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Pages in category "Knows"
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- A brahmana knows what the Absolute Truth is, and a Vaisnava, knowing the Absolute Truth, acts on behalf of the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A businessman riding in a motorcar sits in the car, supervises its running and advises the driver. He knows how much gasoline is used up, and he knows everything about the car, but still he is apart from the car and is more concerned with his business
- A child can see also the sunshine, but that does not mean he knows what is the sun, although the sunshine is coming from the sun. So unless you understand what is the actual sun, what is the person within the sun globe, our knowledge is imperfect
- A child may think that an automobile is quite wonderful to be able to run without a horse or other animal pulling it, but a sane man knows that behind the machinery there is a man. BG 1972 Introduction
- A citizen may know everything about his patch of land, but the king knows not only his palace but all the properties possessed by the individual citizens. BG 1972 purports
- A devotee acts differently: he knows he is not the body and that as long as he is in his body he will have to suffer the threefold material miseries
- A dhira knows that he is changing his body; he is not dying. He will get another body. Dhira, sober. And one who is not sober, he says: "No, life is finished." Or he can imagine he is going to heaven or hell
- A gosvami knows the standard of sense happiness. In transcendental sense happiness, the senses are engaged in the service of Hrsikesa or the supreme owner of the senses-Krsna. Serving Krsna with purified senses is called Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 pur
- A KC person knows that if a man is suffering it is due to his forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with Krsna. Therefore, the highest benefit one can render to human society is relieving one's neighbor from all material problems. BG 1972 purports
- A learned scholar or devotee, however, knows who is who. Therefore he directly worships the Supreme Lord and is not diverted by the material, qualitative representations
- A mahajana is one who strictly follows the original religion and knows things as they are. And that means he must be coming in the parampara, the system of disciplic succession
- A patient is ordered by the physician: "You should not eat anything." So he knows, "It is good for me." Similarly, a devotee, when he's starving, he knows that "Krsna has put me in this starving condition. It is good for me." He never complains
- A person fully conversant with Krsna consciousness does not perform any rituals because he knows that simply by serving Krsna in full Krsna consciousness, all rituals are automatically performed
- A person who knowingly violates the rules acts in lust. He knows that this is forbidden, but still he acts. This is called acting whimsically
- A pure devotee is actually learned because he knows his constitutional position, he knows the position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and he knows the relationship between the living entity and the Supreme Lord
- A pure devotee is always fearful of material existence. No one knows what will happen next, for one may have to change his body at any moment - tatha dehantara-praptih - BG 2.13
- A renouncer, dedicated to the transcendental loving service of the Lord, is fully qualified in knowledge because he knows his constitutional position in his relationship with Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- A small child feels free as long as he knows that his father is there. He thinks - My father is standing by me, so I am free. No one can harm me
- A small child, he knows that "I shall become like my elder brother. I shall get this body, next body." And these people, they cannot understand that there is next body. That means their civilization is less than a child's civilization
- A Vaisnava is para-duhkha-duhkhi. He knows what is the real suffering of humanity
- A Vaisnava knows his own business; whatever he does is precisely right because he is always guided by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Acarya means, just like Gosvamis, they would read all the scriptures and take the essence of it and give it to his disciple that, "You act like this." Because he knows what to give, how to manipulate, so that his ekantatah sreyas will be achieved
- Acaryavan puruso veda. One who is acaryavan, who has taken shelter of acarya, he knows. Why? Because acarya receives knowledge from Krsna and he distributes knowledge to his disciple. That is perfect knowledge
- Akrura replied, "We may make very great plans, but unless they are sanctioned by the supreme authority, they will fail. Everyone in this material world knows that the supernatural power is the ultimate disposer of everything"
- Alas! How wonderful it is that the foolish materialist does not heed the great danger of impending death! He knows that death will surely come, yet he is nevertheless callous and neglectful
- Although a liberated soul has the by-products of the body - children, wife, house, etc. - he does not identify himself with those bodily expansions. He knows that they are all products of the material dream
- Although Lord Brahma knows past, present and future, he is unable to understand the unlimited knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- An inexperienced man generally does not know what to beg from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Everyone is under the jurisdiction of the created material world, and no one knows what benediction to ask when praying to the Supreme Lord
- An intelligent doctor knows, - The ultimate sanction is in the hand of God. I am simply an instrument. If God does not want the patient to live, then all my medicines and all my scientific medical knowledge will fail
- An intelligent man does not try to understand the Absolute Truth by speculative or mystic power. Rather, he engages in devotional service & depends on the S.P. of God. He knows that whatever may happen to the body is due to his past fruitive activities
- Any rascal speaking about Bhagavad-gita we hear. That is not the process. Then you will misunderstand. Just like milk is very good food, everyone knows. But when it is touched by the tongue of the serpent, it is poison immediately
- Anyone knows that nothing takes place automatically unless one living force adjusts the materials. The house does not come automatically, although the ingredients are there
- At least at the present moment, nobody knows that he has to satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is the aim of life. He does not know. He does not know even what is God. They are making research what is God, the theosophists, the theologists, making research
- Because you have grown up or you have changed your body, your mother will not cry, "Where is my child?" She knows that, "my child is there, but she has changed body." So why these people do not understand this plain truth
- Becoming fully Krsna conscious, one is freed from all dualities and thus is free from the contaminations of the material modes. He can become liberated because he knows his constitutional position in relationship with Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Bhagavad-gita explains that there are three kinds of charity - charity in the mode of goodness, passion and ignorance. A person in the mode of goodness knows where charity should be given
- Bhagavad-gita has taught that one can go back to home, back to Godhead, in any position, provided he knows how to tackle the situation
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura knew this art, how to turn our activities for the satisfaction of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- Bhisma, everyone knows. Bhisma is one of the authorities, authorities of religious principle. There are twelve authorities
- Brahma is the direct creator of the manifested universe and everything within the universe. He therefore knows what happened in the past, what will happen in the future, and what is happening at present
- Brahma prayed to the Lord because He is very much dear to the surrendered soul. The surrendered soul knows nothing but the Lord, and therefore the Lord is very affectionate towards him
- Brahma said, "No one here (in Vrndavana) knows anything but the lotus feet of Krsna, or Mukunda, for which the Vedas themselves are searching"
- Eating, sleeping, sex intercourse and defense - these four principles are common either to the animal or to the man. The animal also eats, the animal also sleeps, the animal also has sex intercourse, and he knows in his own way how to defend
- Every man attached to a particular woman knows the particular characteristics of that woman during sex life. Thus Pururava understood during sexual intercourse that the Agnisthali girl was not Urvasi
- Every one of us is born foolish because we identify with this temporary body as myself. Therefore we are foolish. Everyone knows that the body does not exist, and still, everyone identifies himself with this body. This is called ignorance, or illusion
- Every sane man knows that the mannequin is an imitation
- Everyone has got the right to interpret in a different way, but we have to accept parampara, the disciplic succession. Just like I have given one burfi. Everyone knows it is burfi, and if somebody interprets, "It is stone," so it will not be accepted
- Everyone is practically aware that how sex life is followed by so many miserable condition of life - everyone knows it - either illicit or legal. The world is going on
- Everyone knows animal life is full of suffering, but they cannot realize. But a human being can realize. And when the question comes, when he becomes intelligent enough that "Why I am suffering?" then his human life begins
- Everyone knows how to eat, how to use sex. Nobody requires any university education
- Everyone knows it, but nonetheless one plans to hear or think something very pleasing. Unfortunately, all of one's plans are annihilated in due course of time
- Everyone knows that "I'll not live forever." But even though it is temporary, adhruvam, not eternal, it is arthadam. It is said, arthadam. Whatever little life you have got, you can attain perfection
- Everyone knows that Deity is made of brass metal. But that is not metal. Because we cannot see Krsna in any other way at present, therefore Krsna has appeared as made of metal
- Everyone knows that I am very fond of mangos. Actually amongst all fruits I like them most. They are considered the king of fruits
- Everyone knows that the mind is so swift that in even one ten-thousandth of a second it can take us millions of miles. If we have seen something millions of miles away, the mind can go there immediately
- Everyone knows that Vamanadeva was not at all poverty-stricken. His begging from Maharaja Bali was a device to favor him
- Everyone knows, I have never changed my dress. Rather, I have given the dress to the foreigners, and they have taken it. The Ramakrishna mission people came to request me that I dress myself in coat, pant, hat. Because they are doing
- Everyone sees the sun every day, but that does not mean that everyone knows what the sun actually is. Similarly, when Lord Sri Krsna was present five thousand years ago, very few could know what He was
- First class-man is lazy intelligent. He knows the value of life, and soberly he is thinking. Just like all our great saintly persons. They were living in the forest, meditation, tapasya, and writing books
- From monetary point of view, from family life, position. He is the biggest medical practitioner in Allahabad. Everyone knows. Even in the street, Dr. Ghosh they know. So take care of him very carefully
- From outward appearances the seas and oceans are devoid of life, but a person acquainted with the sea knows that within the water exist many varieties of life. The king of that underwater kingdom is Varuna
- From the very moment of His appearance to the moment of His disappearance, every one of His activities is unparalleled in the history of the world, and therefore anyone who knows what we mean by Godhead will accept Krsna as the SP of Godhead
- He (a God conscious person) does not desire anything, for he knows that all his necessities are being provided by Krsna, the supreme father
- He (a KC person) knows that he is part and parcel of the Supreme, and therefore the part played by him, as a part and parcel of the whole, is not his by choice but is chosen for him by the Supreme and is done only through His agency. BG 1972 purports
- He (a Krsna counscious person) endures all such incidental occurences because he knows that they come and go and do not affect his duties. In this way he achieves the highest perfection in yoga practice. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person in Krsna Consciousness) endures all such incidental occurrences because he knows that they come and go and do not affect his duties
- He (Krsna) is exactly like a well wishing father who does not give much wealth into the hand of his immature son, but who, when the son is grown up and knows how to spend money, gives him the whole treasury house
- He (one who is fully in Krsna consciousness) knows fully well that Krsna is the whole and that he is part and parcel of Krsna. Such knowledge is perfect because it is qualitatively and quantitatively correct. BG 1972 purports
- He (Pariksit Maharaja) said that even greatly learned scholars fail to know about that, even after great effort. The Lord is unlimited, and His activities are also unfathomed
- He (technician) comes out and does his work; and we do not notice, because he knows the technique. So, one must know how to connect with Krsna
- He (the jnani) also knows that there are three aspects that complicate all material gain - one wants profit from his work, one wants adoration from others because of his riches, and one wants fame because of his wealth
- He (the Krsna conscious person) cannot perform any act except in the service of the Lord because he knows that he is the eternal servitor of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- He (wise man) knows that whatever he sees is but an emanation of Krsna. In the material world, sex life is the most prominent factor. Sexual attraction is found in all species of life, and one may ask where it comes from
- He is called acarya. Acainoti yah sastrani. He knows the purport of sastra, he behaves himself according to the terms of the sastra and he teaches his disciple in the same term. Evam parampara-praptam. This is the process
- High and low positions in society are calculated by considering a person's Krsna consciousness. A brahmana is considered to be on the highest platform because he knows Brahman, the Absolute Truth
- I was so glad to receive your letter dated May 13, 1968, and my gladness knew no bounds, exactly like that when one gets back his lost child
- If a person knows what gold is, then anywhere he comes upon gold, he'll understand, "Here is gold." He won't think gold is available in one shop only & if a person knows what God is, what the meaning of "God" is, then in Krsna he will find God in fullness
- If anyone knows these three things, then he is in full knowledge. These three things only: that God is the proprietor of everything, God is friend of everyone, and God is the enjoyer of everything
- If every children is obedient to the father, then father is happy and they are also happy. The father is also very open to satisfy the children. Father knows what is the needs of the children. He automatically supplies
- If he simply knows that "This hand belongs to Krsna," then he is far, far greater than any Vedantist
- If one follows religious principles, he automatically practices birth control because if one is spiritually educated he knows that the after-effects of sex are various types of misery - bahu-duhkha-bhaja
- If one is lover of God, then he is lover of everyone because he knows everyone is part and parcel of God
- If one knows Krsna, he knows everything. He knows politics, he knows economics, he knows science, he knows philosophy, he knows religion, he knows sociology, everything
- If the king is educated nicely in spiritual affair, if he knows what is the purpose of kingdom, what is the purpose of ruling, then all the citizens automatically become religious, purposeful
- If you want to learn factually things, then you should approach acarya. Acaryavan puruso veda, "One who has accepted acarya, he knows things as they are." Acaryavan puruso veda
- In all scriptures it is described that guru is as good as Bhagavan. Means he knows from the right source. Therefore he may be - not may be exactly, but as good - saksad-dharitvena
- In India still, eighty percent, ninety percent they are very happy in their family life, never mind one is poor or rich, because the wife knows these three things: to remain chaste and faithful to the husband, and she knows how to cook nicely
- In Sanskrit word, that one becomes elderly without being advanced in age. That means he knows the knowledge. Therefore he is elderly. An elderly person means advanced in knowledge, not by age
- Increase. That will depend on your character, behavior, preaching. Everyone knows. Everyone is astonished. Without any help, I started. Only asset was sincere... Everyone knows it. Otherwise how it is possible?
- It is said acaryavan puruso veda: one who follows the disciplic succession of acaryas knows things as they are - Chandogya Upanisad 6.14.2
- It is said in the Fourth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita anyone who knows the appearance and activities of the Supreme Lord Krsna is freed from the clutches of material nature and goes back home, back to Godhead
- It is superfluous to speak about Krsna, because every one of you exalted personalities knows the Supreme Brahman, for whom there are no material differences between body & soul, between energy & the energetic, or between one part of the body & another
- Jnanam ajnata means knowledge which is unknown almost throughout the entire world. No one knows actually what is the Absolute Truth
- Just like this cow. Just see. What does it know? He's an animal. You see? But the calf knows to brush his head and tongue like this, in love. It is doing and Krsna accepting, "Yes." That is expert
- Krsna knows no loss, He knows no defamation, He has no fear, He has no anxiety, and He does not know calamity. He is simply encircled by the dancers of Vraja and is enjoying their company in the rasa dance
- Krsna went on speaking, "One who does this actually knows his self-interest, because rendering transcendental loving service unto Me, without motive or restriction, is actually auspicious for the living entities"
- Mahajana means those who are authorized person by God, one who knows what is the law of God, he's mahajana. He mahajana. So a guru is mahajana because he knows what is religion and what is the law given by God
- Maharaja Agnidhra, whose intelligence was like that of a demigod, knew the art of flattering women to win them to his side. He therefore pleased that celestial girl with his lusty words and gained her favor
- Maharaja Prthu was well conversant in transcendental science, yet he presented himself before the Kumaras as one ignorant of it. The idea is that even if a person is very exalted and knows everything, before his superior he should present questions
- Modern civilization is in dire need of an educational system to give people instructions on what happens after death. In actuality the present educational system is most defective because unless one knows what happens after death, one dies like an animal
- Mother knows better than anyone that, "This child cannot digest. There is some trouble in his stomach. He should be given light food. And the other child is all right." Similarly, Mother Nature is the guidance
- My Guru Maharaja had thousands of disciples. So out of thousands of disciples, practically I am little successful. That everyone knows. Why? Because I firmly believed in the words of my guru. That's all
- My Guru Maharaja used to say... One who was not interested in hearing, he used to call him a dandavat-class. Dandavat-class of men. That means simply he knows how to make dandavats, that's all
- Nandarani knows better than you. (laughter) So girls are intelligent
- Napoleon constructed strong-built arches, but where he has gone, nobody knows
- No conditioned soul actually knows what is to be done and what is not to be done, but a person who acts in Krsna consciousness is free to act because everything is prompted by Krsna from within and confirmed by the spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- No one is superior to you in peaceful life and mercy, and no one knows better than you how to execute devotional service or how to become the best of the brahmanas. Therefore, you know all the principles of confidential religious life
- No one knows the length of his life. It is calculated that in this age the human body may live up to a hundred years
- Nobody knows what is spirit soul, what's this need. Nobody knows. All these educational institutions, they are blind. Andha yathandhair upaniyamanas & the whole system is also blind. If a blind man leads another blind man, what is the benefit? No benefit
- O King, when the Lord appeared - on dvadasi, the twelfth day of the moon - the sun was at the meridian, as every learned scholar knows. This dvadasi is called Vijaya
- Once we actually saw a distressed man steal ornaments from his daughter just to maintain himself. As the English proverb goes, necessity knows no law
- One can get all types of information from the Vedas & Brahma was impregnated with all-perfect knowledge so that it was possible for him to create. Brahma knew the perfect description of creation as it was exactly apprised to him by the Supreme Lord Hari
- One has seen that a person who is a thief was arrested and was punished. Everything he knows, but still, he commits stealing. Why?
- One has to understand the differences with intelligence. Everyone knows that his material body has developed from a spiritual spark, and similarly the universal body has developed from the supreme spark, Supersoul
- One should not take simply care for the shirt and coat. Any gentleman knows. Shirt and coat, we take care of course, but not that as the self
- One who completely knows the Brahman effulgence and is always engaged in the practice of yoga is called Prakasa-brahmacari
- One who follows the principles of acaryas, he knows the things as they are. That is the verdict
- One who is conversant with Vedic wisdom is a brahmana. And only a brahmana who is a pure Vaisnava and knows all the intricacies of the science of Krsna can become a spiritual master
- One who is in knowledge knows that the self slays not nor is slain
- One who is under the shelter of acarya, he knows things
- One who knows God knows that the impersonal conception and personal conception are simultaneously present in everything and that there is no contradiction. BG 1972 purports
- One who knows that he is not the body is not disturbed, for he knows the soul cannot be caught, tortured, killed or buried
- One who takes directly to Krsna consciousness automatically knows about brahmajyoti and Paramatma in full. BG 1972 purports
- One's body, words and intelligence should be controlled by one who is dhira and who actually knows the principles of religion
- Only in ignorance does a living entity think that he is lost. If by attainment of knowledge he comes to the real position of his eternal existence, he knows that he is not lost
- Perfect Krsna consciousness means he knows that "I have engaged my life in Krsna's business. Eko yo bahunam vidadhati kaman. He's feeding millions and millions of living entities, and He'll keep me starving?" Is it possible
- Pravrtti means we have got some inclination to accept something and we have disinclination to reject something. Everyone knows it. But the asuric jana, those who are asuras, demons, they do not know in which way we shall accept
- Sages are naturally inclined to do good to the common man, and when they see a personality like Maharaja Pariksit advance in devotional service, their pleasure knows no bounds, and they offer all blessings in their power
- Sakuntala said: I am the daughter of Visvamitra. My mother, Menaka, left me in the forest. O hero (Maharaja Dusmanta), the most powerful saint Kanva Muni knows all about this. Now let me know, how may I serve you?
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu: he can see everyone on equal vision. Because he knows, - Here is also another living entity. He is not a Chinaman. He is a part and parcel of God. He is not a Christian. He is not a Hindu. He is simply thinking like that
- Sanatana Gosvami is acarya, direct disciple of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is taking shelter. He has already taken; therefore he said, krpa kari' yadi more kariyacha uddhara. He's already, he knows
- Sati was the wife of Lord Siva, who is known as Yogesvara, the best among all yogis, because he knows all the mystic processes of yoga, so it appeared that Sati also knew them
- Simply by rubber-stamping religion . . . that has happened at the present moment. Nobody knows what is meant by religion. And this is the essence of religion: to surrender to God
- Sisupala continued: "Krsna does not belong to a high family. He is so independent that no one knows His principles of religious life. Indeed, it appears that He is outside the jurisdiction of all religious principles"
- So whole world at the present moment is going on under this animalistic concept of life, animal civilization. Everyone is busy to take care of the body, but nobody knows how to take care of the proprietor of the body. That he does not know
- Social and political issues do not affect him (the devotee) because he knows the situation of temporary upheavals and disturbances. BG 1972 purports
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has given the example that persons suffering from jaundice cannot taste the sweetness of sugar candy, although everyone knows that sugar candy is sweet
- Suppose in my babyhood, what was the feature of my body, I do not know. But there was. My mother knows. He can, she can explain, "My dear child, you were like this, you were like this." So forgetfulness is also not that I did not exist
- Svarupa Gosani is the most intimate associate of the Lord. He therefore knows all these topics well
- Technology means technician. Suppose a man knows how to work in electricity, in so many things. Does it mean he is a learned man
- The acarya knows how to adjust things, at the same time keep pace with the spiritual injunction. It is not that the same thing to be applied everywhere. He is eager to engage actually the people in the real benefit of life, but the means may be different
- The body will be finished, everyone knows, but body being finished, you are not finished; nobody is finished. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire
- The brahmanas are required to know the Vedas, or the ultimate source of knowledge. Veda means knowledge, and anta means the end of it
- The chief engineer of a complicated construction does not personally take part in the construction, but he knows every nook & corner because everything is done under his direction. He knows everything about the construction, both directly and indirectly
- The child knows that, "My father . . ." He is confident that "My father will never give me anything which is poison." Therefore he accepts it blindly, without any reason, without any analysis of the food, whether it is pure or impure
- The common man also knows that the creation is made by some creator and is not created automatically. We have no experience in the practical world that a thing is created automatically
- The demoniac man knows no limit to his desire to acquire money. That is unlimited. BG 1972 purports
- The devotee who knows that there is no difference between the name and the form of the Lord chants Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and realizes that he is always in Krsna's company
- The devotees all replied, "One night at the end of a full year, Junior Haridasa got up and went away. No one knows where he has gone"
- The difference between a liberated and conditioned soul is that the conditioned soul is under the concept of bodily life, whereas a liberated person knows that he is not the body but a spirit, different from the body
- The example of one who associates with the mode of goodness is a qualified brahmana. Such a brahmana knows past, present and future because he consults the Vedic literature and sees through the eyes of sastra
- The expert spiritual master knows the art of utilizing everything to glorify the Lord, and therefore under his guidance the whole world can be turned into the spiritual abode by the divine grace of the Lord's servant
- The father knows the necessities of the son and supplies them, and the Supreme Lord knows the necessities of the living entities and supplies them sumptuously
- The foolish man does not know that a particular term of bodily existence is awarded to him to undergo a term of imprisonment & the human body is awarded, after many, many births and deaths as a chance for self-realization to go back home back to Godhead
- The godly person knows that this nicely dressed and ornamented attraction of high breasts, high hips, beautiful nose and fair complexion is maya. All the beauty a woman can display is only a combination of flesh and blood
- The human body is the boat, the instructions of Lord Krsna are the favorable winds, and the spiritual master is the navigator. The spiritual master knows well how to adjust the sails to catch the winds favorably and steer the boat to its destination
- The impersonalist ceases fruitive activities out of fear, so that the resultant action may not be a stumbling block on the path of self-realization, but the personalist knows rightly his position as the eternal servitor of the SPG. BG 1972 purports
- The individual soul knows about his own thinking, feeling and willing activities, but the Supersoul, or the Paramatma, the supreme controller, being present everywhere, knows everyone's thinking, feeling and willing activities
- The influence of material nature cannot harm an enlightened soul, even though he engages in material activities, because he knows the truth of the Absolute, and his mind is fixed on the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The intelligent man knows that even the electrical energy is generated by an expert engineer in the localized powerhouse, and thus the energy is distributed everywhere under the resident engineer's supervision
- The kings continued: "Dear Lord (Krsna), everyone knows that the body is a breeding ground of diseases. Now we are aged, and instead of being proud of our bodily strength, we are getting weaker day by day"
- The knower of the Absolute Truth is convinced of his awkward position in material association. He knows that he is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, & that his position should not be in the material creation. BG 1972 purports
- The learned man who knows perfectly well that the anti-material particle is indestructible knows that it cannot be annihilated by any means
- The living entity in another type of body sees only by instinct; he knows only the agreeable and disagreeable sense perceptions of that particular body
- The miser, the opposite word is liberal or brahmana. Miser knows his self-interest, "How much nice foodstuff I have got to eat daily." That's all. And liberal, - How much krsna-prasada I am distributing to the world
- The origin of everything must be cognizant. He knows everything. Otherwise how He can be origin? It is very logical
- The perfect yogi is the sincerest friend of all living entities. He knows that the living being who is conditioned by the modes of material nature is subjected to the 3 fold material miseries due to forgetfulness of his relationship with Krsna. BG 1972 p
- The personalist knows rightly his position as the eternal servitor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The personalist knows rightly his position as the eternal servitor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore he engages himself in the activities of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- The rascal predicted that there is some comet, and it never appeared. He did. So therefore they are rascals. What is already scheduled, everyone knows
- The real fact is that a bona fide spiritual master knows the nature of a particular man and what sort of duties he can perform in Krsna consciousness, and he instructs him in that way. He instructs him through the ear, not privately, but publicly
- The sane man knows that all material possessions are temporary and that the best use of such possessions is to engage them in the service of the Lord so that the Lord may be pleased with him and award him a permanent place in His paraṁ dhāma
- The small child, is dancing. Now, that child will get the body of a young man like you. Everyone knows it. This body will change. Where is the difficulty?
- The word dharmavit, meaning "one who knows the actual purpose of religion," is very significant
- The word kama-karatah is very significant. A person who knowingly violates the rules acts in lust. He knows that this is forbidden, but still he acts. This is called acting whimsically
- There are many different kinds of devotees, but even a Vaisnava coming from a family of mlecchas or yavanas is understood to be a learned scholar, complete in knowledge, if he knows the Vaisnava philosophy
- There are many millions and billions of planets far beyond the scientist's calculation. But these are only the manifestations of the Lord's material energy. What can the scientist hope to know of the spiritual potency of the Lord by such material efforts
- There is constant competition between My sweetness and the mirror of Radha's love. They both go on increasing, but neither knows defeat
- There is no lamentation when one is in pure consciousness, for he knows that he is a small part, a spiritual spark protected by the Supreme Lord. Where then is there scope for lamentation
- They are snatching a motorcar mechanic as first class. Because he knows some mechanical arrangement how to do it, he is first class. Such things are being done by the demons
- They are speculating so many years about this universe, how many stars are there, what is the length and breadth, nobody knows anything even of the material world, and what to speak of the spiritual world. That is far beyond
- They have got goods enough; where to sell? As soon as they go to the British territories, "No, you cannot sell. If you want to sell, then hundred percent duty." So price increase. This was the grudge. Everyone knows. This is the cause of two wars
- Thief knows he has heard it from law books that stealing is not good, and from religious scripture also, that "It is sinful. Do not commit theft. Do not become criminal" But still he does
- This body will be finished, everyone knows. But the spirit soul within the body, that will not finish. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). That is spiritual education in the beginning
- This conclusion of rasa is extremely deep. Only Svarupa Damodara knows much about it
- This is realization. Everyone knows that "I want to love somebody"
- This promise (whatever I'll speak in this court, it is all truth) the judge knows, and he gives his judgment on that. Similarly, these promises (no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication) must be kept; otherwise it will be useless
- This word yoga is very popular in the Western countries. Practically everyone knows the word at least, yoga. And many so-called yogis come here - USA
- Those who are advanced in spiritual life, there is every possibility for getting next life a human being. Otherwise nobody knows. Those who are ignorant, they do not know
- Those who do not know the ultimate end say that the purposes of sankhya and karma-yoga are not the same, but one who is learned knows the unifying aim in these different processes. BG 1972 purports
- To accept one guru is not a fashion. Nowadays it has become a fashion that accept some guru, Guru Maharaja. Whether he knows or does not know, it doesn't matter, and whether one is inquisitive or not. It is a fashion. No
- Today or tomorrow or fifty years after or a hundred years after, everyone knows that he will be slaughtered. He will die. Death means slaughter. Nobody wants to die
- Tvam adyah purusah. Purusa means enjoyer. God is not female. Sometimes they worship a female as God, like Durga, Kali, and so many others. But God is purusa. Everyone is prakrti. Prakrti means female. Everyone knows it
- Unless one knows the direct means by which one can be situated always transcendentally, there is no possibility of showing the symptoms. So all these questions put by Arjuna are very important, and the Lord answers them. BG 1972 purports
- Unless one knows Vedanta philosophy he cannot be an acarya. To be accepted as an acarya among Indian transcendentalists who follow the Vedic principles, one must become a vastly learned scholar in Vedanta philosophy, either by studying it or hearing it
- Water can be counteracted by fire or air. Everyone knows it. So you do it, suspension. So this is for you mystic power. You can talk all nonsense, but you cannot act against it. Therefore it is mystic power
- We living entities, we are meant for enjoyment, but we are seeking enjoyment in a false place, or illusion. Just like animal runs after that desert water. But the intelligent man knows - Oh, that, there is no water. It looks like water
- What is this philosophy? Sex life? Even dog knows how to have sex life. And he's writing philosophy. So this kind of philosophy can be appreciated by the rascals and... We do not appreciate that. They are not philosopher
- When a mature devotee is blessed with material opulence, he does not become affected adversely, for he knows how to employ material opulence in the service of the Lord. There are many such examples in the history of the world
- When a person comes to the platform of Krsna consciousness, his real intelligence acts. At that time he knows that everything belongs to Krsna and nothing belongs to him
- When one comes to the understanding that he is not this body but a spiritual soul, part and parcel of God, he knows that his spiritual senses should be engaged in the service of the supreme spiritual being. Thus one attains liberation - mukti
- When one is fortunate enough to come to the right conclusion about this cosmic manifestation and everything going on within it, he knows it to be caused directly and indirectly by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself
- Without your rascal philosophy, everyone knows how to use sex life. But they are thinking this is advancement
- Yavanas utter the holy name in a different attitude than devotees, but the holy name ha rama is so powerful spiritually that it acts anywhere, whether one knows it or not
- You cannot go beyond this wall. But that does not mean there is nothing beyond this wall. So if you want to know what is beyond this wall, you have to know from a person who knows it
- You have to die. That is a fact. Nobody will live here. "As sure as death." So before death we must finish the atonement of our sinful activities. This is recommended. But nobody knows
- You should go to a guru who has complete knowledge from the sruti. Sruti means Vedas. Acaryavan puruso veda. Veda means you have to approach acarya. He knows everything