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Pages in category "Require"
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- A baby has got a shoe, but when he gets the child's body the shoe does not fit. You have to take another shoe. Similarly, when the same child grows or changes body, he requires another shoe
- A child is required, progeny is required, for that sex life is good. But they are using sex life for pleasure and killing the child - and implicated in sinful activities and therefore suffering
- A child, a boy twelve years old, he cursed Pariksit Maharaja that "Within seven days you'll be bitten by a serpent," and it came to be true. So brahmana does not require any sword or any arrow to kill a man. His very word is sufficient
- A class of ksatriya must be there, a class of vaisya must be there. This is called varnasrama. For the peaceful execution of material life these things are required, division
- A code word requires explanation. Just like in business circle there is Bentley's code. So for business facility, for saving expenditure, the telegraphic codes are there. So one who does not know what is this code, but he can refer to the book
- A devotee's always servant of God. Whatever service is required, as a brahmin, as a ksatriya, as a vaisya, it doesn't matter. We are ready
- A devotee, therefore, does not eat anything that would require slaughterhouses for poor animals. Rather, devotees take prasada of Krsna (tena tyaktena bhunjithah)
- A doctor, medical man. He diagnoses according to the symptom. He finds out the cause. So symptom is required, not that a man has become diseased or healthy by birth. No
- A glossary of some of the important words in this chapter (SB 4th Canto, Ch 28): Grha - Home. For spiritual cultivation one requires an undisturbed place or the good association of devotees
- A Godless civilization cannot bring about peace and prosperity and when they are anxious about it we must administer the required medicine
- A human being is called rational animal. If you come to the rationality, that is required. If you remain also another animal, another type of animal, that will not help you
- A human being is required to accumulate daivi sampat, or spiritual assets; otherwise, the next alternative, asuri sampat, or material assets, will overcome him disproportionately, and thus one will be forced into the entanglement of different miseries
- A hungry man is eating, he's getting strength, and his hunger is being satisfied. So he can understand himself. Nobody requires to certify. Similarly bhakti, Krsna consciousness, is so perfect that pratyaksa avagamam, one can understand directly
- A man may have very good brain power, organization, but if he has no money - useless. So four things required: land, labor, capital, organization
- A person does not have illicit sex. That does not mean he has no sexual capacity. He has full sexual capacity, but he does not want to do it unless it is required for certain purpose
- A person is required, who will apply his brain. So how is that, that without brain the whole cosmic manifestation, it is controlled? That is not very reasonable
- A person who is not Krsna conscious, or God conscious, he is basically a mad man and requires treatment
- A policeman knows that he is not working independently but under government orders. This knowledge is required in order that the policeman, who has some power, will not think that he has become God
- A race horse is required for different purposes. The other beasts of burden - asses, mules and oxen - are required for pulling carts
- A restrained householder brahmacari may be accepted in the bhakti school, but the jnana and dhyana schools do not admit even householder brahmacaris. They require complete abstinence without compromise. BG 1972 purports
- A sannyasi is expected to collect a little food from each and every householder. That is to say, he should take whatever he requires to eat. This system is called madhukari
- A scripture should not be interpreted. A scripture should be taken as it is. As it is. And besides that, interpretation . . . when interpretation is required? When a thing is not properly understood, at that time, interpretation is required
- A small child, when he begins to walk, he requires the help of his elder brother or sister or father or mother to catch, and one step, one step, one step, one step... But when he begins to walk independently, then he doesn't require any help
- A son is required . . . why one should accept a wife for begetting son? Putra-pinda-prayojanam. According to Vedic dharma the pinda-dana, offering pinda, oblations to the forefather, putra is pun-namno narakad yasmat trayate iti putrah
- A thorough reformation of the management of these temples are required for spreading Theistic knowledge through these centres
- A weaver, he sees 'Kat, kat, kat'. He's got it. Does it require M.A., Ph.D. Simply waste of time. And that is going on. I don't want that, for 'Kat, kat, kat', M.A., Ph D
- Abrahma-bhuvanal lokah punar avartino 'rjuna (BG 8.16). Abrahma-loka. The highest planetary system, Brahmaloka, he can go. That is also required superior judgment, what he has done for being promoted
- Acaryopasanam. That is required. But these yogis, jnanis, karmis, they have no acarya. They are self-made
- According to one opinion, the rogues of Bihar know very well that Bengalis are intelligent; therefore these thieves generally force the Bengalis into service requiring intelligence and do not allow them to leave
- According to the Vedic injunction, eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman: the Supreme Personality of Godhead maintains this creation; therefore, He arranges for a supply of whatever is required for all living entities
- According to Vedic civilization, "This eating is first class. This eating is second class. This eating is third class. This eating is fourth class." So many things required to correct the mistaken way of civilization. That is Krsna consciousness
- Acting as Supersoul, the Lord gives inspiration to a suitable person to perform the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies. In this connection, four classes of priests, known as rtvik, are required. They are mentioned as hota, adhvaryu, brahma and udgata
- Actually this incident (of SB 10.9.7) was wonderful because Krsna was only a child with small hands. To bind Him should have required only a rope not more than two feet long
- Actually we are not annihilated. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire , nityo sasvato 'yam. So that is our real business. This requires little intelligence, that "We are eternal. Why we are put into this process of taking birth and death?"
- Actually, to understand one verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam it requires at least seven months. Janmady asya yatah anvayad (SB 1.1.1). My Guru Maharaja explained this verse in Dacca for three months, janmady asya. Actually, it is so important. The beginning
- Adjustments are periodically required, and from age to age the Supreme Lord or His representative come to make adjustments in the direction of civilization. Thus Sri Krsna descends many times to establish or rejuvenate many different religions
- Advanced civilization means every man must have sufficient space to live. Why do you create this path? People will recreate, they will feel repressed, so space is required for refreshment. So what is this civilization? Three inches room
- After birth the baby, requires little honey or little milk, not the meat. But afterwards, the parents or the guardians are teaching how to eat meat. This is not our human business. Human teeth is meant for eating fruits and grains. That is scientific
- After death according to Vedic regulations, pinda-udaka, pinda, offering Visnu prasada and water at least once in a year it is required by the family members
- After finishing the offering with all the required paraphernalia, they all took their baths together in the lakes constructed by Parasurama, which are known as the Rama-hrada
- After hearing only once from Their teacher, Krsna and Balarama learned all the arts and sciences. In sixty-four days and sixty-four nights, They learned all the necessary arts and sciences required in human society
- After seeing a man embracing a young woman and practically doing everything required for sex life, even a fully qualified brahmana, as described above (Ajamila), could not control his lusty desires and restrain himself from pursuing them
- All sinful activity. Ugra-karma. And if you drink wine, then you must require meat. Otherwise your liver function will be bad. There must be lump of meat. And as soon as wine and meat combine, then you require illicit sex
- All the necessities of life that human society requires are supplied by the demigod agents of the Lord. No one can manufacture anything
- All these requirements (for disciplining the body), however, can essentially be broken down into four basic rules: no illicit sexual connection, no intoxication, no meat-eating and no gambling
- All this particular knowledge (of Krsna) is required in order to increase one's interest in the loving devotional service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Although a responsible man in the administration of a state is required to be saintly, he should not be cowardly. BG 1972 purports
- Although He (the Garbhodakasayi Visnu) is within each material universe, the influence of material energy cannot touch Him. When it is required, this very same Visnu takes the form of Lord Siva and annihilates the cosmic creation
- Although he (the spiritual master) himself does not eat or require such a variety of prasadam. By seeing to the offering and distribution of prasadam, he himself is encouraged in devotional service
- Although my party from London has reached there in Bombay, I am unable to join you there in Bombay because there was no arrangement for my passage. Therefore, if my disciples there can do the work, then I do not require to go to Bombay
- Although sexual intercourse is not a very exalted requisite in life, both animals and men require some sense gratification because of material propensities
- Although the root of distress and happiness is the mind, intelligence and ego, a gross body is still required as an instrument for enjoyment. The gross body may change, but the subtle body continues to act
- Amongst themselves. Now they will fight in the family. So people are becoming so degraded. They require all to be killed
- An ideal householder is required to call for any unknown hungry man to come and dine before he himself goes to take his meals. He is required to call for such a hungry man thrice on the road
- An intelligent man can see God even while walking on the beach. That requires intelligence
- An ordinary creeper also grows on and on until it takes a solid shelter on a roof; then it very steadily grows and produces the required fruit
- Another symptom of one embedded in the mode of ignorance is that he sleeps more than is required. BG 1972 purports
- Any fruit you require, or even kacauri, you can get. That is called kalpa-vrksa. There are trees like that
- Any group of organization, it requires a leader
- Any intelligent man can see God while walking down the beach. However, this requires a little intelligence
- Any living being, beginning from the Brahmas (there are innumerable Brahmas in innumerable universes) to the insignificant ant, are all born in darkness, and they require factual light from the Lord to see Him directly
- Any living being, beginning from the Brahmas (there are innumerable Brahmas) to the insignificant ant, are all born in darkness & they require factual light from the Lord to see Him directly, just as the sun can be seen only by the direct light of the sun
- Any man who is not materially prosperous can take shelter of these great mountains (the Himalayas), and he will be provided with everything required. Both the materialist and the spiritualist can take advantage of the great shelter of the Himalayas
- Any one of them or all of them (devotional service) are equally competent to award the desired result, but they require to be practiced persistently under the guidance of an expert devotee of the Lord
- Anyone can deliver a letter to you. It does not require any educational qualification. Simply he must be honest not to alter the text of the letter according to the peon's whims
- Anyone can experience. The body is active so long the soul is there. It doesn't require much intelligence. Simply one can understand what is the difference between the dead body and the living body
- Anyone can take education as a brahmana or a ksatriya, as a vaisya. There is no... Vaisya doesn't require any education. Ksatriyas require little. Brahmana require. But that is free. Just find out a brahmana guru and he will give you free education
- Anyone who has no sense of God consciousness, he is diseased mentally. He requires treatment. The whole human society, especially at the present moment, they have given up God consciousness
- Anything, it requires four pillars. So to remain steadily on the platform of dharma, these four legs required: dharma, artha, kama, moksa
- Apart from other laws of nature, I become hungry; I require to eat something. I require to sleep. I require to have some sense gratification. So these are laws of nature
- Arjuna agreed, although at first he was not willing to fight. Duties are required for ordinary persons. They should not jump up and try to imitate Krsna and indulge in rasa-lila and thus bring about their ruin
- Arjuna is attracted to things that are impeding the execution of his own duty, Krsna severs these things. To cut something, a sharp instrument is required; and to cut the mind from its attachments, sharp words are often required
- Arjuna is referred to as Dhananjaya in this verse (BG 1.15) because he helped his elder brother in fetching wealth when it was required by the king to make expenditures for different sacrifices. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna understood like this, that Krsna is the Supreme Brahman, SPG, then you understand everything. This is called parampara. You don't require to, I mean, to tax your brain, what is Krsna. Because now we have got poor intelligence. We cannot do that
- As a living entity, as part and parcel of Krsna, you want ananda. So ananda is required society, friendship and love. That is ananda. That is not impersonalism. That is personalism
- As a machine part requires oiling and cleaning for maintenance, similarly, a Krsna conscious man maintains himself by his work just to remain fit for action in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- As far as I (Narada Muni) was concerned, I was self-controlled and had no attachment for sports, even though I was a boy. In addition, I was not naughty, and I did not speak more than required
- As far as the material or spiritual resources were required, there was no scarcity in the case of the Pandavas. Materially they were well equipped because two great warriors, namely Bhima and Arjuna, were there
- As long as one is in material, conditioned life, strict discipline is required in the matter of moral and immoral activities. The absolute world is transcendental and free from such distinctions because there inebriety is not possible
- As long as there is spiritual consciousness within the material body of a living entity, the body increases to the required size, but a dead material body, which has no spiritual consciousness, stops increasing
- As soon as the Pracetas saw that the great sage Narada had appeared, they immediately got up even from their asanas. As required, they immediately offered obeisances and worshiped him
- As soon as there is a child born, milk immediately required. Old man, milk is life. Diseased person, milk is life. Invalid, milk is life. So therefore Krsna is teaching by His practical demonstration how He loves this innocent animal, cow
- As soon as this forgetfulness is removed, the vyavasaya-buddhi, as mentioned here (in SB) & in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.41) follows at once. This ascertained knowledge of the living being leads to loving service to the Lord which the living being requires
- As soon as we shall require any material things, the Krsna will give us opportunity. But that is not very good proposal
- As stated in Isopanisad, this material creation is supplied with all the potencies for the production of all necessities required by the living entities - not only human beings, but animals, reptiles, aquatics and trees
- As we open many branches, we shall require many devotees like you to take care of the Deities very nicely. So be happy in Krsna Consciousness and I shall pray to Lord Krsna for your greater achievement in devotional service
- As we require to go to a physician, to a medical man, for curing our material, I mean, bodily diseases, similarly, to cure our material disease, one has to approach an expert spiritual . . . bona fide spiritual master. Otherwise it is not possible
- As we understand that even on this planet one has to have a particular type of body to live in a particular place, so a particular type of body is required for other planets
- As you say that his presence is required, therefore I say he may remain here. Otherwise, to remain here is not his duty as a sannyasi. That is actually your duty, to organize the local management and everything
- Association is required. Otherwise why we are opening so many centers? Just to give them the facility of association
- Astronauts may travel thousands and thousands of miles, but if they do not find rest on some planet, they have to return again to earth. In any case, rest is required. In the impersonal form, rest is uncertain
- At home they (Gosvamis) had more time to sleep, but when they went to Vrndavana they were sleeping only one half-hour to two hours only. At the present moment, when a man becomes old, he requires more rest but according to Vedic civilization, no more rest
- At least four drums are required and ten sets of karatalas. Otherwise there are no instruments here for the kirtana, and that will be a great dishonor for displaying the sankirtana movement to people of Bombay
- At Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's house, there was always a full stock of food. Whatever spinach, vegetables, fruit and so on were required, he collected and brought back home
- At the end of Brahma's one hundred years, when his meditation was complete, he developed the required knowledge, and as a result he could see in his heart the Supreme within himself, whom he could not see before with the greatest endeavor
- At the present moment all over the world, hardly you will find such ideal men on top of society. So this class of men is essentially required if we want to keep peace and harmony with one another
- At the present moment people are so down that they cannot also worship. It requires very vigilance, observation, that they are doing nicely
- Atonement is required, and atonement must be undergone according to the gravity of one's sinful acts
- Atyaharah, eating more than you require. Actually, we should not eat unless we are very hungry. That is good eating
- Battle of Kuruksetra was performed in a place which is called dharma-ksetra. So sometimes war is also performed in terms of religiosity. That is prescribed. That is required
- Because I am in ignorance, therefore I am thinking, "I am this body." So it requires a little jnana, knowledge. Then we will understand that - I am not this body; I am different from this body
- Because Krsna is self-sufficient, He does not require anyone's blessings, yet Nanda Maharaja thought that Krsna required the blessings of the brahmanas
- Because Krsna is self-sufficient, He does not require anyone's blessings, yet Nanda Maharaja thought that Krsna required the blessings of the brahmanas. What then is to be said of others?
- Because of her nature, a woman can respond to even a slight offense from her husband by not only leaving him but even killing him if required. To say nothing of her husband, she can even kill her brother. That is a woman's nature
- Because of not observing the required rules and regulations, he is impure, but I was obliged to hand over my daughter to him just as one teaches the messages of the Vedas to a sudra
- Because people are in darkness, we require many millions of gurus to enlighten them. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is, He said, that "Every one of you become guru." Amara ajnaya guru haya tara ei desa
- Because people are misled. So they should be given opportunity to study, to understand what is God consciousness, what is Krsna consciousness. So through the sastras. That is also required. The Gosvamis practically demonstrated in their life everything
- Because people have been spoiled all over the world by being misguided by the so-called leaders. Therefore varnasrama college is required
- Because people require a place to sit down comfortably and chant, then we must do the needful and accommodate them in the style they are accustomed
- Because the sense organs for activity and for acquiring knowledge require energy, the vital energy, or life energy, is also produced by egoism in the mode of passion
- Before asking me, if you give me, "I think you may require a glass of water," that is friendship. Friendship means feeling friend's welfare always. Suhrt. Friendship is not simply chatting. Friendship means thinking, "How my friend will be happy?"
- Before these motorcars, the people were living very happily. They were transporting. But there was no such civilization that for your earning livelihood you have to go hundred miles away from your home to work there. Therefore you require vehicle
- Bhagavad-gita never says that "You don't require to eat. You simply breathe air and practice yoga." No. But we must eat neither more, nor less. That is recommended. Yuktahara-viharasya. We should not eat more, nor less
- Bhakti-yoga requires little tapasya, not playthings. Tapasya, that, "We are addicted to so many sinful activities. We must give it up." That is tapasya. "We must observe fasting on Ekadasi day, on Lord's birthday." These are tapasya
- Bird will go to a tree and eat fruit, but not more than he requires; neither he will take the fruit at his home to stock for next day or making black market. We have created this nonsense situation by claiming God's property as ours. This is the mistake
- Blind faith is never required, neither questions should be in a mood of challenge. Questions or answers should be just to understand. And that should be accompanied with service. This is the mood
- Brahmacarya (following the rules and regulations of celibacy) is required for perfection of self-realization and mystic power
- Brahmananda Swami seemed to think that you need more men there. His telegram reads, "Trivikrama alone, more men required urgently.'' I do not understand what he means by alone. What is this alone? Vaisnava is never alone
- Brahmanas are required for the guidance of the whole society
- By confessing you are freed, then why shall you do it again? It requires little intelligence. It does not mean that because by confessing I become freed, I shall go on continuing this and again confess and become freed. No. That's not good
- By rendering devotional service to Krsna, one automatically satisfies the requirements for all other forms of worship. One who is faithful and firmly convinced of this is eligible to be elevated as a pure devotee
- By sticking to Krishna Consciousness, chanting our required rounds loudly, and tending the deities, these items will surely save you (from nasty habits). So always be seriously engaged in serving Krishna & pray to Krishna to help you with your frailties
- By the association of devotee we awaken our inquisitiveness about God. Therefore the centers are required. It is not unnecessarily we are opening so many centers. No. It is for the benefit of the human society
- Certainly one requires some means of livelihood, and according to one's varna and asrama this means of livelihood is prescribed in the sastras. One should be satisfied with this
- Ceto-darpana-marjanam. Darpana means mirror; marjanam means cleansing. So our heart is just like mirror. It requires to be cleansed, that's all. It is contaminated by the material dust
- Chindanti means cut. Now, for cutting something we require some sharpened instrument. But here, to cut off the mind from attachment, it requires sharpened ukti. Ukti means words. Sharpened topics
- Combine together & it will be nice body: the leg will walk, the hand will protect, the head will give instruction, and the belly will get energy by eating food. Those divisions are required. Not that everyone is all. No, there must be division of labor
- Conquering over sleeping, conquering over sex life and conquering over eating, these things are required. Pious life means gradually decreasing the unnecessarily bodily demands. That is pious life
- Considering the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be his own son, Maharaja Nabhi was certainly in illusion, but this was transcendental illusion. This illusion is required; otherwise how can one accept the supreme father as his own son
- Constructing a big building requires great energy, and a devotee does not take to such business if it does not benefit him by advancing his devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- Contamination from sinful activity requires proportionate atonement. That is the prescription of the scriptures
- Control the breathing, it requires celibacy, no sex life. Yoga-indriya-samyamah. That is called yoga, not that showing some gymnastic and smoking and yoga system. This is going on
- Could you please send down the necessary forms that we can fill out along with other requirements such as how many photographs are required for an extention of the tourist visa
- Creation is made possible by the goodness of Visnu, and when it requires to be destroyed, Lord Siva does it by the tandavanrtya
- Cultivation of knowledge required. He must come to the senses, that "I am suffering. Every time I commit some criminality, I am punished. This is not very palatable. So why I cannot stop it?" This is the beginning of human life
- Darbha means kusa grass. In fruitive activities, or karma-kandiya ceremonies, one requires kusa grass. Thus vaidarbhi refers to one who takes birth in a family of karma-kandiya understanding
- Deity worship creates a situation of purity because we are all impure. So therefore Deity worship is required. But, if there is no facility one will be . . . purified simply by chanting. Ceto-darpana-marjanam - CC Antya 20.12
- Devahuti also addresses her son as Bhagavan. Bhagavan is the Supreme Person. If we could just use a little common sense we could understand that an organization requires a leader. Without a leader, we cannot organize anything
- Devotees should eat as simply as possible. Otherwise, attachment for material things will gradually increase, and the senses, being very strong, will soon require more and more material enjoyment
- Devotees used to go to forests, high hills or mountains on pilgrimages, but such severe austerities are not possible in these days. One should instead eat only prasada and no more than required
- Do not do anything whimsically, like taking these drugs, that will ruin everything. Because you are imperfect you require help from the Perfect, and anything material like drugs is imperfect, so do not be distracted by contemplating in this way
- Do not forget this principle, bhakta-sakti, everything requires strength, so we can derive strength by chanting Caitanya Mahaprabhu's name and chanting Hare Krsna
- Does it require any scientific knowledge how to cut throat and how to steal? No. They require education for spiritual understanding, not this material knowledge. It doesn't require. This modern university education is simply a waste of time
- Does it require your lamp to show the sunlight? The sunlight is itself so illuminous that everyone can understand, "This is sunlight." If somebody brings some lamp, "I will show you the sun," sun is already visible. Why your lamp is required?
- Don't allow the mind to go away from Krsna and because we cannot fix up our mind sitting in one place in Krsna, that requires very high training. To sit down in a place and always fix up in Krsna the mind, that is not very easy job
- Each and every individual soul is doing according to his own desires, and every account is kept. Just imagine how expert accountant is required
- Eating is required, but not eating too much - not eating to the taste of the tongue, unnecessarily eating meat, fish, eggs. Why? You are human being. For you, Krsna has given so much varieties of foodstuff: fruits, vegetables, nice rice, dal, milk, ghee
- Eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating - sense gratification. So to arrange for these necessities of life of the body, the knowledge that we require, that is called mundane knowledge
- Education is required to help culture. Not that to take degrees from the university and remain a dog. That is not education
- English is not my mother language, but I have tried to learn it, and I am doing my business. That's all. Similarly, you can learn any language. You can learn Sanskrit. You can pronounce very nicely. It requires learning. That's all
- Even for our manufacturing enterprises, we require so many raw materials like metal, sulphur, mercury, manganese, and so many essentials - all of which are supplied by the agents of the Lord
- Even he (the President of the United States) is required to do so many things. If he does not do anything, he is no longer the supreme man. In Vedic literatures, however, we find that God has nothing to do - na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate
- Even if we think that the Deity is a stone, or a piece of metal or some wood, He is still Krsna. The understanding of this requires bhakti on our part
- Even in ordinary life the state has a heating department, lighting department, plumbing department, and so on. Why? Because these are amenities we require. But these arrangements are subordinate; the first arrangement is that of God
- Even one has no previous record of service, still, if he meets a pure devotee, he becomes enthusiastic. Therefore preaching required. Otherwise, one can say that whatever he has done last life, he will begin from that
- Even there is required violence, a brahmana will not kill personally. He will bring the matter to the ksatriya, royal order
- Even though we require economic development, true religion allows it only for supplying the bare necessities of material existence
- Even we have to feed them, we produce our own grain. So where is the question of taking money? So therefore it is required, somebody must produce food. Then there is no necessity of money
- Every day he (Srutadeva) would get the necessities of life in just the quantity required, and not more. That was his destiny
- Every day he (the hunter) was offered grains and fruit, so much so that no less than ten to twenty people could have eaten there. According to Narada's instructions, he did not accept anything more than what he and his wife required for sustenance
- Every day the consumer's goods are increasing in price. So many poor men, they cannot purchase. Your motorcar machine, that is not meant for the poor man. Poor man requires food grains
- Every endeavor requires land, capital, organization, and labor. Just as, in business, one requires a place to stay, some capital to use, some labor, and some organization to expand, so the same is required in the service of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Every living entity has got these propensities: intoxication, sex intercourse. Vyavaya amisa. Amisa: meat-eating, fish eating. They're there already. One does not require to be educated, how to eat meat, how to drink, how to use sexual intercourse
- Every one of you know that it is dark by nature. Therefore, here we require sunlight, moonlight, electricity. Just like if you live in a dark room, you must always have light, electricity. Otherwise you are blind
- Every Sanskrit word has got meaning, root meaning. Putra-pinda-prayojanam. Putra is required. Why? After death, if by chance the father does not get ordinary life or goes to the hellish condition of life, the son will deliver. Therefore sraddha ceremony
- Every word of sastra has volumes of meanings. Udga... Therefore sometimes right commentary required
- Everyone is a servant, and no one is a master. Everyone is serving someone or other. Although the president may be the chief executive of the state, still he is serving the state, and when his services are no longer required, the state disposes of him
- Everyone is born foolish. Everyone. Even the human beings, because they are coming from the animal kingdom by evolution, so the birth is the same, ignorance, like animals. Therefore, even though one is human being, he requires education
- Everyone is trying to become supreme than the other. So there must be violence. So expecting that there will be violence, the ksatriya class required. Just like in the state, expecting that there will be violence, therefore the police department
- Everyone is trying to bring in the forefront the party politics because the leader cannot be successful unless the whole country accepts his philosophy, his party. But Krsna consciousness is so nice that it does not require that a community
- Everyone knows how to eat, how to use sex. Nobody requires any university education
- Everyone requires possessions such as food grains, clothing, money and other things necessary for the maintenance of the body, but one should not collect more than necessary for his actual basic needs
- Everyone requires the psychiatric treatment so that the mind may be transferred from matter to spirit soul. Then you'll be cured. The disease is of the mind
- Everyone requires to be cured of this disease of ignorance. The disease of ignorance, means "I am this body. I am this body." I am not this body
- Everyone's aim should be to satisfy the SPG by engaging his mind in thinking always of Krsna, his words in always offering prayers to the Lord or preaching about the glories of the Lord, and his body in executing the service required to satisfy the Lord
- Everything is manufactured by God. So everyone has right - not only human being; even the animals - everyone has got the right to live and use things as much as he requires
- Everything is said there, we are discussing one point, that, one is, if we are convinced, that requires education. Love, we are being frustrated every point. Now when the perfectional point we shall come, that is by loving the original objective
- Everything is there to understand about God. Simply you have to increase your attachment for hearing. That is, that qualification required. Not that first of all you pass M.A. examination, then you come here and you can understand
- Everything Krsna consciousness is scientific. Simply one requires the brain to understand. Then, when he understands, he will see Krsna in everything
- Everything requires little intelligence. If one is dull then it is very difficult for him. Spiritual life is meant for intelligent person. Otherwise what is the difference between cats and dogs and human being
- Expert players in drama, dancers, singers, speakers, etc., are required for the spiritual enlightenment of the common man
- Faith is required, but to the right person. Then it will be all right
- First of all grhastha is advised not to bother himself to earn more than he requires. That is Vedic civilization. Just like the brahmana - brahmana means he collects money so much as he requires. That's all
- First of all she sat in the required sitting posture, and then she carried the life air upwards and placed it in the position of equilibrium near the navel
- First of all you have to select who can be your spiritual master. That requires some knowledge. Or you have to behave with a person to understand, "Whether he is fit to become my spiritual master?" Then you should offer yourself to be a student
- First of all you have to step on the first step, then second step, then... Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate (SB 1.2.11). So everything requires training and knowledge
- First of all, we are united, husband and wife. Then we want a nice apartment or house, grha. Then, to maintain the house, we require a field, field of activity. Generally, formerly, they were agricultural. So you must have income
- First-class, brahmanas, second-class, the ksatriyas, and the third-class, the vaisyas, who maintain the society for economic condition, development of economic condition, because we require things to consume to maintain this body
- Following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya, being more tolerant than the tree, humbler than the grass and offering all respect to others without requiring respect in return. In such a way one will be able to depart from the body successfully. BG 1972 p
- Foolish activity has no meaning. Without brain, simply active, that is dangerous. Sober activity is required
- Foolish activity has no value. It is dangerous. So this modern world, they're very active, but they're foolishly active, in the ignorance and passion. Therefore there is confusion activity. Foolish activity, there is accident. Sober activity is required
- For administrative class of men, it is a duty to protect the weak. Sometimes law and order requires violence
- For annihilating, it requires weapon, sankha, cakra, gada, padma. Lord Ramacandra has got bows and arrows, and Krsna has got Sudarsana-cakra
- For Bhaktivedanta Trust there is no need of contribution. Then there will be exemption certificate required and so on. We don't want any contribution. If anyone wants to contribute, let him contribute to the ISKCON. They're tax-free
- For important brain tissues (as first-class men) we require a sufficient quantity of milk and milk preparations
- For less intelligent men, beginning of spiritual life is essential, and only foolish men decry the establishment of such places of worship, which are required to raise the standard of spiritual attributes for the mass of people
- For offering daily worship fruits, flowers and samit, the kusa, grass, everything is required for . . . his (Ajamila's) father ordered him, - Just bring all these things
- For one who reaches that supreme abode (of Krsna), penances, austerities, yogic meditations, and so on are no longer required, and for one who does not reach it, all penances and austerities are a useless waste of time
- For our happiness we require cooperation of some friend
- For our manufacturing enterprises, we require so many raw materials like metal, sulphur, mercury, manganese and so many essentials - all of which are supplied by the agents of the Lord
- For performing sacrificial ceremonies, one requires sacrificial ingredients, such as flowers, leaves and straw, along with the sacrificial altar and a suitable time - spring
- For spiritual advancement of knowledge a suitable place and atmosphere are definitely required. The place on the western bank of the Sarasvati is especially suitable for this purpose. And there is the asrama of Vyasadeva at Samyaprasa
- For those who are hesitant and have no faith, Krsna consciousness is very difficult. Even in our daily affairs a certain amount of faith is required
- For those who are materially engaged, control of the senses is required, but a devotee's senses are all engaged in the service of the Lord, which means that they are already controlled
- For worshiping Krsna, there is no impediment. If you want to worship other demigod, there are so many things required. But for worshiping Krsna the poorest man in the world, any part of the world, he can offer his love, his offering to Krsna
- Force is required for the animalistic class of men, whereas those who are advanced are convinced by reasons, arguments and scriptural authority
- From Africa, if anyone goes anywhere, they require yellow fever injection. So if you haven't got yellow fever injection, then even in the airport, there is arrangement, you have to wait in the quarantine area for six days
- From material point of view, one cannot understand that one plus one equals one, & one minus one equals one. It requires a little time to understand this axiomatic truth. But in time such truths will become revealed to you without any mental speculation
- Fruits, flowers, vegetables, land, ocean, mine, jewels. So we can use it as much as we require. We cannot collect it and keep it in stock for my future son, grandson, this son, that son. No. This is Krsna consciousness
- Generally a devotee is addicted to many abominable material habits due to material contamination from his previous life. In order to get quick relief from all these contaminations, it is required that one engage in the worship of the Lord in the temple
- Generally according to Vedic civilization, the wife is trained to be satisfied in all conditions, and the husband, according to Vedic instruction, is required to please the wife with sufficient food, ornaments and clothing
- Generally an old animal was sacrificed in the fire. and it would come out again in a youthful body. Some of the rituals however, did not require animal sacrifice. In the present age, animal sacrifices are forbidden
- Generally religious system is taken for improving social and economic condition. Artha. Artha means economy. Artha is required for sense gratification. We require economic development for our sense gratification
- Generally they perform religious ritualistic performances for getting some more money. Of course, we require some money for our maintenance; that is necessary. But if we simply perform ritualistic performances to acquire money only, that is misguided
- Generally Vedic knowledge is required for the understanding of the path of self-realization. But here (in BG 9.2), although he (Narada) was not educated in the Vedic principle, Narada acquired the highest results of Vedic study. BG 1972 purports
- Generally, first-class fine white rice is required for offerings to the Deity. Thus Bhagavan Acarya asked Chota Haridasa, or Junior Haridasa, a singer in the assembly of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to get some of this rice from the sister of Sikhi Mahiti
- God gives food to animals, birds and aquatics. Why should He not give it to one who is interested in apavarga? Unfortunately people have no faith, and therefore good association is required
- God is witnessing all our activities, and our mental situation. So He orders maya, the external energy, prakrti, that "He requires to be given a body like this," and the material nature gives the living entity a particular type of body
- Gopinatha Acarya was firmly convinced that Sri Caitanya was Krsna Himself & therefore independent of any external ritual or formality. If one wants to engage in pure devotional service, he does not require titular superiority as a Bharati or a Sarasvati
- Hairs on God's body are the cause of vegetation, particularly of those trees which are required as ingredients for sacrifice. The hairs on His head and face are reservoirs for clouds, and His nails are the breeding ground of electricity, stones and iron
- Having some faith in me and in this Krsna consciousness process is the first and only requirement for getting actual wisdom. If there is faith, understanding will follow
- He (a person who is puffed up by so-called education) thinks that he does not require a spiritual master and that he can achieve the highest perfection by his own efforts. Such persons are not eligible for the study of Vedanta-sutra
- He (Brahma) was given the required intelligence, which is so powerful and extensive that he is almost independent of the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (God) is not required to do anything personally, but everything in the material world is carried out by His wishes and direction; the entire material manifestation is situated in Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Krsna) gives this order: annad bhavanti bhutani: (BG 3.14) "You require food grains." This is practical. Who will disagree with Krsna, that "We don't require food grains; we require bolts and nuts in the factory?" Who will say? This is practical
- He (Krsna) is ready to give us advice from within and from without - from within as Supersoul and from without as the spiritual master. Therefore it is said, guru-krsna-krpaya bhakti-lata-bija (CC Madhya 19.151). Both things are required - guru and Krsna
- He (Krsna) strictly followed the relationship between husband and wife required in ordinary homes. Therefore, it is very difficult to understand the characteristics of the Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead
- He (Ravana) wanted a staircase to be built up directly reaching the heavenly planet so that people might not be required to undergo the routine of pious work necessary to enter that planet
- He (Socrates) was going to be hanged or killed. He is fearless: "But what is this nonsense? He (judge) will kill my body, that's all." So it requires very firm knowledge
- He (the devotee of God) should accept only so much as he needs to keep the material body fit for the execution of devotional service. He should not eat or sleep more than is required
- He (the mendicant devotee) does not require to live in a comfortable house, but should find a cave in the hills and not be afraid of jungle animals, keeping faith in God, who lives in everyone's heart
- He is not happy, he is distressed (by being forced to work), but he is thinking, "I am happy." This is called maya. So this knowledge is required that, - Why I am forced?
- He's required to read Bhagavad-gita thoroughly. It is said clearly, "This is a place of misery." Why do you desire to keep yourself in this? That means you do not understand what is spiritual life
- Here it is said, prito 'ham: "Never mind you are born in the family of asura, but because I am pleased, you are all-purified. You don't be disappointed." It is only we require to please Krsna
- Here Krsna is addressing Arjuna, anarya: non-Aryan. - You are ksatriya. Your service is now required to fight with persons who have created injustice. So what is this, that you are denying to fight
- Here you can talk with Mukunda and others about the World Samkirtan Party. There is good possibility. Simply it requires some good organization. Therefore you are called
- Here, in this material world, violence is also required. Violence. Because everyone is competitor, everyone is trying to become the Supreme, so there will be violence
- Hiranyakasipu or the manufacturer of the atomic bomb, they are also undergone severe austerities. It is not manufactured all of a sudden. But it required brain and perseverance. They have manufactured, but what is the value?
- How do we become faithful? Control of the senses (samyatendriyah) is required. We are in the material world because we want to gratify our senses
- How much time it requires to surrender to Krsna? Immediately you can do that. Surrender means you surrender and work as Krsna says. That is surrender. What Krsna says to do? Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru. Four things
- Howard wants one of the Mimeograph machine here so that copies of Back to Godhead required here may be printed here. What is the weight of the machine and what will be cost of transport charges
- Human life is a chance to get out of this miserable condition. That should be the aim of life: how to get out of this miserable condition of life. That requires knowledge how we are suffering, how it can be mitigated
- Human society is so arranged that the people, the members of the human society, should be free from all anxiety. Therefore we require good citizens, good father and mother, good system of government, and pious, virtuous, cooperation between God and nature
- Human society must be divided into four classes of men. Just like in our body, there are four different departments: the brain department, the hand department, the belly department, and the leg department. You require all these
- Human society primarily requires food for subsistence, shelter for sleeping, defense for protection, and commodities for satisfaction of the senses
- Human society should be sober and continent. I require to eat something, if I have got sufficient grains, fruits, milk, flour, vegetables, why should I kill unnecessarily a poor animal? So this is sinful
- I (Vyasadeva) am feeling incomplete, though I myself am fully equipped with everything required by the Vedas
- I am anxious to know what happened to the other two pairs of Deities. These two pairs of Deities are immediately required for Paris and Berlin
- I am so glad the press workers have become enlivened in their work. This is required if we at all wish to be a truly worldwide organization. Worldwide means worldwide distribution of literatures. That is the business of ISKCON Press
- I fully approve of your program for traveling, now you combine the sannyasi requirement for traveling extensively, and at the same time as GBC man you shall be my personal secretary
- I have already informed you that some of the San Francisco boys are ready to go and join you. If required I shall ask Acyutananda to join you from India
- I have appointed Giriraj to be the GBC zonal secretary for India zone, and I am sure that he meets your requirements of being equiposed and considerate of all the needs of all the branches under his control or jurisdiction
- I have just returned from Dallas Gurukula school, and the young students there require to learn Sanskrit language. So I think you may purchase minimum fifty copies of the primary Sanskrit book for learning Sanskrit language
- I have no ambition to become the proprietor of any temple or house in America because what shall I do with them after becoming a Sanyasi but for the facility of work our own house is absolutely required
- I like the American nation. Simply little reformation required. Now just, for example, this "In God we trust." This is very nice example. Now, they do not know what is God, how to trust. That is, that has to be done. That has to be learned
- I require the real water. That is the nature of the relative world and relative consciousness. But in the spiritual world or spiritual consciousness, the name is the same as the thing that is named
- I shall inform you immediately as soon as I know of the Kuruksetra land. In the meantime, you should honor the contract, and if necessary do whatever is required
- I take charge of yoga-ksemam. - yoga-ksemam means what is not in possession, to supply that thing. Just like if a child is completely dependent on the parents, the parents has the sense that, "My child requires at this time this thing." They already there
- I think in the very near future you will be required to move from center to center to teach this verse vibration. So in each center, by hearing your tapes and by your personal presence they will become very expert in pronouncing the Sanskrit verses
- If (Arjuna did) not (understand proper perspective of Bhagavad-gita), the Lord was ready to re-explain any point, or the whole Bhagavad-gita if so required. BG 1972 purports
- If a Mayavadi becomes narayana-parayana, a devotee of Lord Narayana, he is better than a jivan-mukta, one who is liberated or perfect. This requires higher intelligence
- If anyone wants to purchase some share of company, he goes to the share market and he sees the price of different shares, and he selects. So everything requires little intelligence, then it is all right
- If for a small government, three bighas of land, you require a personal governor, and such a huge government, millions and millions of universes, how the governor, the Supreme Person, supreme executive, shall not be a person? What is the reason
- If I simply remain engaged in religious principles and nobody is engaged where to get food... Because food also is required. So therefore not only religious principle, there must be economic development attempt also. But not one-man show
- If Krsna is pleased upon you, then what remains? Everything you get. Everything you get. Yasmin vijnate sarvam eva vijnatam bhavanti. Easiest way to please Krsna... You don't require much money, much education, and nothing of the sort
- If one is actually advanced in spiritual life or if one is actually religious, then his fame also increases. He doesn't require to advertise himself, but if he is pious, if he is devotee, automatically his fame will be expanded
- If one is convinced that devotional service to the Lord includes everything, no other activity is required
- If one is serious to understand the Vedic knowledge, then Krsna gives the required intelligence. Why does He present the Vedic knowledge for understanding? Because a living entity individually needs to understand Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- If one possesses more and more, a benediction itself may become a curse, for just as achieving material opulence in this material world requires great strength and endeavor, maintaining it also requires great endeavor
- If one wants to know what is God and to love Him, the path is open for everyone. It does not require high intelligence, high education, high culture. No. Anyone. The process is sravanam, the beginning. One has to hear
- If one wishes to enjoy the senses more than required, he becomes attached to family life, which means bondage. All the Pracetas admitted their fault in remaining in household life
- If one's body requires more food for maintaining it, that he should imitate someone who requires less food. The real point is that eating is for maintaining the body, not for luxury or for satisfying the demands of the tongue
- If required, Krsna Himself was sufficient to defend Himself from the attack of others who counted the Lord as their enemy, but still He accepted all the arrangements made by Yudhisthira because He could not disobey the King, who was His elder cousin
- If required, simply by willing, Lord Siva can show his wonderful opulences, and such an event is predicted here (in SB 4.4.21), for it would soon occur
- If required, we shall appoint professional man and keep everything very vigilant; things are going. Otherwise, once bad reputation - finished, so much attempt
- If such a person (the Mayavadis) becomes narayana-parayana, a devotee of Lord Narayana, he is better than a jivan-mukta, one who is liberated or perfect. This requires higher intelligence
- If sufficient care is not taken, then the watering process may only help to breed the weeds (in devotional service), stunting the healthy growth of the main creeper and resulting in no fructification of the ultimate requirement: love of God
- If the guru and father and the government, they are themselves rascals and fools, how they will guide? And that is the position. General public, they require guidance, but the guides themselves are rascals and fools, cheaters, bluffers
- If the king was an upstart, the brahmins, they were so powerful, they did not require any weapon; simply by their words they will kill him
- If the people are in chaos, how they'll be able to accept the great philosophy? It requires cool brain
- If the Pracetas tried to kill them off, their own subjects would also suffer, for trees are also required for food
- If the sun is 93,000,000 miles and moon is above the sun 1,600,000, then how they can go to the moon planet in four days? It requires seven and a half months. That is my challenge
- If there is food, and if there is milk, that is sufficient. No brain required, and one glass milk, that is sufficient for the whole day
- If there is no family attraction, there is no regulated life. We have got very good experience of these things. So family attraction required. It is not that it is rejected. It is required for regulated life
- If there is the superior identity... And for understanding that superior identity we require superior knowledge, not ordinary knowledge. Divya-jnana hrde prakasito. So this is the duty of the guru, to awaken that divya-jnana
- If we actually want detachment from this material world, we should be prepared to accept such cutting words from the spiritual master. Compromise and flattery have no effect where strong words are required
- If we actually want to be cured from this diseased condition of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease, we have to abstain from this sinful life. So it is not difficult. It requires little knowledge
- If we approach that sound (the spiritual sound), then our spiritual life begins, and the other requirements for spiritual advancement can be supplied
- If we are progressive, if we are advanced in devotional service, we can see God everywhere, anywhere. We require to be qualified. Those who developed that love of God, they are constantly, twenty-four hours, seeing God
- If we find Krsna's association, we can easily give up our opulent positions - our family, business and everything. However, that requires sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), association with a sadhu, a devotee
- If we have little faith that we require awakening of spiritual consciousness, we should not sleep under the spell of this material consciousness . . . a little faith will help us
- If we have Prasadam distribution program it is to be done in the temple premises, not separately. Separate attempt will require separate energy diverted from the temple management
- If we publish our Srimad-Bhagavatam exactly in the way I have already begun it, it will be a unique contribution. The scholars only require diacritic marks
- If we require knowledge, factual knowledge, we must receive it directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is perfect knowledge
- If we study Bhagavad-gita very carefully, you understand everything. A little brain required
- If we take only what we require, our food is tasty and we are healthy
- If we want to continue our eternal life, then we require eternal happiness. Without happiness our life is not worth
- If we want to get the SP of Godhead to become one of us in this material world, this requires great penance, but if we want to go back to Krsna (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna (BG 4.9)), we need only understand Him and love Him
- If we want to remain on this planet in some better condition of life, that also will depend on the required achievements. In any case, those achievements can be fulfilled just after one leaves the body
- If you actually require perfect knowledge, then we have to accept knowledge this, like this way. It is called avaroha-pantha. Avaroha-pantha means a descendence, or deductive process
- If you are actually advancing in spiritual life, if that is your aim, then these six things should be avoided. As it is said, prayasah. The first thing is atyahara, eating too much than necessity, atyahara, or collecting more than you require
- If you are so foolish that you go to a butcher shop and ask him to supply diamond or gold, then you'll be cheated. You must know at least where to go and purchase gold or diamond. These are valuable things. That requires little intelligence and sincerity
- If you are willing to offer your medical services to my students, when it is required, that will be very nice. It is important to keep the body fit and healthy so that we will not meet the obstacle of ill health while serving Krishna
- If you can achieve Krsna, then you will feel that "I don’t require anything more." Yam labdhva: by gaining which a person thinks, Complete, full
- If you can introduce this Govardhana puja, I have no objection, but it requires hard labor, good management and much money also. But the process is bona fide
- If you don't require brahmana, then you'll suffer
- If you eat extraordinarily, then you will sleep also extraordinarily. If you eat frugally, as much minimum required, then you can conquer over sleep. Eating, sleeping. Sleeping depends on eating
- If you eat vegetarian fruits and flowers and grains, you'll not eat more than you require. That is nature. You'll eat only what is needed by yourself. You cannot eat any more. It is very good
- If you find Krsna's association is so nice, then you can very easily give up your opulent position, svajana, bandhavah, family, business and everything. That requires sadhu-sanga, sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), to associate with sadhu, devotees
- If you have got enough grains, you can trade, make money. If you have got enough vegetables, you can trade. That is the business of vaisya. So vaisya does not require any university degree or any . . . nobody requires university degree
- If you have got sraddha, "Yes, I want Krsna in this life. I must do anything required," then that determination is called sraddha. Then if you want to develop that determination, then you should associate with sadhu
- If you have no means to read books or if you have no such habit - because reading books, that requires also another qualification, studious - simply chant Hare Krsna
- If you kindly hear sri-krsna-sankirtana, if you cannot chant Sri Krsna, the holy name of Krsna, you are so reluctant, or if you cannot because to chant Hare Krsna mantra, that also requires little fortune
- If you love somebody, you are seeing him or her always. Is it not? That's it. It requires the qualification of love. Then Krsna will be visible twenty-four hours. He'll talk with you. These things are described - BG 10.10
- If you paint a very nice flower, how much labor you require. Still, it cannot be so beautiful as the natural flower. So don't think the natural flower has come accidentally. No. It was done by the machine manipulated by Krsna. That is Krsna understanding
- If you simply be satisfied - "The smoke is also fire. Unless there is fire, why the smoke comes?" - that's a good argument, but smoke will not help you. It requires flame. That flame cannot be produced if the wood is wet. Wet means materially contaminated
- If you simply try to understand that two things are visible: one, matter, and one, living force . It is very easy. Simply we require a little intelligence
- If you take foodstuff not more than what you require, if you take nice foodstuff, healthy foodstuff, if you follow the hygienic principles, then you will never be attacked with disease
- If you take this finger, you study, am I this finger? No, the conclusion will come: "It is 'my finger', not 'I finger.'" Simply little knowledge required
- If you think that "This body is required for acting, for working on behalf of the Supreme Lord; therefore I must keep the body fit to work" - that is not your identification with the body
- If you think your presence is required in Bhuvanesvara, then you can go there for necessary action. I am going to Vrndavana, so you can come and meet me at Vrndavana and from there you can go to Bhuvanesvara
- If you want philosophy, the aim of life, the destination of life, then we can talk, what is the destination of life, what is required. If you criticize me, then I can criticize you also
- If you want to become sura, there is no impediment, there is no obstacle. You can become. Simply you have to know what sort of life we should accept, pravrtti - this is called pravrtti - and what sort of life we should reject. This is required
- If you want to cure your material disease, then the two things are required: the medicine and the food. Pathya. It is called pathya. The proper food and proper medicine. The proper medicine is chanting Hare Krsna, and the proper food is Krsna prasadam
- If you want to improve your condition, if you want to come back to original constitutional position, then tapasya. Then you require to undergo austerity
- If you want to keep the social order, you must have to maintain the military strength, the police strength, and the court or the university. Everything is required. You cannot neglect one of them
- If you want to learn about God, then you must approach a person who is conversant in the science of God. That thing first required
- If you want to purchase something, once or twice you may be cheated. A third time, you are very intelligent. So even despite being cheated, you should try to find out who is the real preacher. That requires little intelligence
- If you want to see the Absolute Truth, then neither Brahma nor Siva is required, but Visnu is required
- Immediately he becomes cured, of course, by hearing, provided one hears properly. But it is not possible, because we are associated with this material contamination. It requires little time
- In a spiritual relationship, sense gratification is most insignificant. Anyone who desires a relationship of perverted sense gratification with Krsna must be considered less intelligent. His mentality requires to be reformed
- In all religions, temple worship and acceptance of authority are present. We may accept Krsna, or Lord Jesus Christ, or Jehovah, or Lord Buddha, or Sankaracarya, or Guru Nanak, but in any case acceptance of authority is required
- In America there are so many things that require reformation, and this Krsna consciousness movement will bring that
- In America there are so many things which requires thorough reformation. And this Krsna consciousness movement is that. When I went to your country, so I saw these boys and girls, they're living like friends
- In every way, it does not prohibit that we should not use our senses. No. We shall use our senses when it is required, not according to the dictation of the senses. That should . . . we should be in that platform
- In His discourse on the meditational yoga system, Krsna proclaims that yoga cannot be properly performed by one who eats too much or eats too little. One who starves himself cannot properly perform yoga. Nor can the person who eats more than required
- In India, when we speak on the BG or SB, we regularly perform worship with flowers, or with other paraphernalia, as is required for worshiping. In the Sikh religion also, although they have no form of the Deity, they worship the book Granthasahib
- In karma-kanda platform, fruitive activities, the sacrifice is required, and for sacrificing you require fire, so that you can gradually understand what is the Absolute Truth
- In order to change this consciousness (to satisfy own senses), however, knowledge is required. That knowledge is knowing "I am part and parcel of Krsna, the superior energy of Krsna." That is real knowledge
- In order to get quick relief from all these contaminations (from previous life), it is required that one engage in the worship of the Lord in the temple
- In order to go to the highest status of life, he has to accept some austerity, tapasya. Especially for God realization. Austerity required
- In order to overcome the effects of Buddhist philosophy and spread Vedanta philosophy, Sripada Sankaracarya had to make some compromise with the Buddhist philosophy, and as such he preached the philosophy of monism, for it was required at that time
- In order to prepare nutritious food we require only grains, ghee, yogurt and milk
- In order to understand things as they are, you require good brain, and for good brain, you require milk preparation
- In other words, the devotees of Lord Ramacandra, or Krsna, are already liberated persons and are not required to follow all the regulative principles mentioned in the ritualistic portions of the Vedic literature
- In the Bhagavad-gita, it is stated that to understand the transcendental science, the science of God, these things are required. What is that? You must find out a person who can answer. You cannot ask the question of God to a storekeeper. No
- In the human life, two things required: jnana and vairagya. Jnana means that, "I am not this body." This is jnana. Not that so-called scientific knowledge, more attachment for this body. That is ajnana. That is not jnana
- In the Isopanisad it is clearly stated that one who has come to the stage of seeing all living beings equally does not hate anyone or favor anyone. The devotee does not hanker to possess more than he requires
- In the Kali-yuga everyone is sudra. And how you can have good government by the sudras? Ksatriya required
- In the material world that brahmajyoti the Lord's spiritual effulgence, is covered by the mahat-tattva, the material elements; therefore in this material world we require the assistance of sun, moon, electricity, etc., for light. BG 1972 purports
- In the material world, sunshine, moonshine or different kinds of artificial light are required to dispel darkness, especially at night, for by nature the material world is dark
- In the material world, the world of duality, the name is not the substance. If you require water, simply by chanting "Water, water," your thirst will not be quenched. You require the substance water
- In the meantime, Krsna engaged in the pastime of offering the Khandava forest, which belonged to Indra. Krsna wanted to give it to Agni, the fire-god. The Khandava forest contained many varieties of drugs, & Agni required to eat them for rejuvenation
- In the meantime, you must have the machine and begin immediately composing. If credit reference is required, Hayagriva will give. I have already talked with him about this. So do it immediately
- In the middle, there were some questions, intelligent questions, by Pariksit Maharaja. Question is also required. If you simply hear, do not understand, just like dumb stone, that's not good
- In the preliminary stage that one is required to control the senses. Uncontrolled sense will drag me to the material plane
- In the preliminary stages we require to stick to the formulas of religious scripture. But we must know that the whole idea is targeted to understand my real position. That is the whole idea of all scripture
- In the sixth vilasa (of Hari-bhakti-vilasa), the required practices for inviting the transcendental form of the Lord and bathing Him are given. In the seventh vilasa, one is instructed on how to collect flowers used for the worship of Lord Visnu
- In the vedic ceremony the paraphernalia required for the sacrificial ceremony includes five kinds of powder, five kinds of leaves, five kinds of cow products, five kinds of grains and five kinds of jewels
- In the Vedic literatures we find that in this age (of Kali-yuga) everyone is born a sudra; therefore everyone requires to be educated as to his real identity
- In the warfield, scarcity of water is a well-known fact. Water is very rare there, and both the animals and men, working strenuously on the warfield, constantly require water to quench their thirst
- In the whole world you won't find qualified brahmanas. And they are required for guiding the human society. So therefore the human society is in chaotic condition. There is no guidance
- In these blunt material senses you cannot understand what is this Hare Krsna mantra. It requires purification of the senses, when you will understand what is Krsna's name, namadi, what is Krsna's form, what is Krsna's quality, what is Krsna's entourage
- In this age it is especially recommended that we all sit down together and chant Hare Krsna. It is very easy, and everyone can take part in it. There is no necessity of education, nor are any previous qualifications required
- In this Age of Kali it is very difficult to collect the different articles required for offering sacrifices. People have neither the means to collect the required paraphernalia nor the necessary knowledge or tendency to offer such sacrifices
- In this human life we require to develop jnana and vairagya. So if we dovetail our activities for Krsna's service, that is yukta vairagya
- In this material world sex is required to produce children, but in the spiritual world a man can produce as many children as he likes without having to take help from his wife. So there is no sex there - CC Intro
- In this material world sex is required to produce children, but in the spiritual world one can produce as many children as he likes without having to take help from his wife
- In this material world we require sunlight and moonlight, but in the spiritual world there is no need of sunlight and moonlight because everything and everyone is effulgent
- In this verse (SB 10.2.22) the words ganta tamo 'ndham tanu-manino dhruvam are very important & require extensive understanding. Srila Jiva Gosvami, in his Vaisnava-tosani-tika, says: tatra tanu-maninah papina iti dehatma-buddhyaiva papabhiniveso bhavati
- Industry does not mean really economic improvement. Real economic improvement means what you produce from the land. That requires God help. Without raw materials, even your industry cannot go on
- Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is situated in everyone's heart. He is supervising what kind of yantra, or machine, this living entity requires for fulfilling his desires
- It (maha-mantra) is the thing required. Therefore it is recommended in the sastra. What is recommended in the sastra, spoken in the sastra, that is perfect. There is no mistake. Therefore it is being accepted
- It (small rocket) is just like picnic in the sky - take everything from there and hold a picnic there. Like that. So much huge quantity of gas, petrol, required, and they will be carried from the station, another station. Simply dreaming
- It also requires a great deal of penance and sacrifice, either in this life or in the previous ones, before one is able to accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- It doesn't require that one has to learn Sanskrit. We have got so many disciples. It is not that they first of all learned Sanskrit. They heard. It may be in Sanskrit language or in English. It doesn't matter. Let him hear the real fact. That is wanted
- It is a different commodity, material - spiritual identity, which is different from this combination of matter, this body. So it requires little training to understand. Although it is very simple fact, but their brain is very dull, material
- It is a foolish imagination that we can go to other planets in the present body. If we want to go to Devaloka, the planets of the demigods, we must achieve the required qualifications, and the same is true if we want to go back to the kingdom of God
- It is a lump of matter at the present moment, then, after death or after the soul has gone from the body, it is the same lump of matter. Where is the cause of lamentation or jubilation? It is a lump of matter. This understanding is first required
- It is not ordinary war (Kuruksetra) . And it was performed in a place which is called dharma-ksetra. So sometimes war is also performed in terms of religiosity. That is prescribed. That is required
- It is not possible to manufacture food or sex in a factory. These and whatever else we require are supplied by God. Our business is to take advantage of these things and become God conscious
- It is not that a wealth of education is required. One does not even have to understand the language. The only ingredient needed is bhakti, love. If one becomes a pure bhakta, he will forget all material sense enjoyment
- It is not that anyone can be suddenly initiated without meeting the requirements. When one is further advanced by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra 16 rounds daily, following the regulative principles and attending classes, he receives the sacred thread
- It is not that senses should be stopped. No. It should be controlled. "When I require, I shall use it; otherwise not." That is master of senses. "I shall not act impelled by the senses. Senses should act under my direction"
- It is not that sudra is not required. Sudra is required, but if you make propaganda simply to make people sudras, then who will give direction? If there is no head, who will give the direction?
- It is not that the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya is simply chanting and dancing. If required, they are prepared to answer all Vedic discussion. They are prepared
- It is required, sadhu-sanga. Then if he meets sadhu . . . By one or two words from him, he can convince you about supremacy of the Supreme Lord. Otherwise, he'll take birth after birth, bahunam janmanam ante
- It is said by Canakya Pandita that if you want worldly happiness, then these things are required. Murkha yatra na pujyante: Don't worship rascals and fools
- It is the duty of the guardian to see that this is not pleasure, this is spoiling. A child may think something pleasure, but the guardian should not think that this is pleasure. This is spoiling him. Otherwise why the guardians are required
- It is the human being who requires to be properly dressed. That is the law of nature. If we violate, then the punishment is, "All right, you become tree and stand up naked for ten thousand years." This is the nature's law
- It is the injunction of the sastra that a sannyasi, a brahmacari, are sons of the society. As you take care of your children at home, similarly, you are also required to take care of the sannyasis and the brahmacaris
- It is the movement to qualify men to their respective positions. It is an educational system to divide first class, second class, third class, fourth class. They all required
- It is understood also that the same purusa lies in the heart of every living entity. This also requires proper explanation
- It is understood that by regulation there are different plates of sacrifice required, such as srak, sruva, barhis, catur-hotra, ida, camasa, prasitra, graha and agni-hotra
- It requires a little intelligence how to keep pace with Krishna and the world simultaneously
- It requires great advancement of spiritual life when one can concentrate in chanting Hare Krsna mantra. It is not so easy
- It requires great strength to resist a woman's attraction. It is difficult for old men, and what to speak of young
- It requires little intelligence that, "I am eternal. Why I am in this business, accepting one body and again giving up, giving it up? And there is no guarantee what kind of body I'm going to accept next." There is no guarantee
- It requires little intelligence, spiritual intelligence, the Absolute, how the servant of God and God is the same
- It requires much time, energy, knowledge and resources to execute the purposes of the Vedas. This is hardly possible in this age. BG 1972 purports
- It requires only organization
- It requires some expert brain, how to play gamble. So that expertness, that part of expert endeavor, is Krsna
- It was better for the personality of Kali to have been killed by the King (Pariksit) then and there instead of being killed elsewhere. He was, after all, a surrendered soul before the King, and it was for the King to do what was required
- Just as we wish to use our senses for sense gratification, the senses also require strength from the body in reciprocation
- Just as, when you eat, you do not require to ask anyone whether you are feeling strength or your hunger is satisfied. If you eat, you understand that you are feeling energy. You don't need to inquire from anyone
- Just like attraction for the opposite sex, a girl or a boy. That is natural. Nobody goes to school and colleges how to learn how to be attracted by young man, young . . . no. It doesn't require any education. The natural instinct is already there
- Just like diseased condition is impurified. It requires to be purified by medical treatment to get out of the disease
- Just like for our usual life we require lawyers, we require engineer, we require medical practitioner, we require so many; similarly, in the society there must be a class of men who are fully God conscious and ideal. That is necessary
- Just like in ordinary way, the father and mother requires to give a birth to a child. Similarly, this material nature is the mother. We have got this body from the mother, material nature
- Just suitable, for the age, is the method recommended by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in terms of the sastra. Such a method requires no expenditure at all and yet can award more benefit than other expensive methods of yajna performances
- Karma-kanda activities are required as long as one has not developed Krsna consciousness. If one is developed in Krsna consciousness, there is no need to execute the prior regulative principles of karma-kanda
- Kesava Kasmiri indirectly taunted Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu by implying that although He was a great teacher of grammar, such grammatical jugglery of root meanings did not require great expertise. This was a challenge to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Kindly receive Mr. Patel and offer him best accommodation, prasadam, and whatever assistance he might require. He is a pure vegetarian. He is my friend here in Nairobi, and he has kindly hosted me at his home on two occasions
- King Prthu Maharaja. When the Kumaras preached to him about transcendental knowledge, he very humbly submitted, "My dear spiritual master, you have taught me so nice. I require to give you some daksina." Daksina, that is required
- Knowledge of Vasudeva requires many births to understand
- Krsna and Balarama learned how to make various syrups and beverages required at various times, having various tastes and intoxicating effects
- Krsna and Krsna's name are also not different. And Krsna and Krsna's form, again, are not different. This is absolute. It requires realization
- Krsna is addressing Arjuna, anarya: "Non-Aryan. You are ksatriya. Your service is now required to fight with persons who have created injustice. So what is this, that you are denying to fight?"
- Krsna is the enjoyer, Krsna is the proprietor, and Krsna is the friend. If you know these three things, then your knowledge is full; you do not require to understand anything more
- Laulyam, that eagerness, is not achieved even after many, many births. That is the price. Therefore it requires a little intelligence. "Oh, such a valuable thing? I can purchase only by eagerness? Why not become eager immediately?" That is intelligence
- Let me do my duty as servant of Krsna, and whatever necessities are required, He will arrange for them
- Let us go on, one court after another, one court after . . . if there is fight, we must be prepared to fight. If required, take Setterji. He'll help
- Life is divided into two - that body and the soul. Actually the soul requires satisfaction. So unless the soul approaches Adhoksaja - adhoksaja means beyond the sense perception of bodily understanding - there is no possibility
- Like a child learns to eat, little, little. Otherwise there will be no more food. Therefore dharma is required to stop this miserable condition of life. That is real dharma
- Little blood required, there is no question of manufacturing. You can get it from slaughterhouse, tons. Take little drops and put it. It is blood. Where is your science, nonsense? This is practical suggestion
- Little intelligence is required, that "Why not take it immediately? Even I did not cultivate knowledge in my past life, let me take immediately." So this opportunity is offered. Take Krsna consciousness
- Living entities, beginning from Brahma, the highest demigod, down to the lowest ant, have right to use natural resources. Narada Muni points out that we can use these resources as much as we require, but if we take more than required, we become thieves
- Long years ago, when Varuna performed a similar sacrifice, all the sacrificial utensils were made of gold. Similarly, in the Rajasuya sacrifice of King Yudhisthira, all the utensils required for the sacrifice were golden
- Lord Balarama has two weapons, a plow and a club, from which He takes service when they are required
- Lord Krsna, by the request of Arjuna, exhibited His virat-rupa for the asuras. A pure devotee of the Lord, being unaccustomed to looking into such a mundane gigantic form of the Lord, requires special vision for the purpose
- Lord Sri Krsna, who manifested His eternal form before the vision of all on the earth, performed His disappearance by removing His form from the sight of those who were unable to see Him (as He is) due to not executing required penance
- Lord Visnu is all-pervading. Any devotee who, in sanctified meditation, following the regulative principles, chants the required mantras in service and in a devotional mood can see Visnu
- Maharaja Ambarisa. His example is there, because who can be more busy than a responsible king? He has to do so many political affairs, and still, his mind was fixed up, sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh (SB 9.4.18), in Krsna . . . this is required
- Male and female-two parts required, negative and positive. So the male part is Bhagavan, and the female part is the prakrti, and combination of purusa and prakrti is the varieties of creation. This is Sankhya philosophy
- Man can produce fruits and flowers, grains, take the substance, and the rejected portion give to the animal. She gives you milk. You require milk. This is cooperation
- Many educated. They are coming, trying to understand. But it requires little brain. So-called educated with dull brain cannot understand
- Material nature was absorbed in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Maha-Visnu, and when it was required, it was manifested by the agency of mahat-tattva. BG 1972 purports
- Material sense gratification, with society, friendship and love, is herein (SB 4.25.12) compared to a drop of water falling on a desert. A desert requires oceans of water to satisfy it, and if only a drop of water is supplied, what is its use
- Materialistic persons always desire to make the body comfortable, and for this they require huge amounts of gold. Thus Hiranyakasipu was the perfect representative of materialistic life
- Matter does not work automatically. It requires higher brain, higher manipulation, therefore higher order. Just like in this material world we have got the highest order, the sun, movement of the sun, the heat energy, light energy of the sun
- Mayavadis admit that worship of the Lord's form is required in the beginning, but they think that in the end everything is impersonal. Since they are ultimately against worship of the Lord's form, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has described them as offenders
- Men who are not satisfied at home require such concessions, and if there is no prostitute, then such low men will induce others into prostitution
- Men with the lowest qualities cannot do any work that requires higher intelligence. However, although such a division of men must exist according to their quality and work, it is suggested here (SB 7.14.11) that everyone must have the necessities of life
- My dear Krsna, whatever You are saying, I accept them in toto, word to word - This is required. Not that I give up this portion, I give up that portion, whatever is to my purpose
- Mysticism is not understandable by common man. It requires a special qualification
- Narada instructed the hunter: As far as your livelihood is concerned, I shall send you grains, but you will only accept as much grain as you require for yourself and your wife
- Narada Muni advises the hunter to accept only what is absolutely necessary for him and his wife. The devotee should always be alert to consume only those things that he absolutely requires and not create unnecessary needs
- Narada said to Yudhisthira: "One may claim proprietorship to as much wealth as required to maintain body & soul together, but one who desires proprietorship over more than that is considered a thief, and he deserves to be punished by the laws of nature"
- Neither collectively nor individually can they (mundane topics of art, culture, politics, sociology, dry philosophy, poetry and so on) satisfy the vast requirements of the desertlike tongue
- Neither Lord Buddha nor Sankaracarya is to be blamed. The time required such an explanation for the understanding of various types of atheists
- Nirbandhini, strong desire. It doesn't require any other price to become advanced in . . . simply to become very strongly eager, laulyam. Then life is successful
- No extraneous effort is required for the maintenance of the universe. It's at its own time, fixed up by the energy of the complete whole, and when the time is complete, these temporary manifestations will be annihilated by the complete arrangement
- No material weapon is needed to cut this knot, but it requires bona fide spiritual instruction
- No one is simply interested in drinking milk and eating sugar, but with milk and sugar we can make a variety of foods - pera, barfi, ksira, rabri, dahi, and so on. There are hundreds of preparations. In any case, variety is required for enjoyment
- No one, should think the arca in the temple to be an idol. Such an arca-murti is God Himself, and to the proportion to which one is free from sins, he is able to know the significance of the arca-murti. The guidance of pure devotees is therefore required
- Nobody is born first class, but we can make first class if he agrees to become first class. Two things required: he must agree, and the teachings are there. Then he becomes first class
- Nobody required to be taught how he has to make sexual intercourse. Nobody has to be taken, I mean, given lesson how he can become intoxicated. Don't you see that the intoxicants, intoxicated person, they have become automatically?
- Not only must a brahmana be well qualified according to the requirements stated in scriptures such as Srimad Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, but at the same time he must be a devotee of Lord Krsna
- Nothing is hampering in the process of preaching Krishna Consciousness. The only qualification required is that one should know the genesis of Krishna Consciousness and then he is just the fit person to preach this great philosophy
- Now there are so many devotees there in Philadelphia. Please take care of them. Teach them how to remain neat and clean. They should be engaged always in cleansing the temple. Cleansing is urgently required
- Now you be trained up and revise the whole edition of the western civilization, especially in America. Then a new chapter will come in. This is the program. Therefore varnasrama school required
- Now, to come to the real knowledge, real platform of knowledge, the cultivation is required. So cultivation is required. Suppose somebody has said, the same example, that there is fire in the wood
- Nutritional information means that we require for balance food: starch, carbohydrate, protein, fat. What else? Starch, carbohydrate, protein, fat. These are necessary nutrition, but these things are there in vegetable diet
- O hero (Svayambhuva Manu), your example is quite befitting a son in relationship with his father. This sort of adoration for the superior is required
- Of course for the big cities a nice center is required. So if Kamala Devi is making so many demands there in Kuala Lumpur, then it is not advisable to stay on
- Of course, we require a living place and eating materials and sex arrangement or defense arrangement. That is required. You do that. But don't forget your main business. Then you are cats and dogs. Your main business is God realization
- On account of accepting this material body, there is always miserable condition. Therefore everyone requires the psychiatric treatment so that the mind may be transferred from matter to spirit soul. Then he will be cured. The disease is of the mind
- One can milk a surabhi cow as often as one likes, and the cow will deliver as much milk as one requires. Milk is necessary for the production of so many milk products, especially clarified butter, which is required for performance of great sacrifices
- One can serve Krsna by his activities, karmana; by mind, by thinking, by planning how to do it nicely. Mind is also required. karmana manasa vaca. And by words. How? Preaching
- One does not have to undergo initiation or execute the activities required before initiation. One simply has to vibrate the holy name with his lips. Thus even a man in the lowest class (candala) can be delivered
- One has to become a gosvami and control his senses. One should not simply use his senses for sense gratification; rather, the senses should be employed just as much as required for maintaining body and soul together
- One has to learn very cautiously how, what is the purpose of why Lord Buddha came, why Lord Siva and Sankaracarya came, why other acaryas came, why Caitanya Mahaprabhu came. It requires thorough study under able guidance. Then one can understand
- One is not able to feel the presence of the Lord in all circumstances until one is endowed with the required transcendental vision made possible by devotional service prescribed in the revealed scriptures
- One is therefore required to give up the attachment to family or social or political life just at the age of fifty years, if not earlier, and the training in the vanaprastha and sannyasa-asramas is given for preparation of the next life
- One man is supposed to be very expert who has learned how to fill up his belly. That's all. No other knowledge is required. Whether you have sumptuously put foodstuff within your belly. And then it is . . . you are very expert person
- One may claim proprietorship to as much wealth as required to maintain body and soul together, but one who desires proprietorship over more than that must be considered a thief, and he deserves to be punished by the laws of nature
- One selects a wife for bodily comforts, and the result is children. For wife and children one requires a dwelling place, and as such a residential house is also necessary
- One should approach a guru to learn about tattva, the Absolute Truth. One should not search out a guru to cure some material disease; rather, one requires a doctor
- One should be engaged for earning money because the body requires material necessities. That's all right. But his real attention should be how to achieve spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness
- One should culture knowledge in the following way: One should completely refrain from practices which are detrimental to the interest of self-realization. One should not accept more than he requires for the maintenance of the body
- One should culture knowledge in the following way: One should not be attached to more than the necessities of life required for spiritual advancement. One should not be more attached to wife, children and home than the revealed scriptures ordain
- One should have only as much as he requires. If there is greater production, that should be distributed to persons who need them. Because food grains, especially, they are meant for all living entities, they should not be spoiled
- One should know that all the necessities of life that the human society requires are supplied by the demigod agents of the Lord. No one can manufacture anything. BG 1972 purports
- One should not sleep more than six hours daily. Nor can one infected by insomnia, who cannot sleep at night, successfully execute yoga, for the body must be kept fit. Thus Krsna outlines so many requirements for disciplining the body
- One should satisfy the senses only insomuch as required for self-preservation, and not for sense gratification
- One who absolutely requires it is allowed to enter grhastha life, or household life, which is also regulated by the sastras and guru. Yudhisthira Maharaja could understand all this
- One who can see that "I am acting in this way, there is no reaction," that is inaction. And one who sees that "I am doing this, but there is reaction," that is action. So it requires little intelligence to see how it is action or inaction
- One who comes to the senses, that "This is simply struggle. Life after life, there is no enjoyment," then he can become a devotee of Krsna. So that requires knowledge, association of sadhu, devotee. That is being explained by Kapiladeva
- One who eats more than required will dream very much while sleeping, and he must consequently sleep more than is required. BG 1972 purports
- One who has already developed spontaneous attachment for Krsna does not require to execute the duties prescribed in the scriptures
- One who has become inquisitive of the uttamam, the most exalted subject matter, he requires a guru. Otherwise, who will answer his inquiries? Tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh. If he's not jijnasuh, what is the need of guru
- One who is serious, he'll inquire. Otherwise, the formula is all right, "God is great. There is no more greater than Him." But inquire, "How He is great?" Therefore society is required, association is required, to inquire
- One who knows vasudeva sarvam iti, that mahatma is required. And if we can serve such mahatma, then our path of liberation, mukti, will be open
- One who wants to transcend this position of ignorance and wants to know the transcendental subject, means spiritual subject, brahma-jijnasa, he requires a guru, not any person, other person
- One's devotional service is spoiled when he becomes too entangled in the following six activities: eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required
- Only qualification required in this connection, he says, visaya chadiya, se rase majiya, mukhe bolo hari hari. We have to chant with faith and conviction; at the same time we should take care, we should be guarding against sense enjoyment
- Other requirements are utensils, grains, clarified butter, honey, gold, earth, water, the Rg Veda, Yajur Veda and Sama Veda and four priests to perform the sacrifice
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to bring some men on the platform of goodness. The world requires it now. You are being trained up to become qualified brahmins. So be always careful that you may not contact the quality of passion and ignorance
- Our necessities, the created necessities, they are necessities of the body. The body requires to eat. The body requires rest. The body requires sex. The body requires defense. But the soul does not require
- Our point is that as this hankering after sex or the opposite sex is natural, it doesn't require to be educated, similarly, krsna-bhakti is also natural
- Our process of knowledge, if there is Vedic evidence, that is perfect. You don't require to experiment. Experimental knowledge is never perfect
- Our students may not be unnecessarily called for fighting, which is not at all suitable occupation for them. So ultimately, if you are required to fight this case let us see how Krishna will help us
- Overindulgence in food will cause a man to sleep more than required
- Panca-gavya, the five products received from the cow, namely milk, yogurt, ghee, cow dung and cow urine, are required in all ritualistic ceremonies performed according to the Vedic directions
- Pasturing ground for the cows - the grass is produced by rains, and the animals, they eat the grass, and they produce milk. You require milk. So everything, the main source of supply is the rainfall from the sky
- People are very much interested in welfare activities for the human society. So they think that by feeding poor men or giving cloth or opening hospitals, schools, colleges - These things are required. What is the use of hearing about Krsna?
- People do not see what is that atyantika-duhkha-nivrtti, what is that ultimate disappearance of unhappiness. That they do not know. So many things they do not know. Therefore it requires education
- People in general always require a leader who can teach the public by practical behavior. BG 1972 purports
- People say that, "Whether God can be seen? If anyone has seen God?" Yes, God can be seen. There is no doubt about it. But it requires some qualification. Not some, but only one qualification
- Person may come to our place with a hoe to cultivate land, or he may come to simply drink coffee or tea. We've been given this particular type of body to cultivate & to attain required sense objects according to our desires. This body is a gift from God
- Practically everything depends on practice. This whole Krsna consciousness movement is to practice transferring from one kind of consciousness to another. So we require practice
- Prahlada Maharaja saw Krsna in a pillar. There are many other examples. Krsna is there; all that is required is our qualification to see Him
- Process of eating or your process of securing ingredients for eating, or your cooking, nothing is stopped. Only, only thing is required that instead of cooking for yourself for the satisfaction of your tongue, you please cook it for satisfaction of Krsna
- Purusa means the enjoyer. And prakrti means enjoyed. For enjoyment two things are required: one enjoyer, and the other enjoyed. When we eat something, the eater is the enjoyer and the foodstuff is enjoyed
- Ramananda said to Caitanya, You are both the speaker and the audience. Thus let me speak only as You will me to speak about the performance required to attain this highest transcendental position
- Real guru means those who are interested in these material affairs, they do not require a guru. It is... It is a fashion. "Such man has kept such and such guru." Just like keeping a dog. This is not guru
- Regarding other yoga exercises, if you take Krishna prasadam you shall keep your body automatically fit for working, so there is no need of extra exercises which are required by persons who may eat more than what is required
- Regarding requirements & recommendations in the Vedic system of selecting partners for marriage. It cannot be done here. It should be made under the guidance of the guardians & the selection should be made on the basis of astrological equilibrium
- Regarding requirements and recommendations in the Vedic system of selecting partners for marriage, there is a Vedic system, but that cannot be done here
- Regarding the abhiseka ceremony, actually it is to be done. There were mlecchas activities. But it does not required to be done because hari nama is going on, but if it is done for the general satisfaction, it will be better
- Regulation of diet and sleep is recommended herein (BG 6.16) for the yogis. Too much eating means eating more than is required to keep the body and soul together. BG 1972 purports
- Regulative principles are required for persons who have not achieved such a position of spontaneous love. Brahma is also a devotee of the Lord, but he is an ordinary devotee subject to following regulative principles
- Religion does not mean the so-called rituals. That is formalities, they're also required, but the real purpose of religion is to abide by the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is religion
- Require staunch faithful devotion. Then you are perfect. Then doesn't matter what you are, what you are doing. Whether the real point is fixed up
- Required knowledge is supplied to him (the living entity), and remembrance is given to him, and he forgets, also, about his past life. Thus, the Lord is not only all-pervading; He is also localized in every individual heart. BG 1972 purports
- Requires staunch faithful devotion. Then you are perfect. Then doesn't matter what you are, what you are doing. Whether the real point is fixed up. Bhajate mam ananya-bhak
- Right work is work done in terms of the prescribed directions in the scriptures, and wrong work is work done against the principles of the scriptural injunctions. But whatever is done requires these five factors for its complete performance. BG 1972 pur
- Rules and regulations are required so long we do not develop that love of God. When actually one develops love of God, there is no question of rules and regulations. Automatically he obeys all the rules and regulations
- Sacrifice is another item to be performed by the householders because sacrifices require a large amount of money. Other orders of life, namely the brahmacarya, the vanaprastha and sannyasa, have no money; they live by begging. BG 1972 purports
- Sadhu, very honest devotee, sadhu. And mita-vag: did not speak more than required. This is also good qualification: don't talk nonsense. Unless you are required to speak, don't speak
- Sanskrit grammar is very difficult. It requires twelve years to learn simply Sanskrit grammar. So that is not possible
- Sastra has given concession that you require sex life, but enjoy it in married life, but no illicit sex. At least, stop this
- Sense gratification is never helpful. That is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that kamasya nendriya-pritir. Sense gratification is required as far as..., as little as possible
- Senses require engagements, and when the senses are engaged totally in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they have no chance to become contaminated by material infections
- Sex life is all right, required. Be a gentleman, get yourself married, live husband and wife peacefully
- Sex life is required for the physiological condition of the body. That is nature's way. Or by giving birth to some nice children, that sex life is required. Otherwise, why God has made the arrangement of sex? There is need, but not duspuram
- Sex life we are not stopping. But sex life allowed only to the grhasthas, householder, restricted. Not illicit sex. We are not stopping sex life. Sex life is required. But under rules
- She (Yasoda) has forgotten that it is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who has appeared before her as a little child. This relationship of attachment is very sublime. It requires time to understand
- Simply breathing deeply and doing some exercises is not yoga as far as Bhagavad-gita is concerned. A whole purification of consciousness is required
- Simply it requires a purified mind, that "I shall execute it honestly." That much qualification is sufficient. Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). This is Krsna's law and order
- Simply you require little intelligence. That intelligence is developed through the instruction of acarya
- Since a disciplic succession is required, this knowledge is expounded either by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself or by His bona fide devotee
- Since everyone in this material world is searching for sense gratification, grhasthas are required to be trained as mahat, great mahatmas. Therefore Nanda Maharaja specifically used the word mahad-vicalanam - in SB 10.8.4
- Since its covering is airtight, the darkness within is dense, and therefore the sun and the moon are required for illumination. Outside the universe is the vast and unlimited brahmajyoti expansion, which is filled with Vaikunthalokas
- Sivananda Sena took care of all the necessities the devotees required. In particular, he made arrangements for residential quarters, and he knew the roads of Orissa
- Sleep; you require some rest. But don't sleep twenty-six hours. Not like that. Utmost six hours to eight hours, sufficient for any healthy man
- So everyone can test how far he has advanced simply by this, "How far I have become prepared to sacrifice everything for Krsna?" He doesn't require to take certificate from others. He can test himself
- So everything requires qualification. So this Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to make the people qualified to see Krsna. Without being qualified, how can you see? That requires qualification
- So far devotees being hesitant to distribute books on account of pressure, sometimes pressure is required, especially when one is not so advanced. Of course it has to be applied properly, otherwise there may be some bad taste
- So far my certificates are concerned, if the originals are required I can send them, but I hope that these offset duplicates are as good as the original and I hope you will make proper use of them
- So far we can see, those who are busy with bolts and nuts, how this dull brain, they can manufacture such things (which can reach topmost planet)? That is not possible. It requires another brain. The yogis can go, the yogis can go
- So it requires little intelligence to see how it is action or inaction. Therefore it is said that one who can see action in inaction and inaction in action, he is intelligent
- So long you require some material facilities, you'll get material facilities, but that is not solution of the problems of your life
- So that is violence required. Tit for tat. One who is going to commit violence unnecessarily, the king, government, should immediately take the sword and kill that person. That is government's duty
- So that requires little intelligence, that anyone who is preaching the holy name of God, he is also God. Anyone who preaches the glories of God, he is also God
- So that requires little intelligence. It does not require many, many births. It requires little intelligence. Take to this Krsna consciousness seriously, your problems are solved
- So this knowledge required, how to find out real guru and how to surrender unto Him. The guru does not mean that I keep a guru, so, as order-supplier: "My dear guru, I am suffering from this. Can you give me some medicine?
- So to become God conscious, Krsna conscious, is not very cheap thing. It requires a great amount of austerity, penance to come to this stage. So never be disappointed that because people are not responding
- So to understand even Brahman, one requires to become brahmana. Brahma janati iti brahmanah. Brahman, understands Brahman, that is the first step. Then you have to make further progress
- So when there is attack, the brahmanas are not expected to go forward; the ksatriyas. So this is training. Everything is perfectly there. People are not accepting. You don't require conference. You simply accept the standard knowledge
- So yoga practice is approved process, but it requires long, long period, time, and the time is not at all suitable in this age. And persons are differently cultured. They are eating everything, they are drinking everything, smoking
- Some of them should be trained up as brahmana. Some of them should be trained up as ksatriya, some of them as vaisya. They are required. So these things we want to organize. We can give you instruction. We can give you help
- Some of these (universes) are many trillions of miles broad, and all these universes require strong Brahmas, not just four-headed
- Some of you must be, must learn the art of fighting also. But in a practical you are not going to fight. If required, you can fight. I say that we are above all these varnasrama, but we must train others or ourself also for material activities
- Sometimes we have to do so much managerial or office work, but Lord Caitanya promises us that because in the Kali yuga this is required for carrying on our preaching mission. He gives assurance that we will not become entangled by such work
- Sometimes when the fire (in the stomach) is not going nicely, treatment is required. In any case, this fire is representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes, in our leisure time, we can see, "Oh, this is my finger, and this is my hand. This is my ear, and this is my nose. Everything is mine, but what I, what I?" I am feeling this is mine, and that I am. Simply a little thought is required
- Spiritual rejuvenation required. Aham brahmasmi: "I am not this body. I am Brahman, spiritual soul." Then you will be happy. Brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati (BG 18.54), samah sarvesu... Then there will be equality, fraternity, brotherhood
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu further inquired, "Out of many types of meditation, which is required for all living entities?" Srila Ramananda Raya replied, "The chief duty of every living entity is to meditate upon the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna"
- Srila Rupa Gosvami recommends: anasaktasya visayan yatharham upayunjatah. One should not be attached to sense objects, but should accept sense enjoyment as much as required, no more
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the desire tree of Vedic wisdom. Veda itself means "the aggregate of knowledge." And whatever knowledge is required for human society is perfectly presented in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Srngi, a qualified son of a great brahmana, attained the required brahminical power both by birth and by training, but he was lacking in culture because he was an inexperienced boy
- Style (of food) may be different. That's all right. Besides that, to maintain your body and soul together, you require eating, you require sleeping, you require mating, you require defense
- Successful life is that, that we should make our bodily necessities of life as far as required, not more than that. I want to eat something. God has given sufficient food. You grow. You live anywhere. You grow foodstuff
- Such a sacrificial ceremony (Rajasuya sacrifice), being too expensive and also difficult to perform under present circumstances, is now impossible in this age of Kali. Nor can anyone secure the required expert priesthood to take charge of the ceremony
- Such performances (Rajasuya sacrifice) required hundreds of millions of dollars, and it was not an easy job for a petty king
- Such thinking (of Lord Krishna and His devotees) is required, and you will see that as you think in this way, your taste for relishing the nectar of such meditation will increase more and more
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: In this way, O Maharaja Pariksit, the son named Puru was very pleased to accept the old age of his father, Yayati, who took the youth of his son and enjoyed this material world as he required
- Superficially it may appear the repetition of the same word, but every mantra with effect is chanted like that. It requires little practice
- Suppose there is car and a driver. So the petrol and grease, these things are required for the car. But you cannot eat them. You have to eat something else. So we are thinking that the bodily necessities, petrol and grease, is my food. That is a mistake
- Tad-vijnanam means spiritual education. For material education there is no need of guru. You keep . . . Guru, of course required, but guru means to inquire about spiritual subject matter
- Take the example of a dead man. The senses, the hands, the nose, the sense organs, and everything is there, but now he cannot enjoy. The dead body, it cannot enjoy. Why? This requires intelligence
- Taking Narada Muni to be an ordinary man, the daughter of Time confronted him with her lusty desire. It requires great strength to resist a woman's attraction. It is difficult for old men, and what to speak of young
- Tapasya means denying all these things, denying. Eating as much as I require to maintain my body - this is tapasya, not that voraciously eating. Tapasya means practically not eating. That is tapasya: not eating
- That is the process of cleansing your heart. If you cleanse your heart, then you will understand what Bible says, what Veda says. It requires to be purified
- That realization (struggling life after life & no real enjoymen) requires knowledge, & that knowledge can be acquired by association with a sadhu. Freedom from this struggle with material existence is further explained by Lord Kapila in the next verse
- The (KC) movement requires energy. We are printing so many books. For spreading this knowledge, that must be distributed. Home to home, place to place, man to man, this literature must go there
- The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases - impersonal Brahman, Paramatma and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All these require a touch of devotional service
- The animal fat required for the human body can be well derived from cow's milk
- The arms are required to protect the body from all harm, but the arms must act according to the directions of the head and brain
- The best thing is that fix up your mind in Krsna, in Krsna consciousness. Then you will be happy, the mind always engaged in Krsna's business, planning how to satisfy Krsna. That you are. . . require. That is intelligence
- The body must be given some rest, sleeping, for which we require some apartment, some place. Not we, but also even the animals, birds, they have got their nest, or the animal has got some hole or something
- The brahmanas are not encouraged to fight or kill. No. They should remain always nonviolent. Even there is required violence, a brahmana will not kill personally. He will bring the matter to the ksatriya, royal order
- The brahmanas are required to know the Vedas, or the ultimate source of knowledge. Veda means knowledge, and anta means the end of it
- The brain must be sharp and finer tissues. Then spiritual understanding will be there. With dull brain, physical brain, we cannot understand. That is not possible. Therefore to spiritualize the brain, the senses, requires a process
- The change required (for perfection) is a change in consciousness, not in the body. Unfortunately, in this fallen age, people are concerned with the body, not with the soul. They have invented so many "isms" pertaining to the body only, not to the soul
- The culture of spiritual knowledge necessitates the help of the body and mind; therefore maintenance of the body and mind is required if we are to reach our goal
- The death news of Bhismadeva, uncle of Dhrtarastra, was another great shock for the King and the Queen, and therefore they required solace from Maharaja Yudhisthira
- The demigods never touch the surface of the earth. They walk and travel in space only. Like the great sage Narada, the Kumaras do not require any machine to travel in space. There are also residents of Siddhaloka who can travel in space without machines
- The devotional service begins with the tongue. It is also another astonishment. Service with the tongue. Service with the tongue means if you chant this Hare Krsna mantra, that requires tongue. And if you simply take krsna-prasada, that requires tongue
- The dharma means to become religious. Why religious? Yes, we require the necessities of life in a regulative principle
- The earth (mahi) contains all our requirements. Thus the objects of sense perception are all present in bhumi, or the earth. The gross material elements and subtle elements (mind, intelligence and ahankara, false ego) constitute the total material energy
- The eyes become so dim that one requires spectacles, and the ears become too weak to hear directly, and therefore one requires hearing aids
- The fact is, that although karma and jnana cannot be successful without bhakti, bhakti does not require the help of karma and jnana
- The first business is that the GBC must see to the management of their zones. Still, I require a permanent secretary. In addition, one GBC man may come and go
- The first cultural education is how to teach the small children to become purified, brahmacari. In ancient times it was done by association in gurukulas. That is required, gurukula. We are starting, therefore, gurukulas
- The first requirement for the proper execution of karma-yoga is given herein: one must give the fruits of his activities to the Supreme Brahman, Parabrahman, Krsna. By doing so, one actually situates himself in the renounced order of life, sannyasa
- The first requirement in the Bhagavad-gita. "You surrender unto Me." That means: "You trust." I cannot surrender unto you if I do not trust you. That is trust. I don't believe you; how can I trust you?
- The first requirement is that one should have sufficient faith that the only process for attaining love of Godhead is bhakti, devotional service to the Lord
- The force exhibited in the Battle of Kuruksetra by the desire of Krsna and through the agency of Arjuna was also necessary because when people become too irreligious, force is required. Nonviolence in this respect is rascaldom
- The gigantic work of churning the milk ocean by the combined effort of the demigods and the demons required a gigantic resting ground or pivot for the gigantic Mandara Hill
- The Gosvamis of Vrndavana practically did not sleep at all. Of course, they slept some, for the body requires sleep, but they slept only about two hours, and sometimes not even that. They always engaged in spiritual cultivation
- The government has two department - criminal and civil. Civil department is controlled by the sastra, law codes, and the criminal department is governed by the sastra, weapons. So this is the rule from time immemorial. Both things are required
- The great sage Narada took a comfortable seat, & Krsna worshiped him with all paraphernalia, as required for the regular reception of a saintly person. While trying to satisfy Naradaji, Lord Krsna spoke the following words in His sweet and natural voice
- The heart is compared to a desert of material existence that requires the water of an ocean of pleasure to satisfy its dryness
- The householders are required to 2) at last offering to the elderly members due respects and obeisances
- The householders are required to rise early in the morning, and after bathing they should 1) offer respects to the Deities at home by prayers, by offering fuel in the sacred fire, by giving the brahmanas in charity land, cows, grains, gold, etc
- The human life is only meant for tattva-jijnasa, to understand the Absolute Truth. That requires brahminical culture, not the dull brain of sudras and candalas. They cannot understand
- The human society requires this knowledge and we are trying to give this knowledge alone with our humble attempt, and these foreigners are helping with their pranair arthair dhiya vaca, by their life, by their money, by their intelligence, by their words
- The husband, according to Vedic instruction, is required to please the wife with sufficient food, ornaments and clothing. Then, if they are satisfied with their mutual dealings, good children are born. In this way the entire world can become peaceful
- The impersonalists wish to merge into the Supreme Brahman; however, merging into the Supreme Brahman also requires a touch of devotional service
- The ingredients of panca-gavya are milk, yogurt, ghee (clarified butter), cow urine and cow dung. All these items come from the cow; therefore we can just imagine how important the cow is, since its urine and stool are required for bathing the Deity
- The initiation requires some Guru daksina, so during the time of initiation, the disciple must collect some alms and present it to the Spiritual Master
- The initiation requires some Guru daksina, so during the time of initiation, the disciple must collect some alms and present it to the Spiritual Master. That is the system.
- The inside pulp of coconut requires the covering outside; otherwise, it will be spoiled. Crude example. But the real substance is inside, not outside. But these rascals, they have no information of the inside substance
- The King replied, "Kasi Misra's house is exactly what you require. It is near the temple and is very secluded, calm and quiet"
- The kings were thus informed by the Pandava brothers that they were required to pay taxes for the execution of the Rajasuya sacrifice. This payment of taxes to Emperor Yudhisthira meant that the king accepted subjugation before him
- The Krsna conscious person observes fasting as it is recommended in the scriptures. He does not fast or eat more than is required, and he is thus competent to perform yoga practice. BG 1972 purports
- The ksatriyas should always be very strong to be able to give protection to the weak. They should not pose themselves as nonviolent. If violence is required, they must exhibit it. BG 1972 purports
- The ksatriyas should be very strong to be able to give protection to the weak. They should not pose themselves as nonviolent. If violence is required, they must exhibit it. But a person who is able to curb down his enemy may show forgiveness
- The land used to be muddy with milk, not with water. That was the position. Therefore cow is so important that we can get nice food, the milk. Milk is required every morning
- The laws of nature do not allow us to accept more money than is required for proper maintenance
- The living entity is also required to revive his natural love and affection for the Lord, and that is the highest perfection of the living entity. Srimad-Bhagavatam treats the conditioned soul with an aim to that goal of life
- The living entity travels on his chariot day and night during a year consisting of 360 (or more) days and nights. Life's progress is taken for the unnecessary labor required to cover these 360 days and nights of life
- The Lord awards enjoyment to living entities in proportion to their qualifications, but good qualifications in themselves are not sufficient to enable one to receive awards. The mercy of the Lord is also required
- The Lord takes away with Him all His associates when He disappears from the earth. The power and energy which were bestowed upon Arjuna were required for fulfillment of the mission of the Lord
- The Lord's spiritual effulgence, is covered by the mahat-tattva, the material elements; therefore in this material world we require the assistance of sun, moon, electricity, etc., for light. But in the spiritual world there is no need of such things
- The Lord's sva-dhama does not require any sunlight or moonlight or electricity for illumination. That dhama, or place, is supreme, and whoever goes there never comes back to this material world
- The Lord, as the Supersoul of all living beings from Brahmā to the insignificant ant, endows all with the required knowledge potent in every living being
- The Lord’s clothing, bedding, slippers and everything required as an ordinary necessity are all transformations of Sesa, Visnu, the expansion of Sri Baladeva
- The material body requires replacement of matter for the wearing and tearing of the mechanical body. Therefore the distinction between the individual living entity and controlling planetary deities is in the anna-rasamaya body
- The Mayavada is described, the Sankara philosophy is described, by Sankara himself, Lord Siva, that it is asat-sastra. Asat-sastra means it was temporary requisition. It is not permanent knowledge. It was required for the time being
- The merchants, preachers, kings, and students who were confined to home during the four months June to September began to flow out and attain success in life, just as perfected souls attain the required body as soon as they leave the present one
- The modern aeronautics, they estimate, that in order to go to the topmost planet will require forty thousands of years by going in the light year. Just like light year, we have got calculation
- The monkeylike conditioned soul first becomes attached to sex, and when intercourse actually takes place he becomes more attached. He then requires some material comforts - apartment, house, food, friends, wealth and so on
- The most important aspect of our preaching is Kirtana. Induce the people to chant, that is the only thing. Then everything else will follow. The goal is to make devotees and books; both are required. Distributing the books will make devotees
- The nostrils are blocked by mucus, and one has to always sniff a medicinal bottle containing ammonia. Similarly, the mouth, too weak to chew, requires false teeth
- The only difficulty is that we are expanded worldwide organization, and it requires very acute management to keep up the status quo
- The path of religion is actually meant for self-realization, and economic development is required just to maintain the body in a sound, healthy condition. A man should lead a healthy life with a sound mind just to realize vidya, true knowledge
- The planet earth is also called vasundhara. The word vasu means "wealth," and dhara "one who holds." All creatures within the earth fulfill the necessities required for human beings, & all living entities can be taken out of the earth by the proper means
- The position of the Lord is always transcendental because the causal and effectual energies required for the creation of the material world were also created by Him
- The process is that give up the idea of sense enjoyment. That is required. That is real renunciation. "I shall not use it for my sense gratification. I shall utilize it for Krsna's service." That is Krsna consciousness
- The process of Krsna consciousness requires that we follow in the footsteps of the great acaryas who have attained success in spiritual life
- The professional heads of various spiritual societies or communities often may not have attained to this standard of spiritual perfection and so may not possess the qualifications required for being a spiritual master
- The proper execution of yajna, sacrifice, is required. As indicated herein (SB 4.16.5), King Prthu alone would induce all the citizens to engage in such sacrificial activities so that there would not be scarcity or distress
- The purpose of Vedas is to gradually to bring him to the point of nivrtti. Nivrtti, he has to make. When he has got a slight desire for material enjoyment, he'll have to accept another body. Therefore nivrtti is required
- The real mata, or mother, is devotional service to the Lord, and the real patni, or devoted wife, is a wife who helps her husband execute religious principles in devotional service. These two things are required for a happy home
- The real way is that food is required to be given to the body, but it must be given through the mouth, not through any other hole
- The revealed scripture advises that, "You have to maintain your body. That's all right. But for simply material comforts you should not devote time more than it is absolutely required." That means don't increase your bodily necessities
- The rituals (to prepare oneself for the next life simply by hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam) are not formal, but there are also some favorable conditions, which are required to be carried out
- The Sanatanist worships cows on religious principles and respects brahmanas. The cow's milk is required for the sacrificial fire, and by performing sacrifices the householder can be happy
- The scientific research for such an invention certainly requires a very good brain, but instead of inventing something beneficial to human society they invent something to accelerate death, which is already assured to every man
- The senses and the mind require engagements. Simple abnegation is not practical
- The senses and the mind require engagements. Simple abnegation is not practical. BG 1972 purports
- The senses are the practical signs of life. Human civilization is meant for purifying the senses, and objects of sense satisfaction should be supplied as much as absolutely required, but not for aggravating artificial sensory needs
- The senses require real engagements, and if they are not engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they will certainly seek engagement in the service of materialism
- The senses require real engagements, and if they are not engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they will certainly seek engagement in the service of materialism. BG 1972 purports
- The sudras are the common laborer class. In a properly run society, all of these classes (brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras) are required. If they cooperate in their progress toward Krsna consciousness, there is no strife amongst them
- The supply source is complete, and only a little energy by the human being is required to get his necessities into the proper channel
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has a huge government, and He requires assistants. The demigods are considered His bodily limbs. These are the descriptions of Vedic literature
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is self-sufficient, but to enjoy His transcendental bliss He requires the cooperation of His devotees
- The ten characteristics, as will be explained in the next chapter, require so many verses just to explain them properly. Brahmaji had also advised Narada previously that he should expand the idea he had heard from Brahmaji
- The transcendental position begins with the realization aham brahmasmi - "I am not this matter, but spirit." But even this position is unsettled. More is required
- The transcendental topics of Lord Sri Krsna's superhuman activities, His incarnation, His birth, appearance or disappearance, His forms, His names and so on are all easily understandable because all requirements are fulfilled
- The universal form of Krsna is not very important; that will be clear in the verses (of BG 11). Yet because Arjuna wanted to see it, the Lord gives him the particular vision required to see that universal form. BG 1972 purports
- The Vaikuntha planets are full of transcendental variegatedness, including the four-handed residents of those planets, with great opulence of wealth and prosperity, and there are even airplanes and other amenities required for high-grade personalities
- The Vedic literatures describe this material world as darkness. Actually it is dark, and therefore we require sunlight, moonlight and electricity. If it were not by nature dark, why would we require so many arrangements for artificial light
- The Vedic principle has got garbhadhana-samskara. To beget a child, it requires also reformation - time, mentality, situation. So . . . not like cats and dogs
- The whole human society, especially at the present moment, they have given up God consciousness. They are not interested. That is their disease. And everyone requires treatment
- The whole process is to increase our feeling of love for Krsna. That is required. Not anything else. Just (like the) gopis. They were not Vedantists. They were not scholars. They were village girls, and also low class
- The whole process, the whole process of material activities, material nature, is going on under this principle, that we are required to go back to the eternal world, to get our eternal life and eternal blissful knowledge
- The word agraha means “not to accept.” We should not follow regulative principles without an effect, nor should we fail to accept the regulative principles. What is required is a special technique according to country, time and candidate
- The word havirdhanim is significant in this verse (of SB 9.15.26). Havirdhanim refers to a cow required for supplying havis, or ghee, for the performance of ritualistic ceremonies in sacrifices. In human life, one should be trained to perform yajnas
- The word jnana means knowledge, and vairagyam means detachment. Both knowledge and detachment are required in this human form of life
- The yoga principles of meditation are required as long as one is not situated in pure devotional service
- The yogi should have his mind trained in such a way that as soon as his mind wanders from meditation on Visnu, he drags it back again. This requires a great deal of practice
- The yogis also at times take to chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but their purpose is different from that of the bhaktas. In all processes - karma, jnana or yoga - bhakti is required. That is the purport of this verse - SB 4.31.12
- The yogis, they are always in meditation and thinking of Krsna. That is real yogi, not to show some gymnastic feats. These things are required to concentrate the mind
- Then, when the devotee satisfies the spiritual master and Krsna, this seed of devotional service grows into a plant that gradually reaches up to the spiritual world. An ordinary plant requires shelter for growing
- There are different kinds of cleanliness. Inside, vacah bhyantaram. Cleanliness, simply soap and water cleanliness, is not cleanliness. Inside cleanliness also required
- There are many devotees who are engaged in the propagation of Krsna consciousness, and they require help. So, even if one cannot directly practice the regulated principles of bhakti-yoga, he can try to help such work. BG 1972 purports
- There are millions of elephants in the African jungle, in Indian jungles. They require one hundred pounds at a time to eat. Who is supplying food? So there is no question of starvation in the kingdom of God. Starvation is for the so-called civilized men
- There are regulative directions for satisfaction of such senses because the body is made of senses, which also require a certain amount of satisfaction. But the senses are not meant for unrestricted enjoyment
- There are sattvika, rajasika, tamasika puranas. So sattvika Purana is required for spiritual improvement. So He's giving evidence from the sattvika Purana, Visnu Purana
- There are so many parties, they make agitation, "Oh, this government is nothing. We require a new government." Therefore in your country (USA) the Communist movement has been statewise declared, - It is illegal
- There are so many things to understand from Srimad-Bhagavatam, full knowledge, all knowledge, as it is required by the human society. So we have to study from all angles of vision, not simply by sentiment. This is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There are thirty-two kinds of offenses in discharging arcana service. It is required, therefore, that one be extremely careful not to be unclean
- There are waterfalls flowing from the hills of the forest, but sometimes water does not flow from them. So the waterfalls are not like ordinary rainfall. They are compared to great reformers, who speak or do not speak, as the time require
- There is a Bengali proverb that states: "I'll catch the fish, but I will not touch the water." That type of intelligence is required
- There is a vast amount of water in the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. What quantity of chemicals was required? How many tons? So who supplied it? Somebody must have supplied it. So that is science. You can teach like that
- There is additional evidence in the Agastya-samhita - As the regulative principles of scripture are not required by a liberated person
- There is additional evidence in the Agastya-samhita, "A person who is engaged duly in the service of Lord Ramacandra is also not required to discharge the ritualistic principles which are indicated in the Vedic supplimentaries"
- There is every possibility that my next life will be an animal life. And if, by chance or by a freak of nature, I get into animal life, then millions and millions of years will be required before again coming to this human form of life
- There is need of nice eating, nice talking, nice thinking, nice behavior. Then our brain is sharp. It requires training
- There is no difficulty in coming in contact with the Supreme Lord. On the other hand, going to hell requires great endeavor. If one wants to go to hell by illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication, he must acquire so many things
- There is no need of any other performances (sankirtana alone is sufficient). Nevertheless, to keep oneself clean in habits and mind, Deity worship and other regulative principles are required
- There is no need of material qualifications for making progress on the path of spiritual realization. In the material world, when one accepts some particular type of service, he is required to possess some particular type of qualification also
- There is no question of bathing Caitanya deity. Of course He is bathed many times daily by Hare Krishna Mantra, but for bathing of such deities requires Salagrama Sila, and I have not introduced yet, but I shall do so later
- There is no such requirement that Japa should be silently and chanting should be done differently. Loudly or silently, everything is all right. There is no such restriction. Only thing is that we should chant very attentively
- There is ordinarily no need for Narada Muni to stay in one place for more than the time he requires to preach. Since by his own free will he is already traveling all over the universe, the curse of Kalakanya is described as fortunate
- There is restriction: you should eat like this, you should sleep like this, you should mate like this, you should defend like this. They are required. That is called tapasya: voluntarily accepting for my interest
- There is unity in variety. For example, in one tree, there are varieties of leaves, fruits and flowers. Varieties of energy are required for performing the varieties of activity within the creation
- There may be some discouragement at first, but the word kalena, meaning "in due course of time," indicates that if we simply persevere we will be successful. Faith is required, as stated in the verse - BG 4.39
- These divisions are required. Mukha means brahmana, bahu means ksatriya, and uru means the vaisya, and pada means sudra. The body can be maintained when four things are properly maintained
- These histories (of Parasurama and Visvamitra) confirm the statements in sastra that a brahmana may become a ksatriya, a ksatriya may become a brahmana or vaisya, and a vaisya may become a brahmana, by achieving the required qualities
- These things cannot be understood by ordinary brain. It requires a different brain. That brain is created by devotional service, these finer tissues
- These three things required. One must find out a suitable person where to put your question, and the question should be put by surrender and service. Then the science of God will be learnt
- These two qualifications required. She must learn how to prepare first-class foodstuff, and she must learn how to become chaste and faithful to the husband. Only these two qualification required. Then her life is successful. So try to do that
- These two things required in human life: jnanam vairagyam. Jnanam means "I am not this body." And vairagya means renunciation - If I am not this body, then what I have got to do with this material world?
- These two things required: how to get the pleasure or the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and how to go back home, back to Godhead. This is the aim, not that we are making plan to be happy
- These two things required: knowledge and detachment. Knowledge means that "I am not this body," and detachment means "I am not this body; therefore I have nothing to do with this material world
- They (karmis) require only six feet of space to sleep. Nonetheless, these big karmis are thinking themselves very important. They think, - Without me, all the members of my nation will die. Let me work day and night to the point of death
- They (the chanters of the Holy Name) are called aryah because they have already finished all these requirements, and they must be among the Aryans or those who have qualified themselves to become Aryans
- They (the mlecchas) must know that even for the animals they must produce grass and vegetables, otherwise the animals cannot live. And to produce grass for the animals, they require sufficient rains
- They (three modes of material nature) are directing. Just like in the jail there are different departmental management, similarly, this management is required because you are in the jail. If you don't go to jail, the management may be closed
- They completely control the six bad qualities - lust, anger, greed & so forth. They eat only as much as required, & they are not inebriated. They are respectful, grave, compassionate & without false prestige. They are friendly, poetic, expert & silent
- They executed the required austerities and penances in their lives and were liberal, meeting the standard of qualified brahmanas
- They have been put in one group: woman, vaisya and sudra. Because they are not very intelligent. They can be molded by another intelligent man to the proper channel. Therefore they require guidance. They require guidance
- They have simplified their life. And gradually develop, make little cottages, and grow little vegetable, little barley or wheat and milk. That is sufficient. We don't require much. We don't want luxury. We want just to subsist
- They require education for spiritual understanding, tad-vijnanartham, not this vijnanartham, this material knowledge. It doesn't require. It is simply a waste of time. This modern university education is simply a waste of time
- They should not be proud that "I am brahmana." No. As you are required, as much, the sudra is also required. It is not that only the brahmanas are required
- They stand, make competition, "I am the President." If you are President, why you require election? The simple truth. If you are actually President, then why do you depend on other's vote? You become President. No. Artificial President
- Thieves and rogues simply await some political upset in order to take the opportunity to plunder the people in general. To keep thieves and rogues inactive in their profession, a strong government is always required
- Thinking of Krsna does not require any riches or any high parentage or any beauty or any education. So we have to develop such Krsna consciousness
- This devotional service is the pushing process. Pushing process. And as soon as the energy comes, then automatically: clak clak clak. No more pushing. Automatically. This pushing process is required
- This invention of atomic bomb, certainly it requires good brain. But Bhagavad-gita says that this genius, or this brain, intelligence, has been wrongly used
- This is a great science, Krsna science, krsna-tattva. So we have to learn from the authorized Vedic literature about Krsna. And that is required in human life
- This is a very important verse. Bhave asmin. Asmin means "this," and bhave, "the material world." Bhava means to grow; means . . . grow means which has taken birth. That requires grow
- This is all nonsense (to claim that God meditates, and by His meditation He becomes God). God is God, & He was always God and will always be God. Even as an infant on the lap of His mother Krsna is God. No meditation was required, no austerity or penance
- This is called variety, not nirvisesa-vada, classless: "No brahmana required, no sudra required." No, everything is required. Everything is required, but they should be properly trained up
- This is evidence that religion is generally performed for the sake of economic development, and economic development is required for sense gratification
- This is Gaudiya-Vaisnava philosophy. It requires time. So the activities of Krsna, the rascals, if they simply see that "Krsna is enticing Arjuna to fight; therefore Krsna is immoral," that is, means wrong vision
- This is human life, not that upstart, foolish, rascals, sudras, that is human society. That is dog society. That is not human society. Human society must be intelligent class of men. They will train the other people. Everything is required
- This is our philosophy, Krsna consciousness preaching. You don’t require any high type of philosophical speculation or this or this ism, that ism, that ism - no. Simple truth. That’s all
- This is required, philosophical talk, those who will understand. For mass of people kirtana is sufficient
- This is required, that everything engaged in Krsna's service. That is called yukta-vairagya. Not phalgu-vairagya. Rupa Gosvami says, "Motor car is material; therefore we should not touch it" - this is phalgu-vairagya
- This is the power of hari-sankirtana. If one is absorbed in Krsna consciousness, so all benefit is there. So long in the bodily concept of life, we require this varnasrama-dharma. Otherwise there is no necessity
- This KC, it is not a blind faith, it is based on reason, it is based on argument, it is based on philosophy, it is based on authority. So the faith required. If I purposely draw my faith without any reason, without any philosophy, then I am unfortunate
- This Krsna consciousness, is required. It is a mistake to understand that we are trying to push on Hindu culture. Where is the Hindu culture? To become a gentleman is Hindu culture? It is for everyone
- This material world is always dark; therefore we require the sun, moon and electricity. The Vedas enjoin us not to remain in this darkness but to transfer ourselves to the world of illumination, the spiritual world
- This material world is dark, is always dark. Therefore here we require the sun and the moon and the electric light. Otherwise, it is dark. As soon as the electricity will fail, then whole city will be in darkness
- This mentality (thinking I can become a religious leader) should be sacrificed first, before going to a spiritual master. First of all you have to select who can be your spiritual master. That requires some knowledge
- This press propaganda, this literary propaganda, is required, because it is not sentiment
- This requires a great amount of knowledge (to understand how a living entity leaves his present body & what form of body he is going to take in next life) understood from BG & similar literatures heard from a bona fide spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- This requires knowledge, intelligence that, "If I am eternal," "I am not destroyed even this body is destroyed." Then you should seek after eternal happiness. Why temporary? That is not in your interest
- This requires little intelligence that, "Actually God is giving us bread, not this politician."
- This spiritual platform, to reach, requires gradually process of cultivation, and there is no difficulty to reach the spiritual platform. But first of all, the training of the mind is practiced by the yoga system. Yoga means to control the mind
- This teaching (abiding Krsna's orders), this learning, means Krsna consciousness. It is not difficult. Everyone can do it. Simply he has to change: instead of being dictated by the senses, one should be dictated by Krsna. That requires qualification
- Those who are advanced, they also dream Krsna consciousness. Of course, that requires time to make little advancement. But after all, dream is the activities of the mind
- Those who are given a position by God but who want to usurp His power, which they actually cannot do, are rebellious fools and rascals who require punishment
- Those who are going to be religious for getting relief from this hard struggle for existence, for them arthasya, you require some artha, money. If you are actually religious, then your artha should not be spent for sense gratification
- Those who are less intelligent than the brahmanas should be given military training. We require everything in society - not only military men. How can everyone be a military man
- Those who are little above the bodily concept of life, they find pleasure in the mind. And farther, they find pleasure in intellectualism. And in this way the thing is very complicated. It requires very cool brain to understand all these things
- Those who are not sufficiently intelligent to be brahmanas, ksatriyas or vaisyas are required to serve a master and are called sudras. Thus everyone can engage in the service of the Lord and awaken his natural Krsna consciousness
- To achieve vairagya it requires tapasya. But the one thing is there, vasudeva parayana
- To be chanting the holy name of Your Lordship, they must have bathed at holy places of pilgrimage, studied the Vedas and fulfilled everything required
- To become a guru, then you require very good qualifications, and the best qualification is that he does not cheat
- To become a secretary of the president, personal assistant, it is not very easy job. It requires some qualification. Similarly, to serve Krsna, it requires some qualification
- To explain fully all those verses and all the transformations that took place in the Lord's body would require a very large volume
- To go back home, back to Godhead is not an easy thing. It requires great discipline of body and mind, and performance of pure devotional service
- To join with the rasa dance of Krsna, or to play with Krsna as cowherd boy, it requires krta-punya-punjah, many, many millions of births' pious activities
- To keep myself under your care will certainly be a great boon. The only thing I am considering about staying in the mainland because the devotees in different centers here can see me if required more quickly then they can do so in Hawaii
- To know Krsna superficially, that is a different thing. You can imagine anything nonsense. But if you want to know Krsna as He is, that requires the intelligence
- To maintain the body, we require shelter, food, water and clothing, and all these necessities can be obtained without approaching puffed-up rich men. One can collect old garments that have been thrown out, one can eat fruits offered by the trees
- To remain steadily on the platform of dharma, these four legs required: dharma, artha, kama
- To remain the dictator she (Indira Ghandi) requires spiritual knowledge. Otherwise it will be another disaster. If she wants to remain the dictator, then she must be a spiritual man. She must become a Vaisnavi
- To set the cart back in its original position required much strength, but this was easily done by the cowherd men. Then, according to the system of the gopa jati, various Vedic ceremonies were performed to appease the calamitous situation
- To study the Vedas and understand them, of course, requires some special intelligence
- To surrender to Krsna requires little qualification, and that qualification Sanatana Gosvami wanted. Therefore he has approached Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We can follow his footsprints
- To the innocent, we have to preach, krpa: "Oh, here is an innocent person. He does not know; he's eager to learn." There teaching is required. Teaching, you cannot teach God or you cannot teach God's devotee. But you can teach only the innocent
- To understand Krsna, God, we require to purify our senses
- To understand Krsna, one requires special senses, special senses, not ordinary senses. Special senses means you have to pluck your eyes and you have to put another eyes? No. You have to purify
- To understand the form of the Lord, that is not very easy thing. It requires much intelligence. Intelligence, that is also a kind of tapasya
- Transport is required in the human society, but you can utilize so many animals for your purpose
- Two different principles are to be considered herein (CC Adi 2.91.92) - namely asraya, the object providing shelter, and asrita, the dependents requiring shelter. The asrita exist under the original principle, the asraya
- Uddhava continued reading Krsna's message, "Knowledge of the Absolute Truth is specifically required for persons who want liberation from material existence. But one who has attained love for Krsna is already on the platform of liberation"
- Under the circumstances, if in future coal industry is developed and if it is required, the government may at once ask us to vacate and no law can stop it
- Unnecessary vairagya, there is no need. We don't approve that. Yuktahara-viharas ca. What you require for keeping health, but not to eat too much. But what is absolutely required must be done
- Upstarts and unbelievers cannot have any access to this transcendental vision (by which one can see God's body), for they lack the required submission to the will of the Lord
- Vaidarbhi, the daughter of Vidarbha, was offered to a great devotee and powerful king. Since King Malayadhvaja was both a powerful king and great devotee, he fulfilled all the requirements
- Vairagya means no more working for sense gratification, that is vairagya. That is renouncement. Only for working Krsna, for the satisfaction of Krsna, that is called vairagya. And to attain this vairagya, renouncement, one requires sufficient knowledge
- Vande rupa-sanatanau raghu-yugau, the six Gosvamis, six Gosvamis, and if we follow their footprints, rupanuga-varaya te, then he also becomes gosvami. This is the process. Therefore in any way you go, it is required, mahat-seva
- Vasudeva’s wives, dressed with nice garments and ornaments and golden necklaces, approached the arena of sacrifice carrying in their hands the required articles to offer in the sacrifice
- Vedanta philosophy is not meant for an ordinary person, nor even for an ordinary learned person. It requires great knowledge of Sanskrit and philosophy
- Verse fourteen (of SB 10.7) mentions pavitrausadhi. In any ritualistic ceremony, many herbs and leaves were required. These were known as pavitra-patra
- Vimarsanam means to become sober and think that "Why I cannot check my desire to do sinful activities?" Then he suggested to come to that understanding he requires good brain
- Visnu does not require anything in order to create. He does not require the goddess Laksmi in order to give birth to Brahma, for he is born from a lotus flower that grows from the navel of Visnu - CC Intro
- Water is one of the most important items for our maintenance, because without water we can neither produce food grains nor quench our thirst. Water is also required very liberally for many other purposes
- "Water, water, water, water," your thirstiness will not be quenched. You require the substance water. That is material, but spiritually, the name Krsna or the name Allah or the name Jehovah is as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We also sleep at night closing the door, because we are afraid of burglars and others, so many dangers. So that is also required, to take protection from enemies
- We are active on the platform of this bodily consciousness. That is also required for some time; not for all the time. The aim is to work for the soul
- We are all living beings, but because we have accepted this material body, we are suffering. Now we require this fan. Why? Because feeling some pains on account of heat. That heat is felt by the body, not the soul
- We are born all fools and rascals, abodha-jata, without any sense. So we require education. What is that education? Atma-tattvam
- We are discussing the point, "Who requires a guru?" If you are actually serious about understanding the spiritual subject matter, brahma-jijnasa . . . Not this market value
- We are following strictly the principles of Vedas, the principles laid down by great authorities, and if we accept them, then we'll get the required perfection of life. And they are not very difficult
- We are in the lower stage. Therefore Deity worship required. Even if there is no temple, you can keep small Deity in a small box and open it. After taking bath . . . (indistinct) . . . you can offer Him little patram puspam phalam toyam - BG 9.26
- We are indebted, we are obliged, to the devas, the demigods. Just like we are indebted to the sun. You require so much heat and light, and the sun is supplying you profuse heat and light. Are you not indebted?
- We are not interested in the matter of general principles of morality, social culture, ethics. They are required, but because this material world means it is a infected world, so here in this material world, so-called morality is infected
- We are not meant for the ksatriya's business or vaisya's business, the devotees, but if required they can take. Real business is, brahmin's business is to know the Vedas, the Brahman, the Supreme Brahman, the Absolute Truth
- We are part and parcel of the Supreme Brahma, aham brahmasmi. This is the philosophy that, "I am not this matter; I am Brahman." This knowledge required. This knowledge, this brahma-jnana knowledge, is being imparted in the beginning of the Bhagavad-gita
- We are spending at the present moment, monthly, seventy thousand dollars. In Indian calculation, it is seven lakhs of rupees. So everything required. We have to maintain establishment, we have to feed them, we have to educate them, we have to dress them
- We are world-wide organization, and we must have the cooperation of the government authorities, so we shall not create any unnecessary misunderstandings by avoiding government requirements
- We can prepare hundreds of nice preparations from milk. Therefore cow protection is required
- We can see God eye to eye, just as we are seeing one another, but qualification is required, and that qualification is Krsna consciousness
- We claim to be superior, to possess superior consciousness, and how we are utilizing our consciousness and superior intelligence? Simply just like animals. That requires meditation
- We do not have to be very learned or very scholarly, nor do we have to present our prayers in nicely selected words that are poetical, rhetorical or metaphorical. None of this is required, although if it is there it is very nice
- We do not need to be very learned. Our only requirement is that we receive the blessings of the Lord. The Lord's blessings will enable us to become learned and follow His instructions
- We do not require to be very learned scholar or very rich men or to take birth in a very high family. We do not require all these things
- We first of all must engage the tongue in chanting Hare Krsna and in eating bhagavat-prasada. Nothing else is required. Therefore the Krsna consciousness movement is distributing prasada and engaging people in chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- We get this human form of life, especially civilized form of life. Then what is next? That question nobody inquires, neither there is answer by the so-called modern scientist, that what is next
- We have everything required in the Bhagavatam. I want that the students can nicely recite the sanskrit verses and then they can read the full purport in English
- We have got altogether now 7 or 8 centers, and if each and every center endeavors to rise up to the required standard, it will be a great success
- We have got many necessities of life, not only grains. We require cotton for clothing. We require silk for luxury. We require valuable stones and jewels. All these are produced under certain circumstances of rain
- We have got this material body we require a little rest, the minimum rest, as minimum as possible. Because the sleeping means waste of time
- We have got tremendous business. Village to village, distribute these books and sankirtana. You don't require language. Chant Hare Krsna and distribute the... Bas. And prasada distribution. It doesn't matter who is doing
- We have not awakened yet our natural love for Krsna, so it requires practice, practicing this vidhi-bhakti, compulsory
- We have the practical experience of seeing that one person is able to do very wonderful things whereas another cannot do those same things and cannot even do things that require only a little common sense
- We have to become sinless. That requires jnana-vairagya. Jnana-vairagya. So jnana-vairagya can be attained very easily if one becomes a devotee of Krsna. Vasudeve bhagavati bhakti-yoga-prayo
- We have to learn the art how to utilize everything for God. Then it is spiritual. That requires little brain
- We have to make our brain very clean. And for that purpose you require to drink not very much - at least one pound or half-pound milk daily. That is essential. But no meat-eating. This is intelligence
- We have to make progress very soberly, and I am always at your service whenever required
- We have to study the Vedic literature very carefully, following the footsteps of Gosvamis. Not only chanting. This is also required, krsnot-kirtana-gana
- We may wish to construct a building, but where do we get the stone, wood and earth that the construction requires? We cannot artificially produce the wood; it is God's property
- We perform religion for getting some economic benefit, artha. And why artha is required? For kama, dharma artha kama. For, for satisfying our sense gratification we require money
- We require a place to live together, "Home, sweet home." Yes, very sweet. The whole day and night, work. And this is moha. He is working hard day and night. There is not a single moment leisure, and still, he's: "Sweet home." This is illusion
- We require salt in our foodstuff, everyone. But if the salt is little more, it is useless. And if the salt is little less, that is also useless. It must be exactly to the quantity. So nature's law is like that
- We require some income for our maintenance. So this was the brahmana's business. There is no question of doing some business or making some profession or going to the office or going to the factory. This is not brahmana's business
- We require the association of wife or girl because we feel the need, if God is in need, then He is not God. He must be full
- We require the water in substance. Then our thirst will be satisfied. But in the transcendental, absolute world, there is no such difference. Krsna's name, Krsna's quality, Krsna's word - everything is Krsna and provides the same satisfaction
- We require this eating, sleeping, mating and defending. But if we try (to minimize or make it zero), if we practice, that is called austerity
- We require to be trained in the service of Krsna under the guidance of representative of Krsna, training. In this way, when we are fully trained, we shall reach that stage, oh, that "I am protected by Krsna." Krsna gives you assurance
- We require to hear about the method of relishing the Srimad-Bhagavatam the most elevated text on the science of God consciousness, the matured and ripened fruit of the tree of Vedic wisdom
- We require to undergo some sort of penances. That penance is that engage our senses not in the process of sense gratification but in the process of serving the Supreme Lord, dovetailing, dovetailing our independence
- We require vigorous propaganda to make these fools to understand what is the real aim of life. That should be our propaganda
- We shall always take as much as we require. That is called yoga-yukta. Yuktahara-viharasya yogo bhavati siddhih: one who is situated just exactly what he needs
- We shall avoid these two things - laziness and sleeping. Of course, as much you require, sleeping allowed, not more than. And keep everyone active, man or woman - all. Then it will be ideal society
- We shall require at least one dozen students to go to India and stay there at least for 6 months, and be completely trained up on our line of activities
- We should also learn that Krsna has given us this belly, so He has provided also the eatables. That is real philosophy. It is not recommended that you get more than what you require
- We should always remember the supreme lover, Sri Krsna, and at the same time perform our material duties very nicely. A strong sense of love is required here. BG 1972 Introduction
- We should understand that in order to prepare nutritious food, we require only grains, ghee, yogurt and milk. We cannot offer anything else to the Deity
- What is his religion? If you do not know what is God, a vague idea, that is not religion. You must know what is God. Just like to become American citizen, it requires to know something of the history of America
- What is learned? A child, does he require learning? When the father says, "You do it," does it require any university education
- What is required? Namanta eva. Just become submissive. Don't think yourself as very great philosopher, theologist, scientist. Just be humble
- What is the secrecy and what is the mystical? We don't teach that you press your nose, you put your head, you go up and down. Nothing required. Simply to know that "God is my father; I am His eternal son. My duty is to love Him," that's all
- What is the talking of advaita-vada philosophy or dvaita-vada philosophy when you are needy, you require anna? That is practical solution given by Krsna. Annad bhavanti bhutani. You must find out sufficient grains
- Whatever is produced of the complete whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the complete whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance. Therefore, to take shelter of the Supreme Lord is required
- Whatever it (divine sight) may be, you require qualification (to see the sun). Similarly, Krsna is always existing. You require the qualification
- Whatever it may be, I require your help to understand it. Therefore you become my guru. If I require your help to understand something, that is guru. And you say there is no need of guru. Then why you are taking trouble to teach me this nonsense
- When a disciple is serious about making, about making a solution of the suffering, then he requires a spiritual master. And what sort of spiritual master? Krsna, the most perfect man, the most perfect man. So a spiritual master is representative of Krsna
- When a diseased person is forbidden to eat, this does not mean that there is a scarcity of food; rather, the diseased person requires the treatment of not being supplied with food
- When government employs some police force, some military force, that does not means impious. That is required. Similarly, fighting or violence is not always impious. But a responsible person, he does not take violence unnecessarily
- When He (Krsna) was accepted (by Arjuna) as the master, He at once assumed the role and talked with the disciple like the master - with gravity, as it is required. BG 1972 purports
- When His (Krsna's) mission was fulfilled the emergency powers were withdrawn from Arjuna because his astounding powers which were astonishing even to the denizens of heaven were no longer required & they were not meant for going back home back to Godhead
- When one comes to that standard of life, that he is not dictated by the senses but he uses senses when it is properly required . . . senses are not to be stopped. That is not prescribed
- When one is diseased, he must be given the proper diet and the proper medicine. Both are required. If he is simply given medicine but not a proper diet, the treatment will not be very successful
- When one takes more than his maintenance requires-be he a capitalist or a communist-he is a thief, and as such he is liable to be punished by the laws of nature
- When one wants to cross a large ocean, he requires a strong boat. It is said that this human form of life is a good boat by which one can cross the ocean of nescience
- When the Lord descends on the earth along with His eternal ever-liberated associates, He not only displays the divine energy possessed by Himself, but also empowers His associate devotees with the required energy to execute His mission of incarnation
- When the sages were selected as priests of the sacrifices, they in turn induced Vasudeva to collect the required paraphernalia for executing the yajnas in that place of pilgrimage
- When there are no demands, and one executes this system properly, then he can control his mind. After one has met all the requirements for meditation, he must transfer his whole thought to Krsna or Visnu
- When there is danger, even materialistic scientists pray to God. Of course, when they are not in danger they defy God, and therefore danger is required in order to teach these rascals that there is God
- When they (opulences) are partly manifested through the plenary portions or parts of the plenary portions, it should be noted that certain manifestations of His different powers are required for those particular functions
- When they are united, then the attraction for man or attraction for woman becomes very, very strong. Then he requires grha, apartment, home
- When we actually become self-realized and agree to serve the Supreme Lord . . . the another point is that Lord is perfect. He doesn't require our service. But if we are engaged in His service, that is our healthy condition
- When we are able to put an end to these (birth, old age, disease and death), we are liberated. This simply requires that we clear our consciousness by thinking of Krsna
- When you are in perfect knowledge, you can see God eye to eye just like you are seeing me, I am seeing you. But that requires qualification
- When you concentrate in that study with bhava, then you can understand Krsna, how He is working, how He is the original source of everything. That requires little brain
- When you eat you needn't require to ask anybody whether you are feeling strength or your hunger is satisfied. If you eat, you understand that you are satisfied. Similarly, if you serve God, you'll understand that, God is dictating me. I am seeing God
- When you have to do something, you have to tax your brain. That is the business of the brain. When you have to protect yourself, your hands will be required. If somebody comes to attack you, you immediately expand your hand or take some weapon to protect
- When you say, "If people won't come to us, here, we will go to them." And this is the process of preaching, and this is required. I thank you very much for your this spirit. Just like I have come to your country, with the same spirit
- When you want to digest food, the belly is required. Because without digesting food, where shall you get the strength? And when you want to move, the legs are required. Similarly, the society should be divided into four classes of men
- Where is education required, high education, university degrees
- Wherefrom this life comes? It requires thought. Why the world is not full of one kind of forms of life? Why there are different types of life? Because different desires and nature's law
- Wherever there is human being, they require this education (of Krsna consciousness). And it is the India's duty. Because India has got the opportunity to be spiritually advanced by the grace of learned, saintly persons
- Whether you will be able to teach our boys Sanskrit in the standard way? That is the first question. Have you ever worked as a Sanskrit teacher anywhere? To teach these young boys requires special technique
- Which I could not follow, I may ask repeatedly to understand. So two sides: seva, service; and surrender. And in the middle, pariprasna. So pariprasna is required. Otherwise how one can understand? So questions are required
- While performing devotional service in the association of pure devotees in full Krsna consciousness, there are certain things which require to be vanquished altogether. The most important thing one has to surmount is weakness of heart. BG 1972 purports
- Why government is maintaining the police force, the military force? It is required for keeping law and order. So violence is bad, that's all right; but sometimes it is required
- Why I should be bothered about that? Let me do my duty as human being. That is required
- Why the building is required for prasadam distribution and kirtan? These can go on in any circumstances. From the very beginning I have been insisting on this program, but you say that it will only begin in the future
- Why this finger was created? Because I require the service of the fingers. Suppose if I want to press something, if there was no nail, then I cannot press. It is so nicely manufactured
- With reference to our meeting on March 20, 1976 at Haridaspore, I beg to propose that immediately we require at least Rs. 50,000 - for development of the place. Kindly let me know exactly what is the area of the land (include a sketch of the land)
- Without the sun, how can there be sunshine? Therefore we say "sunshine," and not just "shine." Similarly, "consciousness" means Krsna consciousness. This requires a little intelligence to understand
- Woman is hunting after man; man is hunting after woman. Pumsah striya mithuni-bhavam etam tayor mithah. And as soon as they are united, they require grha, apartment; grha-ksetra, land; grha-ksetra-suta, children, friends, money
- Ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham (BG 4.11). The proportion, devotion, required. But real process is devotion
- Yes in spiritual life one must be careful not to eat more than is required to keep body and soul together. The most important point is that one becomes satisfied by serving Krsna rather than by serving the senses
- Yes, we are pure politicians. What is pure politicians? Politics requires violence. So annihilate the demons and give protection
- Yoga club and programs in general is very impressive, particularly that you have a regular four credit college course at Fordham University wherein the students are required to read some of my books
- You are thirsty, you require water. And when you drink water, you feel so much pleasure. Sa vai. Krsna is the reservoir of all pleasure
- You are very sincere worker and I am sure Krishna will give you the required strength for this preaching work
- You ask about marriage, yes, actually I want that every woman in the Society should be married. But what is this training to become wives and mothers? No school is required for that, simply association
- You can be anything. But only one qualification required. Then you can see God. What is that qualification? That qualification is unalloyed love. That's all
- You can become very healthy. But does it mean that health is the perfection of life? Do you mean to say healthy life will not die, will not change his body? So health is required, but health is not the ultimate goal of life
- You can have sex life when it is required. To become impotent is not required. You should be fully potent but not misuse it. That is required
- You can have your certificate by yourself, whether you have no more any desire for sex life. That's all, not that he has become impotent. If required, he can give birth to hundreds of children, but he does not like it. That is. That is the certificate
- You can offer your prayer from any standard of life. Not that you have to present your prayers in a very nicely selected words so that poetry, rhetoric, prosody, everything is there, metaphor. Nothing required. Simply you have to express your feelings
- You can take me also as Old Bijo and therefore even at my ripe old age I have taken some adventurous task and as your little Bijo requires your help always in his little adventures so also your old Bijo requires your help in his adventures in America
- You can take part in such classes and present the subject matter in such a way that it may at first appear like socio-political-philosophical affairs, but actually introduce our Krishna Consciousness philosophy. That requires tactful handling
- You cannot expect that your audience should be all highly brain. No. Preaching is required because they have no brain. Therefore your duty is to tolerate all difficulties and bring them to the sense of brain
- You combine the sanyasi requirement for traveling extensively, and at the same time as GBC man you shall be my personal secretary for maintaining the highest level of Krishna Consciousness amongst the devotees in your zone
- You come to the eternal life, back to home, back to Godhead. But they are not willing to give up this material enjoyment. That is the defect. So it requires education. It requires knowledge. It requires training
- You do not require to change your position. Even if you require to remain as a Christian or as a Muhammadan or a Hindu or a Jewish or Buddhist, it doesn't matter. Please try to see whether by your activities God is satisfied
- You don't require any education for this karma. They are making big, big plans to educate people how to work hard. This is waste of time. Educational institution should be for teaching people how to become Krsna conscious, not to become this or that
- You don't require big factories, big workshop, and whole day and night with motorcar going this way and that way. No. There is no necessity for economic development. This is maya
- You don't require to reduce population by contraceptive method
- You find scientifically it is designed by God or Lord Brahma: "This is brain department, this is arms department, this is belly department, this is leg department." All of them required. You cannot avoid any one of them
- You have created this material civilization, very advancement. That is all right. But whether you have made any security arrangement that you'll be able to enjoy them? Is there any arrangement? This requires little brain
- You have made it very nicely. I can see that it required skill to make it so artistically. You have made Radha and Krishna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu very attractively
- You have to read our books very nicely and gather thoughts, then you can speak for hours without any difficulty. It requires practice
- You may know that he is not a liberated person, and therefore, he cannot initiate any person to Krishna Consciousness. It requires special spiritual benediction from higher authorities
- You prepare yourself for higher standard of life or to make a permanent solution of your miserable condition of life, namely birth, death, old age and disease. This is required. This is human business, or dharma
- You report that although construction has temporarily stopped the expenditure is still Rs. 100 per day. I do not think four masons require so much. Please explain what is the Rs. 100 per day expenditure
- You require a leader; we require a leader. That is wanted. Without leader we cannot go. But if you select a bad leader, blind leader, then you remain blind
- You require a scissor? Go to a blacksmith and pay something. He'll make a scissor. "No. Produce millions of scissor." Then where is market, sir? This is going on
- You require food grain, I require food grain, the animals require food grain, and everyone requires food grain. So if there is sufficient food grain, then everyone will be happy
- You require pravrtti and nivrtti to understand how you should think, how you should live, how you should eat, how you should sleep. This training is required. Why it is required? Because to get out of this material bondage
- You require simple food - rice, wheat, little milk, vegetable and little sugar. That's all
- You shall eat whatever you require for proper upkeep of the body, not eating too much and sleeping whole day. Don't do that. Eat only what is absolutely necessary. Then you'll never be in want
- You should understand and see from the activities of Krsna whether He is or is not Bhagavan. It requires a good brain to understand
- You will also be able to understand. It is not very difficult subject. But you must be sincere to understand. That is the only qualification required. That's all
- You will not be too much involved with local temple management, but for management which will require the larger interests, that will be your responsibility as GBC
- You work little, get your food grains produced, and you can sumptuously eat. But it doesn't require a scientific slaughterhouse for bringing big, big cows and live in the city at the cost of the life of the poor animals. This is misuse of intelligence
- Your bodily necessities are the same as those of the animals; the animals also eat, they also sleep, they also mate and also defend. So we require these things also
- Your sincerity of purpose will itself help you more and more because the Lord is sitting within your heart and as soon as he sees that you require to do something for His service, He will immediately give you all facilities