Pages in category "Local"
The following 133 pages are in this category, out of 133 total.
- A man travels to earn his livelihood, leaving home early in the morning, catching a local train and being packed in a compartment. He has to stand for an hour or two in order to reach his place of business. Then again he takes a bus to get to the office
- Adjusting to the local taste
- Advaita Acarya had confidence in the sastric evidence and did not care about social customs. The Krsna consciousness movement, therefore, is a cultural movement that does not care about local social conventions
- After hearing this statement by Krsna, Nanda Maharaja replied, "My dear boy, since You are asking, I shall arrange for a separate sacrifice for the local brahmanas & Govardhana Hill. But for the present let me execute this sacrifice known as Indra-yajna"
- All raw materials was being taken away, and this necessities of India, especially cloth, was being supplied. And the local weavers, their hands cut off. So many thing
- Although He (Caitnaya) did not have many friends there (in Varanasi), due to His sound preaching and His victory in arguing with the local sannyasis on the Vedanta philosophy, He became greatly famous in that part of the country
- Any condition, one can live locally. That is my point. They are supposed to be uncivilized, and they live in the ice cottage. There is no sufficient things for eating. And how they live? That is the point. So why civilized man cannot live locally?
- As far as a centralized medical plan for the whole society, no such plan or facility or insurance has seemed practical as yet. The best thing is to work it out locally
- As we are doing in Mayapur and many other places, I want to develop self-sufficient centers with cloth and food production by the devotees locally and save time as much as possible to devote themselves to chant Hare Krishna
- Because the killing of babies was going on and had already become known, Nanda Maharaja was very much afraid for his newborn child. Thus he appointed the local cowherd men to protect his home and child
- Big sankirtana is book distribution and small sankirtana is with mrdanga. Big sankirtana is going on all over the world. Small sankirtana locally
- Brahman, the impersonal Absolute Truth, is all-pervading, and Paramatma is locally situated in everyone's heart, but Bhagavan, who is worshipable by the devotees, is the original cause of all causes
- But Krsna replied, "Better take the arrangement and paraphernalia you have already made for the Indra-yajna and immediately engage them to satisfy Govardhana Hill and the local brahmanas"
- But Krsna replied, "My dear father, don't delay. The sacrifice you propose for Govardhana and the local brahmanas will take much time"
- By no means could he find any fault in the character of Haridasa Thakura. Therefore he called for local prostitutes and began a plan to discredit His Holiness
- By no means could Ramacandra Khan find any fault in the character of Haridasa Thakura. Therefore he called for local prostitutes and began a plan to discredit His Holiness
- By your own work you can recruit men locally, that is the best process. So immediately resume the preaching work amongst the Africans and show yourselves as always meek and humble and refrain from a tough attitude and in this way gain their confidence
- Enclosed you will find one letter from Austin temple. So that is in your zone. He has so many questions, and these types of enquiries should be answered locally. So you can reply this letter and send me a copy also so that I can see how you are answering
- Even a Muslim king could understand Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's transcendental position as a prophet; therefore he ordered the local magistrate not to disturb Him but to let Him do whatever He liked
- Faltering of the voice may sometimes cause choking in the throat and extreme anxiety. As the different symptoms of these ecstatic manifestations are localized, they are accompanied by different local reactions
- Formerly, when the Muslim government was in power, the person appointed tax collector would collect the taxes of the local zamindars, or landholders
- Hansadutta is here with me now and other GBC members, they are consulting all problems and trying to relieve me of management, so in future you may consult with the local GBC and work co-operatively, that will give me relief for printing my books
- Hare Krishna Land is very popular with the residents of Bombay, in particular the local residents and devotees of Juhu Beach and surroundings. Many visitors regularly attend religious services and we are trying to provide suitable facilities to this end
- He (Balarama) took His bath there (the place of pilgrimage known as Prabhasa-ksetra), and He pacified the local brahmanas and offered oblations to the demigods, Pitas, great sages and people in general, in accordance with Vedic ritualistic ceremonies
- He (Lord Balarama) took His bath, and then He worshiped in the local temples of the demigods and, as enjoined in the Vedic literature, offered oblations to the forefathers and sages
- He (the local zamindars, or landholders) would keep one fourth of the collection for himself as a profit, and the balance he would deliver to the treasury of the government
- He deposited ten thousand coins, which were later spent by Sri Sanatana Gosvami, in the custody of a local Bengali grocer
- Hearing the resounding vibration of the Hare Krsna mantra, the local Muslims, greatly angry, submitted a complaint to the Kazi
- How can I advise you that one is to do something and another is to do something. Neither you should depend upon me for such local administrative business
- I am atma, a spiritual soul, and you are atma. We are all situated locally, you within your body and I within mine, but the Paramatma is situated everywhere. That is the difference between atma and Paramatma
- I am negotiating with some local, influential Indian gentleman for the world Samkirtan Party. They have also given some hopes, and the preaching work here is also going on nicely
- I am so pleased to know that your efforts at placing our books in the local libraries is successful and it is especially heartening to learn that they already have got our books on their shelves
- I am subjoining herewith the letters which I have received from Sivananda, who is now in Amsterdam, and he is proceeding to Berlin. You will be pleased that his little activities for a few days, is now published in a local paper with his photo
- I have already given you a business suggestion namely manufacturing incense locally. Once you are successful in this attempt you will get money more than your expectation and spend it for Krishna's service
- I have written to you to become responsible and to manage things. However, at the Bhaktivedanta Manor, as anywhere, the local president is in charge
- I request that you write and consult with Visnu Jana Maharaja and the local GBC men, in order to bring about the realization of this proposal
- I see in the small cottages they are living very, very happily. The cows are grazing, and the male members are doing the work. Local flowers are used for the garlands
- I thank you very much for your inviting me to New Vrindaban, but, considering the local climate as presented by you I think I shall postpone it until the end of April
- I want that the GBC should relieve me of this management burden and in the future, all such questions should be taken up with the local GBC member
- I'm negotiating with local university authorities to donate a piece of land within the university campus so that we may construct a nice temple there and preach this cult amongst the students
- If some outside party comes, they must sell books only, no collecting without selling books. They must live in the local temple and not separately, and they must follow faithfully the instructions and directions of the local president
- If there is any deviation from this standard then it is the responsibility of you and the local GBC representative to rectify it immediately. Within these Vaisnava standards which I have put forward lies the spiritual strength of our movement
- If they require more men later on, we shall consider. To send a man is a very expensive job. The principle is that they should recruit men locally
- If you can gain the sympathy there of the government, local state or national, that will so much enhance our prestige
- In India. No, world. It is very important city. Export, import, local. Tremendous business possibility there. Many poor men goes and becomes very rich men. Bombay is very important center
- In London our Ratha yatra festival has been held up, and I think behind this obstruction there is some communal feeling. The local religious sect is not always happy on account of our movement being so fast growing
- In my idea, there should be one central body of trustees for directing all the different centers as well as New Vrindaban, but there must be a local governing body for each center, that is my idea
- In that planet (Indraloka) he (Arjuna) was cordially received by the local residents, and he was awarded reception in the heavenly parliament of Indradeva
- In this particularly holy place (Setubandha), Lord Balarama distributed ten thousand cows to the local brahmana priests
- Indra wanted him (Arjuna) to come to the heavenly kingdom, the Indraloka planet beyond the moon planet. In that planet he was cordially received by the local residents, and he was awarded reception in the heavenly parliament of Indradeva
- It has become an obligation, that one must go out of his home, of his village, of his country. That is defective. There was no need of so many transports. People remained locally. One has to go for livelihood hundred miles. This is defective
- It is not necessary that every temple have a farm, but as many as can be efficiently managed locally is all right. Let them see our centers are self sufficient. Whatever can be managed conveniently
- It is the Vedic custom that when a rich visitor goes to any place of pilgrimage he gives the local priests houses, cows, ornaments and garments as gifts of charity
- It must not cause any disturbance either in the girl's family or in the local community
- Let this couple first of all legally marry. After that we bless them by observing a fire ceremony. It is not necessary to burden me with these matters. Please consult with the local GBC
- Local administrative business
- Local authorities
- Local funds
- Local government
- Local members
- Local preaching centres
- Local residents
- Local self governing village
- Local situation
- Local sympathizers
- Local work
- Madhvacarya for the second time visited Badarikasrama. While he was passing through Maharashtra, the local king was digging a big lake for the public benefit
- My idea is that all our centers should be self-supported. We do not like that idea that for your support you have to go 100 miles to get your bread. That is a very dangerous drawback. You produce your food locally and then support yourself
- Not only does a living entity enjoy or suffer in this world according to the dictation from the Supreme Lord situated locally in the heart, but he receives the opportunity to understand Vedas from Him. BG 1972 purports
- Not very many years ago, a brahmana in Krsnanagara, near Navadvipa, was offered some help from the local Zamindar, Raja Krsnacandra. The brahmana refused to accept the help
- One experienced man must go and create local man anywhere; that is real preaching
- One's hands and legs are distributed locally, but Krsna's hands and legs are distributed everywhere. This is confirmed in the Svetasvatara Upanisad: sarvasya prabhum isanam sarvasya saranam brhat. BG 1972 purports
- Our London center has managed to have one local newspaper devote a two-page spread to a comic book feature of the story of Prahlada Maharaja as depicted by Gaurasundara and Govinda Dasi. This is very nice propaganda
- Our movement is not any local movement. . It is for the total human society. It is most authorized on the principles of Bhagavad-gita and affirmed by Lord Caitanya and all the big acaryas
- Our movement is not any local movement. It is for the total human society. It is most authorized on the principles of Bhagavad-gita and affirmed by Lord Caitanya and all the big acaryas
- Radio and television appearances are very nice. Also you can arrange for local house to house meetings for all your party. That will be nice program
- Regarding movement of the members from one temple to another, I think the local president's permission is sufficient. Don't take too much load of individual administration. That will be unmanageable in the near future
- Regarding the entry certificate from the Home Office of GB, what is the value of such a certificate if it remains at the discretion of the local immigration officer whether or not the certificate can be expeditious in passing through immigration?
- Regarding what to do about local authorities checking your Sankirtana activities in the streets, just show to the police officer how peaceful we are
- Regarding your proposal that recommendations for initiations should be approved by the GBC members, that is not a good idea. Such recommendation is for the local President to make from first hand observation
- Sending devotees there is one thing, but why not create devotees? To send devotees from here or anywhere else is more difficult than to create devotees locally
- Since I have come to America in the last year (September 1965) I have traveled many parts of the country and some of the local papers have published articles on me and they have designated me as the Ambassador of Bhaktiyoga
- So local temple officers should be the final judge to allow or disallow anyone from outside to sell books there
- So long I have been receiving different questions from the students, now I think all these questions should be answered by the presidents locally. So you study all our books very nicely, and all the doubts and questions may be answered by you locally
- Sri Buddhimanta Khan was one of the inhabitants of Navadvipa. He was very rich, and it is he who arranged for the marriage of Lord Caitanya with Visnupriya, the daughter of Sanatana Misra, who was the priest of the local zamindar
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - This temple (which is present nearby Raghava Pandita’s tomb) is managed by a local zamindar of the name Sri Sivacandra Raya Caudhuri. Makaradhvaja Kara was also an inhabitant of Panihati
- Such work with the local newspapers as you are nicely doing is very good. Try to agitate as far as possible our activities. Always be engaged so that maya will not disturb you
- Supposing if there is any harm, that is to be judged by the local president, and if he has good reason to think that another party will be unfavorable to his temple's operations, then he may order them to leave, that's all
- Temples should be constructed by the local natives
- That is not a good policy that for preaching work one has to get men from another country. One has to create manpower from the local environment. That is success of preaching
- The British Empire was established on management. They did not bring men from England. Few managers, that's all. That is called management. One man can control hundreds and thousands of men, that is management. Locally attracted
- The Indians there have been cheated by so many rascal swamis who have come simply to collect money and then leave. So our work will be done locally
- The polar star of the universe and the circle thereof is called the Sisumara circle, and therein the local residential planet of the Personality of Godhead (Ksirodakasayi Visnu) is situated
- The real necessity is, bodily necessity is, eating, sleeping, mating and defending. This is necessity. So if you can eat locally, you can sleep locally, you can have your sex life also locally and you can defend locally, then what is the wrong
- There (Pancapsarasa) also He bathed according to the regulative principles and observed the ritualistic ceremonies. This site is also celebrated as a shrine of Lord Visnu; therefore Lord Balarama distributed ten thousand cows to the local brahmana priests
- There is no bar for anyone in any part of the creation to chant and glorify the Lord by the particular name of the Lord as it is locally understood. They are all auspicious, and one should not distinguish such names of the Lord as material commodities
- There is no need for man to move from one place to another to earn a livelihood, for one can produce food grains locally and get milk from cows. That can solve all economic problems
- There will be no scarcity of money for the work, so you try to raise fund locally as far as possible. But whenever there is scarcity of money, you will have it in the usual way as you have already got it. So do everything very nicely and quickly
- They can purchase books from the temple at regular wholesale price and sell, and whatever profit there is above wholesale price they must give at least 50% to the local temple out of good will. That will be nice
- They may go sometimes. Just like in India, they used to live locally, but at the same time they used to go to the pilgrimages by walking. It is not prohibited that one should not go out, but when one goes out, he goes out of pleasure, not as obligation
- They shall operate wherever they are allocated, that they shall only sell books, no collecting without selling books, and that, above the wholesale price of the book, any profit there is must be given at least 50% to the local temple
- This shows how the Lord is all-pervading, in spite of His being locally situated in His abode. Although the Lord was present in Vaikuntha, He was present also in the heart of the brahmana when he was meditating on the worshiping process
- This system of visiting places of pilgrimage and providing the local brahmana priests with all necessities of life has greatly deteriorated in this Age of Kali
- We are prepared to purchase the land at a rate of not more than Rs 1500/- per bigha. They (Indian locals) are under the impression that Americans will purchase at any price so don't be taken in. We can purchase any neighboring land at the above price
- When I went to Switzerland I saw that everything there is imported. The only thing supplied locally is snow. This is all under Krsna's control
- When one is actually advanced in the purascarya-vidhi, he is recommended by the local temple president for initiation
- When Rupa Gosvami left home, he wrote a note for Sanatana Gosvami informing him of some money that he had entrusted to a local grocer. Sanatana Gosvami took advantage of this money to bribe the jail keeper and get free from detention
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to Varanasi, He went there alone, not with a big party. Locally, however, He made friendships with Candrasekhara and Tapana Misra, and Sanatana Gosvami also came to see Him
- You are now acquainted with the local market. So I think that if we supervise the building construction work (in Mayapur) that will save great amount of money. You consider on these points and let me know your views by return mail
- You can do a great service by gathering local support and do whatever has to be done to allow Vaikunthanath and his wife, or any other of my disciples, to go there and establish one very nice center
- You have to become an ideal society. You live locally and be self-sufficient. They will see that it is possible to live locally without movement, and still highly cultured men, self-sufficient. That is required
- You live locally, and be self-sufficient. They will see that it is possible to live locally without movement, and still highly cultured men, self-sufficient. That is required
- You must judge whether the match will be favorable on the point that it must not cause any disturbance either in the girl's family or in the local community
- You should localize your preaching and collecting programs as much as possible
- You will be glad to know that just yesterday I have come to San Francisco, at 3:00 local time yesterday afternoon. And here the Indians are very willing to cooperate with our temple activities
- Your description of different fruits and flowers, especially mangos, are very attractive for me. Last year, when I went to your place, I was attracted more from the same description, but it was rainy season and there was not much of the local fruits