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Pages in category "Solely"
The following 48 pages are in this category, out of 48 total.
- After accepting the sannyasa order, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to go to Vrndavana and engage Himself wholly and solely in the service of Mukunda in a solitary place
- All the sages and devotees of the Lord have recommended that the subject matter of art, science, philosophy, physics, chemistry, psychology and all other branches of knowledge should be wholly and solely applied in the service of the Lord
- Also inquire from them if they are interested in being the sole selling agency in India. In this case, they must purchase at least 500 books. If not, they can help us by sending a list of leading book sellers in India who can help in selling our books
- As Paramatma, or Supersoul, He (the Lord) is situated in everyone's heart, always giving everyone the chance of good counsel. Thus everyone should take the opportunity and render transcendental loving service to Him wholly and solely
- Devotees solely engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, never fear any condition of life
- Devotees solely engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, never fear any condition of life. The heavenly planets, liberation and the hellish planets are all the same to a devotee: SB 6.17.28
- I am going to America on the mission of propagating my publication Srimad Bhagwatam and I am taking with me 200 sets X 3 volumes of books depending solely on the goodwill of Srila Prabhupada
- If one is fortunate enough to transcend the designation of birth in a particular society or community by being elevated to the standard of spiritual identity, then his sva-dharma, or duty, is solely that of serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the home the karmi's sole source of enjoyment is his wife, who cooks for him and provides pleasure for his misery-ridden senses
- In the later age also there have been many mahatmas of this type, and they also gave up all karma-kandiya conceptions of life' solely and wholly depending on the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna
- It (service performed strictly in conformity with the revealed scriptures) is executed in Krsna consciousness, solely to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is said (in SB 6.17.28) Devotees solely engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, never fear any condition of life
- It is to be understood that the Vasudeva referred to in this verse of Bhagavad-gita is Baladeva, or Balarama, because He is the original source of all incarnations and thus He is the sole source of Vasudeva
- It is understood here that Bhagavad-gita is simply expounding the science of devotional service. Devotional service is the main and sole objective. BG 1972 purports
- O support of the cosmic manifestation, sole proprietor of all planetary systems, master of everything and husband of the goddess of fortune! Your Lordship is realized by the topmost sannyasis, who wander about the world to preach Krsna consciousness
- One of our Godbrothers, he's thinking that "This institution was started by me and Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati as partners. Now the senior partner is dead. Therefore I am the sole proprietor. Who are these Godbrothers? Let them go away." So this is maya
- One should depend solely on the Supreme Personality of Godhead and be free from material desires. One should also be clean, within and without
- Our endeavor, our energy, should be used solely and wholly for understanding what is Bhagavata-dharma, or Krsna consciousness, not for anything else. It may be very revolutionary, but this is a fact
- Pleasing the Lord should be the sole purpose of commerce and trade, and also of research, science, charity, austerity, and all other activities
- Pleasing the Lord should be the sole purpose of commerce and trade, and also of research, science, charity, austerity, and all other activities. Such a practice will inspire one to hear and chant transcendental topics related to Lord Krsna
- Prthu Maharaja's sole aim in ruling his kingdom was to raise the citizens to the standard of God consciousness
- Pure devotees engage themselves fully in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Their minds cannot be diverted from the lotus feet of Krsna. Their talks are solely on the transcendental subjects. BG 1972 purports
- So you GBC men now decide how to manage things so nicely so that I (Prabhupada) may spend my time solely for translating my books
- Such things (atomic weapons) are created solely for the destruction of the world, & this is indicated here (in BG 16.9). Due to godlessness, such weapons are invented in human society; they aren't meant for the peace & prosperity of the world. BG 1972 p
- The difference between a married wife and a public prostitute is that one is restrained in sex life by the rules and regulations of the scriptures, whereas the other is unrestricted in sex life and is conducted solely by the strong sex urge
- The subject matter of art, science, philosophy, physics, chemistry, psychology and all other branches of knowledge should be wholly and solely applied in the service of the Lord
- The Supreme Lord has multipotencies, which act so perfectly that all consciousness, strength and activity are being directed solely by His will
- The Supreme Lord is the Soul of all souls; therefore, one who depends solely and wholly on the Supreme Soul without personal consideration, or in other words, one who is fully Krsna conscious, is called adhyatma-cetasa. BG 1972 purports
- The truth is that the many millions of human beings, animals, birds and trees - indeed, all living entities - are maintained solely by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The whole idea of the Mahabharata culminates in the ultimate instructions of the Bhagavad-gita, that one should relinquish all other engagements and should engage oneself solely and fully in surrendering unto the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krsna
- The word anapeksa means that one should not be concerned with mundane people and should not depend upon them. One should depend solely on the Supreme Personality of Godhead and be free from material desires
- There are many things we have to accept solely on grounds of superior authority
- These three places are full of internal potencies, and Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is their sole proprietor
- This person was formerly interested solely in the matter of lust and sense gratification, and he had perfected the greatest skill in exploiting women to fulfill his lusty desires
- This teaching is imparted by the Lord Himself in the pages of the Bhagavad-gita, in which it is clearly described that the Lord (Sri Krsna) is everything, and that to surrender unto Him solely and wholly makes one the most perfectly pious man
- Uddhava continued, "My dear mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja, you have thus fixed your minds wholly and solely upon that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, whose transcendental form is the cause of impersonal Brahman"
- Unfortunately, at the present moment no one cares to hear about King Prthu or to follow in his footsteps; therefore no nation in the world is either happy or progressive in spiritual understanding, although that is the sole aim & objective of human life