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Pages in category "Neglect"
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- A farmer does not like an old bull who has ceased to work. Similarly, when an attached person in family life becomes old and is unable to earn, he is no longer liked by his wife, sons, daughters and other kinsmen, and he is consequently neglected
- A man in sex life is not neglected by us. The only thing we want, that sex life can be allowed only in married couples
- A paramahamsa accepts only the active principle of everything; just as a swan accepts only the milk from a mixture of water & milk, he accepts only the Supreme Personality of Godhead as his life and soul, neglecting all external, material things
- A person may appear to be an ordinary human being, but because he acts on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme spiritual master, he is not to be neglected as ordinary
- A person who is born into a responsible family - such as a ksatriya, or a government servant - but who neglects to execute his prescribed duties according to religious principles falls down at the time of death into the river of hell known as Vaitarani
- A pretentious religious system manufactured by one who willfully neglects the prescribed duties of his order of life is called abhasa (a dim reflection or false similarity)
- A sincere student should not neglect the discussion of such conclusions, considering them controversial, for such discussions strengthen the mind. Thus one's mind becomes attached to Sri Krsna
- A spiritual master from the sannyasa order has very little opportunity to perform arcana, Deity worship, but when one accepts a spiritual master from the transcendental sannyasis, the principle of Deity worship is not at all neglected
- A wife who has no sons is neglected at home by her husband and dishonored by her co-wives exactly like a maidservant. Certainly such a woman is condemned in every respect because of her sinful life
- Accepting some of the scriptural rules & regulations for immediate benefit, as utilitarians advocate, is called niyama-agraha, and neglecting the rules and regulations of the sastras, which are meant for spiritual development, is called niyama-agraha
- According to moral instructions, one should not neglect to extinguish fire completely, treat diseases completely, and clear debts completely. Otherwise they will increase and later be difficult to stop
- According to this original and genuine commentation on the Vedanta-sutra - the Srimad-Bhagavatam, there are numerous pretentious faiths that pass as religion but neglect the real essence of religion
- Actually, we are all trying to attain that victory in order to counteract the onslaught of material nature. The ultimate victory is to conquer birth, death, disease and old age, but we have neglected this important point
- After her (Devahuti's) marriage, when she was engaged in the service of Kardama Muni, she neglected to care for her body like a princess, since there was no means for such care
- All of them (voidists and impersonalists) again fall down because they neglect the lotus feet of the Lord
- All the demigods, headed by Indra, became offenders at the lotus feet of Brhaspati, and Lord Brahma, being aware of this, condemned their neglect
- All the rsis assembled there (Naimisaranya) neglected to complete the ritualistic ceremonies because there was no positive assurance of the results. All the performers were coated with black ash due to the large amount of smoke coming from the fire
- Although they (Mayavadis) have apparently realized that they are not material body but spirit soul, they nonetheless neglect the duty of the spirit soul, which is to render service to the Supreme Soul. Therefore their intelligence remains unsanctified
- Although they are very much puffed up at being liberated, Mayavadi philosophers very shortly fall down again to material activities due to their neglecting the lotus feet of the Lord
- Another hint we get from this statement (of Krsna) is that the candalas, or the untouchables, are also not to be neglected by the higher classes and should be given necessary protection
- Anyone who becomes attracted to Krsna can be relieved from the bondage of birth and death, which can be compared to the locked-up homes that were neglected by the wives of the brahmanas
- Anyone who has accepted Daksa as the most important personality and neglected Lord Siva because of envy is less intelligent and, because of visualizing in duality, will be bereft of transcendental knowledge
- As a disease, if initially neglected, becomes acute and impossible to cure, or as the senses, if not controlled at first, are impossible to control later, an enemy, if neglected in the beginning, later becomes insurmountable - SB 10.4.38
- As a result (of neglecting the divisions of society), whoever somehow or other becomes powerful will be the king or president, and thus the prajas, or citizens, will be so harassed that they will give up hearth and home and will go to the forest
- As a result of speculation, he (one who neglects the instructions of the six Gosvamis) considers Gaurasundara to be an ordinary devotee and therefore cannot make progress in serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Radha-Krsna
- As a young boy he (Sukadeva Goswami) was expected to be properly dressed, but he went about naked and was uninterested in social customs. He was neglected by the general populace, and inquisitive boys and women surrounded him as if he were a madman
- As far as neglecting the presence of others is concerned, the wives of the brahmanas who were performing sacrifices at Vrndavana left home as soon as they heard that Krsna was nearby. They left their homes without caring for their learned husbands
- As far as spiritual advancement is concerned, materialists, politicians and sudras are generally disqualified. Bhattacarya therefore requested that Lord Caitanya not neglect Ramananda Raya, who was highly advanced spiritually although he was born a sudra
- As for Krsna's orders not being neglected by anyone, in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Third Canto, 2nd Chapter, 21st verse, Uddhava tells Vidura
- As long as we do not diminish or neglect the highest standard of purity in performing our routine work, not that we require to display or announce ourselves in very clever ways to get attention
- As soon as one becomes proud of his birth as the son of a brahmana and neglects to acquire the qualifications of a real brahmana he at once becomes degraded and falls from the path of self-realization. Thus his life's mission as a human being is defeated
- As soon as the cooperation between the four classes of men in society stops and the basic principles of spiritual culture are neglected, the social structure of humanity becomes a second edition of animal life
- As their envy increased, they lost their intelligence. Being extremely hardhearted and unable to tolerate the King's neglect, they finally administered poison to the son
- At the present moment they are neglecting (religion). But in every country, either there may be temples or churches or mosque, people were very religious-minded before this age
- At the present moment, so many so-called educated persons are unemployed because the division of work is neglected
- At the present moment, the whole educational system is concentrated on this body, how to keep this body comfortable. Spiritual knowledge does not mean that you neglect your body. No. That is not the idea
- At the present, however, agriculture having been neglected & cow protection given up, the agriculturalist is suffering pitiably & is dressed in a niggardly torn cloth. This is the distinction between the India of history and the India of the present day
- Because of their (the demigods') enmity, our (Kamsa's ministers) opinion is that the demigods should not be neglected. Therefore, to uproot them completely, engage us in fighting with them, for we are ready to follow you (Kamsa) - SB 10.4.37
- Because this human form of life is especially meant for self-realization, by neglecting this important part of his activities one simply wastes his time like the animals. So he is pasu-ghna
- Before meeting death one is sure to become a diseased invalid, and when he is neglected by his family members, his life becomes less than a dog's because he is put into so many miserable conditions
- Being unpurified, neglecting to discharge human duties properly, and being influenced by the modes of passion (rajas) and ignorance (tamas), unclean people (mlecchas), posing as members of the government (rajanya-rupinah), will swallow the citizens
- Brahma was surprised that his mystic power had been neglected. Without touching the original cows and cowherd boys, Krsna had created another assembly of calves and boys, who were all expansions of visnu-tattva. Thus Brahma's mystic power was superseded
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is hinting (in CC Madhya 19.69) to Vallabha Bhattacarya that an exalted brahmana who makes sacrifices and follows Vedic principles should not neglect a person who is engaged in devotional service by chanting the holy name of the Lord
- Cintam aparimeyam ca. Your cinta will not act. You may think for the safety or satisfaction, but that does not mean we should neglect our duty. But as far as possible we should be detached
- Dear King, we do not find any reason that the demigods should feel insulted or neglected in any way, but still the demigods who are witnesses for the sacrifice do not accept their shares. We do not know why this is so
- Dear Krsna, we gopis have neglected the order of our husbands, sons, family, brothers, friends, have left their company to come to You. You know everything about our desires. We have come only because we are attracted by the supreme music of Your flute
- Devaki said, "They have lost control of their minds and senses, have fallen from the quality of goodness and have deliberately neglected the direction of the revealed scriptures by living a life of extravagance and impudence"
- Dharma and adharma . . . Our real dharma is to serve God. That is our real duty. And as soon as we neglect this permanent service or occupation, then we are liable to be punished
- Dhruva Maharaja went to the forest, and since his mother was being neglected by the King, she was therefore almost banished also
- Diti neglected all the principles of scriptural injunction, and therefore, although she was very anxious for auspicious children, she was informed that her children would not be worthy to be the sons of a brahmana
- Do not neglect sukuta because it is a bitter preparation. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu derived more happiness from eating this sukuta than from drinking pancamrta (a preparation of milk, sugar, ghee, honey and yogurt)
- Don't neglect Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata as ordinary books. You must be very careful. As you take care of the Deities, you should take care of the books also
- Driven by such consciousness, man turns to religion. He thus performs pious activities or religious functions in order to gain something material. But if such material gains are obtainable in other ways, then so-called religion is neglected
- During the rasa dance, Krsna asked all the gopis to return home, but they neglected His order and stayed there for His association
- Eating, sleeping, mating and defending, that is given special stress, but not to the point of, goal of life, reaching Visnu. That we have neglected
- Even if you are going to get body next life, you must have a better body. Or the best thing is that you must have an eternal body. If such solution is there, why the human society should neglect it? That is their foolishness
- Even if you read some books, you cannot understand unless you understand it from me. This is called parampara system. You cannot jump over to the superior guru, I mean to say, neglecting the next acarya, immediate next acarya
- Even the smallest intoxication, that is also dangerous. Just like fire. Even a small particle of fire is dangerous. If you neglect it, "Oh, it is a small particle..." No. You must extinguish it. It may come out very great fire
- Even though a pure devotee may not be born in a brahmana or gosvami family, if he is engaged in the service of the Lord he should not be neglected
- Even though one is in the renounced order, one who is advanced certainly feels compassion for suffering living entities. One should certainly neglect his own personal interests, although they may be very important, to protect one who has surrendered
- Even though the deer is disturbing my spiritual life, I realize that a helpless person who has taken shelter cannot be neglected. That would be a great fault
- Even though these (semiliberated) living entities attain the brahma-bhuta stage and realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead through His bodily effulgence, they nonetheless fall down due to neglecting the Lord’s service
- Every acarya has a specific means of propagating his spiritual movement with the aim of bringing men to Krsna consciousness. Therefore, the method of one acarya may be different from that of another, but the ultimate goal is never neglected
- Every member of society was given a chance to retire for a higher order of spiritual culture, and the householders neglected no one
- Everyone should be given proper respect and should not be neglected. BG 1972 purports
- Examples of anubhava as follows: dancing, rolling on the ground, singing very loudly, stretching the body, crying loudly, yawning, breathing very heavily, neglecting the presence of others, drooling, laughing like a madman, wheeling the head and belching
- Expressions of ecstatic love in pride may be the result of excessive wealth, exquisite beauty, a first-class residence or the attainment of one's ideal goal. One is also considered proud when he does not care about the neglect of others
- Family attraction is so strong that even if one is neglected by family members in his old age, he cannot give up family affection, and he remains at home just like a dog
- First of all you must know it, athato brahma jijnasa, that superior knowledge. That is required. But everyone is neglecting
- Foolish as they are, they neglect these major problems of life (such as repeated birth, death, disease and old age) and busy themselves with false things that cannot help them solve their real problems
- Foolish men forget this sure fact of death and neglect the duty of preparing themselves for going back to Godhead. They spoil their lives in animal propensities to eat, drink, be merry and enjoy
- For a woman who has no son, who is not cared for by her husband and whose co-wives neglect her, treating her like a maidservant, to go to the forest is better than to remain at home
- For performing yajna, clarified butter is essential, and for clarified butter, cow protection is essential. Therefore, if we neglect the Vedic way of civilization, we shall certainly suffer
- For the Supreme Personality of Godhead there is no one to be killed, no one to be protected, no one to be neglected and no one to be worshiped
- Formerly, the principle of dividing human society into four sections was strictly followed, but because of gradual neglect of the varnasrama principles, varna-sankara population developed, and the entire institution has now been lost
- From this statement (of Krsna) we learn also that although the cats and dogs, which have now become so important, are not to be neglected, cow protection is actually more important than protection of cats and dogs
- Full of jealousy and madness symptomizing neglect by Krsna, Srimati Radharani, criticizing a bumblebee, talked just like a madwoman. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in the last days of His pastimes, exhibited all the symptoms of such ecstasy
- Having grown weak and thin because of strictly following the principles of the vow, Diti once unfortunately neglected to wash her mouth, hands and feet after eating and went to sleep during the evening twilight
- Having obtained uninterrupted devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they (the seven great sages) neglect all other beneficial processes like religion, economic development, sense gratification and even merging into the Supreme
- Having obtained uninterrupted devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they neglect all other beneficial processes like religion, economic development, sense gratification and even merging into the Supreme
- He (a brahmacari) takes food only under the master's order, and if the master neglects to call the student for food that day, the student fasts. These are some of the Vedic principles for observing brahmacarya. BG 1972 purports
- He (Balarama) called the Yamuna to come nearby. But the Yamuna neglected the order of Balaramaji, considering Him intoxicated. Lord Balarama became very much displeased at the Yamuna's neglecting His order
- He (Lord Rsabhadeva) was equal to everyone. He did not favor one person and neglect another
- He (Ramacandra Puri) neglected the para-vidhi but strictly observed the purva-vidhi. Since he avoided following the principle of not criticizing, Ramacandra Puri broke both the rules
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) had a touchstone with him, and this stone was left in a pile of refuse. A needy man took it, but later on wondered why the valuable stone was kept in such a neglected place
- He who learns to be disillusioned gets free of all encumbrances. If we want freedom from all bonds, then we have to understand God. There is no neglecting this; it is our prime duty
- Here the example is given of the Deities in the house of a professional brahmana because such Deities are not at all attractive. The friends of Krsna, in the absence of Krsna, were appearing like such neglected Deities
- His (Dhruva Maharaja's) stepmother had said that because he was born from the womb of Suniti, a neglected queen of Maharaja Uttanapada, Dhruva Maharaja was not fit to sit either on the throne or on his father's lap
- His order is never neglected. Lord Śiva is always pure, and no one but you envies him
- History repeats itself, and what was occurring in the past will recur again and again when there is necessity. Whenever the authority of the Lord is neglected, the penalties dealt by the laws of nature are always there
- How is it that he neglected his own daughter, who was the most exalted and chaste woman, a great soul, and who therefore deserved the most respectful treatment from her father
- Human society without religion - animal society. This is the plain fact. Why are people unhappy now? Because they are neglecting religion
- I am (Mother Earth) being neglected by kings who are not punishing these rascals who have turned into thieves by using grains for sense gratification. Consequently I have hidden all these seeds, which were meant for the performance of sacrifice
- I am not neglecting my health. I am improving gradually. The swelling is almost 80% down and there is an improvement in my appetite, and once again I am translating at night
- I am present in every living entity as the Supersoul. If someone neglects or disregards that Supersoul everywhere and engages himself in the worship of the Deity in the temple, that is simply imitation
- I explained this morning partially, that actually we are seeking love of God beginning with the body. That I have explained in this morning, that we love this body because I live within this body. As soon as I give up this body, the body is neglected
- I have not finished chanting my regular number of rounds. How, then, can I eat? But you have brought maha-prasadam, and how can I neglect it
- I have rejected the real purpose of my life. - Adhama means valueless things. And dhana means valuables. So actually, everyone of us, neglecting our spiritual emanicipation, we are engaged in material sense gratification
- I should not be envious and think that for the deer my own welfare will be destroyed. I should certainly raise, protect, gratify and fondle it. When it has taken shelter with me, how can I neglect it?
- I think every home has got a Bhagavad-gita. But you do not study; you neglect it. That is your fault
- I was engaged in the service of the Lord, but due to my misfortune, I became very affectionate to a small deer, so much so that I neglected my spiritual duties. Due to my deep affection for the deer, in my next life I had to accept the body of a deer
- If a king neglects to give such instructions (how to observe the divisions of varna and ashram) and is simply satisfied with levying taxes, then those who share in the collection are liable to share in the impious activities of the general masses
- If he (Arjuna) abandoned the battle (of Kuruksetra), he would not only neglect his specific duty as a ksatriya, but he would lose all his fame and good name and thus prepare his royal road to hell. BG 1972 purports
- If He is not satisfied, then one's labor for advancement is futile. He is the ultimate Self, and therefore one who does not satisfy Him certainly neglects his own interests
- If in spite of this instruction you decide to go, neglecting my words, the future will not be good for you. You are most respectable, and when you are insulted by your relative, this insult will immediately be equal to death
- If one neglects his duties, however, he becomes a transgressor and a candidate for a hellish condition
- If one neglects the instructions of the six Gosvamis and yet becomes a so-called devotee of Radha-Krsna, he merely criticizes the real devotees of Radha-Krsna
- If they (the brahmanas) do not do something to relieve the distressed condition of human society, it is said that due to such neglect their spiritual knowledge diminishes
- If this (Varnasrama) system is neglected & the qualities & divisions of society are not considered, the result will be brahma-vit-ksatra-sudranam yo bali bhavita nrpah: the so-called caste system of brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya & sudra will be meaningless
- If we neglect even for a moment our routine, work, if we allow the regular programme to become slack then everything else we may try will fail
- If we neglect these principles, Maya will capture us immediately. Maya is always ready. We are in the ocean, and at any moment we may be disturbed. Therefore one who is not disturbed at all is called paramahamsa
- If we neglecting the rules and regulation, if we have to accept the body of a dog, just imagine how much displeasing it will be
- If you accept natural death and natural body, then your karma ksaya, you annihilate your karma, but if you commit suicide, then you become ghost. Because nature's punishment. You got a body and you neglected it
- If your preaching work is strong, automatically management will be easy. And preaching work is strong if our routine work is strong. Never neglect our regular program and that will be your success
- If, however, you do not fight this religious war, then you will certainly incur sins for neglecting your duties and thus lose your reputation as a fighter. BG 2.33 - 1972
- Imperfect senses. We are gathering imperfect knowledge. But we don't neglect knowledge. We give credit to the philosophers, scientists. But we advise them that "Your research work should be for God, not for any temporary physical or chemical compound"
- In due course of time, the principles of varnasrama-dharma had become neglected; therefore through His personal characteristics and behavior, He taught the ignorant public how to perform duties within the varnasrama-dharma
- In Kali-yuga, however, because the varnasrama system is neglected, people are generally thieves and rogues
- In Krsna-Balarama Temple in Vrndavana, there is a tamala tree that covers an entire corner of the courtyard. Before there was a temple the tree was lying neglected, but now it has developed very luxuriantly. This is a sign of bhuri-punya
- In modern human society, spiritual knowledge is neglected, and cow killing is encouraged. It is to be understood, then, that human society is advancing in the wrong direction and is clearing the path to its own condemnation. BG 1972 purports
- In Satya-yuga, the religious principles are observed in full, without deviation. In Treta-yuga, however, these principles are somewhat neglected, and only three fourths of the religious duties continue
- In the age of Kali, the women and the children, along with brahmanas and cows, will be grossly neglected and left unprotected
- In the beginning you may be very liberal: "All right, chant." We do like that, and I have done it. There is no regulation. But that does not..., that it should be neglected
- In the CC, descriptions of the creative energy and the Lord's hand in it are explained, and the author of CC has warned the neophyte devotees to be seriously on guard against the pitfall of neglecting knowledge about Krsna in regard to how great He is
- In the disciplic succession of the Brahma-sampradaya, the practice of yoga meditation is not neglected
- In the human body, the most important part is the head, then the arms, the belly and the legs. Although the head is considered to be the most important part, there is no question of neglecting the legs or any other part
- In the modern state the government has many rules and regulations for conducting the duties of the prajas, but the government neglects to see that the citizens advance in spiritual knowledge
- In the present age of Kali there will eventually be a great scarcity of water (anavrsti), for the general populace, due to ignorance and the scarcity of yajnic ingredients, will neglect to perform yajnas
- In the present age, consideration of the necessary qualification is being neglected, and the false birthright claim is being supported even by a popular, sophisticated poet, the author of Rama-carita-manasa
- In this case, however, for the sake of more lucrative remunerations from the King of heaven, Vasistha neglected Maharaja Nimi's request on this planet, and when Nimi performed the sacrifices with other priests, Vasistha unnecessarily cursed him
- Indra further declared, "These cowherd men in Vrndavana have neglected my authority on the advice of this talkative boy who is known as Krsna. He is nothing but a child, and by believing this child, they have enraged me"
- Is it not a service to the humanity to give real knowledge? But the service to the body is not neglected. Just like we are giving this knowledge to the world, it does not mean that we are starving, or anyone who comes to us, he will starve
- It (our body) must be kept very carefully, without any neglect. Just like you are taking care of the temple because it is Krsna's place. Similarly, we should not take overcare, but some care we should take so that we may not fall diseased
- It appears that Devahuti's hair had remained uncombed for many years and had become complicated in tangles. In other words, she neglected her bodily dress and comforts to engage in the service of her husband
- It is in one's own self-interest to execute prescribed devotional service, and anyone who neglects this process neglects his own self-interest
- It is not by education or grammatical knowledge you can learn anything. No. It is by the grace of the SPG. And that grace comes down through the grace of guru. That grace also does not come directly. We should not be neglecting this point
- It is said: "Out of millions and millions of people, only a few are interested in Krsna consciousness." Do not neglect this information; it is very rare
- It is very clear to understand the science of God. Why you should neglect and by, mislead ourself by understanding some misleading interpretation? That is my mission. I want to establish throughout the world that krsnas tu bhagavan svayam
- It was astonishing that Daksa, who was Prajapati, the maintainer of all living entities, was so disrespectful to his own daughter, Sati, who was not only chaste but was also a great soul, that she gave up her body because of his neglect
- It was by His (Krsna's) mercy only that my enemies neglected to kill me (Arjuna) when I descended from my chariot to get water for my thirsty horses
- Karttikeya addressed King Mucukunda, "But you left that kingdom, neglected your opulence and possessions, and never cared for fulfillment of your personal ambitions"
- King Pariksit thought: Due to my neglecting the injunctions of the Supreme Lord I must certainly expect some difficulty to overcome me in the near future
- King Puranjana repented that he had neglected his intelligence and had engaged himself in the forest in killing animals. In other words, when one's good intelligence is separated or neglected, he fully engages in sinful activities
- Krsna also declared at that meeting, "One who neglects the worship of Govardhana-puja, as I am personally conducting it, will not be happy"
- Krsna continued, "You (Rukmini) did not select any one of them as your husband but insisted on having Me. You neglected all the princes present, and very politely you sent Me a confidential letter inviting Me to kidnap you"
- Krsna said, "Better than the first class is the second class of men, who love in spite of the opposite party’s contrariness. Such sincere love can be seen when the father and mother love their children in spite of their children’s neglect"
- Krsna said, "The third class neither reciprocate nor neglect. They can be further divided into two classes
- Krsna said, "There are many snakes on Govardhana Hill, and persons neglecting the prescribed duty of Govardhana-puja will be bitten by these snakes and killed"
- Krsna was once addressed by His friend thus: "My dear Mukunda (Krsna), due to their being separated from You, the cowherd boys are standing just like neglected Deities in the house of a professional brahmana"
- Krsna went on speaking, "Your coming here to see Me, neglecting all the restrictions and hindrances of relatives, fathers, brothers and husbands, is completely befitting"
- Maharaja Priyavrata appears to have been so strict in maintaining this institution of varnasrama-dharma that anyone neglecting it would immediately flee from his presence as soon as the King warned him by fighting or administering light punishment
- Man-made laws may be evaded by cunning outlaws, but in the codes of the supreme lawmaker there is not the slightest possibility of neglecting the laws
- Material science comprises these ten items (namely earth, water, fire, air, sky and the five sense objects) and nothing more. But the other three items, namely mind, intelligence and false ego, are neglected by the materialists. BG 1972 purports
- Materialists spoil their valuable lives pursuing luxury and neglecting to perfect their lives through spiritual realization
- May Sanat-kumara protect me from lusty desires. As I begin some auspicious activity, may Lord Hayagriva protect me from being an offender by neglecting to offer respectful obeisances to the Supreme Lord
- Mental speculators neglect the process of devotional service, and by simply trying to defeat others in philosophical research they fail to develop the ecstasy of devotion
- My brother Arjuna, please tell me whether your health is all right. You appear to have lost your bodily luster. Is this due to others disrespecting and neglecting you because of your long stay at Dvaraka?
- My dear boy, I will give my daughter to you in charity, and I will neglect the position of all others. Don't doubt me in this regard; just accept my proposal
- Nanda Maharaja, however, did not want to neglect anything. To keep intact a happy society advanced in spiritual knowledge, he took full advantage of Gargamuni's presence to do what was necessary
- Naradhamas, or the lowest of mankind, willfully neglect the prime duty of the human being. BG 1972 purports
- Neglect and disobey the scriptures
- Neglect of restrictions and prohibitions is disadvantageous
- Niyamagraha, simply observing the rules. And niyamagraha also means that you should not neglect also the rules. You should not neglect the rules and regulation; at the same time you should not stick up to the rules and regulation
- No illicit sex, no. . . This is the method, and chanting is the process. Then you will remain strong. And if you neglect, then you become weak
- No one should be neglected as inferior; because Paramatma is seated in everyone's body, everyone should be respected as a temple of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- No one should follow the suicidal policy of neglecting one's supreme task of attaining the highest perfection of life, namely going back home, back to Godhead
- No one should neglect to control the mind. If one does, the mind becomes so powerful that one immediately forgets his real position
- Nobody is going to grow food grain. Then why you'll not starve? It is your fault. You are producing tire tube and iron instrument. You are neglecting agriculture
- Nondevotees may make a show of religion, but it is not very effective because although they ostentatiously attend a temple or church, they are thinking of something else. Such persons are neglecting their religious duty and are punishable by Yamaraja
- Now I have given you everything, but I do not see that even the basic principles of advancement in spiritual life are always there, and sometimes there is tendency to neglect what is our real purpose of life, namely, to become mad after Krsna
- O beloved husband, the fires, guests, servants and beggars are all being properly cared for by me. Because I always think of you, there is no possibility that any of the religious principles will be neglected
- O King, because of being neglected by the goddess of fortune, the demons and Raksasas were depressed, bewildered and frustrated, and thus they became shameless
- Of course we have to maintain the body; it is not that we should neglect it. But we should not unnecessarily engage in the maintenance of the body
- Of the two rules, Ramacandra Puri obeys the first by abandoning praise, but although he knows that the second is more prominent, he neglects it by criticizing others
- On account of neglect of the deity worship so many dirty-hearted persons have left. They had to leave. Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not want them to stay. This is the formula
- One has to execute devotional service according to his prescribed duties. Sva-karma-krt means that one should discharge the duties prescribed for him without neglect
- One should carefully observe the para-vidhi, although one may neglect the purva-vidhi
- One should employ himself in the Lord's service so that the Supreme Lord can take charge of him, and he will not be neglected by his so-called kinsmen
- One should neglect an envious person. A preacher’s duty is to love the Supreme Personality of Godhead, make friendships with Vaisnavas, show mercy to the innocent and reject or neglect those who are envious or jealous
- One should never neglect austerities and penances; one should always perform them. Lord Rsabhadeva personally showed us how to do this
- One should not neglect offering seasonal fruits as soon as they are available. (24) One should always offer fresh, untouched fruit to the Deity. (25) One should not sit with his back toward the Deity
- One should not pass air before the Deity. (21) One should not neglect the sixty-four items of Deity worship. (22) One should not eat anything not offered to the Deity
- One should not render devotional service just to increase his income. We want money to become happy, but if we take to Krsna consciousness, automatically we will become so happy that we will neglect money
- One who knows how to receive favors from the authority can receive them, but one who does not neglects these favors and does not receive them
- One who strictly follows religious principles must not neglect to provide all facilities for the complete protection of his wife. There may be some suffering because of this, but one must nevertheless endure it. That is the duty of a faithful husband
- Our only request is that you are all students - you do not neglect this subject matter, this science to understand what is the soul
- Our request is that such a great science, for the human society, for understanding the problems of life, how to solve it, how to achieve the greatest success in life... We have got this in the Bhagavad-gita. Why should we neglect it
- Out of great eagerness to see the Lord, they all neglected the regulative principles and, just to see the Lord's face, went to the place where the food was offered
- Parasurama fought with Bhismadeva when Bhisma neglected his warning. Both of them fought very severely, and at last Parasurama was pleased with Bhisma and gave him the benediction of becoming the greatest fighter in the world
- Persons of normal mental condition must obey the scriptural injunctions. Those who are not in such a position neglect and disobey the scriptures and manufacture their own way of austerities and penances. BG 1972 purports
- Pious activities and religious functions are performed with an aim to acquire some material gain, and if such material gain is obtainable in another way, this so-called religion is neglected. This can be seen in modern human civilization
- Please do not neglect him, thinking he belongs to a sudra family engaged in material activities. It is my request that You meet him without fail
- Practically there is no question of my neglecting the financial matters of the society, and similarly, you shall do as I am doing. That is your real business
- Prahlada Maharaja prayed: My Lord Nrsimha-deva, O Supreme, because of a bodily conception of life, embodied souls neglected and not cared for by You cannot do anything for their betterment
- Prasuti could understand that the dangers ahead resulted not only from Daksa's having neglected her daughter (Sati), but also because of his neglecting the prestige and honor of Lord Siva
- Present advancement of material civilisation, in the opinion of the Indian sages, is going in the wrong way because it has neglected the spiritual side of human constitution
- Present advancement of material civilization, in the opinion of the Indian sages, is going in the wrong way because it has neglected the spiritual side of human constitution
- Protection of the laborers should not be neglected, but special protection should be given to the upper orders
- Pundarika Vidyanidhi saw that the priest neglected to wash the cloth before covering Lord Jagannatha. Since he wanted to find some fault in the devotees, he became indignant
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya specially requested Caitanya that, I neglected this person, Ramananda Raya. He was talking with me about spiritual subject matter, very highly elevated, and that I thought that he was a sentimentalist, so I neglected him
- Sastra means the opinion of the great authorities, just like Vyasadeva, Parasara Muni, Narada Muni, modern acaryas. We do not neglect. We may differ from the philosophical point of view
- Sastra means the opinion of the great authorities, just like Vyasadeva, Parasara Muni, Narada Muni, modern acaryas. We do not neglect. We may differ from the philosophical point of view - just like Buddha, Sankaracarya
- She (the woman) also neglected to consider that by putting her foot on the shoulder of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, she offended the Supreme Personality of Godhead. These are both grievous offenses that displease the Supreme Lord and Vaisnavas
- So long as you are in the material world, you cannot neglect physical laws. Suppose you go to a jungle and there is a tiger. It is known that it will attack you, so why should you voluntarily go and be attacked
- Sometimes a great personality like Sukracarya cannot neglect sons and daughters, for sons and daughters are by nature dependent on their father and the father has affection for them
- Sometimes Christian priests come to us inquiring - Why are our followers neglecting our scriptures and accepting yours
- Sometimes learned scholars describe "predominating" to mean a person intolerant of being neglected
- Sometimes, due to their powerful positions, princes or government servants neglect the position of brahmanas and Vaisnavas, not knowing that because of their offense they will be ruined
- Sri Krsna assures the dvija-patnis in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.23.31-32): My dear dvija-patnis, rest assured that your husbands will not neglect you on your return, nor will your brothers, sons or fathers refuse to accept you
- Sri Paramananda Brahmacari one of Bhaktisiddhanta's disciples who reorganized the seva-puja (worship in the temple) and placed the temple under the management of the Sri Caitanya Matha of Sri Mayapur - when temple was very much neglected in Canpahati
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Being neglected by their husband and seeing Krtadyuti's opulence in possessing a son, Krtadyuti's co-wives always burned in envy, which became extremely strong
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has sung in many places that his real property is the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna. Unfortunately, we are interested in unreal property and are neglecting our real property
- Srila Rupa Gosvami instructs, prapancikataya buddhya hari-sambandhi-vastunah. The body fully engaged in Krsna's service should not be neglected as material. One who does neglect it is false in his renunciation
- Srila Rupa Gosvami mourns in this connection for persons who are in the fire of false renunciation, the dry speculative habit, and who neglect devotional service
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami continued: My dear King, O son of mother Uttara, there were some waves of dissatisfaction in the mind of Jada Bharata due to his being insulted by King Rahugana, who made him carry his palanquin, but Jada Bharata neglected this
- Svarupa Damodara replied, "It is the nature of a girl afflicted by love to become immediately angry upon finding any neglect on the part of her lover"
- The author of Caitanya-caritamrta has warned the neophyte devotees to be seriously on guard against the pitfall of neglecting knowledge about Krsna in regard to how great He is
- The Bhagavatam confirms as follows: Anyone who does not render service and neglects his duty unto the Primeval Lord, who is the source of all living entities, will certainly fall down from his constitutional position. BG 1972 purports
- The causeless mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is neglected by such demoniac persons, who cannot understand the instructions of Bhagavad-gita and who therefore misinterpret them
- The death of Sati because of her being neglected by Daksa, her father, was most astonishing to all the great demigods of the universe
- The demons continued to say, “If there is some disease in the body which is neglected, it worsens and becomes incurable. Similarly, we must now be very careful of the demigods (disease for the demons) before they get too strong to be subdued
- The demons have now neglected such injunctions (that a woman should not be given freedom), and they think that women should be given as much freedom as men. However, this has not improved the social condition of the world. BG 1972 purports
- The demons, being neglected by the goddess of fortune, were very depressed. Then Varuni, the goddess of drinking, was generated (during the churning of the ocean of milk), and by the order of Lord Visnu the demons accepted her
- The doormen said: It is quite apt that you have punished us for neglecting to respect sages like you. But we pray that due to your compassion at our repentance, the illusion of forgetting the SPG will not come upon us as we go progressively downward
- The entire system of Vaisnava activities is based on Vedanta philosophy. Vaisnavas do not neglect Vedanta, but they do not care to understand Vedanta on the basis of the Sariraka-bhasya commentary
- The evidence of the Pancaratras cannot be neglected. Only untrained persons who have not genuinely studied the Pancaratras think that the Pancaratras contradict the srutis regarding the birth or beginning of the living entity
- The foolish politicians are crying that at any moment the world may go to hell. That is the result of the advancement of material knowledge and the neglect of the most important part of life, the culture of spiritual knowledge
- The government doesn't want further development of Vrndavana. They are neglecting the city in such a way that no gentleman will go there. The old city is so... Formerly, it was planned that "So many pilgrims come here. It should be nicely developed"
- The great sages began to think that although a brahmana is peaceful and impartial because he is equal to everyone, it is still not his duty to neglect poor humans. By such neglect, a brahmana's spiritual power diminishes
- The head may be very important part of the body, but you cannot neglect the legs. If you want to keep the body in fitness, then the brain must work nicely, the hand must work nicely, the belly must work nicely, and the legs also must
- The heart is the most important part of the body, whereas the back is the most neglected part. When one is attacked by an enemy one is apt to endure attacks from the back and protect himself carefully from all attacks on the chest
- The husband and wife, there may be sometimes disagreement, but according to Vedic literature, when there is fight or disagreement between husband and wife, it should be neglected. Nobody take it seriously
- The King (Pariksit) was right to punish his subject for coldly receiving him or neglecting him, but because the culprit was a sage and a brahmana, it was unprecedented
- The King repented having banished his boy, for Dhruva was only five years old and a father should not banish his wife and children or neglect their maintenance
- The King, not received by any formal welcome by means of being offered a seat, place, water and sweet addresses, considered himself neglected, and so thinking he became angry
- The Lord forces them (who neglect & disobey the scriptures) to take birth in the womb of demoniac persons. Consequently they will live by demoniac principles life after life without knowing their relationship with the SP of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The neglect of this prescribed duty of a householder (it is the duty of a householder to feed first of all the children, the old members of the family, the brahmanas and the invalids), especially in the matter of the old men and children, is unpardonable
- The offenses against the holy name are as follows: (1) to blaspheme a devotee of the Lord, (2) to consider the Lord and the demigods to be on the same level or to think that there are many gods, (3) to neglect the orders of the spiritual master
- The only problem that we face is that we are neglecting to understand the supreme powerful
- The powerful Sukracarya was angry for a few moments, but upon being satisfied he said to Vrsaparva: My dear King, kindly fulfill the desire of Devayani, for she is my daughter and in this world I cannot give her up or neglect her
- The principles of the parampara system were strictly honored in previous ages but in the present age, Kali-yuga, people neglect the importance of this system of srauta-parampara, or receiving knowledge by disciplic succession
- The Puranas, or old histories, are sometimes neglected by unintelligent men who consider their descriptions mythological. Actually, the descriptions of the Puranas, or the old histories of the universe, are factual, although not chronological
- The relationship is something like that between the father and the son; the father is always anxious for the welfare of the son, even though the son forgets or neglects the father
- The soul is the real substance, and the body is only a covering. Therefore neglect of the soul is a form of dharmasya glanih, pollution of duty
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead replied, "My dear wives of the brahmanas, rest assured that your husbands will not neglect you on your return, nor will your brothers, sons or fathers refuse to accept you"
- The temple there (in Canpahati) was very much neglected, but it was renovated in the Bengali year 1328 (A.D. 1921) by Sri Paramananda Brahmacari - one of Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s disciples
- The use of the word manisaya is very appropriate, for it indicates that since both Narada Muni and Lord Brahma are authorized to give instruction, Priyavrata should neglect neither of them but should use his intelligence to follow the advice of both
- The Vaisnava philosoph recommends yukta-vairagya. It is not that all attention should be diverted for the maintenance of the body, but at the same time one's bodily maintenance should not be neglected
- The Vaisnava philosophy recommends yukta-vairagya. It is not that all attention should be diverted for the maintenance of the body, but at the same time one's bodily maintenance should not be neglected
- The Vedic system of varna and asrama is never to be neglected, for these divisions are created by the Supreme Lord Himself for the upkeep of social and religious order in human society
- The wife of King Citraketu said (after the death of their son): If the bonds of affection You (the Lord) have created are disturbed by fruitive action, no one will raise children with affection; instead, everyone will cruelly neglect his children
- The wife of King Puranjana was lying on the ground because she was neglected by her husband. Actually the woman must always be protected by her husband. We always speak of the goddess of fortune as being placed on the chest of Narayana
- The wives of Kamsa and his brothers said, "We know that Krsna is the S P of Godhead. He is the supreme master and supreme enjoyer of everything; therefore, one who neglects His authority can never be happy, and ultimately, as you have, he meets death"
- The word anatmya is significant. Atmya means "the life of the soul," so this word indicates that although Daksa appeared to be living, actually he was a dead body, otherwise how could he neglect Sati, who was his own daughter?
- The words ko vicaste gatim atmano yatha indicate that when one is puffed up by the false prestige of possessing material opulence, he certainly neglects the goal of self-realization. This is the position of the modern world
- There are many, so many theories for avoiding God consciousness. But that's not very practical. Therefore in the Kali-yuga, it is said, dharma satyam, the truth is neglected, the dharma is neglected. It is reduced
- There are some of my Godbrothers here in India who had constant personal association with Guru Maharaja, but who are neglecting his orders
- There are two kinds of controllers, or lords: one who is independent is called controller, and one whose orders cannot be neglected by anyone is called controller
- There is no question of ill treating of our own Godbrothers simply because they are sick, nor should you allow such neglect to go on. So long we have this material body there will be sickness
- There is no question of neglect. All scientific treatment is going on. But I think Ayur Vedic medicine will be proper. Therefore I request you to take immediate steps and reply me
- There is one easy weapon with which the mind can be conquered - neglect
- There is so much quarrel and trouble all over the world because India has failed in her duty by neglecting this responsible work
- These (women, children, brahmanas and cows being neglected and unprotected) are some of the symptoms of the Kali age which are harmful to the general welfare of human society
- These so-called philanthropists or altruists, they take a section only, do good to them, but neglect others. Neglect others. Or others are enemies. But a sadhu is equipoised. He takes compassion for all kinds of living entities
- They (people of the modern age) are simply developing the qualities of rajas (passion) and tamas (ignorance), neglecting the other quality of nature, sattva (goodness), and the brahminical qualifications. Therefore the entire society is in chaos
- They (the brahmanas) could finally understand their mistake; engaged in the performance of Vedic rituals, they had neglected the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had appeared just like an ordinary human being and asked for some food
- They (the followers of the Patanjali system) are most unfortunate because although they have a personal conception of the Absolute Truth, they neglect to render devotional service to the Lord and thus fall down again into the material world
- They (the people of Kali-yuga) will be busy in ghora-rupa activities, horrible and fierceful activities, not yajna. They will neglect yajna. So then how your these bolts and nuts and rubber tires will help you? Therefore there is scarcity of anna
- This (neglecting the real discomforts of birth, death, old age, and disease) is our ignorance and our foolishness, and therefore Krsna comes to wake us up from this ignorance and take us back home, back to Godhead
- This (the neglect of the real qualification of a brahmana) is all due to the influence of the age of Kali. Thus mother earth, represented as a cow, was lamenting the regrettable condition
- This began in Treta-yuga and was especially prominent in Dvapara-yuga (dvapare paricaryayam). But in Kali-yuga, worship of the Deity is being neglected. Therefore chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is more powerful than Deity worship
- This is going on, so-called industrialization, producing unnecessary thing which is not required, and they are neglecting producing food grains
- This movement is very scientific, authorized, Vedic, and people are accepting them. Therefore I repeatedly request our Indian brothers, "Don't neglect. Take this movement very seriously." That is the only business of human life
- This the atheists do not know (at the time of death one must submit to the supreme kala and then He takes away all his possessions & forces him to accept another body), and if they do know, they neglect it so that they may go on with their normal life
- This uncontrolled mind is the greatest enemy of the living entity. If one neglects it or gives it a chance, it will grow more and more powerful and will become victorious. Although it is not factual, it is very strong
- Those who are completely pure in heart, they do not cause distress. Why, then, did Rsabhadeva neglect them?
- Those who are destined to be dispatched to the path of hell neglect Your (Krsna's) personal form because of speculating on material topics
- Those who are intelligent, they think that, "Why shall I neglect this point? I am not going to accept a body like a tree or a dog. If I accept a body, I must have a body very nice." One may not be interested in this fact, but others may be interested
- Those who are materialistic can go high up to Brahmaloka where Brahma is, but those who are Krsna conscious will reject even that. They neglect even the impersonal brahma-jyotir. They don't care for it
- Those who cannot strictly follow our principles, they should not come here. It is bad example. By mistake if somebody does, he should be regretful and he should rectify. That is another thing. But not willingly he should neglect
- Three kinds of evidences. So pratyaksa and aitihya is neglected. According to our Vedic system, sruti-pramana, if it is statement, the statement is there in the sruti, in the Vedas, then we accept
- To get out of this false struggle for existence and become happy in the material world, one has to control the mind and senses and be detached from material conditions. One should never neglect austerities and penances; one should always perform them
- Today I (Kardama Muni) am very much pleased with you (Devahuti) for your great devotion and most excellent loving service. Since the body is so dear to embodied beings, I am astonished that you have neglected your own body to use it on my behalf
- Try to understand the situation, what is Brahman, what you are. We are also Brahman. Aham brahmasmi. These things are to be known. And when we neglect to understand these things, that means we are going to the wrong way of life
- Understanding that he was born in a brahmana family, people would call him a brahma-bandhu and other names. Being thus insulted and neglected by materialistic people, he wandered here and there
- Until now we have simply wasted so much of our time in sense gratification, neglecting to cultivate knowledge of the Supreme Lord
- Upeksa. Neglect him, because he has no intention to learn. He has come to simply waste time
- Vaisnavas do not neglect Vedanta, but they do not care to understand Vedanta on the basis of the Sariraka-bhasya. Therefore, to clarify the situation, Caitanya, with the permission of the Mayavadi sannyasis, wanted to speak regarding Vedanta philosophy
- Vedas says cow dung is pure. That is neglected. Dog stool is pure. This is their intelligence. They give signboard - Littering illegal
- Vidura inquired: Why was Daksa, who was so affectionate towards his daughter, envious of Lord Siva, who is the best among the gentle? Why did he neglect his daughter Sati?
- We are busy trying to arrange for temporary comforts in this life, but we are neglecting the real discomforts of birth, death, old age, and disease
- We are not neglecting material. Just like you are taking care of your body, I am also taking care of my body. But the difference is that I am not thinking that I am this body, but others, they are thinking that they are this body
- We are watering all parts of the tree, but missing the tree's root. We are trying to keep our body fit by all means, but we are neglecting to supply foodstuffs to the stomach. Missing Krsna means missing one's self also
- We have neglected the real problems of life. And we are misusing our intelligence for constructing big buildings and constructing or increasing the so-called bodily necessities of life
- We must not neglect them, for the demigods are our determined enemies. We must be careful to protect ourselves. To root them out from their very existence, we should just engage ourselves in your service and be always ready for your command
- We should always understand that granthas, or the scriptures, should be worshiped as God. That is sound incarnation of God. It should not be neglected. Don't neglect Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata as ordinary books
- We sometimes see a beloved wife becoming proud of her position and then frustrated due to some neglect. She then gives up caring for her appearance, accepts dirty clothes and morosely sits on the ground and draws lines with her nails
- What is this body? It is to be neglected? "Yes." Asocyan anvasocas tvam: "It is not to be lamented"
- Whatever remedies they (embodies souls neglected and not cared for by Lord Nrsimhadeva) accept, although perhaps temporarily beneficial, are certainly impermanent
- When a person is devoid of devotional service, or visnu-bhakti, he takes to many sinful activities. King Puranjana left home, neglected his own wife and engaged himself in killing animals. This is the position of all materialistic men
- When a woman is neglected and disappointed, out of egoistic pride she gives up her ornaments and morosely sits down on the ground, marking lines on it with her nails
- When he (King Puranjana) saw her (his wife) lying down on the ground without a bed, as if neglected, and devoid of any proper dress, he became very much aggrieved. He then became attracted to her and began to enjoy her company
- When Krsna disappeared from the scene of the rasa dance, all the gopis began to repent, saying, "Dear Krsna! We have come here and have left aside our husbands, sons, relatives, brothers and friends! Neglecting their advice, we have come to You"
- When maha-prasadam is not available, there must be fasting, but when the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly orders one to take prasadam, neglecting such an opportunity is offensive
- When Raghunatha dasa neglected to invite Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for two consecutive months, the Lord, the son of Saci, questioned Svarupa Damodara
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is distributing prasadam with His transcendental hand, who will neglect such an opportunity and accept the regulative principle of fasting
- When the government neglects agriculture, which is necessary for the production of food, the land becomes covered with unnecessary trees
- When there was a forest fire all of Krsna's friends neglected their own protection and surrounded Krsna on all sides to protect Him from the flames
- When they (the Pracetas) came out (of the water), they saw that everything had been neglected due to the King's (Pracinabarhisat) absence. They first observed that food grains were not being produced and that there were no agricultural activities
- When we chant Hare Krsna, Rama is there already, three times. It is not that because we are chanting Hare Krsna we are neglecting Rama. No. With each Krsna name there are three times Rama name. That is the verdict of the sastra
- When we quit this gross body, the subtle body carries me to another gross body. This is the law of transmigration. It is not the question of belief. It is a fact that if we neglect to study this scientific knowledge, then we are missing the opportunity
- Whenever men neglect the authority of the Lord, nature and her laws are there to penalize them. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita in the well-known verse yada yada hi dharmasya glanih
- Whenever there is gross misuse or neglect of the principles of religion, the Supreme Lord appears Himself to restore religious principles
- Wherever there is opportunity to instruct about this spiritual subject matter, we must go there. We should not have such discrimination that city should be neglected. No
- Who else but the gross materialists will neglect such transcendental thought and take to the nonpermanent names only, seeing the mass of people fallen in the river of suffering as the consequence of accruing the result of their own work
- Why should people neglect the association of such exalted spiritual personalities (sadhus, who think of Krsna twenty-four hours a day) and try to associate with materialists, taking shelter of nondevotees, most of whom are proud and rich - SB 10.10.18
- Why they (medical science) are neglecting these problems (birth, death, old age and disease)? What is their remedy for these problems? Is there any remedy for these four things?
- Why you should neglect the animal community
- Without hesitation, one should take exclusive shelter of Krsna with full confidence, giving up bad association and even neglecting the regulative principles of the four varnas and four asramas. That is to say, one should abandon all material attachment
- Yogamaya very faithfully received the Lord's order as a Vedic injunction. It is a fact that whatever is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead is a Vedic injunction that no one should neglect
- Yogis try to control their senses and thus become happy, but a Krsna conscious person neglects the methods of yoga. He is unconcerned with the greatest of enemies, the senses, which are compared to snakes
- You and Lord Visnu never neglect even useless, unqualified brahmanas. Why, then, should you neglect me, who am engaged in performing sacrifices?
- You are responsible to train so many children in the highest knowledge of life, so that cannot be neglected in any way. You are also doing editing work, so I think that in these two ways you can remain yourself always busy in devotional service
- You are so much devoted to the demigods, but who are they? Indeed, your affection for these demigods is exactly like the affection of an unchaste woman who neglects her married life and gives all attention to her paramour
- You have neglected. My charge is that you have neglected. Bhagavad-gita is there. Bhagavad-gita is spoken in India. Bhagavad-gita is there. I think every home has got a Bhagavad-gita. But you do not study; you neglect it. That is your fault