Busy intelligent
Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures
There are four classes: lazy intelligent, busy intelligent, lazy foolish, and active foolish.
Lecture on SB 1.15.30 -- Los Angeles, December 8, 1973: Those who are lazy and sleeping, you must know he's under the influence of tamo-guṇa. And rajo-guṇa, always acting foolishly. Just like these people are running. They're rajo-guṇa. But actually in this world there are two guṇas-rajas and tamas, ignorance and foolishly active. Foolish active is very dangerous. There are four classes: lazy intelligent, busy intelligent, lazy foolish, and active foolish. The active foolish is a fourth-class man. So at the present moment they're very active, but they're all foolish. Therefore the world is in danger. Active foolishness. Foolish, if he stops, he does not work, it is better. But as soon as he becomes active he becomes more dangerous.
And the next class: busy intelligent. Intelligence should be used very soberly.
Lecture on SB 1.16.23 -- Hawaii, January 19, 1974: There are four classes of men: lazy intelligent, busy intelligent, lazy fool and busy fool. (laughter) So first-class man is lazy intelligent. Just like you'll see the high-court judges. They're very lazy and most intelligent. That is first-class man. They are doing everything very soberly. And the next class: busy intelligent. Intelligence should be used very soberly. And the third class: lazy fool-lazy, at the same time, fool. And the fourth class: busy fool. Busy fool is very dangerous. So all these people, they're busy. Even in this country, everywhere, all over the world, not this country or that country.
Conversations and Morning Walks
1973 Conversations and Morning Walks
The first-class man is lazy intelligent, and second class, busy intelligent, and third class, lazy rascal, and fourth class, busy rascal.
Morning Walk -- December 5, 1973, Los Angeles:
Yaśomatīnandana: In Gujarati we call it: bhanji moti laksmim.(?) When the palm is closed it is worth lakh rupees, but when it is open, it doesn't mean anything. A foolish person, when he talks, he reveals everything.
Prabhupāda: Yes. Foolish person means busy rascal. There are four kinds of division: lazy intelligent and busy intelligent and lazy rascal and busy rascal. The first-class man is lazy intelligent, and second class, busy intelligent, and third class, lazy rascal, and fourth class, busy rascal. A rascal, if he's busy, then what he will do? He'll simply do harm. That's all.1975 Conversations and Morning Walks
In German, I think, or somewhere there is classification: "Lazy intelligent, busy intelligent, lazy fool, and busy fool."
Morning Walk -- October 19, 1975, Johannesburg:
Prabhupāda: No, that means their life is not properly conducted. And therefore the word laziness has come. Laziness is not actually the word. Laziness means minimizing the bodily labor and engaged in spiritual work. If you ask people, "Please come to our temple," who is coming? Because he says, "I have no time." But we are not working hard. So real aim of life is to... In German, I think, or somewhere there is classification: "Lazy intelligent, busy intelligent, lazy fool, and busy fool." So at the present moment (laughs) the whole world is full of busy fools. But the first-class man, he is lazy intelligent. Lazy and intelligent, that is first-class man. And second-class man, busy intelligent.
Busy intelligent means at least whatever he is doing, there is some meaning, busy intelligent. And lazy intelligent means he is doing higher things. Lazy intelligent means brāhmaṇa, and busy intelligent means kṣatriya
Morning Walk -- October 19, 1975, Johannesburg:
Indian man (1): About the busy intelligent?
Prabhupāda: The second class.
Indian man (1): How does he behave?
Prabhupāda: Busy intelligent means at least whatever he is doing, there is some meaning, busy intelligent. And lazy intelligent means he is doing higher things. Lazy intelligent means brāhmaṇa, and busy intelligent means kṣatriya. So the cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭām [Bg. 4.13]. The society should be divided into four classes. The śūdras, they are busy fools. Therefore they are to be guided.Page Title: | Busy intelligent |
Compiler: | Labangalatika |
Created: | 14 of Feb, 2009 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=2, Con=3, Let=0 |
No. of Quotes: | 5 |