upsetting | upset
Pages in category "Upset"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- A sane man should understand the miserable condition of this material body. Without being unnecessarily upset, he should try to find out if there is a remedy
- A sane person who has understood the philosophy of life and death is very upset upon hearing of the horrible, hellish condition of life in the womb of the mother or outside of the mother. But one has to make a solution to the problems of life
- A sparrow laid her eggs on the shore of the ocean, but the big ocean carried away the eggs on its waves. The sparrow became very upset and asked the ocean to return her eggs. The ocean did not even consider her appeal. BG 1972 purports
- At the time of death, the trouble, or the miserable condition, is so acute that we have to give up this body. Sometimes when man becomes very much upset, he commits suicide. He cuts his own throat. Why? He cannot live in this body
- I am very upset to learn the news of that incident in Trinidad. Yes, you are right to stay away from such a place, and there is no harm if husband and wife live separately for some time
- I do not know why Gopala Krsna's father is so much upset. I have received one letter from GK in which he writes "I don't think my parents will have any objections now because I have assured them in telegrams & letter that I am not going to abandon them"
- If the king or government becomes demonic, it is the duty of a saintly person to upset the government and replace it with deserving persons who follow the orders and instructions of saintly persons
- In the city, when Satrajit's younger brother Prasena did not return from the forest with the jewel, Satrajit became very upset. He did not know that his brother had been killed by a lion and that the lion had been killed by Jambavan
- It's like ten minutes a day. "Keep your job. Keep your position in life. Do everything you're doing. Just ten minutes a day go to sleep. Say some mantra and sleep." So no one is very much upset by it
- The brahmana was very upset because of the untimely death of the child in the presence of his young father and mother. Thus his mind became very much disturbed
- The planet earth in the shape of a cow is accounting the contradictory acts of the Lord. Although He once saved the earth, He now wants to upset the earth, which is like a boat on water. No one can understand the activities of the Lord
- There was a demigoddess named Kotara who was worshiped by Banasura, and their relationship was as mother and son. Mother Kotara was upset that Banasura's life was in danger, so she appeared on the scene (battlefield)
- Thieves and rogues simply await some political upset in order to take the opportunity to plunder the people in general. To keep thieves and rogues inactive in their profession, a strong government is always required
- Those who are materially upset take care of the body and manufacture daridra-narayana - poor Narayana
- Try to keep him from getting upset. I do not know why he becomes at intervals like that. I can only pray that Krishna will save him from this upsetting business
- When Caitanya took sannyasa, so mother became very much upset: "Oh, that I have no husband, and this boy is going to take sannyasa." Naturally. But that is a different case. For Krsna's sake, we can forsake our obligatory duties
- When the people of a state abide by the laws, administration is easy, but if people are criminals they overburden the state administrators. A similar situation sometimes upsets the balance of the cosmic affairs of this material world