right | rights | rightful | rightfully
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Pages in category "Rights"
The following 74 pages are in this category, out of 74 total.
- A devotee who tolerates everything in this material world and patiently executes his devotional service can become mukti-pade sa daya-bhak, a bona fide candidate for liberation. The word daya-bhak refers to a hereditary right to the Lord's mercy
- A Krishna Conscious person does not encroach upon the right of other living beings, as such they do not approve organized slaughterhouses for killing animals
- A person born a sudra is not barred from such spiritual initiation, provided he is approved by the spiritual master, who is duly authorized to award a disciple the right to be a brahmana if he finds him perfectly qualified
- All animals like deer, camel, ass, monkey, even flies and snakes, none should be ill treated. Even they enter into the house or in the fields and take their eatables, they should not be stopped. Because they have also got the right to eat
- All lands belong to Krishna and as servant of Krishna we have every right to enter any land but artificial man made civilization has created so many nonsense and these are the conditions of material existence
- As a bona fide disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, and because I am trying my best to fulfill His holy desire in the matter of preaching work in this part of the world, I have got the right to ask from you a plot of land for this purpose
- As a matter of fact, the King (Maharaja Pariksit) was right to get angry with the rsi (Samika Rsi) when he needed a glass of water very badly
- As a Muslim magistrate, you have the right to oppose the performance of Hindu ceremonies, but now you do not forbid them. I cannot understand the reason why
- As stated in the Upanisads, tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhah kasya svid dhanam (ISO 1). Everyone should be satisfied with the things allotted him by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; no one should encroach upon another's rights or property
- As the brahmanas and vipras had a right to be subsidized by the state, the state executive head had the right to collect taxes and fines from the citizens
- At the present moment, the entire world is in this deplorable condition because of giving rights to so many interests. This is due to the degradation of the four castes of varnas and asramas
- Authorized to award a disciple the right to be a brahmana
- Because we are all sons of Krsna, therefore every one of us has the right to use (the) father's property. But we should not encroach upon others. This is the formula of peace
- Brahmana's business is dana-pratigraha. He will collect. Brahmana has the right to collect from his disciples, spiritual master. But he will distribute it. Dana-pratigraha. He will be also a man charitably disposed, spending that money for public welfare
- Each has the natural right to inherit and share the transcendental pleasures of the Lord, but due to the contact of matter, conditioned living entities have been practically disinherited
- Eternal right of transcendental loving service
- Even in the communistic countries the poor animals are killed without consideration, although they also should have the right to take their allotted food with which to live
- Every human being born in India, they should take up this cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They can take it. Because by birth they have got the right because this Bhagavatam is produced in India, Bhagavad-gita is produced in India
- Everyone has his proprietory right in regard to prescribed duties, but should act without attachment to the result; such disinterested obligatory duties doubtlessly lead one to the path of liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone wants to propound a type of philosophical method and tries to become famous. That is the natural way. But you make your philosophical presentation in different way. You have got right. But don't try to interpret in Bhagavad-gita
- Everything belongs to God. You are sons of God. You have got the right to use father's property, but do not take more than you need. That is punishable. These things are stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Stena eva sa ucyate
- He (Srila Haridasa Thakura) had every right to enter the temple of Jagannatha Puri, but because there were some rules and regulations stipulating that only brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras (members of the varnasrama-dharma system) could enter
- How the nature's law is strong. Woman has to become pregnant, not the man. Why equal right? Let the man become pregnant once. Woman became pregnant once. The right. Where is that law? So why equal right?
- I have received the karatalas, but it is completely hopeless. The man has cheated us cent per cent, but there is no way to rectify it and we shall wait for future to get the right thing
- I specifically formed the BBT to invest in it exclusive rights for the printing of all literature containing my teachings, writings and lectures
- If you accept Bhagavad-gita as the book of authority, you cannot change the meaning. That is not allowed. What right? If you have got some opinion, if you have got some philosophy, you can write in your own book
- In the Caitanya-bhagavata, Antya-khanda, Chapter Five, it is said that Uddharana Datta was an extremely elevated and liberal Vaisnava. He was born with the right to worship Nityananda Prabhu
- Jealousy means that you are rightful owner of something; I won't allow you to take it. This is jealousy
- Just as a policeman may enter a house without trespassing, a servant has the right to go anywhere, because everything belongs to God. We have to see things in this way, as they are. That is Krsna consciousness
- Just as the king has the right to keep his treasury confidential and secret, the people should also keep their individual earnings a secret. There is no fault in such dealings
- King Rahugana was proud of being king, and he felt he had the right to control the citizens as he liked, but actually he was engaging men in carrying his palanquin without payment, and therefore he was causing them trouble without reason
- Krsna conscious devotees know very well that this material world is designed by the complete arrangement of the Lord to fulfill all the necessities of life for all living beings, without their having to encroach upon the life or rights of one another
- No one can create a living being despite all advancement of material science, and therefore no one has the right to kill a living being by one's independent whims
- No one wants to grow old; no one wants to die. Indeed, a place free of such sufferings would be our heart's desire. Why do we want this? Because we have the right, the prerogative, to want it
- Some envious people conclude that because Raghunatha dasa had not taken birth in the family of a brahmana, Caitanya did not give him the right to worship the Deity directly but instead gave him a stone from Govardhana. This kind of thought is hellish
- Such hadis (who engage in public sanitary activities like picking up stool and sweeping the street, sometimes they are untouchable, especially when engaged in their profession) also have the right to become devotees
- The Communist philosophy also, there are so many defects. They also think of equal rights for everyone but why not for the animals? What right you have got to kill the animals? Similarly, the animal also kill you. So this is not organized society
- The devotee who renders unalloyed service to the Lord gets the right to be promoted to Vaikunthaloka, just as a son inherits the property of his father
- The Lord always reserves the right of not being exposed to everyone. The devotees, however, are always engaged in the service of the Lord, serving with the tongue by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and tasting maha-prasadam
- The Lord, as the proprietor of everything, could take from Bali Maharaja all the land he possessed, but he did not do so because Bali Maharaja possessed all those lands by king's rights
- The master claims full right to the bodies of slaves because the master feeds them. It may also be questioned whether the body belongs to the father, who is the seed-giving master of the body, or to the mother, who develops the child’s body in her womb
- The population has a right to use goods only after offering them to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the process of accepting prasada. Unless one eats prasada, he is certainly a thief
- The simple definition of honesty is that you should not encroach upon another's rights. That is honesty
- The taxation law was simple. There was no force, no encroachment. The king had a right to take one fourth of the production made by the subject
- These cunning instructions were too much for the gopis to tolerate; they therefore had a right to address Krsna as kitava, a great cheater. They were all young girls, and they had come to Him to be enjoyed. How could He avoid them
- These man made borders of land are disturbances in the Law of the Lord. All lands belong to Krishna and as servant of Krishna we have every right to enter any land
- They are denying the right of birth
- This civilization is so risky that people are not being given the real right that human being has the right to understand God and to make his relationship reestablished and go to home, back to Godhead
- This is our protest to all of the interpreters of the Bhagavad-gita. If they do not believe in God, Krishna, and they don't want to surrender to Him, then let him preach atheism. Everyone has got the right to do this, but why through the Gita
- To become happy, to become joyful, that is your right because you are part and parcel of Krsna, God. He is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah - Bs. 5.1
- We are sons of God, therefore we have got right to enjoy the property of God. That is real peace
- We do not change. Why should you change? What right you have got to change? If Bhagavad-gita is a book of authority, and if I make my own interpretation, then where is the authority?
- We do not stop to think where we are putting our flag. It is not our property, but God's. Knowing this is knowledge, and thinking that it is my property is ignorance. We have the right to utilize but not to claim or hoard
- We should not let anyone infringe on our rights. The book distribution program must be thoroughly organized
- We want freedom, and we want to travel all over the world and all over the universe. Indeed, that is our right as spirit soul. The spirit soul in Bhagavad-gita is called sarva-gatah, which means that he has the ability to go wherever he likes
- What is religious fight? Religious fight means you have got right to kill your aggressor. If somebody takes your property, if somebody sets fire in your house, if somebody kidnaps your wife or somebody is trying to kill you, they are called aggressor
- What is the rightful ownership of the living entity? That is to be understood. Birthright, what is called birthright. Just like everyone has got right to live under the protection of the government
- When a disciple is perfectly in consonance with the spiritual master, having received his message and executed it perfectly and sincerely, he has a right to ask a particular favor from the spiritual master
- When people learn the art of scientifically utilizing the Lord's property, they will no longer encroach upon one another's rights. Then an ideal society can be formed
- When you come to this material world, giving up the protection of God, that is our craziness. So a crazy man must suffer. Therefore we are suffering. Yes. But you have the right to become a crazy
- Why the cow is not national? She's also born in the land, so she's as important a national as you are. Krsna has given her the grass to eat. She's not interfering with your food. Why? What right you have got to kill?
- Yasodamayi as such an advanced devotee that she had the right to chastise the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That was Yasodamayi's special prerogative
- You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. According to one's position, one should perform his duties, but for the results one should fully depend upon Krsna
- You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty. BG 2.47 - 1972
- You have your right to act according to your position." But, karmany evadhikaras te ma phalesu kadacana: "But you should not desire to enjoy the fruit of your activity." That is the technique. You should not desire to enjoy the fruit of activity