staff | staffs
Pages in category "Staff"
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.
- Accompanied by his personal staff, the King also came there and watched from a distance, and all the queens watched from the elevated parts of the palace
- All the previous acaryas, being induced to engage themselves fully in the service of the Lord, gave up attachment for material life and thus accepted the staff, which signifies full engagement of the mind, speech and body in the service of the Lord
- If the owners give their laborers and office staff prasadam, then both the givers and the receivers will gradually become purified and more attracted to the Supreme Lord
- In the paramahamsa stage there is no need to accept a danda (staff), and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was certainly in the paramahamsa stage
- In the sannyasa order there are four divisions - kuticaka, bahudaka, hamsa and paramahamsa. Only when the sannyasi remains on the kuticaka and bahudaka platforms can he carry a staff
- In the Visnu Svami Vaisnava sampradaya, there are ten different kinds of sannyasa names and 108 different names for sannyasis who accept the tri-danda, the triple staff of sannyasa. This is approved by the Vedic rules
- Seeing that the regulative principles could be slackened by action, Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to carry the staff personally. However, Nityananda broke it. For this reason Caitanya Mahaprabhu displayed a little anger
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu expressed anger because He wanted to teach all other sannyasis that they should not give up the staff before attaining the platform of paramahamsa
- Sri Nityananda Prabhu considered Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s acceptance of sannyasa to be useless. He therefore relieved the Lord of the trouble of carrying the staff
- Standing like flagstaffs on the summits of these four mountains are a mango tree, a rose apple tree, a kadamba tree and a banyan tree. Those trees are calculated to have a width of 100 yojanas (800 miles) and a height of 1,100 yojanas (8,800 miles)
- The great hero, the son of Prthu, chased him (Indra) again. But when he saw that Indra was carrying in his hand a staff with a skull at the top and was again wearing the dress of a sannyasi, he still chose not to kill him
- The greedy masters of his clerical and secretarial staff performed the government duties while Sanatana personally remained home and discussed the revealed scriptures
- The Mayavadi sannyasis generally carry one staff, or danda. Taking advantage of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s absence, Srila Nityananda Prabhu broke the staff into three parts and threw it into the river later known as the Danda-bhanga-nadi
- The mystery of the sannyasa-danda (staff) of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has been explained by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted the order of sannyasa from a Mayavadi sannyasi
- This too much editorial work on Gitopanisad has created some misunderstanding between the editorial staffs
- Thus the staff broke under Our weight. Where the pieces have gone, I cannot say
- To start a daily newspaper involves a proficient staff to manage as well as a good source of regular news
- We have now fully equipped staff, editorial, printers, binders, and managers, and Krishna will be financier
- When one is elevated to the status of hamsa or paramahamsa, after touring and preaching the bhakti cult, he must give up the sannyasa staff
- When the porters, who happened to possess a disposition quite unpalatable to the Lord, saw the sages, they blocked their way with their staffs, despising their glories, although the sages did not deserve such treatment at their hands
- While on the way to Jagannatha Puri, You broke My sannyasa staff. I know that all of you have great affection for Me, but such things disturb My activities