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Pages in category "Mango"
The following 82 pages are in this category, out of 82 total.
- A mango tree on the bank of the Ganges drinks the water, and the nimba tree also drinks the same water. But the fruits of both trees are different. One is celestially sweet, and the other is hellishly bitter
- A tree is honored by the production of its fruit. For example, a mango tree is considered very valuable because it produces the king of all fruits, the mango
- All these conclusions are like the newly grown twigs of a mango tree; they are always pleasing to the devotees, who in this way resemble cuckoo birds
- Among the fruits were many varieties of coconuts and mangoes, bananas, berries, jackfruits, dates, tangerines, oranges, blackberries, santaras, grapes, almonds and all kinds of dried fruit
- Among them were mandaras, parijatas, patalas, asokas, campakas, cutas, piyalas, panasas, mangoes, amratakas, kramukas, coconut trees, date trees and pomegranates
- At each and every gate there were burning lamps and big waterpots decorated with differently colored cloth, strings of pearls, flower garlands and hanging mango leaves
- I have seen that in the month of April, May, June, we can get mangoes. That is our direct experience
- I therefore request you & Gaurasundara to come to San Francisco during Rathayatra festival with sufficient mangos & you will see the Rathayatra & I have got some serious talks with Gaurasundara & yourself for organizing New Navadvipa
- If the mango is tasted by the parrot, it becomes doubly tasty. The word suka means parrot, and Sukadeva Gosvami spoke Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is therefore more relishable from his lips
- If we want to purchase a mango from the market, we must at least know what type of food a mango is and what it looks like. Similarly, we must have some preliminary knowledge of the qualifications for a bona fide spiritual master
- If you take a nice fruit, mango, the taste is pleasing. That is called rasa, that taste. Anyway, anything enjoy, there is a rasa. Rasa. You love somebody, you kiss somebody, embrace somebody, there is a rasa
- In different countries there are different types of fruit trees. In India the mango and jackfruit trees are prominent, and in other places there are mango trees, jackfruit trees, coconut trees and berry trees
- In Hawaii there are so many jungles, enough food. Mango, and many others - banana, pineapple, guava, so many fruits. So going to the jungle means to be free from food problem, enough food. And then water... Water is river
- In India a mango is considered best when it is red and yellow, its seed is very small, its skin is very thin, and it is so palatable that if a person eats one fruit he will be satisfied. The mango is considered the king of all fruits
- In Miami there are so many mangos and coconuts. I am enjoying the dobs from Florida. The orange ones especially are very nice. I am taking one each day
- In the forest he (Jarasandha's father, king of Magadha) was blessed by one great rsi to have a son, and he gave him one mango to be eaten by the queens. The queens did so and were very soon pregnant
- In the material world there is a difference between form and name. The mango fruit is different from the name of the mango. One cannot taste the mango fruit simply by chanting "mango, mango, mango
- In the material world there is a difference between form and name. The mango fruit is different from the name of the mango. One cannot taste the mango fruit simply by chanting, "Mango, mango, mango"
- In the material world, one can get oranges from an orange tree or mangoes from a mango tree, but there is no possibility of getting oranges from a mango tree or vice versa
- In the spiritual world there are kalpa-vrksa trees, which yield whatever type of fruit we desire. In the material world a mango tree cannot supply grapes, nor can a grapevine supply mangoes
- In the spiritual world, if we take a mango from a tree and at the same time desire grapes, the tree will supply them. This is called a "desire tree." These are some of the actualities of the spiritual world
- In this way the Lord performed sankirtana every day, and at the end of sankirtana there was a mango-eating festival every day for twelve months
- In this way, from distant villages he collects excellent bananas, mangoes, oranges, jackfruits and whatever other first-class fruits he has heard about
- In this world we get mangoes from mango trees and apples from apple trees, but there (Krsnaloka) from any tree one can get whatever he desires
- It is the poetic cuckoo that eats the seeds of the mango. The unfortunate transcendentalists simply speculate on dry philosophy, whereas the transcendentalists who are in love with Radha and Krsna enjoy fruit just like the cuckoo
- Kalidasa presented the mangoes to Jhadu Thakura and offered him respectful obeisances. Then he also offered respectful obeisances to the Thakura's wife
- Krsna was dressed in glowing garments of yellow, Balarama in blue, and They held new twigs of mango tree, peacock feathers and bunches of flowers in Their hands
- Krsna's body resembles the sap of the mango tree, for when it enters the minds of women, it will not come out, despite great endeavor. Thus Krsna's extraordinary body is like a thorn of the seya berry tree
- Lake Bindu-sarovara was adorned by flowering trees such as kadamba, campaka, asoka, karanja, bakula, asana, kunda, mandara, kutaja and young mango trees
- Let me know when is the best time for my coming there. Of course the mango season is best, so please inform me so I can make out my schedule, and you can make all arrangements
- Lord Caitanya distributed this Krsna consciousness langera mango very cheaply, but people are so foolish that they think, - Oh, they are simply chanting Hare Krsna; what is there to it
- Mango seeds are very relishable, and those in the devotional service of Radha and Krsna enjoy them
- Mango trees, coconut palms and plantain trees are still accepted as auspicious signs
- Mangoes, very good. The mango I like very much. Mango is the king of all fruit. Do you accept it or not?
- My Guru Maharaja never took mango throughout his whole life. Whenever mango was offered, he would say, "Oh, I am a offender. I cannot take that"
- My spiritual master used to say that if you take a langera mango, which is a first-class, topmost quality mango in India, very costly, very sweet and very tasteful, and go from door to door and try to distribute it freely, people will doubt
- On the lower slopes of Mandara Mountain is a mango tree named Devacuta. It is 1,100 yojanas high. Mangoes as big as mountain peaks and as sweet as nectar fall from the top of this tree for the enjoyment of the denizens of heaven
- On the top of the mango tree there is a very ripened fruit, and that fruit has to be tasted. So if I drop the fruit from up, it will be lost. Therefore it is handed over, after one, after one
- One can get whatever he wants from the parijata tree - oranges, mangoes, bananas and so on. This tree is found in the spiritual world
- Seeing the quality of the mangoes, the Lord was greatly satisfied, and thus after eating first, He fed all the other devotees
- Signs of decoration in special festivals were also collected from the gifts of nature, such as the plantain trees, the mango trees, fruits and flowers
- Some of the demons took digging instruments and broke down the bridges, the protective walls and the gates (gopuras) of the cities. Some took axes and began cutting the important trees that produced mango, jackfruit and other sources of food
- Sometimes there were nimba leaves, sometimes bael leaves, mango leaves, asvattha leaves or amalaki leaves. Similarly, there were panca-gavya, panca-sasya & panca-ratna. Although Nanda Maharaja belonged to the vaisya community, everything was known to him
- Standing like flagstaffs on the summits of these four mountains are a mango tree, a rose apple tree, a kadamba tree and a banyan tree. Those trees are calculated to have a width of 100 yojanas (800 miles) and a height of 1,100 yojanas (8,800 miles)
- Sweet rice mixed with ghee was poured into an earthen pot and mixed with canpa-kala, condensed milk and mango
- The city gateway, the household doors & festooned arches along the roads were all nicely decorated with festive signs like plantain trees & mango leaves, all to welcome the Lord. Flags, garlands & painted signs & slogans all combined to shade the sunshine
- The condemned bitterness of the nimba is due to its own past work, just as the sweetness of the mango is also due to its own karma
- The cuckoo, they try to eat the mango fruit flower when small, and the crow, they eat that Neem tree fruit. So amongst the birds also, there is discrimination according to the quality
- The cuckoolike devotees have very sweet voices with which to chant the holy name of the Lord and taste the sweet fruit of the mango tree of love of Godhead. Such devotees relish sweet mellows with the Lord
- The example of a mango can be given here. If one gets an unripe mango, it is still a mango, and when it is ripe it remains the same mango, but it has become more tasteful and relishable
- The forests on the shore of the Yamuna are all beautiful gardens full of trees of mango, jackfruit, apples, guava, oranges, grapes, berries, palmfruit and so many other plants and fragrant flowers
- The gopis continued, "Have you seen Madhava passing this way? O mango trees, O trees of jackfruit, O pear trees and asana trees"
- The gopis said, 'O cuta tree, priyala tree, panasa, asana and kovidara! O jambu tree, O arka tree, O bel, bakula and mango! O kadamba tree, O nipa tree and all other trees living on the bank of the Yamuna for the welfare of others'
- The Lord then sowed a mango seed in the yard, and immediately the seed fructified into a tree and began to grow
- The Sanskrit word rasa means juice, just like the juice of an orange or a mango. And the author of the Srimad-Bhagavatam requests that you kindly try to taste the rasa, or juice, of the fruit of the Bhagavatam
- The sweet, fragrant honey oozing from newly grown mango buds is again and again attracting groups of bumblebees, and this forest is trembling in the softly moving breezes from the Malaya Hills, which are full of sandalwood trees
- The temple of Bhuvanesvara is situated about five to six miles from Balakaticati. The temple of Lord Siva is mentioned in the Skanda Purana, in the narration about the Lord’s garden and the one mango tree
- The unfortunate transcendentalists simply speculate on dry philosophy, whereas the transcendentalists who are in love with Radha and Krsna are just like cuckoos enjoying the buds of the mango tree of love of Godhead
- The whole devotional process is purificatory process. The more he is purified, he becomes high-class devotee. But the process is the path of liberation. Just like mango. The green mango, this green mango will be ripe mango. The same mango
- The whole of Kailasa Hill is decorated with various kinds of trees, of which the following names may be mentioned: mandara, parijata, sarala, tamala, tala, kovidara, asana, arjuna, amra-jati (mango), kadamba, dhuli-kadamba, naga, punnaga and campaka
- There are mango trees, priyala, madhuka and inguda. Besides these there are other trees, like thin bamboos, kicaka and varieties of other bamboo trees, all decorating the tract of Kailasa Hill
- There is a special preparation in Bengal wherein chipped rice is mixed with curd and sometimes with sandesa and mango. It is a very palatable food offered to the Deity and then distributed to the public
- There was a great Vaisnava named Jhadu Thakura, who belonged to the bhunimali caste. Kalidasa went to his home, taking mangoes with him
- There were curd, fruit juice, coconut, mango, dried coconut, jackfruit, various kinds of bananas and palm-fruit seeds
- There were sugar-candy sweetmeats formed into the shape of orange, lemon and mango trees and arranged with fruits, flowers and leaves
- Vrajapura, the residence of Nanda Maharaja, was fully decorated with varieties of festoons and flags, and in different places, gates were made with varieties of flower garlands, pieces of cloth, and mango leaves - SB 10.5.6
- Vrndavana forest improved from the rains and was replete with ripened dates, mangoes, blackberries and other fruits. Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, along with His boyfriends & Balarama, entered the forest to enjoy the new seasonal atmosphere
- Water mixed with yogurt, sandalwood pulp and flowers was sprinkled all around the doors, which were also decorated with burning lamps of different sizes. Over all the doors were decorations of fresh mango leaves and silk festoons
- When the mango fruit becomes ripened it is the greatest gift of that tree, and Srimad-Bhagavatam is similarly held to be the ripened fruit of the Vedic tree
- Why has this man brought this langera mango? Why is he trying to distribute it freely? There must be some motive behind it
- You will be glad to know that I have received your mangos just yesterday and they were so first class. Thank you very much. Now they are all finished
- Your description of different fruits and flowers, especially mangos, are very attractive for me. Last year, when I went to your place, I was attracted more from the same description, but it was rainy season and there was not much of the local fruits