bread | breads
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Pages in category "Bread"
The following 64 pages are in this category, out of 64 total.
- After all, Krsna is supplying the foodstuffs. That's a fact. Every religion accepts that. Just like in Bible it is said, "God give us our daily bread." That's a fact. God is giving. You cannot manufacture bread
- Although the ferry and subway are always crowded, and many people have to travel forty or fifty miles for bread, the birds are free to fly from one tree to another
- As dogs are negligible animals and serve the master faithfully for bits of bread, a man serves a master faithfully without sufficient rewards
- As soon as there is some catastrophe, millions of such dollars could not buy bread. This actually happened in Germany; millions of marks could not purchase one piece of bread. All this is going on in the name of advancement of civilization
- Because they are sudras (people who have very little intelligence), they don't ask these questions. A brahmana, however, one who is advanced in intelligence, will immediately inquire, - You rascals, wherefrom have you brought this bread
- Because we are part and parcel of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we are actually crying for Krsna. But these false leaders, these blind leaders who do not know, are giving stone instead of bread
- By the influence of the age of Kali, they have been dragged to the civilization of the dogs and hogs, laboring for bread without any sense of transcendental knowledge
- Even if you do not ask, the food is there, we should understand. Because the animals, lower than human being, they do not go to church or to temple to ask for daily bread, but they get their bread
- Even the birds and beasts get their bread without having to go to church to ask God for it. Similarly, our bread is also provided, whether we go to church or not
- Even you get bread, what do you get? Bread is already given even to the animals. That they do not know. Therefore they take religion for material gain
- Everyone goes to God to beg, "God, give us our daily bread." But one must go to God to give Him. If I do not give bread to Krsna, he will be starving. This is devotee's mentality
- Everyone should have a piece of land given by the government, and everyone should possess a few cows. Both of these should be utilized for one’s daily bread
- God, give us our daily bread. That's all right. God is giving daily bread. Why you are asking, bothering God? He is supplying food to millions and trillions of living entities, and why not to you? He'll also supply
- Gradually, we are coming to very dangerous, I mean to say, pattern of living condition with the age, with the advancement of this age of Kali. And it is said that for earning our bread we have to work like an ass in this Kali-yuga
- If the brain should he taxed, it should be taxed for Krsna or God. This is the proper utilization of time. There is no scarcity of bread in the Kingdom of God
- If the earth did not produce grain, then the atheists, despite their advanced material science, could never make bread or other foods
- If you think that "My dear God, I come to You for my daily bread, and as soon as You give me my daily bread, my business is finished with You..." No. That is also very good, but this is not love. This is business
- In the days of economic development, nobody's interested in going to the church or temple. "What this nonsense? Why shall I go to the church for asking bread? We shall develop economic condition and there will be sufficient supply of bread"
- In the lower stage of devotion, one may be interested in Krsna consciousness, but his real interest is how to improve this material life. Just like: "O God, give us our daily bread." So he has gone to God not to serve God, but to take bread
- It is not that because there is no stock we can do whimsically as we like and lose the idea; that is rasa-bhasa. Because there is no bread, you take stone to eat?
- Just as a dog wanders here and there for a piece of bread or punishment, the living entity perpetually wanders about trying to be happy and planning in so many ways to counteract material misery. This is called the struggle for existence
- Just like in Christian church they go. There is cause: "God, give us our daily bread." The cause is bread. "Therefore I have come to church." But when you go to church without any cause, that is real love
- Just like the birds or beast, they are getting their bread without going to the church. They do not go to the church for asking God, "Give us our daily bread." The bread is there in the tree. They go and take as much bread as they like
- Krsna is not miser. He is supplying millions and millions of living entities bread. So what is the use of asking Him? The birds, the beasts, they have no church and pray to God, "Oh, give us our daily bread," but nobody is starving
- Krsna is the Supreme Person. He has created us, Krsna's family. We also address Krsna, "O Father, give us our daily bread." And He's actually giving us bread. Not only us, to all the living entities. So it is a big family
- Modern advanced in science people, they think: "Oh, what is the use of asking bread in the church? Why not take to industry?" That is their aim. In India, especially, this is the situation
- My idea is that all our centers should be self-supported. We do not like that idea that for your support you have to go 100 miles to get your bread. That is a very dangerous drawback. You produce your food locally and then support yourself
- One can learn to earn bread, eat, sleep and mate without a formal education. Animals are not educated - they are not technicians, and they have no university degrees - but they are also eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- Our bread is provided, whether we go to church or not. That is not a problem, for no one is dying in the streets of starvation, nor do we find a bird, beast, or even an ant dying of starvation. Food is there, and one need not bother about it
- Srila Rupa and Sanatana Gosvami beg a little food from the houses of brahmanas. Giving up all kinds of material enjoyment, they take only some dry bread and fried chickpeas
- Suppose if you go to a king and he says, "All right, you can ask anything from me," and if you say, "Give me bread, a piece of bread," is that very intelligent?
- The capitalists cannot curb the communists simply by political maneuvering, nor can the communists defeat the capitalists simply by fighting for stolen bread
- The carpenter cannot say, "Because I have transformed this wood into such a nice closet, it is mine." Similarly, we should say to atheistic men like the Communists, - Who is supplying the ingredients for your bread, you rascal? It is all coming from Krsna
- The Communist country, they make propaganda. In the villages. They ask the people to go to the church and ask for bread. They, innocent people, they ask as usual: "Oh God, give us our daily bread."
- The Communist friends, of course, have brought a whole truckload of bread, and they say, "Take as much as you like. Now, who is better - the Communists or your God?" Because the people are not very intelligent, they reply, - Oh, you are better
- The human form of life is meant for liberation, but unfortunately, due to the influence of Kali-yuga, every day the grhasthas are working hard like asses. Early in the morning they rise and travel even a hundred miles away to earn bread
- The Lord enjoyed in the company of Lord Baladeva and the other cowherd boys and sometimes sat with them on the same stone slab. While sitting they ate simple food like rice, dal, vegetables, bread, and curd, which they had brought from their homes
- The wise man realizes this and does not pray for relief from material miseries. Rather, he prays to glorify God and inform others how great He is. He doesn't pray for his personal interest, for bread, dress or shelter
- There (the prasadam sent by King Patraparudra) were lotus-flower sugar, a kind of bread made from urad dhal, crispy sweetmeats, sugar candy, fried-rice sweets, sesame-seed sweets and cookies made from sesame seeds
- There were lotus-flower sugar, a kind of bread made from urad dhal, crispy sweetmeats, sugar candy, fried-rice sweets, sesame-seed sweets and cookies made from sesame seeds
- They don't have the intelligence to inquire, - You rascals, wherefrom have you brought this bread? Have you manufactured it in your factory? Can your factory manufacture grains
- They work like asses day and night to find bread, and if they go to church, there also they pray, "Give me bread." They are concerned only with the bread problem
- This requires little intelligence that, "Actually God is giving us bread, not this politician."
- Those who cannot give any contribution should not go to the householders for food, for such mendicants asking bread from the householders are an insult to the highest order
- To work day and night like hogs and dog, and get a cup of tea and little morsel of bread. That is not civilization
- We have no other prayer for acceptance by the Lord. There is no question of praying for daily bread, for the bread is always there. Hare Krsna is but an address to the Supreme Lord, requesting Him to accept us
- What is this prayer? "Give me a little bread"? Of course, it is better than the rascals who are atheists. They do not approach God. They say, "Oh, what is God? I am God. I shall, by economic development, I shall create so many breads."
- Whatever spiritual culture they have got, still they are happier than others. In India still in village you'll find a man with practically no income but he has got his happy home, good wife, a cottage, little bread, but he is happy
- When the people come out of the church, the Communists ask, "Have you gotten bread?" "No, sir," they reply. "All right," the Communists say. "Ask us." Then the people say, - O Communist friends, give us bread
- While sitting (under the tree) they (Krsna, Baladeva and the other cowherd boys) ate simple food like rice, dal, vegetables, bread, and curd, which they had brought from their homes and which they shared in friendly exchanges
- Why should I go to the church to ask for bread? We shall develop our economic condition, and then there will be a sufficient supply of bread. - In Communist countries this mentality is especially prevalent
- Yes, you may wear any clothing that you find comfortable; no, it is not very good to use yeast in preparing prasadam. It is better to prepare bread in the process as you have seen done in the temple
- You are asking God's mercy, so God's mercy is also God, the Absolute. So how can you disrespect a thing which is given by God? You cannot produce rice. You cannot produce bread. It is given by God
- You are doing for Krsna. Because if you do not do that, then you don't get your bread also. That is not advised. You have to work for your bread. So Krsna has given you that. You do it, and do it for Krsna, that's all
- You cannot manufacture bread. You have simply taken the wheat given by God and transformed it, but this does not mean that it has become your property