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Pages in category "Cure"
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- A crazy fellow goes to the psychiatrist and he talks with him; gradually, he cures him - similarly, these living entity, if they associate with devotees and they constantly talk and hear about God, then again he revives his God consciousness
- A diseased man cannot enjoy life; his enjoyment of life is a false enjoyment. But when he is cured and is healthy, then he is able to enjoy
- A diseased man is accustomed to eat bitter medicine, not very palatable, & so many things, passing stool & urine. As soon as they inform that after being cured there is also passing of stool & urine & eating, but that is palatable, he cannot understand
- A diseased person, he has to be brought into the healthy condition of life, to cure the disease. So just a man, when he's diseased and when he's healthy, from external feature, the same
- A patient who is suffering for, suppose from birth, he cannot understand that there is activities after being cured of this disease. He cannot understand. He thinks activity means lying down on the bed and drinking all bitter medicine and pass stool
- A patient who is suffering from a disorder of the bowels due to overindulgence in milk products is cured by another milk product, namely curds. The materially absorbed conditioned soul can be cured by KC as set forth here in the Gita (4.24). BG 1972 pur
- A patient, since his birth he is sick, lying in the hospital, cannot walk or cannot eat nice things. All bitter medicine, injection, always suffering. If he is informed that, "After your cure, you shall be able to eat nice rasagulla," he cannot believe
- A sannyasi is prohibited from making disciples through such material allurements - curing diseases or increasing material opulence by manufacturing gold
- A surgical operation is not meant to kill the patient, but to cure him. Therefore the fighting to be executed by Arjuna at the instruction of Krsna is with full knowledge, so there is no possibility of sinful reaction
- A very respectable brahmana in Calcutta never took a doctor's medicine. Even though he sometimes felt sick, he would not accept medicine from the physician but would simply drink Ganges water, and he was always cured within a very short time
- After curing him from that poisonous effect, he is under criminal code of the state: "Why you have attempted suicide?" Similarly, in the laws of nature if you commit suicide, that is another criminal act
- All right, that disease is cured, but another disease is there. Huh? Just like in India there are malaria or some disease. In your country there is cancer. Rich disease. You are rich men. That disease is also very rich
- Although Vasudeva Vipra was a leper and had suffered greatly, still, after Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu cured him He instructed him to preach Krsna consciousness
- An expert physician treats his patient with a therapeutic diet. For example, milk preparations sometimes cause disorder of the bowels, but the very same milk converted into curd and mixed with some other remedial ingredients cures such disorders
- As a disease, if initially neglected, becomes acute and impossible to cure, or as the senses, if not controlled at first, are impossible to control later, an enemy, if neglected in the beginning, later becomes insurmountable - SB 10.4.38
- As a man's mental disease is cured by the directions of a psychiatrist, so this sadhana-bhakti cures the conditioned soul of his madness under the spell of maya, material illusion
- Bathing in the Ganges can certainly cure one of many infectious diseases, but it cannot cleanse one's materially attached mind, which creates all kinds of contaminations in material existence
- Because doctor says you have to starve, if you want to cure a disease, then I have to voluntarily accept, accept starving. This is called tapasya: voluntarily accept some miserable condition of life
- Because of sincere affection, she thought that eating this sukuta would cure the Lord's disease. Considering these affectionate thoughts of Damayanti, the Lord was very pleased
- Being meek and humble, the brahmana Vasudeva worried that he would become proud after being cured by the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Best thing is that one should know he is in conditioned life and try to cure it. When a man is in diseased condition he should try to get out of diseased condition without harassing his brain when the disease has begun
- Bhakti is nothing artificial. It is the activity of healthy stage. Just like a man, when he is diseased, his activities are differing from the man who is cured and healthy
- Brahmanas could ordinarily cure all kinds of diseases simply by giving instructions and some medicine. Thus no one was bereft of the benefit of a first-class physician, astrologer and priest - because 500 years ago brahmans were qualified in all those
- By atonement we may be free from the infection, but again we do it. Karmana. Then again. . . That is called karma-kanda, fruitive activities. Because the bija, the seed of my sinful desires, that is not cured
- By discharge of devotional service, one feels transcendental satisfaction as the mind becomes detached from material objectives. It is something like curing a disease by expert treatment and appropriate diet. BG 1972 purports
- By regular treatment with doses of sugar candy, one can gradually get relief from the infection of jaundice, and when the patient is perfectly cured, the same sugar candy that tasted bitter to him regains its natural sweetness
- By the grace of the Personality of Godhead, not only are diseases of the body and mind cured, but also the soul is relieved of the constant repetition of birth and death
- Different demigods have different powers. The sun-god has the power to cure diseases; the moon-god imbues plants with taste and nutritional or medicinal potency; Goddess Durga gives strength and courage; Goddess Sarasvati bestows learning
- Diseased man, he cannot enjoy life. His enjoyment of life is a false enjoyment. When he's cured, when he's in healthy life, then his enjoyment is bona fide
- Due to continuous sex life, he (the househoulder) falls victim to many incurable diseases. At that time, being afraid of death, which is like an elephant, he remains hanging from the twigs and branches of the tree, just like a monkey
- Even the Christian, religious persons, they also open hospital to give relief to the patient. So that is not the program. The program is why he should fall sick and come to the hospital? Precaution is better than cure
- Everyone is going on under the stringent laws of material nature. We cannot help. The same example: if a man is diseased, you can try to bring to him nice physician, nice medicine, but that is not guarantee that he will be cured. That depends on Krsna
- First of all, whatever intoxication you have already got, just try to cure it. Don't increase it. The physical necessities means we have already got it. But it is meant for decreasing, not increasing
- First-class medical treatment or the attempts of a first-class physician are not in themselves the cause for curing a patient; there must be the hand of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- For example, a person suffering from venereal disease on account of excessive indulgence in sex life has to undergo some severe pain in medical treatment, and he is then cured for the time being
- Generally a man is healthy, but by infecting some disease he becomes diseased. So this material way of life is a kind of infection. So we have to cure that. And this is our process. And it has become successful
- God is good, so we are also good. But we have become bad under circumstances. Just like under infection, one becomes diseased. So if we cure that infection, again he becomes good. So it is the curing process
- He (Gopala Capala) did not know that the deliverance of the fallen does not consist of curing their bodily diseases, although it is also a fact that when a man is delivered from the material clutches his material bodily diseases are automatically cured
- He cannot understand that after being cured from the disease, he will eat very nicely, he will lie down on the bed very nicely, he'll have no miserable condition of life. He cannot understand
- I am just trying to make spiritual method as much practical as any other material cures with greater and persisting effect
- I know that if I attack this infection I'll suffer, still I, ah, become infected, and again I suffer. Again I go to the physician, he gives me medicine, again I'm cured, again. This is going on
- I must cure patient. Then I will be known as medical practitioner. So guna-karma-vibhagasah: not only quality but also practice
- I think that if you go on in this way and spend your whole time preaching and engaging others to hear you and become themselves engaged in Krishna's service, that will cure you of all misgivings and miserable conditions
- I was taken by my servant in the jungle to some . . . this vaidya. They cured me, and the dentist could not. I attended so many times to the dentist. I have got my practical experience
- If a diseased person is being cured of the symptoms of his disease but does not care for the principles of healthy living, there is every possibility of a relapse
- If one could achieve success without the sanction of the Lord then no medical practitioner would fail to cure a patient
- If one is suffering from certain type of disease, goes to a doctor, gets some medicine, it is cured for the time being, again if he's attacked and goes to the doctor, again he gives medicine, what is the use of this business? That is intelligent question
- If one wants to actually stop diseased life, he must follow a regulative principle. If a person does not follow the program given by a physician to cure his disease, he cannot be cured
- If one's mind is distorted, then the indriyas cannot work. That is madman. You try to cure the mental disease just to bring him in proper position to control the senses. Otherwise, he does not know how to control the senses
- If the priest is going to hospital for curing his intoxication habit, he's hypocrite
- If we have faith that a physician can cure us, and he tells us not to eat such and such, and we eat it anyway, what kind of faith do we have? If we have faith in our physician, we will follow his prescriptions for cure
- If we want to revive our original position, we must be placed again into that service attitude. That is the perfect cure. Otherwise we shall suffer pain and God will be suffering pain on account of us
- If you become advanced in Krishna Consciousness, you will be able to cure the disease of the soul for many many persons. And that is more important than a doctor or medical practitioner for curing the disease of this body
- If you chant Hare Krsna mantra regularly, you'll be cured. Otherwise, regular tapasya is almost impossible nowadays
- If you don't cure a disease, it can put you into trouble in so many ways. Similarly. if you don't purify your existence, then you will have to transmigrate from one body to another
- If you want to taste what is God, you first of all try to cure your disease. Our disease, material disease, is the lusty desire. Lusty desire is so strong that you will find it is existing amongst the so-called religionists performing religious rituals
- If you want to understand the tree, whole tree, you try to understand it from the root, not from the top. So disease, any disease, if you understand the root cause of the disease you can give proper medicine and he's cured
- If your calculation is true and I am a madman, then your punishment will be like beating a dead horse. There will be no effect. When a madman is punished, he is not cured of his madness
- Immediately he becomes cured, of course, by hearing, provided one hears properly. But it is not possible, because we are associated with this material contamination. It requires little time
- In America, they have got hospital for curing alcoholic habit of the priest. Five thousand patients. So he's alcoholic and he's in the priestly dress. This is going on
- In order to cure him from the disease he should follow the instruction of the physician. But if he wants to do anything and everything as he likes, then he'll suffer. So tapasya is required
- In order to cure him from these material desires we shall give him medicine, hari-nama, and diet, prasada. We have no such program, to make him vegetarian. That is not our program
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that when Krsna entered the poisonous waters of the Yamuna, Srimati Yasoda Devi went insane. Instead of searching for curative herbs, she began to speak to the trees as if they were snake chanters
- In Vedic literature there are so many recommendations: if one wants to cure his disease, he worships the sun, or if a girl wants a good husband, she worships Lord Siva, or if one wants to become beautiful, he worships such and such god
- In western medicine, sunshine is recommended for all kinds of diseases, and according to the Vedas a diseased man should worship the sun for cure. Similarly, if we associate with Krsna in Krsna consciousness, our maladies are cured
- In your country there is law that you cannot purchase from the drug shop any medicine without being prescribed by the medical man. Is it not? So the prescription should be taken from the experienced physician to cure the disease
- It is not at all necessary that an ailing person shall oblige all classes of physicians for the sake of their being medical practitioners only. The patient must be treated by such physician only who is able to cure him
- It is not the question of whether it is pleasurable or nonpleasurable, but if you want to cure yourself from the disease, you have to follow the directions. That is the process
- It is very simple to understand. Suppose a man is diseased. No doctor can guarantee that "This will be cured in so many days." You see? It depends on the situation of the patient's condition and accepting the treatment
- Let them pray to Jagannatha for my cure immediately, or as soon as possible, I shall do that
- Lord Caitanya accepted some water from the waterpot of Murari Gupta, and thus He was cured. The natural remedy for indigestion is to drink a little water, and since Murari Gupta was a physician, he gave the Lord some drinking water and cured Him
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, being very compassionate toward a brahmana named Vasudeva, cured him of leprosy. He transformed him into a beautiful man satisfied with devotional service
- Maharaja Pariksit had inquired why Narada Muni was subject to a spirit of revenge (tamah). But this was not tamah, for Narada Muni, in full knowledge of what was for the good of the 2 brothers (Nalakuvara & Manigriva), wisely thought of how to cure them
- Making a show of devotional paraphernalia, they (materialistic persons) may also collect money from the public and use it to cure the disease of some family member or near relative
- Man cannot check all these evils simply by statutory acts and police vigilance, but he can cure the disease of the mind by the proper medicine, namely advocating the principles of brahminical culture
- Man cannot check all these evils simply by statutory acts and police vigilance, but he can cure the disease of the mind by the proper medicine, namely advocating the principles of brahminical culture - austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness
- Many people are cured of diseases simply by bathing in the Ganges. Similarly, the inhabitants of Krauncadvipa purify themselves by bathing in the rivers there
- Maya may put so many doubts and worthless arguments into our minds, but if we continue the chanting, the curing process will go on
- Maya may put so many doubts and worthless arguments into our minds, but if we continue the chanting, the curing process will go on, never mind the doubts, and gradually we will get a taste of that sweet nectar of Krishna Nama Sankirtana
- My birth and death is disease. You have to cure this disease. That is your problem, real problem. But they are not serious about curing . . . solving this real problem, birth and death
- My dear friend, these palpitations of Srimati Radharani's heart are extremely difficult to cure. Even if one applied some medical treatment, it would only end in defamation
- My dear King, if a diseased person eats the pure, uncontaminated food prescribed by a physician, he is gradually cured, and the infection of disease can no longer touch him
- My dear Lord, You have cured the blindness of my false pride by smearing my eyes with the ointment of Your mercy. You have bestowed so much mercy upon me that my ignorance is now gone
- Nima wood is so antiseptic that the Ayurvedic science uses it to cure leprosy. Medical scientists have extracted the active principle of the nima tree, which is called margosic acid. Nima is used for many purposes, especially to brush the teeth
- Now from smoking sometimes he gets bronchitis or something, some disease in the heart. So he goes to the doctor, he suffers, and he takes medicine and he is cured, then again smoking, again do the same thing
- O good soul, does not a thing, applied therapeutically, cure a disease which was caused by that very same thing?
- One has to be serious to cure this condition of material existence and transfer himself to Krsna consciousness, for thus his long suffering may be mitigated without difficulty
- One may be suffering from disease, from fever, and the temperature may come down to normal, 98.6 degrees. So he is now normal, but that is not the cure
- One may get indigestion due to eating too many milk preparations - (…) sweet rice, and so on. But even though there is indigestion or diarrhea, another milk preparation - yogurt mixed with black pepper and salt - will immediately cure these maladies
- One milk preparation can cause indigestion and diarrhea, and another milk preparation can cure them
- One's fever may be cured, but one must also regain his strength and appetite in order to be totally cured. Then one can have a normal, healthy life, free of disease
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to educate people to cure his disease of forgetfulness. He has forgotten simply. Just like a madman forgets who is his father, who is his mother, he talks nonsense, sometimes he calls ill names. Mad
- Pariksit Maharaja noted that after atoning, people commit the same sins again. If a man is diseased, the physician may give him medicine and cure him, but it does not guarantee that he will not be attacked again by the same disease
- People are unfortunate in spiritual consciousness in the Kali-yuga, and nature disturbs them in so many ways, especially through incurable diseases like cancer and through frequent wars and among nations
- Psychiatrists are humbug, all humbug. They cannot help. Best thing is to be engaged in continuously chanting and hearing Sankirtan, that will cure anyone of mental disease
- Sastra says - Don't waste your valuable time in that way (by finding out cure for diseases). Try to understand God. Use your intelligence for this purpose
- Sinful activities are diseases, so one should follow the prescribed cures to become healthy
- So far my injuries are concerned, by the grace of Krishna and good wishes of friends and relatives it is already completely cured. Thank you very much for your kind inquiries
- So if we want to cure this disease of repeated birth and death, then we have to restrict, restrict our bodily enjoyment, because we cannot enjoy. It is simply so-called enjoyment
- So long you are not cured, what is the use of talking svarupa? First business is cure yourself. Anartha-nivrtti, that is anartha-nivrtti. Then svarupa will come. That is the babajis. In Vrndavana, you have seen? Siddha-pranali
- So senses should be cured, and then you will be able to enjoy. That is our program. We are not stopping sense enjoyment; we are trying to give you real sense enjoyment
- So the Krsna consciousness movement means to cure the heart disease full with lusty desires. This is Krsna consciousness
- So we have to cure this heart disease, hrd-roga-kama. And that will be done simply by chanting and hearing the Hare Krsna mantra. Ceto-darpana-marjanam
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura gives herein a good example. When a father finds his child deeply asleep but the child has to take some medicine to cure some disease, the father pinches the child so that the child will get up and take the medicine
- Suppose he knows the cause of cancer. What is the benefit? Neither he can stop cancer, neither a man suffering from cancer, if it is cured, he will live forever. That is not possible
- Taking a bath and drinking the water of this lake (Bindu-sarovara) can cure any disease of the stomach. Regular bathing certainly cures indigestion
- Taking this opportunity, Indra touched the elephant with his nectar-producing hand, thus relieving the animal's pain and curing its injuries. Then the elephant and Indra both stood silently
- That (ignorance) we have to cure. That is the special advantage of human life. The dogs, the cats, they cannot be cured. They cannot be given the knowledge
- The centers of the Krsna consciousness movement are the only established hospitals that can cure man of birth, death, old age and disease
- The demons continued to say, “If there is some disease in the body which is neglected, it worsens and becomes incurable. Similarly, we must now be very careful of the demigods (disease for the demons) before they get too strong to be subdued
- The diseased condition of the senses may be treated by curing the defect, but not uprooting the senses altogether
- The example is given in this connection that when a man is ghostly haunted, he speaks all nonsense. At the present moment they're all ghostly haunted and in this delirious condition the only cure is chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra
- The famous King Hariscandra, one of the exalted persons in history, performed grand sacrifices by sacrificing a man and pleased all the demigods. In this way his dropsy created by Varuna was cured
- The final cure is when one is not only out of fever, but he is acting like a healthy man. Otherwise it is again there is possibility
- The greatest benefit (of receiving a brahmana) was that a householder could save a great deal of money from being spent on doctor bills because the brahmanas could ordinarily cure all kinds of diseases simply by giving instructions and some medicine
- The guru should not be approached for material benefits. One should not approach a guru just to cure some disease or receive some miraculous benefit. This is not the way to approach the guru
- The Himalaya Mountains are famous for all richness. There are innumerable caves to live in, numberless trees of good fruits to eat, good springs to drink water from and profuse drugs and minerals to cure diseases
- The Krsna consciousness movement has taken up the mission of curing this disease, but people are not very appreciative because they do not know what this disease is
- The man, or rather the soul, cannot be killed; so for the administration of justice, so-called violence is permitted. A surgical operation is not meant to kill the patient, but to cure him. BG 1972 purports
- The only cure is Hari Nama. You simply be engaged in chanting all day and serving Krishna and any time there is no service, simply chant Hare Krishna
- The only way to cure this mental disease is to wholeheartedly follow Lord Caitanya's instruction to chant the holy names of Krsna. This will cleanse the heart of all impurities
- The patient cannot indulge in the bad habit and at the same time expect to be cured by the physician. Modern materialistic civilization, however, is maintaining a diseased atmosphere
- The physician is giving some medicine and some diet. So if we follow the directions of the physician and eat the diet prescribed by him, there is hope of curing the disease. This is one way
- The purpose of opening so many centers of Krsna consciousness is to give chance to these forgotten men, Krsna consciousness. It is not a business. It is a charitable institution. It is hospital to cure the material disease
- The real aim is to be cured from the disease. So any religion which teaches to be cured from the material disease of sense gratification and teaches love of Godhead, that is perfect religion
- The remedial measure to cure a patient by medical treatment is useless if it is not sanctioned by the Lord. To cross the river or the ocean by a suitable boat is no remedial measure if it is not sanctioned by the Lord
- The standard of human civilization should be to cure the disease of sense gratification, and one can do this simply by becoming an agent for satisfying the spiritual senses of the Lord
- The Vedas are the source of all knowledge, and thus knowledge in medical science is also there for the perfect cure of the diseases of the living entity
- There are many hospitals and medical clinics to cure bodily diseases, but there are no such hospitals to cure the material disease of the spirit soul
- There are many so-called gurus who attract disciples by promising to cure their diseases or increase their material opulence by manufacturing gold. These are lucrative allurements for unintelligent men
- There is no use tracing out the history when you become infected. You should not be infected. That should be your business. And as you are now infected, you try to avoid the causes of infection and take the medicine; you become cured
- There is some injury in your finger or any part of the body. You do not know how subtle work is going on to cure it. Medicine is not cure; medicine is only helping. But there is automatic way of curing it
- These vegetable, drugs, are meant for when you are sick or disturbed, you can utilize. Not for intoxication. Just like opium. If you have severe type of dysentery, diarrhea, a little opium it will immediately cure
- They (Jagadisa & Hiranya) immediately sent the food to Lord Caitanya through His father, Jagannatha Misra. Nimai was feeling sick, but immediately after eating the visnu-prasadam He was cured, and He also distributed the prasadam among His playmates
- They (the rascals) do not know that living creature is eternal, therefore they want to make the ultimate solution as void, zero. But it cannot be zero. It is not possible, because you are eternal. Therefore you have to cure & that curing process is KC
- This dog civilization, is so spread all over the world that it is very, very difficult to cure it. We are making little attempt, but the ignorance is so deep, the disease is so acute, it is very, very difficult
- This human form of life is to get out of this diseased condition of life having a material body. If we don't restrict, then where is the treatment? Where is the cure? The whole system is restriction, tapo divyam
- This is our real disease, to take birth, to die, to become old and to become victims of disease. But nobody knows how to cure this
- This Krsna consciousness movement aims at curing man of his material disease and reestablishing his original consciousness
- This voidism or impersonalism is a symptom of frustration, not being able to cure the disease. But actually, the living entity is eternal
- To cure the heart disease of lusty desires and greediness is chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam
- Unable to gain release, he remains helplessly in that position. Sometimes he falls victim to an incurable disease, which is like falling into a mountain cave
- Unless we are cured of this diseased conception of bodily life, we cannot taste the sweetness of spiritual life. Indeed, it will taste bitter to us
- Venereal diseases are often contacted again and again, despite cures, and a thief may steal again and again, despite being repeatedly being thrown into jail. Why is this
- Vivekananda, he prescribed daridra-narayana-seva. The same thing - hospital. We kill all animals, and the hospital patient is given the meat for improvement of the health. But he does not know that this is not curing; he is become implicated in his karma
- We are surrendering, but we are not surrendering to Krsna. This is the disease. This is the disease. And Krsna consciousness movement means to cure this disease
- We cannot give up our desires, but we can purify our desires. Killing of desire is no solution, but curing the desires, diseased condition of desire, is the right solution
- We have to cure our disease. This disease means... The Krsna consciousness movement means purification of our diseased condition, infectious condition. It is not anything artificial
- We take bitter medicine just to cure our existence. Similarly, at the present moment, our existence is impure. Therefore we have to accept birth, death, old age and disease on account of impure existence. Otherwise, we are spirit soul, we are eternal
- When a father finds his child deeply asleep but the child has to take some medicine to cure some disease, the father pinches the child so that the child will get up and take the medicine
- When a person comes to visit the temple and smells the incense offered to the Deity, he is cured at that time from all his material contamination
- When he suffers he says: "Oh, I'll not do it again." But when he's cured, again he does it. The same, confession, or anything you take, atonement. So Pariksit Maharaja is comparing it, kunjara-saucavat. It is just like the elephant's taking bath
- When the devotees smell the good flavor of the incense which is offered to the Deity, they thus become cured of the poisonous effects of material contamination, as much as one becomes cured of a snakebite by smelling the prescribed medicinal herbs
- When there is some disease in the eyes, the eyes may be cured to see properly. Plucking out the eyes is no treatment
- When we are in this material world we using our senses in abnormal way. So when we cure the senses, we get into normal condition. That is spiritual life
- When we deny to serve Krsna, when we are not engaged in the service of Krsna, that is our diseased condition; that is not healthy condition. So this KCM is a treatment to cure this disease, atheist and rogues, to come to Krsna consciousness and be happy
- When you are diseased it is not required that you should be killed. No. Your disease should be, I mean, cured, then you can work in healthy life
- Whole treatment of the human society should be like that, to cure him from the disease of forgetfulness his relationship with God. Then when he is cured, when he is in healthy state, then there will be no more trouble in the world
- You give medicine to a diseased man to cure him just to make him able to enjoy senses. That's all. But Krsna consciousness movement is that you give him medicine so that he can get out of the clutches of this material entanglement
- You will find that one who is very experienced medical practitioner, he gives you a prescription, and you visit him again and again, he gives you the same prescription, unless you are cured
- Your country, America, will become so much degraded that they will appreciate if we are revolutionary clean. Our revolutionary medicine will be experimented on these children, and it will be seen in America to be the cure