Category:I Expect (Prabhupada)
"I expect"|"I expected"|"I am expecting"|"I was expecting"|"I was just expecting"|"I am always expecting"|"my expectation"|"our expectations"
Pages in category "I Expect (Prabhupada)"
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.
- Every morning I go to the temple and see the Deity and offer obeisances, so I expect each and every one of my disciples should also follow what I have given in this connection, arising early, taking bath, attending mangal arati
- Every one of us, those who have come to this Krsna consciousness movement, expected to preach in the future and to become a spiritual master also in the future. But first of all you must spiritualize yourself; otherwise it is useless
- Every student is expected to become Acarya
- Every student is expected to become Acarya. Acarya means one who knows the scriptural injunctions and follows them practically in life, and teaches them to his disciples
- Here we are preaching Krsna consciousness. Oh, there is no business. We don't expect anything from you. But if you accept it, then our mission is nice. If you don't accept it, so there is no anxiety
- How is that there is no news from you about the land? I expected to receive news through Nitai, but there is no news. Please see to this matter as I have requested you in my previous letter, the copy of which is enclosed
- I am expecting this printing of our literature, especially Srimad-Bhagavatam, with devanagari type and diacritic transliteration will be completely entrusted to you
- I am expecting to arrive in Calcutta some time this month and at that time I will be glad to see you and answer all of your questions
- I am expecting your long report about Mayapur project
- I am feeling no more headaches nor any severe buzzing sound - but still some buzzing is going on. After all it is a broken house and I cannot expect all the comforts of a newly built house in an old broken residence
- I am hearing indirectly that everything is going well in our London and European centers. Still I would like to know from you what is the situation. I am expecting a report from you on all new developments in the activities of the centers there
- I am sorry I couldn't join you. Thank you for your invitation. I am expecting to go back to Vrndavana in the second week of March. I will be very pleased to see you there
- I came to your country to execute the mission of my Spiritual Master at a very old age and by the Grace of my Spiritual Master within four or five years with your cooperation we have expanded beyond expectation
- I expect every one of my students to come to your standard and remain steadfast in pushing on this movement of Krishna Consciousness
- I expect that each center must have a nice Samkirtan party. If you join Samkirtan party, who will maintain and manage the center?
- I expect to be coming to Bombay as soon as Giriraja completes my new quarters on Hare Krishna Land. At that time I may see you
- I never expected. When I came first in Boston, I was thinking, "Oh, who will accept these Vaisnava rules and regulations? These people are after meat and wine and illicit sex, and how they will accept it?"
- I note that your wife and Visalaini both gave birth to baby girls. That is the defect. I want male children but you have no stamina for it. I expected from Visalaini by her belly that it would be a boy. Anyway, never mind
- I was expecting to fight that case at least for some years, but by Krsna's grace he has given on the first day the judgment
- I will expect your tickets when we arrive in Paris and I will be very pleased to attend the gorgeous Melbourne Ratha-yatra festival
- I'm expecting some letter from Russia. So, if such letter comes, you can keep the original letter, but send me a copy
- If the Gaudiya Mission decides to send their representatives in all other parts of the world, I can help them in this matter. Similarly, I would also expect cooperation from all our Godbrothers in the matters where I require their help
- If there is one sincere soul that is sufficient to start a new center. With this expectation I wanted to send Kirtanananda to London but he has proved himself unworthy
- If you say yes, then I will send you the dictaphone copies for doing the needful. This will give me great relief, and I am expecting a reply as soon as possible
- It is the necessity of the human society to become Krishna Conscious and each state has to take it seriously to implement the idea among the citizens. So we expect to push on our movement to that extent, that is our objective
- It is your kindness that you accepted me. But I never expected. I never expected that "These people will accept"
- My Guru Maharaja wanted that some books should be published. So I tried my best, and he's giving success more than expectation. In the history nobody has sold religion, philosophical books in such large quantity
- My Spiritual Master, Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura, may appear to be physically not present, but still because I try to serve His instruction I never feel separated from Him. I expect that all of you should follow these instructions
- Of course, as preachers we have to expect to face so many opposing elements, and actually we are doing so. Moreover, we are always protected by Krsna. But this crazy threat for our destruction should not go unchecked; please do the needful
- Of course, I am traveling all over the world. It may not be possible for me to see you very frequently. But I expect to come again and again. But I entrust the matter to you all. I'll send help also as far as possible
- So suppose I am talking to you (Professor Lewcock) for the last more than one hour; you have not become my devotee. So we have to spend gallons of blood to make a devotee; therefore we cannot expect many number
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura wanted to print as many books as possible and distribute them all over the world. We have tried our best in this connection, and we are getting results beyond our expectations
- There are now ten devotees with me here and I expect 20 more men and women from the U.S. and Europe to come within a month
- Those who are householders living outside, they are expected to contribute fifty per cent of the income for the society, twenty-five per cent for the family, and twenty-five per cent for his personal emergency
- We are selling Back To Godhead through the personal approach, through the Sankirtana Party, so I expect each center to sell 50 copies daily on the average as we have practical experience here
- We performed Lord Caitanya's Birthday ceremony, not very gorgeously, but amongst ourselves, and Govinda dasi cooked very nice Ekadasi foodstuffs. The next day I expected some big ceremony but it couldn't be performed
- When we came to New York in 1965, we never expected that the Hare Krsna maha-mantra would be accepted in this country
- You are expecting to see me, but I also expected to see the London Rathayatra, but you made no arrangement so what can I do?
- You are the first sannyasi of my institution so I expect greater things from you than the others
- You should read Back To Godhead and Srimad Bhagavatam, and surely your life will be sublime. In the future we expect you to be a great preacher of this movement to the world
- Your plan for holding marriages in the theater, and on the theater roof will be acceptable. What will be the expected income?