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- Among the kavis, Usana, Sukracarya, was the spiritual master of the demons
- Among these branches, Rupa and Sanatana were principal. Anupama, Jiva Gosvami and others, headed by Rajendra, were their subbranches
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings that among the senses, the tongue is the most formidable and difficult to control
- A dance in the midst of many girls is called a rasa dance. So Krsna began to dance among the most beautiful and fortunate girls within the three worlds. The gopis of Vrndavana, who were so attracted to Him, danced with Krsna, hand in hand
- A demon named Vatsasura entered among the calves and was killed, and another asura, in the shape of a big duck, was also killed
- A direct incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is called amsa or svamsa, whereas an incarnation from amsa is called kala. Among the kalas there are the vibhinnamsa-jivas, or living entities. These are counted among the jiva-tattvas
- A human being must be trained in the above-mentioned (in SB 7.11.8-12) thirty qualities; otherwise, he is not even a human being. Then, among such qualified persons, the varnasrama process should be introduced
- A king controls and rules in various ways among citizens; similarly, one who can control his senses is the king of his senses. He is a svami or gosvami. The svamis and gosvamis are therefore sometimes addressed as maharaja, or king
- A learned and gentle brahmana is the embodiment of nature's mode of goodness. Among the beasts, the cow is the embodiment of this same mode of goodness
- A parent who does not know how to save his son has no value because such fathers and mothers may be had in any form of life, even among the cats, dogs and so on
- A person is considered no better than a crow if after receiving some food, he does not divide it among guests, old men and children, but simply eats it himself, or if he eats it without performing the five kinds of sacrifice
- A person may be relieved from sins once, but it is a practice among Christians to confess sins and yet commit them again. By getting freed from sins and again engaging in them, one cannot attain freedom from the pangs of material existence
- A person on the verge of death remains in a coma for many days before giving up the body. This is common among so-called leaders and politicians who think that without their presence the entire country and all society will be in chaos. This is maya
- A person who is chief among all important persons is called all-honorable
- A sinful son causes a person's reputation to vanish. His irreligious activities at home cause irreligion and quarrel among everyone, and this creates only endless anxiety
- A sinful son causes irreligion and quarrel among everyone
- A teacher's position is always influential; so your sincere effort for kirtana may be followed by some of your students and co-workers. This means that your sincere service will be utilized more fruitfully among educated people
- A Vaisnava sannyasi tries to increase his love for Godhead, make friendship with devotees and preach Krsna consciousness among the innocent, but he avoids the jealous who are envious of the Krsna consciousness movement
- Above the human form of life there are demigods, Caranas and Siddhas on up to Brahmaloka, where Lord Brahma lives, and among these demigods there are always different grades of knowledge
- According to Bhagavad-gita, because the leaders of society are bereft of all factual knowledge due to their atheistic way of life, they are actually sinful rascals and are the lowest among men
- According to Bhagavad-gita: Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth - BG 7.3
- According to his position and the time and circumstances, Vrtrasura, the hero among heroes, spoke words that were much to be appreciated by thoughtful men
- According to Muktika Upanisad, there are 108 Upanisads. Among these are: (1) Isa, (2) Kena, (3) Katha, (4) Prasna, (5) Mundaka, (6) Mandukya, (7) Tittiri, (8) Aitareya
- According to Muktika Upanisad, there are 108 Upanisads. Among these are: (9) Chandogya, (10) Brhad-aranyaka, (11) Brahma, (12) Kaivalya, (13) Javala, (14) Svetasva, (15) Hansa, (16) Arunih, (17) Garbha, (18) Narayana, etc
- According to Sridhara Svami, although the Bhagavatam (9.1.11-12) has previously included Iksvaku among the ten sons begotten by Manu in his wife Sraddha, this was a generalization
- According to the results of my fruitive activities, I transmigrate from one body to another, sometimes going to the species of the demigods, sometimes to the species of lower animals, sometimes among the vegetables, and sometimes to the human species
- According to Vedic system, amongst learned scholars, if one presents Vedic evidences, then his position is strong. Like one lawyer who quotes from the law book various bona fide quotations, the judgment is given in his favor because that is authorized
- Achyutananda is getting good opportunities to move amongst enlightened circle in Calcutta, so if some of our advanced students go to India for this purpose, that will be a great achievement
- Actually the king should be the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. For this reason he is called nara-devata, the Lord among human beings
- Actually, he is nothing but a small particle. This egotism (I am the doer of everything) is the root cause of suffering. Discuss all these, amongst yourselves & preach & inform these rascals, so-called civilized scientists & philosopher. That is preaching
- Actually, one should not explain Bhagavad-gita or any Vedic sastra unless one has agreed to become a disciple. But devotees are so kind that they preach even amongst the nondisciples just to take them to Krsna consciousness
- Addressing him (Akrura) as the chief among munificent men, Krsna said, "My dear uncle, it is already known to Me that the Syamantaka jewel was left by Satadhanva with you"
- After describing the branches and subbranches of Advaita Acarya, I shall now attempt to describe some of the descendants of Sri Gadadhara Pandita, the most important among the branches
- After receiving the remnants of food left by Lord Nityananda Prabhu, Raghunatha dasa, who was greatly happy, ate some and distributed the rest among his own associates
- After searching here and there, they finally came to the cow shed near the Simha-dvara. There they saw Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lying unconscious among the cows
- After taking lunch among the Mayavadi sannyasis, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is known as Gaurasundara, returned to His residence. Thus the Lord performs His wonderful pastimes
- After the mission was fulfilled, the demigods, by the will of the Lord, relinquished their corporeal bodies by fighting amongst themselves in the madness of intoxication
- After this, the great saintly King Malayadhvaja divided his entire kingdom among his sons. Then, in order to worship Lord Krsna with full attention, he went to a solitary place known as Kulacala
- Ahara-nidra-bhaya, and maithuna, and sexual intercourse. These are physical necessities. So these physical necessities, if you study, they, amongst the animals, they have no problem
- Akrura continued, "If you (Dhrtarastra) do not follow this principle and act in just the opposite way, you will be unpopular among your subjects, and in the next life you will have to live in a hellish condition"
- Akrura continued, "The water of His (Krsna's) lotus feet purifies the three worlds, and now He has kindly come to my place. Who in the three worlds among factually learned men will not take shelter of Your lotus feet and surrender unto You"
- Akrura continued, "Under the impression of false identification & false possession, everyone is transmigrating from one body to another on the path of fruitive activities & their reactions. My dear Lord, I am no exception among these conditioned souls"
- All of them (women) were conjecturing as to who he (Pradyumna) was, for he was so beautiful. Among the women was Rukmini-devi, who was equally beautiful, with her lotuslike eyes
- All of us may be isvara. I am isvara amongst my disciples. You may be isvara amongst your family members. But none of us is Paramesvara
- All the great sages assembled together and, after observing cruel Vena's atrocities, concluded that a great danger and catastrophe was approaching the people of the world. Thus out of compassion they began to talk amongst themselves
- All this strife amongst the classes is due to lack of Krsna consciousness. Indeed, there is not even a possibility of cooperation unless there is Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness is absolutely essential for harmonizing all facets of human society
- All together these (manvantara-avataras) are fourteen in number, and of these, Yajna and Vamana are also counted among the lila-avataras. All these manvantara incarnations are sometimes called vaibhava-avataras
- All were offered to the Lord, and the remnants of the foodstuff were distributed amongst the gathering citizens. So it was not like a dry reception of these modern days
- Although he (Ananta Acarya) was among Advaita Acarya's followers, he later became an important devotee of Gadadhara Gosvami
- Although junior by age, Uddhava was much advanced in the devotional service of the Lord, and therefore he is described herein (SB 3.4.24) as the chief amongst the devotees of the Lord
- Although Maharaja Priyavrata received instructions from the great sage Narada, he still engaged in ruling the earth. After fully enjoying material possessions, he divided his property among his sons
- Although Rukmini had never before seen Krsna, she was always thinking of Him; thus she had no difficulty recognizing Him amongst the princely order
- Although some brahmanas approved of Ballal Sena’s actions, others did not. Thus the brahmanas also became divided amongst themselves, and those who supported the suvarna-vanik class were rejected from the brahmana community
- Although Sri Krsna, the SP of Godhead, embodies all superexcellence and beauty, when He is amongst the damsels of Vraja, He is known as Gopijanavallabha. The devotees cannot relish the beauty of the Supreme Lord more than the damsels of Vraja
- Although Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, embodies all superexcellence and beauty, when He is amongst the damsels of Vraja, He is known as Gopijanavallabha
- Although Srimad-Bhagavatam is counted among the Puranas, it is called the spotless Purana. Because it does not discuss anything material, it is liked by transcendental Vaisnava devotees
- Although the house was locked, He (Lord Caitanya) would go away, and sometimes He would be found amongst the cowshed of Jagannatha Puri
- Although the incident of the kidnapping was not a very happy occurrence in the kingdom of Vidarbha, kidnapping was not an unusual affair among ksatriyas. Kidnapping was, in fact, current in almost all their marriages
- Although the jivas (living entities) are part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are still counted among His multipotencies
- Although the son of Devaki, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the reservoir of all kinds of beauty, when He is among the gopis He nonetheless becomes more beautiful, for He resembles a marakata jewel surrounded by gold and other jewels
- Although they are incarnations of the Lord, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva worship Lord Visnu, and thus they are also counted amongst the demigods and not as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Always chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and reminding Sri Madhavendra Puri about the pastimes of Lord Krsna in the last stage of his life, Isvara Puri gave the best service among his disciples
- Among all commentaries, Sridhara Svami's is given the first position. This parampara has existed for a very long time. It was also accepted during Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's time, but Sri Vallabhacarya violated the system
- Among all kinds of killers, time is the ultimate because time kills everything. Time is the representative of Krsna because in due course of time there will be a great fire and everything will be annihilated. BG 1972 purports
- Among all means of suppressing lawlessness I am punishment, and of those who seek victory I am morality. Of secret things I am silence, and of the wise I am the wisdom
- Among all such pure devotees of the Lord, Devarsi Narada is the chief, and therefore he has been described herein (SB 1.13.40) as the greatest of all philosopher devotees
- Among all the branches of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Virabhadra Gosani was the topmost. His subbranches were unlimited
- Among all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is supermost and very dear to Lord Krsna
- Among all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the most exalted. She is the most beautiful, the most qualified and, above all, the greatest lover of Krsna
- Among all the inhabitants of Vrndavana, the gopis are My (Krsna's) very life and soul. And among the gopis, You, Srimati Radharani, are the chief. Therefore You are the very life of My life
- Among all the living entities wandering throughout the universe, one who is most fortunate comes in contact with a representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus gets the opportunity to execute devotional service
- Among all the luminaries twinkling in the sky, the sun is the chief, and in the Brahma-samhita the sun is accepted as the glowing effulgence of the Supreme Lord and is considered to be one of His eyes. BG 1972 purports
- Among all the progeny of Rathitara, these sons were the most prominent because, owing to their birth, they were considered brahmanas
- Among animals there is no question of spiritual advancement
- Among created manifestations, the total material elements are first created by Maha-Visnu and are annihilated by Lord Siva. Brahma is the secondary creator. BG 1972 purports
- Among his (Abhirama Thakura) many disciples, Sriman Srinivasa Acarya was the most famous and the most dear, but it is doubtful that he was his initiated disciple
- Among his (Sankaracarya's) many disciples, his four chief disciples are Padmapada, Suresvara, Hastamalaka and Trotaka. After departing from Varanasi, Sankaracarya went to Prayaga, where he met a great learned scholar called Kumarila Bhatta
- Among His associates, Caitanya enjoyed paternal loving affection from Paramananda Puri, friendly affection with Ramananda Raya, unalloyed service from Govinda and others, and humors of conjugal love with Gadadhara, Jagadananda and Svarupa Damodara
- Among his disciples were Caitanya dasa, who was a priest of the Govinda Deity, as well as Mukundananda Cakravarti and the great devotee Krsnadasa
- Among His own associates, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu laughingly said, "I came here to sell My emotional ecstatic love"
- Among his sannyasi disciples, Isvara Puri and Paramananda Puri were very dear to Madhavendra Puri. Thus Paramananda Puri, like Svarupa Damodara, who was also a sannyasi, was very dear to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and was His constant associate
- Among human beings there are different types of men. Of these, those who are advanced in spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, are called Aryans. Among Aryans, one who engages in the devotional service of the Lord is most successful in life
- Among human beings, the society which is divided according to quality and work is best, and in that society, the intelligent men, who are designated as brahmanas, are best
- Among human beings, those who are followers of the Vedic principles are considered civilized. Among these, almost half simply give lip service while committing all kinds of sinful activities against these principles
- Among Krsna's greatly powerful sons, eighteen sons were maha-rathas. The maha-rathas could fight alone against many thousands of foot soldiers, charioteers, cavalry and elephants
- Among ksatriya kings, gambling on chess was not uncommon. If someone challenged a ksatriya to play on the chessboard, the ksatriya could not refuse the challenge
- Among logicians there are different stages of argument. The presentation of evidence is called japa. BG 1972 purports
- Among Lord Nityananda's devotees, Nakadi was the thirty-seventh, Mukunda the thirty-eighth, Surya the thirty-ninth, Madhava the fortieth, Sridhara the forty-first, Ramananda the forty-second, Jagannatha the forty-third and Mahidhara the forty-fourth
- Among many such brahmanas (who has studied all the Vedic scriptures), one who is a devotee of Lord Visnu is the best, and among many such Vaisnavas, one who fully engages in the service of the Lord is the best
- Among many such persons who aspire for liberation, one may actually be liberated during his life. Such a person gives up his attachment for society, friendship, love, country, family, wife and children
- Among many such persons, who are in the vanaprastha stage, one may understand the value of becoming a sannyasi, completely accepting the renounced order of life
- Among many thousands of men, one may endeavor for perfection, and even among the siddhas, those who have already become perfect, only one who adopts the process of bhakti, devotional service, can understand Krsna
- Among many thousands of such liberated persons, one who can understand the true meaning of liberation is very rare
- Among many thousands who desire liberation, one may actually achieve liberation, giving up material attachment to society, friendship, love, country, home, wife and children
- Among Mayavadis, those who belong to other sampradayas & hold other titles, such as Vana, Aranya or Bharati, are considered to be lower-grade sannyasis. Caitanya accepted sannyasa from the Bharati-sampradaya & thus He considered Himself a lower sannyasi
- Among minute particles, I am the living entity
- Among modern Mayavadis it has become fashionable to say that whatever one does or whatever path one follows is all right. But these are all foolish statements
- Among people in general, 99.9 percent try to talk like experienced advisers, but they are actually devoid of spiritual knowledge and are therefore like inexperienced children speaking nonsensically. Consequently their words cannot be given any importance
- Among people of the lower classes, intermarriage and the drinking of wine are allowed, for these people do not recognize such conduct as sinful among themselves
- Among sannyasis the cultivation of Vedanta philosophy helps in becoming detached from sense gratification. Thus a sannyasi can protect the prestige of wearing a loincloth
- Among the Bhojas, Vrsnis, Andhakas, Pandavas and many other kings intimately related with Krsna, the intimate relationship between Krsna and the inhabitants of Vrndavana is especially to be noted
- Among the blacksmith there is visvakarma-puja
- Among the brahmanas, one who has studied the Vedas is the best, and among the brahmanas who have studied the Vedas, one who knows the actual purport of Veda is the best
- Among the brahmanas, some are householders and are mostly attached to fruitive activities or the betterment of social conditions. Above them, however, are brahmanas who are very much attracted by austerities and penances and who retire from family life
- Among the celebrated disciples of Mangala Thakura are Prananatha Adhikari, Purusottama Cakravarti of the village of Kandada, and Nrsimha-prasada Mitra, whose family members are well-known mrdanga players
- Among the confidential activities of hearing, thinking and meditating, silence is most important because by silence one can make progress very quickly. BG 1972 purports
- Among the cooked vegetables were patolas, squash, manakacu and a salad made with pieces of ginger and various types of spinach
- Among the creators & living entities, Brahma is the chief. The various Brahmas exhibit four, eight, sixteen, etc., heads accordingly, & they are the chief creators in their respective universes. The Brahmas are representatives of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Among the Daitya demons I am (Krsna) the devoted Prahlada, among subduers I am time, among beasts I am the lion, and among birds I am Garuda
- Among the dayitas there are many who come from the brahmana caste. Those dayitas coming from the brahmana families are called dayita-patis, or leaders of the dayitas
- Among the demigods Kuvera is the chief treasurer, and he is a representation of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Among the demons (who were resisting the armies of King Indra) were Namuci, Sambara, Anarva, Dvimurdha, Rsabha, Asura, Hayagriva, Sankusira, Vipracitti, Ayomukha, Puloma, Vrsaparva, Praheti, Heti and Utkala
- Among the descendants of Yadu would be Lord Krsna. Therefore, because Yadu was eager to see the Lord's appearance in his dynasty as soon as possible, Yadu refused to accept his father's proposal
- Among the devotees of Lord Nityananda Prabhu, Pitambara was the sixty-fourth, Madhavacarya the sixty-fifth, Damodara dasa the sixty-sixth, Sankara the sixty-seventh, Mukunda the sixty-eighth, Jnana dasa the sixty-ninth and Manohara the seventieth
- Among the devotees present with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were Paramananda Puri, Brahmananda Bharati, Advaita Acarya and Nityananda Prabhu
- Among the devotees who accompanied the Lord in Jagannatha Puri, two of them - Paramananda Puri and Svarupa Damodara - were the heart and soul of the Lord
- Among the devotees who lived with Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Jagannatha Puri, Ramabhadra Acarya was the twenty-sixth, Simhesvara the twenty-seventh, Tapana Acarya the twenty-eighth, Raghunatha Bhattacarya the twenty-ninth and Nilambara the thirtieth
- Among the disciples of Ananta Acarya was Sivananda Cakravarti, in whose heart Lord Caitanya and Nityananda constantly dwelled
- Among the followers of the Vedic way, the salagrama-sila, the vigraha of Narayana, is worshiped in the form of a stone ball. In India, every brahmana still worships the salagrama-sila in his home
- Among the followers of Vedic knowledge, most are following the process of fruitive activity and distinguishing between good and bad work. Out of many such sincere fruitive actors, there may be one who is actually wise
- Among the four Vaisnava acaryas, who are all accepted by the Gaudiya Vaisnavas Sri Visnu Svami appeared at Pandya, and Sri Nimbarka appeared at Mungera-patana, in the extreme south
- Among the four Vaisnava acaryas, who are all accepted by the Gaudiya Vaisnavas, Sri Ramanuja Acarya appeared in the southern part of Andhra Pradesh at Mahabhutapuri, Sri Madhva Acarya appeared at Pajakam (near Vimanagiri) in the district of Mangalore
- Among the four yugas-Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali-the Kali-yuga is the worst, but if the process of varnasrama-dharma is introduced, even in this age of Kali, the situation of Satya-yuga can be invoked
- Among the fruits were many varieties of coconuts and mangoes, bananas, berries, jackfruits, dates, tangerines, oranges, blackberries, santaras, grapes, almonds and all kinds of dried fruit
- Among the gopis of Vrndavana, Srimati Radharani and another gopi are considered chief. But when we compare the gopis, it appears that Srimati Radharani is most important because Her real feature expresses the highest ecstasy of love
- Among the gopis, Srimati Radhika is the foremost. She surpasses all in beauty, in good qualities, in good fortune and, above all, in love
- Among the gopis, there is not a pinch of desire for sense gratification. Their only desire is to give pleasure to Krsna, and this is why they mingle with Him and enjoy with Him
- Among the great personalities who came to worship the lotus feet of the Lord were those who had attained perfection in self-control and regulative principles, as well as experts in logic, history, general education and the Vedic literature known as kalpe
- Among the higher classes - brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya - there is no chance for men to mingle with women freely, but in the sudra community such mingling is open
- Among the human species, some denounce sensual pleasures and are honored by the world as a saints, yogis, philosophers, scholars, and so on
- Among the innumerable planets in only one universe, the so-called scientists cannot understand even the moon and Mars, but they try to defy the creation of the Supreme Lord and His uncommon energy. Such men have been described as crazy
- Among the kavis, Usana was the spiritual master of the demons; he was extremely intelligent, far-seeing, political and spiritual in every way. Thus Usana is another representative of the opulence of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Among the Kuru dynasty, Bhisma, Maharaj Pariksit and Vidura are also known as close associates of Lord Krsna
- Among the linking processes that elevate one from bondage to material contamination, the one recommended by the Supreme Personality of Godhead should be accepted as the best
- Among the living entities who have developed sense perception, those who have developed the sense of taste are better than those who have developed only the sense of touch
- Among the living entities who live on the ground, only 400,000 are human species, and out of these 400,000 human species, many are uncivilized or unclean; they are not up to the standard of proper civilization
- Among the many celestial Naga serpents, Ananta is the greatest, as is Varuna among the aquatics. They both represent Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Among the many possible claimants, who is the rightful claimant (of the body)? Not to ascertain this but instead to maintain the body by sinful activities is not good - SB 10.10.11
- Among the many such transcendental lovers of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the gopis are the best, and among the gopis Srimati Radhika is the best
- Among the many superior living entities qualified with pious activities and devotional service, one, called Lord Brahma, is infused with the quality of passion by the supreme will of Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- Among the many-hooded Naga serpents, Ananta is the greatest
- Among the members of the varnasrama institution’s social orders (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra), the brahmana is considered the foremost, for he is the teacher and spiritual master of all the other varnas
- Among the minute living entities, one being can excel another in one capacity or another. Like each of these living entities, the Lord is an individual, but He is different in that He is the supreme individual - CC Intro
- Among the mixed classes known as sankara, those who are not thieves are known as antevasayi or candalas (dog-eaters), and they also have their hereditary customs
- Among the munis, or learned men conversant in Vedic knowledge, Vyasa is the greatest because he explained Vedic knowledge in many different ways for the understanding of the common mass of people in this Age of Kali
- Among the munis, or learned men conversant in Vedic knowledge, Vyasa is the greatest. BG 1972 purports
- Among the Muslims was a grave person who was wearing a black dress. People called him a saintly person
- Among the nine varsas, the tract of land known as Bharata-varsa is understood to be the field of fruitive activities. Learned scholars and saintly persons declare the other eight varsas to be meant for very highly elevated pious persons
- Among the other devotees were Gadadhara, Jagadananda, Sankara, Vakresvara, Damodara Pandita, Thakura Haridasa, Raghunatha Vaidya and Raghunatha dasa
- Among the other prabhavas, who are not very famous according to the material estimation, are Dhanvantari, Rsabha, Vyasa, Dattatreya and Kapila
- Among the planets, the first is Surya, the sun, not the moon. Therefore, according to the Vedic version, the modern astronomer's proposition that the moon is nearest to the earth should not be accepted
- Among the principal philosophers in India are Gautama, Kanada, Kapila, Yajnavalkya, Sandilya and Vaisvanara. And finally there is Vyasadeva, the author of the Vedanta-sutra
- Among the priya-narma, or intimate friends of Krsna are Subala, Arjuna, Gandharva, Vasanta and Ujjvala
- Among the prostitutes, one attractive young girl was selected. She promised, "I shall attract the mind of Haridasa Thakura, within three days"
- Among the sannyasis of the Sankara-sampradaya there are different names for brahmacaris
- Among the six sons (of Advaita Acarya), three were strict followers of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and of these three, Acyutananda was the eldest
- Among the sons of Sagara Maharaja was one named Asamanjasa, who was born from the King's second wife, Kesini. The son of Asamanjasa was known as Amsuman, and he was always engaged in working for the good of Sagara Maharaja, his grandfather
- Among the spiritual orders (brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha & sannyasa), the sannyasa order is the most elevated. Therefore a sannyasi is the spiritual master of all the varnas & asramas, & a brahmana is also expected to offer obeisances to a sannyasi
- Among the stars, the moon is most prominent at night, and thus the moon represents Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Among the sura-stri, the women of the heavenly planets, there are many devotees, such as the mother of the Upendra incarnation of Krsna. It was such devoted women who were called for in this connection
- Among the ten kinds of purificatory processes, one is pum-savanam, in which the wife is offered some prasada, or remnants of foodstuff offered to Lord Visnu, so that after sexual intercourse with her husband she may conceive a child
- Among the ten offenses committed against the chanting of the holy name, the first offenses are disobedience of the spiritual master and blasphemy of the Vedic literature
- Among the three modes of material nature-goodness, passion and ignorance - people are certainly conducted by the lower qualities, namely passion and ignorance, and especially by passion
- Among the transcendental mystics, variously classified as karma-yogis, dhyana-yogis, jnana-yogis, hatha-yogis, and bhakti-yogis, the last-named bhakti-yogis are the greatest of all
- Among the uncommonly good souls there are still gradations, and the best good soul is one who accepts an insignificant asset of a person and magnifies that good quality
- Among the upper planetary systems, Bhu, Bhuvar and Svar constitute Svargaloka, and the rest are called Martya. The entire universe is thus known as Triloka
- Among the vaibhava-prakasa forms are Kurma, Matsya, Nara-Narayana, Varaha, Hayagriva, Prsnigarbha, Baladeva, Yajna, Vibhu, Satyasena, Hari, Vaikuntha, Ajita, Vamana, Sarvabhauma, Rsabha, Visvaksena, Dharmasetu, Sudhama, Yogesvara and Brhadbhanu
- Among the victorious, He is victory. He is the splendor of the splendid. Among enterprising industrialists, He is the most enterprising. Among adventurers, He is the most adventurous, and among the strong, He is the strongest. BG 1972 purports
- Among the ways of executing devotional service, the nine prescribed methods are the best, for these processes have great potency to deliver Krsna and ecstatic love for Him
- Among the women present at Kuruksetra during the solar eclipse were Kunti, Gandhari, Draupadi, Subhadra and the queens of many other kings, as well as the gopis from Vrndavana
- Among the worshipers of Lord Siva there is a section who live a devilish life
- Among them are various groups of consorts in Vraja who have varieties of sentiments and mellows. They help Lord Krsna taste all the sweetness of the rasa dance and other pastimes
- Among them were mandaras, parijatas, patalas, asokas, campakas, cutas, piyalas, panasas, mangoes, amratakas, kramukas, coconut trees, date trees and pomegranates
- Among them were Ramadasa, Sundarananda, Gadadhara dasa, Murari, Kamalakara, Sadasiva and Purandara
- Among these expansions (Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha), Vasudeva is considered the origin of the material nature. Therefore Sankaracarya says that Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha must be creations of that original cause
- Among these fifty-nine items (of devotional service mentioned in the purport of NBS 12), five are considered so important that they are mentioned again separately, thus completing the sixty-four items of devotional service
- Among these many sons, six were the foremost, such as Prthusrava and Prthukirti. The son of Prthusrava was known as Dharma, and his son was known as Usana. Usana was the performer of one hundred horse sacrifices
- Among these sons, Prsadhra, following the order of his spiritual master, was engaged as a protector of cows. He would stand all night with a sword to give the cows protection
- Among these three classes of heavenly places (bhauma-svarga-pada-ni), the heavenly places on earth are the eight varsas other than Bharata-varsa
- Among these three, goodness is the platform of knowledge, and passion brings about a mixture of knowledge and ignorance, but the mode of ignorance is full of darkness
- Among these twenty-four forms, Sankarsana, Aniruddha, Pradyumna and Vasudeva are depicted very nicely in the Caitanya-caritamrta, where it is stated that Aniruddha is worshiped by the yogis
- Among those who accept the Vedic principles generally known as varnasrama (presently known as the Hindu system), few actually follow these principles
- Among those who are trying to be victorious in some field of activity, the most victorious element is morality. BG 1972 purports
- Among those who have perfected themselves by devotional service, there are servants, friends, superiors and beloved damsels. Similarly, there are four types of mature devotees
- Among Vaisnavas there may be some difference of opinion due to everyone's personal identity, but despite all personal differences, the cult of Krsna consciousness must go on
- Among women I am fame, fortune, fine speech, memory, intelligence, steadfastness and patience
- Among women I am intelligence
- Amongst all kinds of living entities begotten by Brahma, namely men, demigods and animals, none but the sage Narayana is immune to the attraction of maya in the form of woman
- Amongst all of the planets in the spiritual sky there is one supreme planet called Goloka Vrndavana, which is the original planet in the abode of the original Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna. BG 1972 Introduction
- Amongst all our duties surely we must not forget to complete our sixteen rounds. We should not be carried away simply by the Krishna duties which is also regarded as good as chanting, but in all circumstances we shall not forget this duty
- Amongst all the anugas, Raktaka is considered to be the chief. The description of his bodily features is as follows
- Amongst all the demigods, Lord Siva can be pacified even by the lowest class of men, who need only offer him obeisances and leaves of a bael tree. Thus his name is Asutosa, which means that he is pleased very quickly
- Amongst all the living entities, both conditioned and liberated, there is one supreme living personality, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who maintains them and gives them all the facility of enjoyment according to different work. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst all the senses, the tongue, taste, it is very strong. In your country especially, for the tongue so many advertisement: this wine, that wine, varieties of cigarettes, restaurants, roasted beef, so many things, just attracting the tongue
- Amongst great bowmen, this child (Pariksit) will be as good as the Arjunas (Kartavirya Arjuna, the King of Haihaya, and the other is the grandfather of the child). He will be as irresistible as fire and as unsurpassable as the ocean
- Amongst great personalities, Maharaja Prthu was the chief by virtue of his fixed position in relation to spiritual enlightenment. He remained satisfied as one who has achieved all success in spiritual understanding
- Amongst my Godbrothers no one is qualified to become acarya. So it is better not to mix with my Godbrothers very intimately because instead of inspiring our students and disciples they may sometimes pollute them
- Amongst sages he (Vyasadeva) is the most respected author by dint of severe penances
- Amongst sages Narada Muni is considered to be the greatest
- Amongst self-realized souls, the Lord is known as the perfectly self-realized soul. When the individual soul is fixed in his knowledge of the Lord as the Supreme Being, he actually becomes established in an all-auspicious position
- Amongst the animals, amongst the birds, there is no contraceptive method. They are increasing their population, and they are being fed by God. So why in the human society the population theory is so acute?
- Amongst the Aryans there is some conception of religion, either Christian religion or Mohammedan religion, Buddhist religion, Vedic religion, based on conception of God
- Amongst the consonants (in Sanskrit), the first twenty-five letters are called the sparsas. There are also four antah-sthas. Of the usmas there are three s's, called talavya, murdhanya and dantya
- Amongst the created living entities, one being can excel another in one capacity or another. The Lord is an individual, just as the living entities are individual, but He is different in that He is the supreme individual
- Amongst the dasavatara (of Krsna), particularly this Buddha avatara is one of them. So Jayadeva says, kesava dhrta-buddha-sarira jaya jagadisa hare - Gita Govinda, Dasavatara-stotra 9
- Amongst the demigods they (people in India) also worship Narada, who is considered the greatest devotee in the universe. Thus he is the representation of Krsna as a devotee. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst the demons there is no perfect knowledge of the creation of this world; every one of them has some particular theory of his own. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst the different sampradayas (Vaisnava sects) either Radha-Krsna or Laksmi-Narayana is worshiped
- Amongst the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati there may be some controversy, but the central point is how to preach the mission of His Divine Grace
- Amongst the four social orders (brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and śūdras), the kṣatriyas, both men and women, are generally very beautiful
- Amongst the groups of different friends of Krsna, some are well-known from various scriptures, and some are well-known by popular tradition. There are three divisions amongst Krsna's friends
- Amongst the Hindus, those who are meat-eaters prefer to worship goddess Kali because it is prescribed that one can sacrifice a goat before that goddess
- Amongst the human being, those who are intelligent, those who are acting according to the Vedic instruction, they will not be also suffering. Those who are avoiding the instruction of the Vedas, they will be put into that hellish condition of life
- Amongst the human beings, the king is the representative of Krsna because Krsna is the maintainer of the universe, and the kings, who are appointed on account of their godly qualifications, are maintainers of their kingdoms. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst the impersonalist school, there are many great logicians and high class scholars. But according to Vedic principles, God realization does not depend on material intelligence or scholarship
- Amongst the karma-kanda experts, the expert jataka-vipras were good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time (lagna)
- Amongst the karma-kanda experts, the jataka expert vipras were good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time (lagna)
- Amongst the learned society, if you give evidence from the Vedas, it is accepted. Immediately accepted. Just like in the law court, if you give reference from the lawbooks section, it is accepted
- Amongst the mass of people the Krsna consciousness is there, but amongst the so-called educated, advanced, they are trying to forget. This is the difficulty
- Amongst the other duties in the renounced order of life of Srila Sanatana, Srila Rupa and the other Gosvamis of Vrndavana, the foremost duty discharged by them was to hold learned discourses amongst themselves at Sevakunja, Vrndavana
- Amongst the other gopis Radharani was not so much an object of special love, Krsna stole Her away from the area of the rasa dance and showed Her special favor
- Amongst the papers you will find one copy of literature of my Srimad-Bhagavatam and if you have no objection to mail such literatures then I can send you copies as many as you may desire
- Amongst the perpetually living entities, Kapila is considered an incarnation of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst the regulated poetry, the Gayatri mantra, which is chanted by the duly qualified brahmamas, is the most prominent
- Amongst the regulated poetry, the Gayatri mantra, which is chanted by the duly qualified brahmanas, is the most prominent. The Gayatri mantra is mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst the sannyasa stage also, there are four stages: kuticaka, bahudaka, parivrajakacarya, and paramahamsa. Not that all sannyasis on the equal status. The first status is kuticaka. Sannyasa means one has to give up the relationship with family
- Amongst the scientists this is an etiquette, not to talk of God. Everything science. Means everything nonsense, passing on as scientist
- Amongst the sons of Pandu, Arjuna is famous and valiant. Indeed, he is the best of men and therefore represents Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst the trees there are also evolutionary processes; the different kinds of trees have touch perception
- Amongst the various paraphernalia of worshiping the Lord, the srngara is very essential, srngara and tan-mandira-marjanadi, and cleansing the temple. The more you cleanse the temple, the more you decorate the Deity, more your heart becomes cleansed
- Amongst the various vegetables (cooked by Advaita Acarya's wife, Sita) were newly grown leaves of nimba trees fried with eggplant. The fruit known as patola was fried with phulabadi, a kind of dhal preparation first mashed and then dried in the sun
- Amongst the various vegetables were newly grown leaves of nimba trees fried with eggplant
- Amongst the well-wisher friends, Mandalibhadra and Balabhadra are the chiefs. Mandalibhadra is described as follows: his complexion is yellowish, and his dress is very attractive
- Amongst these five diverse manifestations (Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, Gadadhara, and Srivasa) of the Supreme Lord (as the Lord Himself and His incarnation, expansion and energies) there is no spiritual difference
- Amongst various holy names of the Lord, He is also called ajita, or one who can never be conquered by anyone else. Yet He can be conquered by the paramahamsa path, as practically realized and shown by the great spiritual master Brahma
- Amongst various names of the relatives, the name of Rama or Balarama, eldest brother of Lord Krsna, is added with the words "the Personality of Godhead" because Lord Balarama is the immediate expansion of visnu-tattva as prakasa-vigraha of Lord Krsna
- An individual tree does not produce flowers of different colors or fruits of different tastes. There are demarcated classes, as we find them among humans, animals, birds and other species
- Ananta Acarya was one of the eight principal gopis. His former name was Sudevi. Although he was among Advaita Acarya’s followers, he later became an important devotee of Gadadhara Gosvami
- Animal killing is very prominent amongst demoniac people. Such people are considered the enemies of the world because ultimately they will invent or create something which will bring destruction to all. BG 1972 purports
- Another example of being stunned took place when Krsna was surrounded by various wrestlers in the sacrificial arena of Kamsa. His mother, Devaki,* then became stunned, and her eyes dried up when she saw Krsna amongst the wrestlers
- Another gopi said, "Krsna has killed His enemy, & He has victoriously achieved the kingdom of Kamsa. Maybe He is married with a king's daughter by this time & living happily among His kinsmen & friends. Why should He come to this village of Vrndavana"
- Antaranga-seva refers to service performed in one's spiritual body. Svarupa Damodara Gosvami was formerly Lalitadevi. Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, who was among his assistants, now also began to serve Radha and Krsna within his mind
- Anyone familiar with such sutras must be aware of the Vedanta-sutra, which is well known among scholars by the following additional names: (1) Brahma-sutra, (2) Sariraka, (3) Vyasa-sutra, (4) Badarayana-sutra, (5) Uttara-mimamsa and (6) Vedanta-darsana
- Anyone who does not accept the spiritual form of the Supreme Lord is counted among the atheists. Because Lord Buddha did not accept these Vedic principles, the Vedic teachers consider him an atheist
- Anyone who is not Krsna conscious, he is, more or less, like cats and dogs. Maybe bigger dog, bigger cat. Just like amongst the dogs, there are different varieties also. So similarly he belongs to that dog, cat class
- Apparently the queens continued lamenting for the dead body, the lump of matter, and would not allow it to be taken away for burning. This illustrates the strong grip of illusion among foolish persons who consider the body the self
- Aquatic birds such as swans, ducks, water chickens, and cranes become greatly excited by the fragrance of lotus flowers, and the charming sound of bumblebees fills the air. The inhabitants of those lands are important leaders among the demigods
- As a matter of fact, even among the educated classes in the United States, there is no culture. There are no cultural roots
- As an independent leader among elephants enters the water with its female elephants, Krsna, who is transcendental to the Vedic principles of morality, entered the water of the Yamuna with the gopis
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (16.20): "Attaining repeated birth among the species of demoniac life, such persons can never approach Me (Krsna). Gradually they sink down to the most abominable type of existence."
- As described in the Vedas, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam - He (the Supreme Godhead) is the chief eternal of all eternals and the chief living entity among all living entities - Katha Upanisad, 2.2.13
- As described in Ujjvala-nilamani: "The path of loving affairs is just like the movement of a snake. Amongst young lovers, there are two kinds of mentality - causeless and causal"
- As far as possible, very cautiously and very rarely we shall present. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's life we see that in public He never discussed about Krsna's lila with the gopis. That was very confidential discussion amongst His own circle
- As far as yoga systems are concerned, it is also said in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47) that amongst the mystics who pursue the Absolute Truth, the one who is always engaged in the service of the Lord is the greatest of all
- As in the material world the relationship existing between father and mother and children can be established amongst different living entities by the influence of the illusory energy
- As Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3): "Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth"
- As Krsna states in Bhagavad-gita: "Amongst vibrations, I am the syllable om." (BG 9.17) This means that omkara is nondifferent from Krsna
- As Lord Balarama proceeded toward Hastinapura in His chariot, accompanied by the brahmanas and elders, He looked like the moon shining in the clear sky amongst the glittering stars
- As she (Rukmini) was adjusting the ornaments on a finger of her left hand, she happened to look upon the princes and suddenly saw that Krsna was present amongst them
- As stated by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19): Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (2.15): "O best among men (Arjuna), the person who is not disturbed by happiness and distress and is steady in both is certainly eligible for liberation."
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, karanam guna-sango 'sya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu: "This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species" - BG 13.22
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3): Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me (Krsna) in truth
- As the first expansion of Godhead, Balarama is the chief Deity among the first quadruple forms, and He is the foremost assistant of Sri Krsna in His transcendental activities
- As there are different classes of men in human society, some pious and virtuous and some impious and sinful, so also among trees and birds there are the pious and the impious
- As touchstone is rarely found, a pure devotee of the Lord is also rarely to be seen, even amongst millions of liberated souls (kotisv api mahamune)
- At least ten students among my disciples, who may come for further study in the matter of K.C., as enunciated by the authorized Goswamis, who are direct disciples of Lord Chaitanya
- At present, many Vaisnavas are coming to our KCM from among the Europeans & Americans, & although men like Ramacandra Khan are always envious of such Vaisnavas, one should follow in the footsteps of Sri Advaita Acarya by treating all of them as Vaisnavas
- At the last stage of his life, when Maharaja Prthu saw himself getting old, that great soul, who was king of the world, divided whatever opulence he had accumulated amongst all kinds of living entities, moving and nonmoving
- At the present moment there is a movement amongst the younger section to commit suicide. Why? Why younger section are feeling such frustration and confused in spite of so much educational institution?
- At the present moment, amongst the scientists the knowledge is going on that life is made of matter, from matter, chemical evolution theory. And such person also being awarded with Nobel Prize
- Atri Muni cannot be counted among the pure devotees
- Attaining repeated birth amongst the species of demoniac life, such persons can never approach Me. Gradually they sink down to the most abominable type of existence. BG 16.20 - 1972
- Baladeva is an expansion of Krsna, from Baladeva the next expansion is Sankarsana; thus Sankarsana is kala, but Baladeva is svamsa. There is no difference among Them. This is very nicely explained in the Brahma-samhita - 5.46
- Balarama and Krsna enjoyed Their childhood pastimes, imitating Lord Ramacandra's monkeys, who constructed the bridge over the ocean, and Hanuman, who jumped over the water to Ceylon. They used to imitate such pastimes among Their friends
- Bali Maharaja has become the most famous among the demons and nonbelievers, for in spite of being bereft of all material opulences, he is fixed in his devotional service
- Bali Maharaja is the grandson of Prahlada Maharaja. They are demonic family. So amongst the demons, many devotees came out. So to become devotee does not depend on particular family, this or that. No. Anyone can become devotee
- Because Prahlada Maharaja, being a great devotee, was better than any yogi, Hiranyakasipu was to be brought among the society of bhakti-yogis
- Beginning from the day on which Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu showed His mercy to the Mayavadi sannyasis, there were vivid discussions about this conversion among the inhabitants of Varanasi
- Being attracted by this glaring effulgence (emanating from Caitanya's body), all the Mayavadi sannyasis stood up and showed Him their respects. Amongst them was one sannyasi named Prakasananda Sarasvati
- Being very dear to the devotees and sadhus, I am attained through unflinching faith and devotional service. This bhakti-yoga system, which gradually increases attachment for Me, purifies even a human being born among dog-eaters
- Bewildered by the personal potency of Lord Krsna, a terrible quarrel arose among them
- Bhagavad-gita is popular in your country, at least amongst the scholars and theosophists and theologists, going on, for the last two hundred years at least. But nobody understood Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita was taught to Arjuna for topmost class of men. They'll understand. Imam rajarsayo viduh. Evam parampara praptam. So be yourself amongst the topmost intelligent class of men and try to understand Bhagavad-gita. Then you'll be happy
- Bhagavad-gita was taught to the saintly kings. The modern people, they say that, "Why not this movement amongst the poorer class men?" They do not know who is poor. Anyone who is poor in spiritual understanding, he is poor
- Bhagavan is not that when amongst His foolish disciples, He declares Himself Bhagavan, and when there is some toothache, He goes to the physician to help Him. Bhagavan is not like that. Bhagavan is self-sufficient. So everything is full
- Bhagavata Acarya, Ciranjiva, Sri Raghunandana, Madhavacarya, Kamalakanta and Sri Yadunandana were all among the branches of the Caitanya tree
- Bhagavata-dharma is purely devotional service of the Lord to which the monist has no access. The monist is not counted amongst the paramahamsas (the most perfect of the renounced order of life)
- Bhismadeva supported Krsna, that - He is greater brahmacari than me. I think I could not save myself, keeping myself amongst the young girls. But Krsna can do so. He is real brahmacari. Therefore His another name is Acyuta, he never falls down
- Bhismadeva, who was the best amongst the eight Vasus, received and welcomed all the great and powerful rsis who were assembled there, for he knew perfectly all the religious principles according to time and place
- Both demons and demigods, have been born of the same father, Kasyapa, and thus we are related as brothers. But now we are exhibiting our personal prowess in dissension. Therefore we request You to settle our dispute and divide the nectar equally among us
- Both Hiranya Majumadara and Govardhana Majumadara were very opulent and magnanimous. They were well behaved and devoted to brahminical culture. They belonged to an aristocratic family, and among religionists they were predominant
- Brahma is counted amongst the living beings, but he is the greatest of all of us. And why is the greatest of all the living beings so much attached to the transcendental topics of Lord Krsna? Because He is the reservoir of all enjoyment
- Brahma said, "Actually, You alone are everything - creator, maintainer and annihilator. Similarly, You expand Yourself in different incarnations: among the demigods You incarnate as Vamanadeva, among the great sages You incarnate as Parasurama"
- Brahma said, "Among the human beings You appear as Yourself, Lord Krsna, or as Lord Rama, among the animals You appear as the boar incarnation, and among the aquatics You appear as the fish incarnation. Yet You have no appearance or disappearance"
- Brahma told Rudra: O best among the demigods, there is no need for you to generate living entities of this nature. They have begun to devastate everything on all sides with the fiery flames from their eyes, and they have even attacked me
- By following the regulative principles, we will be avoiding the four pillars of sinful life, and by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, we will be associating with God constantly; thus there will be peace among all classes of men
- By her (mother Sarasvati's) grace he (Kesava Kasmiri) was an extremely influential scholar, and he was the greatest champion among all the scholars in the four corners of the country
- By His (Krsna's) external energetic expansions, He incarnates Himself in the material world amongst the men, animals or demigods to reestablish His forgotten relation with the living entities in different species of life
- By His inconceivable internal potency, the Supreme Personality of Godhead expands into various transcendental bodies as Vamanadeva, the incarnation of strength among the demigods; Parasurama, the incarnation among saints; Nrsimhadeva and Varaha
- By the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Maharaja Priyavrata reawakened to his senses. He divided all his earthly possessions among his obedient sons
- By the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there are mahatmas even amongst the birds, even amongst the beasts, even amongst the lower than animals
- By Your auspicious mercy, quarrels and disagreements arising among different scriptures are vanquished
- By your own work you can recruit men locally, that is the best process. So immediately resume the preaching work amongst the Africans and show yourselves as always meek and humble and refrain from a tough attitude and in this way gain their confidence
- Caitanya next asked Ramananda Raya, "Among many songs, which song is to be considered the actual religion of the living entity?" Ramananda Raya replied, "That song describing the loving affairs of Sri Radha and Krsna is superior to all other songs"
- Caitanya tolerated no hypocrisy among His followers - CC Intro
- Canura continued, "Because of Your Krsna's) strength, it behooves You to compete with the strongest wrestlers amongst us. I therefore wish to wrestle with You, and Your elder brother, Balarama, will wrestle with Mustika"
- Chief among the sages were Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa, the great sage Narada, Cyavana, Devala, Asita, Visvamitra, Satananda, Bharadvaja, Gautama, Lord Parasurama (along with his disciples)
- Citralekha painted many pictures. Among those of the human beings were the members of the Vrsni dynasty, including Vasudeva, the father of Krsna; Surasena, the grandfather of Krsna; Sri Balaramaji; Lord Krsna; and many others
- Competition among ourselves individually - capitalism, communism - and among ourselves collectively - national wars, international wars - such a person is in an animal conception, vimudha
- Concentrated selfishness centers around the personal body - this is generally seen amongst the lower animals
- Continual perfect love of Godhead is called sthayi-bhava, and when it is performed in a particular type of transcendental relationship it is called anubhava. But the stage of mahabhava is visible amongst the personal pleasure potential energies
- Cooperate amongst yourselves and try to raise the funds very scrupulously and if you remain serious and sincere in your efforts to get this wonderful building for Krsna, He will give you all help and guidance how to do it, without any doubt
- Counted amongst the well-wisher friends are Subhadra,* Mandalibhadra, Bhadravardhana, Gobhata, Yaksa, Indrabhata, Bhadranga, Virabhadra, Mahaguna, Vijaya, and Balabhadra. They are older than Krsna and are always thinking of His welfare
- Cupid's provocations are going on, even among beastly societies who are all ugly-looking in the estimation of the civilized nations. Thus Cupid's influence is exerted even amongst the ugliest forms, and what to speak of the most perfect beauties
- Desiring to take the nectar, those among the demons who were less strong spoke in favor of the demigods
- Destiny fixed the time for Maharaja Bharata's enjoyment of material opulence at one thousand times ten thousand years. When that period was finished, he retired from family life and divided the wealth he had received from his forefathers among his sons
- Devaki, Pauravi, Rohini, Bhadra, Madira, Rocana, Ila and others were all wives of Anakadundubhi (Vasudeva). Among them all, Devaki was the chief
- Disagreement among the disciples of one acarya
- Discourses in the society of devotees can take place only among those who are really anxious to be in Krsna consciousness. Others cannot take part in such discourses. BG 1972 purports
- Discussion of the rasa-lila among people in general is discouraged because they are affected by the Mayavada philosophy
- Disruptions take place not only in human society but also among animals, birds or other living beings, including the demigods in the higher planets
- Divorce by disagreement took place among low-class men, but marriage by agreement was found even in the very highest classes, especially in the royal ksatriya families
- Dressed with garlands of lotus flowers, They were sometimes singing very sweetly among Their friends. One gopi told her friends, "How is it Krsna and Balarama are looking so beautiful?"
- During the fratricidal war amongst the descendants of Yadu, he (Pradyumna) died at the hand of Bhoja, another king of the Vrsnis. After his death, he was installed in his original position
- During the reign of Caksusa Manu, the King of heaven was known as Mantradruma. Among the demigods were the Apyas, and among the great sages were Havisman and Viraka
- During the reign of Tamasa Manu, among the demigods were the Satyakas, Haris and Viras. The heavenly King, Indra, was Trisikha. The sages in saptarsi-dhama were headed by Jyotirdhama
- Each sannyasi has some assistants, known as brahmacaris, who are called by different names according to the names of the sannyasi. Among such brahmacaris there are four names: Svarupa, Ananda, Prakasa and Caitanya
- Either they (those who are acting in the modes of passion and ignorance) will have to remain in this material world as human beings, or they will descend among the species of animals or even lower life forms. BG 1972 purports
- Especially amongst businessmen, when there is conference, so each one is trying, "Now how much I have cheated him." So this cheating, vipralipsa, is one of the qualification of the conditioned soul
- Especially amongst the brahmanas and ksatriya, the boys were trained very nicely. Very nicely. So by reformation, when the boy is, I mean to say, mature, at the age of twelve years or thirteen years, he goes automatically to a spiritual master
- Especially when Krsna appears as an avatara, anyone who thinks of Krsna in His different incarnations, and especially in His original form as Krsna, attains salvation. There are many instances of this, & among them is Aghasura, who attained sarupya-mukti
- Even among animals there are natural divisions. The crows will not go to the swans, and the swans will not go to the crows. Similarly, in human society there are men who are like crows and men who are like swans
- Even among so-called religionists, sadhus, mendicants, sannyasis and brahmacaris, there are many enemies of the Krsna consciousness movement who always try to find faults in it
- Even among this small (followers of Vedas), exclusive number, most are addicted to the processes described in the Vedas' karma-kanda section, by which one can elevate oneself to the perfectional stage of economic development
- Even amongst the relatives - father and the son or husband and wife, brother and brother - there is no peace
- Even demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, who are the chief amongst all demigods, are never equal to or greater than Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Even sometimes amongst the gopis there is envy, but that enviousness is transcendental and should not be accepted in the mundane sense
- Even the worms, birds and beasts are assured of elevation to the highest perfectional life if they are completely surrendered to the transcendental loving service of the Lord, so what to speak of the philosophers amongst the human beings
- Even though he (Gadadhara dasa) was an associate of Lord Nityananda Prabhu, he was not among the cowherd boys but was situated in the transcendental mellow of conjugal love. He established a temple of Sri Gaurasundara in Katwa
- Even though many devotees always think of Krsna, none can surpass the gopis, among whom Radharani is the leader in thinking of Krsna. Radharani’s Krsna consciousness surpasses that of all other devotees
- Every day he trained the two deva-dasis how to dance. Who among the small living entities, their minds always absorbed in material sense gratification, could understand the mentality of Sri Ramananda Raya
- Everyone is appreciating your presentation. Please keep up this standard of behavior. Do not make any artificial discrepancies amongst yourselves because you are acting on a very responsible business
- Everyone is infinitesimal, and therefore in the Vedas the Supreme Lord is called the supreme eternal amongst all eternals. He is the proprietor of the material and spiritual worlds and the supreme cause of manifestation
- Everyone is trying to become an imitation God; there is keen competition amongst such imitation gods, and such competitors are generally known as asuras
- Everyone knows that I am very fond of mangos. Actually amongst all fruits I like them most. They are considered the king of fruits
- Everything is there in the Bhagavad-gita. If you can introduce, study some Bhagavad-gita among the students, oh, it will, it will be a great service
- Execution of penance in full faith and sincerity made Brahmaji so powerful that he became the creator of the universe. And because he was able to attain such power, he is called the best amongst all the tapasvis
- Expert learned scholars say that laughing is generally found amongst youngsters or in the combination of old persons and young children. This ecstatic loving laughing is sometimes also found in persons who are very grave by nature
- Extreme desire to serve the Lord is manifest in the transcendental land of Vraja. And it is specifically manifested among the gopis. The gopis' love for Krsna is so elevated that for our understanding it is sometimes explained as being "lusty desire"
- Fighting is among that group, but not amongst the real workers
- First he (Bharata Maharaja) enjoyed his paternal property for one thousand times ten thousand years. At the time of his retirement, he divided this property among his sons and left for Pulaha-asrama
- Following Bharata, there were ninety-nine other sons. Among these were nine elderly sons, named Kusavarta, Ilavarta, Brahmavarta, Malaya, Ketu, Bhadrasena, Indrasprk, Vidarbha and Kikata
- Foolish and demoniac persons go to the hellish planets is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me (Krsna) into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- For example, Lord Jesus Christ wanted to preach amongst some persons who were practically against the principle of accepting God as the Supreme, and the result was that these people crucified him
- For the four-month period, all the daily invitations were shared among the important devotees. The rest of the devotees did not get an opportunity to extend an invitation to the Lord
- For those two (Caitra & Vaishaka) months He kept Himself among the gopis & He passed every night with them in the forest of Vrndavana to satisfy their desire for conjugal love. Thus Balarama also enjoyed the rasa dance with the gopis
- Formerly he (Paramesvara dasa) was Arjuna, a friend of Krsna and Balarama.He was the fifth among the twelve gopalas.He accompanied Srimati Jahnava-devi when she performed the festival at Khetari
- Formerly, before the beginning of Kali-yuga, almost everyone, especially among the intelligent men, the brahmanas, was a sruti-dhara. As soon as a student heard any of the Vedic wisdom from his master, he would remember it forever
- From Revatinandana I can understand that there is immense field for preaching amongst the youth and in all parts of the country, so do not hesitate to take the bold step forward and invite everyone to become devotee of Krsna
- From such small insects up to Brahma there are 8,400,000 different forms of life, among which we are traveling from body to body, leaving one body and entering another, as stated by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (tatha dehantara-praptih) - BG 2.13
- From the historical point of view, the Aryans are the most civilized section of human beings, and among the Aryans, the Indians are especially highly cultured. And among the Indians, the brahmanas are the most expert in knowledge of the Vedas
- From the Vedic literature it appears that when a theatrical actor dances among many dancing girls, the group dance is called a rasa dance
- From the womb of Matrka, the wife of Aryama, were born many learned scholars. Among them Lord Brahma created the human species, which are endowed with an aptitude for self-examination
- Giving a child a particular name is among the purificatory processes known as dasa-vidha-samskara, and on the day of such a ceremony one should observe a festival by worshiping Narayana and distributing prasadam, chiefly among the brahmanas
- God is the chief living entity amongst all living entities. God is the most intelligent personality than all of us. He is supplying the necessities of life to everyone. - These are the Vedic injunction. That is the difference between God and ourself
- God wants the message of the Bhagavad-gita to be preached amongst His devotees. It may not be so done amongst those who have no credit of austerities, charity and education. Therefore, the attempt must go on to convert unwilling men to become His devotees
- Gopis are the topmost devotees. And amongst the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the topmost. Therefore Srimati Radharani is greater than Krsna
- Gosthy-anandi, which means those who are preachers and have many followers for preaching the glories of the Lord and who live among those many, many followers just to organize missionary activities
- Great sages like Marici, Atri, Bhrgu and the others among the nine great sages who are descendants of Brahma also respect Lord Siva in such a way because they all know that Lord Siva is not an ordinary living entity
- Great scientists may be able to count all the atoms of the universe, all the stars and planets in the sky, and all the particles of snow, but who among them can count the unlimited transcendental qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- Greatest among human beings
- Haridasa Thakura said, "Let Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu take His lunch with the devotees. Since I am abominable, I cannot sit down among you"
- Havisman, Sukrta, Satya, Jaya, Murti and others will be the seven sages, the Suvasanas and Viruddhas will be among the demigods, and Sambhu will be their king, Indra
- He (Gadadhara dasa) counts among the associates of both Srila Gaurahari and Nityananda Prabhu
- He (God) is ajanah, or the Supreme Person, amongst jananam, or all persons. All living entities are individual persons & amongst all such persons Hari is supreme, as confirmed in the sruti-mantra, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13)
- He (God) is the nitya, or the chief eternal amongst all other eternals. He is the chief one, and all others are the dependent many. The many eternals are supported by the one eternal, and thus both the eternals are qualitatively one
- He (God) manifests His transcendental pastimes amongst them just to create the desire to go back to Godhead
- He (Haridasa Thakura) proposed to take prasadam outside the house (of Adaivta Acarya). Although he was in an exalted position and equal to other great Vaisnavas, he considered himself a papistha, a most sinful man, and adhama, the lowest among men
- He (Indra) suffered for one year, and then to purify himself he distributed the reactions for this sinful killing among the earth, water, trees and women
- He (Jarasandha) specifically addressed Krsna as purusadhama, meaning "the lowest among men." Actually Krsna is known in all Vedic scriptures as Purusottama, the highest among men
- He (Krsna) cannot be impersonal because He is the leader and Supreme Being amongst innumerable living beings
- He (Krsna) claims all living entities as His sons, so the fact that He had 161,080 sons attached to Him personally should be no cause for astonishment. Among Krsna's greatly powerful sons, eighteen sons were maha-rathas
- He (Krsna) is the creator of the material world, and He is the predominating Deity known as Narayana in all the Vaikuntha planets. Therefore, His movements amongst human beings is another sort of bewilderment
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja) worshiped Radha-Krsna with his family, and once when there was some misunderstanding among his family members about devotional service, he was advised by Nityananda Prabhu in a dream to leave home and go to Vrndavana - CC Intro
- He (Lord Buddha) is the incarnation of God, but he is preaching amongst people who don't believe in God. So he is cheating in this way that, - Yes, there is no God. You hear me
- He (Murari Gupta) was among the elders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- He (Prakasananda Sarasvati) was the chief amongst the impersonalist sannyasis, and he addressed Lord Caitanya with great humility, asking Him to come and sit amongst them
- He (Rupa Gosvami) collected whatever money he had accumulated in Bengal and divided it among his relatives, the brahmanas and the temples
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) actually belonged to a respectable brahmana family, but because he considered his behavior to be abominable, he did not try to place himself among the brahmanas but always remained among people of the lower castes
- He (Tosan Krishna Das Brahmachary) is studying regularly the following books: (1) BG As It Is, (2) SB, (3) The Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and other allied literatures. He is also preaching this perfect religious process amongst university students
- He (Vyasadeva) saw that the sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas were means by which the people's occupations could be purified. And to simplify the process he divided the one Veda into four, in order to expand them among men
- He (Yamaraja) is surely among the most confidential representatives of the Lord. Such confidential posts are offered to great devotees of the Lord who are as good as His eternal associates in the spiritual sky
- He accepts various transcendental bodies among all types of living entities, and among human beings He especially appears as Lord Krsna and Lord Rama. By His causeless mercy, He protects the demigods, who are always harassed by the demons
- He brought many kinds of food cooked in ghee and offered to the Lord. This prasadam he first placed before Lord Nityananda and then distributed among the devotees
- He divided all his property amongst his sons and appointed them to rule the world, and then he went to the forest with his wife. It is significant in this connection that Maharaja Prthu retired alone and at the same time took his wife with him
- He divided his property among his sons, who were equally as qualified, and he himself took the order of vanaprastha and went to the forest to concentrate his mind fully upon Lord Vasudeva
- He endowed the seven islands with the names of his seven sons, divided the islands among the sons, and then retired from active life to engage in the devotional service of the Lord
- He gave the middle to Kasyapa and the place known as Aryavarta to the upadrasta. Whatever remained he distributed among the sadasyas, the associate priests
- He is a saint amongst royalty, and he has performed many horse sacrifices. When such a king is tired and fatigued, being stricken with hunger and thirst, he does not at all deserve to be cursed
- He may collect food grains left here and there in the shops of grain dealers. These are four means of livelihood that may also be adopted by brahmanas. Among these four, each of them in succession is better than the one preceding it
- He was a leader among gentlemen and a servant of the devotees. He was a totally qualified plenary expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore who could equal him in the performance of gigantic ritualistic ceremonies?
- He was surprised to see the brilliance of their faces. Indeed, among them Vallabha Bhatta seemed just like a glowworm
- He went to a cow shed on the southern side of the Simha-dvara. There the Lord fell down unconscious among cows from the district of Tailanga
- He who knows Me (Krsna) as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds - he only, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins
- He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds-he, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins. BG 10.3 - 1972
- He, the Personality of Godhead, as the maintainer of all in the universe, appears in different incarnations after establishing the creation, and thus He reclaims all kinds of conditioned souls amongst the humans, the nonhumans and the demigods
- Hearing's so important. Even amongst the Mayavadi school, they hear Vedanta-sutra. We also hear, but we hear, hear real Vedanta-sutra. Because they falsely interpret, their hearing is spoiled, but we don't interpret. We hear actually
- Here amongst the educated class there is influence of all these rascals - Vivekananda, Aurobindo, and . . . that is their one defect. But in the mass there is no influence
- Here in England everything is going on nicely, and this evening we shall appear in big hall in London for kirtana and lecture. There is great interest in Krishna Consciousness amongst the English people
- Hiranyakasipu could not kill his son by throwing him beneath the feet of big elephants, throwing him among huge, fearful snakes, employing destructive spells, hurling him from the top of a hill, conjuring up illusory tricks, administering poison
- His (Dhruva Maharaja's) acts were all wonderful, and when he came back home, naturally, because of his spiritual qualifications, he became very popular amongst the citizens. He must have performed many wonderful activities by the grace of the Lord
- His (Krsnadasa Kaviraja's) family also worshiped Radha-Krsna, and once when there was some misunderstanding amongst his family about devotional service, Krsnadasa Kaviraja was advised by Nityananda Prabhu in a dream to leave home and go to Vrndavana
- His (Sukadeva Gosvami) bodily hue resembled that of Lord Krsna, who is the supreme among the gods, demigods and all living beings
- His (Uddhava's) two arms are just like the bolts of a door, His eyes are just like lotus flowers, and he is the most important devotee amongst all the associates (of Krsna). Let us therefore offer our respectful obeisances unto Uddhava's lotus feet
- His austerities and penances are exemplary practices for the human being. The incarnation of God Narayana Rsi was sitting amongst many devotees in the village known as Kalapa-grama
- Hold a meeting among the Gaudiya Vaisnavas here, and I will explain the position. Now we should combine together and fight
- How is it that we are finding it very easy to spread Krsna consciousness among the Europeans and Americans
- How strange it is that one of us (Saryati and his associates) has attempted to do something wrong to Cyavana Muni, the son of Bhrgu. It certainly appears that someone among us has polluted this asrama
- However, being unable to stick to these principles, these rascals again fall down and take shelter among sudras who are very expert in making arrangements for sex indulgence
- Human birth is a great opportunity for self-realization. One may take birth in a high planetary system among the demigods, but due to the profusion of material comforts, one cannot gain release from material bondage
- I (Kesava Kasmiri) recited all the verses like the blowing wind. How could You (Caitanya) completely learn by heart even one among those verses
- I (Mother Earth) am thinking about myself and also, O best amongst the demigods, about you, as well as about all the demigods, sages, denizens of Pitrloka, devotees of the Lord and all men obedient to the system of varna and asrama in human society
- I (Prabhupada) know that amongst the Chinese there are many scholars and learned cultured gentlemen. So to convince them will be easier than others, even though they are of the Buddhist philosophy
- I am happy to know that you are appreciating our work amongst the academic community. This is very important work to gain the acceptance of the academic world. If scientific men and scholars accept, the more that is a great stride
- I am individual person. And the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is also individual person. Nityo nityanam. This is Vedic information. We are plural number, nityanam. Cetanas cetananam: He's the supreme living force amongst all other living forces
- I am so pleased with your honest endeavor to open a branch in Buffalo. Those who try to distribute Krishna Consciousness amongst the general mass of people are very much favorite to Lord Krishna and Lord Chaitanya
- I am very pleased that although you are the youngest of my disciples, amongst the boys, your sentiments are very highly developed. Please continue to feel Krishna in the same way, and chant regularly, without fail, you will improve more and more
- I am very pleased to learn how things are going on very well in Washington center and that you are nicely celebrating the various Advent days of our great Acaryas. But I am especially glad to know of your very successful work amongst the students
- I count you and your godbrothers among those few men who are treading seriously on the path back to Home, back to Godhead, and now we must maintain such exalted position and not fall back by neglecting our highest standards of devotional practices
- I do not pray to God for the eight perfections of mystic yoga, nor for salvation from repeated birth and death. I want only to stay among all the living entities and suffer all distresses on their behalf, so that they may be freed from suffering
- I find amongst the GBC members that Satsvarupa Maharaja stands first because he submits regularly the report
- I have already advised Tamala Krishna Goswami to go to Bangladesh and if you also sometimes join with him and preach this Krishna Consciousness movement amongst the Mohammedans in Bangladesh, it will be a great service
- I have heard that there is very good potential for spreading Krishna Consciousness movement in Toronto especially among the large younger population. So I think this will be a good field for you to work enthusiastically
- I have invited Krsna and He may not be insulted by disrespectful behavior. I have introduced this system of Deity worship amongst the non-believers, the atheists, the mlecchas, the yavanas
- I have no objection to sending you some men from Los Angeles, but you also should try to recruit some men from amongst the residents of Columbus. That is the best plan
- I have read in some book - that Aquatic Gospel? - that formerly, during Lord Jesus Christ's time, some meeting were held occasionally among all religious people, all religious people. And in one meeting some Hindu's name was there; he is very prominent
- I have seen the monthly book distribution report and your name, Australia, is first among the world distributers
- I have traveled in Australia and come to your country, New Zealand. So far material necessities are concerned, you are all well-to-do. So why this question of frustration (among younger section), as Goswami Hanuman-Prasada was speaking?
- I hope in future you have to move amongst the scholars, representing our Krishna Consciousness movement, so I am glad that you are thinking in that way for our future program
- I hope that everyone there, all the devotees, especially amongst the Indian community, will co-operate to spread our movement in Toronto and establish a very nice temple
- I requested that we require a set of first-class men that is not there at the present moment. There is no head. They are thinking simply arms wanted, defense, and fight amongst themselves. That's all
- I shall be glad to learn how Hayagriva is taking Sankirtana classes amongst the University students. And I shall be glad to hear from you
- I shall bewilder the demons by creating a quarrel among them
- I very much enjoyed my stay in Toronto and I hope that everyone there, all the devotees, especially amongst the Indian community, will co-operate to spread our movement
- I'm negotiating with local university authorities to donate a piece of land within the university campus so that we may construct a nice temple there and preach this cult amongst the students
- I've explained to you that there are ten different names in the Sankara-sampradaya of the sannyasi, and there are 108 names amongst the Vaisnava sannyasa
- If a race appears strong in body, their country is materially considered to be among the highly advanced nations of the world
- If a tiger kills a man, this is not sinful but if a man kills another man, this is considered sinful, and the killer is hanged. What is a daily affair among the animals is a sinful act in human society
- If he's not God conscious, he cannot continue such thing. He must fail. Even the, there are so many instances, even amongst the devotees, because this material world is made so that you cannot continue this principle perpetually
- If I go there in London it may be possible for me to take the management of the temple because she is very much eager to have my cooperation. So I am asking your opinion after consulting amongst yourselves whether I shall go as invited by her
- If Kirtanananda Maharaja moves amongst the school, college and university authorities and induces them to recommend this "Isopanisad" for additional reading by the students either privately or in the library it will be a great achievement
- If one acts piously, he can attain a new body among the demigods in the higher planetary systems, or he may attain some other position in which he can enjoy a higher standard of material happiness
- If one is not purified by the process of the seed-giving ceremony, or garbhadhana-samskara, he is immediately classified amongst the sudras because only the sudras do not undergo this purificatory process
- If one simply becomes a teacher or professor of education but does not understand Krsna, it is to be understood that he is among the lowest of mankind
- If one takes to Krsna consciousness and if he renounces family life and preaches Krsna consciousness, then he will be happy, and the persons amongst whom he will preach, they will be happy
- If the candidates for conversion are too disturbing, a preacher may not attempt to spread Krsna consciousness amongst them. It is better to go where the situation is more favorable
- If there is no good production, the government should not levy any tax. But now, at the present moment, "You go to hell, but you must pay the tax. And we divide the tax amongst ourself." That's all
- If there is possibility to preach amongst the communists, you must do it immediately. The intelligent communist people will very easily understand our philosophy
- If there is something to be done, we divide the task, "Mr. You, you do this. And you, you do this. You do this." Similarly, all these qualities must be divided amongst the whole population
- If we can get some Chinese followers of this cult, it will be a great success. I know that amongst the Chinese there are many scholars & learned cultured gentlemen. To convince them will be easier than others, even though they are of Buddhist philosophy
- If we do not know God or His orders, we can only set about manufacturing some rubbish and fighting among ourselves. This is not dharma but philosophical speculation
- If we fight amongst ourselves that, "I am proprietor of India; you are proprietor of America; you are proprietor of Germany," this is false conception of life. Real proprietor is Krsna
- If we remain with maya, we should live in such a way that we will not be subject to illusion, as did the many householders among Lord Caitanya's closest devotees - CC Intro
- If you (David Lawrence) take that process and allow this Krsna consciousness among the students, oh, it will be great service to the humanity. As a teacher, you will give the greatest service
- If you can find out amongst your associate a person who is only dedicated to Krsna, you can associate with him. Then your path of liberation will be open
- If you concentrate your energy in a city like Bombay for propagating Krishna Consciousness amongst the younger generation, as I am doing here in the Western World, it will be great service to Krishna and to your country
- If you try you will get also an order for 18 copies of all our books. This open order was published in my picture advertisement for the Bhagavatam. So please try in this way to get our books circulating among the educated classes
- If you want to do something for India, the only remedial measure that you can take is to spread Krishna Consciousness amongst the peoples. Otherwise, the next step is surely communism as you have already suggested
- If you want to taste what is God, you first of all try to cure your disease. Our disease, material disease, is the lusty desire. Lusty desire is so strong that you will find it is existing amongst the so-called religionists performing religious rituals
- In a society or family in which everyone is a demon, for someone to become a Vaisnava is certainly folly. Prahlada Maharaja was charged with bad intelligence because he was among demons, including his teachers, who were supposedly brahmanas
- In all circumstances, his (unalloyed devotee's) activities and dealings with Krsna are transcendental and thus not understandable by mundane moralists. It is therefore better not to discuss such activities among mundane people
- In Bangladesh, we have got very good field. Simply by chanting, dancing and taking a little prasadam. Best thing is to speak among the educated class, like lawyers, professors--the mass of people, they cannot speak English
- In Bhagavad-gita (16.19) Lord Krsna says: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- In Bhagavad-gita (16.19-20) the Lord says: Attaining repeated birth amongst the species of demoniac life, such persons can never approach Me. Gradually they sink down to the most abominable type of existence
- In Bhagavad-gita (16.19-20) the Lord says: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19-20) the Lord says - Attaining repeated birth among the species of demoniac life, such persons can never approach Me. Gradually they sink down to the most abominable type of existence
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19-20) the Lord says: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- In Bhagavad-gita we are warned: O best among men (Arjuna), the person who is not disturbed by happiness and distress and is steady in both is certainly eligible for liberation - BG 2.15
- In Bhagwatam also there is another example like Lord Jesus. He is Prahlad Maharaj a boy of five years old but because he was a great devotee of God and preaching the message of God among his little class mates, his atheist father tried to kill him
- In every civilized human society there is some set of scriptural rules & regulations which are followed from the beginning, especially among the Aryans, those who adopt the Vedic civilization and known as the most advanced civilized peoples. BG 1972 pur
- In front of the temple, in a very attractive place among two bakula trees and a kadamba tree, is the tomb of Paramesvari Thakura, and above it is an altar with a tulasi bush. It is said that only one flower a year comes out of the kadamba tree.
- In great sacrifices the injunction is that Narayana should be present as the supreme predominating Deity of the sacrifice and that after the sacrifice is performed the remnants of food should be distributed amongst the demigods
- In his Anubhasya Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada says that Bhagavata Acarya was formerly among the followers of Advaita Acarya but was later counted among the followers of Gadadhara Pandita
- In human society the human being is considered to be the superior living being, and amongst the human beings there are also different varieties: good, bad, equal, etc
- In India it is the practice among the general populace to hear about Krsna, either from Bhagavad-gita or from Srimad-Bhagavatam, in order to gain relief from the disease of repeated birth and death
- In order to acquire these things (apartment, house, food, friends) he has to cheat others, and this creates enmity even among the most intimate friends. Sometimes this enmity is created between the conditioned soul and the father or spiritual master
- In order to distinguish the personality whom the individual soul must approach, it is described here (in SB 3:29.36) that this purusa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the chief amongst all living entities
- In SB 1.2.13, Suta Gosvami says: O best among the twice-born, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve by discharging his prescribed duties according to caste divisions & orders of life is to please the Personality of Godhead
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.33.7) it is confirmed that although Krsna, the son of Devaki, is the last word in superexcellence and beauty, when He is amongst the gopis it appears that He is a sublime jewel set amongst divine golden craftsmanship
- In that great assembly, Maharaja Prthu first of all worshiped all the respectable visitors according to their respective positions. After this, he stood up in the midst of the assembly, and it appeared that the full moon had arisen amongst the stars
- In the autumn season all the reservoirs of water are full of lotus flowers. There are also flowers that resemble the lotus but are of a different class. Among them is a flower called kumuda
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15) the Lord says: Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, the transcendental qualities of Sri Krsna are mentioned. Among these, fifty are primary (ayam neta su-ramyangah, etc.), and in minute quantity they were all present in the body of Sri Haridasa Pandita
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that although He (Krsna) is the oldest personality among all living entities, He always looks like a new, youthful boy. That is the characteristic of a spiritual body
- In the clear sky of autumn, the beautiful moon among the beautiful stars becomes the cynosure of all eyes, just as Lord Sri Krsna is the central attraction in the Vrsni dynasty or in the family of Yadu
- In the discussions held among the four brothers, one of them, namely Sanandana, was selected to speak, and the other brothers became the audience to hear him
- In the English dictionary when you consult the word God, it is stated there, "the Supreme Being." What is that Supreme Being? We are all living being, but amongst ourself there is comparative, superlative positions
- In the English proverb it is said: "A man is known by his company." So similarly, if the subject matter is animalistic, ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithuna, then, however he may be big man, we will take him amongst the categories of cats and dogs
- In the forest, fire takes place automatically. It is not that someone has to go there and set a fire; because of friction among various trees, fire occurs automatically
- In the Gita (BG 16.19) the Lord (Krsna) says: "Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life"
- In the Katha Upanisad (2.2.13) the Supreme Lord is described as the chief eternal being amongst all other eternal individual beings (nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam) and the one Supreme Lord who maintains innumerable other individual living beings
- In the lower species of life, among birds and animals, it is seen that by nature's arrangement the husband and wife live together. It is similarly ideal in human life for the husband and wife to live together
- In the Mahabharata his (Narada Muni's) name is mentioned in many places. He is the principle devarsi, or the chief sage amongst the demigods. He is the son & disciple of Brahmaji, and from him the disciplic succession in the line of Brahma has been spread
- In the Mahabharata, among the thousand names of Visnu, it is said yajna-bhug yajna-krd yajnah. The enjoyer of yajna, the performer of yajna and yajna itself are the Supreme Lord
- In the millennium of the rsis, the Personality of Godhead accepted the third empowered incarnation in the form of Devarsi Narada, who is a great sage among the demigods
- In the northern Indian high country, the kayasthas are accepted as sudras, but in Bengal the kayasthas are considered among the higher castes. It is a fact that the kayasthas came to Bengal from northern India, specifically from Kanyakubja, or Kanauj
- In the period of the eighth Manu, among the demigods will be the Sutapas, the Virajas and the Amrtaprabhas. The king of the demigods, Indra, will be Bali Maharaja, the son of Virocana
- In the present days, because people are not Vaisnavas, they fight perpetually among one another and are vanquished without finishing the mission of human life
- In the same way, when Krsna was first counted among the incarnations, specific knowledge about Him was still unknown
- In the temple of Adi-kesava, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu discussed spiritual matters among highly advanced devotees. While there, He found a chapter of the Brahma-samhita
- In the thirteenth manvantara, the Sukarmas and Sutramas will be among the demigods, Divaspati will be the king of heaven, and Nirmoka and Tattvadarsa will be among the seven sages
- In the universe there are many isvaras, or controllers, but Krsna is the supreme among all of them. Krsna consciousness gives us this knowledge. Without it, we will remain ignorant of our real self-interest
- In the Upanisads (Katha Up. 2.2.13), which say, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam - the Lord is the supreme leader among all the eternal living beings
- In the Vedic literature (Katha Upanisad) it is stated that the Supreme Lord is the supreme living entity amongst all living entities
- In this age, all kinds of sacrifice are forbidden because there is no learned priest amongst the so-called brahmanas, who go by the false notion of becoming sons of brahmanas without brahminical qualifications
- In this life one may think that he is very happy being an American, Indian, Englishman or German, but in the next life one has to accept another body among 8,400,000 species
- In this manvantara, the name of Indra will be Rtadhama, and the demigods will be headed by the Haritas. Among the sages will be Tapomurti, Tapasvi and Agnidhraka
- In this material world there are as many living entities as atoms. Among these living entities, a very few are human beings, and among them, few are interested in following religious principles
- In this material world there are good men and bad men, similarly, amongst the persons who has no this gross body, they are sometimes called ghosts and sometimes they are called pramatha
- In this material world, since most people are nondevotees, they regularly compete, fight, disagree and war among themselves, for everyone wants to enjoy and satisfy his own senses
- In this ninth manvantara, the Paras and Maricigarbhas will be among the demigods. The king of heaven, Indra, will be named Adbhuta, and Dyutiman will be among the seven sages
- In this particular stanza Lord Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, is distinguished from other incarnations. He is counted amongst the avataras (incarnations) because out of His causeless mercy the Lord descends from His transcendental abode
- In this verse (SB 4.20.1) the word atmanam is very significant. It is a custom among yogis and jnanis to address one another (or even an ordinary man) as one's self, for a transcendentalist never accepts a living being to be the body
- In this verse (SB 4.22.63) the words strinam and ramah are significant. It is the practice amongst ladies to hear and enjoy the praises of certain heroes
- In this verse (SB 4.23.9) the words purusam abhajat purusarsabhah are significant: purusarsabha refers to Maharaja Prthu, the best amongst human beings, and purusam refers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In Vedic literatures, it is said that the Absolute Truth, Personality of Godhead, is the chief amongst all living personalities
- In woman the brain substance is not found more than thirty-four ounce. You'll find, therefore, that there is no very great scientist, mathematician, philosopher among women
- In your European, American countries the book of knowledge accepted as the Old Testament, New Testament. Similarly, the book of knowledge amongst the Muhammadans, they have accepted as the Koran
- Incarnations or sons of God are not making propaganda for going back to Godhead only within the human society. Their work is also going on in all types of societies, amongst demigods and those other than human beings
- Indra knew about the exalted position of Krsna because Krsna is the master of Indra, but he could not believe that Krsna could come down and live in Vrndavana among the cowherd men
- It has been decided that among human beings Babhru is the best and that Devavrdha is equal to the demigods. Because of the association of Babhru and Devavrdha, all of their descendants, numbering 14,065, achieved liberation
- It is a prejudice among smarta-brahmanas that a widow must observe fasting on Ekadasi but a woman who is sa-dhava - who has her husband - should not. It appears that before Lord Caitanya’s request, Sacimata, being sa-dhava, was not observing Ekadasi
- It is a system in India that if somebody's invited to take prasadam, he takes something, some fruits, some sweetmeats, something, and offers to the Deity. Of course, that is distributed amongst the prasadam, but it is the system
- It is already known to us that Krsna had 16,108 wives. All these wives were exalted liberated souls, and among them Queen Rukmini was the chief
- It is an old system among Indian girls and women that when they take a bath in the river they place their garments on the bank and dip into the water completely naked
- It is confirmed also in the Bhagavad-gita that a devotee who has unflinching faith in and devotion to the Lord, even if he is sometimes found to be accidentally deviated from pure devotional characteristics, should still be counted amongst the pure
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.22), karanam guna-sango 'sya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu: Because of the living entity's association with material nature, he meets with good and evil among various species
- It is confirmed in the Upanisads that Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, is the chief among all living entities and that He maintains them and supplies them with all necessities of life
- It is customary among Hindus that at the time a child is born, especially a male child, the parents distribute great charity in jubilation
- It is customary among Hindus to carry a dying person to a nearby bank of the Ganges, for if one dies on the bank of the Ganges, his soul is considered to reach the lotus feet of Lord Visnu, wherefrom the Ganges flows
- It is customary among ksatriyas for a princess to be offered under certain conditions. For instance, Draupadi was offered in marriage to one who could pierce a fish with an arrow simply by seeing the reflection of that fish
- It is described that the lotus-eyed Krsna entered amongst the wrestlers without being impolite to them, glanced over them with determination, and seemed to them just like an elephant attacking some plants
- It is especially significant that Lord Siva is a pure devotee of Lord Vasudeva. Vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh: "Amongst all Vaisnavas, Lord Siva is the topmost." Lord Siva has a sampradaya, a Vaisnava disciplic succession, called the Rudra-sampradaya
- It is essential for one to renounce family responsibilities and fully concentrate on the lotus feet of Vasudeva. Therefore Maharaja Ambarisa divided the kingdom among his sons and retired from family life
- It is not necessary for one to abandon his family, for there were many householders amongst Lord Caitanya's closest devotees. What must be renounced is the propensity for material enjoyment
- It is recommended here (in SB 8.19.41), bhiksave sarvam om kurvan nalam kamena catmane. One should not give everything to the beggars among the poor
- It is said in the sastras that if the garbhadhana-samskara is not practiced among the higher castes, the entire family becomes sudra. It is also stated that in this age of Kali, everyone is sudra due to the absence of the garbhadhana-samskara
- It is seen among Vaisnavas, that even when a disciple offers obeisances to his spiritual master, the spiritual master immediately returns the obeisances because they are mutually offered not to the body but to the Supersoul
- It is stated that Kamsa refrained from killing his close relation Devaki because if he had killed her, a great fight would have ensued among the other members of the family
- It is the etiquette among sannyasis, those on the fourth platform of spiritual life, to offer respects by saying om namo narayanaya ("I offer my respectful obeisances unto Narayana"). This greeting is used especially by Mayavadi sannyasis
- It is the general opinion that among modern-day spiritualists who have tried to know the Supreme through their own puny efforts, Sri Aurobindo has attained some degree of realization
- It is the necessity of the human society to become Krishna Conscious and each state has to take it seriously to implement the idea among the citizens. So we expect to push on our movement to that extent, that is our objective
- It is there (in Goloka Vrndavana) that He (Krsna) stays with His father, mother and friends, exhibits His transcendental relationships and bestows His mercy amongst His eternal entourage. There yogamaya acts as His maidservant in the rasa-lila dance
- It is to be understood that among all the cows of Nanda Maharaja, several of mother Yasoda's cows ate only grasses so flavorful that the grasses would automatically flavor the milk
- Jada Bharata was a perfect yogi. He was formerly the emperor Bharata Maharaja, and he was now the most exalted personality among learned sages and the master of all mystic powers
- Jantu means animals. Of course, in logic also, human being is called rational animal. They are also classified among the animals, but they are called rational animals
- Jesus Christ is preaching first thing, "Thou shalt not kill." That means he was preaching among the killers. So what kind of men they are? Tenth class of men
- Just as he (Aniruddha) was to be punished for the kidnapping, the soldiers from Dvaraka arrived, headed by Balarama, and a fight ensued amongst the ksatriyas
- Just as Srimati Radharani is dear to the Supreme Lord Krsna (Visnu), so Her bathing place (Radha-kunda) is equally dear to Krsna. Among all the gopis, She alone stands supreme as the Lord's most beloved
- Just as Srimati Radharani is most dear to Sri Krsna, Her bathing place (Radha-kunda) is also dear to Him. Among all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is supermost and very dear to Lord Krsna
- Just like a wrestler, simply by practicing wrestling amongst friends, gradually becomes stronger and the body is built up very nicely, Krishna Consciousness is exactly like that: The more you serve Krishna, the more you get better strength to serve Him
- Just like amongst our students there are many married couples also, and there are brahmacaris also. That I barred from this? He is not barred. Nobody is barred. Simply following some regulation. That will gradually train him
- Just like amongst the birds and beasts there is no economic problem. The birds rise in the morning, and they chirp between themselves, and after a few hours or minutes they go away, and they get their food
- Just to see the chief of the descendants of King Bharata (Bhisma), all the great souls in the universe, namely the rsis amongst the demigods, brahmanas and kings, all situated in the quality of goodness, were assembled there
- Kapila, Dattatreya, Rsabha, Dhanvantari and Vyasa are eternally situated and very widely known. They are also counted among the prabhava incarnations
- Kapiladeva said to Devahuti, "Although such people do not desire any kind of liberation or any kind of material happiness, still I give them a place amongst My associates in the supreme abode"
- Kardama Muni was a great yogi. So while practicing yoga, he thought of marrying. That, it is natural among young men
- Kindly deal with such (scandalous) matters in future with great caution and tactfully so that our Movement may not get a bad reputation, especially among people who are very sensitive to such things
- Kindly describe how the proportionate accumulation of the reactions resulting from the different modes of material nature act upon the desiring living being, promoting or degrading him among the different species of life
- King Bharata was the Emperor of the world, and since his time this planet is known among the demigods as Bharatavarsa. Formerly it was known as Ilavartavarsa. BG 1972 purports
- King Indra replied: When I killed Visvarupa, I received extensive sinful reactions, but I was favored by the women, land, trees and water, and therefore I was able to divide the sin among them
- King Nabhi understood that his son, Rsabhadeva, was very popular among the citizens and among government officers and ministers
- King Nrga said, "Among the living entities who have not accepted material bodies are those who hover in the material world as evil spirits or live in the ghostly atmosphere"
- King Prthu's statements in previous verses regarding his vast knowledge and perfect devotional service are justified here (in SB 4.22.49), for he is considered best amongst all mahatmas
- King Rahugana said: This birth as a human being is the best of all. Even birth among the demigods in the heavenly planets is not as glorious as birth as a human being on this earth
- King Yudhisthira, while inquiring about the Lord's sons and grandsons at Dvaraka, mentioned only the chieftains amongst them, for it was impossible for him to remember all the names of the Lord's family members
- Krsna addressed Balarama, "My dear elder brother, best among the Aryans, You are the Lord of the universe, and, specifically, You are the protector of the Yadu dynasty"
- Krsna consciousness movement is gradually becoming the most popular movement in the entire world, especially amongst the younger generation. It is becoming more and more interesting to the older generation also. BG 1972 Preface
- Krsna Consciousness Movement is meant for defying both classes of men; namely the karmis and the jnanis or yogis. That is our mission. Now among our students those who are advanced should take up this matter more seriously
- Krsna declares, pranavah sarva-vedesu: I am the syllable om in the Vedic mantras. (BG 7.8) One should therefore conclude that among the many incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, omkara is the sound incarnation
- Krsna declares: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among mankind, I perpetually cast into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life - BG 16.19
- Krsna describes in the Bhagavad-gita: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, I perpetually cast into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- Krsna explains in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3): Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth
- Krsna explains in the Bhagavad-gita: Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me - BG 7.15
- Krsna freely moves amongst His friends as a cowherd boy in Vrndavana, and when He plays His flute, all living creatures, mobile and immobile, become overwhelmed with ecstasy. They quiver, and tears flow from their eyes
- Krsna is naturally attractive for all living beings because He is the chief eternal amongst all eternals. He alone is the maintainer of the many eternals
- Krsna is the central pivot of living beings, and He is the all-attractive living entity or eternal form amongst all other living beings or eternal forms
- Krsna is the father of all living beings. Therefore He is the original living being of all other living beings. He is the original eternal enjoyer amongst all other enjoyers. Therefore no one can be His begetting father, as the ignorant may think
- Krsna is the reservoir of art and culture, and He is the panacea that saves My life. O My dear friend, since I live without Him, who is the best among My friends, I condemn the duration of My life. I think that Providence has cheated Me in many ways
- Krsna once dressed Himself up exactly like Radharani, just to create fun among His friends. He put on golden earrings, and because He was blackish, He smeared the pulp of kunkuma all over His body in order to become as fair as She
- Krsna said: "O Partha, in all the three planetary systems, this earth is especially fortunate, for on earth is the town of Vrndavana. And there the gopis are especially glorious because among them is My Srimati Radharani"
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19): Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15): Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, & who partake of the atheistic nature of demons, do not surrender unto Me
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15): Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons, do not surrender unto Me
- Krsna says...Among the Gandharvas I am Visvavasu, and I am Purvacitti among the heavenly Apsaras
- Krsna states in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3): Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth
- Krsna's reaction is a controversial point among great authorities and saintly persons. How could Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the reservoir of all power and knowledge, be bewildered in such a way?
- Krsna, the son of Devaki, is the last word in superexcellence and beauty, when He is among the gopis He appears even more beautiful - like a sublime jewel set among divine golden craftsmanship
- Krsnadasa Brahmacari was formerly among the group of sakhis known as the asta-sakhis. His name was Indulekha
- Krsnadasa Brahmacari was formerly among the group of sakhis known as the asta-sakhis. His name was Indulekha. Krsnadasa Brahmacari lived in Vrndavana
- Ksirodakasayi Visnu is the Visnu among the three principal deities-Brahma, Visnu and Siva-and He is the all-pervading Paramatma in each and every individual living entity
- Kunti said, "Will you kindly tell Him that His Aunt Kunti is sitting amongst the enemy and would like to know when she will be able to see His lotus face again"
- Kurma, Matsya, Narayana, Varaha, Hayagriva, Prsnigarbha and Baladeva, the killer of Pralambasura, are counted among the vaibhava-avataras
- Laksmana said, "My dear Draupadi, when I accepted Lord Krsna as my worshipable husband and He accepted me as His maidservant, there was a tumultuous roaring among the disappointed princes"
- Later in life, Caitanya dasa became a very learned Sanskrit scholar and wrote many books. Among these books, his commentary on Krsna-karnamrta is very famous
- Let me please Your Lordship by chanting the bija-mantra omkara. I wish to offer my respectful obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, who is the best among the most highly elevated personalities
- Living entities are superior to inanimate objects, O blessed mother (Devahuti), and among them, living entities who display life symptoms are better
- Lord Brahma continued: Stop the performance of these sacrifices, for they have induced Indra to introduce so many irreligious aspects. You should know very well that even amongst the demigods there are many unwanted desires
- Lord Buddha said, "Yes, there is no God. There is no God. There is void only. But you believe me, what I say." Just see. He is incarnation of God, and the people amongst whom he is preaching, to them he is saying, "There is no God," but he is God
- Lord Buddha, an incarnation of Lord Krsna, adopted a particular means to propagate the philosophy of bhagavata-dharma. He preached almost exclusively among atheists
- Lord Krsna instructs Arjuna that one who renders loving devotional service to Him, the Supreme Lord, is the highest among all yogis, and that Arjuna should thus strive to become such a bhakti-yogi
- Lord Krsna is so kind to the fallen souls that He personally incarnates Himself amongst the different kinds of living entities and takes part with them in daily activities
- Lord Krsna said - Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods, those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors, those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings, and those who worship Me will live with Me
- Lord Krsna was present among His relatives who were members of the ksatriya class. To teach them through the exemplary character of King Nrga, He said
- Lord Mahadeva said: O chief demigod among the demigods, O all-pervading Lord, master of the universe, by Your energy You are transformed into the creation. You are the root and efficient cause of everything
- Lord Siva prays to Lord Aniruddha to give him strength so that he will not taste anything but the prasada of the Lord. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung a verse indicating that the tongue is the most formidable enemy among all the senses
- Lord Siva's lotus feet were worshiped by both the demigods and demons, but still, in spite of his exalted position, as soon as he saw that Lord Brahma was there among all the other demigods, he immediately stood up and offered him respect by bowing down
- Lord Siva, Narada the sage amongst the demigods, and Kapila, the incarnation of Godhead, all know very confidentially about His glories through direct contact
- Lord Siva, the spiritual master of the entire world, is free from enmity, is a peaceful personality, and is always satisfied in himself. He is the greatest among the demigods
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had three Raghus among His associates - Vaidya Raghunatha (vide Adi-lila 11.22), Bhatta Raghunatha and Dasa Raghunatha. Dasa Raghunatha became celebrated as the Raghunatha of Svarupa
- Lord Sri Krsna is sometimes described as a thief. He is very famous amongst His pure devotees as the Makhana-cora. He used to steal butter from the houses of neighbors at Vrndavana in His early age. Since then He is famous as a thief
- Lust creates quarrel among men
- Maha-bhagavatas, or first-grade devotees, although moving amongst men, are not contaminated by honor or insult, hunger or satisfaction, sleep or wakefulness, which are all resultant actions of the three modes of material nature
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was intelligent enough to understand the influence of the age of Kali, characterized by increasing avarice, falsehood, cheating and violence throughout the capital, state, home and among individuals
- Make many, many life members amongst this class of men (big lawyers, doctors, government ministers, professional men) that will be your great contribution
- Mathura and Hastinapura, the capital of the Kurus, are both puras. Personalities like Arjuna, Bhima, Draupadi and Sridama Brahmana are counted amongst Krsna's fraternal devotees in the puras
- Maya Danava was a god among the demons, and he could perform some wonderful feats, one of which is described here (in SB 7.10.59): he made a well filled with nectar and dipped the asuras into that nectarean well
- Maya refers to material existence, which is characterized by the reactions of fruitive activities. Mayavadis consider devotional service to be among such fruitive activities
- Mayavadis, impersonalists, are offenders at the lotus feet of Krsna, they may nonetheless be counted among the siddhas, those who have realized the self
- Men are living like cats and dogs, spoiling the duration of their human lives by actually preparing to transmigrate again to the degraded species among the 8,400,000 forms of life
- Mucukunda continued, "I can see that Your feet are just like soft lotus flowers. How could You walk in the forest, full of thorns & pebbles? I am simply surprised to see this! Are You not the S P of God, the most powerful amongst the powerful"
- My dear King Rahugana, as long as the conditioned soul accepts the material body and is not freed from the contamination of material enjoyment, has to wander among different places and different species of life in this material world
- My dear King, as long as conditioned soul does not conquer his six enemies and come to the platform of self-realization by awakening his spiritual knowledge, he has to wander among different places and different species of life in this material world
- My dear Lord, You are the topmost of all bestowers of all benediction, the oldest and supreme enjoyer amongst all enjoyers. You are the master of all the worlds' metaphysical philosophy, for You are the supreme cause of all causes, Lord Krsna
- Narada asked Brahmaji: O chief amongst the demigods, O firstborn living entity, my respectful obeisances unto you. Please tell me that transcendental knowledge which specifically directs one to the truth of the individual soul and the Supersoul
- Narada is considered one of the demigods, of course, and the word devarsi means "the saintly person among the demigods."
- Narada Muni being the best amongst the Vaisnavas, is compassionate toward such unfortunate victims of worthless literatures
- Narada Muni is the chief sage amongst the demigods
- Narada Muni said: Among all the attractions of material enjoyment, the attraction of riches bewilders one's intelligence more than having beautiful bodily features, taking birth in an aristocratic family, and being learned - SB 10.10.8
- Narada Muni's mission was to finish things quickly. Krsna appeared in order to kill the demons, and Kamsa was the chief among them. Narada wanted to expedite things; therefore, he immediately approached Kamsa with all the real information
- Narayana-parayana, a pure devotee, is rarely found even among millions and millions of persons
- Neutrality & partiality are both among the transcendental qualities of the Lord, & they are properly adjusted by His inconceivable energy. The Lord is Para-brahman, or the source of the impersonal Brahma, which is His all-pervading feature of neutrality
- Never try to go away. Discrepancies there may be. You should adjust. And this chanting and dancing amongst . . . within the society of devotees, has got great advantage, great value
- Nimna-tirupati is located in the valley of Venkata Hill. There are several temples there also, among which are those of Govindaraja and Lord Ramacandra
- Nirloma Gangadasa and Visnudasa were the thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh among the devotees who lived at Jagannatha Puri as servants of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). Krsna is the supreme nitya, the supreme living force, among the innumerable living forces
- No one among these four classes of atheist (the gross materialists, the immoral sinners, the number-one fools and bewildered by maya despite their mundane erudition) ever believes in the SPG, what to speak of offering prayers unto His lotus feet
- No one is equal to Him (God), but among the parts and parcels there are different categories
- No one is unhappy when a serpent is killed. It is a practice among village boys to catch a serpent by the tail and play with it for some time and then kill it
- No ordinary architect could construct such a fort within the sea, but an architect like Visvakarma, who is considered to be the engineer among the demigods, can execute such wonderful craftsmanship anywhere in the universe
- Nobody can become God. God is never made. God does not become. God is always God, not that one is not God, and he becomes God by some mystic yogic power. This theory is going on amongst the Mayavadis, that by the mystic yoga practice, one can become God
- Not from the slaughterhouse. Those who are ksatriyas, they can, they're allowed sometimes to eat meat. It is understood Bhima, Bhima also eating sometimes meat. Bhima. Amongst the Pandavas, only Bhima. Not others
- Not only among hundreds and thousands, but among millions of perfectly liberated souls, a pure devotee is hardly ever found
- Not only did Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu pick out this one (CC Adi 16.41) among the one hundred verses and remember it although the brahmana had recited them like the blowing wind, but He also analyzed its qualities and faults
- Not understanding the transcendental behavior of the SPG, these (mundane) rascals slur His character and immediately fall into the category of miscreants - rascals, lowest among men, demons and those whose knowledge is taken away by the illusory energy
- Now I want that we shall recruit more and more our men amongst the intelligent class of men
- Nowadays it has become a fashion, daridra-narayana-seva, to give protection to the daridras. That is good idea. But why you should bring Narayana amongst the daridras? Narayana is not daridra. Narayana is the husband of Laksmi
- O best among men (Arjuna), the person who is not disturbed by happiness and distress and is steady in both is certainly eligible for liberation. BG 2.15 - 1972
- O best among the Bharatas (Arjuna), four kinds of pious men render devotional service unto Me - the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute. BG 7.16 - 1972
- O best among the brahmanas (Maitreya), those who are spiritual masters are very kind to the needy. They are always kind to their followers, disciples and sons, and without being asked by them, the spiritual master describes all that is knowledge
- O best among the descendants of Bharata (Yudhisthira), I (Bhismadeva) maintain, therefore, that all this is within the plan of the Lord
- O best among the twice-born, it is concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve, by discharging his prescribed duties (dharma) according to caste divisions and orders of life, is to please the Lord Hari
- O best among the twice-born, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve by discharging the duties prescribed for one's own occupation according to caste divisions and orders of life is to please the Personality of Godhead
- O best among the twice-born, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve by discharging the duties prescribed for one’s own occupation according to caste divisions and orders of life is to please the PG - SB 1.2.13
- O best among the twice-born, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve, by discharging his prescribed duties (dharma) according to caste divisions and orders of life, is to please the Lord Hari
- O best among those performing austerities, where did you get this wonderful beauty that dismantles the austerities performed by others? Where have you learned this art? What austerity have you undergone to achieve this beauty, my dear friend?
- O best amongst the Kurus, the clouds which carry water are the hairs on His head, the terminations of days or nights are His dress, and the supreme cause of material creation is His intelligence. His mind is the moon, the reservoir of all changes
- O best of the brahmanas, Laksmiji is the constant companion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, and therefore she is called anapayini. She is the mother of all creation
- O best of the saints among the demigods, O best of spiritual leaders, how did Hiranyakasipu give so much trouble to Prahlada Maharaja, the pure and exalted saint, although Prahlada was his own son? I wish to know about this subject from you
- O Bhimasena, tiger amongst men, now useful animals like cows are passing me (Yudhisthira Maharaja) on my left side, and lower animals like the asses are circumambulating me. My horses appear to weep upon seeing me
- O brahmana (Purvacitti), I (Agnidhra) can simply hear the tinkling of your ankle bells. Within those bells, tittiri birds seem to be chirping among themselves. Although I do not see their forms, I can hear how they are chirping
- O chief (Pariksit) amongst the protectors of religion, please fix some place for me where I can live permanently under the protection of your government
- O chief amongst the brahmanas (Maitreya Rsi), please also describe how Narayana, the creator of the universe and the self-sufficient Lord, has differently created the natures, activities, forms, features and names of the different living creatures
- O foremost among the great thinkers (munis) (Saunaka), seeing the glaring brahmastra proceeding towards them, the Pandavas took up their five respective weapons
- O great sage, among many millions who are liberated and perfect in knowledge of liberation, one may be a devotee of Lord Narayana, or Krsna. Such devotees, who are fully peaceful, are extremely rare
- O great souls, I have heard that among the great & perfect persons wandering the surface of the earth to instruct knowledge to people covered by ignorance are Sanat-kumara, Narada, Rbhu, Angira, Devala, Asita, Vyasadeva, Markandeya, Gautama, Vasistha
- O great souls, I have heard that among the great and perfect persons wandering the surface of the earth to instruct knowledge to people covered by ignorance are Bhagavan Parasurama, Kapila, Sukadeva, Durvasa, Yajnavalkya, Jatukarna and Aruni
- O great souls, I have heard that among the great and perfect persons wandering the surface of the earth to instruct knowledge to people covered by ignorance are Pancasikha, Hiranyanabha, Kausalya, Srutadeva and Rtadhvaja. You must certainly be among them
- O great souls, I have heard that among the great and perfect persons wandering the surface of the earth to instruct knowledge to people covered by ignorance are Romasa, Cyavana, Dattatreya, Asuri, Patanjali, the great sage Dhaumya
- O indefatigable one, when you are sent by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to enter among the soldiers of the Daityas and the Danavas, you stay on the battlefield and unendingly separate their arms, bellies, thighs, legs and heads
- O King Pariksit, among the ten sons of Manu are Iksvaku, Nabhaga, Dhrsta, Saryati, Narisyanta and Nabhaga. The seventh son is known as Dista. Then come Tarusa and Prsadhra, and the tenth son is known as Vasuman
- O King, a quarrel then arose among the demons over who would get the nectar first. Each of them said, "You cannot drink it first. I must drink it first. Me first, not you"
- O King, in the millennium of Raivata Manu the King of heaven was known as Vibhu, among the demigods were the Bhutarayas, and among the seven brahmanas who occupied the seven planets were Hiranyaroma, Vedasira and Urdhvabahu
- O King, one who is advanced in intelligence and eager to perform welfare activities for others is considered best amongst human beings. An advanced human being is never malicious to others
- O King, since you have asked me about our friends & relatives in the city of Dvaraka, I will inform you that all of them were cursed by the brahmanas, & as a result they all became intoxicated with wine made of putrefied rice & fought among themselves
- O King, the ninth Manu will be Daksa-savarni, who is born of Varuna. Among his sons will be Bhutaketu, and Diptaketu
- O King, the third Manu, Uttama, was the son of King Priyavrata. Among the sons of this Manu were Pavana, Srnjaya and Yajnahotra
- O King, the twelfth Manu will be named Rudra-savarni. Devavan, Upadeva and Devasrestha will be among his sons
- O King, when the period of the eighth Manu arrives, Savarni will become the Manu. Nirmoka and Virajaska will be among his sons
- O my boy, your intelligence is immature, and therefore you have no knowledge that the king, who is the best amongst human beings, is as good as the Personality of Godhead
- O my Lord, by Your own will You appear in the various species of living entities, among animals lower than human beings as well as among the demigods, to perform Your transcendental pastimes
- O Pariksit Maharaja, best of the Bharatas, the remnants of the food offered in the yajna were given by the great sage Angira to the first and most perfect among Citraketu's millions of queens, whose name was Krtadyuti
- O sage amongst the brahmanas, Lord Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, also followed, seated on a chariot with Arjuna. Thus King Yudhisthira appeared very aristocratic, like Kuvera surrounded by his companions (the Guhyakas)
- O Suta Gosvami, there are those amongst men who desire freedom from death and get eternal life. They escape the slaughtering process by calling the controller of death, Yamaraja
- Of all creations I am (Krsna) the beginning and the end and also the middle, O Arjuna. Of all sciences I am the spiritual science of the self, and among logicians I am the conclusive truth
- Of horses know Me to be Uccaihsrava, produced during the churning of the ocean for nectar. Of lordly elephants I am Airavata, and among men I am the monarch
- Of letters I (Krsna) am the letter A, and among compound words I am the dual compound. I am also inexhaustible time, and of creators I am Brahma
- Of the four kinds of separation, three (purva-raga, pravasa and mana) are celebrated in Srimati Radharani and the gopis. In Dvaraka, among the queens, feelings of prema-vaicittya are very prominent
- Of the many-hooded Nagas I am Ananta, and among the aquatics I am the demigod Varuna. Of departed ancestors I am Aryama, and among the dispensers of law I am Yama, the lord of death
- Of the two, the male will be able to expand his reputation throughout the world. His name will be Prthu. Indeed, he will be the first among kings
- Of these incarnations (lila-avataras), Hamsa and Mohini are neither permanent nor very well known, but They are listed among the prabhava-avataras
- Once when Narada, the great devotee and ascetic amongst the demigods, was traveling among different planets, he desired to meet the ascetic Narayana personally in Badarikasrama and offer Him respects
- One (a sannyasi) who prefers living in great mountains, even among ferocious animals, to attain the summit of philosophical speculation (understanding that the essence of this material world is useless) is called Parvata
- One can discover how a person worshiping the goddess Durga begs her for different varieties of material profit. Such activities are very popular among people in general, but they are the attempts of foolish, blind people
- One can find many great souls amongst yogis and jnanis, but a truly great soul, a pure devotee of the Lord, who is fully surrendered to the Lord, is very rarely found
- One cowherd boy said, "When Pralambasura entered amongst Krsna's cowherd boyfriends, Krsna caused him to be killed by Balarama"
- One cowherd boy said, "When the demon known as Vatsasura entered among the calves tended by Krsna with a desire to kill Him, He immediately detected the demon, killed him and threw him into a tree"
- One gopi told mother Yasoda, "My dear mother, your son is very expert among the cowherd boys. He knows all the different arts of how to tend the cows & how to play the flute. He composes His own songs, & to play them He puts His flute to His mouth"
- One learned brahmana may have passed beyond all Vedic knowledge. He is considered the best among all the brahmanas. And yet, out of thousands of such brahmanas who have surpassed Vedic knowledge, one person may be a visnu-bhakta, and he is most famous
- One may take birth in a very high family or he may take his birth in higher planets, among the demigods, for his so-called pious activities in the material world. But this work is also faulty because it does not give liberation
- One priest was preaching among the miners in Sheffield, where there are many coal mines, in England. So he was speaking that "You become devotee, followers of Jesus Christ," and in this way he's preaching Bible
- One reaches the stage of astonishment (vaicitri), which awakens transcendental madness. Udghurna and citra-jalpa are two among the many divisions of transcendental madness
- One should always think of himself as the most fallen among souls so that Krsna will take care of him
- One should not simply think Narayana is situated among the poor. He is everywhere. An advanced devotee will offer respects to everyone - even to cats and dogs
- One subbranch of Haridasa Thakura consisted of the residents of Kulina-grama. The most important among them was Satyaraja Khan, or Satyaraja Vasu, who was a recipient of all the mercy of Haridasa Thakura
- One thing, I must warn you in this connection that these records are distributed amongst teenagers, therefore the language and presentation should be suitable for their understanding. I think you will understand me right in this connection
- One time, having seen the great disturbances in Brhadvana, all the elderly persons among the cowherd men, headed by Nanda Maharaja, assembled and began to consider what to do to stop the continuous disturbing situations in Vraja - SB 10.11.21
- One who considers Lord Narayana on a level with great demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva is immediately listed among nonbelievers. The fact is that by performing sankirtana-yajna one can immediately please the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One who expands the conjugal love of Krsna and His enjoyment among the gopis is called a sakhi. Such a person is a confidential gopi in the conjugal affairs. Such assistants are like jewels in the form of Krsna's confidantes
- One who has developed love for Visnu must develop love and respect for Visnu's devotees. Lord Siva is considered the foremost personality amongst the Vaisnavas. Vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh
- One who is not surrendered to the lotus feet of the Lord should be understood to be sinful, foolish, degraded among men and bereft of all real knowledge because of atheistic propensities. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - BG 7.15
- One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among men, and he is in the tranecendental position, although engaged in all sorts of activities. BG 4.18 - 1972
- Only human beings have consciousness of right and wrong, and among them only those who perform sinful activities come under the control of Yamaraja
- Only in the conjugal mellow are there two ecstatic symptoms called rudha (advanced) and adhirudha (highly advanced). The advanced ecstasies are found among the queens of Dvaraka, and the highly advanced ecstasies are found among the gopis
- Only the transcendental loving service of the Lord can deliver the real goal of life, and thus the service rendered by Sriman Narada Muni is the highest among all the sons of Brahma
- Our general principle is to perform sankirtana, not to talk philosophy. When one is interested, then he can talk philosophy. Otherwise this talk should be amongst inner circles, with the students and the teacher, those who are submissive
- Our movement if it is introduced amongst the hippies, because so far I can understand, they are after such thing for peace of the mind. Not only for the hippies, but for everyone. Everyone is seeking after peace and happiness
- Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth. BG 7.3 - 1972
- Paramahamsas, who are completely given up to the service of the Lord, are very rare. They are very rare even amongst the liberated souls
- Parental affection is exhibited even among lower animals because originally such affection in its fullness exists in God, the original father of all species of living beings
- Pariksit questioned Sukadeva, and Sukadeva referred the matter to Narada, who had in the same way questioned Narayana Rsi, who had put the matter to still higher authorities on the planet of Janaloka, where it was discussed among the great Kumaras
- Parvata Muni continued, My dear friend Narada Muni, you are glorified as the sage among the demigods. By your mercy, even a lowborn person like this hunter can immediately become attached to Lord Krsna
- Parvata Muni is a devarsi, or a great sage amongst the demigods, like Narada. He was present along with Narada at the sacrificial ceremony of Maharaja Janamejaya, son of Maharaja Pariksit
- Parvata Muni is also a devarsi, a great sage amongst the demigods, like Narada. He was present along with Narada at the sacrificial ceremony of Maharaja Janamejaya, son of Maharaja Pariksit. In this sacrifice all the snakes of the world were to be killed
- People amongst whom he is preaching, they don't believe in God, but they accept Lord Buddha. But he is God. So by cheating, he is making others to worship God
- People are accustomed to talk so many things unnecessarily just in clubs, amongst friends' circle, which has no benefit either spiritually or materially. So that sort of talking should be avoided
- People are unfortunate in spiritual consciousness in the Kali-yuga, and nature disturbs them in so many ways, especially through incurable diseases like cancer and through frequent wars and among nations
- People bewildered by material conditions try to be united, but although they strive for unity among men and nations, all their attempts are futile. Everyone must struggle alone for existence with the many elements of nature
- People will accept it (Krsna consciousness movement), there will be cooperation among the Indian people and among the other people of the world, and the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will then be fulfilled
- Please tell me whether Arjuna, whose bow bears the name Gandiva and who is always famous amongst the chariot warriors for vanquishing his enemies, is doing well
- Prabodhananda Sarasvati wrote a number of books, among which are the Caitanya-candramrta, Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi, Sangita-madhava, Vrndavana-sataka and Navadvipa-sataka
- Prahlada Maharaja preached bhagavata-dharma among his classmates as soon as an opportunity was afforded by the absence of his teachers from the classroom
- Prahlada Maharaja speaks of the vipras, the learned brahmanas. The learned brahmana is considered best among the divisions of brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra, but a devotee born in a low candala family is better than such brahmanas
- Prahlada Maharaja, a devotee, is very humorous, so he did not address his father as "father." He said, tat sadhu manye asura-varya: O best among the asuras
- Prahlada Maharaja, representing all the other conditioned souls, admits that he was put into life among the asuras because of the results of his karma. The Lord is known as krpana-vatsala because He is extremely kind to the conditioned souls
- Prahlada, although he was a boy, he used to take opportunity for preaching KC among his friends. So in the tiffin hours, when the boys were left free to play, so Prahlada Maharaja used to call them - My dear friends, sit down. Let us talk about KC
- Preaching means we have to preach amongst the rascals, but you do not become rascal
- Priyavrata was a liberated person and was among the highest of yogis, superficially he became the emperor of the universe in accordance with the order of Brahma. Showing respect to his superior in this way was another of his extraordinary qualifications
- Protection and grazing ground for the cows are among the essential needs for society and the welfare of people in general
- Prthu Maharaja was famous amongst the people because of his chivalrous activities. He did not have to advertise himself artificially. One's factual reputation cannot be covered
- Raktaka is classified among the dhurya, or those who are always attached to serve the most beloved gopis
- Ramai and Nandai, the twentieth and twenty-first among the important devotees in Jagannatha Puri, always assisted Govinda twenty-four hours a day in rendering service to the Lord
- Ramananda Raya continued to point out that when Krsna danced amongst the gopis He thought, "I am not giving any special attention to Radharani"
- Ramananda Raya continued, "Among the loving affairs of the gopis, Srimati Radharani's love for Sri Krsna is topmost. Indeed, the glories of Srimati Radharani are highly esteemed in all revealed scriptures"
- Ramananda Raya was not among the Mayavadi impersonalists or materialistic logicians who are opposed to the principles of Lord Krsna's transcendental pastimes. He was already spiritually situated in the order of renounced life
- Regarding their wrestling, one friend once asked Krsna, "My dear friend, O killer of the Agha demon, You are very proudly wandering among Your friends trying to exhibit Your arms as very strong"
- Regarding your proposal of working in Columbus with the chance of earning $100 per day, why don't you take it? This will be a great help to this center because there is such great potential for spreading our movement amongst the students there
- Regulated for cooperation among communities according to the Vedic principles
- Rescuing the most fallen members of society among the young people and giving them new life of spiritual or highly desirable qualities. Now you approach the government leaders and convince them in this way, and that will be the greatest achievement
- Rukmini continued, "Although You (Krsna) do not possess anything, the great demigods who accept prayers and worship from others come and worship You to solicit Your mercy. How can You be categorized among the poor"
- Rukmini continued, 'You (Krsna) may doubt my steadiness of character, since how could an unmarried young girl like me approach You without any shame? But my dear Mukunda, You are the supreme lion among human beings, the supreme person among persons'
- Sages, or persons who completely devoted themselves to the spiritual upliftment of the entire human society, were known as dvija-deva, the best amongst the twice-born. The denizens of superior planets, from the moon planet & upwards, were known as devas
- Sahadeva said, "Krsna, the best amongst the members of the Yadus & the protector of His devotees, is the most exalted personality in this assembly. Therefore I think that He should without any objection be offered the honor of being worshiped first"
- Sahajiyas are amongst the thirteen rejected apa-sampradayas. In the name of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, there are so many apa-sampradayas. Apa-sampradaya means they present themselves as belonging to the Caitanya cult. But they are not at all bona fide
- Saktyavesa-avatara, they are counted just like Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ. They are counted amongst the saktyavesavataras. They are also incarnation of saktyavesavatara, powerful. In this way the Supreme Lord manifests all over the universes
- Sanatana and Rupa Gosvamis pleaded guilty to such activities (meat-eating and intoxication); they therefore classified themselves among the mlecchas, although they had been born in a brahmana family
- Sanatana Gosvami would give decision among their family quarrel also. So dhiradhira-jana-priyau. These ordinary men (village people of Vrndavan), they were not saintly person, but they were devoted to Sanatana Gosvami. Therefore their life was successful
- Santa-rasa is a very grand idea for materialistic philosophers, but such idealistic appreciation is only the beginning; it is the lowest among the relationships in the spiritual world
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya belonged to the Mayavada school, and this indicates that hearing is important even among the Mayavadis, who stress the importance of hearing Vedanta-sutra
- Sati decided to give up her body because she thought herself to be among the sudras and vaisyas. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.32), striyo vaisyas tatha sudrah. Women, laborers and the mercantile class are on the same level
- Sati was the wife of Lord Siva, who is known as Yogesvara, the best among all yogis, because he knows all the mystic processes of yoga, so it appeared that Sati also knew them
- Saubalini, or Gandhari, daughter of King Subala and wife of King Dhrtarastra, was ideal as a wife devoted to her husband. The Vedic civilization especially prepares chaste and devoted wives, of whom Gandhari is one amongst many mentioned in history
- Sayujya-mukti, although counted among the five kinds of mukti, is not actually mukti because from sayujya-mukti one may again fall down to this material world
- Sex is very prominent among animals like monkeys, and such people who are enlivened by sex may be called descendants of monkeys
- She (hunchback) proposed to Krsna, "My dear hero, I cannot leave You in this way. You must come to my place. I am already very much attracted to Your beauty, I must receive You well, since You are the best among males, You must also be very kind upon me"
- She (Sudama's wife) was fully decorated with a gold necklace and ornaments, and while standing among the maidservants she appeared like a demigod’s wife just alighting from an airplane
- She said: My dear demons, if you accept whatever I may do, whether honest or dishonest, then I can take responsibility for dividing the nectar among you
- Show how authoritative our books are amongst the scholarly circle throughout the world
- Since all conclusions are briefly presented in the Brahma-samhita, it is essential among all the Vaisnava literatures
- Since all property belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, everything should be offered to the Lord, and we should take only prasada (tena tyaktena bhunjithah). We should not fight among ourselves to take more than we need
- Since I have come back to USA I have not heard anything from you. I hope everything is well with you. I am very much anxious to know about the litigations amongst yourselves. If you have no objections, you can let me know what the present position is
- Since impersonalists who do not have perfect spiritual knowledge cannot understand the principles of bhakti-yoga, they must be classified among the nondevotees who are against the Krsna consciousness movement
- Since King Prthu was thus offered the kingdom by the virtue of the mercy of great saintly persons, he did not want to divide his kingdom among saints like the Kumaras
- Since Krsna was pleased with the service of the hunchbacked woman, and since she was touched by Krsna's hands, she became the most beautiful girl among women
- Since Lord Siva is the greatest soul among the living entities within this material world, his name, Siva, is very auspicious for persons who identify the body with the soul
- Since Vrtrasura was among the demons, Maharaja Pariksit wondered how it was possible for him to have become such an exalted devotee
- Siva is above the ordinary human beings, yet be is unable to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Siva is not among the ordinary living entities, nor is he in the category of Lord Visnu. He is between Lord Visnu and the common living entity
- So if you make propaganda amongst the hippy group simply by our standard method; Samkirtan, reading some portion of Bhagavad Gita, and distributing prasadam, then I am sure the quarters in which you have now shifted will be very much prospective
- So many great devotees have had to undergo difficulties, and the great example among women was Queen Kunti whose family life was perpetual danger, but because she always thought of Krsna she was saved
- So that was the position of the Pandavas; although Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the greatest among all greats, still He remained with those royal brothers, being attracted by their devotion, by their friendship and by their love
- So this is the mission of high-class Vaisnava, how to preach Krsna consciousness among the suffering humanity, and this is the purport of this verse said by Prahlada Maharaja, and we are following the footprints of Prahlada Maharaja
- Social freedom of man and woman, especially among the younger section, is certainly a great stumbling block on the path of spiritual progress
- Society creates animals, then how can it expect peace and prosperity? In spite of many big universities and all educational facilities, this society is producing hippies and frustration amongst the youth because we are spirit soul and cannot become happy
- Some authoritative Vaisnava disciplic successions count the goddess of fortune among the ever-liberated living entities (jivas) in Vaikuntha
- Somehow people can understand the different incarnations of Your Lordship, but they are puzzled to understand the eternal form of Krsna with two hands, moving among human beings exactly like one of them
- Sometimes among contemporary personalities there are signs of ecstasy in anger because of love for Krsna. An example of such anger was exhibited in a quarrel between Jatila and Mukhara
- Sometimes He leaves instructions like those of Bhagavad-gita. Krsna's incarnation appears everywhere, and He appears among animals, men, sages, and even aquatics (tiryan-naradisu yadahsu (SB 1.2.34)). For example, Krsna even appeared as a fish incarnation
- Sometimes it is found among exalted personalities like Lord Brahma that the wife and children are not a cause of bondage. On the contrary, the wife actually helps further spiritual life and liberation
- Sometimes it is found that a yogi who may have attained a little perfection in this vasita mystic power comes out among the people and speaks all sorts of nonsense, controls their minds, exploits them, takes their money and then goes away
- Sometimes there will be a little misunderstanding between Godbrothers, that is even going on amongst liberated souls
- Sometimes we are accused that we go to preach amongst the richer section. The richer section, of course there is no king, but actually this Bhagavad-gita was meant for the richer section who used to control - the kings
- Spiritual life and material life, what is the difference? Material life means the bodily concept of life, "I am this body." This concept of life is prevalent amongst the animals
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Among all worshipable objects, which is the chief?" Ramananda Raya replied, "The chief worshipable object is the holy name of Radha and Krsna, the Hare Krsna mantra"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught His principles through four chief followers. Among them, Ramananda Raya is exceptional, for through him the Lord taught how a devotee can completely vanquish the power of Cupid
- Sri Krsna is always meditated upon by the paramahamsas, who are the perfected ones among those in the renounced order of life
- Sri Krsna is no other than the inconceivable, original Personality of Godhead. He is the first Narayana, the supreme enjoyer. But He is moving amongst the descendants of King Vrsni just like one of us & He is bewildering us with His self-created energy
- Sri Maitreya said: O best amongst the Kurus, the great sage Kapila, moved by great compassion and pleased by the words of His glorious mother, spoke as follows
- Sri Radha Thakurani is the embodiment of mahabhava. She is the repository of all good qualities and the crest jewel among all the lovely consorts of Lord Krsna
- Sri Svarupa Damodara Gosvami was the principal figure among Lord Caitanya's confidential devotees. The records of his diary have revealed these confidential purposes of the Lord
- Sri Svarupa Damodara Gosvami was the principal figure among Lord Caitanya’s confidential devotees. The records of his diary have revealed these confidential purposes of the Lord
- Sri Vidura said: O chief amongst the great sages, I have heard by disciplic succession that Hiranyaksa, the original demon, was slain by the same form of sacrifices, the Personality of Godhead (Lord Boar)
- Sri Vyasadeva delivered it to his son, who is the most respected among the self-realized, after extracting the cream of all Vedic literatures and histories of the universe
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments in his Anubhasya that among the five tattvas, two are energies (sakti-tattva) and the three others are energetic (saktiman tattva)
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, tara madhye jihva ati, lobhamaya sudurmati. Among the senses, the tongue is the most formidable enemy of the conditioned soul. Urged by the tongue, one commits many sinful activities
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura sings, patita-pavana-hetu tava avatara: "O my Lord, You have appeared just to deliver all the fallen souls." Mo-sama patita prabhu na paibe ara: "And among all the fallen souls, I am the lowest"
- Srila Rupa Gosvami had been delayed in Bengal for a year because he was dividing his money among his relatives to situate them in their proper positions
- Srimad-Bhagavatam also is considered amongst the Puranas, but because the subject matter within is purely transcendental, it is called the Maha Purana
- Srimad-Bhagavatam can be legitimately discussed only among the devotees of the Lord
- Srimad-Bhagavatam has listed the avataras, the plenary expansions of the purusa, and Lord Krsna appears among them. But the Bhagavatam further explains Lord Krsna’s specific position as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the summit of all knowledge. Amongst the Vedic scholars, the topmost knowledge means to understand Srimad-Bhagavatam. Everything is there
- Sriman Pandita was among the companions of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu when the Lord performed sankirtana
- Srimati Radharani continued, "We know that Krsna cannot live for a moment without the association of young women. That is His nature. He is finding difficulty in Mathura because He is no longer in the village among innocent cowherd girls"
- Srimati Sitadevi is the mother of the three worlds and the wife of Lord Ramacandra. Among chaste women she is supreme, and she is the daughter of King Janaka
- Still among the villagers the system is current in India: when there is some fighting, they go to a saintly person or in a temple to settle up
- Such feelings are present even among the controllers like Brahma and Lord Siva and is the cause of fear for them, what to speak of others who are attached to household life in this material world
- Such mock-fighting (as with Krsna and Sridama) generally takes place amongst chivalrous persons and creates wonderful excitement for all viewers
- Such people are called karmis, or gross materialists. Among the karmis are some vikarmis, people who act without the guidance of Vedic knowledge
- Suddenly, due to their feelings of separation, Lord Krsna appeared among the gopis dressed in yellow garments and wearing a flower garland. His lotus face was smiling, and He was directly attracting the mind of Cupid
- Sukadeva Gosvami also, in order to draw attention to the fact that among all visnu-tattva forms Lord Krsna is one hundred percent the Supreme Personality of Godhead, narrated the story of an incident which took place when Lord Krsna was present
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: After hearing about the activities and character of Prahlada Maharaja, Yudhisthira Maharaja, the most respectful king among exalted personalities, again inquired from the great saint Narada Muni in a mood of great pleasure
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "When He (Krsna) would thus sit amongst His friends, it would appear that He was the whorl of a lotus flower and that the friends surrounding Him were petals"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: The most prominent among the sons of Mandhata was he who is celebrated as Ambarisa. Ambarisa was accepted as son by his grandfather Yuvanasva
- Sukadeva Gosvami, having heard from authorities, foretells that the eighth Manu will be Savarni and that Nirmoka and Virajaska will be among his sons. Sastra can foretell what will happen millions and millions of years in the future
- Sukanya could have selected any one of them as her husband, for one could not distinguish among them, but because she was chaste, she took shelter of the Asvini-kumaras so that they could inform her who her actual husband was
- Superior to Indra are the direct sons of Lord Brahma, sons like King Daksa, and supreme among Brahma's sons is Lord Siva
- Surrounding Lord Indra, King of heaven, were the demigods, seated on various types of vehicles and decorated with flags and weapons. Present among them were Vayu, Agni, Varuna and other rulers of various planets, along with their associates
- Suta Gosvami declared to the sages at Naimisaranya: O best among the twice-born, it is concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve, by discharging his prescribed duties according to caste divisions and order of life, is to please the God Hari
- Suta Gosvami said: Now I shall begin the transcendental narration of the Lord Krsna & topics of the birth, activities & deliverance of King Pariksit, the sage amongst kings, as well as topics of the renunciation of the worldly order by the sons of Pandu
- Suta Gosvami said: O best among the brahmanas, the Emperor Pariksit, thus hearing the personality of religion speak, was fully satisfied, and without mistake or regret he gave his reply
- Suta Gosvami said: Thus the sage amongst the gods (Narada), comfortably seated and apparently smiling, addressed the rsi amongst the brahmanas (Vedavyasa)
- Svarupa Damodara, a scientist among our disciples, inquired from a fellow scientist who says that life comes from matter, - If I give you the chemicals with which to produce life, will you be able to produce it
- Tax revenues should be distributed to the citizens in times of need, during emergencies such as famine or flood. Tax revenues should never be distributed amongst governmental servants in the form of high salaries and various other allowances
- The (Kama-gayatri) mantra depicted in letters is also Krsna, and the mantra rises just like the moon. Due to this, there is a perverted reflection of desire in human society and among all kinds of living entities
- The 3 brothers (Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva Ghosa) were among one of the seven parties that performed kirtana when Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu attended the Ratha-yatra festival at Jagannatha Puri. Vakresvara Pandita was the chief dancer in their party
- The above-mentioned 20 items (in NBS 12 pur) are the doorway to devotional service. And among them, the first 3 - namely, acceptance of the spiritual master, initiation by the spiritual master, and service to the spiritual master - are the most important
- The ass is an animal who is celebrated as the greatest fool, even amongst the animals. The ass works very hard and carries burdens of the maximum weight without making profit for itself
- The authorized process is chanting of the Holy Name as it is recommended in all the Vedic literatures, and it is being effective amongst the people whose background is neither Hinduism nor Indianism
- The beautiful woman (Mohini-murti) was already naked, and when She saw Lord Siva coming toward Her, She became extremely bashful. Thus She kept smiling, but She hid Herself among the trees and did not stand in one place
- The best among the fools who are thus deluded are those who engage in altruistic activities under the spell of the material mode of passion
- The best man amongst all men engages in the service of the Supreme Person. One purusa is worshipable, and the other purusa is the worshiper
- The Bhagavatam describes the symptoms and deeds of the incarnations in general and counts Sri Krsna among them
- The Bhattacarya said, "We are just having a discussion among friends and considering the points described in the scriptures. Do not become angry. I am simply speaking on the strength of the sastras. Please don't take any offense"
- The bodily concept of life is extremely strong among foolish persons, who are compared to cows and asses
- The body of the Lord was just like a field of sugarcane into which the mad elephants of ecstasy entered. There was a fight amongst the elephants, and in the process the entire field of sugarcane was destroyed
- The bona fide disciple should be inquisitive to understand transcendental subject matter. He must not search out faults among good qualities, and he should no longer be interested in material topics. His only interest should be Krsna
- The cats and dogs, they cannot fight with maya, but a human being, he can fight. So if we don't fight, we don't take that adventure, then we remain cats and dogs. The cats and dogs, they fight amongst themselves but not with the maya
- The chief among them is Vasuki. They are all extremely angry, and they have many, many hoods - some snakes five hoods, some seven, some ten, others a hundred and others a thousand
- The circumstances under which Maharaja Pariksit was cursed were simply childish, as it appears from this verse. Srngi was showing his impudency amongst his playmates, who were innocent
- The coming of the goddess of fortune to Gundica is celebrated as Hera-pancami. Sometimes this is misspelled as Hara-pancami among the ativadis. The word hera means "to see" and refers to the goddess of fortune going to see Lord Jagannatha
- The cuckoo, they try to eat the mango fruit flower when small, and the crow, they eat that Neem tree fruit. So amongst the birds also, there is discrimination according to the quality
- The cult of bhagavata-dharma can be spread in all circumstances, among all people and in all countries
- The demigods are amongst the conditioned souls who have developed this pure consciousness of service to the Lord but who at the same time continue to desire to lord it over the material energy
- The demigods from the higher planetary systems showered flowers, congratulating Krsna and Balarama. Among the demigods were powerful personalities like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, and all joined together in showing their jubilation over Kamsa's death
- The devotee should not be anxious about cooking food; whatever is available in the forest or in the city among the fruit and vegetable groups should be offered to the Deity, and the devotee should be satisfied eating that
- The devotees said, "My dear Krsna, O friend of the Pandus, as the swan loves to dive into the water amongst the lily flowers and would die if he were taken from the water, so we only wish to be with You"
- The different manifestations of body and senses among the living entities are due to material nature. BG 1972 purports
- The differentiation among varieties of life and their suffering and enjoyment is explained by some to be the result of karma. Others say it is due to nature, others due to time, others due to fate, and still others say that it is due to desire
- The difficulty is that we are quarreling amongst ourself. I am thinking Indian. Somebody's thinking "I am an American." Somebody's thinking "I'm Australian." "You cannot come here. You, I cannot allow you to come to my country"
- The earth floats in space among many millions of other planets, all of them bearing huge mountains and oceans. It floats because Krsna enters into it, as stated in Bhagavad-gita (gam avisya (BG 15.13)), just as He enters the atom
- The fact is that there is nothing but God within and without. Everything is a manifestation of His different energies, like the heat and light emanating from a fire, and in this way there is a oneness among His diverse energies
- The father heard from his son that the King had been cursed, although he should never have been condemned, for he was the best amongst all human beings
- The fifth incarnation, named Lord Kapila, is foremost among perfected beings. He gave an exposition of the creative elements and metaphysics to Asuri Brahmana, for in course of time this knowledge had been lost
- The first is that you have kindly come here; you are trying to hear. This is very good. This is the beginning of process. Then kirtanam, sravanam kirtanam. Whatever you hear, you discuss amongst yourselves. That is called kirtana
- The first tattva is the Supreme Lord, Visnu, and the second is the jiva-tattva. Laksmidevi, being dependent on Lord Visnu, is sometimes counted among the jivas
- The followers of Lord Siva are generally unclean. They are not even very hygienic; they do not take baths regularly, they wear long hair, and they smoke ganja. Persons of such irregular habits are counted amongst the ghosts
- The four principal divisions of society - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra - have been defined, and now there is a description of the antyaja, the mixed classes. Among the mixed classes, there are two divisions - pratilomaja and anulomaja
- The friends began to discuss among themselves the reality of the wonderful creature laying before them. Was it dead, or was it actually a living python trying to swallow them up
- The Gandharva planet is filled with entities who sing beautifully, and among them the best singer is Citraratha. BG 1972 purports
- The gopis are exalted above all the advanced devotees because they are always totally dependent upon Sri Krsna, the transcendental cowherd boy. Among the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the most dear to Krsna
- The gopis are perfectly in trance, samadhi, the highest perfectional stage of mystic power. In the Bhagavad-gita, it is confirmed that one who is constantly thinking of Krsna is a first-class yogi among all kinds of yogis
- The great example among women was Queen Kunti whose family life was perpetual danger, but because she always thought of Krsna she was saved
- The great sage Maitreya said: My dear Vidura, all the personalities present were very much satisfied in heart and soul upon hearing the words of Lord Siva, who is the best among the benedictors
- The great sage Sankhyayana was the chief amongst the transcendentalists, and when he was describing the glories of the Lord in terms of Srimad-Bhagavatam, it so happened that my spiritual master, Parasara, and Brhaspati both heard him
- The greatest danger of life is the danger of gliding down again into the evolutionary cycle of birth and death among the 8,400,000 species
- The greatness of the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is exceedingly difficult to understand. Sri Ramananda Raya is unique among them all, for he showed how one can extend his ecstatic love to the extreme limit
- The hog is considered to be the lowest among animals, yet he has eating facility, mating facility, sleeping facility, and facilities for defense. Even if we don't strive for these things, we will have them
- The human form of life is meant for realization of one's relationship with Krsna, or God. One who lacks this knowledge is categorized among the animals
- The hunter, after returning home, began to execute the instructions Narada had given him. In the meantime, news spread amongst all the villages that the hunter had become a devotee. Consequently the residents of the villages came to see the new Vaisnava
- The impersonalists, fruitive workers, false logicians, blasphemers, nondevotees and lowest among the student community are very expert in avoiding the Krsna consciousness movement, and therefore the inundation of Krsna consciousness cannot touch them
- The import of the words mugdha iva is that although Krsna knows everything, here (in SB 10.11.42) He pretended that He did not understand why the demon (Vatsasura) had entered among the calves, and He informed Baladeva by a sign
- The incident occurred before Hiranyakasipu's lifetime, but the same ignorance in the bodily concept of life is still prevalent, not only among laymen but even among scientists who think they will be able to revive frozen corpses
- The inner section of a palace is known as the antah-pura (private apartments). Pradyumna and Mayavati could see many women there, and they set down among them
- The jnanis, those who have cultivated Vedic knowledge, are better than ordinary fruitive workers, that the yogis are still greater than the jnanis, and that among all yogis, those who constantly serve the Lord with all their energies are the topmost
- The King (Nrga) continued, "In spite of all this, unfortunately one of the brahmanas' cows that I had given in charity chanced to enter amongst my other cows. Not knowing this, I again gave it in charity, to another brahmana"
- The king is called narendra, or the best amongst the human beings. How then could a king like Maharaja Pariksit be condemned by an inexperienced, puffed-up son of a brahmana, even though he had attained the powers of a qualified brahmana?
- The King of Kalinga was a friend of Rukmi and gave him the ill advice to play chess with Balarama and thus defeat Him in a bet. Among ksatriya kings, gambling on chess was not uncommon
- The King, (Dusmanta) who knew the laws of marriage, immediately married her (Sakuntala) by chanting the Vedic pranava (omkara), in accordance with the marriage ceremony as performed among the Gandharvas
- The learned brahmanas, who were very satisfied with the charities of the King, addressed him as the chief amongst the Purus and informed him that his son was certainly in the line of descent from the Purus
- The living entities are qualitatively the same as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the leader, the Supreme among all the living entities
- The living entities are to be categorized among the Lord’s potencies. The Lord is potent, and there are varieties of potencies - parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate - CC Madhya 13.65, purport
- "The living entity in material nature follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil amongst various species" - BG 13.22
- The living entity in material nature follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of material nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species - BG 13.22
- The living entity in material nature follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species
- The living entity in material nature follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species - BG 13.22
- The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species
- The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species - Bhagavad-gita 13.22
- The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil amongst various species - BG 13.22
- The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil amongst various species. BG 13.22 - 1972
- The living entity is the offshoot or offspring of Lord Visnu; therefore within this material world, among moving and nonmoving things, the real principle is Lord Visnu
- The Lord (Caitanya) became morose and said to Srivasa Thakura, "When I adopted the mood of Lord Nrsimha-deva, people were greatly afraid. Therefore I stopped, since causing fear among people is an offense"
- The Lord (Krsna) is the all-prevailing Supersoul of all existence, & yet He appears in the form of a boar amongst the animals, in the form of a human being as Rama, Krsna, etc., in the form of a rsi like Narayana, and in the form of an aquatic like a fish
- The Lord (Krsna) is the supreme maintainer of everyone and the chief personality among all personalities
- The Lord became morose and said to Srivasa Thakura, "When I adopted the mood of Lord Nrsimhadeva, people were greatly afraid. Therefore I stopped, since causing fear among people is an offense"
- The Lord calls such (who is in highest perfectional stage of samadhi) a rare devotee the best amongst all the yogis Such a perfect yogi is enabled by the divine grace of the Lord to concentrate his mind upon the Lord with a perfect sense of consciousness
- The Lord does not have a material body, yet He descends among human beings in His transcendental body as an incarnation. Therefore it is very difficult for us to understand who is an incarnation
- The Lord has multifarious energies, and therefore the Lord and His energies are identical. Among His various energies the material energy is one, and it is said in the Bhagavad-gita that the material energy is inferior in quality to the spiritual energy
- The Lord Himself says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15): Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons, do not surrender unto Me
- The Lord is glorified because He is considered to be the chief of all self-realized souls. As said in the Vedas (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13): the Supreme Being, the Personality of Godhead, is the chief living being amongst all living beings
- The Lord is the controller and benefactor of all living beings. That is the verdict of all Vedas. He is the supreme eternity and living entity amongst all the eternal living beings
- The Lord is the supreme eternal amongst all eternals and the supreme living entity amongst all living entities. He is maintaining all others - confirmed in the Vedas
- The Lord living as a householder amongst His competent wives, is never mundane, and His behavior with them is never to be understood as mundane sex relation
- The Lord says in BG 9.25: Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; & those who worship Me will live with Me
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (7.3): Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth
- The Lord says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3): Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth
- The lowest amongst human beings can be delivered by this submissive hearing process only, but unfortunately they even deny giving an aural reception to these messages, and what to speak of surrendering to the will of the Supreme Lord? BG 1972 purports
- The main purposes of this institution are as follows amongst others: 1) To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all peoples in the techniques of spiritual life
- The manifestations of Visnu and those of the ordinary living entities are certainly all parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, and no one is equal to Him, but among the parts and parcels there are different categories
- The material planets rest within the stem that grows from the lotus navel of Lord Narayana. Among these planets are seven oceans
- The matter will have to be taken up by the GBC at their general meeting and whatever decision they make you will have to abide by. This business must stop. If you fight amongst yourselves what can I do? This fighting will spoil everything
- The Mayavadi philosophers understand Visnu to be a product of material nature, but if Visnu is a product of material nature, He can only be counted amongst the demigods. One who considers Visnu to be a demigod is certainly mistaken and misled
- The messages of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are full of potencies, and these potencies can be realized if topics regarding the Supreme Godhead are discussed amongst devotees. BG 1972 purports
- The messenger said, "Dear Lord, we are not among these surrendered souls; we are still within the duality and illusion of this material existence. We therefore take shelter of Your lotus feet, for we are afraid of the cycle of birth and death"
- The method of His (Caitanya's) demonstration was also very suitable. He inaugurated the sankirtana movement accompanied with melodious song which method has been found practically very effective amongst the masses
- The mind brings about birth in different types of bodies among demigods, human beings, animals and birds. When the mind is situated in a higher or lower position, it accepts a higher or lower material body
- The monist is not counted amongst the paramahamsas (the most perfect of the renounced order of life)
- The moon is full of highly elevated inhabitants who are counted amongst the demigods. We are therefore always in doubt about what kind of moon adventure the modern scientists of this planet earth have undertaken
- The most important thing about the spiritual world is that there is no envy among the devotees there. This is true even among the flowers, which are all conscious of the greatness of tulasi
- The ninth offense is described as follows: It is an offense to preach the glories of the holy name among persons who have no intelligence or no faith in the subject matter
- The ocean with its high waves wailed aloud as if stricken with sorrow, and there was a commotion among the creatures inhabiting the ocean. The rivers and lakes were also agitated, and lotuses withered
- The offenders Nalakuvara and Manigriva, even though living amongst the demigods, had to undergo the punishment of becoming trees in their next lives, although by the grace of a devotee they were later delivered by the Lord
- The only means for the Yadu's disappearance was the make-show of a fight amongst themselves, as if brawling in intoxication due to drinking. That so-called fighting would also take place by Krsna's will, otherwise there would be no cause for fighting
- The original bhakta-avatara is Sankarsana. Sri Advaita is counted among such incarnations
- The Pandavas also followed the rules (to take bath when death occurs in the family) more than five thousand years ago. Lord Krsna, being a cousin of the Pandavas, was also amongst the family members
- The party led by Damaghosa contained thousands of men, among whom the prominent kings and personalities were Jarasandha, Dantavakra, Viduratha and Paundraka
- The Pavitras and Caksusas will be among the demigods, and Suci will be Indra, the king of heaven. Agni, Bahu, Suci, Suddha, Magadha and others of great austerity will be the seven sages
- The people amongst whom Buddha preached, they were mostly atheistic people; therefore he did not preach about God. But he did not deny also
- The personality of Kali addressed Maharaja Pariksit as the chief amongst the protectors of religiosity because the King refrained from killing a person who surrendered unto him
- The platform of mahabhava includes rudha and adhirudha. These platforms are possible only in conjugal love. Advanced ecstasy is found in Dvaraka, whereas highly advanced ecstasy is found among the gopis
- The poor woman, the brahmana's wife, said to the King: O hero, you are not actually a man-eater; rather, you are among the descendants of Maharaja Iksvaku. Indeed, you are a great fighter, the husband of Madayanti
- The presentation of Srimad-Bhagavatam by his (Sukadeva Gosvami's) recitation is the highest poetic contribution. He was a self-realized learned sage. In other words, he was a poet amongst the sages
- The problems of eating, problems of sleeping, problems of defending and problems of mating, or sex life, these problems are there in the animal life or amongst the living entities lower than the human beings
- The pure devotee never tries to see the Lord by mental speculation, but by following in the footsteps of the acaryas. There is no difference of conclusions amongst the Vaisnava acaryas regarding the Lord and the devotees
- The pure devotee of the Lord does not live anywhere in this material world, although he appears to live among mundane creatures. Actually, the devotee lives in Vaikuntha
- The purpose of Kapiladeva's Sankhya philosophy is to propagate pure, uncontaminated devotional service, and therefore He is addressed as the most important personality amongst those who know the transcendental occupation of the living entity
- The rascal class of men, they cannot understand arca-murti. They think that, "They are worshiping idol." Even amongst the Hindus there are so-called followers of Vedas, they also say that, What is the necessity of worshiping Deity in the temple
- The real symptoms of the fructification of the seed of love (rati) are manifested because the heart is melted. When such symptoms are found among speculators and fruitive actors, they cannot be accepted as real symptoms of attachment
- The remnants of food left by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were later distributed among devotees who begged for them, and finally Govinda personally took the last remnants
- The responsibility for this fighting (amongst each other) and creating favorable and unfavorable situations lies with the living entities, not with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The ruler of this island was another son of Maharaja Priyavrata. His name was Ghrtaprstha, and he was a very learned scholar. He also divided his own island among his seven sons
- The same concept is confirmed here (in SB 3.25.2). Na hy asya varsmanah pumsam: amongst the living entities, no one can surpass the Supreme Person
- The same living entity sometimes takes shelter of an animal father and mother and sometimes a human father and mother. Sometimes he accepts a father and mother among the birds, and sometimes he accepts a demigod father and mother
- The sastras recommend: O great sage, among many millions who are liberated and perfect in knowledge of liberation, one may be a devotee of Lord Narayana, or Krsna. Such devotees, who are fully peaceful, are extremely rare
- The self-realized brahmana Jada Bharata said: Among the various material combinations and permutations, there are various forms and earthly transformations. For some reason, these move on the surface of the earth and are called palanquin carriers
- The separated expansions are the living entities. Although they are expansions of Krsna, they are counted among His different potencies
- The seven remaining pots were pushed forward and delivered to the priest. Then the five pots of sweet rice the Lord had accepted were distributed among the five devotees, and they ate the prasadam
- The Seventeenth Chapter recounts how Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fell among the cows and assumed the form of a tortoise as His ecstatic emotions awakened
- The son of Krti was Uparicara Vasu, and among his sons, headed by Brhadratha, were Kusamba, Matsya, Pratyagra and Cedipa. All the sons of Uparicara Vasu became rulers of the Cedi state
- The son of Upasloka known as Brahma-savarni will be the tenth Manu. Bhurisena will be among his sons, and the brahmanas headed by Havisman will be the seven sages
- The sound of Krsna's flute always resides within the ears of the gopis and increases their ecstasy. When it is heard, no other sound can enter into their ears, and amongst their family they are not able to reply to questions properly
- The spirits and jinn mentioned in this connection are also counted among the demigods because they are able to perform uncommon functions not possible for men
- The subordinate ecstasies are smiling, dancing and singing, as well as different manifestations in the body. The natural ecstasies, such as being stunned, are considered among the subordinate ecstasies (anubhava)
- The sudras are the common laborer class. In a properly run society, all of these classes (brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras) are required. If they cooperate in their progress toward Krsna consciousness, there is no strife amongst them
- The Supreme Lord, Narayana, is present among devotees who are engaged in hearing and chanting the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the most beautiful person amongst all others
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear sons of the King, I am very much pleased by the friendly relationships among you. All of you are engaged in one occupation - devotional service
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna, out of His causeless mercy, appeared on this planet by His internal potency and enjoyed Himself amongst competent women as if He were engaging in mundane affairs
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the chief amongst all living entities and is the ultimate form of the impersonal Brahman effulgence and Paramatma manifestation
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, resides within the material world as the sattva-guna-avatara. Lord Siva is the tamo-guna-avatara, and Lord Brahma is the rajo-guna-avatara, but although Lord Visnu is among them, He is not in the same category
- The system of caste, or varnasrama-dharma, is no longer regular even amongst the so-called followers of the system. Nor is it now possible to reestablish the institutional function in the present context of social, political and economic revolution
- The system of circumambulating all these places is still current among devotees of Lord Krsna, and those coming to Mathura and Vrndavana always feel transcendental pleasure
- The thirteenth Manu will be named Deva-savarni, and he will be very advanced in spiritual knowledge. Among his sons will be Citrasena and Vicitra
- The three predominating deities of this material world, namely Lord Brahma, Lord Visnu and Lord Siva, are directing all the affairs of this cosmos, but who among them is the Supreme?
- The title Mullik is found not only among the Muslims but also among the Hindu aristocracy. This title is not restricted to a particular family but is given to different families and castes. The qualifications for receiving it are wealth and respectability
- The unlimited living entities can be divided into two divisions - those that can move and those that cannot move. Among living entities that can move, there are birds, aquatics and animals
- The untrained descendants of the twice-born families are no more like their forefathers, and thus they are counted amongst the sudras, or once-born men
- The Upanisads declare, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam: (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13) He (Sankarsana) is the supreme living entity among all the living entities
- The Vaisnavas are by far the greatest philosophers in the world, and the greatest among them was Srila Jiva Gosvami Prabhu, whose philosophy was again presented less than four hundred years later by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Maharaja
- The Vedic hymns confirm that the Lord is the Supreme Person amongst all personalities
- The Vedic literature contains ritualistic ceremonies that are not transcendental, but are meant to keep peace and order among materialistic persons in the material world
- The very word sudurdarsam (in BG 11.54), meaning difficult to see, suggests that no one saw that universal form. It also suggests that amongst the devotees there was no necessity of showing it. BG 1972 purports
- The Vrsnis (Krsna's relatives at Dvaraka) felt like that. So spontaneous love of Krsna in the parental relationship is found both amongst those denizens of Dvaraka who belonged to the dynasty of Vrsni, as well as amongst the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- The whole system of society was so well planned that all the members of society in their different positions as brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras had no difficulty in earning their livelihood. There was no competition among the divisions of society
- The wife at home cooks a variety of foods for Lord Visnu, and the husband offers it to the Deity. After that, arati is performed, and the prasadam is distributed amongst family members and guests
- The women amongst whom He lived as their husband are not women of this mundane world, but are eternally related with Him as transcendental wives, a position which they attained by perfection of devotional service. That is their competency
- The word "meditation" is very popular in this age amongst the common people, but they do not know the actual meaning of meditation. However, from Vedic literature we learn that the yogis are always absorbed in meditation upon the lotus feet of the Lord
- The word abudhah is significant here. Due to ignorance only, the foolish mundane wranglers misunderstand the Supreme Lord and spread their foolish imaginations amongst innocent persons by propaganda
- The word aham indicates a person. As explained in the Vedas (Katha Upanisad): the Lord is the supreme eternal among innumerable eternals and the supreme living being among the innumerable living beings. God is a person who also has impersonal features
- The word maha-vrata-dharah indicates a brahmacari who has never fallen down. Lord Siva is counted among the best of yogis, yet he embraced his wife in the midst of great saintly persons
- The word naksatra means "the stars," the word tara in this context refers to the planets, and adyah means "the first one specifically mentioned." Among the planets, the first is Surya, the sun, not the moon
- The word pati-loka does not refer to any planet within this material universe, for Prthu Maharaja, being topmost amongst self-realized souls, certainly returned home, back to Godhead, and attained one of the Vaikuntha planets
- The word used among the Vaisnavas for offering respect is dandavat. This word means "falling down like a stick"; one should offer respect to the superior Vaisnava by falling down straight, with his body just like a stick
- The word visvasa (in CC Madhya 16.175) refers to a secretary. This title is generally found among the kayastha caste in the Hindu community. In Bengal, the title visvasa is still used by the kayasthas
- The words daivera karana indicate that by dint of providence, or by God’s will, the followers of Advaita Acarya divided into two parties. Such disagreement among the disciples of one acarya is also found among the members of the Gaudiya Matha
- The workers, laborers, he (the Christian priest) was preaching amongst them that "Lord Jesus Christ will save you. If you don't take shelter of Lord Jesus Christ, then you'll go to hell"
- Then, because of this desire for sons, the Manu known as Sraddhadeva worshiped the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, the Lord of the demigods. Thus he got ten sons exactly like himself. Among them all, Iksvaku was the eldest
- There (among the preparations cooked by Advaita Acarya's wife, Sita) was also a preparation known as kusmanda-manacaki
- There are a great number of mayayapahrta-jnanas at the present moment, even amongst the scholars of the Gita. BG 1972 purports
- There are also some thinkers who believe that no one can ascertain the cause of distress by argumentation, nor know it by imagination, nor express it by words. O sage amongst kings, judge for yourself by thinking over all this with your own intelligence
- There are bodily differentiations among all varieties of living entities, but a devotee should not distinguish between one living entity and another on such a basis
- There are certainly many good qualities among fruitive actors, philosophical speculators and mystic yogis, but all good qualities automatically develop in the character of a devotee. No extraneous endeavor is needed
- There are different opinions among the sages. Some say that animal killing should always be avoided, and others say that for a specific sacrifice it is good. BG 1972 purports
- There are eighteen qualifications mentioned in Bhagavad-gita, among which is simplicity. One should be without pride; one should not demand unnecessary respect from others, and one should be nonviolent. Amanitvam adambhitvam ahimsa - BG 13.8
- There are four stages of the renounced order of life - kuticaka, bahudaka, parivrajakacarya and paramahamsa. Herein (in SB 7.13.9), Srimad-Bhagavatam considers the paramahamsas among the sannyasis
- There are hundreds of branch monasteries under these four principal monasteries (established by Sripada Sankaracarya), and although there is an official symmetry among them, there are many differences in their dealings
- There are innumerable books which contain countless subjects for discussion among two devotees or more. Friendship should be cemented between persons with mutual interests and understanding
- There are innumerable personalities, but not all of them are direct visnu-tattva plenary expansions of God. Many living entities are classified among the sakti-tattvas. Such incarnations, empowered for specific purposes, are known as saktyavesa-avataras
- There are mahajanas among the Christian saints. They include Christ, and in addition to Christ, so many others - St. Matthew, St. Thomas, and so forth. These mahajanas are mentioned in the Bible
- There are many 100's and 1,000's of devotees of Lord Caitanya among whom there are no special symptoms, but when a devotee of C.M. functions with specific prowess, he displays the feature called avesa
- There are many competitors in ordinary business affairs, and the karma-kanda chapters of the Vedas sometimes cause competition and envy amongst karmis
- There are many disciples of Vakresvara Pandita in Orissa, and they are known as Gaudiya Vaisnavas although they are Oriyas. Among these disciples are Sri Gopalaguru and his disciple Sri Dhyanacandra Gosvami
- There are many hundreds and thousands of devotees of Lord Caitanya among whom there are no special symptoms, but when a devotee of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu functions with specific prowess, he displays the feature called avesa
- There are many living entities who give punishment to the miscreants, and among them Yama is the chief. BG 1972 purports
- There are ninety million demigods and seventy million sages, who are all called narayanayana, devotees of Lord Narayana. Among them, only a few are called narayana-parayana
- There are now three Raghunathas among My associates. From this day forward, this Raghunatha should be known as the Raghu of Svarupa Damodara
- There are others who, because of their envying the Lord from the bottom of their hearts, are classified amongst the beasts, and for such envious beasts the subject matter of the Lord's appearance and disappearance is simply a mental disturbance
- There are six circles of the movement of the life air, and the intelligent bhakti-yogi should search out these places with intelligence and in a meditative mood. Among these, mentioned above is the svadhisthana-cakra, or the powerhouse of the life air
- There are twenty different types of scripture for following religious principles, and among them the scriptures of Manu and Yajnavalkya are considered to be all-pervading authorities
- There are two divisions of each of the five mellows - yoga (connection) and viyoga (separation). Among the mellows of friendship and parental affection, there are many divisions of connection and separation
- There are two kinds of devotees of the Lord. One is called gosthy-anandi, which means those who are preachers & have many followers for preaching the glories of the Lord and who live among those many, many followers just to organize missionary activities
- There are two types of living entities - moving and nonmoving. Among moving entities. there are birds, beasts. aquatics, human beings and so on. Of these. the human beings are supposed to be the best, but they are few
- There are unlimited saktyavesa-avataras of Lord Krsna. Let Me describe the chief among them
- There are various associates of the transcendental Personality of Godhead, and His weapons and carrier are among them. In the spiritual world, nothing is material
- There is a great controversy amongst the nondevotees or Mayavadis about the mysterious disappearance of the Lord, and the doubts of those men with a poor fund of knowledge have been very elaborately cleared by Srila Jiva Gosvami in his Krsna-sandarbha
- There is a long-standing dissension among some of the neophyte Vaisnavas and Saivites; they are always at loggerheads
- There is a misconception about the Hindu religion among people who profess other religions, such as Christians and Muslims, who say that in the Hindu religion there are many Gods. Actually that is not a fact
- There is a steady competition among karmis attempting to advance in a wealthy society
- There is a warning in Srimad-Bhagavatam that Krsna is not very easily worshiped, for He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the chief among the visnu-tattvas. To worship Krsna or have association with Him is not very easy
- There is always competition amongst karmis, either in ordinary business affairs or in the performance of yajna. Lord Brahma's purpose was to end the competition between Lord Indra and Maharaja Prthu
- There is complete agreement among the Upanisads, Vedanta-sutra, Vedas, Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There is full cooperation and spiritual advancement amongst all the different orders of society. And when there is no such cooperation, the members of society will fall down. That is the present position in the kali-yuga, this age of quarrel
- There is no bar to propagating the Krsna consciousness movement even among people who are born in candala, mleccha or yavana families
- There is no being existing, either here or among the demigods in the higher planetary systems, which is freed from the three modes of material nature. BG 18.40 - 1972
- There is no complaint amongst the birds and beast unless one is in the human society. Otherwise in the jungle there are major portion of the animals and birds. They have no complaint
- There is none among them (the demigods) who is not attracted by the spell of maya in the form of woman
- There is some controversy amongst the students on the path of liberation. Such transcendental students are known as impersonalists and devotees of the Lord
- There is two, amongst the workers also, there are two classes, manager class, worker class. You have to divide. Without division... Just like this body is not a lump of matter. There is division. Without division, the body cannot work
- There was a famine in India in 1942, big famine. I particularly inquired among the disciples of my Guru Maharaja, and even the remote village, they said that "We have no difficulty"
- There was talk among the friends of Radharani, the gopis, about these most intimate friends
- There, among the brahmanas, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu listened to the Kurma Purana, wherein is mentioned the chaste woman's narration
- These are divided among this planet earth, the luminaries in the sky and the lower planetary systems. You (Sukadeva) have very clearly described these planets and the living entities who live on them
- These branches and subbranches of devotees are innumerable and unlimited. Who could count them? For my personal purification I shall try to enumerate only the most prominent among them
- They (brahmanas and other high-order families of the present age) are called the dvija-bandhus, or the friends and family members of the twice-born. But these dvija-bandhus are classified amongst the sudras and the women
- They (eternally liberated living entities) are counted among the associates of Krsna. Their pleasure, the only enjoyment of their life, is derived from rendering transcendental loving service to Krsna
- They (Jagadisa & Hiranya) immediately sent the food to Lord Caitanya through His father, Jagannatha Misra. Nimai was feeling sick, but immediately after eating the visnu-prasadam He was cured, and He also distributed the prasadam among His playmates
- They (Krsna and Balarama) also learned how to splash water in the rivers or lakes while taking a bath among friends
- They (Mayavadis who pose themselves as Vaisnavas) are generally known as pancopasaka-smartas, and one should not count them among the Vaisnavas
- They (members of the yadu dynasty) selected resting places underneath big shady trees, and when they had taken sufficient rest, they prepared to receive visitors, among whom were relatives and friends, as well as many subordinate kings and rulers
- They (opposing princes) addressed Sisupala thus, "Our dear Sisupala, don't be discouraged in this way. You belong to the royal order and are the chief amongst the fighters
- They (Sri Nityananda, Sri Gadadhara and Sri Advaita and many devotees like Srivasa) are always engaged in chanting the name of the Lord and are always describing Lord Krsna. Therefore this is the best among all the places in the universe
- They (the asuras) supposed that the young girl, Mohini-murti, had come there to find a husband among all those present - the Daityas, the demigods, the Gandharvas and so on
- They (the chanters of the Holy Name) are called aryah because they have already finished all these requirements, and they must be among the Aryans or those who have qualified themselves to become Aryans
- They (the gopis) began to talk among themselves, “We have passed a very long night - which seemed only a moment - engaged in the rasa dance with Krsna. We looked at His sweet smile and embraced Him and talked with Him"
- They practice penance (tapasya) & tolerance (titiksa), & they realize the position of the living entity & the Lord (anubhava). These are the eight qualifications of the brahmanas. Therefore among all living entities, no one is superior to the brahmanas
- They said, 'O dear lover, please answer just one question. Who among all the youthful women within this universe is not attracted by the sound of Your flute'
- This (Padma) Purana informs us that there are 8,400,000 forms of living entities, 900,000 of which live within the water. There are 2,000,000 species amongst plants and vegetables alone
- This (the Bhagavatam describes the symptoms and deeds of the incarnations in general and counts Sri Krsna among them) made Suta Gosvami greatly apprehensive. Therefore he distinguished each incarnation by its specific symptoms
- This chance (get out of birth & death) is given by the grace of Krsna, & if we do not take it, are we not the lowest among men? 1 may be a degree holder - M.A., Ph.D., etc. - from some university, but the illusory energy takes away this mundane knowledge
- This concept (become one with God) is simply an extension of the material idea. In the material world, everyone is trying to be the topmost head-man amongst all his fellow men or neighbors
- This extreme desire to serve the Lord is manifest in the transcendental land of Braja. & it is specifically manifested amongst the gopis. The gopis' love for Krsna is so elevated that for our understanding it is sometimes explained as being lusty desire
- This form of marriage (giving bride in charity along with dowry) is prevalent among higher-class Hindus even today and is declared in the sastras to confer great religious merit on the bride's father
- This income tax means a plan how to take away everything from the actually earning members of the society. That is income tax. And that is divided amongst administrators. That's all
- This kind of playing and stealing among boys still exists even in the material world because this kind of sporting pleasure is present in the spiritual world, from which this idea of enjoyment emanates
- This King, Maharaja Prthu, is the best amongst those who are following religious principles. As such, he will engage everyone in the pursuit of religious principles and give those principles all protection
- This Krsna consciousness movement is very essential to reviving God consciousness among the general populace
- This mood (the unwedded conjugal mood) is unbounded in the damsels of Vraja, but among them it finds its perfection in Sri Radha
- This mood is unbounded in the damsels of Vraja, but among them it finds its perfection in Sri Radha
- This place (Mahesapura) is within the district of Jessore, (which is now in Bangladesh). Among the relics of this village, only the old residential house of Sundarananda still exists
- This premature desire to understand the lila of Krishna is due to mundane sex-life desire as we have seen amongst many of the babajis and sahajiyas in Vrindaban
- This Pulinda province was also one of the provinces of Bharata, and the inhabitants were classified amongst the ksatriya kings. But later on, due to their giving up the brahminical culture, they were mentioned as mlecchas
- This saying is very nice that, "Birds of the same feather flock together." So this propensity of combination of society, community, amongst the human being, is not very important improvement
- This selfish nature is found not only among the richer class of men on this planet but even in personalities like Indra and other demigods. Too much wealth makes a man selfish
- This sort of marriage, in which the girl is kidnapped by force, is known as raksasa and is practiced among ksatriyas, or men with an administrative, martial spirit
- This theory is going on amongst the Mayavadis, that by the mystic yoga practice, one can become God. So we don't want such cheap God
- This verse (of CC Antya 16.140), quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.21.9), is part of a discussion the gopis had among themselves
- Thoroughly study Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Yes. Understand the philosophy of life. Apply in your own life and try to spread among friends
- Those among them (pure devotees) who simply engage in conjugal love are called madhurya-bhaktas, or internal devotees
- Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons, do not surrender unto Me
- Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons, do not surrender unto Me. BG 7.15 - 1972
- Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me
- Those who always try to establish the doctrine of monism are also counted among the atheists and agnostics. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are liberated theoretically by knowing simply that the living entity is not material may still have desires, although they may be technically classified amongst liberated souls. Their main desire is to become one with the Supreme
- Those who follow the principles of prescribed duties in the scriptures are classified amongst the regulated section. BG 1972 purports
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods, those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors, those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings, and those who worship Me (Krsna) will live with Me - BG 9.25
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts & spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; and those who worship Me will live with Me
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; and those who worship Me (Krsna) will live with Me
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; and those who worship Me (Sri Krsna) will live with Me
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; and those who worship Me will live with Me. BG 9.25 - 1972
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; and those who worship Me (Krsna) will live with Me
- Three among these ten - namely Kavi, Mahavira and Savana - lived in complete celibacy. Thus trained in brahmacari life from the beginning of childhood, they were very conversant with the highest perfection, known as the paramahamsa-asrama
- Thus Cupid's influence is exerted even amongst the ugliest forms, and what to speak of the most perfect beauties
- Thus He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) spread kirtana even among the untouchables. He wove a wreath of the holy name and prema, with which He garlanded the entire material world
- Thus He spread kirtana even among the untouchables. He wove a wreath of the holy name and prema, with which He garlanded the entire material world
- Thus the best amongst human beings, Maharaja Prthu, followed that path of spiritual advancement which was advised by Sanat-kumara. That is to say, he worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- To be married to a man who had many wives was not a very pleasing situation because the husband’s love would be divided among his many wives
- To kill all the sinful men is one among the tasks of the incarnation of Godhead. Lord Parasurama killed all the ksatriyas twenty-one times consecutively because they were disobedient to the brahminical culture
- To stop the quarreling among different peoples, Maharaja Priyavrata marked boundaries at rivers and at the edges of mountains and forests so that no one would trespass upon another's property
- Transcendental vibrations are very much effective when chanted among Aryans, but even though one does not belong to the Aryan family, he will become a Vaisnava simply by hearing the mantra because the vibration has great influence over everyone
- Transmigration among the 8,400,000 species is due to the mind's being polluted by certain material qualities. Due to the mind, the soul is subjected to pious and impious activities
- Trnabindu had three sons, named Visala, Sunyabandhu and Dhumraketu. Among these three, Visala created a dynasty and constructed a palace called Vaisali
- Try to understand it from the authoritative source and apply it in your life. Amongst the dying mortals, you will become the most intelligent because you are freed from sinful actions
- Two other verses he (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya) wrote, beginning with the words vairagya-vidya-nija-bhakti-yoga and kalan nastam bhakti-yogam nijam yah, are very famous among Gaudiya Vaisnavas
- Uddharana Datta Thakura, the eleventh among the twelve cowherd boys, was an exalted devotee of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. He worshiped the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda in all respects
- Uddhava continued, "Balarama and Krsna are the original Personalities of Godhead, from whom the cosmic manifestation emanates. They are chief among all personalities. Each of Them is both the material and the efficient cause of this material creation"
- Uddhava spoke as follows, "My dear mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja, you are most respectable among human beings because no one but you can meditate in such transcendental ecstasy"
- Uddhava was considered to be the best amongst all devotees of that time, and he was directly instructed by the Lord's grace, so that people might take advantage of Uddhava's knowledge after the disappearance of the Lord from the vision of the world
- Uncivilized persons, they kill animals and eat. So due to past habit they could not forget this killing business. This is the proof that this system of religion was preached among the crude people, not civilized
- Unfortunately, in Vrndavana & Navadvipa it has become fashionable among sahajiyas, in their debauchery, to find an unmarried sexual partner to live with to execute so-called DS in parakiya-rasa. Foreseeing this, Srila Jiva Gosvami supported svakiya-rasa
- Unless one knows Vedanta philosophy he cannot be an acarya. To be accepted as an acarya among Indian transcendentalists who follow the Vedic principles, one must become a vastly learned scholar in Vedanta philosophy, either by studying it or hearing it
- Unless we accept that there are some differences among the personalities, there is no meaning to the idea that Sankarsana is an expansion of Vasudeva, Pradyumna is an expansion of Sankarsana, and Aniruddha is an expansion of Pradyumna
- Urvasi said: Women are very easily seduced by men. Therefore, polluted women give up the friendship of a man who is their well-wisher and establish false friendship among fools. Indeed, they seek newer and newer friends, one after another
- Vasistha: The great celebrated sage among the brahmanas, well known as the Brahmarsi Vasisthadeva. He is a prominent figure in both the Ramayana and Mahabharata periods
- Vasudeva continued to say that the maintenance of religious principles, economic development and the satisfactory execution of meeting the demands of the senses depend on cooperation among relatives, nations and all humanity
- Vidura happened to be among them (great devotees of the Lord), the Lord, while returning to Vaikuntha, left instructions for Vidura with Maitreya Muni. Generally the eternal associates of the Lord in the spiritual sky do not come to the material world
- Vidura inquired: Why was Daksa, who was so affectionate towards his daughter, envious of Lord Siva, who is the best among the gentle? Why did he neglect his daughter Sati?
- Vidura said, "Krsna is the supreme deliverer amongst all other deliverers. Undoubtedly there are great demigods like Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, but their positions as deliverers depend always upon the mercy of Krsna"
- Vidura said: He (Yudhisthira) is waiting with his younger brothers, among whom is the revengeful Bhima, breathing heavily like a snake. Surely you (Dhrtarastra) are afraid of him
- Vidura was the son of a dasi, and he was thus not counted amongst the ksatriyas. King Dhrtarastra was very affectionate toward his younger dasi-putra brother, Vidura, and Vidura was a great friend and philosophical advisor to Dhrtarastra
- Vidura, the best amongst the Kuru dynasty, who was perfect in devotional service to the Lord, thus reached the source of the celestial Ganges River (Hardwar), where Maitreya, the great, fathomless learned sage of the world, was seated
- Visvamitra cursed some of his sons and blessed the others, and he also adopted a son. Thus there were varieties in the Kausika dynasty, but among all the sons, Devarata was considered the eldest
- Vivekananda has influence here in higher class, amongst educated class. They talk about Vivekananda and this and that, nonsense
- Vivekananda went there. He came back. He said, "What is the wrong in meat-eating?" He introduced meat-eating amongst his contemporary sannyasis. This is his Vedanta-pracara
- Vividha means - varieties. There is unity in variety. Thus yogamaya and mahamaya are among the varied individual parts of the same one potency, and all of these individual potencies work in their own varied ways
- Washington D.C. is the capital of your country, and therefore it is a very strategic location for preaching amongst the nations leaders
- We advise our disciples to strictly follow the regulative principles; otherwise the most important movement for the upliftment of humanity will be hampered due to dissension among its members
- We are among the qualified brahmanas, who are accepted as the face of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The brahmanas have created the entire universe by their austerity, and they always keep the Absolute Truth within the core of their hearts
- We are even more respectable because we are in the dynasty of Bhrgu. Yet although this woman's father, being among the demons, is our disciple, she has put on my dress, exactly like a sudra taking charge of Vedic knowledge
- We are preaching Krsna consciousness amongst the people who are interested in material subject matter. But we are not associating with them. We are associating with Krsna, because we don't talk anything except Krsna
- We are very anxious to establish universal brotherhood among human beings, but we should take into consideration that even the worms are our brothers, what to speak of other living entities
- We are working very hard. So if it (Krsna consciousness) is introduced among the scholarly sections, professors, teachers, it will be very beneficial to the human society
- We can understand that a mahat, or a great soul, is completely free from association of women. He is mahat. Therefore generally a spiritual master is selected amongst the renounced order of life, sannyasi
- We challenge the scientists, and I have produced this scientist to challenge them. But I was never a scientist. That book is actually revolutionary amongst the scientists. Scientific Basis, you have read that?
- We don’t accept any source of knowledge which is not authorized. So according to Vedic culture the Vedas are the authorities. Therefore among the learned circle even at the present age, if you can give evidence from the Vedas, then the truth is accepted
- We find lusty desire among the gopis, among Krsna. But Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends: There is no better mode of worship than it was conceived by the vrajavadhu, damsels of Vraja, Vrndavana, parakiya-rasa
- We get different types of bodies among 8,400,000 species according to our karma
- We may also ask that if the Lord does not change His body, why does He come as an incarnation? There is much difference among philosophers concerning this question. Some say that Krsna assumes a material body when He comes, but this is not the case
- We understand that the desires for sexual satisfaction are meant for the arvak, the lowest among men. To rectify these rascals and fools is very difficult. After all, the sex desires of the common man are condemned in these verses - in SB 4.29.14
- We will change the present derogatory confused state amongst the younger section
- Wearing yellow garments and decorated with a flower garland, Lord Krsna, appearing among the gopis with His smiling lotus face, looked directly like the charmer of the heart of Cupid
- Whatever riches Jagannatha Misra collected in the form of gifts and presentations, & whatever he had in his house, he distributed among the brahmanas, professional singers, dancers, bhatas & the poor. He honored them all by giving them riches in charity
- When a friend or relative dies, especially among lower class men, the dead body is decorated. Dressed and ornamented, the body is taken in procession. That sort of decoration of the dead body has no actual value because the life force is already gone
- When a touchstone touches iron, it turns the iron to gold. Parvata Muni called Narada Muni a touchstone because by his touch the hunter, who was the lowest among men, became an elevated and perfect Vaisnava
- When Caitanya was finally seated amongst them, Prakasananda said, I think Your name is Sri Krsna Caitanya, & I understand that You belong to our Mayavadi sect because You have taken sannyasa from Kesava Bharati, who belongs to the Sankaracarya sampradaya
- When I was living in New York, among the people coming to our classes was an old lady who had a grown son. I asked her, "Why doesn't your son get married?" She replied, "Yes, he can marry when he can maintain a family
- When King Dhrtarastra was sitting among friends and relatives, Akrura began to address him, calling him Vaicitravirya. Vaicitravirya means "the son of Vicitravirya"
- When Krsna & Balarama were away from the city of Dvaraka, there was a conspiracy to take the Syamantaka jewel away from Satrajit. The chief conspirator was Satadhanva, who was among those who had wanted to marry Satyabhama, Satrajit's beautiful daughter
- When Krsna left the rasa-lila dance, the gopis became very morose, and when they were grieving, Krsna reappeared dressed in yellow garments. Wearing a flower garland & smiling, He was attractive even to Cupid. In this way Krsna appeared among the gopis
- When Krsna was insulted by Sisupala in the assembly of raja-suya yajna convened by Maharaj Yudhisthira, there was a great turmoil amongst the Pandavas and Kurus, involving grandfather Bhisma
- When Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could not see Murari amongst the devotees, He inquired about him. Thereupon many people immediately went to Murari, running to take him to the Lord
- When Nityananda Prabhu was ordered to go to Bengal to preach, Sri Ramadasa and Gadadhara dasa were ordered to go with Him. Thus they are sometimes counted among the devotees of Lord Caitanya and sometimes among the devotees of Lord Nityananda
- When one dies in the mode of passion, he takes birth among those engaged in fruitive activities; and when he dies in the mode of ignorance, he takes birth in the animal kingdom. BG 14.15 - 1972
- When she (Usa) had attained the age of marriage & was sleeping amongst her many girlfriends, she dreamt that Aniruddha was by her side & that she was enjoying a conjugal relationship with him, although she had never actually seen him or heard of him
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Among all the mellows, which do you consider best?" Raghupati Upadhyaya replied, "The mellow of conjugal love is supermost."
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu returned to His residence after visiting the temple of Jagannatha, He asked for a large quantity of Lord Jagannatha's prasadam, which He then distributed among His devotees so that they could eat sumptuously
- When the four-headed Brahma of this universe saw all these opulences of Krsna, he became very much bewildered and considered himself a rabbit among many elephants
- When the girls engaged in worshiping the different demigods after bathing in the Ganges, the young Lord would come there and sit down among them
- When the Lord Himself appears amongst us, as Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha or in His original form as Krsna, He performs many wonderful acts which are humanly impossible
- When the residents of this earth become atheistic and godless, they descend to the status of animals like dogs and hogs, and thus their only business is to bark among themselves. This is dharmasya glani, deviation from the goal of life
- When the rsi (Durvasa Muni) wanted to award some benediction to Duryodhana, the latter wished that he should visit the house of Maharaja Yudhisthira, who was the eldest and chief among all his cousins
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna) saw that the demon had assumed the form of a calf and entered among the groups of other calves, He pointed out to Baladeva, "Here is another demon" - SB 10.11.42
- When the Temple is constructed, I shall ask you to go there with your wife and preach Krishna Consciousness amongst the Indian community. Sometimes you desired to go to India, and Krishna will fulfill your desire to a greater extent
- When there is complete cooperation among different individual souls, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Supersoul, Paramatma, being one in every individual soul, is pleased and gives them all protection
- When there is need of fire in the forest, by the will of the Supreme it takes place due to friction among the bamboos. Similarly, the descendants of Yadu were all destroyed by the will of the Lord by the process of self-destruction
- When there was a fight among the princes, Pradyumna came out victorious, and therefore Rukmi was obliged to offer his beautiful daughter to Pradyumna
- When they (the four varnas) are regulated for cooperation among communities according to the Vedic principles, then there is peace and spiritual advancement
- When this cunning behavior of the Lord with the girls became known to the people in general, it did not create misunderstandings among them. Rather, they enjoyed happiness in these dealings
- When Vasudeva saw his extraordinary son, his eyes were struck with wonder. In transcendental jubilation, he mentally collected ten thousand cows and distributed them among the brahmanas as a transcendental festival - SB 10.3.11
- Whenever we find a description of ideal chaste women, mother Sita is among them. Mandodari, the wife of Ravana, was also very chaste. Similarly, Draupadi was one of five exalted chaste women
- Wherever there are these talented persons (Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya), he is to be considered as first-class man. He does not say that, "If it is found among the Hindus or amongst the Christian . . ." No. These modes of material nature, is all-pervasive
- While Rahu, in disguise, was drinking nectar among the demigods, the Supreme Personality of Godhead severed his head. The wife of Samhlada was named Krti. By union with Samhlada, Krti gave birth to a son named Pancajana
- While the fighting was going on among the demons, the Lord Himself (Lord Visnu) appeared as the incarnation Mohini, the most beautiful woman in the universe
- While the women were engaged in conversations among themselves and the men were similarly engaged in conversation, there arrived from all directions almost all the important sages and ascetics, who had come for the purpose of seeing Krsna and Balarama
- While trying to satisfy Naradaji, Krsna said, "My dear great sage among the demigods, I think that now everything is well within the three worlds"
- While Uddhava, the chief and most confidential amongst the devotees of the Lord, was going away, Vidura, in affection and confidence, questioned him
- While walking among the Gandharvas, Yaksas, asuras, Siddhas, Caranas and denizens of heaven, Laksmidevi, the goddess of fortune, was scrutinizingly examining them, but she could not find anyone naturally endowed with all good qualities
- Why are there so many different bodies? Why not one kind of body? The answer to this is also given in Bhagavad-gita (13.22) - It is due to his association with the modes of material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species
- Why is Radha-kunda so exalted? The lake is so exalted because it belongs to Srimati Radharani, who is the most beloved object of Sri Krsna. Among all the gopis, She is the most beloved
- Why you are thinking yourself so big? That is your fault. That is foolishness. I am a big man amongst a small, teeny living entities. But why you are thinking you are biggest of all, you can understand everything
- Within the spiritual sky is a second manifestation of the quadruple forms of Dvaraka from the abode of Krsna. Among these forms, which are all spiritual and immune to the material modes, Sri Baladeva is represented as Maha-sankarsana
- Yato va imani bhutani jayante. "The Supreme Absolute Truth is that from which everything is born." He is the prime eternal among all eternals. He is the supreme living entity of all living entities, and He alone is maintaining all life. BG 1972 purports
- Yes, your appointment as the new president of the Miami Temple is completely approved by me, now take advantage and preach among all the young people there and recruit some good men
- You (Krsna) Yourself descend amongst animals, men, sages and aquatics. Verily, this is bewildering
- You are distributing this knowledge, so you become immediately recognized, very dear servant, very confidential servant of Krsna. He says personally - Amongst the human beings, those who are doing this preaching, nobody is dearer than these persons to Me
- You can show them the full set of books that we are going to print in the German language, and use all of the professors quotes to show how authoritative our books are amongst the scholarly circle throughout the world
- You combine the sanyasi requirement for traveling extensively, and at the same time as GBC man you shall be my personal secretary for maintaining the highest level of Krishna Consciousness amongst the devotees in your zone
- You have mentioned about the disagreement amongst our god-brothers, and it is a fact. But so far as I am concerned, I am trying to execute my humble bit, and if somebody disagrees in these activities, what can I do?
- You have to change their doggish quality. Then there will be peace. How you can expect peaceful society amongst the dogs
- You know very well that when I began my preaching work in New York I never followed this policy of lecturing amongst the stereotyped politicians or elites of the society
- You should definitely organize to distribute amongst the stores in the same conditions you have mentioned. Then our publication department will be a grand success
- You should know very well that even amongst the demigods there are many unwanted desires
- You'll be glad to know that even my in young age or early age - it was Krsna's grace - even amongst my young friends, I was considered the leader
- Your Lordship previously accepted incarnations as a fish, a horse, a tortoise, Narasimhadeva, a boar, a swan, Lord Ramacandra, Parasurama and, among the demigods, Vamanadeva, to protect the entire world by Your mercy - SB 10.2.40
- Your plan for starting an Indian philosophical society amongst your students is very good for propagating Krishna consciousness. Wherever you may remain please do not forget Krishna Kirtana and it will do good to you and your friends
- Your proposals for increasing our popularity and familiarity among influential circles in the U.S. is very good
- Your son will be the head of all the perfected souls. He will be approved by the acaryas expert in disseminating real knowledge, and among the people He will be celebrated by the name Kapila. As the son of Devahuti, He will increase your fame