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Pages in category "Busy"
The following 232 pages are in this category, out of 232 total.
- A devotee like Maharaja Ambarisa is certainly always busy in many activities. Of course, this material world is full of dangers that one has to meet, but a devotee, because of his full dependence on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is never disturbed
- A devotee should not associate with such people (who are always busy trying to maintain the body very nicely). Nor should he be overly attached to his family members, knowing that he has been accidentally thrown together with his wife, children, & so on
- A great Indian scientist, busy in the planmaking business, was suddenly called by invincible eternal time while going to attend a very important meeting of the planning commission, and he had to surrender his life, wife, children, house, land, wealth etc
- A part of the body cannot in itself be independently happy. It can only derive its happiness and pleasure out of serving the entire body. The Supreme Lord is the whole, and we are the parts, but we are all busily engaged in activities of self-interest
- A saintly person or a brahmana has no business visiting householders, who are always busy in the matter of dollars and cents. The only reason saintly persons and brahmanas go to the place of a householder is to enlighten him
- A temporary life for fifty years or sixty years, they are busy, making very, very gorgeous arrangement. This is asuric civilization
- Above these two classes of men (karmis, or fruitive workers, and jnanis) is the transcendentalist known as satvata, or the devotee, who is busy neither with rampant material activity nor with material speculation
- Abundant honey can be obtained if the forests are protected. Unfortunately, in modern civilization, men are busy killing the cows that are the source of yogurt, milk and ghee, they are cutting down all the trees that supply honey
- Actually we are busy with something which is not permanent - a temporary arrangement by the laws of nature. Therefore those who are too much full of anxiety for all these things, they are called demons
- Again, he becomes very busy under the shelter of that home and is captivated by the talks, glances and activities of his wife and children. In this way he loses his Krsna consciousness and throws himself in the dense darkness of material existence
- All of them (Anugas) are great devotees, and they are always busy in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- All these Gosvamis, they used to sleep not more than two hours. That was also not possible in some day; they were so busy in writing books
- All these grhasthas, you will find they are accumulating money, they are enjoying sex life, then daughter's sex life, son's sex life, grandson's sex life. They are busy
- Alpa-buddhayah: less intelligent. They are simply busy with these bodily necessities of life. There is no education of the real living force
- Although a housewife is always busy working around the house, she always takes care that her hair is nicely combed. Regardless of her engagements, she never forgets to arrange her hair in an attractive way
- Although he (Uttanapada) was busy in his political affairs and duties of government management, he was very anxious for self-realization
- Although the brahmana friend of Lord Krsna was a householder, he was not busy accumulating wealth for very comfortable living; he was satisfied by the income which came according to his destiny. This is the sign of perfect knowledge
- Anyone who does not take to Krsna consciousness and is busy in other business, he's a vimudhan. Don't remain a vimudhan. Become intelligent
- As for jnanis, they cannot be peaceful because they are too busy trying to attain liberation or merge into the existence of the Supreme. Similarly, yogis are also restless to get mystic power
- As Kamsa saw various signs of death while both awake and sleeping, he could understand that death was certain, and thus in great anxiety he could not rest that night. Just after the night expired, he busily arranged for the wrestling match
- As soon as there is some money, they become busy in purchasing things for their children and others. Such persons are never interested in understanding the values of life - what is God, what is the individual soul, what is its relationship with God, etc
- At the present moment there are different parties in the democratic government, but everyone is busy trying to keep his post or trying to keep his political party in power
- At the present moment they are busy with these four things: how to eat, how to sleep, how to have best process of sex life, and how to defend by atomic bomb. This is their advancement of civilization
- At the present moment, especially in Kali-yuga, they are not very much educated. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bha . . . (SB 1.1.10). They are simply busy how to earn some money and fill up the belly, that's all
- Because of His desiring to control movement, His legs became manifested, from the legs the controlling deity Visnu was generated. By His personal supervision of this act, all varieties of human being are busily engaged in dutiful occupational sacrifice
- Because the working principle is the soul - soul is living force - so he is busy. Living body means there is movement. There is work. He cannot sit idly
- Because they are busy for eating, sleeping and mating, by the laws of nature, that is also being minimized. I have already explained. Because the nature wants to help us, because we are now forgotten soul. We have forgotten God
- Because we do not understand what is dhira, we think that "This man is sitting idly and drawing four thousand rupees." Because we know, "Unless one is active like dog, running there, running there, he is not a busy man"
- Being a mahajana, it is the duty of Yamaraja to preach the cult of devotion to the people of the world, as Narada, Brahma, and other mahajanas do. But Yamaraja is always busy in his plutonic kingdom punishing the doers of sinful acts
- Brahmanas, the topmost section of human society, are mostly devotees. They are generally unaware of the happenings within the material world because they are always busy in their activities for spiritual advancement
- Dear Krsna, we are always busy in our family affairs. We therefore request that You remain within our hearts as the rising sun. That will be Your greatest benediction
- Demons are always busy creating disturbances and killing. But the child lying on the bed in the house of Nanda Maharaja was meant to kill many demons
- Devotees like Prahlada Maharaja laugh at how foolish they are to be busy in a temporary life without knowledge of the soul's transmigration from one body to another
- Dharma means one's actual constitutional duty. It is one's duty to know the needs of the soul, but unfortunately we have no information of the soul and are simply busy supplying the necessities for bodily comfort
- Dhruva Maharaja was very devoted to the brahmanas, who engage in the study of the Vedas and thereby know the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They are always busy propagating Krsna consciousnes
- Discovering some nonsense, scientific means and people are starving. There is no food. And they're busy in discovering scientific method
- Dogs, cats and tigers are always busy trying to find something to eat or a place to sleep, trying to defend and have sexual intercourse successfully
- During the day they (materialistic householders) are busy trying to find out where money is, and if they get money they spend it to maintain their families. Yamaraja specifically advises his servants to bring these persons to him for punishment
- Eating, sleeping, mating and defending are problems found in the animal kingdom, and the animals have solved these problems without difficulty. Why should human society be so busy trying to solve these problems?
- Even if one is busy executing his occupational duty, his business in Krsna consciousness need not be hampered. He has to execute the devotional service of sravanam kirtanam - hearing, chanting and remembering. One need not abandon his occupational duty
- Every sense is always busy in searching for its food, and thus the conditioned soul is assaulted from all sides and has no chance to become steady in any pursuit
- Every state and every society is busy trying to improve the quality of eating, sleeping, mating and defending. This human form of life is meant for more than these four animal principles
- Everyone busy, but when one is busy in such a work that leads to devotional service of the Lord, that busyness, that occupation, is the supermost. That occupation is the supermost
- Everyone is busy how to exploit the resources of material nature. That is advancement of civilization. Advancement of civilization means how to exploit the material resources. But they do not know, the foolish people do not know that is not advancement
- Everyone is busy of his own interest, but they do not know what is real interest. They do not know what is real interest. The real interest is to invoke the dormant love of Krsna
- Everyone is dying, but those who are engaged in krsna-katha, in Krsna consciousness, those who are busy in Krsna's business, they are not dying. They are living
- Everything is enacted by the laws of nature, and these laws are under the direction of Godhead. The atheists, or unintelligent men, do not know this. They are busy making their own plans, and big nations are busy expanding their empires
- First of all, you must have faith that, "In this life I shall understand thoroughly about God."Then associate with persons who are busy with God's business.Then you act as they are acting.Then your misconception of material life will be finished
- Foolish as they are, they neglect these major problems of life (such as repeated birth, death, disease and old age) and busy themselves with false things that cannot help them solve their real problems
- Foolish people thinks, "I am better off being busy with my material comforts - maintaining a nice apartment, family and sex life"
- He (mundane worker) is busy all day simply so that in the evening he can look at his account books and say, "Oh, the balance had been one thousand dollars - now it has become two thousand." That is his satisfaction
- He's thinking, "I am so busy & working so hard, yet I am not getting a good salary. And this man is just sitting on the bench, and he's getting such a fat salary." The criticism of Hinduism as "inhibiting progress" is like that: it comes out of ignorance
- Here it is clearly mentioned that the inhabitants of Vrndavana were extensively busy in the hard labor of their day's work, and due to the day's hard labor they were engaged in sound sleep at night
- His (Dvivida's) first business was to set fires in villages, towns and industrial and mining places, as well as in the residential quarters of the mercantile men who were busy dairy farming and protecting cows
- Hogs and dogs, they are always busy. So this human form of life is not meant for that purpose. Jivasya tattva-jijnasa. Earn money, but... Be comfortable, but utilize time - tattva-jijnasa, athato brahma jijnasa. That is your aim of life
- How it is possible? I am busy, and I have to remember Krsna?
- Human society has become so fallen that instead of understanding the living force within the body, people have become busy with external things. This is a discrepancy in human duties
- I am busy, and I have to remember Krsna? Sometimes this argument is put forward. But that argument is not strong
- I am so glad to note how things are steadily improving there in Columbus center, with new devotees coming, and that you are about to acquire a new temple in the busiest quarter of town
- I am thinking of these rascals. What for they are making big, big plans? They will stay here for a few days, and forgetting Krsna consciousness they are busy in making plans
- I cherished a strong desire to start a Temple in the heart of the city, and by the grace of Lord Krishna these boys and girls rented a five storied house in the busiest quarter of central London
- If a rascal is busy, that means he's simply spoiling the energy. Just like monkey. Monkey is very busy. Of course, according to Mr. Darwin, they are coming from monkey
- If a swan is provided with all the necessities of life, why I shall not be? I am so much developed human being. Why I am so much busy in economic development? This is called illusion
- If a woman is attached to a man other than her husband, she will appear very busy in carrying out her household affairs, but within her heart she is always relishing feelings of association with her paramour
- If he is in the association of passion, he is materially busy. And if he associates with the quality of ignorance, he becomes animals or animals-like man
- If one - in the role of a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra and keeps busy and does not remember one's eternal relationship with the Lord, one's business and activities as well as occupational duties will simply be a waste of time
- If we give up bhakti-yoga and simply busy ourselves in the analytical study of the nature of things as they are, then the result will be practically nil
- If you are uselessly working, then you are monkey. Monkey is busy, but useless
- In modern civilization, human society is too busy in discharging national duties. Actually, national duties, social duties and humanitarian duties are obligatory only to those who are bereft of spiritual duties
- In our Krishna Consciousness Society we have full engagement twenty-four hours a day. Every moment of our time is always busily engaged in the service of the Lord. This is called the incessant flow of devotional service
- In spite of Sripada Sankaracarya’s instructions, foolish Mayavadi sannyasis are always busy juggling words on the basis of strict Sanskrit grammar
- In the days of yore, when the demigods and Vasus performed sacrifice, Uddhava, as one of the Vasus, desired to enter into the association of the Lord, which is very difficult for those busy in empiric philosophical speculation or fruitive activities
- In the human race, the mode of passion is very prominent. Humans are always busy in the midst of miserable life, but they think themselves happy in all respects
- In the morning the birds in the nest become busy with questions and answers, and in the evening also the same birds come back and again become busy with questions and answers
- In the spiritual body also you have to work. In the material body also you have to work. Because the working principle is the soul - soul is living force - so he is busy
- In this Age of Kali because human society, not understanding the spiritual nature, is busily expanding in material activities
- In your previous lives as cats and dogs and hogs, you simply were busy for inquiring, 'Where is stool?' 'Where is food?' 'Where is sex?' 'Where is this and that' Now, because you have got human body, better consciousness, now you inquire about Brahman
- Instead of producing food grains, you are very much busy for producing motor tires. So motor tire will not make the hungry people satisfied. So everything is there, practical, whatever is advised in the Bhagavad-gita
- Krsna has taken birth or taken shelter within the womb of the Krsna consciousness movement. Men of Kamsa's class, therefore, are very much afraid and are busy trying to stop this movement, especially in the Western countries
- Krsna is very fond of Radharani because She renders the best service. Her sixty-four qualifications are mentioned in the Vedic literatures. Unfortunately, in the material world we are busy trying to enjoy our material senses
- Krsna is within us and is waiting for us to turn to Him, but we are too busy passionately eating the fruits of the tree of material desire
- Krsna said to Arjuna, gatasun agatasums ca (BG 2.11). Just like motorcar: with driver or no driver, what is it? It is dead matter. That's all. Why one should be busy about this motorcar? One should be busy about the driver
- Lazy mischief-maker, it is better than busy mischief maker
- Lord Krsna said, "We can actually see that one becomes busy according to the natural tendency of his work; and according to that natural tendency, all living entities - whether human beings or demigods - achieve their respective results"
- Lord Rama's biggest competitor was a demon named Ravana, and present-day descendants of Ravana are also busy trying to kill Lord Rama
- Lord Siva, the most powerful demigod, second only to Lord Visnu, is self-sufficient. Although he has nothing to aspire for in the material world, for the benefit of those in the material world he is always busily engaged everywhere
- Maharaja Ambarisa. His example is there, because who can be more busy than a responsible king? He has to do so many political affairs, and still, his mind was fixed up, sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh (SB 9.4.18), in Krsna . . . this is required
- Manda means very slow. Sleeping, out of twenty-four hours, sleeping twelve hours, and out of twelve hours, they're busy in earning money ten hours. Then two hours left. What he can do for spiritual understanding. There's no time
- Many so-called sannyasis, they rise to the brahma-pada, aham brahmasmi, but because they cannot stay there, they come down again to this material world and they are busy for opening hospitals, schools and philanthropism
- Material universe created to give the conditioned soul a chance to act to return home, back to Godhead, and servants like Brahmaji, Naradaji, Vyasaji and their company become busy with the same purpose of the Lord
- Members of the so-called educated class ask, If one is busy all the time rendering devotional service to Lord Krsna, how is one to maintain himself and his family
- Men are busy killing cows that are the source of yogurt, milk and ghee, they are cutting down all the trees that supply honey, and they are opening factories to manufacture nuts, bolts, automobiles and wine instead of engaging in agriculture
- Modern politicians who pose themselves as dhiras are actually adhiras, and one cannot expect perfect knowledge from them. They are simply busy seeing to their own remuneration in dollars and cents
- My dear Lord, all living entities within this material world are mad after planning for things, and they are always busy with a desire to do this or that. This is due to uncontrollable greed
- My Guru Maharaja, Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj, was always enthusiastic in opening the centers in busy cities
- Narada said, "My Lord Krsna, You are unlimited - there is no limit to Your opulences. Great demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are always busy placing You within their hearts and meditating upon You"
- Next class: busy intelligent. Intelligence should be used very soberly. And the third class: lazy fool - lazy, at the same time, fool. And the fourth class: busy fool. Busy fool is very dangerous
- Niyamagrahah means simply busy to follow the rules, but actually do not understand what is the meaning of such following. Not blindly. One should follow the regulative principles with firm conviction and understanding
- Not caring what will happen in the next birth, gross materialists are simply busy enjoying during the present short span of life. A Vaisnava is always anxious to give all such bewildered materialists the real happiness of spiritual bliss
- Nowadays it appears that every state is busy manufacturing atomic weapons to prepare for a third world war. Such preparations are certainly unnecessary; they reflect the false pride of the heads of state
- Of the philosophers mentioned, none really cares for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cause of all causes. They are always busy refuting the philosophical theories of others and establishing their own
- On the whole, the kayastha community is a mixture of all castes, and it especially includes those engaged in clerical or secretarial work. Materially such people are always busy occupying responsible government posts
- One has to become dhira, sober, silent. Then he can understand. Not these busy dogs
- One should be busy about the driver, whether he's paid nicely, whether he's eating nicely, he'll drive. If you don't take care of the driver, simply you wash the car, what is the use? The car will not be moving without driver
- One should therefore always be fixed in Krsna consciousness, busy in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. It is guaranteed that such a devotee will never be affected by the actions and reactions of the three modes of material nature
- One who cannot see atma-tattva, the science of soul, they are busy only in this material body. Grhesu grha-medhinam. So grhamedhi and grhastha. Grhastha is good. Grhastha is interested in atma-tattva
- One who is beyond duality and doubt, whose mind is engaged within, who is always busy working for the welfare of all sentient beings, and who is free from all sins, achieves liberation in the Supreme. BG 5.25 - 1972
- Our mind at the present moment, being too much attached to this body, it is busy in bodily comforts
- People are always busy how to live comfortably in this world. But they forget that one day will come, however secure and comfortable we may make our country or home, we will be kicked out: "Please get out immediately."
- Prahlada Maharaja said, My Lord, I do have a problem, however, for I am simply thinking of these rascals & fools who are busy with maya-sukha, temporary happiness, without knowledge of devotional service unto You. This is the problem faced by a Vaisnava
- Prahlada Maharaja said: There is no question of my falling down, but I am simply anxious for those who have created a type of civilization in which they are always busy working hard. I am thinking of them
- Rama Krishna Mission here is busy in preaching a misrepresentation and therefore practically they have failed to preach the real cult of India
- Regardless of how these living entities appear, they are all busy in the pursuit of sense enjoyment
- Rohini was busy receiving the women who were guests. Because of her good fortune in being able to raise Krsna and Balarama together, she is described as maha-bhaga, greatly fortunate
- Since he (Pariksit Maharaja) was king for the all-around welfare of his citizens, he was always busy in the welfare work of the public, not only for this life, but also for the next. He would not allow slaughterhouses or killing of cows
- So far we can see, those who are busy with bolts and nuts, how this dull brain, they can manufacture such things (which can reach topmost planet)? That is not possible. It requires another brain. The yogis can go, the yogis can go
- So generally, in the material world two things are going on. The karmis are busy to acquire money for his sense gratification, and the jnanis, they've given up the world as mithya. Brahma satyam jagan mithya: Brahman is truth, and this is all mithya
- So long they (Mahatma Gandhi, Churchill or Hitler) were living, they were always full of anxiety, fighting with one another. Now they are not existing. What is the loss there? But unnecessarily they were busy, so without me, my country will be finished
- So whole world at the present moment is going on under this animalistic concept of life, animal civilization. Everyone is busy to take care of the body, but nobody knows how to take care of the proprietor of the body. That he does not know
- So you are not busy in growing your food, but you are busy in producing tire tubes, motor cars, stools and instruments
- So-called sannyasis, they rise to the brahma-pada, aham brahmasmi, but because they cannot stay there, they come down again to this material world and they are busy for opening hospitals, schools, and philanthropism
- Some men are busy engaged in trade, industry, economic development, political supremacy, etc., and some of them are engaged in fruitive work to become happy in the next life by attaining higher planets
- Some of them are busy to become religious. Of course, without religious life, there is no human society. Dharmena hina pasubhih samanah (Hitopadesa 25). Unless a society takes to religiosity, it is not human society
- Some so-called scientists are also trying to manufacture living entities within the laboratory. Thus in one way or another everyone is busy denying the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and rejecting the supreme authority of the Lord
- Sometimes big, big sannyasis, they gave up this world as brahma satyam jagan mithya, but because they could not get ananda, they come down again. Again they become busy in opening hospital and school and philanthropic work, politics
- Sometimes the living entity is busy counteracting the natural disturbances of freezing cold, scorching heat, strong wind, excessive rainfall and so forth. When he is unable to do so, he becomes very unhappy
- Sometimes they become so busy simply enjoying their troubles that they never cross the ocean. There is no guarantee that the nondevotees will cross the ocean, but even though they manage to cross, they have to undergo severe austerities and penances
- Somewhere He (Krsna) was picking quarrels with the young girls, somewhere He was scratching them with the nails of parrots, somewhere He was busy going to visit the gopis & somewhere He was negotiating through cowherd friends to take shelter of the gopis
- Suppose one blind man says, "All right, come, follow me. I shall help you crossing this busy Mulberry Street." He is blind, and the followers are also blind. The result will be that they will be hit by some car or truck and they will all die
- The animals are busily engaged trying to solve these problems (eating, mating, sleeping, and defending), and if we are also only engaged in solving them how are we any different from the animals
- The animals' life is simply busy for four things: eating, sleeping, mating and defense. That's all. They do not know anything more than that
- The atheist class of men, they are always busy for economic development. They have no idea of spiritual existence or spiritual advancement of life. That is the distinction between atheistic life and theistic life
- The birds and beasts arise early in the morning and busy themselves trying to find food and sex and trying to defend themselves; at night they look for shelter, and in the morning they fly to a tree to find nuts and fruits
- The brahmana is always independent and busy studying sastra and preaching sastra to subordinate social members such as ksatriyas and vaisyas
- The cats and dogs, they are busy, "Where is food? Find out some food." The pig is finding out, "Where is stool? Where is stool?" Here (in USA) I do not know whether you have got experience. In our country, in the villages, there are so many pigs loitering
- The common man does not know the destiny of his life; he is simply busy in his flash of life, maintaining his family
- The culture of nescience is different from that of knowledge. The universities are, so to speak, centers of nescience only; consequently scientists are busy discovering lethal weapons to wipe out the existence of other countries
- The demons are always busy in trying to vanquish the Personality of Godhead, but factually as soon as the God appears, by either His transcendental name, form, attributes, pastimes, paraphernalia or variegatedness, the demon is at once vanquished
- The devotee is not interested in so-called meditation in the Himalayas or the forest. Rather, his interest is in the busiest part of the world, where he teaches people Krsna consciousness. The Krsna consciousness movement was started for this purpose
- The dogs and hogs, they're busy all day and night for the same thing how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life, how to defend. The man is also working in the same way, under different label only
- The first symptom of a self-realized soul is that he does not make any plan for his prosperity. Because we are always busy in making plan, "Now, after this, we shall do this. After this, we shall do this." But one who is self-realized, he has no plan
- The foolish and forgetful living being is always busy with false forms and false names. Modern nationalism is the culmination of such false names and false forms
- The general mass of people mistake the body for the self, and therefore they are always busy trying to maintain the body very nicely. A devotee should not associate with such people
- The happiness of family life, friends and society is compared to a drop of water in the scorching desert. The entire material world is busy trying to attain happiness because happiness is the prerogative of the living being
- The householder, who has usually forgotten everything about spiritual advancement because he is busy maintaining family affairs, can be benefited by the association of a saintly person
- The human being, unless he is fast asleep at night, is busy with questions and answers. The businessmen in the market are busy with questions and answers, and so also the lawyers in the court and the students in the schools and colleges
- The laws of material nature impose this punishment (as birth, old age, disease, and death) upon the living entities who have forgotten the Lord and who are busy making plans for lasting happiness in this desert of distress
- The legislators in the parliament are also busy with questions and answers, and the politicians and the press representatives are all busy with questions and answers
- The less intelligent men who are always busy worshiping the demigods should note that when the demigods are harassed by the demons, they approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead for relief
- The materialist is always busy working for the welfare of the material body, not only of his own but also that of his children, kinsmen, countrymen, community men, etc
- The materialistic world, based on the conception of the material body as the self, is ignorant of the science of God. The materialist is busy working for the welfare of the body, not only his own but also those of his children, kinsmen and communitymen
- The mosquito bite, the bug bite, or the tiger attacks you. So many living entities there are, they're always busy to inflict misery. This is called adhibhautika
- The people in general are extremely busy in the affairs of the material body and mind. Those who are in the lowest stage of such mundane activities very rarely can understand the activities of the spiritual plane
- The people of modern civilization, they have no information about this, how this body is being created. That simply busy with the present problem. That's all
- The so-called leaders of human society do not know the real aim of human life and are therefore busy with economic development. This is misleading
- The so-called political leaders are busy making plans to advance the material prosperity of their nation, but factually these political leaders only want an exalted position for themselves
- The soul, while sleeping, creates false or temporary worlds in his mind; he becomes busy in many illusory activities - sometimes becoming a king, sometimes being murdered or sometimes going to an unknown city - and all these are simply temporary affairs
- The symptoms of possessing soul is the same four formulas - eating, sleeping, mating and defending. The animals also busy in these four things, we are also busy in these four things. Then where is the difference between animal and me
- The whole world is full of questions and answers. The birds, beasts and men are all busy in the matter of perpetual questions and answers
- Then Lord Krsna warned His friends, "These brahmanas are not Vaisnavas. They cannot even chant Our names, 'Krsna' and 'Balarama.' They are very busy in chanting the Vedic hymns, although the purpose of Vedic knowledge is to find Me"
- There are so many big, big so-called sadhus, saintly persons, simply busy on mental speculation. They are not perfect
- There are so many scientists, philosophers and big leaders, but they do not know wherefrom they have come, nor do they know why they are busy within this material world to obtain a position of so-called happiness
- There are three, how do you say, transformation of this body. One transformation is ash. Another transformation is stool. Another transformation is earth. And we are so much busy about this ash, stool and earth. Just see how foolish we are
- There are unlimited Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual sky, and the ratio of these planets to the material planets in the material sky is three to one. Thus the poor materialist is busy making political adjustments on a planet that is most insignificant
- Therefore (because modern civilization is busy hunting women, drinking liquor, killing animals and enjoying sex) they (Vaisnavas) are very busy spreading this Krsna consciousness movement
- These animal propensities are eating, sleeping, mating and fearing. You can analyze the trend of modern civilization: everyone is busy with these four principles of animal life
- They (Brahmanas) are always busy in their activities for spiritual advancement. Nonetheless, when there is a calamity in human society, they cannot remain impartial
- They (followers of Vedic Civilization) are so busy that they want to begin the busy-ness from their very childhood. Therefore it is wrong to think they are lazy
- They (gopis) wanted to remain busy in Vrndavana and thus feel the presence of Krsna in every step of their lives. They immediately invited Krsna to come back to Vrndavana
- They (people of the present day) are only busy to keep their position of prestige and monetary gain. They have very little time to think of the welfare of the citizens
- They (people of this age) tend to be phlegmatic and slow and to sleep a great deal, and when they're not sleeping, they are busy earning money
- They (people) are simply busy with material activities. Therefore all of them are performing only bad karma and therefore suffering. They are blind men leading other blind men. And both are then suffering by bad karma. That is very easy to understand
- They (people) travel thousands of miles to take bath in the Ganges at the holy place of Prayag. So although they are not busy in the dog's race, these people are not lazy
- They (persons with the vision of differentiation) are influenced by the immediate cause, which they are busy counteracting, because they have no knowledge of the remote, supreme cause, the Personality of Godhead - SB 10.4.27
- They (the people of Kali-yuga) will be busy in ghora-rupa activities, horrible and fierceful activities, not yajna. They will neglect yajna. So then how your these bolts and nuts and rubber tires will help you? Therefore there is scarcity of anna
- They are simply busy seeing to their own remuneration in dollars and cents. How, then, can they lead the mass of people to the right path of self-realization? Thus one must hear submissively from a dhira in order to attain actual education
- They are so busy, but because they are fool, therefore they are creating problems. This is fact. Even the animals, lower than the human being, they have no problem
- They worship the forefathers and are busy day and night improving the economic condition of their family, social or national life
- They're busy collecting the ingredients for ritualistic ceremonies that yield only temporary benefits, such as elevation to Svargaloka for material happiness. They're not attracted to the sankirtana movement
- This is material world. Everyone is busy. Why busy? Not for eating, sleeping. That is not problem at all. Because eating, sleeping, even the birds and beasts and insect, they have no problem. They are confident
- This life, I am busy for constructing a skyscraper building, and next time, next life, if I get the body of a cat or dog, so I'll have to live in that house because I have got attraction as a cat and dog, and who will care for me? So these are the facts
- Those persons who are busy with the mundane inquiries which fill the newspapers and other such literatures are classified as stri-sudra-dvija-bandhus, or women, the laborer class and unworthy sons of the higher classes - brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya
- Those who are always busy with fruitive activities come to the Lord in material distress and at that time associate with pure devotees and become, in their distress, devotees of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are beyond the dualities that arise from doubts, whose minds are engaged within, who are always busy working for the welfare of all living beings, and who are free from all sins achieve liberation in the Supreme
- Those who are busy rendering service to the parts and parcels, leaving aside the whole, only spoil time and energy, as one does when watering the leaves of a tree without watering the root
- Those who are interested in reviving Krsna consciousness and increasing their love of Godhead do not like to do anything that is not related to Krsna. They are not interested in mingling with people who are busy maintaining their bodies
- Those who are simply planning how to keep this body comfortable, that is the material world. Everyone is busy how to keep this body very comfortable, although it is not possible
- To be religious, one must abide by the orders of God, but unfortunately people in this age have rejected religion, and they are busy in economic development. Therefore they will adopt any means to get money
- To become busy as a devotee, that has value. That is Krsna consciousness. The Mayavadi philosophy is that, "This business is useless, so stop it altogether." No. That is negation
- To the inhabitants of Vrndavana, who were busy working during daytime and sleeping soundly at night because of their hard labor in the day, Lord Krsna awarded promotion to the highest planet in the spiritual sky
- To whom He (Krsna) gives direct instruction? Satata-yuktanam: one who is twenty-four hours busy in His service. Twenty-four hours, satata
- Under the spell of such designations (such as altruism or nationalism), they are always busy in the material field; for them spiritual realization is a myth, and so they are not interested. BG 1972 purports
- Unfortunate men of this age are always reluctant to give a reception to the transcendentalists who are representatives of Srila Vyasadeva and selfless workers always busy in planning something which may help everyone in all statuses and orders of life
- We are actually busy with dharma, artha, kama and moksa, but when we transcend these, bhakti begins
- We are busy always, but the animals are also busy for eating, sleeping, mating, and defending, but they have no problem. We have got problems
- We are busy trying to arrange for temporary comforts in this life, but we are neglecting the real discomforts of birth, death, old age, and disease
- We are busy with mundane knowledge, but the most important part of knowledge is transcendental knowledge, "What I am? Where from I have come? What is my constitutional position? Am I this body or I am beyond this body?" These are transcendental knowledge
- We are busy with the demonic characteristic, dambhah, vimana, darpah, like that. So you can change it. There is no hopelessness. Simply you have to be praticed, that today you are not a singer. But you can become an expert singer if you practice singing
- We are so fool that we do not understand what is the real problem of life. We are simply busy in temporary problems. Real problem is that a living being is eternal, and by the laws of nature, by his karma, he has to change his body. That is real problem
- We are speaking of the demons, materialistic person. Demon means materialistic person, who are simply busy for these temporary bodily comforts. They do not know anything else
- We do not belong to any faction. But because the two parties, busy dividing the material assets of the Gaudiya Matha institution, stopped the preaching work, we took up the mission of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura and Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- We don't want to stop all the activities. But they are busy always. Ask all these men, they are obstructing, "What these people are doing?" You see? There is no end of their sense gratification
- We have got enough source of knowledge, treasure house of knowledge, but we are reluctant. We are busy with the newspaper
- We have got the medicine to awake the people from this ignorance. He doesn't know anything. He is busy only with his fifty years. Nowadays, less still we live, such rascaldom you are. "We have got the medicine. Now you take it." This is our canvassing
- We have to take care of ourself. Daily, we are thinking, "My country, my community" - they're all busy in this way - "they'll save me." No. When death will come, nobody will save you. You remember that
- We see in your New York City. Everyone is busy with karma. Karma means you do something, there is some result and you enjoy or suffer. That is called karma
- We see materialistic persons busily engaged in economic development all day and all night, trying to increase their material opulence, but even if we suppose that they get some benefit from such endeavors, that does not solve the real problem
- What for they (nondevotees) are making big, big plans? They will stay here for a few days, and forgetting Krsna consciousness they are busy in making plans
- What is the result of your being so busy? "Well, I take two pieces of toast and one cup of tea. That's all." (Laughter.) And for this purpose you are so busy
- Whatever they are busy now in the material world, everything will be failure. And Krsna consciousness movement, if you execute a little bit of it, it can save you from the greatest danger
- When a man dies, something is lost. Where is the technology to replace it? Why don't scientists try to solve this problem? Because this is a very difficult subject matter, they set it aside and busily engage in the technology of eating, sleeping & mating
- When the living entity is born in a species of lower animals, he completely forgets his relationship with the Lord and therefore remains always busy in the matter of eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating
- When the living entity is too busily engaged serving his senses, and there is an over-indulgence in sense gratification, the Lord comes
- When they (thieves) came before His (lord Caitanya's) house they became afraid because everyone from the house of Jagannatha Misra and all the inhabitants of that quarter were busy searching for the child
- Without becoming Krsna conscious, everyone's life is baffled. He's demon. So demons, they are trying only to adjust things materially, which is impossible. So they are busy, prabhavanti, flourishing
- You (people in general) are simply creating problem by your so-called busy-ness. Better you stop and read our books and be intelligent. Lazy mischief-maker, it is better than busy mischief maker. Busy mischief maker means he'll commit more mischief
- You are responsible to train so many children in the highest knowledge of life, so that cannot be neglected in any way. You are also doing editing work, so I think that in these two ways you can remain yourself always busy in devotional service
- You may be busy with all kinds of technology. That, that is not forbidden. But at the same time, you try to understand this technology, the science of soul. That is there. It is not a bogus propaganda. It is factual