So jagad-aṇḍa. Aṇḍa, aṇḍa means egg shape. Jagad-aṇḍa-koti. The each and every universe is egg shape; it is covered. So yasya prabhā prabhavato jagad-aṇḍa-koti koṭiṣu. And each and every universe, koṭiṣu . . . In each, not that in one universe. We see so many universes. . . one universe, but there are many millions of universes. Yasya prabhā prabhavato jagad-aṇḍa-koti koṭiṣu aśeṣa-vasudhādi bhinnam (Bs. 5.40). And in each and every universe there are so many planets, aśeṣa, you cannot count—unlimited—in one universe, and there are millions of universes. What is your material knowledge? What do you know? You are trying to go to the moon planet. That is also you committing mistake. And what about the millions of universes?
Therefore our knowledge is very, very limited, poor. Poor fund of knowledge, and still we are proud. Sapari phora-phorayate.(?) Just like a small fish, you have seen in the pond. Little water, say one feet—(makes sound) "phor-phor-phor-phor." But the big fishes, they are in the deep in the water, big fish. So we take knowledge from the big fish, not from the small fish, "phor-phor-phor-phor." So phora-phorayate(?), this kind of knowledge will not satisfy us. We take from the big fish, one who knows. Then who knows? Kṛṣṇa knows. And one who knows from Kṛṣṇa, he knows. Ācāryavān puruṣo veda (Chāndogya Upaniṣad 6.14.2). One who is ācāryavān, who has taken shelter of ācārya, he knows. Why? Because ācārya receives knowledge from Kṛṣṇa and he distributes knowledge to his disciple. That is perfect knowledge. Ācāryavān puruṣaḥ. Tad-vijñānārthaṁ sa gurum evābhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). These are the instruction.
So actually we are in the darkness. This whole world is dark. It is . . . It requires, therefore, the sunlight, the moonlight, the electric light, the fire, the lamp, because it is dark. Because it is dark. But there is a spiritual world where there is no need of. Na yatra bhāsyate sūryo na śaśāṅko na pāvakaḥ. In the Bhagavad-gītā you'll find, na yatra bhāsyate sūryaḥ. There is no need of this sūrya. There is no need of sūrya. Sūrya is required, the sun is required, because this world, material world, is dark, very, very dark, dense darkness. And we are born in this darkness. Our heart is full of darkness. Simply by the Kṛṣṇa's grace there is sun, there is moon, there is fire, there is electric . . . Therefore we can see. Otherwise you remain in the darkness. But if you go to the spiritual world . . . Tamasi mā: "You don't keep yourself in this darkness; come to the light." "What is that? There is also the sun, moon?" No.