where they are: partial realization. Of course, they are also in the same field. But they'll not understand the Supreme Person
- Although we know that in this world it is faulty and also next world it is faulty, but because we have our senses uncontrolled, we cannot change. Asanta kamo harate kutumbi
- Amayo yas ca bhutanam (SB 1.5.33). Is very important verse. Actually, this is the essence of Krsna consciousness movement. What is that? People become diseased by sense gratification. Everyone knows. Too much sense gratification means creating disease
- An actual incarnation of God never says 'I am God' or 'I am an incarnation of God.' The great sage Vyasadeva, knowing all, has already recorded the characteristics of the avataras in the sastras
- An authoritative source is the only means of knowing about transcendental subject matter definitely. There is no alternative
- An enemy who does not resist is never killed by a warrior who knows the principles of religion. Formerly battles were fought on the principles of religion and not for the sake of sense gratification
- An inexperienced boy may be struck with wonder by seeing the impersonal actions of electronics or many other wonderful things conducted by electrical energy, but an experienced man knows that behind the action is a living man who creates such energy
- An intelligent man should be careful to know what sort of body is going to be awarded him, and thus he must prepare for a better life in other planets, even if he is reluctant to go back to Godhead
- An intelligent person knows that he does not want miseries, but they are inflicted upon him by force. As stated before, we are always in a miserable condition due to this mind, body, natural disturbances, or other living entities
- An intelligent person, knows that without Krsna his senses have no value, and therefore he becomes a devotee
- And what is bhagavat-pranitam dharma? That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, we know, everyone. He came, Krsna came. His mission was dharma-samsthapanarthaya, for establishing the religious principles, or reestablishing
- And when you have thus learned the truth, you will know that all living beings are but part of Me-and that they are in Me, and are Mine. BG 4.35 - 1972
- Aniruddha knew, however, that his would-be father-in-law (Banasura) was not at all pleased and that he was gathering many soldiers in the palace to attack him
- Any living entity can know that he is covered by the body if he only contemplates the body a little bit. Just with a little contemplation he can come to understand that the body is his possession
- Any person with little intelligence will never like to die and accept another body. And we do not know what kind of body we are going to get
- Anyone else who claims to know it must have heard it from him, for he was the most intimate companion of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Anyone knows that an unbridled horse is dangerous to ride. He can go in any direction at any speed, and his rider is likely to come to some harm. Insofar as the mind is unbridled, Krsna agrees with Arjuna that the yoga system is very difficult work indeed
- Anyone who is able to understand this (that the living entities are subordinate to God), according to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, knows the purpose of the Vedas; no one else knows the purpose of the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who is declaring himself God, immediately you should know he is the greatest sinful man. And if you study his private life, you will see that he is number one sinful man
- Anyone who knows this fact - that the appearance, disappearance and activities of the Lord are beyond material activities or material conception - is liberated. Yo vetti tattvatah/ tyaktva deham punar janma- BG 4.9
- Anyone who takes knowledge from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, or from Bhagavad-gita as it is, knows the purpose of the Vedas (vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah) - BG 15.15
- Approaching the King of the Yavanas, Kalakanya addressed him as a great hero, saying: My dear sir, you are the best of the untouchables. I am in love with you, and I want you as my husband. I know that no one is baffled if he makes friends with you
- Arcye visnau sila-dhih: everyone knows that the Deity in the temple is made of stone, but to think that the Deity is merely stone is an offense
- Arjuna accepted Krsna as the Supreme Lord, and therefore he knew that it was quite possible for Krsna to have spoken to someone millions of years before
- Arjuna could not remember his past deeds, although he is always with the Lord. And what can the tiny ordinary man, falsely claiming to be one with the cosmic consciousness, know about his past, present and future?
- Arjuna did not accept Krsna blindly. He knew, but for our sake he gave so many arguments. At last, he accepted. So we have to follow Arjuna
- Arjuna is inquisitive to know the results of deviation from the path of self-realization. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna selected Krsna as his guru. He did not go to anyone else, because he knew, - I can't find any other means to pacify me. You are the only one
- Arjuna would like to know which of these two types of transcendentalists (the impersonalist, and the personalist) is more perfect in knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- As a grain of wheat is divided into two parts and one can estimate the size of the upper part by knowing that of the lower, so, expert geographers instruct, one can understand the measurements of the upper part of the universe by knowing the lower part
- As a sleeping person acts according to the body manifested in his dreams & accepts it to be himself, so one identifies with his present body, which he acquired because of his past religious or irreligious acts & is unable to know his past or future lives
- As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11): Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- As devotees of the Lord, the bull, or the personality of religion, and the cow, the personality of the earth, knew well that without the sanction of the Lord no one could inflict trouble upon them
- As for this body, what is its value? It is merely a source of various diseases. The so-called philosophers, scientists and politicians know this very well, but nonetheless they aspire for temporary happiness
- As God knows where to use anger, similarly, devotee should also know where to use anger. "I am not angry. You can beat me with shoes, I am not angry." That is not devotional
- As soon as one chants the Hare Krsna Mantra with sincerity and without offence (you know there are ten kinds of offenses to the Holy Name which we are to avoid very, very carefully) his original Krsna consciousness is immediately revived
- As soon as one comes to know his real position in transcendental service, he at once becomes freed from all these miseries. The position of servitor is wasted in the material conception of life
- As soon as the tiger is out, there is an animal that follows it and makes a sound like "fayo, fayo," so that the other animals will know, "Now the tiger is out." So by nature's way the tiger has difficulty, but still Krsna supplies it food
- As soon as we speak of knowledge, there must be three things: the object of knowledge, the person who is trying to know and the process by which the object of knowledge is achieved
- As soul they are one in quality, but in consciousness they're different. He knows everyone's pleasure and pains; I know my pleasure and pain
- As stated here: jnana-vairagya-yuktena. Real understanding is knowing oneself to be the servant of Krsna, no one else. Because we are under illusion, we are serving kama, lobha, moha, matsarya - lust and greed - without benefit and without pleasure
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.24): One should understand what is duty and what is not duty by the regulations of the scriptures. Knowing such rules and regulations, one should act so that one may gradually be elevated
- As the sannyasi knows what is the aim of life, similarly, a grhastha also may know. So such grhastha, sex life is allowed, who knows the aim of life. And one who does not know the aim of life, simply enjoys sex, he is called grhamedhi
- As the wife of a great sage and the daughter of a great Prajapati, Daksa, she (Diti) knew that being killed by the Personality of Godhead is a great fortune
- As we have got experience, the nuclear weapon is very, very dangerous. Similarly, the brahmastra is also very, very dangerous. And another weapon, they knew this art, sabda-bhedhi
- As we learn from the history of the Mahabharata, or "Greater India," the wives and daughters of the ruling class, the ksatriyas, knew the political game, but we never find that a woman was given the post of chief executive
- Asat means which will not stay, nonpermanent, for the time. Just like we have accepted this body. This is asad-graha. This body will not stay. Everyone knows, but still, I am too much attached to this body. This is called asad-graha
- Aside from us, what is to be said of others, like the demons and human beings, who are in the base modes of material nature (rajo-guna and tamo-guna)? How will they know You?
- Ask anybody, very learned scholar, scientist, philosopher, or medical man, engineer, lawyer, that "What is the aim of life?" Nobody knows. They think aim of life - eat, drink, be merry and enjoy, that's all. This is aim of life
- Asvatthama knew, - The last descendant of the Kuru family is Pariksit, the son of Abhimanyu. He is in the womb of Uttara, so let me kill him also, and then the entire dynasty will be finished
- At any rate we do not know how long we shall live. So we have to concentrate on reading, chanting, and distributing books, and in this way try to become Krsna conscious completely before the next death
- At first, Duryodhana was very glad, but he knew how to test the heads to see whether they were in fact the heads of the Pandavas
- At present everyone goes to school, and everyone is given the same type of education, although no one knows what the result will be. The result, however, is most unsatisfactory, as we have seen in the Western countries especially
- At the place of pilgrimage at Prabhasa, he came to know that all his relatives had died due to violent passion, just as an entire forest burns due to fire produced by the friction of bamboos. After this he proceeded west, where the River Sarasvati flows
- At the present moment we are covered by two kinds of dresses - the subtle dress: mind, intelligence and ego; and the gross covering. Subtle means we know there is this thing, but we cannot see it
- At the present moment you know this is your generation, you cannot do anything, and you are thinking of future generation. How foolish you are
- At the request of Balarama, Krsna briefly explained the whole situation: how the calves and boys were stolen by Brahma and how He was concealing the incident by expanding Himself so people would not know that the original calves and boys were missing
- At this time Srila Advaita Acarya said, "Please do not be angry. I speak the truth. I shall know that You are a cowherd boy only if You can wheel this rod about"
- Athato brahma jijnasa (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.1). Brahma here refers to the Vedic literature. One should consult the Vedic literature to know why the conditioned soul is always in a distressed condition
- Athato brahma-jijnasa, when one is inquisitive to know the broader plan, Brahman plan. Brahman means the biggest, brhatva, the biggest. The biggest plan, if anyone wants to understand, becomes inquisitive, then his life, real life, begins
- Bahuka died when he was old, and one of his wives wanted to die with him, following the sati rite. At that time, however, Aurva Muni, knowing her to be pregnant, forbade her to die
- Bali Maharaja knew the secret of how he had formerly been victorious because providence was in his favor. Now, since that same providence was not in his favor, there was no possibility of his victory. He very intelligently forbade his associates to fight
- Bali Maharaja then said to Lord Vamanadeva: O brahmana, I offer You my hearty welcome and my respectful obeisances. Please let us know what we may do for You. We think of You as the personified austerity of the great brahmana-sages
- Bali said, "By Your (Krsna's) causeless mercy only are we demons in direct contact with Your personality. This contact is not possible even for the great demigods. No one knows how You act through Your yogamaya potency
- Banasura knew various arts of fighting, and by the grace of Lord Siva he knew how to arrest his enemy by the use of a naga-pasa, snake-noose, and thus he seized Aniruddha as he came out of the palace
- Because a person does not really know what happiness is, he deviates from real happiness
- Because Ajamila constantly chanted his son's name, Narayana, he was elevated to the platform of bhakti, although he did not know it
- Because Brahma is the firstborn living being, naturally he is supposed to know everything about creative functions
- Because Garga Muni was an astrologer, he knew what others did not know. Yet Krsna has so many names that even Garga Muni did not know them all. It is to be concluded that Krsna, according to His transcendental activities, has many names and many forms
- Because he (a wise man) realizes that he is spirit and that Krsna is the supreme spirit, he knows that his intimate relationship should be with Krsna, not with this body
- Because I have now given you everything you are able to answer all such questions from what you know, and if there is any difficulty you may consult my books, or you may write me if necessary
- Because I know, I experienced in my last April, May, June, so similarly, this intuition is nothing but experience of my last life. That is called intuition. The rascals, they say that there is no experience
- Because Krsna had gone to Mathura, Srimati Radharani was very much affected, and She expressed Herself thus: I am very poor and You are very merciful, so kindly have compassion upon Me and let Me know when I shall see You
- Because Krsna was taking special care of the Pandavas, King Yudhisthira said, "My dear Krsna, we do not know what sort of pious activities we have executed in our past lives that have made You so kind and gracious to us"
- Because of his advanced devotional position, the younger brahmana knew that although the Deity of Gopala appeared to be stone, He was not stone. He was the son of Nanda Maharaja, Vrajendra-nandana Himself
- Because of pure love, the devotees of Krsna in Goloka Vrndavana, Vrajabhumi, loved Krsna as an ordinary human being like them. Yet although they considered Krsna one of them, their love for Krsna knew no bounds
- Because of Raghunatha dasa's eagerness, I accepted his invitation for many days. It is very good that Raghunatha dasa, knowing this, has now automatically given up this practice
- Because the living entity is Brahman in quality, he can remember the past activities of dreams and also know the present activities of wakefulness
- Because the mode of goodness means knowledge. So if you know, "This table does not belong to me; it belongs to Swamiji," you will not try to take it away. Therefore, one must know - be thoroughly well conversant - then he can be honest
- Because they had very good tendency for learning Sanskrit to know so many things. That was their research. They knew it that in Sanskrit language there are so many wonderful things
- Because they have failed to love God, all the so-called love, humanitarian, philanthropic works and, you know, they have become useless
- Because we do not know that there is a complete arrangement in nature for our maintenance, we make efforts to utilize the resources of nature to create a so-called complete life of sense enjoyment
- Because we do not understand what is dhira, we think that "This man is sitting idly and drawing four thousand rupees." Because we know, "Unless one is active like dog, running there, running there, he is not a busy man"
- Because we know rightly, and as we are part and parcel of God, minute particles, therefore our duty is to serve God
- "Because you (Sanatana Gosvami) are a humble devotee," the Lord continued, "you are asking Me to confirm what you already know. This is very nice." These are the characteristics of a true devotee
- Because you are rascal, you do not know. You learn it. One who knows the meaning. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). You are fool, rascal. How can you know the meaning? You must have to go to the real person
- Before death overcomes you, you make a solution of the problem. That is intelligence, that "The greatest danger is awaiting me - death." That is sure. "As sure as death." Everyone knows
- Being captivated by a few blades of grass, the animals fall into a dark well & meet death. Similarly, foolish persons, without knowing the importance of the human form of life, spoil it simply for sense gratification and die without any useful purpose
- Being covered by illusion, by the modes of material nature, we do not take account of these (threefold) miseries. However, we should always know that in the material world we are undergoing so much suffering
- Being obliged by her love, I am brought there to eat. Mother knows all these things internally and feels happiness, but externally she does not accept them
- Being the eldest learned Vedantist, O Suta Gosvami, you are acquainted with the knowledge of Vyasadeva, who is the incarnation of Godhead, and you also know other sages who are fully versed in all kinds of physical and metaphysical knowledge
- Bhadra said, "I do not know whether I shall be able to have the shelter of Lord Krsna life after life, but still I pray to the Lord that wherever I may take my birth I may not forget my relationship with His lotus feet"
- Bhagavad-gita teaches, in the very beginning, that whether one is a man or a woman, one must know that he or she is not the body but a spiritual soul
- Bhakta, they know where is real water. That's all. This is the difference. The karmis are like animals. They are after shadow water, running, running, running, exhausted and finished. That is karmi
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati explains that a mundane person, being enriched by mundane opulences, must always know that the transcendental opulences of the advanced devotees are far more important than the materialistic opulences of a person like himself
- Bhattatharis know many tantric black arts, such as the art of killing a person, of bringing him under submission, and of destroying or devastating him
- Bhisma is stated as one of the authority, mahajana. But what did he do? He fought against Krsna and pierced with his arrows. You know, we have stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Bhismadeva is one of the twelve mahajanas who know the principles of transcendental knowledge. His confirmation of Lord Sri Krsna's being the original Personality of Godhead is also corroborated by the impersonalist Sankara
- Bhismadeva, Dhrtarastra, Dronacarya, Duryodhana and Bahlika bowed their heads before the Lord with great respect because all of them knew the exalted position of Lord Balarama as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Bhugarbha Gosani, a disciple of Pandita Gosani, was always engaged in topics regarding Lord Caitanya, knowing nothing else
- Big, big men in Europe, very exalted position, they do not know even that there is life after death
- Bilvamangala Thakur has explains, "Therefore, I am simply yearning to know how I can fix my mind on Your (Krsna) lotus feet"
- Bilvamangala Thakura wrote, "I know that I am not at all fit to offer my prayers to You, but because You are known as Dinabandhu, the friend of the fallen, I humbly pray that You will kindly purify me by the beams of Your transcendental glance"
- Born directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he dedicates his activities to the welfare of the entire universe, for he knows the purpose of the universal creation
- Both Rajaputa Krsnadasa and the Sanodiya brahmana knew the path along the Ganges bank very well
- Brahma began to think, "All the boys and calves were taken away by me, and I know they are still sleeping. How is it that a similar batch of boys and calves is playing with Krsna? Is it that they are not influenced by my mystic power?"
- Brahma knew this because he was a great devotee; it was possible for him to understand the plan of the Lord
- Brahma said, "They (Krsna's devotees) know they are always protected by You (Krsna), and so they can matter-of-factly pass over the heads of their enemies without any care"
- Brahma was entrusted with the work of creating the planetary systems. The Lord instructed him that when he meditated he would very easily know where and how the planetary systems must be arranged
- Brahmana, his qualification is that he knows what is his business. And that business is sat-karma. Sat-karma means a brahmana has to become very learned. Pathana. He must be a serious student of Vedic religion. That is first qualification
- Brahmin were taken to so much respect, because they're ideal character, learned and godly, knows the science, spiritual science. Therefore they're held in high estimation and topmost of the society
- Brhaspati, the spiritual master of the demigods, said: O Indra, I know the cause for your enemy's becoming so powerful. The brahmana descendants of Bhrgu Muni, being pleased by Bali Maharaja, their disciple, endowed him with such extraordinary power
- But the brahmanas, although they had come to know the supremacy of the Lord and were repenting, were still afraid of King Kamsa because they were too much addicted to fruitive activities
- But the mass of people do not know this (that material miseries can be mitigated by devotional service), and therefore the learned Vyasadeva compiled this Vedic literature, which is in relation to the Supreme Truth
- By accepting the knowledge imparted in Bhagavad-gita, anyone can immediately know that this great cosmic machine, of which the earth is a part, is working so wonderfully because there is a driver behind it - Krsna
- By development of the desire of the great sages to know, the ears, the power of hearing, the controlling deity of hearing, and the objects of hearing became manifested. The great sages desired to hear about the Self
- By following the principles of the great devotees and the instructions available in the scriptures, one can know to a considerable extent the features of the Lord
- By going to the planet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can know all the other planetary systems on the path to Vaikuntha. We should remember that Dhruva Maharaja's body was different from our bodies
- By his astrological calculation, Garga Muni could understand that Krsna was the son of Devaki, which Nanda did not know. Indirectly Garga Muni said that Krsna and Balarama were both sons of Vasudeva
- By impure consciousness we are transmigrating from . . . now this time, you may be very happy that you have got a very nice body, American body, or you are enjoying life. But do you know what is the next life? That you do not know
- By knowing all the Vedas, the ultimate conclusion should be Krsna. This conclusion comes after many, many births. After culturing knowledge for many, many births, when one actually becomes wise, then he surrenders unto Krsna
- By knowing he may refrain for some time from sinful activities, but again he does it. He's forced. - Let me do it. All right, I shall suffer. Doesn't matter
- By knowing ourselves as minute particles, part and parcel of God, we can understand that our duty is to serve God
- By knowing the material manifestation alone, one cannot be saved, for in the course of nature there is devastation at every moment (ahany ahani bhutani gacchantiha yama-layam). Nor can one be saved from these devastations by the opening of hospitals
- By practical experience and by hearing from authorities, everyone knows what sinful activity is, and no one can say - I do not know what sin is
- By seeing and hearing the notes recorded by these two great personalities, a Vaisnava, a devotee of the Lord, can know these pastimes one after another
- By the instruction of a bona fide spiritual master, a living entity can know of his spiritual position, his material body, his senses, how he is entrapped, and how he is under the spell of the material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- By understanding the three expansions of the purusa, a living entity can transcend the position of knowing only the twenty-four elements of the material world
- Caitanya continued, "If one considers the Supreme Personality of Godhead in both features, he can actually understand the Absolute Truth. He knows that the personal understanding is stronger because we see that everything is full of variety"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu found the Brahma-samhita and Krsna-karnamrta in handwritten texts, and knowing them to be very authoritative, He took them with Him to present to His devotees
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu informs us that in every country and in every scripture there is some hint of love of Godhead. Unfortunately no one knows what love of Godhead actually is
- Caitanya protested against being called the Supreme Lord, and He said, My dear sir, I am an ordinary living entity. I cannot know the real meaning of Vedanta-sutra, but Vyasadeva, who is an incarnation of Narayana, knows its real meaning
- Can any one of you stand up and tell me what is God? Yes. Do you know what is God?
- Cheerful attitude. If . . . cows know. They have got intelligence that "We will be killed." Therefore they are not supplying sufficient milk. They cannot
- Complaints against Bali Mardan is very serious, and I have appointed an enquiry committee, consisting of three men. Let us know the report
- Concerning the Vedic statements, if you do not know, what can I do? You have to know it otherwise why do you speak something about what you do not know
- Concerning your debate with the professor who claims that if God knows everything then His foreknowing makes men very much like puppets or machines. Persons who think of God like himself has no knowledge of God
- Controlling the senses, truthful, clean, full of knowledge, believing in the sastra and God, and vijnanam, practical application of knowledge in life, vijnanam . . . simply to know is useless. You must practically apply in life. That is called vijnanam
- Cultivation of knowledge is also not easy for everyone. That is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita. - Out of many millions of persons, human being, one may be interested to know - What is the aim of life? Why I am suffering
- Cyavana Muni was very irritable, but since Sukanya had gotten him as her husband, she dealt with him carefully, according to his mood. Knowing his mind, she performed service to him without being bewildered
- Dantavakra said, "You (Krsna) are not satisfied by killing my friend; I know that You want to kill me also. Because of Your determination, I must kill You by tearing You to pieces with my club"
- Devahuti questioned Kapila Muni, for she knew that only He could cut her attachment to this material world
- Dharma is meant for the human society. The animal society, they have no, nothing to do about religion, neither they know what is religion, what is this body, what is soul. It is not their business. Dharma is the business of the human society
- Dharma means one's actual constitutional duty. It is one's duty to know the needs of the soul, but unfortunately we have no information of the soul and are simply busy supplying the necessities for bodily comfort
- Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam: (SB 6.3.19) no one actually knows what dharma is, and no one can manufacture dharma. Dharma is the order of the Supreme Being. No one can manufacture state laws; they are given by the government
- Dhruva Maharaja, influenced by a revengeful attitude towards his insulting stepmother, did not think of mukti, nor did he know what mukti was. Therefore he failed to aim for mukti as his goal in life
- Dhruva Maharaja, the son of King Uttanapada, was already known throughout the universe as a great devotee of the Lord, constantly thinking of His lotus feet
- Diksa is the process by which one can awaken his transcendental knowledge and vanquish all reactions caused by sinful activity. A person expert in the study of the revealed scriptures knows this process as diksa
- Do you know something about our movement?
- Do you know that mantra? You cannot speak. It is secret?
- Do you know what is God? Do you know?
- Do you know what is meant by "sacrifice"? Yes. That (sacrifice to Visnu, to Krsna) means pleasing Krsna. If Krsna is pleased, He can change destiny
- Do you know what is the process of seeking knowledge? Do you know that?
- Do you understand that the soul is immortal and it is transmigrating, tatha dehantara-praptir (BG 2.13)? Do you know all this problem? Then why you have become national leader
- Don't follow rascals and fools. Then it will be useless waste of time. Follow the great acaryas. Acaryavan puruso veda. One who is acaryavan, who has accepted acarya, he knows. Others, all are fools, rascals
- Dr. Stillson Judah, he has written one book, perhaps you know, Hare Krsna and Counterculture, a very nice book about our movement, and he is giving importance
- Due to a bad system of education, men have no desire for self-realization. Even if they come to know about it, they unfortunately become victims of misguided teachers
- During the daytime, even someone in a room can know that the sun is up. Because it is light in his room, he can understand that the sun is shining in the sky
- Duryodhana knew that after Draupadi's dinner it would be impossible for Maharaja Yudhisthira to receive such a large number of brahmana guests, and thus the rsi would be annoyed and would create some trouble for his cousin Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Duryodhana knew very well that Vidura was a great soul and well-wisher, but unfortunately he used strong words to hurt his innocent uncle
- Each and every living creature has a particular relationship with God, but we have, for now, forgotten. When that relationship is revealed in the process of devotional activities, or KC, you will know that that is the perfection of your life
- Education means enlightenment. If you foolishly do something, immediately you become criminal. So education means to enlighten them to know what is right, what is wrong. That is education
- Education means to do the right thing, not the wrong thing. That is education. Education means enlightenment, to know what is right, what is wrong
- Education or learning means to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore, although Lord Balarama appeared on the earth as a ksatriya, all the brahmanas and sages stood up because they knew who Lord Balarama was
- Even a few years ago, such hippies (who are addicted to drugs) did not know the Hare Krsna mantra, but now they are chanting it and becoming pure Vaisnavas
- Even a great scholar known all over the world practically in scholarly circle, he has practically vilified Krsna by his so-called scholarship
- Even after attaining knowledge of one's spiritual identity, if one does not come to the point of knowing that the living entities are eternal parts and parcels of the whole, one has to fall down again into the material atmosphere
- Even for material science, you go to school, college to learn from the authority. How you can learn about God, about soul, without approaching a proper person who knows it
- Even if a brahmana is very learned in Vedic scriptures and knows the six occupational duties of a brahmana, he cannot become a guru, or spiritual master, unless he is a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Even if one does not read any philosophy, he is sexually inclined. Nobody is taught it in the schools and colleges. Everyone already knows how to do it. That is the general tendency. But education should be given to stop it. That is real education
- Even if we know, still, if there is some bodily pain we become very much disturbed. But we should know, always remember, that "I am not this body"
- Even if you are unsuccessful, you must know it firmly that without Krsna's desire, nothing can happen. If you are unsuccessful, then you should.... That is Krsna conscious....
- Even the intelligent are bewildered in determining what is action and what is inaction. Now I shall explain to you what action is, knowing which you shall be liberated from all sins. BG 4.16 - 1972
- Even when the gross body is not acting when the living being is in sound sleep, we know that he is within the body by his breathing. So the living being's passing away from the body does not mean that there is no existence of the living soul
- Every learned man knows very well that attachment for the material is the greatest entanglement of the spirit soul. But that same attachment, when applied to the self-realized devotees, opens the door of liberation
- Every living entity is constitutionally the servant of Krsna, but when he wants to enjoy without Krsna, then he has to associate with the modes of material nature. You have to know or study all these understanding. Then you will understand what is what
- Every one of us, we know that this material body will be finished. And it is full of ignorance. We cannot say anything, what is beyond this wall. We have got senses, but they are all limited, imperfect
- Everyone has got interest. But nobody knows what is real interest. That is missing
- Everyone is fallen and the lowest of the mankind, because he's missing the chance of understanding Krsna in this human form life, and nobody knows what he's going to be next life. So it it a very risky civilization without any understanding of Krsna
- Everyone knew that He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, yet His behavior was exemplary
- Everyone knows "This is not good," but he is punished; again he does that. So Pariksit Maharaja said, What is the use of this atonement?
- Everyone knows a flimsy idea there is God, but we can give actually who is that God, what is His name, what is His address, what is His father's name, what is His mother's name - everything. That is Krsna consciousness
- Everyone knows something of everything or everything of something, and this is generally known as knowledge. But as soon as we leave the body, all of this knowledge is vanquished
- Everyone knows that he is going to die. He has taken birth; he has become old; he has suffered diseases. Then where is the solution?
- Everyone knows that in the body, the stomach is the enjoyer. Not the hands, legs, eyes, ears. These are there simply to help the stomach
- Everyone knows that lotus flowers grow in the water of the Ganges. But to say that the Ganges takes birth from a lotus flower seems extremely contradictory
- Everyone knows that the sun has two types of energy - heat and light. Similarly, Krsna has an external energy and an internal energy, and He also has a marginal energy, which is a mixture of the other two
- Everyone knows that the wind blows within space, and on earth it is blowing everywhere. There is no place where there is no air or wind. If we wish to drive out air, we have to create a vacuum artificially by some machine
- Everyone knows well that when we eat something, or in other words, when we put foodstuffs in the stomach, the energy created by such action is immediately distributed throughout the whole body
- Everyone must have been very anxious to know about the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty, and that message must have been explained by God to Uddhava and dispatched to Badarikasrama for the information of Nara-Narayana and other pure devotees of the Lord
- Everyone thoroughly knew the position of King Yudhisthira; because he was a great devotee of Lord Krsna, no accomplishment was extraordinary for him
- Everyone wants to take pleasure by his own knowledge, that "I know something," but in the presence of Krsna this conception will not help. We have to submit. You have to. There is no other alternative: na tams tarkena yojayet
- Everyone wants to take pleasure in his own knowledge, thinking, I know something. But in the presence of Krsna this conception cannot stand, for one cannot bring Krsna within the limitations of prakrti. One must submit. There is no alternative
- Everything should be done quickly. Because we do not know when we shall die. So everything, Krsna consciousness business, should be done as quickly as possible
- Evolution means changing of different bodies. The spirit soul is changing from one body to another, and finally he's coming in the human form of body. This is a chance to know the actual position
- Except the satvatas, nobody knows what is God. Satvata means Vaisnava
- Extensively ignorant, they (lower animals) can know their desirables only by smell, and by such intelligence only can they understand what is favorable and unfavorable. Their knowledge is concerned only with eating and sleeping
- Fame is a material desire, but to desire fame in Krishna Consciousness is not bad. If you think that people may know me as a great devotee of Krishna, that they may acknowledge me a nice devotee of Krishna, that is not at all bad
- Feeling separation from Krsna, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu would throw Himself into the sea. Sometimes He would leave His room in the dead of night and disappear. No one would know where He had gone, but all the while He was searching after Krsna
- First intelligent question was put forward by Sanatana Gosvami that, "Sir, please let me know what is my identification, why I am put into this miserable condition of material life." People do not know it
- First know what you are, your business, your destination & aim of life. Then begin work, religiosity, economic development. But if you do not understand yourself, what is the meaning of accumulation of wealth or so-called religion or economic devel... No
- First of all he must know what to preach. If he does not know what to preach, what he will preach? You have got a preaching capacity, provided you learn the art of preaching. But everyone can preach. That's a fact
- First of all to study the situation by observation, & then practically, when you are able to make an experiment, then it is science. Otherwise, theoretical knowledge has no meaning. So in order to know that science, one has to approach a perfect teacher
- First of all we must know what is the aim of life and then the question of organization
- First of all you answer me, that if you are a student, how you can know who is perfect teacher? (laughter) So you do not know what is your position. If you are a student, then you should go to the teacher submissively, not that strong attitude
- First of all you know things as they are. Then talk. Otherwise, it is said that it is better not to talk than to talk foolish. It is better to stop talking
- First of all, do you know what Sai Baba is preaching? Do you know?
- Five years ago in the Western countries nobody knew what is Krsna. How they're taking Krsna in so loving attitude? This is the proof that Krsna is for everyone, and everyone is for Krsna
- Follow the principles and slowly but surely, without doubt, you will know. "Yes, I'm making progress," you'll say. And it is very easy, and you can execute it and be in a happy mood
- Foolish policy. Just like the deaf man, he thinks everyone is deaf. You know that? This is psychology. Deaf man will think that everyone is deaf. Broadcast radio message in the Pacific Ocean, the aquatics they do not reply, that means there is no life?
- For eating, for sleeping, for having sex intercourse, there is no use of education. Everyone knows automatically. But at the present moment, the whole education is on this point. Real education - what is life, what is goal of life - they do not know
- For eating, sleeping, mating and defending, there is no need of education. Education means athato brahma jijnasa. That is education. How to know the Supreme Absolute Truth
- For example, Hanuman, the devotee of Lord Ramacandra, knew that there is no difference between Lord Ramacandra and Lord Narayana, and yet he still wanted to render service only unto Lord Ramacandra
- For him (the learned man who knows that the body is destined to be vanquished today or tomorrow) there is no cause for lamentation, regardless of the condition of the material body. BG 1972 purports
- For preaching work, especially in India, preachers are generally sannyasi. And I know that even in Buddha philosophy, a Buddhist, a person following Buddhist religion, he has to take sannyasa at least for some time
- For self-realization I surrender unto You, who are worshiped by the demigods as the supreme controller of everything. By Your instructions, exposing life's purpose, kindly cut the knot from the core of my heart and let me know the destination of my life
- For sense gratification there is no need of guru. Even these birds and beasts, they know how to gratify senses. There is no need of university or teacher
- For so long you did not follow the regulative principles of the Hindu religion, but now you are following them with great enthusiasm. May I know by whose strength you are doing so?
- For spiritual realization one has to purify the heart and know things in their true perspective
- For the present, it is better not to discuss on these confidential things of a higher level, but you are always welcome to put your genuine questions for an answer. Otherwise, how will you know things as they are?
- For them (my disciples) I visit my centers all over the world. So for that purpose I have come, as well as to let you know more about our philosophy, if you are interested
- For want of knowing what real spiritual activity is, we take up material activities
- Formerly the garbhadhana reformatory system was prevalent, but at the present moment there is no such garbhadhana, or seed-giving ceremony. Under these circumstances, no one knows if a man is factually born of a brahmana father
- Formerly this planet was known as Ajanabha-varsa, but since Maharaja Bharata's reign, it has become known as Bharata-varsa
- Freed from the contamination of the modes of nature, the speaker and hearer (of Srimad-Bhagavatam) are fixed in a transcendental mentality, knowing that their position on the transcendental platform is to serve the Supreme Lord
- From monetary point of view, from family life, position. He is the biggest medical practitioner in Allahabad. Everyone knows. Even in the street, Dr. Ghosh they know. So take care of him very carefully
- From ordinary moral point of view, it is said by Canakya, atmavat sarva-bhutesu sa panditah. Anyone who can see in others, feeling like himself . . . If I cut your throat, you'll feel pain. How I know it? Now, because if you cut my throat I'll feel pain
- From Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita we can know who the lawmaker is: the lawmaker is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- From that day on, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya did not know anything but the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and from that day he could explain the revealed scriptures only in accordance with the process of devotional service
- From the sastra we know in the moon planet... That is one of the heavenly planets, and there are living entities. They are living for ten thousand years, and it is very cold there. Therefore they drink soma-rasa
- Gajendra said, "I know that persons who are pure devotees and have, by serving the lotus feet of great souls, become freed from all material desires, are always merged in the ocean of transcendental bliss"
- Garuda. He is perfect vegetarian. You know what is his food? Snakes. And he is carrying the Lord. It is a devotee, you see? He is not vegetarian
- Generally such persons (who are liberated theoretically by knowing simply that the living entity is not material) are very much attached to Vedic rituals and righteous activities, performing them in order to enjoy material prosperity
- Generally the citizens, great and common, all had an aspiration to see the king and take benediction from him. The king knew this, and therefore whenever he met the citizens he immediately fulfilled their desires or mitigated their grievances
- Give up the connection with woman is recommended. So in our Society it will be a good test. We are mixed up with men and women. If you, in spite of this allurement, if you do not become attracted by woman, then you should know you are paramahamsa
- Go on for hundreds & thousands of years licking up (the bottle), but you will never know what is honey. This is the process. It must be opened by the authorized person, & you must really taste it; then you will understand what is honey when you taste it
- God is infinite, and we are infinitesimal, very small particle. Just like sun. Sun is very big, but the sunshine, it is a combination of very minute, bright articles, atoms. Everyone knows. It is a combination of, I mean to say, dazzling, bright
- God is inside also. God is everywhere. God is inside and outside also. This is to be known. Not in the beginning, but you have to know from the sastras (scriptures), by the Vedic information
- God is not such a subject matter that you can see with this pratyaksa, direct perception. God's another name is Anubhava. Anubhava. Just like in this room we do not see the sun directly. But we know that there is sun
- Good things do not come so easily; you know the difficulties that I encountered in my first year in your country. Sometimes I did not even know where I was to live, neither when I came did I have any friends
- Gopala has been situated in the city of Kataka (Cuttak), and He has been known ever since as Saksi-gopala
- Gopi said, "Did you know, my dear friend, that all these most intimate friends of Krsna are always engaged in His service in this way?"
- Gopinatha Acarya was a resident of Nadia, the son-in-law of Visarada and a devotee of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He knew the true identity of His Lordship
- Gopis said, "If only He would come here and accept these garlands we have made. Dear Lord Balarama, descendant of Dasarha, You know that we would give up everything for Krsna's friendship"
- Govardhana Hill knows how to please the Lord by pleasing His most beloved associates, the cows and the cowherd boys
- Great sages like Marici, Atri, Bhrgu and the others among the nine great sages who are descendants of Brahma also respect Lord Siva in such a way because they all know that Lord Siva is not an ordinary living entity
- Great stalwart leaders of religious principles, without knowing this Hare Krsna maha-mantra, take to so many troublesome, multiritualistic ceremonies
- Haridasa Thakura then replied (to the prostitute) - I know all about that, but I allowed you to come here for three days so that you could be converted and become a devotee. Now take these chanting beads, and go on chanting. I am leaving this place
- Have you got any understanding of God? Do you know what is God?
- Having heard that Krsna had already killed the elephant Kuvalayapida, Kamsa knew beyond doubt that Krsna was formidable. He thus became very much afraid of Him. Krsna and Balarama had long arms
- He (a Krsna conscious person) has no hankering for anything on his own personal account. He knows how to accept things in favor of Krsna consciousness and how to reject things unfavorable to Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- He (A living being) must always know himself to be transcendental to the bodily identity. This is the path of knowledge, and complete knowledge fixes the living being in the orbit of spiritual activities
- He (Bhaktisiddhanta) so much against this Ramakrishna Mission and Vivekananda. So much. He knew all history of Ramakrishna. He became impotent. He was woman-hunter and therefore uneducated
- He (Brahma) knows everyone's heart and everyone's intentions. Therefore he was requested to explain this incident. Why was the pregnancy of Diti causing such anxieties all over the universe?
- He (Brahma) would know how Yasodamayi saw all the universes and planetary systems within the mouth of Krsna during His playful childhood pastimes
- He (Kasyapa) knew that the child born of such untimely sexual intercourse would certainly not be a good child, but could not protect himself because he was too obligated to his wife
- He (Krsna was born of Devaki but according to His original plan He went to Vrndavana and after eleven years) would return to kill Kamsa. Because Kamsa did not know this, he believed Yogamaya's statement that Krsna was born elsewhere, not of Devaki
- He (Krsna) has already cleared up the question of the future of the individual living entity. Now, Arjuna wants to know of the future of the unsuccessful transcendentalist. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) said, "Daruka, please immediately take Me to where Salva is staying. You may know that this Salva is a very powerful, mysterious man. Don't fear him in the least"
- He (living entity) creates a condition of life in which he either enjoys or suffers. We should definitely know that both the Lord and the living entities are eternally cognizant
- He (Lord Caitanya) initiated the dharma for the Age of Kali. The devotees of Lord Caitanya know all these truths
- He (maha-bhagavata) knows how to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead and how to respect a Vaisnava
- He (omkara) is the beginning, middle and end, and He is beginningless as well. When one understands omkara as such, he becomes immortal. One should thus know omkara as a representation of the Supreme situated in everyone's heart
- He (Samika Rsi) thought within himself that if Maharaja Pariksit would countercurse the boy, he might be saved. But he knew also that a pure devotee is callous about worldly advantages or reverses
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) inquired from Him, ke ami keno more jape tapa-traya (CC Madhya 20.102): - My dear Lord, kindly let me know who am I and why I am put into the threefold miserable condition of life
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) went on to tell the Lord - I do not wish to suffer, but these material miseries are forced upon me. I neither know where I've come from nor where I'm going, but people are calling me educated
- He (the jnani) knows that all of these (riches and wealth) apply but to the body and that when the body is finished, they also go. When the body dies, one is no longer a rich man but a spirit soul, and according to his work, he has to enter another body
- He (the living entity) thereby (when he engages himself in the service of the Supreme Lord) knows that he has a competent master to save him from all kinds of danger
- He (the self-realized person) knows perfectly well that he is not this body, but is the fragmental portion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- He (the self-realized person) thus (by the sthira-buddhi) knows his constitutional position perfectly well, without falsely trying to become one with the Supreme in all respects. This is called Brahman realization, or self-realization. BG 1972 purports
- He (Vidura) did not ask Maharaja Yudhisthira in that way (get out of the false position of King) because he knew that a king like Maharaja Yudhisthira is aware of all the fearful situations of this flimsy world and would take care of himself
- He (Vidyadhara, the serpent) admitted, however, that in his previous life he was actually sinful. A Krsna conscious person knows that he is always the servant of the servant of Krsna
- He (who is conversant with the science of Krsna knows perfectly that he is not the body) is not concerned with the modes of goodness, passion or ignorance, but with Krsna. One who understands this is a jnani, a wise man, and he is very much dear to Krsna
- He brought so many presentations that no one could know them perfectly. Indeed, it was a fact that the supreme mother, Radharani, personally cooked in the house of Raghava Pandita
- He has got full knowledge. That is God, omniscient. He has got full knowledge. We may not have because we are very tiny. A child may not have knowledge, but the father knows everything. Similarly, He is the supreme father
- He is public leader because he has got some money. Money is the criterion. Therefore people are accumulating money some way or other. He knows that "If I got money, then I'll have all influence over the society"
- He is the master of varieties of energies, like the full material energy, and no one can understand His plans or actions; therefore it should be concluded that although He is the original cause of all causes, no one can know Him by mental speculation
- He is thinking, "I am very strong. I have got so power, so much jaws & nails. I can jump over any animal & immediately kill him." He is pleased in that position. But you know the tiger or the lion, they are so unfortunate that they do not get daily food
- He knew, his spiritual master knew that he is illiterate, and he knew also that, "I cannot read Bhagavad-gita." But still he was trying to read because his spiritual master has said. This is called staunch
- He knows that they will be finished, pasyann api na pasyati. He has practical experience, still he does not see. This is called maya. Maya means thing is one and he's thinking otherwise
- He who is conversant with the science of Krsna knows perfectly well that he is not the body, that he is part and parcel of Krsna, that his real relationship is with Krsna, and he must remain aloof from the three qualities of material nature
- He who is conversant with the science of Krsna knows perfectly well that he is not the body, that somehow or other, although he has been put in the material body, he must remain aloof from the three qualities of material nature
- He who is in Krsna consciousness does not care for material distress, insult or honor because he is aloof from all these. He knows well that distress, honor and insult pertain to the body only and that he is not the body
- He who remains firm, knowing that the modes alone are active; who regards alike pleasure & pain, & looks on a clod, a stone & a piece of gold with an equal eye-such a man is said to have transcended the modes of nature. BG 14.22-25 - 1972
- He would not listen to blasphemy of a Vaisnava, nor would he listen to talk of a Vaisnava's misbehavior. He knew only that everyone was engaged in Krsna's service; he did not understand anything else
- Hearing the song from a distance, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately became ecstatic. He did not know whether it was a man or a woman singing
- Hearing up to the point of spontaneous love, the Lord said, "This is all right, but if you know more, please tell Me." In reply, Ramananda Raya said, "Spontaneous loving service in servitude - as exchanged by master, servant - is the highest perfection"
- Hellish and demoniac persons do not actually know what is the ultimate attainment in perfection, and therefore they think that sense gratification is the highest goal of life
- Her (Devahuti's) plea was that even though she did not know the glories of her great husband, because she had taken shelter of him she must be delivered from material entanglement. Association with a great personality is most important
- Here (in SB 3.32.12-15) he (Brahma) is called veda-garbha, which means that he knows the complete purpose of the Vedas
- Here is a great personality, Maharaja Nimi, who knew this fact (Life is flickering. So if one does something worthy, that qualification will be depicted in history eternally)
- Here is a very nice example, soldiers. They know, "We are going to give up our life." And what for? "Money." They are prepared to give up life for money. Money is so sweeter than honey
- Here it is said, mudha, everyone who is simply living in the fool's paradise, manufacturing his own ideas like Ajamila... Somebody has taken, "This is my duty," somebody has... He is a fool. You must know what is your duty from guru
- Herein (CC Adi 17.104) we find, however, that after hearing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s order, the astrologer immediately began his calculations. This was not a facade: he actually knew how to ascertain one’s past life through astrology
- His (Atri Muni's) very inquiry about whom he had called indicates that he was in doubt about the constitutional position of the Lord. Therefore he prayed to all three, "Kindly let me know who is the transcendental Lord of the universe
- How are your Tulasi plants in Hawaii? How are they feeling? I am always thinking of them and you. Please let me know how they are growing and how you are taking care of them
- How can I (the Girl) expect to unite with others, who are neither conversant about sex nor capable of knowing how to enjoy life while living or after death? Such foolish persons are like animals because they do not know the process of sense enjoyment
- How do you know that, "Here is a medical practitioner"? Before going for treatment, you find out. How do you find out
- How one can see? Suppose I am seeing this material sky. I cannot see what are there, not even the stars at the present moment, although we know there are millions and trillions of stars. So this is my power of seeing
- How you know that the moon planet or sun planet or this planet or that planet have got so many things, this or that? It is from the books. You have never gone to the moon planet, but you learn it from the books, authorized books
- However alluring and attracting they may be, he (a person in full Krsna consciousness) always knows that no material welfare activities can be compared with the spiritual activity of Krsna consciousness
- However, first-class human beings - brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas - are developed in consciousness, and therefore they know how painful it is to be killed
- However, one must know that for jaundice, sugar candy is the only specific medicine
- Human form of life, nobody is interested to know about the philosophy of the life, value of life. They have become so frivolous. In this evening, everyone is engaged in childish activities, but nobody is interested in the real problem of life
- Human life begins when one is inquisitive to know, "Why I am suffering?" That is human life. And if he keeps himself in darkness - Oh, this is . . . Suffering is suffering. Let me enjoy
- I (Krsna) shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. Brahman, the spirit, beginningless and subordinate to Me, lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) am now almost an invalid because of old age, and I know that at any moment I may die. Therefore I have already described some portions of the antya-lila
- I (Prabhupada) do not think it is advisable in this stage to spend about $300 for a short period for our going and coming back. So I hope you will consider the present situation and let me know what is your decision
- I (Prabhupada) think I have spoken about my own life. You know that I was a married man. So after being married, I did not like my wife. (laughter) Somehow or other, I did not like
- I (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) wish you good luck. O Brahma, you may ask from Me, the giver of all benediction, all that you may desire. You may know that the ultimate benediction, as the result of all penances, is to see Me by realization
- I am always anxious to know about the activities of my Temples so far established. I always pray to Krsna that you, all my students, may go ahead in this Krsna Consciousness Movement
- I am anxious to know what happened to the other two pairs of Deities. These two pairs of Deities are immediately required for Paris and Berlin
- I am happy to know that you are appreciating our work amongst the academic community. This is very important work to gain the acceptance of the academic world. If scientific men and scholars accept, the more that is a great stride
- I am so glad to learn that you are eager to preach but we should know it that we cannot preach without being solid in our standing as devotee
- I am very anxious to know about Mayapur. Since I have come here I have not heard from you. I have sent one telegram to Tamal but there is no reply
- I am very anxious to know that things are progressing nicely under the new management of the Governing Body Commissioners. So please write at least once in a fortnight
- I am very much anxious to know if the goods from India Mrdanga etc have been already received by you. Please let me know as soon as you receive them
- I beg to inform you that I have arranged for the opening of the temple in Vrndavana on Sri Ram Navami day by the 20th of April 1975. Perhaps you know it that the ceremony was to take place on last Janmastami
- I beg to inquire whether you have taken possession of the house at 5th Avenue, and if not please let me know why it is delayed. Please send Bali Mardan with detailed information and necessary documents
- I called for the SPG, desiring a son like Him, and I thought of Him only. But although He is far beyond the mental speculation of man, all three of you have come here. Kindly let me know how you have come, for I am greatly bewildered about this
- I can develop the body like an elephant, but the elephant is conducted under the direction of a man. You know? Such a big animal is controlled by a small boy of human being. So everyone is under control
- I consider your good self the most exalted master of mystic power. You know the spiritual science perfectly well. You are the most exalted of all learned sages, and you have descended for the benefit of all human society
- I did not know that he took it very seriously. Then after two, three months, some documents came. I was receiving my letters in a postbox
- I did not know that maintaining a family was such a difficult job here. But this is described in the Bhagavatam: if one can maintain a family, he will be considered a very glorious man, and if a girl has a husband she will be considered very fortunate
- I do not know how things are being managed in this way. Kindly let me know, therefore, immediately what is the fate of this Rs. 6,000 transferred from your Delhi Chandni Chowk Branch
- I do not know how to inquire, for I do not know what is good and what is bad. Seeing me to be poor in knowledge, kindly speak whatever is good for me by your own good will
- I have (Prabhupada) already explained. Mind, intelligence & ego - this is subtle body. Everyone has got his mind, everyone knows. But we cannot see. The intelligence... Everyone has got intelligence, but we cannot see. Similarly, subtle body is invisible
- I have already informed you I've gotten a visitors visa immediately on presenting passport. So please let me know whether I should wait for the immigration visa as you intend to send me or should I start on the strength of the visitors visa
- I have already informed you that the Dictaphone is clogging at the last stage from point 25. Is it due to the tape or the machine? Please let me know what to do
- I have always instructed that the standard of arcana worship must be kept very high, because this will insure that every other temple activity will also flourish. So I am relieved to know that now the Deities are in your care. Thank you for this
- I have read your Vyasa Puja offering, so it will be a great pleasure to know whether Vyasa Puja was officially held in Nairobi. I am always anxious to know about Nairobi affairs. If you kindly send a report at least once a month, that will be appreciated
- I have written one letter to Pradyumna and Arundhati regarding composing my books, so I am very anxiously awaiting the reply. Please inform them about this and let me know what is the situation there
- I know about my body, about the interest of my body. If somebody wants to kill me, I take protection because it is my body, ksetra
- I know little more A-B-C-D. I am, therefore, a big scholar. I can interpret Bhagavad-gita in my own way. - This is useless
- I know something, or I can know the Supreme, by my knowledge. "I am something, I am very important," our process is to forget this first of all. This is called humbleness, submissive
- I know the pains and pleasure of my body; you know the pains and pleasure of your body. Therefore, in relationship with your body, you are ksetra-jna, and in relationship with my body I am ksetra-jna
- "I know you will be pleased to know that the N.Y. center is really doing well; in fact, I believe they are really stronger now than ever before." I am very glad to learn this and I am very much encouraged to know it. It is all Krishna's mercy
- I may know; Sukadeva Gosvami, the son of Vyasadeva, may know; and Vyasadeva may know or may not know Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I must have now the Permanent visa otherwise I cannot go to Montreal and work will suffer very much if I do not go to Montreal by the next month. Kindly let me know what you have done in this connection and I shall wait your letter with interest
- I prayed for only one son, but now I see that there are forty-nine. How has this happened? My dear son Indra, if you know, please tell me the truth. Do not try to speak lies
- I shall be very glad to accept an educated and intelligent disciple like you, but first of all we must meet and you should know whether you can accept me as your Spiritual Master, or I can accept you as my disciple
- I shall be very glad to accept an educated and intelligent disciple like you, but first of all we must meet and you should know whether you can accept me as your Spiritual Master, or I can accept you as my disciple. This is preliminary necessity
- I shall cite one example when Lord Caitanya was traveling in the South India. When He was in the Ranganatha temple of South India, one brahmin was reading Bhagavad-gita, and his friends and neighbors knew that the brahmin was illiterate
- I shall give you one tangible example in the life of Mahatma Gandhi. You know he was a very great man, political leader in India. So he was also very God-fearing man, a very nice soul. But he also committed mistakes so many times
- I shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. This is beginningless, and it is subordinate to Me. It is called Brahman, the spirit, and it lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world. BG 13.13 - 1972
- I think we shall all forget now the past fratricidal war and now come forward for a good cause. If they are not agreeable then do it yourself and I am at your service. Please therefore consider this and let me know by wire if you are agreeable
- I understand from Gurudasa that you had some meeting amongst yourselves to chalk out the plan and I shall be glad to know what plan you have made, as he has mentioned this meeting in his letter, which I am replying herewith
- I understand that You (Krsna) have appeared in order to kill the uncivilized Kamsa and his followers. But knowing that You were to appear in order to kill him and his followers, he has already killed so many of Your predecessors, Your elder brothers
- I was engaged in My own playful activities in My home, and because of My childish innocence I did not know right from wrong
- I was told by some authority, a very responsible man, that in Germany there are musical institution, so when a student who goes there who knows something about musical art, he is charged more. Is it a fact
- I will let you know immediately when I know I will be going next to San Francisco. Of course, now I am in Los Angeles, and I have no serious business at present
- I would also like to know if the initiated devotees are chanting regularly sixteen rounds and following the regulative principles rigidly. This is very essential
- I wrote you one letter regarding the translation work of Nrsimhavallabha Goswami and sons. I have not received any reply from you although I am very much anxious to know the result
- If a Brahmin has become very much expert in this six kinds of business," and mantra-tantra-visaradah, "and he knows also all the mantras and tantras, but he is impersonalist or voidist, then he cannot become guru
- If a man leaves home and dies without his family's knowing, that is considered to be a glorious death. But an attached family man wants his family members to carry him in a great procession even after his death
- If a person, president, cheats his countrymen somehow or other, and why not others? They will also do that. "Oh, president does it. What I am? What can I know?" In this way, the more we are inclined to sense gratification, we become sinful
- If any big temple is in difficulty financially, we can take charge of this temple and improve it and maintain it nicely. So if you know of any prospective temples where this could be arranged, please inform us
- If anyone comes to Me - mam upetya: he does not come back again. Where? To this place - duhkhalayam asasvatam. This place is the abode of miseries. Everyone knows, but they have been befooled by so-called leaders
- If anyone is at all interested in knowing the spiritual science (brahma jijnasa), he must approach a guru like Jada Bharata
- If good instructions are given to a foolish rascal, he simply becomes angry and turns against the instructions. Because Narada Muni knew this very well, he indirectly instructed the King by giving him the history of his entire life
- If he is serious to know about these things, then he must know it from the proper channel. You cannot learn music from a carpenter. If you want to learn music, then you have to approach an expert musician
- If he wants to know all these, there is bonafide source for understanding these problems, providing he agrees to give a submissive aural reception to the respective authorities as much as he believes in the authoritative statements of Sir Isaac Newton
- If I am trained in KC, then I am the sane man, I am not a madman, because I know what is my position, what is God, what are other living entities, what is this world, what is this material nature, what is this time, what are these activities
- If I ask you how many hairs you have got on your head, you do not know. Similarly, we have got this body. I am claiming my body, but I am not in full knowledge of my own body. And what to speak of knowing your body or other's body?
- If I know that I am a servant, that is my liberation. And if I think that I am master, that is bondage. This is the difference between conditioned life and liberated life
- If one acts in the mode of ignorance because of madness, his resulting misery is the least severe. One who acts impiously but knows the distinction between pious and impious activities is placed in a hell of intermediate severity
- If one can perceive the characteristics of the Absolute Truth, we can know that he has understood the substance of the Absolute Truth by the mercy of the Lord
- If one does not endeavor to counteract his situation but is satisfied with his position, knowing that he has obtained his position through past activities, he can instead engage his energy to develop Krsna consciousness
- If one enviously kills others for the protection of such a body, does he actually know the true interest of life? Certainly he does not, for if one is envious of other entities, he surely goes to hell
- If one has unflinching faith in Krsna and his spiritual master, then automatically the Vedic knowledge becomes awakened. This is a fact, you can see. They never knew what is Vedic life, Vedic knowledge, but how they have become so nice, perfect devotee
- If one is ignorant how he is changing his different phases of life, what is his next life, what he was in the past life . . . how one can know? Sastra-caksusat. One can know from the scriptures, from the authorized books, as you know so many things
- If one knows factually how God is great, then naturally he becomes a surrendered soul and engages himself in the devotional service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- If one unconsciously, without any knowledge, does something wrong, that is excused. But they do willfully. They know it is wrong, still they do it
- If somebody invites you to come to his apartment but you know it is full of danger, do you think you would like to go there? "Oh no," you will say, - I am not going there. If it is full of danger, why shall I go
- If somebody is interested to know what is the important thing, then he can understand this. And if he's animal, simply eating, sleeping, mating, what he will understand?
- If the yogi is curious to know what the moon is like, he can transfer himself there, or if he is interested in higher planets, he can transfer himself there, just as travelers go to New York, Canada, or other cities on the earth
- If this pencil belongs to me, the etiquette is - My students sometimes ask, "Can I use this pencil?" "Yes, you can." Similarly, if I know that everything belongs to Krsna, I will not use anything without His permission. That is honesty & that is knowledge
- If we are mistaken about our identity, we will also be mistaken about our activities. Simply knowing that we are not these material bodies is not sufficient; we must act according to the conviction that we are spiritual
- If we are really anxious to know the principles of eternal life or life after death, and if we really want to see things in their true perspective, it is necessary for us to establish a relationship with a preceptor who can really open our eyes
- If we go to a store to purchase some gold or jewelry and we know nothing about jewels or gold, we are likely to be cheated
- If we know the supreme father, and if we live according to the father's order, so there is question of antagonism, dissension
- If we know what is our actual aim of life . . . the actual aim of life should be back to home, back to Godhead. Then this human form of life is successful
- If we take shelter of Krsna, then we shall know, "Oh, now I have found shelter." Then there will be no more confusion, no more hopelessness
- If we want to purchase a mango from the market, we must at least know what type of food a mango is and what it looks like. Similarly, we must have some preliminary knowledge of the qualifications for a bona fide spiritual master
- If you (Usa) can identify him from your dream, I (Citralekha) shall bring you peace of mind. Now, let me draw some pictures for you to inspect, and as soon as you find the picture of your desired husband, let me know
- If you actually serious to know about spiritual subject matter, then you must have to, abhigacchet, this word is used when the sense is "must." Not that without, I can go, I can have spiritual knowledge without having accepted a spiritual master
- If you are hungry, you know, by eating, how much your hunger is satisfied. You haven't got to ask anybody. Similarly, if anybody increases his Krsna consciousness, the test will be that he will be disinterested with all material pleasures. That is test
- If you are so foolish that you go to a butcher shop and ask him to supply diamond or gold, then you'll be cheated. You must know at least where to go and purchase gold or diamond. These are valuable things. That requires little intelligence and sincerity
- If you argue that "Somebody is hearing for so many years," so then there is question of offense. Offense, ten kinds of offense, you know
- If you do not even know the person, then where is the question of love? Suppose you love some boy or some girl, then you will give some present, and he or she gives you some present - that develops love
- If you do not know the things as it is, how you can say, "It is not this"? If you know the positive, then you can say the negative
- If you do not know, then why do you take the post of teacher? This is our proposition
- If you don't like to chant Krsna you chant in your own way. Chant the name of God. If you know the name of God chant it. If you do not know then take it from me
- If you have to attempt anything for real progress, then this is real progress. What is that? To know the Supreme Absolute Truth, which is manipulating all activities
- If you keep someone on the ignorant platform, then what is the benefit of making a Christian or a Muslim into a Hindu? No, artificially changing someone into a Hindu will not help. One must know the philosophy of life
- If you kindly let me know whether we can talk about Bhagavad-gita as it is, in the church attached to the United Nations. Such meeting and discussions would be of great interest to many persons, and would be extremely beneficial to everyone involved
- If you know something like swimming, then the law of gravitation will not work, and who knows better than Krishna how to do everything
- If you take to this movement, if you chant this Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, then this impure consciousness will be purified, and you will know what you are
- If you think that Indians do not eat or Indians . . because you have not seen them, but if you . . as soon as you know they are also human beings like us . . . just like as for my example, when I was in India I was thinking of America something wonderful
- If you think that you know better than Krsna or Krsna's representative, the guru, there is no necessity of accepting guru. Do not keep a guru as a pet dog
- If you understand what is God and if you know what is your relationship with God - in this way your goal of life how to learn to love God, that is achieved - then it doesn't matter through which religion you achieve that perfection
- If you want real benefit of spiritual life, don't be show bottle. Do you know show bottle? The medical shop, a big bottle. It is full of water only. And color is red or blue or something like
- If you want to know about me, then you must know from me. That is authentic. That is authentic. Or from a confidential person who is confidence of me. Similarly, if you want to know Krsna, then here is Bhagavad-gita, spoken by Krsna
- If you want to know me, then you must know about me from me. You can not speculate about me. If you speculate that "Swamiji is so rich," or "Swami might have so much bank balance also," or.... This is all speculation
- If you want to know things which is beyond your conception, beyond your sense perception, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- Ignorance means dull stone. So if your senses are purified, at least you can know who is God, what you are, what is this world, what is your relationship. These things will be revealed. Not that you can become the supreme controller
- Immediately deliver your child! Immediately deliver it! Be assured that after the child is delivered, I shall not burn you to ashes. I know that although you are unchaste, you wanted a son. Therefore I shall not punish you
- In America they have created purposefully prostitutes. They know they will get money, and they have illicit sex. That's all. The social condition is not good
- In America, you know the expenditure. We are living in the best part of the city. But we have no source of income
- In court an important man is sometimes found as a culprit, & the judge may be able to fine him a hundred thousand dollars & know that the man can pay it. But he may tell the man, "You just give one cent." That is also punishment, but greatly minimized
- In each and every instance he is conscious of Krsna, knowing that everything is a manifestation of Krsna's energy
- In great jubilation, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "My dear Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya, know from Me that chanting the holy names is the most feasible means of salvation in this Age of Kali"
- In India there is always a kind of spiritual rivalry between the Mayavada and Bhagavata schools, and thus when the news of the Lord reached Prakasananda he knew that the Lord was a Vaisnava sannyasi, and therefore he minimized the value of the Lord
- In India, when one becomes very humble, submissive, he takes a straw in his mouth. Perhaps you know. Even in the village, still it is going on
- In modern education there is no knowledge about the spirit; they are simply taking care of the material elements and bodily needs. Therefore academic knowledge is not complete. BG 1972 purports
- In my opinion we should print more than 1000 copies every month and distribute them in large scale. I think you will reconsider the matter and let me know your further opinion
- In order to know all this transcendental subject matter, it is recommended, "One must approach to the proper guru to understand this subject matter." And that is success of human life
- In other words, by the transcendental bliss realized from constant engagement in devotional service, one is completely liberated from material existence. All learned men know this
- In our government, central government, there is a planning commission. Perhaps every one of you know it, planning commission. From. . . for the last twenty years they are making simply plans, and no plan has become successful
- In spite of her great bereavement, Kunti decided to live, not to enjoy life in the absence of her husband, but only to give protection to the children. This incident is referred to by Vidura because he knew all the facts about his sister-in-law Kuntidevi
- In spite of so much hard labor, at the end we find disappointment. Bha means bhaya, or fear. In material life, one is always in the blazing fire of fear, since no one knows what will happen next
- In the 1st Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam the sages of Naimisaranya asked Suta Gosvami how one can know the essence of Vedic literature. In answer, Suta Gosvami presented Srimad-Bhagavatam as the essence of all the Vedas, histories & other Vedic literatures
- In the assembly for Draupadi's svayamvara, Karna was present. Draupadi's real purpose was to accept Arjuna as her husband, but Karna was there, and she knew that if he competed, Arjuna would not be able to succeed
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He is the supreme enjoyer, the supreme proprietor of everything and anything within this creation, and the supreme friend of everyone. When one knows these things perfectly, he is always satisfied
- In the Bhagavad-gita there is this statement: "Water, earth, air, fire - they are My energies." What is your body? This external body - that is your energy. Do you know that? Your body is made out of your energy
- In the Bhagavata it is said, dehapatya-kalatradisu asatsv api. He knows that "They will be finished. They cannot give protection to themselves. What protection they'll give to me?" This is knowledge
- In the botanical garden, they have given signboard, "This is this, this is this." But there are two millions types of trees and plants. How many they know?
- In the city, when Satrajit's younger brother Prasena did not return from the forest with the jewel, Satrajit became very upset. He did not know that his brother had been killed by a lion and that the lion had been killed by Jambavan
- In the human form of life they (the living entities) are supposed to know this through the system of the varnas, the social orders
- In the human society they have created problem. Nobody knows where to eat. These increase of number of hotels means that people have no place to live
- In the Kali-yuga this artificial predominance is already current, but the saner section of the people know it well that the divisions of castes & orders of life are meant for smooth social intercourse & high-thinking self-realization & not other purpose
- In the lower grade of life, there is jnanam, there is consciousness, there is knowledge. A mosquito bug, mosquito, knows where to bite. The knowledge is there. They will bite on the joints
- In the material world there are 8,400,000 forms of life, we know very well. And from aquatics to different life-forms and fishes. From water, trees are coming. Water, big water, trees are coming out, and then gradually it is becoming land, like that
- In the Moksa-dharma section of the Mahabharata it is stated that trees have developed sense perception; they can see and smell. We know by experience that trees can see
- In the second stage of self-realization, one comes to know that every soul, every individual living entity, is part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, Paramatma, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Skanda Purana there is a statement by devotees praying to the Lord, "My Lord, I know that young girls have natural affection for young boys, and that young boys have natural affection for young girls"
- In the stage of full satisfaction and detachment from the sensory world, one can know the mystery of the science of God with all its confidential intricacies, and not by grammar or academic speculation
- In the Tenth Canto of Bhagavatam the life and activities of Krsna are described because Krsna is the shelter of all manifestations. Knowing this, Sridhara Svami worshiped and offered his obeisances unto Krsna as the shelter of everything
- In their country also they have got many cows. They get sufficient milk. And from that milk, they prepare so many things - milk, ghee, and then they get chana. So they know how to prepare so many things from chana, lugdoo
- In this material world one must suffer from material miseries, but rascals do not care to understand this, for they are absorbed in ignorance. A smuggler may go on with his work, even though he knows that he will be arrested and punished
- In this verse (SB 3.29.28) and in the following verses, the description of different grades of living entities is given so that one can know when to behave friendly and when to give charity
- In this way Jagannatha Misra and the brahmana discussed the principles of religion in the dream, yet Jagannatha Misra was absorbed in unalloyed parental mellow and did not want to know anything else
- In this way not only the neighboring villages but all the other provinces came to know of Gopala’s appearance. Thus people came from all over, bringing a variety of presentations
- In Vrndavana life we see they were not interested to know what is Brahman. They were interested how to please Krsna, how to see Krsna smiling. That is Vrndavana
- In Vrndavana there are five thousand temples, Krsna. Five thousand, ten thousand people are going. You know in India there are so many pilgrimages. So do you think all these temples established by our predecessor, they are all fools?
- In Western countries when ordinary men - storekeepers and workers - see our devotees living and eating sumptuously and yet not working, they become very eager to know where they get the money
- Indeed, I know all the paths to the different places of pilgrimage in South India. Just order Me, and I shall go with You
- Indeed, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya became an unalloyed devotee of Caitanya Mahaprabhu; he did not know anything but the service of the Lord
- Indeed, the Personality of Godhead forgot Himself in the course of His transcendental pastimes, but His internal potency (lila-sakti), knowing the intentions of the Lord, made all arrangements
- Indeed, Vaninatha has already gone to the residence of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and has taken a huge quantity of maha-prasadam. Please let me know the reason for this
- India, of course, Krsna consciousness movement is known since a very, very long time. At least, everyone in India knows what is Krsna consciousness, and he may not be seriously engaged in Krsna consciousness, but even a street man knows what is Krsna
- Indra addresses his mother in this manner, "My dear Mother (Aditi), persons who have given up all kinds of desire and are simply engaged in devotional service to the Lord know what is actually their self-interest"
- Indra said: O rascal, as a cheater sometimes binds the eyes of a child and takes away his possessions, you are trying to defeat us by displaying some mystic power, although you know that we are the masters of all such mystic powers
- Innocent women, they are very much harassed after the war by the victorious party. You know, the soldiers are given freedom to rape the women. And plunder the property. So many things they have
- Is it possible to make this world comfortable by the so-called advancement of science? No, this is not possible. As a result, we do not even wish to know what these miseries are
- Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, paramatma, He is situated in everyone's heart. You haven't got to search out. He is there within your heart. Simply you have to know the method how to see. That is wanted
- It (Chanting the maha-mantra - Hare Krsna) goes beyond that, to the point where the pure spirit soul engages in his eternal, blissful, all-knowing activities in the loving service of God
- It has become fashionable to meditate, but people know nothing about the object of meditation. That is explained here (in CC Madhya 20.345). Yad dhyayato visnum. One has to meditate upon Lord Visnu or Lord Krsna
- It is a great shock that he is not visible to our eyes. But as we know, the living being does not die
- It is a very good sign that although you are not happy now you know it is only because you are not in the company of Krishna and the devotees
- It is also stated here (in SB 3.28.44), svarupenavatisthate. Svarupa means that one has to know that he is not the Supreme Soul, but rather, part and parcel of the Supreme Soul; that is self-realization
- It is compulsory business of our life to understand God, or Krsna, if you want santi. Jnatva mam santim rcchati. If you want santi, then you have to know God, what is God, not vague idea, actually. Jnatva mam santim rcchati. You have to know
- It is essential for me to know this because the friend who wants to publish this book should be informed about the cost of production within a week
- It is forbidden, those who are nondevotee, those who are not initiated, those who are not chanting regularly, their offering to Krsna will not be accepted. We must be very careful. We must know our position
- It is important to know thoroughly the process of creation as it applies to this cosmic manifestation. Similarly, this body is also created according to the same process by the Supreme Lord
- It is magic undoubtedly. But I never created any gold or some other . . . and neither I do know it, how to do it, although there is no scarcity of gold in my pocket
- It is natural that a philosophical mind wants to know about the origin of the creation
- It is necessary to know which activities are genuine and which are not, which are bona fide and which are not, which are prohibited and which are not. If we understand the principle of work, we can become free from material bondage
- It is not Gopinatha who sent all those men so that You would release him from his plight. Rather, his friends and servants, seeing his distressed condition, informed You because they all knew that Gopinatha is a soul surrendered unto You
- It is not possible to know the transcendental nature of the Divinity by dint of one's imperfect sense perception, but the Divinity reveals Himself to a pure devotee in proportion to the transcendental service rendered unto Him
- It is not that we have manufactured. It is stated, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam (SB 6.3.19). Nobody knows what is dharma, neither the human being, nor the demigods, nor big, big sages, saintly person, and whatever you say, philosopher. No
- It is of utmost importance that we know the nature of our constitutional position: we want eternity, complete knowledge, and also pleasure
- It is said that necessity knows no law. When the conditioned soul needs money to acquire life's bare necessities, he adopts any means. He begs, borrows or steals. Instead of receiving these things, he is insulted and chastised
- It is said that the soul is invisible, inconceivable and immutable. Knowing this, you (Arjuna) should not grieve for the body
- It is said that the soul is invisible, inconceivable, immutable, and unchangeable. Knowing this, you should not grieve for the body. BG 2.25 - 1972
- It is said, "My Lord Janardana (Krsna), please let us know the date when Your mother Devaki devi gave birth to You. If You kindly inform us about this, then we shall observe a great celebration on this date"
- It is useless, simply wasting time. You cannot perform hatha-yoga in this age. You do not follow the rules and regulations. You are simply bluffed. Do you know what is the rules and regulations of hatha-yoga factually?
- It may be suggested that Indra was unhappy because he knew that he had killed a great devotee and brahmana. Vrtrasura outwardly appeared to be a demon, but inwardly he was a great devotee and therefore a great brahmana
- It was Prahlada Maharaja who said: "My Lord, I am not suffering, for I know the art of being happy." How is this? - Simply by hearing about You and chanting about You I am happy
- Japan is now one of the world leaders, so I calculate it as one of our most important fields, therefore I feel some relief to know that you are a very intelligent and capable American boy in charge of such important affairs
- Jesus Christ told, if I remember, that "Lord, excuse these persons," who were crucifying him. Is it not? He knew that "These rascals, they are killing me, but... They are offending certainly. So they do not know that I cannot be killed
- Jivasya, every living entity, should be inquisitive to know where is real pleasure. Because we are hunting after pleasure, everyone
- Jnanam means you must know things theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. That is, jnanam means theoretical knowledge. And vijnanam means practical knowledge
- Jnani has been eulogized. So even I am not jnani, even I am a needy person, if I take to Krsna and ask Him, that process is also recommended because ultimately, when I shall be purified, I shall know my real nature
- Jnanis at least know what is sinful and what is pious, and they very cautiously act according to the injunctions of the sastras
- Just as the words of the astrologer Sarvajna gave news of the poor man's treasure, the Vedic literatures advise one about Krsna consciousness when one is inquisitive to know why he is in a distressed material condition
- Just before leaving his body a man may say, My dear boy, I am being forced to leave. Please take charge of the family affairs." He speaks in this way, not even knowing his destination
- Just knowing "I am not this body but am spirit soul" is not sufficient. We have to escape this entanglement of material nature. This is called mukti, liberation
- Just like doctors, they go, treat patients suffering from infectious disease, but they keep themselves always unaffected. They know the remedial measures, antiseptic, prophylactic processes. So this prophylactic antiseptic process is Krsna-kirtanam
- Just like good citizen means he knows what is the government and what is the law of government. He is following. Similarly, religious person means he must know what is God and what are the words of God
- Just like this cow. Just see. What does it know? He's an animal. You see? But the calf knows to brush his head and tongue like this, in love. It is doing and Krsna accepting, "Yes." That is expert
- Just like this is British government, and we know that the Queen is the supreme controller. Similarly, of all creation, cosmic manifestation, there is a supreme controller. And who is that supreme controller? Do they know it? That is my question
- Just remember under all circumstances to chant sixteen rounds of japa daily, offer your prasadam to Krsna, and do all of the things which you already know, as you are senior disciple
- Just to know who is our father is beyond our perception. For that, the mother is the authority
- Kalidasa was standing outside the door, expecting the remnants of food from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Knowing this, Mahaprabhu gave an indication to Govinda
- Kalindi replied (to Arjuna), "I think He (Lord Visnu) is the Supreme Person and just suitable to become my husband. I disclose my desire thus because you wanted to know it"
- Kamsa knew a little about Krsna - that He could not be killed - and therefore he attained salvation although he thought of Visnu, Krsna, as an enemy. What then is to be said of one who knows Krsna perfectly from the descriptions of sastras like BG?
- Kamsa said, "You (Akrura) may know also that Sambara, Narakasura and Banasura are my intimate friends, and when I begin this war against the kings who support the demigods, they will help me considerably. Surely I shall be rid of all my enemies"
- Kamsa told the wrestlers, "They (Krsna and Balarama) are actually two sons of Vasudeva. As you know, I have been destined to be killed by Krsna; there is a prophecy to this effect. Now I am requesting you to arrange for a wrestling match
- Kamsa was not uneducated. It appears from his talks with Vasudeva and Devaki that he knew all about the laws of nature. But because of his association with bad ministers, he could not make a clear decision about his welfare
- Kamsa was prepared for Krsna's attack, for he knew from the beginning that Krsna was to be the supreme cause of his death. Kamsa immediately unsheathed his sword and prepared to answer the challenge of Krsna with sword and shield
- Karna was refused to take part in the sporting, piercing the eyes of the fish, because Draupadi actually knew that "Arjuna is my real husband. So if Karna takes part in this sporting..." Karna was powerful. He would gain. But she did not like Karna
- Karyam karma samacara: Do your duty as duty, as you are duty bound. But don't be attached to that work. Because you should always know that your real work is self-realization
- Kasyapa Muni was greatly learned and enlightened, and he knew all the rules and regulations of systematic life, yet he failed to protect himself from the attack of sex desire
- Kindly let me know how these living entities who are suffering in this way can be saved, can be delivered from the severe pain of hellish condition of life. - This was his (Maharaja Pariksit's) question
- King Indra is known as sata-kratu, which indicates that he has performed one hundred horse sacrifices (asvamedha-yajna). We should know, however, that the animals sacrificed in the yajna were not killed
- King Nrga said, "As far as I know, when one becomes liberated from material existence, he can see You (see Krsna personally) in this way"
- King Nrga said, "I am very much surprised that I am able to see You (Krsna) personally. I know that I was engaged in so many activities, especially as a king
- King Puranjana inquired from the household women: Kindly let me know the whereabouts of that beautiful woman who always saves me when I am drowning in the ocean of danger. By giving me good intelligence at every step, she always saves me
- Kings or executive heads of all states must know the codes of Lord Krsna (generally Bhagavad-gita & Srimad-Bhagavatam) and must act accordingly in order to fulfill the mission of human life, which is to make an end to all miseries of material conditions
- Know Me to be the Supreme Brahman, the all-pervading Supersoul through whom the sleeping living entity can understand his dreaming condition and his happiness beyond the activities of the material senses
- Know the Absolute Truth
- Know the acarya as Myself
- Knowing My opulences, the whole world looks upon Me with awe and veneration. But devotion made feeble by such reverence does not attract Me
- Knowing myself to be an old man and almost an invalid because of rheumatism, I have already translated the essence of all literatures, the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, as a summary study in English
- Knowing oneself to be spiritual in essence
- Knowing that Bhismadeva had merged into the unlimited eternity of the Supreme Absolute, all present there became silent like birds at the end of the day
- Knowing that Lord Visnu is very pleased when everyone is sumptuously fed with visnu-prasada, the performer of yajna should then take prasada with his friends and relatives
- Knowing that the car festival would take place in the morning, all the servants of Lord Jagannatha were doubling their offerings of food
- Knowing that the Hera-pancami festival was drawing near, King Prataparudra attentively talked with Kasi Misra
- Knowing that the sacred Ganges water washes the lotus feet of Lord Visnu, Dhruva Maharaja, situated on his own planet, to this very day accepts that water on his head with great devotion
- Knowing that they commit offenses because they are overpowered by the illusory energy, he does not show his prowess to counteract them
- Knowing the basic misery of material existence, one should be induced to get out of the material clutches and return home, back to Godhead. Actually the living entity is not at all happy in this material body
- Knowing the principles of self-realization, Mandhata worshiped that transcendentally situated Supreme Soul, the S P of God, Visnu, who comprises all the demigods. He also gave immense charity to the brahmanas, thus he performed yajna to worship the Lord
- Knowing this (that God is the original cause of everything), everyone should directly engage in His devotional service
- Knowing this fact (that one may have to change his body at any moment), a pure devotee acts in such a way that he will not have his life spoiled by being obliged to accept another body & undergo tribulations of material existence. This is bhayam, or fear
- Knowing this perfectly well and hearing their appeal, he (Rahugana) became a little angry, although he was very advanced in political science and was very experienced. His anger arose due to his inborn nature as a king
- Knowing this, Sri Ramadasa felt unhappy in his mind. I then rebuked my brother
- Knowledge means knowing the distinction between spirit and matter. BG 1972 purports
- Knowledge means knowing things as they are, and if by deliberation it is found that there are things which are at all unnecessary, naturally the person who has acquired knowledge leaves aside such unwanted things
- Krsna can be understood only by the process of undivided devotional service. He explicitly explains this in this verse (of BG 11.54) so unauthorized commentators, who try to understand Bhagavad-gita by the speculative process, will know. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna claims, "All these eight elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence, and false ego) are My separated energy." Then how are the body and mind ours? Although I claim that the body is mine, I do not even know how it is working
- Krsna comes in one day of Brahma. The duration of Brahma's day you know, that is described in the Bhagavad-gita: sahasra-yuga-paryantam ahar yad brahmano viduh (BG 8.17). This means forty-three lakhs of years multiplied by one thousand
- Krsna consciousness movement means we are creating some brain. We are not creating the technological expert, but we are creating brain to know the purpose of human life and work on it under a systematic way
- Krsna continued, "First of all, you (Rukmini) may know that I was so much afraid of Jarasandha that I could not dare live on the land, and thus I have constructed this house within the water of the sea"
- Krsna continued, "It is not My business to disclose this secret to others, but you (Rukmini) must know that I am not very heroic; I am a coward and am afraid of My enemies. Still I am not safe, because all the great kings of the land are inimical to Me"
- Krsna continued, "You (Mucukunda) may also know that I have killed Kamsa, who in a previous life was known as Kalanemi, as well as Pralambasura and many other demons. They have acted as My enemies, and I have killed them"
- Krsna is asking to work for Him, giving up everything. That is clear, everyone knows. "Here also I am working very hard, but here I am working hard to be happy, but the viparitani, I am becoming unhappy. So why not work for Krsna?" This is intelligence
- Krsna is Bhagavan. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (SB 1.3.28). He appears as the son of Devaki or Vasudeva. We have to know this. And if you can know, then you become immediately liberated
- Krsna is not physically present before me. Then how I shall know what Krsna desires? That is not very difficult. Krsna's representative is there, the spiritual master. If you fulfill the desire of the spiritual master, then you fulfill the desire of Krsna
- Krsna is so kind that He has given this sabda (sound incarnation) to be utilized as the yuga-dharma, or way of realization of this age. No special qualification is necessary for this method; we need not even know Sanskrit
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Arjuna knows that, "I am not controller; I am controlled." He is devotee, he knows his position. Therefore he is now trying to control Krsna. He is ordering Krsna
- Krsna persisted, "All persons are engaged in fruitive activities. Some know what these activities are, and they know the result, and some execute activities without knowing the purpose or the result"
- Krsna replied, "You (Kings) may know from Me that I am always sitting within your hearts as the Supersoul"
- Krsna said to Uddhava, "you may know it from Me, the attraction I feel for devotional service rendered by My devotees is not to be attained even by the performance of mystic yoga, philosophical speculation, ritualistic sacrifices, the study of Vedanta"
- Krsna said: "O Partha, the gopis know My greatness, My loving service, respect for Me, and My mentality. Others cannot really know these"
- Krsna says He's the compiler of Vedanta. So who will know Vedanta better than Krsna? The so-called Vedantists, they are very much proud of their knowledge of Vedanta, but the, the real compiler of the Vedanta philosophy is Vyasadeva
- Krsna says, "A person interested in transcendental knowledge must therefore always directly and indirectly inquire about it to know the all-pervading truth"
- Krsna says, janma karma ca me divyam: (BG 4.9) "One must understand My transcendental birth and activities." Kuntidevi has this understanding. She knows that although to some fools Krsna appears to take birth, in fact He is unborn
- Krsna states that out of many millions of people, one may be interested in knowing the purpose of life. Human life is meant for this end, and if one does not come to this understanding, he is no better than an animal
- Krsna was the friend of the Pandavas and specifically the friend of Arjuna, and therefore Arjuna was a great and valorous warrior. But Kuntidevi knew, - People say, 'Oh, the Pandavas are such great warriors and heroes,' but what is the value of my sons
- Krsna's another name is Varsneya because He appeared in the Vrsni family. Just like sandalwood. Sandalwood is known as "Malayan sandalwood." Malaya. There is a country, you know. East Asia, Malaysia
- Krsna's friend said, "I know that You cannot defeat me in wrestling, and I also know that You were sitting idly for a long time because You were hopeless of defeating me"
- Krsna, in the dress of a young girl, told Radharani, "Oh, You hard-hearted girl! Don't You know that I am Your sister? Why are You unable to recognize Me? Be merciful upon Me and please capture My shoulders and embrace Me with love"
- Krsna’s attractiveness is wonderful and unlimited. No one can know the end of it. Srimati Radharani alone can relish such extensiveness from Her position in the asraya category
- Ksetra means this body, and ksetra-jna means the knower of the body. Ksetra-jna. Jna means knower. So Krsna says that each and every body can be ksetra-jna. I know about the pains and pleasure of my body; you know the pains and pleasure of your body
- Kunti addresses Lord Krsna as krsna-sakha because she knows that although Arjuna, who is also known as Krsna, is her son and therefore subordinate to her, Lord Krsna is more intimately related with Arjuna than with her
- Kunti said, "if such great sages, who are transcendental to all the reactions of material existence, are unable to know You, then as far as we are concerned, belonging to the less intelligent woman class, how is it possible for us to know Your glories"
- Kunti said, "Will you kindly tell Him that His Aunt Kunti is sitting amongst the enemy and would like to know when she will be able to see His lotus face again"
- Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you very much for your coming here and participate in this great movement. So this evening I shall present before you topics between Krsna and Arjuna. I think most of you know the Bhagavad-gita
- Lalita says that "I know Swamiji is very exalted. I am simply afraid... He has so many American disciples. If some of them do something wrong, then that will be very bad thing for him." Lalita was telling me like that. But what can I do?
- Law of gravitation . . . anything we know about gravity did not come from Vedas. Not from Veda, but it comes from Mr. Newton
- Laws of religion are directly enacted by the Personality of Godhead, and except for the mahajanas, or the authorized agents of the Lord, no one knows the purpose of religion
- Laziness is not bhakti. There must be something. But if somebody says, "Now I'll chant, sitting down. Who is going to see me? I'll doze, and people will know I am chanting." You see? This kind of cheating will not do
- Learned brahmanas know (on the basis of the Vedic statement sarvam khalv idam brahma) that You (Lord Krsna) are everything and that this cosmic manifestation, in its gross and subtle aspects, is Your form - SB 10.10.29
- Let me know when is the best time for my coming there. Of course the mango season is best, so please inform me so I can make out my schedule, and you can make all arrangements
- Let us know through the authority of Srimad-Bhagavatam of the nature and constitution of the transcendental world beyond the material sky. In that sky the material qualities, especially the modes of ignorance and passion, are completely absent
- Let us see their terms, although it is a hopeless business. Still, as you know, I never become hopeless in any case. So I am negotiating with them to see how we can cooperate
- Liberation means knowing perfectly well that one's self is separate from the body. Therefore Sukadeva Gosvami said, prayascittam vimarsanam: Develop your knowledge; that will give you relief
- Like a sincere friend, he lifted the infant deer from the waves, and, knowing it to be motherless, brought it to his asrama
- Living entities come together within this material world and are again separated by the laws of nature. We should always know, however, that the spirit soul, which is different from the body, is eternal, unadjustable, pure, all-pervading and aware
- Lord Balarama, wanting to stop the fighting, said, "My dear King Duryodhana and Bhimasena, I know that both of you are great fighters & are well known in the world as heroes, but still I think that Bhimasena is superior to Duryodhana in bodily strength"
- Lord Brahma said that no one, not even himself, Indra, all the members assembled in the sacrificial arena, or all the sages, could know how powerful Lord Siva is. Under the circumstances, who would dare to commit an offense at his lotus feet?
- Lord Brahma said, 'If someone says that he knows everything about Krsna's opulence, let him think that way. But as far as I am concerned, with my body and mind I consider it in this way'
- Lord Brahma said: My dear Lord Siva, I know that you are the controller of the entire material manifestation, the combination father and mother of the cosmic manifestation, and the Supreme Brahman beyond the cosmic manifestation as well
- Lord Brahma was smiling because he knew that Lord Siva is not only easily satisfied but easily irritated as well
- Lord Brahma, Bhagavan Narada, Lord Siva, the four Kumaras, Lord Kapila (the son of Devahuti), Svayambhuva Manu, Prahlada Maharaja, Janaka Maharaja, Grandfather Bhisma, Bali Maharaja, Sukadeva Gosvami and I myself know the real religious principle
- Lord Caitanya rejected this second statement (that it is better to give up the results of fruitive activities), saying, "If you (Ramananda Raya) know of something higher, state it"
- Lord Parasurama, knowing the power of his father, who was practiced in meditation and austerity, killed his mother and brothers immediately
- Lord Siva indicates that what the princes were going to do was known to him. It is a fact that they were going to worship Lord Visnu by severe austerities and penances. Knowing this fact, Lord Siva immediately became very pleased
- Lord Siva knows that Sankarsana is the original cause of his own existence, and thus he always meditates upon Him in trance by chanting the following mantra
- Lord Siva said: Whatever your father has said is the truth, and you also are speaking the same truth. Therefore, I, who know the Vedic mantras, shall explain transcendental knowledge to you
- Lord Siva said: You are all the sons of King Pracinabarhi, and I wish all good fortune to you. I also know what you are going to do, and therefore I am visible to you just to show my mercy upon you
- Lord Siva says, As far as Bhagavatam is concerned, I may know it, or Sukadeva or Vyasadeva may know it - but actually Bhagavatam is to be understood by devotional service and from a devotee, and not by one's own intelligence or by academic commentaries
- Lord Siva's desiring to see Lord Visnu reveal the most attractive and beautiful form of a woman (Mohini-murti) was certainly a joking affair. Lord Siva knew that he could not be agitated by any so-called beautiful woman
- Lord Siva, Narada the sage amongst the demigods, and Kapila, the incarnation of Godhead, all know very confidentially about His glories through direct contact
- Lord Siva, the best of demigods, who carries on his forehead the emblem of the moon, receives on his head with great devotion the Ganges water emanating from the toe of Visnu. Being aware of religious principles, Bali Maharaja knew this
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu first sent those two persons in advance. The King inquired, "Who are these two? Please let me know their identities"
- Lord Sri Krsna is situated in everyone's heart, yet He manifests His transcendental form by His internal potency. This very Lord was sitting before Bhismadeva, and since Bhismadeva knew of His glories, he worshiped Him duly
- Lord Visnu said, "My dear father, O great sage, I know that your feet are very soft, like a lotus flower, and that My chest is as hard as a thunderbolt. I am therefore afraid that you (Bhrgu Muni) may have felt some pain by kicking My chest
- Madhavendra Puri said, "Who are You? Where do You reside? And how did You know that I was fasting"
- Madhavendra Puri was almost mad in his ecstasy of love of Godhead, and he did not know whether it was day or night. Sometimes he stood up, and sometimes he fell to the ground. He could not discriminate whether he was in a proper place or not
- Maharaja Rahugana also knew the purpose of life; therefore when Jada Bharata put the philosophy of life before him, he immediately appreciated it. This is the foundation of Vedic society
- Mahatma Vidura knew all this, and therefore he addressed Dhrtarastra, saying: My dear King, please get out of here immediately. Do not delay. Just see how fear has overtaken you
- Material energy is very powerful, and the atheist, due to his godless temperament, cannot know how it works; nor can he know the plan of the Supreme Lord
- Material energy works as the shadow moves, in accordance with the movements of the object. But still it is very powerful, and the atheist, due to his godless temperament, cannot know how it works; nor can he know the plan of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 pur
- Material life means chewing the chewed. A father educates his son to earn a livelihood, get married and settle down, but he himself already knows that by doing this he has not become satisfied. Why, then, is he engaging his son in this same business
- Material reflection of the real tree has to be cut off. When it is said that a person knows the Vedas, it is assumed that he knows how to cut off attachment to this material world. If one knows that process, he actually knows the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- Materialistic life is spent chewing the chewed. Take, for instance, a father. A father knows that he has responsibilities, so he works hard to maintain his family
- Materialistic people do not care to know how the evolutionary process is taking place, nor are they eager to know what will happen after they finish their small human life span. This is the attitude of sudras
- Materialistic person, the so-called scientist, philosopher, they know this body - the self. They do not know that the body is the cover of the self. This real self, the real person, goes to Krsna to live forever
- May we inquire from you (swan) whether Krsna is happy? We want to know. Does He remember us? We know that goddess of fortune is serving Him alone. We are simply maidservants. How can we worship Him, who speaks sweet words but never fulfills our desires
- Mayavadi philosophers are satisfied simply to understand Brahman to be the sum total of knowledge, but Vaisnava philosophers not only know in detail about the Supreme Personality of Godhead but also know how to approach Him directly
- Medical practitioners, they know it that heart is always pumping like this. Pumping like this. Now, can you produce heart action by artificial pumping? No. It is not possible
- Mocked by an enemy (Hiranyaksa) whose vanity knew no bounds, the worshipful lord of the waters (Varuna) waxed angry, but by dint of his reason he managed to curb the anger that had sprung up in him
- Modern materialistic scientists sometimes present themselves as knowing all the ingredients of the sun, yet they are unable to offer a second sun like Maharaja Priyavrata's
- Monkey, they are very busy. Do you know? But their business is to simply destroy
- More intelligent men guided by sages like Vyasa and Narada know that the eternal kingdom of God is more delightful, larger, and eternally full of bliss and knowledge
- Mr. Malkani is a cook and can teach how to prepare nice foodstuffs. He also knows of our idea for the Hare Krishna Restaurants
- Mucukunda continued, "These foolish persons, not knowing how fortunate they are to have obtained this human form of life, are reluctant to worship Your lotus feet"
- My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me (Krsna), I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence
- My dear Bhattacarya, you have certainly explained this verse by the prowess of your vast learning, but you should know that, besides this scholarly explanation, there is another purport to this verse
- My dear friends, although I have suddenly accepted this renounced order, I still know that I shall never be indifferent to you
- My dear gentleman, all these men and women with me are known as my friends, and the snake, who always remains awake, protects this city even during my sleeping hours. So much I know. I do not know anything beyond this
- My dear Lord, as You cause one to dance, he dances accordingly, but how he dances and who is causing him to dance he does not know
- My dear Lord, I know that You never mix with other sannyasis, but please be merciful unto me and accept my invitation
- My dear Lord, You are the independent Supreme Personality of Godhead. Certainly You will depart. I know that. Still, I ask You to stay here a few days more so that I can see Your lotus feet
- My dear son Narada, know from me there are seven lower planetary systems out of the total fourteen. The first planetary system, known as Atala, is situated on the waist; the second, Vitala, is situated on the thighs; the third, Sutala, on the knees
- My dear son, the killing of the sinless Yaksas which you have undertaken is not at all approved by authorities, and it does not befit our family, which is supposed to know the laws of religion and irreligion
- My dear sons, you should not envy any living entity - be he moving or nonmoving. Knowing that I am situated in them, you should offer respect to all of them at every moment. In this way, you offer respect to Me (Rsabhadeva)
- My dear Vidura, I (Maitreya) have told you everything you wanted to know about the conversation between Narada and the Pracetas, the conversation describing the glories of the Lord. I have related this as far as possible
- My dear Yudhisthira, once upon a time Hiranyakasipu, took his son Prahlada on his lap & very affectionately inquired: My dear son, please let me know what you think is the best of all the subjects you have studied from your teachers
- My Guru Maharaja explained that you haven't got to learn anything extra for Krsna's service. Whatever you know, you just apply it... Then you become successful
- My mission is not turn any one from the affiliation of a particular religion but I want to let them know more knowledge about God and devotion
- My son Prahlada, you rascal, you know that when I am angry all the planets of the three worlds tremble, along with their chief rulers. By whose power has a rascal like you become so impudent that you appear fearless and overstep my power to rule you?
- My Spiritual Master knew it that alone I could not do this great work. Therefore He has very kindly sent you all to help me in this task. I accept you therefore as representatives of my Guru Maharaja playing as my affectionate disciples
- Nakula Brahmacari said, I know that you are doubtful. Now please hear this evidence with great attention"
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: Dear Krsna, You are the original Personality of God, master of all mystic powers. Learned brahmanas know very well that this cosmic manifestation is an expansion of Your potencies, which are sometimes manifest and unmanifest
- Nanda continued, "Please let us know whether Krsna now remembers His father and mother and His friends and companions in Vrndavana. Does He like to remember His cows, His gopis, His Govardhana Hill, His pasturing grounds in Vrndavana"
- Narada Muni continued: My dear Maharaja Yudhisthira, all of you (the Pandavas) are extremely fortunate, for Krsna, lives in your palace just like a human being. Great saintly persons know this very well, and therefore they constantly visit this house
- Narada Muni tells his disciple, Vyasadeva, "My dear Vyasa, you should know that persons who are engaged in executing austerities and penances, studying the Vedas, performing big sacrifices, chanting the hymns of the Vedas"
- Narada Muni then advised the hunter, 'Return home and distribute whatever riches you have to the pure brahmanas who know the Absolute Truth'
- Narada questioned him that "So far we know, that you are the supreme, but you also sometimes meditate and worship somebody." So in that connection Brahma explained that "We are not supreme. We are all appointed agents"
- Narada requested Brahmaji to deem them (his inquiries) suitable so that all others who may come in the line of disciplic succession of the Brahma-sampradaya may also know them properly without any difficulty
- Narada said, "Others cannot understand that He (Krsna) is the Supreme Lord, but He is still living with you as your cousin, as your friend and even as your messenger. Therefore you must know that nobody in this world is more fortunate than you"
- Narottama dasa Thakura sings, hari hari biphale janama gonainu: "My Lord, I have simply wasted my life." Why? I got this human form of body for understanding, worshiping Radha-Krsna. Now, I did not do anything. That means knowingly I have taken poison
- Needy pious men pray to God to improve their economic condition because all they know is sense gratification, while those in difficulty ask Him to free them from a hellish life of tribulations. Such ignorant people do not know the value of human life
- Neither I nor all the sages born before you know fully the omnipotent Personality of Godhead. So what can others, who are born after us, know about Him
- Newton was a rascal. You know Newton was a rascal?
- Next year I am contemplating to send a World Sankirtana Party, therefore I wish to have a nice place in India either in Vrndavana or at Prayag Sangam. So I shall be glad to know if you can help us in this connection
- No one can know the mystery of the creation and cosmic manifestation simply by mental speculation
- No one can know the plan of Sri Krsna. Even though great philosophers inquire exhaustively, they are bewildered
- No one else knows about this. I want to see Your beautiful attractive face somewhere in a solitary place, but how can this be accomplished
- No one knew of that note, but somehow or other it reached the hands of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- No one knew what Advaita Acarya requested or what the Lord ordered. After embracing the Acarya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bade Him farewell
- No one knows the purport of My verse, Caitanya Mahaprabhu said. How could you understand My intention
- No one knows when material life began, but it is a fact that it does have a point of beginning because originally every living entity is a spiritual spark
- No one knows where time began and where it ends, and it is time only which can keep a record of the creation, maintenance and destruction of the material manifestation
- No one knows whether he will receive a human body again; there is no guarantee, for according to one's work one may get any body, from that of a demigod to that of a dog
- No one would know the extent of the riches King Prthu would confidentially keep. The idea is that not only the king but everyone should keep his hard-earned money confidentially and secretly so that in due course of time the money can be spent
- No one, should think the arca in the temple to be an idol. Such an arca-murti is God Himself, and to the proportion to which one is free from sins, he is able to know the significance of the arca-murti. The guidance of pure devotees is therefore required
- Nobody is interested in God. Nobody. They have no idea of God. They are not interested in God. Still, we are predominant, or people know us as Hare Krsna people. This is our good luck
- Nobody is taught sex life in the school and the colleges, but everyone knows it, how to do it. So pravrttir esa bhutanam nivrttis tu maha-phalam (Manu-samhita). That's the general tendency. But education should be given to stop it. That is real education
- Nobody knows the real interest is to go back to home, back to Godhead. Nobody knows. Ask any so-called sadhu, yogi, swami - they do not know
- Nobody knows the real problem, so they are fighting - all over the world. When I was in Rome, the same thing. There was a fighting between the Fascists and the Communists, and immediately, six person died by fighting. This is going on in ignorance. Mudha
- Nobody knows what is soul; nobody knows what is the goal of life; nobody knows what is the necessity of the soul. These things are not discussed, neither they know it. So-called religious institution or so-called . . . they do not know
- Nobody's married timely, either boys or girls. And nobody's secure. Nobody knows what will happen next moment. This is called Kali-yuga
- Nor do we know which is better - conquering them or being conquered by them. The sons of Dhrtarastra, whom if we killed we should not care to live, are now standing before us on this battlefield. BG 2.6 - 1972
- Not knowing that Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan are all features of Krsna, foolish scholars speculate in various ways
- Not only does the illusory energy of the SPG act on the conditioned soul within this material world, but sometimes it also acts on the advanced learned scholars, who factually know the constitutional position of this material world through realization
- Not that somebody will come to ask you that "You have infected this disease. Now you have to suffer from this." No. The machine is so perfect that as you have infected this disease . . . this is practically we know
- Nothing can manifest itself in this material world which is not in Krsna. That is knowledge; although we know that things are differently situated, we should realize that everything flows from Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Nothing is absolute truth in this dual world. You did not know this, neither you ever cared to know this from the right sources and therefore all your attempts to create unity were followed by disunity and Ahimsa. Ahimsa was followed by Himsa
- Now combinedly go on with your preaching work. I am very glad to know that you are keeping your accounts up to date with BTG and the book fund. This is good and proper management. So you continue to keep these accounts weekly
- Now I wish to know about it elaborately. I also wish to know about the potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by which He brought about the secondary creation
- Now that You are present before me and ready to kill me with Your weapons, let me know where I should go to take shelter, and tell me who can give me protection
- Now today this function of installing Deity, this is authorized. Just like several times I have given the example that when you put your mails in a box in the street, because it is written there "US Mail," you know that it is authorized box
- Now you are converting the Christians into Hinduism. Then where is the difference between their activities and your activities?" So this fool does not know this is not making a person from Christian to Hindu. This is not the process
- Nowadays it is going on if you know some art, technology, then you are educated. This is not education. Education means culture
- Nowadays it is going on that if you know some art, technology, then you are educated. This is not education. Education means culture
- Nrsimhananda Brahmacari said, "The Lord will go to Kanai Natasala and then will return. All of you will come to know of this later, but I now say this with great assurance"
- O Arjuna, you should know this as My inconceivable opulence. This is the meaning propagated by Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita
- O best of the saints among the demigods, O best of spiritual leaders, how did Hiranyakasipu give so much trouble to Prahlada Maharaja, the pure and exalted saint, although Prahlada was his own son? I wish to know about this subject from you
- O god of the demigods (Lord Brahma), sustainer of the universe, head jewel of all the demigods in other planets, you know the intentions of all living entities, in both the spiritual and material worlds
- O greatly learned one (Maitreya), kindly eradicate all my doubts, and let me know of all that I (Vidura) have inquired from you from the beginning to the end
- O Kardama, I know that the original Supreme Personality of Godhead has now appeared as an incarnation by His internal energy. He is the bestower of all desired by the living entities, and He has now assumed the body of Kapila Muni
- O King Indra! You plaything of Saci! Why are you laughing? I (Lord Balarama) am now prepared to smash the whole universe, and I know that Krsna will not be angry with Me
- O Krsna, O flute-player, the sweetness of Your early age is wonderful within these three worlds. You know My unsteadiness, and I know Yours
- O Lord Girisa, since the impersonal Brahman effulgence is transcendental to the material modes of goodness, passion and ignorance, the various directors of this material world certainly cannot appreciate it or even know where it is
- O Lord, there is no limit to Your wonderful activities. Anyone who desires to know the limit of Your activities is certainly nonsensical. Everyone in this world is conditioned by the powerful mystic potencies
- O my dear wife, O most cruel one, kindly stay, kindly stay. I know that I have never made you happy until now, but you should not give me up for that reason. This is not proper for you
- O my son, the original poet, Brahma, after mature meditation for one thousand celestial years, could know only that the glories of the Supreme Soul are inconceivable
- Of the two rules, Ramacandra Puri obeys the first by abandoning praise, but although he knows that the second is more prominent, he neglects it by criticizing others
- Once an ordinary female devotee addressed Krsna, "My dear boy, I know that my body is just a composition of flesh and blood and can never be enjoyable to You"
- One has to follow in the footsteps of great sages and devotees like Maitreya & Vidura, Pariksit & Sukadeva Gosvami, and engage in the transcendental devotional service of God if one would know His ultimate feature, which is above Brahman and Paramatma
- One has to study that, "Whether I can surrender to him (guru)?" If you think that, "No, I know better than him," don't accept a formal guru. That is mistake. And guru also will see, he's appealing to me, he is going to accept my discipleship
- One may say that he understands the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He may know whatever he may know, but as far as I am concerned, this is my conclusion
- One must consider whether he is the body or whether he is transcendental to the body, and one must try to know what God is. These ideas are to be studied in Krsna consciousness. We should not be frivolous or waste time
- One must know from the authoritative sources and preach that thing. Just like Arjuna was taught by Krsna, and that philosophy is going on
- One must know the necessities of the body and also the necessities of the soul. The real necessity in life is to supply the comforts of the soul, and the soul cannot be comforted by material adjustments
- One must know the right way
- One of the princes knew how to estimate the price of horses very well. Thus the King sent for him to come with his ministers and friends
- One should accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and one must not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong - Isopanisad, Mantra 1
- One should also know that Gauda-mandala-bhumi - those places in Bengal where Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed - are equal to Vrajabhumi, or Vrndavana
- One should also know the distinction between the individual living soul and the Supersoul, the different influences, their potentials, etc. BG 1972 purports
- One should attempt to know the distinction between body and soul without any attachment for male and female. As long as such distinction is there, one should not try to become a sannyasi like Sukadeva Gosvami
- One should be inquisitive, inquire from the spiritual master, being jijnasu, very inquisitive to understand the spiritual science. Not that "I know better than you. Let us talk." No
- One should be intelligent enough to know the position of Srimad-Bhagavatam by considering personalities like Sukadeva Gosvami, who deals with the subject so carefully
- One should culture knowledge in the following way: One should not be happy or distressed over desirables and undesirables, knowing that such feelings are just created by the mind. One should become an unalloyed devotee of Lord Krsna
- One should definitely know that all material ingredients, activities, time and modes, and the living entities who are meant to enjoy them all, exist by His mercy only, and as soon as He does not care for them, everything becomes nonexistent
- One should hear with rapt attention from the real person, and then he can at once realize the presence of Lord Krsna in every page. The secret of knowing Bhagavatam is mentioned here
- One should know that scholarship is not the qualification necessary to understand Krsna. Even the demigods and the great sages have tried to understand Krsna by their mental speculation, and they have failed to do so. BG 1972 purports
- One should not be satisfied simply with knowing that one is Brahman. He must engage himself in the service of the Supreme Brahman; that is bhakti
- One should remain always a fool before Guru Maharaja. That is progress. If he thinks, "I know more than my Guru Maharaja," then he's fallen. Then he is finished
- One should stop doing all nonsense, and he must be situated in his original position. But this is also more embarrassing because nobody knows his original position and how to act properly
- One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, & one should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong
- One should understand what is duty and what is not duty by the regulations of the scriptures. Knowing such rules and regulations, one should act so that he may gradually be elevated. BG 16.24 - 1972
- One thing you must know that any prayer you offer to your Spiritual Master and Superior Spiritual Master, all of them are conveyed to Krishna, so no sincere prayers go in vain
- One who can see and is familiar with devotional service, however, will know that they are not material activities. They are all spiritual and devotional, uncontaminated by the material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- One who cannot understand the distinctions between the spiritual world and the material world has no qualification to examine or know the situation of the transcendental quadruple forms
- One who desires to know the twenty-four elements in detail along with their interactions should study the philosophy in more detail. In Bhagavad-gita, a summary only is given. BG 1972 purports
- One who follows the path of the acaryas knows things as they are. Such a person can know Krsna as He is, at least to some extent
- One who has got unflinching faith in God, he has got all the good qualification of the demigods. There are many examples. Just see. You are mostly Christian; you know Lord Jesus Christ
- One who has learned perfectly knows that every living entity is the eternal servitor of the Lord and that consequently one has to act in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- One who has real knowledge knows that prakrti, material nature, is working under Krsna's direction. It is not possible to understand how all this is going on, but we can understand it in summary
- One who is in Krsna consciousness, who is engaged in devotional service, already knows the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- One who is Krsna conscious, he is conscious of everything and he knows how to deal with them. That is called daksa. Not that "Because I have become Krsna conscious I have no knowledge in other things." No
- One who knows the Personality of Godhead can automatically know all about Him, His multipotencies and His expansions. So the devotees are congratulated as being all-successful
- One who understands the Personality of Godhead also knows the impersonal feature of the Supreme, which is Brahman. Therefore one who becomes a Vaisnava is already a brahmana
- One, intelligent man, should be disgusted. One must be intelligent to know that, "I am eternal." Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. It is the preliminary study of Bhagavad-gita
- One, my German Godbrother, he said that during the First World War . . . perhaps some of you know. The politician created war and there was war. So people went to church. People means all women, because men were all in the active field
- Only a person on the level of Svarupa Damodara Gosvami can fully know what Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu tastes in His love for Krsna
- Only Svarupa Damodara Gosvami knew the purpose for which the Lord recited that verse. According to the Lord’s attitude, he used to quote other verses to enable the Lord to relish mellows
- Only the pure devotees can know something of the inconceivable transcendental qualities in Krsna, in the cause of all causes. BG 1972 purports
- Ordinarily we know, we understand an engineer by qualification, a medical practitioner by qualification. We don't ask, "Whose son you are, Mr. Engineer?" No
- Our educational system, the university, everything, that is simply imparting material knowledge. But material knowledge is superfluous because this body is also superfluous. Every one of us, we know that this body is nonpermanent. It is temporary
- Our knowledge is perfect when we come to know that we are very small particles of spiritual sparks, and that God, the supreme, the greatest spiritual identity, supplies all our necessities - eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- Our Krsna consciousness movement, is for this purpose, to see the Absolute Truth, to understand the Absolute Truth, to know the problems of life and how to make a solution. These things are our subject matter
- Our movement is increasing, all over the world in . . . in spite of all criticism. We don't care for that. Because we know that we are following the footsteps of predecessor acarya, that's all right. We don't mind
- Our process is to know things from the sastra. Sadhu-sastra-guru-vakya tinete kariya aikya. Our process is deductive, not inductive
- Our process is to know things from the sastra. Sadhu-sastra-guru-vakya tinete kariya aikya. We take knowledge, just like this Srimad-Bhagavatam written by Vyasadeva under the instruction of his guru, spiritual master, Narada
- Our real interest is in the western countries. The trouble in India is we cannot preach. There are language difficulties and the people think they already know everything
- Our scientists have not created the sun, and although they may juggle words, it is beyond their ability to know what the sun actually is
- Our well-wishing father, Daksa, after knowing our intentions, handed over thirteen of his daughters unto you, and since then we have all been faithful
- Out of many millions of these religious person, some of them know what he is, - I am not this body
- Out of many such persons who engage in righteous activities for sense gratification, only a few come to know about the Absolute Truth. These are called jnanis, empiric philosophers
- Out of many thousands of such persons who have thus attained success in human life, one may know scientifically about the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna
- Overjoyed to know of his arrival, his subjects came forth from Brahmavarta to greet their returning lord with songs, prayers and musical instruments
- Pandita means one who knows things as it is, not to take a thing wrongly. So that consciousness has to be invoked, not only individually, but also community-wise, society-wise, nation-wise, all over the world. Then there will be peace
- People are planning for peace in the world, but they do not know how to formulate that peace formula. You know. The United Nations are trying for the last twenty years or more than that for peace, but there is no peace actually in the world
- People are thinking that they have acquired knowledge because they know how to manufacture and drive cars, but before the car was here people were still going from one place to another
- People in general, under the leadership of materialistic men, are gradually descending to the status of lower animals, devoid of all transcendental realization, knowing nothing beyond their material bodies and the material world
- Perhaps most of you know that whenever there is unwanted population these three things will naturally, by nature's course will appear - famine, pestilence, and war - and the population will be finished
- Perhaps you know this asrama word. Asrama means . . . it is not a place for sense gratification; it is a place for advancing in Krsna conscious. That is asrama
- Persons who are attached to the words of the Vedas may also know from this verse (SB 3.4.32) that the Lord is the source of all Vedic knowledge
- Persons who are in full knowledge of the Personality of Godhead, analyzing His different energies and knowing their own constitutional position, are certainly very, very dear to the Lord
- Persons who are peaceful, equipoised, cleansed and purified, and who know the art of pleasing all other living entities, keep friendship only with devotees of the Lord; they alone can very easily achieve the perfection of going back home, back to Godhead
- Please arrange to receive the goods and forward to New York by any one of your freighters. And also let me know by return of post your authorized clearing and forwarding agent
- Please come here. Chant, join Hare Krsna kirtana, take prasadam and do your best, whatever talent you have got, easily, not very overburdened. If you know something to do, do it for Krsna
- Please consider on this point (secure at least $100 per month for Back To Godhead) and let me know your ideas
- Please consult the Dictaphone supplier why the it stops sometime while working. It appears that it clogs either for the tape or for the machine. Please let me know what is to be done
- Please know it that "Nara Narayana" is a spirit soul, and not the physical body. That physical body was given by you, so it is very good that you take care of the physical side
- Please know it that I do not approve anyone's separation who are married by me. If they disagree, they may live separately, but there cannot be divorce
- Please let me (Diti) know what the vow is and how I have to follow it. I promise that I shall do the needful and not break the vow
- "Please let me know who is actually jagad-isvara, the Lord of the universe" - Atri Muni said
- Please let me know how many members are there, what is your source of income, and what is your program of expenditure. I shall be glad to know these things
- Please let me know what are the reports given by the doctor. But it is good that you are keeping even greater amount of faith in Krishna, and are chanting 35 rounds daily. Keep up this good attitude and surely you will be saved from all dangers
- Please let me know why the shipping of our goods is so tremendously delayed. Kindly treat this letter as very urgent, and let me know why my goods have not been shipped yet
- Please, therefore, leave for the North immediately, without letting your relatives know, for soon that time will approach which will diminish the good qualities of men
- Prabhupada: You know the rules, four prohibitive rules
- Prahlada Maharaja knew the best of knowledge, and when his father inquired from him, Prahlada gave him that knowledge
- Presently all human society is engaged in improving economic conditions and bodily comforts, people are not interested in knowing what is going to happen after death, nor do they believe in the transmigration of the soul
- Prince Priyavrata regularly served the lotus feet of Narada, and thus the Prince perfectly understood transcendental subjects in truth (sa-tattvah). The word sa-tattvah means that Priyavrata knew all the facts about the spirit soul
- Priti means love. These are the symptoms. Give and take; eat and give to eat; open you mind, and know the other party's mind also. This is love. The more you increase the six kinds of exchange, there is increase in the love
- Priyavrata knew all the facts about the spirit soul, God, and the relationship between the spirit soul and the Supreme, and he also knew all about this material world and the relationship of the spirit soul and the Supreme Lord within the material world
- Providence, you do not know the purport of loving affairs, and therefore you baffle all Our endeavors. This is very childish of you. If We could catch you, We would give you such a lesson that you would never again make such arrangements
- Prthu will be able to see all the internal & external activities of every one of his citizens. Still no one will be able to know his system of espionage, & he himself will remain neutral regarding all matters of glorification or vilification paid to him
- Putana knew this witchcraft (of flying in the sky), and therefore she is described in the Bhagavatam as khecari
- Radharani continued, "I can understand that you are expert in reuniting two opposing parties, but at the same time you must know that I cannot place My reliance upon you, nor upon your master, Krsna"
- Radharani continued, "In the scriptures it is said that one person can never know the unhappiness in the mind of another. Therefore what can I say of My dear friends, Lalita and the others"
- Raghunatha dasa answered within his mind, "I do not know who Krsna is. I simply know that Your mercy, O my Lord, has saved me from my family life"
- Raja means king and rsi means saintly person. So either the rsis did know or the kings did know (Bhagavad-gita). Or a king who is not less than a rsi, he could know and he could rule over. That is the Vedic injunction
- Raja-vidya may be further defined as not only knowing what one is, but acting accordingly. If we do not know who we are, how can our activities be proper
- Raktaka thought, "I know that I must be very careful not to become overly proud that I am one of the servitors and devotees of the Lord (Krsna)"
- Ravana was condemned not only by Lord Ramacandra but even by his own wife, Mandodari. Because she was a chaste woman, she knew the power of another chaste woman, especially such a wife as mother Sitadevi
- Real dharma, means to abide by the orders of God. But they do not know what is God. They do not know what is the order of God. Of course, there are scriptures, but we have to know
- Real knowledge means knowing that however great one may be, the four principles of material life are present: birth, old age, disease and death. These exist in the highest planetary system (Brahmaloka) and in the lowest - Patalaloka
- Real knowledge, however, is Vedic knowledge, knowing oneself, what one is and what God is and understanding one's relationship with God, and one's duty
- Regarding a branch in the Fiji Islands, if you can open immediately a center in the very near future I will be able to send some Hindi knowing Indians to assist the preaching work there
- Regarding London temple, I can appreciate very much that your goodness is anxious to have an imposing temple in London, so in my next opportunity I shall take up this matter more seriously and I shall let you know in due course
- Regarding salesmanship, it is a great art. It can be used for selling KC also. I am very much engladdened that you are so much enthusiastic, and you may know it that Krishna will help such enthusiastic devotees. May Krishna bless you all round
- Regarding Sri Beni Madho Temple, I have already advised Sri Acarya Omkar Giri to see my friend Dr. G. Ghosh of Allahabad, for making a Deed of Gift. But I have not heard anything further in the negotiation. Perhaps you can let me know what has transpired
- Regarding the land purchase, these soil tests are unnecessary. All the land in that area needs fertilizers, that we know. Anyway, you can give up this. If there is doubt, then there is no need for purchasing this land
- Regarding your spanish literature, I am very happy to hear that they are selling nicely. Now, print more and distribute more. Let me know what is the most suitable season for going to Brazil and I may go there
- Regarding your visa problem, I think by tactful arrangement they will extend, but you know better than me. Otherwise you can come here to India. Or better, why not go to Mauritius and take missionary visa there and at the same time work vigorously
- Relative knowledge may teach us how to repair a machine, but real knowledge is knowing our position as being integral with Krsna. Being part of Him, our pleasure, which is partial, is dependent on the whole
- Religious life must begin very clean. Sinful life will not help . . . that is practical, everyone knows
- Sahadeva was fortunate to know of the glories of Krsna, and after describing them in brief, he stopped speaking
- Sakuntala informed Maharaja Dusmanta that although she never saw or knew her father or mother, Kanva Muni knew everything about her
- Sakuntala said: I am the daughter of Visvamitra. My mother, Menaka, left me in the forest. O hero (Maharaja Dusmanta), the most powerful saint Kanva Muni knows all about this. Now let me know, how may I serve you?
- Sambarasura knew the art of mystic powers and could raise himself into the sky and fight from outer space. There is a demon of the name Maya, and Sambarasura had learned many mystic powers from him
- Sanatana further inquired Lord Caitanya, "I do not know how to question You about the advancement of spiritual life, but I beg that You kindly, mercifully, let me know everything that I need know"
- Sanatana Gosvami saw that although the hotel keeper did not know them, he was being especially attentive to their comfort
- Sanatana Goswami did not actually know what his constitutional position really was and just why he was subjected to the threefold miseries
- Sanatana said: My associations are all abominable, and I am fallen, the most wretched of mankind. I was suffering in the dark well of material enjoyment, and I never knew the actual goal of my life. Indeed, I do not even know what is beneficial for me
- Sanda and Amarka, the priests of the demons, were eager to know from Prahlada Maharaja who the Vaisnavas were that came to instruct him in Krsna consciousness. Their purpose was to discover the names of these Vaisnavas
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya informed his brother-in-law, Gopinatha Acarya, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead may not have shown mercy to me, but what is the proof of His having shown it to you? Kindly let us know about this"
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya knew this would happen, and thus to rectify My heart, which is very hard, he asked Me to meet you
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya requested the King, "Go up on the roof of the palace. Gopinatha Acarya knows every one of the devotees. He will identify them for you"
- Sastra, which is accepted by the acarya, that is sastra. You cannot make. As you cannot manufacture religion, you cannot manufacture sastras. Approved by the acaryas. Acaryopasanam. Therefore Krsna says also that you should know from the acarya
- Sati did not accept the greetings offered by her sisters and mother, for she was not at all satisfied by her father's silence. Sati was the youngest child of Daksa, and she knew that she was his pet
- Sati knew of the tension between her father and her husband, but still she expressed to her husband, Lord Siva, that since such sacrifices were going on at her father's house and so many demigods were going, she also desired to go
- Sati was the wife of Lord Siva, who is known as Yogesvara, the best among all yogis, because he knows all the mystic processes of yoga, so it appeared that Sati also knew them
- Saunaka Rsi said: Let us know, please, what topics were discussed between Vidura and Maitreya, who talked on transcendental subjects, and what was inquired by Vidura and replied by Maitreya
- Seeing above his head the dark marks on the rising moon, which resembled a deer, Bharata said: Can it be that the moon, who is so kind to an unhappy man, might also be kind upon my deer, knowing that it has strayed from home and has become motherless?
- Self-realization means knowing one's constitutional position in relationship to the Supreme. The individual soul is part and parcel of the Supreme, and his position is to render transcendental service to the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Self-realization means knowing our identity as small particles. The small particle of spirit soul is within every one of us, but it is not possible to see with material eyes
- Self-realization ultimately means to understand the Personality of Godhead and the living entities; to know the individual self and the reciprocal exchanges of loving service between the Supreme and the living entity is real self-realization
- She appealed to him (Kamsa) to give her the daughter as a gift. Devaki was the daughter of a ksatriya and knew how to play the political game
- Similarly, to know dharma, you must know adharma also, the opposite side. If you know white, you should know what is black
- Simple boys and girls. But their devotion is exalted, because they did not know anything beyond Krsna. That's all. Krsna is their life. Never mind to know that Krsna is God or not
- Simply by eating. Because you are so dull, you cannot understand the philosophy. You know the belly like the animals. So therefore we are giving facility, "All right, fill up your belly, fill up your belly. And you'll be infected"
- Since Garga Muni was an astrologer, he could understand everything past and future, and thus he said, "I know everything about His activities and names, but others do not know. This child (Krsna) will be very pleasing to all the cowherd men and cows"
- Since I have come back to USA I have not heard anything from you. I hope everything is well with you. I am very much anxious to know about the litigations amongst yourselves. If you have no objections, you can let me know what the present position is
- Since neither Lord Siva nor you nor I could ascertain the limits of spiritual happiness, how can other demigods know it
- Since the devotees in the material world know almost nothing about these (free loving affairs) affairs, the Lord desires to show these affairs to them
- Since the source of its manifestation is truth, the manifestation is also truth, but one must know how to utilize it
- Since these Mayavadis cannot personally know the meaning of Srimad-Bhagavatam, they can never deliver others by reciting it
- Since you possess Lord Krsna's potency, you certainly know these things. However, it is the nature of a sadhu to inquire. Although he knows these things, the sadhu inquires for the sake of strictness
- Siva said, "I do not know why you wanted to cut off your head to satisfy me. I become satisfied even by an offering of a little water"
- Sivananda Sena took care of all the necessities the devotees required. In particular, he made arrangements for residential quarters, and he knew the roads of Orissa
- Sivananda Sena took care of everyone and gave each devotee places to stay. He knew all the paths leading to Orissa
- Smiling, the landlord said, "Before you offered them, I already knew that there were eight gold coins in your servant's possession"
- So because the sweet rice was prepared by the brahmana very recently, he wanted to touch it so that he could know whether it was fit for eating by the Lord
- So either you have got problem of food grains or problem of hippies, but the problem is there. A different feature only. Therefore one should be very much careful to know how to solve the problem
- So everything belongs to Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, and we do not know it and therefore we are encroaching upon the property of Krsna, and law of, the law of nature is punishing us
- So far knowing capacity is concerned, you are one with God. Because Krsna or God is cognizant, you are also cognizant. But you are cognizant with very limited sphere, and He is cognizant unlimitedly everywhere. That is the difference
- So far my health is concerned, you know that it is a broken old house. You cannot expect as good as you are doing. So my future hope is you all good spiritual sons
- So long one is not inquisitive to understand what he is, without understanding his identification, whatever he does, it is defeat. This is the condition. Nobody is interested to know his identity
- So Mayavadi philosophers, when they come to know that this is maya's place, so therefore they want to make it varietyless, formless. This is their theory. So, but that is not the solution. This is maya
- So sometimes, if somebody goes to challenge the guru, the real guru will say, "What is the use of talking with this nonsense? Better say that 'You know better than me.' That's all. 'Go away.'"
- So we must be very careful that we have got this human form of body - how to act? The act means first of all you know what is your position. That is the first instruction in the Bhagavad-gita
- Some of the great devotees of the Lord - like Ramananda Raya, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami - were government officers and had a background of very opulent householder life. Consequently they knew how to deal with people
- Some time ago, being inquisitive to know, Sanat-kumara, the chief of the boy-saints, accompanied by other great sages, inquired exactly like you about the truths regarding Vasudeva, from Lord Sankarsana, who is seated at the bottom of the universe
- Sometimes if people hear that by acting in such a way they will become a tree, a dog, a cat, an insect or even a human being, they say that they do not even care to know this
- Sometimes the atheistic class of men take it that any demigod is as good as the S P of Godhead, Visnu. But one who is a devotee knows that no demigod, however great he may be, is independently as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sometimes the karmis are afraid of this Krsna consciousness movement because they know that as soon as one becomes Krsna conscious, he is no more interested in these material things. Just like we say "Don't eat meat"
- Sometimes we get news from newspaper that a child is born. He is speaking about his previous birth. Perhaps you know. Sometimes it may be possible in extraordinary cases. But it is a fact. It is a fact that in my previous life I had also another body
- Sometimes, you know, people say that I have done miracles. They say everywhere. But I do not know anything miracles or magic. If there is any miracle, that miracle is that we present things as they are, that's all, without any adulteration
- Soul is permanent, all-pervading, and eternal. He cannot be explained by any human language, nor can he be perfectly conceived of by any human mind. He remains always unchangeable, and knowing all these facts, one should not lament over his disappearance
- Spiritual body is existing, and spiritual advancement means first of all to know spiritual identification of myself
- Sraddha, this faith, means so strong faith that one will know it perfectly well that simply by worshiping Krsna, everything is there. That is the beginning of faith. Otherwise there is no faith. And without faith there is no beginning
- Sreya means ultimate good, and preya means immediate sense gratification, it is preya. And sreya means ultimate good. So if one is inquisitive to know what is the ultimate goal of life, for him, a guru is required
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked the local people, "Where is Radha-kunda?" No one could inform Him, and the brahmana accompanying Him did not know either
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Of all kinds of distress, what is the most painful?" Sri Ramananda Raya replied, "Apart from separation from the devotee of Krsna, I know of no unbearable unhappiness"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "Rupa Gosvami met Me at Prayaga. Knowing him to be a suitable person, I naturally bestowed My mercy upon him"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told the brahmana, "Indeed, you are an authority in the reading of the Bhagavad-gita. Whatever you know constitutes the real purport of the Bhagavad-gita"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, this Krsna consciousness movement, is trying to elevate sudras to the brahmana platform so that they will know the real goal of life
- Sri Krsna indicates that one who knows the transcendental nature of His activities becomes free from the reactions of activities. Our activities should be such that we will not again become entangled in this material world
- Sri Krsna knows what the living beings have done for hundreds and thousands of past births, and He sees what they are doing now; therefore He knows the results of their present actions that will fructify in the future
- Sri Krsna says that if the king knows the purpose of life, he can rule well. If he does not, he thinks that eating, sleeping, sex and defense are all in all. In this case, his subjects live like animals
- Sri Manu said: O all-powerful lord, O killer of all sins, I shall abide by your order. Now please let me know my place and that of the living entities born of me
- Sri Rupa Gosvami told the two men, "You are to return quickly and let me know when He will depart. Then I shall make the proper arrangements"
- Sri Sanatana Gosvami, the teacher of the science of devotional service, wrote several books, of which the Brhad-bhagavatamrta is very famous; anyone who wants to know about the subject matter of devotees, devotional service and Krsna must read this book
- Sridhara Svami's commentary on the Srimad-Bhagavatam, "My dear Lord, some of the fortunate persons who are swimming in the ocean of Your nectar of devotion, and who are relishing the nectar of the narration of Your pastimes, certainly know ecstasies"
- Srila Advaita Acarya knew this fact (patram puspam phalam toyam), and therefore He decided to call for the Personality of Godhead Krsna to descend by worshiping the Lord with tulasi leaves and the water of the Ganges
- Srimad-Bhagavata or Bhagavad-gita, if anyone is intelligent he'll know that it is combination of religious sentiment plus philosophy. To understand religion on the basis of philosophy and logic, not blindly accepting
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the one unrivaled commentary on Vedanta-sutra. Sripada Sankaracarya intentionally did not touch it because he knew that the natural commentary would be difficult for him to surpass
- Sriman Sena, the twenty-second branch of the Caitanya tree, was a very faithful servant of Lord Caitanya. He knew nothing else but the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Still in His ecstasy, the Lord asked Advaita Acarya, "Why did You come here? How did You know that I was in Vrndavana"
- Such (materialistic) a civilization is condemned because it does not lead humanity toward knowing the real goal of life
- Such a person (who knows God's activities, appearance and disappearance are beyond material conception), after quitting his body, does not come back again to this material world, but goes to the Supreme Person
- Such an attempt (of inventing imitation wings for the airplane) would necessarily be frustrated, for we know that there is no machine that can work without a spirit soul behind it. Even the most complicated computers need trained men to handle them
- Such persons (speculative philosophers) have practically no information of the facts about becoming an associate of God. Only the pure devotees can know, by the mercy of the Lord, that the personal association of God is the highest perfection of life
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Maharaja Agnidhra, whose intelligence was like that of a demigod, knew the art of flattering women to win them to his side. He therefore pleased that celestial girl with his lusty words and gained her favor
- Sukadeva Gosvami has stated that all persons who hear this history of Sudama Vipra and Lord Krsna will know how affectionate Lord Krsna is to brahmana devotees like Sudama
- Sukadeva Gosvami uses two specific words, bhaktim and param. Bhaktim param means execution of devotional service above the neophyte stage. Those who are simply attracted to temple worship but do not know the philosophy of bhakti are in the neophyte stage
- Sukracarya, being a person of this material world, did not know the principles of a devotee
- Suppose a man is a medical practitioner. He may be born in a brahmin family or sudra family - nobody wants to know to which family he belongs to
- Suppose government is creating one city, but he's creating at the same time the jail house, although there is no criminal at that time. But government knows there are some criminals who will fulfill this jail house
- Suppose he knows the cause of cancer. What is the benefit? Neither he can stop cancer, neither a man suffering from cancer, if it is cured, he will live forever. That is not possible
- Surrendered souls, even from groups leading sinful lives, such as women, the laborer class, the mountaineers and the Siberians, or even the birds and beasts, can also know about the science of Godhead and become liberated from the clutches of maya
- Svarup Damodar is the best candidate for the post at the university. What the other candidates will know? Therefore he is writing so many books. He has rejected the so-called scientific knowledge. It has no basis
- Svayambhuva Manu wanted to convince Kardama Muni, since he knew that the sage wanted to marry a suitable girl
- Svetasvatara Upanisad: I know that SP of Godhead who is transcendental to all material conceptions of darkness. Only he who knows Him can transcend the bonds of birth and death. BG 1972 purports
- Sweet is intoxication. Perhaps you know, all. The liquor is made from sugar. Sugar is fermented with acid, sulphuric acid, and then it is distilled. That is liquor. Therefore too much sweet eating is prohibited
- Take for example, buddhi. Buddhi means intelligence. And what is that intelligence? Real intelligence? Real intelligence is, to know, to understand that, "Krsna is the Supreme, and I am part and parcel."
- Take this (Krsna Consciousness) philosophy nicely, understand it, and preach. You will be victorious everywhere. Because we can challenge anyone. If you know the trick, Krsna consciousness, you can challenge
- Tamala Krsna Maharaja said that you are not following the regulative principles. I do not know why you should do like that. Anyway, if there was any discrepancies in that way I hope you will rectify it and fully cooperate with Karandhara Prabhu
- Thank you very much for the offer of the use of your place in Allahabad during the Kumbha. Yes, most probably we are going. I shall let you know later on
- That (to think it maybe nobody's and take it) is also stealing. Because it must belong to somebody. And you take it without his permission. You may not know exactly who is the proprietor, but you know, "It must belong to someone." That is knowledge
- That Guljaya Nanda you know? He was one of the prominent member of the Planning Commission. He was very important member in the central government, Home Member, Planning Commission, President and so on, so on. Nowadays he is loitering on the street
- That person of whom Lord Ananta is a kala, or part of a plenary part, is Lord Nityananda Prabhu. Who, therefore, can know the pastimes of Lord Nityananda?
- The "struggle for existence" and "survival of the fittest," this word is very common, but nobody knows what is that struggle for existence and what is the platform of becoming fittest. Nobody knows
- The acarya or the spiritual master's duty is to give direction to the disciples how he can fix up his mind always on the lotus feet of Krsna. He should . . . he knows how to engage a particular devotee in a particular type of service
- The activities of the Personality of Godhead, which are like those of a man in this mortal world, are bewildering to others, but I know of His greatness by His grace, and thus I am happy in all respects
- The all-knowing astrologer concluded, "Whatever You may be or whoever You may be, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You!" By His causeless mercy, the Lord then gave him love of Godhead, thus rewarding him for his service
- The arcana regulations are directly instructed by the Lord in the Narada-pancaratra and are strictly followed by the intelligent men, who know well that the highest perfectional goal of life is to reach Lord Visnu
- The arrangement for printing books has not materialized, so I want to utilize this money for commercial purchases from India. Please let me know if there is any difficulty in this connection due to exchange control
- The attachment to the body is there only because the "I," the spirit soul, is within the body. Similarly, when one is further advanced, he knows that the spirit soul is pleasing because it is part and parcel of Krsna
- The Ayurvedic medicine which I could recommend is probably not available in London, but if there is any Ayurvedic shop let me know and I shall recommend some medicine. The best thing is to chant Hare Krishna loudly
- The BBT is in the Gwalior Tank Road Branch, Central Bank of India, but Gargamuni Maharaja says you have opened another account in the Indian Overseas Marine Lines. Please let me know what is this idea? I never knew of it
- The Bhattacarya said, "Nilambara Cakravarti was a classmate of my father, Mahesvara Visarada. I knew him as such"
- The birds in the morning. They rise up early in the morning. They are not concerned where they will eat. They know there is already arrangement for eating
- The Blessed Lord said: Again I shall declare to you this supreme wisdom, the best of all knowledge, knowing which all the sages have attained to supreme perfection. BG 14.1 - 1972
- The bona fide spiritual master desires that his disciples know the process of rendering transcendental service to God, they also know that they have to learn about the eternal relationship between God and the living entity from a self-realized soul
- The bona fide spiritual master is a true Vedantist, for he actually knows Vedanta and the Vedas and understands the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. The word veda means "knowledge," and anta means - last phase
- The boys did not know this (that the serpent was a demon), however, and thus while Krsna was planning how to stop the destruction of His intimate friends, all the boys along with their calves entered the mouth of the serpent. But Krsna did not enter
- The boys said, "They (Krsna and Balarama) have come here with the cows, and you may know also that we have come here under Their instructions"
- The brahmanah pathi is the path of transcendental realization through knowing oneself to be spiritual in essence, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord who is manifested as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. BG 1972 purports
- The brahmanas continued, "Although we are considered to be masters in all purificatory processes, we did not actually know what their goal is because we are too much attached to the materialistic way of life"
- The bull, or the personality of religion, and the cow, the personality of the earth, knew perfectly well that the personality of Kali was the direct cause of their sufferings
- The cats and dogs, they do not give any education, neither they know what is the meaning of education
- The chariots of an aksauhini have been calculated at 21,870 by those who know the science of such calculations & the number of elephants is the same. The number of infantry soldiers is 109,350 & the number of horses is 65,610. This is called an aksauhini
- The cow-shaped earth addressed King Prthu as dharma jna, which refers to one who knows the principles of religion
- The cowherd boys said, "He (Krsna) is so wonderful that He saved us from the clutches of the great serpent and killed him," But little did they know that one year had passed since the killing of Aghasura
- The cowherd boys said, "You (the brahmanas) are the most respectable brahmanas within the human society, and you are expected to know all the principles of religious procedure"
- The demigods approached the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the controller of both kinds of entities (material entities and spiritual entities), in order to know why their breathing was choked
- The demon (Vrkasra) was very sinful, and sinful persons do not know what sort of benediction should be asked from the deity
- The descendants of Kanu Thakura know him as Nagara Purusottama. He was the cowherd boy named Dama during krsna-lila. It is said that just after the birth of Kanu Thakura, his mother, Jahnava, died.
- The devotee does not know anyone except Lord Krsna, and Krsna is most affectionate to His devotee
- The devotee of the Lord, Srila Vyasadeva, knows this very well. He is further advised by Srila Narada to expand the idea so that the entrapped conditioned souls may take lessons from him to understand the Supreme Lord as the primeval cause
- The difference between God and you and me is this, that you know your business, I know my business. but God knows everyone's business. That is the difference
- The direct manager is supposed to know everything of actions and reactions, as one knows about a walnut within the grip of one's palm
- The disciple must be also serious to understand about the spiritual subject matter. That is knowledge, brahma-jijnasa. One who is inquisitive to know about the Absolute Truth, he requires to approach a guru
- The duty of the head of the state to maintain the general populace in such a way that people will ultimately know the goal of life. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum
- The earth knew that the King (Prthu) was very angry with her, and she realized that unless she pacified his anger, there was no possibility of placing a positive program before him
- The Earth personified continued, 'You Krsna) are always transcendental to all these material activities. My dear Lord, I know that earth, water, fire, air, sky, the five sense objects, mind, the senses, their deities, egotism & the total material energy"
- The eighth creation is that of the lower species of life, and they are of different varieties, numbering twenty-eight. They are all extensively foolish and ignorant. They know their desirables by smell, but are unable to remember anything within the heart
- The exact word used in this connection is brahma-vidam, which means those who know the Supreme very well. An expert brahmana is able to give reformatory facilities to the subcastes - the ksatriyas and vaisyas. Sudras observe no reformatory performances
- The fact is that both the Mayavadi philosophers of Benares and the philosophers of Saranatha are entrapped by material nature. None of them actually know the nature of Absolute Transcendence
- The father knows what is the necessity of the child. So this is not very good business to ask God, "Give me this, give me that." Why shall I ask? If God is all-powerful, He knows my wants, He knows my necessities, and that is also confirmed in the Vedas
- The father, mother knows what does he want, how he will be happy. That is the duty of the father and mother
- The final statement is ātmavic-caraṇārcanam. Ātma-vit means a self-realized soul or bona fide spiritual master. Unless one is self-realized and knows what his relationship with the Supersoul is, he cannot be a bona fide spiritual master.
- The first category is the brahmana, the man in knowledge. He knows what is the value of life, how life should be directed this way and that way
- The first step of self-realization is to know oneself as spirit soul apart from the body
- The Germans, they could not do business throughout the whole British Empire. We know, Indians. So they were very much envious of these British people, and therefore they started two big wars, world war
- The girl (Kalindi) continued: "My dear sir, I know that you are the hero Arjuna; so I may further say that I shall not accept anyone as my husband besides Lord Visnu, because He is the only protector of all living entities"
- The girl Yamuna knew it well that Arjuna was a great devotee of Lord Krsna and that if he would pray, Krsna would never deny his request
- The gopis continued, "It seems that He (Krsna) has been entrapped by the women of Mathura. My dear Uddhava, will you kindly let us know if Krsna sometimes remembers us while in the midst of other women"
- The gopis continued, "My dear Uddhava kindly let us know whether Krsna sometimes thinks of us while in the midst of the highly enlightened society girls in Mathura. We know that the women and girls in Mathura are not village women"
- The gopis continued, "O blackberries and bael trees and trees of the kadamba flower - you are all very pious trees to be living on the bank of the Yamuna. Krsna must have passed through this way. Will you kindly let us know which way He has gone?"
- The gopis said, "But we know that one may perfectly observe all these instructions of the sastras by keeping oneself under the protection of Your lotus feet"
- The gopis said: "My dear Krsna, You are a first-class thief. So please leave this place immediately. We know You love Candravali more than us, but there is no use in praising her in our presence! Kindly do not contaminate the name of Radharani"
- The gopis were very anxious to know about Uddhava, and because they were simple, unsophisticated village girls, they surrounded him
- The gopis' love for Krsna was spontaneous. They did not know anything beyond Krsna
- The gopis, and in fact any householders, knew the process for being purified by chanting Vedic hymns. The gopis executed this process first to purify themselves and then to purify the child Krsna
- The great sage Narada spoke as follows: "My dear Lord (Krsna), You have spoken about the cosmic manifestation created by the Supreme Lord, but I know that You are the all-pervading creator"
- The great sage Narada thought it fitting that, although the brothers would be punished to become trees, by his mercy they would continue to keep their memory and be able to know why they were being punished
- The gross body is made of earth, water, air, fire, and the subtle body is made of mind, intelligence and egotism. So we are within this. So nobody knows; there is no educational system, what is our real constitutional position
- The horrible scene in the hospital is certainly ghastly. But we should at the same time know that this ghastly scene is in the matter of bodily concept of life. This is Maya's illusion
- The human beings live on earth and similar other planets in the Bhur and Bhuvar group of planets, but the demigods live in the Svar, or heavenly planets, and all of them knew Bhismadeva as a great warrior and devotee of the Lord
- The idea is that our loving propensity expands as vibration of air and light expands, but we do not know where it ends. The Krishna Consciousness movement teaches us this science how one can love everyone of the living entities perfectly by an easy method
- The impersonalist argues on the strength of the Vedic version given in the Svetasvatara Upanisad: Anyone who can know Him (Transcendence) also becomes transcendental, but those who do not know Him suffer the miseries of the material world. BG 1972 pur
- The incident of Lord Caitanya’s meeting the all-knowing astrologer is not mentioned in the Caitanya-bhagavata, but we cannot therefore say that it did not take place
- The individual soul is the proprietor of his individual body, but the Lord clearly states, "My dear Bharata, you must know that I am also ksetra jna. " Ksetra jna means "the knower or proprietor of the body"
- The jnani knows that fruitive activities will bind him to material existence and cause him to transmigrate from one kind of body to another
- The jnani knows that he is not the body, and out of many millions of jnanis, one may be actually liberated
- The jnani, the wise man, knows that material things are flickering
- The King answered in surprise, "I did not know about all this. Why should his life be taken? I only want the money from him"
- The King replied, "I had no desire to give pain to Gopinatha Pattanayaka and his family, nor did I know about his being lifted onto the canga to be thrown on the swords and killed"
- The King said, "Bhattacarya, you are the most learned and experienced person I know. Therefore when you address Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as Lord Krsna, I accept this as the truth"
- The King said, "I shall absolve Gopinatha Pattanayaka of all his debts, but don't speak of this to the Lord. Simply let Him know that all the family members of Bhavananda Raya, including Gopinatha Pattanayaka, are naturally my dear friends"
- The King, (Dusmanta) who knew the laws of marriage, immediately married her (Sakuntala) by chanting the Vedic pranava (omkara), in accordance with the marriage ceremony as performed among the Gandharvas
- The knowledge of those who are not interested in knowing the original cause of all emanations is never perfect knowledge
- The Krsna consciousness movement is attempting to educate people how to utilize this human form of life properly. It will not stay, it will also die, just like cats die, the dogs die. We also die, but there is difference of this death. We can die knowing
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to revive the pure consciousness of the human society so that he can know himself and act accordingly. Then his life is successful
- The Kuruksetra is still there. Everyone knows. There is a railway station of the name Kuruksetra and there is a place Kuruksetra. Now it is being developed by the government. So how you can explain Kuruksetra otherwise? Kuruksetra is a fact
- The living being who has occupied a particular type of body knows that body, but the Superknower, Vasudeva, knows not only a particular type of body but also the field of activities in all the different varieties of bodies
- The living being, because of his spiritual nature, can know his body, the life airs, the senses, the elements and the sense objects, and he can also know the three qualities that form their roots
- The living entity is very minute particle of God, but in the spiritual world everyone is aware of his position. The living entities, they know, "What is my position? I am a small particle of God." Therefore there is no disagreement
- The living entity is within the body & that the body is changing from childhood to boyhood & from boyhood to youth & from youth to old age, and the person who owns the body knows that the body is changing. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord (Balarama) thus placed Himself in the position of an ordinary ksatriya and informed the sages that He did not know in what way He could atone for His killing of Romaharsana, but whatever they would suggest He would be glad to accept
- The Lord (Caitanya) explained in summary all the details one need know in writing a book on Vaisnava regulative principles
- The Lord (Narayana) replied to the demon (Vrkasura) as follows, "I Myself cannot believe that Lord Siva has in truth given you such a benediction. As far as I know, Lord Siva is not in a sane mental condition"
- The Lord continued: One who does not consider Brahma, Visnu, Siva or the living entities in general to be separate from the Supreme, and who knows Brahman, actually realizes peace; others do not
- The loving propensity is not satisfied even by loving all human society; that loving propensity remains imperfectly fulfilled until we know who is the supreme beloved
- The master of the treasury, Kuvera, said: O sinless son of a ksatriya, I am very glad to know that under the instruction of your grandfather you have given up your enmity, although it is very difficult to avoid. I am very pleased with you
- The material elements are described, the mind, intelligence and false ego. What's the . . . what is that mind, you know, that material mind? In other words, there's a spiritual mind and a material mind
- The material world exists outside the spiritual sky, and a foolish materialist cannot estimate the extent of this material sky. What, then, can he know of the spiritual sky
- The material world is only one fourth of the SP of Godhead's creation, but it is unlimited and impossible for anyone to know or describe, even with the qualification of a life as long as that of Brahma, who lives for millions and millions of years
- The Mayavadi philosopher has only imperfect knowledge of God, whereas the Krishna Conscious person can understand Krishna fully. The example is given that a person may know about the sunlight, but that does not mean that he knows about the Sun God
- The Mayavadi philosophers, they cannot distinguish between the jiva soul, jivatma, and Paramatma. They know it, but because they are monists, to establish their theory, they say there is not two, there is one. No. Krsna says two
- The most important science to know is the science of getting out of the clutches of material existence. Anyone who knows this science must be considered the greatest learned person
- The Nawab told Sanatana Gosvami: As you know, I completely depend on you and your responsible work in government
- The nitya-mukta living entity knows that he is an expansion of the supreme nitya, or the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead. Being in such a position, he sees the material world with a different vision
- The ordinary living being knows about his body to some extent, but the Supreme, Paramatma, knows the condition of all bodies. The individual living being is localized, and the Supreme, Paramatma, is all-pervading
- The Pandava kings, who are more than many saints of the world, knew the bitter results of the materialistic way of life
- The Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, knows everyone's desires
- The parents of Krsna and Balarama, namely Nanda Maharaja, Yasoda, Vasudeva and Devaki, were also very anxious because they did not know the unlimited strength of their children
- The people must be trained up to know who is the proprietor
- The people of this age are very lazy, not only materially but in the matter of self-realization. The human life is especially meant for self-realization. That is to say, man should come to know what he is, what the world is & what the supreme truth is
- The perfection of science will occur when it is possible for the material scientists to know the qualities of the anti-material particle and liberate it from the association of nonpermanent, material particles
- The person who chants Hare Krsna purifies his consciousness. Then his materialistic activity is stopped. He knows, "This is simply a waste of time. I must act spiritually." That is knowledge, which comes from cleansing the heart - CC Antya 20.12
- The Personality of Godhead said: O Brahma, whatever appears to be of any value, if it is without relation to Me, has no reality. Know it as My illusory energy, that reflection which appears to be in darkness
- The personified Vedas continued, "Although it is not befitting to say that You do not know Yourself, it is practical to understand that because You have unlimited qualities and energies"
- The personified Vedas said, "Although You have no mind, You know everyone and everyone's activities, past, present & future, and yet no one knows who You are. You know everyone, but no one knows You; therefore, You are the oldest & supreme personality"
- The PG said: My dear Dhruva, son of the King, you have executed pious vows & I also know the desire within your heart. Although your desire is very ambitious and very difficult to fulfill, I shall favor you with its fulfillment. All good fortune unto you
- The picture of Vasudeva exchanging the babies is not correct because Nanda Maharaja should not be in this scene. Vasudeva silently exchanged babies with the sleeping Yasoda, and neither Yasoda nor Nanda Maharaja knew about this till long after
- The powerful Kardama Muni was the knower of everyone's heart, and he could grant whatever one desired. Knowing the spiritual soul, he regarded her as half of his body. Dividing himself into nine forms, he impregnated Devahuti with nine discharges of semen
- The quality of knowing belongs to the living entities and to the Supreme Soul. Thus the living entity can also experience the activities of dreams and wakefulness. In both stages the knower is unchanged, but is qualitatively one with the Supreme Brahman
- The queens continued, "Dear Himalayan breeze, please know we have already been stricken. There is no need to injure us more & more. Dear beautiful cloud, the color of your beautiful body exactly resembles the bodily hue of our dearmost Syamasundara"
- The queens said, "Dear dry rivers, we know that because this is the summer season, all your beds are dry, and you have no water. Because all your water has now been dried up, you are no longer beautified by blooming lotus flowers"
- The queens said, "O breeze from the Himalayas, what have we done to you that you are so intent on teasing us by awakening our lust to meet Krsna? Do you not know that we have already been injured by the crooked policy of the Personality of Godhead"
- The question was why a sinful man commits sinful activities although he has full knowledge of the after result by knowing it from authority and by seeing it personally. A thief commits theft repeatedly and is imprisoned repeatedly
- The real light in life is the Vedic knowledge. Bhagavad-gita affirms that the purpose of the Veda is to know the all-powerful Personality of Godhead. But in this age of quarrel there are quarrels even over the point of the existence of Godhead
- The real purpose of doing this is to know perfectly the Absolute Transcendence, Sri Krsna, for the entire creation, both material and spiritual, rests on the body of Sri Krsna
- The really learned persons know this from evidence given by the great sages and the Vedas, and thus they decide to worship Lord Krsna as all in all. Such persons are called budha, or really learned, because they worship only Krsna
- The reciters continued: No one will be able to understand the policies the King will follow. His activities will also be very confidential, and it will not be possible for anyone to know how he will make every activity successful
- The rsis headed by Saunaka were more anxious to know about Vidura, who met Maitreya Rsi while traveling to the pilgrimage sites of the world
- The rtvijah, the priests, knew that God is one, yet they prayed for the Supreme Lord to become the son of Maharaja Nabhi to let the world know that the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is one without a second
- The sages said: O Supreme Personality of Godhead, we are unable to know what You intend for us to do, for even though You are the supreme ruler of all, You speak in our favor as if we had done something good for You
- The same queen said, "But I cannot accept your entreaty to go to Syamasundara. When He does not care for me, why should I be mad after Him? I am very sorry to let you know that you have become the messenger of a poor-hearted soul"
- The sat-sanga... We know that word only, but if we don't take advantage, then what is meaning?
- The second caste, the ksatriya caste, also know Brahman, but not as well as the brahmanas
- The seeing of oneself is described in the Vedic literatures, and it is confirmed in the SB that one has to see oneself and know what he is. As Kapiladeva explains to His mother, this "seeing" can be done by hearing from the proper authoritative source
- The significance of this separation (from Krsna) and meeting is very specific. If someone tries to understand the exalted position of Lord Caitanya without knowing this, he is sure to misunderstand it
- The sons of the demons replied: Dear Prahlada, neither you nor we know any teacher or spiritual master other than Sanda and Amarka, the sons of Sukracarya. After all, we are children and they our controllers
- The spirit soul's needs must be fulfilled. Simply by cleansing the cage of the bird, one does not satisfy the bird. One must actually know the needs of the bird himself
- The spiritual sparks known as the living entities are subjected to the conditions of material energy. It is because these sparks are related with both the internal and external potencies of the Lord that they are known as belonging to the marginal potency
- The subject matter to be known of the verse (CC Adi 16.41) is the glorification of the Ganges, and therefore the word idam (“this”), or what is known, should have been placed before instead of after the glorification
- The Supreme Lord P of G is Himself this cosmos, & still He is aloof from it. From Him only has this cosmic manifestation emanated, in Him it rests, & unto Him it enters after annihilation. Your good self knows all about this. I have given only a synopsis
- The Supreme Lord said: Having come to know what was in your mind, I have already arranged for that for which you have worshiped Me well through your mental and sensory discipline
- The Supreme Lord said: My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most secret wisdom, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence. BG 9.1 - 1972
- The Supreme Person (Bhagavan) said: My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life. They do not lead to higher planets, but to infamy. BG 2.2 - 1972
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna) is also the source of everything. A devotee must know how to render service unto Him and thus be recognized by Him
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Again I shall declare to you this supreme wisdom, the best of all knowledge, knowing which all the sages have attained the supreme perfection
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead's deep scientific knowledge is concentrated to the supreme point. For example, medical science knows some things superficially, but doctors do not know exactly how things happen in the body
- The system is: the disciple falls flat before the spiritual master. That is the etiquette, pranipatena. And if you think that you know better than Krsna or Krsna's representative, the guru, there is no necessity of accepting guru
- The thirty-sixth devotee of Lord Nityananda was Hoda Krsnadasa, whose life and soul was Nityananda Prabhu. He was always dedicated to the lotus feet of Nityananda, and he knew no one else but Him
- The three qualities are described as three flags. By a flag, one can come to know who the owner of the chariot is; similarly, by the influence of the three qualities of material nature, one can easily know the direction in which the chariot is moving
- The training goes on, as we see in the vrndavana-lila of Krsna within this planet. Krsna therefore revealed the actual features of the Vaikuntha planets so that the inhabitants of Vrndavana could know their destination
- The transcendentalist, knowing himself to be different from the material body and mind, always tries to cultivate transcendental activities
- The transcendentalists desire to avoid everything godless, for they know that supreme situation in which everything is related with the Supreme Lord Visnu
- The Vaisnava philosopher acknowledges the full value of this material world and knows how to utilize it properly, whereas the Mayavadi philosopher fails to do so
- The vaisnava philosopher, who is perfect in knowledge, knows that the body is made of the external energy and that the Supersoul, the Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is sitting with the individual soul and is distinct from him
- The Vedanta-sutra begins by stating that a human being should be inquisitive to know who he is, where he comes from, and where he has to go
- The Vedic injunction is that in order to know that perfect knowledge, one has to approach the proper person, who is know as guru
- The Vedic process is to follow in the footsteps of great authorities, and that is the only process for knowing that which is beyond our imagination
- The Visnudutas, who are superior authorities, gave orders to the Yamadutas, who did not know that Ajamila was no longer subject to tribulation in hellish life for his past sins
- The Western people keep themselves in the modes of ignorance. That is very risky civilization. So at least you Europeans and Americans, you should know it, and you distribute this knowledge. It is your duty to save them
- The whole philosophy of the Mayavada school, based on "not this, not that" (neti, neti), is basically material. Such thought cannot give one the chance to know the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is
- The whole world is bound by karma. We all know of the existence of microbes or germs which exist by the million within the measurement of one millimeter
- The wise also know that a senamukha is three times what a patti (One chariot, one elephant, five infantry soldiers and three horses) is. Three senamukhas are known as one gulma, three gulmas are called a gana, and three ganas are called a vahini
- The woman replied to Krsna, "My dear Syamasundara, dear beautiful dark boy, You may know that I am engaged as a maidservant of Kamsa. I am supplying him pulp of sandalwood daily"
- The word 'atma' also refers to the living entity who knows about his body. That is another symptom. From Lord Brahma down to the insignificant ant, everyone is counted as the marginal potency of the Lord
- The word apratipurusam, used in this verse (SB 4.4.2), means "one who has no equal." Lord Siva has no equal in the material world in regard to equality towards everyone. His wife, Sati, knew that her husband was equal towards everyone
- The word prabhava jnah is significant (in SB 9.16.6). Parasurama knew the prowess of his father, and therefore he agreed to carry out his father's order
- The yogi knows all these descriptions (of the spiritual planets), and he can transfer himself to any planet he likes, without the help of spaceships. Space travel by mechanical means is not the accepted process for elevation to other planets
- The young brahmana continued, "My dear Sir, You are very merciful and You know everything. Therefore, kindly be a witness in this case. A person who knows things as they are and still does not bear witness becomes involved in sinful activities"
- Then (when Christian priests say animals have no souls) we ask them - How do you know that animals have no souls? Animals and children are of the same nature. Does this mean that the children of human society also have no souls
- Then Krsna began to instruct them (the gopis): "My dear friends, you must know that it is now the dead of night and the forest is very dangerous"
- There are also many examples of (cheating) of teachers who actually know nothing but put forth theories in words like "perhaps" or "it may be," while in actuality they are simply cheating their students
- There are also some thinkers who believe that no one can ascertain the cause of distress by argumentation, nor know it by imagination, nor express it by words. O sage amongst kings, judge for yourself by thinking over all this with your own intelligence
- There are degrees of knowing one's relationship with the Lord, depending on the degree of realization as to why the Supreme Lord is the dearmost object of every living being
- There are different departments of activity in Krsna consciousness, and a spiritual master, knowing the particular ability of a particular man, trains him in such a way that by his tendency to act he becomes perfect
- There are five transcendental mellows - neutrality, servitorship, friendship, parental affection and conjugal love, which is also known as the mellow of sweetness. Conjugal love excels all the others
- There are innumerable living entities, one dependent on the other in the relationship of the controlled and the controller. But without the medium of perception, no one can know or understand who is the controlled and who is the controller
- There are people who say, "I know everything about Krsna." Let them think that way. As far as I am concerned, I do not wish to speak very much about this matter
- There are so many open fields and the cows are grazing. But they cannot be happy because they know that they are simply raised for being killed. They cannot be happy
- There are so many things to know but these things are not discussed nowadays. Very cheap thing: "You can do whatever you like. You simply meditate and become God, that's all."
- There are twelve particular agents of the Lord who know the purpose of religion, and all of them render transcendental service unto Him. Persons who desire their own good may follow these mahajanas and thus attain the supreme benefit
- There are two classes of men - the demons and the demigods. The demigods are fully aware of the Supreme Lord's position, and therefore they are obedient to Him, but even if demons know about the supremacy of the Lord they purposely defy His authority
- There are two classes of men: dhira and adhira. Dhira means those who are not agitated, they know things as they are. So adhira means those who are uncontrolled
- There are various grades of men, and out of many thousands one may be sufficiently interested in transcendental realization to try to know what is the self, what is the body, and what is the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- There is a very nice house in the neighborhood of central London demanding 100,000 English pounds corresponding to Rs. 18 lacs; but as you know, I am always penniless, it is only a dream for me
- There is Kumbha-mela. These assemblies are not advertised. People know it by parampara. I am speaking to you; you are speaking to your friend. In this way they know it, and on that particular day they assemble at a place, just like Prayaga
- There is no benefit to serving Maya, as you know, as it is all false, temporary or illusion. We are concerned with Reality, not Maya, and that should be the object of life
- There is no bewilderment for the transcendentalists. The Lord Himself also declares in Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.2), "Even the great sages and demigods can know hardly anything about My activities and transcendental potencies
- There is no need of talking with people who are interested in the Maharishi Mahesa, but if you have any sympathetic friends, you can let him know how the cheating process is going on
- There is test for knowing if I am pleasing Krishna: If He reveals Himself to me, if I see Krishna, then I know I am pleasing Krishna
- There is the example in CC of a brahmana in South India who was reading BG, although he was illiterate. The people in the neighborhood knew that he was illiterate, and they made jokes, asking him, - Well, how is it you are reading BG
- There was a demon of the name Sambara who was destined to be killed by Pradyumna. The Sambara demon knew of his destiny
- There was a hunter in Prayag. Prayag you know, in Allahabad. So he was hunting in the forest indiscriminately. So Narada Muni was passing through the jungle, and he was very compassionate to see the animals being half dead and half killed by the hunter
- There were many things to be done upon the return of his (Pracinabarhi's) sons, but he simply left them a message. He knew what his prime duty was
- These are (knowing the soul to be separate from the body, always engaging in welfare activities, always taking shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord) some of the great qualities of a pure devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- These are confidential pastimes of the son of Saci. Other than devotees, no one knows of this incident
- These four brothers and their family members fully engaged in the service of Lord Caitanya. They knew no other god or goddess
- These mahajanas-Brahma, Narada, Lord Siva, and so on - they know what the principles of religion are. Religion means bhagavata-dharma, understanding God and our relationship with God. That is religion
- These material elements, they are inferior quality, and beyond this, there is another, superior quality. That is soul. - Jiva-bhutam maha-baho yayedam dharyate jagat (BG 7.5). So you have to know from the books
- These phenomena indicate that even the cows and calves in Vrndavana knew how to cry for Krsna and embrace Him heart to heart. Actually, the perfection of Krsna consciousness can be culminated in the shedding of tears from the eyes
- These so-called educated scientists, philosophers, what they are doing? They are simply doing mischief. Therefore they are duskrtina. Duskrtina. Mudha. Mudha means rascal, ass. Because nobody knows what is the aim of life. They're exactly like the ass
- They (a class of professional mendicants) know some magical art and mystical processes, and their business is to beg from door to door, sometimes pleading and sometimes threatening. Such mendicants are sometimes called yogis and sometimes kanaphata yogis
- They (birds) know, "Here is . . . enemy is coming," even fishes, animals, they know. As soon as there is enemy, they take protection
- They (demigods) know that the actual proprietor of everything is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the qualification of the demigods
- They (foolish prisoners) know that they do not want to suffer death or the pangs of disease and old age, but under the influence of the illusory energy, they are grossly negligent and therefore do nothing to solve the problems. This is called maya
- They (grhamedhis) are posted in good positions, and since they know that they are using up their assets of pious activities, they again and again perform activities of sense gratification
- They (human being) are put into hell means they are suffering very severe type of pains. "Now, leaving aside all other topics, kindly let me know how these men can be delivered from this hellish condition of life." This is his (Maharaja Pariksit's) prasna
- They (soldiers) know, "We are going to give up our life." And what for? "Money." They are prepared to give up life for money. Money is so sweeter than honey
- They (the asuras) assumed that no one in the world, including the demigods, the Gandharvas, the Caranas and the Siddhas, had ever touched Her. The demons knew that the young girl was unmarried, and therefore they dared to address Her
- They (the cows and boys) said, "Our dear friend Krsna, we are Your intimate friends. It is not right that we should suffer in this way. We are all completely dependent on You, & You are the knower of all religious life. We do not know anyone except You"
- They (the gopis) welcomed him (Uddhava) with polite words, in great submissiveness, "We know that you are a most confidential associate of Krsna and that He has therefore sent you to Vrndavana to give solace to His father and mother"
- They (the scientists) are eager to hear through the medium of radio and television about things taking place far away from them on other planets, but they should know that the power of hearing and the instruments for hearing were given to them by the Lord
- They (transcendentalists) know that mundane activities done under the modes of nature are completely different from activities of transcendental service
- They are all mad with that happiness, and they know nothing else
- They are not interested in all these political affairs or so-called social affairs and resolution, because they know this is not the method of becoming peaceful or prosperous. This is not the method
- They are taking nature as the Supreme. But those who are actually in awareness of God, they know that God is the controller of nature also
- They deviated from the disciplic succession from Srila Prabhupada. So, I don't wish to discuss on this point, because you know better than me; but I think you are also old enough, and I am also old enough
- They have the botanical garden, but do they know what is the science why there is tree and why there is ant, why there is bird, why there is man?
- Things which are unknown, beyond our conception, you have to know it through the authority, just like you know your father through the authority of your mother
- This (CC Madhya 9.116) is the answer to Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s question (CC Madhya 9.111-114), and from this we can understand that Venkata Bhatta knew the truth
- This (so much advertised about happiness, but practically we see so few happy people) is because so few people know that the platform of real happiness is beyond temporary things. It is this real happiness that is described in BG by Lord Krsna to Arjuna
- This (verse SB 6.3.20) was explained by Yamaraja to his followers, that there are twelve authorities. So if one has to know the secret of spiritual realization, then one has to follow either of these twelve authorities
- This Bhandiravana, along with eleven other vanas, or forests, is still existing in the Vrndavana area, and devotees who circumambulate the whole area of Vrndavana can know the beauty of these forests even today
- This consideration (Daksa had purposely received all other sisters but Sati) convinced the wife of Daksa of the danger which was now ahead, and thus she knew that Daksa must be prepared to die for his heinous act
- This Deity worship is not heathenism. It is actually worship of God, provided you know the process
- This finger is part and parcel of my body. If you respect my body and kill my, cut my finger, shall I be happy? No. Therefore Vaisnava knows this, that "Even a small ant, he is the part and parcel of Krsna. So if I kill this ant, Krsna will be unhappy"
- This foretelling (of the devastation up to the earthly planets) is by the past experience of Brahmaji, who knew that in that fearful devastating scene, the Vedas would come out of his mouth
- This Hinduism, Hindu, this word, is not a Sanskrit word. It is given by the Mohammedans. You know there is a river, Indus, which is..., Sanskrit name is Sindhu
- This is a great havoc that we haven't received the first installment yet, and I do not know of the second installment. Clear the matter and let me know by letter
- This is another important verse: na mucyate deha-yogena tavat (SB 5.5.6) The problem is presented, deha-yogena. This body, contact with this material body, this is the problem. But nobody knows it. Especially in these days they cannot understand
- This is another side of a woman's psychology, "Please let me know what the vow is and how I have to follow it. I promise that I shall do the needful and not break the vow"
- This is KCM, ante narayana-smrtih. So it is very important movement. Those who are very intelligent, they can take to it. Or you become intelligent or not intelligent, but know, at least, unless one is pious, he cannot take to this movement
- "This is my body. This is my hand. This is my leg. This is my country. This is my mother. This is my father. This is my school." "This is my," I know. I have the concept of "my." But who is conceiving "my"? We have no information where it is
- This is our real disease, to take birth, to die, to become old and to become victims of disease. But nobody knows how to cure this
- This is real question: "What I am?" So Sanatana Gosvami's question is being answered by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "Because you have this inquiry, this is the beginning of human life." If one is little inquisitive to know what I am, then his real life begins
- This is statement in the Srimad-Bhagavata: Those who know the Absolute Truth, they know that Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan, they are one. It is different phases of understanding only
- This is the beginning of a description of the food prepared for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This description is given by Kaviraja Gosvami, who, it is assumed, was an expert cook who knew both how to prepare and how to serve food
- This is very important verse. Evam tvayi nanyathe . . . nanyatha ato asti na karma lipyate nare. If you know it that everything belongs to Krsna, in this way if you live for hundreds of years and do your duties, there will be no reaction
- This knowledge (of BG 14) is far, far superior to all other processes of knowledge thus far explained, and knowing this many attain perfection. Thus it is expected that one who understands this Fourteenth Chapter will attain perfection. BG 1972 purports
- This knowledge (sthira-buddhi) elevates him (the self-realized person) to the station of knowing the complete science of the Absolute Truth, namely Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. BG 1972 purports
- This knowledge is far, far superior to all other processes of knowledge thus far explained, and knowing this many attained perfection. Thus it is expected that one who understands this Fourteenth Chapter will attain perfection
- This matter is undoubtedly very wonderful. Indeed, my intelligence has become disturbed, just as the flame of a candle is disturbed by a blowing wind. O Narada Muni, you know everything. Kindly let me know the cause of this wonderful event
- This means that the transcendental sound of the flute of Krsna extended to all corners of the universe. Also, it is significant that the gopis knew about the different kinds of airplanes flying in the sky
- This practice had to be stopped, but even today there are still some solitary cases where a wife will voluntarily enter the fire and die with her husband. Even after 1940 we personally knew of a chaste wife who died in this way
- This sannyasa tridanda, three dandas. Not three - four. Three is kaya - body; mind; kaya, mana, and words; and one he is personally. Therefore there are four sticks within the danda. Those who have taken sannyasa, they know it
- This sannyasi is my spiritual master, and I am from Mathura. I am a brahmana, and I know many people who are in the service of the Muslim king
- This science (the process of calculating the asta-varga (eight divisions)) is known especially by persons who are called hora-sastra-vit, or those who know the astrological scriptures
- This the atheists do not know (at the time of death one must submit to the supreme kala and then He takes away all his possessions & forces him to accept another body), and if they do know, they neglect it so that they may go on with their normal life
- This Third Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita is conclusively directive to Krsna consciousness by knowing oneself as the eternal servitor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, without considering impersonal voidness as the ultimate end. BG 1972 purports
- Those devotees who were familiar with pilu fruits sucked on the seeds, but the Bengali devotees who did not know what they were chewed the seeds and swallowed them
- Those who are actually in perfect knowledge of the science of God know that the living entities are superior energy of the Supreme Lord
- Those who are advanced and highly qualified and are interested in the essence of life know the good qualities of Kali-yuga
- Those who are born into this family of Yadu are all My eternal associates. Dear wife, you should not consider that My associates are ever separated from Me; they are My personal expansions, as such, you must know that they are almost as powerful as I am
- Those who are conversant with Vedic language, they know: asrama means something in connection with God. That is called asrama. So grhastha-asrama means one may live with family, children, wife, children, friends - that's all right
- Those who are engaged in worshiping the form or arca of the Lord or who are engaged in meditation on the Lord simply for liberation from material bondage, also know, by the grace of the Lord, the purports of Brahman, adhibhuta, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are engaged in worshiping the form or arca of the Lord, or who are engaged in meditation on the Lord simply for liberation from material bondage, also know, by the grace of the Lord, the purports of Brahman, adhibhuta, etc
- Those who are in direct contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they have no disregard for these demigods, but they know the ultimate supreme power is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are initiated by a bona fide spiritual master and who chant the Gayatri mantra three times a day know this astadasaksara (eighteen-syllable) mantra (klim krsnaya govindaya gopi-jana-vallabhaya svaha)
- Those who are intelligent know that such a sacrifice (animal sacrifice) cannot be successful in this age because no one knows the proper mantras capable of giving an old animal the body of a new animal
- Those who are kavayah, learned scholars, actually know the facts. They do not commit such mistakes (thinking that everything is the Supersoul). They know that God and the individual soul are one in quality
- Those who are liberated theoretically by knowing simply that the living entity is not material may still have desires, although they may be technically classified amongst liberated souls. Their main desire is to become one with the Supreme
- Those who are servants of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, are not interested in any planets in this material world because they know that on whatever planet one enters in the material sky, the four principles of birth, old age, disease, and death are present
- Those who are under the spell of the external energy accept this manifestation to be fact, whereas those who are advanced in spiritual realization know that it is illusion. Actual reality is elsewhere, in the spiritual world
- Those who are yogi, those who are transcendentalists, advanced in spiritual life, they know what is happiness
- Those who know the Absolute Truth describe Him in this way ... Tattva means "truth." The truth is explained by the tattva-vit, one who knows the truth. How? Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate
- Those who know the science of Krsna consciousness automatically know of subsidiary subjects like fruitive activity, speculative knowledge, yoga, charity, penance, austerity, and chanting mantras
- Those who see Krsna are not anxious because they know where they are going at death. One who has taken the gift of Krsna consciousness knows that he will not have to return to this material world to take another body but that he will go to Krsna
- Those who speculate in order to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead are unable to know You, even though they continue to study the Vedas for many years
- Those who speculate to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead are unable to know You (Krsna), even though they continue studying the Vedas for many years - SB 10.14.29
- Those who worship the SG directly show all respect to the demigods, but they don't need to worship them because they know that the supreme authority behind the demigods is the SPG, & they are engaged in worshiping Him. In any case, respect is still there
- Through astrology one can know past, present and future. Modern Western astrologers have no knowledge of the past or future, nor can they perfectly say anything about the present
- Through calculation and meditation, the all-knowing astrologer saw the greatly effulgent body of the Lord, which is the resting place of all the unlimited Vaikuntha planets
- Thus he can be compared to a deep lake covered with moss. He was the object of pleasure for all the devotees who knew the science of devotional service
- Thus I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have described the Lord's behavior elaborately in the case of Kurma. In this way, you will know Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's dealings throughout South India
- Thus knowing oneself to be transcendental to material senses, mind and intelligence, one should control the lower self by the higher self and thus-by spiritual strength-conquer this insatiable enemy known as lust. BG 3.43 - 1972
- Thus one knows enough to dovetail himself in the transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Thus they (the gopis) talked among themselves. They were very anxious to know about him (Uddhava), and because they were simple, unsophisticated village girls, they surrounded Uddhava
- To become a sruti-dhara, one who can remember simply by hearing, is a great achievement for a student. In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.41) the Lord says: Know that all opulent, beautiful and glorious creations spring from but a spark of My splendor
- To come to the platform of truth, one has to know what are the defects of material life, how it is taken by the asuras. That is being described by Krsna, asatyam apratistham
- To know distinctly the ultimate shelter of everything that be, I (Brahma) have described the other nine categories. The cause for the appearance of these nine is rightly called their shelter
- To know Krsna is to know one's self, & to know one's self is to know one's relationship with Krsna. Since this relationship can be learned by worshiping the Madana-mohana vigraha, Krsnadasa Kaviraja first establishes his relationship with Him - CC Intro
- To know the Absolute Truth is not possible by our present senses. Because at the present moment we have got material . . . materially affected; not material senses. Our sense are originally spiritual, but it is covered by material contamination
- To receive Vedic knowledge, we must approach the proper guru. The guru's qualification is given in every sastra. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.3.21) it is said: One should not accept a guru unless one is inquisitive to know the ultimate goal of life
- To take the shelter of a pure devotee means he knows what is pravrtti and what is nivrtti. All our Vedic literature is meant for nivrtti
- Today I have sent you the first installment of "Narada Bhakti Sutras". Please let me know how do you like it or if there is any difficulty to understand it. On hearing from you I shall take up the next installment
- Today no one knows the object of human life; therefore although the foolish people of this age are trying to be happy, their hopes will never be fulfilled. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum durasayah - SB 7.5.31
- Today there are so many theories, and everyone claims to know the best way to live; therefore so many "ism's" have evolved. Of these, communism has become very prominent in the world
- Try to remember Krsna always by following the principles as you know them, namely, rising early, taking bath, cleansing, attending aratrika, reading scriptures at least one hour or two hours daily, chanting sixteen rounds on beads of Hare Krsna mantra
- Try to understand. The real civilization is to know oneself, "What I am? Am I this body or something else?" That is real civilization
- Uddhava continued, "These are the words of the Personality of Godhead, 'My dear gopis, My dear friends, please know that separation between ourselves is impossible at any time, at any place or under any circumstances, because I am all-pervading'"
- Under the present circumstances, of course, we cannot see such huge birds (the eagles or syena), but at least we know of eagles that can capture monkeys and then throw them down to kill and eat them
- Understanding their minds, the Lord looks at the princesses with a merciful smile, and they become bashful, realizing that He knows their desires
- Undoubtedly the Lord is always within the hearts of all living creatures, but they hardly know about it because they are deluded by the illusory material energy
- Unfortunately there is no discussion, there is no education, there is no institute for these important factors of life, and people are kept in darkness. This is Kali-yuga. They do not care to know
- Unfortunately, there is no educational system; neither do they know the process of transmigration of the soul. So everyone is in ignorance
- Universal consciousness knows your pains and pleasure, my pains and pleasure, and millions and trillions of living entities and bodies, He knows the pains and pleasures of everyone. These are the statements in the BG
- Unless we know what mercy really is, we may create an undesirable situation. If we wish to show real mercy, we will preach Krsna consciousness in order to revive the lost consciousness of human beings, the living entity’s original consciousness
- Unless you know consciousness, how do you describe unconsciousness? Unconsciousness is the negative side of consciousness. So you should explain what is consciousness. Then we can understand unconsciousness
- Upon coming out of the abdomen the child falls into a different atmosphere. He wants to eat one thing, but something else is given to him because no one knows his actual demand, and he cannot refuse the undesirables given to him
- Usually they describe the Lord's impersonal aspect, but they hardly know that the Lord's personal feature is worshipable. They are undoubtedly lacking this knowledge
- Usually, we do not see any difference between the body of a child and the body of a boy or young man because we know that these changes are due to the action of the time factor. There is cause for fear for a person who does not know how time acts
- Uttama Sloka is a very good devotee & I am also glad to learn that he is of great assistance to you in guiding the new devotees. He may remain there with my permission for as long as he may like, I know that he is very valuable as an expert Temple manager
- Varuna said, "Although I am the proprietor of all the treasures in the water, I know that such possessions do not make for a successful life"
- Vasudeva also reminded Nanda Maharaja that Balarama did not know His real father. "He knows you as His father. And now you have another child, Krsna, and I think you are taking very nice care of both of Them"
- Vasudeva replied, "My dear sister, you know that we were very much harassed by King Kamsa, and by his persecutions we were scattered here and there. We were always full of anxieties"
- Vasudeva said: Please tell me about the welfare of Vrndavana. You have many animals - are they happy? Are they getting sufficient grass and water? Please also let me know whether the place where you are now living is undisturbed and peaceful
- Vasudeva was very anxious about Krsna's safety. He knew that Kamsa and his followers were trying to kill Krsna by sending various kinds of demons. They had already resolved that all children born within ten days of the birthday of Krsna should be killed
- Vedanta is the compilation by Vyasadeva. So he knows what, what he wants to speak. What others have got the right? Just like Bhagavad-gita. The purpose of Bhagavad-gita is known by Krsna. Why the rascals comment in different way?
- Vedas says that tad viddhi, tad-vijnanartham, Krsna also says: "You try to understand this transcendental knowledge." Tad viddhi pranipatena (BG 4.34). Don't go to a guru to challenge him: "I shall see how much my guru knows." Then it will be useless
- Vedas says that, "You must accept a bona fide guru and become disciplined under his instruction." Then you'll know the higher system of knowledge, the necessity of life, and thus you become happy
- Vidura knew the strength of Bhima. Whenever Bhima was on the battlefield, his steps on the path and the wonderful playing of his club were unbearable for the enemy
- Vidura said: Since you know of matters inconceivable to us, tell me, O holy sage, what did Brahma do to create living beings after evolving the Prajapatis, the progenitors of living beings?
- Vidura was anxious to know whether, after winning back their own kingdom from the hands of Duryodhana, the younger brothers were still living happily under the care of the elder brothers
- Vikarmanah means forbidden. This is the human life's business. He should know what is actual work and what is forbidden work. Just like a good citizen knows what is lawful work and what is unlawful work
- Visnu said: I know you are very concerned about Me and afraid of Kamsa. Therefore I order you to take Me immediately to Gokula and exchange Me for the daughter who has just been born to Yasoda
- Vyasadeva agrees or accepts that he knows Brahman, the Absolute Truth, but he does not know the Absolute Truth's ultimate feature, the Personality of Godhead. That he admits. Absolute Truth in the beginning is impersonal
- Vyasadeva is the writer of Vedanta philosophy, & he has written a comment personally, so that in future, rascals may not misrepresent Vedanta. There are so many bhasyas, but that is not commentary. Real commentary. The author knows what he wants to speak
- Vyasadeva says that "This rascal (Ajamila) was situated in that, absorbed in the service of his son, Narayana, of the name." He did not know... "What is this nonsense Narayana?" He knew his son
- Vyasadeva was further inquisitive to know about the perfection of Naradaji, and therefore he wanted to know about him more and more
- Vyasadeva's disappointment was due to insufficiency in presenting the science of devotional service. Narada knew the defect, and it was confirmed by the position of Vyasa
- Vyasadeva, being dissatisfied at heart, at once began to reflect, because he knew the essence of religion, and he said within himself
- We (sages) know well that persons who have become liberated by engagement in Your devotional service are no longer contaminated by the material modes of nature; thus they have become eligible to be promoted to the kingdom of God in the spiritual world
- We approach the scientist because he is supposed to know things correctly. A scientist means one who knows things as they are
- We are all born fools and rascals. That is a fact. We know. Therefore we are sent to schools for education, because we are fools and rascals
- We are engaged in various activities. Undoubtedly we do not know what sort of activities we should adopt to gain relief from the actions and reactions of all these activities, but this is also explained in the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- We are human beings, we should know what Krsna says. Krsna says, evam parampara praptam imam rajarsayo viduh. The parampara, whether he's speaking parampara or he's speaking whimsically. That much sense we must have
- We are not meant for the ksatriya's business or vaisya's business, the devotees, but if required they can take. Real business is, brahmin's business is to know the Vedas, the Brahman, the Supreme Brahman, the Absolute Truth
- We are not talking of foster; we are talking of real father. How do you know your real father
- We are now involved in the injunctions of the three departments of the Vedic knowledge under the plea of executing rituals in the name of yajna. We know that You have made arrangements for distributing the respective shares of the demigods
- We are so much captivated by the external energy, maya, that the whole program is how to forget Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But our real aim of life is to know our relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- We are teaching. Members are gradually learning how to sacrifice for God. So when he is completely trained up, he knows that nothing belongs to him; everything belongs to God
- We are trying for something which we are not. We know this word, "struggle for existence," "survival of the fittest." So this is struggle. We are not master; still, we are trying to become master
- We are trying to squeezing out the senses and trying to have material pleasure. This is nonsense because we do not know what is spiritual life. Spiritual life means unlimited, unlimited pleasure
- We can see this (a suitable body for entrance of higher planets) demonstrated on this earth, for we know it is not possible for us to live in the sea, in a watery atmosphere, nor is it possible for aquatics to live on the earth
- We can select our own religion and be Hindu, Moslem, Buddhist, Christian or whatever, as long as we know the real purpose of religion
- We cannot apply experimental knowledge to find out who is my father. That is not possible. But how we can know? The know it . . . I can know from the authority of the mother
- We cannot remember what was, what I was in my past life. Neither I know what I am going to be in the next life. But there is. I was in the past, I am in the present, and I shall remain in the future. That is my position
- We cannot understand who our father is by experimental knowledge; we have to hear the word of our mother and believe her. If we do not believe her, there is no way of knowing
- We experience these (adhyatmika) miseries even in the womb of our mother. As we well know, there are many types of miseries that take advantage of the delicate human body and give us pain
- We had a very big struggle in Bombay for our land. So they wanted to break our temple to drive away. It was a great commotion. All Bombay people know it
- We have a very short period to live, and we never know when we are going to die. There is no certainty. Foolish people think that they will go on living forever, but that is simply foolishness
- We have explained rajarsi, the big kings just like Manu, Iksvaku coming from the sun god. The Indians, it is known that there are two kinds of ksatriya dynasty. One is coming from the sun, and another is coming from the moon. Candra-vamsa and surya-vamsa
- We have got good brain. Instead of utilizing the brain to know what is the active principles of this whole universe, if we utilize that brain for manufacturing a watch, that is not very good proposal
- We have often heard a storekeeper say, "Because you are my friend, I won't make any profit off you." But in actuality we know that he is making at least 50% profit. There are so many instances of this cheating propensity
- We have to be guided by the acaryas. Acaryavan puruso veda. One who follows the principles of acaryas, he knows the things as they are. That is the verdict
- We have to know actually from authentic sastra what is the actual thing. Sastra-caksusa. You don't see with your these blunt eyes, rascal eyes. We see through the sastra. That should be. That is real knowledge
- We have to preach Krishna Consciousness even at the risk of personal violence. Just like the children sometimes become violent, but the father knows he can defend himself at any time, and so he tries to teach them correctly by reprimanding them
- We know from Srimad-Bhagavatam that Ajamila, an innocent son of a brahmana, was walking down a road and saw a sudra pair sexually embracing. This attracted the boy, and later on the boy became a victim of all debaucheries
- We know how to execute the mission of Krsna. Anyone can know because direction is there. It is not a secret thing. It is open secret
- We know how to execute the mission of Krsna. Anyone can know because direction is there. It is not a secret thing. It is open secret. But you have to act upon it. That requires training. And so far my experience goes, the whole world will take to KC
- We know sanatana-dharma. We have heard it only. But sanatana-dharma is not limited to a certain class of men or certain class of society or certain kind of country
- We know that the paraphernalia to perform the sacrifice is well collected by you with great faith & care and is not polluted. Our chanting of the Vedic hymns is also not deficient in any way, for all the brahmanas & priests present here are expert
- We know that this is all a well-planned trick. You know how to make jokes that cause the complete annihilation of women, but we can understand that Your real mind, words and behavior are different. Therefore please give up all these clever tricks
- We know that we possess a mind, although we cannot see it. Nor can we see the intelligence, the ego or the soul
- We living entities are all sons of God, but we have forgotten this, and therefore we are fighting. In a happy family, all the sons know, - Father is supplying food to us all. We are brothers, so why should we fight
- We must expose them, that's all. This is our business. This is a good opportunity in the court, so that it will be published. People will know what is our philosophy. Licking of vagina civilization, this. Publish
- We must know that the goal of our voyage is to reach the Absolute Truth, Visnu, the all-pervading Godhead. Sri Krsna confirms this goal of life by saying that everything must be performed for the satisfaction of Visnu, or Yajna
- We must offer proper respects to all the demigods. If one can offer respects even to an ant, why not to the demigods? One must always know, however, that no demigod is equal to or above the Supreme Lord
- We require that men of all tongues may know of the great message of Krishna and your rendering our books in the Spanish language will be a tremendous service to our Krishna Conscious movement
- We say, "This is my body," but what do we know about this body? Some people even claim, "I am God," but they do not even know what is going on within their own bodies
- We should always know that this bodily conditional stage of the pure soul is a diseased condition. And anyone who does not know that he is suffering from disease is a fool. He is Fool Number One
- We should know that He (God) is complete. Everything is done systematically by His energies (parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate (CC Madhya 13.65, purport)), and therefore He has nothing to do - na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate
- We should know that our happiness is in returning home, back to Godhead, where we can eat, drink and be merry in Krsna's company
- We should know that whatever we are doing in the material concept of life is illusion. We have to understand whether we are illusioned or not. And all conditioned souls are illusioned
- We should not be very much anxious about being famous. Not, "Oh, there is a great man who knows everything about spirit and who is perfect." No. We should be very sincere to understand things as they are
- We view the sun as a small disc. Why? It is far, far greater than this earth, but we see it as just a disc. Everyone knows that our seeing power, our hearing power, and so on are limited
- We want people like you to co-operate with this movement. We want you to work for this movement. This is essential. You must know the philosophy and try to co-operate
- We will not need anyone to ask us whether we are making progress. We will know it automatically, just as a hungry man knows that he has been satisfied by a full meal
- We wish to know about them from Your Lordship. If you think we are able to understand them, kindly describe who they are
- We wish to make a world tour with this Sankirtana Party—that is my ambition. I do not know what is Krishna's desire, but if it is successful, I am sure to push our movement very nicely this will be the way
- What can the scientists know? Even Brahma himself was once bewildered, thinking himself the only one Brahma favored by the Lord
- What can the tiny ordinary man, falsely claiming to be one with the cosmic consciousness, know about his past, present and future
- What is self-interest? What is the interest of a child when it is crying? It is searching after the mother's breast. Anyone who knows this immediately brings the child to its mother - Take care of your child; he is crying
- What is the purpose of all Vedic literatures? On whom do they focus? Who is the object of all speculation? Outside of Me no one knows these things. Now you should know that all these activities are aimed at ordaining and setting forth Me
- What is the wrong? The right side or wrong side, I am driving my car - but it is criminal. You know or not know. Ignorance of law is no excuse. So just similarly there is law of God. So as soon as you violate, you must suffer
- What kind of body we are going to get, nobody knows. "This life is everything. This body is everything." Very risky. They do not inquire even wherefrom this body has come. They are also coming. They are also living. They are also eating
- What to speak of others like us, who have been created by Brahma in various forms as demigods, animals, human beings, birds and beasts? We are completely in ignorance. Therefore, how can we know You, who are the Transcendence?
- What to speak of the ordinary mortals, even great sages and powerful demigods become totally bewildered in their efforts to know the Supreme Lord
- Whatever we want to know through the Vedas is but a progressive step to understand Krsna. That subject matter which helps us purify our constitutional position is especially Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- When a person comes to the stage of pure devotional service, he knows that he does not belong to anything except the service of the Lord
- When a person knows the goal and seeks Krsna completely in Krsna consciousness & devotional service, he is acting in bhakti-yoga, or buddhi-yoga, which is the complete yoga. This complete yoga is the highest perfectional stage of life. BG 1972 purports
- When a person knows the goal of life but is addicted to the fruits of activities, he is acting in karma-yoga. BG 1972 purports
- When a seer knows himself to be one of Your own servitors, no longer does he maintain such duality. Thus I am now able to comprehend Your eternal forms, knowing well the Paramatma to be only Your plenary portion
- When Bali Maharaja was asked by Lord Vamana for such small charity, Bali Maharaja's spiritual master, namely Sukracarya, objected to this proposal because he knew that Vamanadeva was Visnu Himself, pretending to be a beggar
- When Brhaspati predicted that Bali Maharaja would be vanquished when he insulted the brahmanas by whose grace he had become so powerful, Bali Maharaja's enemies (demigods) were naturally anxious to know when that opportune moment would come
- When children are under the protection of their parents, they are fearless because they know that their parents will not let them be harmed. Mam eva ye prapadyante: Krsna promises that those who surrender to Him have no cause for fear
- When Govinda offered his obeisances by falling down flat before Advaita Acarya, Advaita Acarya asked Svarupa Damodara about his identity, for He did not know Govinda at that time
- When he (a person) knows that the goal is Krsna, but he takes pleasure in mental speculations to understand Krsna, he is acting in jnana-yoga. BG 1972 purports
- When I (Narada Muni) once came to this earth from Brahmaloka, the highest planetary system, the daughter of Time (Kalakanya), wandering over the universe, met me. Knowing me to be an avowed brahmacari, she became lusty and proposed that I accept her
- When I know that, "I am not this body. I am the spirit spark, spirit soul. I am encaged within this body," that is knowledge. That is knowledge. So those who are self-realized spirit soul, they can see
- When I think of this finger, I know this is my finger. When I think of this leg, I think that, "This is my leg." But I don't think your finger as my finger. This knower is individual, and he knows not everything but something of his body
- When I utter the word Krsna, it means God. It is Sanskrit word, Krsna. Those who are Sanskrit student, you know krs-dhatu, "attraction," - one who attracts
- When Krsna was in Vrndavana, His activities with His cowherd boy friends, with His damsel friends, with the inhabitants of Vrndavana and with the cows were full of happiness. The total population of Vrndavana knew nothing but Krsna. BG 1972 Introduction
- When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu finally left Alalanatha to return to Jagannatha Puri, He was overwhelmed both day and night due to separation from Jagannatha. His lamentation knew no bounds
- When Narada Muni visited Krsna at different palaces at Dvaraka, he was astonished at this (seeing Krsna in different forms), and yet Narada is never astonished to see expansions of a yogi's body, since he knows the trick himself
- When one enters the post of king or head of the government, one cannot understand the meaning of self-realization. Knowing this, Yati, the eldest son of Nahusa, did not accept the power to rule, although it was offered by his father
- When one factually knows the opulences of the Supreme, there is no alternative but to surrender to Him. This factual knowledge can be known from the descriptions in Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita and similar literatures. BG 1972 purports
- When one is mature in devotional service and is a realized soul, he can know his own eternal relationship with Krsna
- When people know My (Rsabhadeva) motive after performing rituals according to the Vedic principles, they offer food to Me with faith and love through the mouth of a brahmana
- When Sanatana Gosvami left his government post and came to Caitanya Mahaprabhu for the first time, he asked the Lord, "What is education?" Although Sanatana Gosvami knew a number of languages, including Sanskrit, he still inquired about real education
- When Sati passed away, giving up her body, the news was conveyed by Narada to Lord Siva. Narada always carries the news of such events because he knows their import
- When the demigods were reassured by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, everyone was satisfied, knowing that the miseries inflicted upon them by Hiranyakasipu would come to an end
- When the living being comes to know his constitutional position, however, he asks to be accepted into the transcendental association of the Lord in order to render transcendental loving service unto Him
- When the living entity gives up this material body, the vital force still remains intact and is carried to another material body. That is called transmigration, or change of the body, and we have come to know this process as death
- When the sun is reflected in a pot of water, the sun knows that there is no difference between himself and the reflected sun in the water
- When there is loss, we should know that this is not our responsibility. It is God's work - His. Then we will be happy
- When we understand Krsna in perfection, we will automatically know the laws of nature and how they are acting. Vaisnavas are concerned with the background of the laws of material nature
- When you go to India, you let me know and I shall give you some introductory letters to Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi, Navadvipa, Jaipur, Kanpur, etc. Perhaps you have to visit Udaipur also. But in Europe wherever you go, you must arrange for opening a centre
- When you love your father, naturally you love your brothers also, because you know, "My father will be pleased." So this is love. That universal love can be possible when you actually love God
- Whenever there is some chance, just preach this (Hare Krsna and the science). Whenever there is chance. But you should always know that you will find enemies, but you don't be afraid. Go on with your work
- Wherefrom the monkey is coming, why there are so many varieties of life, how it is . . .? What do they know? Nothing. All bluff, vague explanation, and that is going on in the name of science. This is the position. All rascals
- Wherever I am glancing I simply see Your personality. Therefore I know You are the uncontaminated Brahman effulgence, the supreme cause of all causes. I think there is nothing but You in this cosmic manifestation
- While all the gopis were hurriedly leaving their respective places, their husbands, brothers and fathers were all struck with wonder to know where they were going
- While passing through the forest, one boy stole another boy's lunch package and passed it to a third. And when the boy whose lunch package was stolen came to know of it, he tried to take it back. But the boy who had it threw it to another boy
- While smiling, they (the gopis) confidentially expressed their suppressed anger and said, “Dear Krsna, we are ordinary women of Vrndavana, and we do not know much about Vedic knowledge - what is right and what is wrong"
- Who can know? Yo janati tattvatah, to whom Krsna reveals, he can know. He can know what is Krsna, and as soon as you have done this business you have understood Krsna, then tyaktva deham punar janma naiti
- Who knows it? Ask big, big leaders, big, big scholars of Bhagavad-gita. They are concerned with this body. Nobody is interested with the active principle within the body. So what do they know about Bhagavad-gita?
- Who requires a guru? Jijnasu sreya uttamam. One who is very much anxious to know about the ultimate benefit of life, for him guru is required. Not a fashion. Just like we keep a dog as a fashion. Nowadays it is a fashion to keep a dog
- Why do you say there is no form of Krsna? When you see a photograph of a person, how do you know that he has no form?
- Why does a sinful man commit sinful activities although he has full knowledge of the after result by knowing it from authority and by seeing it personally?
- Why don't you take Krsna's instruction? Why do you go outside His instruction? That is the cause of all your troubles. You do not know the difference between this sanatana-dharma, the real, eternal religion, and your concocted dharma
- Why it is necessary that you should know the laws of the state?
- Why one goes to college, school? Just to follow the instruction of the teacher, and then he becomes educated. This is the general method. Anything you want to learn, you have to approach a person who knows the thing
- Will you kindly let me know what Guru Nanakji has said about Lord Krishna and Lord Rama in his Granth Sahib? How we can cooperate with the sikh community?
- With a limited source of knowledge and with imperfect senses, any living being, up to the standard of Brahmaji, the highest perfect living being within the universe, can never imagine knowing about the unlimited
- With reference to our meeting on March 20, 1976 at Haridaspore, I beg to propose that immediately we require at least Rs. 50,000 - for development of the place. Kindly let me know exactly what is the area of the land (include a sketch of the land)
- Within the body there is complex machinery which transforms food into liquid. There are so many complicated bodily processes going on, but what do we know of them
- Within this world everyone is subject to lamentation for that which is lost and hankering for that which must be gained, but real gain is to understand oneself and to know one's own identity
- Without understanding "Why I am put into the jail?" if I simply think that "It is all right. Let me remain here and suffer the punishment . . ." Jail life is not for happiness. That is, everyone knows. Jail life is for punishment
- Words, mind and ego, with their respective controlling demigods, have failed to achieve success in knowing the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, we simply have to offer our respectful obeisances unto Him as a matter of sanity
- Yamaraja was describing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme controller, but the order carriers of Yamaraja were very eager to know about the Visnudutas, who had defeated them in their encounter with Ajamila
- Yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei 'guru' haya. Anyone who is fully Krsna conscious and fixed-up in devotional service, knowing fully well what is Krsna, he is guru. It doesn't matter whether he is a sannyasi or grhastha or brahmana and sudra. It doesn't matter
- Yes, it is Bhagavan's special mercy upon me that I am getting such immense wealth. You will be pleased to know that my books are selling to the extent of one million of dollars per month
- Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious
- Yet I am but a poor woman, and, as you know, I am not conversant with the truth. Therefore I wish to see my birthplace once more
- Yoga means to get out of this embodiment, and it means to know oneself. This body is born of the parents. Similarly, as pure soul, you are also the source of its birth
- You are accepting every moment a different body. So after death, you will have to accept another body. Now, we should know, "What kind of body I am going to accept next?" That is intelligence. That is civilization
- You are all devotees of the Lord, and as such I appreciate that you are as respectable as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. I know in this way that the devotees also respect me and that I am dear to them
- You are coming here to learn something. When you are convinced that "Swamiji knows the thing," when you are convinced, then you accept. Then you ask for initiation. Otherwise don't do it hesitatingly or knowing half
- You are foolish, so you have to know from others. When we say that you take from others who are perfect, you will not take. And you are foolish, so remain foolish. What can we do?
- You are knowing so many languages and you can be of great service in this respect, so why don't you join our Bombay centre and help to propagate Krishna Consciousness in Hindi and other languages
- You are mostly Christian, you know. Lord Jesus Christ, when he was being crucified, he was begging, "My Lord, these fools do not know what they are doing. Please excuse." Just see how much qualified. Because he is devotee of God
- You are now acquainted with the local market. So I think that if we supervise the building construction work (in Mayapur) that will save great amount of money. You consider on these points and let me know your views by return mail
- You are seeing the sun planet, that's a fact, but that does not mean you know what is actually the sun planet is, because you have no access to approach there. You may speculate, that's all
- You can also let them know that I am permanent resident of the U.S.A. immigrant as Ordained Minister of Religion with fifteen branches all over the states
- You can know that if you follow the sastric injunctions in the Bhagavad-gita. You do not know, "What kind of body I am going to get next life," but you can know from Bhagavad-gita. You cannot speculate, but you can know from Bhagavad-gita
- You can know this world is now managed by the raksasas. Raksasa. They don't mind what is happening. They are prepared to sacrifice everything for fulfilling their whimsical nonsense. They are called raksasa
- You can teach up to the point you know
- You cannot interpret the word water. Everyone knows what is water means. Where is the question of interpreting? Therefore sometimes reference to the teacher is necessary. Otherwise, every word is clear. There is no question of interpretation
- You cannot say that, "I am eating, also I am not satisfied in my hunger." That cannot be. If you are actually serving Krsna, then Krsna will reveal to you. You will know what is Krsna, asamsayam samagram mam, without any doubt. Here is the test
- You don't be so courageous that you know everything. You have to know from the sastra
- You have become my disciple so I must request you to chant 16 rounds and follow the regulative practices of devotional service, and you may know it for sure that very quickly you will achieve the supreme perfectional stage of your life
- You have been to India so you know the importance of the life membership program here, so I am requesting that you personally attend to some items needed here for the preaching work in that connection
- You have got intimate relationship with the country known as America. This is called sambandha. Unless you know what is your relationship with America there is no question of fighting for America
- You have got your head, you have got your hand, you have got your leg, you have got your coat, you have got your pant, but do you know where you are?
- You have manufactured the Sputnik, flying in the outer space, but do you know that in spite of all wonderful mechanical arrangement of Sputnik or any machine, can it go on without any touch of a man? No
- You have simply been listening, fixed in Your silence. Since You do not say whether You think it is right or wrong, I cannot know whether You are actually understanding Vedanta philosophy or not
- You have to adopt yourself in the service of the Lord in such a way that you can know that this action is giving satisfaction and this action is not giving satisfaction. Then your life is all right
- You know - most of you belong to Christian community - how Lord Jesus Christ, he said that for your sinful activities he has sacrificed himself. That is the determination of devotee of the Lord. They don't care for personal comforts
- You know all the conclusions of the scriptures very well. You create these logical arguments just to agitate me
- You know how much I am anxious to see this enlarged edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is printed and also we are being requested for this book from all parts of the world, so everybody is also anxious
- You know in Delhi there is Planning Commission? What is that plan? That people may starve, and Indira Gandhi and company may flourish. That's all
- You know medical science; we know spiritual science. So let us exchange and be happy. Why you are envious of us?
- You know or not know, that doesn't matter. The original cause is Krsna. The microphone, the original cause is Krsna. These karatalas, the original cause is Krsna. This pitcher, original cause is Krsna
- You know that frog philosophy? He's calculating the length and breadth of Atlantic Ocean from the small well. Somebody's saying there is Atlantic Ocean, very great, and the frog has never seen the Atlantic Ocean. He is always in the well
- You know the art, how to sing. If you very melodiously sing Hare Krsna mantra, then you are demigod. The same thing can be utilized both ways (for demons and demigods). Anything
- You know the radio message, how it is transmitted in the modern world. Similarly, as I am speaking, so whatever I am doing, that is immediately recorded and there will be some reaction
- You know there are six kinds of philosophies in India; the mimamsaka philosophy; and Sankhya philosophy; and nyaya - nyaya means logic - nyaya philosophy; then Mayavada philosophy; then Patanjali, yoga system, Patanjali & at last, this Vedanta philosophy
- You know what is the speed of mind. You are sitting here, and within a second your mind can go some ten thousand miles away, within a second. So even with that speed and running on, koti-sata-vatsara, you cannot go to the spiritual planet
- You know, Draupadi's vastra-harana. She was tried to become naked, but these people could not make her naked
- You know, you have seen sacred thread, that sacred thread is the emblem that he has approached a spiritual master and his birth has, second birth has been performed
- You know: due to the heat in the sunshine the planets are rotating, resting on the sunshine. Similarly, there is a shining effulgence from the body of God, Krsna. That is called brahmajyoti, impersonal Brahman
- You may know that he is not a liberated person, and therefore, he cannot initiate any person to Krishna Consciousness. It requires special spiritual benediction from higher authorities
- You must follow the principles done by Arjuna. He surrendered to Krsna, - Krsna, I know You are my friend, but unless I surrender unto You, I accept You my spiritual master, it is not possible to know
- You should know by now that if you break one of the four regulative principles then you cannot advance. Advancement is possible only by sincere chanting of the Holy Name. So what can I say
- You should know it that without surrender bhakti does not begin. Surrender to Krsna or to His representative is absolutely necessary
- You should know that Arjuna and Kunti Devi are not in Krishna Loka. They are eternally associated with Krishna only in the material world. Just like Krishna is always in the spiritual world, so similarly He is always in the material world
- You should know that Lord Krsna Himself violated His own promise just to keep the promise of Grandfather Bhisma
- You should know, guru means who carries the order of the Supreme Lord. That is guru. Any rascal who manufactures some idea is not guru
- You take advantage of our humble service, and then you'll understand and you'll know. There will be no difficulty
- You take the basic principle of knowledge, and then you make your experiment, and you'll know this is perfect
- You will be interested to know that we have got 62 branches all over the world and can open one branch there in your place but you have to invite us, a party of ten men
- You will be pleased to know that now I have got 24 branches - perhaps you have seen the list in our "Back to Godhead." Our Indian Vaisnavas are helping me by contributing each one pair or more Radha Krishna Murtis for our different Temples
- You will be pleased to know that this year two of my books have been published. They are as follows: The Bhagavad-gita As It Is Published by MacMillan Company of New York and London and Teachings of Lord Caitanya Published by ISKCON
- You will feel sure as you make progress. Just like when you are eating, hungry, as you feel satisfaction and hunger satisfied, you can know yourself
- You will know that I am walking behind you by the sound of My ankle bells
- You'll be surprised to know that my grand-spiritual master, my spiritual master's spiritual master, he was illiterate. And my spiritual master was the learned, greatest learned scholar of his age. Now, how he became the disciple of an illiterate man?
- You'll find nowadays impersonalists, voidists, so many brahmanas, they have no idea what is the . . . what is God, who is God. That is called avaisnava. Vaisnava knows what is Visnu, what is God. But avaisnava, non-Vaisnava, they do not know
- Your (Vyasadeva) Goodness has perfect vision. You yourself can know the Supersoul Personality of Godhead because you are present as the plenary portion of the Lord
- Your endeavors to learn Sanskrit is very encouraging. We want somebody in our society to know Sanskrit well enough for reading, not to be a great scholar, but just enough as needed
- Your father, Virocana, the son of Maharaja Prahlada, was very affectionate toward brahmanas. Although he knew very well that it was the demigods who had come to him in the dress of brahmanas, at their request he delivered to them the duration of his life
- Your intelligence was given to understand what is God, what is your relationship with God, why you are rotting in this material world under shadow illusion of so-called happiness. These things are to be known in human form of body
- Your next life you do not know! Therefore, it is duhkhalayam asasvatam (BG 8.15) - miserable and temporary. That is our philosophy
- Your parents desire that you become educated also, although they do now know that someone who is a devotee is best educated
- Your scientists and your appreciator, all, they are like tiny dwarfs. What do they know about the universal affair? That is their fault. They are so small . . . That, the same example, Dr. Frog, calculating Atlantic Ocean. This is the fault