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Pages in category "Expectation"
The following 329 pages are in this category, out of 329 total.
- Expectation (BG Lectures)
- Expectation (BG)
- Expectation (CC)
- Expectation (Conversation 1977)
- Expectation (Conversations 1968-1974)
- Expectation (Conversations 1975)
- Expectation (Conversations 1976)
- Expectation (Letters 1952 - 1970)
- Expectation (Letters 1971 - 1977)
- Expectation (Other Books)
- Expectation (Other Lectures)
- Expectation (SB cantos 1 - 6)
- Expectation (SB cantos 7 - 12)
- Expectation (SB Lectures)
- A brahmana is called pandita because brahmana means one who knows Brahman. Brahma janatiti brahmanah. Therefore he is called pandita. In India the brahmana is addressed as pandita. Pandita means a brahmana is expected to know Brahman
- A case (against devotees of the KCM) that was expected to continue for years was settled in a day because of the protection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has promised in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.31), kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati
- A civilized man is expected to give all protection to the bulls and cows
- A civilized man is expected to live on foodstuffs comprising fruits, vegetables, grains, sugar and milk
- A devotee can be recruited from any section of human society, although it is not expected that everyone in all segments of society is well behaved
- A great man, if you give him little service, he rewards you more than you expect. And what to speak of Krsna? He is the greatest of all. If you give Him little service, He gives you more than you expect. That is a fact
- A human being is expected to follow the rules and regulations of varna and asrama; otherwise he cannot escape punishment by Yamaraja
- A newly married girl naturally expects offspring from her husband, but she cannot expect to have them immediately after marriage
- A person may be a great academician, scholar or professor, but he cannot speculate and expect to understand the Absolute Truth, for his senses are limited
- A remuneration or salary is always demanded by the worker. But here Krsna indicates that one can work out of a sense of duty alone, not expecting the results of his activities
- A sannyasi is expected to collect a little food from each and every householder. That is to say, he should take whatever he requires to eat. This system is called madhukari
- According to his (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's) calculation, practically every one of us is fallen, but because we are trying to serve the Supreme Lord with all seriousness and without duplicity, we can expect the mercy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- According to the example set by Rupa Gosvami, whatever possessions one has, one should give fifty percent for Krsna and twenty-five percent for one's relatives, who will also expect something, and one should keep twenty-five percent for personal emergency
- According to the smrti scriptures, a sannyasi should not expect anything from anyone, nor should he consider himself identical with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- According to Vedic civilization a brahmana is a learned man, or one who knows the spirit. In India, brahmanas are addressed as learned men, but in fact they cannot be brahmanas by birth. They are expected to know what is spirit
- Activity in Krsna consciousness, or acting for the benefit of Krsna without expectation of sense gratification, is the highest transcendental quality of work. BG 1972 purports
- After retirement everyone expects to live a very comfortable life in a well-furnished home decorated with fine ladies and children, without any desire to get out of such a comfortable home
- After the yajna was performed by Daksa, all the demigods expected prasada, the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Visnu. Lord Siva is one of the demigods, so naturally he also expected his share of the prasada from the yajna
- Ajamila was like a perfect brahmana. A brahmana is expected to be perfectly pious, to follow all the regulative principles and to have all good qualities
- Akrura expected blessings from Krsna's hands. He knew that Indra, who is the King of heaven & the master of the three worlds - the upper, middle & lower planetary systems - was blessed by the Lord simply for offering a little water which Krsna accepted
- Akrura was expecting benediction from that supreme hand of Krsna. Krsna’s hand is capable of bestowing benediction upon all kinds of men if they take to Krsna consciousness
- Akrura was thrilled with expectations of seeing the very lotus feet which are worshiped by great demigods like Brahma, Narada and Lord Siva, which traverse the ground of Vrndavana, and which touch the breasts of the gopis, covered with tinges of kunkuma
- All of you are in now double strength, so please do things very enthusiastically and organize the world Sankirtana Party because in India the people are already expecting us next year. Also open as many branches as possible
- All these activities should be performed without any expectation of result. They should be performed as a matter of duty, O son of Prtha. That is My final opinion. BG 18.6 - 1972
- Although the associates of Radharani do not expect any personal attention from Krsna, Radharani is so pleased with them that She arranges individual meetings between Krsna and the damsels of Vraja
- Although they (modern politicians) have banished the idea of God consciousness, they still expect to establish the kingdom of Rama. Such a proposal is rejected by devotees
- Among the spiritual orders (brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha & sannyasa), the sannyasa order is the most elevated. Therefore a sannyasi is the spiritual master of all the varnas & asramas, & a brahmana is also expected to offer obeisances to a sannyasi
- Anyone who defies and therefore disconnects the relationship with the Spiritual Master can hardly expect the assistance of the Spiritual Master life after life
- Apparently it was never expected that the King (Prataparudra) wanted to see the Lord at His place, but by way of being externally harsh, the Lord indicated that if all the devotees so desired, He would go to Kataka to see the King
- Arcana-marga means practice. Immediately you cannot expect that your mind is completely fixed up with Krsna. But if we follow the regulative principles, then it will mature. Mature. And mature stage, there will be love
- Arjuna said, "In dramatic performances in the theater, an actor may play the part of a king, but no one expects any benefits from such a make-believe king"
- As a citizen, good citizen, you are expected. Similarly, we must know what is dharma, what is God. That is humanity
- As a young boy he (Sukadeva Goswami) was expected to be properly dressed, but he went about naked and was uninterested in social customs. He was neglected by the general populace, and inquisitive boys and women surrounded him as if he were a madman
- As described before, the sastra-vidhim, or the direction of the sastra, is given to the different castes and orders of human society. Everyone is expected to follow these rules and regulations. BG 1972 purports
- As in the paddy field the unnecessary plants are taken out, so it is expected from the very beginning of these topics unwanted plants like Dhrtarastra's son Duryodhana and others would be wiped out. BG 1972 purports
- As long as we have the body, we must eat to maintain it, and we must sleep in order to give it rest. We cannot expect to negate these activities, but the Vedic literatures do give us guidelines for regulation in eating, sleeping, mating, etc
- As Lord Caitanya advised in His Siksastaka, one has to execute devotional service by humbly chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street and not expecting honor for himself but offering all kinds of honor to others
- As soon as Saturday is over and Sunday comes, they again begin their sinful activities, expecting to be forgiven the next Saturday. This kind of prayascitta, or atonement, is condemned by Pariksit Maharaja, the most intelligent king of his time
- As soon as this is done the Lord excuses the sincere devotee. But that does not mean that one should take advantage of the Lord's causeless mercy and expect to be excused over and over again, while he commits the same sinful activities
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita 17.20 - That gift which is given out of duty, at the proper time and place, to a worthy person, and without expectation of return is considered to be charity in the mode of goodness
- As the first installment of His special favor, the Lord takes away all the possessions of His devotee. A devotee, however, is never disturbed by such a loss. He continues his service & the Lord amply rewards him, beyond the expectations of any common man
- As you will say, "To err is human", so in the neophyte stage we may always expect some discrepancies are there. Kindly see the things in this light and forgive their small mistakes
- Asuras, they are engaged for fruitive result. They are working, but they are expecting that "I shall enjoy the result" So that freedom is given to everyone, that "You can work at your responsibility and enjoy or suffer"
- At the present moment, the so-called democracy . . . nobody is representative of Krsna. Everyone is demons. Everyone is a demon. So how you can expect peace and prosperity under this government? This is not possible
- Bali Maharaja would lose all his property because of defying orders of Sukracarya, yet because of devotional service to the Lord, he would get more than he expected, and in the future, in the eighth manvantara, he would occupy the throne of Indra again
- Because the human society is producing children like cats and dogs, the whole human society is in trouble. How you can expect peace and prosperity in the society of cats and dogs
- Because the people of your country expect something, we must give them place, but preaching is our real business. Your programme for the university students is very very nice, try to do it seriously and with scholarly approach
- Before me, from India many svamis came, but actually they could not induce the Westerners, especially the young generation, to any Indian cultural movement except this Krsna consciousness movement. That's a fact, historical
- Bhagavad-gita is for the devotees only, but it so happens that sometimes a devotee of the Lord will hold open class, and in that class all the students are not expected to be devotees. BG 1972 purports
- Big, big politician, when they enjoy, they bring naked girls and drinking, and this is their standard of enjoyment. So how you can expect good government? It is not possible
- By giving everything to the cause of the Lord, one does not lose anything, but he gains everything that he could never otherwise expect
- By His actual behavior, Caitanya Mahaprabhu begged the blessings of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. In this way He set the example of how one should expect blessings from a Vaisnava regardless of his social position
- By praying, it is expected that one should have mercy of God. So what is the test that he has got the mercy of God?
- By the supreme will of the Lord, he (Bali Maharaja) now had to go to the hellish planets, but because he went there by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he lived there more opulently than one could expect to live in the planets of heaven
- Daksa, being the father of mankind, was performing yajna, and Lord Siva expected his share. But since Siva was not invited, there was trouble. By the mediation of Lord Brahma, however, everything was settled satisfactorily
- Despite leading a life of uncontrolled sense indulgence, we attend yoga classes and expect to attain success. There are so many rules and regulations involved in the proper execution of yoga, and most of us can hardly give up a simple habit like smoking
- Devotees are expected to carry the message or desire of the Lord to such conditioned souls and enlighten them with Krsna consciousness. Thus they may be elevated to transcendental, spiritual life, and the mission of their lives will be successful
- Dhrtarastra could realize two opposing factors acting before him. He could understand that Krsna was there to remove all the unnecessary burdens of the world. His sons were an unnecessary burden, and so he expected that they would be killed
- Do not expect honor, but offer all respect to others. Always chant the holy name of Lord Krsna, and within your mind render service to Radha and Krsna in Vrndavana
- Don't be afraid of my being attacked by maya. When there is fight between two belligerent parties, it is always expected that there will sometimes be reverses
- Each expected victory over the other, but the fighting continued for twenty-eight days, both in daytime and at night, without stopping
- Even in the United States, when our devotees chant on the street, American ladies and gentlemen inquire from them whether they are actually Americans because no one could expect Americans to become such nice devotees all of a sudden
- Even in this material world, there is no comparison to a mother's love, for a mother loves her child without any expectation of return
- Every human being is expected to elevate himself to the position of a brahmana, the most intelligent man, and then one must transcend that position to become a Vaisnava. This is the perfection of life
- Every human being is expected to perform duties meant for approaching Lord Visnu. Therefore Yamaraja advises the Yamadutas to bring him those persons who have forgotten their duties toward Visnu
- Every man, after his birth, immediately becomes indebted to so many people, and one is expected to discharge many kinds of ritualistic functions because of this indebtedness. However, if one is fully surrendered to Krsna, One becomes free from all debts
- Every woman is expected to be as good and chaste as Devahuti or Bhavani. Today in Hindu society, unmarried girls are still taught to worship Lord Siva with the idea that they may get husbands like him
- Everyone is expected to offer obeisances to the Supreme Lord and perform duties as indicated in the Vedas
- Everyone is not expected to hanker after spiritual salvation. That requires also many, many years' qualification. So manusyanam sahasresu. After many . . . out of many, many thousands of people, one is very much anxious for spiritual realization
- Everyone is trying to become supreme than the other. So there must be violence. So expecting that there will be violence, the ksatriya class required. Just like in the state, expecting that there will be violence, therefore the police department
- Everyone is working and expecting some result. One may ask what is the purpose of working if no result is expected
- Expecting the mercy of Svarupa, Rupa, Sanatana and Raghunatha dasa, and taking their lotus feet on my head, I, the most fallen Krsnadasa, continue chanting the epic Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, which is sweeter than the nectar of transcendental bliss
- Expecting the return of Durvasa Muni, the King had not taken his food. Therefore, when the sage returned, the King fell at his lotus feet, pleasing him in all respects, and fed him sumptuously
- Father is not expected to cheat the son, but if he's cheated by the father, then he must accept himself as the most unfortunate cheated in the world. Then there is no help
- For one who is always expecting some honor in this material world, it is not possible to surrender to the Supreme Person. BG 1972 purports
- Freed from the modes of material nature, they do not act for sense gratification; rather, since they are situated in their own occupational duties, they act as one is expected to act
- He (a person in Krsna consciousness) has no expectations for the result of the work entrusted to him because he is above false ego and pride. Still, he is always enthusiastic till the completion of such work. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person in the renounced order) should show all respect to others, but should not expect respect for himself. In this way, one should chant the holy name of the Lord and think of how to serve Radha and Krsna in Vrndavana
- He (Kamsa) patiently waited for the delivery of the child, expecting to kill Him (Krsna), as he had done previously with the other babies of Devaki
- He kept one-fourth of his wealth with a respectable brahmana. He kept this for his personal safety because he was expecting some legal complications
- Her (Sukanya's) father (King Saryati) expected her to be faithful to her husband (Cyavana Muni). When he suddenly saw that his daughter had accepted someone else, even though the man was young and handsome, he immediately chastised her as asati, unchaste
- Here we are preaching Krsna consciousness. Oh, there is no business. We don't expect anything from you. But if you accept it, then our mission is nice. If you don't accept it, so there is no anxiety
- Hiranyakasipu has adored Lord Brahma as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and has expected to become immortal by the benediction of Lord Brahma
- How can I (the Girl) expect to unite with others, who are neither conversant about sex nor capable of knowing how to enjoy life while living or after death? Such foolish persons are like animals because they do not know the process of sense enjoyment
- How can one expect real knowledge from such conditioned souls? There is no possibility of receiving actual knowledge from them
- How can one expect to be reformed if he does not agree or like to be reformed. To be reformed, he must agree to the reforming process
- How can they (modern human society) expect peace and prosperity in human society while committing such sinful activities (instead of giving protection to the cows and serving them, people are killing them)? It is impossible
- How we can expect good government? You become Krsna conscious, you elect your representative, Krsna conscious, and the government will be all right. You'll be happy
- How you can expect good society, good management? If you want good society, good management, people happy in this life and next, then you have to adopt the principles given by Sri Krsna Himself in the Bhagavad-gita
- How you're expecting that you go to the moon planet, which is inhabited by the demigods, by your machine which will push you? No, you cannot go. This is all nonsense. That is a scandal, childish
- I am especially concerned that the second initiations not be taken cheaply. Brahmins are expected to rise early in the morning and follow strictly all the devotional practices
- I came here alone, without any expectation, & this movement has become so nice. Actually, by one man's effort it was not possible. This is acintya-sakti, Krsna's, inconceivable. Even a modern businessman, he cannot organize such a worldwide organization
- I don't believe in medicine or doctors, but I am practically perceiving that the massaging is helping me beyond expectation
- I have already given you a business suggestion namely manufacturing incense locally. Once you are successful in this attempt you will get money more than your expectation and spend it for Krishna's service
- I may be a very poor man, and therefore I may expect some favor from a friend, but that is because I am imperfect
- I may inform you that Srila Prabhupad is expected to be on Calcutta on Wednesday, October 30, 1974 for one day only
- I should render my service in all circumstances, without any expectation of profit or return. A pure devotee does not ask any return from Krsna. Rather, a pure devotee refuses, even if he is offered by Krsna, because that will be business
- I simply want to engage everyone in the service of Krishna, that's all. And that means preaching. So if the preaching work has stopped, what can I do? In that case you must expect there will be so many troubles
- I was just expecting your letter since I have come here from Boston
- I will have to attend London festival this year because three times I have attended Rathayatra festival in SF and this time I have been very fervently requested to attend the London Rathayatra festival, where they are expecting 50,000 participants also
- If a man who does not factually possess the attributes of a great personality engages his followers in praising him with the expectation that such attributes will develop in the future, that sort of praise is actually an insult
- If I am a family man, I have got my children, my wife. So they expect something. So they must be given - but twenty-five percent, not all
- If I want to see the President of the United States, can I see him in my own way? If not, then how can I expect to see God in my own way? Is it not rascaldom
- If Krsna's enemies can expect salvation simply by concentrating their minds on Him, then what to speak of persons who are so dear to Krsna?
- If man does not allow the animals peaceful coexistence, how can he expect peaceful existence in human society?
- If one is born a sudra, he must continually return to the ocean of Puyoda to eat horrible things. Thus even a born sudra is expected to become a brahmana; that is the meaning of human life. Everyone should improve himself
- If one is engaged in the advancement of spiritual knowledge, there will be so many insults and much dishonor from others. This is expected because material nature is so constituted. BG 1972 purports
- If one is seated on the bench of a high-court and is giving judgment on cases, it means that he has already passed all legal exams and is better than those who are engaged in the study of law or those expecting to study law in the future
- If one wants to pass an examination, he has to go to school, follow the principles of the school, and take some pains in his study, and then gradually he comes to be successful. If he plays all day on the street, how can he expect success
- If one works in this way (not expecting results of his activities), then he is actually a sannyasi; he is in the renounced order of life
- If the leader is a sinful man and doing all impious activities, then how you can expect the citizens to be all good and pious? It is not possible
- If the leaders do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves or their followers from the mire of sins committed in the course of discharging prescribed duties?
- If the mother happens to be a cheater, then I am cheated. I am cheated. I don't get the information of my real father. But it is expected the mother should not cheat
- If they (the atheists leaders) do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves or their followers from the mire of sins committed in the course of discharging prescribed duties
- If we at all expect success in the yoga system, we cannot allow our unbridled senses to take us down the paths of sense objects; therefore guidelines are set up. Lord Sri Krsna is advising that the mind can be controlled through regulation
- If we do not follow even the liberal instructions of Lord Caitanya, how can we expect to discharge our regular duties in devotional service? It is not possible in this age to follow Dhruva Maharaja in his austerity, but the principles must be followed
- If you all leaders cannot work together, then how can you expect the others to cooperate with you?
- If you allow people to indulge in sinful life, how you can expect good citizen? That is not possible. Their character must reform. So we have taken from the root. We are making men of character, knowledge, sincerity, God conscious
- If you analyze the whole population, you will find that we are simply a crowd or assembly of so many animals, that's all. This is fact. Because we not know beyond this body. So you cannot expect any peace and prosperity in the animal society
- If you are my confidential friend, then I can take to my family. And if you are outsider, why should you expect to come into my family life? This is common sense. You do not understand Krsna, and you want to understand Krsna's dealings with Radharani
- If you cannot do this simple thing, austerity - it is not difficult - then how you can expect to go back to home, back to Godhead?
- If you do not know what government desires, expects from you, then what is the meaning of your good citizenship? There is no meaning. Similarly, to become religious without any clear understanding of God is bogus, is cheating. That is cheating
- If you engage some lawyer to speak for you in the court, "Immediately bring me two thousand dollar." He'll charge. But a sannyasi, he'll speak twenty-four hours for Krsna, no expectation of profit
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.11) it is said that all the demigods are satisfied when one performs yajna. Because the demigods expect prasada from yajnas, yajna must be performed
- In future, everyone can expect future. But the hearsay is that: "Trust no future, however pleasant." Why future? In past we could not do. At present we cannot not do. What is the guarantee that in future we'll be able to do
- In India, a brahmin is addressed as pandita, however rascal he may be. Because it is expected, when one is born in the brahmin family, he must be well-learned. These are the 6 occupational duties of brahmin: pathana-pathana yajana-yajana dana-pratigraha
- In India, after the scorching heat of the summer, the rainy season is very welcome. The clouds accumulating in the sky, covering the sun and the moon, become very pleasing to the people, and they expect rainfall at every moment
- In New York your fire brigade is always traveling, always afraid of if there is any fire. Because we are expecting every moment fire. Every moment fire. Nobody is setting fire in his house, but automatically there is fire
- In special cases, of course, there is special favor from Krsna, and although we should always expect that, we should not sit idly and simply wait for Krsna's special mercy; the regular duties must be performed
- In the human form of life, a living entity is expected to be sane and to follow the regulations given for elevating his life to the highest platform, but if he does not follow them, then he degrades himself. BG 1972 purports
- In the land were one cow was being attempted to be killed, immediately Maharaja Pariksit took his sword, "Who are you?" In that land, now ten thousand cows are being killed every day. So you expect peace?
- In the vanaprastha stage, the wife is expected to give up all luxurious habits. She should not even dress nicely or comb her hair
- In this age of Kali, regular license is issued for maintaining all of these different departments of quarrel. So how can they expect peace and morality in the state
- In this Kali-yuga people will be very, very much harassed. First of all there is scarcity of rain, then scarcity of food grain, and then taxation by the government. These things we were expecting. It is already begun
- In today's educational institutions, who is teaching this tapasya? Where is the school or college? The students are even smoking in front of their teacher, and it is tolerated. No offense. What can you expect from such students
- In your next letter as indicated in your letter under reply, I shall expect your final word as to when you like me to start for London. Accordingly I shall make my plan
- It is known to everyone that one man's food is another man's poison. Human beings are expected to accept the remnants of food offered to Lord Sri Krsna, and the Lord accepts foodstuff from the categories of leaves, flowers, fruits, etc
- It is stated that without money, you cannot get justice even. In the court of justice, everyone is expected to get proper behavior, but in the Kali-yuga it is stated that you cannot get justice without money
- It is understood that one must be very fortunate to hear krsna-katha as seriously as Maharaja Pariksit did. He was especially intent on the subject matter because he was expecting death at any moment
- It is useless to expect a large number of followers. We want only one good follower. If I can get one man to become Krsna conscious, I will consider my mission fulfilled
- It was naturally expected that when Bhattacarya fainted and fell to the ground Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would have taken care of him and waited for him to regain consciousness, but He did not do so. Rather, Sri Caitanya immediately started on His tour
- Kalidasa was standing outside the door, expecting the remnants of food from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Knowing this, Mahaprabhu gave an indication to Govinda
- Karma means these people, these worldly people are working hard, they are called karmis, because they are expecting some good result for sense enjoyment. That is called karma
- Karmi is working so hard, day and night; he is expecting that "I shall get some money out of it and I shall enjoy." And sannyasi, he is working in the same way, day and night, but he is not expecting the profit for his personal use. For Krsna
- King Pariksit thought: Due to my neglecting the injunctions of the Supreme Lord I must certainly expect some difficulty to overcome me in the near future
- Krishna Conscious devotees are expected to be very intelligent, so we have to work very intelligently to prove our advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- Krsna continued, "His (Satrajit's) daughter Satyabhama is not very eager for this jewel, yet her expected son, as the grandson of Satrajit, would, after performing the regulative principles of inheritance, be the legal claimant of the jewel"
- Krsna continued, "People expected that I would follow in the footsteps of My foster father, Nanda Maharaja, and be faithful to Srimati Radharani and all Her friends in the village of Vrndavana. But all of a sudden I left them"
- Laksmana said, "Expecting opposition from the princes, He armored Himself and took up His bow, named Sarnga, and then our celebrated driver, Daruka, drove the beautiful chariot, without a moment’s delay, toward the city of Dvaraka"
- Lord Siva, being the son-in-law of Daksa, was expected to show his father-in-law respect by standing with the others, but because Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are the principal demigods, their positions are greater than Daksa's
- Lord Visnu continued, "I have been expecting to see you both at this palace. You have appeared in the material world as My incarnations in order to minimize the force of the demoniac persons who burden the world"
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was installed on the throne of the earth as a representative of the Lord. The king is always expected to be the representative of the Lord
- Materialists are generally very attached to their present bodily comforts and to the bodily comforts they expect in the future. Therefore they are always absorbed in thoughts of their wives, children and wealth and are afraid of giving up their bodies
- Maya inflicts the miseries of material life upon the jiva. If a person artificially tries to be something he is not, then he can expect only misery
- Maya means insanity. Another meaning of maya means insanity. Just like when a man becomes insane, that is false. It is expected that he should not be insane. By treatment he is brought again to his original consciousness
- Mayavati knew that she had previously been Rati, the wife of Cupid; after her husband was burned to ashes by the wrath of Lord Siva, she was always expecting him to come back in a material form
- Money is sought after by everyone because that is the medium of exchange for objects for sense gratification. Obviously the expectation of peace in such an atmosphere of gold rush pandemonium is a utopian dream
- Mr. Harrison is purchasing 172 acres of land near London, and it is expected that he will construct a temple of Radha-Krishna there. This is also very encouraging news
- My Lord, You are always affectionate to Your devotees. I am just an imitation devotee, but nevertheless I wish that You fulfill my desire. That is my expectation
- My sister from Calcutta has addressed me one letter that she has heard by some source that I am coming to Mayapur during the great festival. This means that some of our godbrothers and sisters may be expecting me during the ensuing festival there
- Narada Muni expected that after delivering his curse, Daksa, satisfied and freed from anger, would repent his misbehavior and thus get a chance to become a Vaisnava and be delivered
- No earthly creature can expect to have things from the heavenly kingdom, especially the parijata flowers, which are simply to be used by the demigods
- No one can expect any peace and prosperity in a human society full of uncultured lower classes of men
- No, the printing of the Gitar Gan cover this fashion is not at all approved by me. You have done most nonsensically. Why change the cover? When people look to see the Bhagavad-gita they expect to see Krishna and Arjuna, not the picture of Krishna with cow
- Not that because He (Krsna) will give me something more than expectation I am giving service. That mentality is not good
- Now you are working very seriously and sincerely for Krsna, and you have taken great risk and courage to work in far off place on His behalf, so you may expect that He is giving you His all blessings at every turn
- Of all these devotees, the gopis are recognized as superior because they do not know anything other than satisfying Krsna. Nor do the gopis expect any return from Krsna
- Of course, as preachers we have to expect to face so many opposing elements, and actually we are doing so. Moreover, we are always protected by Krsna. But this crazy threat for our destruction should not go unchecked; please do the needful
- One day it will come there will be no water. That you expect, because you are not paying any tax. You are thinking, "Water is coming, my father's property." But you are not father's son at the present moment. You are maya's son
- One is expected to understand these three formulas of knowledge concerning the Supreme Lord - that He is the supreme enjoyer, that He is the proprietor of everything, and that He is the best well-wisher and friend of everyone
- One is sure to get free from the reactions of sins provided one is very careful about not committing sins willingly in expectation of getting free from the reactions of sins by worshiping in the temple or by offering prayers in the church
- One man said that, "He has kicked me, he has beaten me with shoes, and again he has said that, 'I shall insult you.' " Where is the scarcity of insult? If he is beaten by shoes and kicked by his leg, and still he's expecting some more insult?
- One must know God, and one must know what God desires. That is religion. Just like you must know your government, and you must know what government wants, expects from you. If you do that, then you are a good citizen
- One who possesses all these material qualities (prestigious position, material wealth, beauty, education and so on) is expected to become a devotee, and when he actually does, the qualities are properly utilized
- One who takes advantage of this transcendental method (chanting the holy name) and continues to commit sins on the expectation of neutralizing the effects of sins by chanting the holy name of the Lord is the greatest offender at the feet of the holy name
- One who thinks himself lower than grass, who is more tolerant than a tree, and who does not expect personal honor but is always prepared to give respect to others can very easily always chant the holy name of the Lord - CC Adi 17.31
- One who thinks himself lower than grass, who is more tolerant than a tree, and who does not expect personal honor but is always prepared to give respect to others can very easily always chant the holy name of the Lord - CC Antya 6.239
- One's main purpose should be to advance in Krsna consciousness. This will include dharma, artha and kama. However, because one's family members expect some profit, one should also satisfy them by giving them a portion of one's accumulated wealth
- Pandita means a brahmin is expected to know Brahma; therefore he is brahmin. Not by birth. Brahma janati. Janmana jayate sudrah. By birth everyone is sudra, fourth-class man
- People actually expect a sannyasi to preach and not take part in any social or political matters
- People are being educated like dogs, hogs, camels and asses. So how they can expect any real happiness? That is not possible
- Perfection is achieved by performance of yajna (sacrifice), as described above (BG 4.31). Now, if a person is not inclined to perform yajna according to the Vedas, how can he expect a happy life? BG 1972 purports
- Persons who are chanting the holy name are transcendental to those who are factually performing the Vedic rituals and those who expect to be qualified
- Prema can be defined as love of God without any expectation of exchange or return. Actually the words prema and love are not synonymous, yet one can say that prema is the highest stage of love. One who has attained prema is the most perfect human being
- Savitri pleased the Yamaraja, and Yamaraja, being pleased, said, "My dear girl, you'll have a very good son" - because every girl expects some son. So Yamaraja gave her the benediction that "You will have very nice son"
- Sex philosophy. This is their education. So how can you expect gentlemen? It is not possible. From the very beginning there is no culture, animal culture. Just like dog: as soon as he finds another female dog, he wants to have sex. This is education
- She (mother Yasoda) was expecting another danger, and therefore her eyes became restless like those of a deer cub. This was all the arrangement of yogamaya
- Simply by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra and studying Bhagavad-gita As It Is, how these boys and girls, they are in ecstasy. They are in the spiritual platform. You cannot expect such dancing and such joyful attitude in this material world
- Since Sati was the daughter of Daksa, however cruel and contaminated he might be, naturally it was expected that he would receive her very nicely. But here (in SB 4.3.18) it is indicated by the word anavasthita that such a person cannot be trusted
- So every human being is expected to receive this knowledge directly from Krsna. Don't interpret wrong way according to your whims. Take it as it is and be benefited
- So far my health is concerned, you know that it is a broken old house. You cannot expect as good as you are doing. So my future hope is you all good spiritual sons
- Society creates animals, then how can it expect peace and prosperity? In spite of many big universities and all educational facilities, this society is producing hippies and frustration amongst the youth because we are spirit soul and cannot become happy
- Some other unconstitutional symptoms are illusion, forgetfulness, and expectation of danger. In all such circumstances the ecstatic dread is the steady or constant factor
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu expected that even the caste brahmanas would offer respectful obeisances to a sannyasi because five hundred years ago the social custom was to offer obeisances immediately to any sannyasi, known or unknown
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu expected the so-called brahmanas to offer respect to Vaisnava sannyasis
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had a very young and beautiful wife and a very affectionate mother. Indeed, the affectionate dealings of His family members were so pleasing that even the demigods could not expect such happiness at home
- Such an offender (one who continues to commit sins on the expectation of neutralizing the effects of sins by chanting the holy name of the Lord) cannot purify himself by any recommended method of purification
- Thank you for supplying the account for the money which has been sent to you. I am encouraged that you expect to have the everything completed on time. This I want
- That does not mean that after being washed off, one should again begin sinful activities and expect to be washed again. These are nonsensical propositions and are not admitted in the devotional service
- That gift which is given out of duty, at the proper time and place, to a worthy person, and without expectation of return, is considered to be charity in the mode of goodness. BG 17.20 - 1972
- That you are expecting 30,000 people for Jhulana Yatra is wonderful. You should distribute liberally prasadam. Aksayananda Maharaja will supply money. Let each man be given prasadam. That is our special program
- The cataka does not take water from ground. They will take water when it falls from the cloud. So in the beginning of every cloud there is thunder. So this bird, because they expecting water from the cloud, the cloud is giving him thunder
- The child does not know how to expect service from his parents, but he is always protected nevertheless. This is called niskama (desirelessness)
- The common man, who is expected to become at least a third-class devotee, is advised herein (SB 2.3.21) to visit the temple of the Lord and bow down before the Deity, even though he may be a very rich man or even a king with a silk turban or crown
- The cowherd boys said, "You (the brahmanas) are the most respectable brahmanas within the human society, and you are expected to know all the principles of religious procedure"
- The damsels of Vrajabhumi would often faint just by expecting such favors
- The daughter of Manu, who was fully devoted to her husband, looked upon him as greater even than providence. Thus she expected great blessings from him
- The devotee expected that the tulasi buds would know something about the glories of Lord Sri Krsna's lotus feet
- The devotee is expected to accept all nine processes of devotional service, but even if only one process is properly executed, he can still attain the highest position (paramahamsa) and go back home, back to Godhead
- The devotee who is neither a neophyte nor a maha-bhagavata but is within the middle status of devotional service is expected to love the S P of Godhead, make friends with the devotees, show favor to the ignorant and reject the jealous and demoniac
- The different inclinations of the living entity are created by his own nature or his expectations, and he is trained by the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the agency of material nature
- The disciples have come to the shelter of guru, the citizens are expecting good government. So they are subordinate, expecting protection from the superior. Therefore the whole scheme should be how to protect them from repetition of death
- The doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) were aware that they were going to the criminal department of the material world, and they expected that they might go to the lowest species and forget the Supreme Lord
- The example of Dhruva Maharaja indicates that every Krsna conscious person can expect to reach the topmost summit of all three planetary systems within the universe
- The formal processes are necessary for those who are expected to reach the stage of complete liberation, but Sri Sukadeva Gosvami was already in that status by the grace of his father
- The Gopies and Radharani served Krishna without any expectation of material or spiritual profit. They never expected any return from Krishna and Krishna remained ever indebted to the Gopies
- The gopis said, "Although the father and mother are expected to protect the children, there are many children who are suffering for want of food and shelter. There are many good physicians, but when a patient dies, no physician can revive him"
- The household children are taken to practice what the parents practice, and therefore the whole generation glides towards hell. Nothing good can be expected from them unless they associate with sadhus
- The ksatriya kings were sometimes expected to cut off the head of a culprit in the state. For this reason the ksatriyas were allowed to hunt in the forest
- The ksatriyas, or the administrative class of men, are expected to rule the planet by the direction of the intelligent class of men, who give direction to the rulers in terms of the standard sastras, or the books of revealed knowledge
- The Lord did not display many of the miracles which are generally expected from such personalities, but He did once perform a wonderful miracle in the house of Srinivasa Thakura while sankirtana was in full swing
- The Lord is so merciful that although Bali Maharaja did not actually offer obeisances but only endeavored to do so within his mind, the Supreme Personality of Godhead blessed him with more mercy than even the demigods could ever expect
- The modern civilization, they are so rascals, they are expecting something utopian, that by material advancement of civilization they will be happy
- The mother always expects some sort of service from the grown-up child and is equally affectionate toward her child, even though the child is forgetful
- The movement is sublime and easy at the same time. The League of Devotees is registered to make this movement in an organized way and I wish to enquire if any co-operation and help can be expected from your honour
- The patient cannot indulge in the bad habit and at the same time expect to be cured by the physician. Modern materialistic civilization, however, is maintaining a diseased atmosphere
- The post of Brahma to officiate in the creation of the universe is offered to the most pure living being, and unless one is so qualified one cannot expect to be treated like Brahmaji directly
- The sages said: Who are these two persons who have developed such a discordant mentality even though they are posted in the service of the Lord in the highest position and are expected to have developed the same qualities as the Lord?
- The Sanskrit word for son, putra means that the son is expected to deliver the forefathers from the hellish condition of life. Sometimes due to our sinful activities, we become ghost. That is very hellish condition
- The son of a brahmana is generally expected to become a brahmana, but if such a son becomes fierce like a ksatriya, he is designated according to the description of the four varnas in Bhagavad-gita, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah BG 4.13
- The twice-born men, namely the brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas, are expected to undergo a cultural purificatory process known as samskaras
- The whole trouble of the world is that nobody is satisfied. If he's a poor man, if he thinks, "Oh, my income is $100. If I get $400 per month, then I will be very happy." But when he gets $400, he expects, "Oh, if I get $1,000, then I shall be happy"
- The whole world is disturbed. Why? Because it is full of these sinful men: drunkards, woman hunters, gamblers, and intoxicants. The whole world. And they are expecting peace. Nonsense. Where is peace? First of all educate them to become sinless
- The wife is expected to be of the same category as the husband. She must be prepared to follow the principles of the husband, and then there will be happy life. If the husband is a devotee & the wife is materialistic there cannot be any peace in the home
- The wives of the brahmanas said, "Anyone who comes and surrenders unto You never goes back to the conditioned life of material existence. We expect that You will now fulfill Your promise"
- The word bhrsam is significant herein (SB 3.14.51) because it indicates that Diti was pleased beyond her expectations
- The word nimitta (in BG 1.30) is significant. When a man sees only frustration in his expectations, he thinks - Why am I here? Everyone is interested in himself and his own welfare. No one is interested in the Supreme Self. BG 1972 purports
- The word purusa is significant in this verse (SB 3.6.31) because the ksatriyas are expected to represent the purusa Lord in giving protection to the prajas, or all those who are born in the land and water. Protection is meant for both man and the animals
- The yogi of My mind is wearing that earring upon his ear. From a gourd he has carved out the bowl of My aspirations, and he has taken the bag of My expectations on his shoulder
- There are innumerable planets. Each planet is different from the other. You see on one tree there are millions of leaves, but you cannot find two leaves of the same size. This is God's creation. So how you can expect the same atmosphere in other planets?
- There is no need of replying Parvat Maharaja's letter. He did not reply my letter & why he would expect a reply from you. Do your duty nicely & go Back to Godhead
- There was again a difference of opinion because Prahlada Maharaja wanted to relate the best thing he had learned from his spiritual master, whereas Hiranyakasipu expected to hear about the politics and diplomacy Prahlada had learned from Sanda and Amarka
- These (illicit sex life, meat-eating and intoxication and gambling) are the four pillars of sinful life. If you allow people to indulge in sinful life, how you can expect good citizen? That is not possible. Their character must reform
- They are all hippies. So what do we expect? They are taking education, and then, after taking education, they don't do anything. This is a problem
- They are expecting to complete the temple for the opening ceremony by three months time
- This (KC) movement is specially meant for making first-class, 2nd-class men at least. Or even 3rd class, 4th class. But what is this? You are producing sixth-class men, and you expect that there will be no crime, people will be happy, it will be peaceful
- This (to be rewarded by her husband) is not to be expected by a woman who is the wife of an ordinary person
- This does not mean that one should avoid school and expect to automatically receive an honorary degree from some university
- This is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam, spoken by Maharaja Pariksit while he was sitting on the bank of the Ganges expecting to be bitten by a snake-bird summoned by the curse of a brahmana boy named Srngi, who was the son of a great sage named Samika
- This is called bhajana, devotion in separation, feeling separation. So in this way we shall increase our aspiration more and more. That is required. That asa, that hope, that expectation, will lead us to the topmost platform of devotion
- This is expectation, "Someday, in future, one may become religious," that's all. Because by killing, killing, they are going downer, down. So if they stop killing, some day they will be able to understand what is religion. Sukrti
- This is the necessity of society: a class of men should be Krsna conscious. Otherwise the society is doomed; it is going to hell. And, when such rascals are at the head of the government, how can there be peace? How can you expect peace in a dog's society
- This is the standard of leadership. So if you elect first-class leader, then your government will be first class. But if you elect some rogues and thieves, drunkards, then how you can expect good government? - This is natural
- This is Vedic civilization. Everything is provided to enlighten the people in general. All the knowledge is there, and the method is there; we simply have to take advantage of it. If we do not, how can we expect a peaceful and happy world?
- This knowledge (of BG 14) is far, far superior to all other processes of knowledge thus far explained, and knowing this many attain perfection. Thus it is expected that one who understands this Fourteenth Chapter will attain perfection. BG 1972 purports
- This knowledge is far, far superior to all other processes of knowledge thus far explained, and knowing this many attained perfection. Thus it is expected that one who understands this Fourteenth Chapter will attain perfection
- This Sankirtana Movement of Lord Caitanya is most practical and authorized, so such incidents (demonstrations) are to be expected, but this is a great credit for our propaganda efforts
- This verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.15.46) describes persons who are expected to be very expert yogis engaged in meditation but who do not find the Supreme Personality of Godhead seated within the heart
- Those who are born in families of brahmanas but have not yet undergone the reformatory processes and who therefore expect to study the Vedic rituals and perform the sacrifices in the future
- Those who are interested in the fruits of activities generally expect protection from the demigods, but a devotee of Krsna does not look to any demigod for protection. He is fully convinced that Krsna will protect him from all unfavorable circumstances
- Those who are sinful in every step of life can expect only to be degraded into animal life to suffer more and more the pangs of material existence, and this is also stated in Bhagavad-gita
- Thus (because the European and American devotees are helping me considerably) we have expectations of finishing the great task (of presenting Srimad-Bhagavatam in the English language) before my passing away. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga
- Time was growing short. Kalayavana was already besieging Mathura from all sides, and it was expected that the day after next, Jarasandha would also come, equipped with the same number of divisions of soldiers as in his previous seventeen attempts
- To come to your country one has to prepare to take the visa, the passport, the permission - so many things. Not that all of a sudden he comes and enters. So if it is not possible within this planet, how you're expecting that you go to the moon planet
- Today we are holding our annual Ratha Yatra festival in San Francisco, They are expecting 25,000 people to participate. There are three raths each 45 feet high and weighing 10 tons. Mass prasadam will be distributed
- Two paksas comprise one month, and twelve months comprise one calendar year, or one full orbit of the sun. A human being is expected to live up to one hundred years
- Unless one is fully qualified to become a pure devotee of the Lord, one cannot expect to be liberated from material entanglement
- Unless there are nice population, children, born in a systematic way, how you can expect peace in the world? That is described in the Bhagavad-gita: when there are varna-sankara the whole world becomes hell
- Unmarried girls worship Lord Siva so that they can expect a husband who is as good a Vaisnava as he
- We are expecting many engagements from different persons, and it appears that people are interested in the Krishna Consciousness Movement
- We are not for expectation, future hope. We do not believe in that. Trust no future, however pleasant. It may be pleasant to you, but we don't believe it
- We are taking so much milk from the cows, and we are killing instead of giving them protection. So in this way, we are simply committing sinful life. How you can expect to become happy? So the only means is to take to Krsna consciousness
- We can expect that material conditions are going to become very much worse than this. They may come or not. Now we don't care for it. Let us establish an ideal society
- We cannot get many followers. Because everyone is under this impression, "I am this body." And to get him released from this conception is not so easy job. So we cannot expect many thousands and millions
- We cannot stop our fighting with Maya, neither we can expect that all our soldiers will remain unhurt
- We expect some benediction or profit from a friend and harmful activities from an enemy, but Krsna is so perfect that no one can harm Him nor can anyone give Him anything
- We had a very nice meeting in the California State College it was grand successful. They are going to arrange again like that in Berkeley college where they are expecting three thousand audience
- We have to practice. This arcana-marga means practice. Immediately you cannot expect that your mind is completely fixed up with Krsna. But if we follow the regulative principles, then it will mature
- We must learn how to do all kinds of varieties of engagements on Krsna's service, not that we shall expect anyone else to act for us and thus avoid something ourselves
- We should not be afraid. Because this place is dangerous, we should expect always danger. But if we are faithful to Krsna, if we simply, I mean to say, expect help from Krsna, then Krsna will save you. These are the examples by the fight of Mahabharata
- We were saved by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Road. We shall always expect to be saved by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaj Prabhupada. Always pray to His Lotus Feet
- What can they (the atheists leaders) do for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Visnu? And if they do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves from commited sins
- What is the difference between manava-dharma and pasu-dharma? Manava-dharma means what Krsna teaches - sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). This is manava-dharma. Except this, anything, that is pasu-dharma
- Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail. If one practices chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, he is naturally expected to chant Hare Krsna when he meets with some accident
- When a husband long separated from his wife returns home, he decorates the face of his wife with red kunkuma. This long-expected moonrise of the sarat season was thus smearing the eastern sky
- When a mother loves a child, she is not forced to do so, nor does she do so out of expectation of some salary or remuneration. Similarly, we can love the Supreme Lord in so many ways - we can love Him as master, as friend, as child or as husband
- When charity is to be given, one should take instruction from BG (17.20): "That gift which is given out of duty, at the proper time and place, to a worthy person, and without expectation of return, is considered to be charity in the mode of goodness"
- When he (a materialistic person) is expecting some retaliation from an enemy, he is in a state of fear, and when he cannot successfully execute something he becomes dejected. BG 1972 purports
- When I (Prabhupada) offered him Sannyas, I expected such great achievements through him and if Krishna desires, he will come out successful in his great attempt
- When the Lord is satisfied, the performer of sacrifices is elevated to the platform of devotional service. Prthu Maharaja therefore expected that his insignificant service to the Lord would be accepted by Him as being greater than that of Laksmiji
- When the prajas become Krsna conscious, they can then expect a good government and good society, a perfect life, and liberation from the bondage of material existence
- When trembling occurs in these parts of the body (left eyelid, arm and thigh), it is an auspicious sign indicating that something lucrative can be expected
- Where there are women and meat, there must be liquor and sex indulgence. When these are prominent in society, by God's grace one can expect a change in the social order by the Lord Himself or by His bona fide representative
- Why they are working so hard? The answer is maithuna, sex indulgence, that's all. They have no other happiness except that sex intercourse at night he will enjoy. Therefore he is working so hard. Otherwise there is no other happiness. Everything is zero
- Why you are expecting that some day will come when science will be perfect? Throughout the whole history of the human society, never it has been possible that one can give life. There is no such instance in the history
- Without education nobody has any social position and all our students in Krishna Consciousness are expected to be preachers
- Without expectation of sense gratification
- Yamaraja, or Dharmaraja, as the superintendent of death, has to judge the criminal living entities who have committed sinful activities throughout their lives. Consequently Yamaraja is expected to be most expert in judicial matters
- You are already inauspicity. Why you are expecting more inauspicity by the presence of comet? We are already in inauspicity
- You are expecting to see me, but I also expected to see the London Rathayatra, but you made no arrangement so what can I do?
- You are producing sixth-class, seventh-class, tenth-class men, and you expect that there will be no crime, people will be happy, it will be peaceful. That is not possible
- You cannot expect any good argument from the rascals and fools. Where is the logic? Their logic is to beat them with shoes
- You have insulted Haridasa Thakura. Thus there will be a dangerous position for you. You should not expect anything auspicious
- You have to accept that you do not know still what is the truth. You are expecting in future. That is the proof that your knowledge is imperfect. Why future
- You have to change their doggish quality. Then there will be peace. How you can expect peaceful society amongst the dogs
- You shall not expect anything in return. That is real love. Just like this mother is loving child, expecting anything - no, not expecting any return
- You should always expect that as soon as you become a devotee, the whole world becomes your enemy. That's all. But you have to deal with them, because you are appointed servants of God. Your mission is to enlighten them
- You write to say that you are expecting 50,000 people to participate in the festival this year. That is very encouraging. So all of you work very fervently to make the festival a grand success and Krishna will surely bless each and every one of you
- Your plan for holding marriages in the theater, and on the theater roof will be acceptable. What will be the expected income?
- Your service is to Krsna, so it is not expected that everyone should be induced by your argument. You cannot expect. One day, two day, but we have to do our work. That's all