Category:That Is Knowledge
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Pages in category "That Is Knowledge"
The following 37 pages are in this category, out of 37 total.
- A huge mass of material body with so many mountains, so many seas, oceans, skyscraper houses, cities, towns, countries, it is floating just like a swab, cotton swab, in the air. So if one understands how it is floating, that is knowledge
- Acaryavan puruso veda. One who is acaryavan, who has taken shelter of acarya, he knows. Why? Because acarya receives knowledge from Krsna and he distributes knowledge to his disciple. That is perfect knowledge
- Aham brahmasmi. That is Vedic instruction. And as soon as you come to this point, if you are firmly convinced that you are not this body, that is called brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage, Brahman realization stage. That is knowledge, real knowledge
- Any kind of knowledge, it doesn't matter whether it is political or scientific or philosophical or mathematical - there are different - but the ultimate aim should be to understand what is God. That is knowledge
- Everyone is attached. And this is ignorance. This is illusion, that developed society, community, nationality. But what is that? That attachment. But that attachment has to be taken away. That is knowledge
- Everything you are eating - given by God. Your body is given by God. Your mind is given by God. And you, yourself, the soul, you are also part and parcel of God. So where is your independent existence? There is no independence. This is knowledge
- I am spirit soul. I am falsely identifying myself with this body. The body is the source of my all suffering and entanglement. - This is knowledge. Then, when we try to give up the ignorance of bodily concept of life, then we become gradually liberated
- If one can understand oneself and the Supreme Self and what is this material world, why we have come here, what is my relation with God, what is my relation with this world, this is knowledge. They are called jnanavan
- If you analyze every part of the body, then you will find that there is no life. This is called education. This is called scientific knowledge
- If you are a student of Vedas, then you must have clear conception of God. That is real knowledge, no vague idea, but clear conception. That is knowledge, Vedic knowledge
- If you not dull, if you are intelligent and if you take the sutra, this code, janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1), that is knowledge, that is philosophy, that is science - to find out the original source. That is Krsna consciousness
- If you want to find out where is soul, and if you dissect the heart, then soul is gone. That is another danger. Better understand from the authority. That is knowledge. Sastra-caksusa
- Is there medical science which can stop death? So that knowledge may be temporary, beneficial, but ultimately, it is not the knowledge. I am anxious for not dying. Nobody wants to die. This is my anxiety
- Knowledge means self-realization, that "I am not this body; I am spirit soul." That is knowledge
- Knowledge means those who are situated in the quality of goodness, prakasa, everything is clearly understood. That is knowledge
- Knowledge means ultimately he must know what is God. That is knowledge. Ye krsna tattva vetta sei guru haya. Anyone who knows Krsna, he becomes guru. Otherwise not
- Krsna says, "This is knowledge." If you are scientifically advanced how to stop death, how to stop birth, how to stop old age, how to stop disease, then you should know that you have advanced in science
- O best among the brahmanas (Maitreya), those who are spiritual masters are very kind to the needy. They are always kind to their followers, disciples and sons, and without being asked by them, the spiritual master describes all that is knowledge
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is very nice. You can understand what is what. Yes. That is knowledge
- That (to think it maybe nobody's and take it) is also stealing. Because it must belong to somebody. And you take it without his permission. You may not know exactly who is the proprietor, but you know, "It must belong to someone." That is knowledge
- The disciple must be also serious to understand about the spiritual subject matter. That is knowledge, brahma-jijnasa. One who is inquisitive to know about the Absolute Truth, he requires to approach a guru
- The pregnancy will take place when there is actually living soul within this material creation, material combination, emulsification. That is the knowledge we get from Vedic sources
- This is called advancement of civilization; we are even lacking in the knowledge which the pigeons, dogs and cats have. Everything belongs to the Supreme Lord, and we can accept whatever we need, but not more. That is knowledge
- This knowledge, we have to acquire, that "We have got the greatest powerful friend in Krsna, and He is with me." This is knowledge. Just like when you chant Krsna, Hare Krsna, actually the fact is Krsna is dancing on your tongue by sound vibration
- We cannot accept anyone as God. That is not possible. That is knowledge. Be convinced firmly, krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (SB 1.3.28) - Bhagavan means Krsna, nobody else
- What I am doing about my soul? That is knowledge
- When one comes to the knowledge that "I have seen so many different types of naked dance and naked woman. What I have got? What I have gained? What satisfaction is there? Why I am not satisfied?" that is knowledge
- When there is prominence of goodness, then we can understand what is what: what is God, what I am, what is this world. That is knowledge
- Who is accepting another body? The Darwin's theory is that the body is changing to another body. That is nonsense. That is not the fact. The soul is transmigrating from one body to another. That is knowledge. This is fact
- You have to accept one chief. But intelligent is that which . . . what kind of leadership we shall accept. That is knowledge
- You take a car. That is a machine. Now some way or other, if the car stops, not working, does it mean that you are finished? No. I can take another car. This is knowledge. But this knowledge is lacking