blunder | blunders
Pages in category "Blunder"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.
- Lord Balarama again turned toward Krsna and said, "My dear Krsna, a relative, even though he commits such a blunder and deserves to be killed, should be excused"
- Lord Caitanya clearly says that anyone who tries to understand Bhagavad-gita from the Mayavadi point of view will commit a great blunder. BG 1972 Preface
- The highest blunder committed by the impersonalist is to think that when the incarnation of God comes, He accepts a form of matter in the mode of goodness. Actually the form of Krsna or Narayana is transcendental to any material idea
- The highest blunder committed by the impersonalists is to think that when the incarnation of God comes He accepts the form of matter in the mode of goodness
- The highest blunder committed by the impersonalists is to think that when the incarnation of God comes He accepts the form of matter in the mode of goodness. Actually, the form of Krsna or Narayana is transcendental to any material idea
- The Sridhara Swami from Bengal Matha. He made a great blunder, he and Professor Sanyal and Kesava Maharaja. At that time he was, these three men supported, and he proved later on to be false
- This declaration of the foolish human society is the greatest blunder in life. I therefore appreciate your conviction and I am still more glad that you are determined to progagate this message to the world at large
- To accept the blunders... Even there is no blunder. This is the symptom of sincere service
- To describe the direct meaning of the Vedic literatures is glorious, but to describe them in one’s own way, using imperfect senses and imperfect knowledge, is a disastrous blunder
- To describe the Vedic literatures in one's own way, using imperfect senses and imperfect knowledge, is a disastrous blunder. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fully deprecated the attempt to describe the Vedas in this way