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Pages in category "Exalted"
The following 346 pages are in this category, out of 346 total.
- A common man’s visit to a holy place and an exalted saintly person’s visit there are different. The common man leaves his sins in the holy place, and a saintly person or devotee cleanses these sins simply by his presence
- A gopi told mother Yasoda, "Taking advantage of this opportunity, the most exalted demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva come down to offer their evening prayers, and they accompany the cowherd boys in glorifying the qualities of Krsna"
- A human being or a demigod or very exalted person cannot manufacture dharma. That is not possible. Real dharma is given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, and that real dharma is stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- A man who obtains birth in such a convenient position but does not understand his self is unable to achieve the highest perfection, even if he is exalted to life in the higher planetary systems
- A neophyte devotee who follows the Vedic instructions that regulate those who lack pure love of Godhead may superficially seem more exalted than a devotee in spontaneous love of Godhead. But in fact such spontaneous pure love is far superior
- A preacher is so exalted. He hasn't got to follow any regulation
- A small child can become maha-bhagavata, and a very learned scholar may become a demon. Bhakti is so exalted that these are contradictory
- A Vaisnava, Brahma, is offering respect to Mother Durga. So similarly, a Vaisnava never disrespects any demigod. Why demigods? They are so exalted. They do not disrespect even an ant
- Accepting the thoughts of exalted authorities through disciplic succession is certainly much easier than the method of mental speculation, by which one tries to invent some means to understand the Absolute Truth
- According to authorized sastras, such a jayanti ceremony for an ordinary man, however exalted he may be materially, is an offense to the Lord because jayanti is reserved for the day when the Lord appears on the earth
- According to his (Dhruva Maharaja's) stepmother, he could not be declared king. Dhruva Maharaja's determination, therefore, was to become king of a planet exalted even beyond that possessed by Lord Brahma, the greatest of all the demigods
- According to the Vedic system, the reception of great, exalted personalities, as arranged by Prthu Maharaja in that great sacrificial arena, is very important
- According to Vaisnava philosophy, one should offer respect even to an ant, so then what need is there to speak of such exalted persons like Lord Siva and Lord Brahma
- Actually, he (Siva) is the qualitative incarnation of the Supreme Lord; therefore his position is very exalted
- After an exchange of greetings according to the social etiquette befitting the position of the Pandavas and Lord Krsna, Krsna was offered an exalted seat
- After entering the Sudharma assembly house, He used to sit on the exalted royal throne and would be seen to emanate glaring rays of transcendental effulgence
- After this, the earth personified offered her prayers to Krsna, the Supreme Personality and master of the world, who is always worshiped by exalted demigods. She fell down in obeisances and, in great devotional ecstasy, began to speak
- After traveling all over India, he (Madhvacarya) finally discussed scriptures with Vidyasankara, the exalted leader of Srngeri-matha. Vidyasankara was actually diminished in the presence of Madhvacarya
- All glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, known as Gauracandra! All glories to Lord Nityananda Prabhu! All glories to Advaita Acarya, who is so exalted
- All living beings, whether human, animal or lower than animal, should be given protection. The modern democratic system cannot be exalted in this way because the leaders elected strive only for power and have no sense of responsibility
- All the demigods and their exalted qualities, such as religion, knowledge and renunciation, become manifest in the body of one who has developed unalloyed devotion for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva
- All these sons of Lord Krsna (Pradyumna, Carudesna and Samba) left their respective palaces and leaving aside all engagements, including lying down, sitting and dining, hastened toward their exalted father
- Although a father, mother, brother or friend may sometimes punish one as a well-wisher, they never punish their subordinate like this. But because You are the most worshipable Lord, I regard the punishment You have given me as most exalted
- Although a living entity like us, Lord Brahma is exalted due to his pious activities; therefore he is given the high post of Brahma
- Although Brahma is the most important and exalted personality within this universe, he could not remember what he did in his past life. Krsna had to remind him through the heart
- Although by severe austerities they (Mayavadis) rise to the exalted position of brahma-jnana, they nevertheless fall down due to imperfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- Although Haridasa Thakura was such a highly exalted Vaisnava that he was addressed as Haridasa Gosvami, he still did not like to disturb the common sense of the general populace
- Although he (Romaharsana) has the good qualification of being a disciple of Lord Vyasadeva, and although he has studied all the Vedic literature from this exalted personality, he was not submissive in the presence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, upon remembering the exalted qualities of mother Sita, He could not check His grief in transcendental love
- Although if one is conscious of his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can utilize one's material assets, such as great learning and beauty and exalted ancestry, for the service of the Lord; then such assets become glorious
- Although King Indra and the other demigods are exalted personalities, they were so obedient to Narada Muni that King Indra immediately accepted Narada Muni's words concerning Prahlada Maharaja. This is called understanding by the parampara system
- Although King Indra was very exalted, being the King of heaven, he became degraded due to his stealing the horse intended for sacrifice
- Although Lord Siva is never defeated by anyone, when defeated by Lord Visnu he felt proud that he had such an exalted and powerful master
- Although sexual intercourse is not a very exalted requisite in life, both animals and men require some sense gratification because of material propensities
- Although the King (Prataparudra) was the most exalted respectable person, still he accepted menial service for the Lord (Jagannatha); he therefore became a suitable candidate for receiving the Lord's (Caitanya's) mercy
- Although the King was the most exalted respectable person, still he accepted menial service for the Lord; he therefore became a suitable candidate for receiving the Lord's mercy
- Although these things were very difficult to give up, Maharaja Bharata was so exalted that he gave them up just as one gives up stool after evacuating. Such was the greatness of His Majesty
- Ambika is the wife of Lord Siva and is the most exalted of chaste women. She doesn’t live outside the association of her husband. After reaching Ambikavana, the cowherd men of Vrndavana first bathed themselves in the river Sarasvati
- An exalted person can suffer the consequences of hellish life, but he is very much afraid of being defamed for deviation from the truth
- An exalted personality like Jada Bharata is as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead because he fully represents the Lord by giving knowledge to others
- Another important procedure is that the most exalted personality in the assembly of such a sacrificial ceremony is first offered worship
- Anyone who hears this narration of Dhruva acquires exalted qualities like him. For anyone who desires greatness, prowess or influence, here is the process by which to acquire them, and for thoughtful men who want adoration, here is the proper means
- Are you one of those exalted, liberated saints such as Dattatreya and other highly advanced, learned scholars? May I ask whose disciple you are? Where do you live? Why have you come to this place? Is your mission in coming here to do good for us?
- Arjuna continued, "I shall bring back your sons even if I have to fight with death personified." When the brahmana was assured by Arjuna in such exalted words, he was somehow or other convinced, and thus he returned home
- As for Prahlada Maharaja since he was not a common, ordinary man, whatever questions he posed would have to be answered, even by a great and exalted personality
- At the last stage of his life, when Bhismadeva saw his most exalted grandsons, headed by Maharaja Yudhisthira, sitting very gently at his side, the great warrior-grandfather could not check his loving tears, which were automatically flowing from his eyes
- Balarama said, "Don't you (Kurus) even think that Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, can sit on the exalted royal throne and command everyone? All right! If your thinking is like that, you deserve to be taught a very good lesson"
- Barhismati, the capital of Svayambhuva Manu, was exalted not because the city was very rich in wealth and opulence, but because the hairs of Lord Varaha fell at this very spot
- Because of the union of these sixty daughters (of Daksa) with various exalted personalities that the entire universe was filled with various kinds of living entities, such as human beings, demigods, demons, beasts, birds and serpents
- Because the qualities were not yet manifest King Prthu very humbly asked why the devotees should praise him with such exalted words
- Before us there were so many exalted acaryas - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Nimbarka and, in our line, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So our process is to follow the predecessor acarya
- Being extraordinarily intelligent, the King could understand the whole affair. In his estimation, Mukunda was a most uncommon, exalted, liberated personality
- Bharata Maharaja was very noble and exalted, and therefore when the deer was absent from him he thought himself unworthy to give it protection. Due to his attachment for the animal, he thought that the animal was as noble and exalted as he himself was
- Bharata Maharaja, Rsabhadeva's eldest son, was specifically very exalted. For this reason the other sons were advised to serve him for his pleasure. That was to be their duty
- Bhavananda Raya had five sons, one of whom was the exalted personality known as Ramananda Raya
- Brahma is the most exalted personality in the universe because of his causeless DS unto the Lord in mature transcendental knowledge. He therefore created all the fourteen planetary divisions for inhabitation by the different types of living entities
- Brahma returned to his residence, which is as important as his own personality. Lord Brahma is the creator of this universe and the most exalted personality within it. His lifetime is described in Bhagavad-gita - BG 8.17
- Brahma said, "I wish to be one of them instead of such an exalted person as I am now, for I am full of ignorance. The gopis and cows of Vrndavana are so fortunate that they have been able to supply their breast milk to You"
- Brhaspati informed Indra that Bali Maharaja's prowess was not his own but that of his exalted guru, Sukracarya
- By glorifying the Lord with exalted verses, one becomes purified. Although we are unable to offer prayers to the Lord in an adequate fashion, our duty is to make the attempt in order to purify ourselves
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu proved that a person like Ramananda Raya, although born in a sudra family and situated in the grhastha-asrama, can become the spiritual master of such exalted personalities as Himself and Pradyumna Misra
- Caitanya-caritamrta is the higher studies. Still, we have got all these books, very exalted, authorized books, Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-caritamrta, Nectar of Devotion
- Charged with the exalted power of Dadhici Muni and enlightened by the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Indra rode on the back of his carrier, Airavata, surrounded by all the demigods, while all the great sages offered him praise
- Citraketu appreciated the exalted position of Lord Siva, and he remarked at how wonderful it was that Lord Siva was acting like an ordinary human being
- Completely satisfied, having given up all the weapons of a ksatriya, he is always worshiped, adored and offered prayers for his exalted character and activities by such celestial beings as the Siddhas, Caranas and Gandharvas
- Daksa could defend himself by saying that since he was a Prajapati, the master of many living creatures and one of great officers of great universal affairs, his position was so exalted that Sati should accept his good qualities instead of vilifying him
- Devahuti was not an ordinary woman. She was the wife of Kardama Muni, a great yogi. She had obviously learned something from her husband, for had she not been very exalted, how could Bhagavan Kapiladeva have become her son
- Devotees are the most exalted personalities as the servants of Krsna, still they think themselves lower than everyone
- Devotional service is so exalted that it can be executed by anyone in any position. One must simply be drdha-vrata, firmly determined
- Dhruva Maharaja wanted a residence more exalted than any ever occupied by anyone else in his family. Therefore he was offered the planet in which the Lord personally resides, and his determination was completely satisfied
- Dhruva Maharaja's demand was for a position so exalted that it was never enjoyed even by Lord Brahma, his great-grandfather
- Even a most learned scholar cannot understand the activities and symptoms of an exalted personality in whose heart love of Godhead has awakened
- Even exalted demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are inferior to Lord Narayana, but we are so foolish that we are thinking of assuming Narayana's position, or making Narayana into daridra-narayana, the poor man in the street
- Even if a pure devotee sees the opulence of Krsna, he does not accept it. Therefore pure consciousness is more exalted than consciousness of the Lord's opulence
- Even so-called demons sometimes have exalted devotion for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore Indra smiled reassuringly at Vrtrasura
- Even such exalted persons as Lord Brahma, who are fully conversant with the Vedic literature, are sometimes bewildered in following the principles of devotional service
- Everyone is being controlled by God, but a devotee is so exalted that Krsna says that "I wish to be controlled by you." This is Krsna's position
- Exalted disciple
- Exalted persons like Lord Siva and Lord Brahma could not properly describe the truth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Exalted, self-satisfied persons who preach to the entire world think of your lotus feet constantly within their hearts
- Formerly, by simply desire of very exalted person like Lord Siva and others, they could turn a man into woman, woman into man
- From Santanu, through the womb of his wife named Ganga, came Bhisma, the exalted, self-realized devotee and learned scholar
- From this verse (SB 9.20.39) it is understood that those who are rejected from the higher planetary system are given a chance to take birth in the most exalted families on this planet earth
- Gandhari was so faithful, one of the most exalted chaste wife mentioned in the sastras, Gandhari, that in all conditions she followed the husband
- Generally, those who are exalted personalities lie down when they feel intoxicated, whereas those who are mediocre laugh and sing during intoxication, and those who are lowly use vulgar language and sometimes cry
- Giving too much attention to understanding the exalted glories of the Lord reduces the chance of one’s entering into personal loving affairs with the Lord. To teach the principles of such loving dealings, the Lord decided to appear as Lord Caitanya
- Gopis, who were the exalted friends of Krsna, saw Krsna constantly, but because their eyelids disturbed their vision of Krsna, the gopis condemned the creator, Lord Brahma
- He (Jhadu Thakura) accepts the statements declaring a lowborn person highly exalted if he is a Vaisnava. However, he feels that these descriptions from Srimad-Bhagavatam appropriately describe others, but not himself
- He (Kardama Muni) thought that "I wanted to marry, so Krsna has sent such a beautiful, exalted girl, daughter of the emperor . . ." So he accepted. And he (Vaivasvata Manu) left the daughter with Kardama Muni and he went away
- He (Kasyapa Muni) was not so foolish that he would present himself as an exalted personality, as good as God. He was actually a bona fide guru because he advised his wife to seek shelter at the lotus feet of Vasudeva
- He (Krsna) smiled and in a grave voice said, "My dear King Nagnajit, you know very well that anyone in the princely order who is regular in his position will never ask anything from anyone, however exalted he may be"
- He bestows salvation upon enemies He kills, and (5) He has the ability to attract exalted persons who are satisfied in themselves
- He is the spiritual master of all paramahamsas, who are the most exalted human beings, and He is the master of the self-realized. Let me offer my repeated obeisances at His lotus feet
- Hiranyakasipu, for example, was an exalted representative of the atheistic class of men. He always challenged the existence of God, and thus he became inimical even toward his own son
- His face was smiling, and His eyes were reddish. He was surrounded by such exalted liberated persons as Sanat-kumara
- How could an intelligent man competent enough to possess such exalted qualities allow his followers to praise him if he did not actually have them?
- How is it that he neglected his own daughter, who was the most exalted and chaste woman, a great soul, and who therefore deserved the most respectful treatment from her father
- How was it possible for Sisupala and Dantavakra in the presence of many exalted persons, to enter very easily into the body of Krsna, whose nature is difficult to attain
- I am certainly most abominable and unfortunate to have merged in an ocean of sinful activities, but nevertheless, because of my previous spiritual activities, I could see those four exalted personalities who came to rescue me
- I can meet the president or some exalted person, but to become in love with him in intimacy, that is not easy job. But Caitanya distributed this Krsna love immediately, anyone. That is Mahaprabhu's, I mean to say, contribution to the human society
- I can meet the president or some exalted person, but to become in love with him in intimacy, that is not easy job. But Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu distributed this Krsna love immediately
- I consider your good self the most exalted master of mystic power. You know the spiritual science perfectly well. You are the most exalted of all learned sages, and you have descended for the benefit of all human society
- I must explain my position because in these days, a person being worshiped as most exalted personality is something revolution. Because they like democracy, by vote somebody should be elevated however rascal he may be
- I see Srimad-Bhagavatam so exalted knowledge and so beautifully literary presented. Srimat. Srimat means beautiful. Throughout the whole world, you won't find any literature. This is India's fortune, and they are keeping it packed up
- I want to occupy a position more exalted than any yet achieved within the three worlds by anyone, even by my fathers and grandfathers. If you will oblige, kindly advise me of an honest path to follow by which I can achieve the goal of my life
- I wish to invite all the demigods, beginning from Brahma, Siva & other exalted chiefs of the heavenly planets & in that great assembly of demigods from all parts of the universe, I want to substantiate that You are the SPG & that everyone is Your servant
- If a person says, "One who is situated on the exalted throne of a king should not stand up to show respect to another king or a brahmana," it is to be understood that he does not know the superior religious principles
- If human society wants to be exalted, the leaders of society must follow the instructions of Bhagavad-gita and give protection to the cows, the brahmanas and brahminical culture
- If I (Sanatana Gosvami) sacrifice this body in a good place, my unhappiness will be mitigated and I shall attain an exalted destination
- If one is conscious of his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can utilize one's material assets, such as great learning and beauty and exalted ancestry, for the service of the Lord
- If one is unhappy to see the distress of other living beings and happy to see their happiness, his religious principles are appreciated as imperishable by exalted persons who are considered pious and benevolent
- If one offends an exalted personality, especially the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one certainly becomes most abominable; bereft of the results of pious activities, one must fall down like Ravana and other demons
- If one person who is not devotee, if he is praised as very exalted, so wherefrom these praising words are coming? Sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih. Such praising comes from the persons who are like dogs
- If she remains engaged in the service of her exalted husband, she will automatically attain the spiritual perfections of her husband
- In addition to these sons were Kavi, Havi, Antariksa, Prabuddha, Pippalayana, Avirhotra, Drumila, Camasa and Karabhajana. These were all very exalted, advanced devotees and authorized preachers of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In his book Caitanya-candramrta, Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati says, One who receives a little favor from the Lord becomes so exalted that he does not care even for liberation, which is sought after by many great scholars and philosophers
- In human society there have been many instances in which great, exalted politicians have fallen from government and become lost in historical oblivion. The cause of this is avisuddha-buddhayah: (SB 10.2.32) their intelligence is impure
- In our common dealings we should maintain friendship with everyone and certainly with such exalted demigods as Kuvera. Our behavior should be such that no one should become angry and thereby commit a wrong to individuals, families or society
- In plain language it is advised that an exalted saintly person avoid the association of those who are materially inclined
- In SB 10.8.45 it is said, "Lord Krsna, the SPG, who is worshiped with exalted hymns by all the Vedas & Upanisads & by great personalities through sankhya-yoga in the mode of goodness, was considered by mother Yasoda and Nanda to be their own little son"
- In the Bhakti-ratnakara (Fifth Wave), the following statement is found - Govinda-kunda is exalted for its many spiritual activities. It was here that Indra, defeated by Lord Govinda, offered prayers to Him and bathed Him
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that everyone comes before the Lord (Caitanya) & offers Him exalted prayers, but the Lord does not feel as pleased when offered such prayers as He does when a devotee, out of pure love, chastises Him as a subordinate
- In the case of Satadruti, however, she was so beautiful that she attracted the whole universe at her marriage ceremony. Indeed, she attracted all the learned and exalted demigods simply by the tinkling of her ankle bells
- In the material world, sometimes one gives an exalted title to an utterly worthless thing; in Bengal this is known as giving a blind child a name like Padmalocana, which means “lotus-eyed.” One may foolishly call a blind child Padmalocana
- In the sacrificial assembly, all the members were very exalted. Some proposed to elect one person as the perfect candidate for accepting Agra-puja, and others proposed someone else
- In the Vedic histories we find that there were many, many exalted emperors and kings who practiced austerities and penances. Dhruva Maharaja, Ambarisa & Yudhisthira were all great kings and were most opulent, but at the same time they were great sages
- In their last birth, Jaya and Vijaya did not become demons or Raksasas. Instead they took birth in a very exalted ksatriya family related to Krsna's family. They became first cousins of Lord Krsna and were practically on an equal footing with Him
- In this way Srila Rupa Gosvami gradually concludes that Srimati Radharani is the most exalted devotee of Krsna and that Her kunda (lake), Sri Radha-kunda, is the most exalted place
- In this way, the fully Krsna conscious Dhruva Maharaja, the exalted son of Maharaja Uttanapada, attained the summit of the three statuses of planetary systems
- India has got so much great, exalted knowledge given by Krsna. India should learn it and teach it to the whole world. That is India's business. Paropakara
- India has got such exalted vast knowledge of spiritual life, and that is locked up. We are imitating the Western dog-dancing. This I wanted to bring to your notice
- It (love of Godhead) is called parama-purusartha (the supreme goal of life) or purusartha-siromani - the most exalted of all purusarthas
- It is already known to us that Krsna had 16,108 wives. All these wives were exalted liberated souls, and among them Queen Rukmini was the chief
- It is better not to take up sannyasa in this age of Kali because provocations are very strong in this age. Only a very exalted person advanced in spiritual understanding should attempt to take up sannyasa
- It is enjoined in the Vaisnaviya Purana that Visnu, or Narayana, is the exalted Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no one should be compared to Him as equal
- It is not my direction, it is Krishna's, and they can be raised to the standard of the most exalted persons, even if they are all fools and rascals
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam that in this Kali-yuga government men (rajanyas) and those connected with the government, as well as exalted government ministers, secretaries and presidents, will all simply collect taxes for sense gratification
- It is superfluous to speak about Krsna, because every one of you exalted personalities knows the Supreme Brahman, for whom there are no material differences between body & soul, between energy & the energetic, or between one part of the body & another
- It is the grace of Lord Caitanya that He accepted these two exalted personalities as His disciples and raised them to the position of gosvamis, the highest position of brahminical culture
- It may be argued that since Daksa was very learned, wealthy and austere and had descended from a very exalted heritage, how could he be unnecessarily angry towards another
- Janmaisvarya-sruta-sri (SB 1.8.26): high parentage, birth, to take birth in aristocratic family, in Brahmin family or very exalted royal family. This is janma
- Jhadu Thakura’s attitude is quite befitting a real Vaisnava, for a Vaisnava never considers himself exalted, even if he factually is
- Just as jnanis think that merging into the existence of the Lord is the highest truth, these seven exalted personalities (the seven great sages) accept devotional service as the perfection of life
- Kamsa's ministers told Kamsa that all the exalted demigods had fled in fear of him. One had gone to the forest - Lord Siva, one to the core of the heart - Lord Visnu, and one to engage in tapasya - Lord Brahma
- King Citraketu was so exalted in his character that in spite of being wrongly cursed by Parvati, he immediately descended from his airplane and bowed his head before the mother, accepting her curse
- King Indra very firmly took up the thunderbolt manufactured by Visvakarma from the bones of Dadhici. Charged with the exalted power of Dadhici Muni and enlightened by the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- King Pariksit said: My dear lord, you (Sukadeva Gosvami) have elaborately described the dynasties of both the moon-god and the sun-god, with the exalted and wonderful character of their kings - SB 10.1.1
- King Rahugana said: O most exalted personality, you are not different from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By the influence of your true self, all kinds of contradiction in the sastras have been removed
- Krsna bhajana is so magnanimous, so exalted, in any position you can become the greatest guru, provided you follow the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Krsna consciousness is so exalted that one who is perfectly situated in Krsna consciousness, under the direction of the spiritual master, is fully satisfied by reading krsna-katha as found in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita and similar Vedic literatures
- Krsna consciousness movement needs many exalted, learned persons who will sacrifice their lives to revive God consciousness throughout the world
- Krsna continued, "I think Myself completely unfit to be your husband because you (Rukmini) are so beautiful, sober, grave and exalted. May I inquire from you the reason that induced you to accept Me"
- Krsna continued, "My dear Rukmini, such great and exalted love for Me will always remain within My soul. As far as I am concerned, it is not within My power to repay you for your unalloyed devotion to Me"
- Krsna continued, "My full cooperation with you (Maharaj Ugrasena) will make your position more exalted and secure so that the kings of other dynasties will not hesitate to pay their respective revenues"
- Krsna's family and friends never understood that Krsna is God. Their natural love for Krsna was so intense. Therefore Vrndavana life is so exalted
- Lalita says that "I know Swamiji is very exalted. I am simply afraid... He has so many American disciples. If some of them do something wrong, then that will be very bad thing for him." Lalita was telling me like that. But what can I do?
- Lord Balarama observed that Romaharsana not only refused to come down from his exalted seat but did not even stand up and offer his respects when Balaramaji entered the assembly
- Lord Caitanya said to Rupa Gosvami: "Your exalted poetic descriptions of the mellows of Lord Krsna's pastimes are like an ocean of nectar. But why have you put in a false prayer about Me? It is like a drop of detestable alkali"
- Lord Krsna is also named Hari, which means "one who takes away all distress from the surrendered souls." Lord Caitanya states that there cannot at any time be a worship as exalted as that realized by the gopis
- Lord Krsna is not properly understood even by such exalted personalities as Lord Siva & Lord Brahma, what to speak of ordinary men, but by His causeless mercy He bestows the benediction of devotion upon His devotees, who can thus understand Him as He is
- Lord Krsna said, "Today we have achieved the desired goal of life because we now see face to face all the exalted, liberated sages and ascetics, whom even the great demigods in the heavens desire to see"
- Lord Nrsimhadeva is very dear to this exalted personality. Thus Prahlada Maharaja, along with his servants and all the denizens of Hari-varsa, worships Lord Nrsimhadeva by chanting the following mantra
- Lord Siva addressed the SPG with the following prayer: O Supreme Personality of Godhead, all glories unto You. You are the most exalted of all self-realized souls. Since You're always auspicious for the self-realized, I wish that You be auspicious for me
- Lord Siva was already aware of the supreme power of Lord Visnu, but when he was actually put into bewilderment, he felt proud to have such an exalted master
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the most exalted of all devotees of mothers, spoke like a madman and rubbed His face against the walls
- Love of Godhead is so exalted that it is considered to be the fifth goal of human life. By awakening one's love of Godhead, one can attain the platform of conjugal love, tasting it even during the present span of life
- Maharaja Prthu was well conversant in transcendental science, yet he presented himself before the Kumaras as one ignorant of it. The idea is that even if a person is very exalted and knows everything, before his superior he should present questions
- Maharaja Yudhisthira further inquired: How was it possible for a father to be so violent toward an exalted son who was obedient, well-behaved and respectful to his father?
- Mucukunda continued, "Assisted by many commanders, puffed up by power, I could not trace out Your Lordship, who always sit within my heart as the most intimate friend. I did not care for You, this was the fault of my so-called exalted material condition"
- My dear lord, Sukadeva Gosvami, although Vrtrasura was a sinful demon, he showed the prowess of a most exalted ksatriya and satisfied Lord Indra in battle. How could such a demon be a great devotee of Lord Krsna?
- My Lord, the nectar of Your words & the descriptions of Your activities are the life and soul of those who are always aggrieved in this material world. These narrations are transmitted by exalted personalities, and they eradicate all sinful reactions
- Narrations (Krsna's pastimes) were spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami, the exalted son of Vyasadeva, and anyone who hears them, as well as anyone who repeats them for the hearing of others, becomes Krsna conscious
- No one can be equal to God, and no one can be above Him. Even Lord Brahma and Siva, the most exalted demigods, are subservient to Him and pay their respectful obeisances
- Nondevotees may possess exalted material qualities, but because they are foolish they have no good qualifications
- Now we are so degraded that everyone, including the exalted scientists, philosophers and other leaders, is under the bodily conception of life, which is condemned in the sastras. Sa eva go-kharah: (SB 10.84.13) such persons are nothing but cows and asses
- O best of the saints among the demigods, O best of spiritual leaders, how did Hiranyakasipu give so much trouble to Prahlada Maharaja, the pure and exalted saint, although Prahlada was his own son? I wish to know about this subject from you
- O exalted governors of various planets, the true brahmana, who has no material possessions, maintains himself by the profession of accepting silonchana. In other words, he picks up grains left in the field and on the ground in the wholesale marketplace
- O impudent one, my dear son, now take birth in a low, sinful family of demons so that you will not commit such an offense again toward exalted, saintly persons in this world
- O Lord, for those who always engage in Your service, which is more exalted than liberation, all material opulence is insignificant. They do not even care for liberation, not to speak of the benefits of kama, artha and dharma
- O Maghavan (Indra), all good fortune unto you. I advise you to approach the exalted saint Dadhyanca (Dadhici). He has become very accomplished in knowledge, vows and austerities, and his body is very strong. Go ask him for his body without delay
- O Maharaja Pariksit, this entire universe, with its great, exalted demigods like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and Lord Indra, is under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - SB 10.9.19
- O most fortunate Pracetasa, because of your great faith in Me, you have attained the supreme devotional ecstasy. Indeed, because of your austerities, combined with exalted devotion, your life is now successful. You have achieved complete perfection
- O my Lord, who are glorified by exalted prayers, You show special favor to Your devotees by manifesting Yourself in the eternal forms in which they welcome You
- O reservoir of all good qualities, just worship Sri Krsna, the purifier of all purifiers, the most exalted of the personalities worshiped by choice poetry
- O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O Narayana, O Vasudeva, original person! O most exalted person, supreme experience, welfare personified! O supreme benediction, supremely merciful and changeless
- Of all kinds of liberation, liberation in loving service to the Lord is described (in the Priti-sandarbha) as the most exalted, and meeting the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face is shown to be the highest perfection of life
- One can immediately purify his entire house simply by remembering exalted personalities, to say nothing of directly seeing them, touching their lotus feet, washing their feet or offering them places to sit
- One can love Krishna without any inquiry; that is the highest perfection. To know Krishna as God is not so exalted a position as to love Krishna without knowing. That is the highest perfection. Knowledge means discrimination
- One cannot avoid the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not by the strength of severe austerities, an exalted Vedic education, or the power of mystic yoga, physical prowess or intellectual activities
- One should always be prepared to give up one's life for better causes. A very exalted example was set by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the six Gosvamis of Vrndavana
- One who does not show Him respect or cannot appreciate His mercy despite all these merciful gestures is an asura, or opponent of bona fide devotional service to Lord Visnu, even though he may be very much exalted in human society
- One who does not show respect unto this merciful Lord, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, or does not worship Him should be considered a demon, even if he is very much exalted in human society
- One who equates Narayana even with great exalted demigods like Lord Siva or Lord Brahma is a pasandi, an agnostic. No one can equal Narayana
- One who has become inquisitive of the uttamam, the most exalted subject matter, he requires a guru. Otherwise, who will answer his inquiries? Tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh. If he's not jijnasuh, what is the need of guru
- One who is able to understand can relish this exalted transcendental literature (Caitanya-caritamrta), which is actually not meant for ordinary persons like scholars and literary men
- Only an exalted person like Haridasa Thakura or Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is personally exhibiting the proper behavior for an acarya, can engage in such a practice - sitting in a solitary place and chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Ordinary persons, who cannot understand how exalted are the bodily features of the Lord, are simply given a chance to understand by a material comparison
- Our Narayana - that is real Narayana, exalted - we cannot even compare with that supreme Narayana with such demigods like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, what to speak of these rascals
- Out of affection for His devotees, the Lord always stays in spiritual touch with them, although otherwise His maya potency is so strong that she bewilders even exalted demigods like Brahma. Therefore the Lord's potency is called yogamaya
- Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami: O learned brahmana, demons are generally sinful, being obsessed with the modes of passion and ignorance. How, then, could Vrtrasura have attained such exalted love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana?
- Pariksit was a great emperor & possessed all the opulences of his acquired kingdom. He was so exalted that he was increasing the prestige of the Pandu dynasty. Why did he give up everything to sit down on the bank of the Ganges and fast until death?
- Prahlada Maharaja is the practical example, and our duty is to follow the footprints of such person like Prahlada Maharaja. So Prahlada Maharaja, such an exalted personality, the authority, he is so humble
- Prahlada Maharaja's teachers were astonished that a small boy could speak such exalted Vaisnava philosophy
- Prajapati Daksa could not see the exaltedness of the duties Narada Muni performed in relation to his sons. Unable to appreciate Narada Muni's behavior, Daksa accused Narada of being asadhu
- Present by the invitation of King Yudhisthira to participate in the great sacrifice were all the exalted demigods, including Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Indra, the King of heaven, accompanied by their associates
- Present in the arena of sacrifice, Sati saw that there were no oblations for her husband, Lord Siva. Next she realized that not only had her father failed to invite Lord Siva, but when he saw Lord Siva's exalted wife, Daksa did not receive her either
- Professional men recite Srimad-Bhagavatam and discuss krsna-bhakti for an exchange of money. They cannot distribute such exalted transcendental property to everyone and anyone
- Rohini said, "We do not want to enjoy such material opulences, nor do we desire to achieve the yogic perfections, nor the exalted post of Lord Brahma
- Rukmini continued, "From the history of the world we can see that princes like Anga, Prthu, Bharata, Yayati and Gaya were all great emperors of the world, and there were no competitors to their exalted positions"
- Sahadeva said, "Although demigods such as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Indra and many other exalted personalities are present in this assembly, no one can be equal to or greater than Krsna"
- Sanatana Gosvami was dear to everyone because of his exalted qualities and learning. Suitably, therefore, they bestowed upon him mercy, friendship and honor
- Sati accused her father: Because of your accepting his good qualities to be bad, instead of your becoming the most exalted soul you have become the most fallen
- Sati's father was under the impression that he was exalted in both prestige and opulence and that he had offered his daughter to a person who was not only poor but devoid of all culture
- Simple boys and girls. But their devotion is exalted, because they did not know anything beyond Krsna. That's all. Krsna is their life. Never mind to know that Krsna is God or not
- Since it is recommended that vaisyas and sudras should immediately give up their bodies upon hearing blasphemy of an exalted person like Lord Siva, she decided to give up her life
- Some of them are born as exalted personalities, some are ordinary human beings, and some are extremely abominable, for in Bharata - varsa one takes birth exactly according to one's past karma
- Sometimes it is found among exalted personalities like Lord Brahma that the wife and children are not a cause of bondage. On the contrary, the wife actually helps further spiritual life and liberation
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu exalted Haridasa Thakura, stating, "At every moment you take your bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage, and at every moment you perform great sacrifices, austerity and charity"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately stated that a living being, however exalted he may be, should never be compared to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s preaching protests the monistic philosophy of the Mayavada school
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the most exalted, omniscient Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore He knew that Kalidasa, in the core of his heart, had full faith in Vaisnavas
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu speaks clearly of one's becoming liberated from the varnasrama-dharma, the most exalted system of human civilization. At such a time one feels himself to be perpetually the servant of Lord Krsna
- Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, the forty-seventh branch, was one of the great and exalted branches of the tree
- Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, the forty-seventh branch, was one of the great and exalted branches of the tree. He always engaged in discourses about love of Godhead in the company of Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O King, after making this promise to the demigods, the exalted Visvarupa, surrounded by the demigods, performed the necessary priestly activities with great enthusiasm and attention
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja says in this connection (person who may be materially exalted but doesn't worship Gaura): “O living entities, simply engage yourselves in Krsna consciousness. This is the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”
- Srila Ramananda Raya objected, "It is not alkali at all. It is a particle of camphor he (Rupa Gosvami) has put into the nectar of his exalted poetic expression"
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is being presented by Vyasadeva, the most exalted personality, the guru, Vyasa guru, or Vedavyasa, for the all advanced spiritually conscious men. The spiritual master is called, therefore, representative of Vyasa, Vyasadeva
- Such a person (who chants the holy name of the Lord) has already performed all types of austerities, penances & Vedic sacrifices, has already bathed in the sacred rivers, & has studied all the Vedic literature. Thus he has become an exalted personality
- Such an exalted person (who is unaffected by the false distinctions between good and bad in the material world) is samah sarvesu bhutesu; that is to say, he is equal toward everyone, not distinguishing between friend and enemy
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: After hearing about the activities and character of Prahlada Maharaja, Yudhisthira Maharaja, the most respectful king among exalted personalities, again inquired from the great saint Narada Muni in a mood of great pleasure
- Sukadeva Gosvami qualified them by saying that a person who has once absorbed his mind in the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead may sometimes be influenced by impediments, but he still does not give up his exalted devotional position
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: What you have said is correct. The glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is praised in eloquent, transcendental verses by such exalted personalities as Brahma, are very pleasing to great devotees and liberated persons
- The achievement of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the most exalted achievement in life
- The activities and symptoms of that exalted personality in whose heart love of Godhead has awakened cannot be understood even by the most learned scholar
- The brahmanas said, "We are very proud because we have such exalted wives who have developed pure transcendental service of the Lord without being shackled by our rigid opposition"
- The business of the vaisya community is trade, commerce and the protection of cows. Therefore his friend, who may have been born into a brahmana family, expressed his wonder at how such an exalted child could take birth in a family of vaisyas
- The conditioned soul has no information of the spirit and its exalted existence beyond the effects of the material condition
- The demigods like Brahma and Indra have been promoted to such exalted positions by pious activities and austerities, but actually Visnu, or Krsna, is the master of everyone
- The devotees of Krishna are the most exalted persons on this planet, better than kings, all of them, so we should always remember that and, like the bumblebee, always look for the nectar or the best qualities of a person
- The ecstatic transformations of the body described in such exalted literatures as the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu are practically not seen in this material world. However, these symptoms were perfectly present in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The exalted perfection of seeing the Lord is not exaggerated by Kardama Muni. He gives evidence that those who are actually elevated in yoga aspire in life after life to see this form of the Personality of Godhead
- The famous King Hariscandra, one of the exalted persons in history, performed grand sacrifices by sacrificing a man and pleased all the demigods. In this way his dropsy created by Varuna was cured
- The Gandharvas, the Kimpurusas and the Kinnaras sounded thousands and thousands of kettledrums and trumpets again and again, and they sang in great jubilation, declaring, "How exalted a person is Bali Maharaja, and what a difficult task he has performed!"
- The general mass of people, although sudras and less, can be purified by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra. Then they can understand the exalted philosophical statements of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The gopis are exalted above all the advanced devotees because they are always totally dependent upon Sri Krsna, the transcendental cowherd boy. Among the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the most dear to Krsna
- The great Maitreya continued: While King Prthu thus spoke, the humility of his nectarean speeches pleased the reciters very much. Then again they continued to praise the King highly with exalted prayers, as they had been instructed by the great sages
- The great sage Maitreya continued: Out of his causeless mercy, the exalted personality Lord Siva, a great devotee of Lord Narayana, continued to speak to the King's sons, who were standing with folded hands
- The Hare Krsna chant is called the maha-mantra, the great, exalted mantra above all other Vedic mantras, because simply chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra brings so many beneficial effects
- The Haryasvas began practicing austerities, penances and meditation, which are the engagements of the highly exalted renounced order of life
- The historical references to exalted kings serve as a good example for present rulers. Those who are ruling the world at the present moment should take lessons from King Gaya, King Yudhisthira and King Prthu
- The humility of these two brothers could even melt stone. Because I was very pleased with their behavior, I told them, 'Although you are both very much exalted, you consider yourselves inferior, and because of this, Krsna will very soon deliver you'
- The king or president is a person, and the citizens are also persons, but the difference is that the president or king is an exalted person who should be offered all respect
- The King saw that there was no other way to satisfy them for their exalted activities. The word vinoda-patram can be divided into two words, vina and uda-patram, or can be understood as one word, vinoda-patram, which means "joker
- The kings and executive heads of government in the Vedic age never accepted their positions for sense enjoyment. Such exalted kings, who were known as rajarsis, ruled only to maintain and protect the kingdom for the welfare of the citizens
- The land of Bharata-varsa is so exalted that by taking birth there one can not only attain the heavenly planets but also go directly back home, back to Godhead
- The Lord is very interested in manifesting the exalted qualities of His devotees, and that is why He engineered this incident
- The lotus feet of Krsna, which are worshiped not only by the goddess of fortune but by such exalted demigods as Brahma and Lord Siva, and which great yogis meditate upon within their hearts, are placed on the beautiful high breasts of the gopis
- The master and servants who are engaged in offering the exalted visitors water, a sitting place and paraphernalia for reception are glorified, and the home itself is also glorified
- The most exalted system of worship is the worship of Lord Visnu. Greater than that is the worship of tadiya, or anything belonging to Visnu. Sri Visnu is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha - BS 5.1
- The most important word in these verses (in SB 10.7.13-15) is maha-gunam, indicating that the brahmanas were offered very palatable food of exalted quality. Such palatable dishes were generally prepared with two things, namely food grains & milk products
- The pastimes of Krsna and Rukmini in Dvaraka are accepted by great authorities as manifestations of those of Narayana and Laksmi, which are of an exalted opulence
- The Personality of Godhead is worshiped by exalted demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva. The original Mayavadi sannyasi, Sankaracarya, also accepted the fact that the Lord’s form is transcendental
- The queens of Dvaraka were so fortunate that they got Lord Sri Krsna as their husband and personal companion, although He is not approachable by exalted demigods like Brahma.
- The so-called modern leader, he is a pasu, animal. And who exalts them? Sva-vid-varahostra-kharah: other lower animals like dogs, the hogs, sva-vid-varaha, camel and ass. So one big animal is being praised by these kinds of animals
- The son is given birth by the mother. She (Devahuti) may think that "I have given birth to you. What you will teach me?" No. Because he knows the science of Krsna. Or He is Krsna Himself. Therefore she is taking lesson from her exalted son
- The SPG said: O King, you are indeed exalted because your present advisors are the brahmanas who are descendants of Bhrgu and because your instructor for your future life is your grandfather, the peaceful and venerable Prahlada Maharaja
- The spiritual master, Sukracarya, being inspired by the SL, cursed his exalted disciple Bali Maharaja, who was so magnanimous and fixed in truthfulness that instead of respecting his spiritual master's instructions, he wanted to disobey his order
- The spiritual world is three fourths of the total creation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and it is the most exalted region
- The total scheme is for simple life and high thinking and exalted character of the human society
- The vasudeva condition fulfills a spiritual necessity. Vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah (BG 7.19). When one realizes Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes most exalted
- The Vedanta-sutra, or Brahma-sutra, compiled by Sri Vyasadeva is the full deliberation of the impersonal absolute feature, and it is accepted as the most exalted philosophical exposition in the world
- The Vrsnis and Yadus and the father and mother of Krsna in Vrndavana all have familial relationships with Krsna; Krsna's foster father and mother in Vrndavana, however, are more exalted than Vasudeva and Devaki
- The whole Vedic system is meant for spiritual advancement. Human energy is employed in a more exalted direction than to compete with the dog
- The word 'ittham-bhuta' is transcendentally exalted because it means 'full of transcendental bliss.' Before this transcendental bliss, the bliss derived from merging into the existence of the Absolute becomes like a piece of straw in comparison
- The word praja refers to one who has taken birth within the jurisdiction of the government. The exalted royal families were conscious that all living beings, whether human, animal or lower than animal, should be given protection
- The words bhagavan indrah indicate that a living entity can even be as exalted and powerful as King Indra, for even King Indra is an ordinary living entity in the material world and possesses the four defects of the conditioned soul
- The Yamadutas said to the Visnudutas, By your bodily features you appear to be very exalted gentlemen, and you have such celestial power that you have dissipated the darkness of this material world
- Their (our boys and girls) position in life is very secure and sound because they are going back to home, back to Godhead, without any doubt. Though they may be dressed in rags, still they are more exalted than kings
- There are many yogis. They have got very exalted, extraordinary power. Just like Durvasa Muni. He once traveled all over the space. Not only within this universe - he traveled outside the universe in the spiritual world, and he saw the SPG face to face
- There are so-called mahatmas. They think that they are very much exalted, they do not require this sankirtanam. Sridhara Swami says that this sankirtana movement is not only for the persons who are sinful, but mahatam api
- There are those who are attached to bodily concepts of life. Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, for example, have very prestigious positions, and thus they have the sense of being very exalted isvaras
- There is no ideal that "Here is a person who doesn't care for anything. Still he is so exalted." That is wanted. That ideal is not now. Therefore I am trying to create such ideal men
- There is the following statement, spoken by Daksa to Lord Siva: " When I was falling down because of accusing you, you saved me by your merciful glance. You are most great. Kindly excuse me and be satisfied with your own exalted qualities
- There should be no question of mating. Simply by engaging in the service of her exalted husband, who must be a pure devotee, the wife will never be agitated by sex impulses
- There was no end to the transcendental qualities of Haridasa Thakura. Here I mention but a fraction of his qualities. He was so exalted that Advaita Gosvami, when performing the sraddha ceremony of his father, offered him the first plate
- These (Krsna is the enchanter of Cupid, and Radharani is the enchanter of that enchanter) are very exalted spiritual understandings in Krsna consciousness. They are not fictional, imaginary, or concocted. They are facts
- These are the symptoms of one who chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Although he is very exalted, he thinks himself lower than the grass on the ground, and like a tree, he tolerates everything in two ways
- They (exalted kings who practiced austerities & penances namely Dhruva, Ambarisa and so on) set the example for those who have acquired this good opportunity of a beautiful human form of life with all the facilities for economic development & good living
- They (the living entities) are born in different capacities according to karma even though their father is originally Brahma, who is the exalted qualitative incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This (Satadruti attracted all the learned and exalted demigods simply by the tinkling of her ankle bells) indicates that all the demigods wanted to see her beauty completely, but they were not able to see it because she was fully dressed
- This is the most exalted method (live at Radha-kunda, and take shelter of the confidential serving maids of Sri Radha) for those engaged in devotional service under the protection of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This is the most exalted qualification, to become well-wisher of all living entities, not that we open hospitals for the human being and we send the cows to the slaughterhouse or poor animals should be slaughtered
- This material body acts due to the presence of spirit because of Him, & He is therefore the root cause of everyone. He is worshipable for such exalted persons as Brahma & Siva, and He has entered the heart of every living being. Let me meditate upon Him
- This mentality of getting more and more engaged in devotional service puts one in the most exalted position
- This particular type of ecstatic love shared between Krsna and His confidential friends further develops into parental love, & on from there it may develop conjugal love, the most exalted humor or mellow of ecstatic love between Krsna and His devotees
- This verse (SB 8.3.2) uses the word paresaya, which indicates that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped by exalted demigods. Paresaya means paramesvara
- Those under the clutches of Maya, thinking the Lord an ordinary person, can understand that certain exalted personalities, after accumulating volumes of pious activities, are now playing with the Lord in friendship as cowherd boys
- Those who are not advanced prefer to chant the Hare Krsna mantra in a solitary place. Such activities constitute a type of cheating process in the sense that they imitate the activities of exalted personalities like Haridasa Thakura
- Those who are under the clutches of maya, thinking the Lord an ordinary person, cannot understand that certain exalted personalities - after accumulating volumes of pious activities - are now playing with the Lord in friendship as cowherd boys
- Thus Indra, King of heaven, severed Namuci's head with a weapon of foam, which was neither dry nor moist. Then all the sages satisfied Indra, the exalted personality, by showering flowers and garlands upon him, almost covering him
- To achieve the elevated position of realizing that they are equal in quality with You, they always meditate on You within their hearts. But although such exalted saintly persons may see You constantly within their hearts, they still cannot see Your face
- To be released from these miserable conditions, one has to become Krsna conscious and take lessons from an exalted personality like Jada Bharata, Lord Krsna and Kapiladeva. That is the only way to solve the problems of material life
- To become a devotee does not require to take birth in high aristocratic family or brahmana family that means the person who is considered to be the less than the fourth-class man, he also exalted if he is devotee
- To live in this way (never hoarding money for a luxurious life) is the vow of a qualified brahmana, and all of these brahmanas were well situated in that exalted vow. They were well learned in Vedic knowledge
- Uddhava is described as the most exalted personality in the Vrsni dynasty, being almost equal to Krsna
- Unfortunately in this age, even exalted professors and learned men believe that there is no next life and that everything is finished in this life. Since they are rascals and fools, what advice can they give?
- Unless one comes to the Absolute Truth, there is no possibility of agreement. Nasav rsir yasya matam na bhinnam: it is said that a great learned scholar or sage cannot be exalted unless he disagrees with other scholars and sages
- Vallabha Bhattacarya said, "Since these two are constantly chanting the holy name of Krsna, how can they be untouchable? On the contrary, they are most exalted"
- Vasudeva Datta was the most exalted personality to ever show mercy to the conditioned souls
- Visvamitra Muni became a victim of Menaka and fathered a child named Sakuntala. The conclusion is that no one can save himself from the attraction of woman, even though he be an exalted demigod or an inhabitant of the higher planets
- Vrndavana specifically is the most exalted and preferred holy place for Vaisnava devotees of Lord Krsna who are aspiring to return back to Godhead, the Vaikuntha planets
- Wandering here and there in the middle of the night, covered by dense darkness, they came to a paddy field where they saw the exalted Jada Bharata, who was sitting in an elevated place guarding the field against the attacks of deer and wild pigs
- We are now given a most exalted life form, that of a human being, but if we do not act accordingly, we have to take a lower body. This is karmana daiva-netrena - SB 3.31.1
- We are preaching on the basis of Bhagavad-gita, the most exalted vedic literature. The atheistic arya samaj does not believe in Bhagavad-gita. Therefore they are not strictly speaking followers of the Vedic varnasrama dharma
- We can have some conception of the Absolute Truth, His form and His attributes simply by reading the descriptions given in Vedic literatures and authoritative statements given by exalted personalities like Brahma, Narada, Sukadeva Gosvami and others
- We don't want even the exalted place like Brahma in this material world. We don't want. That is our determination. We want Krsna, go back to home, back to Godhead
- We must be conscious of the difference between our present and past conditions and should always be very careful not to fall from the most exalted life
- Whatever you may be - you may be rascal number one - but you will be posted on the supreme exalted presidential post
- When a pure devotee is seen to possess exalted material opulence, it is not due to his karma. Rather, it is due to his bhakti. In other words, he is in that position because the Supreme Lord wants him to execute service to Him very easily and opulently
- When Krsna plays with His young friends, mother Yasoda is very much disturbed by thoughts that Krsna, because of always playing and not taking His food properly, must be getting weak. These are examples of the exalted ecstasy felt in Krsna's service
- When the Bhattacarya was actually enlightened in Vaisnava philosophy, he could understand the exalted transcendental position of Sri Ramananda Raya; therefore he referred to him as adhikari
- Whenever there was anything that might touch or taint the character of the Lord, Damodara Pandita would immediately point it out, not even considering the exalted position of the Lord
- Whenever we find a description of ideal chaste women, mother Sita is among them. Mandodari, the wife of Ravana, was also very chaste. Similarly, Draupadi was one of five exalted chaste women
- Whenever we see something exalted, we must consider it part of the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A powerful man (vibhutimat sattvam) is one who has obtained the grace of the Lord or has derived some power from Him
- While Satadruti was thus being married, the demons, the denizens of Gandharvaloka, the great sages, and the denizens of Siddhaloka, the earthly planets and Nagaloka, although highly exalted, were all captivated by the tinkling of her ankle bells
- Why is Radha-kunda so exalted? The lake is so exalted because it belongs to Srimati Radharani, who is the most beloved object of Sri Krsna. Among all the gopis, She is the most beloved
- Worship of the demigods is discouraged, and worship of a Vaisnava is considered exalted. No respect is given to the nondevotees - in the Bhakti-sandarbha
- Yogi, there are many yogis. They have got very exalted power, extraordinary power. Just like this Durvasa Muni. He once traveled all over the space. Not only within this universe - he traveled outside the universe in the spiritual world
- You are all exalted commanders of the entire universe. I am your disciple and must take many lessons from you. Therefore I cannot refuse you. I must agree for my own benefit
- You cannot order, "Give me the body of Brahma, give me the body of Indra or a king or something exalted." That is not in your hands or in my hands; that will be judged by the superior agency of God, Krsna, and you will be given a body
- You must construct something wonderful. Otherwise, it will be a discredit to you American boys. That will exalt the position of America in India. And in every temple food distribution must go on profusely with American food supplies
- Your (Rupa Gosvami's) exalted poetic descriptions of the mellows of Lord Krsna's pastimes are like an ocean of nectar. But why have you put in a false prayer about Me? It is like a drop of detestable alkali
- Your touring in different places and preaching Krsna Consciousness is fulfilling my dream. May Krsna bless you on and on for being engaged in such exalted work
- Yudhisthira said, "My dear Krsna, O eternal form of bliss and knowledge, all the exalted directors of the affairs of this material world, including Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and King Indra, are always eager to receive and carry out orders from You"