Category:Be Cured
"be cured"
Pages in category "Be Cured"
The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total.
- Because of her (the wife of a brahmana) strong determination to serve her husband, the three deities - namely Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara - were very happy, and they gave her the benediction that her husband would be cured and brought back to life
- By killing the body or by protecting the body, that is not the solution. The solution is that the living entity has infected itself with the material disease. It has to be cured. That is the whole purpose of Vedic civilization
- Despite the most advanced treatment of a suffering patient by the most up-to-date medical practitioner, there is death, and even in the most hopeless case, without medical treatment, a patient is cured astonishingly
- Disease is not hopelessness. Otherwise why the people go for treatment to a physician? Similarly, out of ignorance you are now in this miserable condition, but if you become treated by bona fide spiritual master, then you'll be cured
- Disease should be cured, not to increase it. But at the present moment we are mad after increasing the disease. We are acting in such a way that we have to accept another body. That means material disease will continue
- Everyone requires the psychiatric treatment so that the mind may be transferred from matter to spirit soul. Then you'll be cured. The disease is of the mind
- Everyone requires to be cured of this disease of ignorance. The disease of ignorance, means "I am this body. I am this body." I am not this body
- Everything is possible, provided you people take our instruction. Otherwise, there is no other remedy. What can be done? The remedy's there. The medicine is also there. But if you don't take the medicine, how the disease will be cured?
- His (the living entity's) disease can be cured only when he meets and follows the expert physician, the bona fide spiritual master
- His condition is diseased, therefore, he actually cannot enjoy the sweetness of sugar candy. But when he is cured, a man in healthy state, if you give him sugar candy, oh, he will say, he will appreciate, - Oh, it is very sweet, very nice
- How it (taste) will be created? Just like a person suffering from jaundice, if you give him sugar candy, it will be tasted bitter. But sugar candy is not bitter. He will be cured very soon. Similarly, the discussion on SB may not be liked in the beginning
- I am very glad to learn that your illness is cured. You can take it that it is Krsna's mercy
- If a doctor advises a diabetic patient not to eat but to starve for some days, although no one likes to starve, the patient must voluntarily accept starvation if he wants to be cured. This is tapasya: voluntary acceptance of a miserable condition
- If a man is diseased, you can try to bring to him nice physician, nice medicine, but that is not guarantee that he will be cured. That depends on Krsna. Therefore Krsna is the ultimate, I mean to say, beneficiary, or benevolent
- If one is suffering, that is his own fault. Just like in the hospital you'll go, you'll find so many patients are starving. Does it mean the patients are starving for want of food? No. He must starve; otherwise he will not be cured. That is destiny
- If one wants a beautiful wife, he is advised to worship Uma, or goddess Durga. If one wants to be cured of a disease, he is advised to worship the sun-god. All requests for benedictions from the demigods, however, are due to material lust
- If we actually want to be cured from this diseased condition of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease, we have to abstain from this sinful life. So it is not difficult. It requires little knowledge
- If we want to be cured from this disease, then we have to follow rules and regulation. Just like a patient, if he wants to be cured from the disease, he has to follow the rules and regulation prescribed by the physician
- If you are diseased, you can be cured if you take the proper medicine, treatment. That's all. Disease is not hopelessness. Otherwise why the people go for treatment to a physician? Similarly, out of ignorance you are now in this miserable condition
- If you have got some itches and you are feeling that "I should itch," but if you stop itching, this will be cured, and if you go on itching, it will increase
- If you understand that "This is my disease, repetition of birth, death, old age and disease," you'll have to sacrifice. Like you are sacrificing money for being cured from the diseased condition, similarly, sastra says this human life is meant for tapasya
- If you want to give help a suffering in disease man, and bring some nice doctor, medical man to help him and bring some nice medicine, that is good work, but does it mean that it is guaranteed that he will be cured? No
- Omkara is the seed of all transcendental sound and it is only the transcendental sound which can bring about the desired change of the mind and the senses. Even a mentally deranged man can be cured by treatment of transcendental sound
- On account of accepting this material body, there is always miserable condition. Therefore everyone requires the psychiatric treatment so that the mind may be transferred from matter to spirit soul. Then he will be cured. The disease is of the mind
- So-called advancement of civilization in knowledge means that the populace is becoming more mad. Instead of being cured, the disease is being increased
- Suppose you are going to be cured from some disease. So doctor is giving you medicine and treatment. So it is not theoretical. You understand that your fever is diminishing, you are getting strength. Then it is pratyaksavagamam, directly perceived
- Tapasvi, jnani, yogi, they are trying to come to the liberated position, but thinking that "I shall become God." The same disease. Up to the end, the same disease. God means "enjoyer" This disease can be cured only by surrender. That is the only medicine
- The materially absorbed conditioned soul can be cured by Krsna consciousness as set forth here in the Gita. This process is generally known as yajna
- The more we become careful, the more we chant Hare Krsna without any offense, the more we quickly become advanced. Just like a person taking medicine, if he takes all care, then the medicine effects very quickly and the disease is cured very quickly
- The neighboring ladies told Him, "Dear child, please bring a coconut from somewhere, and then Your mother will be cured"
- The real disease can be cured here by Krsna consciousness movement. I am eternal servant of Krsna. Everything belongs to Krsna
- To be cured of a disease, we may have to agree to undergo some surgical operation. Although the operation may be very painful, we have to tolerate it. This is called titiksavah
- You are a physician for treatment. As soon as the physician says that "You don't do this," you say, "I cannot give up this." Then how he will be cured? Let him rot. This is the position
- You can send all these alcohol and drug patients here and they will be cured. These boys, American and European boys, they were all addicted to alcohol, drugs. Now they have given up