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Pages in category "Unknown"
The following 148 pages are in this category, out of 148 total.
- A devotee who is always in KC, for him there is nothing unknown. Just like we can give information of the whole creation - not only of this material world, of the spiritual world. Clear conception: where is where, what is what. Everything. That is KC
- A hog's life is degraded in its standard of happiness, which entails living in a filthy place, engaging in sex enjoyment at every opportune moment, and laboring hard in a struggle for existence, but this is unknown to the hog
- A pure devotee is aware that since nothing is unknown to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He need not be informed of a devotee's conveniences and inconveniences
- A real ksatriya never surrenders. He accepts the challenge of his rival ksatriya, and he fights either to die or to win. Surrender is unknown to a real ksatriya
- According to expert sexologists like Bharata Muni, the male and the female enjoy equally in material sexual pleasure. But in the spiritual world the relationships are different, although this is unknown to mundane experts
- According to Sanskrit grammar the subject matter already known should be placed before the unknown so that its meaning will not be misconstrued
- According to the system of Vedic society, whenever an unknown sannyasi comes to a village or town, someone must invite him to take prasadam in his home
- Actually, these ideas what we have explained in our books, they're unknown to the modern world
- All inquiries on God which are unknown to the disciple may be made from the qualified spiritual master, and here the practical example is set by Maharaja Pariksit
- All of our devotees in the Western countries give up their old habits of illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. Of course, five hundred years ago these practices were unknown in India - at least in eastern India
- All these incidents are being caused by some unknown demon. Before he comes here to create another disturbance, it is our (inhabitants of Gokula's) duty to go somewhere else with the boys until there are no more disturbances - SB 10.11.27
- Although Govinda is always present in His abode (goloka eva nivasati), He is simultaneously present everywhere. Nothing is unknown to Him, and nothing can be hidden from Him
- Although Ramananda Raya knew that nothing was unknown to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he nonetheless began to speak further on the subject because the Lord desired it
- Although the living entity is working from within the body, he is nonetheless unknown. The living entity enters the material creation, but because he is bewildered by the material energy, he appears to be hidden
- Although the Paramatma sits beside the jivatma as a friend, the jivatma, or living entity, does not know it. Consequently he is described as avijnata-sakha, meaning one who has an unknown friend
- Although the street dogs are not appointed by anyone to act as watchmen, they think they are responsible for protecting the neighborhood, and as soon as someone unknown enters it, they all begin to bark
- An ideal householder is required to call for any unknown hungry man to come and dine before he himself goes to take his meals. He is required to call for such a hungry man thrice on the road
- An unknown object should not be put before the known subject because the object has no meaning if the subject is not first given
- Another difference between the Lord and the living entity is that a living entity is always in darkness. Even though he may be situated in the mode of goodness, there are still so many things which are unknown to him
- Any action or reaction of a part of a body becomes a cognizable fact to the embodied whole. Similarly, if the creation abides in the body of the Absolute Truth, then nothing is unknown to the Absolute, directly or indirectly
- As long as it does not turn iron into gold by its touch, no one can recognize an unknown stone to be a touchstone
- At night the red lotus blossoms, whereas in sunlight it closes. Therefore the red lotus is an enemy of the sun and is unknown to the sun’s friend the cakravaka
- At the present moment they do not know what is papa and how to get out of it; what is next birth. Everything is unknown at the present moment. This is the modern civilization
- Because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is unknown to the conditioned soul, He is sometimes described in Vedic literatures as nirakara, avijnata or avan-manasa-gocara
- Because these important subject matters (science of devotional service) are unknown to the conditioned soul, Lord Caitanya, out of His causeless mercy, instructed Rupa Gosvami in the principles of devotional service
- Being freed from all obligations of family, society, country, etc. (one who has spoiled his life without cultural activities) give up the body at some unknown destination so that others may not know where and how he has met his death
- Big generals like Arjuna could at once supply water even to the horses, and what to speak of men, by drawing water from underneath the hard ground simply by penetrating the stratum with a sharp arrow, a method still unknown to the modern scientists
- By the Divine Will of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura we are now combined together, although originally we are born in different parts of the world, unknown to one another
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu then admitted to His pure devotee, Ramananda Raya, "Now there is no confidential activity unknown to you. Even though I try to conceal My activities, you can understand everything in detail by virtue of your advanced love for Me"
- Certainly there are many troubles for the traveler when he is in unknown places. But all such troubles are at once mitigated as soon as the sense of his family affection is remembered & as soon as he returns home he forgets all such troubles on the way
- Deha-yogena. This philosophy practically is unknown to the world, that the body changes and our sense gratification, material enjoyment, is offered according to the body. Just like a hog: hog's sense enjoyment is stool-eating
- Dharma-vrata-tyaga-hutadi-sarva-subha-kriya-samyam api pramadah: to chant the holy name of Krsna in exchange for the achievement of piety is an offense. This, of course, was unknown to the student - of Lord Caitanya in CC Adi 17.249
- Divorce was completely unknown, even up to, say, five years ago. Now this Nehru government has enacted Divorce Act in Hindu law, but actually, Hindu law-maker, they have no such thing as divorce
- Dusmanta knew that Sakuntala & the boy were his own wife and son, but because they came from outside & were unknown to the citizens, he at first declined to accept them. Sakuntala, however, was so chaste that an omen from the sky declared the truth
- Firearms were counteracted by water weapons, which are now unknown to modern science. Nor do modern scientists have knowledge of tornado weapons. BG 1972 purports
- First Advaita Acarya said, "I am sitting in line with an unknown mendicant, and because I am eating with Him, I do not know what kind of destination is awaiting Me"
- For every unknown thing, we have to learn and inquire from a learned personality
- He (Hiranyaksa) also addressed Him (PG) as ajna. Sridhara Svami says that jna means "knowledge," and there is no knowledge which is unknown to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Indirectly, therefore, the demon said that Visnu knows everything
- He was respectful to everyone and worked for the benefit of all. Diplomacy, envy and jealousy were unknown to his heart
- Hiranyakasipu has undertaken a most severe type of austerity. Although his plan is not unknown to you, kindly listen as we submit his intentions
- His treasury will always remain unknown to everyone. He will be the reservoir of unlimited glories and good qualities, and his position will be maintained and covered just as Varuna, the deity of the seas, is covered all around by water
- How one can beget children according to one's own desire is practically unknown in the present age (Kali-yuga). In this regard the secret of success depends on the parents' acceptance of the various purificatory methods known as samskaras
- I am within this room, sitting so comfortably, and the tree is standing there. I can get that life also, karmana, by my work. So this technology is unknown. And you are very much proud of advancement of knowledge
- If a spiritual master cannot direct his disciples to become free of sinful activities, he becomes responsible for their sinful acts. These subtle laws of nature are unknown to the present leaders of society
- If one enters an unknown city without friend or shelter, living in that city is more difficult than living in a forest. There are many big cities all over the surface of the globe, and wherever one looks he sees the struggle for existence going on
- If you understand Krsna, if you understand the Supreme Absolute Truth, then there will be nothing unknown. Everything will be known because He is everything
- If you want to understand transcendental subject matter, not material, spiritual... Spiritual is completely unknown to us because we do not know what is spiritual. We are identifying with this body
- In its combination in this compound word the intended meaning of equality with Laksmi is lost, because the word 'dvitiya' ('second') is the unknown
- In the same ecstatic mood, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu now recited that verse, and on the strength of madness He described its meaning, which is unknown to people in general
- In the same way, all these incarnations were known, but whose incarnations they are was unknown
- In the Western world where the glories of Lord Caitanya are relatively unknown, one may inquire, "Who is Krsna Caitanya?" The scriptural conclusion in answer to that question is that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the word 'dvitiya-sri-laksmi' ('a second all-opulent goddess of fortune'), the quality of being a second Laksmi is the unknown. In making this compound word, the meaning became secondary and the originally intended meaning was lost
- Indeed, You are the original element. You are the witness of all activities, but because You are as great as the sky, You are never touched by any of them. You are the witness of everything as Parabrahman and Paramatma. O SPG, nothing is unknown to You
- It appears from this statement that all these symptoms (greed, anger etc) of degraded society were unknown to the people of the time, and it was astonishing for them to have experienced them with the advent of the Kali-yuga, or the age of quarrel
- It is not proper for householders to dine with those whose previous birth, family, character and behavior are unknown
- It is not that then they (eat meat and drink liquor) were unknown; now it is discovered by scientific advancement
- It is the system in Vedic culture, as soon as one sees another woman, he addresses her, "mother," Mataji. Immediately, "mother." That makes the relationship. The woman treats the unknown man as son, and the unknown man treats the unknown woman as mother
- It was an intrigue of Dhrtarastra that the Pandavas might die all together with their mother. And by his (Vidura's) warning the Pandavas escaped through a tunnel underneath the earth so that their escape was also unknown to Dhrtarastra
- Materialistic science may one day finally discover the eternal anti-material world which has for so long been unknown to the wranglers of gross materialism
- Mucukunda told Lord krsna, "To revive my energy, I was taking rest in this solitary cave, but I have been awakened by some unknown man who has forced me to wake up although I was not willing to do so"
- My dear King, once in the past lived a king named Puranjana, who was celebrated for his great activities. He had a friend named Avijnata ("the unknown one"). No one could understand the activities of Avijnata
- Narada spoke as follows: "By Your (Krsna's) grace, however, I have seen many times the action of Your inconceivable potency & therefore when You ask me for the news of the Pandavas, which is not at all unknown to You, I am not surprised at Your inquiry"
- No one can fulfill any desire without the sanction of the Lord. All the facilities given by the Lord are unknown to the conditioned soul
- Once upon a time, a person arrived at the gateway of the assembly house who was unknown to all the members of the assembly, and with the permission of Lord Krsna he was admitted into the assembly by the doorkeeper
- One is called undisturbed who goes to an unknown, remote place and, freed from all obligations, quits his material body when it has become useless
- People in general want to hear and read from the authorities something about the unknown, but their taste is exploited by unfortunate literatures which are full of subject matter for satisfaction of the material senses
- Placing the unknown first to make the compound word dvitiya-sri-laksmir is another fault - CC Adi 16.41
- Puranjana, the living entity, is asking the unknown girl where she has come from, what her business is, why she is present, etc. These are inquiries about atma-tattva - self-realization
- Sanatana Gosvami said, "My dear Lord, I am a very lowborn person. Indeed, I am a servant to lowborn people; therefore I am very, very downtrodden. Nonetheless, You have taught me conclusions unknown even to Lord Brahma"
- Sometimes in a dream we get a particular type of body with which to work in the dream. I may dream that I am flying in the sky or that I have gone into the forest or some unknown place. But as soon as I am awake I forget all these bodies
- Somewhere He (Krsna) was seen engaged in public welfare activities, establishing deep wells for the water supply, rest houses and gardens for unknown guests, and great monasteries and temples for saintly persons
- Spiritual variegatedness is unknown to the Mayavadi philosophy; therefore all the Mayavadi philosophers and sannyasis criticized Lord Caitanya when He was conducting His sankirtana movement
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu expected that even the caste brahmanas would offer respectful obeisances to a sannyasi because five hundred years ago the social custom was to offer obeisances immediately to any sannyasi, known or unknown
- Still in Hindu society, every woman is addressed by an unknown man, "mother." It doesn't matter if a person is unknown. He can speak with another woman, addressing her first, "mother," mataji. Then nobody will be offended. This is the etiquette
- Such activities (giving up all material engagements and meditate upon Krsna) and motivations are unknown to the gopis; they are not at all expert in executing such auspicious activities
- Taking compassion upon the boy (Narada), the Vaisnavas offered him the remnants of their food. By serving them and obeying their orders, the boy became the object of their sympathy, and by the Vaisnavas’ unknown mercy, he gradually became a pure devotee
- Thanks to that shared central relationship, this previously unknown man's sons and daughters become our nephews and nieces. Again, all these loving relationships center upon our sister. In this case, our sister has become the center of attraction
- The Bhagavad-gita gives the description of the universal form, and this description was unknown to everyone before Arjuna. Now one can have some idea of the visva-rupa after this incidence. BG 1972 purports
- The composition is faulty, and the meaning of the words has become doubtful, because you have placed the known subject at the end and that which is unknown at the beginning
- The cosmic manifestation is compared to the smoke because when smoke passes over the sky so many forms appear, resembling many known and unknown manifestations
- The demigods are accustomed to drinking the soma-rasa beverage, and therefore the drinking of wine and intoxication are not unknown to them. Sometimes they were put into trouble for indulging in intoxication
- The ear is the most important instrument in the body of the living entity. Sound is the most important medium for carrying the message of distant and unknown things
- The elephant addressed the Lord as tirtha-sravah, or "as famous as a place of pilgrimage." People go to places of pilgrimage in order to be delivered from the reactions of unknown sinful acts
- The froggish calculator may raise the objection that if the Absolute is unknowable even by the controlling deities of speech, mind and ego, then why should the devotees be so interested in this unknown object
- The glorification of the Ganges (mahattvam gangayah) is the principal unknown subject matter in this verse, and the known subject matter is indicated by the word 'idam,' which has been placed after the unknown
- The householder can appreciate the results of sacrifices, which enable him to gain promotion to superior planetary systems. All this material happiness is practically unknown to the transcendentalists. They cannot even imagine such happiness
- The husband of our sister, who may have been unknown to us before he married her, nonetheless becomes our brother-in-law - simply by virtue of the shared central relationship with her
- The idea of loving is not unknown to you
- The idea of loving is not unknown to you. You love somebody. You love your wife. You love your children. You love your country. You love your society. There are so many loving aspect. But when you love Krsna, then your life is perfect
- The impersonal Brahman is unknown even to the other directors of the material creation, including Lord Brahma, Lord Indra and even Lord Visnu. This does not mean, however, that Lord Visnu is not omniscient
- The inquiry from Mucukunda about Krsna's being the predominating deity of a planet unknown to him is quite appropriate
- The irresponsible life of sense enjoyment was unknown to the children of the followers of the varnasrama system. The boy was even injected with spiritual acumen before being placed by the father in the womb of the mother
- The Krsna consciousness idea, is very, very new to them. Krsna, God, can be talked with personally. One can go to God personally. These ideas were unknown in the Western countries. But that is possible. That is a fact
- The laws of nature work in subtle ways unknown to us
- The living entity then (when the living entity and the life air are gone) goes to the court of judgment, and Yamaraja decides what kind of body he is going to get next. This process is unknown to modern scientists
- The location of the various planetary systems was not unknown to the sages who flourished in the Vedic age
- The Lord resides in His Vaikuntha planet. No one can estimate how far away this planet is situated. It is said, however, that anyone trying to reach that planet by airships or by mindships, traveling for millions of years, will find it still unknown
- The Lord’s transcendental form, which is eternally blissful and full of knowledge, is unknown to Mayavadi philosophers. Although the term “Bhagavan” is explicitly described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, they cannot understand it
- The man's being a vipra is known, but his erudition is unknown. Therefore the person is identified first and his erudition later
- The mind, is the cause of all tribulations in the material world. As long as this fact is unknown to the conditioned living entity, he has to accept the miserable condition of the material body and wander within this universe in different positions
- The performance of sankirtana-yajna is a special concession for human society to save people from being affected by known or unknown sinful activities
- The person I have described as unknown is the SPG, the master and eternal friend of the living entity. Since the living entities cannot realize the SPG by material names, activities or qualities, He remains everlastingly unknown to the conditioned soul
- The Personality of God is not a dead stone, nor is He inactive, as is poorly thought by some schools. He moves with the progress of time, & therefore He knows all about the past & future, along with His present activities. There is nothing unknown to Him
- The philosophy propounded by the atheist Kapila is an analysis of the material elements and is very much appreciated by Western philosophers. The sankhya-yoga explained by Lord Kapiladeva, the son of Devahuti, is practically unknown in the West
- The positive transcendental qualitative manifestation is unknown to the students of the Vedas as well as to the great stalwart demigods like Brahmā and Śiva
- The predicate of a sentence is what is unknown to the reader, whereas the subject is what is known to him
- The sadhus keep cows and supply milk to the tigers, saying, Come here and take a little milk. Thus envy and malice are unknown in Vrndavana. That is the difference between Vrndavana and the ordinary world
- The second instance of avimrsta-vidheyamsa-dosa occurs in the words dvitiya-sri-laksmir iva. In this composition the word dvitiya ("second") is vidheya, or unknown - CC Adi 16.41
- The secret of success is unknown to people in general, and therefore Srila Vyasadeva, being compassionate toward the poor souls in this material world, especially in this age of Kali, has given us the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The soul, while sleeping, creates false or temporary worlds in his mind; he becomes busy in many illusory activities - sometimes becoming a king, sometimes being murdered or sometimes going to an unknown city - and all these are simply temporary affairs
- The Supersoul is overlooking the activities of the jiva soul & according to his karma, He is giving a different type of body. Again he is working. Again he is creating another situation. This vast knowledge is unknown to the modern educational department
- The woman treats the unknown man as son, and the unknown man treats the unknown woman as mother. This is Vedic civilization
- The wonderful potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is bewildering even to the jugglers. That potential power is unknown even to the self-sufficient Lord, so it is certainly unknown to others
- There are many subtle laws which are practically unknown to people in general, but the Krsna consciousness movement is very scientifically distributing all this Vedic knowledge for the benefit of the people of the world
- Therefore in this age practically everyone is a mudha, not educated. He does not know how to look upon woman. Woman should be looked as mother. Still in India, a unknown woman should be addressed - Mother
- Things which are unknown, beyond our conception, you have to know it through the authority, just like you know your father through the authority of your mother
- This (CC Adi 2.74) rhetorical rule appears in the Ekadasi-tattva, 13th Canto, in connection with the metaphorical use of words. An unknown object shouldn't be put before the known subject because the object has no meaning if the subject isn't first given
- This means that at least up to the regime of Maharaja Pariksit, the four symptoms of Kali-yuga were practically unknown, and as soon as they were slightly detected, he wanted to root them out
- This science is not known in the world - how the soul is transmigrating from one body to another, and how he is being entrapped in different types of bodies. This science is unknown
- This science is unknown to the rascal civilization, how to utilize things for the best purpose
- This science of transmigration is completely unknown to modern scientists. So-called scientists do not like to bother with these things
- This transcendental knowledge (the arts of music, dance, dressing, decorations relished by god) is unknown to the forgotten conditioned souls
- Thus they should understand that they also are apt to die, yet still they are bewildered. The conditioned soul comes from an unknown place and returns after death to that same unknown place
- Unknown to others, markata-vairagis maintain women but externally present themselves as renunciants. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very much opposed to these markata-vairagis, or pseudo Vaisnavas
- Unknown to them (the cowherd boys), it was actually Aghasura, a demon who had appeared as a python. Krsna, knowing this, wanted to forbid His associates to enter the demon's mouth - SB 10.12.25
- We are the eternal servants of Krsna, and by the Divine Will of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur we are now combined together, although originally we are born in different parts of the world, unknown to one another
- We find that materialists are generally devotees of many demigods, especially Lord Siva and mother Durga. They do not actually want spiritual happiness, for it is almost unknown to them
- We have no knowledge of the spiritual kingdom, nor do we even have perfect knowledge of this material world where there are so many things unknown to us. The body is nirananda; instead of being full of bliss it is full of misery. BG 1972 Introduction
- When an actual fact is unknown to a certain person, this is called ignorance or lack of knowledge. This is not applicable to God, however, because He knows Himself perfectly
- When King Citraketu heard of his son's death from unknown causes, he became almost blind. Because of his great affection for his son, his lamentation grew like a blazing fire, & as he went to see the dead child, he kept slipping and falling on the ground
- When Lord Krsna heard this unfortunate news from the unknown man, He at first became most perturbed, just like an ordinary human being. His face showed signs of grief, and He began to cry in a piteous tone
- When the cause of all causes becomes known, then everything knowable becomes known, and nothing remains unknown. The Vedas say, "yasmin vijnate sarvam eva vijnatam bhavanti." BG 1972 purports
- When the devotee sees the Supreme Personality of Godhead by his meditation, or when he sees the Lord personally, face to face, he becomes aware of everything within this universe. Indeed, nothing is unknown to him
- When the gopis understood that Uddhava had a message from Krsna, they became very happy & called him to a secluded place & offered him a nice sitting place. They wanted to talk with him very freely & did not want to be embarrassed before unknown persons
- While he was sitting beneath a tree, an unknown cowherd boy came with a pot of milk, placed it before Madhavendra Puri and, smiling, addressed him as follows
- Within a few moments, a mysterious, unknown man came before Lord Krsna. Crying loudly, he bowed down at the Lord's lotus feet and said to Him
- Without first mentioning what is known, one should not introduce the unknown, for that which has no solid basis can never be established anywhere
- You are the witness of everything, from within and without. Nothing is unknown to You, and therefore it is unnecessary to inform You again of anything
- Your position that by forgetting God you are in this material world, changing one body to another - sometimes American body, sometimes demigod's body, sometimes celestial body, sometimes dog's body, cat's body, tiger's body. This science is unknown