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Pages in category "Requisite"
The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total.
- Each & every wife had hundreds and thousands of maidservants, yet when Krsna entered the palaces of His thousands of wives, each one of them used to receive Krsna personally by seating Him in a nice chair, worshiping Him with all requisite paraphernalia
- Everyone has to perform yajna according to the Vedic hymns. As stated in the Upanisads, fire, the altar, the auspicious full moon, the period of four months called caturmasya, the sacrificial animal, and the beverage called soma are necessary requisites
- I used to say to my God-brothers that when I would begin preaching I shall take two trucks, one for Sankirtana Party and one for carrying requisites, and I would go from village to village throughout the whole world preaching Lord Caitanya's message
- In the age of Kali these three requisites (namely austerity, cleanliness and mercy) to spiritual culture are almost absent
- In the preliminary stage of devotional service there is an apparent requisite for knowledge, but in the higher stage there is no necessity of such knowledge
- In this age, persons are harassed by the influence of Kali-yuga and cannot arrange for all the requisite paraphernalia for performing sacrifice as recommended in the Vedas
- Scented waters prepared by distilling flowers like rose and keora were requisitioned to wet the roads, streets and lanes of Dvaraka-dhama. Such places, along with the marketplace and public meeting places, were thoroughly cleansed
- Somehow or other if someone puts himself open in the sun rays, he is sure to get the requisite benefit both by heat and by ultraviolet rays. Therefore, the conclusion is that the Lord (Krsna) is never partial
- Tama means darkness. Anything of this material world, that is in darkness because this material world is dark. You know that the whole world, whole universe, is dark. Therefore there is requisition of the sunlight, moonlight, electricity
- The great sages, brahmanas and demigods were all assembled there, and there were many sacrificial animals, as well as pots made of clay, stone, gold, grass and skin, which were all requisite for the sacrifice
- The living entities who are conditioned in the material world are manifested in the creation in terms of respective inclinations inherent in them, and the requisite material body is offered to each and every one of them by the material energy
- The Mayavada is described, the Sankara philosophy is described, by Sankara himself, Lord Siva, that it is asat-sastra. Asat-sastra means it was temporary requisition. It is not permanent knowledge. It was required for the time being
- The Mayavada philosophy was requisitioned by Sankaracarya to defy the Buddha philosophy
- The Mayavadi monists undergo a severe process of austerity and penance to acquire knowledge of becoming one with the Lord, but ultimately they become dependent on some rich follower who supplies them with requisite paraphernalia
- The reception was made not simply by decorating the roads and streets as above mentioned, but by worshiping the Lord with requisite ingredients like incense, lamps, flowers, sweets, fruits and other palatable eatables, according to one's capacity
- To spread the Krsna consciousness movement we need so many things, and Krsna is therefore supplying us the requisite money to advance this mission
- We are always remembering Krsna. So the real process is... Either you think of Krsna or son of Krsna, it doesn't matter, but you should always think of Him. That is the requisition
- When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was attacked by vayu-vyadhi (derangement of the air within the body) Buddhimanta Khan paid for all requisite medicines and treatments to cure the Lord
- When the Supersoul is situated in the heart of the conditioned soul, the requisite mind is manifested in the conditioned soul, and he becomes conscious of his occupation as one is conscious of his duty after waking up from slumber
- When you are elevated to that platform, dovetailing yourself with the supreme consciousness, then there is no more requisition for understanding the scriptures, the rituals or the religious process. You are transcendental to that, all these paraphernalia
- With these requisites (what sort of house and decorations there should be, what sort of dress the wife should have, etc) fulfilled, the husband will be attracted by her (the wife's) beauty, and a favorable mental situation will be created