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Pages in category "Awakening"
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- A devotee advances further and further toward complete understanding of the Lord as he awakens in realization of the Lord's holy name, transcendental form and qualities, His paraphernalia, and everything pertaining to Him
- A dream does not exist before one falls asleep, nor does it continue after one awakens. The period for dreaming exists only between these two, and therefore it is false in the sense that it is impermanent
- A great saint, the father of Srila Vyasadeva, Parasara Muni, has specifically mentioned that devotional service to the Lord can ultimately be awakened in human society by the discharge of duties in accordance with the varnasrama system
- A living being has different activities in different stages of life. One stage is called jagrata, or the life of awakening, and another is called svapna, or the life of dream
- A man, sleeping, but he is not sleeping. He's awakened. But a man is calling, "Mr. Such-and-such, wake up, wake up." But he's as if sleeping. So people who do not want to realize, there is no realization. Otherwise, it is very simple
- A person at night remains inactive, covered by the darkness of night, but when he is awakened in the morning, the covering of night, or the forgetfulness of the sleeping state, disappears
- A person may be fearful of a tiger in a dream, but another man who is awake by his side sees no tiger there
- A person who properly performs his regulative duties according to varna and asrama but does not develop his dormant attachment for Krsna or awaken his taste for hearing and chanting about Krsna is certainly laboring fruitlessly
- A preacher is giving real sense. To awaken this sense, Krsna had to come personally. And he is doing the same work: "Surrender to Krsna." How much great service it is
- A sadhu like Vidura is meant to awaken such blind persons and help them go back to Godhead, where life is eternal. Once going there, no one wants to come back to this material world of miseries
- Actually, there is no death. The vital force always exists with the soul and when the soul is awakened from so-called sleep, he can see his eleven friends, or the active senses and the mind with their various desires (wives). The vital life-force remains
- Adhyatmika means to awaken the soul to his proper position. The soul is purusa, spirit, and his business is to reconnect his lost relationship with Krsna
- After 4,300,000,000 solar years, when Brahma awoke to create again by the will of the Lord, all the rsis like Marici, Angira, Atri and so on were created from the transcendental body of the Lord, and I (Narada) also appeared along with them
- After giving these instructions, Gopala disappeared, and Madhavendra Puri awoke. He immediately called for all the servants of Gopinatha, and they came before him
- After many millions upon millions of births, when one is complete in absolute knowledge, one still may not attain liberation, yet this man (Haridasa Thakura) says that one may attain it simply by the awakening of a glimpse of the holy name
- After taking rest, the Deity must be awakened at the end of the day, and immediately some food and some water must be offered to Him
- After taste is awakened, a deep attachment arises, and from that attachment the seed of love for Krsna grows in the heart
- After Vasudeva adjusted things as they had been before he carried Krsna to Gokula, and all the doors and gates became similarly closed, the gatekeepers awoke and heard the newborn child crying
- Ajnana-sambhavah: such a consciousness awakens in ignorance - thinking of someone as "my son", "my wife ", "my lover", and "my friend" in this material world
- All of Me, namely My actual eternal form and My transcendental existence, color, qualities and activities - let all be awakened within you by factual realization, out of My causeless mercy
- All the conditions of deep sleep, dreaming and wakefulness are but energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should always remember the original creator of these conditions, the Supreme Lord, who is unaffected by them
- All the queens incessantly thought of Krsna. After their pastimes in the water, the queens said, “Our dear friend the osprey, Krsna is now asleep, but we stay awake at night because of Him
- All these symptoms (of transcendental activities) are not awakened simultaneously; they act according to the exchange of transcendental relationships. Sometimes one symptom is prominent, and at another time another is prominent
- Although a man may be for all intents and purposes unconscious - he cannot see, feel, smell, etc. - the sense of hearing is so prominent that a sleeping man may be awakened just by sound vibration
- Although apparently we are awake in material life, because we have no information of the soul and the Supersoul, we create many friends and enemies simply out of imagination
- Although one has affection for many persons, different types of ecstatic love awaken according to the nature of one's personal relationships
- Although the creation of the internal potency was manifested, the other potency appeared to be sleeping, and the Lord wanted to awaken her to activity, just as a husband wants to awaken his wife from the sleeping state for enjoyment
- Although the tongue of one afflicted by the jaundice of avidya (ignorance) cannot taste anything sweet, it is wonderful that simply by carefully chanting these sweet names every day, a natural relish awakens within his tongue
- Although there is already much scientific knowledge, whenever scientists or philosophers awaken to a particular type of knowledge, they try to distribute it throughout the world, for otherwise the knowledge gradually dries up and no one benefits from it
- An eternally liberated soul is a devotee of the Lord who never forgets Him. Human life is meant for reviving one's eternal relation with the Lord, and all religious injunctions are meant for awakening this dormant instinct of the living entity
- Animal is not aware of the sufferings he is undergoing. There are sufferings both for the animals and for the man, but man is conscious. If a man is not awakened to his suffering, then he is in animal consciousness
- As gold and silver can be freed from all dirty contamination by being put into a fire but not merely by being washed, the living entity can be awakened to his own identity by performing devotional service (yat-sevaya), but not by karma, jnana or yoga
- As it is said, nitya-siddha krsna-prema sadhya kabhu naya: (CC Madhya 22.107) krsna-prema can be awakened in a purified heart
- As Kamsa saw various signs of death while both awake and sleeping, he could understand that death was certain, and thus in great anxiety he could not rest that night. Just after the night expired, he busily arranged for the wrestling match
- As long as we are not awakened to our pure eternal relation with God, we are certainly bewildered in our actions. Our actions, in respect to right and wrong, are all performed on the platform of ignorance
- As one who is awake has no connection with the activities of the body in a dream, an awakened, liberated soul has no connection with the activities of the present body
- As soon as a person is awakened to the pure knowledge of understanding that he is an eternal servitor of the Lord, his own real position is revived
- As soon as he (Sikhi Mahiti) awakened he embraced his brother and sister and informed them - I am still seeing the same dream (Caitanya was entering the body of Jagannatha and again coming out of His body). Do you think I have become deranged
- As soon as he (Sikhi Mahiti) awakened he embraced his brother and sister and informed them - I saw that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, while visiting the temple of Jagannatha, was entering the body of Jagannatha and again coming out of His body
- As soon as he (Sikhi Mahiti) awakened he embraced his brother and sister and informed them - My dear brother and sister, I have had a wonderful dream that I shall now explain to you
- As soon as he awakened he (Sikhi Mahiti) embraced his brother and sister and informed them - I am still seeing the same dream! And the most wonderful thing is that as soon as I came near Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He embraced me with His long arms
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.69): What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage
- As the dangers of a dream cease when the dreamer awakens, the illusions created by the jugglery of the demons were vanquished by the transcendental prowess of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as soon as He entered the battlefield
- At any stage in the material world, they (the living entities) are all dreaming. In the spiritual world, however, everything is awake
- At dasya-rati stage, there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At that time there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At the end of a Brahma's night, the creation again takes place, and the living entities, reserved within the belly of the Lord, are let loose to play their respective parts as if being awakened from a deep slumber
- At the end of the last inundation (during the period of Svayambhuva Manu) the Supreme Personality of Godhead killed the demon named Hayagriva and delivered all the Vedic literatures to Lord Brahma when Lord Brahma awakened from sleeping
- At the time of death, one will think of the subject that has occupied his life while he was awake, lightly sleeping or dreaming, or while he was deeply sleeping
- At this stage of bhava, a devotee has awakened the tendency to chant and describe the transcendental qualities of the Lord. He has attachment for this process
- At this time, King Daksa, afflicted by love and affection, was very much awakened to his real senses. With great endeavor, he pacified his mind, checked his feelings, and with pure consciousness began to offer prayers to Lord Siva
- Awaking from the dream, the priest immediately rose from bed and thought it wise to take a bath before entering the Deity's room. He then opened the temple door
- Back to Godhead is a guaranteed literature to awaken your spiritual identity. It is essential and authorized. If you feel any doubt, please inquire from me, and I shall clear it up. Please therefore be a regular subscriber to this valuable magazine
- Because foolish mudhas do not awaken their spiritual nature, they do not understand Krsna or Rama (avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam) - BG 9.11
- Because in the material world the mind is absorbed in materialistic activities, when one is asleep many contradictory activities appear in one's dreams. When one awakens, however, these activities automatically merge into the mind
- Because of the actions and reactions of the mode of ignorance, whether the living entities are awake or sleeping, they can see only the workings of material nature; they cannot see Your Lordship
- Because the same mind and body exist in the same material world of duality when we are awake, the so-called happiness and distress of this world are no better than the false, superficial happiness of dreams
- Before the awakening of the watchmen and the others in the prison house (Kamsa's prison house), many other things happened
- Being very pleased, the brahmana left after talking with Jagannatha Misra, and when Jagannatha Misra awakened from his dream, he was very much astonished
- Bhakti may be divided into two divisions: (1) santata, devotional service that continues incessantly with faith and love, and (2) kadacitki, devotional service that does not continue incessantly but is sometimes awakened
- By associating with a devotee willingly or unwillingly, one advances in devotional service, and thus one’s dormant Krsna consciousness is awakened
- By awakening knowledge one may also neutralize sinful reactions. Neither of these methods, however, can free one from the tendency to commit sinful activities
- By chanting the holy name of the Lord, one dissolves his entanglement in material activities. After this, one becomes very much attracted to Krsna, and thus dormant love for Krsna is awakened
- By good fortune one becomes eligible to cross the ocean of nescience, and when one's term of material existence decreases, one may get an opportunity to associate with pure devotees. By such association, one's attraction to Krsna is awakened
- By offering such obeisances (to the sannyasis of the Krsna consciousness movement), as recommended by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they (caste brahmanas) will diminish their offenses and automatically awaken to their natural position of devotional service
- By sense enjoyment, nobody can become happy. Because we are in the material existence. And our senses are false senses. Real senses - spiritual senses. So we have to awaken our spiritual consciousness. Then by spiritual senses we can enjoy
- By the association of pure devotees, he (the living being) is awakened, and immediately the spirit soul is situated in his own glory by understanding his constitutional position as the eternal servant of the Lord
- By the benediction of Jamadagni, Lord Parasurama's mother and brothers immediately came alive and were very happy, as if awakened from sound sleep
- By the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Maharaja Priyavrata reawakened to his senses. He divided all his earthly possessions among his obedient sons
- By the Lord's grace all misconceptions are vanquished and the heart is cleansed of all material dirt. It is only then that the pleasure of transcendental bliss is awakened. By the Lord's mercy one is completely convinced of the value of devotional service
- By various tastes, one’s heart is softened, and there is an awakening of one’s loving propensity to render spontaneous service to the Lord. This is called tatastha-laksana, the marginal symptom of bhava
- By Your appearance, Lord Krsna's holy name also appeared, and at that time the glories of Krsna's name awoke in my heart
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says: "I have brought medicine to awaken every living being from perpetual sleep. Please receive the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, and awaken"
- Citraketu was not in a temperament of renunciation, but after the death of his son, when he was overwhelmed by his great plight, he was awakened to the platform of renunciation by instructions regarding the falsity of this material world & possessions
- Consciousness acts in three stages under the material conception of life. When we are awake, consciousness acts in a particular way, when we are asleep it acts in a different way, and when we are in deep sleep, consciousness acts in still another way
- Cultivation of speculative knowledge or practice of yogic gymnastics will not be helpful - for the living entity to be awakened to his own identity
- Daksa got up as if he were awakened from deep sleep. In Sanskrit this is called supta ivottasthau. The meaning is that after a man awakens from sleep, he immediately remembers all the duties which he must execute
- Dear King Pariksit, the doors inside and outside the house closed as before. Thereafter, the inhabitants of the house, especially the watchmen, heard the crying of the newborn child (Yogamaya) and thus awakened from their beds - SB 10.4.1
- Devotional service is completely spiritual; it has nothing to do with material things. It is awakened by hearing and chanting in the association of devotees. Because devotional service is always transcendental, it has nothing to do with material activity
- Devotional service is enlightenment, or awakening
- Diksa is the process by which one can awaken his transcendental knowledge and vanquish all reactions caused by sinful activity. A person expert in the study of the revealed scriptures knows this process as diksa
- Don't misunderstand us, that "It is a religious sect." No. We are not religious sect. We are cultural sect. We are giving the highest culture to the human society, to awaken his lost consciousness
- Dormant devotional service to Krsna is within everyone. Simply by associating with devotees, hearing their good instructions and chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, dormant love for Krsna is awakened. In this way one acquires the seed of devotional service
- Dormant love for Krsna exists in everyone’s heart, and it simply has to be awakened by the regulative process of devotional service
- During youth the sex impulse is awakened, and the intelligence, according to one's imagination, is prone to contact the opposite sex. In youth a man or woman is in search of the opposite sex by intelligence or imagination, if not directly
- Each and every part of the body or senses has its particular function. After seeing the Lord, all the senses become fully awakened to render service unto the Lord because in the liberated state the senses are fully efficient in serving the Lord
- Especially in the Western countries, I have seen that people awaken at five o'clock to go to offices and factories to earn their livelihood. People in Calcutta and Bombay also do this every day
- Even if one is liberated, he nevertheless accepts the body he has received according to his past karma. Without misconception, however, he regards his enjoyment & suffering due to that karma the way an awakened person regards a dream he had while sleeping
- Even in this material world, they (the awakened living being) engage in Krsna's service. As confirmed by Srila Rupa Gosvami: iha yasya harer dasye
- Even those who are liberated do not resent accepting, in the present body, the results of their past activities. While sleeping, one dreams many unreal things, but when he awakens he disregards them and makes progress in factual life
- Exchanges of letters between a young boy and young girl concerning their awakening of attachment for each other are called kama-lekha
- Feelings of separation which are present under certain conditions even when the lovers meet are called love anxieties. Such love anxieties are exhibited in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.90.15) by the princesses who kept awake nights and watched Krsna sleep
- First a complaint was lodged with mother Yasoda about Krsna's stealing, but mother Yasoda did not chastise Him. Now, in an attempt to awaken mother Yasoda's anger so that she would chastise Krsna, another complaint was invented-that Krsna had eaten earth
- First of all let us understand what is sleeping and awakening. This is the real understanding. The materialistic man, he's sleeping about self-realization. He has no information
- Foolish people deny the existence of the soul, but it is a fact that when we sleep we forget the identity of the material body and when we awake we forget the identity of the subtle body
- Formerly it was explained that the Queen is one's intelligence. While one is awake or asleep, that intelligence creates different situations
- Haridasa Thakura protested, "These two benedictions are not the true result of chanting the holy name. Actually, by chanting the holy name without offenses, one awakens his ecstatic love for the lotus feet of Krsna"
- He (a first-class devotee) is always in love with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, and this love is without adulteration. Because of this love, he is always awake to transcendental realization
- He (Sanjaya) studied the situation in his own way because he did not know that the inner vision of Dhrtarastra has been awakened by Vidura and that he had left home in enthusiastic cheerfulness for a better life after departure from the dark well of home
- He could then lead the king to the mountain where Mucukunda was lying asleep. Mucukunda had received a benediction from Lord Siva to the effect that when he awoke from his sleep, whomever he might see would at once be burnt to ashes
- He had handsome bodily features, and he was learned and youthful, but he could not tolerate the statement that simply by glimpsing the awakening of the Lord's holy name one can attain liberation
- He has made all the people practically mad by always performing congregational chanting. At night we cannot get any sleep; we are always kept awake
- He is certainly a first-class man who awakens and understands, either by himself or from others, the falsity and misery of this material world and thus leaves home and depends fully on the Personality of Godhead residing within his heart
- Hearing Mukunda dasa give this proper decision, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirmed it, saying, "Yes, it is correct. One who awakens devotion to Krsna is certainly the spiritual master"
- Her (Srimati Radharani's) bodily luster seems to place even gold into a painful situation. Thus the wonderful, unprecedented beauty of Srimati Radharani is awakening in Vrndavana
- His (Krsna's) favorite plant (tulasi), His devotees, and the observance of fasts and vows connected to His devotion all awaken the symptoms of ecstatic love
- Humanity begins when this sort of inquiry (about one's position) is awakened in one's mind. In the Brahma-sutra this inquiry is called "brahma-jijnasa." BG 1972 Introduction
- I (Prabhupada) am very much pleased that you have invited us to cooperate with you in this matter of humanitarianism. I shall be glad to know in detail what is your program. Our program is to awaken the human society to God Consciousness
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto the SPG, who pretended to be a gigantic fish, who restored the Vedic literature to Brahma when Brahma awakened from sleep, & who explained the essence of Vedic literature to Satyavrata & the great saintly persons
- I see that you have acquired a taste for hearing talks regarding Krsna. Therefore you are extremely fortunate. Not only you but anyone who has awakened such a taste is considered most fortunate
- If a devotee has a staunch devotional attitude, all these conclusions will be awakened or revealed within the heart
- If a man does not use his life to reawaken the relationship he has with his real Father, he is to be considered fallen in the human scale
- If one can accept the subtle body of a dream as false and not identify oneself with that body, then certainly an awake person need not identify with the gross body
- If one chants the holy name of Lord Krsna in this manner, he will certainly awaken his dormant love for Krsna's lotus feet
- If one does not take to this process (of devotional service), one imagines or manufactures some form of God according to material qualities and can never awaken a real understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If one engages in devotional service for Your satisfaction, this will result in his increasingly awakening his dormant love for You. But if one engages in Your devotional service for material purposes, he should be considered a number-one fool
- If one has awakened his dormant love for Krsna, then what is the use in executing austerities and penances unnecessarily. The Krsna consciousness movement is the unique gift of Lord Caitanya to the fallen souls of this age
- If one has unflinching faith in Krsna and his spiritual master, then automatically the Vedic knowledge becomes awakened. This is a fact, you can see. They never knew what is Vedic life, Vedic knowledge, but how they have become so nice, perfect devotee
- If one true Vaisnava goes any place in the world, then the spiritual instincts of the more advanced souls he comes into contact with will be awakened, and they will automatically be attracted
- If one understands the Supreme Lord through devotional service with faith in the disciplic succession and then advances further, he awakens his natural love for God, and then his success in life is assured
- If we attain such association, where nice things are discussed, then that awakening of reason, that special prerogative of the human being, will come
- If we have little faith that we require awakening of spiritual consciousness, we should not sleep under the spell of this material consciousness . . . a little faith will help us
- If you do not awaken your dormant love for Krsna, or God, then all such labor is useless
- Ignorance can be removed by this process of chanting Hare Krsna. How is this? A sleeping man may be awakened by sound vibration
- Illusion cannot work on one who is awake in the devotional service of the Lord
- In a dream one may see himself expanded through many bodies, but when awake he can understand that those bodies were all false
- In a dream we form a society of friendship and love, and when we awaken we see that it has ceased to exist. Similarly, one's gross society, family and love are also a dream, and this dream will be over as soon as one dies
- In Bhagavad-gita (2.69) it is also said, ya nisa sarva-bhutanam tasyam jagarti samyami: "What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled." Even in the higher planets, everyone is under the spell of the illusory energy
- In contaminated consciousness one sees everything to be for his own enjoyment, but in pure, or Krsna consciousness, he sees that everything exists for the enjoyment of the supreme enjoyer. That is the difference between the dream state and wakefulness
- In Mathura and Vrndavana, where we had a chance to stay, people are awake from early in the morning at 4 A.M. up until nighttime and are constantly engaged, some way or other, in chanting the holy glories of the Lord
- In politics or sociology or humanitarian activities, there is partiality for a certain section of human being, or certain section of living beings. But this chanting of Hare Krsna mantra, awakening dormant KC, is meant for all living entities
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu it is said that when Lord Krsna was blowing His conchshell known as Pancajanya many great sages who were living in the caves of the mountains immediately reacted, being awakened from their trance of meditation
- In the Caitanya Caritamrta it is said that Krsna consciousness is not a foreign thing which is imposed by force, but is dormant within everyone's heart, simply it has to be awakened by the authorized process
- In the condition of dreaming, when one's consciousness is almost covered, one may see many unfavorable things which cause disturbance or anxiety, but upon awakening, although he remembers what happened in the dream, he is not disturbed
- In the dreaming state one's consciousness is almost covered, and one sees many inauspicious things, but when he is awakened and fully conscious, such inauspicious things cannot bewilder him
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (6) the pastimes of awakening from bed, the deliverance of the demon Sakata, and the name-giving ceremony - of Krsna
- In the material condition, all living entities are engaged in sense gratification, but when they associate with devotees who follow the regulative principles, they become purified and awakened to their original consciousness
- In the material world there is attachment for material enjoyment, but this is not rati. Transcendental rati can be awakened only on the spiritual platform. Ecstatic love for Krsna (prema) is described in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu - 1.41
- In the material world there may be the temporary awakening of lust, but it disappears after so-called satisfaction
- In the material world we are situated in designative positions only, but pure devotional service begins when one is freed from all designations. When love for Krsna is awakened, the designative positions are overcome
- In the mediocre category - the human form of life - spiritual consciousness is comparatively awakened. In the superior life forms, spiritual consciousness is fully awakened
- In the previous verse (SB 4.25.44) the life of awakening was described; that is, the man (Puranjana) and the woman were married and enjoyed life for one hundred years
- In the superior life forms, spiritual consciousness is fully awakened. Then the living entity understands his real position and tries to escape the influence of material energy by developing Krsna consciousness
- In the third stage, when one chants the Hare Krsna mantra without offenses, his dormant love for Krsna immediately awakens. This is the perfection
- Indeed, he begins to covet that particular type of devotion. When such covetousness is awakened, one's intelligence no longer depends on the instructions of sastra (revealed scripture) or on logic and argument
- Indeed, Vasudeva is agitated just to see the sweetness of Govinda, and a transcendental greed awakens in Him to enjoy that sweetness
- Indeed, we (Rupa and Sanatana) are like a dwarf who wants to capture the moon. Although we are completely unfit, a desire to receive Your (Caitanya's) mercy is awakening within our minds
- Intelligence acts both in the dream state and in the waking state, but it is contaminated by the three modes of material nature
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.69): What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled, and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage
- It is our duty to awaken. If he does not awake, that is his misfortune, but our duty is, "Please, get up, get up, get up, get up." So do it very nicely here (in Hawaii). You have got very nice place
- It is said in the Vedas, one should awake and achieve what is due him in this human form of life. BG 1972 purports
- It is said that although one executes severe austerities, penances and sacrifices in his life, if he fails to awaken his dormant love for Krsna, then all his penances are to be considered useless
- It is the compassion of the Lord for the sleeping energy that He wants to see her awaken for enjoyment like the other wives who are awake
- It is the duty of a sannyasi to go and awaken the forgetful souls with enlightenment of their eternal relationship with the Lord and to engage them in devotional service
- It is the general feeling of the Vaisnava, or devotee of the Lord, that he should awaken them - conditioned souls sleeping in the darkness of ignorance
- It is the living entity's eternal position to serve the Lord; therefore to help one get release from material bondage is to awaken one to the dormant understanding that he is the eternal servant of Krsna
- It is the purpose of this Society for Krsna consciousness to enlighten all people who have been maddened by the influence of the three modes of material nature. In other words, our aim is to awaken mankind to its normal condition
- Jnana and vairagya can be awakened by bhakti-yoga. Bhakti means surrender unto Krsna. Without surrendering to Krsna, we cannot understand our situation
- Just as in a dream we may create so many things, which actually have no existence, so when we are awake we shall see that everything is simply a dream. BG 1972 purports
- Just as one suffers pain when his head is cut off in a dream, in ignorance one suffers not only while dreaming but also while awake. Without the mercy of the SPG, one continues in ignorance and is thus subjected to material distresses in various ways
- Just one and a half hours before sunrise. If the sunrise varies, then the waking time also should vary
- Kamsa saw various kinds of inauspicious signs while both awake and dreaming. When he looked in the mirror he could not see his head, although the head was actually present
- Kamsa was very anxiously waiting because of the prophecy that the eighth child of Devaki would kill him. This time, naturally, he was awake and waiting, and when the watchmen approached him, he immediately took action to kill the child
- Kota nidra jao maya-pisacira kole. Everyone is sleeping on the lap of maya. Now, this human form of life is not for sleeping but for awakening and fight with maya. That is human life
- Krsna says that this special prerogative of the human being is nut awakened very easily, except by some good association. Just as we have this Krsna conscious association
- Krsna thought it wise to lead the untouchable king to that cave (where Mucukunda was lying asleep) so that the king's presence would awaken Mucukunda, and he would at once be burnt to ashes
- Krsna's smile, the fragrance of His transcendental body, His flute, bugle, ankle bells and conchshell, the marks on His feet, His place of residence all awaken the symptoms of ecstatic love
- Lamentation and humility awoke within Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and He began reciting another of His own verses. By hearing the meaning of that verse, one can forget all unhappiness and lamentation
- Liberation is the insignificant result derived from a glimpse of the awakening of offenseless chanting of the holy name
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Laksmidevi are eternal husband and wife. Therefore it was quite natural for their dormant love to awaken when they saw each other. Their natural feelings were immediately awakened by their meeting
- Lord Krsna assured Lord Brahma, 'By My mercy all these things will be awakened in you.' Saying this, the Lord began to explain the three truths (tattvas) to Lord Brahma
- Lord Krsna further says that when these questions arise, gradually one comes to God. Those who have awakened to these questions are said to lie on the path of perfection
- Lord Krsna, Vasudeva, the son of Vasudeva, is the original source of Lord Rsabhadeva. There is no difference in Their constitution, and consequently Lord Rsabhadeva awakened the loving symptoms of crying, laughing and shivering
- Maha-bhagavatas, or first-grade devotees, although moving amongst men, are not contaminated by honor or insult, hunger or satisfaction, sleep or wakefulness, which are all resultant actions of the three modes of material nature
- May transcendental bliss be awakened within my heart by Your causeless mercy
- Mucukunda replied as follows, "Grant me the power to burn to ashes, by my mere glance, anyone who disturbs my sleeping and awakens me untimely. Please give me this benediction"
- Mucukunda told Lord krsna, "To revive my energy, I was taking rest in this solitary cave, but I have been awakened by some unknown man who has forced me to wake up although I was not willing to do so"
- Mukti means liberation from the contaminated consciousness of this material world and situation in pure consciousness. All the instructions of Bhagavad-gita are intended to awaken this pure consciousness. BG 1972 Introduction
- Mukti means liberation from the contaminated consciousness of this material world and to become situated in pure consciousness. And the whole instruction, instruction of Bhagavad-gita, is targeted to awaken that pure consciousness
- My dear friends, O sons of the demons, you cannot please the SPG by becoming perfect brahmanas, demigods or great saints or by becoming perfectly good in etiquette or vast learning. None of these qualifications can awaken the pleasure of the Lord
- My dear gentleman, all these men and women with me are known as my friends, and the snake, who always remains awake, protects this city even during my sleeping hours. So much I know. I do not know anything beyond this
- My dear King, as long as conditioned soul does not conquer his six enemies and come to the platform of self-realization by awakening his spiritual knowledge, he has to wander among different places and different species of life in this material world
- My dear Lord, by Your causeless mercy I am awakened to consciousness, although I am only ten months old. For this causeless mercy of the SPG, the friend of all fallen souls, there is no way to express my gratitude but to pray with folded hands
- Namabhasa stage is better than namaparadha. Namabhasa awakens the supreme remembrance of Lord Visnu
- Narada appears in the same transcendental body, just as a man awakes from sleep in the same body
- Narada Muni encouraged Prajapati Daksa's second group of sons (the Savalasvas) by awakening their natural affinity for their brothers (the Haryasvas). He urged them to follow their older brothers if they were at all affectionate toward them
- No one can say when such desires were awakened in them, and therefore it is said, anadi-karma: the cause of such material existence is untraceable
- Not only are scriptural disparities resolved, but a kind of transcendental bliss is awakened, and in this way one is fully satisfied. The transcendental loving service of the Lord constantly engages the conditioned soul in serving the Lord’s lotus feet
- Now, due to your association, another meaning has awakened. It is due to your devotional service that these waves of meaning are arising
- O dear Krsna, by Your smiling glances and melodious talk, You have awakened a fire of lusty desire in our hearts. Now You should extinguish that fire with a stream of nectar from Your lips by kissing us
- O my (Dhruva's) master, Lord Brahma is fully surrendered unto You. In the beginning You gave him knowledge, and thus he could see and understand the entire universe, just as a person awakens from sleep and visualizes his immediate duties
- O my Lord, O head of the Yadu dynasty, recently, however, my intelligence has been awakened, and now I am giving them up
- O my lord, Your Lordship is eternally awake, seeing everything that happens. As eternal time, you reduce the duration of life for all living entities through your different parts, such as moments, seconds, minutes and hours
- O ocean of mercy, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu! Let there be an awakening of Your auspicious mercy, which easily drives away all kinds of material lamentation by making everything pure and blissful
- O ocean, you have no opportunity to sleep quietly at night. Instead, you are always awake and crying. You have received this benediction, and your heart is broken just like ours
- One can counteract a dream only by awaking. Similarly, our material existence is due to our ignorance and illusion. Unless we awaken to Krsna consciousness, we cannot be relieved of such dreams
- One reaches the stage of astonishment (vaicitri), which awakens transcendental madness. Udghurna and citra-jalpa are two among the many divisions of transcendental madness
- One should awake and achieve what is due him in this human form of life. This knowledge and method is distributed by the sannyasis; hence charity is to be given to the renouncer of life. BG 1972 purports
- One should know definitely that the best welfare activity for all of human society is to awaken man’s God consciousness, or Krsna consciousness. Therefore everyone should help this great movement
- One should simply follow the instructions of Krsna and surrender unto Him. To do this, of course, one needs very good intelligence, which may be awakened after many, many births through good association with devotees & the practice of Krsna consciousness
- One should try to purchase a ticket to go back home, back to Godhead. The price of such a ticket is one's intense desire for it, which is not easily awakened, even if one continuously performs pious activities for thousands of lives
- One should understand that the activities of persons who are proud of their material experience bring only results contradictory to those such persons conceive while awake, sleeping and deeply sleeping
- One thinks that there is no God or controller and that one is independent and can do anything. This is the material condition, and when one awakens from this ignorance, he is called liberated
- One who hears the Hare Krsna mantra thus vibrated is awakened to spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness. In this way one’s mind gradually becomes purified, as stated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - ceto-darpana-marjanam - CC Antya 20.12
- One who inquires into self-realization and thus subdues his powerful anger - which awakens suddenly in the body as if falling from the sky - transcends the influence of the modes of material nature
- One who is always eating meat or drinking liquor, which is eating and drinking in passion and ignorance, must give these things up so that his real consciousness may be awakened. In this way one may become peaceful and refreshed
- Only in a purified heart can krsna-prema awaken
- Others were those who had been freed of the reactions to fruitive activities by transcendental knowledge awakened by practice of yoga. And still others were those who had attained residence in Brahmaloka not by ordinary karma but by advanced VK
- Our process, the sankirtana movement, is to awaken that consciousness. That's all. Just like one man is sleeping. To awake him: "Get up! Get up!" So this is our process. It's not that artificially we are making somebody K.C. K.C. is there already
- Out of his (living entity's) desire only, he dreams of a golden mountain, and when the dream is over he sees something else in his presence. He finds in his awakened state that there is neither gold nor a mountain, and what to speak of a golden mountain
- Out of many, many human beings who awaken, there may be one who actually enters the spirit of understanding his position, and for him this Bhagavad-gita is spoken. BG 1972 Introduction
- Parvati was engaged to worship the genital of Lord Siva. He was in meditation, and he could not be awakened. Kalidasa Kavi is giving remark that "Here is dhira. Here is dhira. A young girl touching the genital of Lord Siva, and he is not agitated."
- Prajapati Daksa continued: If you think that simply awakening the sense of renunciation will detach one from the material world, I must say that unless full knowledge is awakened, simply changing dresses as you have done cannot possibly bring detachment
- Previously, in krsna-lila, when Lord Krsna joked with Rukminidevi, she took His words seriously, and fear awoke within her mind
- Pure love for Krsna is eternally established in the hearts of living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing and chanting, the living entity naturally awakens
- Ramananda Raya engaged two such girls (deva-dasis), and because they were meant to play the parts of gopis, he taught them how to awaken thoughts like those of the gopis
- Ramananda Raya was an incarnation of the gopi Visakha. Since Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was Lord Krsna Himself, there was naturally an awakening of love between Visakha and Krsna
- Real religion lies dormant when artificial religion dominates from the mental plane. A living being can awaken this dormant religion by hearing with a pure heart
- Real yogic process is to find out Paramatma, but side by side, many other dormant powers become awakened. Another example: that tree is producing chemicals. So every living entity has got dormant potencies, more or less
- Receiving Krsna, the Pandavas were enlivened, just as if awakened from unconsciousness or loss of life. When a man is lying unconscious, his senses and the different parts of his body are inactive
- Religion is not formalities and ritualistic ceremonies. Religion means how to awaken the normal condition, to become lover of God. That is normal condition
- Religion means how to awaken the normal condition, to become lover of God
- Sankara Pandita would always fall asleep, but he would quickly awaken, sit up and again begin massaging the legs of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In this way he would stay awake the entire night
- Sankirtana Movement which I am propagating all over the world was also exhibited in the Cross Maidan for eleven days which I think you must have seen. So in India I am especially present here to popularize this movement for awakening God Consciousness
- Separation from Krsna awoke various mellows of distress, lamentation and humility. Thus Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu spoke like a crazy man
- Sikhi Mahiti always engaged in serving the Lord (Caitanya) in his mind. One night, while he was rendering such service, he fell asleep, and while he was asleep his brother and sister came to awaken him. At that time he was in full ecstasy
- Similarly, after seeing Lord Jagannatha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu awoke with the ecstasy of the gopis. Being absorbed in this ecstasy, He asked Svarupa Damodara to sing the refrain
- Similarly, as a result of bhakti, one's dormant love for Krsna awakens. When one is so situated that he can taste the association of Lord Krsna, material existence, the repetition of birth and death, comes to an end
- Similarly, as one has subtle dreams at night, when the living entity is awake he lives in gross dreams of nation, community, society, possessions, skyscrapers, bank balance, position and honor
- Similarly, the first hint that offenseless chanting of the Lord holy name has awakened dissipates the reactions of sinful life immediately. & when one chants the holy name offenselessly, one awakens to service in ecstatic love at the lotus feet of Krsna
- Simply an official business, just like you sleep and again you awake, similarly, a devotee's death is like that
- Simply atonement, or giving fine for some misdeed, that is not sufficient. One should be awakened to his knowledge about his responsibility
- Simply by chanting the holy name of Lord Krsna, one can be freed from all undesirable habits. This is the means of awakening all good fortune and initiating the flow of waves of love for Krsna
- Simply by talking of Nityananda Prabhu one awakens his love for Krsna. Thus all his bodily limbs are agitated by ecstasy, and tears flow from his eyes like the waters of the Ganges
- Since Siva, or Rudra, is himself the controller of egotism, he indirectly wants to be purified by the mercy of the Lord so that his real egotism can be awakened. Of course, Rudra is always spiritually awake, but for our benefit he is praying in this way
- Since there is no question of sense gratification, there is no material leisure for a person in KC. And because he is regulated in all his work, speech, sleep, wakefulness and all other bodily activities, there is no material misery for him. BG 1972 pur
- Sincere surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord is possible by awakening the transcendental sense of service. This is made possible by association with pure devotees of the Lord
- So by sense enjoyment, nobody can become happy. Because we are in the material existence. And our senses are false senses. Real senses - spiritual senses. So we have to awaken our spiritual consciousness
- So long one is not awakened to spiritual consciousness... "What I am? Why I am suffering? Is there any remedy? How I can save me?" - these questions should arise. This is called brahma-jijnasa. The Vedanta-sutra explains this
- So your name is Jagarini. Jagarini - who is always awake; never sleeps. Just see. This life is for jagarana. Uttisthata jagrata. Everyone is sleeping, dull, like animal. The animals are sleeping
- Sometimes in a dream we get a particular type of body with which to work in the dream. I may dream that I am flying in the sky or that I have gone into the forest or some unknown place. But as soon as I am awake I forget all these bodies
- Sometimes it is seen that when a Mayavadi sannyasi reads the Bhagavatam, flocks of men go to hear jugglery of words that cannot awaken their dormant love for Krsna
- Sometimes the Lord (Caitanya) would be absorbed in a particular emotion and would stay awake all night reciting related verses and relishing their taste
- Sometimes when one awakens from a dream he sees that he is in a human form, lying in his bed in one place. Then he sees himself, in terms of various conditions, as belonging to a particular nationality, family and so on
- Sometimes, of course, meditation goes on when one is sleeping, but this is not the recommended process for the execution of yoga. Thus to keep oneself awake Krsna advises that one always keep the tip of the nose visible
- Sravanadi suddha-citte karaye udaya (CC Madhya 22.107). When a person is actually engaged in devotional service, his eternal relationship with the Lord, the servant-master relationship, is awakened
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His personal associates remained with Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. They all stayed awake the entire night as the Lord spoke of His pilgrimage
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "O Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and Ramananda Raya, hear from Me the symptoms of how one should chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra to awaken very easily one's dormant love for Krsna"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is for everyone to engage in welfare activities to awaken the foolish living entity, especially in human society, so that he may come to the platform of Krsna consciousness and benefit by liberation from conditional life
- Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, is the Absolute Truth. This is corroborated in all authentic scriptures. Our spiritual life begins to develop as soon as our relationship with Sri Krsna is reawakened
- Srila Rupa Gosvami Said, "May Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is exactly like a lion that kills all the elephants of desire, be awakened within everyone’s heart, for by His merciful blessings one can understand the transcendental pastimes of Krsna"
- Suddenly there awoke within Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu the scene of Lord Krsna's departure to Mathura, and He began exhibiting the symptom of ecstatic madness known as udghurna
- Suppose you are sleeping, and if I vibrate some sound, you can hear and can wake up. No other method will act. Similarly, at the present moment it is our sleeping stage. Therefore this transcendental vibration will awaken to spiritual consciousness
- Svarupa Damodara Gosvami replied, "Dear Bhagavan Acarya, you are a very liberal cowherd boy. Sometimes the desire awakens within you to hear any kind of poetry"
- Svarupa Damodara Gosvami strictly prohibits the behavior of the materialistic so-called hearers of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Instead of awakening real love for Krsna, such hearers of the Bhagavatam become more and more attached to household affairs and sex life
- That which in the beginning may be just like poison but at the end is just like nectar and which awakens one to self-realization is said to be happiness in the mode of goodness. BG 18.36-37 - 1972
- The activities of the gopis and Lord Krsna, if seriously understood, will certainly free one from material attachment. Then there is no possibility that lusty material desires will awaken
- The actual identity of the living entity is his consciousness, which is always present while the living entity is awake, dreaming or in deep sleep. Even in deep sleep, he can perceive by consciousness whether he is happy or distressed
- The aggregate of all these ecstasies once awoke a statement by Srimati Radharani in the mind of Bilvamangala Thakura
- The best friend and benefactor of all people is one who awakens humanity to its original Krsna consciousness
- The bodily beauty of Sri Krsna is like a wave in the ocean of eternal youth. In that great ocean is the whirlpool of the awakening of ecstatic love
- The brain can act while we are awake or even while we are dreaming, but when we are fast asleep or unconscious the brain is inactive
- The cause bringing about the tasting of love for Krsna is called vibhava. Vibhava is divided into two categories - alambana (support) and uddipana (awakening)
- The conclusion of all revealed scriptures is that one should awaken his dormant love of Godhead. You are greatly fortunate to have already done so
- The conditioned soul cannot imagine the actual engagements of the liberated soul. While the conditioned soul thus dreams about spiritual engagements, the liberated soul is awake
- The conditioned state and liberated state are compared to the sleeping, unconscious state and the awakened state
- The creator has constructed women in such a way that their beautiful voices and movements and the beautiful features of their hips, their breasts, and the other parts of their bodies attract the members of the opposite sex, and awaken their lusty desires
- The fact is that if one engages in the devotional service of the Lord in full Krsna consciousness, he does not have to attempt separately to practice detachment or to wait for an awakening of transcendental knowledge
- The god of fire entered His mouth with the organ of speech, but the virat-purusa could not be aroused. Then the god of wind entered His nostrils with the sense of smell, but still the virat-purusa refused to be awakened
- The gopis said, "Your feet are worshiped and meditated upon by great mystic yogis and highly learned philosophers. We wish that these lotus feet may also be awakened within our hearts, although we are only ordinary persons engaged in household affairs"
- The great devotee Uddhava soon came back from the abode of the Lord to the human plane, and wiping his eyes, he awakened his reminiscence of the past and spoke to Vidura in a pleasing mood
- The guru's task is to open the disciple's eyes of knowledge. When the disciple is awakened from ignorance to knowledge, he can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead everywhere because the Lord actually is everywhere
- The idea is, if a person is actually fast asleep, it is easier to awake him but if a person pretends to be sleeping but actually is awake, then it is very difficult to wake him up
- The kinds of remembering God are: (e) awakening a likening for concentration upon a particular form (this is called samadhi, or trance). Mental concentration upon particular pastimes of the Lord in particular circumstances is also called remembrance
- The kingdom of God, or Rama-rajya, is impossible without the awakening of God consciousness in the mass mind of the people of the world
- The knower of the facts, the living entity who inquires into the incidents manifested in dreams and wakefulness, is different from the circumstantial activities. That knowing factor is Brahman
- The Krsna consciousness movement is pushing forward the publication of Srimad-Bhagavatam, as explained especially for the understanding of the modern civilized man, to awaken him to his original consciousness
- The liberated devotee, being awake to his constitutional position and thus situated in samadhi, the highest perfectional stage of yoga, does not accept the by-products of the material body as his own
- The living entity actually has no connection with either the activities of sleep or the activities of the so-called wakened state. When a person is in deep sleep or when he has fainted, he forgets his gross body
- The living entity in his sleeping or dreaming condition sees something as real, and when awake he sees the same thing as unreal
- The living entity is entrapped by the material body and conditioned in three stages, namely while awake, asleep and unconscious. The mind acts throughout all three conditions of life
- The living entity is eternal, and the wakeful state of his consciousness, manifested by activities, is his natural condition of life. He cannot stop acting while awake, and thus he acts according to his diverse desires
- The living entity who has become satya-drk, may remain apparently merged in 2) the ten senses and the mind and intelligence, but still he is considered to be awake and to be freed from the reaction of false ego
- The Lord asks every sleeping living entity to get up and engage in devotional service so that his mission in this human form of life may be fulfilled. This awakening voice comes through the mouth of a pure devotee
- The love is already there. It has to awakened by a certain process. Dadati pratigrhnati bhunkte bhojayate guhyam akhyati prcchati ca sad-vidham priti-laksanam (Upadesamrta 4). These are six types of loving principles
- The main purpose of asrama-dharma is to awaken knowledge and detachment. The brahmacari asrama is the training ground for the prospective candidates. In this asrama it is instructed that this material world is not actually the home of the living being
- The man had been untimely awakened and was therefore very angry, and when he looked upon Kalayavana in his angry mood, rays of fire emanated from his eyes, and Kalayavana burned to ashes within a moment
- The mind acts throughout all three conditions of life; the living entity in his sleeping or dreaming condition sees something as real, and when awake he sees the same thing as unreal
- The mind is the subtle substance in which the body is created, as we actually experience in our dreams and also when we are awake in contemplation
- The mind is the via medium in both dreams and wakefulness, and everything created by the mind in terms of sankalpa and vikalpa, acceptance and rejection, is called manodharma, or mental concoction
- The mission of this Krsna consciousness society is to awaken people to their original consciousness
- The more we offer obeisances to sannyasis, especially Vaisnava sannyasis, the more we diminish our offenses and purify our hearts. Only in a purified heart can krsna-prema awaken. This is the process of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult, the KC movement
- The muni's sense organs, breath, mind and intelligence were all restrained from material activities, and he was situated in a trance apart from the three (wakefulness, dream and unconsciousness), having achieved a transcendental position
- The offenses (to the holy names) are: (j) not to awaken in transcendental attachment for the chanting of the holy name, even after hearing all these scriptural injunctions
- The people in general can be reached very well by the distribution of our literatures and by the propagation of Sankirtana in the streets. These are our two mrdangas for reawakening the sleeping conditioned souls
- The quality of knowing belongs to the living entities and to the Supreme Soul. Thus the living entity can also experience the activities of dreams and wakefulness. In both stages the knower is unchanged, but is qualitatively one with the Supreme Brahman
- The queens said, "O breeze from the Himalayas, what have we done to you that you are so intent on teasing us by awakening our lust to meet Krsna? Do you not know that we have already been injured by the crooked policy of the Personality of Godhead"
- The result (of hearing Bhagavatam from Mayavadi sannyasi and seeing professional dramas) is that the members of the audience remain in the same position of grham andha-kupam, family affection, and do not awaken their love for Krsna
- The result of chanting is that one awakens his love for Krsna and tastes transcendental bliss. Ultimately, one attains the association of Krsna and engages in His devotional service, as if immersing himself in a great ocean of love
- The root cause of devotional service to Lord Krsna is association with advanced devotees. Even when one's dormant love for Krsna awakens, association with devotees is still most essential
- The same Vedic mantra (uttisthata jagrata) is sung by Bhaktivinode Thakura, jiv jago, jiv jago. So we have to awaken them. They are sleeping under the spell of maya, and forgotten his real identity, and suffering - not only this life, life after lifetime
- The sannyasis beg from door to door, not for money but for missionary purposes. The system is that they go from door to door to awaken the householders from the slumber of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- The seer and controller is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Soul, by whose direction the individual soul can understand when he is awake, when he is sleeping, and when he is completely in trance
- The simplest thing for human beings is to follow their predecessors. Judgment according to mundane senses is not a very easy process. Whatever is awakened by attachment to one’s predecessor is the way of devotional service as indicated by Sri Caitanya
- The sleeping man can be awakened simply by this process, allowing the sound to enter the ear. By no other process
- The sooner this awakening (of reviving one's eternal relation with the Lord) is brought about, the quicker the mission of human life is fulfilled
- The spiritual activities of hearing, chanting, remembering and so forth are the natural characteristics of devotional service. The marginal characteristic is that it awakens pure love for Krsna
- The stage of self-realization is called yoga-nidra. All material activities appear to be a dream when one is spiritually awakened. Thus yoga-nidra may be explained to be Yogamaya
- The state of contaminated consciousness is compared to dream consciousness, and Krsna consciousness is compared to the awakened stage of life. Actually, as stated in Bhagavad-gita, the only absolute enjoyer is Krsna
- The sudra, his arm decorated with turmeric powder, was embracing the prostitute. When Ajamila saw her, the dormant lusty desires in his heart awakened, and in illusion he fell under their control
- The Supreme Father does not forget His rebellious sons. He creates scriptures for them like the Vedas and Puranas in order to revive their lost relationship with Him and awaken their divine consciousness
- The symptoms of madness served as an impetus for remembering Krsna. The mood of ecstasy awoke love, disdain, defamation by words, pride, honor and indirect prayer. Thus Sri Krsna was sometimes blasphemed and sometimes honored
- The thirty-three vyabhicari-bhavas, bodily symptoms manifest in ecstatic love, are as follows: (29) asuya, jealousy; (30) capalya, impudence; (31) nidra, sleep; (32) supti, deep sleep, and (33) prabodha, awakening
- The three destinations are meant for persons who are under the control of the three modes of material nature. These destinations are sometimes described as the awakened, dreaming and unconscious stages
- The tiger is a myth for both of them, namely the person dreaming and the person awake, because actually there is no tiger; but the man forgetful of his awakened life is fearful, whereas the man who has not forgotten his position is not at all fearful
- The unconscious state is nothing but ignorance, darkness or material existence, and in the conscious state one is awake. The marginal state, between consciousness and unconsciousness, has no permanent existence
- The Vedas enjoin that one should awaken to spiritual consciousness and utilize all his activities to attain the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Vedas say that the puruṣa (the ātmā or the soul) has no connection with all its dreamlike material activities. Therefore we must engage in this Kṛṣṇa consciousness process to awaken from this dreaming condition
- The vibration of Lord Krsna's conchshell sounded like a thunderbolt at the time of the dissolution of the whole cosmic manifestation. The demon Mura heard the vibration of the conchshell, awakened from his sleep and came out to see what had happened
- The words bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah (BG 18.55) signify that unless one worships the Lord according to the regulative devotional principles, one cannot awaken the transcendental nature
- Their natural love for each other was awakened in them both, and they embraced and fell to the ground
- Then He began running madly toward it, and all the Vaisnavas ran after Him. This scene awakens in my heart and maddens me
- There (in the Priti-sandarbha) are also discussions of the transcendental state one achieves after attaining the devotional platform, which is the exact position of love of Godhead; the marginal symptoms of transcendental love, and how it is awakened
- There (in the Priti-sandarbha) are descriptions of different ecstasies, the awakening of ecstasy, transcendental qualities, the distinction of dhirodatta, the utmost attractiveness of conjugal love, the ecstatic features, the permanent ecstatic features
- There are sufferings both for the animals and for the man, but man is conscious. If a man is not awakened to his suffering, then he is in animal consciousness
- There are three classes of transcendentalists (3) a sincere devotee of the Lord, who awakens God consciousness by hearing and chanting and leaves home depending completely on the Personality of Godhead, who resides in his heart
- There are three stages in chanting the holy name of the Lord. In the third stage, when one chants the Hare Krsna mantra without offenses, his dormant love for Krsna immediately awakens. This is the perfection
- There are two classes of intelligent men. The one is intelligent in material activities for sense gratification, and the other is introspective and awake to the cultivation of self-realization. BG 1972 purports
- There are two kinds of particular ecstasies (vibhava). One is called the support, and the other is called the awakening. The vibration of Krsna's flute is an example of the awakening, and Lord Krsna Himself is an example of the support
- There are various senses, of which the ear is the most effective. This sense works even when a man is deep asleep. One can protect himself from the hands of an enemy while awake, but while asleep one is protected by the ear only
- There is great need of this Krsna consciousness movement. People are so fallen, they are reluctant to even to hear about this Bhagavad-gita, where everything is explained. They are living like animals. So it is our duty to awaken them
- There is necessity of awakening this God consciousness of the people. It is not a childish thing or sentimental fanaticism. It is real science
- There is no possibility of checking this tendency by any artificial means under material conditions; it can be checked only by awakening the spiritual sense of the human being by practice of spiritual regulations
- There was an increase in all the natural emotional symptoms. Thus there were awakening emotions, peacefulness, joined, mixed, transcendental and prevalent emotions, and impetuses for emotion
- These five limbs of devotional service are the best of all. Even a slight performance of these five awakens love for Krsna
- They (Impersonalist Mayavadis) think that devotional service is maya and that Krsna or Visnu is also maya. Therefore they are called Mayavadis. Such a mentality awakens in a person who is an offender to Krsna and His devotees
- They (Krsna's wives) exhibited their feminine characteristics by smiling & moving their eyebrows, thus shooting sharp arrows of conjugal love just to awaken Krsna's lusty desires for them
- They (so-called scientists, philosophers, religionists and politicians) should make vigorous propaganda to awaken the populace and raise them to the platform of Krsna consciousness
- They (the princesses who kept awake nights and watched Krsna sleep) were afraid of being separated from Krsna, and they always talked amongst themselves about how they had been affected by Krsna's beautiful eyes and His smile
- They (the watchmen and the others in the prison house) awakened when they heard the crying of the newborn child, Yogamaya
- They forget their permanent identity and become foolishly active for impermanent occupations, forgetting altogether their prime duty. Saints and sages like Vidura approach such foolish men to awaken them to the real situation
- Things are deteriorating on account of the loss of God consciousness. This simple method of chanting the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra will awaken God consciousness
- Things should be developed in such a way, based on devotional service, that there may not be any racial feelings. This is Kali-yuga. Very easily racial feelings are awakened on the material platform, but on the spiritual platform there is no such thing
- This (chanting Hare Krsna) taste takes time to awaken, but when Rupa Gosvami was chanting he was thinking, - I have only one tongue and two ears. What can I appreciate of chanting
- This attachment (rati) is not like material attachment. When one is free of material contamination, attachment for Krsna’s service awakens and is called rati
- This awakening of divine consciousness enthralls a devotee, who thus relishes his eternal transcendental mellow. Such an awakening is awarded only to those convinced by devotional service about the transcendental nature of the Personality of Godhead
- This awakening of knowledge is under the full control of the Lord, and we find in the practical world different grades of knowledge in different persons. This awakening of knowledge is neither an automatic nor a material interaction
- This concept of being lost is due to false ego, and it continues as long as one is not awakened to the sense of his existence as an eternal servitor of the Lord
- This is called illusion. The same example, just a man in dreaming, crying, "There is tiger, there is tiger. It is eating me," and the man who is awakened, he is smiling - Where is the tiger
- This is indicated by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita: That which in the beginning may be just like poison, but at the end is like nectar, and which awakens one to self-realization, is said to be happiness in the mode of goodness - BG 18.37
- This is the test, that anyone who is supposed to be advancing in devotional service, bhakti-yoga, the test will be how much he has awakened his intense desire for hearing about Krsna. That is the test
- This Krsna consciousness movement is a humble attempt to awaken the whole human society to this spiritual knowledge and act according to the instruction of spiritual life and be happy and be prepared for the next life
- This movement means that to awaken the original consciousness of the living entity
- This potent knowledge (the living being forgets everything after death) is again inspired by God from within the heart of every living being, and it is known as the awakening of knowledge, for it is comparable to awakening from sleep or unconsciousness
- Those things which awaken ecstatic love are called uddipana. Mainly this awakening is made possible by the qualities and activities of Krsna, as well as by His mode of decoration and the way His hair is arranged
- Those who are eager to awaken their spiritual consciousness and who thus have unflinching, undeviated intelligence certainly attain the desired goal of life very soon
- Those who are sleeping and unconscious are eternally conditioned, but those who are awake understand that they are eternally part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Those whose love of God is awakened to the fullest extent go back to the Goloka Vrndavana planet in the spiritual sky, whereas persons who have just awakened to love of Godhead by accident or association are transferred to the Vaikuntha planets
- Thus Murari Gupta cried the entire night. There was no rest for his mind; therefore he could not sleep but stayed awake the entire night
- Thus transcendental madness was awakened in the body of the Lord, and He experienced despondency in mind and body. In this ecstatic condition, He began to speak as follows
- Thus when the Personality of Godhead entered into the elements by His energy, all the living entities were enlivened into different activities, just as one is engaged in his work after awakening from sleep
- To attain perfection, one must make devotional service the center of life. In this way one can awaken his natural instincts by work, association and education
- To awaken everyone's original consciousness is the best public welfare in the whole world
- To become a disciple of spiritual master, unless there is awakening of this knowledge, to know, "What I am?" there is no need of making a show, accepting a spiritual master
- To get out of the entanglement of the spell of nescience, one has to awaken his spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, in terms of the authorized scriptures
- To make one God conscious is not artificial. God consciousness is there, even in the life of aborigines, most crude people. It has to be awakened by education
- Unconsciousness is artificial; by induced extraneous help it remains for a limited period, but when the intoxication of the drug is finished or when one is awake, the consciousness again acts earnestly
- Under the circumstances, unless one gets the association of a devotee like Narada Muni or his servant in the disciplic succession, one's dormant spirit of renunciation cannot be awakened
- Unless one discharges devotional service, one cannot awaken one's dormant love for Krsna, and there is no means for attaining Him other than awakening that dormant love
- Unless one is awakened to the stage of Uddhava - everlastingly feeling the separation of the Lord in transcendental love, as exhibited by Lord Caitanya also - one cannot understand the real import of the four essential verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Unless one is awakened to this position of questioning his suffering, unless he realizes that he doesn't want suffering but rather wants to make a solution to all sufferings, then one is not to be considered a perfect human being. BG 1972 Introduction
- Unless one is connected to the disciplic succession of Madhavendra Puri, there is no possibility of awakening the symptoms of ecstatic love. The word gosani is significant in this connection
- Unless one's knowledge is awakened, renunciation cannot take place, for without elevated knowledge one cannot give up attachment for material enjoyment
- Unnecessarily we have accepted sufferings of this material world. If our real consciousness, means Krsna consciousness, is awakened, then we become aware of our position, constitutional position
- Upon becoming fixed in his attachment to the SPG by the grace of the spiritual master and by awakening knowledge and detachment, the living entity, situated within the heart of the body, burns up his material surroundings exactly as fire
- Usa, the wife of Vibhavasu, gave birth to three sons - Vyusta, Rocisa and Atapa. From Atapa came Pancayama, the span of day, who awakens all living entities to material activities
- Vaisnavas strictly follow the directions of the sastras regarding how one can be liberated simply by a slight awakening of pure chanting of the holy name. Mayavadis cannot tolerate the statements of the sastras about how easily liberation can be achieved
- Very risky life if we do not awaken our divya-jnana. We should always remember this. Very risky life -- once again thrown into the waves of birth and death
- Vidura, as a saint and as the duty-bound affectionate youngest brother of Dhrtarastra, wanted to awaken Dhrtarastra from his slumber of disease and old age
- Vital force always remains awake even when the body and the senses become fatigued and do no work. Even in the state of unconsciousness, when we sleep
- Vrndavana-dhama is very soft due to the mercy of the Supreme Lord, & it is especially opulent due to conjugal love. The transcendental glories of the son of Nanda are exhibited here. Under the circumstances, not the least anxiety is awakened within us
- Vyasadeva is a saktyavesa-avatara of Lord Krsna. He has very kindly presented these (Vedic) literatures to awaken the conditioned soul to his senses
- Wanting to see Krsna directly, this yogi remains awake throughout the night, meditating on Krsna, who is the Supersoul, uncontaminated by the three modes of nature
- We are teaching and propagating this bhakti-yoga. People are disturbed in so many ways in this age of Kali. To give them real satisfaction of life is to awaken them to the platform of God consciousness
- We cannot understand what is spiritual. But this ignorance can be moved by this process, chanting Hare Krsna. How it is? I'll give you example. Just like a man is sleeping. A man is sleeping. How you can awake him? By vibration of sound
- We have got the medicine to awake the people from this ignorance. He doesn't know anything. He is busy only with his fifty years. Nowadays, less still we live, such rascaldom you are. "We have got the medicine. Now you take it." This is our canvassing
- We have got the power to be awakened. That power we have got, but we have to awaken it by good association, by sadhu, sadhu-sanga
- We have published so many books about Krsna - to hear. Just like man is sleeping; you talk loudly, and he will be awakened. Yes. That's it
- We have started this Krsna consciousness movement to awaken this godless civilization, that you try to love God. This is the simple fact
- We should know that the Personality of Godhead is the proprietor of everything and that we must be satisfied with our allotted portions of the necessities of life. The purpose of all Vedic literature is to awaken this God consciousness
- What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage
- What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage. BG 2.69 - 1972
- When a devotee no longer has any desire for material sense gratification, in his spiritual identity he engages in the service of the Lord, for his dormant spiritual consciousness awakens. This awakening of spiritual consciousness makes his body spiritual
- When a great mystic was once awakened from his meditative trance by hearing the vibration of Krsna's Pancajanya conchshell, the mystic became overpowered
- When a living entity, by his intelligence, reawakens his attraction for Krsna, he can understand that he isn't the body but part & parcel of Krsna. Thus filled with knowledge, he no longer labors under attachment to body & everything related to it
- When a man is sleeping, he can be awakened by sound vibration; therefore every conditioned soul should be given the chance to hear the Hare Krsna mantra chanted by a pure Vaisnava
- When a person is fully engaged in devotional service, he is favored by the Lord, who bestows His causeless mercy. At such a time, the awakened devotee gives up all material activities and ritualistic performances mentioned in the Vedas
- When awakened by the kicking of Kalayavana, he (the sleeping man) immediately opened his eyes and began to look around in all directions. At last he saw Kalayavana standing nearby
- When Brahma was relieved from his perplexity, he appeared to awaken from an almost dead state, and he began to open his eyes with great difficulty. Thus he could see the external cosmic manifestation with common eyes
- When Devayani heard Maharaja Yayati's story of the he-goat and she-goat, she understood that this story, which was presented as if a funny joke for entertainment between husband and wife, was intended to awaken her to her constitutional position
- When freed (from the clutches of the external potency, maya), the living entity awakens to Krsna consciousness and engages in devotional service with love and affection
- When Govinda saw that the Lord had not yet risen, he awakened Him. Understanding that He had only been dreaming, the Lord was somewhat unhappy
- When he (living being) is awake from trance, he feels the inconvenience of being confined within the womb, and thus he wants to come out of it and sometimes fortunately prays to the Lord for such liberation
- When his (the living entity's) desires are trained in the transcendental service of the Lord, his life becomes perfect, and he is promoted to the spiritual sky to enjoy eternal awakened life
- When human life is there, at least one must be awakened to this consciousness that, "Actually I am not happy." That is the beginning of human life, not to remain in darkness like cats and dog
- When Lord Krsna was blowing His conchshell known as Pancajanya, many great sages who were living in the caves of the mountains immediately reacted, being awakened from their trance of meditation
- When males and females touch each other's bodies, their lusty desires naturally awaken. It appears from this verse (SB 5.25.5) that there are similar sensations in spiritual bodies
- When one actually awakens from material life, one understands his real position as an eternal servant of Krsna. This is called liberation. Muktir hitvanyatha rupam svarupena vyavasthitih - SB 2.10.6
- When one awakens his spiritual knowledge, he becomes uninterested in such elevation and engages himself fully in jnana-yajna to find the objective of life
- When one awakens to his transcendental senses and actually becomes situated in knowledge, he then becomes a servant of the reality. When one comes to the platform of knowledge, he understands that in all circumstances he is a servant
- When one becomes jubilant on account of awakening the modes of goodness by dint of devotional service, at that time he becomes liberated from material contamination and is able to understand the science of God
- When one is awakened to knowledge, he thinks, - Oh, I am not happy. I want freedom, but there is no freedom. I don't want to die, but there is death. I don't want to grow old, but there is old age. I don't want diseases, but there are diseases
- When one is completely free from material attachment, the feelings of the transcendental mellows are awakened in the heart of the devotee. That is svarupa-siddhi, the perfection of one’s eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord
- When one sleeps, the senses are inactive, but this does not mean that the senses are absent. When one is awakened, the senses become active again
- When one tries to enjoy mundane pleasures on the material plane, spiritual bliss becomes smothered and lies dormant, in a slumbering state. Perfection in yoga, therefore, is marked by the awakening of spiritual bliss
- When one's transcendental loving service to the Lord is actually awakened, it generates transformations in the body such as perspiration, trembling, throbbing of the heart, faltering of the voice and tears in the eyes
- When the animal's head was fixed on the body of King Daksa, Daksa was immediately brought to consciousness, and as he awakened from sleep, the King saw Lord Siva standing before him
- When the beautiful princesses of the serpent kings, hoping for the Lord's auspicious blessing, smear His arms with aguru pulp, sandalwood pulp and kunkuma, the touch of His limbs awakens lusty desires within them
- When the jiva in the material nature rises to the state of spiritual bliss by means of devotional service, his spiritual consciousness awakens and he becomes oblivious of this phenomenal world
- When the Lord saw the bluish necks of the peacocks, His remembrance of Krsna immediately awakened, and He fell to the ground in ecstatic love
- When the material world is awake and put in working order, this is a kind of dream, a waking dream. When the living entities go to sleep, they dream again
- When the tumultuous vibration of sankirtana resounded, all good fortune immediately awakened, and the sound penetrated the whole universe through the fourteen planetary systems
- When there is an awakening of the various ecstatic features on Srimati Radharani's face and in Her eyes that are appropriate to a charming feminine attitude, the lalita ornament is manifest
- When there is some impetus to awaken this reasoning power, it is called brahma jijnasa. This is found in the Vedanta-sutra
- When these principles are sacrificed and there is awakening of adharma, irreligious principles, then the result will be, then the stricture will be withdrawn, and the family women, women, they'll be polluted
- When we are awakened, and we are acting with our intelligence, this is one stage. Then the another stage, that we are sleeping, dreaming. Another stage is that we are in deep sleep, forgetting everything. That is susuptih, or deep sleep
- When we have a troublesome dream, we cannot relieve it with a troublesome hallucination. One can counteract a dream only by awaking. Similarly, our material existence is due to our ignorance and illusion
- When we sleep, the snake, or the life-force, remains intact and awake. Consequently we dream when we sleep
- When you come again, awakening stage in the morning after getting up from the bed, I forget all the bodies I created in my dream. So which one is correct? This is correct? This body's correct, or that body's correct?
- Whenever there is a nice atmosphere in the material world, immediately there is an awakening of the sexual appetite in the minds of materialistic persons
- While She was talking like this in a dream, She suddenly awoke and saw some of Her superiors standing before Her. Thus Radharani became ashamed and bowed Her head. This is an instance of alertness after awakening from sleep
- Whole sastra, whole Vedic literature is meant for, to awaken you to your sat position, eternal position. Now we are in temporary position with this body, on account of getting this material body. Everything here temporary
- Why I am getting this temporary body? This is called brahma-jijnasa. Unless a man is awakened to this consciousness, "Why?" - Kena Upanisad - he is not human being; he is animal. The animal cannot question