spontaneous | spontaneity | spontaneously
- VedaBase query: spontaneous or spontaneity or spontaneously not "spontaneous love"
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Pages in category "Spontaneous"
The following 52 pages are in this category, out of 52 total.
- An advanced devotee situated on the platform of spontaneity is already very expert in sastric instruction, logic and argument. When he comes to the point of eternal love for Krsna, no one can deviate him from that position
- An example of spontaneous action is the flowing of rivers into the ocean. Nothing can stop this flow of water. Similarly, when one’s dormant Krsna consciousness is awakened, it spontaneously flows to the lotus feet of Krsna without impediment
- As soon as one develops his spontaneous service attitude, he can immediately understand the transcendental nature of the holy names of the maha-mantra
- As the river is going after the sea spontaneously, without any artificial attempt, so such spontaneous love for Krsna, or God, that is the perfection of yoga
- As the river is going after the sea spontaneously, without any artificial attempt, so such spontaneous love for Krsna, or God, that is the perfection of yoga. This is yoga
- If we want to exist as first class men in society all our students must be induced to following the regulative principles. One shouldn't think artificially he has come to the spontaneous platform. That is sahajiyaism
- If you can go to the mainland (China) that will be the greatest mercy of Krsna. Once we can set the fire of Krsna consciousness in the country, there will be spontaneous combustion
- Immediately upon hearing this, the wives of the brahmanas became anxious for Krsna and Balarama. These reactions were spontaneous
- In other words, one should not try to understand the topics of the Tenth Canto, such as the rasa-lila (love dance), unless he has spontaneous attraction for Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In the Padma Purana there is a statement about ecstatic love born of spontaneous affection. Candrakanti, a celebrated fair-faced girl, rigidly observed celibacy in order to obtain Krsna as her husband
- In this way (by fully engaging in rendering spontaneous love to Krsna), he (devotee) attains affection at the lotus feet of Krsna. Krsna actually comes under the control of such spontaneous feelings, & ultimately one can attain association with the Lord
- One should execute the prescribed duties of varna and asrama as long as he has not developed spontaneous attachment for hearing about My pastimes and activities
- One who has already developed spontaneous attachment for Krsna does not require to execute the duties prescribed in the scriptures
- Only at that time is the attachment to Krsna perfect. Spontaneously, the devotee becomes eager to serve the Lord in his ecstatic love
- Spontaneous devotees
- Spontaneous means when we shall rise to the platform that "Here is a service for Krsna. Let me do it." Immediately. "Let me do it"
- Spontaneous response: dancing, Hare Krsna. That's all. This is the easiest method. So the greatest contribution to the human society. Do it
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed Jagadananda Pandita to remain apart from the residents of Vrndavana, who were spontaneous devotees, so as not to become disrespectful toward them
- Sukadeva Gosvami tells Maharaj Pariksit, "My dear King, if one is spontaneously attached to the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, it is to be understood that he has attained the highest perfectional stage"
- That is the art of management: to draw out spontaneous loving spirit of sacrificing some energy for Krishna
- That is the art of management: to draw out spontaneous loving spirit of sacrificing some energy for Krishna. But where are so many expert managers? All of us should become expert managers and preachers
- The attraction to Krsna of devotees on the platform of neutrality increases up to love of Godhead (prema), and the attraction of devotees on the platform of servitorship increases to spontaneous attachment (raga)
- The author (of Caitanya-caritamrta) is stating that he did not inject personal opinion in the Caitanya-caritamrta. He has simply described his spontaneous understanding from superiors
- The best achievement of all fruitive activity is detachment from material life, and this detachment is spontaneously enjoyed by the devotee firmly engaged in the Lord’s service
- The gopis' love for Krsna was spontaneous. They did not know anything beyond Krsna
- The liberated souls are not devoid of senses; otherwise there cannot be any reciprocation of unhampered spiritual happiness exchanged between them in spontaneous unbroken joy
- The love is there from the very beginning. The propensity was there, and immediately the object of love is there. A girl has got husband; a husband has got a wife. So the love continues spontaneously
- The mind, yoga-nidra, the goddess of fortune, devotional service in spontaneous ecstasy, incarnations beginning with Lord Ramacandra, Deities and many other subjects are also discussed - in Brahma-samhita
- The regulative principles according to the injunctions of the sastras are necessary insofar as one’s original dormant Krsna consciousness is not spontaneously awakened
- The special feature of the mellow of friendship exhibited by personalities like Subala is that it increases from fraternal affection to counterlove, to spontaneous attachment, to subordinate attachment, and finally to the ecstasy
- To learn devotional service is the duty of everyone. Therefore the spontaneous education of Prahlada Maharaja is supported as auspicious and perfect
- We have to vanquish illusion, develop equanimity and spontaneity, and practice bhakti-yoga. Then a supremely powerful force will gradually transform our material existence into spiritual existence
- We should not at once try to rise up to the raga-marga, or spontaneous. It is not an artificial thing
- When all the ecstatic cowherd men heard that Nanda Maharaja, the father of Krsna, was celebrating the birth ceremony of his son, they became spontaneously joyful
- When one has developed such attachment, he can spontaneously serve the lotus feet of Krsna even without following the regulative principles
- When one is trained by the spiritual master according to the regulative principles of devotional service and is situated on the platform of spontaneous attachment for the Lord (raga-bhakti), the Lord also gives instructions from within
- Without any training there is a natural attraction due to the sex impulse. This is a material example, but the devotee is praying that he may develop a similar spontaneous attachment for the Supreme Lord